Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, November 06, 1847, Image 2

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    M, Dallas's Speech at
Bon. Georg
We have the
teadem the ad.
on his arrival a
reply to an add
McFarlane. -
me, sir, to cony;
my fellow-citizi
Ingo excited in
and overflowing
As kpublie ser
such' a proof I
!approbation; a
'IY sensible the
and that its o
me no resource
laration of grate
• Bir, a senti
to no all lust n
public and per
den the hear
course of ash
teh upon the fa
the incontvstib
nem, content
pressure of laying before our
real of lion. Ueo..M. Dallas,
Hollidaysburg, (Pa.) made in
ss' to him by Hon. Geo. R.
eid:—lt is na t l. p assible for
,by words, to' yini and to
Sena of Hollidaysburg, the feel
breasi by this unexpected
g manifestation of welcome.—
want, I cannot be insensible to
of unimpaired confidence and' .
i an individual, I am profound
t it far transcends my deierts;
rerpowering character leaves
but a short and , heartfelt dec.
Atmle and thanks.
etent of thankfulness is genial
w. The times are marked by
ding blessings, Which, glad
of every, patriot. n the
t. journey,l have seen writ
of our noble commonwealth
truths of prosperity, , happi-
Ail her institutions ate fl,iur-
ishing, all her
her In(limn.]
farmers, hert
• • ber Atoll/row:
chanice, are al
surinces, fact.
• enumerating di i
tivity, confide
seen it beneatl
suing from th:'
üblic works , are productke,
al inteiests'are thriving; her
dere, her iron and coal - miners
.rs, her manufacturers aid ow
1, sir, with the moneyed capi
, es, whose stocks and other in
ether in railroadst canals, in
'ries, or even banks—yield re
idends—all, all, are full of ee
cc, and exultation: I have
' the thick cloud of smoke is
countless forges and foundries
. .
of our great w stein Ivorkshops• ' I have seen
it on the flock covered slopes of Washington,
and the rich u dulationa of Westmoreland—l
hive s e en it aid the teTing coal-pits of the
, Monongahela and y6ur neighboring moun
tain. I have een it it acknowledged
by men of dye y shade of political opinion; it
is a reality, as palpable as. it is glorious!—
- Pennsylvania ever has witnessed a period of
greater actual prosperity or of prouder prom
ise. God gin t nothing may occur to disturb
„her progress i diminish her abundance. . .
Thts delineation, sir, need not be restricted
to the State; t," is applicable to our whole
country, to every part of our whole country.
The southern planter, the western farmer, and
- the, pastern spinner, with the merchant at ev
ery port, prod aim its justice. 1
1 do not pre end to tell-you the causes of
this great o ward and upward movemeut;
much less am I willing ; o ascribe it to any
single measur of national policy. It is the_
"mastifeet des iny" of the flee, intelligent, and
virtUous'peopl of America, when wisely gov- •
ered through he action of equal and liberal
laws. Their destiny is greatness, wealth, •
and happinee destiny which nothing can •
irur or limped but narrow, illiberal, and op
pressive legis ation, • -
`>, Out, sir, yeu l have been pleased in a man- 1
tier far too flattering, to advert to the course
6f my own ptiblic life as explanatory of your
own unexpeeteil and generous reception. It
is certainly true Abet my eympathies and sen
timents have 1 always aided 'with the democra
cy; it hi true,' also, that
i in the instant the
• Bank of the - United Stile threw itself, with
all its means end motives to corrupt, into the
. arena of political etruggt, I ranged
. myself
ardently *Bd:wisely an he side of the more
• than Roman Tribune, under whose, repeated
blows it final y fell: and it hi true that when
' recently, as ice President, called upon to
fulfil the obligations of my o ffi ce, to redeem a
recorded pit ge, to yield to the ascertained
senae,of the ation, mid to decide between the
rights of la rand the privileges of classes,
I gave the 71ing, vote. • Sir, there is nu mer
it it: all or e y of this.' Many thousandi of
. .
thatthere is n honest American democrat,
and scarcely an honest American jfederalist,
who, in the ame official, political , ' and per
sonal pesitio , would hesitate in giving that/
casting vote I come not here, however, or,'
,anywhere, t explain, justify, or uphold that
vote-it is nw an indelible portion of the his- ' :
for and policy of our country-.posterity will
bvbetter able to judge of it than we are; but
this 1 svil s. y, that he who can look 14 the
.wOndert i l h. ppy effecter, domestic and foreign
which, in a single year*■ trial, have flowed .
from the tar: ir of 1846, and yet be angry with
the tooting , sle, is, to say the best of him,
very inacc • isible to the feelings Of patriot
Our hori on is dimmed but by a single,
small cloud :o small as in no respect to have
obstructed t e general prosperity to which l•
' have referred.. It is nevertheless a cloud on
which the political pilot must keep a wary
eye. It is the Mexican war. Under any air
cumitancee war is " ' calamity, to be avoided
whenever i can be avoided consistently with
safety and honor. It , demoralizes society,
breaks into he domestic relations and private
pursuits of ife, inspires 'inebriation passions,
and eats cie the natural and regular resources
of govern rat. It is especially hostile in its
tendency republican and siniplednstitutioes
and habits. Still, this calamity must sowe
,tiines be en wintered. With all its evils, it
is a hundre fold better than national dishon
or. Howe er bitter and poisonous it way be
it Is purifying.nectar compared to the loath
some• and n xious drug of cowardly disgrace.
Out' war w I forced upon us by a presumptu
ous, perfidi its, end' invading - neighbor. it is
oiketir aide a just and righteous contest to
protect our soil, the lives and property, of our,
citizens, th security and
VIVO union . of the States.
, f t
COOIIBII ate with the justice of our cause
has been tl o victorious progress of our arms,
until, at la , defeating our enemy at the very
avails of hi capital, we may expect from the
instinct of elf-preservation the indemnities
we have a right to exact, and the honorable
peace fur % hick we have
1 L
fought. , '
Let but n honorable peace close this bril
liant war, nd none will regret the treasure
expended ii its prosecution. Let but our
i l
gallant sal' iers return to their homes, their
"brows bond with victorious wreaths," and
bearing in their hands the emblems of a con
quered pc ce, and who will count the costt--
I rejoice a the prospect which the recent ac
counts o ti--a prospect which clients the
war aun., upon terms fair to the Atnerican
people, an dnot humiliating to the Mexicans.
