The greatest Discovery of the Age! vt • ,Timurains macultivric OINTMENT. Mlllll laths list attempt to combine the ELECTRIC or MAUNBriC FLU 11" with Powerful Vegetable Ex tracts Seib' fens etas tilatment—tu be applied eater Oak 17 for the real of diastase. i The faintest unlimited sue cab it bee loot with stamps it at once, the GREATEST Dvscutgav or THE AGE. It is constantly effecting ewe" ell libeeftbe utmost importance. The most incrola lOUS 114111 CON ViNCEr t t—the most faithless are compelled MI bellows's the power and virtue Oftbis great remedy. Islaisdisraally admitted to be TUE MOST WOSIOER FILM 0./111BIKATJON KNOWN lo the WORLD for the /0111SZL1ATE RELIEF of disci.' and pain. ilineoes fads while there remains sufficient life to restore instead aad keolthy action to the capillary Is cribs hod/. oad *Main Mt drat:attire Vibe blood. By this means OnminalEsgpower isgained neer the most malignant/or= V GISELPIE which cannot be obtained from any other rem edy,. Such is the power of this combination that it pens. Datil te army portion 'gibe haul an frame; every bone mud lona4lNuitia, eerie and ligament iiseaiehed emend made sensible of purifying and beefing I influence. Hence it Wert . sea mad By with internal as external dl Phillielelle L.11111112C1111 are oar racord where this remedy has restored hekltb to patients so near the grave that the meet powerful internal remedies failed to produce any of fset' Such has frequeutly been the nese in INYLA HA. TlOll of .he - BOWEle.4—no patient ever need die with this discus where the Magnetic Ointment can he olitnine,l. Thal dengereire Epidemic known an the PUTRID ERY SIPELAS eau always bn cured by this remedy. -, 10, 114FSAHATORY 1111ELTAI AT'S.% this Ointment. Loth, most complete remedy ever prepared. he cue, out of 100 it will afford entire reliV to the Wrest cues of NERVOUSHEA DA CII E in thirty minutes. ,For Plarroos Diseases du. remedy h. of im meu.e ve us. i f.Arectionsof the Spine, Rheumatism, Lameness, Ulcer are So Throat, Bronchitis, Pleurisy, Croup, ChM*, Fadelute Mathes. Ague in the Face or Menet. Burns.S aid sEcrotillt.Salt Rheum..Erisipeles, Inflamed Eyes, ever Bores. &e. will be Immediately relieved by the use of ale tamed DR:BINGHAM% CERTIFICATE. le reply to your queriea with regard to the results of the lzpitrissente I hams made with your justly ...clammed Ointments I can say with Meese re them ',deem it wee etas GREATER r DISCOVERIESI , F THE AG K. It is sow nearly two Years since Inommenced using it in my practice, and 1 bare tested it Iti cases of Influtrima- Rea. both local and geniral, of the most maglignani kind with ertilierfel auccess; even whore Lill interim' remedies failed, I base succeeded with this. 1 have Heated case* of letlamatinn of the Brain. loth• station ofthe Lungs, Infatuation of the Bowel,. Inflame-s -leep Rheumatism. and Chili•bed Fevers, with perfect socemist alas cases of Scarlet Fever, Conker Mutt, and Dkeraiad - phrost and Lungs with like sneers,. le the Eprolemto known as the Putrid Erysipelas, by which re many saleable lives were lost. I tented it fre- Willii.r. aid it never failed ()reflecting a speeds and cm , tale cans. I '' le eases et flor'n9. Sprains, Bruises, Frozen Limbe, &e. It acts like • charm. , He Phyridels• er amity will be • tingle day wit out this Madicise, all becomlny acquainted with savbwer by vire. ; . nixotiAH, Physician sod Surgeon. • 17tPak If. r.Jan. EL 1846. For farther particulars and testimonials, see p.m • phen with each agent • Arica 115 and SO cents per home. AGENTS.—CarIey & Brother. wholesale end retail. i Er* IL N. & J. L. Webster, Conneaut, Ohio; Riley Potter, West aprirreeleld; W. IL Townsend. Springfield; L. S. Jesse & Ca. Girsi•d; John A. Tracy, Fairview. Erie, Arrest 14. 11347.-103. - , OUR FLAG IS THERE! Ow Z a , 11111 - I ARE HERE ! VICTORY! VICTORY!! HURP.A! HURRA!! HURRA!!! ' The new Jew Store again Ahead! VAT received at the Nits Jew Store, No. ef Fleming Block, Stateatreet, anew and eplep did Iliortment of FALL ft WINTEII. GOODS! consistin* in part of k BROADCLO HS. —French, English and Amer ! lean black, blue, brown, gold anu cadet mixed Droadcloaths, cheap as the cheapest. ALSO.—Cassimeres and Feelings to match, both 1111 to color quality and price. GRCOCERIES.—A - 'general assortment of choice Crsperies, which will be sold extrcemlylow. CROCLEttY —A beautiful assortment of crock • cry at price that cannot fail in please. BOOTS AN SHOES.—Without boasting we can truly t o we have the cheapest and best as lilt WU:font of Boots and Shoes, including Ladies, Gentlemen. nd Boys, ever brought to this city. CAPS.—Me and Boys caps, that cannot fail to At both the um and head—come and try. LADIES DRESS GOODS.—Here we are at home. We have cashmeres, de lanes without number and almost without price; Gingham, and Alpaccas, California plaids and Swiss Ind Telatonkluslins; wide gimp and gimp cord; dress buttons, Cords and tassels; but what is the Use of ennmerating —we have every thin° to make the handsoma more divine ! nd the tr;:ly anehanting. e BlLKS—Striped antilPlaid Poult de Sois, White gro de &vies, Black watered 4. Satin stripe pooh de soi, Black and blue back, gro do Naples, Black grade Rhino. SHAWLS—Of all prices, shades and quality from the cheap.cotton up to the finest ailk and Cashmere, GLOVES—Of all kinds, Tiara and sizes. Hosiery, Suspenders, Prints, 'Picks. Drills, Pic torleik In' short every thing suited to the season iittilmarket. Ready Made Clothing. Our stock of ready made timidly,. is large'and oplandid, and willbe sold cheap. We do not wish to boast, but wa think we can convince any one by calling that we sell a good article for a smaller turn than any other establishment in town. At Any rate "the proof of the pudding is in the eat- Wit," th. refers FRY US! I43'Mind the) name and number. ISAAC ROSENZWEIG &. CO. 24, 1847.. 18 OE! "Not fora Day but for all Time." STANTON'S EXTEANAL,AEMEDY. CALLED HUNT'S LINIMENT, • AS now given abundant evidence of heal; H Jog powers, and proved hself the must eitra ordinary Ind Wonderful medicine in the world:— In the short space of two years, it has acquired a reputation for curing disease and releaving pain fir greater than any medicine ever discovered. Its winidorful ewes have astonished the Medical Faculty, who now universally concede jut :heat valise. They Speak of it in the highest terms end commend its use. It is condemned . try - none. On the contrary, its praise is universal. he cases of cute, are so nn • itteroUs that it would take volumes to recount them -:-and it • is a fixed fact, and is not disputedohat U.S a pain extractor It has no equal. For the many attaaishing mires, see the pamphlet to be had of each' scent. If you. Suffer. with either of the dis. • elute* Gs which It is recommended; resort at once to iwase and he cured. For the following dis eases Itir4snaJapillible remedy: ; - • .'