Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, December 04, 1847, Image 3

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    It won't go Down.
Ate Meeting of the people at Covington,
y., to respond to Mr. Clay's speech and res
diens; tho 2,
3d and 6th resolutions were
depted; but the one calling upon Congress
declare the objects of the war was voted
, te n; and tile fdlliniring substituted:
fiThat it is the dutyof the Government to
t oseeute the war wi h all the vigor in our
' , over, until Meile tenders an honorable
i • I
see." • ) ..
This looks as if the i Wbigs of his own Ken
cky are not united in favor of his proposi
-01. The request in hilliest resolution cal
al upon the people to hold meetings to ex
tol; their opirilJne on the' war, was evident
, a feeler of public • sentiment. Whatever
,e majority of the Whigs may do, in their
lied and idolatry , to tho veteran standard
arer, wo are convinced' that the country
ill repudiate his ill-timed and mischievous
commendations. .
SIcOULAR DEctstort.—The court in Charles
on has decided that an fndion, unmixed with
egro blood, isa person of color, and an in
.mpetent witness in a court of jnsticd. Ev
s, person who is not of pure Castilian white
is, brunnette, or dark; complexioned, most
s person of color, and hence not to be
ced in the witness box.
The Apalachicola Advertiser contains a
.mmunication setting forth the feasibility
nniting-the waters 01 the Gulf with those
(the Atlantic. The writer sa?y,g a
,ship ca
. I 17 miles long, eponectina. 'the IVithla
• bee river on the Gulf side, .with the Mt.
.hoe, which flows into the
ai i i ltiatitic, will ac
,plish the object. Thete.spense of such an
.dertaking is estimated at i:1500,000. There.
nbe no question as .to the advantages of
. ch a work.
Ernms LAWS.-Pr. Nott, an eminent
hysician of Mobile, in a recent publication,
ontends that the yellow fever and other ep
mic diseases, bre governed by fixed laws.•
ey have, he maintains, but a limited time
ilotted to them which is usually six to eight
eeka. The yellowfever, he says, hn.i ceas
• in New Priest's without frost, and in the
.opics it folloWa the same law without regard
• weather.
An ELOPEPIENT.—The dl:llghter of a well
sown merchant in Pearl st ~ Ne•w York, re
htly eloped with a young gentleman, an ar
'iti and well known in .the literary circles of
ow York and Boston. The affai.r has ex
'ted no little sensation among what is stlyed
he "fashionable eltdeß." It is said to have
teen another exemplification of the truth of
the old adage—"love laughs at lOck<miths."
A—Two or three burglars broke in
to,the store of N. S. Bradner, in Plyinnuth,
near Detroit, Michigan, on the night of the
7th ult., and aroused the clerk, a boy of six
teen, named Eli llendrick~. Seizing a pistol
and butcher knife, he made at them, one of
the burglars sending a ball through his shirt
as ha advanced. lie returned the fire with
his 'pistol. and closed upon them with his
knife, tithing oft' the whole gang, after a des
prate conflict.
SUPPOS4III) PIRATE on Patv.s.rxErt.—Capt.
Paine, of the ship Wakuna, arrived at New
Orleans on the If/th ult., states that on . the
14th October, vt , hien in sight of the We,terti
Islands, he was in company with the brig
Speed Well, off Cohasset, from .BorfKutux bound
totilaltimore. The next day, 15th October
beidg sixty, miles westward of F'at'al,
chased by a • suspicions looking top-sail
schooner, showing Spanish colors, and her
deck appeared to be crowded with men. The
wind was blowing,strong from theThortheast
at the time. After' pursuing the Wakona for,
upwards of one' hour, the schooner hauled
her wind to the, Eastward, and gave up the
chase. '
la.r merchant examining a hog,shend of
hardware on comparing it with the invoice,
found it all right encept a hammer less than
She inroice.
"Ocfr, don't be troubled my 'lowly. — said
tie Irish porter—"sure the nager -took it nut
to open the hogshead with."
07• The schooner D. D. Stanton, after buf
feting the waves between this port and St.
Joseph, made for Michigan city . She missed
the piers and went. ashore. Vessel and car
go consi lerably da aitle tgo Dem..
Xo v. :23.
Tent ARMY.-It it understood that orders
have been issued to Gen. Scott to consolidate
the temants of the regiments which hive been
much diminished during the war, and to send
hoMe what officers can be spared to recruit
t'in our 6ountry," said an Italian, "we have
thit ever horning Mount Vesuvius. "crate
pkt indeed?" rejoined the American. "Da
please to . remember tilt't in-mirs tve havd the
eyerglorious Fulls of Niat:ara, ze.'tich teauid
put it out in fire minttler,"
A .FRIMITPINED AINXICAN . 7 —The battle of
Aitixco was a brilliant afltir. In a letter alit=
ding to it, a Mexican speaks of it to ins fath
er thust
"Surely your blessing has preserved me in
this conjecture, fur the Americans, by their
valor and discipline, are imincible, and with
out exaggeration the attack which they made,
appeared to me the day of Jut)g,ement.-
Mrs. Crawford said she wrote one line in
ber "liathleen Maronreen" for the .exi;ress
purpose of emit - winding the cockney warblers,
skim Bing iSthus. "The orn of the I nter is
eard on the but Moore has laid the same
trap in the "Woodpecker," "A art that is
unilaletnight ope fur it ere."
' A Democratic =Wm , : is called at Lexing
ton,,Ky., on Saturday next, to listen to a
speech from Robert' 11. Wieklitre, in reply to
the speech of Mr. Clay, and to pass resolu
tions sustaining the rresideritid the %vv.
SECItEr 11ALAD11;3.—Among the main lin•
to:achich mankind urn aubjeet, none are of t ))))) re
pitiful or troublesome raw thin moat or Vicwo comprked
un derlfw head. They 'are not moiety lon tI I,lleci ions us
'Wu the on ate, we might at fir.tUpposi: them to be, but
vn rscatitut —afrorting the egret 10 and nervous
I .F"t"fria--Irat kg scarcely as (wpm in the elude frame
llaintratteit by their sympathetic aC'eneY. 'b. , ' •
Merchant's rottract cdflat.hil &r. has born romonntly onic•
.r.l . on efPctuallY curing many and relieling great
l'ultb.:r Sec adscrfisement.
113., LOST.-A Gold Pen with silver - rise and p"n•
ell was lost hst Thursilav Eaening. nu French
Streit on or near the Ptiblue '1 ho finder will
moth align the owner by lent tog it et the Sto•o of
Etie, Nov. 20 1E 1 47. MO-LS KOCH.
[a_s FOlt sh I.E.—The three Story Brick Sloss, direct
ly north of the nerd House on French Street,
Itias•ri al the Itighy property. It It in ils • !wrist of the
homers portion of the town, iv in wool impair :mil •well
.ortny the atiention of Illative's man as a (towable loca
tion. ft wilt he sold on very (0101410 e terms. Enquire of
Win. A GAlbraitti, Attorney &c., Er e.
Eric Nov. `47, IPI7. -
MARRIED —On the :Id inst., by Rev. J.
R. Barry, Mr. Almon Spaulding and Miss
Catharine Lander), al/ of this city.
: DIED—At his residence in Guilford, Me
dina county, Ohio, on the 19th of October last,
Mr. THOMAS I,ELArin, a Revolutionaay Sol
dier, formerly of this county, in the 91st year
of his age.,
On the 27th ult.. MArrrna JANE, daughter
of John and Electa lluie , aged 11 years.
TRAY STFER.--Came to the residence of
► the subt , criber on the lake road, in .Harbor•
creek tewntthip, about the 20th of October, a two
year old Red Stebr, a little curled in the hair,
seme white on its belly, no artificial marks. The
miler is requested to come, prove property, pay
elisNes and take it away.
weel.•Pec, 1517., 309
THEM. • '1 •
16 0 7 1 7L85. Brooklyn, Buffalo and i Pittsburgh
1 . White Lead, dry and in oil, pure.
400 lhfi. Red Lead,. 350 lbs Glue,
450 " French and yel; 250 " Pap. Lampblack,
low Ochre, ,40 " chrome yellow.
