Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, December 11, 1847, Image 1

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. -
BY A. P . nenLIN & B. F. •SIALIN,
!T ER MS .
One copy, One year, in advance, . SI 50
Otherwise, two dollars a year is ill invariably be
charged. These tertus is ill be strictly adhered to
in di eases;
Advertisements inserted at 50 cents per, square
or the tjrst itfsertion,•and 25 cents for cacti sub
sequent insertion.
Job Printing, of all varieties, such as Books
Pamphlets, Handbills, Show Bills, Carils,Steam
boat Bills, Blanks for Notes, Receipts, &c. exe
cuted in the best style and mi. short noiice.
T. %V
Dealer in Groceries, Provision:4,
,Candies, Fruit
&c. No. 1, Perry Block, State greet; Erie, Pa
Attorneys at Law. °lnce up stairs in the Tam
many Halthuilding,norch ofthe Prothonotary - 's
Office. 9
Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware,
Cieecns Ware, Lime, lion, Nails Sc. No: 111,
Cliearisitle, Eric, Pa.
County and Borough Stirvc) of ; office in Exchange
Buildungs, French st , Erie.
E. N. HULnEnT & Co.
AND Dealers in Lehigh and Erie Cool, Salt
and Produce geletally. Particular atten•
tion paid to the sale al Pleduce and purchase of
N 0.3 & a Coburn Square, South Wharf.
Buffalo, N. Y. 49
Attorney and Coansdlor at Law ; (Ake 2
' State at., oppn4iir the Fa!zle I lore', Eric,
Attorneys k. Counsellors at Lu‘i, (Wien on French
street, over S Jaelsson se's. Store, Erie.
April 14, 1917. 49
_ .
Dealers in Foreizn and Dolne;tieory Goods;
Heady Made Clothina, Don s and shoes, ke,
I, Flemming Mod.,,?te Street,
Erie, Pa,
Attorneys and Counsellors at Lau•--011iee on
Sit'h street, west side of ate Public Srinare„
Erie, Pa.
J tIIIII,III. IV C At nnArrft
(i. LOWIIS E.:: CO,
Dealers in 'Watches, Jewell y, Silver, German ail
ver, Plated uni , ),Bri..tannia Ware, Cutlery, Mil
itary and Fancy Goods, N 0.7 Reed Home, Erie
P. l)
Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Dry Goods, ro
iseries, 11. dNNure, Croehery,
,tilossware, Iron,
'(ails, Leather, Oils, etc. etc. corner of State
seteet and the Public Squa, oPPosile the Eagle
Tas ern; Erie, Pa
W I'LL! All RIBL7r.
Cabinet. Nlalier, Upholster and Unilertakr,
State Strew, Erie Pa
Physician and Surt:eon, ollice on Seventh Street
west oldie Church. Erie. Pa.
General Porwardin ,, , Coniiiiisrmon, and Product
Mrriliants; Red Ware llouse, cast of the Pub
lic Po Eric. -,
Afannfacturcrs Tin, Com.' and Shcct-iron
wire corner of Fritnelt and Pin streets, Erie.
Iron Founders, wltole.iale and retail dcaler, in
Stoves, Hollow-rare Rte. State street.
JOHN 11. ‘I3ITRTON .., Co)
Vlealesaleand retai !dealer. in Dierzs,:llediciers
Dye Stun, Groceries, &e. No„3, Reed lioui , e
Eric, Pa.
Dealer in Dry Goods, Grout:rice, 4-c. No.
eticapsitle, Erie Pa.
. .
Dealers in Dry Goods, Groceries, ice., No. I,
! Barmen Block, State st.,Eric, Pa
- - -
Dealers in Dru!!s Medicines, Puinls , ()ill:, Dye,
Muff+, Glaes, Cc., :No. 6 Reed Hoilee,•Ei ie-
Forwardin‘r and C01111111,,i011 Merchant'; 109
rrencl!-,'Ftreet, Erie, antl•at 6th Skr et Canal lla
.on„d.o ile,ilers in Groceries and Provision.
Dealer in Dardware, Dry Goods, Groc4ies, &r.
east side of the Diaintnid, and one dour east of
the e, Pa.
By Hiram T.. Brown, corner or State stre-t and
the Public square, Erie, Pa. Eastern, Western,
and Southern 1 . -tatze office.
- -
Fainnable . erehant Tailors, o4Llte Public
Square, a felt uori n eet or State ,treet, Erie,
Dealer in Thip.2ie.d, i:ceitane..., Sunday
and Classical School Book; Stationary etc. etc.
- No.lll, Frenchiitrect, Erie, Pa.
Attilrney and Counsellor at law, Prairie du Chien,
W. T. practices in the romilies of Crawford.
Grant and lona, Pl.'l'. and in Clayton county,
low Territory. • __
'UP l'FhlEs' series 01 hoot Books, 1,2,
3,'1 and 5, for sale at No. 11 I, French St.
Erie Mlv 6 1817
Da State Street, nearly opposite the Eagle Hotel.
GLOOMIS 4. CO. are now reeeiVint; from
New York and,opoinintr at their new store
4 lleteen.k e a ,i,ortment of Mt h and Ea-lion Ole
J EWELRY, (enthraeine , the latest style (ifiAork
fo rt, t„) watches, Cloas, Plated and lirittnnia
Fine Cutlery, Steel Trimmings, Cdmpheite
" 1 Solar Lampe Looking Glows, Gold Pens,
t*lle.h , or a ith a .ietteral variety of Useful land Or
harnental 'article% 'Call and ste what you will are.
Jane 4 6 1817. 1 6
" Cash For . 119. x Seed.
C,tsil wilt be paid' for one. thousand hushelt
FL A :Seed by CARTER O
Aug% 27, 1817. No. 6, Reed Howe.
RI I GARS.—Loar, ernslied, Pulverized, Chari
lied, Porto Rico, listvana, New• Orleans Su
gar, for sale at No An„ 2g . I Perry Clot:lc.
T. w. MOOR[.
tint Proprietor. The
Isl., F 111) ,Criber would respectfully inform
ills friends and the traveling public gen ,
crafty, °tit he has leased for a term of years this
new and commodious 11011:3C, eittrated at the
Eight h Street Canal Basin This location ren
ders the " ‘VESTERN" pro-eminently the most
convenient and desirable stopping place for all
either doing business or traveling on the Canal.
