The greatest Discovery of the Age! OH, TUALIIIIVS NAGAI TIC Olt NITIIIIERT. MINIS in the firet .411..1111A to con/bine the ELECTRIC —M. or IIIAtINE Fix'', With Powerful V..getutyle Ex trscrs in the form Orall 1 iiiitment—to lie applied external ly for the removal of disease. The iambs! unlimited suc cess it loss met with stamps it at osiers the GREATEST DISCOVER Oh' THE AGE. It Is constantly effecting cures of the of the utmost importance. Thu most isieredu lees are CONVINCED—the moat faithless are compelled ta believe in the pow I.r and virtue of this great remedy. Ibis universally admitted to be TIIF: MOS P WONDER FUL COSIIIINATIoN KNOWN to the WORLD for the 1 / 13 /EDIATF: RELIEF' of - thee i-c Jed p tie, It never fails while Otero remains stall/nem life to restore a natural and healthy act ttttt to the capillary vmsels of tho body, and equalize the rortthei • s,,rffhe ado xi. By Oil% means controlling power iSgainol ”il.l. the mod makmoritprors of Dldtr.4 3 SC whirls canuot be obtained from /my oilier rent edy. itch is the power of this combination that it polio • Dates toevory portion ofthc liumau frame; every brine and 1111,1eCle, vein, nerve and ligament is searched otlllnwl made aensiblo of purifyieg and heaMig influence. Hence it Lopes as readily,witli Micron! so external discuses. Numerous i .sianees are on r /cord ty!icre this remedy lota restored health to pollen is en near the grave that the most powerful internal fenteihe,4 failed to produce any er. feet. Such has frenneatly been the c isc INELA RA TION of be BOWEI..B—o o patient et er ore.) du; with thus disease where the Si genetic Ointment can to obtained That dangerous Epidemic I.lluWei n. the Pl/ FILID ERY SIPELAS era Many. be cured by this remedy. For (NFL cktp.Tom vu . Nt.yrism. ibis Ointment is the roost complete remedy ever prep wed, la 9 cases out of 100 if VII pea,/ to 'ho worst/cases of NERVOUS II LA DACIIE sir flatly minutes. For Nervous Disease., this renrs,l 3 , is of hal/WWII! v 1 Ile. , Affections of the Spine Rheumatism, Lamenees7 Ulcer ated Sore , Throat, ItroncliitiS, Pleurisy, Ersi9l7, , ,Clitlls, Cholera Illorlius. Ague in the For.. ~r lb east. Born, S old Heed, &retell, S.alt Rheum, Erysipel ,s, liitlainml 11)es/ Fever Sores, tee- will be lattinedistely relined by the use of this remedy. Dlt. BINGHAM'S cv.mow.irrr.. In reply to your queries with regard to the results of the 'Experiments I hauc made with lour justly celebrated Malu.'sle Ointment: I rim toy It Ith plen•it ro that I deem it :ono of the CREATES I' ol9covrAw.,4 'F THE AGE. It is now nearly two yedrs since I commenced using it in nay practice, nod I have tested it In cases of Inflamina. lion. both local and general, of the 11100 le kind withal:lol6.4W success; even where all Internal renietie failed, I hareem:cm/4ml with Oils. I hare treated eases of Intl imatimi of the Brain, Intl t ins/lion ofthe Lungs , 111/I.llrlalluillyt On Bowel". loltottima- Ivry Rheumatism. mid 1. , eve.0, with perfect success: also odors of Scarlet reser. Canker Cash, and Ulcerated I hroat and Luligs with like success. In the Epeitemlc Is-own as the Putrid Erysipelas, by which no many valuable !loom were lo -t, I to-ted it.) fre quently, and it uslrer failed of effecting a spin* nod eon fain cure. In case, °Libras, Sprains. Ilruizes, Frozen Limb!, ste. It act, like &charm. No Physician or Family will be n single illy without this Medicine, after becoming acquainted with it power 10 cure.' 1 ; 1 1.1/31. Physician and Surgeon. Vito, N. T. Jon. 19, 1846. rP'For further particulars and testimonials; eye pain Alet left with each agent Price 25 and 50 cents pre bottle. AGENT/S. -Carter & Brother. wholesale mad Erie; U. N. & J L. IVebster, Conneaut, Ohio; It ilev 'Potter, Veat Sprinefiiehl: W. 11. Townsetid, Springfield; L. S. Jones dr. Co. Gira John A. Tracy, Fairs iew. Erie, August 11. 1817.—1y13. OUR FLAG IS THERE! gir wrmie A ARE HERE! VICTO4Y! VICTORY!! HURRA! HURRAH IIURRA !!! , The new Jew Store again Ahead! JUST received at the New Jew Store, No. 1, Fleming Block, State roreet. a new and spie l] • did assortment of FALL & WINTER, GOODS! consisting in pact of BROADCLOT I IS. French. English and Amer ican black, butle r brown, gold alio cadet mixed Broadcloatlis, cheap as the elva pest. ALSO,—Cassimeres.and Ws: ings to match, both irs to 'color quality and pi ice. GROCERIES.—.I general assot ttnrnt of choice Groceries. which will be Mold ext.! cemly low. CRGCLER V.—A be.,ntiliti assortment of crock ery at prices cannot fail to please. BOOTS ANO SHOES.—Without boasting we can truly say we have the cheapest and hest. as• 'marmot cif lloot, and Shoes, ineluding Ladies, Gender en and I:01-s, ever brouq',ht to this city. CAPS.—Men and Boys caps, that cannot fail to fit both thirptirec and head— conic and try. ,e-7` LADIES DRESS CI( tODS.—Here we are at ' home. We have cashmeres, de lanes without number and almost without price; Gina hatm and- Ipaccas,Califoiniaplaids and 5i iss and - Tar* ton Mtislins; wide gimp and _1 up cord; dres4 buttons, cords and tas,cls ; but %t hat is the MC of enumerating —uc ha% e every thing to make the handsome more ditThe and the ligly enchanting..., SlLKS—Striped and Plaid Pooh de Sois, , White rode Swis.:, Black watered Satin stripe poult do soi, Black and blue back, gro de Naples, Black gro de Rhine. SHAWLS—Of all priests. shades and quality from the cheap cotton tip to the finest silk and Cashmere, -GLOVES'—Of all Is ind. 4, colors and sizes. . . - - - - Hosiery, Suspenders, Pd nts, Ticks. Drills, Fac tories, in short every thing suited to the season and market. Ready Made Clothing. Our stock of ready made clothint , is tare and splendid, and will be sold cheap. We do not n ieh to boast, but. nelhink we can convince any one by calling that we Bell a _rood article for a smaller sum than any other establi4hment in town. At any rate "the proof of the pudding it in the eat thPreforc TRY US! st..}=°Mind theiname and number: ISAAC ROSENZWEIG k CO. Erie, Sept. 21, ISI7. 19 "Not fora Day but fm all Time." IMINTON's; PATER NAL IL Ell E DY. CALLED HUNVS LINIMENT, HAS now given abundant cvidence'ot its heal. inn powers, and pros cd itself the in •st extra ordinary and wonderful medicine in the ant Id. In thethort space of two years, it has acquiled reputation for curing disease and releavittg pain far greater than any medicine ever dist:in...ra— ke wilitlerful cures have •tstotii,lied the Medical Faculty, who now universally concede its great value. They speak of it in the highest mints and commend its It is condemned by none. On the contrary, its praise i universal. The caFep caf care., are so my merouo that it n'ould take vehepes to recount them —and it ilS'a fixed fact, and is 'not disputed, that as a pain extractor it has no equal. For the many astonishing cures, see the pamphlet to he had of each anent. if you sutler witli t either or the Ili, eases for which it is it:commended, resort at ante to its use and be cured. Fur t h e following di, Cases 1t is an infallible remedy: Spinal Affections, Rhea- I ' madam, Paralysis and all ner vous affections, Salt Rheum, Croup or Hives, AMleJin the Breast and Face, Weak ness of the joints, colds,ltooth ache, sore throat and Quinsy, ulceratedisores, indolent tilcers,burns frosted feet, corns, bunyons, fresh wounds swellings and bruises, scroll'. loos affections, inns (pito bites and .Poisons. . IrlThis Liniment is sold by all the respacta- Ms Merchants and Dru. , giste *throughout. the country, and by the Proprietors et Sing Sing, N. Y. GEO. E. STANTON. ` For pale by J. H. Burton &Cg.. Erie, B. C.,Town North Ewa. 3. Clement. Fiorriew;l4.. L, Jones & Co. Girard. • Oct. 9. 