VOLUMIII PUBLISHED EVERY. SA URDAY BY A, P. DUBLIN & B. .. SLOAN, 3T4TE: STREET, ERrg, '... • • -••••••••••-•-. • ~ . T 1 t . It 111 S . One copy, one year, imadvance, . 8 1 50 Otherwise, two ddllars a year o ill Invariably be charg•ed. T hese terms wilt be stri tlyjaclhereAl ro in all cases. Advertisements inserted 'at 50 ce ts'per square or the first insertion, and :45 cents for each sub. . scquent insertion. Job Printinir, of all varieties, • rich as Books Pamphlets, Handbills,Show Bills, :lards,Steam• boat Bills, planks for Notes, Recei i terl &c..c.5e- cuted In the best style and On short r of Ce.' T. W. MOORE. - . ~ Dealer in Groceries. Provisions, C ndies, Fruit, &c. No. I. Perry Block, State ate. et,•Erie, Pa, , _ MARSHALL Sr.. LOCK W O OD, - Attorneys at Law. Office up stair in the' Tam many Hall building,north oftheP othonoturo's Office. . 9 • r • SMITH JACKSON. , g Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries hardware, [ Queens Ware, Lime, Iron, Nails N 17, :c 'Fil .l. p. , , t Cho upside, Eric, Pa. .- JOIIN 11. MILLA''R, t, 1 i . ountv and Burltozh Surveyor; office n Exchane t 4 Bothltit ! , s, Freinit st ; Eriet • . ----I.__ E. N. HULBERT ac C I . ... --- ; 11,41FFA LO, N.Y. . ~.. "FORAGE. FORWARDING k. ND PRO- 1 , DucE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ~.'. .. i NI) Dealers in Lehigh and Er a Coal, Salt '"„ and Produce generaillv. Part elder alien- 41 • ion paid to the sale of Prodoce and purchase el 8 , j- terell.oulize. No. '3 & 4 Coburn Square, South half. ti I:, x. nut.nEtur„ tt pateen. fi'. i, Biado, N. Y. -- ' . 49 . in r . BENJAAIIN GRAN • t , - to ' . ttorncy and Counsellor tit Law ; OlTiee , No. 2 th slate ..t., omm.ito the Vogler lintel Erie. Pa. ' to 1 CRAIIANI tr., 'THOM PSrN, ' ttorneys &Counsellors iit l e afy, OFF n.t-on French ra ru g . t , over S Jackson 4- Co's. Sto e;.F.rie ' - * Aptil 21,1917. ' 40 br • , , ,___ _ .._____ .__ I. I ROSENZWEIG gc. I .O. • re beiderg in Foreign and Domentie Dry Goods, _de ? !ready Made I lothin , •, Boos an . Shoo', &e. n i &c., No. I, Flemming Block, ' tate Street, Erie, Pa, .. .i• GALDRAITIIS & LAI E, ga uranbysnd Cotini.ellors at Las --Office on to civ'ili sir et, west side of the Pit lie Square„ i Eric, P . c ‘4. , 1a ..ITII. OW. A. , 13 ALTITIAITIt. W. S. nave . in , • , G. LOOMIS & CO. er aim; in Watches, Jewelry, Silver, German Sil Ter . r. v'r, Plated and DI ii.tatinia Ware, !uilery, Mi 1,... ,... itary and F.incy Good,s, No.'7 need House, Erie o- ba . . ~. WILLI/1411S & WRIGI T. cat lioletutlti and Retail Dealers in Dry Goods, Oro Lit eerics, Tilardwaie Cruchcry, Gla. •snore, 'iron, ure Nails, Leather, Oils , etc. etc. ci rner of - State;„ ftrect and the Public Squa, opposi c the Ea trle J .-- Tavern, Erie.-Pa. - 1 3 ° , WILLIAM RIBLE'I" olt abinet Mal,er, Upholsiel• elocl Undertaker, the state Street, Fe ie Pa i , • . , ,-.. k . I 43. MO/ LIZI. , ,a}, se e hysician and Sip ;Non; office on St •entli . Street i or u t‘t of the Meattotli.t Clout It. Eri t. Pit. ll' WALKER &z., GOOK ' of eneral Forwat dint , . ComotiAsion, unl Produce , , Merehatos; Itet3 Ware Donee, ca tof the Pub• 'ci lie Bo idge, Erie,, Irl J OSE PI 1 - K ELSEY • me . annfacturcrs of Ti,., Copper at d Sheet-Iron po ware corner of French and Fifths reefs, Erie:' uv LESTER, SEN NEW L . C ESTER,i : . ,n Founders - , wholesale and ret it dealers in „„ Y ~tares, I tallow-ware ke. State , rect., Erie. P. I'" of— JOHN 11. BURTON & CO. • holesale a lid reta i I dea le r- i n Dru •t , s, Medic:in es 0 • rive :,totTs, Groceries, &c. No. , Reed Hou l se if, Effie, Pa. -- _ re , C. M. TIBBALS, ' th , ealrr in Dry clooik, Groceries, ..S.c. No. HI, b‘ Uheapside, Erie Va. • . • GOODWIN k TRUES AIL. i IcAiirs in Dry. Goods, Geocetic , &e. , No. 1, r Bunnell Block, State st.,Erie, P:. . e• .CARTER sz. BROTH 'R: , s eaters in t)ruus, Medicines, Pat ts,, Oils, Dye, 441.1,11 . 4, Gla,s, St.e., No, 6 Pee 1-louse, 1'.4 le. t .I'.l B. TOMLINSON & Co. e, ~,„ . 'on% urdia” and Corninksion A erehalll•; Itto Freta Street, Et ie, and nt 6th S rest Canal Ba 0 sun, al,o dea lers in Groceries a d Provisions, c HENRY, CADWE I L.l r• eater in Hardware, Dry Goods, Orneeriss, ice. t , cast side of the Diamond, and oto door cast of 8 the Eagle Hotel, Erie, Pa. ...- ' -- -.- -:--- - - . , EAGLE 1101'E , ty Iltram L. Brown, corner of S ate street and u ••. the Piddle mlare, Erie, Pa. Ea tern, Westrrn, • and ••outhern Stage. (nee. t LYTLEAz. lIAIIIIL ON. ' - p ' ashionable Alerchant Tailors, on the Public t • ;Square, a fen doors west of Sate (.treat, Et ie, Pa.e 1 , _______ JOEL JOHNSO I . 1 '''l" in Therdo•cle.il. Alioca !teens, Sunday and Clatte.tical School Book; Stet ionary, etc. P.L. C . No. 11 1, French Street, Erie, . P. A. It. -BRAG , Attorney, and Counsellor at law, I rairie du Chien, W. T. practioes in the count it s of Crawford, , Grant and lowa, W. T. and in Clayton county, I lowa Territory. . • _____ ICt UPFEES` series of ;eh of Bool,s, 1,2, . i ,-1 and 5, for sale at No. 11, .French Si. i Erie, May 6, 1417. 5I NEW ESTABLISH PENT, In Stale Sittri, neaply opposite • lie Eagle Bold, 1 . 