Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, October 30, 1847, Image 4

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    The greatest OtsN?very of the Age!
OR, TR41411106 NI WI RIFIIIU 01%1'11111MT.
Iln JOIN is the tiro attempt to combine the CLEC ERIC
JIL ur SWINK. I' e FLU tt with Powerful 'Vegetable Es
toms in the form of on intment —to be upphed evictor!.
ly for the removal of disease. The almost untinme.l suc
cods it too met vittli stamps it at once the GIMATICST
D4 4 .CoVElty Os AGE.. It Is constantly effecting
Carel oh the of the utmost importance. The most incredu
lour are CONVINCED-0o most faithless are compelled
to behave in the power and virtue of this great remedy. `,
It is universally adulated to be THE MOS r WON ,Cit
rut, comtivtA rioN kNoivN to t h e WORLD for the
13IHEMATE it 1 . flf tiiho•t e will pain ,
It never fads while there reirt.lllles buffleiesil life to restore
a llatUral and healthy action to the eapillory Ve-sek ontor
body, ead equ thze (he eireubei ',IL of Mt btu (1 Ity thi- meatis
a controlling power is gaidedorer Use /red! tito(itreatd Arms of
DISEASE w owls c.onut b • ultwieed from any other rem
edy., Such is the power of this combination that it pent,
trues to every, portion of the hirettio »virile; every bone and
muscle, vein. nerve and Hermon 14 - torched ()us mix matte
sensible of purifyiervool heti lug indueoce. Iletice it
Copes au readily with internal 1111 YXtermil elbeaSes..
,Numinous i stances are toi r turd where this remedy
has rotord health to patients so near the grave that the
most powe ful internal relocates itt..,l to preduve am el*.
feet. au. 'lips ireque itty limn the eoe •Os I ... iI. t 11A
TION of , 0 BO EL die
w S no p.sst eser swell ill.. WWI III!,
disease ere the II ,gi etle Ointment Coll be 1/ 1 / 1 - filleri
That dangerous Epitlettr known as the po ['Rio rAty_
81PELA$ cot ntweett b owed his thi• remedy
For INF t. % MATORII ItIIEUMA EISII, ito% Ointment
thellllllobleollllllele rell etly ever prep sped. -
In fig easel nut of 111( ii t trill II IThril claire refl.!" to the
worst cose:of NIElt VOL s, II LA DAC II F. in thirty min UN. , l
For New is+ Dsserss , lltti• remedy Is of mon. toe % . tte.
Alit.- I. sof the Spina Itheernatism, I. monies. Flyer
. . ore . hroat, Br, nellutiq, I.leutiv, Crimp. l'isill.).
bole,. Illorbu•. Ague II the Face or his ..a..t. Bur,* ~ :sl,l
Mead, Scrota. , Sole it ileum, Crysipel ,s, radiant ',I tae-.
Fever Stites &c will le hunted, suety telteved Ii tie, nye
of this remedy. .
fri re2ly to your goer
Experiments I
Isaac I
Magsle,le Olisteleurr I J.
one of th• GREATF.S
It is now nearly Iwo
in my practice, and I li
tom both local and ge l
with uniyernal rUs..,Cs.s.;
failed, illaVe •Utree.le
I have treated canes
motion ofthe Lung., Ii
tory Rearm ithin. UM
'metes.: nisei:soln of :"
Ulcerated I !treat stud
In the Epedetnic It
which so snotty valuta
quently. and it never I
lain cure.
In eases of !turn,' $ I
it acts like a charm.
, No Physician or h
this Me 'seism, ol'ier Is'
to cure. N. 10
1.71 , 11. S. Y. Jan. le,'
rp P For further pat
phlet left with each •C
Pace ...1.1 and fin cent
AG EvrB. Carter
Erie; D. N. & J L
Potter. West Sprang r
L. S. Jones & Co 1:i
Erse. Angust,l4.
M't Ct.:It:PIM ATI:,
r.w regard toII,, rt , 1111.• nriltr
a.lO With vitiirjti- r tly
on *•,,, with ikl ,. /%ltri• iti e I der it it
I)lSe()VritliN Tilt: At;
par., sossuo - 1 s•sootiosors.l 11.11,
te•trd i• I . elre , 0 lull ii to.l
- or the so .2lignalt
et en where all itilrrat t l rrwe.l§,
I it WI
lof Oli 000ttno of the Bill'''. tell I
treon.otipe to' the floOrel., loltoo it I•
Child h“li 1' ,. i.1 . ... {{'t'i 11x16 , .1
' cadet Fever. Coulter Ito3h. end
Aung• with Ilke •Ile,rap.
h.•e, ale the Putrid Putri d
I live+ wt re • I tr•te , l fre•
l ulled of effecting a sißredt :void Cr
Itruizes, Crozet', Limb, & c
:11110V will fff. .liluie day Willy - tilt
oinitokg n. It !iner
f i GUAM. Pily.sieinn and Snrgeon.
, tirntarx snit tratinionirs, see purr!
F prr bat tilt,
itrolilPT : . wholes ile anti rot 01,
O'nit, It,lev
nil& %V. Springfield;
•1 .1; Jelin Trney,
1-1 v 3.
0U It FL
The ne•
1 . 0 . 19 IS. in par or
LIROADCW rl S.—FAmeli, English rind Amor
jean black, blile,'brown, gold an,' cadet rnta.•d
the. ch. apeat.
Ab.SCY:=-Ca•siltiV ,, r , s aad Veal jogs to match, both
ily and price.
A oenttral ;INS trtment of choice )
ch %toll b-• sold exttccul'y kw.
A hi:4llll6i [assortment of etutt
at catinot tail ,ti please.
ikE 4,-1V ithutit bita..tint , we
ie have the cheapcs , and tics , as
ints anti :•dines, includlip , Lidies,
~1 IIoYA eve, brouglit to this city.
nil Bove caps, that cannot fail to
ret: dui] head —o.lllLtuild ity.
."!.: S G , 1011S..—iftre me are at
lave cashmeres, de Lines w'thutit
, I st without price; 'Ciinoltam4
~ Calirorniu plaid: , and ',".7 , t is 4 and
mg; wide gimp and _imp cord;
cords and ta.sels; but vt hat is the
utilig vie have every iltina to
dsoine more divine and the ugly
is to color quo
Groceries. wlt
ery at prices II
can truly soy
.aortnioni of 119
Gen;lemert an
fit both the pu,
home. We h
number and a
anal A Ipaccus,
Tarl• ton \ ins
dress buvons,
use of enume
make the haec
W kite gro de
Black watered
Black and btu
Black gro de I
front the
and Cash
• tio+iery,Sr
team I
and mai
and Plaid Poult de.Sois,
(cm i n tripe poult de soi,
o back, gro do Naples,
all prices. shades. and quality
;heap Wton up to the finest silk
nem "'"'
II kinds. colors and sizes.
td. Ticks. Foe.
ted to the season
Our b. liiit is tarqe and
splendid, and yel Ile sold cheap. We do not wish
to boast, but we think we can convince any one
by calling that a sell a good article 'or a smaller
/UM than any o her.establithutent in town. • Ai
any rate "the roof of the pudding it in the Cat
ing,"Th. Wore • 'lt Y US!
If...rAlind lie name and number.
,-, Erie, Sept. a 4, 1817. .1 19
New G Ods! New Goods! a
vvE are re eiving our stock of FALL - ANTI
WIN TE GOODS„ thigh we believe will
vie with any 'in the place in extent, style and
quality. Wo orbear to enumerate s•yles and,
I I )
-crialitos havin t none of the spirit of the hra2a
;docia, and pre time that if we were to athrintise
1000 pieces spl ndid silks, 10,000 nieces Alpaceas,
10d emit Fron h Merinos, rich cashmeres. Para
metta cloth, M hair Los res. oriental , Culfornia.
Monterey and regen Plaids, Mi. &c. OW wale
would not ther by beinereated in a rational and
intellizent cot nitritiry. It e have only to say on
this point that ve have a lull and entitpletelotort
__. . .
or in our braleh of the ., rade as the
and we °Ter thetn with our sianil-
II di the chropf at rates dui can bw•
l urotigh fer ca>•h. Please Call and
this matte, a little at
mut °fetich ge
market require
ing pledge to s
bought in the
jet us talk ove
t. cl 3. 18
ITCALPS, No. 1, Reed H 011.5
grp an's Court sate. ' 1
I N 13UTSUtille of an order of the Orphans' court
o f Erie con ty; will be sold at, public vela:lite,
' at the court hu t se itt4he horough of tale, on Sat 1
/ urday the 30th day of Jetriber next, •at Z n'clor k ,
P. M. all that lot ur piece ofgrourid situate at the
Southwest corner of the Public Square, bounded
on the north by the Public Square, rat the west by
Pettch;Street, and tut the I‘l3lllll by Seventh street
fronting 80 feet on said Public Square, and 165
feet on Peach Street, and 80 feet on :- even i h street
and having ti ereon eretned a large two story'
brick house,nd frame barn, late the property of
John hlerris, l eceased. This is a very desirable,
and valuable I L . .