/••• Spinal Affections, maims. Paralysis and all ner •fTiltlus affectiona,,Salc Rheum. Croup or Ague in the Breast and Face, Weak thekilato, colds, tooth ache, sore throat and idetirated sores, indolent nlcers.burne froate4fetil.C9f4Nbunyons. fresh wounds inyeilingiand bruises, scrota, - Jetts eirectitins, mut. , • trilobites and . • H Poisons. • 'NWT_ Lialtatat is sold by ail the reepacta ids All bli• irebantir and Dristreists throughout the q k sad by. the Preprietorsi it Sing Sing,, ^ •• t tIP. . E. STANTON, itu i t O Efin, Worm to Fairview; 8. L. loner a Ca. Ginutt.' tea.tut • • kill - -Ca=b- for- Flax' Seed.' WILL pei the Moot pike in eith kti my ;, it tua itkietvlai !m i t '; ;.' O. M.TIBBALS. . DYE STUFF.III;•,-41iiidder, ton , ..Wood, ktVirool Wood.- AIUM,. Copperas, Inge Vitaiol, cream Tartar. Indigo. &a, for ,isle deep fbr lb. resdlr ~ L by lOWA*'' RINDERNECHT.' DROCHA .11.3 lio; P 4 I) Sr.. for sale al s,,' X., I. pHAWL4S—Frotrtj ,tali4o. crepe" of tlifrerent eizei and cvl• t the cheap ittare of • 1 DYSPEPSIA AND SICK HEADACI-I. This remedy having been for several YTara employed by the proprietor in ;his practice on a very large scale in Mononghealia, PfeetorOdur rison and Randolph countries, Virginia. besides several other places, and having been attended with the most happy effect, he has be l en from time to time or:dieted to udopt buck a sotdee es would give it a more extensive eireulation.iwith a view to lesson the amount of human sudering Aware of the fact that trrmy useless noitruins have been palmed upon the public, hehhea ted , several years; until thoroughly c onvinced t the above mediccne, if properly used, wouldof fail to-ef feet cures Ina great many instances, and even to alleviate those cases v,hich.are gulf° incurable. Symptoms of a Diseased Litor.-j-Pain in the right side , under the edge of the ribs , increased on pressure. Sometimes the pain is' i the left Si le. of The patient is hardly able to lie the Jeri side. 1 Sometimes the pulp is under the shoulder blade. It frequently enteritis to the top of the shoulder, and fa sometimes mistaken for rheu natism in the right arm. The stomach is eitetei With IPSS of appetite and sickness—the bowels in general are costive, sometimes alternating widilaxl-the head is troubled with pain, accompanied %Ott) a dull, heavy sensation in th , • back part. chere l gen erally a considerable loss ofinetnoryaecompanied f with a painful sensation of havinu- left undone something which ought to have lan done. A slight dry cough is sometimes un attendant. The patient complains of vteariness until debillity.— He is easily startled— his feet aro enld or burning, —and he complains of a prickly sr .ntion of the skin His spirits are low—and • %though he is sati lied that exercise would be he efieial to him, yet c eardscareely summon up for nude to try it. . In fa 1, he distrnsta every remedy. Several of the atm e symptoms attend the disc se; but cases have muted' where few of Ahem tisted; yet ex amieation of the body after death, has shown- the liver to have been extensively darn This is to certify. that having •een associated with Dr. M'Lane in the practice of medicine for two and a half years. I have had rekiny opportuni• ties of witnessing the good effect- of his Liver Pills; and I believe they have cured and relieved a much larger proportion of the, diseases'of the liver than I have known cured andvrelieved by any other course of treatment. Dec. 7, 1837. OLIVER. NIORGAN, M.D. This is to certify, that I hive been °filleted for for rii years with the Liver complaint; and' ap plied to different physician, obtaining temporary relief. On hearing of Dr. Ill'Lane's Liver Pills; I obtained and used two boxes. I now feel almost restored to livalth. The Liver Pills luiv.:t given me a most surprising relief. S. DAVIS, near Pittsburg h 011iERVE...-^AVono nro genuine without a . lac siiniie of the proprietor's signature. Prepared for the Proprietor by , JONATHAN MD & CO. Wholesale and RetailDulgish, No. GO Wood St. N. 8.--In order that there Ind . ) , be no pistake, he 'particular and ask ler Dr. AM' Lane's Liver ; 11a-. I\l,- ( 7: 1.:4 ANE '. S, I . V ERNlifttGiE-__, LoWELL, Trumbull Co. Ohio, March 6.1647 Jtl.aars Kidd ta< Co.— Unso:icited I send this' testimonial concerning Da. C. , ftPLANE'S WORM SPECIFIC. About seven years since I waft called upon to visit a youn7,Women about twenty seven years of age. 1 found her laboring under strong symptoms of Prolapsus -Uteri. She inframed me that she was unwell for something like eight years, and that she had b_e.en treated by several - of the neighboring Physicians, tt ho failed to effect a cure—and in fact had spent all she had —and was mill in no better condition then when she commenced taking their Medicines, and Wal compelled to work what she ..was Add° fur her board. The Physicians to whom she had-aPplid, had uniformly trea:ed her as in case of Prolamin* Uteri, and other complaints peculiar to females. For six or eight weeks 1 treated her case as one of the above mentioned,. without any beneficial effect. Sho was taken with vomiting blood, end front some other symptoms that existed at the time, f was forced to the conclusion that she was troubled with warms, and told her what I thought about it, and proposed that she had better take some worni in:gnome; but she aas hit ly-attended at the idea of hot: being troubled in that way.— She said it was all pertectly nonsensical that the other physicians never hinted -Lt to herand she therefore thought it useless. I finely pre vailed on her to talt'e some of MI.:NNES . A ti F.R ICAN %VORNIISPECt one bottle of which she was to take at two doies, and the result was she passed toreol undred and seven nine tv of whic4'were in one knot or ball, and required the assistance of a neighbor .wonien that t as in to take them from her. I saw her, and she then told me the ,worms were all large.' I then Propoi cd to give some more of the same medicine, and the satne presCiiption as before. which bias dune —andthe result xas,she passed font hundred and 'fifteen worms, that 'hemmed, besides a number - that were nor counted. - After she passed the worms her ordinary bealth rettirned —and since that she got married, and raised a mall tlinily, and sill cootiatics to have her health. Yours, c. JOHN [SUTLER, M. D. The incredulous can tree Doctor-Butler's letter, in reference to this wonderful catt-;dry calling any time at the Druz Store ofj. Kinn it Co, corner of Wood and Fpurth creels. This voluble preparation is for sale by. • J. KIDD & CO. Corner of Wood and Fourth ste. I , ''Be particular to inquire Orr "Dr. M'Lane's American 'worm Specific. or Vermiluge. Acestrs,—Carter & Brother, J. H. Burton & Co., Erie- J. Marvin, Waterford; John •M'Clure, Girard; fohn A. Tracy, Fairview; W. 11. Twin set d, Springfield; Hull & Vincent, Crancsville; Jackson & 'itinpbell, Edebboro; B. C. Town' & CO. Wattsbure, A. Touitallott;Union'iNillsi J. H. Haynes, North East. old by Druggists and Merchants generally, throughout Ihi United .States. 