Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, December 18, 1847, Image 2
13 The Heroc4. of the War. The St. Charles Hotel, 'yysterday, presen tc:d an unusual scene of attraction an I inter , • Forty or fifty offibers of the army were c,o , •tinually passing oriel repassing through rotunda," and up 'our! down the marble In. front of the hotel Were were trn qr_is of packages of difFerent descripthois— • baggage of the oTicers. II 'e you tvoul.i 2. a gat yco ore Mexican blanket that , )yas airepped upon alt Old trunk, that Iron: its le , ks had evidently been through the wars.— 'Fora, again, a bundle of twits, eseopetas, :•:::::,09, BWOr,lB and•pistols—all of them tro. I :;sites taken from the etietny. These were all the property of our officers who hal fought der:ng the wr They brought t ..tat hOlne Cc of showing them i•t their fainil in order that they i.hi,,lld be pi 0 menienttait of - lr:ril who ED worthily thaiutaittel the nation's hr ol• in a foreign war. ' . ilin the saloon we saw the gallant Gen:ral uffils. ' lie is stouter ilia t when lac taw. ti some two years since •at Gen. Taylor's i -:' :p at qamargn,• he then. in his till tress ail l ti it uniform, looked hke an elegant gentle r .1.61, He had not a wrinkleun his brow, an! le - countenance ever wine a 80111 C. ilia 1 , :Irt Was closely slotted, and his eyes were li .:,•htd up `'with the brilliant fire of hope.— And , et, how a short terin of service alters a Mal! • Yesterday he looked like the hero of many wars. llts brow was bquio.l with .:..• lines of fatigue and sufeering, and his up ,•: lip was garnished with a"thiek inou , taeli ... 'A. ; complexion was bronze l, his arm, trout a iate wound, hung in a shag; but his eyes l'' la still brilliant with martial tire, Tuere I eialreds who flocked artitai I hint J ittl son ht t : Jaw his hand, rind all wet...! lec,, , ,iye I by I:: n with the most cordial warmth:au I I vie n I s.tipl. Those around looku I . up: l tilt. gal i ..: at hero with feelings of respect's n t adtivira :; at, and there, was nut one in that bra I -' - .11 who went out without ii lying m I:,s' , .i. art !`that man is a true soller." In A elio of the private parlors, Maj. Genehil Quitman held a levee. lie was surroon led marly officers, all of %%lon pail diiill the iinost ospect and attentmn. The g.illant a-1.1 heroic Quitman—the first American goy :. -nor of the proud city of Alexieu—ieetne.l to ha perfectly "at home." • With a form that •ented ti; have been wrought in iad iron tmuld,l heir slightly tinge I At ith grey;— a Moustache like that of Eunte oh! Roman hot (oer, and eyes that sparkled with a n i in awn an I letermlnation, he seemed the t er,i personi,i• , iattoti of a warrior. Congs atulatiun an I compliment met hint qji emery tide, atol he re rmii,mil the applause of those tvlei v. ere pt es ent, with the air of one who com'imei tile character orthe chieftain ,with that ‘,I the piil ished gentleman. Amidst the galoxry that Adorns the history of Missist ()pi. no mune shines brighter than that of Quitman. Our attention was next arresied . ky seeing a man of towering height and g igatiric !raffle with a chest like that of Goren:es and an eve like that of Mars; ha-was, indeed, to use tile language of Hamlet, made "to threaten an I command." With a smile nisui his tioH, and u sparkle of pleasure in his light blue e) es, he mood the "observed of all 0b5..1 - veri." ‘vaa the gallant Cu!. flartmy— the accomplished and heroic soldier : , in t h e aciny —to whom has been so generally ih—noned the chief glory of the great %iet , ry of Cc rru • Gordo. 1 These were the most prominent chlcf:a los among a large arrayr 0. Aerm. , ::. re;;.-L t that the crowded stale of colunine forbids r. describing ythers who have borne a prom inent part in the late glorious neb.eteinerit, of our army. Many of them bore the mark of the hard-fought battles in which the:, ‘a ere engagedon terrible mutilations a Wounds, which were painfully evulm t to the beholder.l May the sacrifices they hare mu fe to the national honor be long held gratetnl reniembrance by their-citiiens; may they be amply requited for their iiikforttinei by. the priceless consciousness of having done their duty most nobly and most O. Delhi: I'ASSED-MIDSI 11 N RODGER S We had the pleasure o near : t I i mg from the lips of this gallant officer of our Clary, a dc tail' of his misfortunes and sullbrag, a hilst a prisoner in the hands ul the M exicans.— Mr. Rodgers, it will be recollected, ails cap tured whilst engaged on shore in exa ailing the fortifications of the enemy at Vera Cruz —was tried by a cis, il court. and entineituted to be shot, but Gen. Lindero, then in cowman I of that port, etattside the judgment. lie was then sent a cloo prisoner to the City of .110ex ico, whore he. Was treated a ith go. it rig. r and harshness, being restiietv.Hn Ilis loot and deiiri!ied of nearly all tlut comfort, an I necessaries of life. After tho battle id Cerro Gordo, Mr. Rodgers had an Inters, I'm a iih Gen. Santa Anua. \Vali strong fending, n: enmity towards all Mexicans, he L.:um en the President's pali4e, but lie achlot%le.l h :.•:, triat a hen "he saw Santa An: a, he am, tn.:ninon rily impresied with feelings' of re•peri ainl admiration fur the man. lin rece; yen from the President assurances of kindly neat mein, and many promiies, a limb awe nuk et- ke o t. Finally, Mr. It. .vas released' on lanik, iiim snatching a farnrable opportunity, e,vard from the city in the disgto,e of nu Eogik,h workman on his lway to the mannt.ictortes near Puebla. Ti:li sustain this! conrncter, .e procured from a friend Scrnehinan the usu al certificate or passport. a , d In nil ii t 1 I..,\ Att. false whiskers, tnimstaches am e( Ilse gar- 1 ments, escaped observation and ft i e etimi.