1817. ain2l Cash for Flax Seed. y WILL pay the hilthest price in CAI) for any J quantity of Plax Seed. C. M. TII3BALS Aug. 27,.1897. DYE STUFFS.—Madder, Lo 2 Wood, Nic Wood, Can Wood, Alum, Copperas, Blue Vitriol, Cream Tartar, Indigo, Sre.,. for sale cheap for the ready, by June 28. W.-F. RIINDERNECIIT: BII.OCIIA SU A WLA—Frotn $5 to $2O, crape do. M Maine do. of different sizes and col: ors, for sale at the cheap store of Sept. 2& Attention! Jews 'and Gentiles, Israelites, Ishmaelites, Hebrews and Egyp tians, Sons of idaron and Daughters of Mariam, receive instruction and be toiteej.• Hear and know that MOSES,' TH I E YEW - Has returned from the EAST, laden with then choicest treasures of that, aneßnt region, and in-, rites your attention to the same in at 4enuino OLD Jew Store, the one that has earned the repu tation of selling goods tower than any other house in Erie, and thereby established • credit for Jewe ry that has induced others to enter under thil same name whereby they holm to reap a profit which justly belongs to him. Now Moses wishes itto be understood that lie is not a Wandering Jew, here this year and away the next—a class that will sell to one person at cost and to another at double price, but that he is a regular descendant of Faithful Abraham, and has pitched his tent in Erie with the intention of remaining in it, and i intends to do business as heretofore in such a manner as to ' give entire satisfaction to all reasonable persons that favor him with their custom, keep all his old friends and make new odes of all that once put . - 'chase goods Runt him. the old Jew Store of Moses 'Koch does sell more Goods and at lower prices than any other store in Erie, is plain to be seen by the course ofothers, who finding their cue. 1 miners daily deserting them, resort to inisrepre tientation and abuse of the JEW STOKE, which they well know has been the cause of their less of customer/. and against which they direct ell their forces, thinking no doubt that ii .this store was out of the way, they could get what they call th good old prices,-11,1y to one hundred per cent - stieh as they used to get before this JEW MOSES came amongst them. Hence we see every thing that c in raise a Dray load of Tape and Bobbin, commences blowing bimseh intOlnotice by letting milt squib at the JEW STORE; but this only serves to show that they are in great pant orcuM• turners, and that they Lttow where they have gone Now the secret of Goods being sold so much lower at this store than any other is simply this—' i , Moses goes right to the httt of the market, to th e: Mariu:acturers atm fmport I'l and buys by t,he CASE, BALE or PACK GE, and pays the CASH down, by which he I akes a double Basing and is enabled to sell 2006 in Erie'at what some others pay foi them in the Oy; and that there may be no mistake. about this matter he invites all who want any thing in his line, and wish to pay either cash or country produce, to call and exam inn his stock and prices, fully satisfied that they will find the OLD JEW STORE the best place l c , get good Goods at he lowest prices. Moses begs to be excused from giving a list of the number of Pieces of Cloth and ealico, Muselins s.e., 4-c., aOhe mantle,. of some is—being tuna more profs ably and pleasantly employed in wait• in on customer., he will leave this made of puf fin,' to some of the At' w or oiler stores ,who . have":l smailer siocks . and friotr customers. MOSES KOCH. Corner of FrencliSt Fifth streets. near the Farmer's Hotel, Cnmtnereird Ex Oci. -22, )817 PEK I N, CANTON, Kianw-si Kictivr-ninff fou,Nano-- c,c , c o chaive-fou, Hrsit-quithfc, Chan g-tong,4ec. Alab provinces and towns in ...:I.IIN A: The country whet e tne women have broad laces and short noses, little eyes, little, feet, and plump _rosy lips, whose emperor styles himselfthe broth er of the sun, and his country CELESTIAL: The load that gave birth to COnincius, and what is of more consequence to tut, the land from whirl we obtain-that delightfUl hever,we, called -TEA, FO highly valued by American Ladies of all ranks and conditions, and ahout which there has been so much ,aid at(i written of late; some person, very modestly claiming to be the only ones tha sell a pare article at lion si prices. But we pre• slime very few poisons will believe the ability o honesty to procure and sell GbOD TEAS is con (Lied exclusively to lice hokses in New York, an that all others in this line ~sell but inferior quail ties and that too at exorbitant prices—and ilia these benevolent pet eons are content-with almos no profit, but merely to have the satisfaction o protecting the dear p wide from being humbugged. 'For Ann. part we think there is something mor n than meal under the tut), This display of Poi, cholla, Souchong, and Olong, litwqua and Pe• koe, Ne plus ultra, S,iiver leaf and Golden chop!! with the intbrmation that i is put up in THREE wrappers, &e. S-'. stems t us quite unnecessary wino) , plain hot est people For our part we shall /, 'tioltent ourselves by simply assuring those that want TEAS that we arerepared to offer them an assortment of the choic et kinds of Black and 1) Green 'Vil es, at the fullowi ig rates: , - . BLACK TEAS 3,4 aid tis per I!). _ 1l O` AT 4,5, and Us per lb. INI PER I AL 7 and 8 shilling's. * * \ = m These were purelte-cd from men of the t :van lint in the city and may be relied on as fu - Iv equal to any in the market at similar Trice . They will he put up in the _rood old fashon •d wav—pond _lit, and clean Plain paper, with out any heathen hyrog.lyphics td gull tho unsu - peeling.. :WU ARS, COI•TEE,Sze.—Loaf, Lump, brown Havana and "Porto Itico'Sugars. Old Java, La utlira, Rio and Cuba &Write, Chocolate, Cocoa, Molasses, Spices, and in short ',we have a very complete nsgertment of Family Groceries, to which we invite the attention of our friends, at No. 6, Reed Hone. CARTER tr. BROTHER. October 29, .1817. 24 Charity covers aLltitude of sibs A ND so does dosed Koch at his cheap and A fashionable CLOT h3I,NG STOR E. PiCoats,.Overcoats, Pants, Vests, Drawers, shirts bosoms, collars, and every article in the clothing line, are to be had 25 or 50 per cent. cheaper at the OLD JEW ST.O tE, than at any other estab lishment in Erie; and the reason is just this, Mo ses buys all his Cloths, Cassitners and Flannels, by the bale and piece, from the Manufacturers and Importers and that for cash, and then he em ploys first rate Tailors and has them made up on his , own premises and under his inspectionso that he is always sure of having a g . 