Teams or ALT:,—Ono.thini of the purchase '
rnobey on thl i confumation of the sale, and one
sixth in two i nal annual payments thereafterand
the balance, bsinr, ono bail the purchase money',
to be paid at I le.decease of the widow of the said
John Morrirovith interest thereon annually. to
secured by judgment bond and mortgage on the
premise*. E. BAI3III PT,
E. J. K b:Lso, 1
Erie, Sept
II for Flax Seed.
the hiuhept price in with for any
Flax Seed; C. 114.TIBBALS
D e; AP
bloatitst 'ccc
July 3, lit
I LES. , —A free!' lot of Pinar Apples,
xad and for sale at- No. If Parry
T. W. mopnE.
I Fail of I"17,) 1317 • [F li of 1847.
3 11 1 NA
Rail. Aki ,4 sfr-, - Roaff!
SfAcKsoN hai now receiv d his FALL
and \VIN l'FAt t•tock of Dry Goods, Gro
ceiies. finrciware, Bointi and shoes, crockery, irol •
and &c. of whieh tho following corn
priee a part.
Broad Cloths, French, English and American,
wool dyed blue, black, brown, cold and cad. t:
Cas,imeres. black, blue, plain, plaid
and striped; Satinets, blue, black, cadet and
steel mixed; canvass. padding,- buckram. bur
laps, crash, wi;!uins, br n n and black holland,
cotton diaper. linen and cotton table cloths,lin
en cambric, linen cambric handkerchiefs, fur
ninfre and cambric dinrit,y, d-ab. white, Mark
and slate Felicia, WaCk and colored cambric,
brown and bleached buck
and shirlinu-,
bed ticking, apron check, red, white and erect)
woolen flannels, plaid limeys. crimson. scarlet
omen and drab mn eens. silk and tubby velvet,
black and colored, silk and worsted serge, satin
vestim!s, Indian erava.s, b'ack and colors, chop
per.., bandana, ban:elm - la, pongee and spittle -
field handkerchiefs, silk, caAmere, worsted and
cotton hosiery,' all colors, Ornate of all kinds,
• mitts, worsted, silk, picnic and cotton dress
babdkerelliefS, ladle- cravats, Intle veils, ltirra
&es, s ripedand plaid eat ',don ant swiss umob
nuns amt. elnunb. ays,swiss. plain: doled,-daid,
sto,l prd. 11.!ored, kook mu -ling, silk braids, hat
and cap t Mons, Italian and French crepe, sew
, inWsilk, purse' twist, skein, knitting and tidy
mom, suspenders, bindinus, quell y, tape-,
bohlun_ and cord lace's, combs; but ons, nee•
dles, book 9 and eyes, paste board and a oener
ul assor mem. of Maas and shoes, hardware,
c a nebely, iron, nail-, s3c., all of dn. above will
be said as cheap us any new or, Jew store in
t')i ('I•V
will he observed that I am the oldest merchant
in !he pl.tee excel)! one, and 1 now y that 1 will
not be 1111 , lerqoldby any. yotota or old, for ready
and soe the alnico are facts, at m)
dir.tand on clicapside, «hero things fur sale cant
be heel, '4 •
Erie, Pepi. '25, 1817.
1•11111...1 Hrei V . 1 of V..wr Clcinths ;writhe recrnt
Ntuniolvi 1 , .,an 11?•noce noel England :
AI.I.YN & COI T, •
FTA ivr.: th- ri• ;twine icint , to the eith
70" t it they arc ryceivittt , cons.nnt
1111•11. inter 'Slack. and
.+1•1.•1: eti•c this collo% ing rich fit - val, at
oci iii‘y 'cc , . Rich I treaon and (tilifie
rktit ',"l. only 1- , .'per yard, worth rich dal It
Pl' yard. WOI rich &tit:
(;iitl , .ll rt.. wen 3() ct,.; licit (talk
on ly I her t 1111, ,‘"rili 25... rich dap,
( Wit fws 'ati..l qvi., 1 1-'2 :111 115 pet v a ril ;
tvcry .ti , fr•mi ernis In -11 S 00;
.1 toii iic•it••+ 111' -Ilk Pliiititt for G. fr I.
pe r i t ; n , toe —llllll ,. it of CI • I
0%1 . 1%11 4 , 1:1* 1v .Ir 3 it (1:11•1(.1, inn
,1111•111 tom and , vlll . ll l l ,
our viol basin!, 111 tt i• welt tworlliv
year attea toe ALL. C7Ol
1 le• le) IS 17.
%Itt 'FIGII r, nor Allt, \NI, cps_vir cit.() R
\AT ti trt• 0111 Cll , 101.1 , t 0
w:11H1 a dv to 6: p v ii iit t io t to - 0 , % it ni ,
Fri rli OC 11 4 erf,iminv. F•onv,•nicriep .
tlulabili y .lI'I b I. ill lie sl.l , ni a 11111
form pr , c , .. nnit sv:irt itiloll 10 .111 i 4 1 % 1 111 inuolen
l a d v , all Il' nIHiY'/,tqn{ilira
Q,•ro. t^l7
V1)N1 1 NiSTIt A'ri - iii:::, - N(Vt'itilt
I,Vrt 111.1 i. le !cis of Ad
.1.:4 stl,“l i. , tl have been ..rivri-ed iii the..ith
serib,•r• n t 0, , of Fr 1.. t. 1, K ir, rieod,
late of Vale, all p th , t , thre. ;,1 (14' 1 1 1 ed ro
said e-tale are ,eque...teil to set le the s:stne imine
di a tely ; ;end tho.e a.raiti..l the
will pies, then neten'irafed for cettle..
went. DAVID Z 1 N1.i.11 , .101 AN,
9. 1' 4 17. Gt3l '
_ _
GENI'S ('AI I, AT 'llll, NEW ST()II.E.
s (."11"
one o( , h,cl; to he found
in this anem•i• diem' are the rreneli
and lierinaii Panev
and Braid Clotho; Beaver and
Tweeds, Casqiinere-1 and Al4O j rat re
ceived Nleirinn (Tinier Shirt.. :ma Dia ‘v,e,.
Gaernscv 'r.i%mi , s, , even:
variety (11 Tikdor'R Ttinuitin.q! .111.1 I PeCi red
WM! bine' , 1 7 (dvet- , , Sar in. and Surges. Poi these
and other goods please e,ll :It
, No. i,
nil gpten-
()c.f. u; IS f 7
firl at I -- IZI 1111 11 - ,1111.1111 . 111 11. ::1111'+
I NI at 41r., Ticpla , t•Q, Thotop.oWs ml II lune
hart's TitNses, tisorie4l sizt , 3 lur low by
CA ittl'Elt & GTO l'llErt.
Jlllv 17, 1.317
r" t lilllo New LAW' POI% eriz
0( (
11, 4 1 and Stwar,
cheap for one door north of the rqii , Window,
June 1° , 17. 4
r~ t1:111 r.—Vott can flott ta• No 44. Pew
Peopiti's Row Orantrcs, t-htbana Raisins,
Lemon , , ritir. Prime.; liotc Raisins, Currants
and 11iiIr19. cheap tbr cash by
Jone 2t, 'IINI-117.11Nr.r1TT.
Fl• LII rE L.E‘u.-Ati invoice of
JUI this superior article just received Also,
Pitt,hurgh Lead, (Fuliitestock & CO's make,) thy
and in oil, alwy_ve on hand and warranted.
Julie J. FL. BURTON & Co.
Remedies for Rummer coroploinig.
JA N carminative Balsam;
Foslra:e's Anodyne cordial;
Bed Anodyne cordial;
Thompson` , cariiiiiiitive l •
Falitiestnelt's do Lozenges;
Aromale or spiced Rhubarb; •
Ciodfrcy's cordial, &c &l. for sale by
J. 11. BURTON & Cu.
No 5, Reed Flonse, Se'pt. 11.
(ASGOOD'S India CholJgogue, ut %huh:sale
4._/ and retail.
Cantell's Sine Mixture; Rowan's Tonic do.
Jaynes' Aizue Pills and 'rank; Verinifuge;
Duct. H. A. Sill's . Puritpatheton;
Nloff itX Bittern; Newtoit's Biitersr
Snip:late Quinine; t;arpenh•r'e Extract Bark;
BlatiltPepper, for Sale by
No. 5, Reed Clouse.
Sept. 8
T"E undetsivied would respectfully inform
the zentlem 7 n of Erie and vicinity, that he
I l ids upend a TM LOitiNG Si It tP on the smith
side of the Public t:rpiare, a few doors east et the
Erie Bank, e. here he will he at all times ready and
happy to nail main those who inay favor him with
a call in line of bu.iness. From long expori
ent . e in , t11111!10 . the principal shops of olidon and.
oil er Enropean cities, and by strict attention to
all Inisi'ness !deli may now hit entrusted to hint,
Ite cooly/eh ly hopes that he shall he a I wayvieciii
ell north) , 10 oweim e a.o)llre cf public pa , rontwe:
11 is walk shall lie r xeented. in such a manner as
to heir a close an I imperial exanlina ion, and
al a .tys in accordance with the prevailinz fash
Erie, Sept; 4, 1817.