1000 " Spanish whiting 200tCal. Spr. turpentine
600 " Venetian red, 150 " Linseed oil,
250 " Litharge., 55" Furnitdre and
150 " French & chrome • coach varnish,
Green, , 200 paint and varnish
72 " American Ver Brushel,
For sale very low at No tl, Reed House, by
• ' 28
No v. 27.1817
4A, PBLS. Bpi Woods,
`II 500 lbs. copperas,
800 " Alum. 600 madder,
• 800 " Blue Vitro!, 300 ex. Lo2wOod,
700 " camwood, .200 oil vitriol,
100 " Moratie Acid.
30 ' Indigo, Bengal and Carareas,
• 20 " solution tin, 10 cot:hellcat,
-- 20 " Annetto,
For sale low by
Nov. 27, 1817. , 23
A 22 141,FEE 1' W indow
. glass, from 7 by 9 -to
20 by :10 i nches, from the eastern fac
tories, warranted a superior article.
Glass cut to any size or sharp.; withlut extra
charge. Putty always on hand.
(.4 AL.LO N S Tanoei's 80 j gailons
ti kJ I bleueleil while oil, at No 6 . lteed House.
Kremnetz white, Flake (Lt.'
China Whi•e, Silver do
Carniie, Lake,
Vermilion Chinese, do French,
Indian Red, Light do
Prus.ian Bite, Chinese do •
lihrnmarie do, Antwerp chi
Royal purple, Naples yellow.
Sister, ivory Black, Vine do
Vandyke Brown, Ma,teek 'Varnish,
_ Nut and Poppy Oil,
Siabbs and Mae's,
Pallet:e Baa'rds, do knives,
Easels, Canvass prepared.
BRITS Pik Hair, Flat and Round in
tin, Blenders do,
Guilders Brusheq, Crayons assorted col's.
Dravving Pencils, do Psper,
White and tinted Bristo' Board;
And in shert.we have a pretty complete assort
ment of arcicles in. this line, and intend always
keeping and supplying every article that - may be
called ler on the shortest notice.
rpi3E PICTUREIS.—Some beauriinl paintings
.1 or Birds and Flowers. Also sum; very fine
Viens dune by tlie'brst. French Masters.'
Dec 4. l It'Pl~•.it 4. BROTHER..
ri, x. PRACT Vanell,4 v atiella Bean, Bitter A1„U....4
„U....4 in..nd, Ec. Lentinon, Rose Wa et, Mace,
Al nsmrd, White O hitter, Pure Olive Oil, Cayenne
Pepper, Cinnamon, Cloves and Numings.. •
Dee'4,CA It l' int St, Bito I HEIL
moTE pApp.R.— -
.1. ' Plltiti, Gilt tdged, and Embossed Visiting
i IN K.S.— Bltie,--Blaet, Red, Carmine, Intklible,
Indian, ex.. etc. by
()cc, .1. •C A RTER 4. fIROTHEIL.
PeMin Tea Company's Agency.
IT r cat: be nu longer doubted that the establish
! merit of t he tibovr agency in Erie, .has enabled
buyers to obtain tea li o n meaty five to thirty
three and a third per cent less than formerly, and
has. consrquently !educed somewhat the profs s of
the cld dealers —lt's no wonder then that they
o ince, under it, and by raisinz, the cry of ham
bug" "endeavor to injor,c, the credit of these Toast,
but they can't dolt. Snit out your venom and
na;ured o hitt:ci9r9,s, gentlemen. they are perfect
ly harmle-s, a discerning public know Mil well
the 'notices promptin' , you. These teas do and
will sell, notwithstan ause they arc hiller
and titan can be had elsewhere, and be
cause they •aref• re' and*put up so they willlo r sp
fresh any lenth of time. Every package is war
ranted fa/I weight exclusive of the paper and foil;
thesl are facts and no "humbug," as all who have
tried the teas know! and those that have not may.
'Boyers will please not confound names. The
only place iu Erie where the Pekin CoMpany's
tca pan be Imd, is at No 5, Reed House. A
Erie. Dec. I, 1817. 29
UNITEI) States thwensatory, by S ood
Family Physician, by Dnet. Beach. .
• ,Ness Iteine , lies, by R. Diitighismi, M.
Comumptiou Cub!. by S. S. Fitch. M D.
For sale by 13 . 1.11.1T0N Sr. PEli ,
• •
QU PER FINE It Um Flour 4o pound ackagcs
for himily use, lot sale by
• Nov. '27 ' BURTON Sr. PERKINS.
N S. Trhe Sperm Candles, els° Pure
Sperm 01.1 for rile at
Nov. 27. 131111. MN St PER'{INS',
New ,F i rm and .New Goods.
JA E- HUGH E-3 %veldt! Word' his numer
al ons iiiends and ens rimers that he has as
sac.a c.I WM. C. 11: 1 IlltEN -with him in the
itnder the firm'ol James Hughes Co.
llc r °tad furthermore state that they have Jost
received a I. , rze and welt selected assortment of
Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Uneen >ware,
&c.. all of whieh will he disposed of as low as they
eaa be procured elsewhere. Hayingk, been chief
ly purchased at package prices, or in other words
at the prices paid by j thbers in New Fork, they
can be sold at u ittsnally low rates. Ladies and
gemlemen, aad the public generally, are invited
to call and examine their itssortrytunt.
They have j 16t received a larg,!quantily olSnit
w . .ich my be had at the l o west.maritet price.
virture of an outer of the Orphan's Cour
of the county of 'Erie, will be exposed t.
sale, by pult:ie vend no, on the preinisaa, on the
15.11 day or Deeembcr next at 11 O'clock P. M., the
following described prop -ay, to wi::—All that
eer ain piece of land, situt:cd. in Elk Creek
township, in'said county, and bounded as_ fol.
lows:—Beginning at the northwest corner of
whole tract So. 155; thence cast long the public
road 80 pt relics and 10 links, thence mmtlt to the
Meadville roud; thence northwesterly along sal
road to the west lino of said tract (4550 thenti
.north along said tiact line le the place of bdoin
nin.,i containin. , 50 acres, more or leas;—sold
the property of John Woodworth, late of Saii
township, deceased, being, the f.trtri on Which
said deceased residdd at the time of his death.
Timms or SALE:—One third on confirtnetio
of sale; one thud in ono year, and eine third i
two years; to be secured by bowl and inortgage.
Elk Creek Nov. 97.
Dr. Philp,
it.".:Pollice on Sixth Street, Erie, Pa.,
DR. P. offers his services to all those who pre.
fer the health ntrents of thevezeta
4le kin . .dom,' as lie discards all poisons of what.
ever description, and uses only such remedies as
net in unison with the laws of life.
"We use such Balms as have no strife,
With nature or the laws of life,
With hlood f our hands we never stain, .
Nor poison men, to ease their pain."
N. B. Botanic Medical Books kept on hand.
Nov. 27,1847. n 3m24•
ANY Respon•ible citizen of Erie or vicinity,
is privileired to draw Books (mom the library
of the Irving Institute for a small monthly fee.—
The library contains•over one thous.rid volumes.
Books may he drawn every Saturday evening.
By order, &c.. Ise,tc iVloonticArt,
Nov. 20. Secretary.
Our Customers
ARE informed that in adtiiiion to our present
stock of CLOTHS and VESTINUS we
will be receiving by Express during the Fall and
Winter such goods in our line as the demand may
require. It is cincirely hoped this city will sup-
port one regular Merchant Tailor shop that is
carried on by mechanics.
G. B. 4.1. H. KEEXE.
Erie, October 29, 1247. 11 . 24
RR ASS KETTLES, assorted sizic and first
-IL" quality. LEin . E ! lti SPINETT
A It 111 universally anmittod to operate, not Only Salm
14A etteetuni preventative. but as never failing remedy,
io ail diseases which can MLitt ilia human frame, Head
iich, Indigestion, Rheumatism. Piles, Scurvy, Dropsy,,
Small Pox, Cholera-morbits, Worms, Whooping-tough,
Consumption, Jaundice, Quinsy, Scarlatina, Liver com
plaint. Apoplexy, Cancers, Measles, Salt-Ithoum, Fits.