1114 article at two profits less than those who purchase Ready mado clothing in Philadelphia and New York. made Lienerally ofinferior material in a slight un sitbstantiatinanner. Now those u ishing to pur chase any article of wearing rpparel can depend upon obtaining of the best . material and work -, matiship, and altogether cheaper than they can in any whet way or any other place in Erie, • Re member the Old Jew Store of MOSES KOCH, No: 2 Commercial Eschange, French st. Oct. 29, 1817. 24 ‘tore of the Effects." STILL THEY CON)E ATP a V re r e c h c i e t c in r h n a t n ore G ever. o o a r n h: e tth on a h " ant a l a complete Imo' tment of plain. plaid, striped and figured Nlohair, Orleans, Cashmere, Merino, Ve Lisle and Lyons (At-n(lkt( the riches styles. ALSO-150 diffi•rent Pirterns and style; of 'Shan Is, embracing all the new producrions• which we will , sell as cheap as the cheapest, at the cor ner opposite the Etwle (lola Oct 23. WILLIAMS & WRIGHT. BLACK LACE DEMI VEIL— A new lot. of these very fashionable artielerjost received and selling very low o nt the New Store. 1 • net. 21, ALLYN & COIT. RCII PLAIDS selling for 2o, 25 and 31 1-4 cents per yard at the New Store. Clinghains selling proportionally low. 'et. 23 ALLYN corr. . . ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTI E. . 1 - ETTER§ olachninistration de lamas ton have JLi been gr4tted to the sehdcribeeon 't to estate of Richard Synnor,ilate of Nerth Emit t wnship, deees,ed. Persons indebted to said' e tate, ot havion. claims auainst the same, are req ested to call and pitient Them 'properly authenticated for settlement, and settle their indebtedness. JOHN P. HALL, / Aderers. ELLIS A. OWEN , Oct. 30:1817. ' 6121 Important Dectston. TilE contested trial that Sas been existing so ,many years has been fin illy . settled by a Tiny of Twelve Ladies, and their cession is, That the 'surest, best, most frierant and cheapest Teas to be had in this section of the country, are those which come from the celebrated CANTON TEA CO.NIPANY. These Teas can be had at all times and warranted to give entire satisthction or the money will be refunded - , of their agents who are reeeiving fresh supplies weekly. Wald ANIS 4. WRIGHT, Agents. Directly opposite the Eagle Hotel. Sept. 18,.1917. 0 'IS DicKLED LOINTERS, Sardines, Tomato Caisup, Lemon Syrup, Pepper Sauce, Salad Oil, Mustard, Guguba Jelly, English White Pep. per, 4.c., for sale at No. 1 Perry thick, 6%1 Sept. 8, T . W. mobn.E.: itOYEttnIAL PHILUSOP Y, and other &'o Pems by Tuper, a few copies at Now York pri. cos, just received and :or sale by . 0. D. SPAFFIINID.' Eric August 21, 1817 F. JAClib'ON BY THE QUEEN'S PATENT. _ _ _ _ ~OCCESS OP BUCHAN'S HUNGARIAN BALSAM OF LIFE. - PRE GREAT ENGLISH ItE.VIEDY (or COLDS, COUGHS MA, and CONSUMPTION: TOE MOST CELEBRATED and INFALLIABLE remedy fer Colasi. Coughs, Asthma. or any form of PULMONA It Y CON SU MP 11l iN, is the the 'HUNGARIAN BALSAM OF LIFE., discovered by Dr. Buchan or, Lohdon, England, tested for upwards of seven years in GreatTiritain and, on the Continent of Europe, and introduced into the, United States under the, immediate superintendence of the inventor . The astonishing success of ,the Hungarian Balimm ' in the curt form ofCONSUNPTION, witrrunts the Ameri ttit Agent in soli: treatment the WORST POSSIBLE. CASES, tl at can be found in j munity—cases that seek relief in vain frbm a n of the common re the day, and have been given up by the most distinguished Phye, CONFIRMED AND INCURABLE. The Hungarian 'Balsam It and will cure, the MOST DESPERATE.; OF fp ASES. It is no q truni, but a standard English Medicine of known and eAtthlisheo Every family in the Utlited States should be supplied with Patelt garian Balsam of Life, not only to counteract the consumptive B of the climate, hut to be used as a pr 4 ernlire tardicint in all case, Coughs, Spitting of Blood, Pain in the Side and Chest, Irritation ness of the Lungs, Br?ochitis, Didiculty of Breatiiing ' hectic Fet Sweats, Emaciation rind Cileneral ‘ Dchility, Asthma, Influenza, VI Cough, and Croup. • . In case of actual ditreace of the lungs, or seated Constimpi ion, ONLY SOURCE. OF Hi f PE. . Sold by McDonald St. Smith, sole Agent for the United Icingd, Italian Ware-house, Re:rent-0. London, in Bo: les and Cases, hospitals, Ire. - \fh Special.—P AVM P. WADI):' Mass., sole Agent tbr the Filiteti Stales sod fit iti American puce, ; l ter, lipttle, with full direeti health. Pamphlets, comai aril". trintis of Egli-di and other evidence, shawl, g the Imam tiled merits ol i l l dy. may be obtained oY the A gem., gnu i. 4. ' None genuine, withnit the wt wen signatureof a gold and bronze la ,to counterfeit which i, 'for. AGENTS.—S. ',,t o istx. Syiacuse, N. Y. Gen and the western Suite,. t \ rglrgE-4 , 16, k r ./ • From the 11.1 >list rtprgymm at coloo. i e, Nmetm, County, ". I do hereby most cheerfully certify that I have toed Dr. Bimini garian Balsam in my amity with great succesi, :MY little girl, n seventh, year %cos, in the month of October. 18,1.1 1 attacked with her right side, aild notwithstanding we ti , ed all diligence to remo -continued to grow worse, an I after obtaining ithe counsel of Dr. thought the flight Lobe oilier Lungs so serimiSly affected that her Ives exceedingly doubi bd. I was . itulneed to oh•rt in one bottle of th ' and before one third ofit was taken, the little sufferer resumed her her cheerfulness !owned, and bel'ore two bettl l es were used her IP ----- -- --- WESTFIELD MARDLE FACTORY THE subscrihets having, a UOOll assortment of New marble CM hand, from (Mr.r cut quarries, calculated for Head and Font tabls, Monuments, Ste. which they offer to sell to any one in Eric county, Pa. not living harther than Et le, lettered in fit it tate stale, and delivered, ' ltt the following. prices: Small, for children, SI 51 per Mori Nliddle l size, for aged people, 81 6:1 tier foot; Largest si n e 81 75 par feet. We think it would he an object for some of the Erie county` people to tinward us a new inscriptions as we have, recently been informed \by the Erie marble dealers in rather ‘ bragging way, that they were sticking it to the Erie Mid Craidord county people good. They brag very lustily ipf selling to thud "Patina mites" at tl , em ;-•::?, 500$ I per loot. Should any oldie people of Enid ' County be in want of any thing in our line, they. can forward their inset ip lions, or come themselYett, and they shall have first rate article at th alinvmprices. . - ' Hill AM SLIMS & CO.' Westfield, N. Y. Sept, 13,1815. 17 BLACK ALTS.- 1 I will pay -Cash, and th, fi highest price for any quantity of 111,aek Salt. delivered at MlCettn, or at my store in Et ie. Oernhar Lit, 1816. I i% M. TIP,PALR. ` TOTES OP AN ..XILE, by L. W, Miller beino• an accoitint - of the authors confinel ment at Van Deanta l ns Land, just received am for sale at Sparfards'a Bookstore, Erie. May 9,1817 J, MI T WILL pay 8 eettts per bushel for good feel I ashes, And 1.2 CIS per bushel fur house as! • es delivered at my nshery or M'tican crirners. Erie, Oct. 21, 1018. C. NI. T11.113A 14 9 b 8 Ltl l zi.. ‘ii iii t s i t. ,o r , tt , T r e. u • r o s tif ,i ish i; y alpo, a le June 26. \V. F. II 1 N DERN EC,'I IT GOLD PENS.