N. B. Ctittin2 (lone oil the shear
TIM :RE has been a great (i , •41 said lately e
hunt Tema, a u 1 there are a .•reat many in
Erie' who pre - end that they are selling, better Tea.
cheaper than ativ horlv etas Sl'hia is a mistake.
The reheat Tea ,Company
of New You h, have sent to their agents, John H.
Burton t< Co. their several wvie it`fl ot ' Tens.—
'racy are freili, frazrant nntlitiohly tlavorid. and
• xeeed in richness noy Tea. that has ever been
sold in Prie. and at prices multi less. In every
n4e where ihey db no . dive sat isthetion. the men
ey Will be paid hick for thetn. These Teas are
put up in pound, half and quarter pound packages,
lintel with tin foil. which k , .eps them from the air
ana pieseryea their strenzh and ttivor.
J. H. - BURTON F Co,
No. 5 Reed House.
Any. 31
PICKLED LOBSTERS, Sardines, Tomato
Ce•sup. Lemon Sjrup,•Pepper Sauce, Salad
Oil, Mustard; Ou2uhalelly,' English White Pep
peSr, 4,ept.e., for sale at No. 1, Perry Block
‘lO , by •
5. T. W. -ORE.
Important Decision.
TIE contesicd. trial that has been existing fin
many years hp 4 been finally settlerl bv a Jury
of Twelve Ladies, and their decisionja, That the
nurest; best, most fr,tdrant rind cheapest Teas to
be bad in this seetiontor the canntrV, are these
which r nine frotu the celebrated CANTON TEA
COMPANY. These Teas elm 'be had at all
times and warranted to give emir' satiorictiors or
`the money will be retittided t of their agents whe
are receiving fresh supplies weekly.
, WILLI ANIS 4.. WRIGfIT , Agents.
Directly opposite this Eagle
' Sept. 18, 1947. IS
ir i,
,„,_ N.,
___~~' '
rIH ENGLISti ttli:%lE.Dl( for GILDS, COUjtiS, ASI
L ,AIA, and Clt )NSU P flON:
Contrltc, - A sthma'. or any turn of PUL MON Alt CONSUMP I' lON,
the HUNGARIAN BALSA OF LIFE, discovered by Dr. [Licht
London, Ell!114111.4, tes:ed tUr upwards cif seven years in Great Britain
on the Continent of Europe, and introduced into the United States and
'nitnetliate superintendence of Lhe inventor.
The astonishing eill'el:PS?ol the Ilitivrarian Balsam, in the core of
form of CONSUNP LION, warrants the American Agent in solieitit
treatment the WORST POSSIBLE CASES, that can he faundin the l
munity—cases that seek relief in vain from any of the common rams
the day, and have been given up by the most distintritisbed Physicie
C 4 tNPIRMED AND INCURABLE. 'The Hunenrian Balsam has e
and will cure, the NIOST DESPERATE OF CASES. It is no (Noe
tutu, but a standard pn g lisltNlediciiii3 Of known and established oh
Evety family in the U•litetl States - shout() be supplied with Rot:bates
Zariail Balsam of Life, gat only to contitthe consumpttive tend , .
of the climate, but tit be used as. a
. pr.rrulite inrdieittr in all cakes o_ l
'toughs, Spittint , of Blued. Pant in the Side and Chest, Int Ration and
nees of the Lungs, Bronchitis, Difficulty of Breathing, I I ee•ie Pever.
Sweats, Em otiation and General,Debility, Asthnia, Influenza, What
Cough, and Crup.
la eat..e or actual disease of the lungs, or seated ConstimpLion, it i
Sold by Mt:Donal I C Smith, sole Agent for the United Kingdom,
Italian Ware-hutase, Regent id. London, in Bottles and Cases, for
hospitals, Sc.
Ity •SP , cial•ippe;alavoit—DAVlD I?. BR NDLEE, 119 Crum st , 1
\1a54., sole A , Yent SI.IIPS and British American Provi
American ptiee, $1 per rdtle, tt ttli lull ditections for the restoral
Pamphlets, contain/ l ino mass of and A me..iean errtifiCal
other i•VillenZ:tl, SII011111"' the unequaled merits of this Great English
dy may be obtained 01 the Agents, gratis.
None genuine, withont the written ,ignal me of the American At
a gold and bronze label, tncounterfeil nhich is. forgery.
AGENTS. —S. 'rouse,. Syracuse, N. V. General A ,, ent for No
and the western States,
'IRV. AD. ';',)
mn the i ir n,vf m at Cahahs- Oswego, Coup h/.
J` f (111 hYIe , I)V 1116,1 C111.1q1)111y Cr! that 1 have 1191111 11r. rhichal,
U.ll i.lll 1141,1.1(1 in lily m,ith great rat cep.. tittle izirt, ( - Lox
sitrentli, year n :L.. in tie !non IL nc Cheolier, IRII , attached la Oh a
her ri lit side, and lur itlist ne lice/14411 iltlittetieti to reinovtl
o;intitined rr,w woe .e' All I after v0nn.4,21 o r D r . 11
010 11 . 2 1 a the Ili, f ht ta" het Cape,, sas- rionsly aIP eletl that her
&alit I i. I %VA- H .1 111(1 . 41 'llllll aill1111(.11(11111! Of the
:in tirtnre one third lit it n 1%4 11,(.11, he little, stiffiavi restinie.l her p
her uheeirolne , :. icle r rtird, and Iwo ',yew il her hrk
NV 1 ,. .:4TF f 1.11,1) MA It DI.E FACT( )it V.
ItLivitt a :Zoo , ' 11.-tortotttt nt
NeW I:11 , 1:11111 wag ttle on hand, from dill
ent",pint ealeniated for I lead anti root tattle ,
\ lonunwnts, %% kid' olrer to gell to ant
one 111 CI It! Pa. not • lit In.!! larflotr 'km
Et It% haft-red ut fit , t tate ,gale, and tlclivt led, a
the ittliowtou pt st.: r , in di, for t loltlren, ;31 5.
1.1. r foo•; '6l fto people, I 6 . 2 pet
Lar ,, e,t 1.71 pet fot, \\r, think it
it wild be an object for :wine of Ow wooly
peaple to Itir‘‘ aid it , a fe , .% ity , t ript as lII' ha\l`
1.41' , 1 Iv I/01:11 inlLnnrd ht 'the Eri , . warble 11P , 110.11.=
in lather way, iha. they tteie s , itAitiu
I„ • 0rm1,,r,1 vomit v people
y 1,141.! v , -,y 11.14 of
1 . 111111 :iti to -z I 100 root. Should
people of I:1 is c.ottity lie in want of anv
06.4 in one l'otivat,l tlwir tio,eCtp
.or come 01(.1w:ekes and they chulL 11/IVe:
first rite art idit , .11. the abovt• pt ireq.
tin . 0 1
W1 . , , 11P 3 ‘1, N. V. Sept. 1 3 , ISIS. 17t
. • _
sill pity%lA!, nit-1 , du
ll' price tor at, (ran ty of 1.1 tell
111•IIV• led at, Nilie-an, of az. Inc ' , lore lit l' l i".
oh or 1 ..;. \t '111!1 U.,:
A (;1 , :i; i• \IN ..I'ft. - 1 ,, ,,t ii , , v .E-, AND
.z. - 1. ci 51.7 ;11 IN 11111:1,1 , ,' , . -A lon , ftittli,ft t
tv s% i it lmr , c , ;old per , on ti : t eat ment'ol the dis
. a.... 5" alts It its. .10 e r lit,i -I, 11.0:. , sit length
ri . ...0f..(1 jo, ffie If Oi..ivery ,d I hi. t-teve 'i , dy val /
nalde Lena - 41y for Ow It qr• V .and ('oag4 - a dis
~i . e t'vldch In odtive. lame intrely ..nd dea'h
anion!! 1110. , • 11,51110 :1111 . 111,11 , 111 to any Whet 10
W .i t i t thoy itt re e Xpo-lt,l .1 hav•; no hesi•asn Vin
.ftyltlir ' Off lOy Vots .1 r t, 11l .-fr :c rally and thot
nnidny , fa/irate tocry-Aiimp)om and r-stig,, or ilii.
'•.l .und tian ,, eilat ,, dist.ase if ~ i ven in any
nalde lenollt 11l linv• tiller it had bean con
Of. Wlwn .A n t ,di -cover ,ytninnins nt'Coazfr
rar s in vonir ho. , e testa I In this i'ov l / 4 ler
I nit illday. It,e it,i).9sSe%erin.uly. and attend to
Il itt. , aced , ll,,tlt in. Ole nit. c inn, tor Ifs,'
!tient of .11 , .. ow .k, and in tiioo eese, iiiititof
~ 01 Iv 01 ii 01 disit lit ca:c4
'lily IT. ono. ot' , ,cei.l2. vet . i fi..ale , or purl...
.in cal on the azoni. ['rip , . 5 I cents per hot:
1 ..
‘Lintrit: isred by \ V). t:okman, Nin' York
l'i:Jt N. FM , / 111E12 ti.enlii(l , ...rie, Pa.