1) 0MIS ~S• CO. are not receiving from • •New York and openint , , t their new store ~. n even-INC as.ortment of Rich and Fashionable , JEWELRY, (enthra j cing the la 'est style of work 'iin market,) wateltes,(Clotks; PI-led and Britranin Warr. rine Cutlery, Sled . Trim Wags, Campherte . sad Solar Lumps, Looking Gla.4t4, Gold Pens, .1 together with a general variety of Useful and Or namental ankles. Call and se what you will see. June 26, 1917,' • 6 Cash For Fla. , Seed. - • /Vigil . will be paid for one t tousand huShels of V Flax Seed by CARTER & BROTHER.. Aug, 21, 1817. No 6, Reed House: Q UGARS.- 7 Loaf; Crushed, Pulverized, Cloni• ti fled, Porto Rico, 'Havana. New Orleans Su :: ear, for sale at No. lPerry 111 cit. • Aug, es: - , .W, MOORE. . WESTERN H TEL, . ~. . . ' TOIIN GRAHAM, Proprietor. :.Tho irs al subscriber, world- espectfully inform is his friends and the tr'yeling . public gen- ;-. crafty, that he has leased for • term of ;nail' this new and, commodious Maus , sittAjterl it the „. Eighth Street Canal Basin. 'Ellis location Fen - ders-the ',' l WESTEittsi " pre eminently the most „-• convenient and, desirable at. pping place for all either doino,husiness or •navelins, on the Canal. There is, also, attached to , i his establishment& -r i large and convenient Stable for the use of Met - men and others having horses. No pains or expense has b cn .srarcd inlitting ".. np this house for the conve inc;e eptinftitt.. and pleasure of guests, and. the Proprietor ,trusts,.by strict attention to business - to merit &lid recel*e a , share of public patronage. . ~ - Erie, Aril 24, (817. ' - --- - -..- 4, •,i . . 1, 1 . . .. ~., i,, .. 3, ~ .:,....; ..:,, 1 1 14 .,. .;;A : - I t i : ''.2.* .t ... t .1. t ~ •. .. ,,, 1 ...,-,, , i , ' t , . - .t. , . • - , , • .. •• . . r , ',I ' . . .' ! t i . _ . . _ . . . . ' . • • .. . . I - ' -1 , .. .• . , . _... , • , . . .. . _., ~, .. II ...•,..,,,,.....„.....„.„_;-„,..,-..,-.,-,;uaci.tT •....._ ..„ . , .. ---. 1 . • I ..• _ . . - • I .... . 4 . 'r ' S . - 1 . ` ~ i. , 1 1 . 1 ~ '.) TA ti 1 .C...... , " ?. _ . - •.t.. -. • ... t 1 ‘. . • r. , Person - An#ei§tiif ppid !?fil OR., TiatiCIIIN P*4!ipTf It teas a deer, : frosty Thatilisefiting s The cloel'Opoicti certaiii ed eleven',ii tlieltati: hines Anderionglansd intd a:ocket to'rt4- aurechimSelf that his person atid'faCe'wete in ti prayerful trim—slowly'elevatitig bie portly figure from behind the criniSOn'ietVet ;hang ings of n high and soMewhilt . aritiriepulpit:=. took one solemn annd deliberate of the thinly scattered congregationdreWout.hii long f.harp features to tt still .g reatei'lerigth4-L raised'his eyes imploringly tolletiven-=;Apretid out his - tbin,•soft white hands;'al3 -If brad° in'the•armS of his paternal - 10*P the'few representatives of his nutrioronszfog deep and thrilling tone, uttered the • words, "Lel us Pray." ' ~‘ - ' With a siinultanecus movement the citiegre:- gation arose and bent tluir. heads reverently to unite with their pastor in that prayer which immedithely precedes. thb Sermon:2a i6trricin in which it 'was ej.e ert the utmost power 9t eidclifece, "fervent pleading withti;e Almighty. Parzon Anderson commenced; his deep base voice resounded through his almost iya cant church like the subdued pekils of distant thunder. In long accusto et] and well tueRE- ured terms he described th ; .liigh and,hulk ob ject of their, adoration; expressed the , most up- . . pounded gratitude for,the priyilegentagain offering up-their.heares devotions—imploring the +di, rine blessing open ehrirliuna thioughout the.world, but especially. upon, Ahose for the rulers of "our' beloved and rti ghly en lightened Jand"—Aesi red that the gospel news of salvation might he, spread among the `chives of this free and noble countret--and most earnestly be - sought the,Lord Co visit with mercy and retributive justice the haunts of poverty, degradation, and vice,, with which °yr citivs abound „.Mere tho Reverend gentletuan paused from pure necessity) his 'voice, in• the excitement of the hour, had forgotten its solemn and le triiimate bass, and ,ascended step by step, as if, during the prayer,, the Almighty ear bad receded farther and farther from the mouth of the pleader—he had at length terminated a beaut:fully rounded sentence in a sharp shrill scream. Here, as we remarked, he painted, Whaled one long, full breath, and, a cambric of sputless,purity, removed the per siAration-froni his brow; and he proceeded:— "We bless thy name, Q, Lord, that, amid the numerous bounties of thy Providence, we are not forgotten; tipoli this• day, especially, we'opep our hearts to feel for" the - sufferings of the poor, the sick, and the forsaken—iM: cline us to seek them in their own homes, to. I relieve their distress, to'console the mourner; to clothe the naked, to feed- the hungry, to smile upon the objects , of thy compassion, 0, Lord, and to share wally talk, them the' lux; twist which this day - afords."' At this period of the servioe,- a bonnet in the front pew was slightly elevated,' and 4. pair of -bloat eyes peeped cautiously rcaind to the Words emphatically pronounced! , Those eyed belonged to the, parsOn's bonfire& 130, who was noted-far and -wide for the u peculiar and far-reaching shrewdness with which she Contrived to .01te the two ends of her husband's mciderate,salary: 3 , _ - • As usual on'Thinksgiving day; only a siral ple:and ordinary •dinner had beep,, prepared, the•fire.g extinguished, and the goad lady with . her son anddaughter had followed the