—Levi Brown's Gobi Peas. lip mo , t celebrated staler of the or goo icle, goo 1 ° assortment kept sonStiintly on bawl; also.. tim di - ferent kinds of cheap (deare4t) Pens at, I . 1 U. LOONIL: , 4 ,s. l c o , s, State st., nery opposite Eagle; Hotel. 1917. • i lB AND FRESH GRocEitws, I -1 I i No. 6 Poor Peoples lloiii. iti:DER.NEct - IT has Just tictleivet a ..2e and well selected as..olln+tr of wet, dry and Family Groe cries; Dye Stuffs, .'N'ails ar.d Glass, which'ho will sell cheaper for t•ash Mar: awry other estAthlisionollt in town. Please call anti see. —.• I •.. 1 June 12,11.917. _.: .1,.. , JUSTRE,T.TIVED 25 Was Rio, Cuba', St. Do ming() and Java Coffee, one door rioigh of the Big Window, State street, by W. F. lIINDERNEC LIT. June 12, 1547 4 420 T h ALS" Ohio Stone NVare, for sale ne t door north of the lii , " Window. June 26. BINDER NECHTi "LOOK HEIM, WILL YOU I . I ' you wish to buy cheap, you will illease call ; at RIND,ERN EC I-IT'S No. Poor People's 41, Where You can find the following articles, which are watrented good: Tea, Moltis ses, TobaCei of all kinds, Rice, Pcper, Spice; Cin 'Himont], Cloves, Nutmegs, (I i n 'ler, St arcli, C horm late, Cocoa, ;Mustard by the pound or box, Pepper Saur3c, Lemon SyruP, Oliver Oil, Lamp Oil Vole gar, Fire C rockers, Ca si ile Soap of MK bids. S vine Brushes, Powder, Shot, Lead, Percussion Caps and Pulls, Cmii.tle 'Wick, Twine, Matches, • Stove Black ing, slims! Bru , lies and Iliac!, ntg, (:hag; Tar and Rosin, Macohoy and -Scotch snuff, sul idler, Brimstone, Epsom Salts Glauber Salts, Sal• eratifinßed Cords, li t ope, Fish and Chalk Lines, Herring, Patent Pails. Tubs, Willow Wagons, Wash Ifloard-, W ir6 Sives, Almonds, Nladelra Nuts, Filberts, Curry COmbs and Horse Horse Brushes 'and loinhs, Sol:peter, Dairy soh in bags ' Brooms, Corn Whi-ps and I !earth Brooms, Whitewash Brushes, and culler :midi-- too numerous to mention. Please call and sec fo yourselves Erie, Rim: FRUIT.----Xou can find at 1% , :;) 6. PFo l FJI2 People's Row 'Oran t fes, Sultana Raisi Lelnon4, Fitts, Prunes, Box Raisins, .Curia it.' and i'uk cash by June Di. W F. RINDERNErIiT: ANDY AND RAF4INS by the I3ux or poi u C Cur sale at No. 1,, Perry July 21. 'P. W. MOORE - CCOR.IWONS„ with th•+ improved 111. Bass Viol, Violin and ( - 4 idiot. strings, for sale by G. LOU State st., nearly opposite Eligle EloteL July 17, 1917. JUST iveeivcd a the New Store eeveral nice Cashmere Shawls; Oleg at very low prieds. Oct 'l6 ALLYN tr. COIT. • A Ball rri‘Aal of Nev No all and VVinior l • 1 ~ . _ GOODS. , WILLIAMS & WRIGHT, la AVING d,votcdl six wceks'in Boston, New 11 - , York and Phil.tdelphia, to the selection and purefta,e of their gXTENSIVK STOCK, which they arc now opening, beg leave to inform their custodies and the country at large, that they are now prepared to olierigoods of almost every Itie. nomination, at least f 45 per cent. cheaper than ley. er WO find by devbting time to thepurchasing Dods, as also for ash, that it makes u vast dif fe °nee, therefore we can pledge ourselves to'sell a tow as any House—(that pave for their gods) 1g —this side of New York or hoston, and fo the above assurance we' invite those that ate purckus ing any kind of Dry Goods,• Hardware, GrM;er ies, to give us an opportunity and we will show you as good an assorted, extensive and , cheap stock of gootl as can be foundin this market.— Forrtuther particulars :please- cell at the Brick, corner,- oppoeitethe Eagle Hotel, near the Court house.:-. . • ,- E. - Erie, Sept. 30,1847. ,NEW GOODS nt artery descriptiori daily ar riving trora.Naw York, and Roston, at the ' New Store, Cheapstdo ' • , Nov. 20. 1 ALLYN • it , C111:01T. En GE! ( 31 SI ASIIES!! 'considered completely restored. and to the dieet of this medicine, without any hesitation, tattribute the cure. 1 I DAVID McFARLAND. January, 1845. . Pastor of the Baptist Church in' Coloose". . 1 ' ' readmit/fly fromßeeheater. \ Itoc4smt, N. Y. June 508151 I, i Sta.—Sometime last January. 1 was taltenlwith a violent cold, attended ,with a distressing Cough, which in the cotirSe of a few days brought on a ibleeding of the lungs, with much sorenes of the chest, pain in the side and much soreness of the breast. After !mind , confined to my led for come days 'and getting no tester, Mr. Pardli'e, tbrni r fr i ly p a eputy Shorn!' this county, titectatntnentled me to get a bottle of Dr. B chan's Hungarian Balsain,o - f Lifb, ':observing that he had been similarly afflicted; and by the use of that on di ,fdne had bden speedily and entirely cure I d. I immediately got a bottle, and I [Act - using it ,a short time the result was as h 11.1, predicted—l - got entirely cfit I received from the flalsan4 and from the universal !good .. fl i f= l it the b ri beats 's among my friends Who ItaVe used it for diseases of the ',t wig s and chest,l am induced to believe. it to be one of the best medicines• f'now in use for those diseases, and as such reCommend it to the piddle. I W. W. SWIFT. , - If' ciunrknble cure of n Dnuacrouif Cough. f To S. Toes& CATO 4 Controns,,N. Y. Aug. 6, 18 H. 1 f Sir—We are cut out of' the Ilungto in, But,,,irn, having sold all you ',left ii ith us, in 'star immediate vicinity. and in .justice to the medicine must ay with astonilhirng success. A few days sinee a young gentleman of this town caged at qur store who had been for months afflic , eit with a very dis ,pessing Cough.l and slanted a ,boftle oft Poilsam. -We told hint it was of !little use fur hint to take it or any thing •IseHLIIE MUST DIE. lie took a of every bottle, bowever and afterwards had untither. YeVerday he called attain sting fur' very much improved in appear:vice, and said he was rapidly gaining the com ilstrenoth—but had it not been tor the invalual t de Hungarian Balsam he must nedies of have died. We want s Mo.! wore of the ImedlCine dii eetly. -- clans asji ,---, - , Your, respecthdly, 1 ING 11 ANI & HAWENS. as cured,; [From Esq. 111. E. Fisk, I...7anastota, eV. 11., dated (t xNAs-rova Nov. 7, 1816] tack nos-1 To S. Toustlys Agent, &e.—Sit: lia% im , heed Dr, Buchan's - Hungarian i ~ I ~, , I i etneacy.t ;Jetsam in my family with the very hest 1 success for lung complaints, and n's Ilan-'' ) l having see n .itl used by my friends with like success, I was induced last ' ndencics l t ;sprint.i to beer)t te an Agent for the sale of the stone, since which I have sold rt . Colds:la teat number of bottles , and have in almost everrinstance learned that it nd sore !lhad succeeded 'eyelid all expectation, in some calls where the patient had er, Nigblllbeen by Physic ansef respectability PII aNt tUNCF.D INCURABLE, and rhoopit(o+ !their cases hopand I most cheering). reeomtneed it to all who are sat . - t . Oferino with him. complaints, assuring them that in mostca:q!ii they %till find i it is thett l specily relict 'I (Signed) WILLIAM E. FISK. . ; Riore Proof. ! , , 1 , rn, at theft Establishing Ulf (:(riencpalf (he Ifitavirian Balsam of life. or ships,l l , [From Deacon Lewis, of taiga, dat,etl llTleA, February 4, 1815 ) tt, I cheerfully give my name in favor of it. Illuthan'i. Hungarian Balsam Of ,; 1- 1i no:elso : it 1 (Life. Ltt-t April, my wife watt attacked Wit.ld a- violent cough, attended w ith %. Ta severe mid utmost costrect,stivc PAIN IN Tur,rort, so bad as to deptive her fl o w , ,:o,.,frest, While in this siium ion, I culled ')lt iVlessrs. Warner 4. Co. for some I ;Medicine, and they recommended this Balsams.iywife began nseel to gel better,anda,bcatle,ivil t i i t y. i •I'the time we had used about one kill of id, after using the remainder, her health wa4.cemploely Restored. Since that sinus I have recommended. the Balsam to n y friends, many of whom State used 'lii with like duce - ess.. (Signed) - - ' JOHN LEWIS. . 