— On his way to Puebla he overmai; some youtog I ladies with whom he I I . hey , Wuhe V.C.1113.1141 e.I in the City of Itilekieo, and t%ho being accom panied by their fath,er, pl%c. Iwo great coo• cern least they she expo:pith I beta, loin. But, with the sagadity and kind-mnitrte-dness of woman in every-Inn lan lin every age. they perceived his condition and purpose, acre cautious not tntreingnize him, and kept their :secret until they thought. he had had time to get to Puebla. Mr. Rodgers says bis feelings, when he saw the American sentinel at our outpost. near Puebla; were indisci ibable. Ile felt as if ho could hare hugged the rough soldier a iiii kly.and delight. He aas received by Gm. I Scott and the officers of the army with m uck kindness, was appointed on the stall of Gen. Pillow and 'accompanied the army through all the hard fought battles a hieh led to the cap ture of the city. Ile iq mentioned in the de-- ' patches of Gen's. Scott and Pillow in high terms of praise, for his gallantry ;And cool !Wm • Mr. Rodgers is quite a young. man, of re , markably amiable and pleasing countenance, and easy, off-hand manners: he leas as tithe drawing-room rather than the prison, the soi ree rather than the battle-field, had been the • scene of his exploi a for mouths past. But, to the close observer, there is a dare-devil ex pression about the eye, and a learle4s ~ellp ossesion in the general expre,simi of the face, which denote his true character n 4 man of daring courage and enterprise.—X. 0. Delta. A VETERAN DE:tiocßATi.--tiatlitiniel Hon loon. Esq., of Unity N. 11., now in his eigh ty-third year, infortns the editors of the New. port Argus that he has voted at every pre,i, ilential election since the organization of our government, his first vote being given for (leorgo Washington and his lust for Jame. K, Polk. The Argus adds that lie is indeed t•an old soldier in the democratic cause, but not too old, we trust, to be of further service to his country." STRAW:RS OM TUB PA CI FIC .-T wo frairret mongers have been contracted for by ay em. iment therOantila house in New York, %%Melt are to run on the Pacific con.t from Callao to ''' the mouth of the Oregon.. They are to cart'y 11.1., the S. and Oregon mail, and will rv, 1.1 . conne Sou with .tteamers on the Atlantic aide uttot , e terminus 14 Chpgree. Later from the Rio Grande RICHMOND, Dee. '7. 181 - 7 - i. The schooner Win. Hazard, from - I.lraza Santiago, arrived at the Sutith-east pass on the afternoon of the 25th, an I came tip to the City of New ,Orleans un Sunday the 23111.--- . - She left Brazos on the 20,1 t, RIO brituri news to that date by the -correspondent of the Picayune, J. E. Durivagr; l q. , who came passenger. . of the 21 ant- 31 clramyms wa dilla(c!ie.l tiller dr , gu-rrilas 'that anacke Kvo Id II (nt, the ISt iriAt. but ccmi.l not find them. UnlerAno I that. the Vorrill".• loss VI4Y MIIVIICe Martinez, ime of the it nufe.l rot Mer, was 1011ei, with six men an I a numbar wunmitg.l. t11.1 . 1,r• Lane ha I Ji;,patche I forces after the la.liust., hut they aniiwo I too, late. The In dian: left the pret Jay, takriu .1,510 col lie, utufes an I horse., dt 7 i'vett fruin ta.lelole.4. CA ot A lam-, we sent after them, hot mat not retortle.l to Euealottzla at - 1.11,.! 111 A accomil I,:t.tit. 1) I , eoherry of the l'ex t. shot one of n2it in the thi,rh. for itottio oils co:titter, umrprok:hly in rtully voultlQ) Gen. Taylor broke nub encitm;yn.^ltt at %Yahoo S,,rtogs Heir Ar r ottprey.ou the to 8,11. all I with his: stall; an I Vetter al \Vont ut i retoroe.lllontewar i; 'When near Atari in tlw, , itt.A Van Allen (11l N. York - , hearer of ileryalclw; to (; Ttw only to ,ortant .Ikpatch uas a c•);)), , of the corre,do4 1 , 11:w between the \Var 11. , - partto •nt au I (let. whil.ll the titer 1.0.' run.. I the latlor to doiwit I I . .o• tam , o upon t!i r, , ,00rc of ill coun try, as Ito tooro wool I, be for war I with the trogys from the lihne I Sates. It wan tit collect contribution , : front the iithatotatit-i'to ativ or to ob tain c.. )ro paylog for it. B tweet Al mn• ira-; all 1 11 , 1111e . rt . y 1it...111y all the fa II - .P.llll-; illl.l wire .1( A rove Lieut. Col; ‘Vebb of the .16t II regiment. In the 16th (ktuber, hat hug rceet‘e,l ititel.igettee that a party of goerrMlis t%;ts (.0c wipe I !war despicehe I M:ij. Worrell with 50 timm)tvi 111 0 1: c 1 1. 1 , % I II n g"i1"• t.lj 1r un I hi , puny ma is %ray lron~ll.t 1e cliapparyl nil I bonne • 1 .yon Ole fllOrr11):1•4 camp they were do:cu, ere I. rol)!)-N tle 1, pursme.l by oar party, t!'w latter tiriter tipoit them, killed two all I woun ded several inure. The g Terri Ilas were cont. pelted to abandon about 38 lior-ei and all their erpiipntents, wined Norvt‘it - ,: party cap ture I. ( Gen. l'dylor was TC;Vt.i!.f..Zi ;II Corrairo with a "touyanl v. ashvaitel ttput) by the of the .I„trrl-urt. IL. arrive 14 . t Mier on the 3.2,:h. jo'xt. :Um, in: he left if, the ,:ewrier Moj..Brim it, cconOnnie I liv Goo. Woo', ar rie..l ut'Catunrgo 1.41-. :he ufferuo•lo, no I re ceti•ed a salute of itriillery from Capt. Huntscumpnuy, cumpauv, and was'vkited by C.ll. F/11.* and lIN (ifficers: ilk regiment below stationed there, an pitchel hit !cut , : on ,shore. where he would remlios till the 22!, awl their leave for 13razoi to r C •ive ilk. an-wer to IIK appld cAtiou lur perms-ti ut to leave. • The health u► imo.e.l— , ,erry tale yellow lever. It i , sat 1 tlt.e G IRe•rnln^nt 14 to 11 , ) to 1 . 011 arnn•. att , l to re rtire Vie N ati.otal G- tar Ito p...ri..rut it. :er% ices „ • A tleetet: ha.. Ilipo i:s. t ed leritv.; the pt.,- Irla ry v:ectintp. t r ht. .tit' l the 31 t . The e. on the 6 h. 011) , cionSt , y, and the la,t the - t 1 ll t -, , ,lttr. tit .to tt . r:0.11 • . k i,. ..., re. 11. ' ‘VAsatm.•rox, nor. 9, 1817 'Ple , re ens u u.ut eNellrlll , 4ll ill the to,lity aluult three ucluelt. Mr. ‘V,llker; ..s he Was g4/111g (1 , 1W1) 01( 1 ! stair-. \v,t; a t-erte I to 2 , t auger I y a geut meeting !,i(e. wet Int i tie out been caug:lit wuill I have lieen perhaps hitle.t by un the tearltle lle Was' lifte I in a t•tate of iii-ele•iainty into ,11 the r. 09111-, alt I we heal ui I itt-tamtly ~nnnuuue I. Every frm, \vas nue 11',nr s.nie: tune in no I antis!' OA* r." ten minute-, tutu I boa lie %%CLIC, uu 1 must be carefully Tht.g. attri:ntto Ito exhan-tion, brought on bv hi.. tthrettniting• -- For the two he ha, not trie•il at lionie. 