There is, also, attached to this establishmenta
large and convenient Stable for the use of Boat
men so& others havin 2 horses.
N o pains or expense has been s pared in tittin:!:z
up this house for the convenience, comfort and
pleasure of guests,. and the Proprietor trusts by
strict attention to business to merit anA receive a
share of public patrons:gr.
Eric, April 21, 1817, • V
74! 4 ,
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Custom House, district of Presque Isle.
EltIN, November 17, 1847.
F.ALED Propos3le will he received at the
Tre.tsury‘Departmen t of the -UnitediSt , ites in
the city of Washinrrion,' until the 31st of Decem
ber,lBl7., for the supply of Rations foe petty offi
cers and seamen of the United Slates Revenue
Nimble vessels on Lake Erie, for the term of one
year from the Ist day of January, ISIS, The ra
tion for the Rev enue service is the same as that
allowed in the Naval service, omitting the liquor
and consists of the articles enumerated in tho 101-
low table, to wit:
1 -tj •..7 70 C 4
, D aet , 7T:
" ,p
S 3
II ')o3f
1 6„iod
~. I ~,
.. I t.- ...-
I papp
tz- I 4Aquaqurtia
I JO saimala
tt- ri-• I gwlosisi
W t 3 W W IL IV 5m3110'
II Ff . ',lwo
I I I l i 110303
ILI) ec lama
-r iasaaqj
.0- I 'siluaa
IS" I t...,
t..,.. I t....
.The rations to he of good and wholetomequal
.ty, to be approved_by the colleen -1r; and the dif
ferent articles comprising the ialioll lo be deliver
ed mi hoard die vessel in good and sufficient tasks
and vessels, to be provided by the contractor, and
the ()Mews di.tinetly marked on each.
„ • .
It is to be understood that the contractor will
be bound to flunk!), upon reasonable notice, as,
often us may be required by the captain of the
vesz=cl, ith the approbation of the collector, (not
exceedin l r upon veraae one day in each
k,) such sit Int at, atid fresh veuetables as
may be olent to the correspondlng parts of
the ration allowed in the natal service.
Custom House. district of Presque Isle.
ERIE, Pa., Nov. 17, 1847.
PIIOPOSALS will be received at the Treano
•ry Department of the Unit' d States until the
3lst day 'Ol December, 1.9-17, fur finnishity , arti •
des of SHIP CHANDLERY for the "Unite
States Revenue. Marine" vessels on Lake vrie for
one year from the Ist of January, 1818. The
e6n;raetor will he.eweeted to furnish such arti.
des as may be required for theuse of said vessels
trout ti me to time: Asi hetlule of the articles and
form of th.• pnposal, may be seen at this °Mee.
It is to be distinctly understood that no bid 'will
be en•ertained finin any ptrssu . nut actually \ en
ltaged in the bo•niess, in ahic'i lie proposes to
fluid sh; and all bids should he transmitted,sealed,
to the Secretary attic Treasury, Washington city
MU fejt A Y AV 11 A LLON, Collector.
LF.TTEit or ad mi it i .1; rat ion de bonis not have
been gratteed to the subseribeti oil the estate
e . Henry Thompson, lute of Leila - car township,
deceased. Persons indebted to said estate, or
havity , el,,ims against the same, are requested to
call and present Ahern, properly authenticated for
settlement, and settle !heir indebtedness.
T tIOMPSON, Athifx.
Nov. 6 1817,
viriure of an order id .the Orphan's Court
I) o f ' the county of Erie, will be exposed to
sale, by public vendtte, on the premisas, on the
23 AI ' f lay of Deeembtr arm. at I o'clockl ) . M., the
folloWing described prop. rty, to wit:—All that
coralrt piece of hod, situated in Elk Creek
township, in said co m m., a nd bounded as lol
lows:—lleginning at the northwest corner of
whole tract No. 455; thence east long the public
road Si) pi relies and 10 links, thence south to the
Meadville road; thence northwesterly along said
road to the west line of said tract (455;) thence
north along said tract line I.( the place of begin
ning; containino. 50 acres, more or less;—sold as
the property or John woodworm, late of said
toOliship, deceased, being the farm . on which
said deceased resided at the time of his death.
Timms or SA I. E: —One third on confirmation
of sale; one third in one year, and one third in
two years; to be secured by bond and Mortgage.
Elk Creek Nov. 27, 1 8 17. 4ttr
SRAY STlfhlt. —Caine to the residence - of
the subscriber on the lake road, in Harbor
creek mien-hip, about the 20th of Ocioher, a two
year old lied Steer, a little curled -in the hair,
sonic white on its belly, no artificial piarks. The
owner is requested to come, proVe property, pay
charges and take it away.
Harborereek, Dec. 4, 1847., 5t.29
R — rolliee on Sixth Street, Erie, Pa.,rl
offers hi, services to all those who pre
fer the health restoring agents oldie vegeta
tie king(luiri, ns he discards all poisons of what
ever ileq rip.ion, aad uses only such,rernedics as
act in unison with the laws of life
'We use such Balms as have no strife,
W i.hnsttire or the laws of life,
With blood our hands we never stain,
Nor poison men. to ease their pain." --
N. B. Botanic NlediCul Books kept 'on hand.
Nov: 27, 1847. - 3m28
NY Responstitio aim of Erie or vicinity,
" .
. .
is privile. , ed to draw Books from the library
of the Irving Institute for a small monthly
The library contains over one thousand volumes.
Books may be drawn every Saturday evening.
By order, &e. Ismtc Moonttema,
Nov. 4 0• Sec;
Our Customers
, 1
ARE infornied ,that in addition to our prese n t
stock of CLOTHS and VESTING'S We
will be receiving by Express during t h e Fall arid
Winter such 7onds in our line as the demand may
ill tiro. It is cincirely hoped this city will sup
ear led on by mechanics,
G. B. 4.1 , IL KEENE. I
"1. 4
r o n e re g ul ar
r :9 1 : I Mercha nt
4'll°P ,
th t a :2 i :
HARDWARE:—Our stook of Hardware com
prises a great. variety of Mechaniaat Imple
&pants of superior quality, such as Firmer Chissels,
pongee, plane irons, auger bits, cast steal augers
'(long shank,) braces and bits, real Scotch plated
ompasses, Dividers, tap borers, term). mill and
cross cut saws, hand and back saws, saws and
frames, together with a general assortment of
building, materials, Locks, Handles,- Knokers,
Bolts Butts and screws; hooks and hinges,fa
Nov 13, ISO",
1 .0
~-6 ‘anoi3
1 p it
't MI
~ .n
UNITED States Dispensatory, by Wood fi
Family Physician, by Doct. Beach.