Heartburn, Eresipelas, Deafness, Itching. of the skin,
colds, gout, gravel, giddiness, rains in the back, inward
weakness, palpitation of the heart, risings in the throat,
asthma, fevers of all kinds, female complaints, stitches its
the bide, spitting of blood, sore ryes, module', et. antlio
ny's fire, lowness of spirits, needing. flitor Mils or whites,
gripes king's evil, lockjew. hysteria, bile nn the stomach,
and all bilious affections, pleurisy, croup, swell, 11 feet
end legs. swine-pox, white swelling, tremors, minors, ul
cers. vomiting, and a host o others have succestfully and
repeatedly been vanquished by their powerful arm.
They have been known to affect permnnent cures when
all other remedies had proved isuavai lug, and in the last
stnees of disemer,
They have in many eases euperceded the prescriptive
skill of the moststinment Physicist's, and received besides
their unqualified commendation.
They have been repeatedly recommended by men of the
most distinguished ,rliaracters, throughout the lend, and
been.senctioned in Europe by Noblemen and Princes of
Royal blood.
They have been introduced into the Hospitals of Edin
burgh, Paris, and Vienne, end through thealisinterested
exertions of our Foreign Ambassadors, they have received
the favorable commendation of the Emperor of !Wasik
end his Celestial lilajesty of the Chinese empire. -
arScarcely ii Pueket veasel of nny reputation FAUN
from the port of New York. without en .ahundent supply
Agencies have been estehlitdied in mill the principal
Cities of the Union,and appheations are eoustautly reach
ingms from almost iiiimberiees villages in every section
of the country. Testimonials of their marvellous effects
are pouring in from all quarters—end in such number,
that we have not time to rend one.half of them. What
stronger or more etine,w,ive evidence than these important
fiats eau the must skeptic it desire! Is it possible that
the many thousands who have tried CIAO PI KR'S PILLS
can he deceived in their resultsle if any Imposition or
quackery existed, would it nut hing ago have been held
up as it 'tumid be. to the scorn and • derision of a justly
offended community,
" Remember Dr. C. V. Clieltnrr is the orieinal Inventor
of Sue.r Co•tied Pahl, and that nothing of the port
wHo ever beard of, until lin introduced them in done 1,3-
43. Parelemers .hauld,J. therefore. always elk fur Click.
11nel:inner routed Veg ‘ etrble Pills. and take to other; or
they will he made the vletims of fraud.
Dr, Clickneei principal omen for the sale of Pills, le CG
.Veiny street, New York.
W.% JACKSON, 81 Utterly street, head of Wood at.,
Pin.i.urgh Pa., getters! Agent for Western Ponneyltatda,
Northern Ohio. and the flyer counties of Virginias
sold by' on following duly nppiiinted Agents:
Spafrord , Erie; Wm, Judson & Co. %V torrent: Ross &
Morgan. Cambridge; J, A. Tracy, Pairvicw;,John Ble•'
Clore; Girard; W. 11. Town.ead, .
Likewise Feld by the same agents, the GREAT REM-,
Pirocureil_from a well in Kentocky,lBs feet below the sun.
fiee.tif. the earth, n certain and intsilable. cure for Indent •
atory Spume. Colic. Sprain.. Strains ' 'tits' '
Bruises, Scuttle, Ruth., Totter, Erysipelas. Scald Dead,
Croup. Isillitmotory sore throats, Sore Eyes, D11211102/li
Spinal_Disense. &c. &c.
CAUTION—In order to ho sure of °Wising the genulnel
purchuse,rinly of the ge tern! ageut for Wester v.Pennsyll
vanis, Northern Ohio, and the river counties of Virginia.
Wm: Jackson. No 89 Liberty street, Pittsburgh, or Oro'
sub Agents apnointed by him for its sale, each of whore
svill,larry 2 4202' bill, and general directions in pamphlet
Korot, containing the names and addles* of the Proprietor
an' General Agent. as follows:
D. Roil & Co proprietors. Kentucky.
Win. Jackson, Gene,ral Agent. No. 89 Liberty *tree
Pitidtrirlt. to whom all odes meat he addressed.
01131 M VE—Each hottleis enclo.nd in on 4 of the nhotre
named P Implants mud the name of Wm. Jackson, thegei .
ern) and a,/ v sihole.nle agt , :it for liVrooro Penney Irani. ,
North/n.ll 01,in. and the river counties of Virginia, prime
on die out.,
TAKE NO VICE.—O. P. Spofford k oripnintedeicriAl
find supplying A.ient.foreliesulii of thirApinrican Oil and
Sligo,. Coated Pulls inounty pa. Sub agetits
plicd by him at th e w ciloso c prices.
3500 lbs. White and 11 d Lead and 'Litharge.
1500 " W Manz 300 lbs.,Venitian Rffd,
1 500 French Yellow, 150 " Paris - Green,
-100 " Cl.ront's V'ellow, Green
Indian Red. Utica:Marine Blue, Prussian Bite
Drop Black, Virdierio, Lampblack, era. 6
Spirits Turpentine, Linseed Oil, Varni -h. ete.,
for sale by - BURTON & PERKINS,
Nov. 20. Old firm of J. H. Burton Sr. Co.
eIROUND Lo.rweuid, fustie, camwood and
wood, copperas, madder, extract 1n4. -
wood, sulphuric acid, c - Ochincal. indigo , cudbetir,
tin water. etc., at.whulesale and retail. by
H Ala brushes of all varieties and prices, teeth
do , paine.:rpl Varnish do., flesh clothes, hat
shaving, comb, scrubbing, Iblachinz, window,
hearth, counter and bottle brushes for saleby
N0v.20. - BURTON 4. PERKINS.
T ANNERS Oil and Lampblack for Bale by
Nov. 20. '
BLEACHED Whale and Elephant,Oil, sopa
rior to Lard oil for winter t '
ole for rah by
LASS AND purry.-3600 feet whitlow
Glas‘of varions sizes and manufiseture. •
fIOACII and Furniture Varnish, and Varnish
Blushes, fur stile by
Nov. 20. BURTON & P O r tt
A/f, ARKI NG INK.— David's, Payson's and
J_V_L's Indeltablo Inks, for m4king linen,
4-e., for sale by.
Arrival Extraordinary ! \
Z ILIE Proprietors of the New.Storeapsidei
i t
announce the arrival of several cases of tl e
s ichest Fall Goods ever brought to this market.
They are daily expecting Rich Chamelion a I
Plaid-Silks, and Embroidered Thibets for dres•se ,
to she' last of which and also -to our stock of IO •
Shawls, the avention of the Ladies is parties tar
ty requested by ALLEN 4.. COI".
Nov. 20, 1917, 2 7
WIT II The important fact of the conque t of
Mexico, is allied another equAly Is tor-
tans viz: The large and exuaoldinary arriv 1 of
rich, fashionable and seasonable Goods jest re
ceived at the rVIto Store, Chropside, which die la
dies are hes clic invited to "come and ace." i
Amon!! tlie3Mods are. to be found, rich I
Thibets, cashmeres, m inos,Parramattas,a
ens, Bombazines and A Ines, of every s
tmali•v, price and style. .A o, a few rich
ts.hawis, and a most superb .iortment of hl
plain and ft: , 'd do; children' Polio maw
hoods; Ladies' nubias, scarp a id cashmere
&c., 'with many other :mods too mune' ous to
tier): Don't forget the "Now Store. Cheops
Nov. '2O - ALLYN & CO,
For Sale.