Blrove Pennsylvanians have cause to feel
some pril in an incident which marked the
very sate s battle of which we have hoard
and which I know, fora not reached your ears.
I read it i a letter written on the 28th Aug.
upon iho eldot victory, by one of our beat
and brave t officers. A company of our ar
tillery, at ched to tisecommand of Col. Dun
can, eras ed on to attack .the only remaining
and unsitanged battery of the enemy, by Cap
rain'SimOn Drum, of Greensburg. Ho was
rapidly ' Simon
. tiie enemy from
their gun i, and bore away in triumph the very_
two can'n ns which bed been mimicked .by
Bents An na' from our forces at Buena Visas,'
and which had been forwarded to the lifeil-'
can metrepnlis as trophies k of valor. A rmilit
reonsylvitnian hag redefined from the foe tile
polyspoi he could even atlket to, hate torn
IFOR/ ila • Taylor. . .
it is c • Id, air, that this yet unSeished- for
ties war lanai the only speck upon our na
tional Ito • , . thatour domestic tranquillity
I 5ha , 1044 by a dark and threateninif Cibud,
r '4lly Oaf ng de4 spreading: and that theibol t
`III( Illogt if not lauAebtop which, aimed at
th domestic Ina4fitilottiteed %oat rights. of
oar aoutheln Dieter 16taiR4 Malt penetrate the
intro, parchment ofour coastituttooandehake
tile 'confederacy into fnigaleate. A few
word% airs upon this ItitSfeltitig topic, and I
hove done. .
Let us not Ito alarmed at any matter which
,b mover, apparently portentous, Is exclusive
ly to be controlled by the Amerietut people.
They.are a ,just and a wine, people. ',They
have entera into the national compact - , and
will maintain its obligations, in the strictness
of the letter and the fullness of the , spirit!—
They have - long felt, and well know, not
merely the benefits,. but the positife political
necessity of the Union.
There are some questions of public and so
cial order which the framers of the 'constitu
tion and the people of the respective States
who ratified it, never intended to ,suhrnit. and
have not submitted, to the decision eta con
gressional majority. Had they donti so, the
wholesome sectional equipoise and the essen
tial sovereign equality of the members of the
confedercy would, at once, have been made
to yield to the spirit and power of consolida
tion. Whatever a congressional majority his
a right under the provisions of the conetitu
lions to legislate upon, that is- a matter' to
which the American people have agreed to
apply the principle, and bear the consequences
of consolidation;' what his been withheld
'front the action of a congressional majority,
that is beyond its reach—reserved either to
the respective States or the people.
Sill to my mind, the whole character of the
constitution, Must be changed before you can
discern in ;it's communication, express or im
plied, of a power to Congress to mould, mod
ify, change, - establish, or prohibit, actually or
prosPeelivelY;,the domestic relations of any
piiitran ofthe American people. Such a pow
er rests with the people themselves - alone; it
is the vitality and inalienable 'right of self
government. '
I cannot yield my assent to - the broad pre
tension that the "power to dispose of and
I make all needful rules and regulations re
speetiag the - territory, or other property, be
longing to the United States"—a power given
by the constitution to Congress—involves any
authority 'whatever to deprive the people of
territories of every right, mid - subject them
absolutely to the will of the majority of that
body. This conspitutional clause bears sole s ,
ly upon eopperty, upon naked land. •If the-,
territory,be tenanted by men, and - especinlly
N-f.,,those men have already their civil institu
tions and their domestic relations, and, still
more strongly,, it that territory has come to
us, covered with established societies, by con
quest or purchase, I cannot for an instant in
dulge the extravagant construction of this ar •
• tide which would empower Congress to ex
tinguish the privilege ofself-government, and
to do precisely with she local communities
what it pleased. At - that rate, we might, one
OS these days, be shoaled, by an act or Con
gress formally establishing slavery among a
people who disclaimed and excluded it; for if 07. A Frenchman, giv'ng his name as Mich
this.clause of the ' conetitution impart _any ad Moment, Was caugl h t•inte ac of appropri-
power to prohibit, eqtially imparts the power
to originate. and legalize , st ing to himself a portion of a box of goods in
But, sir, in an address on taßch an occasion the ware house of Messrs. Walker Sr. Cook, on
as the present, I should trespass unpardona- Friday nidlit ef last week. Ile was tried on
bly were I to enter more minutely into 'con=
Monday, of the present Court, and convicted ',
stitutional views'connected with this stthject.
andl w ti
ill undoubtedly, before melier week,
I know it to lie a topic of extreme interest; I
know the'extra-constitutional and transcend- fld 'hiplselr in Allegheny city.
ental manner in which it is treated to'tlic north
and east; know the heart-sickening soli-
An e rr o r occurred in our notice laid week
citude and the impetuous vivacity with which.
l e It is to
its very mention is met by our southern of the time o f meeting of this bpdy.
brethren. But, sir, I repbat, let 114 not be be held On Tuesday, the 23.1 November, in
alarmed; let us keep our faith untarnished; let stead- of Thursday.
us firmly and fearlessiy stand by the ei-as - titif- .{-
tion, in its pure purpose and its fundamental Judge Thompson's speech at the
spirit; and the gloomy cloud, Wh ence disaster , Coitii.-Ilouse on Monday evening was ec
hos been predicted, will gradually dissipate, k b ybothpolitical friends and foes,
as mist touched, by the teeming sun.
