Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, November 06, 1847, Image 4

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The greate;it
IDiseev!ry of the 4ko,
.... mite. Thealiurai unlimited suc
cess it Inti met with it mps. it 'at .once %hp aneAtesT
DISCUYERY OF TR 'ADE ; D 'lt constootly affecting
Cures of tbe or Ma ute ost importance; Theineit hicrodu•
ions aro CONVINC E - the most faithless are compelled
to holler° In the peat and virtue of this great remedy.
It it Universally ad Mad to be THE MON,' woNDEn.
rut. COMBINATION KNOWN to the WORLD for the
isuktgutATE RELIEF aditaa o avid pain. . .
Ili/over hil4 while I her&Verna ins tuaiciaut life to tenure
aaatUral and hirdthy action to the capillary seise!' of tho
Leidy, and gip:ill:Lithe :irculalimtifthebto,cl. By 'Natant's
a controlling power it gained oivr ths most znallpaniforms of
DISEASE wbleli cal not be obtained from any, other ram-
edy. Such lo the po ver of Ail combination that it Po!" . 1
. trates to every port to °fine human frame; every bout/and
muscle, vela, nerve a d ligtlaspat tteltearched oaten,' made'
seasible of purify/1i and hexing luNeriec. Hence, it'
eozeiai tladily oil intortzfa as external diseaies. .
' Namur - Out I..ttune • are ou record where this remedy
has restorCd health I patients so near the grave that the
omit ptdverfel intern I reruedier failed to pt....10c0 any ef
feet. • Such has fro neutly been the c.oe in INFLAhIA.
TION of. he BOWE! S—no patient over need die with Oil*
disease When the lif ignetle Ointment `can be obtained;
That atangerOtti Epidemic finowo a. the PUT.ItIrt ER.Y..
stPELAs can al rrat+t he mired iiv this remedy,
Foil NELAN AT R Y It II EOIATtsm. thii olncm c t,
intim mosteettiplete remedy ever Prepared.
• Inn cases out of 1(10 it tall afford entire ',VI/ to the
worst cantor/lEu oils nEADACtIt in llifi'ly minutes.
For Nervoui Doe. ses Mk remed 4. in of iinniru-ov.l'ma.
Affections of tho S Ina, Rheumatism, Lameness, Ulcer
ated Sore Throati ronChitia, rientLy, Croup, chills,.
Cholera Merlins. Ag re in the Face er Mesta. Burns.S AI
Dead, Scroftd ~ Sal Rbento,' Erysiiiclas. 10i10m..1.1 Eyori.
Fever Scam &e vtl I be Immo/lb/U:ly relieved by th e use
of this remedy. , .
, - DR. BIN
In reply to your q
Expertments I ban
312 11 1- iic <Nut moul
one of the GREAT .
It hi now Dearly t
in my practice '
Lion. both local and
with universal sneer
failed, I hail/ sureee ,
I have treated CAP
motion ofthe Lungs
tory 'Blitianaltisrn.
gumless; also cases
i /i
Menace! Throat u ,
- In the Epedende If
attach vo - many rata:
qualltlY: and it neve,
lain cure. - '
erica with regard to the.results ofthe
male with tour jaa.tly celebrated
I can say ulth pleasure that I deem it
yedra since I commenced using it
have te.ted it In eases or lalifTlffla ,
• eneral, of tho most inaglignant kind
a; hum Where 'alt internal remedies
fed with Rik.
a or Inflamation es!, the 11,Min,Itifis-
Indathatinu of thellowels. Inflaintni-
Au! Child-heti Feidie, with perfect
rSeallet Fever, Choker Rash, and
',I Lung - swill, like success.
-Own as the Putrid Erysipelas, by
111rIn tires wire Inst, 1 tested it fie
failed of et:ruling a spOedYand ccr
I gprains, Brules,FrOzan Linahsi &c.
P;lntily will Lid a single daerrithout
becoming , acquainted with it ,posree
AM. Physician and Surgeon.
'ld dater of Rurns t I
it acts late a charm
No Pityiiiciau or
this 31ediciue, erre
tto cure. ' N.
CV a. X. Y. Jan. ,1 !
['For further .
pistol left with each
Price 23 and 50 ce
EON D. N. & .1.
Potter. %Vest flpritst . i
L. 8. Jour,' & CO. qi
Erie it.,
artictilarS t,nd tesl.l4bulais; sec RIM
[agent. /
tir per began.
wholepolo end , retail,
0 . AVelniter, enniirant. O'iio; Riley
, :fileld; W. 11. Tow even.% Springfield;
d; Julie A. Tcacy, Fairview.
J Flit
did asso.
consisting ... pat...
BROADCLO I` IS.—French, Englie_h and Amer
black, bl le, brown; gold' rum eadct mixed'
Broadeloaths, cheap us the cheapest.
ALSO.-Cassi errs and Vestlngs to match, boll
as to color qtr lity and price.
GROCERIES. A general assortment of clinic
Groceries: wlfich wilt be sold extreemly low.
CROCLEIIY.-i-A beautiful assortment of crac •
ery at prices that cannot flu l to please.
BOOTS AND q H0E3.7-=-Without boasting re
can truly, say . have the cheapest dud best asl
sortniont of Boots and Shoes, lull:41(14;g Ladies,
Gentlemen a d.Birys, ever brought to thiteitY.
CAPS.;--Men nd.Boys caps, that eannot fail to
fit both they rse and head—conk:and try.
- /
LADIES DR ~SS GOODS.--:-Here wo ere at
home. -Weaye cashmeres, de lanek with Out
number and 'Mast without price; Glinghems'
and Alliricea , California plaids and Swiss and
Tarlton Mu tins. wide gimp and gimp cold;
dress buttons csr4s and tassels; tint w hat is On
,use,of cnum tating.,- we have cverY , thil: l 4 to
make the han'tlsonm more diviac and the ugly
SlLKB 7 Strip d'and Plaid Fault de SOig,
'--- , White gro d Swiss,
Black macre 4r Satin stripe putt de soi, „
;'Blackand hl a b'aek,gro de Naples,
Blackgro de Rhine.
HAWLS—O all price's,' shades and' quality
l'' from the cheap,cotton up to, the finest silk
iinci‘Ciittlimere. - .,
Gtoyes-,,0i all kinds. enlors and g ismo. ~•
;iosiory, Sus enders, Prima, ',Vicki. Drills, Fnc•
toilet, in short very thilg suited to the season
and Market. - - ' ' •-', ~
'Read,, Made Clothing .
cPur stock of Pakl
y made cltititin!.. is large and,
%it:Undid; and t illbe sold cheap. \\redo not wish
to oast, but'w think we can convince any one
Walling that ve sell a geed article for a smaller
sum thin any . titer eetaldiehment in town) At,
any rate "the Iproof of the pudding is in' the eat
ing," therefore ,rRY US!
'lt - 3 4 •Mind the name and number.'
Erie, Sept. 01, ISI7. , ' ' 19'
r a Day but for all Time." • 1
"Not f!
ilAs now given abundaneeiridenee (Wits heal
ing powe a, and proved i:salf the cleat extra
ordinary and onderful•medicine in the world:—
the short op cc of two years, it has acquired a
reputation for •uring discam and rcicaviug pain
far greater tha • any medicine ever discovered.=
Ira wonderful urea have Istonislicd the Medical
FacOty, Aho ow universally concede its'great
value.. They :peak of it in the highest terms and
commend its t te. , ,
It iticonciet
praise fe.univ
nietinis that it
=and it is
pain err,
Istonishing et
etch agent.
lases for,,nttii •
to itt use and
eases it Iran.
' ned by none.,On the
,contrary, its
t real. The eatees of (men, are so nu
'mild lobe vol nines to recount them
' xed,fact, and is'n'ot disputed, that
mot' it has no equal: For tho many
t res, 'beo the patiThlet to be had of
f you etutti with either of the'diS
h it i 3 repomtnendedi retort at once
be cured.. For tho following dis•
alallible remedy: . '. .
"Affections, Bhon-
m, Paralysirand all nor- ' ,i •
ctions, Salt Rheum ; Croup or •
%e in the Breast and. Face, Weak-....
to, colds, tooth aehe, sore throat and
crated sores,indolent cers.burns •,
I.t, corns, bunyons, fro. f wounds •
; Dings and bruises, se u-.
, affections, mus- , 1 .
quilt) bites and • ,' • - - •', ,
'Poisons.• . - •
inlment is ;told by all the respecte
rs and Druggists throughout the
by the Proprietors at Sint?, Wog,
G' b.lO. E. ST AlsiTO
U. Burton & Ce, Erio,ll.V. Town otth
is Fairiqew; S. L. Jeers & Co. Mtn? I.
