Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, November 13, 1847, Image 3

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    Send . Greeting.
The Democrats of Michigan seal greetirig
to their brethren—,
' And all oT them,by increasTrmajorttjes.,
This result lie most gratifying and shOuld
be appreciated by our democratic frieuds
abroad. We have no division in our ranks
here. The democracy are united on all na
tional and state measures, and the course of
our distinguished Senate in the late Congress
is must heartily approved by the \ V hole democ
The political complexion of the Senate will
Democratihi 1 92
Whigs,..„ 4 . 0
- The members of4he House, so far as heard
Yrimn stands —r, _
Democrats, _ 35 •
Whigs, • 4
So, the next State Senate of Michigan will
:the House very nearly so. Where is the state
in this Union that can lboast of such a resultl
The Welyerine democracy are the flower of
the Union, and when - all the other states are
lost to the democracy, Michigan stands erect.
UNION. and our friends , of the press will
please So denominate her.—baroit Free
' (Cr There is a good deal more truth than
Volt, in the following. We commend it to
the attention of the puffing gentleman of the
Hustrica.—The great battle sheet "Brother
Jonathan, - got lip by Wilson 4, Co., fot the
purpose of giillingtthe unsuspecting, is a cu
riosity in its waya Many of the cuts it con
tains are pri,ginal; but these are the worst.—
The best are French, Look for instance at
the long and fierce whiskers' of Gen. Scott
placed on the short, chubby 60 re of Napoleon
.--and see in- the features of those surround
ing hip; not Worth, Twiggs, and Pillow; but
'the Marshal's of the French Emperor. Yet
this is one of the tricks of trade, and Wilson
k. Co, a ill make money by it, and gull thou
sands of that class of individuals ho prefer a
poorly illustrated "Brother Jonathan" with
)1i stale jokes, Rte., to a paper published at
;home, because forsooth, it comes from the
thy, and is afforded cheap.— Toledo Blade.
ASO LDIMI . B ADDRESS.....-The N ew Orleans
Delta publishes the following, as the
stirring address of General .Quitman to his
division, when . T„tlie eve of marching to the
assault.of the Castle of Chap thence:
"Companions! the national flag which I ,
now present to you was givenpe many years
ago, and I then vowed it should be triumph
ant. Since then, Black Ilawk has been con
quered, and the Seininoles have been van
quishedben atli its folds. It has also waved
victorionsly in, the battles of IPale Alto, Re
sacs de la Palma, Afouterey, Vera Cruz, Cerro
Gordo„and in those which have been fought
in 'front of the eiq 4 ' . of Mexico. I now en
trust it to your keeping, knowing that you
will' confer 'additionally, glory by planting
it upon the highest point of the Castle of Cha
Gustlmo 115.—.--The Sons of Temperance of
Nashville appropri:ited t'soo for the relief of
the anfferers by the rent explosion in that
city. \ The money had Nen set apart - to de
fray the expensesof a grand i celebration and
public dinner; butl they preferred, in accord
ance with that great finidementel principle of
their organization which commands them to
relieve. the distressed, to abandon the dinner,
and bestow the money upon this more wort iy
113,SCA1.1ki ANO 111. lit NS.—lt is no time to run for
a remedy when an neeklent of tliis kind occurr..
An immediate application of Merchant's tii .rgling Oil, or
Universal Family Embrocation 6111 arrest itstprngress and
preheat any sureties+ or II tot iti even those of an 'exten
sive nattier. 'Cheerful.° keep it on kand.;lt will also, tare
chilblainv,trestbitus and enrols. tee oilvelliseitient in this
paper. A pamphlet 4 detcription may be bed oasis of
ihe agent. I
- ---
MA RIED—I ) Harho - rcreek, on the '7th
inst. to Rev. P. P. Fowler, .if Conneaut, 0
Mr. 1 atm M. Luce and Mies Samantha A.
Brown daughter of Daniel S. Brown, of liar
borcre k. •
On the Igth ult. ) by Rev. 1. C. Cornyn,
Rey. James Dickey, of Mansfield, Ohio, and
Miss Elizabeth Eaton, of Fairview townbhip
in this minty.
On the 2.1 ult., in Wooinfield; by Rev. G.
W. Cleveland, •Mr. Rufus B. Westgate and
Miss, Hu!doh g. Ferry.
ffn the 4th nit., in Waterford, by the same,
Mr.' Frincis 'Lampert4and Miss Sarah J.
Asper. . • t •
On the 3d inst., in North Rev. T.
Stubbs, Mr. Asa Halt and Miss Elizabeth Or
tondboth of North East.
DIED—On the itch l inst., John M. ion of
Samuel and Frances. Ferleyt aged 3 yearn 'and
8 months.
lAARDWA B.E.—Our stock of ttardware corn.
prises a great variety of Merfanical
inernsof supgior quality, such as Firmer Chi ssels,
gou4es, plank irons, auger hits, cast steal augers
(lon'g shank,) braces arid bits, real Scolds plated
Compasses, Dividers, tap borers, 'tenon. mill and
cross cut saws, hand and back • saws, saws and
frames, together with a general assortment of
hailding materials, Locks, Handles, Knokers,
Bolts Butts and screws, hooks and binece.&e.
LEsTErt, SENNETT 4- CUE zi•yErt.
Nov ta , 18 t 7. - • 26
BRASS KETTLES'. nmorted" sixes and first
quality. ' LESTER, SrENNE.T a.' CHESTER.
Nov 13, 1617. -
G IMPS AND FRINGES, in .at variety, tbr
sale by LESTER, SENNETT' Si; Cur.eren,
Nov. 13, 1817. -- 26
---- •
The Celestials
HAVE arrived, and in all the taste of Oriental
Cofturne are lococated, at the store of the `Pe
k in company's Agency,' to hold up a paper of tea
and in all their silent magnificence to act as' tan•
Iling . witnegeeb' to the fact 'of exclusive superiori
ty in the Humbug they are designed to nod into
notice. The credulous may be taken in by such
fancy images, but intelligent persons will be quite
as well,satisfivd by DEAIVING some of our fresh
Teas and imbibin& delicious beverage as they
would be with any ;tedious of 'Yankee' invention
to decoy them amongst the various traps 4chich
aie put in requisition to gull the unsuspecting
victim 04 Patent Medicines or China Illusions.
Nov. 13, 1817.26
, .
lir UFFS AND BOAS.-156 Mnifs and Boas.
VA of the` real Lynx, Nat. Gernet, Wild 'Cony,
,China Lyn*, lustred and gray, just received from
the Fur couipany, and selling 25 per cone lent
thin ; last season by i
Nov. 13, 1817. 26
13 - ES A No. I ,
ItO . few ate* of No. I,
are open at • "
N0v.113. 4347, • _ • 26
A Lim I Nrie hiic e Is, a ugert., auger to tta, ara . r
• log ,Knive, and Plane !mir, a 7late
ment just received direct from . the manufacturer
and for vale chop tor caah. „1.,
• GEO: SEt.DEN 4. SON. •
Nov. 13, 1817. , .• 26
B. A. CAA IN,, iespeetfully. inform the
citiiens of Crib, and ivicinlty,- . that, I,le has
opened a Store for the'sold of' • ' -
U Ptench Street, betiyoen'Stetroit 'Mid Osborn's,
fen the need Douse where tie or
b"' , re lintnand "an - peilor Stock of the o•
rail and twat., • -c-ir_C as h than ever
For moo , 047, !,, N9y.
New Goods:anti:Good Ne'.•s!
Now is,
the, Time
.to Buy Cheap/
THE subscriber; having been tut a short time
in business has not liefore.fourld'it Conveni
ent pa introduce into the papers a - general adver
tisement. ile has, however ju,t - returned item
the eastern cities with a •splendid assortAilt of
Fresh nud Cheap Groceries
in his stock mas be found the choisest Teas yet
offered for sale, from 4 to S shillings per pound'
Rio, Java, Cuba, Lmmira and St. Domingo,
lee, cheaper than the cheapest; 'Havana, Porto
Rico, Orleans, Liaf Lump, Clarified, Pulverised
and Maple Sugars, cheaper than over; Porto Rico
Syrup, Sugarhouse and Orleans Molasacit; alcßice,
pepper, ginger, cinnamon, mace, nutmegs, pearl
barley, citrons, prunes, cocoa nuts,' alinonds, ma
deira, Brazil, afid pea mus; Havana,. principe,
Spanish, cinnamon, and eonneant Ci!ars; eaven
dish, ladies to ist, and , german Tobacco; olive.
rose, nut, castor, and hair Oil; all of which arc of
the very best, qu,dity, rind , will be sold cheap, at
No. 3 American Block, State street, • '—
Nov. 6, 1'917. 25
I 41110.Ni:8 Fresh itaisins for sale cheaper than
4. ca n be lint) ; '1: ,
Nov. 6, No. 3 American Block.
9 9 1 -.• (i LBS. Rio, Java; - Lagoira and
.u , k;r4-/ St. Domingo Coffee, scllinti at a small
advance ar,oce cost .