I the - an - able etrort—a masterly vindication
Pouricah Sltastoes.—Tlio Barre Gazett of the War and the Administration—and yet
talks thus sensibly about the anti-war et - the critic of the Gazette calls its a "gross'
mons of the day: • niece of "denni,goguisni." We, hoWever, could
"We confess that we have little charity for •
even the most general war sermons at this
expect nothing less from a print that has en
time. We can hardly relieve ourselvds of a dorsed Mr. Senator, Coro:his wish that our
,t hat the preachers t - ,if such, mistake so w er , m i g h t meet with "hospitable graves"
prejudice for conscieece and party feeling for in Mexico—that weekly deals out, second
a call 'to preach the truth. We do not find
of intoxicating drinks as a most powerful
means of electioneering. IRA 844 we beard
nothing like rebuke of the spirit of duelling
from the clergy—and yet duelling is a myriad
times more inexcusable, as the sin of an indi
vidual, than wa4. Now why has the sacred
desk been so alive to the sins which arecoln
milted by parties, at this tiMe? We may
judge uncharitably, we are-entirely without
warrent in supposing that the leaven - of a par
ty has nut been entirely purged from even the
students of divinity;,
Atenatcsx Tits.—We learn by a communti;
cation in the UlllO4l, that the Hon, James Bu
chanan, Secretary of State, has recently re
ceivcd a package of tea, grown in Brazil, from
our consul at St. Catharine's. The leaf is
something larger and darker than the Chinese
tea: its flavor is strong and aromatic, and re
sembles the best specimens from China.—
When prepared it strongly assimilate the mix
ture oPblack and green tea,
so much=—indeed,
almost exclusively—drunk in England; after_
China, the greatest tea drinking country iii
the world. The tea plant Wats first introdu
ced into Brazil by King John, of - Portug,al.
The writer of the communication states that
the successful cultivations of this plant in the
[Suited States, may be looked upon as a mat
ter of certainty:, as a climate exists in the
States of North and South Carolina, Georgia.
Tennessee, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi,
Louisiana and Texas, extending one degree
South of the Rio Grande, precisely similar to
thO tea growing districts of Chins,
coimirsed with an officer of the army, recent
ly from Vera Cruz, who states it was asserted
and believed there, that Sant Anna .slept in
Vera Cruz on the 30th ultimo, and that his
object was to leave the country. Various cir
cumstances had occured, which went to con
firm the truth of this report. • I ,
For ourselves we do not Credit it, but believe
be intends to remain in Mexico. It is, how
ever, possible, and even probable, that fearing
for his personal safety, amid the many jealous
ies and heart-burnings 'created by, recent
events, And the charges of treason. publicly.
made against him, that he- has concluded: to
abandon the country, at least for the present.
One thing,, which gives some color to the
report is, that there does not appear to be any
reliable information as to his whbreabunts,
since he left the capital. , The intelligent
officer' from whom we have the information,
believes in the report.— X. 0. Bulletin, 18M.
No NOAH Ananmcna.—The Washington
corresdondent of the Jouinal of Co m merce
sayer . .
The Government sends frequent messages
to Gen. Scott. A messenger left this morn
ing with despatches far him. I learn, from
various Sources, that the AdMinistation has
git'eri such Orders to Gin: S., its-yell prevent
him fronvagain offerintror , ae . e.eptiug•an ar,
mistice,,or inviting the Mexican Government
to make peace. , The day.inta gone by, too, fOr
offering any
,pcuniary 'i nducements tO 'the
grtitiOn rule rs, 'or compensation for territory.
"ErThePittsbargh Chronicle says that the
Math Caroliiiliati hive discovered in their
State a' grape ifpectdiar qualities. The
vines grow in wonderful luaurienca, and pro,
duce abudentlyalsrgegreen fruit, hanging in
clusters, composed °Aimee or four grapes each
but possessing _a very fine flavor. ,The Caro
,liniens are civiliiihg the Vine, and making
wine from it of excellent 4uality. • "
U=nit young gentleman Gamed, Sawyer,
.of respectabiiit.y, , was riding .at p yery fast
rate to see a female acquaintenee in Dearborn
county, Indiaaß, a few 'days since,- when lie
came' up. against the telegraph wiles; which
gut his throat, producing almost lastaut death.
The Wires had been Ipw.ered . ror.the purpose
of waking certain repairs Oa theline. tie
was a resident 44 ‘lthitemiter toivabip,
Ilawllion county, Obit/.
"The World is Governed Son !de0116.7
ER 1 E, PA .
Sneardar BlNintual• Trovenabrifh iflll7.
-erTuos H, ELLtsom is a duly authoriied
inset to procure subscribers for this paper.
Speech of son. Cpio. St Deltas.
In the absente of farther b
• atman nears,'
we have devoted a column and better to the
forcible and able speech of the Bow. GEO. M•
DALLAS, at Hollidaysburg. His views in re
gard to the war, tariff, andAhei Wiltnot Pro
viso, we commend to general attention.
137'We have had all sorts of weather Izr
a week past, rain predominating; with an oc
casional warm and beautiful day. Tuesday
was emphatically one of this character, and
forcibly reminded us the genial climate of
some of our Southertj States.
d timo R o m ing.
The gazetteilbgoes ihe • r z.;lWilmot Proviso"
strong—the Commersi&repudiates it, and
says it is "belongs exclu,ly to the 'locofo
cos—a bantling of their own begetting,"—
"The whigs will not father it," "A good
time coining" is there not?
07" A German named ZArP, was killed on
Friday week, by a body of earth ailing upon
him in the excavation at the foot of- State
Street. lie had just commenced work that
day, and had not: been in the country but .
a'mut three months.
Are we. to 'have two telegraghs?
that's the question. The old company don't
appear to be going ahead, but the new one is
sticking up its stakes on the opposite side of
the road. Two lightning lines between this
and Iluffulowe reckon will be sufficient to do
all the business.
07- Five or six soldiers deserted from the
detierson Barracks, Mo., on the night of 17th,
tokin,c; with them $1,700 (*longing to thel
government. They haye not beep heard of
War! .
Emigration. •
Emigration to this c nintry this year has
Ibeen tinrecedented. The thickly populated
of the old world has, poured out
their thousands and tens of thousands upon
our shores, and the cry is still they come'.—
So extensively has this fever ° ._for emigration
raged that we have seen it stated that whole
districts in some of the German states have
been depopulated—villages en mass have
rushed to our shores and sought wealth and
freedom in the far west. Well, let them
come! We have room , enough for them all.
Wer'have forests to subdue, prairies to culti
vate; swamps to drain, rail roads to build, ca
nals to dig, wars to tight, and a vast region in
the far west to explore and bring under culti
vation. In all these departments the emi
grants from the old - world have proved them
selves equally qualified. in nine cases out of
ten they make sober acid industrious citizens,
and besides the wealth they add to the' coun
try by their productive industry, they in nine
cases out of ten, :-bring with them a goodly
supply of ready money. 'We have been led
to these remarks by noticing in one of our
exchanges an account of a settlement of Hol
landers in `the new county of Marion, lowa.