' • , r
11111.11 ..7. 1,417 45
II!: p.i. twn ship 'ltet etonno ex's mg be , wren
! tile uoilersi2.oe, ,in the plat - lice 01 Loa', lia,
beim, di:sok ed by inn wil con•ent, / 1 .,:l persons
in Wined LI 11= ate requested .it call at the idlii
and .ettle their r. sp. cove accounts, Oil Of hero .
the first of .Febriia,y 'iiext. Flutist: who negle
this notice may incur costs. - , .
p 11T , I,
or ft
Erie, Jan. 11, 1817
i - •
The Woks and papers of the late firm of GAL
i3RAI S (MAI AM are by 'mama( rigree•
ro• IA left with me for the purpose of closing up
h e ha F lues4 at ht eoccern and collecting all debts,
which I am obli tett to do as sp eddy; a. possible
I have associa•ed %%-ith me in business WA].
LAM?, and \V M. A. G \I I'll, I and
continue the office lately .teUllillo try Galhrabb
Graham, under the fi.m• of I'l IS ti•
j where all business in the Ii of the" pro
ftlition, will be attended to with prOmpthe-s and
tit sp ach. JAHN GA
Erie. February 3. 1417
10 OTESiOF AN i i:,;(11.F., by. W,
I beine, aceilaini of the ow hors co fine
merit Lli Van U1 . 311)0119 Land. -feceived and
for sale at Spattails's Bookstore.
N 1 :IV 4:1817 51
y tVILL pay S cents per Oustwl Ihrk.2oocl field
it ashes, and 12 I 2 ets per hustle , l r hone nsle
es Miyered of my nshery or Nl'l.(esn cornets.
Erie, Oct. 21, 1016. C M. TIEBALS.
SllEs.—Those ha - int!. uorni Ashes will Alo
.0_ well to deliver,theut nt our ushely soon
Mend We pre now working' otrwlint we have on M endA
prilBBl 18 1 7 - S. 3 KBON k r*O.
. ,
A ut & Vo's Cui.t. Steel Axe's by'
11. the dozen or
, nary .Ifi 17. :19
WOODEN W kit Bot% lA, Wash t tbs,
mop handles, butter prints , ladles, .S.e.l
Jule 17. tr.
49S L tY4., first lute Endfith; also, Cow
Ldde. Macke' et, for sal,, by "
June 36 W. P. RINDEItNECH .
t PENS.—Levi !Hown's Gold Pen the
tno=t celOtated molter of 'he' article, a nn-I
'assortment kept constantly On hand; also the if
forum kinds of cheap (deareq) Pews, at
G. LC./ONIIS Co.`s
S:ate st., nearly opposite Eagle Betel.
.JOl , 10, 1847. 8
At No. 6 Poor Peoples Roil).
-WF. RI N ULANE(...3-1T has Just redeived a
.' lame find well selected'immr , ment of wet
dry and Family Gsoceries ; Dye Stuffs, Nails aid
Glass, which lie will sell cheaper iorertah than any
other establishment in wyn. Please call and
see. June 18, 1817.
J -i RECEIVED 25 hags Rio, Citba, St. Do
ritinu.n and Java Coffee, one door north of the
Big Window, by
.Tnno 13. IRI7 4
Patovi•Ami,L 1' , 11L. , P:on , y, and o th ir i'o •
erns by Taper, a few copies at New York pri
ces, just received anti Tor sale by
0. D. St'AFFOR.D.
Erie August 21, 1817. ' 1 4114
440 ()ALS., Ohio Stone Waru, for sale one
door north of the Bin , Window. ,
June 26. W. 1 0 , ItINDEBNECRTT
I : RENIVIBLE SIXPRNCE is better than
• the SLOW SHILLING.' Thie hi the
motto orthe New Store, "n will be proved to all
t h at ca ll a nd see" at ALLYN St COLT'S.
Oct. 16;1837. 22
le.ery restored. and to ,he cite• ot this irtolieinti, without THE DELAWARE , : MUTUAL SAFETY
I 1 at,ritstne tire ease.
DA 1, 11. 1 Mt:MI:LAND.
taki church in Oidoese". lnsui•agice, C
5. Pastor of the ll a ompany,
, .
Tomlin:tour from tibehraire. , (or rIiILatiELPHIA,)
it, N. Y. June 1 5, 1813 A
ri p. ,, E, ;1( 7 .
co rt.ii n tig Lu ti f i v et , i , te it u t s ,ou o:l
u r n r a n i i , i. na i l . plan, d
Sm.—Sometime iri4. January. 1 was taken In its a violent cold] attended 1 - 1...,,it ;;sting the afNurill a participation in he
with a distressteg cough, which in the course ad few days brought on a
mid Pr " " t he
• r " 1 y , ;cyan
bleeding of thelung.s, with much soreness of the chest, pr
much soreness ot' the breast. , After being crontirreil to my the premium paid. . .
I. 'Y's it tal,ok upon tire talk i es and Canal inetir 'it on
and - .c l ang no . etter, Mr. Pardke, tbrmerly Deputy She oolf, the, .s t turntable terms. Lessee will be laser
uu. in • r
recoMmended me to get a bottle of Dr. llttehatrs Hunger'_ ~ rt
1 •
lob...erring that he h ad been simile, ty tililicted, and by tit
sine hail been speedily and en irely cured. .1 immediate I iii-' hilY El a te " lis P k r = i t i l l n Y e a t:• l itt e li d ze, buildings and other
relyi property. in town oi,conti.ry, for u Hushed tensor
lofts, using -it a short time the result was as het p redie permanently. , t
,well: From the benef i t I recitiv sl mom the Balsam and i reul DIRECTORS. '
good name it bears among my friends who have uned it I (he
A s renh H. Seal, 'Aims 0. Eland,,
I,,,, , rsiind cliest,l am induced to believe it to be one of i rims ' r
I ' Edmond A. sunder, . Theop'dlos Nulding,
now in use for those diseases, and as such recommend it
NN r. John C. Davis, 'B. Jones Brooke,
Rob ri Burton, - --lohn Garrett,
-Remarkable cureofa Dangerous cm
TO S. Tosser. - John B. Piouo,e,l ; Hugh Crate,
sir—We are entirely out oldie Hutigariani Hakim , I), yo i j Sil Tone, 1 .- awards. 1 „George Serrell,
left with us , in our immediate vicinity. and i n jeetic'e to
1 ., . 1 ,„„. 4. I I ploy Lawrence. r• Darr(' B. Stacey,
;say with astonishing success. ' A tow days shave a young ~, • ,i,,i, Friward Darlington, .thanes liellry,
town culled at our store who had been for months 011ie-en ' with a very die Isaac It. Davis. .1. CI: Johnson,
_, _ .
yeesinm couoh and wanted a bottle of the Balsam. IWe told hm it was/of WilliumpFolwell, William Hay,
Dr. S. Th as,
little use for him to take it or any thing eISe.HE MUST DIE. He took a Jo'in S. ewlin,
(bottle, however, and afterward; had another. YeSterday he called aenin Dr. R. A "•' Ruston, John Seller, Jr.
. Spencer Itlefivaine, ,
very!touch improved in appearance, and said to?' was rapidly gaining , .
Richard S. Newbold, See' f. Win. Martin, Preet
strength—but had it not been for the invaluable Hurrarian Balsiddhe must.
hove died,.
We wants .me more of the medicine directly, , 1 1 l'•:-.7•Application ea bit• Made to
Yours respectliilly, . INGHAM &: HAVENS.
1 - [From Esq. W. E. Fisk, Chithstuta, ,TV. Y., dated CmVatcriera Nov. 7,184 e) trig.
7, .1 1 . 8 1 1 .1 1L,. - ,L_ { .. J_GCr, Agent Erie. .
•To S. 'Voesev. Agent,&e.—Sir: Having, used Dr. Buchan's Hungarian • PRO"
Illalsion in aly tensity with this very best siwcess for inn" cempinintii, and Elb Erie Connty
liavina . seen It used by my friends with like success, I was induced last (on 'Joie?, to ill-I
T . '
~,,,,,, to b ec ome no Agent for the sale 01 the same, since which I have sold by rime, no I„,ihji„,,,,
rl, vital n umber of bottle?: anti have. in almost every instance learned that it o h ,r,,,,,, j ,,,j 0i ,,,. 't K.
a d s uc ce eded beyond all tsNeeeta , ion, in some cases where CAT patient hail Public ' i
(- Square, tettec
iheen by Physicians of respectability PaCiNt nINCED I NOLTE ABLE, and
their cases hopeless, and I most cheerfully recommend it to all who are stir
let Me' with, thing complaints, assuring them that in me.teueer; they teal find
;speedy relief. • (Signed) , i WILLIAM' E. FISK.
More Proof.
Estgblishimt the dlichey of the Heing«rian &Ilan' of life.
(From Deacon Lewis, of Utica, dated UTICA, February 4, t845.]
I c hi cer Oly give my name in favor of IV Buchan's Hungarian Balsam ot
Life. Last April, toy will was - attaelted with a viol( nt cough; attended with
a severe and most 4tisrliessay e. PAIN LI rise lima, so had as to deprive, her
of rest. While in Ilik situation, I culled on Messrs. IWarner 4. Co- for some
'medicine., and Thirty reuotitotenaed this Balsam. I pityclia-ed a bottle, and by
tr i„. ,i„, cwe h a d u sed about one !tall of it, my wife Ileo•an to get better, unit
lautter using the remainder, her hcalth.was complete)lle-rordd. , Si rice that
l i me I have recommended the Balsani to my friends, many of whom have need
it with like success. -... (-ivied) . l JOHN LS W IS.