'F, .ga1z4.41 in prepatitn , hi,. reports Cimgrres,, he ha , frill . a t lip 1110 en tire Nature %%a , at la-t an I :111et the tran , tni , ,ion com o lete.l It eport to ,Counr're:,s to•day. hi- over-taxv pttwt , rs mit - 4! way, an I ill , minas tkailt. attrihMe a-Ilo.n.ther to elOrt•no ion. an I f3v,ir n t is nott 4elinimc..,s, if he tvl I permit lion-elf to take repo,e. ' OLIVER. F Lit , s . --.T hese , all.Cn 1-; Woo 1-sticivrA tat , ‘i-ry nittileriffis an a 1m0 . % hvre. They 'vein It rile , / a• a e•.r,v, hro.g .„ ' f orst 1111. \l'itri 1, h t v.eler a 1re:•!1 Y.lll - %%1111 a th:li2.lzia. Kiem, of (24.6 )7a nv (2, lin , a). , a,- I a 1r.% el imzeni i•ti, t M.ll c a t imght II) he ea;•e: lid I. 11,- pat:. a alum hoe,' i ea ch host, \VV:1)), , III 111 in pair Intl-cr., th. r. 1,.1,;s Li, danker they! pal, , flolriv to Itv•I ? 8.111 , 3 la s!erp 34,70 tch(Yr vii•e! , DIVIDUA I. 111•Ato!:sw.—•Prik ate \Viilinm dui ing •vive ~ f iay 'war viicilly'N brrn-l%turit— rn cHer lbw to go of it , e(•11W,1 ell titeiy lio 1114 b.,:oin filen Inn I emn patitint, ..I,•rry t nr,llll. I , lClHH:'ilir.. (.. f i St ‘l , lWitt CrlHI - 1 HIHM • j do t s W!1-" , tilTztlog, brought ILW.i Ow rein:tic's of Ili. I. The wo i n .lo k.f ,itir ir,irri-.01. wa nro hap py iii lelir.t, iire-ull iii.iii: l - ~f, " , nn I ‘t ill he iii their fi•et agi.iii in it ,iiiiii iiiiii,•. Is:one of i thew iiro timi-fifere.l in Ilan., VI% iiii.l f 01.,: will he .iiihj-ei 11111'1) 0 ,1t1 I imi , , ”r ',main 6-i o plt.s. G.•to. 1,1110 n'-tiirti ql IA tit) his- cmitintuul to 11l .., city last P‘eittzgr. lle, Iln, lweii highly ,11Cet . ..,1%i1. l'qrb. l .4, / . 7// Lr OrrTeir nt. PartrrrGoi.w o —i-one J itin i•iis;•• in, in ll !intik lan hway tt it It the %t if, , iiJ a iiiiro it'ator. ,The specitrator heard of thel higit 1% e at. Natchez, an I fear lag that I),t‘i•i n m , o i t i.l rtin short of triiiiwv, he :.•LiAt hini ii ii:t.)o twat , il a letter, and teLl 111111 iilll. "ii hi) oat down cast with' 11w w,,,,, an , i lt .',l g ,,,, g ,'„,, i tenth his e)es, awl thrash hint I.Vi, Ilia an inch of his life:: It if. t•iipp.-ed that the happy pair. "slope 41:: as they have .not boe,, t.inee heard of by their Illinois friiin'ils. l I , Tin: PUBLIC DEBT.—Nu du:An there an. errollet:llS Ophliffirli II ['NMI.' in relation to the ;11111111M Of 111 pllblie debt. ' Tile Wii , hing.lllll Unilnl, of a recent date, statee;\'tlie 'tont arnotint due tin the 1:4 of No‘etnherl t \ at Et, 15,- 122,523 113. Of iii. sum iienriy i Chlliteen million.: were di:c u hen thelire,.en t l a s linini , trap i,:ii came iut ii p. ever. . The wa :11:1:' con tinued alrimsd a year and half, an 1 the i.:..:1- 11itures for its : n....ecut ion, thus fdr,iia ye been ahnut 818,000.000 jar annum. • rid.: i 4 {rife less than what Mr. WEns;rEal stated it' tube. li, salt/ it cost half a million dollars_ r:er day! Butt we can not e,timale ,Peorn.eilv the cu-i of the uar until it :diall e . o-le, and all f. the %anon:: it: in. if expense in th... city of indeflin:ty, pension li.ts, etc., pre lu .ted tip.' . . A NJ ittascitots CASIt.—We litivtqual he: ril of the ?sodden death of Dr. ‘VirilWriglit, a medical getltlematt residing in Cm-hy at. It appears iltfit sotne days tigo n rattle s i ntil,e wn+ given to Ihe doctor, and last evening about 7 o'clock he w a ,: €.li . ow i lig it to a frierilt while in the act of returning the repti'e to i a don, i t struck OK font's into the doctor's flagr, %%bleb coninieueell imeiliug haniediniely. ,Aleiliral aid ons called and the linger timpotatod, hot so rapid wis the I,r ..rti?: , s of the pc•iiii.t out bel ire 172 ..'eli ck tlearli hail done its work. Pr. Wattiwriolit requested that the limit bliould be taken ad; but it was toudate lobe of any a ‘ ail.--N. F Cora. ad Er. < TftE OI3SER V 1 a Govornod too lauch.6. "' i rho World R tilattudiiy Illorntitig; D. crintors. IS. o?'Tuos. Etaaso:v ib 8 dolt an: agent to- prospre sub,crihers for this p Tr" 4re have no litter Coogressiip , is con ttine.l nt nor Washing ion lette ho ly on :Floor:illy having iljt;orne.l Moiday lii"st to enable the Speaker to the corinnittees. 0:7- Did any b.dy ever,see worse rifads?— If nye, we. shoill I like to k.tew whrit TO where, for certainly we never ail. Ilirst we he I a erfect ileloge of rain, snow and l sleet, mi.l the i n it' froze, c in:eq•iimitly the oads ate riliwist iittpassabl.. att,l the mails sotto tWCo ty-foor hotir.i boll arl eLepti?thanks are due to Messrl it %sit, of the Reed House, and paowN Eigle, for kindly forn'shing.ns at a h on Frid r ay night, a diipy of theillanlt l Express containing the Mes-mge, their instrumentality we were enabled, ' section with the_Gtzette, to lay it bef 'readers on Saturday noun. The Presidency We tti—lny a C. MI! Ilmicaf irti over lie gwit ure "Democrat" urging til of the lion. JASI:iS BUC:IANANt na the, /)(41/1)- untie eattlidute•for the presidency in. 1818.— Our own views on this question are t• 1 ill un ction:gild, but - as the "O!ssers : `er" professes to he the Organ of the party in this con i nty, its Mum s sire ever open to imr friend l s to ex press I seir views on this as ‘veli a. every other qoestio'n affecting , he interests of the party: We, therefore, as the time ii a prMwhinly, when it will beconie necossa'ry tot l elsfet dele• qates to the 4th of Mitch c•mventlio , incite a . freediscossion . of the 'merits of \ tit l e difli'r ent favorites fur that titation. . We nre in leb e.i in Presi•lent I• • Mr. lir eretary Buchanannn.l the Hot,. 11 rri Thu 'son, tor early copies vF the Me. , tsage. ------------ A :Knock Dawn Argument. r vt to the ‘vallin all their firk7l- 111111111:A. right to the teritory be the Nueees and the Itsts Gra' i nde, the invariably assert that th'e territory is orth sighting lor—it b e i ng encl.. Q~ X~i meats I+%ecit whig+ not VI fit ,r must re-pi ' it , co!tivatinn. This last wea Ittravver,• Ur aban.loned. lent of tha Pltilarlelphin.Letf,xer.sttys _ T en. Taylor has recently pail $20.000 for a Mexican grant of eleven leagues (ahntit .1000 cres) bet s evil the Not c:•,; an Ithe Grath.e. Gen. Taylor, besides being n prnc neal ltghter, is a practical planter. knoteB the,‘ aloe or hurl he ha , nnrcha-0. (.54.1,'.:,ga1d far Tru4/ A...: ty as to be soppo-td, t he Gaz..tte squirms most laughably of our exposure of the Way Mr. (Islay "ahnurt i lulizes ° truth" in speech. This is tot to be won lered ut—tuutt print is devoted to the great .