Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, November 13, 1847, Image 4

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    The greatest.Dis' covery of,the Age!
•/nllllllB is the first attempt to combine the ELECTRIC
ill or MAGNEnt FLUID with Powerful Vegetable Ea-
trash in the form of en stititinent—tu be applied oatmeal
-17 for the removal of disease. The almost unlimited sue
cars it bas mat with•strimps it at once the GREATEST
DISCOVERY OP TB E AGE. It Is constantly effecting
cores ol the orthe utmost importance. The most hieratic
lone are CONVINCED—the most haglike' are compelled
te blieve in the power and vines of (heat remedy.
It e
is univers e Ity admitted to be THE ie
110 gr :1T WONDER
FUL COM OINArros!KNOWN lia the WORLD fur the
IMMEDIATE RELIEF ofdiatia-s and pain.
It never fails whiteners. remains sufficient life to restore
a altarsi and healthy action to the capillary 'vessels of the
betty, and ertatizethe efth &loud. ley this , means
a eantrolling power is gained over the mast mittignaut form of
DISEASE which cannot be obtalued from any other rem
edy. Such is the power of this combination that it penis.
Dime to every portion °Abe human frame; every tiOne and
Misch. rein. nerve magi ligament is searched outead,ntade
sensible of purifying and ,healing influence. Hence. it
sorts as readily wi t h Infernal as external diseases.
Numerous i kedges are on r.cord where this remedy
has restored health to patients so near tbe grave that the
most powerful internal remedies failed to produce any et.
feet* Such has tiequently bean the ease le INFLA MA.
TION orals BOWELS—no patient ever ne21.1 die with this
disease where tho ;ill iv:tette Ointment can be obtain 4.
That dangerous Epidemic known as the PUTRID Y.
811PELAS can ale ars tie cutest by this remedy. '
P4r INFt , ASIA'COItIf RHEUMATISM, this O'ntnient .
lathe Most complete rem vtly neer prepared.
In It cedes nut of too it will afford entire re , el to the
worsterisos of NERVOUe HEADACHE in thirty minute,.
For Nervous Die . this remedy is of immense Wile.
Affectionsof the Spine Rhencruitistn, Lameness, Ulcer
ated Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Pleurisy, Croup, Chits,
Motors' Mathes. Ague in the Face melte meet. Burma' aid
Head, Serufult, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Inflamed Eyes,
Fever Sores, &c will be Immediately relieved by the use
of this remedy,
In reply to your :queries with reeked to the results of the
Experiments 1 haste made with %tour justly celebreted
ilegite.ic Dinneen iv I can any with pleasure that I deem it
It Is now nearly two years since I commenced using it
in my practice, and I have tested it in cases of ibiliaMMa
lion, both local and general, of the moat meglignant kind
with universal success; even where all internal remedies
kited, I have succeeded with this.
I have treated cities of I nflamation of the Brain, Inas
m Sion oftbe Lungs, 1; 0 ! 'nation of the Bowel'', lidleinme.
tury Rheum 10T11
0...a1l ' iliiii•bA Fever', with perfect
success: also cases of recarlet Fever, Canker Rash, and
Ulcerated 'I hroat end Lungs with like success.
la the Epedemle known as. the Putrid Erysipelas, by
which so many velosible lives were lost, I tested it fre
ntlehtlY, and it never tallest of effecting a speedy and car
tato cure,
In WC! of Nan's, Sprains, Bruizes, Frozen Limbs, &c.
tkt acts like a 'berm.
No Physician or Family will be a single day without
iii Medicine,l sifter becninine acquaint...l with it power
is euro, r. N: 111 XGliAlill. Physician and Surgeon.
Uti.s, .V; Y. 1an..15, 1846.
For furiher particulars and testimonials, see pam
phlet left with each agent.
Price 22i and dheente per brittle.
AGENTS.—Cartons. Brother. 101044410 and retail.
F:ri*; P. N. & Jai L. Webstrir, Crme:mt, Ohio!, Riley
Potter, blast Hprinesield; W. 11.Townseinl. Springfield;
L. S. Jones & Co.iGiratd; John A. Tracy, Fairview.
Erie. August l 4 1847.—ty13.
It-A !! !
Tho Div . —......-o oscura Ahead! '
redei l ied at the {Nero Jew Store, No. , I
Flemini lock, State street, a new and spi ,
did assortm nit of FALL & WINTER GOODS!
consisting iI part of I
BROADCL lIIIS.-French, Knglish and Amer
ican black,lblue, broWprgold atm cadet mixed
Broadeload P, cheap as the cheapes,t.
ALSO.-Cas imeres and Vestings to match, boat
as to color ualitv and price.
GROCERIE.-A . general assnrtment of choice
Groceries, •Itich will be sold eitreemly low.
CROCLi .-A beautiful assortment ofcrock •
cry at pric s that cribuot fail to please. '
BOOTS AN SHOES .- Without boasting we
cad truly P ywe have the cheapest and best as
sortmont of Boots and Shoes, including Ladies,
Gentlemen{ and Boys, ever brought to this city.
CAPS.-Men and Bays caps, that cannot fail to
' fit both thelpurse and head T ceme and try.
LADIES DRESS GOODS.-Here we are at
home. We have cashmeres, de lanes without
number aild almost without price; Gingham!
and Alpiteas, Cetifornia plaids and Swiss and
{ Tarleton Muslins; wide - gi nip and gimp cord;
dress but'ons, cords and tassels; but what is the
use of enmerating - we have every thing to
make thel andsome more divine and the ugly
enchantin .
SILKS-St iped and Plaid Poult de Sois, .
White gr
de Swiss,
Black we t red 4. Satin stOpe pnult de sdi,
Black and blue b'ack, gro de Naples, •
Black gro d eithine. . -
SHAWLS Of all prices. shades and quality
from he cheap cotton up to the finest silk
- and ashmere,
GLOVES- f all kinds. colors and sizes.
Hosiery, uspcndcrs , Prints, Tick.. Drills, Fac.
tories, in sh 11 ever} , thing suited to the season
and market. t
Tte-,, - -_____......._.. ._ t. _ ---•-
1 0
dy Made Clothing.
Our stock{of ready imade clothing is large anti
splendid, and will be sold cheap. Wedo not wish
to boast, but we think we can convince arty ene
by calling tfiat we sell agood article for a entailer
sum than any ether; esta blishment in town. {{ ; At
any rate "t to proof of the pudding is in the,eat•
Mg," thrrefore FRY US! .
IrjbAlind the name and number.
it. at, 1817. 19
Erie, Se
"N.t f. .Cl' . t f II T ."
HAS no given abundant evidence of its heal
inep. wets, and proved itself the most extra
ordinary a d' wonderful medicine in the world.—.
In theater' space of two years, it has acquired a
reputation (repining disease and releaviog pain
far greater then any medicine ever discovered.—
Its weeder ul cures have setonislied tho Medical
Faculty, w e now universally concede its great
value: Te x speak of it in the highest terms and
li i
commend ta the.
Diu con d emned by none. On the contrary, its
praise is u iversal. The eases of cures are se nu
merous that it would take volumes to recount them
—and it' is a fixed fact, and is not disputed, that ,
as a pain xtractor it has no equal. For the many
attonishin .. mires, see the pamphlet to be had of
4401 agen • If you auger with either of the dis
eases for hich it is recommended, resort at once
to its use nd be cured. i For the following die.
eases it is h infallible remedy \-
.-, .
Spinal ,
• . Affections, Rhea -
'than, Paralysis and all net , _
ffectioris; Salt Rheum Croup or
gue in the Breast and'Face, Weak
' oi nts, colds,-tooth ache, sore throat and
deerated sores, Indolent ulcercburns
feet corns,bunyons, fredb wounds •
wellingsand bruises, scrota- .
low affections, ma- ,
quite bites and
is Liniment is sold by ill • the respects
ants add Druggists, throughout the
ed by the Proprietor: at Sing Sing,
7 3.11. Burton &Co,. Eels, Iri. C. Taws North
Owing Pairviiro ; B. L. ions, & Co. Oil.
i'l. 3m91
ness or the
4. Quinsy,
ble Mere
eolry, '
For sale
East, J. a
Oet. SO. 1
'ash for Flax Seed.
nay the hfEhest price in cash for any
Yof Vox Seed. C. M. TIBBALS •
I 1817.
T wl L.
A quanti
An!. 27
Blot Vitt
cheap for
..L1 do,
or.. for rg I
Sept. 2,1
!TUFFS.—MadJer,i, o . WooJ, Furtie,
ood, Cam Wood,. Alum. Conperee,
01, Cream Tartar, Indigo, &d. Mt sale
the ready, by ..
A SHAWLS—Front as to OD, crape
Delaine do. of different sizes and col
'le at life chcap atore.of
iIT - E.*: 7 ,4-76.-olii -- i 7 :
Fall of 1847.] BY t Fall of 1847.
F„ . _
Rail 'a
AMIN Road !
SJACKSON has now received" his FALL
. and WINTER. stock of Dry Gibed; Groh.
eerier', Hardware, 13oota and shoes, crockery, iron
and nails, ,che. Sze. of which tho following com
prise a part;
Broad Cloths, French, English and • American,
wool dyed blue, black, brown, gold and cadet
mixed, Cassimercs, black, blue, plain plaid
and striped; Satinets, blue, black, cadet and
steel mixed; canvass,
padding, buckram, bur
laps, crash, wiggins, brown and black holland,
cotton diaper, linen and cotton table cloths, lin
en Cambric; linen cambric handkerchiefs, for.
niture aond cambric dimity, drab, white, binek
and slate selicia, hlack and coloreds cambric,
brown and bleached sheetinga and shirting;,
' bed ticking, apron check. red, white and green
' woolen flannels, plaid linseys, crimson, scarlet
green And drab tnorecns. silk and tabby velvet,
blick and colored, silk and worsted serge, satin
'millings, Italian cravats, black and colors, chop
persAandana, barCelona, pongee and spittle
field handk erchiefs, silk, cashmere, worsted rind
cotton hosiery; all colors, glbves of all. kinds,
Mitts, worsted, silk, picnic and cotton dress
handkerchiefs, ladies cravats, lace veils, barra
gAt, striped and plaid earlston and swiss gingh
ams and ehambraya, awl's, plain, dotted, Maid,
striped, figured, book muslins, silk braids, hat
and cap ribbons, Italian and French crape, sew
ing silk, purse twist, skein, knitling and tidy
cotton, suspenders, bindings, quality,- tapes,
bobbing and cord, lacers, combs; but,onsoca
dles, hooks and eyes, pasteboard and a gener
al anointment of boots and shoes, hirdwaie,
crockery, iron, nails, &c., all of the above will
be sold as cheap as any new or Jew store in
this city.
l it will be observed that I am the oldest merchant
in the place except one, and I now say that I will
not be undersold by any, young or old, for ready
pay. Call . and see that the above are facts, at my
old stand on chcapside, where things for sale cant
be heat.
Erie, Sept. 25, 1817.
`Laical arrival of New lgoodo'perthO wrens
Slearnoro from France and England
HAVE the pleasure of announcing to the cid
zees of Erie that they arc receiving constant
additions to their Fall and Winter Stock, and
among others offer , the following rich Goodk at
extremely low prices. Rich Oregon and Califor: i
nia Plaids only 3s.lper yard, worth 45.; rich d.trk 1
Gingham, only 2s. per yard, worth 35.; rich dark
Ginghoms only 20 eta. worth 30 as.; ,rich dark
Ginghams only la. per yard, worth 25.; rich &Mc
Calicoes. latest styles 12 1-2 and 15 ets. per yard;
every style of rich Shawls from 25 coots to 819 00;
a few pieces newest Raw Silk Plaids for 69. 6.1.
per yard; a good assortment of Gloves, Hosiery,
Cravats, fancy articles and small nick necks, too
numerous to mention. Please cull and examine
our stock before purchasing, as it is well worthy
your attention. ALLYN & COLT. '
Eric, Oct. 16, IQI7. 25
_ _ _...
E are now a ble to offer our customers two
sizes of thel I
which only requires to
,be examined to convince
every body of its economy, utility, convenience, 1
durability and beauty: It will be sold at a uni
form price, and warranted AO suit even a maiden
lady, as it possesses all the above ualities.(
Vie. Sppt. 25 1817.
NOTICE is hereby _given that letters of Ad
mmi.tration have been granted to the sub
scriber on the estate of Francis J. Kirsher, deed,
late of Erie; all p - rsons, therefore, Indebted to
said estate are requested to settle the same imme•
diately; and those having claims against the same
will present them legally authenticated for settle
Oct. 9, 1847. 60.1 1
- ari't§ - tritt - TT l'IMMTMIroltf.
ON hand at ALLYN & COIT'S New Store,
one of-the best stock of Cloths to ite found
in this city; among them are the pie' st. French
anu Cr. Milli nth 171.11.15 a In ann rant:y asstmetea
and Mead Cloths, Beaver and Piltt Coatings,
Tweeds, Cassimeres and Satinets, . Iso just re
ceived Merino Under Shirts an. -Drawers,
Guernsey Frocks, 131 k Satin Cravats &c, every
variety of Toiler's Trimmines! Jr st received
lilue tlack Velvets,. Satins and Sutg•th, For these
and othef goods please call at -
Oct. 16.1817
friIitUSSES:—A good assortment
LL Marsh's; Tieman'9, Thompson'
ISart 9 s TfLISSCS, ssortud sizes for u
500 Pits
( nlin i —ari—usto°l'
cheep for cash, onedour norih of the
by • KINDER{
June 11,1917.
FRESH FRU I T.'—You can fi nd a
People's Row- Oranges, Sulta
Lemons, Figs, Prunes, Box Raisi
and Citrons. cheap for cash by
June 26. W F. !DMA
this superior ',article just tee' i
Pittsburgh Lead. Wahnestock & Co'
and in oil, always on hand and warr
June 12. 1 J. H. BURT!
Rousedles for glaosiner Opel
AN I:S' carminative Balsam; -
01Fos:zate'a Anodyne cordial;
Red 'Anodyne cordial; .-
Thoinpson's carminitiVe;
Fabtu:stock's do Lozenges
Aromatic or spiced Rhubarb;
Godfrey's cord I, Stc. &c. for sale
. ' J. H. BURT 1
N 6 5, Reed ouse, Sept. ‘ 11.
I /
OfiGOOD'S India Cholagogue, ,
anti retail..
Cantrell's Agee Mixture; Rowan
Jaynes' Ague Pills and Tonic 4 Ve
Doct. Fl. A. Sill's Peirapatheton;
Monts Bitters; Newton's Bitters
Sultanate Quinine; Carpenter's E.
Piperine, Oil Black Pepper; for
J. H. 131111.T0
No. 5, ft
Sept. S.
THE undersi ed would respci
the gentlenii! of Eric and vi l i
has upend a TAI ()RING SHO
eider& the Public . guar°, a few do
Erie Bank, whey o will be at all ti
happy to wait upon those who may
a call in hii line of business. Fro
once in some or the principal sh o p s
otter European cities, and by etc
all business which may now be en
he confidently hopes that he shall
ed worthy lo receive a share 01 pu
His work shall bo elecuted in sue
to bear a close end impartial et
always in accordance with the P
ions. JOH N _.
Erie, Sept, 4, Mr.
N. 13. Cutting done on the short,
THERE has been a greatoleal
' bout Teas, and there are a
Erie who pretend that they are sell
cheaper then any body else. Phi
The Felten Test Coin ,
of New York, have wont to their a
Burton & Co. their several vole'
They are fresh, fragrant and bight
exceed in richness any Teas that
sold in Erjc ' and at prices much
case where they do not give oath&
ey will be paid back for,thern., I
Put up in poem), half add quarter
tined with tin foil. whichireeps t I
and preserves their strength and.
,i. H.. BURTC
'Aug. 31.. - , No, 5
cesuk, Lemon Syiup, Peppe'
Oil s Mustard' s Gusubt Jeiiy. En"
par, c., foi sale at No. I, Perryll
Sept: 9,, '
Important Decis'on. -
TIIE contested, trial that has b' en existing so
Many years has been finally —tiled by &Jury
of Twelve Ladles, and fhefr decis • n is, That the
purest, best, most fragrant pest Teas to
be had in this section - of the'c• ntry, are those
which come from the celebrated C NTON TPA
COMPANY. These Teas can be had at ttlt
times and warranted to give enti • tratiefaition or
the money will be refunded, oft nit agents who
are receiving fresh supplies weeltl
Directly opposite e e Hotel.
' Sept. 18, 1947. -
01 Moira,
and Rhino•
f, Pulveriz
• ado Sugar,
lig Window,
No G. Poor
a Raisins,
s, Currants
n invoice of
!ived. Also,
make,) dry
N & Co.
l'.N 4' Cu.
I , t wholesar
is Tonic do
tract Bark;
k by
' & Co.
ed House.
gully, 'inform
inity, that he
' on the sontk
ore east of the
lea ready and
avor him with
j long experi-
I. f London and
'et attention to
mated to him,
.liv patronnue.
a manner as
iiiincion, and
I notice
paid lately a•
great many in
ng better Teas
la a naiatake.
ente, John H.
'`es of Teas,—
flavored, and
has ever been
ese. In every
t tion, the mom
hese Teas are
m fro the air
eed House.
Sauce, Salad
ah)Vhito Pep•
ock by
BY TWl.qt*f,N's, VATE.N.k
Tits MOST 'CELEBRATED and INFALLIABLE remedy for Colds.'
Coughs, Asthma, or any form - of PULMONARY CONSUMPTION, is the!
the 'HUNGARIAN BALSAM OF LIFE, discovered by Dr. Buchan of
London, England, tested for upwards of seven years in Great Britain and
on the Contiiient.of Europe, and introduced into thh IjAited States under the i
immediate saperintendence of the inventor..
The astonishing success of the Hungarian Balsam, in, the cure, of every
form of CONSUNPTION, warrants the American gent in soliciting for;
treatment the WORST' POSSIBLE CASES,. that can be-found in the com-I
munity —cases that seek Toliefin vain from any of thc common remedies of
the day, and have been given up by the most distinguished Physicians as
CONFIRMED-MID INCURABLE. The Hungarian Balsam hag cured,
and will cure, theIOST DESPERATE OF CASES. It is no quack nos
trum, but standard English Medicine of known and established efficacy.
Every family in the United StateVshould he supplied with Buchan's Hun
garian Balsam of Life, hot only to counthract the consumptive 'tendencies
of-the climate, buun be used as a preventive medicine in all cases of Colds,
Couglut, Spitting oil:Mood, Pain in the Side and Cltest,-Irritation and sore
ness of the Lungs, Bronchitis, Difficulty of Breathing ' Hectic Fever, Night
Sweats, Emaciation and GenerataDcbility, Asthma, Influenza, Whooping
Cough, and Croup:
In case of actual disease of the lungs, or seated Consumption, it is the
' Sold by McDonald St' Smith, sole Agent for iho United Kingdom, at the,
Italian Ware-house, Regent-st. London, in Bottles and Cases, for ships,
By Sp - ecial .11)1701M:wilt—DAVID P. BR ADLEP..„ 119 Court-st., Boston,
Mass., solo A.ent f or the United States and British American Provinces.
American prlce, per bottle, with full directions for the restoration o
health. - •
Pamphlets, comninina a mass of Enttlish and American certificates and
other evidence, showing the unequalled merits dads Great English Reme
dy. may be obtained of die Agents, gratis.
None genuine, without the written signature of The American Agent, on
a gold and bronze label, to counterfeit which is forgery.
AGENTS.—S.-Tommy. Syracuse, N. Y. General Agent for New York
and tho western Suites. $
From the Baptist Cirroni.ot at Cotoose, °veep, Corday.
"I dO hereby most cheerfully certify that I have tried Dr. Buchart's Hun
garian Balsam in my family with great success. My little girl, now in her
seventh, year was, in the month of October, 1814. attacked with a pain in
her right side, and notwithstanding we used all diligence to remove ity she
continued to grow worse, an I after obtaining the counsel of Dr. B—, who,
thought the Right Lobe °flier Lungs so seriously affected that her recovery
was exceedingly doubtful. I was induced to obtain one bottle oldie Balsam
and before one third of it was taken, the little sufferer resumed her plays nod
her cheerfulness returned, and before two betties were used her health we
TIE subscribers having a good astsOrtalav of
New England marble on hand, from differ
cot quarries, calculated fur Head and Foot fables,
Monuments, Etc. which they oiler to sell to any
one in Erie county; Pa. not living farther than
Erie, lettered in first rate stale, and delivered, at
the following prices: Small, for children, $1 50
perfoor; Middle size, for aged people, $1 G 2 per
fiat; Largest size $1 75 per foot. ,We think it
would be an object for some of the Eric county
people to forward us a few inscriptions as we have
recently been informed by the Erie marble dealers
in rather % bragging way, that they were sticking
it tti the Erie and Crawford county people good.
They brag very lustily of selling to the "Penni
mites" at from 82 50 to $ I per foot. Should any
of the people of Eric county im in want df any
thing in our line, they can forward their inscrip
tions, or come themselves, and they shall have a
first rate article at the above prices. _ _ _
, Westfield,"ti. Y. Sept. 13,1815. - 17t
- -
B LACK SALTS,—I t% ill pay Ca:=l), and ,the
highest price for any quantity of Black Sdis
delivered at M'Kean, or at my tore in Eric.
October 24, ISHL C. M. TIRBALS.
tip votrati IN II0lUir;•5.—.11 to"; nontli.,i
ty with horses and personal treatment oldie die
eages to which they are subject have at le!ngth
resulted in the discovery of thi. exceeoi..gly vat- j
stable remedy for the Hearts 'and . 4.701/Th a dis•
ease which . prodtices more misery and. death
among these noble animals than any other to
whieh'they are exposed. I have no hesitancy in
saying that my Powder will effectually and thor-.
oughiy eradicate every symptom and vratigt of this
painful and dangerous disease if given in any
reasonable length of thin; after kite's bean eon-i
framed. When you discover symptoms of Cotter
or Haws in your horse, resort to this Powder
without delay, use it perseveringly, and attend to
the hints accompanying the directions for the
treatment of the animals, and lit nine eases out of
ton you will find that it cures.
11 any desirous of seeing certificates of cures,
of them call on Use agent. - Price 5J cents per hot
de. Manufac:ureaby A. D. Coleman, New York
CARTER & [MOTHER, agents, Eric, - Pa.
March 27, 1847.- - AS
H E partnership heretofore exis:ing between
'the undersigned, in the practice of Law, has
bean dissolved by mutual consent. A;1 persons
indebted to WI are requested to call at the Milo.
and settle their respective accounts, on or befo.e
the first of February next. Those who negle
this notice may incur costs.
Erie, Jan. 11; 1847. 3145
The Books and papers of s iiie late firm of G AL
littArru & GRAHAM urn by mutual agree
ment lett with me fur the purpose of closing. up
the bbelness of Ott concern and collecting all dchts,
whichl- am oblized to do as 'speedily as possible.
I have associated with me in business WM. S.
LANE and WM. A. GALBRAITH, Rags. and
continue the office lately occupied by Galbraith &
Graham, under the film of GALI3RAITIIS
LANE, where all business in the line of the pro.
fession, will be attended to with promptness and
ckapatch. -JOHN GALBRAITH.
Erie, y Februar 3. ISI7. .
NOTES OF AN EXILE, by L. W, Miller,
beinv, an accotint of the authors confine
ment at Van Beaman: , Land, just received and
for sale at Spa frords's Bookstore.
Eris•, May 8, 1817. 51
T WILL I pay 9 cents per bushel for flood field
1 ashes, and 12 1.2 cts per bushel for house ash•
es delivered at my nshery or MlKean corners.
Erie, Oct. 24, 1018. C. M. TIBBALS.
ASHES.—Those ha - inz good Ashes will do
welt to deliver them at our (tottery soon as
we are ono worktng or' what we have on hand.
April Bth 1847. S. JACKSON & Co.
AXES. —Waters & Co's Cast Steel Axes by
tie dozen ozsinglo.
February 13, 1847. 39
WOODEN W RE.—Bowls,. Wash tubs,
mop,liandles,butter prints. ladles, sire.
July 17. • T. W. MOOItE.
1 498 1 1 2 .m .fi a r e s t t ,o r r a e l;3
f e or o s di a l l s e hi jy also, a. few
• June 16. W. F. RINDERNECHT. '
GOLD PENS.—Levi grawn's Gold Pens, trie
most celebrated maker of the article, a mood
assortment kept constantly on band; also thedif
feront kinds of cheap (deare.t) Pens,
• G. - LOOMIS 4. Co's,
, State et., nearly opposite Eagle Hotel.
• July 10, 1917.• . - 9
• .
At No. 6 Poor. Peoples, Row.
TAT F. RINDERNECHT has just redeived a
V V # large and well selected assortment of wet,
dry and Family Groceries; Dye Stuffs, Nails and
Glade, which he will sell cheaper for cash than any
ether establishment, in town, „Please call and
' _ June 12; 1917.
ilikElVb.'D 25 bags Rio, Cuba, St. Do.
iningo and Java Coffee, one door north of the
Big Window, State meet, by • ' • ' •
June'l2. 1847 • 4
DROVERS' 1.1"1 - 11LUStitir, and other. Na
ma by Toper, u few coideitat Now 'York pi
cos, just received and for sale by • •
' O. p. BP41.1 1 T011.0;
Erie August 21, 1817. 4114
42 - 0 W
GALS., Ohio Stone ar(i, for ealo one
door north of the Bie, Window.'
June 26.- - W. F. It:INDERNMHT
THE NIMBLE IXPENCE is better than
the SLOW SHILLING.' This is tho
!motto of the Neal Store, "rig Will he proved to all
that cell and see" at ALLYN & COIT'S.
Oct, 16, 1847.
pmpletcly restored: snip the e.ffeet-of title • medialne,,witholit
tolnj ettrlbut;t3 the cure.-
,;' • " i DAVID NIeFABLAND. -
)840,,: " , Pasto of the Baptist Church in Coition": •
-. Teallimmeay from littaitcoter,... -
\ -v..
.. .. .' . - Itocitiarren, 111
.-.. June '5,1815 '
wietime last an t wets ,
taken With a violent- cold, attened
raising cough, which in the course of itfeti:dayit brought-ea a
'ese lungs, with Much soreness Of 'the chestantin'in ;he I Side and
t ss of the breast After being confined to my bed for some days
sine better, Mr. Pardka, formerly Deputy Sheriff of this , county,
led me to get a bottle of Dr. Buchan's Hungarian Balsam of Life,
sat he had been similarly afflicted, and by the use of that rnedi
ten speedily and entirely cured. I immediately got a bottle, and
it a short time the result was as he predicted—l got entirely
-i the benefit I received from the Balsam, and from the universal
it bears among my friends who have used it for diseases of the
hest, I am induced to believe it to be one of the best medicines
for thosediseases, and as such r ecommend it to the public. , .
Bomar table core, era-Dangerous Con y ilb.
uses. CaTo,4 Co is PI, . Aug. 6,1814,
arc entire) out of the. Hungarian Balsam, having gold all you
in bur ion edinte vicinity, and in justice to the medicine must
ronishing success. AI few days since a young gentleman of this
at our stare who had been for months afflicted with a very die
ish. and wanted a bottle.of the Balsam. We told him it wa s o f
him to take it orany thing else—HE MUST DIES_, He took a
ier, and afterwards had another. Yesterday he called again
improved in appearance, and said he was rapidly gaining
tit had it not beets for the invaluable Hungarian Balaam he must
We want a .ms snore of the medicine directly- • -
Viers respectliffly, l INGHAM & RAVENS.
(From Esq. o'. E. Fisk, Carnahan, A. Y., dated CANASTOTA NOV. 7, 1816)
To S. TaUSF.T, Agent,&c.—Sir: Having used Dr. Buchan's Flungarten
'Balsam in 'sly family with the very best success for lung complaints, and
having seen it uses by my friends with like soccess,l was induced lest
spring to b'ecome an Agent for the sale of the same, since which I have sold
a great gin of.bottlee. and have in almost every instance learned that it
bad succeeded - beyond all espectation;iii some cases where the patient had
been by Ph eicians of respectability PRONOUNCED INCURABLE, , and
! their cases lie t p a e l l i c: li s iit a g n l d iv l
,: m ifi ci c s ami t cy c eo h i:re ee th rf e ul i l bi y ua r r i . e a o r m in n , s t eed at i s t a : n f ll uf t e v . ho are s id
ifering w ith bog complaints, twin* them that in u ost cases they will Ilnd
'speedy reli 1. (Signed) •
h Deacon Lewis, of Utica, dated UTICA, ebruar 4, 1845.)
i t
ly give my name in favor of Dr. Buchan' Ilung 'Han Balsam of
i April, my wife was attacked with n viol 'nt coug s,attended with
Id most. nisraesssur. PAIN IN THE SIDE., s bad as .ta, dept ive (ICC
r bile in this situation, I called on Messrs. Warne .. Co. fur so nu,
and they recommended this Balsam. I p rchased a bottle, and by
e had used about one hal( of it, my wife began teem better, nd
' the remainder, her health was completely Resfored. Since sat
recommended the Balsam to my friends, many of whom have u ed
success. (Signed) JOHN LEWI .
Deacon of the First Baptist Church in Utic .
- Priturthor 1
) P. M. at Burlington Flats, Otsego Co. N. Y. dated Jan. 18+ .1
sin under the necessity of ordering a nevi• supply of theWalstl.
II continues the medicine and is improving. Jt is doing limn era
:ion, I heard of a friend 50 miles front hero who ,Iwas consithred
'lvaco CONsChIPTION. !sent him twp bottles of the Balsam about
since, and I heard from him, Ind the Balsam is acting ois
harm; (Signed) A. E. ARNOLD.
srs. Metcalf, of Genesee, N. Y. (one of whole is a practking
n ordering a new supply of the Balsam, says that L 'ln some Se
s o u r customers complain of receiving great benefit from its us.e
EY, Syracuse, N. Y. General Agent for New York and the
totes. Sold in Erie by CAREEN & .1.311 - 0711E11, No. 6 Reed HOSISer. .
any hesiutt
with a din
bleeding et
much 'soren
!and getting
!eine had be
infer using
:well.' Fro
jgood name
Jump and e
Mow in use
To S. T. !
Sir—W • I
!left with us
(soy with as
town called
rasing co
little use fo
bottle, how I
! very much
!trength— ,
'have 'died. I
NOTICE.—The 'fin,
Alanufaethring busi
at ale old stand of Ashley
want supply ofall article:
will be kept for sale at wi
Copper and Brass War,
Tin Ware. .105
Erie. July 6, 1814.
Copper a
iness will
r' & Kelsey
lielesale an
taken in
ILTAS removed' his sash, blind an
11 State, between 7t hand Bth str
will keep constantly cm hand or ma
'articles in his line on the Shortest
wishing to obtain first rate work
would do well to trive-hint a call h
_ M ~a zia done at al
and Putty kept constantly on hand.
May 10, 1816.'
S. smyirn,
froni Now yotk, per Ponttors Ext. ,
Fashions; and is now may to eml
for HATS in the latest Filt3ioll, a
quality than can be purchased ber
j March 16.1946.
- ,
B. To:trim-sox, CHOI
TEI E subscribers, though sem
ness, have not before found i
agreeable to introduce into the p
advertisement. Being rather of
they have-been situated somewha
tier in New York, who got upon '
in Broadway, to wait till the crow
and like him, having attracted a
toriety, Alley are prepared to'get
quietly alert!! and would respect'
attention of thel public to a chi)
GROCERIES. interspersed with
Goads and other notions, just rev
York, cineinnati, &c., which the
pretty cheap for ready pay. Plc
at ie3 French street, next door to
Esq's (Alice, end at Sitth rt.reet C
B. T:::111LI.
Erie Aug. 1, 1816. -
Public Notic
Ihereby_ given that an applicati will be made
to the next Legislature of ,P• nnsylvania, for
the incorporation of a Bank to .e called "'Psis:
PAnsicns and MECHANICS' BANK, a Caph
tal °font hundred thousand delta s, and the prtv•
liege of increasing the same to two ,hundred
thousand dollars. Said bank to he located in Erie,
county Erie, State of Pennsylvania:
Eric, July 17, 1817,
J. H. Wallow.,
J. 11, Fullerton,
I.lralier, Chester,
Smith ineloon,
Jensen C. Marshall,
B. B. Vincent,
Wm. S. Lane,
11. L. Brown,
I'. Arbuckle.
C. M. iblt.tls,'
'attitt Mays,
John Beebe.
Thus W. Sterrett,
Cam t Graham,
Guy I omnis,
Alerm K tag,
M. W. Gaughey,
Jame? Hughes.
, - "LOOK HERE, WILL your
ITF.Youmisluo buy cheap, you vOll please call at
; 1 ItlN DER EC HT'S No. 6, Poor People's Row,
where you can find the foll Owing articles, which
ore warrented good:—Coffee, Sugar, Tea, Molas
ses, Tobaco of all kinds, Rice, Piper, Spice; Cin
namond, Cloves, Nutmegs, G inner, Starch, Choco
late, Cocoa, Mustard by the pound or box, Pepper
Sauce, Lemon Syrup, Oliver Oil, Lam p Oil Vine
gar, e Fi recrackers, Castile Soap of all kinds, Sha
ving Brushes, Powder, Shot, Lead, Percussion
Caps and Pills, Candle Wick, Twine, Matches,
Stove Blacking, shoe Brushes and Blacking, Chalk
Tar and Rosin, Macoboy and Scotch - snuff, sul
pher, Brimstone, Epsom Sults Glauber Salts, Sal
cratui, Bed Cords, Rope, Fish and Chalk Lines,
Herring, Patent Pails, Tubs, Willow Wagons,
Wash Boards, Wire Sives, Almonds, Madeira
Nuts, Filberts, Curry Combs and Horse Cards,
Horse Brushes and Combs, Saltpeter, Dairy salt
in bags, Brooms, Corn Whirps and Hearth
Brooms, Whitewash Brushes, and other articles
too•numerous to Mention, Please call and see for
yourselves. Erie, June 19, 1547.
fIARTV.R BROTHER have , just received l
‘.../ their summer meek of Window Glass, which
is large and complete, varying in size from 7x9 to',
15x30, and will be cut to any size or shape desir
cd,without extra charge. Putty always on hand,
June 19, 1617. 8
ANDY AND RAISINS by the fox or pouud
for sale at No. 1, Perry Block ' ' •
Jody 24. T. W. MOORE
T of O th N e
e or
mIIAT long expected wonde
celebrated and superior "FU
is now ready for sale at our Sto
Persons who hate any disposith
viteti to call and do so, whether
chase or not.
Au_.l4, 1847. 13
N. B. Oh] Stoves taken in intyment. Better
throw them away than not toga one of thaise fuel
saving inventiOns.• 1
al.. Agents for Osgood'a India
Dalley'a Pain Extractor, and c
at wholesale prices.
Sept. 4, 1,1447.
A CtORDEONS, with the
la. Baas Viol, Violin and t3 ni •
by , 0.
State at., nearly opposo
July 17,.
SLIPERAOR: Preach arid 'A
plain Letter Paper,
Maynard and Noyes Black Ink
Kong Carminaand 'Red Ink,.
Wafers, Common, Note, Trane
Sealing Wax, ,
Pounce, Black Sand,'ltnbber,
For sale by , •••Z 11.13
Erin, ane 19th, 1817,
Life. Last,
a severe an
the time ro
latter using
l ame I hay
lit with ilk
[Froni th,
I am ag.
' wife st
in this sect
in a - Costri
two weeks
him like, a
The Me.
ivenc Css
s. Tou
!Western S'
I nd Sheet Iron
where a eon
,tured by him
d,relail. Old
liavment for
Lgt Y, Jr.
door Shop to
ets, where he
e to order all
otice. Those
at low price's
•fore purclias•
times. Glass
„,file Spiing
cute all orders
d of a Netter
or elsewhere.
time in busi
, convenient or
pei 'a general
modest him,
like the mean
dry goods box
should get by;
ittlo public no.
own and move
Idly invite the
cc selection of
few staple Dry
ived from New
desiun to sell
se call and see
it. 0. Hulbert,
nal Basilt.
SON, & Co
of tho :117.0 . , the
:e or Foundry.—
: to aee it, are in
they wilily to pu-
'u nn'UGOT®rs
.are Wholesale
n furnish dealers
improved waves,
r etri ego. for. sate
I a onts & co.,
e Ehgle 114 tel.
,ruled and
tierit and Matto,
ft.. etc. etc.
trItTON & Co,
DUCE MERCIIANT.S e —W ill continue the
Forst fulling and commission business as usual,
at their ware-house on the Pnblie Dock, Erie. Pa.
and will be ready on the opening of Navigation
of the present year to contract for the shipment e
Merchandise from the eastern cities, or other pla
cep, to Erie, as bey are ,Connected with :rood re
sponsible lines, and having some of the firs: class
of Steam Boats and Propellers on the lakes run
ning to their house, thereby ensuring the safe, and
wetly transmission of all property entrusted to
their care. They trill attend to- the forwarding
of goods up and down the lakes or to any of the
Collodion ports on Luke Ontario and the River
St. Lawrence—also south by the Erie, Fixttinsion
Canal. •
CASH ittivanees madden -all kinds "I Produce
and sales promptly attended to. They will keep
constantly on hand Bituminous Cos I, inlarge or
small quantities, to suit purcha.iers.
ALSO—Salt, Plaster in bids, or bulk, Fish
Iron, Nails, stoves and Castings of every descrip
C. M. Tibbals', Erie
John C,Ceebe,
Smith Jackson 4. co. "
Johnson, Himrod 4-co."
liolt;Palmer 4- Co. Buffalo.
0. N. Chapin, A Dearly,
W. Monteith 4- Co. "
Otis:Clap" & Co. Boston,
_George . & Co. N. Y.
E. 11. Allen, Ogdensburg, N. Y.
James Browne, Toronte C. W.
Wm. D.. King, St. Calberines, "
Standart, Janes & Co. i eleveland,
Albert Ives, Detroit, Mich. •
Newberry' 4. Dole, Cbizago, Illinois.
.Erie. - March - 14, 1847 43
rITTSBURGit Rockingham 4Vllte•—• A lic.iu
tiful article, and good assortment just rccciv
ed and for sale by
August 1, 1616.
- ------
stantly on hand at the Erie,Woollen Facto
ry. Plain Cloths, Plain and FancyCassimeres and
Twedq, of various colors and qualities which they'
exchange for wpol on delivery, on customary and
accommodating terms. They 010 pay cash for
Frio Woollsr T tetory, Tune 16, 1817.
L OO KING Glasses and look] ti glass plate.
A large assortment of the a ove articles for
sale very low by G. L OM IS &
State st., nearly opposit Eagle Hole!.
July 17. 1847.
GUNS,—Double (Darrell, Sinl. t le do. Fowling
g, Pieces, Revolving six Shoot ers, with a gen
eral ussortmnnt br Gni) fixings.
July 17, 1817. ,
111.0 VISIONS.—Flour, Pork, Hams, Shollid•
ere, dried Apples, dried Peaches, Corn Meal
Codfish, White Fish, Mackerel, Potatoes and ev
erything in the Provision Line, constantly on
hand and for talc by •
MOLASSES at six per Cent less than can be
had at any other store in Erie; and of equal
quality, now offered by •
Aug. 27. !MOWN & M'CARTER.
tiff tariff.
LP every color, stripe, quality and price, at No
4. Clicupsi de, b)
Auz. 17. - BROWN 'S& M'CATITER.
_ . . _
'ran subscriber is the authorized Agent for the
WORKS, in Erie County. He will , dispose of
them ut New York prices. He is also Agent for
Combc's Prenological Journal. Call and ezam•
int i ithese - valuable - mblications ut his 'Book
Store, on State street, Erie-, Pa.
Aug. 5 1847. D. SPAFFORD.
ALL 'AND SE ''.. 7 -Preparatory to , making
arrangement ford going to, New York for
our Fall and' Wint6r.stock of Gooo, we will sell
all kinds of Spring and Summer Goods aycost, to
make room for the new stock. Prove us.
Aug. 17, ' BROWN & M'CARTF.R. •
EIGHT DAY and SO hour Gothic, 0.0. G.
Pillar, Alarm and common,"by the single or
case, very cheap for ready pay: ,
State st., neatly oppwite E.agle Hate!.
July 17, 1817. „
SODA I3ISCUIT,•ui No. 1 Perry Bina.
July 31. ' T. W. MOOrtr.
50n GAL. MOLASSES, just received and
u , for sale cheap as the cheapest, one Door
north of the Big Window by
June 16. W. F. ItINDERNECHT.
J. the uni
is this day
Partnership heretofore existltig between tdetsigned, in the mercantile business,
dissilved by mutual
BROWN,- - z;
17, '47.
The notes and accounts of the late firm of Mor
ino & C. 4). are by mutual agreetacni Lett-with the
undersigned for collection, who atill continuo, the
business at the old stuck - where theywill be hap.
py to accommodate their old•customers, -and the
public generally, with jpods oa *nine favorable
terms than they can - be had at any other eitablish
inent in-this city. • BROWN 3r hisCARTER..
' Erie, uguat 17, 1847. -14
ft IgA - Rs,- T rtierto Principe, Tratiuca, Spao ith 1
1..../ sadll gthok kinda, . .. . ~ . ,
.1 1 1 1 'Y 1 / •
. 3, ,
- - , - . T. W. MOORE.: . c 1
1 a Cheats Presb.Tess, just received' and' for
Ikj sale by the cheitt or lessquantity, by •
N EAV ,F A ‘Lita , G
w. il. iio' 01
i t
,' 'Ye'. ma. - wen*
A R now recoivi g a rune and elegaril
.41 ntent,of Fall a oy rater Glocids„.. win
been selected witti reap ears. ,' 4 is' thei
Mination to inerit' t 0 fop utatjoo orprvi 1
itur !lasers the ricp st n tr, est Ilesirahle SI
the pest Goods of a y establishinent in t I
Th would respectfully invite the publ
and amino their stock; among whicl
foUnd t o most beautiful assortment o
and English', •
DRESS GOODS, ever brought to this
comprising extra rid, Mohair Lustres,
and Celifornia Plaids; Silk Plaids; P ,
Satin siriped Alpacas; Cashmerev, p
reps. M de Laines; Bombazines; Fret
glish and Scotch Ginghams, 4-c., &c.
most superb lot of • 1 I
SHAWLS--Brocha, Damask Silk, Einfitoidered
Thibet, Turkon,Printed Caihmere, Mohair, :
M. de Leine!, IToolen, Plaid and ah almcist
endless variety of other styles. They will be sold
astonishingly. cheap.
CLOAKINGS.—A beautiful lot of Gala Plaids,
Thibet Clathiand - Alpacas; Also a rat vatic
tyof Trimmings, comprising Mantilla, Cloa
and Dress Fringes, Gimps, Silk ami Moh
Laces, &c. 4-c. , - ' I
ALSO—Table and Sand Covers, Fruit Napkins,
. . White Damask, Ddylies, Drapery Minding,
Window and Wall Paper; boys and men! Caps
and Hate;l3oots, Shoes, &c. Also -Ha l•plen
did asiortment of I '
FUR . I—Among which are common- Coney
I Mulls, French do Fur lined, Genet do, ltnitation Lynx, Real Lynx do., varying in price
from 50 cis. each to 812.
Oct: 9, 1847. . 21
. Insurance
Company,o 1
A I RE naw doing business on the mu
diving thp .assured a participatioi
profits of the company, mithout Ilanilit);
the premium paid. , . I
Risks open the Lakes and Canal in
theh most favorable terms. Losses will ,
ally a
and promptly adjusted. . .
Fire risks on merchandize, buildings nd other
property, in town or country, for a limited tertn:or
permanently. k
Joseph H. Seal, James C. Hand,
Edmund A. Solider, . Theophilus Putedin.,-
John C. Davis, I H. Jones Brdolie, •
Robert Burton,
I John Garrett;
John B. Pinrose,' . I
Hugh Craig,' I .
Samuel Edwards, George Serrell,;
Henry Lawrence, David B. Stacey,
Edward Darlington, - Charlei Kelley; '
Isaac IL Davis, J. G. Johnson,
William Folwell,- William Hay,
John S. Newlin, - Dr. S. Thomas,
Dr. It. M. Huston, .l ohn Seller, Jr:
- Spencer elkaine,
Richard S. Newbold, Sec'y. Win. Martin, Pres't.
VApplication cap be made to - -
J. KELLOGG, Agent Erie.
F.rie/Atthust 7, 1%517. ' - 'll2
- . -
THE Eri'e County Mutual lattuancecompany
continues to insure auainst loss and dantaLre
by fire, on buildings. toads and merchandise of.
all descriptions. Office on the east si.d.ak k f the
Public Square, between 6th and 71114reete.
innEcTons. •
Beatty, -J. Williams,
J. C. Spencer, Georsze
Thomds Willis, ' Smith Jachgcm,'
Giles Sanford, Elijah Babbitt,
C. M. Tibbais, .h?lin A. Tracy,
\V. 11. 1 Townsend, Hamlin RUssell,
Henry Cadwell.
3. C. Seer:can, Treasurer.
• • Gecit.r,e Seldcn, Secretary.
-June 3, 1817.
exclus ge for tlonds, any miantil .
12 inches Wide, 14 and 16 feet ;pg.
HEMLOCK JOICE, 1 1.2 • 19,'a
15, 16,18 and 20 feet long.
10, 14 and,l6 titet ion 2,. which
mat', 1t prie will be pain, when &lire'
Luma_ yard at the . foot of French stri
Erie, March 4, 18 17,
ES.—A lot of prime Swedis
L in godd condition, just received I),
'thine 2. . 3. H. BURTON A: Co
SPECTACLES in gold, silver and • erman
%Tr-Fr: l imes, an extensive assortine'ut of Con
cave and Convex. Also, the celebrated perilival
and parobolic Spectacles, superior to any in use.
G. LOW.IISI ts: Co
State st., nearly opposite Ea _ le Rotel. •
July 17 18 , 17
- w find s:ecl, silk and bead haze
1..4 steel :clasps rani beads, purse silk,. Paris
faits, new style brooches, bracelets, pencils, lock.
ets, to 'with an endles.s variety a splendid
fancy artiutei, at
G. LOONIIS & Co's.
State at., nearly opposite Eagle liotcl.
July 17, 1547.
GROCERIES. --An excellent aSsormient of
Groceries can at all times be foudd at No. 4
Cheapside. BROWN & 111'G IRTER.
Aug. 17:
1 9 POUNDS of good Calico for one 'dollar, and
, 40 other! things in proportion at Nol 1 Perry
July 17
I Public Notice
is HEREBY GIVEN that the Stoc
Idle Erie yank, in the county of Erie
maks) application to the next Leuislattn
newel of Mb charter, by the name and cr
Erie Bankj in the county of Eric, to rei
ted in the IJoroughof Erie, in tho court
with the saute capital and privileges I
has. By order of the Board of Brio
Erie Bank, July 2& )017.
D d n t ii Iltry. ,
WHO • re permanently located in Erie Penn.
where all Sur g ical acid MeeFun cut ' opera
tiontlin tH i
science of Dentistry. will b done with
all that case, neatness and durability s +lett long
experience and • extensive opportunity, together
with a thoi 4 ough. knowledge of all the late im•
provementif of the 13aliimore Dotal College alone
can give. - I • ' , '
Drs. Elliott or Rose will Visit the ibllowing
named planes once in six or eight weeks, viz.
Conneaut, Ohio, Springfield, Girard, Lickport,
Fairview, Wale/And, Wuttantrah and North
East, Eric , county, Warren and poium4tkl, War.
-ron county Pa. Ladies and gentlern n living in
or_ncar either of the above nahaed laces who
need •the se i rvices eta Dentist, can be -% ailed upon
ut their residence, by addres,inglu at Erie.
Particular I ttOntiint will be phi to t h health et,
the Gums, as well as to restoring and r l eserving'
the Teeth. Pivot '1 coal I will he , ineerted after
the latest itnprovements;' also, Plato Teeth, froin
one to an entire set.
• Office and residence on the corner of
Seventh Streets, Erie, Pa.
Sept. 10,1 1817. .
New Gotods! - NkT . G'oods!
WE are receiving our stock of F. LL AND
V V WIN PER GOODS, which we elicve will'
vie with any in the place in extent, style and
quality. We forbear to enumerate tyles and
qualities having none of the spirit of the brsga
docia, and presume that if we Were t ativertieel
WU piecesplendid Silks,lo,ooo piece Alpaccas,
100 cases French Merinos, rich cashm res, Para- -
metta clot : Mohair•Lustres. Oriental Calfornia,
Monterayand Oregon Plaids, &c. &c our trade
would not therthy be increased in n r t innal and
intellizentfOomnuinity. We have:onl to say ou
this point that site have a full and coin l ete assort
ment ofsuch goods iri our branch of tho trade as the
market reqUirea, and we otter theta with our stand
ing pledge to, sell at the cheapest rates they can be
bought in the boroughsoi cash. Pl ease call and
let us talk 'ovei this matter a little at 1 ,
. INI ETC ALF'S, No. I, Rue
- Serie; 23 1847.
N PLAIDS.--A few pi
rich article on,hattoVand
-tore. _ ALLYN
k. 7 shovel
at the new':
Oct, 161
;'Cash, for Barley..
THE subscriber having rented th
1 'out; warehouse or P. Arbuckle,
Bth StrecdCanal Basin, is r ,now read
and pay ,Casu for 15,000 'bushels of
: Ene,;l3ept. cO, 1847.
JUST received a the New .store several nice
Cashmere Shawls, at very ow prices.
Oct. 16.' ALLYN &,C01'.1.%
h have
,ting to
pes and
.18 plate 4.
't: to call
may he
Standard Tannly. Medicin e &
UAW.-The high encomiums of pr i i,
where bestowed upon these deseriedly,popaisr isoZ
by CiliZel36 of lobe hilthest respeebbility, and b ) ig" o 7,"
of the medical profession , in every sectioa.of the r.i t 4
Stites and British Po sssss ions. citifies theiii to t h e
of the Couquerers of Disease. A mass 'of p1 (1 , 41 74
Cana Bon testimony, is in the Doctor's possession of et r .,,
performed by these preeminent nemedits the tosihis,
ed treatment of the atedicallseulty, sa i l mco ._,
remedies of the day had been tried in rain, "'" t
ain and
ain and
ch, En-
A leo a
marked. lupe.ele.:l4ia.:e,:iezzirykittleiusev:l2
quiring a gentle and positive paissu". The y ,
with astonishing quickness
head, pains and weakness of the breisit.sidss sad all kinds offerers. indentation of the davits% n"` 4o
, the human body. foul breath, coated toogne,b,NZ..., is
ic, habitual Costiveness. and in all case; whets the
ants and bowels are-loaded with humors, which ire so
duetive of disease. - Each boa contains 301110....,,,
ranted under oath purely vegetable. and selifOr
2 and 3 being an ordinary dem. Also,
For Rheumatism,Rprains, Ormixe , !, Cohtracted C 0,4
Sure Throat, Quinsy, Croup, Stiff Joint., Shrank au.
ewe, Ague in the br ast and (nee, Tootbache,Frosisferi.
Diseases of the Spine, Perished Limbs. and ahem.,
external application is indicated, The rapidity 1 ,,
worst cases of the above diseases. had emitted T 4
WONDER AND ADMIRATION of the world' Th at
may avail themselves of the use of this b Wring toi
ity. the Doctor him put the price at 25 cents.
tie Initthe Doers. name blown in the glass, and .11141 4 .
ed in a:cut of a diseased Spine, accomPanied rub fsg 4,„
sections. jjkewi.c general debility, attended with py a
,and vo eak nes* in the stomach and boire/s, extending lea,
vides, loss of appetite; trembling of the limits, pop . ,
ties of the heart, Jauhilice, Ague a nd Fever, and all K
luus dlrense. are qickly cured by the uie of 1
Put up In boxes . accompanied wills directions, an d ttia,
ti l its Each box will make half a gallon. In the 11:4
manner can Cough's, Colds Asthma, opprestioh-trd •
Chest, Whoiiping Cough Croup, Intiamation of the Laip
and recent eases of the Consumption be greatly kolpii
and quickly - i t:well by
nil ',lnn,
in the
stir,d oil
be liber-
1 .
Price 25 eta. Two of these Lozenges are a ;win/
einetic. THE TRIUMPHANT SUCCESS which wry -
whore attends the use of Herrick's Worm De.o i o n :
Log.enges in theilestroetion and expubdon ()flamer to
the human system, has placed them first on the catalog -- ,
or reneedie.t. They are pleasant to fair. Children Ist -
them, and their effect is snch as to astombh th'e f ie lAj,,
Price ' t is etc.. with full ,directions. The judrin; fro
i •
pains and wenkne.s In the breast. sides and tiaelk. ate.
It hen mat i siii. Loading°. etc.. will find a frimid in the use it.
i i
'Spread on fine Kid , Iriatlier, will went' from nor to tit -.'
months. Price milk 181 eta, and are taking the plats et
all other Waiters. and aro considered the lIESF AND •
. -
• " -f
• So mud' lion me been said by come New trod witers
flint flirt :done had the Frei - Merge to make tad qnil a lis
par Coated rill, 81111 one, ei4ll pretending and adiertuirj '',
that he lia, a patent for ad doing, induces 'the Itocterts '
bring this practice of dee/dion before the public. anilltt .
them be judges in the case, whether a system vrtbii kind
ought, longer to, exist. Dr. Merrick has *Titre's to Ili
Burke, the , Cbminissioner oriPatentsat litrashttigrtin,wkdit -
letter in answer is given below.. -
U. S.[Putent Office. Jan. 16. 184 i
_ atent Office.
Dr. Herrick—Dear Bar—yo ur letter of the sth inst. b.
bed. received. In answlb your inquiry whether spa
natant has been granted pr • pill coated with'sugar,l
have to in Wan you that tie record of such9•pate•t•esait
found in this office. Respectfully youri,
'l'haniphlets glving a more general description If
the Medicines they he hcia of any of the Agents.
Prineipal Depot 53 State street, Altian • . whero all sr.
(Mrs must be addressed.
AGENTS.—J 11. Burton & Co. John Cummine4 Cs.,
Erie; Guilford & Evans, Girard; and J.H. Rayons. Nerti
East I ( yet, t1,1847. 7 ty4u.
late of the firm of Hitehcoelt, Zitnnterlv &Co.
hare again associated themerilYes' in the , W.hote•
sale end Retail Grocery busider-s, on State
nearly opposite tile/ ' l 4cifei, in the room late..
ly aceupied hy•Vqm;Winderneicht, under - ilie style
of J. ZIMMEIII4 Co. Where will be,fuund &
large and well selected insorm,pt of all ainda sf
Wet and Dry Welk IndiU Goladetomprisingra..;:
ry article *orally Itept or called .for in a Grocery,
store. Among stock
,may be fotintl: 77 :
Coffee of every price and quality.
Old and Yonne: Hyson Tea l ;
Pepper, Spice, 7 lndigo,'Bro%%u, Lump and Loaf '
'rc silent,
I of Good
I ,S, 10, and
d 3 by -1;
red at Ilk
Cheri)lite, castile and rosin snap, raisin!, fig.
Tobacco of every quality, cigar's, shelf Grocer•
cs of 'all' kinds, together - with Iron, nails , wiz.
dow _lass, ete. , etc.
J. Z. j• Co. tender their thanks (or the very .7041
patronage extendecrto them for the paSt\six 'can,
and hope they may by their endeaVorS to please,
receive a Pontirmance of favors in the shaped
old as well as new Customers. They are prepw
ed to purchase grain of all kinds, butter, mil,
dried apples and poiaches, Fta?c, Timothy and tle•
%es seed, for whic h CASH Will be patd at dui:
counter. •
Erie, Aprif 35, 1846. •
- G. Lt OIVHS .tS- opposite
Eaglq Hotel, have just rectited
_ an ajiltion to their former stock
of goods, )vhich Makes cir assortment Nery ex
tensive, comprising a l; ge variety 'of 1161;0
fashion ablt JEWELIt consisting of diamond,
ruby, garb t, emerald, itnethyst,-aquamarine and
enamelled pins, diamond, i ruby and plain rings;
gold our rings,
guard chains and keys, spectacles.
pencil cases, bracelets, lockets, miniature setting.-
thimbles, studs, snaps, &c. &c.
,afl,d Silver Wat'Ocs of the pat
tent lever, duplexAtirisontal and cotbrnon escape
- ment. French mantle, Gernian2 and Am - erica'
holders of
intend to
re fur a re
tyle of the
main loca
ity of Erie,.
as it now•
SILVER GOODS.-L - Tal;le, desert, tea,salt ail
mustard spoon; Wiles, butter and fruit knirer,
spectacles, chains, keys, pentil l cases, thimbles.
Plated, Britannia and- German Silver Wart.-
Tea pots, urns, pitcher; cupsil tankards. bowl',
cake baskets, candleStiekt• snuffers and trap,
spoons, farcett , ., ink stands, castors;
CUTLERY.—Roger's and oth'er celebtalei
Makerirazors, knives and scissors. !!
MISCELLANEOUS.—AIathernaqaI inatrr
mswits, telescopes,thermometers, pockei_coripar.
Sc; sun glasses, 'vie - rills, accordion; snusieber ,
flutes, fifes. steel pens„caid"cases, combs, pockr
books, pocket pistols, coral, amber - , gilt, .rler4 •
;vat and glass be4ds, bead and silk bags and uP
t. -
ses, elastic guards, portable writing desks, w
paint, snuff, tobacco and shaving boxes, rz,zof
strops, Clothes, hair, tooth, nail and slur'? I
brushes abd glasses, Glazier's diamonds, 0A
bele; pow der flasks,_ percussion caps and ON
chessmen, segar cases, purse and chat
clasps, tweezers, cane, whalebone, violin and bars
viol strings,' rouge, powder, pairs, perlumermf ,
court plaster, tooth wash and powders, tooth pick, teething rings, tea bells, l sealing wax, mono
seals, visiting card; emery baskets, nee dles, bat
tledor, and birds, spool stands, with numerous oth
er articles not mentioned, both useful end area.-
mental, which will he for "ready pay,"itomtn ! ti•
ty•five to fifty per Icent. lower than formirly. -
N. B. liratches,; music boxes, jewelry repairtC
in the [ist' manner , and warranted.
Peach and
Cash and most kinds of country produce tt•
ken ill-paynient for goodi or work. ' Call and se;
The ,liighest prices paid in 'cash for old*GoVi
and Silver.
July 24. 1817.
SPICE ___f_.S
Nutmegs, 1 Sogo,
Mace, \- - Bluer Almonds;
Cloves,' Summer : -. -avory,
Ground Cinnamon, Sweet Majoram,
" Pepper, black, Vanilla Beans, r.
_Cayenne do i l Citron,
Superior Mustard, k - Extract Vanilla,
Pure ,Joiruiica Ginger " Lemon,
Root, ' i ' " Bitter Alrnona
Ground :" • ' Orange Flenn Water,
- Coriand*
eeds, i Leavitt's Rose db
CarawAy- do
"Bermuda Arrow Boot, Oatmeal, I . •
Superior white Ttqiioca, Cooper's Isinglass, '
Pearl Barley, 11 1 " Russian do
Irish Moss,
Rico Flour, . Iceland Moss.
es of the
Hine cheap
Selected with care and all warranted auperior
Erie. June 19, 1847. N. 5,
ILVEIt WARE.—Silver table, desseriN
1.3 salt-and mustard m; spn i o : n ..o s ir t e o e n t i t ladles
butter and fruit kniyes, Oonstantlg on hand 'log
for sale by G, L OXIIS Si co..
State ct.. nearly opposite Eagle
July 17, MT ' oe
V than any is t j A •S• Co. A •
Cats. '
Span!! l'o
eq. at the
to receive
good dealt