AValaulde A. year old Mare, of the Itgest
trite,isCaiallated for teaming, nd is
;zoo(' bel;ne a carriage or under the saddle. rice
$75 O. Also, a Bond one horse Wagon. En.
quire olStpphen J. - Brace, 2 1.2 miles son Ili Gom
Backus' corners, or about the same distancenorth
horn Bogus or Philips' corners
Greene. Nov. 20, 1817;
The •Celestials
trAvE arrived, and in all the turte of Or
I.L Costume arc lorocated of the store ofth
It in company's Agency,' to hold up a paper!
and in all their silent mar:dirk:ince to am as I
ding Witnesset' Io the fact of eielusiiteeup'
ty'idi the Humbug they are designed to n
notice. The credulous may be taken in h
fAncy image.. but intelligent persons will h
no well Fathtfied by DRAWING some of on'
'Pena and imbibing the delicious beverage
would be with'any notinuA cif 'Yankee' Inv
to decoy them amongst the various trups i l
arc pm in requ6ition to gull the mum.
victim of Pacnt ,Medicines or China lllns
Nov 13 1817
Something New.
TIE P;ltocriher takes pteacure in announcing
to the public the arrival from New oik of
an extensive assortment of (foods in th it line,
Plated and Britannia, Were, Oirandole , Solar
and' Camphene Lamps, Looking vinare Bohe
mien glasstvare, spectacles, fancy em . )ds and
thousands of _useful and too-nano:war arielett for
the Hoiydays, which' are offered at reduced prices.
Having selected Watches minimal care
from late importations, those wishing a good
Time piece fori little money v,ill do wll to buy.
Our thanks are due our patrons for favors eon•
forted jn times - past, especially for patronage re
ceived in our new store on State street, and IMO
by attention to business to retain mit- old and
make many pew customers.
N. B. Particular attention given try.he repair
ing of all kinds of Watches. Watt'll work, re.
quiring Engines, which generally is done in the
larger cites, attended to on short notice.
Goods received by gxpress. ,very few days
from New York during the win , r.
G. L I HB 4 . Co.
State street, nearly opposite Eag e otel and nest
door toBpafford's 800 ! tore.
Nov, 20. 1847.
Aitr. 'YOU A MOTHER 7 Your darling child, your idol
cud earthly Joy, is now perhaps rennuoa to her
chamber by a dangerous cold—her pale cheeks. her %hilt
shrunken augers, telt the hold disease has already gala•
ed upou her—the souud of her sepulchral eough pierces
your soul.
YOUNG MAN. when just about to enter tire, disease
sheds a bearterushing hlight over the fair prospects of
_future your hectic cough and feeble limb tell oryour
loss of hope, but you need tint despair, Theis i s a wai n
Which Will hesl• the *rounded lungs; ft is
I 'Ma. ATTREF„ the wife of Win. 11. Attree, Erg: was
given up by Dr. rie wall of I.Vashiugtous, Dm Doe sod Mc-
Clellan of Philadelphia, Dr. Roe and Dr. Mo'tof N. York.
Dor Cs ienJe oil thought eho must die. She had every op
rycsrunco of belog iu consumption, and was to prououue
ed by her physicians—Sherman% Balsam Was girlie nod it
cured her.
Mrs. GAIBtABRANTZ. of Bull's Ferry, wee also cured
l ot consumption by this Balsatu when 01 other remedies
Tailed to give relief—she was reduced toe sleleton.
IA C. Castle, Dentist.2Bl Broadway, bus witnessed its el%
Meets In. several cases whore no oilier meltable tiltirded
belief --but the Balsam operated like a charm. Dr. C. al.
witnessed its we:Werth, affects teaming Astbitia.varhil
lit never fulls of doing. Spitting Wood, alarming ss it tun
be, is eiTzciu thy cured by ibis Holman. It heals Abu sop':
Allred or wounded blood vessels, cud makes the lungs
lasund twain.
Rev. HENRY JONES, 108 Eighth avenue,lwas cured
of trough and catarrhal affection of 50 yearn stsudiug.—
The fir t dose gave bins snore reliefthan all the other med
idea ha had ever t .ken. Dr.',L. J. Beale gate it to • sis
ter-in-law who was laboring under Consumption. and to
soother sorely afflicted with the Asillms. 100 both cosies
its effects were immediate. noon restoring them to com
fortable health . r
Mrs, LUCRKTIA WELLS, 05 Christie Street suffered
front Asthma 42 years. rilierinau's Balsam relieved her
at once. nod she is comp,ratively well. being enabled to
subdue every attack by a timely nee of this medicine.—
Th kind eed is the grant remedy for Conchs, Colds,Spiting
Blood, Liver Complaints, and nil the affections of the
throat. and even A -Soma nuol Conminipt
Price 25 emits and St per bottle.
Dr. Sherm•m's Office is et lOC Nassnu street, N. Y. '
Sold by the ("dearth, duly appointed Agents; 11. 11. spa(.
ford, Erie;•Wm. Judson & Co. Weeded; Boss dr. Mor
gan Cambridge; J. Tracy. Fairview; Jorshu.SeClure, Gi.
rand; %V. 11. Townsend, Springfield.
Likewise. Dr. Stiernsan'a Medicated Lounger. Tooth
P.tetri and Poor's Plaster.
COUGH LOZENCES.— ; These Loz , ngai era a safe
nest sure and effectual remedy fur , cough., and, colds,
tightness of the lungs or client.
WORM LOZENGES.—Those worm Menges intro
been proved in mote than 1,100.0011 canes to be the infal
lible; the only certain 'own fle.droying medicine over dis
covered. It wan reserYed for Dr 'Sherman to,lnvent n
medicifielo timdroy worms that children would take,—
Children will take these Lozenges and cry for more.
CABIPHOIt'LOZENGES, celebrated for giving alines*.
immediate Meier in nervous and sick limulachevgalpita
tine or-the heart, lowness of spirits. &c
PR. SHERMAN'S .TOO rti Ktirk.—A premium Hen
trifice, the bent article know a 108 , 04211 in, ett-I whitening
the teeth. eigkothening eke rums.nientening the breath.
strengthening planter in the world; a sovereign remedy
for pains or Mealtimes in the back. loin*, ,f Wee. breast,
One million e year will tent supply the demand. Warran
ted the best and cheapest. One that Will prove the fact.
The above Lozenges. Tootle Paste and Killer, reid fey
the shove agents for Dr. Sherman's All-Healing
Erio N0v.20,1847. Sfe27
Custom, House, 'district of Presque Isle.?
Ems, November 17, 184 1 e,
EA•LED Proposals will be received at the
Treasury Department of the United States in
the city of Washington, until' the 31st of Decem
ber, 1817, for the supply tit Rations for petty ofii
-l•ers and seamen of the United States Revenue
Marine vessels on Luke Erie; for the term of one
year from the Ist day oi - January, 1819. The ra.
tton for the Revenue service is the same as that the Naval serVice, 'otnittinig the liquor
and consists of the articles enumerated in the .01-
lov. ing table, to wit:•
a'll .0 •Z 7 VP.
." =
= C 3: Z •2,
12 '
1> CA
11... I ItiN
. 4 I - ea. es.
N - in sulapqt .
I . JO vaptom
(70 1J. 4. 4. Itpos4l
z I v., LB t. 3 t, t, t* I •Je3nat
444 I 44. N. 04444. 04. 04. 04. I 'gay
-4 I I
e l 6 aalloo
-11 ,tioao3
I ea LO I
, 4P t* f qsaaq3
sett tog
1.1. I 1.,/
..... I .....
.1 he rations to he of :Nod end wholesome qual
.ty, to be approved by the colleetor; aod the dif
ferent articles comprising the ration to be deliver•
ed onboard the vessel in , mod and YtitOcient r asks
and vessels, to be provided by the contractor, and
the contents distinctly marked on each.
It is to be understood that the' contractor:en!
be bound to furnish, upon reasonable notice, as
often us may be required by the captain•of i the
vessel,-with the approbation of the collector, inot
exceedine upon an t veraf_te one day in each
we. It.) such !resit meat, and fresh vrectables as
may be rquivolent to the} corresponding parits - Of
the ration allowed in the/natal service.
MURRAY \VHALLON, Coll, clot%
Custom House.district of Presque Isle'.
ERIE, Pa.,•Nov, 17, 1847. 1,5
bROPOSALS will Ale received at the _Treasu
ry Department of the United States until the
31st day of December, 1947, for furnishity , ant •
cies of SIIIP CHASDLERY for the "United
States Revenue Nlari ne" vessels on Lake Vrie for
one year from the Ist of January, 1818. The
contractor Will boexpected to furnish such arti
cles as maybe required for the use of said vessels
from time to time. A schedule of the articles and
form of the proposals may be seen at this urge.