‘ern boul)tneni" tut ly. anl soul, an I tiny thing, tending in 'the least to intuit: late his last great etioitotnears to fheiu, nu, like rault infidelity. It cnonot b. helpel, howev.: er—Mr. Clay did put forth a faisctood in Its seditq, that, while Mr. Slidell %%us wen hug his wit_ to Mextco'Cleti. Tay for was ordered to the east bank of the Rio Curande,-al ' IJ no special ulea hair e to make it oiltertvt;e. Gazette can array it in the toil.ler garb of "a slight fliscrepency in point of histuzy," if tt chooses, hut the people can see that it is not a very "slight," but a deliberately put forth, falSehood. If Mr. Clay did not intend ' - to deceit e, not state facts as they existed? The; there would] babe been no occasion for ex . - . planation Or equivocation, an I he wofill have saved hi fri •nuls a world of trouble. But that I woul I not do—a case could not be made out against the Administration, if facts and duties haul been given as they actually • were, and as he, standing at the head of a powerful and iatelitgent party, roust and did know diem ext-t What initiation, then, is there for his 'altern;.l to e his CO lilt rymeni None pt all. That Mr. Clay trusted that. his great 10111 W would be able to carry the deception through, 'and silence all oluj.ction, we have abut :ant reason to believe. ~%nd in this we are not alone. Neither is it coafined to the presses of the party which the Gazette de lights to style "I.4.lcofoco:' Many whig pa pers, with conscience leSs toti:4.ll ant cheeks less brazen than the Gazette, nave been corn pelted to aeanowledge that Mr. Clay has' - not alded to Ins lam, as a man of truth by this :erroneous statement. The tlazet t wattle about it "Peace C o mmk.douer" and "Ite i.lent M inkier." has n o thing to do nithdheissue. That subject has been diScussed over an I over, an 1 HA a matter of course, whigery has exhanAel its in gennity toexentpute Mexico from blame for 're fusiog recei%e Mr. Slidell. Thegrieslinnis lid Mr. Clay tell the truth when he said in Iris Lexington speech, that "altilsrMr. aus bending his any to Mexico with his dip i butnitie credentials, Gen. Taylor was ordered to Irons fort hiC t eatenon aril to plant theta, In a warlike :at firlr, opposite to Min .. , ,ten the east bi of the ILo Bravo, I vely dispio territory, the adjosi a deli was to c the object of Mr. We say that he did not, ,n.ool we refer to the niiicial papers. low that when Mr. Slidell was "bend way" to Mexico, our aqua lon, to save s Mexican' honor, Wat. bent tog way Crwc,d hat nothing like tnenacetuight MIZE v. Wit 'tient (It Slt.l( 11 . art i for They 13 his liiirmle I.olll\ MEM that government, from oegin iatlng— • Slidell sus rejected before he arriv -lexi6d, and was apprised of this by Mr. hout he met ut Puebla; an I even his inset was regarded as additional in hat he readied Mexico, December 6, told wtt officially rejected December PI \ nearly s' , mOnth before Gen. Taylor, on Jan. 13, 18-1 was ordered to twitch to the Rio t vt•lt., andlience Mr. Clay's statement is not "Ti • huge ttul entbosinstic war mectingl wits belut Pittsburgh on die 4th, Col. Tnos. lismtur r h presiding. Among te Vice Pre•- i kilts, %le notice the naßleB of the Hon. Ar nold P.t/tner, and Gen. Clover. The meeting was addressed by Col. McCandless, Judge Shales itistl others, and -the 'resolutions ,Int ro ()need by Mr. Harper, of the Post, were of the right stamp, and reeeived a hearty'and en .sponge front the crowd assent %V. Gray, Editor of the Cleavelond ler, projited fur a' libel upon the er of at city, Ills been acivittei. pre% c ut teat 3111 e I in :11 1 Heidi a ppuint i i Milt. bjustie CCr ,l Pluttice. IF 141:1131D3NT14 . M.1 31 A 311 This important document was laid before our readers on.tiaturday last, and has doubt less ere tine:received an attentive penis Althonglt vOlmoiroine in length, it is a i state paper of great clearness, an I by far the,tnus4 able document that the present Executive has given to the nation, and We do not !plow but we may say that it is equal to any which has heretofore' ematmted _from the sante _depart ment of the Government. ME tuirized per. d than th it er till The leading feature of the, Message is the war with- Mexico, and on this subj.ct the President is clear' and explicit. We think after reading ft;'our friends, the federalists, will have no excuse for asking the objects for which the war is prosecuted as they are plainly stated and firmly insisted on, his positions will be \ read with lunch interest by all whit 11c knowledge the justness of the war, owl con tend for its prosecution tint] we have obtain ed an honorable petice, together with in lent- Mu fur the past, and ttecuritydar-the and they also cannot fail to prove signal refit tationsito the calumnies and falsehoods of the Cliays, the corwins, 'the Websters, the Gree ley's, and tlfeir train of Meli:an sympathisers, who have cdtitin tally gtigmatizei it ass cruel, barbarous, ,unjost an I Go dahhored war, wa led fur cottquest by ihe slave power of the South against an mmlE:milk and much aris e.] neighboring republiC. • Thu President still maintains his position, an 1 ‘‘e. think .soccessfulty too, Ut it the war was forced upon us by Mexico herself. In• deed, we see 110 ut her p r4itioa to be taken;"un-_ less, like Mr. Clay, we assert that Congress - altnost tmanimously legislated a lie. no al.? maintains that in all the acts of legislation by ,Congress in regard to the war; the future ac quisition of territory as in lem tiny 11114,6 1 mi kept steadily in view, aml justly says thdt Any peace that-does not provide for arch I ion will be disgraceful alike to the govern ment and the people. lie canhot therefore consent to with ;raw oar army from the con quests already :Leine% e,l either to the east bank of the Rio Grande, as has.been contended for by those who ,Ma s isi ter the war unjust, nor to withdraw it to an established line and then endeavor to maintain that line, as has been proposed by Mr.., Calhoun and his friends.