■ VOLUME XVIII. THE OBSERVER IS PUBLISIIED EVERY SATURDAY, AT ERIE Erio County, Pa. A. P. DOWN & B. F. SLOAN, Pr , prieurs ar y l put;is',ets ofFICS COANZZi eV rr i fcr¢ S AS I) PUBLIC SQ:I4 RE I=l :T 5 13!11' PAVER. Cly subicribera (left by the tarn.!) $2 mt 11.5 r mail, or at the odic. to :tdrawa. I r,ti Mlf Dot paid in atlyttuce, Ipe.‘ , l . llllolore , M O lllll% f r ! in t he tithe of 111111.10,11.11 r• tiru dollar, laid be charge). IVO. tiericdirofrent These terms. 4 .,'N0 impel. ditcoutunted until all Orre , .rtge9 arc paid e x on tig m t at the.olit,of the pliblublwrs, .r All cOrutuunicatiour fated he post paid to 'secure at Atom ~ . TERMS OF AI)VERTisING. one square, nue yrar, $ 00 Three elle 1 yCI-, clO •do motithr, 500 41.1 thi b nto•, 41;:i do three do .3 01i do ti Jo G Tratisient iiirlVertiftemeilt• no e, ut• per ruitare for rite Oral ierertton and _sent, ror If 101 •ut , . , rut-ut nrerr,tn, re — Yearly ad, ertnrr. husc pri‘ll...ige"rr It.ter,l2 It pleasure, but lit nu mite ore • t., nnr•e than three fiquareb, cud to be !muted ti th 1 , 1 t "711 , tita e bumen. Ad.ertt•em , •nt• not lint inn' other iltrertiouit, n tlt LI, in sertrii till forbid, cod rl,trtr, d, , .•rd •_ • rjeCards,'not ccevedwg 6 110,4. HIM rie.l :a fl 'per _ liii.l!" .4l lrOwn. C 4 IR , -I :i4 , r, Iw.AN is. No? /2/ wsi T. NV. NIOOIII.I De l slet in Gmeelirs ti, Candioa , I't nit t•C. N I. B.rry oe et, ••••T, c• 11:11t~i ALL .0 rr LOC li. WOOD, Attprneyl at Law. (afire tip 51.1 , 1, nt ill.. ' VW) many 11011 buillinagoloith the Plotholigian's Ullice.t 9 - small JACriISONI, 4cr in Dry I , i-,•iir.iln.dw are, Querns IVare, Limo, him; Nails &c. 121, api.itle, Et ic. l'a JOHN lir MILLAR, , 11; i I/ EALUIVre E. N. V 1. CS V, O. Ni Y. STORAGE, FOR ‘VAIMING AND PR() 'DLR_;:L3 COMAIISSIO.N AND Df•alets in Leht; ‘ , ll !fie Coal, gal and Ptoduve gette.iliy. Pa; uhr ten non paid to the eale a i ud pun•lt,t,e u Nler'ehatitlize. N 0.3 Sr. 4 Coburn Stluitre,Son:), Wharf: E. N. itutnEnT, C. intiuGs. 81111411). N. y. BENJAMIN GRANT, Atrornt•y and Conitsollor at 1.. t t ; :•••Nqe 0pp....it.• I 1,. I Ft it% rI, GRAIIAAI THOM PSO,N, Avorneys s at 1.4 m, ( 1 10. cat tat French fl tr e ,• l , over'S 3,tawat ..S• Co's. S.vl c l , * Brie Aril 21,1,9,17. , 79 I. ROSEN% Eli - .5.: Co. Dealers in Foiei.2n nd 11..inc, , iic Illv Ready can I :"":1101`Q, N. I , Fir], min , st lis Erie, Pa, G.ILBII.II'IIS httorney'..s and Omit- nor's at street, west bICk of the P., Erie, Pa. 1 v.c Sr 1. CAT. , I[I4II - TT. ‘‘. 0:1: G. LOOMN S. CO Dealers in Wateln , , Jett ell er.Ciernon ' ‘er, Plated and Ilii.tullllla ilary and Fain) Uuude, 0.7 , pa. X%'ltic;lll% Wholente and Retail Deal,•N in 1 h (tool ,rrt in tlardwaie, Crockery, Gla.r..