It is to ho distinctly understood that, no bid will
be entertained from any person not actually en•
tzatted in theinviness, in which he proposes to
furnish; and all bids should be transmitted,sealed,
to the Secretory of the Treasury, Washington city
T_T AR DWARE.—Our Mock of hardware tniti•
LI prises a great variety of Mechanical Implc.
ments Of sitpeilor quality c ittch - as Firmer Chissels,
gouge:, !dime irons, anger bits, cast seat atizers
_Bong shahk,) braces and hits, real Scotch platen
Compasseti, Dividers, tap borers, tenor. mill and
cross cut saws ,hand and buck ritiWN Saws and
frames, tegetl'er with a general assortment of
Amildinw mitcrials, Locks, handles, Knott ere,
Bolts-Butt: an) screws, hookt , and tinges. &C.
Nov IS, 1817. ,
1%/r AND D'OAS:- 136 Multi and Boas, or the real Lynx, Nitt, Gernet, Wild Cony,
china Lynx, luctred and bray, just received from
the Fur company, and selling '25 per cent. less
than last season by
`CLUMPS A 1) FRINGES, in great variety, for
P.o.v. 13, 1817. :26
Fat 10/1 lAI li t htsAels. augers, aura, NM, dual.
in. , Knives and Plane Iron+, a late assort
ment ju , 4 ree dived direct from the' manufacturer
and for sale c terip,for eiiah.- i • •
Nov. 13,164 . i. , . 26
- - -
B. A. CRAIN. poutd.rspectfally inform the
citiiens of Erie, arid vicinity, thit he has
opened a Store for the sale of
on French •Strect, bctwoen Sterrett and Osborn's.
directly oppdsite thd Reed House, where he of
fers for sale P huge and superior Stock or the a
bove artielee a little cheaper for Cash than ever
before of in this'Market„ • ,
For prod 411 and examine quality and prises.
Erie, Novi 6, ISM
r . :`•lo2au!A
New Geoids' iind.-Eiood"Nii
Now is Ike Tints to Bay Cheap!
TE anbeeriber having been but a shot time
ia business has not before found it convCrii
ent LIG introduce into the papers a generalladver•
tisement. Holuts, - however, jo4 returned frcm
the eastern , cities with a spteudid assorturntr of
Fresh and Cheap Groceries
In his stock may be found'l thcchoisest-Teett yet
offered for Pale. from 4 to $ shillings per pound.
Rio, Java, Cuba, Laguire and St. Domingo. Cof
fee, cheaprr than -the cheapest; Gavaiia4 Porto
Rico, Orleans, Loaf Lump; Clarified, Pu'rerised
and Maple Sugars, choOperthin ever; Por to Rico
Syrup, Sicgarhouse and Orleans Molasses; 41 , pice
pepper; gin,ger, cinnamon, Mace, nuttnegS, larmi
barley, eiCrons, prunes, cocoa nuts, almonds, ma.
deirn, Brazil, and pea pits; Havana, principo,
Spanish, cinnamon, arid comment Cigarsi eaveri.
dish, hadhas twist, and -german. Tobaccri; olive,
rose, nut, castor, and hair Oil; all of whie!s are of
the very'hest quality, and will be sold cheap, at
No. 3 American Block, State street. I
Nriv:ll, 1847. 1 25
12 ROMS Frcab Rniaina for &do cheuer than
can be bad u Isew•here, nt - Il
Nov. p, No. 3 American finch.
, otto LBS. Inn, Java, Cuba, Lagitira and
No rothl , Si. Domingo Coffee, galling at a small,
advance abe cost.
4 ), I
Nov 13 ; . At No.:1, American plod:.
HAVANA, Vsincipe, Spanish and 6mneaut
ciente, ' At No 3, American pinch.
Sl4". by the hag or lb. and the articln to send
it away, , At No 3, American plonk,
6l3Gallons Stone %Vase, selling at a
el small acivuee above cost I
Nov 13. A t No 3, American Block.
ton Codfish, for rule cheap,
At No 3, Anterieimlillock
F 1. 0 1111., Shorts and Bran, constantly kept oil
hand at \ PEFFEWS,
Nov 13. \ At No 3, Amerieunlßlnek
OLIVE OIL, ca-for oil, owed oil, lump oil, cur
tiers oil and hair oil * for sale
Nov. 13. At. No 3, incrican Bloch.,
058 LBS. cut, cavendiiii , ladies twist and-
German tobacco from 6 1.4 to 137 1 2 cte
per lb. for sale At No 3 American Block.
ILBS. Havana, New Orleans, Loaf,
I. , „mnp,: Pulverized, clarified and Mu
ple.Sugar, selling very cheap at PEFFPR'S.
Nov. 13. 1547. No 3, American Block.
:MI.'S cast szeel and Writ'. Rowland's Mil
HSaws; also Enelisli crosscut, liarid, ;mine!
back, compass. webli and wood $ A Ws, for sale;
Nov 13, 1817_ G. SELDEN Ar SON.
• KITS No. -I Mackerel. put up , for family
4 . 0- * use, just received and fur sale at No. I,
Perry Black.
Erie, Nov. 6. 1817. 25
r MILS. and half. bbl ' . White
l , Muckinne Troll', thi day rcc
l'er sale at No, I, Perry Blink. by ,
1 ex 1 . .1%
. Erie, Pew., C. 1817.
LETTERS orathninis:ration de bonis non have
been granted to the subscriber on the estate_
'or lienry 'Thompson, late of LeTimutT tovinship . ,
.deceased. Persons indebted to eaid estate, or
having claim's against the same, are requegted to
call and present them properly authenticated for
settletnent, and settle their indebtedness.
Nov, G. 1847, ' 6t25
, spoj
THE c.i-partnet ship heretofore eitistine he.
tween the subscribers, under the name of J.
Zimmerly 4. Co., is this day dissolved ) by mutual
consent. All the books. accounts and papers are
in the bond. of A. 13. Hitchcock, at the old stand
'where all those jammed ore .egoested to call and'
settle. J. ZININI ERLY, " !
Erie, Nov. 2, 1817. A. H. lIITCH.C9CK.
AH. HITCHCOCK would say to his old
• fridmds and customers and the pubic, that
he will be happy to wait on them aLthc old stand,
and sett them Groceries, as cood and. cheap as
usual. • • • I
ILTIRDW-AR.1.1--A general aagortmont ,or
JL.L Shelf 1-irdware, logeiher with la • largo as
soltinent earpentera's and joiner's [Pools.
Nov. 6. CnliO. SELDEN 4. SON.
ir II:ON, NAILS, STEEL, &c. —ltTh+, Swedes
end American Iron, flat, square and round, 0.
S. Nail Roils, round and square rod 4 Band Iron,
Cast, English, American and SpriniSteel. Nails
Anvils, Vices, 6:4:4,&c,
Nov. 6 GEO. SELDEN .Sr. SON.
IOFFEE., Tea, Sugar, together with a general
assortment of C. roceries, for sale hy
Nov. G. GEO. SELDE! 4. SON.
I 0 iv
1' .4
I C )
, -3 'Z
Wonderful Catastro l phy!
( But no one killed and no one wounded)
WE, the undersigned, for the — piiiiiose °fluffing
people know that some thinv! can he dune
as well as Others, have assouialed ip businws st
Lockport, Pa. whore they are manufireturing va
rious kinds of 4._
, .
4 [
• Cooking Stoves,. ' 1 %. ,
'LATE STOVES, con; sirovv:s.
nu various kinds of other castings ton nuttier
ta to mention. We also flatter ourselynx . pat
our long experience in huainegi we shall he it
-10 facilitate and thereby.curtail the expens!, of
king castings so as to he emibled to make a .
.d un urttele and sell, a little cheaper thsAny
her eslablishirtmtt in this region Of country; we
lold therefore ihvite our friends to give us a call
fore purchasing elsewhere
it / 2 "We will pay fifty per (!ent. tnnre.for OLD
' ON than any ono else in Illifl viemily..4 — if
October 29, 1847. I
r im2l
New Fall and Winter
HE subscriber* aro now, reeeivi
I of Fall ana Winter Goods coi
DRY Gdobs, . Hai
GoncnntEs t Cni
IRON, NAHA, tie. acv.
