Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, December 04, 1847, Image 1

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1311 A. P. DURLIN 1011. F. -SLOIN,
/STATE STltitrr, ERIE, Pr..
bne copy, one year, in advance, $t 50
Otherwise, two dollars fl year will
charged. Theso terms will be strictly adhered to
in all caSes. -
Advertisements inserted at 50 cents per square
or the first inseltion, and 95 cents for cacti sub
sequent insertion - I.' J . • -
Job Printimg, of all varieties, such as Books
Pamphlets, flandbills,Show Bills, Cards,Steam
boat Bills, Blanks for Notes, Beceipts, &c. exe
cuted in the best aisle and on short notice.
. T. W; 11100,11 E.
Dealer in Groceries, Provisidori, Candies, Fruit
&c. No. 1, Perry Block, Stio.o street, Erie, Po:
Attorneys at Law. Office up stairs in the Tam
many Hall building,north oil he Protlionotar)•s
(Mice. fl
Dealer' in Dry duods, Groceries, Hardware,
Queens Ware, Lime, Iron, Nails &c. No. 121,
Chcapside, Erie, Pa.
County and Ilorougli Surveyor; office iu Exchange
Frehch Si, Eric.
1113.11E0T tk. CO.
A SU Dealeri in Lehigh and Eri% Coal. Salt
di and Produce tfenet ally. Particular atten•
lion paid to the sale of Produce and purchase of
N 0.3, R 4 Coburn Square, Sou 0;X bad.
F.. r. innawavr, U. MOUS.
Bonk, N. Y. r"
Attorney and Conqmdlor at L.act ; Vince No. 2
State it., oppo4te the Ea (de WM, Erie, Pa.
Attorneys EL Counsellors at Law,•dtlice on French
street, over S Jackson S• Co's. Siore, Erie
April 21, 1547, • 49
•tealers in Forel:lit anti 1)01111` , th: Dry Goad t,
Ready Made Clothing, non s and Shoes, &e.
Ese., I, Flemming Block, State Street,
Erie, Pa,
Attorneys and Colingellors at Law—Office on
Sixth ,treet, west Elide of the Public Square„
Erie, Po.
G. LO )MIS &. Co
Dealer. in \Va:ches„Jewelry,Siher,C;ermalo Sil
sir, Plied arol•Thlttannia Ware, Cutlery, MP
itary and Fancy Goods, N 0.7 Reed House, Erie
M hoi ,
sale and Retail:Dealers in Dry Goode, (1.
s, llardware,iCruukery, Glassware, Iron
.Nalls, Leather, etc. etc, o i rner of Stale
Street and the Public Squa, opposite the Eattle
Tavern, Erie, Pa.!
Cabinet, Mal,er, Upholster and Unliettaker,
' State t , tree!, Eric Pa
Pl),, ,, leiatt, and Su:germ, °trice on Severith Street,
w( ..t o f H it . Ni c ti n di.: ('l n P.tie, Pa.
W.‘l,lilM COOK,
General Forwarding,, Commission; and Piodnee
i\l reliams; Red Ware lions°, east of he Put)•
tic Po Eple.
3l►SEl j ii KELSEY,
,I,lanufaitnrers of Coppel and Shcet•iron
oare corner of Frenolt and streets, Erie.
•on Pounder:i, wholenale and retail dealers in
toves, Hollow-ware ice. Stare street, Erie. Pn
iolegalvand retaildearer-iti Druz:4, Medicinvs
)e z.,ll.atis,Grqecries,t , ie. N 0.3, [teed thmau
.Tit!, Pa.
aler in Dry Goods, G rOcories, No. 111,
rhe'ili;side, Eric Pa.
Ire in Dry Goads, Gioceries, ski.:. ; No, 1,
Connell Mock, State st.,Erie, Pa
alvm in Ortiz: , Aleilicine.,-Pitiins, Oils, Dye,
Glass, No..t; need 1101IfC, ie-
B. TOMLINSON 8:: - Co.
sardine and Coinnti,don Mernnantq; 109
:"treet, Erie, and al f,th Street Carild Bit
"s, A-0 de aleta-in Groceries and Prot
elk. in Hardware, Dry Good% Groceries, &c.
ti4ttuiPot the Diamond; and oire door cast of
;tie 1:1 ,, le lo.el Brie, Pa
llnanL.Piro‘t d, corner or Mate street and
l'alitle!gmare, Erie. Pa. Easton, Western,
arid Similarrn St.we °Wive.
tsrpt,E fi H.kmiuroN.
non clite Men ham Tailor:, on the relilie
lure; a few door sve-t ef State ctrcct, Brie,
..•:. iii Tip , lozical, Nli , -i•ellaiwo7 y
, Sundt}-
1 (1,,,--,-0 s.l l ool Book ; s'- , aripliary, Cie. etc.
,). I I I, Frew 11Stri.vt, li.riis, Pa,
P. A. B.' BIiACB, ---
, ra , s' and Counsellor at i,t‘t , Prairie du Chien, j
Vj. T. pi,irlite in, the. comities of Crawford,
ii nit awl lay% It. W I T. and in Clayton county,
Ls A Ten ItoI),
I 1,1 il_ . l , l , lil:s' series of Scho o l Books,'l, :1,1
‘ .1. 3, land 5, (~r F;IIC at No. i t/, Preneh .St.