23 "More of the Effects." STILL THEY COME . WE are receiving more Goods, which nu huh) clieliPer• than ever. and have on h.n, a Icomplete assrent of plain. plaid, striped n. fit:tired - Mohair Orleans, Cashmere, Merino, Di Lisle and Lyon Cloths of the riches styles. ALSO-150 different patterns and style c Shawls, embracing all the new productions; wI icl we will sell as cheap as the cheapest, at theor ner opposite the Eattle Hotel. Oct. 23. WILLIAMS & WRIGH BLACK. LACE DEMI V,EIL;L- knew to of these very fashionable artielesjast iceetved and selling very loltv at the New Store. Oct. 21. • ' ALLYN Si: COI . RICH. OREGON PLAIDS selling for 2 ,'25 and 31 1-4 cents per yard at the Stpro. Ginghams,selling proportionally low. • Oct. 23 ALLYN &COTT. ADM NISTRATOR' NOTICE. LF.TTERS of administration de bonit non have been granted to the sub Scriber on the estate of Richard Skinnor,,klate of North &et-township, deceased. Persons indebted' to said estate, or haring claims attains' the same, aro requested to call and present them properllyy authernicated for sett:ement, and settle their indebtedness. JOHN P. H LL, • 111 . ELLIS A. 0 / EN, Ad •1111 Oct. 30, 1847. 6,24 117 CLEAR THE WAY FOR THE NEW'STORE! ii, s ,„„„ t „,,,,t va s of New dopda perthe Pectin Steamers from Fromm and Engliatd I .L' ALLYN at, p O'IT . ' H AV'F: the_plea.tirc of antiotmcine to the eltt- T zens , ,9lErie tblitthey - iie "t i•eivitrif,conelent additinni .td , their -gill `add Wittier Sioikiland ittertnA others offer the , follo log rich .Goods,stv if extremely , low pricer.„Rich 'goo ,and.Calitim nia Plaidsonle 3s.fper yard., Lr vorth 95.; rick dark Gingham, only 2s.per yard; oak is:prick filtrit . Ginghemtv , naly tlficts.l.wortit , 34);ete.;,,rich-dark Gingham, only le. porter& *orth 2e.; rich dark Calicries.latestetyles 12 141 andlls,cle.per yard; t every style Of rich Shawls fro 25 cents to $1800; a, few mli eceenewestaw , Si k.-,Plaido.for,6s. 6d. per yard;. ti' good senartrnene f.. Oloves,,Hosieryi Private, terity articiesind email nick necks,- too numerous ,to mention., ,Plea l etrixill and examine our stock before purchasing. Jae it is worthy your IlliMnion•i''t ,', ,-,,, 1- AtlaYS-lit corr., .., Prie, Oct. 16. 1817 - . '' j. . .4 ' -.1-? 22 XTEVV . doildit .ddst 111 daily, at ' ALL Oct. 16, New r g. JACKSON ged. CERTIFICATES SURPRISING CURE s'eftpiioa rcerivipg LYN & CQP Ps' Store, Cheapside. BY THE• QUEEN'S PATENT. [ - -, CONSUME 'SUCCESS OF BUCHAN'S HUNGARIAN BALSAM OF LIFE.. '(SHE GREAT ENGLISH ttC vIRD'Y for COLDS, COUGrHS, ASTH 1. MA; and CONSUtiPTION3 THE MOST CELEBRATED and INFALLIAnLE remedy for Colds. Coughs, Asthma, or any form of PULMONARY CONSUMPTION, is the the HUNGARIAN BALSAM OF LIFE, discovered by Dr. Buchan of London, England, tested for upwards of' seven years in Great Britain and on the Continent of Europe, end introduced into the United States under the immediate superintendence of the inventor . , The astonishing success ot the Hungarian Balsam, 'in the Cure of every form oICONSUNPTION, warrants the Anterieun Agent ire soliciting for treatment the WORST POSSIBLE CASES, that can he found in the corn munity- 1 - cases that seek relief in vain from any of the common remedies o the day, and have been given up by the most distinguished Physicians esi CONFIRMED AND INCURABLE. The Hungarian Balsam has cured,t and will core, the MOST DESPERATE OF CASES. It is no quack nus-I tram, but a standard English Medicine of known and established efficacy. Every family in-the Milted States should be supplied with Buchan's Hun garian Balsam °Miro, not only to counteract the consumptive tendencies of the climate, but to 100 Used as a preventive medicine in. all codes of Colds, C0n,71)4, Spitting of Blood, Pain in the Side and Chest, Irritation and sore ness of the Lungs, Bronchitis, Difficulty of Breathing Hectic. Fever, Niolo 'Sweats, Emaciation and General i Debility, Asthma, Influenza, Whooping' Cough, and Croup. In case of actual disease of the lungs, or seated Consumption, it is• the ON LY- SOU RC e; OF HOPE. _ Sold by McDonald & Smith, solo Agent for the United Kingdom, at the Italian Ware-house, Regent-st. London, in Dolt and and Cases, for ship, ho'spitids, &c. By Special .Ippointini•nt- - -DAVM P. BR ADT* 119 CourtAit., 'Boston, Mass., r ole Agent fur the United States and British American Provinces. Ame t an price, $1 per bottle, with full directions for the restoration o health. • Pamphlets, .cohtaining niass of English and American certificates and either eVidence, showing the unequalled - merits of this Great English Rome dyisray be obtained of Agents, grills,. • • one genuine, Without the written signature of the American Agent, on 'a gold end bronze label, to counterfeit which is forgery. • AGENTS.—Si Tabery. Syracuse, General Agent for New Yotk , and the western States. nr RE Ai...ZI Pront•the Baptist Clergyas Ili at Moose, Oswego, County. "I do hereby most cheerfully certify that I have used Dr. Ottehati's Hun :ration Balsam in my family with great success. My little girl, now in her seventh, year was, itt the month of Oolober, 1814: attacked with a pain in her right - side, and dotwithstanding we used all diligence to remove it, she continued to grow worse, an I after ohtui ning the cohneel of Dr. B—; who thought the.ll iglu Lobe of her Lungs so arriously affected that her recovery was exceedingly doubltil. I was induced to Gliinin one betile of the Balsam uni before one third °fit was taken, the little sufferer resumed heeplaysarul her 'cheerfulness teturned, and before two betties were used her health we WESTFIELD MARDLE FACTORY. TlO subscribers having a good assortment of New England marble on 'hand, from differ ent quarries, calculated for Head and Foot tables, Monuments, &c. which they offer to sell to uny one in Erie county, 'Pa. not living farther than Erie, lettered in first rate stale, and delivered, at the following - prices: Small, lbr children, $1 50 per lbw; Middle size, for aged people, $1 62 per foot; Largest size $1 75.per . firof. We think it would be an object for some of the , Erie county people to forward us a few inscriptions as we have recently beenittfiorned by the:Erie marble dealers in rather 's, bragging %eay, that. they were, sticking it to the Eric and Crawtord county people good. They-brag very dustily f - r - rf thett. , Penna• mites" at front 132 50 to $4 parfoot. Should any of the people of Erie county be want of any .thing in our line, they:can forward their inscrip• itions„ or come themielves,"and theyshall have a \ first rate arlicld if the abrivit Prices. . HIRAM SIICES&CO. .Westfield,'N. Y. Sept. 13; 1815: - 171 MILACK SALTS.--1 will- pny Caoh, and t h e 1-1 highest price for any quantity of Black Salta delivered at M'Keun, or at my.etore in Erie. norther 21,1816. C. M. Ttnnms. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. THE paitoerehip heretofore existin between the undersigned, in the,practice ul Law, has beau dissolved by mutual consent, Al permons, intlepted to us are requested io call at the • and settle their respective acentritts, on dr, befo. e the first of February next. Those who negle tilts notice may Incur costs. JOHN GALBRAITII, CARSON GRAHAM. • Erie, Jan. 11, 1817, :105 The Boolce and papers of the late hall of GAL BRAITH k GRAHAM arc by mutual azree• !tient left with me for" the purpose of closing up die business oftht concern and . eolleetinu all debts, which I am Obli.eed to do as, sp-edily a+ possible. I have associated with me - in . business WM. S. CANE and IVM. A:GALI3II. AITH, Esqs. and continue the offire lately occupied ay Galbraith & Graham, ender the film of •GALI3RAITIIS 4• LAKE, where all business in the line or the pro• tension, will be attended to with promptness and dtop itch. JOHN GALBRAITH. Erie. February 3. 1917. 39 I'ES OF AN EXILE. by L. IVV, Miller, being an account of the authors confine ment at Van Denmans Land, just received and for solo at Spaffords'aTookstore. Erie. Nlnv 9, 1817. , 51 ASHES! ASHES!! IT \VILL pay S cents . per bushel for ;loud &It' ashes, and 12 1.2 cts per bushel for house,ush es dcljvcred atyy ashery or M'lican earners. Eric, Oct. 24, 1016. - O. M. TIBBALS.• ASHES.—Those ha-inc good Ashes will do well to.deliver than at our ashery soon ns wo are now working olFwhat we have on hand. April Sih 1.447. S. JACKSON & Co. AXES.—w awn; & Co's Caet Steel Axes by the dozen or sinzle. 13. TOMLINSON St Co. Fehrtinry 13, 11347. • 39 A9B i b t:• l‘ p a r c s i c te r r e e t i e r C or o p tl a il l i t. l% y else, a Jew June 26. W. F. RINDRItNECHT. OLD PENS.—Levi Drown'e Gold Pens. theG ino , t celebrated matter of the article, a good assortment kept constantly on hand; also the dif ferent kinds olcheap (deare4t) Pens, at G, LOOMIS 4. Co's. Stara at., nearly opposito );agte . Jutr 10, 1947. 8 a NEW AND FRESH GROCERIES, d . No. 6 Poor• Peoples Row. d TX7 F. BANDERNEICHT has just redeived a e YV • ,lark and well selected assortment of wet. dry and Family Groceries; Dye Stuffs, Nails at.d .f Glass, which he will II cheaper for cash than any h othet establishment town. Please call and • see. , June 12, 1817. TUST RECEIVEV-21i tßige R J mina() and Java Coffee, one Big Window, State atrial,- by • • W: F. RINDEItNECtir, .Tune 11, 1547 , 4 pitOVEII.I3IA L PHILO:SUP I', and other Yu ems by Titper, a few copies nt New York pri ces, jest: received and for tale by, Erie Autznet 21. 1817 4an GALS., Ohio Store Ware, sale ono QVA. , dor north of the Biz Window. June 26. 9 , W. F. RINDEIINECHT. E NIMBLE SIXPENCE is better than JL the SLOW SHILLINCO • This is 'the motto of the New store, "es will be proved to all that call and gee" at' ALLYN & COLT'S. Oct. 16. 1847 7 • 22 • , , important Decision.- T'' Contested. trial that hss beert existing so manyyearti has bean finally settled by it hiry of Thelve Ladles" and their detisionli, That, tile, puiest, beit, most fragrant end 'cheapest' Teas to' be had in this *ction of the' Country are those which I tem° from the celebrated CANT : OII•TPA COMPAIit. ' Them ,Teas - - cab' be *bad 'at' SR timed at?o, c)arrini_if . 4 So' givil enilre'Astisthettie or ihemoste ' .Mir,t,ialtfilliTidid;g6tiriidoorivbo asp - Oceir 'lig iresh sinipirtsi weekly. - • 1, • 1 li • wituitnis kw mut Ailff; i •" • ~ ~ 'DirectlY, opposite the EtogipAdetel, Sept iB, iiitl; , - l9' -..-- pICK, --Ottkier-- ALF.IO LOSAtERS, CatiuP; Lewitt Sliiip; Pepper Sauee, Selad Oil, lettlitterd, Gutuba Jelly, ratiAititlicrhite"Pep. Oer. ite.; for sale' at N o; '4 Perreettleek by • White; Sept. 8, • ' Apottt'''' WINDOW IMAM& rIARtOit . uttcrrutit have jriel, received, ILI their summer stock Of W s itidevi Olais,Which large and complete, slitiNin 7A9 to 5x30, and will be Cut 16 any Ain er , 41d,Without extra charge. flit alwiye oti bind, June 19,1647. 6 0 NOTICE..—The Tin, Copper and Sheet Manufaetvitta business will be carried it the old-stand of Ashley & Kelsey, where a Atom supply of all articles manufactured by h; will be kept or sale at whelesale and retail. s i Copper and Brass Ware takes in payment Tin Ware. JOSEPH KELSEY; Sri Erie. July 6. 1844. ' L. WARREN, HAS removed his sash, blind and door Sho State, between 7t hand,Bth streets; where will keep constantly on hand or make to order articles in his line on the shortest notice. T wishins to obtain first rare work at low pri: would do well to eivmhim a call heibre purch' :rte. elsewhere. Glazin.donist all times. Gl! snd Putty kept constantly on hand. May 10, 1946. S. SMYTH . HAS . JI.IBTI RECEIVED Irons No York, per Pommy's Exeross, tat. Spri Fashions, and is • now ready to execute all ord; for HATE in the latest Fusion, and of a be! quality than can be purchased here or elsewhe: March 16, 1916. I'hereby given that an application will ho to to the nest Legislature' of Pennsylvania, the incorporation of a Bank ICI' tie' called::' FARMERS and MEIMANICS' BANN," with a C tal ofono hundreilthonsand dollars, and this p i ineroaqing the 'penin in Jinn, .htinti thousanddollars.Slid bank to be located in E county Pile, State of Pennsylvania. Erie, July 17; 1817. H. Cad we i b, .1. IL wit J. 11, Fullerton,' Welter Chimer, Smith Jackton, Jame C. Harebell, A. b. Vincent, ' Wm. S. Lena, H. L. Brown, P. At buck la. "LOOK HERE, WILL Your IF you wish to buy c heap, you will please ca I at RINDERNECHT'S N 0.6, Poor People's R i w, Where you can find the following articles, wl Ich arc warrented good: —dofree, Sus,ar, Tea, M. as ses, Tobacii of all kinds, !Hey, Peper, Spice; e in siamond,Cloves, Nutmegs,Gin.Ter,Starch,Ch co. late, Cocoa, Mustard by the pound or box, Pc 'per Sauce, Lemon Syrup, Oliver Oil, Lamp Oil Vine gar, Firef3rackers,Castile Soap of all kinds, ha ying Brushes, Powder; Shot, Lead, Percus ion Caps and Pills, Candle Wick, Twine,. Matt i lies, Stove Black ing, shoo Brushes and Black :ng, C lath Tar and Rosi4, Niacohoy and, Scotch shun; so). pher, Brimstone, Epsom Salts Glauber Salts. %I. eratus, Bed Cords, Rope, Fish and Chalk Lines, Herring, Patent Pails, Tubs, Willow Wagons, Wash Board.., Wire Slyest, Almonds, Madeira Nuts, Filberts, Curry Combs and , Horse C I rds, Horse . Brushes and Combs, Saltpeter, Dairy salt in ba g s, Brooms, Corn - Whipps a d H ;nth Brooms, Whitewash Brushes. and oilier, articles too numerous to mention. 1 Please,call and•so for yourselves. - Erie, Jim 19, 1947. CAN DV AND RAISINS by , the Box or pound for sale at No. 1, PerAy Block. July 24. - T. W. monitp.. o, Cub - 4, St. D door north of the O. D. SPAFFORD. 4114 PINE NEW. TEAS i. T HERE hoe been great deal raid lat ty_ o• V a ont Teas, and there are a great In- ny in Eri9 who pretedd that; theynio selling hefty Teas eheapes thin any body else. - This in a trtionki. s. The Pie Teo C•iiiiiegair 4 • .v . ~. of New, York, have. pent to their age nts, J nn so Burton' It Ce.' their several' inrie Tea of TP'!' 