!so a large assortment of taper
' irdowPaper
AR or which were Itureiaeed in
e lowest market price. They 4
vine. the large'st ti:oek of goods
its place, but will say they have i
Otment, and wilt, be sold as eheai
it, ,and invite 'the public to call
oode and prices: •G. SELF
061 1 . 03: 11117.
Another Arrival of Groceries
At No. 1, Perry Block !
TW. MOORE:is now receiving his Fall
. and Winter stock of GroeMics which will
Ile sold ehenper for cash than at any other
esiailiiiinient in ihe city. Among his stuck may
he Mond: m
__lnsperial, Gunpowder, and Young //.yson
Teas; Java, Rio; Laguira arid St. Domin
go Coffees. ' Loaf, Pulverised,l Porto Rico,
and N. 0. Sugars; Pepper;Spice, Gin
ger, Cinamon, Nut"negsMacc;,Croves, Rice,
Pearkd barley' s - Candies, PeCan, Brazil,
rfc-.adeira and Pat nuts; .111nlands,` Filbert,'
; Pruitt- T .-Apples; Raisins. English Cur-
Mantd, dad Figs.; Wein* and Tallow candles;
ammer; and Winter strainedlLarnp Oil, a
perior article, 'Salad oil, Fancy Shaving,
Paricgatrd and Bar soap. .)airy . .siati
l'hile Fish, Mackerel, Mackinac Trout,
Codfish and Herring. • [
Call and examine Goode and Weed iit.. Ne. 1,
Petry Block. ; .
Erie, Nov. 6, 1647. • 25
I /LINTS, OILS AND GLASS.—Sy the %null
or large quantities Nol sr ire extra lead', red
'ed, Venitian red, chrome yellOw,• I thrage.'-ells
nd turpentine, and asso rt ed sited lass, bought
I t the lowest prieeS, and ter sale ate dingly by
Oct 22, !att. t . •. 1 2*
lig their stock
)nsistietg of
q . •
Hanging) l and
New York at
eo not boasi of
ver, brought to
s geed an as•
ae the cheap
and examine
EN &
111111 - 1111111611` , UOIRNE 1111111DICINE IN
TUX woimung
,• ~ i 'Ts'r - t•I'• I-
.I . _ . . .
. ' 1-
I . A
111, N invaluable reineity for Ilervea„c ttle and
other dinuritic ataitistals, in thu en'u uf die
fullunking, ili.easer; ,
Fresli Wounds, 1. rxtiota, ilfuit, '
1 Gallsof all Wile, Sire:hos, Lumerleii,
Sprains, Bruifrs,
Cracked Hetli,
Ringhthr, Whir!pita, Shrnichet or Grtose,
Poll Erd, (Niue, , Mange;
Simeint, SiSeenry, . Warn Distengur.
It is a 1.14 a Universal Ernbraeation for
- &teases ut Unman Flesh, Fuck as'
Batt of atintatt,
Five! Bar,,
gurus and Scala,
Graf4B, Chapiie‘f Asada,
Contracla af the „ifuschs, Sieettivr, Wounds,
Weakness of the Joints., Knkfd
MEttclkANT's GAncr.tvn Otr...—lt is worthy of
special remark, that beSides the great and evird
ordinary powers in the . eilreaf - digeaseii of the
horse in which its virtues 'first attractedthe mien
'ion of the farrier and f motet, and the wonder of
-the public generally, it has (iced siiceeSsfully em
ployed in a great variety of the maladies
afret the human race; and it hes' pented by the
wonderfui cures it has performed on the lower an•
that it is endowed with curative properties
not found in other horse oil:, which has establish
ed its claims to ;tenors! confidence.
Beware of the counrerfeit article, and he sure
the name of the eOL enorninvon, G. MI. Mer•
chant, Lockport, is blown in the bottle.
tr_PPor testimonials, synopsis ofrilseasca, and
mode of treatment, see pamphlet 'which secompi
tries eacirbot In.
Saki by J. 11. Surto Sr. Co. Erie; S. S. &41.
As . ..tabula, 0 tio; and I). N. ‘Velistei,
Conneaut. 61lio. Iyso
- ,
FoV Removing Diseases of the Blood,
Arising prom an abuse of Ifer-t b,nes and jobits.
cur', Freer Suits obstinate obi sores
inmate' and eoustitutinbatias rf all kinds.
aces such as , f Scald head. .Sn't lihrum.
Screitta nt• - tilng'sEril Aram Ring ro rn a it other //isms
dary Sgpltris r tenerial, OPIW lit an impure
Meridian and Corso •lif ... stnte nf the flood at°.
the Throat. Nose, 'heats litniatual Cvsticenese, 114 ,
lips. Ea-s, and Ns •j,nrts Chrs,ic affMinninf tbe ,bgecr,
of Ito b.hly. (i I Limps and Chest,
mpies nr•pnituta nn he ynee Pal. i ,,, the St month and steles,
PiScrdzi peches, and der-{Night Swats. .ke. AT
Wrti moo/ Ain It In Ineteile much reconiiiien-
Bles..9oirc , S atter Sea- &dig: to Cleansing Spring
Pitufipaffeciions, Jfetliiine, ..n 'ls enera dge„.
White Steering:. Pains in Me Wily. , '
This remedy is prepared bum the choicest se
lected materials. theetizo properties of which
1 .
ex.racted by an impr iva process, withotit licit;
On account of which it is preferred by Physicians
as tieing more uniform unil active than any other
now before the politic.
A 641'm-count of a a remarkable cilicney of 4tis
remedy, in a variety of cases of tim most nava
rated nature, may be seen by culling on tog pro
prietor nr his.atfents.
As moat good medicines are enuntertc4 - et?, he
SURE and call for "Merchant's Sarsaparilla," and
see that these words are blown on ihe ghee, "Ft 0111
the Laboratory of Geo. W. Meichant, Chemist,
Lockport, N. V. .
'Almost every pedlar in the "Country is non
putting up and imposing on the public, an article
they call sarsaparilla. Therefore, new Ass!! ' ,
Sold by J. H. Berton & co. Erie; S. S. ,SA H.
Passel', Ashtabula, , Ohio; D. N. Webster, Con-
ncaui, Ohio. lyso
Fish anti
Oivad anti
Dtzo:AsEs et tho Urinary ()reaps cured by
BEIM saute as clituide and ame diseases of the ,
Bladder, :Pao, chroloic
Prostrat: Gland, Meets, Whiter,
and I r Strictures,
- Loins,
Dintutes, 4-e.
Thii , y4lnable medicine is prepared only by
Geo. WMercliant,,Operntiye chemist &c.t.'ock•
port, N. Y.
Pull and. ample in.true,ions, testimonials, &t;
accompany bark
Sold by J. H. Burton & en. Erie; S. S. Sz, H.
FaFsett, A satalmia ! Ohio. D. N. Webste - , Cori
maul, Ohio. IYilo
nr vit lAN DAI It DYE, u.w•arranted artiere for
enlorinr, the hair a be•+nilli)) brown or j , t
black, it %%ill not wt•car off, soil the linen, or color
skin. nsbondreJsx •
. •
It ims-alsu been used successfully , in coloring,
Beware el thaienuntet Grit, anti he sure ynu get
the genuine, pr e * pared only by Geo: W.', Merchant,
lemist, I...oetspert, N. V. ,Samptes of !lair nnly
m seen at thc i lbtOrp of the proprietor rids agentps.
rice 43 Fenn. . I - 1
Said by J. 11. Bur,to , n t k co, F.rit;; S. S: & -IL
Fassea, Ashtabula, Oho; and 1). N. liVelolor,
Conoemit, Ohio.lysll
New Fall add Winter Goods . .
lAM now leceiviou from New a I , , lrent
v4rlety of rich arid desirable tioialsAbr
Winter uncle. Among other ileAr.tbles now o
peniog are. •
tcuperinr Thibet Clotiiv, drat) and black; French
printed Cas!intereA,bcati iluy patterns and v6l.y
lOU pieces black, dritti;. tootle, Odin add' striped
A Ipriecas, One NO' cheaper tivin ever berute
oTered —some as law as 22 cents per yard. - •
Shaul's, a treat variety of new styles; Prints,
Gingharns, Lains, and other new styles
otU?ess Good's in tiny yinrititici', tu.itity five
per cent?che.iper than ever b'ef'ore oTered in this
city. 4
. All of willeh my etistniners and the public nre
respectfully invited to cutt ine.