— We have neither time nor room to give a sy nopsis of the able slid conclusive arguments presented in the Me-sage against the adop- Con of this defensive line policy Of Mr. Cal houn and his followers. - They are, we think. conclustve. and if any of our readers have not pernsed them with attention, we now ask them 'to do so. same remark is eqoally appli cable to the Presi expoAtion • f the sound policy ..flevyittg m litary contributions on the enemy's country for the support of the war. The important bearing of this measure upon the attainment of just terms of peace, obvious.. The accimitt given in the mes sage, of the measure:: adopted in purAnauce of this policy, tviit be read, we doubt not, with general interest told approbation. In ca,e the prosecution of the war in this manner r.hall still fail to secure l a peace, it tall be seen that the government' isely contemplates the possibility of extending the ilUi,marage ment and protection of our armies to the driest is of h.enie io Mexico tt ho may seek m 'laoublish and maintain adrqe republican gov ernment of titer own choice, able and willing to make peace with us upon jest and satisfae- rrutige . LAP of the !te hour t Daily hroug ME= MIMS ielv tin- it re. ort A c )r- Although the,messnge is long, we trust ev ery one will read it—nothing less tlvn n thor ough perusal of it from first to last will ena ble the petiple! to see the high and command ing position the Executive occupies in regard to all the great rinestimis befure the country. Ile exhibits faithfully tlMexpiinding strength, resources and destiny of this great republic. California and New:Mexico, both neees-ai-y to enable Anglo-American enterprise and ener gy' to achieve its future triumph , , mai v be considered as umpired; and as-utirances this paper warrant, are, that no treaty, not if - to% ding for these provinces 19, remain in the Un ion, will receive the executive sanction. 'l'o occupy this new free soil, thousand's of end grants from the old world nre crowding our shores, transfering their hearts as well as their allegiance; and under our , federative system of stares, secure of their rights and liberties. The capacity to defend this count ryfrom ag giession, is demonstrated in the brilliant and imparalleled . victories of our armies—showing tit all who would be aggressors, that besides o l ur peaceful couiquests, we can become, at a Moment's warning, a great military Whin.— 11 - 1 we turn to the ifnig. pursuits of life, the !, ! trit:ssagetillOWS that, under complete interim! tranquility, our veld industrial interest s—ag ricult u re, commerce, rimnufactures—are un checked by war, and are in unexaindled pros!: miry, and our national credit unshaken, In word, nor national prosperity is wide-sdlead, universal. Such is the animal expose of the executive of the,nathin. We cannot doubt but that its high American griumil_ will be re sponded to by the united voire.ol the people. We have hell;re Its a prospectus for a new volume of this truly excellent 'atom-, to com mence on tb'e first of Jaitnart. This paper is one of the few ci'y eek!ies that we can cot.= Jially recomumni to our reader?. Its chaste and beautiful selection , , and its brilliant and sparkling editorials, nr , of a tharacier high aboke V.ltat is weekly palmed ()win the cheap pnbheations of our eastern cities. to vitiate the t: sie und weaken the morals 'of the young into whose hands loos, of such reading falls. AM) when we say that it is edited by those NCstors of the polite literatnre of the coun try, Messrs. Morris & %VOW,. we presume it will be sufficient rCcomittendation. We say then to our friends, if any of you Want an ex -cellent ftutily weekly from'New York, semi fur the (bale Jourht;l, Price, $3 per year. Gen. Taylor at Now Orleans. Gen. Taylor and suite arrived at New Or-. lening on the 30th. He had a grand reeetition. The entire military Torce of the eiry and a rinmher - of the societies torne.l our to %veleorne •he old Hero. At the time of rezePlion t many of the distinguished officers and heroes of the Mexican war were nreAent rind j tined the citizens in paying their respec's to the old General. 07'As the season of gifts is rippronchng, when siyeathsarts and wi‘es, huts and lases. are seeking the beautiful or useful as pres ent, we would ,stigtrest. that our friends SPAFFunn has a beautiful wisiirt meet of Books f Chri.tmas and New Year. Almost any fancy or taste, we arc . confiklent, can be accom modated in Lie Eeleetion, ME The Ilome Jwurnal. Prom Washington. Carre.Tondiire of the Erie Obserrer. WA:=IIINGTOS, DEC. 9, 1817. Gentlemen—The Whigs on Mom!Ay elect el their Spealter, Mr. Winthom, of Masia chusetts, no the third ballot. lie is a gent'e 'itatt Gf utiility, but tho embody neat th * genuine. priiiiiples the Fetlerbl party o New England. here were 220 member present. All were on the spot Ilea could b brought tli t ) . .re-4iedt an lame were on th floor, evil] .it)g the' anxiety of the Whigs I ) succeed in \fccitririz the o dicers an! pat ronage of the House: With what liberality they will exercise their rower time alone will sliow• but miestitei if.' they Will follow the exiiinnlo of the last Confirm's, during which ninny Whigs in snhordinale stations -were retnitied. On , Tuesday they . elected Thos. J..Cartmliell, Tennessee, Cl \ erlt—.lols turning out of office onP of the best offiers tiny 11:ilise ever het 1. Mr. A lams vote! fir Preach—so also did Mr.., Levin.' Yesterday in the 1101,:te the ddwing of seats anl the election of sergeant-at-arms, postmaster anl loork , :•eper iiccupielthegreat er the session. Mr. N. Sarrent, the,rOliver 011 school" of the UniteJ States was elected to the office of seargent nt arms, Mr. -R. Ml-tier doorkeeper, and Mr. Johnson postaia-ter. Yon will he fn at i-. tie 1 to Itearit that ri movement Was made in the llon-e to-day. by Mr. troadhen I of your state t 5 repeal the posing)) n 1 newspiroeri iin ler thirty miles. 