devout preacher. to church , at'ast•iarly hour; ..While inhaling spiritual food'• so abundantly, • she neverrhelesi reserves a thought' fOr the - 4tro're worldly luxuries.with which she had reason to know that their wealthy Pnrishionerswere supplied, and oil which experience had taught her to',anticipate 'an ample lehre; it therefore, a very natural , thing ,tliet . ti pleSSlnt, though, soinewhcit sanctified smile' ShOUld creep over her Votilid dimpled face, as ihemet kfew glaiCes giiicklyi thrown (mit . siirretiod ing eyes- r as'surandee that as not duodi ed tolisappeintment. . Among this boive'd and' worshipful congre gation, one Chine, a. young Orin or twenty, the Only son of the Rey. Jacob Anderson, proudly erect, his arms; gracefullY . folded across'his broad chest; his pair slightly curling, brushed eatefesslY back [torn us noble . hriNi ! , rt.his large - ef; brillinacy,, bent 0 6 111 s. failler''s lace) 'His taling,enlh}r . , • I. and'vi;., ;w l 9 l a Vaud of dark 'stilt' his frocic is I hoots, were of #/at'degrne . .4 polish that ! iadt cated self-resrect t4t • kr 7:- ty for the world's opinion. • . 7 1 aurenb:A'nderiini' hid bec:4 l , foi' years, ,deemed niciynrarktind ungnilly" son by`" its of whose study' iverild have borne• uniny'acts; of iiiiiolp , llite,'Voth: . teinliciral 'and spiritual; 'designed in' guldihrs' tOstelidY : fe:lt into the narrow'srd 'betitett TRUEST FRIED. 14 CHAR LEOSVI,tiii. There is R friend. a arm% frared,. lo Every grief, To cheor, tO'couOrcl; rud defeed,— Of all we ever had the chleft " A friend, who watching frirtl ahoy.. 4 1Y1teneer i in error!s path, we trod, .„ still !ought us with reproving tore— ; Titat'friatid,iltat !teeter friend, isdo'gt! /3"?rei , a Cric4 .l , u f.4lthfal friend. In every chance end change ofiate;. ,When other friendshipstotne ito:olitrer, A friend, that witen,the. world ,deceives o _ Anti wrerily we onward plod, , Still comfort, every h'en'rt that grieves; ' Thit true, that faithful frieud,lS Gobi How hiest the years of life might now, 'in our n'Aitnged, If man ihis - tiuth Would only knoir, ': And iovo his Mgker, and ite just! . Ye., there's a friend, aconstent friend, AVM:intim; fdrsAltes the lowlitret sod,"` But in etch need, lilt hated iloth loud; : That. friendohat !Next &lend, it gPV, ulitr orthcidity. yet; thbsenfrints had proved iinsbeteisful; 'and latiremi had reached the age' arid 'sititueint inankoiW float-purply a child of 'TlioughtfuV , sa . gabious,, independent df Meade; cainliaa . WbOni'he pleased .or diipleas. ed,' but tiolitei'genetOns, anr . iffeetinnate,' he faired to 'What he entisideied to be 1 1 the numerous* inconsistenc ies.' bitwe'en — his fatbei'ilereed and lifehis lib and hii - ddmeitie - sh : Ort/eninings: It was a fiiiitfu' I 'inurcn 'gen- Aleinan'to' thn's Coinntented . Cib to his faCe; butielther brut 'Mice nor persdasi've - elci-' Omni had aecompliihed an iota in checking this leading charaet'eiiitie of his son, and,-reii inifensibleae he might brive'be'en in' the" lit te4 it was, riefettlieleas, ''fregYientlY efrective Of gded ieSultte At the 'dose Of the lOn4 elcniuent peti tion, a "peCuliat expression curled thp features of thy' young tii'aii,"drid lie sat - down with i a promptitude that indicated some neiv and sud den resolvii. , . -`••?.. ' • •: - •:Ati length ' the' eonirOaiioif 'diipersed to, their various heilieS; and'iicien . the - - fables of . PitrhatiAnderotihedini to 4rodn beneath the Tich'presents icmred in front' &Very' •The Divine was in his at Anderidn'' 'busy with the kiteliewinald,.her - daughtei ati tertainingn guest In the parlbi, end it fall io• !the lat•'of taittaiA to receive andarrange these Without eny 'hesitation he' thre*Open, the deer- of iv large laupbOitrd,' titmbled Con tents! Into the atindlest•:txiasible 'tipiiee,' and, witb,a sharp' knifel - qiiieklyilevered- eachlitrti ale brou'gh't, ha'; qtriti• the j 'center : tih 4poisitile, ofacigg , 'cupb'otiid 'and cith bt- at the's dapnSatiif mother' when! the proper time should arrive. • No sonnet' had' iese pr e sents ceased to!flow, in, ihali Latirens: 41 led basket to everfioWibg•witli hie reserved halves, tindl'set foilb on' his•henaiiilant Manf:ri lune, ! .• • - and sorrowful heart, many a deserted and . dp I graded outcast was that day : cheered by a mar -1 Eel - from' his:basket; asj with un wearied' pii tiOtae, timdsirk alleys;, tine s. 'and corOete,,w We're - llved ( Afiltipe sons anddititglt iereUf Xl:less(ogs, sincere Ault sou,t-' begotten blessings, 'were profusely showered upon his heard, and' his dirk, luStrous eye's beamed ,vki.th jo y as he turno 1 his stein hoinewtird; where the annual dinner was,wait.- ing return. 1 • 'Mrs. Anderson,' 0 sat, lhe parson, as,: with Solemn he raiSed• • •the first',co'v'er,, , civhat is this! Turkiwt it poi _ • Ohio-that-my prayer;and•-;sertnon to-day - have been less acceptable formerly, and, that hit If thn ,isnnl crifts. rP rein; nA37 "It is equally a mystery to me,"Teplted the . . 