Nov 13 At No. 3, American Bionic.
H AVANA. Principe, -Spank!' 'arid Conneliut
At No 3. American Block.
SHUT,' by . the bag or lb. and the article to send
it away, , - At No 3, American Block.
6,41 Gallons Ohio Stone 'Wale, selling at a
I le3. small advance at4e cast
Nov 13. Al Nu 3, American Block.
ONE ton Codfish, for.vale cheap,
At No 3, American Block
VLOInt, Shorts and Bran, constantly kept an
hand at PEFFEIVS;
ov 13, At No 3, American Moelt.
`)LIVE OIL; castor oil, sweet oil, lamp oil, cut
rier's oil and hair oil, for sale • •
Nov. 13. At No 3, American Block.
5 Q LBS. cut, cavenrlish, ladies twist and
-47 German tobacco from 6 1-4 ic037.1.2 cts
per lb. for sale • At No 3 American Block.
61,,t,9,b LBS. Havana, New Orleans, Loaf,
f!" Ltunp, Pulverized, clarified and Ma
ple Su2ar, selline, very cheap at PEPPER'S,
- Nov: IS% 1:517. . No 3, American Block.
U :W.'S cal : t wee! and WM. Rowland's Mill
1.1 Pans; u •o, EnOish cross cut, hand, pannel
back, compass. webb and wood CAWS, for sale.
Nov 1:3, 1847. , G. SELDEN $.
..., _
91 KITS No. I Mackerel, put up
,for family
~ use, just cceived and for rule at No. I,
Perry Block.
Erie, Nov. G, 817. .. ; 25
J(11113LS. and halt Ws. \VICIIC Fisk and
Mutikinae Trout ' this day
,received and
fur sale at \o. 1, - Percy Block. by -
'l. W. 111120PRE.
Erie. Sept., 6. 1819. 25
For sale, very Cheap.
NE litrailrert aeres•of land with about forty
acre, of iniptoveowni, sitowed lo Waterford
towl.ship. Inquire of BENJAMIN GRANT.
Nov. 6. 25
rEItS of administration de Auras non have
L been ttranted to the subscriber on the 'estate
of Henry Thompson, late of Leßottuff township,
doetteed. Persons indebted to said estate.-Or
having claims against the &lino, aro requested to
call and present them prepay authenticated for
se.tletnent, andse ale their indebtedness.
ELIZA TI-10.11P3UN, Adm`x.
N0t. 1 6. 1847, ' ' 61.1.5
1 - . --:i
Till:: c.i.paitner s hip heretofore existin g bo
tween the ottbserthers, tinder the name of J.
ZZlmmerly 4. CO .41 this day dissolved by mi t tual
nsent. AU the bookr. accounts and papoqt ate
in the hands of A. 11. Illichenek, at the old stand
where all those interested are .erple.sed to call and
settle. ' ' "4 ,, J. ZININIER.LY, -
Erie, Nov. 2, 1847. A.•,1.-I. IllTeticoq[c.
A_ IT. TC FICOO K would , s ay to his old
/I. friends and customers and the pubic, that
he a ill be happy to wait on that'll at the old stand,
and sell them thoceries, as (ood and 'cheap as
HARDW.4 Rl 1 ;.- 1 -A aeneral assortment of
S tell tiardvare, together with a large as
:•.4) tow It 41 - car p e n ter V a and joiner's Tools.
Nov G. GEO. SELDEN 4 , SON. .
IRON, IN AILS, STEEL, &e. —Russia; Swede
1 And American Iron,
,flat,•square arid round, Q.
S. Nail Rods, round and square rods, Band Iron,
Cast. En,gri‘li, American and Spring Steel. Nails .
Anvils, yices, &c., &c.
Nov. 6
X_,E Chains of diffirent sizes, - suitable for
draught chains or saw mil.s, - and will be cut
to any length to sail purchasers.,
Nov. G. - GEO. SELDEN & SON.
et OFFEE, Tea, Sugar, together with a general
assortment of CA rove:ries. for sale by
Nov. r,. GEO. SELDL•'N er SON.
Erie Academy
CLASSES will boil tornied in Chemistry and the
Science of Government, at the middle of the
pre , eni rpoirter,.on the 15th inst. The elios in
:Natural Philosophy will, abbot tho ; gain° time,
'commence the subject 'of li,ciricily..,which will
be followed bk.Ma.inetismand Optics.
Lions will be elven ot'reanY of the most important
experiniews in °Fide's,' Gnlvanitin,' Metric:o',
;Viagneiism and Chemistry.
' The tburse in Chemistry is" elementary,: but
thorough•andindispensattle to the study in' ititeb
ligent reitdinj'or A glieuffarajp,hetniirrf.
Young's geienee (if Government is the' text
book adopted •by the Academy. It tlisetiiitles
firstly, the general principt, 13 of government, ,and
secondly, the leading details of our own . eqnstitu:
tion'and lam • ,
,• •
It will be impossible for those-wishing to study
these branches in the Acadetn:y,. to ' commencte
them ut the beginning for some time, unless at
the above date.
Nov. 2
VP. LI. Wll LIAMS, and .Band. would re. -
pectfiillyy inform the citizens of Ede! and
vicinity tliat•their services can at all times be be
atißails and Parties, eithor private..or public.
Mr. W., teacher of Dancing, would lie Rapp
to instruct one or more'classes of youne people in
ihie beautiful accomplishment during the prevent
Fall and Winter. • -
MR. A. WOOD, professor of VdcahMusic; of-,
fere his services to Church Choirs pilijafe.elas,
see. For terms and further jnfdttnation.:apply
at the American • ' . ,
' Erie, Oct. 29, 1847. - -1
Wonderful Catastrophy!
(But no 'one killed and 'ons trottitd,ed)
WE, the undersigned, for the purposeeliciting
people know that some th ings,Chm: dene,
ps well as others, Lave • lissOciated tn,,buitiness at
Lockport. Pa: wltrpr , e, they arc manufacturing, va•
rictus kinds o 1 -
: • Cooking .. ; StoyeN
- BON. STOVES ' " I 'PAiii...olt-slollg4
'Puma, • _, SLEIGU Bt OES
„+ f-WAOOII-1:10-XESi'
- A nd varioue 'kinds 'ofcither castings -itati'ltifiner-
ous to mention. - We also flatter ourselves' thit
by our lone experienee i .busincia we atoll be n•
-hle to facilitate antiltiere4 eilridirthelisipensc of
Making castings so, &TM he,enabied tontake ad
Good en article ,and, sell a littkvbesper than any
other, establishment inthia region- 'countryi we
'would therefore invite eurTrietida togive use flail
bt fore purchasing eitjewbere, • '
• KY!' We will pay filly per totiadtcfrO frft OLD
IRON than any one else in this vietnity:4`.ll • _
44 - . 1847. 202 i
•Attetditoni, ew,s Mid Ge
ieraclarir;: snit , Egyp
liana, Sons olkWarott'ancr Dangelters of
' l llariciati - rceei:oo,itnfritptidn and Pe whfer-7.
Hear militate that ",f :
. . .. . ..
II ti S E'S , '''' TILE ,',J,E , leNt
.Has returned from.the • Ellti3T, laden' with Alie .-
choicest treasures ofthat 'lrtiCient rUgid,n; an.d in:
Sites your attention to, the Same 'at tite genuine
OLD Jew Store, the tine that:Jl' earned'threpli'- -
tation or selling‘siitldi lower than ens; other, lihu use
in Erie, and thereby established a - citidit toiJewe- 1
ry that has indileed'etberti to Miter under the same'
name whereby they 'hope' to reili'a'fifolirwinith'
justly belongs to him. L Now Moses wishes it to be
understood that be is not a Wanderin.?iJevii here
I his:yeir and awa y thnext-La class that vvill sell,
to one persolthfcbst aid d to another tit,dVutill'OrfCe;
but that r he" its ti r'egt lar deseendatti.of Fai tilt ul
Abraham, and harl pitched his - frt. in .Erie illth,
the intention of remaining in it, . and intends_ to
do business as heretofore in such - a inarMer as to
gibe entire satisfaction to all reutonublc persons;
.that favor Itimmith their custom, keep all his, old
friends and make new ones of )111 that once ! pur
chant! ;prods from him. That the old Jew Store°
'Moles Koch does 'set niore Goods and at lower
prices than any o:herstore in Erie, - is plain tube
seen bytbe course oft hers, who finding their ens
tomcra daisy deserting, them, resort to inisrepth
sentation and abuse of the JEW BT,Ott.g, which)
they well know has been the cause of their loss ot , ,
customers and 'againe l t which they direct all thei r •
forces, thinking no douht that if
. this store'. was,
out or the way, they could get-What they call the
'good old prices;—fifty,to ono hundred per cent - -
such a's they need to get before this JEWMOSE . S.