'rile' II lose Ijoiruel until Monday to etiahle the Soca!ter to point the standiriz:cornmltter,. Ton et ill fin I the I‘l o ,: s a'k e bold an I statesmanlike paper—clear in its re- cointnemlat kin; a tatirm in Its positions. The Fremont trial still progres...e,. but has omlived its. interest. Freilnat will he trtnpaotly ac gOitte I rot) -Gen. learny•wlll 0, lv have hi., ronble f his pail`',_. I will pn pii-e to write occa 7 , ionallv; that ! i r, whenever nv other dit tie[s will permit, hot the telegriA has so much interfere.l withthe i l l utility of let t ters written from this place thtl tokoll not eel boomd to be very prompt Ike 01.1 voterat . I!on. J. Q. Adatort, kinks ank_oell.•lit ex hibits the marks oft' -- His voice has greatly (tiled. The weather is cein I make this r, I!is grunt uge ieanti fill herr. I ani huh,. 'murk becaose I learn Iliul e Jv very severely f. e t in. • n !lame. yeen , z.Rze. ENI 41.13 D. your winter ha THAT LETT! , of the L“eofttet it "curiosity" eact upon sot opine, will lot) pound of the st the most t-hallo remarke,l that tor of the Ada ' vitms to b.• will,. stteh n letter Giszette. W - find thi 9th. the week Wynkoop up shonl,l have ri length of the itorial. It tt hit■ery shoal/ 01 .; this te,‘ mita fort" conr,e, 7'hut feu, or Go. wyri- II • p in in the laQt'll'unt- nu , . n tits Colllllye is realty its way. It mny Laic an i i inds, hut the makiritv, we on it ta3 nothing but a corn% tand ni-t ',king of irti.ttns. We.;l hn. it'lieen ye.iplicant" it lei %wished fil tration, hut who. from pre- a. , stteiatittitt.,might h sti pptts tit Vi favor, Mould write jitt4 it t rtler t., obtain its regard:—L• I t b l i ove in the Casette ()Olt fter• the scorchinw letter of Col teatell in the Obsl , rver. :Wt. / I , plted t(, it last week, but the II If ner g,e,t Its tio room for ed mlt i trange. hurt ever, that 111 Otterriot to destroy thr-frmce. mylaga it' ,. st their "ai.i and cotn ity tol i cribing lIIM orthy motives ibc . , itise if it ,IM r,,.. ,1„..... ivlng l ely. It is a favorite game Ak lib, politicians to attempt to I f'l oral i i nflnenc who dia. , .'r tiolicy byltoputing to them 4 troles• Indeed, We might say it is a noturtri Pf : opensi l iy, for they resort to it with the 4mci I l reer:ti as the child to its mother's local. 1 Cot. Wynkoop has dared to , tell the truth, ani l his fair name must he blast- § ed by the breath of party, to break - the force of his tin vretriel revetlationr. But in Ilk W case the hil pfeis is !estopped from oitjoe tions to him 'as is !witn'ess. In the famous controv - ersy bluweetr. Oen : . Pillow and Col'. Ilasitell, in, rt.:lath - 41 lo ` the scenes at Cerro di,rlo. Col. vynknip wa s vouched by the Nvitig presS aslstil4tantiMing` the statements of Col. llaskel). liliiw can they note attempt 11... t n • oul.1 n o t be with • federal debtroy the no base personal i! testimony! His p kill end ‘al- [ have given him a title to the ie country, which no partisan ill hlin.uf. His pat rioti-rn haw 1 in (brilliantachievements in l eryck , , which no sneers of all caticlott d. Thny may availl It they dare not deny the truth )s, that Mexican journals have ilcts, from the whig papc:rs in 1 con%eying grateful assurance party" in the United Status th Mexico. Whig though he not view without indignation ncy, of such a policy, ininspir -esilduce an I in postpuning a Pie tn o countries. With the ii.s Maids,a lie could not Ant-164 1 'rino. don elopments, and patri -I[[ called on him to speak the [ his countrymen against the m•s i chief in our own border , . ..on, l let the whigs malw , the ~ , t th i l ein prove Col. IVynkoap's false in trot, and they uniy, to discredit hi or on the tiel.l' coufidehce of IS assaults can n been ,displayo tic c,tont rv's pad isan press I his ?trotfves—bri of his sl Memel iiiiblished ext r l this country. a. that an "entire yitii ai hi es w .Nlas, he cola' the direct teridi iiig 111exicati Lead' belt‘ Ceti ; documents iii Ii (yea to the gin' oii,in an,l lio:n truth, and nun fatal source of If this be trea most of IA) statement to ba impeach hi< irolives. miih some file he staals not %limn in his %yarning appeals. antiphon, Cur is, Lane, Rei.l, elf whiffs, have itolt i en trimmti.% l rigued to the stvat effect. cleft.; Sc6tt hit , sell: felt calle.l upon to correct the fal:%e imprci sitM produce,) on the Mexican Win) by the f 4. tints course of the opponents of the war am4ngs i t ourselt es. Are all these izallant sofilielL tO be charge.' with impure, i;ellish motivd? Let the Gazette answer. 1 - if. — ,o - 7 - .A..ewantTe paper very truly re t ina+s :. .. .c. that a' g,eutiiimiLivit Yankee is A.Yer title loss for buSiness. file can pe.ldle, or mem' boots ' 7 —drive coachpr Wuit'upon table—L.foctor hor ses, or - his felliev tnortals—shoe a horse, and mend watcht3—teach school, or delivto ly ceum lectures . 3 In 'a.wortl, he has a wonder. fulpower of a' option' to oily nntl every condi lion, to env tili I every occupation. • irj'AltiviC,A;aoutiti bits published a pant- Oilyt nitlf th : tido of , l'ettee With Mexico..' itt is like mr i Fluy i 's.ripeech. Iluth Mr Clay and Mr. Q. at . it superannuated, it is very evi dent, and in their age of self-complacency have forgotten their love of country. I- • - --•-- IV. Middleton, Esq. has retired from the editorial department of the Lancaster Tri bane, and is succeeded by Gen. W. Hammers ly, Esq., at present Clerk of the Pennsylvania Emote REPOIr 0.7 "111. 3:3:13 r. 137 OF WAX. We have, in the Wafhingtou Maui' of the Qtli, the report of the Secretary of War, Mr, MAncif. It is a doctinvtit of great leng h, al- mo s t 'is long as the•Nless.age, whicit fvill pre- rent our 01:inf.:ally him inure than a synnp.l sis of , it. bike 'lie tne,:sage 'it i 4 tict l ,ole3 linTilY 10 tqo ' sAlexi? ll ''Wkr. , Ik ,\r. noniiitces ~, , i-I , . I l l with a biiet, yet tut is perspicai,vB ex d osition Of thei ' peisture of our lifiliirs in Mexico at the beginning of the present c tot:might, after the capture of ‘Monterey: it reci'tes the org,inizn t ion of the ex,.o lition de.iti t te I II; more first upon Vera Cruz," an I thence opon the city of Mexico.l Lea% ing the force designed for thi4 great etiierprise at their place of ion lezvoni, nti the islan I of LobitA, theinarral„ive . return' to de-cribe an I duly si tniilizi• the interinerli.i ate movements of o , etieral l'aylli 's c.ilititin,l which restate I in the memorable battle uf 11i eta Vista.: Retur.ting then to the to tin' hove of military operatioits - against ti n heart of the eopiny's country, the report follows, .tep by step, the triumphant 'Hi irc't of t'l > g til.vit ar my miler General Sc ot, from its place id`' einbarcal ion tip the National I'lll,lo til, ;Skid co.. The co! h exp.) lit Mai against do - Minton, Saute Pe, ati I Calif trot t, are next "11.1 . 