‘‘ are, Iron Nails„ Leather, cte. tdrerl. and the Public Squa, 111.11.J , 1te rn, T.rie, Pa.. •, W,ILLIA:II RIIILET. 71In 11.11 Undo+taker State Strew. Flit. I'.l S. DICIiIISON, .11. 0. nivsician and Sttizzeoit,l.lllCV 011 st'Ve:ltil Sheet of 'he h WALKER k COOK, Genrral Forwarditz, (.!11111‘11 . 1• , 1011, and rimhwt ' 31..'rehants; tied cast of the hill lie rilian,e.F.rle. - , JOslipir KELSEY. Manufacturers tu . Tin, Copiwt and Shena k titm ware corner of Froch and h vet., lair. - LESTER, sENNETT lion I Founders, whole:Ale and retail deal , ,s it Stoves, hollow-wire P JOHN IL BURTON k. Co WI - ..) l ,eoaleand retai I dealer i Dye Stiat , ,Grocerieb, e. No . , L.ecd House' Erie, Da: c: M. T 11313.11.5, Dealer in Dry Goods, ke. No. II I Clicapside, Erie Pa. GOODNVIN k TRUESDAIL De3lCll in Dry Goods, Giorem,,, & c ,., No, I, Batmen Block, State A.,L'a Iv, Pa CARTER & BROTHER Dealers in Orw. , .c, s Points, Oils, Dye No. t Itccd ie Pa. 13. TONILINS()N & Co. Forvnrditi 'and Commi,-ion • 101; French .Stret t, Etic. a• 6.i) ,•1 t.nn, also &al, tii i,,Lt•re , and , . 11ENRY CAI)NVELL. Dealtr,iallardwure, D r y timrl,, i•vi & elst.snk of tit.: 1/i 111 , 41. 4111,1 o door .a=t of the raise. Elte, I'.l • E.IGLE 11(YrIN.., By Tiirarn L. Brett!), voi 11l r 1,1 s're t the Elie. Pa. E.c , R,n; Wctt,eur and sd , ehein r t ~(• etre . _ _ LYTLE & HA MILTON. Fashioliable I the Public Square, a few doors west of tSta , e etre( t, lair Pa.. JOEL JOHNSON. ' Defie r in Theoliriical, Ali•ctllaueot, Sunday •and Classical School Book; Sim ionai y, etc. c , e• \o; 111, French Si wet, Ii tie, Pa. - , • A. R. BRACE, Attorney and Counsellor .t law, Pi diric do Chic', practices in the coffin ( . I.ln filed Grant rUld lowa, W. T an.l in Cl .) ton count, lowa Territory. I ) UUFFEI . .S' ratite UI L ! J. 3, 4 and S. fot sale at No. 111, Freialt St Erie, May 6, 1817. 51' "EIVSTIII.ENT, • On State Street Lean ty Opposite the E,gde GLOOMIS CO. a 1/0111 .New'York and or • lime store an extensive nie.ortmen; a-himiable EWELRY (embracing. yle ‘,l' work n market,) watches, CloLko,,Plated and Brahmin Ware, Fine Cutlery, Steel trimmings, Camphene lit Solcir Limps, Luokio,T Glasses. Cold Pen a together with n general variety of IrFetill nod nr hamenta s l artit . tes. Call and iee What Sou s.e June . 2G, rt. ------- - Cash. For Flax Seed. El ss • be p n r one thousand hughe i g of Flax See 'CARTER & )Tll Elt. tuz. 27 1917. ' No, 6. need 1 trup.o. SUGAR o3f, Ct S. — Livtiwit, Putt (Anti lied, Pot-to Rico, Havana. New (Meant= Su ear, for sale at Nu. I Porr'y Au 28. g. T. W . qty. DETROIT I ALE nn draught, and for sale at So. 1, Perry Bitmk.by 'T. W. MOORE. Xuv. 5, MM. '•••,4.."' . . .. . . , .. . . . , . • ~ . . .