11 , : Deacon of tile First Baptist Church in Utica.- "7"Furthcr Er deuce:A:l , [From the P. M. at Burlington Flats, ( I tset l ," Co. N I N. Y . dated Jan. 1845.1 I - I ado amain under the. necessity of ordering new supply of the Balsam.-- iVy witb still continues the medicine arid is improving. It is doing• wonders Ins this section, I heard of a friend 50 in lies hunt here who was considered !in a CONFIRMED CON.WMPTIOtC I sent NM two bottles of the Balsam about tftwo.weeks since, and I heard from hint, add the Balsam is actin' , on , whim liken charm. (Signed) 1 , A. E. ARNOLD. ll' The Messrs. Metcalf, of Geneseo," NI Y.; (one of whom is a pra'ctising ~ 'physician) in ordering a new supply of the Balsam, says that 'ln some Sr. )iviiitc Csses our enstoiners complain of r coivioa great brnofit from it use H 0. TOUSEY, Syracuse, N. X. General Agent for New York and t h e "Western States. Sold in Erie by CA ItTEll & IjROTHER, N 0.6 Reed House ll I r ASTFI, 3., 115 Court h A nwriena Pr ns for the resit •atca and li !tame Interiean certif . ] his Great En,rli. the Amerivan 'cry. r rul Agent for N gent, on w York '8 Hun w in her pain in c it, she —, who recovery Balsam ',plays and 1e.21 h e•e i The Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron hrinz busineki will be carried on of Ashley* Kelsey, n here a eon all ankles manufactured by him 'sale at whelesale and retail. Old ass Ware takea in payment for *JOSEPH KELSEY, Jr. - 1841. _ - , 7 Marian!' it the old 86111( slant supply_o will be kept lot' Copper arid B Pin Ware. Erie: July L. WARRNN, HAS remo ed hiS sash, blind and door Shop to State,be teen hand Bth streets, where he will keep co stoutly on hand or make to order all articles in I s line nn the shortest notice. Those wishinLe obtain firstl rate work - at low prices would d well to. nitro-him a cull before purchas i.te elsewhere. Glazion , done at all times. Glass tot! Putty kept constantly on hand. May 10, 1816. - _ 51 S.' SMYTH - Elk DAS JUST fECEIVED from New York, per Ponuoy's Exyress,tnt. Sprintf Fashions, and is now ready to cActunte all orders forIIATS in the latest Fusion, and of a better quality than can be purchased here orglseahtie. Match 16, 1916. Public Nb;ice Is heieby given that an application will be made to,the next. Legislature of Pennsylvania, for the incorporation, of a Bank to be, called ”Tti v. PAnt.icus and Ni ECIIIANICO' RANK," with a Cupi• tal afoot: hundred thousand dollars, and the priv• ilege of increasing the same to two hundred thou ..and dollars. tliaid bank to be located in Elie, county Eric, State of Pennsylvania. Erie, July 17;18:7. 1 - .! H. endwoll, C. NT. Tihhll.4, 'J. 11. %Villiciing, . Samuel lin K. J. II 'Fullerton. John I' ' Itorbe, 14 alter Che‘ter t , Tilos I,V. Sterrett, Smilli daelc.ou, - I Car/1011 Graham, Jam, C. Mar And, James W dhara., My. V inconl, ' Guy LoomiF, Wm. S. Lane, r A liml • ;King. . 1 H. 1,. Brown, M. %V Caug'igy, P. Arbuchlo. . . - Jame, Hughes. ' - lIMMI I.IW :undersigned wohld respectfully intl)rm the gentlencen of Erie an vicinity., that he has ()petit] a TAILORING . 110 P on the sorb f sidool the Public Square, a - f w dim; a cast el the Effie Bank, n here he will be a all times ready and happy to wait upon those who may favor him with a call in his line of bnsineS.s. 1 Prom longrtpet i once in some or the principal shops of London and otl Cr Europein .cities, and h strict attention to all business which may now re entrusted to him, he confidently hopes that he s h all be alWays deem s wprthy to receive a shale I public patronage. Hi Work shall be exechted in such a manner as to b .'ar a (dole and impartial examination, and, alway, it accordance with the prevailing fash ions: JOEIN GOLDEN. Erie, Sept, 4, 1817. _ - N-'l3 Curing done on the shortest notice. CALL 4 AND SE .:.—Preparatory. to making arrangement for going to New York for our Pull and 'Winter stock 61 Goods, we will sell all kinds of Spring and Summer Goods at cost, to make room fur the new stock. P,ove us. Aug. 17: BROWN Sr. M'CAIITER. ; CLOCKS. • LIM' UT D ecy and 30 hour Gothic, 0. 0. G. .4 - Piitae, Alarm and Common, by the sinzic of casco cry cheap for-rcaldy pay; G. LO6NIIS oppwite Eaglo Hotel. State st., near July i 7, 1817. 500 crir -ale then north °Vile Big.lYii to Juno 16.; W, CIIPA Lt6.—Puerto P andall Other kind July 17. n WWI. lONS.—Phi ere ; clued Annles, 1 2odfi-th, White Fish, eilything. in , the Pi evis hand acid fo r rale by June .26. 1 Mo LASSES nt six had nt any other quality; now °tiered by Aug. ,51-JoLS ei . ti Ne w se d elielip - for east), one dour by June 12, 1947. FOWLEI THG sub , ,Criber is th sale of FOWLEI. WORKS, in Erie Coni them at New York prici Combo's Prenologieal ine ~,these valuable p Store, on State street, Aug. 5 1847. y OOKING Glas.,es .1.4 A large assortme sale very low by Sul.° at., near! July 17. 1847. GDNS. —Double Bar i rgeeen, Revolving eral aszortmonl of Gun--; July 17, 1817 WOOL! P MEIViPPEY t; Sternly on hand a 1 ry,-Plain Cloths, Plain a l Tweds, of various color. exchatice for wool on d aeciiirunridating term wool:1 - ' " Erie!Woollett T te ors AXES. --:Water & ,tho dozen or sit Feliruary 13, 1817. joA recedwd and* ;3ihecheapet, one dour Iv, by P. fJNMN'S:NEC:HT. incipc, Ti abuca,%Spaiiisli T. W. NlOOl 1E lir, Pork, flninA 8011;d-- hied Peaclim r 9. l orn Meal neherel, rota nes and ev ; on Line, constant!) on F. RINDRENECEIT er cent lest+ than can he ore in rie, antra equal - 1 W N Ec M'CARTEIt Oilcans, Lear, eriz an& Musuovadq Sui4ar; north or the Piz Windoiv, _ _ ItINDERNE I CHT S WORK e autlioriird AiTentib the '8 NOLOCIC 'tL ty. Ile will dlspos , of •s. Bois also Arent for toornal. Call and exam iblteations at his Book rie- Pa. 10. I). SPAFFOR 0., and looking p ate. of the above article. for G. Loomis 5,(1., Opposite Eagle Hotel. dl, Single do. 'Fowling mix Shooters, with a gen- G. LOONIIS I WOOL!! ftEWSTER keep eon. 