New Remedies, by R. Danghison, M. D.
Consumption Cured, by S. S. Fitch. M. D.
- Nov. 27.
S UPERFINE Rice Flour in pound pat:loges
for family use, for sale by
CAND . FS.—True Sperm Candles, also -Pure
-Sperm Oil for rale at
New Firm and New Goo s.
JTAMES ERJGHES would inform his limner-
'ous friends and customers that he has as
sociated WM. C. W.lltitEtN , with him in the
business, under the firm of Runes Hughes ..5; - CO:
He would hirthermore state tiCat they; have just
received a Isr4e and well selected assortment of
Dry Goods; Groceries, Hardware, CloieenNware,
&c., all of which will be disposed of as low as they
can be procured 'elsewhere. H eying lbeen chief
ly purchased at package prices, or in other words
at the prices paid by jobbets in New York, they
can be sold at unusually low rams. Ladies and
gentlemen, atirdthe public generally, are invited
to call arid examine their aa,ortment.
: They have just received a largo quantity of Salt
w •Ich msy be-had at the lowest tnarlot price.
NOA. 27 J. HUGHES & (10.
VXTRACT Vanellu, %; anella Bean, Bitter.Al-
114 mond, Ex. Leinmon, Rose Watet, Mace;
Mustard, White Ginger, Pure Olive Oil, Cayenne
Pepper, Cinnamon, Cloves and Nutmeas.
Pluiu. Gilt edged, and Embossed Visiting
' INKS.—Blue, Black, Red, Carmine, Indelible,
Indian, e:c. etc. by
Dec. 4. CARTE
Pekin Tea Company's Agency.
fT cat, be no longer doubtedethat the establish
ment Of the above agency -in Erie, has enabled
buyers t 0 tkblain tea Irmo tvt enty-live to thirty
three and a Mild per,ecnt less than thrtnerly„,and
has consequently reduced somewhat the proli.s of
the -Ohl dealers—lt's no wonder then that they
wince under it, and by raising the pry of hum
bug" endeavor to injure the credit of these Teas,
but they can't do it. Spit out your venom and ill
natured whittlpisms, gentlemen, they are tterfeet
ly harmle , s, a discerning public Itn6 lull well
to motives prompting yen. These teas do and
will sell, notwithsteindinti,het cruse they are hotter
and cheaper than Can be tad elsewhere, and pc
cause they are flesh and 'pin up so they will kelp
fresh any lea,gthof time. Every package is war
ranted fill weight exclusive of the paper and foil;
these aro facts and no •qutattnek,"as all who have
tried the teas know! and those that have not may.
Buyers will please nut confound' names. The
only !dace in Erie where the Pekin Company's
tea can be had, is at No 5, Reed House. of
EOC. Dec. 4, 1817
PEE Window glass, from 7by9 to
20 by 30 inches, from the eastern fa -
tot iesi warranted a superior article.
Glals cut to any size or &lap:, without extra
charge. Putty always on hand.
• Dec 4. CARTER 4.• BROTHER.
36,7 GALLONS Tanner's Oil; 80 eailurp,
I breaded whale oil, at Nu G lteeJ f louse.
Kreirmetz white, Flake do.
China White, Silver do
. Curmi. , Lake,
Vermilion Chinese, do French,
Indian Red, Li,ht do
Prussian Bine, Chinese do
tiltramarie do, Antwerp' do
Royal purple, Naples yellow.
Bister, Ivory Black, Vine do
Vandyke Brown. Masteek Varnish,
Nut and Poppy, Oil,
Glass Stubbs and Mailers,
Pallette Bo4rds, do Knives, '
Easels, Caqvass prepared.
BRUSHES.—SabIe, Pig Huir,iFlat and Round in
tin, Blenders do,
Guilders Brushes, Crayons assorted col's.
Drawing Pencils, do Paper, 31
White rind tinted Bristo' Board;
And in shcrt we have a pretty complete assort•
ment of articles in this line, and intend always
keeping and supplying every article that may be
celled for on the shortest notice.
Dec 4. GARTER. & nitoTtlErt.
M II E PICTURES.—Some I . eauti ful paintings
of Birds and Flowers. Al o sum • very fine
Views done by the brst French; Masters.
/677 L M. Br ro kI I
460 lbs. Red L t e e ad, a
450 " French anayel
kw Ochre,
1000 " Spanish within!!
GOO " Venetian red,
250 " Litharl!P,
150 " French & chrome
7i " American Ver
'o 6, Reed House, by
I • 28
For sale very low at .
- N0v.27, 1847
4 BBLS. Dye I6Voods,
500 lbs. copperas,
800 " Alum. 600 madder,
500 " Blue Vittel, 200 ex. Leawood,
• OU " catnwood,2oo oil vitriol,
100, Mamie Acid.
30 Indigo, Bengal and Caraccas,
20 " solution tin,.lo cocheneal, '
20 " A mietto r
For :ale low by
Nov. 27, 1547
Something Nevi?.
TilE subscriber takes pleasure in announcing
to the public the arrival from New York of
an extensive assortment of Goods in their line,
plated and Eritannia, Ware, Girandoles, Solar
and Camphehe Lamps, Looking , glasses,
glassdare, spectacles, fancy podit and
thousands of useful and ornanterral articles for
the Hotydays, which arr offered at reduced prices.
Having selected Watches with unusual care
from late Mmortations; those wishin. a' good
Time piece for little money will do well to buy.
Our thanks, arc duo our patrons for !Etym. - , con•
ferret in times_past, espeeirdly for patroniXitc re
ceived in our new store on State street, add hope
byenttention to business to retail - our old and
'Make many new customers. '
N. 13. Particular attention•given to the repair
ing of all kinds of Watches. Wap:h work, re•
(miring Engines, which generally ss. done in the
larger cites, attended to on short node°. , •
Goods received by Espreso every felt , / :days
'loin New York dormg - the winter.