'disappointed and somewhit angry lady. - \"Be ing quite busy, I deputed Laurens to reeelviel the gi ftS and thank our friends. k lle went 64 1 immediately after,semang me Word that ali• had,arrive4. ou may judge of my surprise to find every th ing inlalves. - 1 , "Every Mire' echoes the divine, 'hastily , rising from his seat and - catching ' Willie vari ous covers and napkins. . f A quiet and intelligent smile sat upon the features of the son, and when the disconcerted father had resumed his arni-chair at the foot ed' the table, Laurens slowly clasped his hands slightly raised his handsome face and with a subdued emphasp repeated the words of the morning prayers 4 lneline us to Seek them in• their horses—lo feed the hungry—and to equally share with them the luxuries which this day affords." , • "1 do not often pray as you understand it," continued their reprobate son, "but I some times assist in Procuring answers to the pray ers I hear. You sir, believe 'in the prayers of the'mouth—it may be in that'of the heait 7 —lbelieve only in that which followed by im mediate and corresponding action. You have prayed for the hungry—l have fed them. • 'The parson felt the justice of the act, and smothering his vexation beneath a look of ex treme gravity, reptied; t "The poor minister is one to 'whom, it is commanded to (give." ' 4• But. the servant of the Lord ceases to mer itisuch gifts when the table is lade with sil- 1 ver and china ,", pnrsued the iocor igible son, bestowing a deliberate glance up n the well appointed dinner set. " Say , no more, I 'be seech you sit' you - will centique to Pray, and 'so often as it lies within MY ' power,. your I. prayers shall bo Suitably answered. A slice of that turkey, sir, if you ,please; my Walk has given 'ft . shii,rp' . a ppetite," ', , ' ) . With a fiery scowl;the father seized the, carving knife, while the scheming Mrs. An derson bit: her lips :and! bent• her eyes upon her son -with a' sharp look-which , plainly said f NIV hat was tho use of giving away those nice 1 tbiegsV ;•'',.' . .:-,. . ' • - ' But.the - damestic.elouds at lasvilisappeared beneath the cheering influencq of a . Thanks ziving s dinner, ,nnd „the, conversation turned upon 4 ge!ect:p l ait, v;,w,hi4ll they were. to re reeive thatevenine and which for the fi rst time s ,was permitted to displace, the , accns 7 tooled meeting for prayer and exhortation., Shortly, after'dinner, the rooms were prcip-, erlylighted, the evening refreshments. in or der, .fresh fuel, heaped upon the glowing,miats, !idgispies, erßilfog face yiree every ~ yliere.viailqe;Witqe:i t he parson „oce Chait in stately dignity, seire:tlYenimlnfr' , the Scene far more than he thought proper to, alltitiv: t :tifittlerisc hid 'not been lieen'silite; "iiatify:departere'froiti'the'dinner'" title ! \," The scere was becontid4laidiebrilliartt :Pram bpister,ous' rPtitrainetla:4Lit OW: w.like-rifi.ned lgaiety,„ameng,,,the ..aiegant.fitatk,iv.eal4h,Y. : parishonerwho elono,,wnpottfoct ‘tterinqtY, that rendered ii-auffioiently attractilaAeldli "Where is -your soar inqukregi 4 1 49 Pt: ~ of hiii.seCiety the *hole , • r," . 1 • "trtrr!,' ; ?,.., r • 15. . . • ~ . ‘‘l .., ll , E:,wlfrri it. l'it - l' - 'ciii I V: 1 •iv li'E t• ''T 0 0 ate oil :', - SA,. .kaNOVEMBER 6 . 1847; . • •. ' Sarre ed titesifttal,,gttple.,llewayardneas wjll mY- I • l4 '.!tr!."'. 4;1 this ,mentent ; theclergymate,s daughter „enterettenti w!t.isporstlsomething in his ear ,whic4eaused,att angry Aty ‘ r to overspread his sharp, pele-teaturetr ) andi l without delay, he Ithetened ;from the Amin,. • . • • •Arriving,trt the Irithen, , ho was surprised, and, fur a moment, lisina.yed, to find that Lau rens had returned 0049n : rev/hat more than.a dozen persons, who t moving in the humbler wnilts of life, had been i ctiesidered,unworthy of invitatiees,to the n;i,in,inteollparty. friends, my, derfriende, air," explaitu.' ed the young..umn, without; giving his father an opportunity of speaking;let me introducei them;" and, quickly preseutirig each by name, they proved, without exception, to be members of that.society which he was wont so fondly to term hid flock. "I„have,been gathering the lambs, the long-neglected lambs of yOur fold, sir,',' continued:the .eon, "and I have_ brought them here that for once they may feast upon the goods of this; fife and be met-, ES The parson" was desperatel—the bidy was beside herself; to admit. , theae - persons among ,theiF aristocratic gusts was not to be thought. or, and yet the nhatleterAf "goad shepherd" .must be, sustained. sun,". gravely porrtmoheed the latter, drawing him one pifi t never do to in troducn, ,thesin people among tour visitors—: they would consider it 'a perional insult; stilt, As i f .recognise them aS my hearers, I have no ,wish to. treat them .6140 y. Give theni,a sup per in" the,kitplien, and disnii!ss them, 'Tray you--Ixonnneadyou, he added, with a flash ing eye, as he read the : .refusal on Laurens' ingenious countenance." ",o,fiettettties 77 eo cornn ands will be of arty avail' to alter my_ plan,":,rephed the son; lir'iy,,., "cOme, tnYfriends4' he added, sud deoly,and ' sinilinglji, ePpering to' them, "we ,will nowentertheparlon r :dO not be jiscon-' certeddepend upon nte tO make.you friends." , i'resentlYA4nirerts .Andersun entered the kil,rilijantly,l4;lited;roeMs . ith a bloorning_girl „on, reoh` arm; one, thoidaughterLefa_lWaslier wimp% who Offieiitted in the oe"mosi or :pie persons present; the other a young ,mpliner's, , apprenticei : l:loCate" and beittiful as,thesilks ; and flowers which,she daily wove foto, sueh exquiiite,forres, -With elegant and easy ,condescensiort, r j e a ure s presented iris friends to his fetter's guests and, despite the 1 freezing i coldneis,, , the'distant end dignified bows, the smothered stieers,; pud half-uttered ,ridicule,, he continued !to Introduce his little yert7, ,, apd ; in half an„hptirokey, were i merrityt acted . enty c g,q)ll,Rpms s , ! ‘ol,9l4.,;ott r r heattop, z ceedingobe parson had selzedan opportunity 'towithdraW to his study,, a few-moments, to 4tidi gain ta n t dt lia gy t e t b r oe s ef ri n q hi u 4d i l ia i: bt y ; , r o rtn f i ru d;, i . n : di an y ,s l l i tr i tie c ti l il i tsi l y : , twice:l ttah keir.liitaking his' friends into a brickparlorl ; closed the fold ,ins doors; led his sister to tit piauo, and,with a feW s who chirsented to join them, were soo' whirligig in the mazes of a., merry deuce. 