About eight hundred have - already located
there, and many more are- expected in the
Spring. They left Holland on account of po
litical and religions persecution. They have
purchased two townships, 40,980 acres.—
Many of theta are wealthy, well ducated and '
intelligent, and ore of a bettei class than
some of our foreign emigrants. The presi-
dent of this Association of Settlers is a man
of education and intellect. He was a student
at the.LeydenUniversity at the time of the
Belgian Revofuticin, amid took an active part
in that event.- ITO is an : outlier of ?several
works, and edited a periodical at Utrecht,
where he was persecuted and imprisoned on
accout 011ie !diesel views._ ' Near Lwo hun
dred of . these Hollanders declared their inten
tions to imcome,citizens of the United, States
at thelake term of the Marion County Court.
They arc generally very attentive to business
and accumulate properly when other scarce
gain aeubsistence; but tbeyaro sometimes too
672 Sonteof onr Pieftanges have named
our cotemporary, Jacob Ziegler,•Esq., of the
Haller Herald, for speaker of' tho House of
Representatives of this State, Jacob would
•moke•a•goof one we doubt not—.edttore at
"ways 'do: •:••
-ALL A Id tayegn.—h appear& that the news
papers Inive all been mistaken in 'their an
neuncement that U. S. Senators were''to be
chosen this winter in Ohio, Florida and Geor
gia , There will be no election for; United
States Senators by the Legisla l ture of any
State in the Union until the winter of 1848•-
'49. i
We I gnd'the shove its the Louisville Couri
er.l t o it Correct?—if so there 's a food deal
of whig thunder knocked into a eoeltelf hat,
or some - other good Aare.' •
Judge Patton, of the Supreme Court,
hie ik ided that whore a Master became a ha-,
bittuq drunkard, after reoefriaran,apprintice
it it 08ich:int canie for the apprentice to
elainv'e" diecharge from hie indentures. This
' - - - 'lnca's declaim'.
t 4 ri
05M146m Alf OLD WO , Or
VXDSIII4,. , 4 •
puti when Federalism scorned
As ra ti
W be found arrayed in borrowed plumage, this
liN, s o pe More Teiritoryt' finds many'
and lips to utter arguments
in- ins:jiver. ,It is no dew issue presented to
the America.' people for their` consideration;
it is, lin fact, coeval • with our existence as a
'tuition. Scarce bad the shout 4ft:tattles that
wunt:juP from the bloody fields of Lexington
and Bunker ill died upon the ear, before the
attention of he colonies was turned to the ae
qitial4on of he Canada(' by the strong ay? of
conq eat. ere
were those then tell Ceti
dem ed it—ut they also condemned th sepa
ration of the colonies from the mother country!
Agam. in eu last war with Great Britain the
attention 'of the government was . immediately
turned toith invasion and subjugation of those
provinces; But there were then those; who
condemned t—but they also condemned the
wa:p: The rat were Tories—the latte; Fed
eritlists! Ve hope our readers will tot lim
agine that we would thus intimate that the
former part is the fattier of the latter, or the
latter at all onnected bythe laws of consan
guinity wi h the jormer; but we do say that
the latter s the direct paternal ancestor of
that, party hick is now so industriously op
posing the further addition of territory to the
Union. L t tis refer to facts for proof. l
The Fede l mlists of 18)3 opposed the acqUi
sition of Leuisiana—the Whigs of 1843 oppo
sed the acquisition of-Texas:' The Federal
ists of 184 opposed the admission , of Louisi
ana as atate—the Whigs of 1815 . oppoSed
the admisl
on of Texas as a state. The Fed
eralists of 3819 opposed the acquisition of the
Floridas—lthe Whigs of the present day sac
rificed a l ortion of the sovereign state of
Maine to t e
unjust claims of England. They
also oppo..ed the admission of Florida, voted
Away a p4tion of Oregon, and have success
fully oppo ed, by speaking against time in the
Senate, tl e bill creating a territorial govern
the balance. 'Verily; is not Fed-
meet over)
eralism al
A Whigerey one and the ohm° in its
oppositiol l to the acgol l siten of territory. In
consistenon most measures as this party has
been, it h its still beeu i uniformily consistent in
its opposition to this; we i can therefore moll
readily trace the connection between the Fed
eralists of the past and the present. The
guage m a de use ,of in 1803, 4 in 1812, in 1819,
in 1844 nd in 1847, against the Other ac
quisition f territory is Identical—the argu
ments ar founded upon the Same -unsound
bypothes s, and the evils predicted are uni
formly arid strikingly alike! If we had ever
entertained a doubt that the names were all
that constituted a difference between the fed
erid and Whig parties, this fact, sustained
and supported as it is by a similarity of views
upon all the other political qoestioneof this
and that 'ay, would be sufficient to-dispel it.
'Whigery, then, is federalism-in distguiseit.
is still the same old an, and althongh it has,
covered itself with the lion skin of the revolu
tion, its ears are still visible, and its name can
deceive no one. '
Contra-distinguished from federatiem,,the
betnocraey of the cou ntry have ever been the
friends and champions of the extension, by
. . , ! In . vicuna; Nava.:..
• • I
and prosperity.' It ban also sought, and we
trust will still continue to do so, the requisi
tion ofterritory deemed essential to the safe
ty, defence and well being of the Union. For
these reasons combined, Loutsiaaa; Florida,
and Texas were annexed. FOrdese reasons,
the who ) e of Oregon was sought to be brought
beneath the ample; wrings of our eagle. And
the queltion now arises, shall such acquisi
tions stop here? Mexico, by forcing upon us
the present war, has laid herself liable, ac
cording to the
. usages of nations, to haven
portion of her territory wrested from her; and-;,
already, in anticipation of such - an event, the'',
federalists are galvanizing their old cry of "No
more terntory,” and apPealing to the people
in them. Shall we listen to this bp
i let the."golden opportunity" pass for
ig the Californias? 'Shall we endure
.a the insolence, the abuse, the wrongs.,
1 arrogance of Mexico, and ,when at
Ttn by necessity to redress ourselves,
victorious arms have subjugated well
half her territory, shall we withdraw
ps, recross the Rio Grande, and ask of
r othi,n g for the expenses her stubborn
er injustice, du p licit y and dishonesty,
repelled us to incur . ' We say no; Our
a nation, our rights as a creditor, our
a conqueror, demand that Mexico
ede to us - ii‘' territorial indemnity, as
means she possesses of satisfying our
Believing thnS, the Administration
Id of her, in the recent negotiations of
st, the palifornias , and a portion of
exico. Tut as' of old, FederalisM is
to any,such acquisition - -as of old, it
I eicite the sectional jealousies of,the
, .
(Ind array-beth the north and the south
the further acquisition of territory.—
the, north, they gravely tell us, and
Id think in doing so they were Com-
Ling that Which would strike terror in.
.east of every northern man, that if
re territory is annexed or acquiied it
l l slave territory and ultimately become
sites. The same cry Was raised when
Loujsiana, and Texa4 were acquired,
outk they aro slave States, we have
king bad re'sult to the north therefroin.
contrary a wider / market has been
o our. product NI , both itgricuitural end
Luring.,, But, says Southern Feder.
tint here We will quote from General
to sustai
peal and
for years
and the,
last dry s
and our
nigh on
our troo
pride, h
have co
safety 'a
power a
• mild c
the only
Mr. Tr
New It'
seeks to y
Jere in
o the b
any mo
must bel
slave S
and tilt
seen no
On the
0 1610,
Middy' Thompson, of Soutl e liarolins, endor
sed by be Naas:mai Intelli neer, the organ
of %Ai . ry at the:scat• of Gov 4nment;) "I
would to f take . the, eiontry,' because the non
slavelvil ding State's already haven dangerous
and no otentl i y-increasing preponderence in
the co eederaci, and slavery never can exist
is OA' c Notriqf which lam speaking. In
tail khe ountry oflfexica lying upon the gulf,
lin . iao•loPkinv rise, to an immense elevation
very near to the coast. There is but a very
onion portion of the country the cliniate of
which will allow iii 6 culture of those staples
in Which ezperienee bag shown that slave la
bor Cali be profitibis employed; and even that
small lantiOns besides being the most sickly
region on this contnent., has navigable
river or Other "inlaid kisisponationfor those
heavy: stages. / gfe n not express a* opinion
tightly formed, but one upon sekich,%l would
stake sty existence, that, itinaker tie priacipls
of (Ste WilatotProvireirs enacted by Congrem
or not, Al VOW never will exist in any Slate
whick nto be hereafte , ,fo;vited welt of the
Rio Grande." '
Thus it will be seen that while the Federal=
iota at the north, headed htilirebster, Corwin,
,Greeley, 84 co. oppose the further
acquisition of territory because they fear that
it will be slave territory, while they are be=
seechind their - followers to stop the present
"ungodly, unrighteous, and. barbarous war,"
while they proclaim from the stump, from the
press, and in some instances, froin the pulpit,
that it is waged by the slave power for the
purpose of securing a preponderance in our
national cisoncils, the 'federalist at the south—
the same party, men engaged in the same
great struggle to put down and drive tram
power the democratic party, to overturn the
present prosperous commercial and financial
policy of the country and substitute in their
places the igobselete" dogmas of protection and
a national bank—are equally industrious in ur
ging upon their southern adh4ents to stop the
w'3r , and oppose the acquisition of tearitory on
the'ground that "the non-rlarteholding States_
already have a
,'dangerous and constantly in
creasing preponderance in the confederacy,
and slavery never can exist , in the country"
, acquired. These two negative positiOns
_themselves—and although_ one neu
tralizes the effect of the other,, and shows the
true position of those who advocate them, they
odd another page in the evidence that the fed
eral whip party know well they never canisuc-!
; ceed when they meet us upon ational ground s'
—their oulY hope being to Try the 1 orth
against the south, and the south'agains the l
north._ l ; I ; ) ii ) i_ I I
We are enabled thie4Fielic ',to' prose
readeia with the official teault,of the election
in this State.. The returns, says the Pitts
burgh Post, present some curious relbilts.—
The whole vote for Governer, in the State, is
about 30,000 less than 1844; and the falling
uirt has been very general. In Armstrong,
Cambria, Carbon, Schifylkill and York coun
ties, the lute Vas increased on both aides.—
In Centre, Clinton,Potter, Venango and Wy
oming, the Democratic vote has been partially
increased, arid the Federal tote diminished;
while .in Pike county, there are 28 votes for
Gov. Shunk, beyond the vote of 1844, and Mr.
Irvin has received the exact number then cut
fur Gen. Markle.
Governor. Canal Com:
Munk. Irvin. tiougstrath. Potion.
Allegheny, 4,453-A763 .4,381 6,716
Adams, , 1,548 - ' 1,936 1,546 1,957
Armstrong, 2,136 1,518 1,883 1,551
Berko, , 8,088 3,357 7,931 3,117
Beaver, , • 2,034 2,203- 2,006 2,79
Burks, 4,685 4,341 4,638 4,381
Bedford, ' 2,458 2,2115 2,435 2,218
Blair, . A 1 1,254 1,854 z. 1,217 1,885
Butler, 1,931 1,860 1,919 1,856
Bradford, - 3,058 2,520 2,971 , 2,3851
Cambria, , 1,139 974 1,075 1,030
Carbon, , 786 464 787 • 475.
'heater, 4,614 5,152 4,559 5,175
Centre, i 2,477 1,782 2,722 1,713
Cumberland, 2,867 2,559 2,861 2,579
Columbia, 2,913 1,506 2,896 1,507
Crawford, . 2,265 h 686 2 : 162 1,661
Clarion, : 1,607 531 1,560 579
Clinton,, . 966 685 949 6sl
Clearfied, 867 582 834 549
Dauphin, 1,872 2,790 1,951 2,604
Delaware, 1,484 1 71 9 1,441 1,714
.. - ,
a) tte, 2,811 2,113 • 2,768 2,096
Franklin, 2,762 3,218. 2,733 3,242
Greene, d' /..914 ~ 880 1,835 861
Huntington, 17641 '2,012. 1,656 - 1,971
Indiana, ' 1,415 J 2,052 1,379 • 2,033
Juniata, " 986. 975 991 966
Jefferson, 709 454 703 398
Lebanon, 1,600 2,149 1,603 2,141
Lancaster, 4,931 8,741 4,824 8,866
2,583 2,239 2,586 2,194
Lycoming, 1,874 1,528 1,942 1,426
Lucerne, 3,296 2,017 3,460 2,089
'Monroe, 1,118 347 1,448 270
Metcer, 2,917' 2,616 2,588 2,555
.1)431 ' 1,289 1,416 1,325
Montgomery, 5,141 3,723 .5,077 3,688
51 . 1iean, 313 252 300 239
Northampton, 2,862 2,359 2,797 2,057
Northumherland,l,97l 1,231 - 1,930 1,225
Perry, 1,128 1,106 1;708 1,067
Pliilad. city, 3,918 • 6,512 3,931 6,371
" „:county, 12,693 7,605 12,650, 7,245
Pikt., - 1 671 , 142 599 129
Potter, 1 ' 530 183 509 178
Schuylkill,l 3,720 2,833' 4584 2,703
Somerset, i • 913 2,162 'B7O 9,166
Sullivan,. , 317 130 1 303 132
Susquehana, 2,353 . 1,463 2,298. 1,456
Tinge, ' - 1,750 972 1,663 980
Union,l_ 1,479 2;463 1,478 2,406
Venango, 1,326 803 1,259 786
Wegtmoreland, 4,525 2,337 4;503 2,306
Washingtoa 3,531 3;335 3,526 3,321
Warren, • 849 659
.824 ' 610
Wayne, - . . 1,391 686 1,238 671
Wyoming, 819 653 . 807 650
York, 4,007 3,103 ,3,961 3,113
148115 128138 143833 126115
The Xative vote amounts to 11,247; and
the illbolitionists, it 'appears, polled 1027.
The Senate will stand 19 Federalists to 14
Democrats; and the House 74 Democrats, and
65 Whigs, giving us 23 mejorityon joint bal
lott. I
There were t three cases of biiamy be
fore the Court this week. - Two were convicJ
ted and sentenced to the penitentiary, one for
one year and a half, and the other for two
years, the utmost limit of the law. The oth
er was convicted, hut had not received his
sentence when this article was written.
07- The Gazette thinks Judge Thompson
would not dare make such a speech as the one
he made at the Court House; on Monday night
last, on the floor of Congress. This reminds
us of thi fellow that dared another to make
mouths at his sister.
a7' The Pittsbuigh Jqurnal says: "The
Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, nil , , sitting
in this City, has decided the ''.lklo Licehse
Law" of Pennsylvania to be unionstilutional.
The opiniottof the Court has n.t yet been de
livered, but their opinion is kn. vrn.
f i r?" The North American clis upon Hen
ry Clay to stepcforward and gi e his opinion
on - the - Wilmot Proviso. It might as well
call spirits from the vasty deep.-Ilt will got be
forthcoming. f
1 ,
gr A new paper, called the 44ay Book,"
edited by Wm. A. Kinsloe, Esq., formerly of
the "Times," Philadelphia, bite made lie. Ap
pearance in Pittsburgh. , _
Om Col. Martin Scott, who; was killed in
the assault . upon the city of BfOxico, - roso' by
Merit,' from the ranks. -He was, native of
Vrinont, and enlisted d/rieg the wow with
(fr. We read .of a lady in Bangor, Me„
giving *2OO Wan Orphan Asylum - in person,
with her face veiled. This is true charity....
It it/obeying Chriftt's iojtioctioo,
A recent number of the Gazette cont fined an
article on "National Politics," which Osumed 1
such strange ground, and withal conteined eo '
many absurbities and contradictions hat we
cannot refrain from devoting a few words in
noticing it. The writer seta out wit h the ex
pression of belief "that some of the qt l lotions
Which have- heretofore agitated the `popular
mind in national contests will here Ifret1 fret be
measurably superseded by other que tions of
more immediate and pressing import a nce."—
Meaning, we presume, that hereafter the ques
tions of protection, hank- distribution and op
polition to the Independent Treasury r will be
abandoned. True, the writer does e out
to say that "protection to home indusiy" will
not be lost sight of, but everf one can see
that all enthusiasmin its advocacy Chas van
ished before the practical benefits ofrevenue
tariff, like the mornintrniit before t e rising
,when Vf hig ess I
Heretofore ds. on
"National politics" touched upon t is topic,
1 they were not wont to dispese of the question
so summarily — they - were were not won to place.,
1 the dagger of faint•praiso to its b east, and
drive it to the hilt with the freezing delibera
tion of a hirtid executioner. But times have
changed, sadly changed, and the old Issues,.
globselete" as they will soon denou ce them,'
are to be "superseded , by other m eitires of
more i mediate and pressing impor
, ance."—
Well b -it so—i . Will be a !ticit i ach lowledge
ark that, th e ' t o:tie:for years i bee I warring
against t he rue int rests -,te co n ry, the
• ' • ' r ft l ' t'•
just antS entight lied rie.yivhich 1 e Democ
ritcy have sum Srmi y labered to esiablish.
1 k 1 1
But what are t e " ot h e r
. •
impor4nce," 1 , ,hin are to os o iperi
questions . Whi l ch have heretofore. rig
profiler mind"? The war with 1
one, and, according to the Gazette,
'another—“No more territory" is
how many more there will be it is Iv
We will pass over, however, the
fected horror of sktiiery—altliougb we might
question his sincerity,'seeing that'his favorite
candidate's "human slaves". are "fat and sleek"
"no - m Ore territory" issue; with the Mere
remark that awhile he is opposing the farther
acquisition of torritory becauSe it will extend
area of slavery, his frierids at the South
are opposing- l it -because it will extend the area
of freedom, and ere directly to his position
in opposition to the war. He says "thitt war,
(the Mexi4s war) in it's character and inci
dents, in every phase in which it can be vieiv r
ed, revolts and shocks the enlightened mind,
uninfluence,tl by partizan Liar.".' In the,second
paragraph below he sgain,s4ys:
"Inleg4rl to the War itself t he'posit ion of
the Whigs cannot be mismnlergtOod,. They
have in the forcible language of a leetempora
ry, "supplied its means, have contributed its
heroes, and, Itave endeavored to Urge on the
Administration to its Ivigorous pro ecut ion and
successful dose." •
Need we ask the reader to note he total in
consistency of these two posit ons? The
whiga have supplied the means to carry on a
aria which "in every phhse it can be viewed,
revolts and shocks theienlightened
Monstrous! The wings contribute heroes
and urge - the. adminj4ratien t vigorously
prosecute a war, which this same•writer as ;
of On roil! %,
• • •." 114ffliiffigrI %MIMI;
OcoManerCer "political power," imr, "domei_
tic concord and prosperity." 'More monstrous
still! But says the Gazette, "the avowed ob
•ject of the war is note, not the conquest , of
part of Mexico,• but the appropriatiori of all.
NVe are alumt to absorb Mexico.") And yet
for this purpose the whips are "still prepared"
to contribute more, Croes" and 'urge on dip
administration to its vigorous prnsecution and
successful close," 'are/ they.?," They are oppos
ed to the acquisition of territory, buriet they,
and they alone,! have "supplir4 tire means"
"contributed the heroel," and ere still willing
to contribute more, to:prosecute h war which
has for its object the acquisition l of the tehok
of Mexico. 0, consistency, consistency, thou
art indeed'a jewel.
. Our Future Course Toward Mexico; •
We are glad to notice a disposition. mani
fested by the pries to sustain the iAdministrai
tion in the most vigorous prosecution of hos
tilities against Mexico. It appe t . to be the
general desire that there .shall e, no more
misplaced magnanimity shown towards that
I ,
notion—that war with all its rigor JJJ & its evils,
shall be forced upon them, and that if nego
tiations for peace are again open d, the prop- 1
osition must come from them. In reference`
to this, the Washington Union, peaking we
doubt not by the card, says that the war must
now go on till Mexici shall -ask
,for: peac e;
that the next °vent+ ' for peace. must come
from Mexico; that the war must, t r o the fullest
'extent he henceforth ) Waged at the expense of
;Mexico, and th't she must betrade feel the
, weight of mint ry
utiOes \ "under ihel
t i
rigor of martial law in her provpiee
1 e & in her
cities. prom anetliell l seift'de,'eetitlelto much
coneideration, we learn thet the despatchesto
Gen. Scott taken , Mr . Taiisisiro, con
tain instructions such as will prvent him
from again offering, Or accepting, ti armis- i
tice, or inviting the Mexican gor nine n t to 1
1 1 1
make peace; and that the day has ( g tie by for
offering any pecuniar inducemen s to the
MeXicati rulers, or compensation for territory.
New Yotk his gone Whi
Although at the present writing (Thurs
day) we have but few retUrns! from New
York, Yet their' complexion is ! sech that we
hare no doubt the whigs have swept the State.
It is, however nothing more than we had ex
pected—the unfortunate division among our
friends rendering such ! a result all"fixed fact"
in our mind long since. Although at thi;
juncture it is deeply to! be deplored, we firmly
believe it will ultimately redound to our ben
efit bothA the State and the nation. Al
teody are tke whigs p/oclaiming it an anti
war triuMph, and pointing to it as evidence
that Now York is opposed toils- rurther pros..,
t cation. Next fall the Pcmocey of New
York : will remember this, Ivill i m itate the !ea
ample.pflho Keistone, and know rd no such
diirsiOn as "Berriburnee'. or "H nker," will
come tip to the work in: sold lkslanx, and
east her vote forthettemocrltic andidate for
f, : , , We feet better—,We Pve returns
from New Jersey showing the e ectio n of the
DetufleAtic candidate, for Giovernor y abo,,nt.
-4630 T New Jersey hap al ways been t% big, and
altligugh potquite as large as New Yirk, will
offset thd.whig
,cry,l "IXe7e. you he • rd from
New Folk! " New Jersey heil krocitinie 4 ip
favor iipf the war; /fund!! '] . -
rrobable Murder
"Our community has been much excited of
late on account of tits misterious dkap poot.
ante of Mr. J. W. lirrcticoch, former!),
this city, bet more recently of Tan, 01,1 0,
He was engaged in buying cattle, and 1 „ o
last heard froui by his friends at Cloth o*, Si
Chester-county in this :State, on the 21sto
August, from which place he proceeded
Philadelphia with the proceeds of tw0d, 0 , 4 ; 4
which, he had disposed of., At Philmiel
_house,!' p4
he put up at the "Mansion onse,(' it ete
registered his nettle, took, supper,: find witithi
out, since which i timo nothing haslee, t h eti
of him. The supposition is that hashei
murdered for his• money, and a . yonng , * li _
now under arrest in Philadelphia onisuspic,.;:i.l
From a letter received onT4rsday, night ha
hy some of Mr. H.'s friends'here' we lets
the prisoner hasacknowled6d taliing sae a
.with---him on the evening of , his! weird
'that city, of asking hint how rauchimoneyli
had with him, and of drinking be t , w i t h him
several times; and the suppositionit,d at h i _j
. by that means drugged, and afterwarastc..*' 1
and Mardeied him. );
'What renders the guilt oldie - Man Gl4:
arrest more apparent is the fact that Mr.l
had become acquainted with him an cacti
his previ ous i+lB4B to the city with cast;
that he had proposed to 'hecomeia partd erd
li's. in buying cattle, that the day before - 4o 'e
disappearance of Mr: H. he ;was ragge'd
pennyless; and the day after 14 v4asseen x, t •
a large amount of money, among it
large ikimmination—that he
. re l ent toB6,
more sobn after in company with anotherit
. .
dividuat, the expenses of the trip beiav t ,
by'the , krisoner--.that after he rekurnedlui
on a spree exhibited hia money, said liii n ; 7
a partner of ll's r . and that he had tete:end.; ''
-Ohio trbuy more cattle.. ' , .
Democratic Meeting. - .
In iccordance - with the NM publishedit..4_ - ,- i
Erie Observer, fo a Democratic nicellim i
the Cotirt. House „An the Borough of Ere:,.
Mood'y evehing 'ov. 1,- the house %maw : 1:1
fitted frith the Democracy from Various p r
of the'county,and organized by calling,lfil
M; litttchinsoittto 0)9 , chair, and the erft;' 4 ~;
of E. 'llumcembe, Jai. Dunlap, D. W. lio .-,,
ard, D . S. Brown and Dr. F. W. Miller,Xt -'::,',
Presidents, and W.:A. Galbraith and Ben
min °rant,. t;'.eeretaries. ,
On Motion, M..sAr,hitll6n, Esq. was al , 1
upon to state the object of the meeting. a .-j
did so its a few remarks, in w!iieft he chi
briefly to the late glorious, victories in ti - :_:4
and other, States..-and also to the eximl =i
' state of national affairs.... -:.-.
i .
On motion, A cotat4tittee of -eve were
I pointed to' draft tel3 - i l ilutious expkessive of *.l
I sense of- the meeting. The coNnattea es P'
Isisted iif Smith Jackson, Carson Gratiam;t:i
1 A. (; Ibraith, Murray Whallon, and 6.1 .",;
Cutler; lisqrs. ! . ~„, V.
. _:,.`i
On motion, lion. Jams Tho m pson s-1
called upon to address the meeting; WNW,
in lt brief manner ajtuding tiiiheglorionav ..i
. tories iichieved l by the Deniocraey at the; - ,1 4
!elections, and tii.the general' principles of t-f•:
1 tional 'policYas advocated,by Lae Detnorr t ..,.,.;
party,, entereiLvery fully and lucidly into: -`'
I Causes pf the existing tear with Mexico: a,' ,
lin a most succinct, terse, and able nuay
showed, r.
t at the causes . of the 'present
`were Clearly W I be traced to Mexican agva
'signs upon the i citizens and government aft A
Uhited States. lie then, from alithoritiee
1 disputaliie, showed that our right to the te.l .
\tory between the Nueces and the Rio Gnu
V% as es ge - pki as to any other part of the Sa
of Texas. Ard then by way of applicite.
n i..
I took Occasien Ito show the doctrines.andir
: ses of the two great parties towards theilt
, fAtrl ‘ gaA t ajl i cl v y i n i liapoilv defended theeda -
ion tnns_great.quenio o .
The committee, through their ehaiiCC-2
I then reportekthe following preambh ar4 re
i Minions, which were unanimously adapted. '_/
1 Whereas, the recent contest in this& -
1 has resulted in the glorious victory of De:
1 cratic principles over whip error and mist ;
resent ation. 1 And whereas,-the result of)
elections in Other States, so far as heard ha
is highly favpra• ble to the progress or Da. - .71
1 crmic measures—rendering' the
i Democratic President in 1848'a matter of: ';
1 tie if any d übt. And whereas, the prto.•
j time and posture of national affairs calls k
loud and decided expression of the pciopi Y.'
) --
favor of a vi orous prosecution of the pan P*-
war with Mexico. Therefore . r %
Resolved, IThat the succesi of the De - - i
'erotic candidates for Governor and Canal fit 74i
entrosioner, and the restoration aof democu -9.
' tiscendency in j the House of Represenuto
pf the Commonwealth, by such target:mill -'
inal majorities', is eat the of hearty congrataa
tion,antong the Democracy of this State, at. ,!,.'
evinces the steady adherence of the people t,il,
the principlesithat have so long gayerned hr 1i
destiny, and gives assurance to-the democrat 11
of the Union that the Keystone isfas firmai:l
steadfast as eVer. i :5:
u s
of more
• • de" "the
A .
nted t he
fexico is
.rd tell.
ricer's of-
: 4
Resolved, That the placing of the late p
litical contest! by the whigs in tl is Stales:': ;5
on the great national question of he war V:
Mexico affordb matter of congratulation'tor • ,'?
i •
ery true Democrat , as by that issue the go
0 „?2,.. i
tion was fairly met, and not only the ski
but the world convinced that the Dem'ocil':
of the ..Keystone State are ever true 'toll
cause of their coubtry.
Resolved, That ',we are-in favor of a .64 , ,t i '.,.';
ous prosecution of! the war With Mexican :.i i ,'
that we utterly and heartily reprobate alai .':.
patriotic and unjust the attempt by alill
majority of Whig presses, as well as , whigal.'::.:
ators, to place our country in the wrong el -'-,
gad te.the causes of the war and its mug .-.,
. .4
of prosecution,l . '•'.
Resolved, That,lit is the duty of the I , ,: s -:.--;
ernmet ito proseci,ne the war with incivag`• .'i
vigor nd severity; since negotiation ands';
cry o 'enure for i'amicable adjustment bur:
been:rejected by lexico, until all claimici '',i,
that government are fullyisatisfieilitideala'i .''
. .
ty for the past e.fcured, and ample Vittoi
tees for future fidelity to
,treaty slipttlatiP -
provided. 1 I , ,
Resolved, That the administration and e - ':
lightened policy of James K. Pork, and pf -' -
tictilarly the 'vigorous manner with whicbi -
has prosecuted the Mexican war, meets 5:
our warmest approbation; and that we tato" --
err of our country, will continue to yield', ...,
the aklininistration our ardent and undivia
support to prosecute the war to an honorai. .-
and speedy termination.
i Resolved, That the financial policy oft :,-: 4
government has been em phatically approt - .1
by the people; and that the steady arid groi j
ing prosperity:Z - I.f fill the great knterestsofe --1
country—including commerce, agricultol - j-',l-
manufactures fati4dthe mechanic arts—cluriq '-
the present rat financial revulsions and Cc:
mercial and Manufacturing embarrassment', ...,
of Europe; is he best ( ovidence of the t.itdct ;,
in which it wits conceived; and the pattinii ,l l • ,5 - ;;;
by, which it 14s been perfected.. 1
- Real/lied,
e 'llat the Tariff of 1846 h s ben :::A:
hilly sustain il in the recent brilliant i ens
of the democracy: That the experimen :--„,-,,,,
been at ;succeSsful as its most ardent , aJo ...
cotes predicted or could have desired: and d - A
i ..';
taxation enu)al only to the wants of the (of 'A .
ernment is the true democratic standard, ,
Resolved, That the Democracy of Petunlr
rattle stand upon the old platform—cherl 4 " - 4
ire; and sustaining their original princir - -1,1
and 4iscaOing all new tests. • • '''o
-Resolved, J That we, regard with Ttindlm :11
ished confidence the present administration . .....:.,
the State ofl Pennsylvania' and that the'renq `' - ,,3
re-election of Francis It. Shunts affords info ' ?
: - .4 .
lible proof that the "Old Keystone" will 0
rank foremost 'among the Democratic h. 9O "Vs
of the. Union. •L - A
meeting be signed by the "$ 'VA
published iilhe Erie Observer, i t; - :
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