-.• 7 - 1*,..., 0 I„A% t' , 4 1 ' ' • ! . 4l lll ' - I. ' . 111 r . . - 1 r ....? 1 1 4 o• .. . . . . .-; • .•-•:. .a-•f .••:.-7; ..i. -•..,.. •-.., 1 . . _ • , : =.i. , ,• . , • . •7.1 .•• • J. ._ ~.., , -!''.l it _ 1 •, > = 1 • • ' . . • . ~ , .. . . . , ' ' • . • ' i .i: • '; :‘1 • ' ~, 1 . 0 -! . _ -. 4 •,,,, V, . • , ....i . ' . .... 4 .-. . . .. •ii t•''' . . 4. --;:'• `-.. %,•-, . . . v.! 'l‘ • '-.:' , e:: • 1 :2 (.! ) , k . _ 'l:4 r..,,'' -,- . 1 -' • - ... 4 . el"; • -' . 1: .. „, - . . 4: . . , Z... 1 . ...., ....'" •-. 1 .:al ...•• •••,- a , •• • . . i'z.:.= ..i! II::: • i••••! . 1 1 . i = - . 1 . _ , --; ; • 1 , i . • • • ! . ;.- . ~ 1 • _ , New Firm and New Goodi. \ I P..il IllU I I l','S would- both lik lii 0 , 1111(!r• J ons friends and curt ouleiz; 1114 he Iris as• SJCII C4l W.U. C. W t RUES ‘t ith hint in -the bus mucus, under the film ill James lin4h , s ...c• Co. lie nould fin therinore elate i fiat th y hate j u., received a I .rge and Well,seleircif as:Orthient ei \ Dry I.;(auli.'(.itatxtter.c. It aril.% are, (Aileen-ware, : , ..e.. all ,ol w:.ien w ill be th,pos. d or.:.s low as ,lU•y lal 10 , pr ,, ewl d elsewnei , .. t laritqA lieu it tier Iv pm': ,1.-ed at" p iel:al!7e p lee•+, or hi 0 her cords at the juices paid by j ,bbars in New Yolk, they can be -0'11:1 , li m-natly I.lw Is e. L utiles and _ern Ithheti • and the plitilte generally, are inv led to call and ex (Wine (mu, Jr as•or in,l I livyh.o. , jis leccivtql a lar:z u multi y ut'S4l w ic'i in ly be bad at the I , ,wtr. In t. It I pr c.c. Net‘. 27 ,T. t Int 41-1t. , ,-: x • 0 :' 14K IT I_4 In E. Lewtu, n . hate :t a \ tut ti, .1 aid, sVlit r tuner, L'iil I thve Cavvuo: l'..l'l"'r. \u ta0.14:4. N oi , E . PA tiiketiL f ed, and Tiii6o34ll INKS.—GIue, Flack, Ile 1, Carmine, lndc il,l Indian, • e. e,e. by 1 , 14: 4 r: l fl 11.:11 Pekin Tea Company's Agency REED JIOUSH. tf 1 . cite be le, *mtoed Olaf Jim 111,1) . , h•• ,11:511$y i.t l ,it I LL S eu.,li rJ outer• to oh am t .1 limo to. etok flee o thirty Hole atid a 'hod 'ICC Com le' lii told liar , eel's. que..tly I Cdll, d bOld,\ll 'III. p,oli sof the old dt alei a I 'Snn eotod.•r 111 ' 411 adll tutee n ince wider it. and by the It tut buy'' cuJe;tvor to lijl/le die credit i.tl hut they eau% do it. Slut mi. %ellout 111111 ell 111,11 , 111 It lettri•lt !o•y ar e rt feel ly Ila11111e•,L„a dirt, Imo!. wai l , Ltiou 001 nl ll t•iC IVcs prim plitiu you, I he-e teas du nue n the,. t t ,e h IL, r 31111 thefp C :11411 e.w be had id.en'ilvie, ;W./ eau ,e they are f es'a rind Ito' tip they n 111 k .7) tic:h 1 , 1•t_Iltol Every pna.a_•C is n ar tattled f.