State street, : nearly oppooltti Eagi Hotel and next
door to Spafford's Boo Wore. i • •
Nor, 20. 1847. • t
/BUFFS AND BOAS.-150 Muffs and ,Boas,
.0 1 k of the real Lynx, Nat. Garnet, W lid Cony,
China Lynx, lustred and tray, Just received from
the Fur cotr.pany, and, selling 25 per cent. less
than last season by
Nov. 13, i 847. t
'GIMPS AND FRINGES, in great voriety, for
Tk10y.13,. 11317, • t
Front lhn Ilartiol Times.
Samuel Hamilton Walker was b
the year 1815. in Prince Gorge Co
ryland. His brothers and ytherrela.
reside in WiAington city., During
inole Indian war, lie enlisted' in the
service as a private, and was one of .
ney'k picked `men to penetrate the e
of Fkirida, where footprints of the ‘
were never before seen. In that
expedition,.which effectual, put an t
Florida war, by conquering the India,
their i own council tires, young Walk
ly distinguished -himself. Ile was 1
of the during Barney, whose quiet
lion never failed to seclect the most
and bold.
At the cloSe of -th l e Seminole war
wont to Texas, and joined Col.-Hay
ny of rangers. In the siiiiimer of
was one of the fifteen of Hays' me
with revolving pistols, who attack,
Camanche Indians, rind defeated tli,
ing thirty-three ilea Indians upon
and from the numberi f dead and dyil
off; it was believed j hut more than
Camanche force was lain by these ti
gers. In this fierce; battle, Walker
cei thiough the body by the spear
Idler), the spear pinning liim to the,
was left in that ,eondition by his
ions, who supposed be was deal.
battle, he was found With the spear B,i
ing through him, though he hail sac'
getting it out of the ground. ' Alia
ions relieved him from it. and found
. 1
touched a vital part. r He recovered
Walker was also one of Col. Fish
hundred men who marched against c
sand Mexicans stationed at Mier; and
tined by the Mexicatip previo.u-, to tl ,
as he made an excursion among then
the defeat 'of the Mier' expedition
, marched with oilier prisoners, to the
Perote. These prisoners received:
than treatment which Ina other people,
save Mexicans and 'cannibals; hill
- those within their power. At S
Texans resolved to m he their escum
ker was foremost. , t waS arrange;
should seie and disarm one of the g.
that Cameron, a Scotelfmen, should :
other in the same ,Way. I.At the sit
guards were disarmed in o momentl;
Texans, 214 in number, rotdied into
court, where 160 Mexican infant
guarding a quantity cif arms and am,'
The Texans soon had'comMand of' t i
and armed themselves! Whilst doing
hundred Mexicans, cavalry l and infantli
ed outside of the elites. : The Texan
upon these, and defeated them, kith
their,number, and losing. tire. The'
then'escaped, but finally became hi
mountains, Mid suffered greatly from
AslWalker expressed it to a friend
IretOrn ' their eyes became so sunken f".
gel and fatigue, that they appeared Ii
beteg iv the head. lii this condition t
recapthreit by the Mexicans, and tail
to Salado. Hero theiblood-thirsty' S
l i
na deManded the lite
I A every tenth
the company was marched out to
black beans—one black bean for ev
man being placed in the bowl,' and
drew them were strut. Young Torre
city, got one, and was killed on th
Those who drew the white beans, t •
jetted to the most infedie sufferings
ker, with eight othe4 however, fina
pod from Mexico, and returned, to'
He then joined the i l'e x an revenu•
where he exhibited h s usual edicien
When Gen. Taylor marched int
'with his army - of oectmation, and
were wearing a hostile appearance, '
at the head of a company of Texas 1
armed with Colt's patent repeaters, o
strfilces to the United States, was
and ,aided in defending Point Isabel.
stationed between that place and Gs
lor's advance camp, and he, at once s •
communicate with the General. A
seeding Twelve mile;, he encountere
hundred Mexicans, and most of his m_
inexperienced, fell Mick, a't theappen
such an Overwhelming opuosition.
that remained around their bold corn
firmly received the attack of the Mr
and gave them battle for I about 15
killing about thirty of , them, . They
treated, sand were pursued to' within
mile of Point Isabel.
It wali reported thatWelker was I
at night he came into the fort, and ‘'
indomitable spirit for which lie wa
guished, at once °tiered to communic
General Taylor, proVided he could t r f
men as companion's. , This proposiii i
such circumstances, With the enemy
and lurking in every;path and this
considered rash.' But, six Texans vi
ed, and after several .bold adventure:
o which they charged through - a fat
Mexican lancers, whilst they were
ng to,,forage their' horses, they rent
camp ,of Gen, Taylorlip safety on die
Walker was among the bravo in
joined;the gallant Col. May, and need
• him inliis famous charge when Gen.
ga w , as taken prisoner. , The gove
without solicitation, rewarded his aery
signal bravery by a Captain's comm
the new regiment of U. S. mounted
Thus promoted, he repaired to Maryl
soon rallied around him principally(
ryland acid Kentucky ? 250 volunteer
whose services were accepted by, the
ment.l With this entopany has re
Vera'l Cruz, and was !employcid to
1 1 1 ..
Buffalo and Pittffiburgli
dry and in oil, pure,
, 350 lbs Glue, -
250 Pap, Lampblack . ,
40 t. chrome yellow.
200 g al. Spr. turpentine
150 Linseed oil,
55" Furniture pnd
coach varnish,
200 ipaint and varnish
• ; Brushes,
enutiNl 111103 originally op
iLriedteal started about M.': I
tf Eton College; For trut
ey ate incomparable: •
The following bt
Etonian, a pe
by *lto Cave
and melody. ti
I often
ink each totterjrig form
Mips along in l'+'s decline
)111 a heart as young, an war
11 of idle thouglue us 'mine:
It has had its dtpainofjny,
Jrn unctiMill'd vire reamer
king when the blitshing ho
,brills at lovely nronnin's gl,
Once tul
A 3 ful
And enc l
Ms o
And eat: i s could tell life tale of yout
Would think Ito sconce of lore ev
More paissioun, more uncarthly trut
Than ally taltibeforu or billen.