4 7 — They ore fresh. fragrant and highly tlatioreti.'and l ir Fzened in riehtwo arty Tens; that. pl. _eve been raid in Erle,Mid at prkee _much tees, 'ln every care white they do iiet`give eatlelitainn,th' Ittnn:! ey will be Paid back rot them. " There Ta s pot up In ponnd, half ind'qUirter: pound pen 104 c ti listed with' tinfoil: nidelskeelis them Prom e tilt. and preserve, their airength . and &Ver.' ' 1 a 'BURTON ? Se C ~ picp,. 4 Reed Ho se. FIFRESFRUITe-r4Yos can and at No. People's Alotr Oranges, Sultana Iti Lemons; Fig% Prunes. Box' Raisins;' Cu and Citrons, cheap tbr. cash by June 26., - W F. I.IINDERNECI' BIIFFALO WHITE LEAD.—An ins Aye superior. article-just received. Pjltsburib Lead, (Pahnealook & Co'ainab did in oil, always on band and `Warranted. Jane 12. J. B. BURTON liietelY restored; and to the effect 1.4 4.11t13 ITAreta, 1 , r1.11(111I 5. attribute the cure. .? DAVID 114cFARLAND. Pastor of thb a 'Baptist Church in Coteau". Testhatisase trout assekreasetri - Romania, N. Y... Tune 5, 1845. , . Stn.—SotrietimelestiJanuary. I was taken with a violent cold, attended ; With a distressing CON' h, which in the course ors fevy_days' brought on a !bleeding of the lunge, ith much soreness of 'the Chest; pain in.the side and Itauch'poreness ofthe b rest. After being confined to my lied for some days I 'and getting no•tetter, , 1 r. Pardke. formerly Dorian) , Sherlfrof this 'county, Irecommended me to ge a bottle of Dr. Buchen's Hungarian Balsam of Lite, obseivine that he had . een similarly afflicted, and by the use of that medi- cine had been speedily 'and entirely cured. - I immediately got a bottle, and after using 'it a short time the result was as ha! predicted-I got entirely well. From the benefi' I received from theßalsOn and' from the universal good name it bears a onus my friends who have used it for diseases of the lungeand chest,isim induced to believe it to befone of the best medieines now in use for those di eases, and as such recoutend it whet public. • • • . W. W. SWIFT. • • • Millar I ible care eta Danierens C• 9401. Toll Tousles. . 1 _ CATO 4 Cost Aug . es, N. Y. t3,.1844.. Sir—We are entire! ' out of the Hungarian 0 isam, having sold all you left with us, in our sun ,ediate vicinity, and in . justice to the medicine must say with astonishing a ;mess. A few days sincere young gentleman of this town called at our stor ; who had been for months afflicted with a very dis tressing cough. and w' nted a bottle of the Balsam. ! We•teld him it was of little use for bite to to , it or any thing eAe—HE MUST DIE. •He wok a bottle, however, and Iterwards had another. IYestesday he called aimin Ivory much improved' in appearance, and said he was rapidly ,gaining Istrenigth,—bUt had it n t been for the invaluable Hungarian Balsam he m at have died. We wan 13 inIO more of the medicine directly. . , ! Yours respectfully, - INGH AX & HAVENS: (Prom Esq. IV. E. Fi k, Canaslota, Jii. Y., dated CANASTOTA Nov. 7, 1846) To S. '('urges, Ag nt, Etc.—Sir: Having used Dr. Buchan's Hungarian Balsam in my tinnily t kb the very hest au .teas fair 'lung complaints, and Navin , ' seen 'Lund , my friends; with 'I ke euccoss, I wets induced last sprint to beetimean A, ant for the sale of th same, since which I have sold a great number ofbott es. and haven alm st every instance learned that it had succeeded beyond II expectatio n , In an e cases where the patient had been by Physicians of respectability ; PßON AINCED INCURABLE,' and their cases hopeless, a d I most cheerfully conimeed it to all who are our Poring with lung comp lets, assuring_thenf hat in most eases they will find speedy relief. Signed). . f , I WILLIAM E. FISK'. , More Pron. t . Establishin , the of of the Ha widen Balsam of life. . [From Deacon 'earls, of Iffiest, dated FITI'CA, February '4, 1845.) L f • I cheerfully give my name in &yin of Dr. uchan's Hungarian Balsam of Life. Last. April, my wife was attacked wi h a violent cough, attended with rt severe and most NIS RE9SINE PAIN IN Tile side, so bed as to deprive her ofrest. While in thi Isituation t I called on Messrs. 'Warner - 4. Co. for some medicine, and they re ommendeitthis Balsam. I I purelireied a bottle, andby the time we had used ebout one1;11 of it, my wife . began to get better; and after using the remainaoier, her h Ith was completely Restored. Since that 1 into I have recommended the Bal. am to my friends, many of whom have used' it with like success. (Signed) JOHN' LEWIS. Deacon, of the Firsil. Baptist Church in Utica. F net her Evidence...Mu ltirlineton Flats, Otsego Co. N. Y. dated Jan. 1845.) es necesSity of ordering a new supply of the Balsam.—, 4 the medicine and is improving. It is doing wonders data friend 50 miles from here who was considered ,usirrioss: I sent him two bottles of the Balsam about I heard from him, and the Belgians is acting on (Signed). - • A. E. ARNOLD. 'lf, of Genesee,' N. Y. (one of whom is a practising a new supply of the Balsam, says that 'ln some SE merB complain of receiving great A/18;ft from its tut e ruse, N. Y. General Agent for New York 'lnd t h e l in Erie by C.Seysa & Batrttee, No. 6 Reed House . ' nsicleroSiotn' any hesitation, January, Is 4 [From the P. M. at I I ant twain under Vy wiry still contintt in thin section, I hea l ' in a CONFIRMED CON iwp weeks since, and him like a charm. I The Messrs. Mete. !physician) in °Merin! 'VOLE. CASES our cunt.' S. TOUSEY, Syr Westerd Stales. Sol Ptiblic Notice. OUT AT LAST! .! THAT longexpected wonder of the age the 1. celebrated and supeijOr "FULTON ST4I IL" iv now ready for sale odour Store or Found y.— Persons who have any disposition to see it, a , tn. vited to call and do so . hcther they wish tot'cpu chase or not. LESTER., SENt i *ETT CUES' I " Aug. I I, 1847. I N. T Old Stoves taken in payment. throw them away than mot to get one of tht saving inventions. TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS AND DRUG( TH. 'BURTON & CO., are WI . Agents for Osgood's Indian Chnlagug Iley's Pain ExtrUctor, and can furnish at wholesale prices. Sept: 4, MI.. - ACCORDBONS, with the improved vt Bass Viol, Violin and guitar !fringe, frq by G. LOOMIg & 14 State et., nearly opposite Eitgle July 17, ISO. SUPERIOR. French and American rule, plain Letter Paper, Maynard and Norm Black Ink Keats Carmine and Red Ink, Wafers, Cornmein, Note, Transparent and Sealing Wei, Pounce, Black Sand, Rubber, etc. etc. et For rale by • J. H. BURTO v . Erie, Juno 10th, 1817 Aui. 31. en-A 0.46 1847 ...&•••:+2=nr • "" 1••••••••.---- VOPVARDING, COMMISSION & PRO 1` - DUCE MERCHANTS.