// e‘ifit3h,e 01; the piper a Id t!u•s • uiu Id(IS .11Id no "hililtsd:;, ” all , A I) 11.,t -tritql the WAS 1in0...! a:14%110.W hit have mil may Boyei: 4% ill _please ma colt:wool it.ones. PhC only plane n here the i'Llsin Company'. I. a can be had, sal No 3: !teed I loose. NVINI)()\V GIAASS. -1.3.31)11}:':1,:,01 7 I, v, 9 •„ . 2 () by 3') ii)cbc+ co)II tilt* ta•leril tae xv.tur.lti -111,;•rior Cot :o op; yz) or la wi h mt. extr di if ue. Platy ; I I o.) 1,111 I. ••••''' • t, •!'_! •1•.• r, 3fk) • t; ALL, I.\ al 11; !2:111 .11 bkat:i ' d “ii 6 .e I Duv. 3 C.l It 111.1.1 t. AU I'o'll 1 V.ll r,tit te:i VI do: (10. 13,,,0d5, , ;.piv.is. [,ir 1 • BltL'i•_;llE•4.—S.ll.lo, Pl_ hair, riat an.l [lunnd in • ;ill, 114•rvi, _ (1111111. , 14 ( • I; IS , 11114 .1514,1110.1 &Cr+. • 1)1.1 P 1111.11., er. ‘‘ lu r a 1,1 tin ed {lrk ' A n I iii a-len r a e inn y - went or ar Itl in lliis lite!, and i trurl alas I a that wrc I calk.; ier on Cie rhur rat Ils/f ice. • Dee I. 11111 I'l Ir.it i I I:' reit beau. ! Inv -0- Ili, A ISO S very tint Vl', as. (lime hy the le ..4; ien ‘1...er.. Dan. I. C.,' s l'Elt HIV 0117.11. 1.:(; Ull . O ItS S A I.F. OF REAL ESTATE. ..1 all to th.r pliao's i 01 the (wittily of Erie. mit be rxpevi. d to Fide, by on ;be pi, on the . 2.7tj It day of Peet-11114r te•xt .tt 1 o'clock I. the lo;Ionsi.,;„! (Iw-trite(' prop its. •• —All Ilia rep ain pie( e ot I del, &hit t'otl in talc f7reel, ) 0i , 1 , 24irt, to sdid count s, b timtjed Its gal. Iplt litglilii111!: ;It the MO 1 1 .1%,•-t. Gluier 111 w*olt. tract t'terice` 1 2 14 I, 14 ihe r o i ol p. rein, n.. 11 in h • 1.-, tin ice son h Till' ‘1 , C,11/V. lie Mild; licmv 111111 , 1 W• .1)'/ lv u..id ;wad to ibe we , l ling nl maul ( 1 . .50 thence it.nth ohm , :-.1•,11i... 1. i I• Ih" i.L.c.• e 50novo ur 1e.., - t 0.1.1 y ul Jolt. St or fi 1a . .. 01 said )1 , \ 1,, 1 1 1, 11/ C1.4.,'11 , II') 'OW orill W . li( ,t'd II 11 a , I l•-i,'11•11 ,; Ih,• 1111)V 1)) 11, b. l'il.m, or :-ALI:--(1ot• Ilf, d MI Iyr riii,:ili,,il Cil I , slC, .1.1.• .1111 d 111 wie V, Or. anti wit: lo.d io t•VI, )'.',11e , ; fu b i e. , .:1:: ( 4: \r li i tl 11y ) 1 , 1 T . 1 111 7 , 1.1115 . 11 11101; L.,•1 ,ti. ' 11.V.N / .1.. s ''';! ) la,: r rs, iE%.14. Ilk or. el. Nov ~ 7. 11 , 7 , ' -11.. Si; A' 1.1.1 1:. 1 .1!.141• Itl 010 resicit , ,, , the sstb-t tlhel n t he 1 it:, row!, in I intlinr I•h•Cit tt /%1 whip :111 , mi thy c :«I.`tern, a iitile cad( 11 in the Vl.lli l• 1.11 111 1110.. Tile k I (VII', id I:0 c.inn., !me npe.ty, ptt .11ar_e aitoi :the ßy. PITTER 01101-1-. DY. I Illubolcrcelt, Dee. 4. 19!7. 3t Dr. THOAISONIAN, -BOTANIC, I AND lIY- • 117,7".., MI SiNib f . 4 II El ie. P.1...rr1i 1., P. SeiVietx. nil 1110.0 Wili, pre rer flat ht lil h to-to, laic II ~,, or th,, as he ;ill pni.olis 1,1 what I yet dr