'.tie, Mat 6, l^l7. 51
- _
.c.'al Stir -1, yt,orly opposite the Eagle 11(44.
11 . 1. 10111:-', .S. CO. are"now receivin2 from
' Nett York and operiiii. , at their new store
'',t 'ast , ".a , —ortruen: of Inch and Frydiionable
‘ " .1 : 1 •Ill", (olidiraciou the latest s;y1( of work
ti , R , t,) writr'le, Clocks, Plohel owl Irillanin
'• Fine i'll u Steel Trittintitiga, (amp/Hite
- S-..!41' I . , on) t i l :, r lj ' ,• ' ,okirtz (.lasses, (:o fit Pens,
1 i a lilt a .v.enera I variety of 17-tu and Or
-11 atilt It's. Call and sec Irlidt ! i on trill ire.
Cash For Flax Seed.
, 1, A1 ,, ,111„,, paid for nits- thotwand• bushels of
, I '' l ` l ''. 1 b Et(
CARTER Sr& 11rIllEft.
""' 27 . 1.-17. y
No. 6, Heed llolige, 1
' I RS:.—Loaf; Crushed, PalveriTed, Clnri
' I " f t l'ortc) Rico, 1 iaVana. New Orleans Su•
, • ''-, axl e at No, t Perry Block.
T. W. MOOR 13.
!, I
.t. ,
..I .
Oh ll
s t iItAAM, Proprietor.. The
i sul)-triber %ko,11(l respectfully inform
. his frieads and tlic traveling public g e n•
that he has 'cu p!! for a term of Vearis (big
al commodlomt noose, situatal at the
1 stre,q Canal lia.m. This location rem
o!." S VESTEttN " pre - eminently the most
mcnt and deAralde stoppins place for all
dnint: business or traveling _en the Canal.
re is, al , o,.attached to ibis establishment a
. and . oncentent :it , thle'br the use of Boat
ar,d 0 Imo+ havins„ horses
s or elpease has ben spared in fitting
t ,
for the convenience, comfort and
'lre of sitcom!, and the Proprietor trusts by
kl, ".!ntlon to business to merit and reedy° a
a , qf pw.l".T.ittanagi.••
April 41, 1817. > 43
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Oace more amid the harvest Ifelds with Autatatt's stores
With flowers sad fruiti and sroldch grain, in rich profit-
sloe crowned,
Behind our step the Buettner fades, Wore us ell 4o
'The Gees that %rigitheir glory paint the 'eloaini time of
Mee . more we've seed the genial earth Bing winter (rota
het arms,
,For us unfold her mislay heart ml gitv us all her
Once more:we'se mat this Badinter's un inlaid the blaze
of June,
And gathered Nature. bounties in, beneath the harem,'
The forest leaves. of late so fresh, lie strewed and with-
ered round, .
The tole*, of tho coming winter storm, sweep o'er the
naked ground;
The.tiirds that filled this living air have spread their won
ted wing,
Afar beneath another skit, to nook another spring.
Vet though the circling seasons change, unit each to
amines its
Olt, not for this we kit:so to aee the year's dephrting
For hopes that dashed the vernal hour have Tonal their
tick reward„ -
And smilCs should cheer the wintry hearth wheie plenty
decks the board.
Like men wn met our honest toil with every rising morn,
Like men we bore the ferviutheet amid the bemiring corn,
Aud now with - grateful hearts-we coma to biers the bouu
teous Power,
Whosa goodness sent the ripening sun, spit pouted the
k nutty shower. •
And still to seek thy reetcr4rir band and own thy con
-I,tant care,
May we and ours to endless year+ thy constant name de
Thine era our fields, null flocks, and '' herds, and ell that
crowns our dap.,
tad still to Thee Almighty Led! eternal be the ;ruder,.
We make our own path, and ding our own shadow up
"Ldeclare," said Mrs. Fenton, "it's too
bad that I should be neglected!" and she un
tied her hat string and threw aside her shawil•
while her eyes sparkled and her cheeks burn
ed with the resentment which she felt tow
ards her husband. "Here I've sat tidy
and orating for throe long hours; bin. it'd too
late to go now, fur the fair closes at five," and
she looked at her watch. It wanted only.
twenty minutesof that time. "He knew how
very anxious I was to go," continued she,
"and it's shatineful, after promising me ho
would surely be here at , three, to break his
appointment. But [ presume he has never
thought of it ,since,' and will have that
for an excuse when he comes that he had
forgotten it, as he has several times before;
Forgollel! Yes, that is the way now, al
though a year of our wedded life has riot yet
flown!" and the tears of vexation and disap:-
pointment, which she had long been striving
to repress, burst from her eyes. Suddenly
she started up, exclaiming—"l will not be so
foolish as to sitJiere and weep; I will let him
see when he dors come that I have some in- -
dependence, and can at least show my resent
ment, for his condnct. I will not pass it'
lightly over as I have done—l am not to be
trifled with any longer; but I will go and
spend the rest of the flay with Mrs. Thomas."
So wiping ,her eyes, and casting ,a hasty
glancelat her really pretty face in a mirror,
she put on her shawl, and, tying the strlngs of
her hat with a jerk that showed the excite
ment she was under, hastened from the house
for fear that if she lingered her resolution to
act - so decidedly against the wishes of - her
husband would fail: for he had expressed
strongly a desire that she would not visit
with that lady at all.'