October 9.1817 , . . 21
,11 ESTIC.—J net ri•cei vet) at the; New Store
a large supply of Bed 'rick iriv, bleached
and unbleached Sheet Inv; add Shiriini , s, Co•ton
Flannels, efe:,t, Hoeliabuck, Apron check, strip
ed' ShirtiTmA, colored Cusabries, Jeans, &c. Ycc
Alen fast received. brown and bleached Linen
Taide Caw rs, Do,Oies, Nipkins and
Towels, f,r sale very low at
Oil 23 • , , A 1. 1 L17N COTT.•.
New Goods at N 0.7, State Street.
WE arc nnw - opening a great variety of DRY
GOODS, stilted to the season, which will
be sold as cheap as the chearst. A iiintivst them
are Broad Cloths and dassimeres of various tines
and qualities; Alpacas. Plaid and MA's cobiirzs,
Brilliances, Merinos, Bombazines, (taw Silk and
Plaid Brittania, Linens, Linen, ilanitiric liana •
lierchiera train 12 I 2 to 75 <:ent , : Prints from fro
25 cents; Do Lanes from IS 3'4 cents upivards;
GinA ma in great pariely, Thlbet, Ca2bruare,
Brncha, de Lane, Straililla and other fashionable
Shawls, and other Goods in tfio great . variety to
advertise, The curious are invited to extimina
them and piirchaso if they are satisfied with goods
and prices.
Oct. 16, 1817. 23
DYE WOODS AND pv . e. sTurPs.—atin
received a warranted article of Madder, Lom
Wood, Nic Camwood, Fuatic, VhrloF,
Alain, India° and Many other i rids' or Dye bu m's
which are sold Cheaper thari ac any Drag Store.
0ct.29, 1817. Si 1
• • Ladidg 'Dtess Goodg.
OREGON Plaidd, eaAßtiierop, I%lttselen 110
Lanes,Plaid, Satin stripe, back %m i tt blue btaCk
Alpaca, French, Scotch anti American G in Olin's,
French. , English and American colitis a !age as •
:torment open and for sale cheap by,
E r i e ,00t, 39, • GEO. SELMA 8 1 SON.
, . . .
NAIX ffiEtel 14,WN 1111111IIIIPIC: TALMO',
BEST I.IIIIIOT h to 'acouddently stas led that. '
given itch and-•
there Nsenllt wits a medicine which hue
form and universal satisfactleo. ni ':, ' ,_:_r
They have stood thq severest trialgibg coring lf*ellt.
&loth , " reioesileo, failed, alidfxr i nehakdished a repvle. a
thou in the faecal' the curing, eta which , hare been.
flrited neolzut them. - '''. 3. -, ..: .>
.1...1 ir o nic borne, iu rind that Wsrle)lai liihlit SI Vegetable .
Pills ate ,r , • . .1 ___t.......,_ 'f'-‘ , '
~ NO i CATtII4 '. VMY ItEXF.fili — r
the off.priug o't thehour, dithined lit pass slily! Op it.
rylie f o r g otte n , bat a *dieing of sterll4,trolue, 11,5
repo adonis not built upon an t is -elated cure, effecitAipt.•
der cireurestaeces talerhub the f..iih id. Ihe imeltleetAltaa.
bid, quite as much tp:do Wits lt. al* the itetitilty.ef thit rak e
edy tatelf,;':Wright's tudilit Vegetable Pith Woo claim
to real Worth, Inundedou ille honest and willing *CAW
iny 0f...,.1_'• , • I ',.. ' -' ; • .yl • • _
.:TUOUSAND AND TFiffB OFlll4lMANt.ff,i
throughout the length and breadth of ihritene..,- -
' It was after a careful study o 'the humaitcoustitetion.
that thme celebpited Pills ar e t h e
i Neture'ia- -
lima were tiett,cooso.l4l, end I en emeditilOrt,laryt, pre
' pared rum the heft? of the ludi 1:m1;1010mM oat uttati •
' , hese lairs . Thorefurc,, lime Pi effectually ,- -
• ~• • • , AisS,LIT fqt'l'llltE •
le eltlsei the comigo humors, 4.c truing the Dilute' eta ,
let. i,fllie.a pte.,,
, .
, tf It iz 0, ttlYldElt.,,Odi.l. AND WINTER. -; •
Fmch.prothice., 14,1 tole vnelatinnis of tenNteroloror Orku" -
,liatelfects upon tlaa Angolan Willy, Tho heat Impends,
end the cold s Oillf:4311 Oho %ohmic of the circuletdig fltilit oc
tint ikillP changes tte place auddenty, the 4forts Imo of..
'lon.sertous: . Wrig h t'* t Indian Ve . getalde Pill* counteract •-
the evil indpence Of suddee chunyes, by. putifyi t eg tile, _ •
,Idon.l,,Antl beeping the stom.telt and bow eta iu a gamer „ f•
stud healthful coutlition.... -. ~ • • '',
FOR FEVER ANR-ArttPr. _ .i • . -,
'flint scourge of the West. Wright's ladia Vegetable ''' , t -
Pills mend unrivalled. An 113.131iCt has as er come to'
our Inn _• • ore fills 11.0ving_lweitalten. without -
tog a coelik o c le tThille end ,Fes eta the litek •
'and hildry toilette s ere ti ' thy disordered. superinduced •
'hy; gitat. physic I. ebilie. 1 .ri the ey.roptoura tree ap-. ,- •
poor. no,iiine elle l id be lost be re. 1 . 0011.111$ tO , OIIIO • '
Palls; A few doses will giyo tech n nifeet relief that no -
pet suasion will he stecestary to court no the use- f them, '
! FOR DVSPEPeiIA• .i .•, . • --
Wriglies Indian cgettlilc l'ol 0 will he lotted very supe. n ,
nor. lii this 4.lia•lise, thegesirie juice islweak sod doh-, •
merit in tithtlity.' Co...equinely, the digetgiou is, imper..u.. ..
feet and tho health These . ills remove tfte, *,
bile front the stoi och, restore its tone, mud /rupture ,be
digestion. I.
TOP. JAIIN - ItlcE;,, , I • ..-...! e • ~' -
Wright's India• v,, , fmt.,tth, vAns,pro pitualiy,well aflaPt4 ..
~e the renurful orris coniglaiut. As they operate aline, •
the one general it id untfaln-ps itielple, of elestwing• the - -
stomach and 110.00 j. WitYkri•. the blood, aktereetifg; -
Ilia .i:eretions, they teethed the canes of ;autultco.
nfall . ther tlieorders.- . • i .
_OIIKtT,FE!trAI4II ItIf:DICINE' , . i„ '
-it would be that - cult pr,eionly to tell 'to . which of thia,,,,yg l ,. ,
two seam. Wriglais Indian Vegetable Pills bees. been the
gre.dest hitoositgi But It is very certain that Wet* rills •
b..° given heels . and spirit., and a good, couple:ice, trs'
hundreds of foie., who would, without them, have bees
in the; gret,el.', A pos..•of Wriglit's Indian Vegetable . -
Pills is en inestimable medical companion at certain pe- •
The re.e l L E ;i l fi t t e lai l t i t E Z e G o l y bi:i p i rt, lttS-t in S di . c g att : s is,corruP t . L- -
state u the blot. , whit It not ute.ts strivitrg to COrfCCi. A
few di ed of Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills taken OR
goiilg o het will be certaie to rile r e lief, if the thing be -
at all nimble .