I learton.of the First Bantist Church in :Ut lei.
r:' Furaher liridence,a 4
[From the P. M. at Burlington Flats, t nsiteo Co.:\ . Y. dated Jan. 1845.1
I sun again tinder the 'necessity nt ordering. a new supply of the Balsam.- -
‘' y wilt' sl ilPeontilities the medicine aria is improvir i tg. It is,doine wand •r=
~, this s e c tion, I heard of a friend 50 oldest - Tom here who - w
as consitleted
in a •CoselßOl:e ClTN•tiiii.rtox. 1 sent him two hoittes e r t h e B a i smu ~bo u.
•wo tveelts since, and 1 heard from him, and the Balsam is actin. , on
him lase a ch. Trot. , . (Signed) A. E. ARNOLD.
Th e Messrs. Metcalf. of Genesee, N. Ni (oneol whom is a practising
1 ,115 . ..dei5m) in er , lering a new• supply ol the thalgan. says ' that •Iti TsTano-FFE
s T lit I;AsE".4 our eit-toiner%s emsiptAn tit reeeiving neat h,n-fi/ flout it. us e 1
S. TODSEY, Svrarti-te, N Y. Grneral Amen for New York and 111
Vestern States. Soli! in Erie by CAR, en tt, Beim' ile. No 6 Ilecti 11 0. -- - , - ti
k:on4itlere , t von!'
any atinn,
January, ISt
s the
n of,
r Lhel
ns asi
ltuo I
al the
km) oil
'ent, on
is Him
1 111 hei
11111) 111'
11 l sly.
, I% hii
i i
1 il , aiii
i‘ii In I
N' 4 ll Manall:mt ,
at die old ,rand
4tant :-.tipply
%, 011, kept lor
• •
pip(' .11 1
in Care.
illy fl.
Cuppor and Sheet ilia,
inii-s rrill be eNoriell oil
y here a eon
ea i s tianalsacitircti bym
hi• and retail. (+ld
take.) in pa, 11)011 1 . 01
he 1 ii
I i /I!! bl/
Jt A Shit
tll artith
alt• ai tt
W.l it it l'..4\e r ,
I Ilk sash, blind and door Shop to
po it hond tithltiset , , where he
ntl~ on Immo or make to order all
is on the slintite , t rwtifs. Those',
sin Cost floe wm it at low prki
!!'!ve Limn sail liscori , phi slots
h. , ./ i i' n .,.!ons ;ill tint, s. at. , -
. 011:+uvitly on hand
r!•ri b i t o t y t e
i% ill beep const
ti licks in Ili , . li
to 01v
nuld do 4-11
rwzy kept
Vl.iv Itt, P'`',
S. SAl'Y'l'lt
.:'••• U.
• `•jv l •
lion? Now 1 k
fru4ions, and
quality than toil
Ma,elk t,
per Poloroy:,Exe , cps. tnt Spriwz
Is nowready' to eAedate all milers
is laws! l'asion, add or a beat r
In be pan:ha:All here or else%% het e.
Fill.T ,APP EA RA. N li:.
Fri iE. ' , ,,bscii,ibers. thoi,i, some time .i.. hosi
I 1 i\lps, hay . not berme mood it coWrcnien! or
..-TOoatio to i vrothico into the par, a wort at
ativertkomeot., , Being rather M a anode-4 le n,
ihoy have beeii situated somert hat ilte the s lan
.rer in New VOrk, who !I n• anon a thy mods box
in Broadway, Io milt till the crowd should o I by;
and like him, Ira x Mir a tracted a little politic no
toriety, they aie prepared 'to _'et down and move
imietly a1002, , aml would; re.petal illy invite the
;wen, ion of the politic to a Choi to selection in
(I ;It 1C ER I ES, interspersed with a few staple Dry
anode and other notion., jest I ere Veil from New
' , York, Cincinnati, 14.1, V% hiCh they desi L 9) to sett
prey cheap tio'ready pay. ['keit: call said see
al 169 PI ench street, next door to R. 0. Holbert,
i Esq's Ora e, t 'll at Si'lil r,"eet canal na , io.
P 1' MUNSON, S:..' Co.
Eric Ant!. 1, 18 lE. II
\ Public Notici
it ielty _l i ven that an applicati(
o the nkt Leo iire 'of Pc
the ificorpm minis of n Bank ro b
loans' and NlEctrAvteo
t.ll pront, horidied doto,otorl dollar
ilego of increasmf., the same 11
thou-and 4.1411ar5. Said ham, to bel
county Erie, i State Li Peringyivaiii
Erie, July 17, IS-17.
' 11. Cadwell, C. M.
, J. H. Wlllamx, ' "Sum.,
i 3. 11, ViUt. non, . I.lohn I
VV“iter, Chester, l'llins
Stunk Jork.on, / Careo .
lumen C. blar6hull, ~ Janina
U. IL Vincent, " Guy I
Win. S. Lone, Alfred
111 L. Brown, M, %V
. ' P.. Arbuckle. ' 41E11110
LF you wish to buy Lbeap, you 1
Rtfiv.ZaN tirs o. 6, Pot
wlti`,.re you can find rho
are %I:strewed good: Coffee, Sri.
ses, Tobaeo of all hind. , lt ice, Pr
itatuotid, cloves, Nutmegs, G V'
late, Cocoa. Nltt,tard by the polio(
Malce, Lemon szyrup, Oliver ()it, ,
gar, FireCraelter.,Q4s.ile Soapl
yin: Briiss, Powder, Shot, I,
Cups rind e2oin Ile Wick, 'I
Stovelllault .I,llov Briishtis and I
jrar and Oireolioy and S
rmsolis Subs GI
crates, Bed:Cords, Rope, Fish an
Herring, Patent Pails, 'rub-s,
Wash Board., Wire Sivas, Alt t
Nuts, Filberts, :Orry Quirths an
Horse Brti-hes and Combs, Sal '
in bags, Blooms, COrn Whi-
Brootn4, Whitewash Brushes, at
too numerous to mention. Pleas.
yourselves • Erie,
• , ---- -
CIAJITETI, - 4. R4ol'l-IEII. ha
their . 1
ittniner week of Wind
is lame an I einnpke, vatying in
15x30, arid will hs unt to any siz
ca,wi!.hoetextra charge. Putty
June 19l 1817. •
CArND - i 4 .' A klil LTA t.41.4 - s•h ---- y
ror sale at No. I , Perry 1110
July 21.1 T.
THAI 'Jon?, expected wonde
carbratPd and flllpe i jar "FU
is now ready for sale at our Sm
Persons who have any disposhiri
vited to cull and do so, whether
chase or not
. ,
Att .L , .. 14, 112'. . ..
N. B. eikrBtoves token in
throw them away than not to get l
Ravine inventions. •
JH. BUIt roN &Co..
Agents for Oszood's Indian
Dailey's Pain Extractor, and i c
at wholesale prices.
Sept. 4, 1 . 847. -
A:7CCORDEONS, mith the;
Bass Vic'', Violin and ruin,
by G. L,
' State at., nearly opposill
July 17, 1947,
,CIUPERIOR Preneh and A
0 plain Letter Piiper, ' •
Maynard and Noyte BlrMk Ink
Kents Carmine and Rrld Ink,
Wai/ae, Comnion, Not l, Trans .1
Sealing , Wax,
Pounce, Black Band, Rubber, e
Per tale by H. B
Eric, Jpne 19th, 1847
. .
1 - 1101.1 WA !UAW:, CONINIII-::410Nl kr PllO
1. I /I'‘ .1.: .‘lElit (: 1 1 PeNTS. I U ill continue the
Eitm aiding and c ornmission hostcress as usual.
at' ilivit-‘i are 11011. e on the l'llbile - Dock, Erie. P.t.
and s% ill be pi,iily on ilni.olienictil 01 Nayi.2.o.ion
iii .he piciseit yi al to eointr.iiii thr ti , siopthuth 1 0
\1 0 I haild i ;if. limn I lie I l e-isterrilhi if'„ 11111 - 111:1,ipr in a
c es, to Elie, ace the • arriietione: 71, wi'l l i ..1 , •oil I
-iimisilile Index ant halving. , onii t he ,lir,Lcl,l-c
1 i
ul tt-',lttn tit Boa. ii, ant Pi oliellers,l cm l it lie 1..1,1 1 4 'ru i
n' n.i.t , 11l their house, theileby instil i ii g lie sat, and
sp eiiy i.ransinii--ion of ++.II propel 6 , entro , •%•4l to
!hob t are. Thoy %t il! al tem.! to Hut 10r%% ill IIIII"
"r uond- up at id dim n I w hilt's talc , any ~f It, - ,
,• ,11.1:1 , :ia , 1 I,li, nut LA(: ( )lad 110Lnd the 11i% el
.41 1... m ientie-- ahn sonlit by. the Ct Kt Extension
7cnal. i •
' vs-11 iideamies madi o n a ll 1, i
and•rt plump ly ic .cincleil in,
coo , antly oil hand lliin l ininims -(...