I _ .
ati - fok Flax beet".
• *COI sir
guts: of the jai
o,ul nth v I 1
464e1i i fe
,• , 1
o.7 o This 1
bib •Merchl
country, an
N. 'V. - •
For Ws by
rut s J. Cisme!
- Oct. ft 11117.1
Ans. ill. I
y the highest price in cosh for
f Flax Seed._ .. C. 51. TIBBA
LE.15.: 1 7 Altesh or Pi ne 'A pples,
Ived and lot sale at No.• 1 Perry
• /-
,T.. W. MOORE.
mg PFS.:*Mtdder, POW;
Nic ood, Cain 'Wood, Alum, oriperao,
filluiyitrio4,CrearaTartar. /lc.; tbr. sale
oboe for the ready, by.'
Juno 26. • W.. F. RINDERNECfIT,
'Fall of 1847.1'' -''' BY '.
-`•-• Fi:ll'of 1847.
s .". -
Rail; - --,-,-;)1,-,- .7.;"" ------ - 'Road !
---.:----' .---I'f: - •
< , ,
'o"' JACKSON has now received hits PALO.
40. and - WINTER. stock of 'Dry Poi:41; Gros.
eerie!, Hardware, Boots and shoes, crotkery;lron
and nails, 4,e.;P.c. of which the . following,e9m
„ , .
, prise a part:
1 Brandi:3olls,- French, English and Arruirican,
1 woof dyed blue,.. black, brown, gold anCeadet
'' • Mixed; . -Cassitneres, blacki.bluei--..plain Void
atid stritiek-Stiiinete;;blitai r black,• cadet and,
- stdel'in,ixedi canvass, padding, , backrem, bur..
i lapi,-eraoh, wig:gins, brown and,itiank.halland,,l
1 cotton diaper, linen and cottdn table clouts, lin;
en cambric,' linenicambrie- bandkerehiefs, fur•,
gime tiod cambric: dimitY,.drab,-whlte s -blnek
and ..alata 'Belida, 'black and colored cambric,
brown and bleached -sheetings and shirting%
- bed ticking, apron cheek, red; white and green
woolen flannels, plaid linseys,_erimseri, scarlet,
ereen . dind drab moreens,'silk'arkl, lebby„ velvet,
, Welt and"cialoicd; - eiNantliWorsted Sergi, eatin
vest ings,ltaliali cravikto, blgalt atuf:eoleirs, chop
pers, bandana, bareelona, pongee and spittle
.field handkerchiefs, silk, cashmere, worsted and
cotton hosiery, all colors,
_gloves of oil kftitifi;
mitts, worsted, silk, 'picnic ctn& cotton dress
handkerchiefs. ladies cravats, lace' veils," ;liana
ges, s;riped and OW ea rlston and swiss gingli+
inns and ehambroysoiwiss, plain, dotted, Maid,
striped, 11 grad, book muslins, silk braids, - hat
• and cap ribbons;ltallitit and French crape, !err
- ing‘sillf,•pittso twist, skein, knitting' end tidy .
cot t on, susrepdcrrj,' bindings, qUality, - trpe4,
- bobbing, and-cord, lacers, combs; htitions,meo ,
dies; hooks and eyes, pine board and &gener
al a.sortrnent_ of hems, and shoes,-- h trthvore,
crockery, iron, nails, &c., nll'of the' wilt
be enld as cheap to any new, or Je •store in
this city. , • , .
It will bo observed that I nm the oldest merchnnt
in the place except one,-and I now any that l- will
not be undersold by any, 'young or old, for ready
pay. C.all and see that the above are facts; at my
old stand on dietkiisid; where thingtrfor sale cant
be heat. •
Erie, - Sept. , 2s, 1817: . • , • •
Lewis rirrivrti Neu. Goode per the scent
Steamers from /Prance and England 1.
HAvg the plew ; pro of 'an . aquordog to the cite
zaps, of Erie that thny,a rekei vin g const ap,t_
"additions to their Fall ,and„lyintor Stock, and
among otliera offer the , follow ing rich Goods at
extremely low prices. - Rich Oregon and Califor
nia. Plaids only 3S4per
. yard, worth 48.; rich dark
Ghat:hams only 2g. per. yard,, worth 35.; rich dark
Gingliams only 20 etc, worth 30 eta,; rich dark
Ginghams only Ish. per yard,' worth 2e.; rick dre lc
Calicoes. latest styles 12 1-2 and 15 eta. per yard;
every std le of rich Shang, from 25 cents to t 5 00;
a , few pieces poweaL,Rayr Silk ~Plaids for Gs. GA.
per yard ; • a good assortment of Gloves, Hosiery,
cravats, fancy articles and small nick nacho, too
:numerous to mention. Please call. and examine
our stool:1:101;re put chasiolt, - as it is' WPII worthy
you!' attention. ' ; ALLYN & COIT:
Erie, Oct. IG, 1817., • ' 22
ttti TiCilT,:lfOr sornAn coNnyclrott.
WE aro now oble. to offer our ,cuotomers two
81104 of dm
which only requires to be examined, to convince
every boty of its economy, utility, convenience,
durability and beauty. - 11 will be antral a uni
form price, and warranted to suit even a maiden
lady, as it possesses all thn above qualities..
Erie. Sept. 25 1817.
NQT,F. is hereby even that letters of Ad
ministration have been granted to the sub-s 1
scriber on the e.tate of Francis J. ICirsher, dec'd,
Isle of Erie; all it •rsons, therefore, indebted to
said estate are requested to setde the same 'home
diately;_and,those having claims against the same
w)Il present them legally authenticated for settle
ment. DAV ID ZI s 1 M ERMAN, Adair.
o lOct. 9, 1817. . 601
'lttisul at ALLYN & COW'S New Store,
one 'of the best stock of Clothclo be found
01 this city; among; them are the nicest French
and German'filk Doeskin and Fancy Casstmeres
rnd'. Woad Cloths, Beiver and Pilot Coatings,
T reeds, eassimeres and Satinets, 'Also just re•
, eivert Meri»o Under Shirts and Drawers,
uernsey Frocks, .BIIc Satin Cravats, &c, every
variety of Tailor's Trimmings! Just received
blue black Velvets,'Satins and. Surges. Po: these
and other goods please call at
r RY!!
!!! '
, No: I,
Lnd nyen•
Oct. 16. 1517
TIISSES.—A. good assortment of
Marsh's; Tiernan's, Thoinrion'i and Rhine-
Tresses, ssorted sizes for male low by -
July 17, 1847.• 9
SIMS. New Orleans, Loaf, Polveriz
au-cluf 6d, Crushed and Muscovado Snuar,
cheap for cash;one (loth north of the Rif Window,
Jgne 12;1517. ' • '4
FitE7ski rtturr.—You Can find at No, 6.. Poor
r People's now 'Oran4tes,' Sultana Raisins,
Lemons, Figs, Prunes, Box Raisins, Currants
and Oitrons, cheap tbr cash by
BIJVFALU , ,NV HITE. LE A I).—An invoice of
this superior article just received. Also,
,Pittsburgh Lead, (Yahnestech & Co's make,) dry
and in'oit, alWays on hand nod' wntranted.
June • L. H. RUItTON Sr. Co.
r licntedlcs for stammer Complaints.
JANE' carminative BalAam;
Fosanze's Anodyne cordial;
Bed - Anodyne cordial;-
- •
. Thompson's carminitive;
FahnestoeVs Lozenges;
Aromatic or spiced Rhnbarlt; , '
Godfrey's cordial, Ste. Fic. for sole by '
Ji 11. BURTON & Co.
No 5, Reed House, Sept. 11. "
iThiGOOD'S India Cholagogue, at wholesal
k.), anfl retail:'
Cadtrell4Arne Mixttsre, , Rowan's 'do?
J Dynes' , Al:se:Pills and ,Toriic- Yermiflige;
Doct. EL-A. Sill's , Purapatheton; ,
Nltitrits Bitters;. Newton's Bitters;
Sulphate Quinine; Carpenter's Extract Bark;
Piperine, Oil Blaelt,Pepper;, for sale by
H. BURTON ~54. Co.
.No. 5. Reed Illouso.
Sept. 8
THE undersigned would respecifully, , inforin
the gentleniTn of Eric and vicinity, that' he
has, opend TAILORING SHOP on the south
'idea the Public Square, a few door:roast chins
Erie Bank, where he will ho at all limes ready and
happy to wait upon- thOso who may favor him with
a call in his line of business. ' From long experi•
ence in some or the principal Shnps of London and
otter teropean cities, and by strict attention to
all business which may now he entrtisted to, him,
he confidently hopes that he shall beraiways deem
ed worthy to receive a share of public'patronage.