—W ill continue the' Forwarding and commission business as usual, at their ware-house on the Pnblic Dock, Erie. Pa. and will be ready on the opening of Navigation of the present year to cot - matt for the shipment o MeichandieWtrom the eastern cities, or other pla cee, in Erie, as they are connected with good re sponsible lines, and having some of the firs. class .of Steam Boate and Propellers on the lakea , run: ping to their house, thereby ensuring thesaft: and speedy transmieeionpf all property entrusted t their care. They wilt attend to , the forwardin of goods up and down she lathes:o iltany of IV Canadian ports ',on Lake Onterld, and the It lye St. Lawrence--also south b,/ the Eri 3 Esttensio Canal. ,y, :1 1 ilk } I i CASH , , advances made on all kinds "f Pro Inc and sales promptly attended to. They will keep constantly on hand Bituminous Coe% in large or small quantiiies,' to suit purchasers. •, : ALSO—Salt, Plaster in bble,' o bulk, Fish Iron, Nails, cloves and Castings of e ety deseripl Lion. 11FPERENCES. : 0 0 M. Tibbals' • Erie, John C. Beebe, • • " ' , Smith-Jackson 4-Co. ' " ----- Johnson, 13 imrod 4-co: " ' tiolt,•Palmer 4. Co. Buffalo. 0. N. Chapin," Albany, - 'W. Ms:Width 4:Co. " " Otis, ,Clapp ,& Co. Boston' • oeoOge'W. 11olt Sc CO.' N. Y. city, ' E. B. Allen, Ogdensburg, N. Y. James Brownettoronto C. W. Wrn. D. ttin._, St. ,Catherine,; " Standen, Jarvis& Co. Cleveland, 0. Albert Ives,, Detroit, Mich.. New berry 4. Dote, Chi.s.a. , o, Illinois., ~, Fria. March 14. 1847 3 C. M. Tibli2 flornnel Ilass. • John C. Boobs, Thos W. Sterrett, Carson Graham, James WilHalm, Goy I.oomir, Alfred, K M. W Caughoy, James Hughes. Pirrsau RUH Itookinghut Ware.— A bedir Wu! article, and good assortment just receiv. ed and for salts by B. TOMLINSON 4• co. MEHAFFEY ¢ BREWS FEEL keep con stonily on hand at the Erie Woollen Facto ry. Plain Cloth; Plain and Fancy Cassimeres add Tweds, of various colors and qualiticii which thr exchangefor on delivery, on customary ai accommodating terms. They also pay cash for wool. Erie Woollee 71ctory, Juno 10, 1817. 6 LOUKING and looking glass plate, A large assortment of the above ankles sale very low by G. LOOMIS ft Sta.e at., nearly opposite Eagle Hotel. .. July 17. 1847. G . UNS.—Dotiblo Ration', - Sin!;tlo !do. Fowlini Ineeep; Rev,olvint , Az Shooters , ~ with a en • eral as l 17, 11317. oartmAnt of Gott' flxintrel July 1 ' • '6. LOOMIS & Co. . . pItO VISIONS.—. Flour, Pork. Hams, Shout ere, dried Apples, dr ied Peaches. Corn Me, Codflift, White Fish, Mackerel ; Potatoes and e erythEng in the Provision ,Line, constantly hand and for tale by Jude 26. , . W. F. RINDItENECH.T. /I'o tLASSP.3 at six prr cent lees ' than can be had at any other store in Erie. and of aqua quality, 'now curare(' by ' 07. BROWN Er. M'CARTF.R. 5000 Pi! vdiv Crushed t a ) n ri ... l.l ...'ut!'co c tra f 'do Pnv n e :a iz cheap foi caeh, one 'actor north of the Rig Windo;; by'l, RINDECNEC HT. , June 12, 1917. 4 - FOWLER'S WORK. 7 7 1 HE5ubseriber,is the authorized Agent for 1 4 h. 1 salo of FOWLER'S PHRENOLOGICA worms, in F.:Heir:Minty. He trill !dispose them at Piety York prices. He is hiilo 'Aeent lb combo . * Prenological Jonrnal. Call and exa inc AO° valuable. publications .at his 800 Store, on State street, Eriey Pa. Aug. 5 1847. - 0. SPAFFCiRO. ALL AND SE ' , :.—PreparritOry to mak in C arrangement forto Now York: fo our Fall and Winter st ook of Goods, we will se ail kinds of Spam! and Summer Goods at cost, to make room fur the new stock.- P+ore 'us: -Aug. 17. - BROWN & MITA RTES. MVPS. If Egie UM CLOCKS. • ViGFIT DAY and 30 hour ,Gothic, 0. 0, r 114 Pillar, Alarm and common, by the single case, cry cheap Tor; ' , G. ,LOOMIS & Co. §tatei st.,nearli'oppwitoEa'gliz aotel. .July, il, 1047. - • , =I .50n OALL'MOLAS§'ES, just received . . I UF for sale cheep iiiithe cheapest; one do north or the Big Windovr;by • ' ' June 16. ' W. F. KINDERNECFIT. GA 4.3,4 • tierto Piincipe,Tre,bnen,Aipeni. and - ,• • , Itity 17. ' T.• - • -- • ;4, 2 4tR P•• - :. ;, ( ",. /i , rilliEundereigned , build • tefisPeettu 1 3' .1 1. ° J. thergentleraen•of Erie and iticinityi‘that •. has opeod ii•TAILiOSING , S HOP:on the sou 4. `side °Oho Ettblid 'Square, a few•deore east tit t • ,Erie Bspit, wberpbu will be at all times ready a • happy to wait upon those ,114.9 maylatior-bitwwi a vain his line of business. Front loog:cspe In some the Principal shops of kuidan, oiler Sign:ippon cities, and by,.strice,ettention• all .business which Clay noiv,be.encNito . t o h i , he Con fi dently hopcsidtat he !hall he always dee , ed Worthy to receictta sh,arn_of,publiCpsurona - wurkshall be eaecuted in such alit:tanner to bear a close and impartial exanfination„ d !dative in occordai4oyith the • grevailieifati ions. I JOHN triCLDEN. Erie, Sept, 4, 184'i. I N, Cutting dace nn the Shortektnotic4v: Poor Ninth rrants [~i ce of Also, .8) dIY JUST . tic . third 'l-11fiiii Vain 'Stotts. Cuhmere Shawls, going at very intstlrle. Oct. 16. ALLYN & (OIT WALKER 66 COOK. AtizuPt I. 1816 WOOL! WOOL!! \ , EW rA Li GOOD W. C. de So P. intimaturr ttE now teceiving a large and tle iit asslrt '.nient of Full 'and Winter Giios, "h have cen selected with grett 'cAre. Wes it deter oblation to merit the reputation *presenting to iurcha•iers the riehost, mast deskifhle s yles and •heapest Good.; or any establistneent, in the place. They would respgellitlly invite the publiu to call nd examine their stock; miaow , which may he ound the most beautiful assortment of Fre ch nd English It-IiSS GOODS, ever breught to this- market; eotnprising extra ilea Lustres Oregon • and California Plaids; Silo Plaids; Plain itnd Satin siriped - Alpatal; Cashmere'; akin find . iepti:'M 'de Lalnes; timnbazinesi Fre teli, En glish and Scotch Gingham-3, 4-c., ate. AI-4o a . erb lot of WA stip . • ;HA WLS—Broclis,•Damask Silk, Embroid4red . . . t Thibet, Turkon, 'Printed Cashmere, Nl(yfair, M. de Lainem, Woolen, (Plaid and an almost endlees variety anther styles. They will be Sold astenithingly cheap. , • qAKINCIS.—A beautiful lot of GalaPlaidp, a. "Illibet Clutha and Alpae Ako a heat viirie ty of Trimmings, compr sing Mantilla, Chtult and Dress Fringes, nps, Silk and Nlohuir Laces, &c. 4re. (ALSO—Table and Sand covers, Fruit Napiins, White Mullah, Dayfies, Drapery :Qua ins, Window and Wall Papet; boys and mewl C r aps and Huts. ' Boa", Shoes , & e. Also—a t•plen: did osseitinent of FUR. !--/montr:which are common Criney Mulb, French dOFur lined, Genet do, linitu i thm Luatrer! Lynx, Kcal Lynx do., varying in price from 504 . 5. each to 812. ' QC': 9. 1847. • 21 I 11E DELAWARE 111pTUAL SAF I Insurance Compapb. (OF PUILADELPHIAO' A, RE now doing 11101110S8 011 the mutual ..n. giving the. risrturcd a patticipation MI proli.e of the company, without liability be • the premitun paid. be l m se o lt s s t i t a ip vo o r n ah t i l e te t L er te s e . 7L n dose C r u s na w l i i ii be incur I all and promMly adjusted. ' * ! 4 ',ire risks on merchandize, buililinrrs and 01. property, in town or country, for a limited ter permanently. 