„small continities, to snit l cuilehic-cei
A 1 - . SO salt, Plaster in has'. or both. Eiqh
Iron, Nails, asto Custio.t:s of every deserip
lion. ' -- -——— J. __
c• M. E)4•,
John C. Be( he,l
Smith Jackson Co: "
Jolnoon, I (junto co.
I 1011, Palmer 4- Co. 11),JiThfo.
0. N. Chopin,.'!'easy,
W. Morpeilli 4. Co. "
Otis, Clapp & Co. 130 , 10 n,
• Cieot.e W. (lob & Co.. N. Y. eitc, t
• E. IL Allyn, 04enslinie, N. Y.
.I:troes Ilrowne,Toronio C. W.
Wiri. D. ((in t r., "
Statlait, Janes C Co.. Cleveland, 0.
• Albeit Ives, Uhl mil, Mich.
Neo berry (11 , 1 e, ("hi..ov), Illinois.
ri • h 11, ISI7
pi 1 . I . :411'11611 be ll'.
lire at I icle, ;Ind ;2:00(1 ortment just receiv
rd''and yak. by
',•• • 11. TOMLINSON. 4. Co.
Ao.ost I. 18113. • I I
ail' a L a e
‘l, ne inali
jusylvari,a, I it
mET! A VEEN' 131 LE WS IE 1 keep eon
stanly on hand at the Erie Woo;leo,Fav 0•
ry Plnin t %Th.?, Plai4a mid Fancy f'assimer , 4awl
Twed., vario n '. coin's and finalities n hie') th..y . for wool nn delivery. on customary
ventninittl,tring tei ins. They also pay cash for
1: rift Woollet letory June 16, 1817
a n,
Called " rim
with a Capi
:, and the priv
two Inindryn
ocated in Ei le,
LIKINti Glaq.e..s atH 100/tiny _Bass plate,
A larae assormentof the above arlicles for
sale vety low by 1 G LOOMIS co.,
Sta e st., nearly,opposite Eitgle Hotel.
. July' 17. 1817.
GUNS. —Double Barr 41, Sinale do. Fowling
Pieces, Itevolviatz t4x Shooters, with a gen
eral as..,artity.nt of Gun fl'xinifs.
iCr. LOOMIS & Co.
July 17. 1817.
ill pleaire call at
r Polple* snow
1 articles, Whiel:
Tea, going
er, Spice; Chi
, Starch, Choco.
or box, Pepper
amp Oil V;itti
' all kinds, Sha
ad, Peicussitin
wine, ;glitches,
lackinu, Chalk
.ouch snuff, sul
~utberJahs, Sap
I Chalk Lines;
illow Wagons,
ends, Madeira
Horse Cards,
eter, bait ) ,
is i and Hearth
d 'o•her in titles
call , and seellir
lune 19, 1547.
DttovistoNs.—Flu'ur, Pork,- !lams, Shonal
ers, titledndles (Vied Peaches, Cord \les!
' White Kish. Mackerel, ackerel, riontnes and ev
ything i in the Ptovision Line, constantly on
hand and bit Fab; by ,
June 211. W. P. WINDRENEC I - 17. ,
M. )I_, ASS . F.3at six percent less than can •be
had at any other store in Erie. and of equal
(wall y, now offered by
B It! ) A ICCIL. Eri IS and 1:1881M rs of almost
every color, stripe, quality and price, at . No
4. Cheap-d,le, by
Alio.. 17. . BROWN (Sr. M'CARTER.
r 1
. l i E sub , ertber is the auttibritA Agent tor the
W041.1“i, in Erie (knotty. He will dispoSe of
them at New York prices. He is also Agent for
(Jombe'sjPienolo.ttical Journal. Call and exam•
Me these valuable publications at his Buok
Store, on State street, Erie, Pa. ,_
Aug. 51817.
- (: 0, D. SP AFTON).
rIALL AND ! SE .--LPieparatery t 1) mak i n e.
V arrantTentnt fori going t 4 New Yo4c ''-roiL
our gill . rind .Vinter stock of Good?, nie w• 11 sell
all kinde ofSpring/tindSninnter Clitods at C st„t
make room fur the new ~dock. [Pince us. ,
_ .1-tia,ll7. ' •BBOWN Ni,PGART ..R...
. I ' CI. 0 C K., :II
Li la 1-IT,D kY and 30 hoarjGatllic, 0. ). d
E. 4 Pillar; Alarm and common, by tlu sin de o
easb, 1 ery cheap fur ready pay:
G. L'OOM IS Ft Co.
State st., nearly oppo=ite Eagle Hotel.
July 17, 1817. 0
e just receiyrAri
w Giese, which
size from 7x9 to
pr :shape desir
:always on hand
lie Box or pouud
Iw. monRE
'of the nrze, the
e.or Poundiy.—
) to see it, are i n•
hey wish to pu-
itymont. Better
one of these hiol
S;rued U1.,e1/1 luL Atk I y
July 31.. W. A 10010:.
5 b GAL. MOLASSES, ju.t received and
fur sale cheap as the cheapest, one:dour
nurpt er thil Big Window. by
••T.E Birutershin het onth ' re ext.lion+ bet wren
the undetsignstl, in the mercanttlehut-iticsa,
in this day'dissolyed by mutual consent.
()Et). 3. ‘IOII.TON,
August 17, '47. THO.B. NITARTER.
the notes and accounts of the late Bent of Mor
tenr. Co. are by mutual agreement left n tilt the
andtrsigned for collection, who still continue the
bllsillofs at On old Anne!. where they will he hap
py to • accoinmodate their old customers, and the
public generally, With 'goods on mote fayoralito
terms' than they can bo had at any other estahliiti•
mem ;in tlik city. BROWN r
•Erio, August 17; 1847. I 14'
are NV hola,.ale
6 furnish dealers
mproved valves;
rstrinms, linE sale
e Ghple 1-101 L
erican 'ruled and
citaAll.B.—PucrioPrincipe,Trabucat s• Panibli
and all other . kinds. • •
inty 17.
arent and Motto,
Cheats Fresh Teas, just re c eived and for
A kJ sale by the thest or less quantity, by
Julie 16. •W. F. RINDgRNECEIT.
111 •
C. etc. etc.
(Is I Pi.ittip
\. di p
I• nr
r wiainea 14
' l fltlt!:4 and
Cr' rill flip
'ri 6 hand 71
J. 11.
, enr.e Szdtirn,
Smith Jackson,
John A. Tracy,,
A NFOIID, President.
Wm. 13• Natty,
J. C. .. , zperic,r,
Thomas Willi 3,
Crilrr Sallf1)141,
W. H.Towii..en
J. ,. .SPE
Georce S'eldet
Jaw. 3, 1817.
PE 0 L
n, 'Fre:l.4l7 . er,
1, 4 4t-eretary.
_ •
' rz.N
Gd+in Fire SM. Met, co, *4. Id a ll y port oil Luke
litelttg.te t 11011111 w 1i.01.1.41‘111 to Sept I.
' The Str.oli• r, A. 1). IPA I'l'll .'.\ Copt. 11. Nrliitaket,
vlill I uii during 11.......:11.11 ito 1 . •;111•W,
LRAVES 141;1F.p..1.0.1, 1.1 - ‘NMS CIIiCAGO, .11i h. `..0 We u..•. 1.), Joy '2-
Timr-11..) ; A lig ri Tlitir..boy ' ,A..t: 1.:
1 . 1 ' , lnt ,••1 '2/ P'rl.l.ty ' •. 27
Saittr.t.ty, Striq .1 SI , ti• clay Sept II
Nt0...1.1) , ..1 , - 20 %mg, It , . .. 2:
T... ',lay, _ 0. l' 5 "1',.,.....1 AV 1 (Jr t I:1
W..111 , ,1ay, , , 2 , 1 ‘Vo.l.,..•thiy
Inuit-tiny, ' No P.l Till11,L1)
F 4 1.1." , • in
The % I), " Mehl') 1-. .1 the lire•J of 1 , ... nrSteanter•.
littlll "ph a ...hit tomb l er hollow 15 itlLlte. 111. - IJ. otter
the p 1.,,, of tie , Ad.teitl. 1r1e., , e.. "Inch lorry, uiti - tlle 11,
I ' ll. ' ‘ i li . Oil la 10, * . ,t , I ri1111: nn 6.., .nn, tii like ',top,-
(ma -crouch nail t1110t...%!.i.1ei Ito p `i... or expelee• ei •
log [leen -Ira re-I 1 u til.ilk-ei her the -tit ew• .1 ii.nitt I, illi inn
11,- , 1,e . Iler 111111it•I I. tin. ri., te any Ina I Ili! riii•le i II
. i l 7`. i i iilC hi' , ..t..101 litial ' llll, ft 1111( ki 1,11 i). arel Woe
i1e , 1r.,,,, , p,.....,,,,,•,,,. 1,, . , , I
Tee \ Al ..livlitii.9l4llThij , I Si ite toilltrue ~,,) l e
! , e.l iMli dl u , or nu 11110 ,ter.,t , ,,, i., tIl , 1 14,, unto Or I,l'
1 OIL ; ( '
' 1
i i
'II . ' I'l "ill minus 1 I iltieullwr that they iler ,
Imy i p 10.,,1 °i t 1,,,.,t- i the- k ,it ~, 114 h . , i
' I ' pi'. : t• 111 I'll;kt:it •
A( ....,, N rz , 5 J. 111 t:lis .I. C. 1:11,1
. ‘VILKI;IL A 1 . 1) h, J.,
Juts 17.): 4 -17.
tI •
vit i T I Nifrii; lc - lii, iii I iii ~ iiiii I- 'Ur idei . tip
i r + , t ik r1)%I LI N :NO \ z.i. k_:
Priv, Pt.h. 13. 1917 1 ' ' i
IN excliang.e flllllur l
1) 4 . n 1 ly t iptniVity or
11F.%1 LI Jr:li FEN, F. i11,),\ i; its, b,13, ii
1.2 knit., Ss isle, i ! :mil 16 lett lonz.'