His work shall berexecuted in suob a manner es
•to bear &close and - impartial "examina• Jon i and
always in accordance with -the prevailing fash
ions. • ' JOH NGQL.DEN.
Erie, Sept, 4i 1817. '• ' ' '
N. 8,- Cutting done •difthes ehortest notice. •
MHERE ifss been a.great &al, said lately a
bout Teas, and there are a great many in
Erie who pretend that they are selling better Teas
cheaper than any body else. This is a miitalte.
The Pelien Ten Company. • •
of New York, hsve, sent to their agonte, John H.
Baron & Po. their several varieties or Teas.—
They are fresh, fragrant and highly, liaverrd, and
exceed in richness any Tea- that, has peer been
sold in Erie, and at prices much less.. In every
case where they do not give satisfaction; the mon
ey , will het paid back for' them;; Theirq [Tea-tire
put up in pound, half and quiliter pound packages,
lined with tin foil, whichlceeps - them from theait
,and preserves their strength and flaimt.„
No. 6 Reed House.
Aug. 31
111 . ICKLED.LORSTERS, Ser4inee, Tomato,
Catsup, Lemon Syrup, Pepper Sauce, Salad
Oil,.Mustard,Guguba English.W, kite Pep
per. 41c.,63r sale at, No., 1, Perry Block. by. .
Sent. S. ~ • M. W.. MORO:,
Itti t cirtaijt"Pecisit*..
contested trial that his'been t eSisting,in
1. , many ygaia hes been finally settiedbY it Jury
of Twelve Ladies, and their decision its, That the
purest, best, moat fragrant and.chcapest Tette to
be hid in this section, of the country, are those
which some from the celebrated CANTON TEA
COMPANY.' Theso Teas can ,bet hed
times and toorranied to give entire oitistitction or
tho money will be - refunded; of their agents who
are receiving fresh supplies weekly.••. •
' Directly opposite the Eagle Emil
Sept. 19, 1947. 19
`;BYrisHEQiIEiENiS . 'PATEN'I";:::: , ; ; .ij:'' -- :',. -: -‘' ,:i
MA, rir
Tiszl►ioti_ ieniedy for Colas. .
Coughs, AsthMa.oy any i fiirm of PULMONARY CONSTJMPTION, is the
the HUNGARIAN BALSAM OF LIFE, discovered by Dr. Buchan of
London; England, tested for ultwards of seven years its Great, Britain and
ori the ,Conliiient of Eintipe, and introduced into she United' States under the
iminadiate iiiperintendenee Of the inventor
Theustonishing ; auccess of the Hungarian, Balsam , in the,cure of every
torn CONSUNPTION, wars ants the American gent in soliciting rpr
treatment-the WORST - POSSIBLE CASES, that can be found in the con')
munity—cases-thatieck relief in vain from any of the-comenon' remedies oil
the day,-and have been given up by the most distinguished,Physiciane asi
CONFIRMED AND INCURABLE.. The Hungarian Balsam has cured,t
and will cure, the MOST DESPERATE OF•CASES.' It is no onack'nos.!
trunt, but a standard English Medicine Of known and 'established efficacy.l
Every Isiniii in the United States should basuppliedWitlißuchan's Hum'
garian 13ids;int of Life, not 'only , to counteract the consumptive tendencies
of kheclitnate, but to be used as a prtvetttive'inectiiin'e . in Mt cases of Cords,
Coughs, Spitting of Blood, Pain in the Side and Chest, Irritattin and - sorsa
hens of the Lungs, At onchi:tis, Diffiettlty of Biatithing Heade Fever, Nigiti
Sweats; Emaciation' and' Generial,Debility, Asthma, influenza, Whooping
Cough; and •Cronp.
Iu cacti of 'actual disease of the tungs,'or,Scated Consump tion , it is fir
Sold by MeDonali & - Smith, sole Agent for the United Kingdom, at the
Italian Ware-house; Regent-at. London, in . Bottles and CartieS, thr ships,
hospitals, &e.
By Special appointment—DAVlD F. BRADLEE, 119 Court — BOstran i
Mass., sole Agent tar the United States and.Brifish American Provinces.
• American price, 'Si per bottle, with tali. directions for the restoration of
Pamphlet;, cowl:01)1ns , , a mass of English and American certificates and
other evider ce, showing the unequalledmerits of this Great English Rome.
dy. may be obtained of tho Agents, gratis..
• None genuine, without the vvri sten signature of the Americ,ah Agent, on
a gold and bronze label, to counterfeit which is forgery.
-AG ErslTS.—Ti: Tousta. Syracuse ;N. Y. General Agent for New York
and the Nt.estern States. • •
. .
From the Baptist Clerg,ym rn at Versosc, Osteeko,•Coittity.
" I doitet ctiy most cheerfully certify that. I have used Dr. Bnehatt's Hutt
garian Balsam in my family with great success, hly little girl, now in her
seventh, year was; in the month of'Oetober, 181.1. attacked with a pain in
her rit:ht side, end-notwithstanding we used all diligence to remove it, she
eananued' to grow worse, alai after Outlining the counsel of Dr. B—, who .
thought the Right Lobe of her Lungs so seriously afTt eted that her recovery
was exceeddiglytioub•ful: I was induced to obtain one bottle orate Balsam
and before one third of it was taken, the' little stitTerer resumed her plays milli
her Cheerfulness returned,Ancl before ttvo betties were used her health •we'
r IIE subscribets having a good assortment.of
1 New England Marble en hand, front differ•
Ent quarrieg, calculated for Head and Font tables,
Monuments, &.e. which they offer to sell to any
one in Erie county, IPa. not living further than
El IC, lettered' in first rate stale, and delivered, at
the followinn. prices; Somali,, for children, SI 50
,per linimj Middle size, foi aged people, ?t 62 per
foot;-Largest. size SI 75 per foot. We think it
would be an object for some of the Erie county
people to forward ti.s.n few inscriptions as we have
recently been inforined by the Erie marble dealers
in rather v bragging way, that they-were sticking
it to the Erie and Crawlord county people good.
They brag very lustily of gelling to the "Penns-
mites" at. from $2 stl to SI per foot. Should any
of the people of Erie county be in want ninny
thing in our ltne, they can nuns:lid their inset ip
tions, oncome themselves, and they'shall have a
first rnha article at the above prices.
lIIR •
Westfield, N. Y. Sept. 13,16,16. 17t
BLACK{ SALTY.-1 will pay Cash, and the
hiuhest price for any quantity of Black Salts
delirium, at WlCean, or at Inv afore in Erie. •
Octeltcr IBIG.
COUGH IN 110RSES...—A long familiari
ty with horses and personal treatment of the die
cases to Which they arc subject have at length
resulted in the discovery of this execeoi. gly val
uable remedy for the Heaves and Cough—a dis
erise which produces mote misery and death
among these• noble animals than any other to
which they are exposed. I have no hesitancy in
saying that my Powder will effectually and 'thor
oughly eradiate every symptom and vestige of this
painful and dangerous disease if given In any
reasonable length of limo after it has bean con
tracted.. When an discover symptoms Or Cough
or heaves in your horse, resort to this Powder
without delay, 113 e it perseveringly. rind attend to
the hints accompanying the directions for the
treatment of the animals, and in nine cases omit of
ten you will find that 'it clues.
II any desirous of seeing certificates of cures,
of them call on the agent. Price 50 cents per bot
tle. Manufactured by A. I.). Coleman, New York
CARTER &1111.0 T TER, agents, Erie, Pa.
March 27, 1847. 45
T llE partnert.hip heretofore csis:ing between
the undersigned, in'the practice of Law, ha.'
been dissolt.ed by mutual consent, Al persons
indebted to us are requested to call at the nflic.
and cetrte their respective accounts, on or hefo.b
'the first of February nest. Those who. negle
this notice may incur costs.
• .10FIN G ALBR fl p,
F,rie;Jan. 114.1817.
The noel; s and papers of the late, firm of G AL-
Ilit AITI - I A lIANI are by mutual agiee:
memtleft with me for they purpose of closing up
the Inisiness nicht concrth and collecting alt debts,
which I am obliged to do,tis'speedilyos pot , sible.
I have aspaciated ° With me In business 'l,l/ NI. S.
LANE and NtrAl.'A. GALMI. 9 AITIT;
continue the nffiee lately occupied by Galbraith St
'Graham, under the film of GALBRAITIISA.
LANE; where all businesg'in the line or the pros
fessinti, will be attended to will' prnmpthesq and
dispatch. JOHN GALBRAITH, '
Erie, retirititry 3;1917. • • , ."3S.