It was nearly nine in the evening when
Mrs. Fenton returned. Her hushand was
alone in the parlor reading; he rose as she en
tered the room, laid aside his book, and,
greeting her with his usual kind smite, drew
an easy chair fur her by his side before the
fire, which was burning cheerfully in_ the
She answered coldly, and, without appear
ing to notice I.llg proffered seat, sat down on
an ottoman by,tlte table, although the night
was cold and chilly, and, taking anannu
al,which lay upon it, began to read:
Mr. Fenton bit his lips, for he could hard
ly refrain from laughing at this unusual and
strange behavior. lie was not long in con
jecturingl the cause of her displeasure; but as
she had taken such novel measures to make
him sensible of it he thought ,ho would not
notice it, and see low she would proceed.
"Fanny," said hA, good huntoredly, "t con
cluded to stay at;home with pui this evening
inttead of going to the counting-house. Jane
told me when I came to tea that you would
probably be in soon, and so I have been sit ; -.
ting here, expecting you fur two hours or
Mrs. Fenton made no repinshe n:as ap
parently deeply absorbed in the contents of
the book before her.
"%Vas that Mrs. Seymour," perseveringly
continued her husband, "who, was talking
with you just now in the hall?"
"No," replied Mrs. Fenton, still keeping,
her eyes fastened upon her boOk—"it was,
Mrs. Thomas." '
Mr. Fenton was silent a mofnent. '
"Have you been 'there this evening?" ask
ed he, somewhat earnestly.
Mr. Fenton was surprised and a little dile.'
pleased; for he knew that she was well aware
how he disliked Mr. Thomas for bite meanness
in some business transactions which had pas
sed between them, no less did be that gentle
maors wife for her slandering tongue and gos
sipping habits. lie made 10 remark upon it,
I however, but still tried by cheerful observe
' tions to draw her into a conversation that
would dispel the gloom from her brOw; but
l eihe steadily repulsed every effort by frigid
'monosyllables, until at last, tired of bis use•
less endeavors, ind Withal a,little angry, he
determined to leave her to herself until - her
resentment had abated, which-he did not
doubt would after a few hours' reflection; so
nothing was said that night about the broken
engagement. I .
The next.'day passed, and the next,' and still
no exeltination had ensued. Mrs. Fenton,
who was now really angry, was cold and si:-
lent; she considered herself ill-treated, and
was - *ermined to persist in her taciturnity',
until Tier husband should . make sonde npolo.l
.for not coming to attend her to; the fait,l
as he had promised; While he no less stub
horrify -kept his resolution of letting her alone
until she recovered her good humor, remain
ed in his counting-room, except when oblig
ed to come home fOr his meals.- - He was sur
prised to see such a disposition in one Whom,
until riew, had been all love and* gentleness.
Instead of his former warm welcome when he
returned froin business, she met him with--cold
words and -averted eyes,
Mr. Fenton came- home to dinner; he had
been thinking the matter over all' day, and
had at last come to the conclusion that, as he
was the first toblame in not explaining why
he could not have kept his appointtnent with
hiS' wife, he should take the first steps toward
w reconciliation; for he doubted not "Oat her
heart, like his own, was all the while aching
for one. Dinner was eaten . in silence, as mai
al; and after they had risen from the table,
Mr. Fenton approdched the sofa, upon which
his wife sat, busily occupied with tying knots '
in the corn*, of her pocl+t handkerchief, and
commenced somewhat abruptly- with—
" Fanny, I have notice that, for' the last.
few days, there has been striking alteration
in your =lnter towards myself.. Now, if I
have displeased, I wish- you to tell me frank- 1
ly; for if I have, the course which you are
pursuing is likely to do 'any thing but make
the matter better. Indeed, I can hardly ima- -
gine how such a trifling thing as that, fair
should ruffle your temper as it has done."
Here Mrs. Fenton, who, since her husband
had began to'speak, had be - en patting her lit
tle 'foot with an air of impatience upon the
ear Pet, put tier handkerchief to her eyes, for
these cema4a wet* any thing but concilia'-
Mr. Fenton regarded her for a moment in
silence, and then sat down by her side, and
drawing her hand within his own, said-- -
""Fannyttet us end this foolish quarrel, here.
Why should you make yourself so unhappy.
(it ditinot trouble him, of course, or he would
not have been so pointed as to say yourself)
"I think it was very foolish= toast as yen have
done.". ,
Fanny, who was just on the 'point of yiel d
ing to the promptings of her better feelings,
drov her hand.suddenly away as he uttered
this last sentence.
~."Indeed, Mr. Penton," slie exclaimed,lin-
Ilignantly, "do not trouble yourself about !iny
fholish actions. Perhaps Imu not so ticry
unhappy as you think. if you - do, consider th'e
promises you make to me a l l s trifling affairs,
and leave me atone fur several daYs to amuse
myself. P think I can find something to in
terest me, for I trust I have friends, r Mrs.
Thomas—" •
lierintended remark was cut short, for she
had touched upon a subject that angered her
husband, and he "
rose abruptly, catightl tip his
hat, and left the hoUse.