VALUABLE. ANT i Fr 1•101.7.% MEDICENT! -
o i
It is w ell known that the South and West surer mere I ,'
rem I illous ditolers then I'. nos ull Oben! ! IrO/Orilitid.:-..
'his i pertly o ing to .the clithste, but Chiefly to ilk
Our of Snotlirn and Western life. The tvermatimia Sc' '
onuryitig ltv r , counduitits WO of the moat wretched'
•tri gtoti. 11 ,Isitual diuukennees is frequently brought- =
by li,,,yer cum Omen A patient suffering from th,ia dia. r
-, .hi uhf n o he tuockml with pretended tures; ye(
d icesery
, re mllet , ea flint ate worth *tetra* in the ••
VI, al of 0111 • implant:. Cahoot I lid, Itilbv.tto .bee!'
h ler trier, but the remedy has proved itself.wersi • •
the diem -! What then shell be deliett We sag e -
irl' right's mane Vegetable. Pills ll trtal:' If they do
urea tont trittlectationi4 we pie wi s hing to bear all
rprehriunt oft* /arr. A li f fisd .ty tii all
' .• - I • TR V 111E31 ' '
ii nn rick run no money thrown away—you are
m of hciteit.
O. k WO rtn Ilifilt E. „
lye fond that Wrighth Indian Vt giltietlia
4le ' i e toot. medicine you ever It. afik iaf,
Don't run, after et'rry upstart Remedy, :.
is to b stet itself lull 110 . 0061. Y, Abdecall I
1:1,5` t r. - OF I - Imre - 11°,1s
• inn Vegetattle.ilhlbi.. Previous to tied I l it
i us Medicine, Indian Pills *ere neVer heard .
t host. of th& M
eAI hill all, what vie
I t
aide Imitations of the original medicine; . '
thao chalk 1.. like cheese! One man lad.
A)* ed" • adieu Vegetable Pills This would
c,•, if it weitrless serious. Bewa r e of or
Itiona Cracks,
!!Ibutidgred Kit,
•Itil I fa*
trrOUS *VET. ,
COr118,1Elsi1!ott s,
Wha• you lati
l'lllA ort.o.t.lear ,
,tick I lhfml
Which uttempti
of Wrighee
trodurtion or t
of. Now whit
titre. hut noise.
no Mote! Ilk. 14, "11440
lo•aptilital jol
EuVoF Tiii..'fiEdEVAlL / . IfLEN, re. ,' -
There is no 40re iy el.ets here: :f 4 country is S wab.
in • with noun erfoiterp, both of ino'ney and of medielt4,:..:; ;
But which in lin worst! In not tbocount•rfeitrr ofa mad L
. hot lutre x jhetier 4 hau a' robher, and a rourdeierl-..
Huy of the re t oter Agents only wo ray again
0, P. SP A rFtlit.D. Frie.•
Saninel Hum! 111. & CO.. Iraterfiird.
30.,u mcCiurf . Sen. Guard..
.1. 11, et -v• ran n, Vision.
Rave' S. l'ott r, We at Springtielti:
W. ii.TOWIIA util, Springfield. I
11. C. town & Co., Vi'attnhoLg; 1 -
•• •• Nonni East. !
John ('knit-n . Falr•Jielr • '
TIM ONLY rtzulx&r. krk:Rismicixr.. INOLIII
PILLS 11AVem SlGs:•simr: or I'Vse. War
utotif ts.reic
WITH 1 YES "Is TIM ilir LAvIEL or t Acti.poi, JA,ae , other .
verriqe, w. 41 to tt.arnferfeillhiris I o. OtltY.
101fleen iietuited excluidvely to atonal. of llrriohekfa 'l4.
ligeta,er i'ill , . wholesale and retuil, If; l Rued Ftrept. -
I'litlndelphiu ELBSCreenwieh Street, New York; aid lid ' _
'Fremont Strent. lloqon. '
Erie. .tuty f 2t. lB-to. - ,
ttableitusiOy 114 offere4
price of or; dollar, l
Oct. 16
FCGfTC NIERINCL-131ak and P:one•colat
of the besrilajity, ror sale cheap by
- ta. JACKS,AN.
CLO Drab antr.l'down
for ready pay at the etore 411
Sept. 25
and cotton Warp, froin'two
lit shillinir4i:r yard, Black, Mown,
plain and satin striped, for sale lay.
Coiiny outdone! We can shoii
Al as fine fresh Teti and at as low Wi
nne who claims any connection with
A. to ei
drab, ?tail
Sr] t. 21.
• and s
cea as any
the Pekin
Lts rn, CnEstri.
Oet. IG
I 1 2 and 1 5 inch Bo . at
can ho hecl of
ek za
Et; lonnrdirtzely, at this Office, goat
of tierw,k knee
rbr or all fo'r which the highest.
e paid.
I; ls , ISI7.
\\T A?
pi ire will(
Erie, 00
•;7'IN(.-1000 Pardo *Toe, halt and
carpeting, nt prices vary intrrrom 2artd
5 shillinL , tp , r purl. Also; - Floor Oil
Ithe 1151.ral low rated of
OAR Petuir
G iwnce
60,119, at I
Comtnerail Exchnnge, French et. A .
Tar ' - 24 •
(- haina dfditfarcnt 5i7.(!9, suitnblc for
'lit Q r saw mii.e , nud t ill be cut
gill, it) tire,'lncers.
- • U EO. ELDEN t: SON.
No'v. G
C pairs Bliinkc.6 an EiTai ,
fot Hale low lii
I C Sprrth Oil, a ;hire article, for sal;
No. 1. Perry Block by
A I.'
,L 1 tcr
i Jet 2
A ( V )
'ne. 6, 18 17
ill'iscribtr (.IThrs lor salethe improve d
i on Mhia he' now resides, rilioal t4:4
tth of W:iterford, on the' Turnpike tend
_Er ie. In Piitsbusr . gh, eontainin ...1 11141 atreg
GO antler iinprovemen., and ih'. balanei
i iete.l with Wliii.c oak, chestnut, -C. For:
hoi.t . oin, the bulance ntifeid. Oit the
f .
Is a zood frame dwelling, lo l g barn, R
'lard Of apple and cherry trees, and a no:-
r silting or water. , For further particw- .
ire Or the sancrilier on the premises, or
Pin s, Erie.
nuke p.,
ara; from
of land,
well tit::
ty tirt
tarn enqi
of C.
rro . (1.. no 15, 1917. i
, •
!Fall Faslaioos for 1841
(i,,f.tibs:( riper is now prepared' toS
lii .nds and customers ‘tit pivy
pe f letivality; nisei/ zreeral assort me
e bleb- Wiil be ecild as cheap it,tha che 1
FOll9 AvAot.. to meliese will plesie e
amble qllity and prices fo( therm:to:li ,
I.L. S. fl UNTit:R, Practici.
Corner Of Stale end t
Oct. 4 29, 180
, •.'OR TUE F.RIF. OBSEP V [L oral i e
ME VS•EpITOR. ,, SFIl a ou e •tel, lyctig,tite•
rt I your vaittaunip
p i:l h r, t I
6 itizen'r e t I t t ir h i i:c r itv nnd vicin iy,t dt, • receiv
in , r a 31 . 2 C, arid well seletne I mark t'.Ftilt el
W irltir Dry GLI.6aS, Groceries, Cr kery an
Harth4are, 'which I ant Belling at Gre4.l3artgairitv .
in orrtkr to pay transportation, the bal4nce will fie
applied to charitable piirtintles. Forhrther pr.;
itctdar ally et Ib , 2_ Arrieriean pitaik.Ststei
Street. , - M. MAYER .
I.rtorr ALE op drdeglir, and
co., 1, Perry Blink: T; W
• isl 7.
ETI?.FISH, Mackinac Traut.
ing. Nor. t and 2 MackOel,
arid Haddock, just received
1. Perry (Mai( by. T‘Av:
Nov: o f 1217:
at! No
'4 4.
I Itt)Sls. --Ibis vat:
, fur sale dt. dye , bye'
larni li hie
poi. Per.
11 dnd ei- ~'
fib stietx. .
M , Me
I nd for. eq01;
• *Yr
• I•