VOTES OF.A,N EX . 11,0,, by b.; W,
king an account of the authors coafine
meat rat Van De,amaneLand, just, received and
for, Spafrordo's Boolugore.
Erie, Mai; 5,.1817. I ,51 ~
IWILL pay 8 genii; Or blislier frit good field
' ashes, ati'd 12 1•2 cis !ter tlltshCl Theitatise AO
es delivered at my'rigliery or All Kean arnera.
Erie,'Oet. 24; cO-18. C:,M. 'FIBBALS.
A SI - lES.—Theso•ba• frig good 'Ashes iii)l do
well to deliver them it our ashory ,soon as
we are now working ofr what we bawl on hid:
Aprji-5ih,1917. • S. J CKSON
Ax". - --watslA . :&jco's Cast' Steel Axes by
• the dozen or pin&
, , TOMLINSON Sr. Co.'
February 13;19,17. r ; - 39
rATOODEN WARES—BowIs, Waelt - tubs;
V V mop Atandies;butt‘r, prints:tulles:4.e.
July 17. , • W. iVIOORE.
I 498!rati :?s!1so afe wbblr V aeerr i i, 4 ,
June M. iffNDEß.Nectlt.„:
G"D PEN S,— Levi! Brown's 'Gold Pegg/ the
mot colehrated Maker of iho,nrticle, a-good
assortment kept constantly on hand; also the dif
forant kinds of cheap (deare4t) Pens, at '
G.,. LOOMIS 4. Co's; ,
Sato at,, nearly opposite Eagle ,Liotel. , •
July 10,.18.17,. , •
.;f t r ,; , 8
At No. 6 Poor! PcOpki
WF. RINDEII.IsIIHT bee jest redelyed a
• lame add (yell selecteiidsorniteni or Wet,
dry and Family Groceries; Dye Stotts, Nails:arid
Glass, whiclt. • hn ; wjltsell 4herippr 1 iv thim l s . 45 ,
ether eettiblniflineni. 'ln !.cny n. Masi) ca ll a nd
sea:. pee: r:: a I :hind. 12, 1917:1Y
JVST 4FAA:IVED 25 bags 11,,j0, Cuba, Si.. Do•;.
minttp apiljoia Potreo, one doer 9arth pf the
BiWNVindisv State street, by ' - •
June itiNkrtNacirr,
. •
- 1?.. 1847, . • %4 •
DKU VERDI ALa YHJe Y, and - ether Pm , '
1 ems by Teper s _a few_copies at Netv York pri• ! .
ces, just received lad for sale by • •
• D. 8 - PATORD.-‘% .
Erie August 21,1847. • cf.,•
4011.GAL,. - ,, , Ohio Stone Wore
ter ealo roue; nortli . of the Biz Win dow , -,
irriIieTIVIMBLE SIXPENCE la - -,betterthan
- J• the SLOW SalLLlNO,'7:rhis is , the
mitt* of the New s tore ; ! nes beltrovid'fliall
'that call and exa" ' , '
• OCtact.'lo,lBl7. ' • 22
' i 1 m
IceniMitred coMpletely restored. until* the 'e ff ect of ti . :itt ' medicine ;Atithout
any' lieeitetion, ifittribute the cure,
~ . I I).A"t ID 1t1e.F41,12LAN'D.,, , , •
. JanOtity,_ 1840., -• • •. ' ' Pastor of-the flajaist.,'hureh in'Colooati', , .
~ • • , _ • •
~ ..•• Tetatlislony front Poollimiter: - : •
- • - - ' ~: ..•-,' •< , --- - Itoctiesrin, N..Y. - June at 1843.
1 Sia.—Sometime last January. I was taken twith- a •violent cold, attended
atith a distressing cough, tviiich in e ,tbe coorse.of a lbw days - brought, or a
bleeding of the lunge, with much 'soreness of Ithe Chest, pain in the side and
much soreness of the breast: Aflerbeing confined:to my bed for wine/ days
and getting no tetteri Mr. Pardke, formerly 'DepUtY Sheriff of this • County,
recommended mot° get a bottle of Dr. Buchan's Hungarian Balsatirof Life,
observing, that be hod been similarly af fl icted; and by the use of that medi
cine had been speedily and entfrely - eured.- I imMediritely got a bottle; and
after using it A !Mort time theresult *nine im, predicted—l got] entirely
well. Prim the benefit,' received from the Balsam and from the universal
good name it boars among ray friends- who have;ttsed' it for disenaes of the
lungs and chest, I tins induced to believe it to he one of the best' medicines
snow in use for those diseases, and as such recommend it to the public.' •
, . W. W. SWIFT,
Reamarkaitolo cure pf a Da forams Coug.
1 h i
1 To S. TOUSEY. $4. AT 0 4 Cortmoits, N. Y. Aug. 6, 1844. I
Sir—We are entirely out Of the Hung,arien Balsam, having immediateold all you
left With us, in our imediate vicinity , and in ittatice to thein dieing Mils.
say with astonishing success. • A tow days sines a young genii Man_ of Chit
town.called at our store who had been for Menthe afflict:a , Wit icvery dis'
tressingeouodu and wanted a bottle of the Balsam. •• We 'Mid- I ini it :was of
little use fur him to take it or any thing else—HE MUST DI • , He teolt,
bottle, however, and'afterwards had another. ` Yesterday he called attain
very match improved in appearance, and said he was, rapidly• gaining
strength—but had it not been fur the invaluable Hungarian Balsaml - Mmust
hive died. We wants 'me more Of the medicine directly:
. '
Your respeettlilly, I • INGHAM & HAVENS. • '
[From P,sq. W. E. Fisk, Caftastoin, X Y., dated,Caszasrova Nov. 7, 1816]
To S. Totiser, Agent, &c.—Sir: Having used Dr. Buchan , * Hungarian
Baleam in my . family with the• very best success for lung- comPlainte, and
haying seen It used by my friends with like success, I was,induced last
spring to become an Agent for the sale of the same,..since which I have sold
a great number - of bottles. and have in. almelat every instance learned that it
hOd succeeded beyond all - expectatlon, in some crises where the: patient had
been by Physicians of respectability-PRONOUNCED
, i
their eases hopeless, and I most cheerfully reconimeed it to all who are tu:-
tering with lung compl4lnts, assuring them that in most eases hey will find
speedy relief.'" (iSigned) • I 1 WILLIAM E. FISK.
, •• • • • More Proof. ' • . ,
• Establisaino• MP tifilacy of the ,Thrtagarion Balsam, of itfe.
[Prom Deacon 'Lew is, of Utica, dated !hies, February •1 1846.]
T cheerfully give my name in favor of Dr. Bucaan's Ilan:ration JBaloam of
Life. Lust April, my wife WAS attacked with a•Vinfent cough,,ttended with
a severe and ! most DISTRESSISE .p.iN iN T im sIDE, BO had as t ddept ice her
of rest. While In this situation, I ealled,on Messrs. WarnerCu for seine
medicine, and they retotninended thia Balsam. I porcha,ed m ottle, And by
the time we had used about' pite half,of it, my wife began to ,t. better, and
i ,
after using therm
eainder, her health WAS completely. Restored • Since that
time I have recommended the Balsam to my friends, many of wh in haVe used
it with like snecess. (Signed) --,- ~. 1 • , JOHN LEWIS,
• • • . ' ''" . Pan of the rirstlßarairit Church in Utica.
• -, , - r_-Iklurither 'll,:vieleucel 1
[Fran the P. M. at Burlington Flats, Otsego Co. N. Y. dated, Jan. 1815.1
I am again tinder the necessity of ordering a new supply of the Balsam.-
V'y wife still continues the medicine and is improving. It is (loin. wonders
in this section, - I heard of a friend 50 miles from here who WES Considered
in a Co:greenlet) Costsustrvio'N. I sent Min two bbitles of the Balsam about
two weeks since,•and I heard from him, and the Bat amis aetin ~ on
him. likeo charm. ' (Si g ned) 1 , A. E. ARNOLD.
The Messrs. Metcalf, of Clerresco, N. Y. lone el whom is a
,physician) in ordering a new supply of the Tlaisain, says that. 'ln some Se,
)VERF. CASES our customers complain of receiving great hrerfit fi'oin its us. ° •
1. S. TOUSEY, Syracuse,' N. Y: General Agent for New York and t h e
Western States. Sold in Eric by Ciartut & Beevitmt, N 0.6 Reed House.
NOTICE.—The Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron
Alanttfaettaing - businests he carried on
it the old stand of Ashley & 'Kelsey, a here a con
stant ;Amply of all articles manufactured by him
will 4 }Lent.for sale a4lwhelesele and retail. Old
Copper 'and Brass Ware take a in paymeitt for
Tin Ware.