,)[.( .1 1 )if Y., I I - 214 11, dud
11; 16, 18 alyo-2t) hr • I f ? ) py.
HF.\IL.tWk MI by $ ; pia 3
11 1 11 1 16 1 1 16 long, for v% bwo thr h
m•t.,. 't p; icr will tyr p.rid. t; ol;:liv;;71;41 ;
Lunt ' vital at the ;0;4, ;;I Frerwl;
1V M. l'11.1:1;:-;ntit
1 i f-. 17
SI; X;100
WI N I I:•• v A p 1 i 4 .. F p hi b.. 1 eri
sarnull t n, .11
s p , my 1 , 1114'1,3 . r and , 2re "qui for 'zit, by
-1111.! J. 111 MI it I \ 'O. , A. 1,19.
and own' an
%er 411 ..‘ , 6.1, - C1 s,(si In, lit I r
Ca ;Old AI-it 1 1•111.r.11...1 fr , Hl . i•• , 1
and pal °balk, Spe;p:ad.:;.rs, sopetior ro any in 11 , “ : . '
(L 1.,(
Ct:uc !walk uppo,-ite Enle Flotel.
1417. i ' , I
l'• 1 J. -- 111 11 . 1111
gaud cobilition ju4
tine 1 ?. J. 1'
July I"
clit. o
V!,,; .... ? A , :1.:1' -:jsalter table, (IcF.:tit, 1 , ;:t
:nil, an I lowndill Vi:eon, 1,,,, Q .j. l a dl e , 1i i ,,,,
boll ab,l lino. kialve , , constantly/ on lao - b1 - tool
for ea.,: by .1_ ,, ,j ; (i . Lip is x j co .
:state .r. ; :ns..l
7. y "1 - 9 , 0 , 1tti Ea.ate Elotel.
311 1 V 1 7 1,17
i m )1 ,- a %%1.1 11l .1 i .1 . 1 ,Ils ‘ . 1111 111,..11.1 11.111.4
I .
.' 114.1 41 ;1:9 11 4 an 1 01!11,.. Viust l4 s llkl Parr
1 1,,, i ,, new style brnavlit .., Unicele Its. retwil4.6.l-1;
CI:. Inset 11. r %iI It an endless varie: y.l splendid
taavy ar Ides, at ' I 1
I 6.1,(r!N11S & 6';
tare st„ ne a rly opposit I.
, IS-17
vit., r ALP. on (laugh,. I a 111,
No. I, Perry Blo ck . by - T. W
Sep% 81 19.47.
GR( )CERIES. --An ext
Groceries can at nll filays k)}~,. I.
BROWN tkiM''
TifF. zc"r Madder,
Nic Wood. Cain' Wood
Moe Vi riot, I :reurri Tartar, I.
cbe.ip for the ready, by
IJOne 26 W. F. RiN
.3 MU N DS' of r 4,. ‘6 , 1 1:0•1e 'ff, ,
4 .0+ other things in proportion '
loch. 1 _
Inly 17. 18 17 ' -, ',
Not i .-
; I HEREBY GIVEN th,ii t e 1- , b)elthOlders, el t
(he Erie Bunk, in 'the; county oh intend; to I
make applico inn to th i nex ( 14:11,iklittnre for are
newal of he charter, h•the pain and st r l yleoqthe
Erie Bank, in ate comity of Erie to remain Idea
led io•The Burpa;fi„pt . l ie, in the county' of Erie:
with the same capital and priYile. , es as it now
Ws. By order of the Board inf DriedmrS
C. Nl' PARVEN, Cashier:,
Erik Pink, July 28. ISI7. 'f
rfUE suhschhier is itut in the hahit othrta , t'rg
of hi, Puna Ilse stock .of goodg, or their stir
tier quality ever the , '..c i cl hislneighlrs;
the pla;tri truth fur he hetieth qt . thevuhll "L i
I:ast i
as ltitur 14 he; ha- I itsSt re Urifed fruit Ae eastern
• 1
clues, lesion 111 i fi r . ,l ,:ll . \roak',L i:t her . le has Our
elia, , cda large ijl4l w ll ielveld 'st el; ()flit It ID
wellus us [''AS ,,tf ?i • % PLE (0( PS, which he
i 3
'now f reeeiv,t4. a•td '(lark , far sale, and which for
' uality-atui (cheapness he venturesgo s yicanuot
e ill.:.111' (N I'll IS ( :((uN . l . l{ V. : AA It; (WAIT§
to go upon the ready pay 6rstein he Will tidlse Oil
v.s avyndin , Aty. Pat .iculm a next wee , hut in
the mean tin a tri4I..L.ANV SEE.
Roptotrihnr 9 1'417
I,\T I It) are permanently located in lt,rie. Penn.
where t,II Sturgietil,and Merl-atilt:al opera
(tionelin he soldier. of Delti -try. will bellone with
all thut ease, nra ness an durahill vAt bleb - lung
expe l iettee and extuisive °modulo!), together
with a ittorough knowledge- or all !It late itn
provetnentc of ihe BaLituoio Data' Col ego alone
cult give. . -
' Drs. Elliott or Rose will vi i it. the following
nernisd places once in sic or : 01D eht weeks, viz.
Conneaut, t thio, !• , pritigfi hi. Girard Lockport.
I Fairview. Wa CI ford, Wattsburgh ;end North
East, Erie ttounty, Warren and Colunibtiv, Wfir7
ren county, Pa. Ladies and &muddle n livingi iii'
or near either oftlie above named places iihn
ndsl the services of a ()enlist, can be nailed upon
at their residence, by ad Ices-dng ts et Eric.
Particular.ettentio will he paid to t! n "health of
the Gains, di well ash) res:olin4 and Preserving
the Teeth. Pivot Teeth will he in erted after.
the latest. improvements; ulao, Plate ' 'eeth, I from
One to an °robe set. ' ' 1 I
Office and residence on the corner f Peach and
Seventh Streets, Erie, Pa. j .
Sept. In, 1817
Wilt. - Th. '. hieh ettroMtutaalof prat, et. q
lirri , . lie-tow ed upop Usti*•lidly popu,ar medittair
by enizett• ^f i he Itilheet ieettectibility. and by rn•ialtri,
of the medical proftotaina In every tettion of th e 1: e ,,,,
St l item and Itrilph erelteeeiria., entillen them to O.
of Ibe C"i•quivor. of DiArtime. A mats tif Amerte:a in d
Cato, Hatt toitintotty is fit the Doctor'. poi...triton 4, e , n
poritirinCil byttiot.e pi cetatir ut rt.:lathes after the coa a ,
cil treatment of the mellic4l fitealtV• and thWnitat papal,;
eemedietoitite lin/ hail ben. tried in vain.
May he nerd with marker/ suer co. in et rry tlt,ent, ,it
itiiiting a realle and pre•ititie put pith*. 'I h ee .
With nstroliMbing rtnicknemo pain* and iltz,„,, e ' o f ` l 7
head. passe and wie.t.knO., of the bra reit. tole. and 6,,),_Z
all kooh. or /eters Wlllairmiimi of the thtf.ootat wane is
the human holy. foul breath. coated toncutt.billtout chol
ic, Ilirbttunleolltit comm. nod ion!) case* wit, the mew. ,
net and how el* are loaded with Aomori, ohtih•mit,na,
duct No of diecat.e. Ent Ii box eont.tillb 30 Po'l., ~,, er u " .
tartlet' tinder oath purely vegetable. rind sellifor 25tm
~ ilits ..