1 • "It DIRECTORS. Joseph U. Sear, James C. Ilisnd. , Etlinond A. Souder, Theophilus Pau'Llin John C; Davis, It Jones Brooko, Robert Burton, \..i , John Garrett, , 'John R. Pinrose, Hugh Craie, Samuel Edwards.' Goree'Serrell, I Henry Lawrence.''' I ''David It Stacey,' I Edward Darlington, Chat les Kelley, Isaac R. VMS', J. 6. Johnson, , ~. William Fahoalt, • William Hay, John S. Newlin, Dr. S. Thomas,'' Dr. R. M. Huston, John Seller; Jr. Spencer Mcllvaine, Richard S. Newbold, Scc'y. Wm. Martin, P It...7'Application can he made to .J. •KELLOGG, Agent Eri Erie, August 7, 1817. ' . PROTECTION. THE Eric County Mutual Insurance Corn' continues to r insttre ruraini,t loss and dm' by fue, on buildings,' goods and merchand all descriptions. Office on the caul. side Public Square, between Cob and 701.trcets, . • , nut CT LLrm. Reath. LC. Spencer, Tlioma Giles Spnihrd, I " C. M. l'ibbals,l l W. H. Town,enrlf,l • I I J. C. Sre. ckrt peorge Selden 41 Jane 3, Itll7. '1 rep ent. .-. • , t :Lly3 WANTED! • exchange for Goods.' any quantity •of ,G god TN FrE:YILOCK FENCE BOA 'IDS, 6,5, 10, and 12 inches wide, 14 and 16 feet long. DEMLOCK: JOICE, 1 1.2 . by 19, and 2,11-2 by 1205, 16,18 and 20 feet long. • ›,,A HEMLOCK STUDDING, 2 by 5 itnd(3lhy 4; 1014 and 16 feet lonfr, for whicii the liighe.t `t price will'he ;raid, when dr. - livered t hi= Luma., yard at the foot of- French street. WM. TRUESDAIL. - • ( 42 ME Erin, ltnrcb 4, 1847,- Llot of prime Swell L 4, in good condition. jnet icceired by June J. mprrov A ('n SPECTACL,EStrtt!oId, sihier and genus "41- ver Frames, an extensive assotiment ot‘Co-1- cave and Convex. Also, the celebrated peril:real Gnd parobolte Spectacles, superior to any in use. ) G. L(10‘11S & State st., nearls opposite Eaglet - 1 , 14c1. July 17, 1817. , LADIES ivlll End stet I. b aus steel ciaste, purse silk, Paris' fans, new style bronclies,linicelets, pentil4., hick roV't her Yi lilt an endleSs variety of sp endi I fancy aricles, at -G. LO"MIS Co'! Slafest., neatly opposite Ea ,, le 11: July 17, 1517. rAROCERIP-13 . --An excellent nasortlnt of Vi-Groteries„edn at alt times be fond a t . INo. 4 Cheapsitle. •1- 1311.0,WNEt. Autt. 17. POUND'S of good Chace far one 9 • ‘sii other things in proportion at No Bloek.• I • July 17. 1817. • Public Notice fS HEREBY GIVEN that the Stockholders of Idle Eric Bank, in the county of Erie. intend to make a pplication to the next Legislattsreltir a re• neural of the charter, by the sfaine and style of the Erie Bank, in the comity of Er ie , to remaqt loca ted'in the Borough o f El ie, in 'the county of Erie, - with the same capital and privilezes as i n. now has. By order of the Board of (Meet°a. _ !C. Nl' PARRE.N, Cas hier. Frifi Bank. :Intv.23. tSI7. !!!!_ Denti.stry. .j BY BOOT'S. ELLIOTT St. ROSE. ' ) WNO are permanently located in Erie, Penn. : where sll 'Surgical and .-Nlechan 'cal opera tioMlin the science aDeuti-try, will be do e with all that ease, neatness and durability which longi experience and 'extensive opportunity, together with a thorough knowledge (Wall the late im provements of the Baltimore Detal Colleg I alone can give. . . Drs. Elliott or Rose will viit the fol owing named places once in six or eight weeks, viz. Conneaut, Ohio, Springfield,. Girard, Lo l ckport, Fairview, Waterford, Wattsburgh and North ! East, Erie county, Warren and COlumbits,.War e-ten county, Pa. Ladies and gentlemen living in =or near either of the, above named plaeo who :need the services of a Dentist, can be waited upon t at their residence, by addref•ing us at; Erie. Particular attention will be paid to the health of the Gums, as well as to. restoring and prerierving the Teeth. Pivot Teeth will be inserted' after the latest improvements; ohm, - Plate Teeth, from ono to irrentire set. .' • i I . Office and residence on the corner of Pedch and Seventh Streets, Erie, Pa. Sept. 16, 184 Now: Goods! New Goods! I'VE are receiving our stock of FALI I I AND If II WIN TER GOODS, which:we believe will vie with any in the place in eectent, style. and quality. We forbear to eyminerate styles and qualities havirm none of, thespirit of thebraga:- docia, and presume that if, we,te . cre to at voitise 1000 pieces splendid silks, 10,00 pieces Alpakces; MO cask French Merinos, rich easpinereS, Para inetia cloth, Mohair Lus!res, Oriental, Ca (ornie. Monterey and Oreima &c. our trade would not tber, by be increased in a. rational 'arid intelligent tbdintimity.' 'We have,only tolsay.on this point that. we have a lull and complele,assort• menrelsuch goods i n our brattcliolthe trade alit he market reiluirct, and -we ofForihim without. stand beg pledge to sell at the eoapist rates the can be outtlitiri.tho hurOtikh for 'Cosh. Pleitse call ay let us talit,o4r this pave, ,„ P.T,C ALF'S; No. 1, Rood Ouse. -. Sept. 2 . 3, 1847. CjilttGbNl4l..A4l)9.-L, few • pieces lof The above rich article on hand. mid sent?: cheap et ',wow wore; / 7 " ALLYN:4IO9IT. Oct. 1¢:, , ,, :• '‘ 1. 92 • •Cash: for Barley'. pHE subscriber batting, retired the commodi 14,Werchititiukof , Arbuckle,' act he Bth Street Cartel Beein r ie now ready to receive and pay'. yaw for 15,000, bushels of good clean Burlap .• • ALFRED ' 1 LNG.. - .Erteelgept, tO, 1847. • • • . .20 1 TRONi , STEEI4 AND NAILSe r A. fullhassort riiitiri tit Sivedei trop anti gaiietrilshiilo, cheap as can bei_eold by WILLIAMS at' - Will?nT.. Octs V I O , . by eitize of the in Stiles n tirthet C Cann lin perform ad treat reined - in DR., I Maybe 9.litiog 2on head, p all kind the hum he, h Ant arh 11111.1 ductrite tinted 2 nO,l 2 TIER For Rh B . oreh purr. Agi, Ittputars i eXI •rio .1, tt•bien tl 1 / .TY on ber- • ther 111 Of boxes ace omnsoied with directions, sad 8 44 !:-,,, ;aril box Will make half a gallon. In the res t 4on Coughs, Colds .Asthma, oppreskiek ste m pooping Cough Cron'', Inflimation of ila" a eases of the t. onsumptiou be grektly , ut p „ i ,,,f, 'kW ruled be ' ' [ z , l i 'ERRICK , S MEDIdATED COUGII .- LOZENGE!. .: rte. Two of theta Los ores are a polies; l.: Tiff: THIUMPIIANT 8 MESS which err,' trnde the lien of llerriek's Worm Destroyer „ . '3 in theilestr action nod expulsion of Worm frtn , a n ~ystam, has placed t an Grin on the estaisre*" ins. Thee ire pleasant to tale. Children Isa' i. Id tkrir 4 feet ix inch Ail o astonish the btheta s err., with full directions Thais suffering he --, ni wrokne4s to the Idea 5. sides and beck.ts ~ .01. 1.1111)i/ , 1r11. rte. will lied ti friend in Sheen. ,ICK'S 1 GA LBAN TM STRENGTI-.. ENING PL STER. • •-' Spreadn tine had leather, *ill wear from one to t.? month.. Prier only fal err ,en ire taking the plate); i. oil utter pl.etrri. and are con 'tiered the BEST MI cfityar 'ST PLASTER NOW I Ut3E. 1 , Pr co `.1.1, am i s• hire 4 , 1 loszesse the nr r em thous, ns Prim • '23, pli h.nm.l HER So m eh having been raid by same Nem' York maim dint the; al hod the privilev to make and leads a , ear Cna and ontt even pt. ending and adrenistar; doll he I ta• a pai cut for so doing, induce* the Seetav I. n e prom me of dqeeptietti before the public, an(lin tl cm h Ju.lges in-tho.eate. wbetberat system of thittint ought I yr., to exisi. ftr. iffirrick has teritren to g r. - Berke, he Commissioner otTatentaid Waahlagtonotical,, ). in} ) aut the .1, U. Wjltiam , Geoyze Schle:n Cmitfi inelcso. , ElijAh'l34hhitt John- I. `l4:at? Vino 'lib I.iTze Itisrlj 11[..911.D, Pre! TrenF4rer. 