Erie, MY 1844. - 7
HAS riatoveid his sash,tlind and Oar Shop to
State;hetween 7t hfind'Bth streets;' where be
will keep constantly on.hand or make to order All
articles in his line' on thei,ehOrteat notice... Ogle
wishinrs , to obtainrifirit. mirk work at rovi , prices
would-do well to -eive.him a call hefdre'purchak
-7.1g elsewhere. Glazingdone at all times. Glass
s'ud Putty kept constantly on hand.
May 10, MG. • 51
from Now,York, porPonuoy's Express, tin. Spring.
Fashions; and, is now ready.t.o e.".ecnte all orders
for HATS in theriatest h'asion, and of a better
quality than van be pnrchased here l or elsewhere.
March 16. 1846. A
T1 - 1E subscribers, tho ;it sonic time in busi
ness, have not bef e found it convenient or
1 ( --
agreeable to introduce i o the paints a general
advertisement. Being ,rather, -.1., a modest- ttr,c,
they have been situated somewhat like the filran•
ger in New York, who got upon a dry goods box
in Broadway, to wait tilt the crowd should get by;
and like him, having attracted a little public no
toriety, they are prepared to get down and move
quietly along, and would respectfully invite the
attention of he public to a choice
,selection 01
'GhOCERIES, interspersed with a few staple Dry
Goods and other notions, Just received from New
York, Cincinnati,,&c., which they design to sell
pretty cheap for ready pay. Please call and see
at 109 French street, next door to It. 0. Hulbert,
Etq's office, cad at Sixth e..-eet Canal Basin. • ,
T!. Ti:'NIUNS2N, Er ; Co. ~
Erie Aug.
‘ l, 181 G. 0 11
Public Notice.-
Ihereby given that an application will honied°
to the next- Legislature of Pennsylvania, ler
the incorporation of a Bank to be called "'Pie
FArtstr.ns and NlKetrAstcs' BANK," with a Capi. -
MI of ono hundred thousand dollars, and the priv
ilege of increasing the samo to two hundred
thousand dollars. Said bow; to ho located in Erie ;
county Erie, State of Pennsylvania. •
Erie, July 170817. • -
Cathroll, C. M. Tibbs's,
J. H. Williams, Samuel Hays,
.1. 11, Fullerton. John C. Beehn.
' Walter Chester, Thom W. Sterrett,
Smith Jackson, Carson Graltatn,
James C. Marshall, James tVilltamm,
B. B. Vincent, I • Guy Loomis, ! •
Wm. S. Lsne, Alfrniii King,
H. L. Brown, M. W. Caugney,
P. Arbacklu. James Hughes.
IF you wish to buy cheap, you will please call at:
RIN DERN EC HT'S No. 6 0 Poor PeAsple's Row,
Where you can find the following articles, which
are watrented good:—Coffee; Sugar, Tea, Molasi
ses, Tobace of all kinds, Rice, Piper, Spice; Chit:
nanond, gloves, Nutmegs, Ginger, Starch; Chocco,"
late, Cocoa, Mustard by the pound or heti, Pcppei
Sauce, Leinon Syrup, Oliver Oil, Lamp Oil Vine?
gar, FireCrackers,Castile Soap of all kinds, Sha
ving Brushes, Powder, Shot, Lead, Percussion
Cups andTtlls, Candle Wick, Twine, Matches;
Stove Blacking, shoe Brushes and Blacking, Chalk
Tar and Rosin; , Macoboy and Scotch snuff, stil
pher, Thimstone, Epsom Salts Glauber Salts, Sir;
eratus, Bed Cords; Rope, Fish,end Chalk Lines,
Herring, Patent Pails, Tubs, Willett^ WagonS,
Wash Boards, Wiry gives, Almonds, Madeira
Netts, Filberts / Curry Combs and Horse Cards,
[Jorge . Brushes and Combs, Saltpeter, Dairy salt
in bags,Brooms, Corn Whitps.. and Hearth
Prooms,Whilowash Brushes, and othdr articles
foci numerous to mention. Please call and see for
yourselves. ' Erie, 'June 19, 1947.
fIAILTEIit ¢ ItOTHEit ittwo just received
their stanmer • 'of Winikiw Gians; , whielt
is large anti complete: veiling in sizn from 7x9 to
15x34; and sviil•ho 6tit to any size or shape desir
od,without extra charge, Putty uhyays on haul.
'June 19, - l , .5
CANDY ANTiItAISI NS, by: tho poiltor poaud
for Rale at No. I, Perry Block.
! -140QRE.
• "' . ,
our ATLA.S'F! I -
91,EfAl.' long expeeted'tionder °rale' alto; : the
;ielebratetand'ettimulor "FULTON STOVE , '
istioiv ready rot sate at our Store or foundry:
Persons whti have anydisposltiOn to seolt; , nrein,t
vited to call and do ao, whotherthey wish - to PlE
chap° or,pot. -• • •
-Aug. l l , l, 1847. •
N.-B. Old Stoves taken in payment., Bather
thrOici:tlia?ti itnin ilia to ket one or these feel
saving initcations. , ,•' - , t'tt - t:r
&CO.. ere,
Sept. 4, 1817.
CCO4DE9 v AI "ilq r r ki n kel
( V o l!
s t oo l:
by !? ,i,n,a l i gV,ookitg St t6:, ' "
' State qicist
it.; . fieiiiliitii,t,e
-1111,7 1.847'." •• •- • - , „,„
UPERIOR. French and American ruled and
an'a Nn Letter Papnr, „ • 1:„t
ytiallack -•• ii„,!=
Kent! And • '
wireik Coniinon,,Nete,lll!l4o:o4Aoi#,:illS:
Sealing , • •
Pounce, Blank Said; Rubber,. op etc,
For rata by • • " 11. 1 B Taco c 9.,
Erie, June 19th, 1817
Ai.,••••••,== iB4 7 er „, 7 ,
DUCE MERCHIA iTs.—vv HI continue the
Pony attlivvz onil commission businesTas usual,
at their ware-house ot 9te PnblieDock, Erie, Pa.
and will he ready on the•operi,ing of Savig.ution
of the present veer th ctintraetibr the shipt4ent o
Merchandise Ilttin the eastern Cities, or o cher
ce,:to Ride, al- , iirey Ore , doritieided 'With'drieul ter
speinsfble lines, and havine some olthe—firre• dos
of Steam floats and' Pt spellers' (nth° lakes rdn
nine to their house, 'ih.reby ensuring the saktand
speidy:transmisston pf alit property entrusted to
their care. They will ttend to the forwarding
olgoods uft and tionn the lakes or to any of the
Canadian porisl!on La re Ontario and the River
St. Lawrence-,alio So. tit by the Erie Extension
• CASH advance a nut
and lalett.prompily wit
constantly on hand Bi
small quantities, to dui
ALSO—Salt, Plast ,
Iron, Nails; etoves and
don. • . •
e on•all k inns r I Produce
'Wed to. , They -will kee;p .
unninous Coal, in large or
purchasers. -
!r in bbls, or hulk,' Fish
Catitinasol eery tkseriP•
C. AI. Tibb6).
( John C. fkeb
Smith Jaelteo
Johnson, Him
' Holt, Palmer
JO. N. Chapin
W. Montel II
' Otis, Clapp &
George V.! I"
- E. 13. -.All*
- ' „Tames 13rOmt,
Wm. D. Kill',
Standart, Jaro
Albert bled, D
Erie. , March 14. ,18,
,4 , Co. " ,
rod 4.cii." . • -
$. Co. gofEalo. • - -
1, A lbany,
..c, Co. "
Co.Cp. Bostoo, ,
oil 5.:.„ Co. 14. Y. city,
gdensborg, IS. Y.
,Toronto C. W.
is. , ,.St, C',ntlaerinep, "
.i,ce & Co. Cleveland, 0.
letroit,•lllfich: •
Dole, Cil • i.n.o, Minnie.
initlia in %Via —A be iu•
9d as.: tment just reeeiv-
nIT l'SßUttliH Roc
r tint!: ankle, and 'go.
cd and foe tcdc by '
August 1. 1616.
WOOL! ~:
REWST .f l keep con
-1 ' 1
the Erie A - eollen Facto
ad Fancy, , assitneres and
i and qualti es which they
i very, on •ustornary and
They ulso i pay cash for
r, June IG, 1817. 6
viETIA - FEEY 4. B
IVI stonily on hand ati
ry, Plain Cloths, Plain at
Twedi; of various cOlor4
exchange for wool op de
accomiiindating Lyons.