'Gradually the voices in the front Parlor were mere subdued, till silence "reigned supreme" —little by Atte the folding doors unclosed, with. anxiously \ syinpathizing (aces peep i ng through the aperture . ; then siddenly they flew open _and in rushed a 't'aulttude, to join the revelers, leaving thUse only who w i de pro hibited from dancing liychttireh,nternbership. 4 .A.h, this is real enjoyment!", exclaimed Laurens, as, after exerting his sister to play -With spirit and without fearof , Con'sequetices he 841 the hand of the milliner and With he • led'off the (limed.' The unwonted noise at last 'reached the elf ,- • of Parson Anderson, and completely Overthrew all his late attempts 'at egnittirnity'oettOrit. Starting suddenly from his easy chilli be 'descended the stairs With hasty and'ninist ial stePs, and, passing nneerimonieusly, the wondering, spectators; intruded , his solemn phiz among the wild 'dancers. With art im perious geiture he commanded his :da,ughter to cease playing, .and in an instant all stand silent and awe-struck 'bet+ hint, Laurens —the brave but unchristian Laurens-alone confronted the ,rage of-the pious parson. "Only a, little, harmless amusement, sir," said he, as carelessly as tltonglt no angry word rested with liiiri: '"Theßible, you know, &Ives us time for dancing as wel as, preying , -.come, sir, he as good as to , join us—nit 10111 cheer you. Go on, Mary go on," he added, with a meaning glance of hiis black eye, 'and, if father chooses to join us, we will, make t-oorit for him;*l dare say he cad qnd a , partner among these elderly , ladies—go on, Mary;" and, in the twirikiinn : of an;eye, the parsonage again shook beneatri'the tread of merry feet. r. Pareon;Anderson' twice es eyed toSpeak, but his voice was drowned - in the ,wild bouts of i i Meiriment;'and,tiumning ,twaY,'he said; in ,a 1 Melancholy tone, of ioiqe ,to those\ a'rotind him, - ,"That bog, will bring,mfkiiij , hiiiiinith sorrow 'in' the grave.-oston'Clertitiotkpe. An old coat's advantages, are,ninnerons..r,- People will _not tinnk.it winkAv .tlije T to ; pick 'your, pacjists- r tho ladies •kotlier yuu ith .tbeic insatiate, love"aillgn willpot tOP .teased.to take tea4witii yourAcfmintances. • r "• 7 1 ft :61a it: it'd tna ;sllll4'fi;dWerien, docr~Bhnn T had, ip 18- 41, i . 'iit'ajOiiiid"?tcY ,4 4I f 4., 1 it. jYrr .' P. 8 !) 1 0,1 ' Sra4f!Ll.k hr.!!! MtP jy t dp,pkole: tior: be.~ntluen~eesof the ek; eriiitit A eoff at: tioiqe —4144. -tTnifn. Plinth' shpit-It t ritylbe i pmpoitolaste - , , iliat , fife diitinguithed (*liked knownietntrog 'the Ohiiehtfrby Cupfd hniVreoently atini6l6 tie Otlfloney,;, THE ME)HCAN'TO HIS , . ' Rondoll, in nn flu! Wier. niter the bade ofCbaru. bunco, n...y.: • nattier lacer came :out ivau 14a1uall,110 16113 h l. 101 n R osa that he thuupt A' her when bath ' ; wcira ayliug, apt' run." 'Dcarest Ron; dearc.t Rota, "list thy lover greets thee • From the hone Of Moutczeini i l km imperial Mexico; F,‘ !Infix the bulling at n UIIaU, 'Mitt the mime% breath, Love preserved, thy tree bldatgo , I From the jaws of bloody • ri Fiercely charged the northqn foetnati, ' With his gliterithg beyond, H I Firious rush.--1 04. mighty Y,trir - ildPCi Every hoof with blood watt wet— All around were dead antrri,e,g. Blang led heaps coi every 4,lde, Told, like wreeks l the hot* r'grage Of the battles' gory tide, 'Twas of thco Ilttrught my:it.ns;, Even in thot dreadful hout, Yce', of theo.forlo'en end teerf4ll, Stiont In t'iy Timely bowei-E "1(1 perish—if I perish— t3ho will ne*.er survive the:day!" Thus 1 tlinnght. my deare,tilkOlo, And ittirned nod —NAN e wer! DEIDI MIN'S IKE. AND SOME !MOMENTS OF T :n REVOLUTION. ARY, WAR DONNED= WITH IT. , r The revolutionary histert of Now York, and of adjacent ground; resol S itself into the doings of one long , yettr—,ne t , a calendar year —which comprises the peri : during which i i le this city was under bondage 4 Many brave then, While this bondage en dured, did all that could be tune to destroy the 'power and comfort of theing's lepreseitta 'Lives; andiof these brave in n, firm old \Vebt chester furnished the majt rity, Their sys tem of warfare partook of the characteristics of the guerrilla habit, such ds, l was exhibited throughout the factimial diSturhances of old Spairr; We have furnshe sketches descrip tive of these bands, which were' organized fur all species of patfiotic duty ' bat more panic tilarly fur the discomfiture of the tory "skin= ners and refugees.!' .Th these bantls was called Ni' • N ick, as he was, fatnili. rly denominated, was entirely unlettered; but. ho was, netwithh standing one of the shrewdest men in the country. • Nature had dune what ethication had not, towards making him', a formidable and trupgerous enemy in th branch of the ser vice he had chosen.. Ho. fad en instinctive scent of the foe, and seems to tell the where above of an ambush, with as much certainty as, hound ,breaks the cov l er of the fax.