Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, November 13, 1847, Image 1

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One copy, one year, in a
Otherwise, two dollars a y
charged. These terms will
in all e SC&
Adver isements inserted
of the iir t insertion, and 2
sequenti ertion.
Job Printinz, of all var
Pamphlets, Handhills,Shot
boat Bills, Blanks fot Note.
cuted in the beat style and o
T. W. blO
Dealer in Groceries. Provis
,&c. No. I. Perry Block,
Attotneys .at Law. Office
many [lan buifiling,north
'Dealer. in Dry GoOds,, Gr
`aucens Ware, Lime, Iron
Clicapsitle, Eric, Pa.
JOU 11. MI
County and Borough Survey°
Buildings, French at., Erie
AND Dealcro in Lehigh a,
and Produce getter-ay.
tion paid to the sale of Produ
N 0.3 k 4 Coburn Square, S I
Buffalo. N. Y
Attorney and Counsellor at L
State st., opposite the Ea t le
Attorne & Counsellors at Lail
,iltr l xt, over S. Jackson Co'
'April 24, 1917
Dealers in,Porelun and Don
Ready Made Clothinz, Boot
S.e., No. I , Flemming My
Erie, Pa,
tterneys and Counsellors at
Sixth street, west side of th
Erie, Pa.
1.A1.11111A1111. W. A. fIALIWIAt
Iralers in Watches, Jewelry, Si
scr, Plated and 13ritiannia %V
itary l and Panty Goode, N 0.7
Pa. ,
%V 11,141.13/ 8 NV It
%/totes:de and Retail Dealers In
cerieA, Hardware, Crockery, I
Nails, Leather, OilP, etc. et(
'street and the Public Squa, °PI
Tavern. Erie. Pa.
N' 1141.1 AM HAW
3shinet Maker, Upholster a
State Street, Erie Pa
Physician and Surgeon, office o
' , fist or the Methoalit Church,
" j wel - al Forwardina, Coneeniesio
Merchants; Red, Wars House,
hellenize. Erie.
annfaeturefs of Ting Copt
ware corner of French and Fift
on Founders, wholesale and'
Stoves, Hollow-ware kc. Stat
'holcsalcand rata i I dealer: i D
Dya Stun ,Groctriaa, fLc.No
Erie, Pa.
C. M. TIM: ;
eater in Dry Goods, Grocerie.
Cheapside,lE.rie Pa.
'eaters itt Dry Goods, Groceril
Mend{ Block, St4te st.,Erie, P
aim in Orn.s, Medicineo, Nuts, Oils, Djre,
ntuffe, Glass; &c., No, 6 Reed Haute, Eric-
, -
orwardinz and Commission Men:Ml.laq; 109
Frtandi Strect, Erie, and at 6dr Street Canal Ba
sou, Oro-dealers in Groceries and Provisions,
'calzr in hardware, Dry Goods, Groceries, Et c
east side of the Diamond, and one door cast a
the Eagle /lota, Erie, Pa.
Y L. Brown, come el State atrect ,and
the Public. square, Erie, . Eastern, Western,
and Southern Stage office.
aohionable Merchant Tailo;e„ on the rubric
Squarc,', a few doors west of State meet, Erie,
Dealer in Theological, Miscellaneous, Sinnday
and Classical School 13°019 Stationary, etc. etc.
No. 111, French Street, Erie, Pe.
P.. 1. it. BR ACE,
tiorni and Counsellor saw, Prairie du C ten,
W. . practices in theconnties of eta% ord,
Gym and lowa, W. T.and in Clayton co nty,
lowa Territory.
IarFFEE.F3 , series of School Books, I, 2,
3, 4 and S, for sato at No. 111, French St.
Erio, 'Aloy 6, MP: ' 51
to &it Street, early opposite the Eagle Hotel.
. Loomis 4. CO. arc now receiving from
• New York and opening at their new store
n extensive assortment or Rich and Fashionable
' EIVELRY, (embracing the latest style f of work
n market.) watches,Clocks, Plated and Hrittania
rore, , Fintt Cutlery, Steil Trimmings , Corp/ant
'ld Solar Lamps, Looking Glasses. Gold Pens,
ogether with a general variety of tacliall and Or.
atnental talkies. Call and see what you will see.-
June 26, 1617. 6
Cash For Flax Seed.
CASI - 1 will be paid for one . thousand bushels of
Flax Seed by CARTER. fit BRXITEIE.R e
Auk. 27, 1817. No. G, Reed Honse.
SUSIARS.—Loat; Crushed, Pulverized, Clad
lied, Porto Rico, Habana. New Orleans Su
gar, foi sale at No. 1 Perry Block. •
23. T. W. MOORR.
• TORN CIRAHAN , Proprietor. The
gi subseriber would respectfully inform
bill friends and the traveling public gen.
era y, that he has leased for a term of years this
new and. commodious House situated at / the
Eighth Street Canal Basin. This location ren
ders the " WESTERN " pre-eminently the most
convenient and desirable stopping place for all
either doing business or traveling on tbe Canal.
There is, also, attached to this estab lishment a
hrne And convenient Stable for the mite of Boat-'
men ann ~ h ors haying homer.