Yes; they could tell of tender lays
At midnight penned iu clitsoic
Of days more bright than modern 4
And maids moroluir than modern'
Of whispers in a willing ear,
Of kisses on a blushing cheek; -,-.-‘,
Esdi kiss each •allisper,!4! ton de
Our modern lips to give or speak
Of pa•sions too untimely r ercs•ial;
Oe passions slighted , r!betrayol
Of kiudre I spirits early lost,
Forever en Time s restless wing?
Must all the eyes that stip'sre brig!
" And all the lips that talk of Miss,
And all the forms so fair to sight,
Hereafter only cons to i thi• I ,
Then what are earth's bet %is ions
If we at length must lee tli...n th
If all we value moat on earth
Era long must fade lia is) , ft 'm Hs
Capt• Walker the Texan
ER - 11, .1847.
goerillai at bay and open a corn
The bold feats of himself awl
struck terror into the prowling
this class of highway robbers,
armed and well mounted, were
clear path when "Walker and
were on their track. His servi
most valuable to the governme
regret his, fate., A braver br
never fell upon the battlefield.
fast friend of improvements in .t
and. his experience and kedn -
him td adopt the best arms an ,
that could be had. Old custbm
ioned arms, unwieldy and defec
favor with him, so long as r ud
ments were within his reitai
'eared in tlin
y years 440,
!, tenth:nit.*
In the
,death of Capt. Walke the country
has fast one of his bravest and most valiant
suns, and we cannot but simpathise 4eeply
with his-family and friends.
From the Pitt!liurgit
The moment we finished readi g Col. WYN-
Koor's patriotic lettei; we pick 4 up the St .
Louis Union of the 17th tilt!, n.which we
found an editorial under the, above caption,
stating that among the many g illant officers
who,distinguished themselves ! ii the Chillua
hau expedition, none surpassed , apt. Reid, of
Salinecounty, Missouri. All jo tied Mpraise
of his during and efficiency. He left his home
a whig, just elected to the Missouri Legisla
ture—a young man of good pOpt larity where
known, with generous impulses and patriotic
emotions. The party to which he was at
'welled, had not then avowed its hostility to
the war. °mills return, - however, he found
his former political associates, the apologists
of the foe he had been fighting, the revilers of
their country's cause, and Ober defenders.
Such associations he was too patriotic to con-
OR m; and hence, at the first lcupvrient op
portunity, he announced torlais l form _r consti
tunente, at the recent Democratic meeting in
Saline chanty, that he was resolved hearafter,
to stand by that party which stands by his
county—to leave those who iicknOwleAe such
men as. Webster, Corwin F,tiCO. tuffe leaders
in their ranks. - i
1 •
The following passage in 1 Capt Rim's
speech is worthy of note: , , - -- •
•1 1 ,
“The Mexicali nation, ignorant 0 ,11110, slur- -
it and determiqation, unimi and etiergy, of the'
American peoO k le; nut an are how contemptible
in numbers is the faction that is in their inter
est among us; arguing theiristrengh from the
baldness with which they dpeak, instead of
attributing the impunity with tvhich they lit
ter their treason to the contempt of Ilia gun !
citizens for their insignificanee,—fia.l the
speech of the:modern lecaritit (Coltwix) pub
lished at the head of their iiiinies, read from
their pulpits, and circulated throughout their
h coui r ry, to keep alive,the fluggiiig spirits of
their people and soldiery, until the proper time
pho•ild come, according to his 'promise, for
lieir trimly' by the previont triumph of trea
on over our councils, and o onfainy over our
;arms. .
._ - I
"The first time,,Gentleml, I binl the plea
tore of reading this 'preciou l doctiment, was
n the columns of a Mexican newspaper—
?lose elapses most to the gusto' of the editor
printed in flaming capitals—vere !ItA miles
from home, and in the midst. of enemies, we
learned (with what feelings ( you oan imagine
better than I can describe )ithat Those of us
who had gone out at the gait of the Govern
ment as .soldiers in its service, had been de
nounced at home by an American officer, from
the high place ( which his itresence has dis- '
graced forever,) in the Senatii Chamber of the
United States, as nq bett'e than piratical
marauders, the news bf wfibsetiefeaoand de
struction would at - any time be received with
rapture." !- I • '
Tun GLAss.-Lopking in fhe glass, hey? 7--
Ist i et that a pretty face? Ilekv plump and ro- ,
syl What beautiful curls!LWill they not i
Ca titivate some heart? Alt! folly—folly.—
Would that you could see yet r heart as,plain:!
ly as you behold you face: %That would you
not behold? ,Pride and cayruption - would
stare you in the face. ' AVhai a contrast with
that polished brow! Why sal much care with
your cheeks,lips, and hair? ' 'Why not:devide 1
a portion of your time to the improvement of
the heart? The former' penis i with the body,
but the latter survives the tymb.. 0, forget
not your imMortal part, while preparing for
die gag ballroom. A centerti hence that will
liiii.e perished, which is Your greatest caret , while the immortal part you . neglect will live
oh and bear the impress yeti give it in other
worlds.—Porlfand Bullelin.
GERRIT SAIITIf-....80 says tl e Madison Cr!.
Whi g —has addressed a lett r to the Super
.l- "
vors an d Justices of the sev ral towns of that
lkaunty, requesting them to l:elect seven
married, pour, landless wome I, (a part or all
of ;hem may be widows,) tow Imo he proposes
to give fi fty dollars forthe pi roam of aiding
them to purchase a home fur themselves.