He proceeded to his Irisiness, but affairs of
heart occupied his mind 'more than those of a
pecuniary natitie,,and, after making innumer
able mistakes in casting up accounts, he tCut
down the pen and again started for, hOme; for
now the first flush of anger was over, he was
wise enough, spite of his pride, to see that he
had not taken the right course to correct her;
and that, had he approached her with more of
kitsdnesi and leas of reproof, she would not
hare resisted his attempts at a reconciliation;
but now he would go and tell her plainly the
reason why he had been unable to keep his
appointment, and explain as he doubted
not but that he could to her satisfaction.
As he was passing down the street, ho was
joined by an acquaintance who asked,. as
they walked . together, wh b that handsome
foreign looking Stranger was whom he had
met in company with Mrs,. Fenton a short
time before? • • I •
Mr.'Penton didfnot know.
"Some old and dear acquaintance, I should
judge by their conversation as they passed
me," continued his companion, "for they
seemed very happy to see each other.—
Zoutuls! man, what make's you change Color
so? You are not jealous,' I hope? for, to come
to the point, Seymour told 1710,he thought it
Must be your wife's brother, who was expect
ed trim) Europe."
" Mr. Fenton made no reply. It could loot
have been _Mr. Eaton fur his last letter told
that he had changed his mind and should not
return home until the ensuing spring. The
thought had entered his head thiat it was no
other than Charles Howard, a (+titer rival of
his for the hand of his wife, whohn knew was
then in the city, and, althougliche did not
doubt the love and constancy of re. Fenton,
he was not -qiiite satisfied that 4hey should
meet as affairs now stood. He reached the
house, and not finding hie wife below, as usu
al, proceeded to her chamber. He paused as
he dreW near the half open door, for, he saw
her form reflected full in a mirror which hung
opposite. She sat upon a sofa, with herihead
beat dreamingly upon her hand; her face was
pale, and her eyes looked red with weeping.
Fenton's heart smote him, and- pity for her,
who had left father, mother, friend and hoine
for his sake, took the place of resentment..,—
He`was, just going to clasp her,le his arms,
when an action of hers , airested his attention,
and he stood transfixe dwith amazement.--.
She was pressing tci her lips a miniatuke,
which he now for the first time observed thin
she held in her hand.! Did his eyes deceive
him? No, it was a miniature, and a gentle•
man's, too! MrjFenton's Estee assumed first
"wHitE v c-ii "
SATURDAt i),ECEMi*R 4, 1847.
a red and then an ashy hue. ; Surprise :and
jealousy agitated his,bosom. The miniature
was not his—he never - had one Hecauld not
see the features distinctly; but; his imagine
ation pictured it as the likeness of H o ward!
I, Ala! how could I have been so 'Wish,"
he hear her exclaim, passionately, "its to act
disregard hie hive! Yee, I deserve to, be un
happy;' and she btirst into tears.
"Oh, imy God!" carne involuntarily ; from
1' ;
the;lips or the listener.
Mrs. Fenton started, and hastily• conceal
ej.the picture in the folds of her dress, while
a deep blush overspread her face as she saw
her husband standing before her.
But the action aturthe blush were both ob
served by the eagle eye of the wretched Man,
and they confirmed him the more in his new
ly awakened suspicions; he
_turned abruptly
and rushed front the house. For nearly an
hour he traversed th' street, heedless where
he went or who beh 4
dhira, How suddenly
had his cup of happiriess.bonoisoned, and
his love and cenfide . -, chit'ital o despair
and distrust! The b . g wholi loved bet
terfa than even life it .f, and ‘ tipiat whom .he
had lavished the; wealth. of lifi heart's best
affections, bad proved Wto him. Her late .
condo t. with every. trifling word and action,
now him An a new light. , -
The days of his courtship bad been stormy
r oues ; but he had succeeded, spite of a crowd
lof wealthier and more.distinguislied admirers,
in bearing aria triumph the header the beau
tiful Fanny Eaton, although for a long time
lit was doubtful whether the -handsome mer
ehant . Fenton or the rich. banker Howard
should win her. Some whispered that she
loved the latter, and • bad given_ her hand to
Fenton in a, moment of caprice. ; Till now, he
bad heard it as the ldle tale of ens', and be
tieved that he had: received her heart with her
and. How could she have deceived him so!
tit it was plain that he And been•deceiced.
What•abould he dot How caul() he anti- He
truck hint: he was to have gone to Wash
ington on business the next weet,..and he could
start off now, and so let mattelPiest until he
had time to think upon the cpurse which . vvould
be beat kir him to pursue.—until he was calm-
Qs, for he wished to do nothing rashly or with •
ut proper reffeetipn. It wanted. then(but a.
short time of the hour when the. steam boat
which he would take left the wharf; so hastily
jacking a few articles of clothing in his trunk,
,and writing a shorC.note to his -wife, stating
I riefly that he bad lqft town on business and
a , ould . probably be, ginot.eiviet weehei he
1 • ent on board, and was soon on ilii - renkii 1116
. etropolis of the Union.