Ng pains cri—woense has been vim? Acting
si t this house f or sonvenience. comfort and
Pl e rire qi V ests ' • troprietor trusts by
attentien to business tp .nd receive a
fittare of p ublic pst roils gr.
Erie, April t, 1817.
. , .
. . . _ , , •, . .-;',_:_
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T'' Itt-E„--.•,, ~ . _
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stimmimmimmi;minoni - or
ERIE, P...
A fair Southern city lay reposing on
bank of a ;nighty river, like Beauty upo
Si 50
ear will invariably be
be strictly adhered to
arm of Strepgth, and smiling upon the b
of a bright summer •suii, like Innocence i
love of God. The sky was cloudless an
t 50,cents per square
cents for each'eub-
air was still and filled to faintness with
sties, such as Books
, Bill s, Cards,Steam-
~ Receipts, &e.
perfume of flowers. Early in the Enornini,
dew-drops had been gliteriag on she leav: l
every, tree, shrub, and flower, in the lo
gardens of the city, ea the air had been v,
with, the sweet songs of birds and the :I
ons, Candies, Fruit
tate street, Edo, Pa'
—_-,. •
p stairs in the Tam
flits Prothonotarys
voices of children; now the dew is exit
from the &were, the songs of the birds
hushed in the shade, and the children
houstid from . the burning heat. "Bright
of the smith! the hour of thy doom has co l ,
The Angel of the Whirlwind 'is hover
I Nails Ste.
No. 121,
over thee, albeit thou dolt not so the sha
of his Wings.
; office in Exchanae
Suddenly—in a moment- . .-flin the l twinkling
of an eye"—the sky grew blacker,than night,
a noise as the roaqng of -mighty waters and
"the rushing of migt4, winds and the !ma ti
ful city was a mass of blackened ruins. In
one stately mansion, a host had assembled his
guests around theconvival board—lhe wine
glass was in his hand, toast upon his lips—
the tornado came in power'—and host and
gusts, with house and board, were buried in
one common ruin. In one dwelling, a gray
haired many full of years and good deeds, lay
mating the coming of the Angel of Death.l--
Around him stood his decendents to the thud
generation—a strong man in the pride and
glory of mid-life, a fair matron, a young mai•
den, and an infant boy. The Angel came, but
in the Whirlwind! and the aged grandsi e
and stately ion, placid matron, blooming m i.
den, and laughing infant, were included in ii
mission. In one happy home, a feeble but de ,
lighted young mother pressed her first gni
,newborn infant to her bosom in profound jo ,
while the husband and father regarded h i
blessing in deep gratitude ." The terns a
came in power, and the youthful parents a d
their cherub
, baba` formed " a holy family" in
Paradise, Deep in the fragrant shades of oi
,ange groves, a youth and maiden strolled-Tr
the youth was:pouring out his Soul in love a 'rl
raycr, while. the maiden listened with dee
joy—the tornado came in power' and th ,
youth and the maiden became one angel ii
tic. CO.
Erie Conl, Salt
Particular often•
e and purchase of
i .
.uth Wharf.
U. pnwus.
1 49
W ; Office loo. 2
Hotel. Erie. ?a.
Office on Freni:h
Is. Store, Eric.
Si Co.
esti,: Dry Goods,
s un l SLoer , &e.
-lc, State. Street,
Law•—Oflice on
Public Square„
vet., German Si].
re, Cutlery, Mil
eed [louse Erie
I _ i
Dry Geed!, Gro
1 . corner of State
()site the Eagle
There are whirlwinds that scatter our fain t
fly circles, There are tornadoes that devas
tate our hOmei. There are thinderbolts the
fall at our firesides. Ido 'not here allude_(
common sorrows, to reverses, to sickness, o
death— these "
may be called the familiar ran
and wind, thunder and lightning, of the (nor p I
atmosphere sent to soften and fertilize, to re
novate and strengthen. But the moral whir -
wind, the social tornado, the thunderbolt to
the hearth has a deeper and more fearful mii
sion: Those warn us of the fleeting nature
of riches, of the brevity and uncertainty cif
life, of the conidint overshadowing of the
wings of death; these of the instability of h .
rnan.virtue, 1.,e frightful power of pa •
sion. .
Upon almost any day we may take up
newspaper, and, running our glance over it,
columns, we may read, here of a auieldeohe
of a murder. -Do.we ever reflect that i .the
day previous, Cnay, it may be the hour '
ous, the miserable perpetrator of that mord r
or that suicide had as little thought to comm t.
the crime as we have at this; and that his Or
her family circle was as uutirepared for such ,
a stroke of fate as our own is'at this name t
—and—are we warned? And when we fe 1
the?same assions that maddened the suici e
or the mur, erer stiring in our bosoms, are v.le
alarmed? - think not. We are all too 80
too htto upon the criminal as a wretch 11116
has fallen into a sink of crime and degradatio ,
which it is impossible we could appreach.
Ah! yesterday, perhaps, yon murderer walko
with head erect, as proudly, and
ourselves, unknowing of the chasm epening
at his feetiand now he is astounded or stun!.
ned by his own fall. Are we inclined to be
lieve this, and pity him? No, no; our voi+
areloud in indignant virtue. Rivet the fetter,
close bar the prison door, and erect the g -
lows! and, in the pride of an irreproachab O
reputation, we thank God "that we are not s
others." Do we ever think of thanking hi
that we are not tempted avathers? , 1
It was a 'pleasant picture, that scene f
home comfort. Let me describe it.
It was a middle-seized parlor, the floor w a
covered with an old-fashionedTur ) ltey carp t,
so thick and soft that the foot Seemed to sink
into the rich oriental fl owers that composed
its pattern, and which looked so natural ore
could almost ,fancy,the , odor perceptible.
Two large front windows Were hid* by long
and heavy curtains _of crimson damask. !A grand piano stood in the recess, on the left
of the fireplace; a marble-top vier-table, cov-,
ered with richly-boted . anaualer, fi ne engmV
ings, and the 'flaagatinesier the' Month, Was
placed in the 'corresponding facelift, to the
right, and near the windoWs." Above the
chimney-piece, was a fine old-fashioned tn+-
tel tnirnar, reaching, froM thence to the oetl-;
ingt'ark4 ; reflecting the
.whole alantnett; apt
the full-length images,cifine group around the
hearth. Over the piano, entirelytill i ng up tt
op 0
/ wall above it, hung a fine old painting, awl, -.
ter scone; a companion piece' a *Wiling suM4
titer landscape , occupied the
spice on the W i ll
above the book table; arid ' off moil iiiiiii hi
spot Was placet . cholem specimens of the pi ' t='
er's or the iculitor's art. Now, observe a
scene around Ate . cornfortable fire of ambito to
coal. A , round ,contra. table, corsred wi ,a
rich cloth, is.. drawn up immediately :in titinit
of the fireplace. AOOO it stands a bli blaal f ie
Oar; lamp, diffusing.' soft ibrightlight allot
the - . scene; books nettespanerly an , *pat
work-box, open and in disorder.'" , rivid
Seventh Street,
1 1 1 , an Produce
ast of the Pub-
and Sheet-Iron
stre ev, Erie.
etail dealers in
at►cet, Erie. Pa
isgs,Med id nes
S, Reed House
r ,
&c., No. /,
?om the Nalloaal rta. •
The Thunderbolt to the fle a
4 1if i UR& 16141N6 S. D. EIOUTIMOD.TH.
" The hour of the noon pas
goldrimmed spectacles, laying between the
leaves of a pocket Bible, to keep the place.—
To the `left of this table, and between it and
the fireplace, 'stood a sofa, not one of those
hard, uncomfortable, horse-hair concerns,
yclept spring -bottomed, but a' soft -luxurious
lounge, well supplied with silken cushions
filled with down, that might have been the
delight of a sultana. Upon this lounge reclin
ed a young woman. She is not, indeed,
"beautiful as a poet's or a painter's dream,"
unless poets and 'rioters dream of large,
fleshy young ladieS, who love butter better
than Brous, eyaterii more than Onion, and
even prefer IL basket of . finn strawberries to
the best-executed painting of the same. But
she was a beauty for all that. She was young,
not above nineteen, and, as I have hinted,
rather on a large scale; tall, cull-formed, with
a round, fair face, large, lazy-looking, brown
eyes, full lips, and 'Soft, ehesnut hair, parted
over her forehead and gathered into a knot be
hind. = She wore her fine hair thus, not from
a love' of simplicity, but merely because it
wa's too much trouble to dress it any other
She had pushed away the tabouret from un
der her feet, It was so hard, and having roll
ed down over it the downy eushiond from
the lounge, she sunk the dainty little i \ mem
bers in its softness. Near the feet *this
young 'woman, an infant of three years
the very image of his mother, sat like la lazy
little Turk; crosslegged, - upon a cushion, nurs
ing a lapdog, which was sleeping In his apron.
A babe of eighteen , months, of a more viva
cious teniperament than her brother, who had
been crawling aboutthe floor, upsetting every
one's comfort and temper, had, in her "explor
ing expedition," found a splendidly-bound an
t nual, which, after the manner of greater Pow
, ere, she appropriated in "right of discovery,"
- and sat down quietly to tear up. Opposite
the sofa, 'in a large easy chair, reposed an
old man, - with white hair. Near him sat a
young man, his son; be was the husband of the
indolent young lady, and the father of the
fent boy and girl. .1 must pausal° describe
this young man, the centre of so many deer •
affections, the suppOrt of so many Loved and
helpless ones.
He was a strongly-markea specimen of the
nervous and sanguine temperament, tall rather
thin, with light hair, light .blue eyes, and a
complexion as delicate, transparent, and vari
able as any woman's. Yet there was noth
ainugultirtforniugYytftmilrlietr."Th—e-b-reat Wow, the
Roman nose, the spirit, fire, and authority of
the eyejformed at out ensemble the very anti
podes of effeminacy. It was well A told you
that the young man was the husband of the
young woman upon the sofa; you Would nee
er guess it from his manner to her, which is
quite as attentive as it would be towards any
other lady. He is leaning in his chair now,
his arms are folded, and his glance is fixed in
sadae on a full length portrait occupying
the s pace between the two windows. There
was a wild, startling, unearthly aspect in
that portrait. It represented a young girl, of i
fourteen years of age, of sepernatural beauty, '
• thin in form, and dark in calor, with a wealth
- of long, black, shinning hair, 'descending in
tangled ringlets even to her feet, anti eyes so i
I large, so black, so bright, as were never seen
1 in a sane creature. One dark arm supper
? ted a harp, the other was clasped across ha
t chords; the face, stormy with expression, was
• faired: the-crimson cheek: the bright lips
were breathlessly apart; and the large eyes
• were thrown up, glowing, blazing, sparkling, 1
as though they would explode. A visitor 1
once called this picture the Music Fiend. I
was once about to nquire, if it were not a 1
fancy picture, repr senting. a beautiful man
iac, but the expres ion, "poor Ida!" falling
from the lips- of . the young mother, as she
stood looking, with me, upon the portrait, ar
rested my words. Years after, I learned the
history of "poor Ida," or, as I should rather '
have called her phmnzied Ida. I fear to touch l i
upon the revolting story of Ida's stormy pas
sions, their criminal indulgence, and the
frightful consequences resulting from them;
yet as these consequences were fraught with
death end devastati l 'on to the little familycir
cle before us I am compelled to sketch it
slightly, but first to, glance at the past histo—
ry of the family to iwhose fireside I have in
troduced you. The white-haired old man in
the easy chair is Mr. Reed. Ho had made a
fortune„at his business, and retired upon it
some years previons to the opening of this
story. - He was then a widower, and his fenti
ly,consisted only of 6imself, his oriii i son Wil
liam, and an orphankrand-niece, Ida de Rezia
The mother of Ida( had married an Italian,
she being a native-of Ireland, and in Ida were
conjoined the strong, deep, passionate nature
of one parent, and the hasty, impulsive, eiita
ble temperaMent of the other; with these an
indomitable self will, and a defective ju ge
inent; formed the organization of a being im
possible to be' governed, and incapable of elf
control. Ouch 'seaside de Rosie, left at ten
years of lige,. by t.her deatil'of her parent to
the eire'siad ebltin 6of the aged Mr. Re .
parent to
Williamitill'i return from lia a nd
ilnivehtititi'Wheti da was about fifteen 'y * ra
'old, his imiginaticin Wei Completely eiptiva
ted by his Illais4e cousin, and; stringed
ewillithsbie. heart year). Strangely, for
two.peoplercould. more diametrically ot
cite lo • Character sentiment) as tee
personal appearance., Howeyer, love
dick, lir he noverJoed any other women on
a • l
' r
C l ' 'ai t te A k- 11°, F*l lll 4- ERAY -:
May,- the, fel
10.-lehreel,..he . afterwards , married. , Sot 14
Jeughtelkift *MIN* pollen ,to seem , li
Wee j entirely, too commonPlacefor her ima it
ative Itlysinp. - ' . - •
About tim * ttjlgedian of great hi
~" i a ppeared upon the boards of tits
ingest tisitiiiiiabieettiticityileat44. tldeec
cogniattliiiiiiiinClee family oneete 'lteol l igt.
'it yiait'ttie;d4 lime 141 'O4 oi: entered a
t histle, am *a her party took their sesta in
the dress circle, she was too new, her beauty
too unique, and her interest in all that was
going forward too fresh, nut to attract atten
tion. Ido not know whether there is any;
thing in magnetic fascination ( or not, but I do
know that, unmindful of the crowd, uncon
scious of their strictures theburning,gaze of
Ida was fixed with rapt joy on the speaker,
as she listened to his eloquent ileclamation of
the glorious poetry of the piece; and that soon
his glance fell upon the - , entranCed girl: and
that ever after, during the progress' of the
play, when. he had occasion to face the audi
ence, in giving many of the finest passages of
,his part, his glance would rest with meaning
upon the face of Ida, whose cheek would
glow and whose eyes would burn beneath the
look and the words.
Upon the conclusion of this piece, the "star"
inquired of . one of his friends who that enthu
siastic child was that' sat near the centre, of
the dress circle. He was told, and, having
the entree into the most genteel circles of the
city, he soon found means to effect an intro
duction to the family of Mr. Reed. The siml
pie, unsuspicious old man, and the high-mind
ed young one never dreatned of evil intended,
and extended their . hospitality to the profli
gate, whose name was Vinton, with the most
aincere pleasure. 'His intimacy withthe fain
ily continued , during. the whole time of his
engagement in the city.' In thii; time, he
had obtained a complete mastery over the will
and the fate of his intended victim, and, at the
close of his engagement, found no difficulty
in making I her his companion du voyage to
, Europe. lle was not Wholly influenced by
the passion of love; vanity and cupidity bore
their part in inducing him to • carry. off the
beautiful and gifted Ida. In addition to her
remarkable beauty, Ida possessed an un
equalled talent for music, and a voice of sur=
passing elody and power,•with an expression
of musicndescribable, but which you will cun
derstand ten you look upon her portrait.—
Vinton k
l ew the full value of - these gifts in
his profeaffion. It was he who called her
"The Music Fiend." His vanity therefore,
was gratified by the thought of introducing
into the principal opera-houses of the capital.
of Europe a new "star," of the firta magni
tude and brilliancy, and one of whom he could
call his own, without the ties of marriage.—
His cupidity was excited by the thought of
the immense sums she would realivo_ .....1
"And this Was,the mean wretch, whom the
frantic Ida had imagined possessed of all the
virtues about which be could se elpquen t ly
declaim; to follow whom she had left coun
try, home, and friends, fair fame, and peace of
mind! Great was the constemation -of the
, Reeds, on discovering the elopement of Ida.
I It. was then that William Reed swore in his
wrath, "If ever Vinton cress my path, I will
shoot him as I would a mad doe--I will crvidi
him io death as I would a reptile:' .-, ~'
liar friends continued to seo her name occa
sionally in the newspapers. Now she was
drawing crowds in London, in Paris, then in
Vienna, but for the last two years no moutioit
bad been made of her name. She seemed to
have glanced across the musical world, as o
bright meteor, astonishing and entrancing all
by her brilliancy and•beauty, and then to have
aunk into darkness end oblivion.
A few months after the escapade of Ida;
Williamllced married Emily May. And now
we will return from this lan'g and dark di
gression, and look once more at their pleas
ant little family circle.
The old man closed the Bible in which he
had been reading,- and, removing his specta
des and folding them together, placed them,
with the book, upon the centre-table. The
young Wetland drew a newspaper from his
pocket and commenced reading it aloud.—
Here be entertained his lisleners with a
speech reported from Congress; there an ac
count of some destructive fire; here the pro
ceedings of a Temperance meeting, there a
criticism on some poptilar 'lecturer; and fre
quent and critical were tile remarks of the old
man, and Oven of the lazy beauty; on the:va
rious topics of the paper. At length, among
other matters, was an account of a street ren
contre between two young men, Which resul
ted in the death of one of them, • and the ar
rest and imprisonment of the other. This
took place in a distant city. This paragraph
was read and heard without comment-0 was
I I so common—and the reader passed on to other
matters, until the newspaper was finished,
folded up ,and put away. No presentment
whispered to that man's proud heart, that
ere another hour, he, himself would from the
subject of another such paragraph; that, in
another, hour a
,thunderbolt would , descend
upon his hearth, and make desolate Itis,home.
Having put away , his newspaper, he arose and
reached his hat to go out. The-indolent
beauty' raised herself without i in effort, and,
passing into the dining-roont, poured , out a
glass of brandy and water, which she brought
in and handed to her husband, traying.r.
• "Drink • this, dear; it will fortify you
against the cold."
The young man thanked her and , emptied
tho'glass at a draught. I would She had not
given him that glass of brandy;
.the 1
Ina neiehboring streets, not far Rost
mensies, alike Reed% two young attic!, met
and 'passed; la en instant, *toyer,. one
I tinted sharply irMina, and, laying bin mut
Toughly shoulder of OM other, wheel
* 6 4,they °q 11 9 4
he eeeleisted,:„Wliel villain, has the. Devil
d• eserted Yeuit last, and left you to y m TM*
veneer ' '
Theestranger Alma* back, 'draw - kireself
up haughtily,' andlatid, sternly , itireargh'ivith
perfect sell-possession—.. • : : • •
“Who re, ru t air; sad inee#: Jen by,
making knelt innisuit upon a gentlautani",,
aWAo aMILT4o avenger of - r ol,_)kes'
yoni' ,W ho
• •4.• t
er,” said William need, •
"Ah?" said the stralet, taughing f ;wens
tidy, "I know You no% ; the 'foolish \ lover of
that Billy girl who fluttered around a c rutin
brilliant light until her nvi6S were singe
V4ll what do you mean to dar •
"Miscreant! to punish you as you deserve!
"Ha! ha! ha!" laughed Vinton, (for it
was he.), "Well set ali4out it; only be quick
for a wedding party and a bride await my
coming." • j 1 I I
"Sarcastic devil? you go not to that 'wea-'
ding party; you embratie, not that bride...-.
Answer! for your life ins upon yout ati - -
swer, where is your vid 1
v "I do not wish to "hat you my good fel
low," said Vinton, with cool contempt, •"let
me pass." I
Reed raised and leveletia pistol, as he hissed
between his teeth— 1;
"Where is Ida de RozkT'
Do you not really kuo4. , then? have you
never chanced to meet ei in the streets a
night?" ,
"Fiend?" roared Reed
yet let loose upon earth.
Tell me, and then deacon
"You nifty find her—at
said Vinton, suddenly t
and passing on.
Delirious with passion, '
tol and fired.
_ .
. Vinton tell shot throdgh the heart. A ,
crowd gathered; the murderer gave himself
up, and was thrown into rison. i •
1 ..........
Come with me to anoth r home, o'er which
the storm-cloud loWered, et cast no 'warning
- • I
shadoW. It was a stately:mansion; from its
lofty windows streamed it, blaze. of brilliant
light. Rich strains of mttsic floated through
its halls; before its gates 4 crowd of qtrriages
were drown up. Agnes Roy, the only daugh
ter and heiress of ithat Wise,' 'was about to
be given in marris4e. L4us enter the bride's
1 dressing room. lOs on !fie first floor—this
handsome inabegar dooOto the right will
admit us. You will fang yourself in the
' bower of some Toy Eastetst beauty. Large
mirrors, in highly panel* frames of costly
wood, reflect and multiply pie gorgeous fur
niture; curtains of i rich cilmson silk drape
the • windows; the cushions
l and ottomans, cov
ered with the rieheat velve t lay seattered up
on the soft carpets. i Fresh flowers are bloom
, 4
ing in costly vasei t Apil_Apo s ie.d ol fliert gel'''-
. - '..-----°--j
geous toilet, by plac i ng Ether/ her
lets the wreath of lorangOlowers. She is
standing before the tnirrotbut her gaze is
not fixed upon the b autifu ' nd queenly form '
reflected there. He large
~ rk eyes are ten
derly shaded by her , teteg las hes; her rich lips
are gently severed, and a roseate bloom is
stealing into her cheeks. A still, bright joy
is breathing from her face. A step approach
es, an arm encircles' the waist ,of Agnes,
while a sweetly modulated Voice addressed
the maidens saying— "
' "Leave us alone a few moments, dear girls.
remain in the ' hall until the arrival of IIIC
bridegroom and hie friends; it will not be long;
the Bishop is already' in the drawing room:"
The young ladies retired, and left Agnes
alone with her mother. This lady was still
in the prime of womanhood and in tha prid e
of beauty. Her graceful and majestic figuri
was set off by a rich and tasteful costume.—
Drawing Agnes to her bosom, and smiling
through herstartinglears, she said...
"You arc very, very happy! Kay own dar
ling= is it not sot"
gskcarfully happy, dearest mamma; I tram;
ble lest it should not last. Is it notominonel
I feel as though in some blissful dream, fron
whiCh I dread to he awakened." •
"Long may'st thou dream, AgiMs."
Tho mother and daughter sat in a 'silent
embrace some•minutes, the hearts of both too
full, the minds of both too'bilsy for.conversa
lien. At length approaching steps and agi.;
tated voices were heard in the hall, and the
'bother, embracing and releasing her dangh-
ter, said—'
"They have come, Agnes. Are you quite
ready, my own girl"
"Quite ready, dearest mamma."
"Then I will call the girls. The people
in the hail are making more noise than ne- ,
cessary, it seems to mo. Really_ it is in very
bad taste."
• The lady walked towards the door. The
steps and voices approaching - the - door from
the hall; a voice was heard, in hurried tones,
• "Oh! not in there! not in there! 'it is Miss
-Ray's room."
At the same instant, a shriek burst from
one of die- maidens iti the hall. The door
was thrown open, and Fanny, the youngest of
the bridesmaidsr, rushed into the room, ex
r "Oh! Mrs. Ray! Mrs. Ray! Mr. Vinton
has been murdered—shot through , 't 'heart
by a man in the street—and they are bri g
him in here "
There was a sound of hurrying feet at the
same instant, and even while she Spoke, the
ghastly and blood-stained corpse of Vinton
was borne into the roorn; , 'With the sharp ,
cry of one whe had received a death wound,
Agnes fell. '
'Ails, God! whit cruel theoghtlessneis.......
tou've killed her," groaned Mrs. Rey, as she
de* to Mee her stricken daughter, and laid
her upon a conch. The men had streated in
distnay from the room, taking with them their
horrid harden. • At•the same ilateildr.• Ray,
the father of the bride,euterell the rserri,dreiW
near Ide • daughter's tench, and; While hells.'
sisted to chafe her hands and, temples, gave,
in, answer to his wife's agitated 'inquirieic a
burrie4 account of tt scene i i i the:street, and
its filei termination, tt as be-had heird it from
ethers. • The *mid ke awooit of Agnei con
lidded r leek that t Was thought advisable
'o,lol=o aPhyslein, whimii carriage drove
up at the very moment of the snivel of the
. .
. I
. ' 1
coroner and his attendantt, and amid the con
futed departure of the wlidding guests, Le t
us leave with the others, and return to the
little drawing room on —•,etreet.l
"Call in the domestics, dear pmilt; we will
\ have prayers," said the old- tna . :,,, -
\"Will you not wait for' 'i Milan' a little
loncr, father? You knoW be doets nut often
tax ur Jpatience.' I•,1I 1 1
' "N%!my dear; it is twelve o' lack and these
late Ito ‘rtt don't agree with ine."
The se cants were summoned, thetvening's
'devotioris c ncluded, and the old man took his
lamp to retir to rest; turning to Emily, he
said— )
' !"Emily, my dt i cluild, do not sit up. You
will injure your he Ith. Go to bed, k.." 1
'a am going; father," said she.
are . not one n those figety 'women,
who are all anxiety an ervousniss, if their
husbands are absent after iours."
I "No, indeed, dear father; ut is it stragger'
"It is your serene temperaMent, tn) , lore."
. "Yet, indeed, father, I would \prefer sitting
up for William, only he has enjoined me not
to do it; and though he never say anything
unkind, he look's annoyed when he \ findsme
.waiting." I\ 1
. Emily went-to bed, and, having 5 0 tlf! be
yond her usual hour, soon fell asleep,' Dawn
was peeping in at,the windows when Emily
awoke. Missing her husband from her side,
the consciousness of his unaccountable ab
sence fell like 'lead upon her heart. - Rising
up, she *gazed around, but no vestige'of . his
presence, no hat, gloves, or cane, - were there.
She' rung the bell, and proceeded to dress.—
Her maid came in. . .
"Is Mr. Reed ,helowi' inquired Emily.
"No, madam," was the answer.
With a mountain of anxiety upon ber mind,
yet possessing too much delicacy to make in
quiries of the servants, .on al subject of such
questionable 'propriety as her husband's mys
terious absence all night, Emily descended to
the breakfist-room. The window? in this
apartment looked out upon the street. - She
took her station at one of them, -from which
she continued to gaze up and down the pave
'tient. Thus passed three weary, hes ty hours,
and then the breakfast equippag was, brought
in, and Isoon after the old gentleman came
down, in his dresliez-rrilw" i - ••••• L 'r — i --
time did lie come in last nig h t 7 But, m y Love,
1•Oulook really ill. What isl the matter?"
"Oh! father," said she, taking her place at
the head of the table, "Williim did riot come
home at all last night; and be has not come
home yet; and I am so uneasjr.". -
"the foulest ever
Where is she?—
to perdition."
the , five Points,"
testing Reed aside,
ed.raised his pi,
“DO you know anything that can base kept
him out all night?”, •
ON°, indeed: I wish I did, father."
"He never was so unaccountably akent be-
"Yes, von know, once, father, he was unex
pectedly called upon. r while out, to sit up with
a dying friend, and he sent a note by 'a boy,
but the boy paver' brought it, and so I was
very uneasy.", .
"Yes, I remember. Oh! well, something
of the some kind has happened now, you may
depend. ' We shall see or hear from him pres
ently. Your uneasiness is groundless; for, of,
course, if anything evil had happen l ed to him,
you would have known it before this. 'Pad
news travels quickly,' you know, my child."
Yes-,"bad news travels quick," but not such
bad uewa as awaited this \ doomed family. It
' was curious, was it , not, that, while all/ the
city rang with the murder, and the names of
the parties, the ( family most fatally interested
in the dire cyclic remained in total ignorance
of its occurrence! It is easily explainable,
though. All of their friends and acmiaintan
cis had heard of the affair, but all and each
took it. fur granted that the stricken family
must be more thoroughly-acquainted with the
circumstances than any one else, and'they re
fvainedfrom intruding- upon the wife and the
father, in : the first hours of their gri vous af
fliction. .
"And so you think there is'
no - r ound for
tfneasiness, dear father'!" , '
4 'l - do. my love. Now ( pour out my coffee:
She did as he requested, but her own cup
remained empty. • ,
"Are these the morning papers, Jahr" in
quired the old gentleman,of the waiter, as he
received from him several newspapers. •
"Yes, sir," answered the man.
The old gentleman selected one, and began
to read it. Column after column passed un
der hie review; at last, a paragraph met his
eyeland riveted his gaze.
"My God!" - s exclaimed the, "what is this?"
He let fall the paper, ;ma, bowing hie head
upon his hands, groan d aloud. • '
"What is it, my deal father?" inquired Em
ily, anxiously. •
"I am ill, Emily,l apt ill. ,1 will go out
into - the air," said the poor old man, as he re
tired to reflect in what Omni he should break
to Emily the intelligence, 'first made know to
himself through the columns of a newspaper,
and also what could now be done for his un-
happy son.
The paper which had fallen from his hands
had been forgotten upon the, carpet. It was
picked up by Emily, who began to search for
the cause of hee father's egitatioii, - never re
°lately suspecting the truth:
The old mite wait leaning with his head
bawd down upon his hands, his silver hair
drooping over them, when a. :eft band was
laid upon his arm, and l a gentle voice mur
"I know it all, now, dear father., , Let us
go to the prison."
The old man looked up, and Emily Wis
stan di ng übind him, Te t te, sorrOwfukbut pee
reedy, composadu.4
"Lam much. Volleyed to see you. take - this
so well,,,Endly," laid the old man; and be men
, tally reproached hi.. with insensibility,-until,
. —_......_,..... .
king upon her face, lit. saw his mistake.. ii
ye have hinted that Emily Reed vies net •
1 ;1
at nervous temperament - that giver viva-'
a outward indications 'of fe,eling, or of
I demonstrative manner that breaks forth
1 loud expression. of grief. There Ina
'tinting, no sldieking, no wringing of the
de, no r . nor even the contracted brew, or
?ering lip—set there was that unmistaka z
impress of heart breakingsorriw upon the
1 ?le face, more painful .to the beholder
k all. - .
of t
i i
bleu i
will not sketch the sheeting between
lam Reed and his family. ' It is sutß.
to say, that he was very much shaken,
Id man wept, and that Emily was the
sat though the most quiet solftrer of alt.
y obtained permission to pans as many
ain her husband's cell,.by dy or 'night, -
e could spare from her cildren. -
le day upon which the C art was. to sit,
near. The friends of William Reed
more anxious as the tittle of the trial
ached, yet, their lawyer kooks assuredly
,tting au honorable verdict;. .His peril- I
talked loudly and indisireetly of their 1
nine expectations. This provoked apps
y. Attacks were made upon diem, bah . 2 '
ie mouths of the people and by the press.
th, yea!" it was said, "he is a 'ruined-
Immesh' and can do as he pleases!" •
tang one of the; 'upper ten thousand,' in. .
deed! If it had been a poor man, ow, they
would not have waited for judge of 'ury, but 1:
strung him up at the Pint lamp pos ." .. -•
"1 be sure; but he is a crumb o the 'lip- ''-•
per/ nd the criminal code was o ly made -
for the poor." i• . ,
of ge
by tb
x`( 1 1
shir 1
Th trial came on. The pcblc mind being Z
,so ex
l ited against the prisoner, it was long
before an unprejudiced jtiii could be , empan- i
nelled , At length this wig effected, and the j ..
caseommenced. The witnesses on the part Commonwealth of the Comonwealth were chiefly summon
ed fro among the crowd who saw the terta i=
natio only. of the recontre. Their 'teatime
ny did ilgt, however, - bear fatally upon the prig-
oner—l;At lengthy tow ards the close of the
sitting a witness was called, who swore thit },
upon alcertain day, be bad heard the acctisedz'
decl 4 re, with an oath, that, if ewer be lee:
Vinton l fie would "shoot him as a mad dog' s .
—he wou i ,
---, lA.
evening of the fourth day from the
?cement of the trial, the case ' was Ei.
ven to the jury. -
next day, when the. Court met, the
•its crowded to auffo‘ cation. The "ter
a expected to be rendered. The crowd, l ,
athlesii with expectation. Seel 6'4o';', A •
thrown open; the foreman of the ju.
inces, followed by his colleagnes.—w:
iies a sealed packet in ; his, hand; he, ' •
to the judge upon the bench.
4,ict." Observe the prisoner., He is
sitting ivith his counsel; he is perfectly still;
his manner appears,quite composed, yet with
out an affectation of indifference or stoicism,
for his l ilooke are steadily fixed upon the judge
On the
natty g
room w
diet we
are bre
ry adv
tilt tat
handa i
as ho receives the packet. The kindly-dis.,
posed among the crowd in the! court-room
and rung tbedeperters on yonder seats, wili
probablY represent his manner to haTe been
dignified and self-possessed, while the eeoed
rime of their number will report the 'prisoner
hardenid and insensible; tout—,draw. near‘ it
is note ree, as the judge ariset,,the keentr
anziou gaze of the prisoner's eye—observe;
the bri ght hectic spot has gene in from his
[nimble cheek, and a slight tremt.r agitates
his fra•.e. Near him sits his wife and the
old fat er; but look not on that group, it will
*ultimo you. The judge is on his feet; his
counte once is stern , and sad.
"Le the prisoner be plaCed at the bar." ,
All 'zas over, then! Reed arose, and hav
ing pr ssed f the hand of his -- Wifei which had
been lying in his own, attended by an °Seer,.
he tooli the indicated place. The judge. ad
ressel the prisoner—
~ .
"Wlliam' Harvey Reed! you have been
fully aid impartially, tried for the dreadful
crime of murder, 'midi in accordance with the
evidence, a verdict of ovitme hu been rea
-1 tiered ,by a jury, eterefully dedectei frord among
'your fellow-citisens. Hence, it b come my
post painful dutyto announce to y u the sen
tence of the law." Herp, placing upon his
head the black cap, (that grim piece of frito.
lity,) he proceeded to Pronounce the death
,- -
sentence. - ,
That sentence, with its revotting minute
'nese ot detail, is too familiar to ali, - tti need :a
repetition here.. Children Anow it by rote. .1
Willi at Reed received it with an unflieching
brow, and, at its close, upon the command,.
4 ein ve the prisoner," he turned with per,
feet a If-possession, and yielded hipself to the
eusto of the officers in waiting:
i y
• ing „near where his-wife w I lying ift .
the_boaom of his father, he askedLr
"H 4s she fainted?"
Thl old man looked up with a L.wildered
amilei The old Man was an idiati ;-
"tter so, bitter so,"„ groaned 'William
Reed; as he followed the officers from the
room. .
, A petition was set on foot, which, having
received the signet urea of hundredkof the most
r espe table citizens, was sent to the Geterli.
or.t the people were Wier against the
condo ned; they 'demanded his life; ;the
ri Y
wont hareu n epeetaciel It was an !' , electio -
eerin crisis." The pardon was refutied; t
death warrant was signed,' and the Gevern
rose in popularity, ' ,
It Was early in the' morning, about, t o
wontte after his condemnation, that Reed w s s
sitting on the' edge of hie nauseam, Emil
kneeling b:side him, an Open little otitbe
lieforeler, when the wsrdsn of the prison t
the a ioilrentered thl Celi with the final d
nisi° of the dovemor . atiii the death-warren
queea i n g their dreadful errand ky their look
- 1 • • / - ,