'etay.ll QM brru t r n e welent hadr (Lama 11 r_v the Me Pt me llcrd mu •AG , 1 E.' . E W G 1, Op S. 17-: . f ita] - BY Wall of Jar::: . ,„,.. ____.... ! ei-- - - , -- 27 . ,-,...,,. v.. . ,1 - ,- -.-.-- Road ACKSA. ha-i now received his PAW,. . ad. WI NITA Mock of Dry Goods, GAN . Hardware, BAs : and shoes, crockery, km .--, ails, 4.L. &c. offwbich the following Cow t Inv. • . Cloths,. Fccnch, English and America, i . ' d!cd blue, black, brown, gold and cadet r: cu, Cas,itneres. black,- blue; plain, - pald ~ striped; Sonnets, blue, black, cadet and • I mixed; canvass, padding, buesram,bot. , crash, wi.;:. , zins, bad++ n and hlack holland, m di.iper. linen and cotton table cloths, ha. •ambrie, linen cambric handkerchiefs„kr ire and cambric dimity, drab, white, blatt sl.ito selicia, black 'and colored cambric. +n and bleached sheetinos :and shirtiaga ; iickin , r, a uroe check, red, white and green , Atli lianneis, plaid Unsays, crimson, scarit tin and drab morecns, silk and tabby rein; • lk and colored, silk and worsted serge, sail ; limzs, italian cravals,black and colors:chat ` , bandana, barcelona,Pongee and apittlr: handkerchiefs. silk; cashmere, worsted and i km hosiery, all colors, gloves of all kit* i I s,, worsted,. silk,„ picnic and cotton dreal dlterchiels, ladiec.cravats, lace veils bat* ;s•riped and plaid eariston and swigs insb• '. and thambrays swiss, plain, dotted, plaid, !ped, fierured, boa mu.lins, silk-braids, hat an , cap 1 ibhons, Italian and French crape, se. • in silk, Ors° twist, skein, knitting and tidy l co: nn, suspenders, bindings, qualitY: tape, hot bins and cord. laeets, combs; battens, act- i ale ~ hocks and eyes, paste board and a gener... , ! al smor`tment of - hoots• and shoes; hlrdware.. cro •kery, iron, nails, Ecc,; all of the above wilt • he old as cheap as any new or Jew store ia thi cry, 1 , It. VII - be observed that lam the oldest merchant , in th place except one, and I noir say that I wird i not be undersold by any, yougg O'r,old, for ready ! pay. Call and see that the abort are facts, auttly f olds and on cheapside; where th§ngs for sakes:lt l be h at. Er a. Sept. '25. 1847. . _ Pall N and praFe 121120 ME FUL whit: every durw folin lady, ME BM hare , L!]l 113 SPis, CES A '‘OMATIC CONHi s lag e t§' Nu. near, - ISap, - Ma e, Bitter Almonds, C o lo es Summer :". lIV OTT, 4 1 :1 01 Gr Ind Cinnamon, ' ' Sweet hlajoratii, • " Pepper, black, Vanilla Beans, °I - A no do ' Citron, '' Su erior Mustard, ' Extract Vanilla, ( it Pia Jamaica Ginger , " Leman, I oot, . " ' ' "- Bitter Almonds lai r rind 'do' \„. Oratige Plenii Water, Condor Seeds, 1, - Leaviit's Rose do Ca away do D 1 TELIcs FOR THE SIC K & INVALID' Be muds Arrow Root, Oatmeal, - ' Superior white Tapioca, Cooper's lainglari Perl Barley; Russian do Sa o, , Irish Moss; Ri e Flour, , . , Iceland Moss. S ecteAl with Care and all ,warranted superior. J. H. BURTON dr. Co. 1 . rip, June 19, 1.947. No. 5, ReedHous!,._ . 01 ...lit •P n- 1neth,.1,... 47 u , If ease . hillhest teWeetibilliy. so Pi d la) lo b - CI •dical protettion i'etery section of 04147, iil British Poisessiont, entitle's' them to tlo, -7 nquerort of Disease. A mats of Americ o ~ tett lumpy is in't he Doctor't postessioa Qtrs.; 1 by These preeminent remedies after the coo,: heut of the medical Inanity, and the mottpo_. • of the day had been ttied in vide. •-.. ERRICK'S VEGETABLE SUG4 • COATED PILLS. vent with indaked lalre CPS in eie :". d tbe eu s:o: * eciitie and positive purgative. Th e y t ,„ melting quickness piths and dizzineO of it s si n ; f ° e ' r " e l et we i: ,kfl cressa :o r n dieo f b t e li . e m ti l iff i e i r d e e n ' t Hi e octant a at n body. foul breath:totted tongue, billions dal. , n o l w e e n t a s t ittreenwesamd. loaded i i n t h alt Au e ui t o r r ez .44 ~,,,, sa r ilitedae. Each box contain/ 30 PON' to tr: de r null purely reitet able, and sell for 'Menu. no ordinary dope. Also. WK.'S SCIATIC LINIMENT t Tlit INEALLIBLF: REMEDY '-. • oinoiltin. Sprains,raises, Contracted C.* .. at. (;unsay,CrOtlp. Stiff Joints, Sbrusit 8 4 . - I ai 0 th e bros. t and r e, Toothnbe,Frozetr. nr rite 9itjeor., Perished Limbs. t d wherc o i;; , , applicator' I . 1. indinsted. The rapidity ell. 5 WON °FA IVORFDING MEDICINE Cameo i 's or the above dinmees list attracted y ' It AND ADMIRATION of the liond , I thetn•elv oy of the use of this ti cuing Xi_ on for bee put the price at 12.5 'enft. Earls ii., e Prwee. name blown in the glass, sad entet t of n el .w useett Spinr, accompanied with ha 1,1,, be general debility, attended p ft , lIPIIP in the nomads and bards, extendisy,ou , .i, of appetite, trembling of the limbs, to heart. Jauhiliee; Ague $ nd Fever, and iUI .ses nee quickly cured by the use of MUCK'S VEGETABLE TONIC, 'BITTERS. ~ FTTI — T7 nLite. 1)11 , 4er tt. givoqi Loinw, U. g. P, .'aitent Office. Jan. 16,114. f r riek —Dear Si • C—Vour letter of the sth latthi oki oil. lo "1r.,. wee tokyour inquiry IP "'tether tr - - a. , been greeted-for it till coated with impel: inform %tor that tat record of inch ai pateatitoli thie office. ltgapectfellg Tome, _,..! ' EDMUND BURKE r• hatuphlets givirtO a tworoweneral descriptilet cliteil,may he had of any of the Agent.. • • pal Depot 53 State ttreet, Albaoxi wltetii al or ~.1 be iptilrei.seil. l • I = 'I'S —.I •11. Bat &toeo. Jelin Cummins &N. f i u i IforCelly sus, Girard, sue .I.H. Haynes, Nad,_ r I Feh.lo. !847.-11,10. , .• N Wlll and stt, lap, cut ica r, Ito r AIK, AND STEAM CONDUCTOR E are HOW able to offer odr cuetconers trt • siZe.4 ot . the ' - - TON AIR TIGI7 COOKING STOVE 1 only requires to ee. mined to convicts body of its econo - eN,irfitility, conveniea, • nit y' anii,brauly. It will be told at a urip . I i s price, and warrante . fi to suit even maid% 1.. asiit possesses all the above qualit'es. [ LESTER, StNNETT CII TEL , ~ , 1 e.rSepr. 25 1847. TS CALL AT TEE NEW 'STORE. 1 ' hand at ALLYN '& COIT'S New Ston. one of the begt stock, of Cloths tO be food is city; among them are the nicest Freed' moan Blk Doeskin ma Fancy c easAgertZ, • 3 liroad. Cloths, Beaver and Pilot Cooing". eds, Cassimeres and Satinets, Also jest* d 1\11!rino Under Shirts' and Dravreret ns.ey Frocks, Blk Satin Cravats, dm, fail 1. , ty of Tailor's . -! Jost received black - Velvets, Satins ancr,Sutges. For these 'her goods please call di ALLY &COIT'S; • =%-freapslde._ IC. -1817 it U A good' irisortaleat. OA tltrlll Marsh's, TiemOn's, Thompsosi7oluld:Rhist ,s Trusses, ,sorted sties for sole low by , - CARTER& BROTHER. • )v 17. 1817 omit; L. 9 rtis and Unimmera of alas , •very color, stripe; qoality and Rice; at N. o ' eapsi de, b) - BROWN & WCARTER. EEG ILVE,R. WARE.—Silver tablet, dessert, test i salCind mustard' spoons, ton g s, ladles forkt ter and Gum knietts, constant on,-band a" ea!e by Gt, L ONUS &A°. State Rt., neirluppoSito Eaglet Hotel. ttly 17..1817. ] -- 1 El A W LS- 7 - Woolen anci cotton; any quantill foeeale at the cheap etorei of - • iptember 24, 1517.. 9. JACKSON.- RI II
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers