II ICI MI -----1------------------- ~,•—•ChrOtlit or Tedious Otte gee are frennently.pro I ll—, , ductl by the morbid ten Ana of ACU , 0 4116e.treti .01 erellcbted , or by the &genera y of the solids or liable 'O,O may ptedUCe a variety asymptows under dlllerent w oes, al tedigeetion loan of apperltle, acidities, flatu lence, arpitstion vf tho Matt, difficuly of ureattrinF, i l,giritli p g MO of the body, dep ~3 'pane,' great Irrita. 1,1. y o nh e nem% Occ• Theoe symptom, may be remov by et/awls course of Merthant's 'Sarsaparilla. If they 14 allowed to rennin, • train of evils may supervene ore femora distcarsof allUtC. Ste n'dlertieetnent. - ---- —,,H--- - i [l:;pO44OST.—.l Gold Pen all!' mixer star- and pen • Evellthp. on French st r eet ten. lo•t le-t 'lltue,lay Ft e eet on or PM' the FUldle Staillf C. TIM finder. Will much pbbge the etenCr by 11.111111 g it at the Sloe.' or. Eti,, Nur. 20 ,e 47. mo Es 'well. .____ _. , _-__ ittAItRIED. —On the 16th in:A.* T. I\l. White tit+ Mr. Francis Beard, and Miss Mary F. Xinn all of \Valet ford. On the 11th inst. by the,flev. E. F. Dickenson, 34.1L8. Gifford and Mise Adeline Beebe, all of Conneaut. LITMARY NOTICE. A"' rt„pon•ibte eitizon of rici or Virinity, is prkilezed to draw Books from the library of the Irving Institute for a small montllle fee.— The library contains over, one thons..n•l voinmei. Books may he drawn every Saturday evening= By order, &e. IsnAc :Memoir:An, _ Nov. 20. Sec: etary. Something - ,New. rrlIE sOncribor takes I,leamire in annonneinff to the pi bhe the'arrivol from New Yorkpf in eitensive assortment ot% Gouda i n their line, eribrktinw WATCIII3S, CLOCKS, •JEWELRY; Bated and Britannia, Plato, Girandolog, Solar and Camphene Lamps, Looking glasses, Bohe mian glassware, spectacles, fancy goods ants thousands of useful and ornanien.al nricles Ibr the Holydsys, which are Offered al reduced prices. Haring selected Watches yith II 'lllSlai care f ro m late importations, thofe wishin ,, a s , (iod Ti m e piece for ILtle money v ill do wdl to buy. Out thanks are due our patrons for favors con ' (rued in times past, especially for.patroosze re : reised in our new store on State street, and hope by attention to business to retain our old atld Make many pew customers. N. B. Particular attention given to the repair , inz of sit kinds of Watches. Wat• h work, re nulling Engines, which generally is done i n the larger cites, attended to on short notice. GOefis received by Express every few clays irons New York during the winter. I . G. LOO NA IS 4•C o. si so crert, nearly opposite 14:agle 110 tel and next • door to Spaintd's Booksto e, NOY.2lf. 18 a. . - DENTAL SURGERY. 20144%.4 L .11.1.1.• v.. ‘• • , TEP.TIISUPPL!ED ON IMPROVED PRINCIPLES, BY DR. L. J. CH AMBERION, Surgeon .D,en tlist. AIRTIFICI AL Nlinertil Teedl. fit m one to an entire set, inserted, to aliSt% Cr I early ail the purraes (rustication rind anietihti on, t gnat to natural Te •th, andsS near reseinblin. , them that, the closest OblerVer Call seldom detect them from 'And, natural Teeth. Tender and decayed rill(' of good foil, and for mastication; obviati tracting Tee'h with the .purest ot..?tte solid nod to:431111 g the neqseity of e► ospheric Nessure, Teeth insened by At out springs or elap‘n, Irregularity in Chihlin in time, prevented, and edied. The 'subscriber pare of a sett of Anifiein he invites those v. ho sta, and examine. !n's Teeth, if attended to n /With/. tztendy TiTil ia, one whole sc t and `Tel th finished, which d in need or Puth to call Front kilt , ' experience Surgical and Ilechanic Pb ladelphia and Pittsbl dent that operations twill entire ttr. C. has taken Tom ehere ho will he'please'i rosy find themielves in! Hours Air operatintr, fri from 2 toa. le will rei for the present but hai visit this place tn o of thi IttritRENGES.— B. 8.1 Billings; IV. IV. LA Erie, Nov, 20, (e. 17. Dentistry. (1S years in iire.,) Pr. C. tccls ennfi pi tiled byltim rise M 3 nt the i ßecd tionsp, d to wait upon ail who I need of Ina eisliees Om 9 seelack till 12, and Main for a few %eel(*) onfy made arrangements 'to ree times during. the year. Vincent, M. Courtri ,, ltt, ;ends. PAINTS. 3500 lbs. Whit/ and Vied Lrnd nod' Litharge. 1 00 ,4 . Whit nEr 300 Rig., Venitian Itcd, 400 " Feentlt Xellov, 150 " Paris Green. \s. I, 00 " Chrom'N'Vellow, Green 4. Vermillion. "l In , lian liett, Utica Marine Blue, Prug l iun Blue prop Black, Viillit;,is l il'Amtio.l,vek, etc. G bhlr. 4 P r ir ec i ti t ; l e l f; jrP"""' hr. i e ' e r d o f .V -"I i I' P ' f a .: ri liNR etc" Nov. 20. (11(1 Irmo of 3. 11. Bunton Sr. Co. . ' DYE TSII:)PPS. .ROUND 'Looroot, lostie. c a mwond and G, Raz I wood, enpiieras, tgLidder, extrocr log wood l au! boric sei I, dmehineal. indite, cudhear, tin enter, \ etc., at witoo , nie mil mai!. by Nov. 20: BURTON ,t- PERKINS, /311LISII ES. C 11re britqlic:3 of all: v.tritt les noo p, ! cps, ice.hl ' do , iint.,nd V4rnis'a (b, , 11. vh clolhnx. hat' P having, cont), Flrtl blrur , blpcl;ing, uindLty, hearth, counter aid bill tly brnphct for Qat,' by Nov.lo, 9rIZTON fraNNERS Oil alitl , BUIti(IN & Nov, 20 B - LCACIILI) 'Whale and Elephant - till, rior 10 Lisitcl oil l•lr w iator tisk% Inr by Nos:. 31) lU('(\ P ELI AND l'Ut r)'(.-34;o:.) Watt.; of various tn,tnttruc 50r.20, - I !ORTON & 1 - 10A(311 and Vi vi ure Varnish, and Varnish B;ushei, for suittbV Nov. 21). R.TON St. 15EIIICIN3. • MARIiING f'ilYson's 104 11 I Ede's lodehabit) Inks, for !narking linen', for sale by. .7" Nov !u. r, URT(tN PF.TUKIINS". Arrival Extraordinary ! I riltiE Proprietors of the New Sto,re, Chenpsitle, 1 announce, the arrival of eeverA c:oes of thb nehest Pall Goods oler broweht lo this taarket.-4- "they are daily expting Rich Chatueliim and liaid Silks and (limb ,nidercd Thiheis :oo• the,sc , f, to the last of is hi eh and also to nor stock of 1.11;1; Silents, the aLenitieni of the Larli, , c is part ieulail ly requested by ! j ALLEN ,4,.. COIT. N0v.20, t 8 t 7, • I 27 ...._ .._____ .. _. __. ---------f w ail The import tot fact of the congnest of MeNico, is allied another egrudly imporci tint. viz: The large and extramdinary arrival r rich, fashion Ole and seaironabl o Goods junt r'.' ceived at the - Nrto Store, Clizoli.title, which the la dies are het ebr invited to "come and see." Among the"Goods,lare to be found, rich a. a. Thibets, cashmeres, merinos, Purramattas, alpac-, C", Betnbpzines and Alepines, of every shade, 'parity, price and style. Also, a few rich Long hhats/s, and a most over& assortment of black, ric. cit , .'d do; children's and Polka coats and / bps; Ladies' nubbs, scarp and cashmere boa., &c., with many oche good i il S too numerous to men tion. Don't forget t e "Vow Store. Cheapside !! Nov. 20. I r' A LLYN Lk ColT. .. r . • NIEW (300DSTI 1 11-. riving from !sit, New Stere t Chespsis ,i 5 .0. 20. ! -.....,- . erer . i deveripion auily ar• w York and Boston, at the p,r Salc. • A i Valauhle R y:ar old Mare, or the largest size, is well c Initiated for teaming, and is good before a carriage or under the saddle. Price 117:4 00. Also, aood one horse Wagon. En quire of Stephen J. race, 2, 1-2 miles 'fr th fioni 1 3 Backus' corners, or bout the same distance north from Beg i ns or i'hilis' corners Greene, Nov.'2o ' /847; Thel, Celqstials I HAVE arrived, arid In al) the agate of Oriente! I Corturneotre Ide.ocated; at tt4stoVn of the •Pc.- I kin company's Agelncy,' to 'hold up a paper of tea and in all their sile t magnificence to act as ' ten ding witnesses' to he fact of exclusive superiori ty in the Humbug they are designed to nod into notice, "The credo ous may be taken in by math fancy images, but ihtelligen, persons will beguile as well ilatiplied b tap Pe.;Nn Porno Of our fresh Teas and inibibinl the derte,ioini bevora&e as they would be with arty notiouvvil'Yankee invention to deeby :hem skmongst the various traps:which are at in requisition• to gull the unsuspecting victim of Patent lididicines or China Illusions. ..- . LISTER , oitNNETT 4 , CLIEWIER. .Aov. 11, 1817.' 26. _ . . . . . . . TIIE COUGH OF CONSEMP I'I.OS OAF!! IN IF A SOUND OF DuATti. 's A RE VOU AMO FOES? Your Uniting 'ehitJ, your Ida/ 41 - 811 e•trthly joy, is how verbal), confioeil to her 1 . ch.linbe be n thluEterpoe told — her pale eh . oho her thin slirutilt‘n 'ingots.. toll the hold 11160433 but alre•ltly iplu e,.l upou her—the *moot of lier sepulchral cough Worees your so l: . 1. ..,- iiOU G MAN, when just shout to life.ltieeuse sheds .1 lipArterastlius Illig..t Imer the rim" ("tope' Oaf the future your Ileum cultgit alllfeelMi limb tell of your lon e of flow!. liat pot uouti out the,j.fir. There 13 310.1141 13 111311 1 3111113111 Lila 3.3111/10 1 1 11.131 j, It In SHERMAN ' S ALL-HEALING BALSAM. 31re. ATT It EE, the sure of Win. 11. Attren, Ef,sq. !phis given up by Dr. ftle ir.lll or Wu‘hlugtoo, Dr,. So- Lout Me. Ciiiilati pf Philadelphia, Ur Rod and Dr. Mot of N. Vim k. Her AieVb d r nil thought she thud 4he, She lied every op pdsruued of being to ounnomptino. nn I Woe no prollutlitC , eti by her physinosus—Sherthisu's putiosin wits wins &end it Cured her. . . tars. GARR ADBANTZ, of Roll's Ferry, was nt-n ruled of eunsuilim ion by this Balsam wheis tall other retaliates faded to site solid's-she was reduced Co a skeletal. Dr. A IC.ctiztle, freattet,snl ..roai.n i way, hot witnessed its ef. facts lit...avow ea,-es who. eno ot•ieernediclue afforded relief—but the flaliaut operated like a charm. Ilr.C. al so witntssed its wtinderful effects In curing Asthma, Which it [letter fails of doing. Spitting 13Inod, sikritims as it may be, as eff.retualty t ur..il by this I.l.itsuns It.tisiala the rup tured or woutalcil blond vessels and undies the lungs ••Uudgain. R .1 ev. lIIESILY JONES. 1013- Eighth avenue, '.was cored or tou h and catarrhal affection .150 years stsittling.— The fir i do-a gave hint more relief then all the other 1...1- iellll, hu 11.00 et er t •hcn. Dr,L. J. Beale gate it 10 a Cl.. ter-in-law who tm laboring under Con,uinntion, and 10 another sorely afflicted with the MOM I. lii• both cases ;la, effects were immediate. soon iestortug them to com fortable health Mrs,ILECRETIA WELLS, 4 5 Christie street sulfured' r 4, dietiliTlJ yew , Sliernian's 11.1184111 relieved her afoneit. and she is comp vuri Yety lining enabled! to ,subdue every attach by timely use, of this medicine.— 'lits indeed is the,gi cat remedy for Emig he, Odds, Spiting !thud, Liver cotholumit*, and all the affections of the throat, unit •th MI and Con.uotiitam. Y. e 25 CNltsi nod el per bugle. U,. nett Otliee is ut 106 Nassau street, N. Y. Sytd,by the followitig .104 appointed Agents; 0. D. Spar. turd, Erie; Win. Judson & Cu. Waterford; Ross & Mar lton Ciimin Mae J. Trail , . retrvlt.w; John Bl'Clure, G 1• raid, W. 11. Tutrinmil, Likewise Dr. Sherman 's Motticate , l Lozenger, Tooth P.it.te and Poor Min** V./eider. equcti LOZ.LNCES.—Thcse Lox mgei. are a safe most slur° mid etfm.tart menlody- for cough•, sod colds, lightness of the tuner or chest, &c. WORM I.OZESDE`I. —Those worm Lozenges have bent,' pruned to mare titan 1,400 nolicase, t o ton the 'orals I.ble; the only certain wrist). destroying ineoliCille ever ilin aoar,ds. It wait reserved for Dr Sherman, to iiiveut Ittiedlcineto destroy worms tut children would lake.— Cillilren will (eke theses Lozenges mod cry (or more, 0. ,CAMI'IIOII. LOZENGES, c«lebruird for eivmf %Omni time lime rob:din nervou+ and ',nit. heedoehts, Imo a Insvoc.in of spirits. &c Da. SHERMAN 8 TOOlll PASTE. —A preinium Dan. trince, Ilse lievt article known for cleaning mil whitening the tenth. streinfiliening she rum,. sweeteeing the breath. :SHERMAN'S 11. MAN'S PLASTER. —* rho bent Itrengthetung Fis her in tea arid; a Pon ereign remedy for pain , or weals imiie In the b melt, Lidos, 'ldes, breast, &c Doe min/ono year will not 401,114 the di MA rid_ Warren ' ird the Ii HIM ClWUpelt• 011 , ` thiji the hint. 'rho /11)..e Lozimges Tooth Pinto dint Firmer, old by the eband erents fie Dr. Sharma,'' All.flm i ling II ascot. Erie Noi. 20, 1847, - 6in27 s Cusiool House,Wistrict of Presque Isis.? ERIE, November 17. 1847, Q . F:ALED Propos% u ill be received at the 1 10 Treount l ry Deuartmeat of the United St ,tes in the city of Washinvon, until the 31 st of Decem ber.lBl7. for the stipple of Rations for petty offi cers and seamen of the llni , ed States Revenue Marine vessels on LA. Erie. for the term of one )ear from the tou day ,of January, 18Vi. The re. .ton for the Reventic service is the same as that allowed in the Naval service, omittin , the liquor sand tonsi.ts of the articles enumerated in the ;nt h:ming table, to Wit: el in the derinrtment o f E tjaaa 1 ALLYN ,sr COLT E. SUTTON. 3:27 SILENCE HAT DREADFUL COUGH. TIIF LUNGS ARE IN DAN- ' OM' THE WORK or THE DESTROYER HAS BEEN , BEOUN. ' .d 40 Aq •.6 2! •v" e 0- z s a , ..= Iniod .. 1 ttl. ' Ilia 1 1 4 flora .... I .... I . i ‘..Fli - 11!"-9 PaIJP JO WO NIIII ---- I — "day.impt ma ~f+l, #40. , OM IJO wailina . T. I ~. 4. 4a 4. 4. 4a 4. 1 '1! 'U tAD C. 4 itO b* 4 3 s 11 , 1.14 , 44-• 0:11; ( a l I ‘,301j00 .4 I I, • ,soana 1:4 Wiwi{ _1 ,asaaqD MEE !*- ‘sassnion OM • ariSain A • I' I he rations to be of 2!noil nd whofekome qua, ' Iy, to be approved by 110 eollec•or; and the dif ferent articles comprising the ra•ion to 1v deliver ho lid the vessel in rood amt -urfieicut a asks and v.tsseis, to be provided by the contractor, and the codtews dddinct ty marked on a MM. It IA to he understood .that the contractor *till be bound to furni , h, upon reasonable, nofice,.a, often as may be req.bited by the captain of the vessel, with the apt); obat ion of the collector, (not eaceedinz upon an a yenta° one day in each we. k;) etteft tresh meat, and fresh vezetables .as may be cquivulent to the correspondiog parts of the ration allowed in the naval service. MURRAY tt' 11 ALLON, Coll. etor. Custom House, district of Presque Isle. EmP.', Pa., Nov. 17, 1847. s DROPOSA o ill he received at the Trento! r y Department or the I Tnit,Al Slates until the 31st day of December, 1411, fornishihtf arti cles 00;1111 3 CIIA.‘:ftLF,ItY for the d' Unite'? States ileveime \ a ritic"•vessels on Lake vrie for one year from the Ist of January, 181 e. The contractor ri ill be..expected to furnish such arti cles as tray be required for the use of said vessels from time to time. As, hedule of the articles and form of thyip rosals may be seen at this (Ace. It is to b 4. stinetty under•itood that no hid will be entertionecl front any pers.ii not acttrally en ea.ized in the bh-incss. in which •he proposes to furnish; and alt bids should be transmitted, seated, to the Secretary of the Trowttiry, whshioeon city MURRAY_ WH A LLON, Collector. - Hlt+RDWAiiii.::-Or; stock of Hardware cam : prises a urea t variety of Mechanical !mid°. Of superior quality. such as Firmer Chissels, gouees, plane irons, coroer bits, cast a eal pu tt ers (look shank,) braces arid bits, real scotch plated Compasses, Dividers. tap borers, tenor. mill and cross cut saws, hand .and' back saw-‘, Saws and frames, together with a genera' , assortment' Of huildino materials. Locke, Handles, Knoli r eis, Bolts Butts and screws. honks and bire t re e .Be, c , LESTER, , SENNErr 4-CH6' 4 TEtt. • Nov 13, 1817, 26 t; PPS AND BOAS.-150 Mutt-and Boon, ...WA of i hF real Lynx, Nat. Gernet, W ild Cony, China Lynx, lumred and ; ray, just received from the Fur company, and &fling 25 per cent. leen then last season by - WILLIAMS & NfilliG HT. , • Nov. 13, 1847. 24 lalt'S ANL, FitINUES, in efettl. Variety, tol %.,01 kale by LEaTER,SENNETT &CHESTER, Aviv. 13 1817. tr1,20,,..i AO vilit.evis, a iogel 0, a Uget bit. 4 ,. duel , 1 ing Knifes and Plane front, a' late asa+rt ment just teeeited direct from the manufacturer and foreale eheap for each. • i - GEO. SELDEN 4,.. SON, • . . Not.. 13, 184. lle 'TOBACCO. CI(}AR9 AND BNUFF•. WHOLESALE:AND lIRTAIL. B. A. CRAIN. *would-respectfully inform the citliene 6f Ette, .nd vicinity. 'that he bee opened' s( Store for _.the 'talent TOBACCO CIGARS AND SNUFF, on French Street, betwoott Sterrett anti °BMWs; directly opposite the Reed House, where ho of fers for vale e large and superior Stock of the a bove articles a little' cheaper ,l'or'Catilt than ever before offered in this Market. . . For proof earl and exattdoe ileelity and pikes Erie, Nev. e, Mt: ' , New Goods MO ‘GO6d,Neiis! 1 .~ lARST APPEARANCE. Nota is the Time to, Buy Cheap! subscriber having been but a short time T in bushiest; has not before found k conveoi• ent ;to introduce into the pepers.a general wive! , tisetneot. lie bay, however PIA returned Facie eastern cities tvith• a splendidaasottnient bl Fresh and Cheep Groceries In his stock may be fount! the choisest Teas yet offered for sale, from 4 to S shillin2s per pound itio, Java, Cuba, Lnonira and St. Domman 'Cot* lee. e:teuper than the chomPsz; lavona,?Porto Rico, ()derma, Lief Lump. Clarified, Pu:verised and Maple Soars, cheaper than aver, Porto Rice SYI 1111, Sultarlotuse and Orleans Molasses; alspice, pepper. - Ifinger, c nnamon, mace, nuttnetze,, pearl barley; citrons, prunes, cocoa nuts, almonds, ma. deird, Mardi, and pea mils; Havana, prineipe, Sp.tniqh, cinnamon, and comienot Citars; coven, dish, Wien' to Ist, and tzerman Tobacco; olive, rose, nut. essmr, and hair Oil; all of which are of the, very beer qu ility, and . will be sold cheap, at No. 3 American Block, State Street. JOHN PEFFER. 25 Nov. 6, 1847. j i;) BOXES;'lesh for sale cheerier 'leis IQ can be b d t Isewhere, at Nov. 6„ . No. 3 Areeriese Block. 4p.(ALBS-. Rio, Java, Cuba, Laguira and A.+ so ULF St. Domingo Coffee , eeltitig at a iinall alvanee'ahove east. Nov 13 j_jA VAN A, Principe, bpamelt and Conneaut ei :fa rp, At No's, American Si )1' by the bag or lb. and the article to ' , end it ammv. Al No a, American Block. 6-7 Otillons Ohio Stone Wore, 401 at a • el email advance above cost Nov 13 - At No 3, American Bloch. ONE ton Codfish, for sale cheap, At No 3. Ametican Block Shorts and Bran, constantly keitr on hand at 7;ov li, At Nd 3, American Block: r I LIVE OIL, castor oil, sweel oil, lamp oil, cur rier's oil end hair oil, •thr sale Nov. 13. .At No 3. American Block. 2 a z d t; 9 58 LBers,, - cat, eavenrlieh, ladies nri-t per lb, tor Rade At 3 Ainrican Block 61 4 11.411 LBS; fluvann, New Orle:hs, Leaf, Otitlil Lnmp, Pulvell2o , l, ela iyied and Ma ple tzugur„eelling very chew{, to PEPPER'S. I, Noy 13. 1017. :CU 3, American Bloch. HJE'S east a;eel and Wm.illowland's Save; also En2liali e'ross nut. hand, P 4 ,,.. 140 . COMpJ9.4. IV4/01.) A WS, for xdle.l Nov Et, 1817. G. s L LDLY 4. SON. sjl,4 'KITS No. I Mackerel, put up for f .../ 4 it use, just received and. for vale at Pito. 11 Perry 1:3-ie. NOV 6 IS 17. , 25 writ bldg. Wistie Fist mud UV' Alnekinde Trout, this day received and for sale at No, I, Perry Block. by . W. MOORE. Erie, Sept., G. 1817. 2i For sale very Cheap , . (I 'VE hundred - tierce of land with about forty aeref, or imprmitanent, situated in Wuterforti township. Inquire of BENJAMIN GRANT. Nov. 6. • 25 ADM INISETA OR'S NOTICE. , LETTERS or admirlis.raiion de battle nonlitiec been valued to the subscriber on the estate of Henry I;kotnpson, late of Leßreuff township, deceased. '7!ersols - indebted to Said estate, or cluitins against the same. are requested call end present them properly authenticated fo' settlement, and settle their indebtedness. M , ELIZA TI-lONIPSON, Adm'x. Nov. G. 1817, t; , 605 DISSOLUTION OF PARTNER VIP. Tut.; a. oaantirship barclul;tv. existing be tweca the subscribers, Under the; name J. Ziturnerly 4. Co., is this day dissolved liy Inntual conicot. All the books. aecounts anti papers are in the hands or A. 11. illichenek; at the old stand where all those interested are .equegted to call and settle. J. 'LIM EttLY, Erie, Nov. 2, %5%7. A, li. HITCHCOCK a AH. HITCHCOCK would say to his old . friends and customers and the pub it:, that he u ill be happy to bruit on the m at the old stand, and sell them (41 ot:erica, as . 00d and cheap al?, ‘Lsvani. , 1 HRDWAItE.--A general liasortment Shelf Hardivare; toge. , her with a Lugo us`- so+l went of carpenterres and Joiner's 'Pouts. INlnv. 6. GEO. bk:LDEN .1- SON. IRoN, NAILS, STEEL, &e. —ll.u.o.ia,Swede j f'; and American Iron. ant, agnate and round, 9. ~.'i:ail Rods, round and Pqn , ire rode, Band Iron. CnA, Eneli,ll, American and Spring Steel. Nails A n 014, Vices, &c., &c. Nov. 6 GEO. SELrIEN Sr. SON. . 4 sunaa I 6.1 0 41xr > -- 70 y 7 • , al `lOl4. 'real, Sugar, together with . gette,r4l aisortment of CI roecrirs. for sale by ' Nov. 6. . GEO: SELDEN 4 SON. Erie Academy -„ ASS I ;:S V 4 ill be mow) it. Chemistry and die; Seienee of Government_ at the mitt.de of the pr42•rlll' quarter, on the I.iih inst. The el.t.s ih int %I f ni Philioaa . phi will; tibmit the. same ,time. t t cotttt enee.the subject or Elfttricity, which will be lMleaed_by Maametisiti and. Optics. =llltiathi Lions will bu Eiren of Marirof themes! important experimen s in Optics. Galvanism, Electricity, :I)agrithism and Chemistry. f The t ()orals in Chemistry is elementary, .bet thorough and iedisponsuble to the study ortrit.el• ligeot reading or AgriculturaLChemistry. • . Young's ticience of Government, is the teit Hook adopted by the Aearleiriy., It discus:ills fl stiy. tbo 4.eneral prineipt,p of government, co r d recondlv, the leading details orour own constitti• uott una law. It will be impossible for those wishing to study these branches to the .4ciatiemy. to commence them at the beginning for some. time, unlesi at t.tr above dux.. NOV' 2. J. W. NV' ETMORE. Wonderful Catastrophy! - - 7 EXPLOSION OF THE NEW , STEAM FOUNDRY AT LOCKPORT. (Bnt no one killed and itó one wounded) WE, the underengred, thr the purpose orlett og people know that some thins can he done as sell ds Others, have associa.ed in business it Lockport „Pa, where they are 'manufacturing va rious kind. of . . - i Cooking,* Stoves, . . I BOX S'L'OVES ' ' PA [I L(lit ri sj s vgs, PLA I'EsToVEs, c 0 :I L, so v.., . PLOWS, : - "zl,l3tti" 0, KIOES, . , ' WAGON traEtt.3,' ,' ' , •t And irtiriott3OndS of other eitstings tom hunter! oils to mention. %Vet glen ftatter"ottnieWel' that by our long exp . eilende in business we slia4l he a ide fo fattillwne and thetehy eithail the expeas , t of malting castings ao as to bia.emthtdd to Matto 'us go dun emote and sell.a ; Ohl° cheaper that! any, u her establishmunt-inthia.rezion ottjt;hie: wutild therefore invite.our,friende to g iti< call ht. fore parchtraing et.tewhorert •i t • % 4\ ' if. 'F' We will pay fifty per cent. More for 0 D j RAM dhsri any' ooeitable in' thjei''iiieferftv: ...1"" it ' '''i • Wi - iFKLIER., MALTDVISVMON.- -1 netedieki9, 1811: : . . _•":200.1 Now. ; Ettit, Ail 4 W inter -G0040?:1- fr ligtoubodiberisare now rroeivine their giock 1. of Fill and .Wintoti 'Goodi titi it of t. Dew •Gooxis,-- • • • AitocßatiteW • 'Caftegsex t , ' • ht', NAiie, &.e. -lice.,. Also si tarn. iossoitinini of .11strei Winl l 9!! RiP‘rt MI ef,lllloith "pnrchatiell in Neil 'York at the toltest market ' Thar not hciadt e l l having the latest Itottetif goddiivei - fitoiiitit in Ihls Otte, bi' stilt ttaji; the, hitet3',lX,V is 'ari P ohm emt, and tiold *A 'cheap s thit Wieup%. elle; and, invite. the'pnlitie to WI and examin e gooda, Nadi pieta. V.. BELDEN Ott. 91.1817. y ' ItABB'KETTLAS. airecirted sites' lend nest . 0111 itt ,-1 4 11 ,ifits Coviigir• ",t l tc - P - • , , * • r I ; At N'a. 3, American iiinck Esm ''lliteiitiott - '•ip.ws Mid Gentiles; sraerites; EgYPL Mina, s9 . tur of . .lParon and Daughters of Mariam, receive instruction and be wise.— Hear ,and know' that OS - E s, E JEW las returned limn the EAST, laden with the 4hoicest treasures or that. ancient region, and in i?Jites your attention to the same at the ~entikne OLD Jew Store, the one that has earned the repo-1 ltution of selling .goods !store than any other Manse i‘f) Erie, alit thereby established a credit fur Jewe ry that has ioditeed (Alicia to enter under'thestane dame whereby ditty hope At? reap a moth Which j tidy belongs to . I Now .11uses n isles it to he na 'erste tit that he is not a Wendell:lg Jew„ l here ,his year and away the next —a class that will sell to one perstin at cost and to another at double pritf, but' that. he is_a regular descendant of Faithml Abraham, ulna bus pitched his tent in Erie with r the intentionlof remaining in it, and intends it) to business as herttntine in such a rummer as to Mve entire satisruction to all reasonable persons •bi.trat favor him with their custom, tarp all his old friends and make now ones of all that once mar (page goods froin him. That the old J'w Su), e of tteses Km:lo6)es bill more Goods and at lower prices than any oiler store in Erie, is plain to he Seen by the course authors, who finding their cue touters deity deserting them, resort to misrepre-, Sentation' am abuse of the ,JEW sToRg, whit:, 1 1 hey well fur O :m w has been akenot their loss of i Customers and against which they direct all their force”, thint ing no doubt that if this wore was rut Grille way, they could get what they Call the ggood old prices ,- limy eckos they used to get before this SE W MOSES Iceme amongst them. Hence we see every thing i that can raise a Dray load of l'aipe and Bobbth I t:eminences blowing himselfinto itotice"by letting Id tra squib uf the JEW S rOrtE; but this only serves to shoW (bat they, are in great want oleos, 'Miters, and thatithey know ivhere they have gone • Now the secret of Goods. being sold so much kiwer at Ibis, blare than any other is pimply this— , Mort goes right to the lead of the market. to the Manufacturers and Importers and buys by the CASE; BALE or J'AfiliAGE; and pays the c'As , n, down, by which he makes a klouble saving and is enabled to sell Bonds in Erie at what some others pay for their' in the c,ty; and that there, May belie mistake about this matter he invites all who want:any thing in his lino, and wish to pay either cash nr country produce,-.to call and exam Inc his block and prices, Wily satisfied that they will nett the OLD JEW STORE the bent place to got good Goods at he lowest priers. . MOs ' es beds to be ciensed (ruin giving a list of the'number or rims or Cloth and (Miro, Museling 4.c' 4-c., na t he matincif of some is-being moult more moll ably and ;demi tntly employed in wait• in g on ettitemers, he willl leave this mode of pull fing in some ()rifle .AP.telor offer stores who- have stnaltrr storks 'and parr customers. MOSES KOCII, Corner of French St Firth fllftel9l, ' . near the Farmer's 11040, Commercial Ex. Oct 4 2 , 18 1 7 '•.,,g3 Dr. ceitreil at the New Stur .a . lartte soPply . or Bed blvachea.l e nd notiteiteltecl zSleactinv; and Sldr Coton Flannels, Creel), ti.ttelt ab a ck,' -Apron therlt, ttcolored=trip ed Sbirti, ttied 'umbries.' Jean 4, Also, just . received, brown and bleacbeelt r ine» Table. COVi Tablines Do)ltes, Niphins and 'rowels, 'fur Me velY raw at net 23 , ALLYN COIT. Charity covers iiitiltittrde of sins ANL) Kac , , h: x cheap and iiishi , mnble CLOT II N FOR IL. Coats, Overcoats, Punts, Vests, Drawerf i , shirts bosoms, collars, and every article id the clothing line, are to be had 25 or 50 per cent. cheaper at the OW JE %V sTo tg, than at any other estab lishment in Crie; antiiihe reasan is jest this, Men set have all Iris ClOths. Cassimiir. and ; Flannels, by the - bile anti piece, from elm Mannficturers anditnporters art.t' th.tt, for esslynntl then' he em • plop first rate T.tilere and hre them m a de op on his own Firerrilses and wider his inapeatien so (Lai he 14. always sate of having a good article at two profits less than. these who pstrchase Ready made clathints-in Philinlelphia and New York, made aenerally of inferior - material in a alittln un substantial manner, Now those tvisitina , to per share any article of wearing 'opparel, can depend upon ohtaining•ofthet best Material - and work. manchip, and altogether cheaper thin they can in any otbot %rarer any ether place in .brie. Re. member thelild Jew Store of,MOSES KOCII. N 0.2 Commercial Exchange, French st. Oct. '29, 1817. " '. 24 PEA I N: - C.; ANTON, - Kiaiiimink„fou, Nang chang-jou, Hau-guang, Chu A RE provinces unit towns At The coumi y where tne womer: have broad faces and short noses, little eyes," little feet, and plump rosy lips, whose emperor styles himself the broth el of the sun, and- his country CELESTIAL: The land that gave birth to Confucius, and what is of more consequence. to its, the land from which we obtain thardelightlid bever.ige, called TEA, so highly valued by American Ladies of all rank: and conditions, and about uhich there has been so much said and written of la es some persons very modestly cleiming to be the only ones that sell a pure ur ids at how at prices. 11.1: we pre sume very leer petsens wilt believe the ability or bowery to procure and sell GOD Tg.A...3 is con fi red exclusively to tteo houses in New York, and that all others in this line, sell but inferior quali ties and that too tit exorbitiint pi ices—tend that these benevolent persons are content with slws: no profit, but merely to have the tottisfuctiott of protecting, the deer p °pie Irom being humbuged. For Our part we think there is something mire than rpeul under the tub. This distil ly of Putt cluing, Sone:tong, and t Ong., lit wine sod Pu Nc Plus ultra. Silver' leaf awl utilden chop!! the .infurin t ion tit it it Fs pot up in PI - titEg ; wrappers, &u. tcte, F. 1 .01113 to 115 quite ti.iiiecessaiv ainung Oslo honest per , ple. Par our pert we shaft content ourselves by simply e-suring those that TEAS that we are pr, pared to utr., them an asiort mein o: the elinirooethsin.le of Witch and Cerium Teas, nt the fullewinz riles: BLACK TE.ISv3, t and per lb. 11Y:-..ON AT 4, 5, and 6:1 , tIPEIN AL 7 and 8 shilling:. These were p ur m i a., w l Irom rn.m or !he hiLeiest sum fins in the city and may be reli,d on as ml ly equal touny in the market at similar p ice. They will be pin up in Vinod ohqashoned way—good weight, and ^lean plain paper, with out any heathen hyroglyphius to gulf the !linens. Feting. SUGARS, COFTRE,& - e.;—Loar, Ltirnp - , brown Havana and 'Porto Rico •Stritra. OH Java. La zuira. Rio and Cuba Goffer, , ChocOlme, Cocoa, Alol a ße es , Spices, and in a(.ort we It the a very couple e assortment of Family !Groceries, to which we invie the attention of our Friends, at No. 6, Reed HoU,..e. CARTER tr. BROTHER. October 29, - ' 24 irIYE WOODS ANDDYggtUFFS:—Just 1-/ received a we:raided article of Madder, Log Wood, Nic Wop(i, Citinwood, Fufgle, Viirinl, Alum; Indigo and tril.ny other kinds of Oye LIMO Which are Bold cheaper I Ilan nt any Drug Stores . WILLI AMS & W RIG UT. rOct.29. 1017. ' 21 , DAO,4 OILS AND GLASS —lty the stkiAll or large quantitiexNo, I extra white lead, red led, Vent:like red, - chrome ygllewi,lttj t ragq,ipik a:td turpentine, and, a.skir:eiti d‘glase; bought eiAle„leyetti prices, and fur sale accordingly' fly ' Wad-JAMS Sr, Wititkibta: Oct 29, '917 . . Dwain,: House fur Rein. . ffT r. nr. Franklin B.;idi.,z, r.o footof S ate street; reeenkly fitted np_tirr a ilwollino tiou.ot, il off tOr rent, , Any family, or families, desir tog' 4 - ectifreno We and eouttnottious place of 'real denceovvuld do well to apply fors pa r.iculars to • Al.. MI A:Yett, A! ,, ent. Pc•ober qr 3, Ift.ti. . , ~ , , 24 ... " - FOR BALE ; , • ; AA IV 'AStlartriii ;mod running contiliion, Pig iiatfvd 'in - Hiqurcreilk For par " Y` 11 ‘ 94e ` 946:6 dr ' M tin Polobei., - 30,1817 : . ,„ ' , Ladies Dress GOods., ORF„,dON' }labia, cashmere's, .hdunagien . de Lanes, Vajd,::: , i(ln stripe, bseli and blue black AJpucrrencli, ScUtch and American Gingham*, I , 7reneh, En 4411 'and Arneriesn I.,:aliecr; eau - Went npqn end fur 8010 cheap 47, Erie ; - .GEO. SELOh.:4 '403d05: - . OIYr Customers A RE informed !het in *Willi Wit to •tourlpre'sea ITV stack ,of (.3LO ['HS sad ve,sruNtis vedi will be Jeeeiving tiy . Exproos ddritig the Pell anti NV lifter sech gouda m adr line as Abe deniandmay regelre; It is einelnefy hoped Mit city will sup port nne regular MersthAn!, shop o n J. tarried on by mechanic/I. ' _ • • CiAt Elk October '2109 -, App,ther Arrival- of' Grocerie f i-. - 'lli . Na.‘t,firiy meek": , 1 rr- w. 410011E0s now receiving his Fun • and Winter Stock of Grocerial which ',ulll be sold a link cheaper for cash than at any other establiiihment in the city. Among his stock may be 'found: ' __ I Hr, un napeeiat, uuxpowder, ant ~oung son Teas; Jana, Rio, Loguira anci•St. Dorian go! Coffee s; Loaf, ,Pulverised, Porto Rico, and - ' Sugars;- Pepper, Spice, Gin kee, Cinamon, Nutmen•sMaee,poves, Rice, ast' Pearled barley, O, Pe can, , Brazil, Mdeira and Pea nuts; &mends, Filbeils. etc.; Fruits—dipplets Raisins. English Cur rants, and Figs; SpernOnd Tallow candles; Summer and.Vinter strained Lump 014 • a superior article, Salad oil, Fancy Shaniag t . Variegated 'and, Bar . soap. Dairy salt; White - Fish, Mackerel; Mackinac Tsiout,, Codfish and Dirrin . g. Cull anti examine Hoods and prices at t•Za. 1, Perry Blockl • - ' .1 Erie, N0v.,8, /817. . • ' 23 raon' ALF. on draught, and far vale, 4 at ;4a. I, Perry Block. by. • V. E. r. 5, 1847.'1 '25 !: FISH !!! irrEtisi elij nee trok. Writ tier. lug. N0e..1 and 3 ;Mackerel. Ccdlh6, Sra.. &biro., and Ilad lock. just received and fer 'sale at No. I, Perry Bluelt by T. W. MOOltg: N..v. G. 1917< 4. Fall Fashions for 184'4, perlor quality; alone ,treneral assortrneq. O CAPS, MUFFS, BUFFALO ROBES, &&e. which will be sold us cheap as dm cheapen. Per- SOUS IVilellinZ to purchase will please call gad ex• amine quality and prices for thernse:ves. R. S. n IJNTER, Prae,:ict.l Hatter, Corner or'Stute and filth siects. I 2.1 Oct 29,1817 FOR TILE ERIE OBSEP VER. Mgi;SIIR.• EDITORS: Allow me through the medium olvour vatuahle priper, to iniOrin the citizens of this city nod vicinity, that I am ri.ceiv ing a large and well selec'ed stock of Fail and Witver Dry Goods. Grneeties, Crockery and I lardwiiie, which I am PCIIINfiIi Great Bargain., in order 'to pay tran:portotrott:the balance tOll, applied to charitable purposes: t For further par• tieuirra apply at No. 2 American Stath &reel. • M. MA YER. Vri • fsei, n A ter: via%niie Bed Litneal [dr Qui to., fursdle low by liet, 23 ALLYN ¢ 47. 0 TT. WINTER Sperm Oil, a pure ar.ielu, fur aide V V ‘yi, O. 1, Perry Block by 1. *. NlOOliE. Erie, Nov,. 6, 1917. 25 FARM FOR 9 SALE. THE Sithicriber offers for s a le the itnprOved farm on which he now resides, about two mites south of %Valet ford, on the Tiwnotke lead! log front Erie to Pittsburgh, containing Inflame of Lind. GO under improvemen% and the balance well timbered with white oak, chestnut; &e l . For ty seri s boitom. •the balance iipland. On the !weirdoes Is u ;toad frautii"dwelling, log ,barn, a goad ore futcl'orapide and cherry trees, and a nev er fdllittz sprinz of water. For further tiargietn , hut cognire of the subreriber on the premises, is'V. of C. C. Jon s, Erie. Waterford, Oct. IS, I POP U-LA K GOODS JUST REA7EIVED THE MOST EXTEN SIVE, ASSORTMENT OF LAMES . DitESS GOODS! • VIVEIt offered in Ails city, comprising, in ,E. 4 part—) rad pieces Cashmeres aild Muslin de Laing, as , sorted,cortirs, 73 do French,'S6otch and Cierman Gingham, 30 do Alpaca is, of every description, i '29 tin California Mid., 40 do' Dress silks of the latest and most im• proved patterns, 20 do Swiss add Taileton Mewling, • .20 do Lace and ernirroldered Swiss and Tar • lc one, do - .lacono Cambric. and bed Muffling, 51i do Silk Frinses, assorted enters. 45 do Wide Glimpsan,l Gimp curd% 20 gross Dresauttons, and cords and tassells, 2430 pieces Silk Mull er. French Imperial edgincs, 150 shawls, of all - styles, varying in price, frimi • 35 to Sts, • 1 r 200 pair ladies and gentlemen's French - I , assorted colors, 200 do Ladies', aentletnen's arid children's Cashmere, Worstt 4. Lislo thfead Gloves, . 100 do black and white silk mitt ' . FOR. OEN'IIkINIEN. Cloths of ev n cry shade and quality, ras-Intere., do do Ves invo of all kinds, cnitipritin`z Satin, Bat Ca•dunere, Marseilles, tic. etc- 1 STAPLE Citi(),l)S.—A birge stock of ever v de scription. In short, our stock for 'rfehn. , sp, cheapness rind duribility has iteverb4n equal ' ed in this market. c A pi. 3. _. 400 Jen anl n ay ', oar) , o r,ii SHOES.— WO pairs ladies and 001 Irene bailers .Slips and walking:dines. 200 pairs lueuelle. ;men's, ladles and Misses' Rubber overshoes. doien for net ' %leather. GitOCEIIES.—A ggnerul vitriol/ of eVery de *trip, ion. SU es.LF HARDWA 1 Ten tletn-and dollars` commit:om l ; livery thing in th, line—Joiners, Roust! and '..3htp Car pen:urs; Coovers, Bhotanakers, Cabinetnitesers, Suddiel's and Smiths' Toni& or every deetailition. Saddlery Hardware, a large, assurdment or all kinds, CUTI iage trimmings of all 'kinds. 1 Axle Arms, spring 4, surds, vices;, smiths' bel lows, brass and pm:eight lte:t.l6.4,shay - elopptules, trd boxes, mill `;., cut, circular and pit Paws, and chain or all sixes. I GL .ISS entriplev. aSsortment, ' Customers will find our 4rl stare s4rely 'ane'tdr ed at the old stand, in go.ul h 114.1, with Ipo nns well in litON, tel and nails—the elt ap est in the Mar Wet. P. S.—. The question is °nen asked why gond* cannot be sqld uo, law as in Iltdrtlo. We say they e'en. Our stock entire was .butight of irriporting houses at the same time and some pricei that ipm • of the largest hotisesLin 6tdral.).lmitght at, and %Ye - pfedge our wmd that our goOds 'shall be sold as low as at Buff or any plaee west of it for cnss, 1.11:1N 4 ••.; A D WELL. 1 Erie, Sept 25, 1911. 19 .111GFILY IMPORTANT. Ik. P. Hall's - Celebrated Coug h • . , I 1 lleaiedy I'S i.tiat",apeedy and eactu4l cure fur Coughs. .... - I s a '''-. 1 ' Colds, . lo tre.nese, Croup and. Whoop'zip! Cough. , Tititert e.licine has been used by imUlrediof people - with unfailing success in curing thenbove ilisra.ce, it ith all tho , v painful and annoying -01: munary symptoms piodueeil by cold. In Arth , tria and ilrinieldt a% it haa proven to be highly 'use fel. and its timely use a ceraht remedy: l In all tiff :et ions or the throat and longs it it an itiva't t, lite medicine. Many cases oll'hb-tinate,emiglis find hoarsene ,l i dise be intrnileil mit) C.:n(4l;l.mA console the frkbe precious Oirrelsitha the clatk dies' graduplly avail‘iiiiirsetvcs nf .the c)ri orentiOaing",y'anamkp . el • • . tvcititmE 47. • , „, * • i 110 ve . Fririnfl., CT VAINlei! ' tit eq Sfiedino iindSbtrt VA' fictSlviik'itif6 ThrhOthtit"thi lie ' ALLl'N'EctOtr. COMM VA'd ItediMapd;l3er,iir lie - had co ;era,h oq,V,i4ii 4 €kthi; Ee4te. • Lr,r4v4,s4.vilteiite r l - T, sides iliOnainia 1 . 1 41.46aW44,:W81gkiMe ANTEP; prim Arnett I, ..,.;