Mrs. Fenton was greatly surprised and
l!hockod by his Budded departure. He, who
efore had never left her hardly for a single
ay, was now to be absent weeks, and perhaps
i oaths--and then to part unreconciled, with
tt even a kind look or i word to cticer her. du
n'his absence! It was unjust—it was ern
, If he had loved her as she did him, he
uld not have done sod
. ,
A week had passed away--a welik of mis
such ns the light heart of Fanny Fenton
never before known . Left to herself, she
things in their trit , light. She saw how
'Teat a fuult had been hers in conducting to
ards one who, until slie had wilfully provok
cl him, had always been kind and indulgent,
id she would have g7en worlds could she
rive fallen upon his neck and begged his fcir
ivness for her folly. She could nett even
write, for she knew not where ho would be h, , y
me a letter Would reach him: and so she had
' Sit W
nothing to do until ho returned but tirt
olk.r the past and make resolutions for the fu
One morning, as she sat brooding over the
et i ents t tc tad transpired, a servant came
in l
say ng there leas a gentleman below who
wish° to speak With 'her immediately. Per
haps was her first thought, he briiigs me some
news from Henry, and with a heart &tiering
wildly between hope and fear she hastened to
th parlor. .
t was no one but her husband's partner,
M . Seymour; but what could he want of her
at that icarly 'hour? He rose from his seat as
sh y
entered the room, and his solerrin manner
asl he bid her good morning struck her, and a
vague, indefinable presentinient of some com
ing mifortune with which her husband was
connected darted through lfer mind. There
%ve l a an awkward silence cilia moment, which
M. Seymour broke, by saying—
;qtrs. Fenton, I came to speak of flour hus
band, and am pained to say that I have sad
neWs. to communicate concerning hilt," and
he l paused to see the effect of his. words before
lie{ proceeded.
Mrs. Fenton trembled INe an aspen. She
knew it was something tqfible by bis man
ner; and She dared not ask, for she' feared to
know, and she, Waited in silence fur him to
"Mr. Fenton had met with an• accident
while in Philadelphia," he said, evidently nits"-
king an effort to go on With the subject. "In
stepping from the cars, psi as the train was
entering the depot. his foot slipped, and he fell
under the track, and—was badly injured."
A sudden paleness Overspread the counte
nance of the listener, and she exclaimed, in a
voice made husky. with strong emotion,
"Where is he now? Teilme, that I may go,
to him."
• "Nay," interposed Mr. Seymour, nearly as
agitated as herself, "he will suou be here; but
be calm, for he is very dalgerously hurt."—
He paused and turned away .his head, for he
could not bear to tell the u i lorst..
The watchful 'eye of Mrs. Fenton saw it,
and grasping his arm, sheexclaimed, witilfyf,
1 ,
"That its not off :you 'arid say. Tell me
-.....0h! tell me \for the love 4:)f God, is he yet
sliver'and she loOked imOoringlY up„,,t9 hie
is f
face. "You do no answeri me!" she contin
ned,lfrantically. ' He is—rb! my God,lie is
dead:" and her nd slid ,resiatless from his
min, and she sank, lifeless upon the 01101:-
, •
as confused and irresolute. A now thought
The hours flew by and ni lit came. I Lights
were glancing, and foetal,* hurrying tojind
fro, and all was sorrow aid confusion in the
mansion of Henry Fento . The o1 owlet had
been brought home dead! His wife had look
ed/ upon his altered and " iefigured eminte
nance, and long falnting fit had ensued; now
she was delirious, and in high fever' s * 'it
was doubtful if she would 1 ver recover _ oft
the shock which this dreadful accident
given her. - . - I
Weary and care-worn, 1
Mr. Fenton had
Il tv
reached the capital and pu one Of the
hotels in the, City. On his , ay he bad been
robbed of his pocket-book, containing every
dollar be , had,with•him, together with , notes
to a large amount; but he hid fortunately met
with an aequaintanee, why kindly lent him
moneito defray 'the expenses of his Journey.
The citement attending this, added \
to his
already fell cup of trouble s,' threw him into
fever, which, although not vi ojnt enengh to
be considered dangerous, wa s su ffi ciently so 1
to confine him to his room 4r several days.
It was a gay season at Washington, and al
though Fenton had many') friends 11104., ho
kept himself shut up, aloo f !! m every one.—
He would sit all day abso bed; in hie own
gloomy reflections, heedlees i ' f the; busy throng
and light laugh of pasiere-b / beneath hhi win
dow. One afternoon ash sat thus, } there
came a risp,at bie. door. HO'returned nr an
swer; for he was in no mood , for visitere, and
did not like to be disturbed in hia reflecii
bitter though they were. disturbe d
rap was
and time renewed , and imidediately the y
4. c .,_
re thrown open, and Fran k rUtoll;his7 l
brother, stood before him. •
Fenton was friuch surprised a t seeing
whom he sulop,osed wanderlng in a for
clime, no less than was Eairm et'the cha l l
and haggard looks - of-his friend, which ho
trifnited to his resent Himeji
. "I did - not know," said he, after the
1 '
questions natural to old friends and class ,
had been asked and given, I 's ntii withi
hour, that you were in the city, and the
washy hearing accidentally elme one I , nei
your name. ,I Made imrheliite en i quijy,
learned that you' had been hete sick for o
ly a week. and so I hastened pith jail spec
see you• I .
Fenton replied- that he hal been, 'but
then almost well. _ 1 1 •
"But how do you get alon at orrie'r'
'Eaton. '"Arid how is sister; iin l .H'OU
not Cold me yet." . - , 1 I 1 .