— Faithful to his purpose of intercepting the Fe° t ing and foragingpartir of the Eriglish, -Nick wits constantly hi f e et. and comin men composed Nicks army, / ;mettle force wds sometimes cut up into 'five sections, and des patched, by, tens, towards i varions points in order to'learn iii what •direction there • might be rikopportunity for the exprcife of %e prow ess of the eoncentrated band. The line 'Of the•llioUx river Was' the lroute always kept in view by Nicit and his met . .., and held, at six several points l places of rendez vous, at wh'cli they wet. , generally to be found when off duty, which the case. One of these pl' was the banks of about thel tion of the'stream. The here, to an extent that rend any' btit a swimmer; It bei feet, from the surface to th always pladid with a sort looked 'like the' above dan The banks were covered underbrush—hazel, ‘Vinte vines ingenious to watery soil, - , besides tap- Hugs bud trees (more especial l iy the willow) innumerable-- so that autumn • did not, by ta king away the leaves, de rive the screen of imperviotuiness - to the op les.' The episode in the 'stream Nie.k had named, for a good and tea sufficicen rson, "Dead lan',s Lake." We'l \ - il must eicplein; 1 One evening RI the :de th of winter, Nick , liad \ gone a lung distancebove White Plains' to int*ept a bodybctdri s who wer e on their ; way fro )rk Connecticbt toi the city with con siaerablebit\y in 'the shae of, val uables take from the money and inhabitants in the vi cinity of the ound. Ni It had obtained in telligence of Weir mcive l ents, and had con trived to gai4ac , s to the party (about eigh ty in number, unde the control of a minor English officer,' nam , l t l'Jhertion) by means of a John Valentine, - tili was . ri minute man. John, as'it was afterwaril ascertained, he'd met and joined the tori s with a specious tale, and *Weed to lead ti am through the cotin t tiy so securely that no e ofthe)krowling reli els would encounter 11 em. ' 1 "\ -' By way of nec6s ry digression\we muck inform the reader that` he "Dead lilantiq.ake" !endezvoits . was' model co?nj)lete by a boird shanty, knocked bpi a huiry, and used to ' helter the mei, ' from the intense • cold of the winter nights. •1 Previous •• to starting, John had• extorted a I 'Promise from• Nick that ho would remain, •the whole of,t he night in tjuestion, in concealment ' I.at.the biker-without 'entering the hut, •in his turn pledging his gor e d te bring the foe to that spot in such a manner that they would prove 1 . ' an easy , con9tiest. . - 1 ' h Weg, ' biCatii I" ' tribd isTioN'ai,hQblew - fp n .• ; F.-. 0 V..t' • 1 , I - iv , , ~. Aia,P gO.O, t ..tigicl,tep 1ef , i ,. . 91 .p4I 6 N , . 5 a 1 ?? ( IY must eadure.a' great deal for,tbo!ooke,of, his country., 'lt's v,t roogh , job, JohnJbtit!'we'll'clui .i. l 7 iiitly`lOyinileeep itliesbitilif the Piaui , ~ 1 , ,«l ever., me,', ~repkied ION • 1.',11 hying fem : down tli dm spot, and Thep you'll consid t fr:eM en, Your ..han4 t •&about where you , can hear me, and when 11114 , ,,;',1,1urrab for Gla-ml Washington' mid downwith the red 6004 shwa is-Your t ine."' ',°` • •,' ,7. : •,, - ' ~,fial4ng reached th lake at_,niqa o'cloth in 1, .4 ,thavev,e.rtiog, l Niolti proceeded, to dovia.o hia i plan of 05tofoalmoot.1 Thecold was, intense: 1 Itlrasidi s litAhoklahatititala of Abet patt„of the , ~ 1, ;,. , ~,.. - • 'STRESS. country called a still cold—for, Although ev erything vOiti hard'frozen, and the breath con.' gealed as fast as emitted, !notthe slightest show' Of air .was to be.experienced. It was a dead land.:calm.. No plan could be devised with satiefadtiol-ta' the' majority. To go away was iiniiassible, for although the'expeh ted' victims were 'not cure before two or.three hours after. mid 7 night, yet they 4104 arrive much soon e r; and besides t ' Nick ha;cl gii•en hi 'word not t leat4thepltit i e: , Likel all , ,tleser; ants °ph 'Criagress here, Nick , neh l ismerl i yore pcior.. Ea'li had a misers to Tagged lanket; bu notliug else, as a prot ation frot ' he hitter a satils of ,Tac. Frost, ‘ , FII tell ' On ybat,"'gro`Wled Ail ald 'ellOW. 1 'lye shill be froied without doubt: My (id - vita is to fix a - slow match to a keg of powder there in the hovel, and blow 'etri all to the devil. Meanwhile, we can find accommoda tirms among the neighbors."' This novel suggestion waereceived, much to the astonishment of its author, with a gen eral laugh.' ' The debate proceeded. It was still in progress wheif heavy flakes of snow_ began to descend briekly llti "Good!" said Nick,• If in soliloquy, as he scanned the heavens with the air'of an as trologer; '"iiiis will comedown at least twelve hours. 