'the Erie Woollen Facto d Fancy Cassi mores and and qualities which they livery, on, customary and I They also pay cash for iJune.l6, 1847. . - 6 Co's Cast Steel Axeaby, TohiLINSON & Co. LA It GOODS n,yED ,THE MOST EXTEN !; ASSORTMENT OF POP JUST REq . Sly - - S DRESS GOODS! el•in kids city, comprising, ill LA DI E VER off: pan 15U pieces Ca duneres and Mdslin de Lains, ,as orted colors, eh', Scotch and German GirighaMs, eels, or e very def-eri pt ion, ilorma PL, ids, Ts ..iill:,.s,oi the latest and most itn provtl-patterni, ;s add Turreton Illuslins, .e and embronlered ;evil and 'Tar p ons, • 73' do Fre 30 do Alp 23 do CaJi 40 do Dre, 20 do Swi 20 do I. 5) do Jac 50 du _bill 15 du Nvi' eruis Drt i 500 Fluxes Si I 150 sli awls, oniq Cainbric and br'd Aliislins, iFringes, assorted colors, o Gimps aml G int p''cord .4, ts Buttons, and cords and tas. e lls, t \lull Si. French Imperial edgini2s, F all styles, varying in price from I:is to :515, es and '.54. 200 pair lad 1 ' 1" 1 ..! C silk mitts. GEN' , Jy .bade and qua - ty, do du kinds, enmpri,ina Silk, Satin, mere, Marseilles, um etc. 310ve., ne ,gonti Cashmere, Glovos, •I( ant( tiltif 200 do Lad 100 do Ida TO! Cloths of eve Veg. inv of ruo.lll STAPLE Sel ClIC:11711CS-; 1( 11 Ajv ge stock of very do- In shot', our stock for tot ditt ibdity has nei•ar i beeii cqhal nalkc( Men au I Iloy'e caps o k hide. 0 pairs Indies ancichib rens' Gaiters nalkilui Shoes. :200 hairs gentle n4 Misses' it ub tier overshoes. IS.—Sit dozen UMlo.l%,as lot wet I j I [ S.—A general variety ,cf ex-cry do ' 1 LF RDkVAI{G. R . 11:1 (fella's' stock, coinprising (very nr—Jniucle, nous,: and Ship Car shccrnalsets, Cabinetmakers, Smiths' Tools, of every de4cripi aiduare, a larae assortment of all age trumnint!s or all kinds. spriMis. anvil:, vices, smiths' hel -4d !maxi:tin kettles, shovels, spades, bows, mill cut, circular and flit ; inpl all sizes. ed ih this CAPS.--zOO SHOES.—:it Slips and liwrrs 1;1(11 IL1101:f:1.L ! au , P'Ettlf: ecrip:ion. Ten thon , , in tho 11' pentvi s, Coo Saddivi Ind Siiddlvry I liatr . Axle Arms lows, brass crowbars, o'n, Taws, and cli; • A Itk:;—;- A complete assortaMat. Wit) iiiid our More safely anchor• laths; in _nod ballast, is'ith lOU tons Ii tN, steel and nails—the cheap krt. A.:SS W, . Customers ed at the ol'd s %%ell wisottei est in the mat P. S. cannot he sold can, Our stil, houses at Ow soino of the and cic pledt; soli! as low at for (vet.. Erie, Sept tme.tidu is-olten asked why !mods a.. 10W 'ns in Made. We :say they iek entive antis-bought of 'importing e sante time and same le tees that trltesCh 'uses in Buffalo bought at, our . I% ' ol d that our goods shall he is at 1.114rd0 or :my place west of it ' HENRY 4 .:ADWELL. 25, 1917. • 19 iml Dr. P.ll' aiLy - IimpORTANT i ll's'Celebrated C0b...11 [ , a Itemedy ,cedy and mil:cubit sire for Coughs, • sent s.', Crbiip and Whovinr.: Cong./ 4 ne has been used by hundreds of Wailing success in curitig the above all tho.e painful and annoying put I.IIIIS produced by cold. In A:4b 1, litas itillas proven to be highly use rely use a certain remedy. In all e ihrodt and lungs it is an invalmv. IS a, safe; NI, Colds, filial , This wedic, people with ni diseases, w 1.11 monary sympt , ma and Bail fill, and its' tit affections of tli ble medicine. and ho.irsenev. linurs,'and in dangerous conk -ing !MVO In Croup and equally suttees Remedy in a I and several cid northern clianu THIS ME IN ERIECINI.I l 'Acb. I, lloghrs'' cull& Streets, ; :a ty, AG ENTS— Io; Vir Tracy. 2d, Fair Price 3 . Minty eases of obstinate coughs ,s have been pmfecily cured in 1S [several instances trtotiblesome and Orbs of i from live to ten years stand r.ornpletely cured in ',two weeks.— , V!tootling Courh its we has been qsful when used more freely. This certain preventive of Consumption ers of ithe most fatal/ in 4:es. H TIICINP. CAN BE OBTA INF.() LY oil!,'. HALL, at his Drug Blom Buildings, Buildings, collars of Stole and Bev-, nd IA ingents.throug hoot the cone- A. lie l ynolds,' 155 Main st, Buira• cent 'S.r. Co., Waterford; John A. view, Jas 11. Campbell, Edinboro. 1 cents to'Si per Bottle. F (...0 UNTER FELTS and B.ISI. ~ Every bottle has the words "Dr ch Rernedy"‘blown upon the glass a signature on the wrapper and di other are genuine. T TESTIMONY.—This is., ti.• the undersigned, have used•D . Remedy, and have found it i i n ellicacious medicine, and true! 1 mendations. ~ I J. l l ' . Tracy, Thomas Hugh 4, Wilson King, Th. Moorhead, jr John Hutehes, 3: R. Coch ran ... BEW: 1 111E I.III'C.7TIO.MS ' PA-fall's Cou4l and his wri ilea rections Non IJIIPORT.II ce \ rtify that, we P. Hull's Coat; every imtance worthy its rpeoi John Galbiaith; John W. Hays, Jai. D. Dunlap, Thomas M'Kee, David Baldwin, V. J. Owen, Oct. 9, 1817. s Laphain, Charles Cole, Goodwin, M. Warren. 'ood assortment of Hp!! n's, Thompson's and Rhin ted sizes for sale low by ARTER & BROTHER, TRUSSES. Marsh's, hart's Trusses, July 17, ISI7 Til l str' and 4'BB9lov:re of almo l pc, quality and price, at N RC;OI7N & M'CAIITER. D ROA D'CLi. LP every color 4. CheapsiJe, b Aug. 17. • S W RE.—Silver table, 'dessert, A ? ILVEII. tet salvand mu tar spoons, 'tow's. ladles fork! butter and fruit nire 1 s, constantly - on hand an fof sa!O by 1 0 L. 01111 S fr. co., . States , if ally opposite Eagle Hotel, ,July 17, 03 , 17. ' . NEW FALL GOO • W. v . dc IL. I'. nusatigfti A RE now receiving it large and elegai,t 11. mem of Fall and Winterlioods, 0;1 been selected with great care. It is flip urination to merit the reputation M . press purcha , ers the richest, mail depirable r!!, cheapest Good, of any eAtahl ishment in it -Whey would tespectbilly invite the pub i and examine their :404:1,,• among, whir, found the most beautiful _assortment' Li and English II DRESS' c100D5,, ever brought ; to liiie comprising extra rich Mohair Lustre'', . and California Plaids; Silk Plaid,; - in t Satin siriOd Alpacas; Cashinere,; p" reps. Al de Laines; Bombazines; Fri shah and .Scotch oinglilin,, 4c., &c. most superb lot of ' i I SI! A WES -- Brut:ha ' Damask illt, End Thibet, 'nu kon, Printed I_7o,4nm:re,' AI. de Laines, Woolen, Milli! and a endl,ess variety of other stylesi Thiry w 1 witonishingly cheap. CEO A KINGS.r—A beautiful lot 'Fbiliet Cloths an I Alpaea A; A ty of Ti i min fries, comp, I sin g, and .ICSA Fringes, Gimp-, - I,,oces, `ze. 4-e. AI. l)—' 'able and S and Col : et White lainahlt, Daylies, I, Window and \V'all Paper; liri and Hats; Boots, Shoes, :.i.c. i did assortment of , FUR t— Among which are I ~ AI As. French du Fur lined, G Lust rr d Lynx,•Rca I Lynx do. 11.1111 5U e,s. each to r• 1 , 2. 0c: 9, 1917. . THE DELAWAIU MUTUAL . 6 Insuran e Company, (OP PHI ,All .LPIII.I,> A RE now doing . in qsi! on the l»M , i'l gii ing the as.-n ed i par Ocipatiot proll,s rat hie compan , it i . 1101.1 L liability the Kenn om Raid. 1 It islss iipinf ; the Fakes and Canal in the most fa vaiii,ble ttl ems. s will ally 'ail pt oinp'ily ad tasted. Fire risks on i ‘ inecchandlze, buildings a property, in turn or Country, for a limile t, permanently. I . 1 I DI RECTOftS. Joseph EL Sealj Jaures-C. 1 1 and ' . Edmund A. :Sunder, ;'i .Theophitus ['at till John C. Davis, 11. Jones Wool. •, Robert Burton, ,_ 'John Garret!, John 11. Piniii,e, Illigh Craig, Samuel Edwards. George Serrell, henry Lau retire, David 11. Stara), Edward Darlington, Charles Kelli y, Isaac. R. Davis, J. 0., William Folwell, William I lay, John S. Nen lin, Dr. S,lPhotna., Dr. R. AI. Huston,' John Se'ler, Jr: 4.. Spencer 1 elleai II e, Richard S. Newbold, 9fe'y. Wm. -Mardi , 1 it.:j'Application eau be 111111 to , ' J. k EL:LUC 0, At:Yr, E Erie, A tir , ost 7, IS 17. alemen's French Kid rrted colors, men's and children's Vorstcd L►ste thread FrelA and Ftat6,s rests. Sept. 16, 1817. , New Goods! NeW Goo Wo'E are receivin our stock of PAL WIN MR GOODS, which we bell ,vie with any in the place in extent, st qmility. We forbear to enumeraie sty qualities having none of the spirit of th doZia, and pr&mne that it' we were to ad 1000 pieces splendid silks, 10,000 pieee , i Al 100 cases French :Merinos, rich cashmere. metta cloth, Mohair f.os.les, (grit tmtal,_f;al Monteray and Oreaon plaids, &c. &c. et would not then by be.inereased in a ratio intelligent commtinity.. We have only to this point. that we hate a fall and complete •ment of such goods in our bra.-ich ofthe trail, mat ket requires, and we offer them with nor ing pledge to sell at the eitrapest rates,. they housht in the borough for cash. r lease t let us talk over this matte, a little ftt° - • 1\ 11 1 :TC ALF'S, No. l r lieed Sept. 23, tB-17. OItP,GOIs; PLAIDS. II :-A ten. pieces , above rich article op hit4l, laid sellin at the new stre. C -Oct. 16. Cash for 'Barley HE subscriber having rented the cou ous warehouse ne P. _Arbuclile, Esq. Bth Street Canal Bari, is now ready to lint! pay ,con for. 111 , 000 bushels of goo , Earley, ALF RED . K Erie, Sept. EO4 IFLON STEEL AND NAILS.-- A lull. inent of Swedes Iron and Eastern Nails, as can bo sold by WILLIANIS S. WREG ,Oct. 20 PitoTErrioN. T"( t l .'nFtir,'e,, (~.7 0u ni t , ):.:,, r i e . ,a , \,,,,..,, 1 i ,i , „ ,)1 , 11 1 , 1 . . ..17 i : it i • 1 1 : , by fire on Imildinn , , f2.0 ,,1t s „t i „,i ii . ,.,,,., h. all de-cripti Otis. Otl;ett on the ea : t :- . 1 , Public. Square, between IF 1 anfl ith.,tiee DLittluT ,ii Vm. Beatty, . 11. NV:ill J. C. Bpeneer, . Gentte ..-ti l'lNinas Willi - t, Smith .I.n I GIOs San 144(1, Eli:j ill, Bah C. NI. Tibbal9, John A. 'l' • \V. 11. Town.teml, flantlin it.ti 'tient r oa , lit cll. CHI.E-; :-7i1N1.'();:l), Pi J.'n. SPI.NtI.II, 'r I ...Isu re 1 . ' Gem t....e Selden, S'ecretary. June 3, 11817. . • WAN T1:D! IN exchange for t ined4, any. oi LIENILOCA EEN( E BoARDs; 12 inehe's wide, 1 , 1 and 16 feet 11E ‘11,0 1 :1( JUICE, 1 1-2 by 19, an N 12; 13, 16,1'0. and 20 feet lone:. HEMLOCK gli1•.1 - 11)1NCI, 2 be 5 at 10 I 1 and 1 . 6 feet lott2, for';wlitelt th • ma. 't 1.; it e %%111 %%1w :I Lutim. laid at LI T Cout.ot 'rem I, ,t;t , 'CI: LE 1 - ',l ie. March I, 1317., SH.\\VLS—Woolen and cotton, an, IJr .oltPht flit, o.eap store ot . SNIT embe r 91. 1 , 17. [ _ S. .1 C s i IA l'ACliti: - i 01 • , i9 , 1„. sil‘4l. oiid , Tana -.0-ver ver Frames, an exic.niiii•ti c ap(s. tnn'at id Fon -1.r1% l• and (' OnVIIV. 1k1,.., the ed..1)I,1•01 pet 1 1 0,1 , c,11 . 1 and Torobolie :"7"pecta, le s, sapet jai ;a •,n ) tii.Lf ).)Vh , State st., (Ica: ly dpp l Sit l: Ea gl E . j .11V 17, 1 - i 17, , 1 ' _ - 1 A 1 1 1 I-1S will - lin , 1 -e , 1 -ilk ond 1 0,1 _II ,-Ivt I :did 'll. l d. Is, 1 , - rs , . src ,;,.., tww ,13'n• breit,tji ~,,,, tr IcC! , ;•:•1. rt.l t it ,ds mr.:(dher jo HI antailiy, vori('.v ((, s I:iney aliiiit'S, at 1 ' l' I `.l\ll- 4 21( July 17, 1.-17. excellcat lm ritto icz; can .it all units hr t.tint a; BROWN .Ist ;kw , . 7. rfo",c, , tur WIC Ur inVtoportion ;It No. July 17, 17. Public .Notice rs; H ER EBY ( ;IVEY, that the Stockl olc Itlie Et iv Bank, in the county or Erie. nit make hppliea ion to the next Lel:int:am :tit neival ut the charter, by the name and s r Eric Bank. in the county of Erie; to re i wi led in the Borough of Erie, in the et:int • with the s.une capital- and pi - ivdies has. Ey of ilet Of the Boa: ii of priwp ' C. M' PARILEN, C 11,1! Erie TlAtitt, July _.2.' 4 , t!'t 17. _ ' UMIDMI • BY DOCTS. ELLIOTT k ROSE r S ni „ a r i :r t i( i • l iil "Y a i rcC e where all ated is I:ry~ the scionce Dent ,try, will !re- on all that ease, neatness mid durattiliiy wt ict expel-len«. and t—ttcnsiv'e opportunity, to with a thoronoli himu ledge quit the at rovement:- of the Baltimore rJetal Collo can nice. - Drs. Elliott or Rose will visit the 1.11 named places once in sic or debt we Conneaut, Ohio, Springfield, Girard, oc Vairview, \Vat cm bird, Watt'sbitrgh a c East, Erie county, Warren and 00 - lumbut, ren county, Pa. Ladies and ~ e ntlemen or near either of the atm% e named pin need the services oft. Dentist, can be wai e, at their resid-ucc, by addre,imr us it Partigalar attention will be paid to the v the Gums, as well as to resenting, and pr , the Teeth, Pivot Teeth , will ha insert the latest improvements; also, Plate Tcce one to an entire set. 01lieu and residence on Ei;lit 'street el ssort have deter ninLto yI s and ie plate. c ,to call nay he French NONE AN . ' DR. Statul i hr 'F rill ix F: 11.1 v its DAIL .—'r be hp where bestow et pon t I by i itizens Grillo hisll.l of the medical firnfessi St ites nod liriti•h Pose of the Conguerere of I) Cana I te•thnony IS In . rtorna.ll by these prof, ell tre,ainient orate Wet remedies of the line hail DR. TIERRICK'h . COA' 31.ty los tired with mark. quiring n gentle end mile aG(0111,11ing quoit hem!, 11,911 k and w (akin nil )%111.1i of/erees pillar the hionlui body: . foul ts it, holland costtvetiens. I Lich aiel'howets are load I durtive of ,heeler. Fa ranteilaituler oath purel • and :I being' nn on) urn lIERRICK'S SCI INFALI For IthromatiAnt, Siff Sore l'hroit, Quincy, C WON Agee in the brrtrt-t ni-ekes ni, the epine,, eCtern al apphintion 's tt hi( it this %YONDER. N ant Pas-s 1 if the ahr ~‘VoNDric ItN S ADIIO tyia); nt.ttil them ell; 1. Or ay, the th,r , lor thll put Or has the 1, Act s.'omnn ell i%il cut ult a lisisasted r, (lion, biker iae got I foul weeLneAs ii the et., ride., thl , l of ap route, t untor tl'‘. 1,,,,1.../0111111 1011. /11,11 1 . en or 411 - lek is II ERR((; ICS \ I Put • up ill ilOics Ileell 11 Lr Its E.111111)11X Will in inannet ran th 151 1 .1111, t Chest. Whooping Couel 1110 Teeelol ell , l, Of the turd quark 1 t lirt. , l by • DR. lIEItRICK , S LO Tr re 25 rt.. • Two of ear , tw. - riff - . illum I us inert) .11.1 v rink the Ore Lie:viler- I n Ow dC,tr Ile 1 the 1111111 in system, has p of requerfres. 'line,. me 01'111. nll.l their • fret t Is Prune 2.5 els.. or ith full 0 1 p iiis nod w eakite-s. iii It tiono..oeon.J.tunb leo. , lIERRICK'S GA' 'ENIN(' spre , ,, , ,„h 01,,.. lid It. ttl /1101.111 Pelee only Ir an "thee pia !rear 1.11.1 (Ali APl;:s r Pl-I:,TUI' TO Ti , I l•arket; rt.:100 and and I. El Ilu ti I.derod ohHr, Imo.' c sold ~~~ of Cu I-n a2r Marital avarie I ou It MEE a )kinq, 1 elms, ) Cup Oen , Fruit rapery and In ECM commot enc do, , varyin, EOM BEIM lEEE plan, 1 lilt. von d I d oil other rin or IME ME MUC It ha. rug UMt hod thg vnr 0.•11 01 it 1,,.- Inert fo hrmE i hi. !Vitt e of d Ti 11•111 lit, Jll , lO , 111 Ole C. bu=rr to e 1), Ow, the 0.1111. 111 .111., , 5er I^ go, ell pant' di~i• of 1 tLc Dr , Ilrir,(l.-1),, Sil 11 , ', II tl , l it... 1. Itt .ttk ,,, ! i,..1.0• 0 , 1.., lito, VI b., 14 . t,,l;Jill'lt oil , ljlat 1,1:01 1.1 t . 1 ., 1..1.0. iLr 1:• ,! 7 , ;,. I 5 i Vii' k!..• 1(11,-,1 —J 11. 