"She was well when I 1 ' t her," ref ,
Fenton, solaptskly / , , - -.. i
"I3y the way," continued , aton, wit
noticing the manner iri whip,t
his friend
plied to hieque4ion, "I sup ~ se:Finny l'
you of the flying visit I made her, As 1 pa
through town week before lad. 3 wante
see you very much; but as I' was under
necessity of meeting my igurTlial on sui
. .. . ... ,
day, 1 was obliged to proceed irectly on
my journey, after Fpe n d ngo fifteen mini
with tuy sister., But she . did hot excite )1,
jealouSY by that miniature, di Ishe? She
so in raptiires With it that ftho' ghtlyou
have cause to be 50.,"
"Miniatur4—theminicitur ?" ozelgi
Penton. springing from his seat With an !4
ergy that fairly alMok the flpor.J
was it, and how came she by it? j Quid
quickr—tell me!" and he graspild hi H comp
ion .by the shoulder with au agerness tl
ntadeltim doubt his sanity.
"Why, man, what is the matter?" repi
Eaton, in a tone' of suprise. "As to the 1 1 ‘
question, /gave her the miniatureiand to
first, Whose should it be but your lotinfr
iiiiine?--the miniature mine?" t.ritnme
Fenton t "Howpould that be? Ipm sur d ,
never had ono !elm." - 1
“Well, but you did though; and if you will
sit down, and nbt stand, there staring with
open mouth, as if the Monti hitdjusi' l fallento
your feet, I will try and what mys
terious Means it caine into my possession.
While I was-in Italy, I happened to be prey-,
ent at an auction of- paintings, and to my in
expressible• surprise saw your trice among
collection. On inquiry,l found it was paint
ed by Hambleton, a young' American artitit:
You must remember him—that tall, Pale-faced
student that graduated shortly after we enter
ed college? He was a one fellow, and bid
fair to be a genius of the first rank; but he
died while studying the arts in Italy's sunny
clime. His sickness was long, and he was
not wealthy; and after he died, his pictures
were ()bilged to be sold to defray the expenses
of his funeral.”
"Yes, yes—l recollect him perfectly now,"
said Fenton, musingly, "and I aid sit to hin
once for my picture, but I was not aware that
he ever finished it."
"It appears that, be did," replied his Mend,
"and a most faithful likeness it was, too. II
purchased andkad it reset in the handsomet
frame I could , procure, intending it for a pres
ent to my sister when I returned to America,
thinking it would be the most acceptable one
Icould offer, unless her feelings and taste had
undergone a great change since I h4t Leard
from her; and I found that I was not Mista
ken, for when I presented her with it, elle was,
iri ecstacies, and even had the audacity. to kiss
it over and over again before my face."
"Fool—fool that I have been," exclaimed
Fentoi, "to distract one who loves me So well!
Oh, my accursed jealousy !I can nev4 l forgi'4
myself for it!" and turning to his fiiend, who
tood viewing him with silent amazeMent, he
related all that had transpired, his un jhst sus
picimis, and precipitate departure. I
Measures were immediately taken fOr both
to statt for homer. Penton's imputierice was
great, but be was obliged to content himself
as well ache eraild until the next morning, as
no train started North tsetil that time. He
was again misfit from despair WAN T ) pi nnac l e
of happirsss, o, not quite - , that wonld not
be gaiilA until be had clasped his injored wife
again In big' arms and asked forgireness for
the wren he hef done her.,
It was towards the close of the day, as Mr.
Eaton sat:by tho Window, amusing himself by
watching the passers-by, a deep groan start
led him,,and, looking around, he saw renton,
his face as white and khasth as death, with a
paper, in which' he had been reading, crushed
convulsively in his hand.
"Read—read," was all he could utter, point
ing with' look of agony to a,para'grcip?i, head
ed "Railroad ; Accident." Eaton took the pa
rer from bis'hand, and read as follows:
"A shocking accident occurred on the 19th
inst., just as the passenger train was entering
a depot at Rhiladelphia. A gentleman, in his
haste to leave the care, jumped fri)in them,
while they were yet under headway:l'h; foot
slipped, and he was thrown under tile tract,
the cars passing over his body and causing
most instant death. He was taken to a hotel
near, and recognized by,tuites and other things
which he had about him as Henry Fenton, a
young merchant from Hartford.' His body
was enclosed in a box and sent Wine.' He
had been married but a short time, and this
sudden affliction was too much for his wife,
a young and beautiful woman, who adored
him, and after a short illness she died of
grief." •
Mr. Fenton %%tag almost frantic;, hp walked,
the room, upbraiding, - himself continually as 1
the murderer of Ifis wife. -
Baton, although
. his
,own grief was great,
tried to comfort him by saying !bat it was nit
improbable but the statement was false.—
Perhaps there was dome mistake—there had
been greater ones; and although she might be
sick, and dangerously so, lie would not - believe
that she was dead.' Fenton caught like a
drowning man at this conclusion, frail though
it was, and the hope that he might once more
see her alit'e sustained him. Oh, how slowly
sped the wings of lime that night to the %Veit
nig pair, who neither retired to restli But
morning carne at last, arid they, started on
their homeward wiit4.,,. I:
The day had just dawned. Mrs. Seymour,
who had . beet watching with her fr end,l rose
and put eSide \the heavy curtains that dar ken;
ed 11 room, and the first bright rays of an
autumnal morning shone full uprin the suffer
er.'l iiMe lay with her marble-like _face resting
upon tine white arm; her eyes were child,
anti their dark, heavily fringed lashes made y
contrast the pate shee . tOpon which they rested
.still paler: her thick, masses of bright ringlets
were pushed_ buck from her - temples, upon
which the - distinct -tracery of the blue veins
were visible, and lay !leafing around' the pll
lew: —She' was greatly changed: none would
live recognized in that sad, emaciated, but
still beautiful, countenance any likeness to
the laughing, rosy-lipped Fanny Fenton, who
but a few weeks before was rejoicing in health
and beauty, the gayest of the gay. Mrs.