1 hays it at. last. Boys, i ne'skulking or grumbling how, for I won't have it: you must do as I ahn going to order; if you don't we part companj , ." • "Speak out. Nick, we'll slick to you while you've n flint to your gus." Nick did speak out. Behind the shanty was a swamp moadoW. The weather, hat] made it hard and porous. To this spot tile whole body were dir6ted.to move, there to spread,their blankets, itild lie down upon them with the locks-of their muskets between their knees, and their muzzles protected by a Wood-, eu stopper kept fur the purpose. Nick en fureed this command,bli a logical explanation I of the advantages of a compliance' with'it I He contended that the, snow, " being dry and not subject to drifl o yould cover them as sat isfactorily as a tick of feathers, and keep them quite as warm and comfdtable. lt yould al so effeettmlly conceal them at their ease.— The porous' quality a,- the ground would,-h. lender of one of liolak also informed them, enable them to distinguish' the approach of any marching party at a dis tance, and therefore they could snatch a few moments of test. • Withont more ado the ar rangern/ent was made, Nick lying down near est the hut. Four long hours elapsed, by which time the , hardy patriots were completely snowed under, being covered with eight inches; or therea. I b v ms ‘l .r3fthe_elesnental emblem of purity : l,-1 . had made each man, previous to retiring, drink freely of rye whiskey. I 'kiw i keenestteye, or acutest cunning, could I not have detected in those undulating hillocks 1 aught but, theatirral irregularities of swampy ! ground. - At 'about two o'clock in the morn.l ing7John arrived, no — he had said he would,' with hi devoted followers. They were right thankful for the shelter Of, the shanty, 'and i * il Pherson swore that when they had re cited l' the eitrhe wont(' report.John'sgener,pus: con- I duct to Howe of Knyphausen and him a deserved-rew a rd. , I "Wait," said John; "I have not (lege the half that I intend-to do fr 4 you." • Nick now arose and placed himself against the'hovel so as to be able to hear the signal.' In the meantime he had awakened his! inen, ' without permitting them to rise, by a piocess as summary as it was novel. He had fell for the softest part at each carcass with the 'point of a very sharp bayonet.. , The tories,! stowed like siiieep in the small art covered by the.hut, began tn drink. W had scarcely done' this ere they became arc co vered' 'us and beautiful. )11,Pherson, singu larly ; mmonicative-to John, detailed his atro- I eitie an the route with the savagest /mita: Lion. Before he hat! met John they had rob ' he& a farrdhoese;..the Mistress of whielii hav ing .refused fodeixiet' up her husband's money, had been "stripped -and flogged until she fainted." Nick, hearing this, could notsup opress'an exclamation of mingled rage and hor ror• - Before John could interpose, M'Pherson had gone without to ascertain whether he had - really heatd - a human voice or, not. ' But he saw nothing bat snore, (although he stood within 'twenty rods of ffty , mOrtal enemies;) ' and so.returned. , .. '„ .. ' . indeed was sehli?rn ces of rendezvous I(then) widest por yater had deepened ered it _perilous to no at least twgive • ie bottom. It was f oily surface, and of a mill' pond witii a very thick r-green, alder, and Resuming his drinking and his conversa 7 tion, the depredator 'continued , lo detail the the monstrous' v , illaiiieS he had pbipetrated, and to speak' or yirbiit be 'inteiided , " \ tutlo on the downward route. Ile-feared ti assault--snot het He - was stronp* enough' to repel any hand furof'half-itarVed; 'skulking outlaws.,`; ' if he caught any of the fellows, he would hang them to -their own trees, and manure . the aPil, with the blood tif i thir Wonien: : , , il :-- •• , 1 John had crept to tledoor,by degrees; and now Stood "With hi's , left handinpon the raised latcher, ~,tle,,,apPloMied the 'ilfri4er's . story, and 'was willing, ~be Antki,„to aid him in the, pey forMancee of the deetis , he then Contemplated. Itaiiir,:pitijbze,il:- if tAtist,; and tilling, a 'tin cup , With liquor,';ndlit, iil'Ond voice, ',Hurrah for GeneralWashington, iind down, with, the'red en&tthr f iTiquor Was dash in he 111'ithep el pen`iface, and :jolit'Venished ret*the hut. I simultaneous' with his, departete, Nick som mooed his , men by' & repetition of the toast, iiiul the fifty: hillocks of snow were changed, hi by th viana 'of Harlequin, I r ..into tett Many Arrnedand furititid "rebels." - : ',. ' : :, Before •thotories could retotter from the, me mentary surprise into which these curious in-' chilenti had ihrowtt them, a , volley of p o wder and ahnt hidlieity,fired through the apertures, liashing;like'a:frighteried: hire into Oa open . eti4,llll"heraon height his sasailanis... His t ea k itumn in e diheir numbers, and conceiving ,tlieriWitsnoThOlie in fight, he suinmifne4 hi s f rienta. toilei',,lthr in flight: ; .- rhey; Madly, „ . NUMBER 25 - rushed i after him; arid fo'reingthetniefves thre - the dry/ limbs or briiili that stuck u. the f i t skeletons of vegefatiOnn the banks o the stream I gen/en the frozen surfaeet More t. art . one.half the fellows had taken this eo u . Be, while tlle test had either fallen victims t ; the - 'first fir , or Wien to their heels toward' tio , • main rad at the other le. -) -, "Ft;r on 'ern! Lied us jest as yofile n I glee In • le thunder ," .shouted Nick, as h fel- lowed is own advice. • f . , Budd rtli there vi;zs a' report louder! than ' that ofkt musket; it was - accompanied by, a splash! fiend p concord of, unearthly SC . ma. 