11111Hrily described in diet'. doe. or ler, their important hearing upon the results of the War _depleted, mid the signal lichievemetits n hid' 'nitrite I their s tccessful progres's j I,lly e or-, trays I tin I approcitte I. With these events,' au I wtth a h o Pie . ,ir tinr.a.nn ' iv: Ile lino of operatiritt: from Vert (.1, , 1.; t• i the Oily of M.extc . o, the military 'lariat ve of the report c in cludes. Toe est int to; no I pro,m...- I orgnm zatiou of . lie a I Mimi al I Imo for it lu. war: the :I[4:3ervi , ion of onr_ In lido poi:,, it self an extett-ire an I c miplicate I sy,Cein; the :tfrairs an I operations of all the It 'irezrai attactw I to th ) geaera I statr of tlin.artni,, it i I of course on ler tk rogolation of th.>. War De,tartinent; th..i-est tia isl o nm• au,' nlAm , e _ nailed of our lotig lint of itOlititry post : from the :\lis-i—ippi, an! the snperinten fence la the n.eneral ,-ysteat iif 1 trtaticati , o):4 along o it ~I intuit I Iron! ter on the hikes an! on Ilva "sea -1 coast —At „ these ito amain._ 01)jeca, forming part i'll the latt-ine4; of the War I) .part went, are enumerated yol• disc, isie I. ~ _l'arain‘.; from the past to the f ittire—from - wit it ha% lie,-n tlo_ne to that which retn ti is robe tieconi: pli,ll/(l—the report surveys the 'arious in i les of conducting the war n Itieli,„present them selve-; to the gityerienent, rest en.tien.l,, the plain if active operatic:, , innie enemy's coots try, a c rd stints up the strong points if the ar , gutnettt in its favor with remarkable brevity, yet with great completeue,ss and force. - 4 1 7 this' Freport tie learn- that the whole military force at' preseot etit,tloNe.l maunders 43.530; of I IW,t. there it..,. :21,:it/D rPglliflrs all I 2,2.02, a olonteers. Of this force! there tire willi uteri. Scott, at "Patapico, en 'route, an I on tlie line from Vera Cruz to heal Ttarters at the city of Mexico, , 33.047; with Gen. Titylor, 6.737; in St ittla i re, ' i oit tlit.! (;),{egos ani Stuns r e illlite. ,1 0 iniC l lll littt . 1 ., ' ,-- ' • rit\ory 31330 i and it{ lilt' until' toil en 'w i ll”. 1' „S al l ti e r I n't4—intal ? 14 1 ‘ iven ib L oi. -. 4' 1 3\53 ;. The ached strong: i i , it appears. i, 11)11:: . 11 tc. , ss than this ammilit, bit the wint'itSr not to ar- tine rervtee catin..l be , proci.olv ascertained The Secretary a i.e.; ;lie pre-eii :ir• ganizlitimi be anu .lete Iby enliauuau. Au enii - stinetit lif 7,951 is liect.,sar:•• to coin,;!ele the regular conliklett' ;hat to serve during the tzar. There appears to be now in the service a numerical force of 23 regiment:, G battalion:, Ito 133 comp.' tiie. not organized into regiments or battalion , . The most. 'input:tot, action recomition led is the immediate organization often addition:l! rrgri meuts of regulars, to serve dori6 the • war, - and he also asks authority to ticept, in case of exigency, the ser3ice , of a r tforiteer I.trce of no le •.; tit 1:1 3 ).033. Tie .crotar: states he hit: no ntlati: uI itsc..riaitung the am twit of revenue I hot CAI - be collt-c'el in Mexico. 'the totfi'd amount, Ito we% er, alrea ly coldected in Nlex . e, p trds ittn t-tte's to 31,510 413. Of stint there ha: been W i lli le I ouer Io the Commissitry DJ" torn 'ln 8113,723 33. beating a boluece of 682,088 1-1., in the hands 111 the e iltect tit! agent 4,„ furilti;r recoil - uncoils -the lottitent,of the ex en-e, of States for organizing, transpor- irk ;111.1 so).- ,itling volunteers—the formation of a retire! list—a!? apdroprinii )0 fur, repair, of the public ilefetice: along the :eabor I on I north ern line—an appropriation for the payment of additional clerk: entidn'ye-1 by the de,tortinent to forni:ll itilb.liarge I soldier: with seri;) an 1 certificates of location—it ension- tor the widows and children of those dying ; by dis ea-e while in service, (no Stle ., ll/10%1 , 193111ntv exists by lim)—such n modification—of the pension IttXv as to place the . idow: an d chil dren ~r officers an lotl.lierst of the regtilar or, my on the :ame fooling with those of volun teers with regard to pension. On the wh tlo it is u highly interesting mid able report, and wili'be rea I with soll-friCt in 1 he nll classes, A at Pa 1 t.d..ttptiti A large and enthusiastic, meeting of the Rico Is of the lion. GL:o. ! M. DA Lt.‘s, f , r the Presidchcy,c.ime oW n Philadelphia liii,t week. Much enttio”iii- in an 1 feeling it, favor of the tliAingnish , .l in lijMnal named, ty,ts,exhibit,T ed, an I n determination to abide bY the decis ion of a natitntal contention • exOre s sed,— Ailiong oilier things they resolvelthat detnoc. racy is the guar-ling of t'qpial right-; that the constitution is as faultless as frtitnau wisdom , _ can make it; that th e tariff of roost in the great reforms achieycil by tho de mocracy, and was sated by the casting vote of Mr. Dallas; that the constitutional treasu ry gives solidity to the carrtimcy; that Il l ie war is just, nut twist only in honorable hearer that the people,of theD l nitel rtates hlaye sof:— ered fileng MO tnn l intAt under IL, irres-I, poosibfe tyranny and dcnioralizing, influences ' of incorp orated comb . nat init., whose chart et•t;L I are construed into partial grants of sovereign powers, and are held to test irreclaimable rights; that Pennsylvania, in DM . lust October election, has not only inure than sustained her well established repute ion fur faithful adhe rence to democratic principles, but has proved her !Main the abiding confidence of the ;na tion; and that, as Mr. Dallas has\proved him self I ttforthy of_ the trust ..of our 4 party in its darkest hour, li,t name be prebented for the presidency. 