It is evident by this bounty held out to mat
rimony; Mr. Smith 1.3 no di4iple of Malthus
—but then it is just as evideiA from his noble
charity, that he is fully a disciple of him who
enjoined 'Freely ye have ' ).eceived, freely
give." 1 ! t
1 ' ,
.... 1
SANDWICH ISLANDS.- D uring-uriilg ti • year 18 1
41 the total amount of shiPpitig w ielt arrived
at the two principal ports iv. these Islands
"(hlonolith) and Labaina) was 74; of these, 61.
were merchantmen, 18 vesse ls of war, and
%ha balance, whalers; the imports in 1848
amounted to $598,382 24; b r ing more than
double t hard 1843; of these Winans $348,741
,were front this country. Th 4 exports during
the same y/ar amounted to 585,nA00, exhib
iting a babnce of trade of $l2 98'2 against the
subject of his Island Majesty. ,With !heath
er accompaniments of civilizlition, horse ra-
' angers,
bred his
lie was
in. Tay
t out to
ter pro
f fifteen
n being
'ranee of
Pile few
hen re
n half a
eing has been introduced int
per relates the folhwing inci
perm' of Austria. under the
ternich, the most despotie prn
us characteristic of his imbec
pain, but
pith that
{to with
aye four
rt, under
ii force,
;tot, MI 8
' I unteer
. "lie wished to have, ,the otcier day, to ride
with, in the gardens, a smalls 4arriage, like
thatof Tom 'I inunb, and which must he drawn
by inn dwarf horses. The next day, some
important paper was presented for his sigtur;
tore. 'Where's my little carriage?': demand=
ed the Emperor. ,‘The carriage !nantifacturer
is making it.. when I hnva it I will
,these papers, but not before.' .Thoy
formed him . hat the matter Was' very urgent,
and that any delay, might. be attended-with
very serious consequence's. .q'he„Emperor
•wi r s immovable, and would only : irtign it a few
da s after, when they shoWed Mtn
Lien carriage.i'•
-' • •• '
ommodore Perry has ekaet slooo l frotn
thttowii of Alvarado; for l , - , the benefit , of the
fat ilies•of Sergant Cluisettnd Trivet.) Magee,
of the marines,, who' were kille4y the, guer
illas, while on, duty, as guard:.
EUPIIONIOUS.—The Legislature nt Georgia .
have been recently occupied ivitli the consid
eration of the "Rua Road trot Intitloes !tun
to 'Sukey's Nut.” . •
in one
ge body
hed the
' en who
La Ve
ipes and
nd, and
om Ma,
aired. to
;eel? the
his feowers
guerillas, and
always well
ure to leave eL
his rangers'',
es have bee,n
t, and all will
Abler fellow
,He wee the
e art pf war,
and old (*ash,
ire, found no
cal improve-,
A correspondent of ` the St. Loqi,...4 f , v, tra
furnishes bOtne interesting,,inteitiatlnce rrunt.,
- Mexico. • '
CO:IL/MON Or Fr.—Every cofFte
house, and their name is legion, wit's provided
nua implements' of o'ambling—
pirtiCt 'arty atiunal game qc ‘.lll.Onte."
intemperance and, public disorder—the usimal
attendants of gambling—prevailed in the' ity.
By order of the commanding officer, gaining
of all - kinds was, prohibited, . Coffee.lionse
keeps were * forbidden to sell liquor to soldiers
—fatitiangoes were net allowed except on cer
tain conditions . and terms._ A provost mac-
Shut was appointed. to enforce these orders.—
As if by magic the whole condition, of things
was changed._ ,All this has ,been brought
ahem by the.energetic, and at the
„same tune
judicious, exertion of Col.. Easton. • .
CI - . .
TiTH OF mimic ArrAttts.-The Mexicans
alk*eet{t,quiet, and,,are jitteutlingte their reg.-.
ular busidess; yet therif are many who to say
that , all this quiet is but the calm that pre
cedes the:storm—that a.general iosum.tction
is brewing, and may at any moment break
out, Others again, who also Inetend to un
derstandlhe Mexicans here, say that there is .
no danger' to be apprehended. I am.strun‘, , ,ly
inclined to the 'opinion that nothing serous is
at hand. 1 believe the majority are like in
ditrerent whether the Great l 'Mutfull or , Janies
K. Polk rules over them, provided ilhTv can
sell their grapes, peaches, corn and red pep
pers, and smoke their sega ain peace. Au
express consisting of captai l amid heutenaat
and fifteen men, started fur Washington on
yesterday. The capt. isa be• rer ot despatch•
es from head quarters here, •nt by the- com
!minding utlieer, , „Col. Newt)} of the Illinois
foot. It is uuderkuud t
,at he to-Wash
ington fir orders, in con -equ mce of havintt•
discovered a very large in. re'- nest, to the el
feet that au awful insurre )u was contem- ,
plated, by the people of No lexico, and that
a Mighty host was being ised by Armije,
Ex4.;Uvernur, who, o was, at last, ac
.6ottnts, at,El Paso.
(4nNErtovs.—We learn from the Pittsburg-,
. ,
papers, says s lit° New [Orleans Delta, that
the,ollicers of the •ith regiment of , Artillery,
to which earn. Drum was ticacht•il at the
dime he hyll, have made a co'ntlibutinn to hi„
wife and family of $2,000 which has be7n lur
warAd to them.
R 1 DS.
AL Balt Jt —A very large meet 4 ing of i the
friend of, Con. Tii - vior, for the Pre.i.kincy
was In Id at Nlontifoinery, Du the Itith. Jaine::
1 .11. IV( winati. a prominent D - nu:rat, pre, ded
at the imeeting. Eloquent and energelie ad
dre.lOrei 'were made' by the nom James E. !l t d.
ser,! fotnterlya Democratic representative in
Contr+s from the district, and the Do ll H.
W. Hyliard, ffie iiiesent wliig RoprE4 ita
livf", btth of whom folly it'll warmly 'coucer
redin the object 'of the mntino. Gen. T.
was reeomtnended as "');he candidtt . of the
Smith,' the only one who could conserve its
pec' l ulia institutions
"An ,
or so s
man fro l
Ward, t
the ut
ed to lea
the victi
lion on
the puni
the pone
. E. - cm,LENT ToasT.—The followino
toast '‘va criven at a democratic. celebration
of the Bth of January at Washington City, it
1837, by thimsKi POLK, then a Retire:Total-4
tivp f from 'Tennessee. It should he painted ill
letters of gold amt hung up, in every, city, vi -
large and hamlet in the Onion: 1
'Vly I 4 Itoa. Mr. 'Pug% of Tennegsre.—
'flip II Weil of the:States—The reprobation of
an indig nant country awaits all those who
may attempt. to distract it, by exciting sec- 1
tional jealousies, between , the North arid
Sourb, the East and the West; between the
slaveholding and the non-slaveholdinostate4
• : ..._.:.____.s.l
Donato 111,na t Dim.--A correspondent of the
Worcester Transcript writing from Canaiii i ,
N. 11., N. 23.1, gives its the followng'
shocking intelligence:
"Some fourteen years arm, Captain E ijah
Whitler, li%ing at the "Smninit," niqr ; ides
below here, killed a child of his withti*am
brel. He was arreste.l and tried, and ; finally
after a lon imprisonment in Ilro.erbill jail. set
at liberty, because hnat the time of doiig the
deed was considered insane. lie bast borne
the nanuxi "Kill baby Whit ter", hyt f it' . 'lice.