Seymour was startled when she lOoked upon
her, fur there was nothing left of the bright
Rosh which, since the , fever had been upon
her, had burned upon either cheek, and now
she was j pale, so very pale and motionless, that
she trembled as she approached her, lest she
should find that life had fled.
o at-
ed to
, ,She stood by the bedside, and bent her face
to that of the invalid: she was sleeping 'qui.-
etly, for her breathing Wae slow and regular.
As / she stood thus regarding her, with -anx
ious solicitude, a loud scream, followed
by a confused noise from the lower 'part
of the I wise, struck upon her ear. What
could be the occasion of it? Wile had
dare 4 to disobey the injunctions of the phy
sicitin that perfect, silenceshould reign While
she slept?—for on that sleep her life de
pended. 'The noise continued, and Mrs. Sey
mour, indignant and fearful, crept softly 'on t
of the rci?tri
_to learn the catfse of all this
strane hubbub, As she reached the end of
the hall, which led by a back staircase: doWn
into the basement, from which the noise seem
ed to proceed, the door at the foot of tqem was
burst open, and Jane, the Irish girl, came rush
:lug up with' a large carving.knife grasped in
her hand: "A ghost-1 ghost. i .' was all 'she
could say, and she sank almost breathless at
Mrs. Seyinour's feet. It was some time: be
fore that lady could get her to speak or tell
the cause• of her fright: “Oh;;_t4e gliostr
she / eiclainied again, in a wild, frightened
,fond, "arid I was doing nothing but sitting all
alone in the kitchen, and he came, and—Oh,
dear—oh, dearr'• •
qle? Who was it? Speak."
"And wire," continued film . , casting every
moment hasty glances over her shoulder, and
speaking in a hushed whisper, "it was my
master'lt ghost; and didn't I turn round when
I beard the door open; and didn't I see
standing in y, looking right at the .with his
great black eyes, and looking jast like him
self, only just like-his ghost; and, says he, in
a great hollow voice. Jane,' says be—"
She paused soddenly
. andllteld her breath,
!old as the sound of hasty feet were heard as
cending, the stairs, she turned and fleeing
cipitately down tire hall, dish eared through
an open door tit the end of it. •
Mrs. Seymour stood surprise and co: f mod
ed at this strange scene. 1 4 he footsteps ap
proacheY nearer, and in a moment Henry Fen
ton, pale and breathless, stood before her, fol
lowed'elosely by his brother-try-law.
"Merciful heavens!" rxclaiited she, start
ing back in affrigpt; at he (tidderi reappear
ance of ono whom, as she had supposed, she
had seen dead and buried. •
"My *tie!" he elicfaimed—"ls she living)"
"Yes, she lives," replied the lady, hardly
knowing wliatibe sag:,
"Thank Godl y; exclaimed Fenton, and
sank upon the stairs, and, leaning ! ' his head
against the balthdradei t 4 proud than weptif
maktforlthe first time in his life. '
Edon then stepped up amkSaplained
in a few hasty words hOw his friend had bein
robbed a his pooket-book , and hute?; end the'
body • of the roap,er; upon which they were
fotind, mistaken for his..
Mrs. seymbur answered his inquiries by
telling them that the, newsof hie death 'bad
alli ,
MI3Mt. ige
thr o wn 1 . r e ::rittein into a fiver, iftal tliii
had lain /elide a 'Matt the All'nti di death foi
several tleys;ere !be had nbiii fallen trait . ;
quiet ihniibei ior.thAt: Sin time since she
been take it, and etas , said that;illfie Cant'
remain in it nul .
null tired natureilia somewhi.
resttired;tint' mike with'her reeligp. elreeg
'hopes mig ht be', entertained - of her reeireit;
otherwise the ca e wa's hopelsts: ilfr:Fecr
ton wished to g 'in'ttit'd see her, but Mn.ll'
Seymour ileplieil hat the, physician bad &en
strict orde a that no ene but herself aboulatto
admitted t her- appartment 'until 24e awoke;
but be stil pieaded. 'it won - 1W not stirelf AI
tuib her i he went in and looked Ippon 104
face a mopent ati she lay sleeping: 1' • •-:
._ Al fd : Seymouitold }dm to remain 4tithelsal/
while shevent irL and, if she still slumbered;
he might nine and leek ether ; She , 6144
the door at d crept softly into the room. At I
first she thought'that Mrs. Fenton was -stilt
sleeping; Out when:- she , came nearer, she DOL . - .
1 tired a slight trembling of the eye lids; and
that the' lung lashes which fringed them wero
heavy 4 With tears lota moment they welt
lifted up, and Sir,-;Fenton's ledge, ate - venter
eyes wer4ent upon hei nurse, who stood;
tenderly and thankfully regarding her; for rears
son's light liras in'llieif glances.