Came 'amongst them: tience silt see everything
that can raise a Dray load" of
,Tapo,und Bobbin
commences blowing hiinsbif info notice hy letting
off a Squib at the JEW STORE; but this only
serves to show that they aro in 'great want oleos
touters, and that they know khere they have gone.!
Now the secret of Goode being sold so much
lower at this store than any othei is simply this- 7 ,
Moses goes right to the lit•er of the market, to the
Manufacturers alto Importers and buyi,by the
CASE, BALE or, PAG'ICAGE„ and pays, the
CASH down, by which he makes itqlouble saving
and is enabled to sell goods in Erie at What some
others pay fir thein in the city; Lind that. there
may be no mistake about this matter he invites all
who want any thing in his line, and wish to pay
either cash or country produce, to call and exam
ine his stock and prices, fully satisfied that they
will find the OLI>, JEW STORE the best place
to get good Goods of the lowest prices. - ~ ,
- Moses belts to be excused from giving a list_of
the number of Pieces ofCloth and Calico, rvluselins
..c-c., 4-c., as the manner of some is—being much
more profitably and pleas.intly employed in wait
ing otecustomers, he will leave this mode of puf
fin_ to some of the ./Yeto or older stores who have
i smaller stocks and fewer customers. - •
Corner of French S. Filth streets.
near the Farmer's Hotel,_Cominercial Ex.
Out. 22. 1817.23..
. , .
TIOMESTIC.—Just re'ceivcd at the New Store
Li a large Fupply, of Bed ;Tieltin!zs, latached
and unbleached Sbeetings and Shirtings, Colton
Flannels, Cresh, Huckobuck,. A pron check, trip
od Shirting, colored Cambrics, Jeans, tic. &C
Also,Just received, brown and bleached Linen
Table Covers,} Tablings, lloylica, Nipk ins and
Towels, for sale very low at
Oct, 23 4 ALLYN 4. COLT.
Charity covers a multitude of sins
AND Bo does Moses Koch at his cheap And
fashionable CLOTHING
uiCoars,' o vercoats; Pante, Vests, OtaWeri, sfdirti;
bosems; cellari,' and every article in'the clothing
line, are' to be had 25 or 50 per, cent. cheaper at
the OLD JEW' STOIE, than at any other critab
lishment iii.Eriev and the reason is just this', Mo
ses buys aihhis Cloths; CaSsimers and Fltinnels,
by the bale and piece, from the Manufacturers
and Importers and that for cash, and then he em
ploys first rate Tailor and has them made up on
his own premises and under his inspection so
that ho is always sure of having a good article"at
two profits less than those who purchase Ready
made clothing in Philadelphia and New 'VOA.
made Zenerally inferior material in a slight im ;
substataial manner. Now those wishing to pur
chase any article of wearing 'apparel can depend
upon obtaining of the best material anti work•
manship, and altogether cheaper than they can in
any other way or any other place in Erie. Re
member the Old Jew Store of MOSES KOCII,
N 0.2 Commercial Exchange; French sr.
Oct. 29,18-17. 21
iati o si, long . CANTON,'.
,hff- tang- fou,,Vang•
, .
!cham--fou, Hau-pus tag, Uhaisg-teng,tkc.
RE provinees mid towns in LIIEUNIA: The
country where the women have bread faces
tutshorenoses, little eyes, little i feet, and plump
usy lips, whose empiiror styles himself tim broth
dr or the sun, paid his country CELESTIAL:
The lead that gave birth to Confetti us, and what
is of more cot:sequence to us, the land from which
we obtain that delightful.beverage, called TEA,
so highly valued by American Ladies of all ranks
and conditions, and,about which there has been
so much said and, written of fate;, some persons,
very modestly elaitning to he th only ones that
sell a pure artiste at himest prices. But, we pre
sume very feW persons will believe the ability, or
honesty to procure and sell GOOD TEAS is con-
I fined exclusively to 'two houses in New York, and
that all others in this line, sell but Inferior qtfali
ties and that 1.90 - ,et exorbitant pi iees--and that
these benevolentversons are content with alinest
no-profit, but merely , to 'have the satisflietion of
protecting the dear pcopte from being humbugged.
For our part we think them is something mitre
d:an:meal under the tub. Thl4 display -of PIM!
elion_ . .g Sonchong, and Olong, lif.vverri and Pe
koe,l Ne phis ultra, Silver leaf and Golden chop!.,
with the inforMation that it is put up in TuttEtt,
wrappers:Sic. I.S ; c. iecins,io us quite unnecessary
among plain honest people. For our part we shall
content ourselves by simply-aintring those that
,wan; TEAS that we are prepared to offer them
an assortment of the choicest kinds ofßlack and
Green Tees, at the following rates: --
,BLA.GIC TEAS 3,4 and 58 liter lb..
HYSON AT 4, 5, and tis per4b. . '
IMPERIAL 7 and 8 shillingb. ~
Tlibse were purchased from men of the highest
sten d ing in the eity,and may be relied on as fur
Iy - equal - many in ,the market at similar pricei.
They; 'will be put up in the good of ,faehoned
may—good .weigip, and !leap : plain paimri, with,
out any heathen hyrogfy,phics to gull the unsus• '
peeling. "• '• -, -•- " - ‘," ,
, SUGARS; COFFEE,&e.—Loaf, Lump, brown -
Havana and !Porto Rico 'itgars. Old 'Java, La.;
',, , eiiira, llid and Cuba GolTee, Chocolate,' Cocoa,
lklelasses, Spices,- and in -short we have a very
,complete Assortment ,of Fami ly Groceries, - to
which we Invite, t3 - te attention of our friends, at
No: p, Reed Hoitile. -
', :, 1 CARTER Lk. BROTHER. ,
. ,
.- October 29,1817.* . ' ,
received a warranted article of Madder, Log
Wood, • Nic Wood, Camwood, Fust.i; Vitriol ;
Alum, Indigo had many other kinds )ye alugh
- which are sold 'cheaper than at any Drug' Store.
• 0ct.29, 1817.
AINTS, OILS AND GLASS.--By the small
1 or largo quantities No I extra white lead, red
led, Venittan red, chrome ,yellow; tithing°. oils
and turpentine, , and assorted sized glass, bought
at thelowest prices; and for . sale'aucorilitiglY by
.• ',WILLIAMS Ex 'W41.10 - HT.
Oct 29, 1947.. ' ' 24
Dinging House fur Rent:
TUE Franklin Building, foot .Of Sato effect,
recently, fißatl up ft* a, Dwelling House, is
'!gered fociont. Any ffmily; or 'families,: detir
, ng a comfortablo'and 'commodioul place of real- -
dence,.wOuld do well tiiiipplY for partietilairitoi
• M. MAY,ER,
October 28.1847. v' ' ''• ' '24
• - ' " TOR '8.41,E, • • ,<
A N AlHOßY,Oidodd
xi tuned in,..Herberereelc Forliai.
iieuleisimquiro:P,f, -
_ 11,1140,N: ••
- Erie, October:3o, .1847:1,
r-bafttes,Ptvis Goods,s ,
'fIVIEGi2!N Plaids, cashmeres, Mouselen do
- WidentniPleid, strim back and blue blach ,
Alpaca; Freuch4BceschatuWeetican Oforgluitrisi
Trench; English and Anunleso calicroooege'skil
. 16rtmenit:opmt and for estechearbY.',-
"t:rifrOcti 30,'• -I , GEO.'SfELDEI`I44f; SOW
"A • tw. fafso3e4lthat itretklitfOn to our prdteiit
- I .a. stock of CLOTH and •VESTINOSI. We'
- will be. readving by Enprers during th;Fall.¢nd.
liT inu3reuelf goods hiotfriiim theila andmas!'
i:eipnlre. It is cincfrOly,hopedlblecityieill - anior,
rut Oni , =tegfaliii Merchant Tailor_ shop tbitife'
Affartiq °kW-
Erie, Oit . Aiiii.„... ll 4 k *Cii Al 24
employed by tleproprictor an his practice - , n,ll
very tar .e seal in INdenongliealia, Preston, - 1 ar.
risen and Ratt olph countries, Virginia. bes des
il i
severatothcr p aces, and having been attended
with the most li ‘ apPy eir.f6t, he has been from time
to: time solictfi to adopt maesucha souree as would
!dye it a Moro 'Musty° circulation. with a view
CO:lesson the artronl of Mohan suited° ~,. A ware"
Oi the 'flit that many useless' tiosfrums havolieral
litliiiied fievlt
the uneve
y l, a h r n s e , d ul t i t t p il on iti , o t r im mg li itt u ly bi c ic o , tiv h inee oh t e it
inedicette. it' pr,opetly used, would not fail to of
fe'et cures inn greed many ins• at e es, and e i e „ o
alleviate theseleases which are g n i e incurable.
J Symptohas of asseased Lk , ' , v.—Pain in the
right Ifideon r the edgsof the ribs, increased ott
pressure. , Son mimes the pain i s i n the left sli ie.
1 4 11 e patient itOardirable to lie on the 101 hie
Sometime's the pain is under the shoolder hl
It frequenfly entends to the - top of the shoulder
and is sometimes mistaken for rheumatism in th
right man: Tho'stoplacit is die; fed n it:* lots
appetite oriel eickness.— the bowel , * in general .fir
'costive, sometiMes alternatin; . with lax—the I em
is troubled with 'pain, accommrnied with 'a ull
heavy, sensation in the hack , part; There is g } en
ethily a corpifie'rable loss ormentory,"neeompanie,
'with typainthirsensation 'of having left um on
something, which ought to h', v, ; been done. .
Blight deY emlfths's sometimes an a t , enda tit. Tit
patient 4 , ompiains•of wear ines.s end ,tehin ,—
He is easily strirfled —his feet are cold or burn In
-oud he - cinpplains of .ti prickly ven=ation of th
skin. His spirtts.are low—and 01110114 h .Ile i ,
satisfied that e.'erease would be beneff clot to him,
yet 110 caniscar elv summon up fortitude to tr ' it.
in fact he clistr sts every remedy.' Several o the
above sympton s attend, the disease; ' fiat e ses
'have occurtid tyhere few of them existed, ye. viz
arninatiOn of the body after death, bus show: I the
liver to have been extensively deraneed;
This IS to certify, that having been fISNOII ted
with Dr. NPLahe in the pkietiee of medicine for
two and
,a half years. I.have had many opport mi
ties of AVititesstna the good efF,ct of his 1 iver
Pills; and I believe they have cured untl roll wed
a much larger „proportiob of the diseases of the
liver than I have known cured and ielieve by
any other course of treatment.
Dec. 7, 1837. - OLIVER MORGAN, M.D.
Thi's is to certify, that I have been anew, for
for si years with the Liver ctnigtlaiOt; and lip:
plied to diffoerit pflyt:ian, olmtining tempo cry
relief., On hearing of Dr. :\ I'Lane'sLiver I ill.;
I 'obtained and itsedtwo boxes. J now feel al, lost
restored to health. The Liver Pills hay.: ven
me a most surprising relief.
1 -
S. DAVIS_ Plitsilitir
Ono:ave.—None re genuine .without fat!
iltnile of the proprietor's signature. Prepred
'for the Proprietor by
Wholesale and Retail Duggistg, No. GO 51, ood
. N. 3.- 1 In order that the•.-e may'he. no mi.t he,
he 'partict,liii and ask for Dr. Lane's iver
1) r LANErS
II -
.vM 'I
LOW ELL, Trumbull Co. Ohio, blorc'h 6, 47
Messrs Kidd 1 64 Co.—Unso! kited I send this
testimoni 11 concerning rf;. NPLANDS
Svotot spe,c3 vie. About seven yeer:, since I
wae called upith to visit u wont wemeit about
tWenty•soven yeate'olage. I intim] bet laho inz
tinder strong symptoms of Prolapsus Uteri. 8116
inWrined too that she was unwell an' sonikl log
likteight yeats, and that she had been trea:in by
set rat of the neizhborinz Physicians, who ft iled
to effect a cure—and in fact had 'pent all she had
-and was sill in no-bettet r endition Amu w hen
she commenced lakin2; thefr madieinn4, and
Compelled to work what she was' able for. her
board. Thp. Physicians to whom she had ap lid,
had udi tomtit' treated her as in case of Prole sus
Uteri, and other complaints peculiar to fenot s.
For six or eight weeks I treated her , case axone
of the nhovementioned, idiom any benen dal
et:refit: , She was taken with vond:inz blood,, Ind
front (some other symptoths that , existed "at the
time, I was forced to the conclusion that she vats
troubled with tearms, and told her What I thot
about it, and proposed that she.bad better t the
some worm m 'dicine; but silo was hi.shly o:len led
at the idea other being troubled in that
Stie said it vea: i
other physic:id
oho' theiecota
vailed on her to
11.(17.4N WORN
she was to yak
Ishe passed Circe hundrt d and ninety-seven nine
lity of which tt c -e in one knot or ball, and required
the assistance r a neighbor women that wa in
}to take them fr in her. I saw her, and she t ten
told me the wor us were all large. I then pro OS
ed to give sow more of the _same medicine, nd
tlitt Same prase iption its before, Winch Wtti il we
—and the result was, she passed font hundred : tut
fifteen ‘yorms, khitt she counted, besid,is a num Cr
jthat were nor counted: ! • •
1 After stle passed the warms her ordinary het lth
returned—and isieee that she got married. 90
raised a small tensity, and sill coutinuels to b i'e
her health. 'Yours; d.
' The incredultitH 'min see Doctor l)utlrr's lets r,
in referentie to ;hid wondtiritd ens-, by calling. any
time at the Drug Store °fit. KIDD & CO: comae of
Wood and Fourth streets;
vuluble 'prep:inAida is for sale by.
J.K tun) co
Corner of- W . cod and' Fourth 91.:4.1
particular to inquire for "Dr. M.'Lan
Ainerican,wornr Spccifici r or Vertnifuge. -
AGE —,-
NTS.CiIcIOr & Drafter, J. H. Elm'ioo
'Co., Erie,- J. Marvin, Waterford; John .‘l , Clit
!Girard; Rain A. Tracy, Fairview; W. El. Tow
so, gull Si. Vin Cont, Crane:Nil
'4llclcson &,..atripOcll, Edenboro; 11. C. Town
_ .
Waushot Ix, A. Touttcllott ,, Union , Milts;
11:,Ilasnes, N.:4th East-,• •
- by -prukgiits . and, Merchants: gonerall
jhrongliont tlEt 'United
. "More, ,of the Eiteets."
WE are rec iving.morn Goods, which are
little cheaper than ever. and have on ban
a complete asso i rtinent of plain. plaid, striped and
fimired Aohaiii.Orleans, Cashmere, Merino, [Y,
Lisle and Lyon Cloths of the riches styles.
ALSO-140 different paftterna and styles. .1
Shawls, embractng all the new production's- wide
We will sell as cheap as the clieapest, at the co •
ner opposite the Ealde Flo - el.
D LAQK LAO?. DEM( VEIIL,•!' racw'lat
LP these very fashionable article! just receive
and selling verir low at the New Store. -,
Oct. 21. , ALLYN &corr.
and 31 1-4
Gingham sells
Oct.' ;23
LETTERS fitdmiuiptrntiorde bents nmt hnv.
ucun granted to the stitmenber oti the entf
of Richard - Ski tinorjato or North Ede tovvoslop
decenaed. 'Persons indebted , to said - estutp, b
"ving'clatuis a gainst the name, are reluested t
cull und,preeeftt them properly •autheirocuted fo
settlement, rind settle their indebtednesS. ;
PLLI N S .P A . . 0 1 lA L E " IV,
Oct. : 30,, 18471
._., .
i Now Fall .and Winter Gockl.4. ' I
( 1 , ..
trl,are now receiviiiiihair'inock
a r u Of,Fall.ati, IIE subicri ere
:Winker Goods actual/4;l4rd—
"' , ..Day:,Gp,ont!, ,'• ,-- . liarinava 'it, ;: i'..
On9'cittittiqp,.-...1- ~ , -: ..•Caocknity,, .1
Also a lane assoruneni of Paper •Hanoing Od
„Window Piper,
All of whivlv!were- Purchased in Ne i , York;+l
41i,n loarestinitr et ;price,''. Thay dir •not hitittai. o
'bilrlot thalorg t atoetv of plods 'e Verb 65 dr,•hf tb
44/1 . ACC; .bill t ' %Witty they have as good an as.
shittnent sod vtlll fte Vold tog elittatraithohaap.t
. 4t
asf, and itivit 1 tho public to colt and. Cannata)?
gods' and - pH eF: — -: P'.. S.ELPEN:tr. SON, ' ,
...t. 'Oeti;e3:- Is ;',-' ,' ' --- -2 ':. :I`.. -,-..';3
ARPETOI4I.--1000 lards 'Orlon': hall 'Swi l l
.1. , -
',stair car p e t i tinz, at ppcds vitr i reg from irid I
fktreaftel..Ao l 3 abl.l, loss Per' ~rafd ,• '- Ise,' FlearA)ll
clothe, at the aseal low rates of''.':
~ ‘, • .
_.- 1..:. , .. , -4408E3.1(001V
1 , N-o..lC r onlaWelaltiehinge t French at.
' Oct. 4.3, 19 17, I • , , , it - , . - 2,11
all tholecilv nonsensical Vali the
is nyver. hinlal I to her—anl
bought it tist•less. I _finals fire
isalse some of NPLANI..I'S It-
SPECIFIC, one bottle of n I tell
t two doses. and the remilt •as
ON PLAIDS selling ihr.2o,
vents per yard at the New Store
proportionally low.
Another Arrival 'of Gocerles
At No. - 1, Perry 1111yek !
IV. IMOORE is now receiving hie Fall
• and %Winter stdck'of Groceries which will
•sotd alit& cheaper far 'cash than at any other
ablishinent. in thenity. Amotig, his Stock may
ILisperial, Goniotrifer, and Young Hyton
eat; Java, Rio, Laguira
and St. Bomb:-
Coffees; Loaf, Pulverised, and,.
dN. 0. Sugars; Pepper, Spice, Gin
e, Cinamon, ArtilmegsAlace, Cloves; Ricc,
' 'tided 'barley, Candies, Pecan, Brazik
udeira and Pea nuts; Almonds, Filberje,.
I. ; Fruits—Apples, Rdising,,English al.-
, nts, and Figs ;,Sperm and Tallow candles; '
miner and Winter strainediLamp Oil, u
Pj blew a rliele,'Bdlad oil, Fancy Shaving,
'riegated and Bar soap. Dairy salt,
hite Fish, Mackerel,' Mackinac Trout s ;
dfish and Herring. '
ull and examine Lioods and'prices it. No. 1,
rry Bloch. . 1
- -
['Rol r ALE on drar•lu, and Air rale at'
No. 1, Perry by T. W. 11400116;.
11iTIMS,11, 'Mackinac Trout. rash 'Tier-'
,tios. - 1 and 2 'Mat:tiered, Cod rt-h, Sar
and haddock. jus4 received and fnr Bale '
No. 1; Perry Block by T. ,W. MOOR'S.
Pole, Nov. 6, 1517. f)5:
Falk, Fashions for :1847.
subscriber, iinow pr;2..pared !p furnkh.
friends and cu4totners•with (LttS of a nu • 1
nor trial V; 111 4 0 a Ivnoral a!!sprtment of . I
rich will lie so d
,33 cheap as the cheapeet. Per. l
is wishina to purchase will please call and ex.=
tine quality and prices for [beluga:yea.
IL S. Prac:ich I .1 - latter,
Corner of `tole and Fifth meets.
Oct. Ith , ISI7. 21
Q 115!
EDITORS:—AIIowESSRS• me through the
medium of your valuable paper, to inform the!
tuns (Willis city and vicintty,'lliat I am receiv
ti large and well selected stock or Fall and
inter 'Dry G'borls, Groceries, Crockery and
rrlvs are, u hid) I am selling at Great Ilargutin
order to pay tran,portat ion, the balance will ha
plied to charitable purposes. Fur further par.!
•ttlars apply at No. 2 American Block •State
Teel.'M. AI A TER,.
Erie, Oct. Iti 1817.
FEY pairs nice Hill I3innltcts and Lanca-
' ter Quilts,, for oak low by
l Oci 23 COIT.
INTER f 4 perm Oil, a pure ar.iele,tor sale
at No. 1, Perry Block b r
1. w. MOORE. •
brie, Nov, 6, IS 17.1
IIE subscriber ofreis for sale the improved
farm on which tie now resides, about two
miles south of Waterford, on the Turnpike lead.
ing front Eric to Pittsburgh, containing 100 acres
of hind, GO under improvement, and the balance
timbeied with white oak, chestnut, Ito. For
acres bottom. the balance upland. - On the
premises is a good ironic dwelling, log barn,
a4od orehatd of apple and cherry trees, and a tier ,
er, tailing spring of water. For Ir&ther portieti.
lois enquire of the Ireful:sitter on tie piemists, or
of C. C. Jon s, Erie. I
• '1
• Wilterforil, Oct. 15, 1917. 3m221
TP,pVla, efnacd in this iityj coinpriaing, in
.EJ part—
-1.50 pieces Cashmeres an I Muslin de Lains, ris•
sorted colors,
75 do French,SciKehandGbnnanGinglm s,
30 do A Ipace is, or every 'description,
2'3 do California 'Mitts, •
13 do Oilks of tile laiesi. atm most trtr
proved patterns,
20 do Swiss add Tarleton Muslins,
2) do Lace and embroidered Swiss rind Tar
50 ,do Jaconet Cambric's arid hed,Muslins •
50 do Silk Fringes, assorted tailors ' • 1
45 do Wale G imps Gimp cords,
.20.. gross Dresi Buttons, and cords and raasellsi
200 pieces Silk Alull 14. French Imperial idongs,
Isp shawls, of all styles, varyir , in price lidin
-e 3s to :$l5,
200 pair ladies and , gen(remon's Froncho Klid
ussneted colors /
200 do .Lailies', l gentlemen's and. children'
Cashmere, Worstell 4. Lisle thre''
do black and white silk mitts.
Cloths °revery shade and qualrty,
Cas,i tnere4, dodo,
Vesiings of all kinds, compri, , ing' Silk, !tit'
Buff, Cashmere Marseilles, etc etc.
S ' MAPLE GOOD S.—,I large sock of every ,
In short; out stock for , rielme
clieaPnea and duribility 'has sto ck
been equ
ed In thiS 'market.. ,•
CM'S.-=2.00 Men ad I Boy!e caps of kinds.
SiOES.-500 pairs ladies and childrens' Gait:
:inns 'and walking Shoes. 200 pairs earl
men's, ladies and Misses' Rubber overshoes
UNIII4LLAS,—Sis dozen Umbrellas 'tor
GII I OCERIES.—A general yarlety of every
6 ription. i'
' SHOLF I ARD It E." - is
Tun thomoand dollars' stock; comprising e:trolrY
ohindx in tho line—Joiners; House and Skip, etir,
•peloters, Coopers. Shoemakers, - Cabinctrnakerol .
Sad lions and Smiths' Tools, of evOrydeseription:
S dollery Hardware, a 1E11..6 assortment of all
hint s. Curriagetrienoninge of all kinds. , ,%. •''-
• Axle Arms, springs, anvils, Vide, smiths' het ,
to , i, brass and preordain ketiler,shoveleo:spades;
ern% bars, dill boxes, Mill >el Cut, circular and 'pit
dws, and chain of' alh sizes. • , .-I , '/ , :. , '
GrSS WARE,—, A colopletorreSerbitent. Y
• C istooners 'w ill findhut onsiprg , Safely 00101. 1
ed a the old stand, in uoud
,ballaiN with J(10 tons
,well assorted 11t9N, Steel 4to roile 7r tlto ploap:
pst in the market.
.. P. S.—The question ii often asked why penis
cannot be solo tt.'llow us its linftrlo.', We say they
can: Oureteck• entire. wasr bought of. importhm
hoots , s, at the same time and same prices that
some of the largest houses in Buffalo betiAt at,
,and we pledge our ' Word that ono. , zoits shill to
sold as low us at BufEllo or any place west.ofit
for ertsh. -' ' i HENRY
i VAL1,W.1314;,, ,
Ere, Sept 25, 1817. : } 19
Dr.' P. tlall's Cele brated' Couirh
..,, ~ -
. - Reineay 1
7 - , ,
S ,n. safe, speedy ana effectual Cure for Collets,
I Colds, floarsentss, Qroap and ll'Oeophig Cough.
,T his _medicine flab' been tried ¶y hundreds of
people with unfailing success In curing the above
diseaws, n ryith all tbo.e painful and,annoying poi,-
monary symptoms produced by told. 10,:Aethf
rna and Bronchitas it has proyen'te behighly Use
ful, and its timely use -a ' certain remedy. 'ln all
affections of tiro throat and lungs , it jean inveltra- •
ble medicine. Many cases ol blistinate coughs
nod hoarseness have been •perfetrily cored in. 48
1 hours, and in severat instene.s.troublesomeand
dangerous corlghi of frOrn,five to ten years stand
in_ have - been completely cured•inltuo weeks.—
In Croup and Whooping Cough its use hits' beeh
equally successful when used motetreely: ;This
Remedy is a 'certain ' Preventive id" Ontfruntrairis
and several others of the 'most tritil
--I •dlopiries, in
northerri Arlimates.l ••: •' • " ‘'''' .•l•!,•••,-.:,r
IN ERI E. ONL,Yr• of P.•HALL; tit hil prtiKs6"ie t,
'AI. I.lltighte Building*, cbrha - etilateettd Set=
ends Street*, ;and bis agents' thrquOlidut%ihillteiln;
ty, •Actorrs—A. Reynolds % 155 Main et, 4,44-
10 ; Ely,d, Vincent keco.i.:Pliteribitti•lithis 4.
Tracy, 2d; Pilot iota; Jas. H.,Ontophell,F.dinbotts.
:1' ' b rier 37 '1 crate £ fla per, ilaiiilioin , VI
BE IEaRE OF 001.1.NTP.RMT.9 and t ✓ISE
IIIIIT:1170.10: Every' battlO has the yomilleriji..l
F. Hall's-Cough Itetnedr Adane,,,ttpftn thcighnlf t
• nd his' istitt6n signature - On thst,tdrrtlips4.itt,4 di k ,
OCtiool4 • Norecitheihre'aeiniiire":l ' ,'''' / , •
it l
pIfORDINT gsr.hicoler: .rtiii- a IV
tern' thiti.'wo;' the undersignett. hayte,yldiDc..
P. alli Cough Remedy, and' IM 6' Toun ' rein
' , every Instance an elliencion# 9:041 ild, inkt till Ili t
Woolly its reeornmendetione. v , , .. , ,t•,•.• thr t ••,c,, , ,!0 % Y '
- John Gnittraith, ' ,. .T.'P.:Ktgliy,t _Thomas Hu :;
John W. Hays ", Wileonliing r Th. Moo;hen. Jr,
Jas. Dr..Dimlap, John ,Hugires,% R Ciehisiti k '
• Thomselncee, 'Otis Lephath. iter r ilta, ODIN •-•
David Baldwin:. 'ld:Afaitiirib. • '' 1, :' . •-•.c II-
P.i. Owin, •'• - -lOhn M: - Werren. ''' ‘ .. •,• .
• Out; 9, 1817.' , in
Tot itianscriz
Rsis „
N invnieubte reinedy fin Herpes, , C,'iltite and
dxher.domeritie aninthr, in the cure of the
rellewitnx diseases: '
rets4 IVo - unit,! F stobt,
Gaits of all kinds;
,' ' •
Sprains Bruins, '- ' Sims rtacks,
firtaiked Found• reit Fat, ' • '
'Ringbour, • Siratchei or Grrarr,
Piet Erit, eorluv," „
hfor” Diste:mpty.
It is Mao' a 'Universal Vumily Eniti;•4l:lliup fur
,disbascs 01 ilutnan'Elee•liouch as
iffiriuritism, rst;innt P0;110113,
Bites ff Xrtrous dirce-
Frostitacs, . s Hon*,
s and Seal's,C
era . ? Rps, l Chapped ,llutis,
Contracts of the . .ifitedes, Stratings,
Weakness of l z he Joials, linked Breath,.
MrinctrAsts-a•mtotANG i 4 worthy of
special remark, t h at besides the, greet end extra
ordinary powers in the cure of diseases of the
horse in which Its virtues first attracted the atten
tion of the fitrrirr end hrater, and the wonder of
the public generally. it has been successfully ern;
Phloti in a great variety of the maladies %%bleb
affect the Minoan race; and it has proved by the
wonderful cures it has pertiamed on the lower an
imals, that it is endowed Wilh curative properties
not found in other horse oil-, which has establish
ed its claims to general confidence. '
Beware of the counterfeit article, and be sure
the name of the, sot.o eactentwron, C;r. W. Mei.
chant. Lockport, is blown in the bottle. • ,
11 - .. T —For testimonials,' synopsis ef diseases, and
sonde of treatment) see pamphlet which accompa
nies each hot le.
Sold by JAL Burton SL I M). Erie; S. S. Sr. li t
Eassett. Aslitaltula, Ohio; and D. N. Webster,
Conneaut. Ohio. • •
Fur Removing Disease* of lite Blood, -
Arising from an abuse JJtm> 1> >nes and Joints: "
eur, - Few Sores.obstinate oddsorrs
Chronic andalysliluli4. 7 alpis yalt Lind'
• ases such as Stall htai.,l, a • Eljeuna, •
se r v a lis o r Kpires &ems lUng Ira ns a d othrt' Pietas
darn Syr r Nei - 1(1'0C is grist from an Cuptert
rkerts/t4a mut Corrosions of :Piled/me Mond; >,
the Throat. Nose, Cheeks 111041 ml( Costieentss: Mfrs,
Lips. Ears, 44 other parts ehraitie airtelams of t-te
• of the body. Isinnsand Meal: '
mates or yo•slnles on the
,fare Pat > 1a the Stanach and sides;
!',Sealy palehns. and aler er- Sight Sweats, de. de. , - .
up?, sus of the situ., - It it lot - sneis , Irma reconanen.
!Net. .C'enoleen. awl other ..4co- ded as a Cl, main!! 'Sp lag
',tulle nirei.. , ions. , . Medicine, .nd id lenrra *-
White &idling*. Pains in
,(he. iiii , e. . . ~ , • I
This remedy is prepared trout the choierst se
lected materials. the :toil, o propett iss f c?f i which arc
'd improvedi•
,l )i an
on account of which it is preferred by
as beinu moro uniform and active than any other
nosy before the pidle, '.
-A full account attic remarkable cilleriey of this
remedy; in a variety oi'cas-:s °Oki must tr.:gra
y:tied nature, may fie seen tiv ealliou on the ntee
prleMr or hie dgents. -
An most o'ond medicines tire, enitrilerleiteti, be
snag find •cti/11 for "Merchant's Sarsdparilla,O antr
see that these words are blown on ilic:.lass."Eron)
the Laboratory of Geo. %V. Mercha it, Chemist,
Lockport, N. Y. '' • ' 1
acz..Aldtto,st every pedlar in the •crittniry is now
put Line op arid imposin_ on the public, an article
they call sarsaparilla. Therefore, in.:w.ertr.”
Sold by 3. U. Button & co. Erie;_ S. S. ',.S. rr.
Fassett, Ashtabula, Ohio; 1). .;S:: Webster, Con
neaut, Ohio. . 1 - 10'0
DisEAsgs ril ilie Urinary Or4ans mired by.
UER.4. such as chronic 'and acutelliseaSesm the
' if Err,
.' ; , ' 1 ell so, alio* •
l'f'tti•lrfi. : 1 1 Oonorrituro',
• ' rostra!: 'Ciakul t ' Girds, I rii
Kilaq ~ aiiii i , I l Sfrictit l ys,'
1 leoins, . ,:; , , Ilia4i I •.i, 4.
This c Note 'medicine ,is , prepared
geo.)%11: Altl llant, -4 ,Operative. clittinist.
pert,, N.
j r.' 1, i,, s. 1
Full a tl timple:instrue.ionS, ti} i stitn :
accompa ry etch bottle . ,I : , i
Sold by J. It Burton &:. co,- Erie; S.
_.. _.. __.
Pa4set.t. A.zratabill4 Ohio; V. N. Web
• . , -.• • '
DYA 'warranted article far
1 colOring the hair 'it' . b6ut:ifill brown or - j 1
black, it will not wear . ofF,' soil the linen, or, colq
tinskin, os wt tes'i eV:
I has also been used :n .
iece - Q*lllly in colorin g
Puts. .
Beware of the connterh'it, anti I)6' stire' vntigti,
the genuine, Pt• pared only by Clerr.' W. Nll 7 reliiiht.
,chentist;,Litckporf,.l4‘. y. Samples pf flair may
be seen lit the store of the proprietorsorhi.4.dgents.
P T :n.53 cents. - . ,' 1 - 't • ;,,,5 •
_"' 1 . :
Sold by J.H. Borton,&i,
Fna?ea,• Ashtabula, Oho; and 1). N. Webptert,
Connontd, , i. , • . lyZin
New Fttll . 4yid)'_W,jiftet,GPol,i,,:
lAM now receiyinefroro York,:a ereri
variety of ;.7)0) 4nd desiratilp goods for Fall ant
;Winter trade. Amon:: ; other dedribleA..note:o
- ening. • i V '.- I •
. _.
;"uperior Thibet iiluthe,- . (lrah and black; gratin
pa Cashmeres, 0nto! 401 W patterns and very
l i, • ,
100 pieties hisel% p Arab, ine'de, pleie antrstriped
Alpaceas„ orie,,ibini• ihenPer than ever befure
' o•rered-,somu as lute as 24 Feels per yard.
Sttaiila, a. great ; ; ariety ,of new ,
• Prints,
Ginghanis,.M. de other Lai s, and her notestyles
of Prep Goods-in ~ ttity
peVcent.:ebeaper,than eVeybeforo olbred in this,
• city, , .
All of which_ .my customers and the
respectfully invited to examine. „
October l';•;
Arrival •Df:lltW....F4lt'aild 'Wint6r
".. GOODS.
jj A VING de. vire.i4 !six reeips ip,Beitton, New
11 York and Philadelphia le the $ *01 07. 4 4 0.
purchaletheif .011 . V,, , ISIVE,Sytiglil, which
1../' are Ti!qW OPeolik; 1 , ,v4 enic,lo,infarin their
cesteancks and die eopntry,at ter gai that they Arc
now PrePired io. ger .4:9 0 A• PG,altnost.every dt.t
-potnin.o9ni at leak, 2,5 per cent, ihnup'er 'thin ev
cr., We ; fincthy_dayet time to the . pufehas Lite;
of goads, as alser,,for clish, that it inalik.s tist di(
l'erelpm,.l . thercfore,'We.van-pledv. ourselves tO sell
as law, aa any letentae:-,t(that , %sive ftukheir OWods)
—thia aide nj% N tv:; r k or.! Lids toh, quid •Otti
abrive invite limit that the'petrehaisd.
• 1114, any . kindor-Der,Goodso Haribidirkt; :Guava- , to glye en,opportpniijrilivitl,
lett as ..00d an , inserted: t TatenalVeiarut:ehatio
Rind/ of t "goods, - **eatalellitinit i thie market.
:rear thriller ferticttlabi tillease Call 'at theLißriele,
'enrneri. - ofposi:e tho - agtellotO 4eat jheeidrt.
0 , -,' ,, j ; ‘l' „oßtibYetot l .ll7,lBe:",'
t ,
Icvv- , G0•410,-No7i - Ssate'Stitiot;
IAT E are takiC4:l7e r brti r :.
VV. aobtiA;' the seaioit, which 'Will'
44 ° ,/ d as rhea/1101t,bir4i441:4 , them
pmul :.6tsf r at yar o
,t Inr.
. O PP ( 1)1,0,14 . 4i , 10440 0114014 a .19.ain.Clirga,
Biillianteacitleyirir r pgrbaetWeir..44if.„o .and
Plaidilritteitin, Linen!. Lin 24 ClAndtpg 0n0,, ?
kereftietalreini stt
itb i nt # l . tiii . .co rt fip, .A 0,3, 4 vent llPtY4r 4 iei
areal atY, Thlltah• Csattroere,
Broelle;,de•l4, o ll.,P lrdii t e , 4o 4 ether— fasitjona,4,l9
,§144,1 0 , acid ocher cfneda,irt,teo,-,great! variety .td
dverilee: equine*. ttra tkoan Witte
them and pnrei.taeo4her i arepatillied_Atlibrods
1 4, 44 - <
tr.stert, - serveziv cttesTan-1
*le, 1817. . 231
1110" TVIIIII{IaI 016171 4 1-11IIIMEI VI !Slid' 0
VII dil'..b I' I IfIEND: It ts etnaldeu ly asterted tkat - . '
that e ' , axial, wen ft unedirinit Whien bid hip Ten 604 i inIF
ronorri trai‘arral satitiettlen, aa _
I Wltßiti.3 INUISN Irk() li,l Ap I.E.' ILLS.
Th ,bate stood the .et'erest mins. by Curing whoa'
silo es' remedies felled, old hose erteblyhed a repots- i
twit I tbs face .4 the till irux glanders which bare been'
eel nljgailit t them.
IA 1041 hotec iii itind that Wil;hts %diva Vrvretelokr
N .
PI i* •,; •
••• ••: N?CA,TCO.PENNY •Ir.rNlED'i. • _ • „...,`
the it riirlrfg of the hour, &atm. i to peg, apse will! Ifi
end M, forgotten, but a. imedulitte of stern g value. 10'
repUrtirkie it nut Walt upon oil isolated cure, ntrented ea-,
aterclittanhatoitcesin which the filth of the Smaginuttoe
hod pity as ruor.>lo do *)tbit, as the aetivity of the Dm.
ettyll Celt' ‘Vrtall- Indian Vetere.% Prlt. lay a elitist
In rel wraith, hod teeth on the houert and * Mug tirtinwr ,
I,) on . ; . • : , •
lIIOIII 4 ANDi. , A:CD T'ENS OF Inf., *ANL& -' ' -
thrall hunt tkolvogth a...! breadth atf the laud: ~. -,_
It air efterat enteral •tedrof the butane-Coavtatitrati:
th it_ throe celebeatod Pal. were ',replied. l'llStere's
inn e *ere irr.t conttiltJur. and' then a medicine ties pim
p . r ed G oa , the befit of the fintinnot loch should sot Wink' .
a Lout Lies. "Pnervfore n tist:se P.ll. effectually -
• -
to eXiiel the corrupt 111.1111 Ur•, b) epculeg the usioiSt Got
lets of rherirtrin. —,
~ ,
OP1(1 U, itt - VMER, f e %kJ,. A:176 %VIATETi. - '
Floclifprodtace, by their ta'rlattoilit OS terepetitturw r , p , rot:
li it tiff:l:ha el 0 eh' bete tit borly, The 'sea tispa3de i t
seal the cold t unit:tel. die rut tilde of the e iiiiii•(.l,, sent
0111 Milli U Cb.11../ei riOtit plpF.o I.l:Adeptly. one a Setae cf.. nit;
,en strinirt: Icright's 11,11.11,1. egetable Pills cnneteratell
the et It ,lattnesee yr sithhteit klownee, by purilyinn ohs
W.. 1.441 Ite,ep:.:l4r, the staonsch autt-tnwols ,In 4 litiehil•
nod brolttinl roodirfoo. --. • , _
1 VIAL. r•Etr.ti. X . ;:a niel••• - , . . .
Thai r?cidirge or the' Wc.t. Wright rt,lndian•Veltetaidt
Prllr ot.‘nd ouritalird, An ;14...danee has newer come tot
out liinatedge of there l'ill h irate been token. stibnite
.:M•rileg a entopyle . cure,.ln Chilli; awl revere the Aga
-Ind bilary funettlant,urc chi. IV itisuritered, sUPeriOdliel
V greet physic 1 ilidriply 7 , N'¢ n the I) toptents etst e
pexiitto ifroo .loinid loigtort before re-orttog to lb '
PAN:A rC... nosesw ill I„,ive .tich tesuifett relief that rett
Ili., ittrialnn it ill be nrceoar) to eon ii - pa ate use. ( thaw
I ' FOll, 1/ ig•I'l;P:-IA. • .. - .
Wittlit'r Indian Yvgct.4l. I'd a wet he entied veryirbpa: '
rior. In flit,, the gr.iriejetee is week nod del:
ciittif lot itt.attr. Co...equentlj, the digertiew is linter . ; •-
Pet Snit the fir.,lth; liniTired., These i Ohl is2n6viii lb*
role. glom fho'rfola..a!,, re,toct its tout, and troProve Illki
ifnestiow: l , , ; , - . , . - • _
1 I , I'Dit ii l' NDI t: I:,
Wright'. !mite' Vegetable kill s a re equally well adapted
to the femoral of thi. cattoptaint. A. they operate spoof _
the one gcnortil iod unif-trut p. utt,iple , of eteelloieje the
stein:it-% and boßclr. purifyla t, Uri, h!Onni. aturriti•nryner
the ter rrtient, they irciton,c vie ...rivor. of JatunditE, sad •
of AHD titer it i.orders. .
l• Gill': vr I,r. , . 3rErirrixt:•• , , i •
iltwouldbe dlitlvnit preettel) to tell to *bleb o f obi
with sitteaWrithra Intlion V , n , !obit. Pith. beet , Men .114 •
ere trill But It is very cerOtiu that [bele Pill/
ITO 'Fiyori 1,,,,ii •. nod .I,ror, tied ii goad eUtUfleitifle. ea ,
~ , , ,„,,r , .,,,,„1, c ,.,„„1,...,.1,„..p010,,,,,,hput thefts; hare Lawn
in the.r grave.. A hot of IVright`a -Indion Vermeil.. •
ref, Itt an I fic.iiinebta ofti'dical eutopitnien at certato Via
1 .Itt;.‘r) %cut. Gininlir.:3§.. itE.
Ti, prettenar of pin "fo. nny port. ',Siegler ft tniTilli
stoic of the 131‘161, vltit ri notute,i..trtriug ,to retract. .1
for. rjoroo of Wriyht'a Junin!: Vegetable Title taken elf
goinit lO'buit wilt bu l i.Uftlin to gi.e.r, lief, if We thins bE -
el ell po.Atte ' .
I- WA1.U.4111.E ANTt II I.IOUSIII.IIIIIkeiri •
Ii i s trell huiii!'it,iliat, the :ton CA nod Wert uudrr wore
from' hilloiyi it taortlrre than Awn 'all others intobteed.—
Thislis'ioirtly urging t k i the eioni,re, pot ehleby to lbw
n`dore'orelnuthein aml Wet:t4 n life. The sensations en:
cow l 's:tying lit re. rointqoiel Itre of the most- *retched
de,eril;non„ it abitunt nrui4 cone., is frequently brunphe
on 1. l
I,!.it er compltt,o. ;A tat.tits sorority,: Oats - Otis dis
t.littf, hot be leo, he 4 a ith pretreated cents:. yre
titer., ere ' , tory few rood Li,.. e; that lir 'Pi erth a ittrate ik Ind
removal of Ha. .ample/. Coen:l,4lles hattreito beetle 1,
the thief reliauce, hot the temetty,haa prated' steal( waist: 1-
°Mutt''' thstta•c! I,ltlata 'Biro shot'. be (lentil; We say; '',
pile I Wrdtdirs :Ltion, %'eati s, abin Plll. re mint. if they de
not 00, Ire I tour e'vprrtalio i.. u ore Witting C .'dolar oil '
the oivruhriuni of :adore. And it 41 - tity,to nllt '•
'PRY 111E:)1. • ~•
Thrre i. no risk rep—en
m oney thrown sway—yo aar
c ertain- ef bototit. „ ' ~ , -. -'- - l ;;; .
, .., oNc, syllitp,..swittl. • "-
I.V.bee.ion-haVe tound 110 WrightS Italian lrqefshlrt' -
Pills'ire a "Iriatte" the_hest mdatictne r ieue*ef' b• at of,'
Eti,l- i t, awed llA•et run after ever` trperart-Ifesuedy.
whiten att.:in pt• to hle.ter itrelf mit iiii•oriely, /there el(
lt t, • Of.IVAII Ft ObIllIrrttl"bIS t- ; :II
of Wriglit'alinbanYeceihbfrt Pitt, Previous to ilui hi:
tro tc ts ten 1.1 voo :it;, Indian Pins were neter braid
i.. aw shat hflids „of them' Add - aafter all; libel kr
'hell hot imitatiousol' thrstrgittal iiieditiert
no'n bra like nr. than chalk Ss Iltith•elicatit - One mast led
% ertn•rs, "I toff.", ed" tteltenVeltteldtillsili Tett. weielk
bra ImPstal joke. if It siereticil sterigiss. Beware 6(4W
ray t. . r ' : I .:, .
>E17.,,,,j IttlY OF •TII,E, lIEGDI,AII, %GEN l*S. ,
'ittcrit is on .st rev 01, , •(.. here. -Vie tonal Iry Is switalq •
tith tioutteriettet.;hoth of itionek•anif uf aninlicinn.-;-
chirit is the worteriV I. out ti.ooooNerTeitrr of& used='
,Ittit little bettor than a rubber, sold n ourrderelfl4'.;
fthe latiitilar'A gent. old) - sic ,, '.‘enill. ' I n . l
..• , AGE'S'. ti L'O '1 EMIL 1. OgN 1 Y-
Sp. WEt.ittD. Erie. -, ••, -,; -.A ~ r . ..
?el ifutc,,Me. , et. Go„ IV i erfords.L. , • -., • ..-,-..
91e.Clure. Sra. fluor . . • . • • '-. • ,
.fi , ',Trance, rump; •, • - 2 t :: ' . .
Y.S: Potter, West Sitrii g flit lit; . , ,
,f. Townsend, SprinalVela.: :.
f gnu S. II:n., X 1 tour . . '
t ... '• Aortn /235tz, - •
1 Clenieht. Fairview. r o •
to tYst.t ortioihto..lls.:p y.:iviNE Inotahr
.3 ItAve ilk striNrerenn or Wat. Wotorrn Itairrair
i i rwc mg Tilt:TOP I..VITG 0? i•DiNSUO:k. ..toie ot4kt
jut, ara I , t , unierpit (Ms is rot.cirtnir. t• • •,• '
P.c. , . de VtilVd e cclitxt rely to,thealle 81%W/id/al liPitiii
Nth' Pa . wholesale. and re . lail; 161 Itsetifireef...
eitelphis,ilge Gie'ettatitle Erect, New Yink; and alt!
tiuirt Streol, Rodin. -' i
•ii;, July 11,J847. , r . 14
nir %!
le lt1(1
Tr. ti
EVOLVING NV A IPI:'LE lii.ONB.—'lhialitl,
'liable article is offered for sateat the loli
of and dollar, by ,
LE.4 - ii, - ii, SeNS , ptif ek. CIIIIESTER.,
I •-% ', i
(EENC LI AIERIN,O--Blaek an 4 stout 'O6
f ibe best cittAily, for sale cheap 14 '•,
. '25: ' S. .3.eickso,
JIBE 1' CLOT/I—Mack, Drab and qrowri.
j e 11..? p fur ready pay at the .3'.0t41.0 3 t; c ' K5 r 0,..4 1
, r ,
A BACA —Silk atm cotton'aill'i Ciotti two
to eiblit. shiliirru, ,, i . per yard, Black, BrdtV,h",
plaid; plain and skin striped, tor' delay t
t. '25.
____ • ' I 5...1 CK.§0141..
-TEAS, le ltL'Sl.l TEAS) ,
,-, ,
1!N Company outdone! We -t n sheet
and sell .a.i . tine fresh Tea and at aellaw pri r
Ili any one who c l aims ,riny connee on tiiiitt
el;. in Company. . ,
• . Les:ren i•Ctt STii. , 1
, -
only by
' &c.
nip's, &c•
. S. & IL
~, Con
rei a
the il
EAT splli.,:s.-4 I 1 40 5 inch Ba s
,Spikes e.m be lla4 _
. I The, Qtfostie3 settled ! ' .-.
v‘ t1111 ! _ i t .1 i•artw:Slipetallstione hate for sortie
c ifi , in o
s e e a o h t i•o: 0 1-1 e n d ,
t cf , ile, p ti t: i t t .l t ic i rri ea fi t i tt A t ln
t re h l a a s ti r O e rt .
'cani I • li-ea (I i .c , rl;(. rill Lll4Ol l iS. the c t tinitith
initait-le pit;•A'M . C4cia-rs (art if ater) • fib hatia been
Ler:tided forth bi aft the' ptihtie neteepaPets &the
pricazi, Rince the A'lttrq' or a few oflcitir Metal - ants'
troml.New Work, .11biroit and i'hllitiielpftll. BS:,
hell ', this to be Itielearks, 'and Itnntriar; that thet
not it ollaur-Stock•nibuld nrotlikelf Prodded id,-
tat drkness, r t,'haiiti Until on,tv, tleterted'ant' It* ,
t ice i I IL, and in doing so aistedultl'eilt 'lie goo*
en i 7." of Elie and Yier;rtifillia liceirtiltil IS; if
.it n °tile I'd iit I t of ilie'Sn,aii'diketie• intiruicti 'total.
by our pile.; of New Onrati;dai:l'Onrfe 111616.:
skive S n hile:c,tri)iiuttrnirtia: preeione parcels, that
as the pilefgrott a leas dto darkness gruhuillt ye.
.. . i
cedet ! '
. '-
li ' av ail ' jt 1 1 1 of the t a..
- Cope on then ! , art :
,IttiftSie Vf-§ -- 2
por!unily dais o.terefl oreaiiialiag you and trims
ring light io the eoniutunily.j,' :-.; r ; r.:,....i -,
_„ , • 11119WN &., MCARTER. -
Fr e,,CititAicr ..P, 11817. ; , t , % :
_,.., 23
TEW GI ond9 ort.veie•rtesbilkliO i ri . isqit4,4
Chilly',at• '.' ' ' ''l ALl'fi'N ktol ris,.
' in; , • " - - 'llltily,' Sidie titialtilde . •
AU ~Vhite awl Yellow Flinneis till irinlitiek
01.0:w IV
hed end iiirsled StioittrniiiatittSfihtz
tninper.,,Noivellinap,• jußt gneeivedi
and:' ltihms at.ilo. (Mir
k l of ; .: ALLYN &Com
• • -
• 110
7" ;94P,Opni. Lint qulihiitjr
atshec•beatkstbreof,• ;
24, 1847. ' f 1„ 3AC15E10,1!.
;)f Sq
To BlaCkiiiiittii.' 1. ,' ' •,- '
law - LOWS, Anvils c.Ai l i '4" apd rummies".
„V Spring 84.el,Cinjt:rto;', ligiiidi, lister and
neticank';7!i;nle.Ot,ViLl PO, Band . Bar "anti'
~hoop I rp,o, f ,u'oitl! pa . o_ a na" • f ii, terinsio Pua. It!
Pur 910,r oppiispaifia Eogte ~_.- . --....-
~,o6l.'ilto: `i . ~ wlLLliims.4 ANT, aidat: t ,
TIVA STEEL A - NO , ' NAILS.— A' lOU 'ailissitc.
i taint or-Sioides Iran' and Ens, er - 6 N A ;I f fi, 14 4 , 11
i dleit be sold 1)..y , WlLLTARlS:s4 . rtiliata.
1. 20 ' '"' '''''- ''' '-;.•'' 1 • , _
LLI.•THEit..-',40041 - 41Pft. catrEstittAn lieit th ei
•JoscicOjFek i viroi
t Nghe.nran4fiisturertiL • • e . •
r LOct. G , - , • .'. a Wlat - ti:talt=l74" WRIGHt '
" - -
> 1 -•II OA kt4P..,,,, - u ' 'C': t .
IV 5- s ha ' 4.ccf:C:r? , -0414144-3e - pieteit ,:fiklk,boi id: '-
'JL Fidneeltr 5'30 prs;__, Wooten Stletdi; . i(i(Jtiiik
Iy2ateii Taiiit i ,,, Vi l 9. -- Air,...t t :Aiumipyr.,,
ue i. 9,_1617 . • •
' , Out
.. ,
vATANTEIT Immediately,vitt alto 40 eft pl
I I , 1 feet of Hemtook , Vint•e - Bcittrillt4—jrio NW .. - 1
ing, Loather of all k 1.1.1 g; fot - V.ltch I N filoliitliirit
pricewili•het paid. -
Ef4•, Oct. 23, IS IT:
. ,
'di; Clot h-Ghtv•A QW
LIS . 9...,PA4P_Pri• • "- V 5
"Ronh amt,l4ee4 y