Fria Woollen r tory
_ _
L") KING Glaa4es a
A large assortment
sale very low, by
Sta:o at., nosily
July 17, 1817.
hrl looking 2,litsg platT.
lof the nbovo nrtieles for
G LOOMIS g . z.r?o.,
'oppo.§itp, Engle Hotel.
GUNS.—Double !Barra' 11, Slavic do. Fowlioa
Pieces,,lliwokinzz 4ix Shooters , with a gen
eral as.Yortnr_int of Clur•lia 4)23.1
G. L6Ol\llS & Co. 1
July 17. 1817. ' I ,
PROVISIONS. Flour, Pork, Platns, Shon;d•
et's, dried Apples, died Peaches, Corn ! 'leal
Codfish, White Fish, Mackerel, e tatoes and ev
erything in the Provision Lino, constantly on
hand and for rule by
—__ ~._._ ~____
M647,A§,.§ES atlsix per cen,t less than can be
had at any other store in Erie ' and or equal
quality, now ollbreti b; . ..
Ana. 27. ' I.II.tOWN Et.AI3CARTEII,
Rt./ A. DO [Art' I
La every color; et
9.:Cheap:4i Jo, by
,Auz. 17.1 BROW
JS andC --- '7l74;,iiiriTs of ohn
ripe, quality and price, at
rtilm pubscriteris the att !twin(' Ag.,eut for
.1 sale' Of FOWLER'S 1 ; . FIR F4sIOLOG W..
WORKS„ in Erie County. Ho will dispose
them at New York' prices. 11Q is also Agent
11 ,- tribe's Prenolo r gical Journal. pall and ex, 1
n L thQse f valuable phblicatilms at his B ,
St re, on State street, Erie ; Pa. I .
' Atli. 51017.
kry to
, ,
CULL AND SE ;;:Preparatkry to tnalcljne
V. arraitgaincnt 1 1 for, going• to ew Yolk I fqr
our Pall an Winter stock of Goode, we will sell
all kinds o . Spring and Summer Goods at cost, to
make To for the new stock. - P, ove us. • ,
"Aitg.l7.l" I BROWN & M'CARTER.
•, •
EEIGHT DAY land 30 hour Gothic, 0. 0.0.
, Pillar Mara! and 'commoo,-by tho single or
case, very cheap for ready pay: . •
I, ; 1 G. LOOMIS & Co.
.'; l l3iteM it.„ .. neatli**ip l oqttiCai.lei 'datel
July 1.7.. 1047. To , .-.- ,:,, •,- , ,• . • •:' i t
j ; I unit
500 r-,3 V. alio; , fl e gs,f; the cheapest,' u ee e one 4et doo'r
fiord) orthe Big Window; by - • • •
- Jiino 16. - " N TYE RNECHT. .
• ' DiSSCILUTIoN't 7 )P 'PAII,,T,Sit r It SIIIP,e 4 r`:.,
illHEiPaitheriihiii'heteiiiitiiii' e':ii,eitti . . 4 '6:SiwSoS.
± She widellignsil. is.kir irkii•edrili IC t•tisineas;
is thiii'day "dissulveii - bY (midis) conamit .
• • tigo:"J.' ttiloliterN, .
. ,
~( . 1 , '!) . ; „4.,,,./ICV" . • .:tutp , t7N,
A upsl:l7, :4 7 k , -,, Tat 95.111 2 1it.1,14'.g.
: The-ttettOintl egettnts of tlielete,llrtlycif or ?
1 3
to Ce. are'hy entltual akieehiettilect kviili•lhe.
ofidereliri d for eelteetiOrt; 4hcf still eonlitrite thel
business t the old:stand. wlioielheir erllt be itiiii;
pytr - aecimitedete theit'•old customeref and the
public general,ly,,lyitkg,gl4l ofk i tapre favorable
terms than they caiibe hatlltt. any other establielt-
All3ife hi .0A eltf t ,l''. ' LI.ROVVS 4;,l4!CitRTEtt.
'Erle;Ait.iist 1 ,1841. -- ` ' ' ''' - ' '' 14
LGA RS!4=Pu6ito Principe, T,btx,,; QpQnisti
- - ,
or. • mr.. mnort g;
h.T.t4-:fu4 received and for
cheat or tee d ,g by ,
I a gthefl• Fr :
'dune I •
• (cv
ARE now doll
giving the
profits of the con
the premium pait
Risks upon t
the most favorab
ally and promptll
Fire risks - on u
property. in towr
Joseph 11. Seal,
Edmond 11. - Sant
'Sohn C. Dtvi.4, 1
RobOtt Burton,
John B. Pinrose,
Samuel Edt , tardi
Fl+nry Laveroneo
Po(word Clortingi
Is, a c I G. Jolingeti,"
illiarri Fo [Tay,
John S. 'Ne4 . lin r, D . Si Thombs,
Dr. R. M. Must m, John Seller, Jr. 7 :r,
Siencer -
Richard S. New,t;Old,-Scfc'yi Win.Martin,Preal
Itas'Application can. be made to
KELEOGG, Agent Erie.
Erie, AOLiust 7, 1847." 'itfl2
TIE Erie Ccionty I liittil lirsurance Company,
continues 0 1111SUrlj alzainst loss and clainage
by fire, on boil ing.;, gonds and merehandisit of
all descriptions Vince on the cast side of '\l,c
Public Squre, eiween Mb and 7th:tit:els.
Wm. catty, l j
S. ncer 1 1 i Geo i r . fz \ e; !''' li
S 'i tt ia de rn ' -
ThOnias \II illii, Smith .facics.oni
Giles Sarnind,/ :rEltjAh Babbitt,
'G. M. Tibly, -t, John A. Tracy
. tj. To t send, _ I larrilin Russel ,
Tern y Cats ijll.
- J. I ` C
SrEscr:n' - Trourer 1 •
- Treasurer. ":1'..•
Genrze . olden;' Secretary.
June 3, 1817 ~..7-4 I Iy3
WI.:i t TER perni ß i N 1 1 ;0 1\ pure article, to sale
11, N . ?:\ St 1.... s. .
Erie, Feb. 13, 1817. 3:1
eNchrint , ,e
12 inehe4 wide
I - 1E,\11.0 1 .1{1
12; 15, 16,18 a
10 11 and 16f >
mat 1t m ice wi
Luma_ yard a,
14 in good c
Jude 12.
Spriil2 Pra ilia.
-ii4e 12.
ver Frunie
cave anti-Craw
and parabolic
sak and n
butter and inn
far sa l ,c by
y w
Au rifted (la
lens, new strl
ets, touerliertm
Riney articles
C I -Jr Growerie
Cheopsidr. -
Aug. 17.
•••••• 1 other things
Joie 17. 1817.
. .
, ,Itibi id Noticel •
irz, 11E11E11 GIVEN that the - SiockliHlers of
Ithe Erie Bitlt, in the county of Ei ie. inn Ito
mike •ippliou ion :0 the nee: Legishi titre tlt. a i re.
tito.% al ofrne. harter, by the name and li: of the Elie B. nk, i the' county of I..tiq j to tem lb) loca
i ll
ted in the B ir l otigh 01 &re, in :lie county qt Erie,
with the Same capitol and pi ivilecies intilft note
has. , By order °ldle Board orDriontors.
'O.- M'
.P.I lt lt EN, Gushier.
Erin Bank, .Tnlv in, 1817. . I
I t ', e.n Vi s t r y..
wllO are permanently located in Elie l Penn.
where all Sol ' , lint and Nlechanical'iopera•
I. •,•• ' *
tiom!in the sclenee of Deroktry, will bet done with
all that ease, neatness and durithiliry whith
experience altri
_extutsi ye' opportunhy, I..?„cilter
.w h h a thorowill It row led.t:e of all the In to int.
provcruentz o 'the Babb-no - I'e Detel Colleq. alone
can give. - .
Dis. Elliot or Rose will visit the following
named places once in six or etglit weeks, viz.
Conneaut, Ohio, Spinel:ld, Girard', Loch port,
Fairview, Water lord:: .Vattslittrgli and North
East, Erie e 0 fray, \Varcn and CMumbn. , War
ma county:Pa.^ Ladies and gentlemen ti log in
or neat either of the alov, named Wee .. 7 who
need the servfee4ofa Dentist, can be .0 upon
tl auce, by addressing us . Erie.
at their rex,
Particular at,entien wil he paid to the ealth of
the Guinzt, as well as to ,rotoring and, Pre •ervin ,,
the Teeth. Pirot',Teeth, mill he linsert d Mier
the latest improvements; also, Plate Tem I, from
one to amen ire set. I
Office and residenCe on the corner of Pe.
Seventh Streets, Erie,
Sept. 16, 1S 17.' 1 II
New Goods!' New Good;
WE are treceiyinz ur stock of FA LL
WIN L'IL GOODS, which we bell •
vie with any in :the place in extent, st
quality. We forbear to enumerate• sty
qualities lim i ting none of the spirit of th
doeia, and presume that if we tr er e- to a
i WO pieces splendid 01;s, 10,000 piece g All
100 eases French Merinos, rich casWere:
metta cloth, Mohair Luteres, Oriental, C
Monterey at d Oietr,ou Taids, &e. 'Sr.. , e f .01
would dot 11 or, by be in reared in a relic
intellizent commm iiy. ' \Vc bave only; ti
this point, that we I aro WI and complet l
merit orsifelrignods nop br3i)eoof Om teal
market requrd, an we Teri ti ent With
ing pledg r t, sell a I the !trope I Twos t ei
huti2ht i the bore igh! n. eael '.• • Plea:e l
let t 4 talk oicr thi r ma ter a I !Ile ht 11
1 I i`trlh:TCIAL .'.3, No, l', [tee t
S'pt. '23. 1847.1
7 7 & M , CATITEIt
SINCE flip Tariff has been taken on
ports into this country, and placed oi
Mexico, it b i as enabled thole who have p
Groctries in the East to sell them cheu
witdilall wh:want unyiltioe, in'tho Qroc
to call and xnine our stock', for we f d
without ai
t fea of contradiction, that we
freshest lot bt . Groceries in this market,
ell boon ImA:based from the latest-gym
En our Jul chi may be found the follmyfrig:
Imperial, Gunpowder, and ,Young i
Teas; Jata, Rio,.,Laguira find St.
go_Coffeevi lyoakFitloerised, Port t
and .Y, d r , " sitgarS4- PtPii4ei • - 'SPiO
ger, 'Cirutmon," '.yutmegs alitee,-Clove
Pearled - Oxley,' Ca,ntlies',' Pecan,
Atadeit'aisint Peri. nutsi;..dentonds,
etc.,- Fruits--=:.ilpple'S, Raisins' Engli:
l'alli, ) , alid;rl is ; Sperm and i'a note i
.Sumptce ltd. Winter eirainedgdi,
superior a ;tele, Salad ail, .Fahek
.Variegated nod Bar soap. Bat
White* Fish, 1 .1-Ickerel, iliackittai
and - Herri; ' ~ •• - : " - ' .=-• '
Kimball' extra; Fine•ent eheivinz
Smoking and Cavolndisli Tobacti, Pipe.;
- ' .Reptlie,lPrincipc;Traboca, Lenora
mon Cigar ~ , '.•- i, - - • • '
Colored ndpl'aintrais end Mimilltil l
- Besides a host of Other articles to a
,wente of aI: A fresh supply of ,Gio
1 cejiedaerni-ineinthly. Call and
end prices lit NO' I, Perry, Block. .
- 1 - , l'
T. 1V: Al
'o,rle,lune 12, 1817;
a i nce Company,
r ruILADEirIfA,) -
rg business on thi mutual
assured a participation in
pony, without liapility bc)
Ire Lakes and Canal ingot:.
terms. -Losses will be
' erchandizt,buildinga and .t
,or coutar for a-limited te,
I 1_1.1;1;n : its C. Bind
dr, l'heophilos 'Pon'
I 11
' U. Jones Biooke
1 Jolin Gatret,t, 1
• • Crla
I it c9r.t.tirii..le 're' l
1, '
1 II: dvidli.. ladey,
on, • :Pt ntles Kelley,
or Geotha—any quantity of
( Vnod
FENCE tat ll
A D.... 1, 6,3,1 , ac 4
34 and 16 feet )
JOICE, 1 1-2 by 19, and 2 -2 by
d 20' feet 10n , 4.'
sTu DDI NG, by p awl 3lhy 4;
for whieh! the hi'he
111 be paid, when deiivered a!ti,bis
the feet of French street. 11
Pri, , . 1 larch
t. 14/7,
A lot of prime tiwy,l , l! Le
jugt ice,iv,(l by
All.CANLT)4—ziabl to be
preparation of Sut6upam itl
and aeneral eon-cc:ant for si
J.. H. rmirros Co. A ”'e
!!. 4114, filirtsr and lean:aß extengik:el6.ortinimt of
6%. Also, the, celebrated piiri j i
'pee:odes, superior to any in
t., nearly opposite Etti!le fictl
July 17, 181
List a e Torins. toogs. Lone . ?
hakes, const i antly Itaoc,
t...neaqy 114,
• State
hilt' 17. IS
ill find Fac, I, , 111; and bead
kp s nnr beads, pa t.e silk;
bronehe.f, Aracelets, pencil+
nh an endresa variety of sp
G. LOrMitg Bz. CO
st., nenaly opposito 1. , :1121e - E1
July 17, IS
-7,-Ari extel h pt)/ assmin
s ustn at ad it»-.9 to thunif at
C ga(t.l ( . ;o.lre for orie (foil
w pW,opcistion. at No. I
From the City of. Mexic
Arrival of Freida and Gro
At No. 1, lot wry Block. 4.
Standard F . - _
-, • •
aniil, 1 11jedicanee ''t
rAvoilE lIiT ertistrir OF Ton, ', -
rr He
ll , A ,.._ The tti/ 0 one tuitnina a vette e,,„ -- ' • '
where hertou Millar rocUo,
ed upon de erredlt
by eitizen.'erithe h lbheat reap cliliDi I. end b) at. t .l, - ;
'of the medical profession in TOY section of thst iai d
'Stiles and Driti,h Peatessiees entitle* theta In the m. ,
lathe Confine rers of Dianase. A mats of Americaa ito
testitnony is in the I octoeteposomatio n ()f el " ) ,
'performed by thee() permitter' TeMeLfal alter th a " mik
ed treatment of the medical f hlty, and the tnimpe iti g,
retnedie,, (tribe day had Leen rim' in rain.
Maybe needle:ill) marked a e Mtn in every di„...„, Te. :
qutriag, a gentle and. pawl - 13 . purgatite. They Mt
iVitil aaioni•lting quickness 12-ti7atr and dtzainera of lit
head, paha and weakng.sof lie bee'ast, rides and /toad,
all kinds of livers Innatuntie of Vie 'llama_ org .. 4
the human buity. foul breath, coated %ratite, billtous dol.
ic, habitual i oStit cites!. and I all cater Oillitt, th e
•rie it end Ito eta are loaded w . it humors, it halt altstr,pz.
duetivo of 'tease'. finch t contain* .30 po,
ranted under I.Aith purely veg AaLle, and Pell for 'A telib;-..
3 nod 3 being no ordinary d tge. Alga.
For Rhentnntism, Sprains, 131,11Aeli, Contraeted Coe
d a .''i
Sore Ttirunt, Quinzy. Cron , Stiff Joint., Shiunk By.,
vi P. Agnelli] the breast and ace. Ttarhaelle,Prozen Pen, .-
Diflttlita a the Stkine.. Peri. ted lalntbv . „. and wherever ti a ,_ ~
catirnal application is lel leated.l The tepidity sin
lit Intent Ill' i WONDER Will KING MEDICINE Carin a — 1
. 0 4.4 eos/s of the above i.terases l l /We attracted Tliz
WON OF; It AND A DMIRAT ON of the world' That 41
may avail 111C111,CIVi sof the V. of Due b etaing to j husua..
the Doctor lia* put the i rice ari:3*cents. Each ho)..
tie as the Dimes. name Me n in the glas., and envelop_
ed in a cut of a'diseasedl Stu te,aceotenatited with fuli 4,, i
reel loot. Like.. live general fel.tilityl, attended with raiz, 4
and weak tte*ot in the *tomtit, nod &Fria, extending tan., ;
.... _ .. .
sub's, loss of appctite, trim
lion of the heart t laululicc
iuus arc quickly ri
Put up in boxes neenmpAnie.
Lts Each box wall make
111:111ner can Coughsr, Cobl.l Whoopiog Cougli Cr
and reeve'( fascr of the Coo
apd qulrkly owed by
1 - )ICATED . coucp
TGES. . 1
e ILl...mining See a polithe
NT SUCCESS' which ever,
ierrick's Worm Desten . i og
n(I expulsion of erormsfi na ,
1 them first on thie'eatalogo•
cant to tate. 'Children lore
as to astoni h . the beholder,
d e
lions. Thos sulferine trot
breast. sides and back. alto
in ill find a friend in the ire of
'5 r}4. Two of the
_eau Ise. THE TI:11.1411PIIA
w hese ails:miss the, ule
Jfsezess ge In the de<ts us lion
the Issitll3l, by‘te m , hay phiseel
of remethd. They ure plejs
'them, mid their t fleet is and
Price '25 et. . with 011 direes
p sins and weallerms iu the
ti epe•llat $- 7.1.111h
Spronit on fine Kid leather,
mon Price only I el ets
all other pit tore. and are
le by
So much having bretUrai '
that tlc y :qur hoththaetriv
gar Contrd ,'llll,,und ono ere
that belt:Lila palette for Ea
bring this grantee admit,
them he judges in the
Wog. 11
ought lot:o'er Co rxisi. Ur
11,,rIte, the t v onnnivenner of
I t s ttcr in unswel ie giten
U. Sr
Dr. Herrick—Dela? Sir-1n
f - o•en rrt I'll ed. Inl ,111,Wrr I;
1 , tea,
I furls
ixit,6lll ha , / born :routed to
. _
'Phamphlets giving a .ore general deserilitian of, ,
the Jledilllll, 1114 i.l, had ur auy of the Agents. . a;
Prow,p.,l Depot 13Stace sireet,'Sbany,, where all cit..
der,.. moo he Add.
AtiENTS.—.I A. Conon dc, Co. John Cummins & Co.
Cne;•Guilford & Evaus,'Dirarti: and 3. H. Ilaynee,Nortit
Fa,t, 1847.—Jy40,
-N E W
e of the firm of H i .ehte,ck, Zlmmerly &Co.
have eosinassoeiaie?r themselves in the Whole.
sale and Retail G'reccrylbusiness,on State street,;
nearly opposite the Peg! ! ! Hotel. in the room late•
ly accupied in. kirldernecht, ander the BOIL
ofJ. ZININIh.:RLY & Co. where will be founds
lar2e and ttell . selected sortment Of all Kinds of,i
Wet and ply 'West India. Goods comprisins ave.";
ry article usually kept oy called for in P a. Grocery
store. Among stock trip. 'e found; 7
Coffee of every price land quality. •
Old and Young Hysprl eas;
Pepper, Spice, Indio , B own, Lump and Loaf
Sutrar. • i
Cho-L.-041e, ca , oile and
"l'obaCco of tl et:) . quill
ipso( ail Is inds, tsredic
tinw (lc. etc.
J. Z..S. Cu. teinivrAlwir
lmingc, extended to I h
and hope Thy may by tit
week-a a continuance of
'old as well as new cast°
ed to pnrchase grain or
dried apples and peaches,
ver seed, for which CAS
Erie. April 23. IS
ent if
No. 4
r, and
4%A G.
an addir
of gocds, which; makes th
iensive, comprising a tar)
faslikinable VEWELRY,, ,
ruby, garnet, emerald, am
enamelled pins, diamond,
gold car rings ' guard chat
pencil cases, bracelets, loci
thilliblcq, studs, snaps, fi
T I M E., , —Gold and Silv
tent lever, duplex, horizon
mein. Frcnch mantle,
mustard spoons, ladtea, b
spectacles, chain., keys, p i
Plated; Brithonda and ' t
Tea pots, urns; pitchers,
cake baskets ; candlestick
spoons, farms, - ink stands
CU'T'LERY.—Roper's -. nd either celebrate!
igniters razors, knives and scissors. -
MISCELLANEOU-St. llathematical instru•
inents; telescopes, themo eters, pocket corripas: :
sea, sun glasses,' violins, ae!tordions;lnusicboxer,
"to th, pail and shark) fifes:Tgteel - piens; - cur - crises, combs, pocket
hooks, pocket pistols, Icor 1,, limber, ,gill, steel,
wax and glass heads, lead lid silk bags and pur
ses, elastic guards, po*a I writing desks, work.-
paint, snuff, tobacco fin shaving boxes, Tatar
sops, clotneS, hair , :
I si,
brushes and glasse.ti Gl4ier's diamonds, -skel
heirs, powder - flasks 'l
percussion caps and pill,
chessmen; dominoes, segareases, purse and dark
ilasps, rweezers, cane, whalebone, violin and Vass
viol strings,- rouge, eiow4er, puffs, perfumer*
court plaster, too w sh ant! powders, tooth picks , -
teething._ rings, tea ! ells, sealing wax, Motto ,
seals, visit ing i cartle, e mery baskets, needles bat
tiedor, and birds, %po I stands, with numerous oth
er articles nothnenti ned, both useful and Orlin- -
mental, which ii ill t i ,. for '+eatly pay," fromjtveo7:'
ty- five to fifty per cent lower than limmerli,;
N. R. Watebes, nitiPie bares, jewelry repairCt
in the "best manner and' warra ntcd. '
Cash and most kinds, of country produce AV
ken in payment for goods or mirk. Call audio.,
The.highest priecs paid lin cash for cld Gott'
and Silver. .
1 .1 -
t . ,
July 24, 1817. lO
ve will
•le and
es and
s, Pdra
p it trade
nal and
I say on
I a..sort,-
le as the
' ,
1 ,
can L r
1 all and
_ 19
re vs
the i
that o ,
Nu ; ;nags, ;;• / Sage,
Mace, "•1 1. J Bitter Almonds, ' -
Cloveit; • Summer, r•_.a,vorr, ' •
Ground Cinnamon, • , Sweet Majoratii, ..
" . Pepper, black, ' Vanilla Beans, •
Cayenne do Citron, ‘. ,
Superior Mustard, • Estiact. Vanilla, '
Puro •JamaicaGingeu • 1 ‘ • Lemon,
Root, • ''. f + -_ " Bitter Almonds
Ground do-' i\ , • Orase Flenn Water,,
Coriander Seediii , ' Lea ill's Rose do-
Caraway. -• do I ,_, '
Bermuda Arrow Rool, Oatmeal, • '
Superior white 14pioca, Cooper's, Isinglass,
Pearl Barley, E Russian' tin
Isa‘roo - Irish Moss,
Rice Flour • Iceland Mos
. 1 ry line
Itore the
Hyson .
p Rico,
' Gin
; ' Rice
ha via a.,
I Y Trout,
Selected with care a
id all warranted
Erie. Juno 19, ISI. Na. 5, Re
' - -011 E.
t .,
A LL person who • now themsel es to be in
-1"11.' xlebted to Brew. ter, Brown, 4 Co.,_ Mahaf
fey and Brown, or Mehaffey and Br
_,vittelc 6116.
at the Store or. Woollen Factory, - a olherelq u r
quested to pay their indebtedness yitheifirr of
July next; or othcrwiso expect to ha ,costs •add
ea• - Wool.'arain of tall deserii?tions, Butter and
cheese, will be'rceek•ed in payment of debut title,
if delivered at Op Erie Woolen Factory.
Ette, Juno 211; 1:;17, .
nd com
Mats, 7
pely the
cries co
d „StKods
i ORE.
.)111.1g , Of the limbs. palfg s ,
rlue n nd Fe•cr, and nn ILL
rt by the use of
I With difelilool, and talk.
ulf;a gallon,' In the lane
Asthma, opereirinh nrtil
up, I nth inatiOn of the Liii;
utopg ion be greatly helpv
kll wear from one to uit
and are ialttivt the plate of
considered BES . AND
. .
by tome-New York mien
brge to make ona• %end , * So
pretending nod atherfiro;
lolorti induces the Irocrol. to
, ?
ion beforo tile public, an;fict
irhethet -aspic.= edi this kind
Berrie* Ann weisreetw Mr.
cuts at Wa4htug was hwe
item Office. Jan. 16. 46
' ur fetter of the - sth in Lima
I your ingiiiry whether any
0..pi1l coated with sugar.l
cord of ouch's' pate - Inger% be
Itopectfully yourp. , , --.
il. in son'p,raisinz,-fizi.l
, cigars, sllelrCirocei- 1
vitt' Iron, nail.i, Aid,
/antes for the very general;
m . for' the past six year!,
it endeavors to,l
favors' in the shape of t .
ers. They are prepar-'
11Jrinds, butter, .e.n,
1.. .
reitimothv and i e
:-tviW to paid XV. heir t
MIS 4- 'CO, op site
otel, haye jnat re tired
on to their former stock
it assortment very ex-,
e vari - ety 'of rich and
4:nsisting of diamond,
thvt, aqua manna and
ruby and 'pliiin rings;
sand key 4, spectacle...
,ets, miniature setting,•
&e. I I '
t.t--\c'arelles of the pat
;a1 and common escape
entail and Atucrieo
lc, dcs..7rt, tea,saltand
ttcr and fruit 'knives,
ncil case,, thimbles. •
erns CI 71 Silver jVare.—
Os, Husk-h .- Ms. bowls,
snuffers and trayP,
castors. -
' & Co.