"Last Saurday morning he got,Mp from
his breakfast table, went to the doo r , and took
aril young child of hiS, :IA- yeais old, by
the; legs and literally beat 'its brains out
against the Mmrstime. Ile is to be tried 'for
theldeed, and Will doubtless be acquitted ,as
formerly." ,
Tim Cnomnia---CoNso LAT/ONS;-- r 'he
French papers say that the Cholera, which is
advancing towards. Western Europe, exhibits
a great mitigation of character,
,and is Far
less fatal in its effects than its predecessor.
Thu Courr:er deS Etats Cols published from
06 Gazette des Hopitairx, the statentent of
Dr. Bruno-Torron, Surgeon in the Ottoman
army, ivlio, in 1837, was seized %Olt the
Cholera, and having no medicine atpand, but
Sulphuric Ether (the Le l licon) respired freely
of it and soon sank. into 'a calm sk-ep,. from
which he awoke, weak bat tree .of disease.-,--
Being, then unacquainted with the properties
,of Ether he had ascribed the, recovery to, a ca
price of, nature. Other experiments recent
ly Made Inivc ostablished the salutary iiilti,
clines of the I,eilipon.--,—.005. _.• • i c 1 •
thu Islands.
A Varision pa
,etit'of 'the Ern
,ltlanceiof Met:
cd 6f'Eurdpe—
lity„ttild puerile
.. correspondent of tire gilwatiltie ‘ I" - - is-,
consiii in a description Of the' morning; 'ainl
batterlog of Cohtereris, tells an- incident of
Whin)t we do not reineMbdr to hate before:—
af,tundreds of prisonerS were taken, among .
who was Geti.• Salas, famous as the inithor
of the celebrated Guerrilla' Proclamation.—
We halted abriiit,an Wow ffatheiing v im prix -
onc'r,,,ike:' .oett. Scott rotl"eup.tellte fort and
when bis - twirac. was known to the 111c4icao
offfegrS, their'cOuntenances brightened opiex
peetilik to be, iltstatitts paroled, I ,suppose.—
Gen. ScOlt,lithlresed them in these words;
1 . have reason te'lielieve . : that . Many' of you
were.:pitrOl',, V'et a :Crii z , or L i e rro , vior'do,'
it is n dikrieWto inimatiiti that men should
so. far forget their,holior as to breaka,pitroltr-
IRfuture I, shall, parole ~noither n ()Akers, )rter
men, but treat t em with airtherattentionottrat:
circumstanc s vill permit.' Tkeir cBonten
undue felln!' - • ' '
HRAVY DAmAatts,- , -Tho proprietors'of the
church of St.' Augustine, of Phitadelphir,
thfre recovered the sum .of 1940,000 from thu
county of Philnderphitf, for the 'destruction'
of their church doritqf tltc, 4 Nittivo" riots of
~ ~~
-.~~ . .
~ r,
BAg'l , 4l F'L•: ,
Tif ERR NO TTITNDOIiaTS . '—A week
Ice we publhahed fi'., statement of the
is conduct at Cincinnati Of a yowl::
Ithe stint It, calling himself Franklin
f his precipitate Hight, after entailing
ost misery and dig ;race upon a re
family in that cit.* IVemre pain
irn that the vonui; ligar alluded to as
t in o f his un h o ly pn4.4,M, and who he
cmniac upon his deph*mtre, positively,
II nonrishment, nail died n( stnrva-'
Poesdny evening. 'What Alinu Id he
hment of a fiend, who thus invades
Int retreat pr the domesticcirtle,
Irght and infamy and death into its
. Y. Trite Sun. -__
fis~~ ,
' Milltinexcuns;is out orthe eas,
in the, W rid, to many ,peoil,le. ' 'I
without t ieleast illiculty, furnish
tile reasot fur any questionable icti
omissions of duty. Ofi of this cla
assigned s.a reuso I‘% hy'hed i id not
for a neiv paper, that he hatl " 4 uo
reiiding.' load we might atrgeh ou
so far as o suppose he believe:l wha
if it were>not alact r that he bnyroWs
bur's' pap rS every - week. And wh
unies he has time to
. read,l4iti, is,
we' can• t.ll. ,-It liowevoo,4ltiot
ed that a Man Whb . cheats . ,thecorinte
his neighbor, by . :liP'riowing - 4tiwsp
have a urea'. ferception, of rig it an
lid may, theretbre', after all, r illy s
has_no tioie to read.
.• , . ' .8.: .
tint in* rpgard to puople generally,
to say; Otte ace very - few if any
not time to'read. . Many stiend a la
liOkottinte'ip :things , ..which hid I
let alone, ' and the time, this occupi
be spoilt id reading something nseCti
log affords both' pleastule and pro
mind that is not oiven to reading i
lu be vichius. Lis trde, there is
kind of reading matter that to a cert
of mind in iy du injury,. But there,
para'tivelS,' Idw works from which g,
jj; the der Ved by pee whose inteni
pure,. igno,r,ince is no prrdection
and reading Increases knowledge.
pie - only rqrange their tiou_l jodicion
they' Will rind a plenty of hooks and
calm fur co i nstant reading, adapted to
and eiredi istances of all its Member
or more family new.spapers sliould
be include I. A family v‘ithinit a goi
paper! It might as. well be ivitheet
clothe; The, mliii needs as‘inuedi
nil a arm might as well a
the bui.
eat, tt. ,ay, "1 have u
t i tiot true .in either cas.
rio' tin-y. to
read," for
Lilt Witt
A NN% Ttiwn I , oa STEA I.