"I have been dreaming of my husband," iitti
said, at length, in a tow, touching tone, Patin;
aver to Gut e murmured inquiryof her friend:
"I thought that I bean/ again hie voice, and
that he wa not dead, and it 'was an life
that I can ardly fancy it but a dream. Allis!
alas! that I I must so pain awake to the satire;
alit v!" and' she corered her`` eyes with berth&
white liand while the hot, burning teas chiti.:
ed one another' doWn lies' cheeks. .. •
Mrs. Seyrour let her weep uniestrytined:fO?,
' a moment, for eheknew that it-Xittniti relieve
. -.
her burstinghearti
"PerhapS you tett/ seelitim. -1,. •, ...,:',./
again: an de itlit.
weep, my ftierid," Site aid and hesitatek,-
~ "I know what yeu would say," replied Mrs;
Fenton, smiting faintly, . "and I trust that'
shall meet him again in eternity.' ; , " :_'.
"No," c,'?ntintted Mrs: Spit:Witt; 4.tia4fit
that you niay meet hint even in Ibis world, for.
' doubts hav arisen' if thle" body brought•beref
I was really t nur husband ' g : " ' ,_-
Mrs..Fenton half started up in bed. !!Ii;
1 there then tire!" 'she exclaimed, earliestl":
'4oh, if ther Li none,do not say *out dogleg'
ine! For the love of God; do' Trot itlettebdit'ag
that can n;ret be realized: 44 mid 'biereottiti
with weakii ss and the effort she bid : ftfo4l . e , t,
- she sank bck. upon the pillow,, chistilliiit
eyes, and t ept agaiii: ra
Mr. Fe ln, who had bead 'listening et-tint
door, could restrain himself no tenger; and Se.;
' fora any o i pel Could prevent it, he bed staled
to the bedside of hie wife and.vtduttd his arms
lovingly aboi l it bey and when'she again open.;
ed her eyesi_ he waif resting tjkm the bosint
of her !Inaba d.—Diallar Newspaper. '
• , .
110 4 41ESTY: :
IVe haveften heard the litottii'i'epeated,
that "honest is the hest , policyf'_ To the,
truth of this ) motto, out assent- as always
been giveni yet while ofti-faith ha been nu
shaken ire 11'6 seen dishonesty triumph.
The term
quality. Ma i
It k tt
whiCh rogue!
hottest. Poh l ,
illuenced by '
eciusuess it n.
'they square t
The Man!
come tt2 the t
I heart.' Petal
'hie!' heythis article is a rani
. •
y proles tt; but few possess
which good men - cliefish, but ,
abuse. Policy is nioi always
seal leaders are hot SW . ..aye in.:
otives of fair dealing. Right
itt alt times the Hai by whictr
I.• • •
r co n d u ct.
I •
who. talks about haneeik4 ahouiti
sk With clean hands and a purl;
al gamesters, religious bigots,
fanatical I refoi
hallowed terri
titiderstancl its
dealing; are in
Honesty. Non
by the prineill
by thO dictate ,
pulses of an I
Honesty fit
c~itful; f teach,
such a rniatod
•mers, should never repeat the
i; They are not supposed to
! meaning or appreciate its force.
Mag,egileism; hypoEiisy,'deuble
- compatible With professions or
ne but the true man is governed
illes of justice. A Initn guided
4 of au honest lietiti; and the imw
I unest heart, Is dotes noblest
the b'est policy; _e,Vehin,thisi de
terous o rid .He Who adopt.
may be -singirlar in these de=
generate tittles
fle niay din)
hpinions and pr,
trials and come !
yet if Ile Clings
ear tb 1113411mila •ttione in his
ctices. lie may pass through
td with ailversities which shall
add him !,:i repudiate his faith;'
to this Motto it iiiill sittrejt
life's cotifliBts: ilonesty is
itstirei It is beit6 tburi train
• of ruhis. )h iNwettpon of
Id of tleii.•,e; an armor which
arer in every itMissituild; If
I ,opared to walk in the fight of
ss forward to the ghat of .1r1:'
him, triumph it
an itntnortal tr
of gold 'or store
strength; a shi
guards the we,
you would be pil
truth, and to prz i
urriph, be lione
l arry, said my uncle, let it be
I' -
has judgment enough to arc.
L rk of Iter thiliSe j taste enough'
1 prideencliigh to wish her-
Itst, and sense - elikhigh to hold
shhas nothing to say:
G M - id
. A-gentlemen ,
ti ,.....
outit, Maar: was recent
!!, the death bf: his wife thath'i.
If ever you
to a u.foman ‘th
,perintend the w
to these Itemlf
self before break
her tongue who
yearA of age;
ly so affecfed b
cut off-his nose
the purpose of 10
der: This is
. a
to (he Writer by
who knows all 4
fie IN ddb in itoattint, for
ving a now note dialtere, el=
oti and Was communicated
n officer of the Marine eerpa ,
1 . out it.—Mirror;
A ?duty Abl
drove him i to des
just before dy ia,
tilt; following br
upon his tobibi
malitietrit a termagant iihe
• tation; arid finally ttideatly,-.
, requested a friend to har e .
of yet irnsfltitt: irsseriptioit I
Whtn ,
et; allot tril
liume, if he Oft fed& oistEoutit
he ieplied—"They do eey there's soutethint
wrong in the threl."
,f.......,i.:-.'" , ..; ; 4 , -lc
1 - „'~`,