'rite . ile had broken! and "Diedd Man's itri Was afeomplishing a victory for the ha • Hui of Ameridan patrioti • Who atticsd upon the banks. The result was that over twenty of • to , ries were taken and sent to head quarts .-- OnlY half a dozen were killed by fire. ..s. "Dead Man's Lake" was examined di. sun rise, an)d fifteen bodies were draft fro• its remorseless bosom. ' The restiaindet, Id" her son among them, had esdaped; . • pia: had named the water as above in ^.a ,setpten e of•finding the body of one etan, mu tilated said murdered by the loyalists. , fter this( event we hare rudely sketdhed, lie til lik ed the title to "dead Metis Lake.;'.. It is tin* called "Willow Hole"—and no man i . the vicinityl knows aught of its former deal : ea. 1 tion, so far as we can judge, we having ived I near It nearly two years without hearin : any I one else speak Of it. , . . • II As these little epesodes in the drama o tha ! revolution 'mer l e frequent, they have rt. i it, seems, been considered of suffieietit I per ; taupe to be generally , preserved, evetri the Indian style—by tradition. 1 Nick died in the Jersey prison ship. I I 1 YELLOW FEVER XNECiRiti. iUndet this head; The N. O. belt% r- ates Ithe following:— ` • " "Doctor," said the dying Mtn, tiptsnin hfa I languid eyes) "ho* long do you think will live:1" 1 "ltl),Lpoor friend," answerd4 the phys', ian, i wiping the tears front tilt Spectacles, • I do : not think that you tan lire more than t* aty ' four hoers." L ., ' "01),1 doctor!" exclaimed the dying . ti, don't say that! But, still; if I can't lie, •I suppose I must bend to the will of Ili - . dencelit ; 'he dying Man Covered over his race rvitli the bedclothes, and the physician ritit .eing able to endure the scene was just abotit 1. de part) When hjs latient called bit - to hide !Tel:nor '... what do_you think it will cc t for . cost much—probably nothittrelltirfra — ,- - i The dying, man started up in is bed and railirig his handaa's though he was gointh exorcise a ghost, exclaithed, in &Most ,itia hie tons, , o, no, Doctor, don't say lit 1. 7 -, I can't aprd to payllo to be buried. It's higher Ilan other people pay, and I tan' _ af ford 0 1 1 1 : So s yiug,the young gentletari blank •peti, and wet like Niobe. Although worth come four or Ifive thousand dollars in solid cash; he ( couldn't i a ff ord to die, because his f neral ' would Cost him eati. •The meanness .i . his dispositon striking into his it •stete•-droV the fever o i tit, and he recovered; , 1.,.„.„ I LTAT;tiIIING , Fi Tali PULVlT,,..—said M . C., 1 a Presyteriai) minister of some notorky, i ” 'never aughed in the pulpit only on one er- - t l aim), a il that came tear , prottering My dismis sal fro . the ministryi Ahot one of the first cliscourTa I was cal- - led to sliver ; subsequently to my ordlnatior.f lafter r tiding my tekt and opening my subject, my it onion was directed to a 4 yennritnan With a v ery fo'ppiph dreiS, bud ahead of es ceedin ! red 110..1 •In a slip immediately be= hind this young gentleman eaten Urchin who must. have been urged on in . hisnevility by o I eke ev I one himself, f 0 r I Ido n ot n wee ut the youngster thought of the jest ho *as plying offon the sprred dandy is front of him. / .The buy held hia forefinger in• the red , hair of the young man, about us long ns a blacksmith would a nailerod in the fire to heat a 0 died i on 'hiEf knee commenced pounding his finger in imantin,g of a smith in making a nail.--;- , The Whole thing was so ludlettihs that I Janet d,'the only time • I °Vet dis'graced the palpi -with any thing like . hilt, ~ ___:. MAnabtah.—Man and wifeare equally eon.: eerned to avoid all offenies of each Other in the besinnitig, of ,their conversation; evety little thing'ean i l blast an infant:bit:ssoh; and the breath of the South can shake the littld fingd of the vine When' first they begin to ' curl Tike the lucks of, a new Weaned. h'nyi.hut whenl by flge and consolation they stiffen into thelrdnese of watem, and have by the waves cea of the Wm and kisses Of bettiert hrou lit forth their,e'lustela, they can endure' the s arms of the-north:3i and -the loud noises of a erripest, and yet never break: so are the early nniens otan unfixed malrriagi; watchful • J Ohl oliservantittlthis add inity; ingnisittea ~----;----- - • _ and useful, ari, apt 'to take alarm, - at , every ; kinki d Word.. - . ; -- • • . . -.• After th e hearts of the Man and wife an:: fir:- - aeatfld tint! hardenti Ify it Mutual confideift and - experience, longer than artificial pretened can i'at i there area great many .iemembran- - new .nd some things plesent; that- Wit' elf 1 i MO- tinkitanesses in piedes.'.iertinty link: Ii • . ' - : -.• : •.:1 ~ , . . . toe: . • '.•, , ' • C imr.. - - - -A lady b'alled itt'ontrof OUratorea 7, . a do i Or tyro' slince; add invUiredof la young der (Or '!croliOt: —_ „: , -,. ,‘ ,9. 1 , - NOtAvillittg..bionear ignorant not eitt i etty "Optilpftiteliding her, he handy' doiiiti ii tilts )ii. i, l .4l'afea:C.o!iltiil; "I,Vhp;'-says the lady, "dui!: is. n s iiii:fillt-tAn.". t . : • .-; , -_ 4, We11," replied the boy, "that is - ito ern& iat thing:t know lif: 1- , .-:'° =; . :-. z....
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