1111( Frio: GLor E INEM I and ,Itat ri Jkl' •, AN•• \`:INTV. c(ii« I rd dle, 1 I:A n.ik, 4-c.. &.e, pro• a arJ. BEE Atli'. : 1: Olt t - DEO j tkoad CL. G F'rei le I decd Id -mixt,'Cal..-imil MIME ECM e: lin rn air,hrH , lircl a. 1 ,1 7 1 ..0e -,lluizi a , ,ro cri:011 HEE 111111 !!Innii and drab n black and coloiet rei-dint2s, itaiian f ' per , , b todana, 1101,1 chic icc-itny, al n. hatliii.vlchie , s, f a( s ripcil and 1.0 zunq and cbambra sniped, ill!iirect, II and cap 'Hiltons, II purse t wept nde bobbin , and cord dlett, hooks and e l , t d asgorin l ient ul crock,' y, 'iron, ti. citv. It 01 0. 1 1.11„1 , (1 I Pert) I 7 * itiert ni ntorld 'to .or x iO. I • 11 the It m ill be observe(' in t be. place axerpt not be titler.iihl by pay. CAI and .ee old ,tand on chcaps' be beat. Erie. Sept. 25, .1 S 0(1 sitnun• or BM All: TICIfT, 1101' Al ' lATF. are now abi sizes of the • FULTONAIRT I which only require rt.m.y body of er ,rlurability and gem]; ,form price. and, dady, as it posses s' I,Es nn nI ra. ne .1) ion_ Dg. the!. MEM e alone =M The Quk xr - H - LE vafiot:s time absorbet to the cause of, so tr eently been ditleovere immen,e pile of rd torch/by heralded lb by allp place, since the retur from New York, l_re licrine , thie to he tie notice of our Stocl - w lid e ; net lien ' and in iloir citi7enslf Erie / and another ditt,t of the' by our pile , : of 11 , ;ew selves while carrying aR the pile grows less iotvinm Vii ek lOrt, I' orth ca tcho d upon Erie. ienlo) of prvina Iffl 11‘ ' ecri Iyl9 cedes ! Conte on then, jand porthnity thus of ring light tO the cootri l ill'- Frie, October 9, 181 AND le and and bta"A vrilise 11CD White and Y Ditlatlied and AV lints Diapers, 'fore Cloak Pliids, Merin , store of Oct. 1G Ipacf a .4, Part Iflor la. r track ca itnd on asp r• a tile td r To -.11 DELLOWS, Ann I_ll Slirinz Steel, Cu American Steel; also, hoop lron, n hick ca n our old corner oppo , it Oct. 20. WI Ont. 20 ) 1.11 lend • of the' efiettlT )I'T. lirn'trdi Ekt-haril for Go FlatinelsUo prs. Woolen Ydrn. ISI7. at 116 NOite I clean 2.oit el A PS!•CA Ps!!—F ‘...-/Caps,ll Oct. 3) 1817. ; G I"++,,¢¢ I'IEuES P illdo be louud S'Ol4lC of the" 00.30 ' -, 4 tis rat , cheap BE LIKE THEM! HERRICK'S roily Medicine' CZ REMEDY OP Vent annum of priler rase deservestlY popula r rt respect by inr .4 ie every redo,, of the 1; ori, 1%, sosnr, entitles ihev r ease. A tilts a Araiiness% the Doctor posernoit oft., • ~tent reniedit, ofterl hr toss„ eat faculty,* the mortptue wen tr Cain, vEGETABI.p. st. GAI t . ED 1 1 11 1 1,5.: rd rue,: es, in every torn, poiirive poi - votive. They ,v Hers pains and distisers of t ,, ss of the hr. 3 Ti, rider and hre, cation of the different equiv. eath. coated tongue, billioutho and in all carer Alit,. the .14. , id with homes, •hich age sop . LIIb OX rontoth• p e.h r., e fr vegetable, and sell for ry doer. Al.ol TIC LEN lIENT i • Ti t ' IBLE REMEDY - ' • inn, Broken, Contracted P t ; : oup, Stiff Jotilts, Shrank '• and fa-te s Tootjtache.Frezto p,,, .1. erinhril latub)s• and Theret o ..; i n d wat ,d . l The - rapidity k. 1 OR ti l l Sti 31E , DICrNE Cates vat ottsetiees, tins ionised AI'ION of Itho %orbit - - l i Z, - the use of thil h essing Int;%'l, , he price 111,25 le en le. Lull t-5 blots n in 11 - 4, glass, and eol„,e - , 1 , Sone, necolawinied with fin+ rut deldlity', attended with 1,,,!, I iamb gndrotreir, extending 4y.' emitting gl . he Ihnhs, pi,A.; ce, Ague a red see, and alit , cured by t te. of, EG ET ATILL FTERS. t - - nie.a -., al' directions, and stilt, h e half i t gactou. In the eq olds ,Vt•thena, opprea.tnh or,. Croup. loftamation of the Lie, onsuetptt ion be greatly heIK _MEDICATED -CO CI 7..E'X'C'ES. .. Lozeorex are IitANT succEss whir flermokyr Worm De• MIZOICSI aced their first on the ce liras:tot to fake. Chtldr ot.h usjtonstonish the Le, rer.lluelt 'rhose he tirelist, •ides, soil ha Htc. w ijltiml a friend ioih ,IIA U3l STREN PLASTER. er, xAI wear from one f • and nre taking' the I re craii.idarad the B} == 1E ITULiti. -a.,1 LI. bottle New York .rlt tlece to make nod %PI. e%eirp ,'etetal a; and Atil r .11.110 i i•, '•• 111 , ores 1 , , (. 0 ,, •ceptin ilit for a the pubhr, , -e. 01 Ity lihkr a 5310.1 to , 4th, fir. Ilei.rickhat IA (111,, a r j` ~ .. al rwlitagton lo•low, . S.;llat !nt 011 ice Jan. li, • —trn leper. of the nth 4 Sr to :.t.Wr inquiry whath •I tor a pill tontol with 1., no r . g•qr.l *- 01 . •ticit II patent At.-Birch fit i IV ) OUP's. ' t! , t ED3IUND MTh 4 t . 1 <. I.w I 1 c.n4 L.:more gclieral de•cnptae. ..l the Agent•. ,teeter, 11 'any, where al' 4 • tee S JI etlllllllllls ned J. II •Ilayner., Ned Feb. 0. P ,17.—Itair/. G'o 0 D I : , 13 , 11 [Fall of El. UO2 --,1 Po 1547. ad! 'ALL 11, irn: , • receit; ed hr Dry 13 0 0 , 6 1 shoes, e roc ke vh the folfolt in , tuc' ,00t a MEM ( 1 1, Ell and Am non n; ' clr, - brut., p!,u.n. Ine, black, LAO, MEI I=llll WE .a.:, p thilllZ, bill:I ins, tin u n and black •n and •otton table clati 1 camb is handkeichi • ic dun tv, dial,, of Hi ' black and colored c tctl slmetin , i.; and sit 1 cheek; red, u bite an plaid linsers, crimson orecns !silk and tabb) • • • w , •••'llli and orste'd'ser,- • ravats, lilack and color traitona', pongee and silk, clashmere, worn 1 cylors, gloves of all lk, pie and colt, ie , era% tts, lace veils, aid earl, ton and swiss 1- 14, plain, dotted lino, silk bra t i d French Cr tw n,' knittint , 1 1 1 rigs ! quality, IcotOs; button to bpard and a tlnd ishoc-,, ha • all of , t e „v ai) 'new or Je A ring, grFe3 Et drk vehe, , chop pittlr ed and 1.1114 dreq barn. paid, 'd= hat sr d ?y tapes, r- ookr mu ati; a is sli bind lace. pa boots wire, e as anv that I tie, ant apy, 3 hat the Ide, vt h. m thebhi'est m Irehant I will I ready . at my !le cant I now say tha 'wig or old, lut above. are facts re things 114 s s' i• It, ~.D t.lto o T;tOR. rs [KO ST EA 4 - 1:0ND er our custom IGHT to be onoinvil y. rt anted., all the VEIL, S Is 7. 1( ‘ 1 OVE inee OOKING S xatnined to col 1 4nilktv, conve I t~ ill be sold at' o snit cv:en a, above qualities' CUE§ lent; a nni aiden _ Settled ! il i ations have fo i sotO blic mind in relation 'tk weather, it lae re: i it is the effect ()folio n paper) as hats Ufa 'lie newspapers Dille few of ,our merchants ' d Philadelhia. "Be - Ond knowi . tl at ate lest likely p oduce t:te, now, delerr day no .;e would as the good .• to bear Id, it, if lies be intr dedl i uport l u s. and cons le hem• : precious pa cel,,that ,L arltnesstradutt l'fr re 1 I • . , I yourselves of the or riching you and icsto - I N .8i M'CARTER. 1 1 21 ,the p I tich d dolia I ode pu of a ton a cd.l4, uld n umil so't; "UWE , G nti( oft' arm of e unit 1. rst Flannels, all qualities, :d Sheetings and Shirt , just received; also; d Thibws at. the new ' ALLYN & COLT. :smiths. 1 Vices and Hairnet!, n., Engßsll, Blister and it Rods, Band, Bar 10 had en terms to :Int at Eagle.° 11.A.MS4k. WRIGHT. [es best Eastern Leather tie manufacturers. ' TED•-' 4-26 . pieces -Domestic oolon Sock):; lOU Ibs. & It. P. HULBERT. 21 Cloth, Glazed and Sart Hit, • •5L 4 1..0 . EN SON. 11 a tp , l opes among whirl will ugh and Ready sort: SELDEN & SOS.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers