Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, November 13, 1847, Image 2

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    and wishing to spare her the trial, Reed turn - -
ed to his wife, raid said--,
"Dear Emily, I will truitble you to'atePUut
end gasome paper tor me. - •
Emily arose to do u 3 riVieited, and
was plug towards the (icor, nheti t looking
keenly at the men,. she 'stopped ..short,antt,
turning batk, placd herself beside her ,hus
band, and ) passing une ( arm around hitta,i?ls
though to shield him trowharnkabd
"Some •new trial awaits you, dear William,
and 1 must stay to see you through it. There
is nothing you are called to endure that 1
inust not try to bear with you."
• "Emily," said Reed, "you tiever refused me
Ought before: wilt you now recus.e to leave me
alone with the gentlemen, wheirl entreat you
?to do sol" • •
"No; . I will go," sail Emily, and she totter
ed across the room,' through"dm door, amid out
into tho lobby; , there, from utterothaestion,
.:aho,sank down upon a tench. -Emily was
frightfully mitered snipe her first introduction
to the, reader. The beautiful contour of her
form and face was gene; her figure was shrun
..ken, bowed, and tottering'With debility; her
face :pale, her eyes. sunken, and- her check
bones prominent; yet 'her deportment w,as
always quiet, and her i words were cheer
ing and reviving, so that many peeple said—
r"How little she is afrected by - her trials. -
• , ri t hey would kill mi." ' - • "
-Put such people were superficial obeervers.
there Was one who knew better; one who saw
with unspeakable anguish the daily "falling
off" of this devoteirwite; one that
the never rested by day war steps byLidg:Atc
one who fclt• that she was dying; yet her
words were always corn forting, aud, hey smile
was alWays sweet; for she,Coulii Smite, when
apeakin,g of redemption; of faith, of hope, of
God: of heaven.. ' '
.At the end of half nn, hour, the gentlemen
came out f c rom the. cell, and left the prisoner
without n ve'stage of earthly hope remaining.
When - they' had loft the lobby, Eniiiy re-en
ed' the
"Come hither, dear one. I ,nay not cheat
thee. With hope any longer. 11Iy fate is seal
ed, Emily°
If this death-stroke transfixed the heart of
Emily, no outward sign proclaimed it: Seat
ing herself on the stool-at -his feet, ,she took
his hands in hers, and looking up into his
face; she said, in a steady though faint voice,
khow it, dearest,l, know it, I • knew it
when yub Sent me out. I saw it in the faces
of those men. 'Altl do not send me from you
4 •
again. Let me stay vvitlt\ you, and .try b tu
,comfort you through all, even unto the last.—
"You kimw, as father said, I am not nervous."
"Illity Good bless and sustain thee; my an
gel wife. It shall be fig thou wilt. This is
Monday. Today, dearest, we must settle
garthly "matters that reqUire my utter'-
_after to:day, turn our thoughts from
the wolldTand lix them on -eternal things. I
3111/St see an attorney, awl - make my will: I
wish to leave , the children to the conjoint
gnardiauship l of yourself and -Dr. Ilyde, and
diorite resiztony self; yet, oh! Emily, when
ifilde letitilid yon; utterly unprotected, in
;the: dreadful position of 'a convict's widoir,
anct.iny poor old father driven into dotage , by
seycre attliction;:and, the. infant children with
a dishotiOred name"—
' '''"Gintliietli t " interposed the gentle voice of
histrife; iillaire'faith,lM•ve hope. The old
restOripeace. I will hear "up.
Thy children shall, be well reared.. Po nut
fear for them or me; think only of thyself, of
What thoti Wouldst yet have dune,- and then
turn to Gud."
The,n.ars of ,our conntry..cannot he
jlohu[ar; there is about the • people• of this
cou'inti•v, *native and natoraliod, a real attach
ment td- it; an itittitil4ive, "patriotism , which
makes them ready tis mrdoge 'its Wrong's, iiiiii
to assert : itsriglits, , even -:at , the it's-A . 0114(3M
and treasure., ~,liieud. •is,„freely..,tiestowedi
'1 money even yet_ more liberally, fur such a
pnrpose,:and opposition to our country
It was the .night.' preVions to the day. i thus engeoed brittg ivith it an niniversril oth
" i Which Must link thriae•ernhatked in it.
i u ?i n a i, jor
which the_execution.was fixed to . take I
nab, .Woirf the oldest and hest Amer-
The condemned lay upon his mattress - l a n ce t;
cir1:4411.?„ 4 -294;th.g.Attikikli,. ...,„,:
condemn d, _
an urn e svit ! lisp° ulcer opponents. -Mho
after ft ltwctinlsCape a, similar tato under simi
lar cireninstat ces?
~,We lire earnest on this
'stlbjezt; though' hating ,it, interest in the le- .
stilt. We %% ish to see, sensible menvact like .
sens . ild,epoliticians. .;Why war:against fate?
Why, seek to cut thiivn and prostrate rising ,
generations springing into power like a young
Ilerenles! Why itisist upon fi:;ebli hands
still retaining the staff' of power? ' Wd y may
struggle and struggle to retain power with
occasional success, ,but there. is n p tont
enemy which finally overpower us--deal),--
The sovereignty is in the people—rulers and
leaders cannot alivitvs make 'them 'hewers of
wood end drawers of .water;' and in this pro
gressive age, the young, the ardent, the ac
tive and the tabu, ions, will control t he desti
nies of *party and destinies of the country' by
theirnumeribal strength. We must endeav
or to regulate where we cannot control, and
strive to prepare that el, ss of Our fellow-citi:
Zeus for posst'ssing • nlln dding the biglt ofii
ces.of the cotiiity, by eduration, sound princi ; 1
pled, honesty industry, andlemperate hnhins
rhse.:c. once acquired, let them rule and tine
republic is i ,
. .
•ep ss ence was a engt) ro •et t
, sound of hammers;_ it fell unteMW mien 'the
ears of -Emily. After a • while, 'rising •she
passed.op and dotyu by the window , end looked
out; with a suppF.c!ip - it'ilArj 7 ,,c l overing,h9r,facer
hek WandS,she staffwered furwasd,,,and,
fen '"ifie'nee upon'
het knee's, ihellifthd tip her Ali •tt‘iirvoic4,-
• and I)l4Yed ,4 -• , •,;:1
~1304. ; tu4
,8 pa re and
' sVengthelkthy, handmaid a tpw lfours longer
that'the str?Chen - bnll doomed one befote thee
mitrilbt Wrthedenth'of •hiC'w•ife, - May not
knoly the,depth of her sufferings." .
Strengthened by this prayer, Emily recov
ered from . the effects of the shock that had,
well nigh brou g ht her shattered frame to dis
solution. And `though the'horrid gibbef,
tercepting the 'mohnbearns; threw its idailt
shadow athwart thud cell, and though the ham
mers of the worhrnen employed upon it sound
ed in hei ears', she inhintained her eninposure
until lie• morning. '::llay was scarcely dawn
log, .when the unhappy' prisoner
szeeip g Emily stilt lying upon. ,the mattress,
Le supposed ;lie slept, and, in w ardly thanking
Neared that It as MY ? resolved ttlarnid wait-
king her as long ws possible. • Arising and
dressing himself quickly and• quietly, he fell
neon his knees; at this moment Vainly arose,
``and i ,easning round; knelt he'side him. 7`hcir"l
pi - aver was fervent;'thni . !gh mit 'Fong. They
Mdse; their eyes- M "" et:
'.''bake. courage;• dearest,"iaid•
Reed. ."Our sharp :trial w ill soon . he_ passed,
now; and we feel the, supptirtlng arm of God,
do we not /
"Ah!'yest him/ far tdere - inereiftui ts . do - fl
than.mani" said _she.
!Art ihritir was passed in ettifttrtin,t,r and sits,'
other,, in reading the Scriptures,
Mid in . prayer the end of that time, the,
Wallet - 1 br p r ison eivereAl , - uShbiing . in Dr.
Ilyde, !their own belote - a Pastor; dd
Reedy the , fdt her; and the two el;ildren of the
Fels. ner :they lind,alt come farewell
the c.on.enined, except , t in
teinfedto remain' With 'hint to the Just.. Dr,.
ityde shook
,fiandg iifiVetiotrately
ham it anti 'Entilrt the old than threw
upon the
_Entsom .of his sua and wept. To
prevent . the enervating erfecr_ of.thei, sorrow
ful meeting; the' good pastor proposed prayer;
taidilielittlelamily•bo‘iedonce more; and for
therhist time together, befOrarthe Throne of
Mercy. When they ntoso from their prayer,
William Reed took his;girl and boy upon his
knees, and the old pastor, sat duty among
thertilrepeatitig from ti ne to time such
strOgthening • tests of Scripture as he
thpOsiiti.oppruptiate. - lied h ponr - an
hoot , thtis k t‘ IntA the . wa !den ppeo red, 'tit - ,
the door, and summoned Dr. who left
the reeltiii inStatit,' and, re-entering, took
Reed apart, and void—" •
I.,take your family home now';"
you please,,MY dears ir—And oh! remem
ber I leavq them in your care." l,,
The pastor pressat his haul,imstienee, and,
going up to the otil' ariu;' who 'l,6d,b ni ;pi ly re
lapsed into imbecility, he said, “We will' go
nos:'; t'fli old' roan 'made no ppositiun, and
he and the eltiAhlemulter' being ervently em
braced by,the • like; .11,
.1 i'pily
stritieMairied,"" , IVillithil Reed was thus left
alone Witt} thi3 IWO [icings . thrtst'bel ved and
esteemed, and most capable of awing, him
comfort, and strongth in, this- hour of:his bit tel.
exireiniffyi',.lipt . ,he ., ,
.pot., ,§,Q, happy, to be,
petntiitled tby rein alai the' 'few hours
of lire !Aim him'. '- Thc•iiinafel ,
soon; The calf dbor thr4 wit
Open,and the sheriff, the warden,- two eleigY:f•
men of t Offiiir,ent
.049 mi natiups, it cuitylo
nowipaper re porters, ,and apt tmilei ,turekev o
with' a' fargewkifetatintint 'thrown' ovdr' hts
arm, . pinta ictrig , eop in-lila band. These ere
needless and cruel insults, usoally, T and A lEbe
thoughtleptly, effe F ed to the capital
crirttlnal infrlierdity.Ofliii :execution., Why
f 110 id , "ictit "of perititiiii; 'With morbid
curittsily, he. obt rud od b Pim 'it-Condemned man:
i 1,4 Si-, Akw board h add •why
slintitd rt!ti.ud be placed ime hilliiyipg f4rrtle
Fin these ertte(tit! even" inl l l4bo l ll4''
a .viztrinnry as it H • •
prismter -- ;wit'.strindinti 'at ihi 'Cud of I
the - room fartherest from the door when these
gentlemen_fntered , lie was conversing with
Dr and Emily. their euterance
he turned' to the\ tormer, , and said, itt a loytt
"Yotonast take her haute now."
Andiurning to Enfily, he said—
"Emilyttny own faithful one! come to myl
arms core Enure; and stay your heartAi God,
my love;:We must part now." •
He strained her to his bosom in a last em
brace, then, relinquishing her to the bare of
Dr. Hyde, who supported her from the room,
placed her in his carriage, and drove with
her home. !I`4e drive was gone through in
perfect silence by both. Arrived at her house,.
the carriage stopped, the steps let down, and
Dr. Hyde, getting out, assisted Emily to
alight. Seeing. that she could not stand, that
she.was deadly pale, and cold, miller respi
ration short, quick, and labored, ho raised her
in his arms, bore her to her chamber, laid her
upon her bed, and summoned-her maid. Em
ily be dying; a cold clainny .eweat
broke out upon her blow, and she breathed in ,
gasps. , She had not yet, attempted to speak,
but, seeing the doctor linger, she said, in bro
ken sentences, and an expiring voice,
"Iteturn to him—do not tell him L am dy
ing--comfort him—sustain him--arid when---
when all is over—c , .me back-to me'."
With the, tears streaming .from, his. eyes,'
tlie pastor went to' execute his mission. lie
returned to . "ctindentned. cell, prayed with,
comforted, strengthened the prisoner; attend
ed, hint upon the,rcatiidd, receited his, dying
rerpiests, a nd,, in (tall: an hour afterwards,
toulechtirge of his remains, and having seen
them prepared for burial, went back "to the
widow! : • • "
found her lying in extreme prostration,
I Mit'stiMAble c.f his approach. She turned her
glassy eyes upon him. He did nig. tell her
I anything; it was neediesS. She saw him by
her bedside, and knew that all was done.
1) d ,Emily Reed die? ii ceder! the , heart
stayed upon ,God, however sqdly, sternly tried,
never hreake. And one whose feelings are '
always under the control of religious princi
lylo may bebruised Mid bowedibUt never bra
ken,- never felled. The tension had been long
i and tight—nature had Urea severely tasked—
( and fur weeks Emily Reed Itry trembling be
tween life and, death, in a state of nervous ex
-1 citability, that could not bear the sound of a
' funtfall,,orpie admission of a ray of light: i-i
-' to her darkened chamber, yet she lived; and it
lis wort of remark, that while Agnes Ray,
the undisciplined child of passion, was mad
-1 dened -by the sight pf her loVer's dead body,
land while her narents \yore left in childless
I .desulation, Emily Reed through her infinitely
'more severe trials, called on God, bore up, and
Aivel. Nor was her life passed in vain regret
i, unavailing gloom. She kneW that she
should best honor her husbd - turs -memory by
'devoting herself cheer-folly to the moral and
intellectual culture of Ins children. Site. liv
ed, and her life nas rich—rich iti the affec
tions of her children; rith'in the reiteein of
her friends: rich ill gool deeds: and iich' in
the hope of a bleOeti re-union in Heaven. •
A 'Nftwlfictnn,rr.'—A letter from - Mexico,
in' the Natiohal Ifitelligencer, relates an inci
dent-canurcted with the capture of that city
u hick not before come to our knowledge,
It appears that. rm the 301 of September, af
ter the il;'rliiivntions of Chapultepec had been
curried, and generals Worth andquittnan had
fought , their w,ay into the city, "and when our
Spartan bawl, liadmpticipated n•fiercer strug
gle during the en,unig, day, than that.which
they had filz,t" encountered, comMissirmers
wbed 'dispatched 'lrani the City' , of 'ffle);ico,
nn 01,4•,,part••ofktlre municipalinhorities, to
Tarlutiapt, tyagree upon terms of Capitulation,
'with ,the, G.eneral-in-chipf. . They. tirr,ved
about Midnight Mid continued their interview
until near dayligli,t, without accomplfshiug
anything. — Gen. Scott infortned:thein thin he
nould sign any paper in thecity.thut wifuld
out; and fbatos,thepliarl caused, him all
the lii.4s and trouble 'they could, he intended
his army slump march into the city in tri
umph, iinresitticted by any terms of capitula
tion whatever."
i;54,-10.":--:-In passing the store -of our
neighbors, R. C. ‘Vetmore Sr: Co., we saw
them sending off packfig,es of their Crockery,
marked “Oregon. - with as little concerti-'as
they wonhi sencintem to,Detreit. On inqtt
ry, de lear'nect that merchants from that felt 7
make their'fbgiiliir iriiis'id the Atlantic sea
board lot
country on mules, tind„aend their-purchases
"home, tr . ia Capejler9.:
Oregon City now containa, 1000 in
habitants. We 'learn that griods4ire sold in
large quantities and - nt good `itrtiffis' by our
brethren: ; They , htiVe - already'
'opened a - trade with the Sandwich Islands,
China and Poly nssia, betides a grpwing tratlie
ships.--:Journol ofemiunerce.
Fowl ~ MIL - LA - Eva Fatscaniis.,Th e
New 'York, Joapial:of
,CoAinierco ; cootctioa : a
letter the tat of
las( Sejnenibdr;rrodiktibiely
" \ , terdnya Frenchman meeting mein t . her,
fire,e,t,tEaldr,iiitglic.a,4ppihusuts9„.lljapaicyr i
we'are 11060 4;iT' four inillioiii`Pif l octWpoi },vi)o
nroubinit Atii t tkri'ca' a <on:-
istitutitinltO font ateporitto
.3eil • ... tatq.%; ( llqi.,9Br !thy lookoheitna;iitibased
r isti an ity y Our !ty,ttln,n t 4.. R4r j er i fiß , )m
!liens* ioll*pVe 4 d. ur ic t he or P irea4Y , 1
prhbliti t i6nt. I'll'4 in - I
I.IFOO will krifitirwti4tHerithik'uet(crili I
luovelneu is ryotuteiltrefi irrothir
, tioc j 1-41
CoNFl::ssiNa Tpu Diworfoti.74lportN the:
Mexiciihjmitiiiter ' toe dispatch to
the commanding general at Tama°lips, btiasts
.that• "dntingk'the,time:ilid•neg oF
tiat ions 'were goitig an s fap,ned. thqtattl,!,!if
natiOttat spirit; unit re = orga nized `the afmy.!'
This was directly against the' 'ciatiditiefis cif
t he:rirmisticei 'and - shows 'the" meastim 45F" 01'6
- enemy:, ;.honor.
,I„, - • - •
° Later From lllex co.
, Frotn digkew Orle* Pelta,kci 29, ,:,-,1 =
The'stearnithip Alabama, CO lain WAhdle,
arrived atJutArly hour yestqday meriting.,
The • new r ii,„_- , but tria:tiay--Ititer thwiliat
broughtb# thrOames li2;,ttay.l ; -i?
The.A.laharitrileft Nlra Crt;O
on thOth
'inst., Tampico:chi the 23d, and rains Santia
go on the 24th'inst., where she lay in a wile
for twenty-four hours withont having any
communication.with the shore. Being short
of coal, the Alabama ran iutq Galveston 004
morning of the 25th inst. ' i -
The news from the city of 14, ode°, brought
by the Alabama, is up - to the 7th 4nst. . ,
Dr. Gniven, a native tlf ilaJtinm arrived at
Vera Cruz, on the evening of ltith insefrom
the city of Mexico, having lef the capital on
the 7th inst., and, on the II t
.at 5 o'clock,
O. in., he entered Guainantle. Dr. Galtint
furnished the following intelligence of the
movements of 'Santa Anna, and of of in
the interior, to the Genitis'ofiberty, froman
extract of which, of the.l9th, we copy; r ''
Dr. Galven left the city o l'lexien On the
7th of this month and on the 1 th at 5 o'clock,
p. m., he entered Guathantla. ',Vlteredie !cant
ed that the force of Generaltiti'e had entered
shortly before, and so 6 uddenly and unexpect
ed was his arrival tlfat Santa 'ilitia•ltil barely
.time to get away by another quarter of the
towri: The Americans captUred two pieces
of artillery belonging to theorce of General
Santa Anna, which the latter (in his hurry had
'not time to remove: and also took two prison
ers, Col. Vega and the sem rif lturbide.
Santa Anna, after , leaving titramantle,
which he did at the Head of 1,000 hors?, was
reinforced by 1,500 men of the command of
General Reyes, and both 'ernaitted in the
neig,hborh od of Gunmetal° 1 i I General Lane's
departure, after which this town was again
taken Possession of by Geucirals Santa Anna
anttaeyes,•who, followino . ,, up the rear guard
of the Americans, killed 70),nen, principally
inebriated stragglers, and Kink ..A) prisoners.
The Mpxicans had two pieces of artillery with
them, one brass 12-pounder, and the other 16,
of the same metal.
Gen. Rea sallied out of Puebla at the head
of a pretty considerable force,,and was aWait
ino at the Pinal the approach of Gen,,Lane,
'whose Wanks and rear the Mexicans are re-
Ported to have been incessantly harassing.—
But we know, - and we are confident, that
though the Mexicans should muster a force
four-fold the amount of that which it is repor
ted that they have, yet Gen. Lane, the Buena
Vista hero, will extricate himself with honor
anti with glory from heir midst, and wilt form
a junction with his general, unscathed by;the
ordeal of passing through the soldiers of "S"Jan
ta Anna awl Rea. "
TIM decreo by which it was ordained that
Mi. Nita y 'Pena, shmild take chat ge of the !
supreme power, iti'Conjunctlion with two us- i
sedates, has been- repettied,i and Santa Anna
has again been called upon to assume the reins
of goverinnent—if it cam . he called one—and
the Command'cif the army.
General"Paredes is in Tulancingo;endea
voring—Uod with 'sortie success,' it appears--
to estubiish his monarchical:l stem ." HO haS,
of late, received sumo very important converts
to his' political principles.
'Gen. Valefiela is at - his hacienda, passing ,
away Us time as agreeably its he 6in—taking
11°,1)101;in the, national affairs. We suppose
lie is only piding,his- titne.
qen.Bravols in Mexico, quiet and on pit
role. •
The -semblanee' of the Mexicans fret - ern"-
!tient met according to appointment:nit:Zoete:
taro on the ;ith, bitt 'Owe not being anything
like a quorum presentointlng, Was done.
" Peace is as
' far off as eve , the feelings of,
I f
if ni
stpela said to be inOst strenuonsly up
kind.' rhe :Othe't leading men' itturgenerals
hare gone-for the meat part W Cuerimeaca, in
the tierra caliente.' ':• • , : ~.
'Gen. Palle ,l - son t'villi, a strong force,- was to
leave Vera Cruller the interior the 23d
of 'this triobtli. 7 ' Jr -'-o I;n , T -ft
, l 1 he followfnglettor from One of oar corms
poudepts announces the arrival of Col. Hays,
of Cie Texas Rangers..
. . -
Vint.% Ciiiiz, Oct. 20, 1817.
Ilmi. Ditt.m.—The so-anxiously-looking,-
for Col. Jack !Jays. the celebrated Texas ran
ger, has at last art iced, and is now encamp
ed three miles (ruin here, %%101,500 men. He
will start up with Gen. Patterson's train in
a few days. As . will see Out of the , pa-,
pers I send you. the rangers have already done,
execotioni and I do venture to say that ' the'
guerillas will be rather scarce in' a:few'dayi. '
•The, Colonel's name is alone sudiciont to
have a"Very salutary efreet Minn them. liq is.
Weil-kfIOWU to Client by reputation; and I ven
ture tri say, that' if he lidd "his regiment . ,
~. him; the road-from here to the city of
Mexico would be as safe as the road from
New Orleans to Carrolton. It is a great
pity that. hisicomrhand is not 'all here. I
think the - Cskinel is well deserving of having
his Whole command with him. A •few days
ago, I met the rangers returning from a mint.
They Itailfiilled a gnerilla,,dressed in a 'it',iex
ican colonel's mai fornWepaulets, cocked hat
—and all. One of the rangers had dressed
himself in the uniform, and it %%as an !utilising
sight to see the • ridiculous gestures., of. the ,
ranger. As Ishall,acconspany (ho Colonel
un his adYentures. you 'nay bear from me
Verea tier. , Yours, , : G . N.
• thiNFAAL JOtIN QuiTmAN.—This wor r
thy nifillnilunt otficer," who has been, faint
the first; one of the tnost noPular as he has al
ways been conceded tobe one of the most de
serving of the President's generals, has had
added to the compliment • of appointment
of Governor of Afexido; tlie distinctlon of a
salute of one hundred guns 'fired in his honor
by his folk w 'Citi3Cllll' Natchez.
newspaper account ,of this 'celebration, new
travelling the rounds, ,we fi nd a sort'uf bio
graphical sketch'' of the general, not. so re
markable for length as for the ntimber of its
errors. 1 General Quitman waS born in-Dutch
es county, New York, as stated; bugle nev
er emigrated to or, lived in Georgia, 'tier was
his ,fattier ' the Rev,. "Dominic Quitman, a
divine el the Reformed DMA' Chureh,"-:-hut
the rove end (that wits ancient
style and title) Frederick Henry quitinalypia: '
tor of the Evangelical Lutheran Church- of
ithinebe,c4,.pr,;,,for, twenty years. 'r More
President of a ilie Lothernn Synod of the• State I
of Nen' l'ork. was a tran of great learn
ing; piety tied worth, and • was: born, Ave.
hove, lathe island of.Cnrieoa where his fa_ ,
titer was a Lutheran clergyman bef6ro.
„Jain 4 1 •Quitman emigrated in carly, life to
blue; whieb he'imon,exchinigeil
~for; MisAis 7
lie grew' up to distinctiiM, high
iy appreciated-ai a man of 'talent an&probity,
•with few or no faults that we have everheard
? f„ "wrirm,.,frieris in Philailelphini`
rindijuleitl ,being.,lllo,linit brr e ther.
'of the. INV: P.'r;:ll , lnyer, 'of: Se: ' John 's
Ttlik:ltieet: -
Tim-crunr)er is theft tholatipirntione et tl' sal
diet honld„spat haye : heen, horn, of. such] a.
stuck. Tim venerable Dominic %you'd
"quaked with reit r, had any ono ever ,prei.eitiesi
i r kolii.ri I 16'1 We.'
fiarkingoiniiii.blii6d , rint fire,'-apAttelheightle
APPRite.ll9ll4 flbloogli the gates, of.,
Lue 2i . i P:74 . 31 / E r if i tMEr i sg i t'• P.
d Dminsalhativo-ighb.limtrican Bible So.;
oioy,;.hay,94resoicea,l,o,l„publioh. a ...,editiore, of-,
ttic,Bible,,,ip v t4o.;Bffoi#„lop,goog^e,..l, quid_
'Ojai there a r e topic (ban _ tweFit i i,{boOsaisl,,
I)alidi f fit
tboostiod niiir# Ate- eipietOd: le' '
•jail) the ni •Id
• !he- Sp : : I:
. l'illiiisi i Valtai . ;Tateciiitol.'of 'ill'ollakidii
TranseriM,lia nut& lit r:' Will ion -It Riehtiid
hp to:Y , l4lo;TCPiniiiithie wire, .11,0 ilin`Delta.
1r„ ikwill_doul4leftn.lopk,in het:fpr, an sxt r
tic le ni'cit'?i.pnally t ,ueyet•tljeeie. f;a),T ;tie 14.:
'veittec":' ----''''' : ''''
- ''
THE - 0
t 223
•••;.1 .._,: L
:Alcuneaiti TIII rjr
- a ng,
4 . '
, -4. • ..t...L_____;.....!
tios.‘ . E' t
agent to procure
• We Made an
the - Abelition vote of 0
was 677.„
• '• 5 . ••:
• • Who
WhO,is the chap tha n
fine fat Turkey_for Th ,
speak at once.
The losers of
will find n well told tal
true it occupies more
devote to light reading ]
of marlnge its beauty b
Letter from Thr. Van prima,
Ex-Pipeident Van
letter to the . editor of tl
in reply to ono A•onl hi
Presidency. As ever
this distinguished stal
create - n• profound send
fore our readers in on
prevents us duing r so I
Thosc who sn
splendid article-of Ci
friend Crain's on Fre
Aa we are' w fl ing t
t o' give our neigh
hors of the Gazette 11 the iolormation they
desire in regard to our views on aßquestionp,
we will endeavor to enlighten them on the
question of slavery in territory hereafter to be
acqioed, next week. ' , .
'a' Jean PaulFirlerick Richer, a gentle
men we'ere not personally acquainted with,
says I "No man can 'idler live piously_ or die
, i.
righteously trithout Wife."
.- Think,of tliat
end tremble, Messr . . Benedicts„of the Erie
Ginet,te and 'Fredonia. Censor: ..
' I
, r /1
111 . The editor ,4f the, Fredonia Censor.i
thinks the Democratic victory in Pennsylva
nia is no great shalcJs after all—,auso -why?
After racking his brie from the 2th of Oc
tober till the 9th of iiovember in yphtria' he
has found out that ciov. Shunk r cei%!ed 10,-
000 votes less than l t j te whig can idat, Gen.
Markle, in o+l. i at he forgets
. to tlroiv
tipt, Shook received 1=1,382 votes less than 14'
did in '4l, and that Markle that yewreceived
at least:1,0,000 nut pc votes, which in the : re'i'
cent contest.were cast for their own , eatidi.\'
date. - You had better try again, •Pratt. ' '
Tonnciscc Aptlist' thc Was. . ,
, , When` the Whigs curried Tonneitee.last
August'without pre the pre s r rind among them
our three .cotemporaries, claimed itas an ex—
pression against• the war with Itfoxico. .But
lo: tho•netv .whig . Goverffor, Neil t . 5. Brown,
in his . proclatnation for tile mustering of the
ten additionktornpaniel recently called for
from that state, takes occasion "to express his
gratification at the unusual zeal tvin i alt has
. n ...,,,, beaarattrtor. — 7t Isa :Osprey or pa
triotic devotion to the service of the country,
worthy, of all emulatio9 May the glory of
the ancient ,totith le*fen be theirs: . a glory
equalled only by,their terite.'': •That don't
sound much : like a verdi t.'against- the war,
I •
clues it? , , . •
W' The Commercial in speculating on
the result,in this. State, says ""The Locos staid
at home, and the Whigsidid the same,—only
more so!. Let the Whig remember this lul
laby game of - the crafty o position party, and
never be,caught by it." Well now,, , if that's
notrich,„we•don't know chat is? After the
Whig Central Committee advised the , Ikeep.
dark" 'qullaby". game in 1:a Secret Cirtiular, almost every whig in thir , State,
to turn round and lay the blame to 'the pesky
Democrats, is cool, if nothing else. ' We ea-'
peat if the editor of the Commercial should
fall and break his • neck, his administrators
would swear the Democra l ts killed him.
Glorious Noyi Jersey.
We received the new. of the brilliant tri
umph of Democracy in. New Jersey by the
election of Daniel IlaneS Governor by somo
24500 . msjority; last week Just as our paper was
going to`press. We had no time to com
ment, much leis to ko_irio a minute analysis
of the reasons why the wlligs were defeated,
as our amiable neighbor pfthe Gazette seems
to. think we should hive dime. The "peculiar
causes," we apprehend, tiric/r 1 redticed - tliiii.
fle lett t are 'that Mimes feceived more votes
than' Wright. It' is trt e the
r legiiilature,is
whig, ' though we did i not k ow it last
week, but the vote whiOli the
ived shows how, the: People . ft
the Democratic jpartylof the
is State, the causes that °per
us in New York Were not at w
have' triumphed by a pijority
calculation. Net, 'Jersey, too,
State,> or has been ail Lays cl
Whig party. Having been uncle
. -
that party so lOng, it is l not to
at, that the fegielattire is whip
triets were"fornied to flair own I'
long - I; tl!ey remain 80,
majority in the legialatn
ryland, Ohio; and Gporgi
:en in:t , ach of these Staid
:pie the Deinorm
• Ohio- D9eO
Notwithstanding Ale
succeeded "in gaining the
. . _
jority of six.on joint
exhibits otiecided'Donioc
Ohio Statesman publishe
sources which makei•thc aggre
Cratic ,vote 10.5M36; iFcacrait
Abolition, 4. 3 79.' , Democratic p
Federal,-1,563. 1 +--
07•Thb Stlitqrr a'sL
fact Piaiitp:llitiiiiii: dote to ox
paace?ialli4irsiiiiiBl t i i he' public
, r
i l l
,issued a leti•eplai; caliin. piiiin E
:the eeieinf'ediiiiiies' in tlie'Sf tc.
,ind,pay. , overoriinioity. i fte4
,fe ly,
ttuc'elitgatitie iiiSii , deei - t;e: the CO pni,
Ilya; The .
f ncctipt, 2 ,oB9,,appointed their ei;
Abo , National,Convention,i and it'
aro all for HErrar CLAY. I.
Joitithiin 111"brris,
'been electOd to Ciidresp; trom
fK the.
k ,
evenaber 13i 1544`;,,,:
o Siato at 1027—it
'8 going to bring us,n
niugiving? _Don't nil
he beautiful in fiction
icon our outside.' It is
tpace than we usually
but we could not think
. dividing it. " !
uren :has nthlreased a
!e Wilhesbarre Partner,
1 1 on the aubject"of the
1111'14 from the pen of
esman is calculated to
tion, wo will lay it be
next. Want of room
1 this number.
oke or chew, will find a
ars and Tobacco it,oar
;)ch street.
overnor re
lei in regatil
Unicin. In
1 . tea against
and we
xee'ecling all
lis a Whig
imed by the
the, reign of
)e s,vandered
ing; and so
command a
so in Ma
re. Ili
a; butt
t ie t'o'te giv-
Vat the peo-
show t
I sts!of Ohio
roty:a . ma
.opular Vote
et, the
ity. The
atic plu I
:'a table
tom official
ate Demo'J
13,822; and
aratity •ver
vlow of
l occipts o
i he offi
, cer,s of
'te , to' collect
tiort oi•cpp„
aid that Oaf
rei l iorit . 11as '
1 O t ii 9;,:,
t. P c: 0
1,4611 tC
lit the
I .111 - , :p
Whiloithe`. whigf resr4 a botare illtft
stantly“ilaiming, tee* okipaed to t o presetjt
war with', Mexico; and ttihold in utter abhitir.
rence silvers, for whatever purpose proseciir
led—while ?,bey weekly H teetn with i denuncht!-
tions ofihe Presidetqautthis cabintAt, and,M)
hourly hear it reiterated, that it is a dlittse,
holy, unrighteods, and a God-abhored war,"_ .
for which the people will hold-the authors'te 1
.a.latful account—we rire almost as oft e r t 1,11
that they, the whips, I have furnished al he
i .....
"heroes,” to fight its , battles. To us , sere
appears to be an anomely in this claim. We,
however, 0101 not_ dispute, .It would be
strange if there were no Whigs in either branch
of the service. But tho' object of,tht:se soon:
ingly, and : in fuct,"contadictoty claims li is ap
parent, and to that we tject. With the ope
they, IMpe to hold the limas of the party, - ,w.ho
like Corwin, Webster,lik. CO, would be,glad
to see the Mexicans "weleome" our army
"with 'bloody ha'nds and a 'hospital* grave:"
With the other they Would tickle the fancy
and deceive the under.4tandyng of those who
do not naturally belongto their party, but who
have becn.induced to act with them through
education or otherwise We said we should
not dispute this doubtful claim of Federal
ism, yet we cahoot refrain from ref urking
that while they : claitti a Scutt, a 'I aylor, a
Ringgold nntl . 11 ;Clay, the Detnocr cy may
point to a Worth, a Wool, a (Lonna n, a Pil
low, a 'Shields, a:Pieree, a KeurneY, a Bragg
and_ a Yell, whose deeds are equally brilliant
and whose faine'will et - et live in the breasts
of the American .people. But does this claim,
even were it admissible, absolve that party in,
and out:of Congress from the sin of "giving
aid and' comfort to the enemy." We think
not. When we point to the language of Mr.
Webster for proot that Federal l whigery isop
frised to the farther prosecution of the w9,y
we are ' told that the acts oflime individual can
;not commit the party in favor of a certain
course. And yet ( Daniel Webster has receiv
ed the Domination from two Whig State con
tentions for President.. If we poin t to the
language of Thotitas Corwin for ' , proof of aid
ing and comforting the' enemy, we are told
that he it not the whig party per e. And
yet, he is a whig candidate for President, and
his celebrated and infamon,sspeechhas been
`published and endoried by every Whig paper
in the Union. lf vo l e point to the records of
Congress, and show the nernesibf fourteen
,%vhigs whh voted against the declaration of
war offer o u r soil had been invaded•and our
soldiers murdered, and to the thirty-two who
At a subsequent session Toted against "giving
aid and comfort" to 'our soldiers in Mexico by
apptippriating money to buy them clothing,
and reinforcements .to enable them to cope
milli the enemy' we are met - with the bold
declaration that these tit - en did'not represent
the views of their i pariy. And yet,- strange
andllunaccountable- 'as it must appear, they
Cannot point to a single 1 newspaper, to the
l ' prCceeding,s of n single meeting, in which the
conduct of those members of Congress, has
been condemned. On the 'contrary ninny of
them hare been re , eterted. And now while
nation 4 •aid and comfort" by arguitigher cause'
and declaring their own government wrong,
they pretend that because there is' here and
there an officer, from a General to a Lieuien
'it Mexico who is a whig, that they - have
died" tub "means" and the "heroes" to
he glorious battles our arms have achiev
-Irat,,l therefore, the %Orig party is- not
ins been, opposed to the war. While a
body of the leaders of the party—sus.
...b)j the entire press, from the ,National,
Inlenige l ncer down to every country. sevenil
by-ninei-have united in dimouncing it, have
refinsed I. ?.vote supplies to tot carry it on, do not
indicate be peurse of the. Party, a feWofficers
of the army, who obellEd their, superior. and
were sent to Mexico, flu. 1* not this be:Anti-,
ful reasoning?--is,it not -prefoudly logicall?—
Certainly, and, upPn it rests. the.Avtig•
claim of supporting thelwar.
' 1
1 - Buehler Altulii' , Cry.
-. I'lle Richtnond, Enquirer 'very - portinen y
. .
remarks that it sees a great.denlin the W fig
press . against the acquisition' of tiny Mexidan.
territory, as the necessary and legitimate
&nits of the war.' be ig• horniliei- arepreach
ed, hewailing in advance the' rupture of the
Union as an inevitable consequence of ex
tending its limits. . Like the- Whig cry of
"ruin" to follow the enactment of the Tar
itiof 18.1(4 we look uponthesejerem, i s as a
hula touched with "panic," The Unit, is:'too
strong to be broken up by , such a cause. The
fanatics may fume arid fret—bet the ' patriot
lain and good sense of the people will heal all
dissensions, and every addition to our territo
ry which justice and honor shall justify will
confirm the power and strengthen the 'bonds
which bind our noble confederacy together.—
We are glad to, see that the gallant Scott, a
leading member of the Wliig party, looks up
on this matter in its proper light, and 'not
through the jaundiced eye of te' many of his
party. One of his' admirable orders in the
city of Mexico advises his soldiers of 'the
conspiracy of thiees, murderers and Ahem
priests to assassinate all whom they can catch
off their guard. He warns them to beware' of
the fate of the deserters to whom wore prom
ismr"lands in California, which our arms
have conqUered arid which will forever reniain
a pa,rt oleic United -..'lntefs.''
1):?; The Gazette of last, weak called our
"special, notice" to, some extracts from a
speedi of Mr. Senator Miller, of New Jersey.
We readAheiu . as in duty bound, but while do s
ing so the astoundingnew i a,c4mo
,tbat even,
New Jersey
,ii4d,repudiated lbe,doctripes of
this mati Miller in the Administra
tion baud tfr.;,war, „by., electing a DempFratiu
Governor by,2300 majority., ; Ariy thing else
you tivis ~ to cull t our " 4 1 1 ec,i0 0 1 iCo" to,
CE:r - Nu mdr d u 664' uri - hive lieetuffmade
of us as tO 4:lW.wiloretibents - of the'liAllOgrib,:
qiune,"'Who we inibrmetl'oui•itenderefionie tiVo"
weeks since purposed pti'yjnit Oaf City it stiff.'
They'weie: Buffalo . dtiribir the-pith 'w l ebk ? '
and undoubtidlibc:ltetriteitt: =`;WO:eit- -
pectitiriNtreai'WlielithEiy **is'
pf! dick citytiplak'itfriipt.iiies.ilthsloliiiusitiir
powers: , . v.; •
Thi?' . .,t'?yel,t.evillq' cre,np ;,:) haa
broke grooiid qe1111.:1.07jp,i0461,
I n t a
ia4d:tiOset,,ltt4 °le t
time no efrec't i or
-A War for oilortog4on or fl*tr7.
This ie a favorjio pliritO used by.lrhil
tots and orators herein file Northiti all
tirades against the !Adarinistratierf' anal
War, while at the! South the same p
bound togetherltylthe entire princlidcs, I` the s'arr4Lunhefrpassioefcir p
and place, the exact opposite is aScribe(
the motive which 'prompted ithe resort to
by the Administratiethand Congress..
are wrongi.•=botli have for their, object tl
raying of the South against the North ar ,
North against the South. Both eminate
their narrow views and Smite dread of
glorious progress of freedom. , Both are
libels upon their couotry, and countryn ,
both ere stehie-44 •tild.yitafs;, of :freedom;
both aim their poisonous shafts at the
principles of our free 'institutions'. 'Te l l
in their niati7.eal for 'parti/an triumph s
have perstra'ded themselves into the bel
, . .
what 69 say. For the honer of the
'can; nain6'we should hope so. But ill
,'either: Their itiigo hearti„ swelling
patriotism, and overflowing with' to
those ' institutions under which ( the
flourished and prospered, tell them i ii,. is
—tell'thetn it isa.lie, concocted for p.
effect. The war. unsought and tinpr
on our part, was foundby Congress to
by the actor the enemy, Wbo had pray
for years by outrages the United State
not have borne from any or any ten ki
the world banded to,gethr. Because
co was a, conquous .inter republi
wretchedly "misioverrie I" by “inilit.
starts," this4rent nation, with a magn
that has few i.)r no parallels in the p
history; forebore to resent in3urie-, the'
which brought the g i uns of. the Frenc
to bear with destruCtion upon the c.
San dua}i. Then,h6W has the War bt
ducted on our 'Fir . ? ' 'Withd moderiit
Europeans would
_hardly call war;
overshadowing),leoons, but every ste l
tittle armies, Taylor and Scott, eau!
the humanity of WashinLiton, have
the olive branch. The admiaistrril
pressed for the reception of minist rs, has
asked for negotiation alinost, as if o r arms
mere not resplendent wit c h victory in twenty
h,attles. The armistice in Monterey the ar
trii4ice at the capital, attest a desire for peace
and a wielqo spare entirely incompatble with
a war of conquest.' Those are dee sv.
ti l l
exhibit the American commanders i a pfeas
ing light, and will contribute to ou true re
nown. Like the sun after a thunder storm,
they shine above the deadly 'conflicts they fol
lowed. But Santa Anna employed the armis
tice in secret preparations fur hrecking it;
and such has been the whole character of the
war as conducted bite "military u l ;
Blinded by hate without reason, b
and false pride, they continue to- str
refuse all offers of peace, as' thou '
dence had predestined them,, air°
own downfall, to be the means of tilt /
atiOn of the- beautiful country, _they
i long despoiled, Should thii be the,
suit, what friend of his. species but
_I i • ..,. - .:.t,.;.-- q t...,4.1- -6., —dua l '
"resolves," may stigmatise it as a
extension of slaver • ; but the
4 4._ y . major
contitrylir lili'v that its Object is
.., ,
able:pea( I are prepared to -see
the adva. ut of true liberty
( A ice .
note, aCcompanyi
stilt in N orlrpfrorn.tlie editO - rt'
(lonia Cot laysti:k4llere is tha
port of „ours. Hotiv, 1.11) 1/01t like
Truth col - Ivens us to say
. we d
at a 1( v'eri helgssiwe doi.'t see in
for whig crowing over it, seoing tin
only half the party they defeated,
could'nt do even that, without the
paler half. .By the by,. Pratt, ho‘)
like the looks of New :terser? 1
The Willi ington Bine Ilenl'
tray's that Gen. Ckss,,our formes O
France:o nosy a Sdna tor in CcMgress l
inughtcsC.h6ol in that city. Mai
-pilesetit citize i s of , IViimingtmt
school to him • • •'
_. -
I - r
Thelloston Post says the
tion, of s.aripr, Corwin to„"withhold
and the intimatjon of tietior Wehste
Mill also v ote to stop suPplles;:will
'the Moiicans to hold out. When
of those pronunciamentes. in their I
thousand, murderers and robbers wl
Santa - Anna, freed from the prisons,
or darauta and "Oather Martin al
guert.illas will take courage, and, t
Senor Corpiiiiaadvice, will contiot
collie our rildiers to "hospltable
te,The Gazette Says, "Mr. W,
thus far e xhibited the sphlt of a fel
independent man."' such was n;
the language of our cottompot:ary
gentleman voted for the tariffof %W.
04,6 a difference there should be ';
dle-dum and tweedle•dee."
• ca — TbelVashington Un'ion sn
aylOr has asired i aed obtained
ience from army fur six mom p
11, ro c s greetinV awaits the old hero
[rieniis. •
The Staunton, Demn
iced the tag-df the Hun. James
for the Presidency, subject of th© 4
c.NatiOnbl COUVention:
CT The Sons of Temperance
creased in Pennsylvania, the last
Members, rind have now nearly 25,1
sting attacilied-to the various Divisiod
{The True DeMocrt in Ohio.
ed detyn,ttie mime of, Tom Corwin
dent,,,,hes.nttsp .he bus adopted th
ground QC) the WAltuqkprovi§o, <fiat)
rptiry," •
07'Hoh• 3 ; Mr:ff4tingt - on,U.
tpr frxiniUtAirie'oticOirild' at hiere
V7Enwni PAGswx.L., 1 .4 sell* ,
the Albany Argun, anti, for a quArte
tory apont ical ,wr •t- ite unimppot ,
• "
'annotinces his purpose to•retire'fro I
life. "
editot •ef
. .of a' Gen
;d abil ty,
n pat cal
' 1
0'4444 liVilent:siv; Esq., ed i tor of the
Demoetistia Union, it Harrisbuig has been
appointed Teat Mister. in the • morn / of .Itimea
.Rettoooki Esq.,' removed.' This sefeetion , is a
geed:onmii-jdr. Dl itiley 'will make a :fitteh
(Of. ankhonostotric. i We'cotigratulate,,him
,upim-bis•goed luck .. , 1 - • T -- . ,1
• i INGi %WS, OR THE VOID OF 4 ..- - /i:
-''' I --,• .. • MEXIOAN Willa.
- .
• cur ctitemporary of the Gazette is - NI - -
sensitive because we have at times &umi na ,
tedhis obits "Nlexican Whigs," hut we !}link
, .
he sanntitjail to agree With us that
-the (4_
lowing extract from the columns of hi, "1 0 47
ing=glasi; f ithe New Yor• Tribime, e nt i tles
its author iti that apnoll tion. Who b ut i
traitor all heart, could eloolv ;
indite such an is'.
famous article as •lae ' folioNviu'l. - If it hi d
been,tho language-of a foreign f 7 e, we s i t , itt l -•
r- f
,f. - ,
mit have beep' su ip risco at Ii t : Out cotning fro m • ,
. .
a man claiming_ to
,bean Anerifan rilizen, k
cannot but arouse; indignant! feelil -
nos id a.
breast,a every, patriot.
Ana yet this 1 ,4 1
I Glieeid ' y -is ibetwatt - -itlcal of a roe - whig - of --• ;•
more than - seven-cigliths)of the ,o d i t p of the' •-•
North, and a mong jr ;tlios.o se:en eighths !lily -
we nut reckon the editor of . I . l i.liiazeitel We - -
"-thinksb. Then why so seusitit:e because we
FaitsS him with the author of-the fullviii't - '
"Lovers of Peace! disciples Of the Prince
- of Peace the valleys' and piales of a sister' ' .
1 Republic are'smokingwith human gore! their -
l'streams run,,rearsto : : the revolting...seas. g ) :
crash' oc ail slot, am! shower - of gr a p e ,
I and rattle cif •muislietry, and tlnirst - of baydnet
many th ratt le
of nominal Christians are in.
I rnolatinf each-other. With courag,e in their
1 hearts, xecratious opt their him and deadly
j weapon s in tlier halide, e t iou.sand after thou.
iairds are falling into graves which are bat
• fuirow4 in the earth,. if so much as thtt.....
L. f' our times us many writhe horribly in keep. ! :
e'Sktorture from &vounds receited ire dearly -:
i,•f i ral.-- , many of them uncarep for, awl asps - i
eilio every privation aid want:- These ar,
yoiir brethren! do you care nothitefor then _I
"Five time(s as many Mexicans,---guilty d l
( the
_dime if. , endeavoring to defend thal! , ,
• country Iron' inv' iision, 'their, liberties froa
subjugation; THE/it HOMES F/1.0201 FOII.V/10y, ' i
TIIKIR WIVES AND D./1/Giirßa FRosllntl • .-.
'Am) OUTRAGE,4 /
sleep with ,' UT In hteqt
noblest graves or writhe .• I. re nn bul l -,
or unutterable agony.
~- -
' ' 'tint
parches•their lips, but no minister ng
assuages it; no food cherisheS, tui fire warm, -
I thousands whom infernal, war has) trampled,
i over u nheeded, and swept past in its relentlea
fury. hundreds die thus whom/ seasonable
1 attention• would have saved; hundreds are wit.. ' ',
difficulty, saved to ihng out a fe l iv years a
useless torment. git every sidl,are sAtrei •
limbs, fractured joint-, mutilated' ,lia.lets,totc
harded cities whose tlWellings have cr ilhel -
their inmates beneath their ruin,s. ,
"Combatants, men, are not the only %;-'qllira.
' Hundreds of delicate, shrinking women,; of iu. '
nocent, fearful children, 1 hove expiated aft
Glicirlite.;• 4 l 7 te'rrinte of heiv burn in .11exiel
Benea It.i the w reek of their humb.shintereU -,--,-
hoihes, li4-s----fily buried, concealed froii met :.
but ever-present to the. eye of Clod, pi ea. i
meerkeil by thr stem .Iccusing angel.' Lott .
at them. lAI - 11IORS - OF THIS INFD-':
NAL BUTC/ I Eftl",, and hasten-to arreot yoz L
w ark of tinin."l • , I I I!
“A tul still - t i re work of death 'goes pi?, ss
still the glare of htiraing houses, the sinpke a
human gore, the groan~ of the deatit4sricket.l',
the , shru•ks of slaughtered innocence', gaol:,
ung•a,ingly to lleaven. The voice cif .rnouri .
ing begins to be heard in our cities and took: : :
—the tears of the • heart-broken widow, ft! ,--
desolate, destitute orphan, mil dle with I.ti •-•
j poison the cup of our prosperity : ei.ery braes :
I from the South bears tidirage-e, f 'woe to fain
lies he{ - ore inismitten, and the, bulletins of fit
torjy and conquest are unsurpassed in length '
belthelists of our killed and Wounded. N. . - .1
this in 'the victorious, conquering Unito
Stlates—think,then. of the shrieks °flacons , - 2
tila i 7 loi l o c s i e n o e t C : eh '
la i t rn, t i:e rto s , l i l e d it 71 :
i r : iecgot been 7. fi 11" e : I t c , k: low j n°"l Ihu ie n nd t k . 7it h e l do i :1;:i long
g: : *; rte : ! : : '
rims, 1 , 1 ., ,, teh ,, ‘ 1, 1,ei ' ,1
fier d iai a ber r dir: k esot:t i f‘h
,l s ,iern t ec t ieenue_)
bravel b ,d l i ei t i
their' natin ;
land f ag - we. if"( were as. ailed, would Mei
o llt ir ;I : C I I E 'S' i l t l i b l r ili:,T 'EC b ecause O they Nl ? C )-; la l t '- n E ot C lC ct: ; :
tal3. of
s i e l n t tt . os i:r i reti c o le o ra t : t r r n - t y ii mc, cl 1 1 ), of their.,countrv,l
to • otir driminix
as our tillerl cliott'se to exact? SHAME Yff
'Lovers O'pea,ce! ChristiatieVirctorsofq ''
State':[ c :: : :r k:er a ppea l
il : Yul‘l il ! l:blido:3(6:dutiill'ee:nce
treeC iidlle'a:i:s:uthrs;:
vibp : l;laiiYlefcti l elY : l
! I keinisSpe2trnalllailn tela ll i
insured ! :'' - I I - - ,
I, the
* I-
d the
! free
jef of
I navy
!stle of
'on that
I ith no
of our,
l lous of
ion hag
ogle and
h I'rovi-
gh their
rogen r-
la% e so
grand se-
WIN t, con
ty of our
it end •in
f ig the re
f the Fre-
good re
it?' El}!'
n't like it
ch chance
and they
elp of the
s Chicken
Thisannual• festival and day of prsish aid
thanksgiving, is appointed by the Got eraorol
this Stdte to take place on.the 35th root, tad
that the hearts or distant friends may vibrate
witti`sionilar emotions,' the Governors of len
oral other Sta'tes have selected the same du
for the same purpose. In accordance with
Otis recommendation, It is presumed thatal
business avocationswill he, for that day. otti•
ted. Let, the mechanic lay'aside his ham:4 -
=-41)e merchant close hip store—let the clerb
have a day of relaxation and rational enps
meat—let the printers and editors-drop
type nod pen. hi short, let us all itnprct
the day as we should,, in giving ventltot
tide of gratitude t tliat must flow from al
heart s if we hilt siqp to think of the nmheren
blessings which a; ghat Providence has ihrair •
around our pathwayi r If the stores and, shP.P
are once closed the -customers wi,ll jam; think -'
of finding them open 'on such nal occasia
hereaftej; • and if the customers abgtain frog
patroniiing. those 'ivhom avarice induces IP
keep open doors, t'leyev ill not hereafter bare
any inducement to dd so. - If all will unite
shall have Tuarfasutins.
Minister to
by l of the
'went to
r 'that he
they hear
favor, the
om Senor.
and Path
d all the
Isting on
;e to
ilmot has
rless and
t exactly
vhen that
'bet twee-
•t4•odiLimo Coming.'
The New4 - Intriiikhire Whig convention
the Boston post, passed a resolution 7
mending Daniel Wi.bAer to the national
se of ab
A gen
mong his
vention as a candidate for the presidency.--
Thit brin,gs.lrito in direct collision with' loha
whoni!the whigs of New
shire elected to ihe Senate, and Irhoti
the liberty convention in Butt); nominate
for President i bv a votc; of 103 to 44 for per
rit Sinitiiii»d:l2 scattering , The struggle
of these giant, minds and fa - vorite sons o!' ; Neir
flamPshire in the senate will be terrible, id
their wrestling before the' people fearfully,
sublime. They will play at shuttleco j cit
the thUnderholt of the, Wilmot. Proviso.
• (r-,
crat, fins
uchan an,
ecision of
have in
ear 8139
'OO pct.-
!has haul-
or Presi-
The following, from the Toledo Blade,
will, heinews to a good many in Penpsylvanii. - ...
Wd yes tis; wled,ge that the Ito('
we've'lleard that there Were any conservatives -P .
. -c 1
elected to -the legislature.
€4'eniiylvania holds her Whig majority jo
the Senate, and, tuista,suiricient-mumber of-4
conservatives in the house, .to. -act with 61 4111;
whigs'on many impoitant questions.
The Telegraph must ihare Urent:thtclei
Toledo in the night." -
more tfr-
S. Se n-
Complimentary. Gi
The Dehttyttre County Repubycan, a fierce [lt l .,
to the ''''.
Fecteral.papet, thus gays its respects ,
members of its own party: • . - •' ,.. ..4.
"Tke via systrin" (Ideated the . w .,o hill 0 - :
Pottnsylvailia, this I'o. A re . 4. , h 4 poc k.
fire on a Whig's buck, or It '
Toles, le the crilY :--:,-:,
eti eating up his spec.. ie ti enough
'thing which makSile's ' him. Ile may then, *::15.
that somAyuire %lien election takes Oct. - , -. ..i .
prob."' , ..