07The New York Express unierstattds that the seamstress of that city urn, about starting a paper, by joi nt subeription, fur the purpose of nthwaling their interests. A State Te - ngieratice -Convention w ill be held at Harrisburg, on thel9th of January, 1121 I.:iS;I..)ENCY. —As the timt. for .selt‘ti., 4111 of March e,mteG:,.,- ,j, It well thit all 110 1 ,. those flatten., s!ko•ditl. or that the THE P M Ir.SSR S. EDITORS log dell gate 3 ti) tit will iotto be ut hat who have u'vetee it liange 'views ill or. repre:•ent awl , 1 ain rejoiced, to Democratic papers "mast liea:1" the for_the Pre:liency, deckiim of a Nati( That Mr. U MEI ME um 1:; clij4, r ata positilon 111 the min there is nii doubt. lie min, ha_ , , iti the 11 . , uu•i • V. it .),, .4.-oo,i-teit lover t; ht. ComiZr • deny. A.; a %it: t. a „ l ennint in Ow ! tor ot a fort.ig:l co I our c4biocq, he ecr t, re, :l n I n irie , iiher i f vr ! l nin:u(e to I that 8 Irate or C ill ry ea I itt t„ .41;k•ir h‘til to hia fr. a s oi l ] ' tor, •Imericall feo;in, lust to iZens m,yii 'he.' on H. ictul a r , ,uniellt- At (re (I)l ,, it s e CkNlsq g ut :fit t ,e%ert , t %et they tt•rrt• :11 is Term-, Ili., a I%el •=aries e er a , uic6t mit ! ;lent Ncitit,,nt 1 1 1 . 111r.ti : I he SII raker so olt_eartl7. to, ri•fate shzt urn ife,te.l in ptili!.c tip le. As a weludero rc; nnl corrcipo,e,z c;,biart~ hi= o';ici ~I arty a c va.)ariion wire i!:Y d 17re4leCezitIr, Finc,t crotlient . a cillzeo, rnet l'edrYtc, !ation of I 11.1Vi:1 , 4 . 11 priv.ite c 11 it pre-ulna I blit .rlltrl I cnl mil s Minn \v ut I 11,tve f!.:Aer per Jnm B le'1•111'11:1. to be fere I It tiT3t,:!-.! Then, I :• , : tV, i ur.osse I)..tri:wraey t pitkoo,e ;11 ,1 rt,pon-ittle st Fitch .a .inati in 1 1 ):it !az .0i0..? To hest mt . Il taken to hi- Birk , c“ 1: he givrs tat. d lri ) ze, anl the v , xLI ant to thee.' r in a measure v.lllll1 - - t n II t I Mr. .111ctir'z of ;hi., Mailed it wz, teta/with lii fort i rter th,tt spirit or coiryro:r. t svetions of thetniu"o-. ve 1) ty letter, wherein At , uri co•npr.,m -Liver•;. In rt , . nail bi•g. leave todi t,f my I u::uC ii frit i:. hex' tilIV t I cie r Jot 4a, v bveri oons: per n .t.uL -tri: between the strt:attously c.nt tit ry, ho, tipun us by the father. . 13„ at ()nee saw. the 1 . 1 is-uv imm date 1' et• 4 pnyof por.ance fore the pe,,,,th?. iu fee i tuA: , ert e eiliy norllwra Dem. roes dobite-, put)licano-3 hip imiortrinate It tins t 64ittoiitly ' 6. , rn Whig:4, ;1411 a CI alB~ in the will ani nerssions were alwnl4l! :utlt. Is u• foi•gotten chat wasionco eiritory-L-11 , nt 1 retpr , x eetirn i of country, to thiillo, tit. gan and, icing ~'ilt tge -an I fert.:! t.. 1 .1ngt...1 11 , the ,taie ;•11.verv. that It,' c! rif)rth to the he.•,e NT:e thzit ;111,1 nim populous rice free. ,tatc6 uff att,i, ..11!iuut4 , ,,, Mlc.: \ their iniilioa, or t i pyttiott caries; it 1 tields,:—at unv4i.ol, i g ilia ' W.I-. ce,le I , :Ler 10 general z,.r. C jave:Lel iir;o far t•ratat.nt an] Lain :triton 1 ticiplisil tir i.e . .% ter rit is to be i•xi cc: C hit yin rtaritif IT - 1,1)4/r col- They , A null be tultiortily IleJeraCs,' if then,' die/ he pato} in n In regard to 16 Hurry Iron, Alrxit the Southern,tii; 4.litliousi t ig.its. inetioer:. of tinr c an.l )ou 'nay re , t %%Admit' a i•lrciggl ter by the North. par lion of it, bec itb,iir.l i I. fitly I-et forth and is tell 1in0.% the Union. Asf rthefrurnlr,orn❑ tino sli% territ .ry, it e and idle to I.‘e;ieve it,ta it Bir.t'itt lore; 4') eNery relleetbrig mail a , L ' , ibt.rty , . Das ever been. ;11 l &air r rd. No hi o;r, w ill The cour-e of will c atboletob. is kye hl, an , l the turn - .is nutty itnnee: the ,Int,es [lt their limbs like ripe frbt G. aboilt i hy a ,p(mtaaexl ; 4 1:tter EiEEO throzi7liivit till ‘l distant when the i swath, fr in anni,:ni, bran. h im of na !tor n in virtues ere is !kilt• ihrlin in_ til! a ;he no-thern slavehoW , it the I•tre-ett 4 ; titw , , (it n'A' tr foturC day) t‘aAt=.l slavery "fro.,n their ,131.1 n fur the clamor of tb,AS r. Thicha'llari' <t :sii; ha growth of that yr! ntiropy. min I but tnat inns tlig route:. w.)-11 I at ,t , tite not try I . out the rile hat tt it it b..c °lit wilts's: A. Di letter, —let t the mat, ttitioll i.dttee I it, k% ry tli 1411111.01CSied, lan) suffice to But a, f.ft sa‘ery i t most of er re,t where the coast_ th the states where Otte Ir. take their a vu c Koe quarter of a \ elitury ale for 6:q inStl;:titiolic f :, the soutliben states. Est to the voila. Pellll-11vania, f ozn 'her certyral titt I :Ira IVlnipire to aetre: t t ,'re:4, het %%reit the exteer:i f 'win , : as it %%ere, i the conflicting int north ;.tit.l e term! oral an] a7riepltur her long adherence anal, althoUgh o ne er hi I a teat certainly presents st,leratiori to tli." Union. Then whom a , ao distinguishei a. pennsylt ania specl nomination of her denet —not liotveyt: itation, f•o. there ar goo,i patriots, and clams are not to be the "Ket stone of that ciimpromising it ever , manifested stiitt h—her • lo 1110 D0111 , 1:raltC , f the oil thirteen, ha. no , " ial 01 t lidttct in the fie;J:j of nu ordriir Dcal 1) rtl LA 11`31 h-r e James „Buchanan?. ns triet one voice. fur 1.:" a ' vorile sort 6.r the r t e,t r with a spirit of disorgui other dis;iigitislied tut, sound Democrats, ‘¢c..4 A:et-looked; but as becoFti he Federal, arch," and: yet flan and patrioticqirl y her citizens. DEMOCRAT. 1- 'eeiN el thei'first number ct trot," edited and publiebri r, .fdrtnerly of the Grad -port, Illinois. The Do. ble lOoking raper, of Ift tics, and will unduateil:l unpurt front -the onbougil icy. Indeed we hopeee' it It better -succef•sia 10 'le did in his old one. 07' We have rl the -Pe:frit-Dentj by S. 1). Carpent Free Pre's, at Fre erat is a respect right stamp ill pal' receive a cordial s “Sucker — Dealuer, , 'tenter will' meet l % new location Oak H" tn'be the title of a cr, , I ton, - devote . to and GT, Calhoun; andtbeH South Carolina,,in rider the tranalieunent the Wasliingto , belch 't - ortli tire and smokC its generaland demcicrer its lunl, guns and exvirels.l Tier: paper at Washiti interests general!) iinivereat nation 0 War. k to be Gen. Doff Green,. Telegraph, anll is t againA the North in partitalar, from Stand. from under. ,de!e gate , tri,„ ME flatly of the leaf.;; tigh‘mt :the coim: if Lotr,i of c,,uo•et ,uaceu:i,~~. .I ht' oco?It: at it.i.tir4 hi; c , 7 „ , s a iA,I Pom , cr.!,e, 1 ,, it 0