letter from Mexico (Intel thi. 2.oth of (
and pithlltd el in ilai Tampico Sentine
that Santa Annalias taken up his rt
at Telitiaci n, wlirtice bit, intends toj
himself agiiinst - The cliatgas bronght
him. It is i not only alleg,e4 against ii
he abamluneci the,city on the night of t
September last, with his army, in a ma
ardly nihnner, leaving the' city witho
tection4' hot that previous to his leani
c ,
rdhbeil t litt l'reastiry department of al
and (2% ery titer s•,iecies of available
And to eist otl'all suspicion front - him
then ordercid that the prison of the Ace ,
be opene 1 it'd its convicts let; incise u
c.nnwunity. The hall of the House o
resentutive • was entered by them, its
deliel•s brol en i in a theusand pieces, th
tapestry idyl from the windows and
about rirri door, and tha residue of the s
1.1..h.i1l mutilated, if not entirtlY destroy
g %NT%
FROM VeRA- CRU7.—The followowin. par
agra As lion: the 114ebla Flag of Freed.rtYpif
the 2011 i ult., ,we u not remember ,to hat'd
seen before:
ExEcurn. l --!tf ichael Leonard, a , tea stet.",
belonging to the train whicharrivcd hsrei oil
the 12th inst., was hung , yesterday .morning
in-the Main Plaza, in pursuance-of hid sen
tence, for ‘lio murder of another teatheitirc.
named W r n, Hampton. The murder occur
red on the-road the day after the battle of
linamantlal Leonard had quarreled witli a
wagon-master, named BoUret, and intended to
kill him alone. 13oulet however escaped w ith
the loss )f an arm, while the same shot killed-
Hampton. .An immense croWd-assenhlei to
witness the, execution. Leonard expressed
no regret atr dying, and said that his sentence
was a just one, but that if be had the thing
to do over again, he would aVeng,e himself on
Boulet. .
Also - rnEa'hintrum.—:-JuanMose,oneofhe
most activelM•the, Spy Company,-
_arid, elt
known ro oar - re o rders as the "little Frei'i
man," was lzhot dead on Morairty night, by-a
soldier or ft !lower of the . army. The that:
lerer was intomeated at the time, and perpe
rtrated the-crime without provocationioadtqw
, .1,
parently witnout It:chive;
"An alli?eti t
ng, instance of " fho fidelity ) cli r a
dog, is to be found in the following extract
front ri letter front 1116NirtS, published -in the
Batavia SH-it of the Titnest=
'Among the brave ma' good who have this
day fallen, st."ll my friend Burwell, of the sth
Infantry. fie fell early in the nctioit from
a wound in the leg. Ilia fuith flit dog,
a beautiful pointer, hriti edcommii;
ded hini
there: he I,lp WIN lVOIII1410d: Off ing the
net ion he beettin'o sepaMted,from his - matter.
Afteti it Itollisobsttletl. the noble form of
well manly r in life, Wes discovered, en
side him end even licking his face and wo
was his poor dog,; %vim ; r egardless (A t ) his
pain, had sought his generm M
ts ast r it
hour of danger,„'enti there; upon the acme'
to die. 'fins cheating scene touched
hearts oc many:!'
Tin; Itt:sruxsy...-.The Nashviller A\
concurs in Mr., Cley's res•o '
lutiong as to
-.• the a ~.
'prinzary cs i ese et the war'` 6"1112111el
{ occasion of ,hostilities,'' nud the constiti,
al rowers of Congress to lentrel the witt :
coniitinesl I • i .
• %vi t t ) bin,, tr-, 0 , we ate opposed to th ati- -
nexut ion ,61 - ,A1,..xic:,,, that ,saall Mexico but
we are no! titii itltrila iii:- . I )Plititition to the
retention of ony portion of the territory We
have con t ipu reit limn Mexico. We go' for
kcepiag Up ier Caliideliii . awl New Met
ier) at all hazarilb% We do' oat think
people of dal y idle] State will eiet consent
—nor do we believe they eii 3 Ot te,con-ient, to
restore tbese'Pro‘iiiqes telfexico. We Kant
something more than 4 .4 AA. ciii(ll44et : llX - az*
dee of the limits of l' . elis" and have,HO idea
that public i l piiiion in this etlittury will per.:
lint, the collCiltl$41111;0( a trefity, of peace %yltielt
shall secure Ino other mot tirther result dant'
. 1: '
that. , I . . 1
.1-1 • •
L Vellou'; :0 - vc - 01, , e,4 in a . n Albany'l
• l 'lll .O 1 - .1 d d II
ziirtne'r 1.
,t. Inn re . „ tit_ ars, 0
rst. WM:dup. lie is to Et, a ac- -
1 •
;tit pat tner islited spetitied.•
Some Dry
pacer t'or,a It
to go ona
tive - br it :sit
J"C ‘t e xaNA II Aarr.teroaxl-,—A
ruck Ritigtva ~ from :....s:mkrord , - -
iti, *Has, 103 , a iaamil:4lto
and Qi . vomsiare, oa,:tii(e - lig,
iii Virg iTnia, 1‘,1 , 111i1 a Odic ,1031
d a
!dm . 'rids tninufaefOry is al,
01e,a4 cif a new, titowif;i which is'
- arould it:' ' "
A 'A mi.:
f shire, I.lm4lit
ri of China
R •
1 hull'
.; d
et;ne, edithr ef• the lqint.6 l '
ilyte ha. been'`&ppolnitql, lu
ineCourt ih }own, in place
resitrned; DJ?tcY's ain 10
Georire Gr p
prt , P , S at Dribq
the Snprrt
log up in'. lo
votinri , Indy dis:Atii
ents,)w-Its• , iti
ine upper
inati Thestre. When awes
Ole'reO(ested thii:ti she t6ily 4cii l
-ort of people cfitlgo thete.",
- or the . Pintil l
att l'expe i )ell
ttiscci what
; 4 .
. It is ulwa,.s right to` 11,e chnonfea ~.
w•het we Ituv'eclyit never" ‘iith whist we •
I 1 a : 1
, , .
hey can;
a platisi
or any .
.5, Weir
tint° for
r Charity,
I t he sate
tis neigh
he does,
ore then
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