2 not tf b. in an ortittoirt. minor, Al., r
For Itheninattim. Sprain.. Pratt.e.. Coottleteit Cord;(
sii . TeThrti.a. gitteley Crimp, Stiff )01111., Shrunk'Sta-
yin?. A rne to the 10,4,1 and face. Toollmelte Frozen ett e
I/1-r lonn of lite sp.,. I..•ri•heo lamb., nut whirrs rea
eXli,ll II fihille , 0.11 t li linliVllitni The r tpolit:tirnh
it hied th fit ttONvEn. IVOR K INC. MEDICINE Curettiot •
net.t eai 6 Of the lobo,- .11..enie, ha! att, a ,i,i TR, :
WONIP• It AND A wrilitATioN of thr world' Thu ail
lnoy oval them-rly !a of the lli, of tld- b e.nin to human
ity, the Dorton lioN (Ulf Ow price at 25144 i n, Earl. hot.
lie ha- the f . net t- 11:11111 , blow n in the r1i,..., and o.nw ep
ed in a cut of a ili•e;t-i•ii Spine,nciaapanieirwriili fp!, di I
freitooh. Inlitoi , at ncred dbiltt v,„ attended with peat I
and Wookiir.• in tlid litiAniich ant/ boire/J,r'ttooging in Mt
eide.i.lteo- of oppettiet , trelidding Of ihe „ limit, pulpit.moo or for heart. failliillt.o, Arse'a tad Fri Or. and , all In
I taut ilt-e,e• ire 1111'1"1411 , rased to: tint li-n of
BITTERS. 1 . .
Par o f , in Ithx‘, neemnpliiitol With directiono, :Ind' sent,
.15.•tA e, E toll bon avill unlike hilt n gallon. In die mine
niiiiitittr rho rough., Cool, At.llint.t, opprositioh . of On
C1,,'.,. Whooping rt•ligli Cronin, Intl ingtt lon of I.t.e Latiti
and iisioott • ti-es of !lI,Y, . ototuntilitott. be greatly hnlp.d
isnot goo 1.. it g to wt by
Pr rr 25 .t... TAn of t11".•0 l.pzenr , s ore a posfriTe
rat I. Tut: T tyMP"ANT St:LICES.tiI which every
`where alt, nil,. Ow 11 . -e tiC 'Herne/Cr , Worm Di stroll/
Li t zetice.- ill Ihrle , iii , tiro nod oxpult.loti or W.f.,. if.
i1t0.11111,1 in -yst , IIII 1140 111,1 , 011 tf,r,”tip. , on Ih. ruatorts
ill re court Thi'v air I lair. Children lon
c i
them. .ttot their • trio I ot ditch lie to +l.lolitlh the belodder
Frier . 2.14.15 . o d't ro,i, dm, limn , Thorn ..ufferitte fro
pitta atoi w oak , e•- i•t tilt' , bre ott. side- 'Rit b wit, .0-
' It,,iLti•eii I.llllllr 'no inf. A.l final a frO•IIII in On , ‘,..e ,
• ttz s
prodolito fior X otk: le lit rr. a il , v.. or 1 - ont ore to it.
10.101. i, erit . 4 only it lb, anal orn Liking tho 14,,
,II 'other pt., tot., od 11.` .."..r. , ere.l Ott, IiESI ANI
('it Apc.sTiv.As•rui Now IN ESE.
i I 'WO 'l' lIE PU—
, i n n , II 11.0.10. been roof' by i
11,.,, ,h. , ;don, 11,1 the iris itecte.t
ear Co tt -41- 1 111.4.11 oßilP%eli 1,0
11.1 1.. lit,- It II •lelit fo tot dont
it , loti , li., t l, , ,„, ~,,,•,,,,,,,„„ I.
I fI. lit In '1:••• 11111 . r r ..f. u I ulli
, molt_,., I„ L .., 1,. .•'i. .I Cu. Ile i er
L' i t i .,11,, colltoi,,toner of 1 1 .11 eta
I iII, ogri , g null , lot,
'in . 11 i. l'.oeiti
Its, 11. t riel,+',.`l)...trs, , lie %% l ate let
I , .4,.. • ~ ,,, , , ".1•1', , , ,i ..r . to
.t mil t
p .ii O oi.t- beint •i• t tti/1 lin' It iil
).,li.lo I i 1 , .• .1.1 ,,, `II N'ill IlialJit, I • ~.r.l
~..11. t I:II •i, i itlll7 •. ICI.,
ti anceirompany
lose lnddi Mall'
ea. aide or the
r 153
No% t.,7 i
r a
rLr OW- 111,V L.• I. 111 or .
Lr 1)t•por :IlStAte “rrei;
ACIEN —J IL limtun S. Co
f' , ll \ 7.1 \I \II.II:L.A . &. A
iti It e,C Ike. Ctk in iits 1 I imhei
1 lir ye ntaio .is.mehmat Maar
-.M. and It, mtl i t0..: ,: r1, bl4.'
ftrfir k 0pp , ?... iti:ile he Fa ,
I itammed I.:, Wm 'tinder
01.1. ZI ‘I A! kii 1...1 - ,S, Co.
1 Li I .r, :Ind S 1( illinke yd a co
i \‘' et iv,' 01,‘ / 1 1Vef4 India U
ry art itte m'Afri . ly hew or r
-lore. Am am 4 ot•I; may I
I 'iiff, , ~:' e. , 1 1 p; it , .10( 1
I ibt Mill \Thiiiiu I I%snti 1
. Pt) , pur, Iplee, thttli:zi›, B
- 11,.:at. f
i 1,..,...1:01., i•.r tie ariii to.
' '1 . 1,11.1. i• - 4,' Illi , y 11 , 4113ty
le, al .111 t hmtl, .112 t: It - r y
41. it t 1.1 , -,.. le etc I I
.1. 7,Lv , t, ;emit if. the 4 that
_ pitTil ei a L 4! e \ ti• 111 1 . 11 In [Jill)/
and 11.11/1. - 1114 y May by II
....rive a I o.l . lllnarice 0
, tilli as ‘‘ et! :14 ae , t l r ti- of
-4 ito peat hane ra in of
afIC , IIIOI , and liCadti '
ter .....ed, or :x% Mull g_; '
i, roamer. -1,
,v 1 ;
April 19111.
G. L(
~ D ~~~anaddi il l
%, Inch 'nal: es ih
e'en ve, compri sena a la r•
,gilfll4l,. emerald, alllle
ed .
giild car rioa , _ward clink
pencil ca... l ,ll;raceliits, locl
(tilt lever, quple - x,ih*iion
Frtncli faunae,
elnelss. j •
mu+tard spaans, ladles; d
spectacles: chain-...keys, pi
Plad;d, Ilra and
Tea po's, mos, pile'iqred
cake ba;kets.• can leitie
spoons', fa' eers, scandl
Fit tie.
!for sole
r one tkoptir, d'ittl
it No. 1 '‘FAirry
1 '
CU 11—Ell.V.—Ruler's
Nlakers razors. krilves,an
NI kir; • LL AN lE.ol.liti.
ments, teleseopes therm , I
:les, inn glosses. Violins.
times. file, steel pi‘ns,! ci I
hooks, pocket pilols, c 1
wax and Blass beads,-,bi..(
ses, i!lastie,guardS, por a
paint, snug, tolnteco all
strops, domes; hairj I
IN ti.lies and glaSses,l
heirs, pander INA s, pi
clit4-tucli, 'dominoes, , ‘g
clasps,l%%ceiers.'cane. w•ii
viol strings, maize, on
cowl plaster, too h AVh •h,
tew him; rings, tea ell
seals, vii ing emir's, em ,
tledor, and birds,: spool si
er articles not mentioned
mental, Which .• ill he fit
tv- five'to - 114 per cent I
, N. B. Watche4, most
o i
in the hest manner un i %
'Cash wart ari,,sl kin Is
ben in pnyilieni Lag Idi
The hi2lien price
arid Silver,. •
July 21, 11317,
Nu mega,
Cloves; _
Ground einrinmon,
t 7
" Pepper, blocl
rdyenne. do•
Superior Atu:tard,
Pure Jathaiea Gin.
Ground' do
Coriander Seeds,
Caraway •+o
Bert;fluda Arrow 800
Superior whi.Jo Tupio
Pearl Barley,
Rice Hour,
Selected with care.a
ALL peison who k
rlebted tiAlrewist
ley and Brown, or Niel
at the store or ‘Voollet
quested to pay theiritn;
Jtily next; or otherW r it i
ed. Wool. :vain Ili
chee.e, will he Tee(' ye
if deli vered ',
at the rid
Brie. June 26, 17.1
, •
('( •app :;q
keel hate jn+trtc ilt
lo their tbruivr. roc
r a—oral - Dent ler., eS I
,e variety of " richlanj
onsistin , of dimpqnd
thyet, agnat ataki2 an
uhy ti , od 1.-v,v
s.- apd speetacle.l
minratute set in!!
. &c.
I r Warelies of thel
lal and 130111lIi0j1
r e rman and Au lei
le /desert., tea,sa
u Crit,t n
I.ntil c.
', T1)117
, castois.
and other cele
-,Nlathematiell inslar •
tokt tors, pocket comp ,
et ordions. music boot
rd eases, combs, packet
rat, ,amber,
bags and par,
leeritinu . , desks; viol. ,
iin in: boxes, rate:
nail and ,slrin;
azir's diamonpls. she
retission caps and
r caLes, parse a'ndeloak
iniebone. violin a Udlnss
de - r, puffs, peritunfo*
(7d poWdess, until; pick*,
sealing wax; motto
ry baskets, needles, bat.
nds, lib numerous oar
binit useful and urns
" rady pay." (rouxt'lCP
wer (bun formerly.
boxes, jewelry repair*
urra med.
of country' produce it
or work. Cull and se
id in cash for old Gd
pc colvimmENlA
Miter Almonds,
SSummer;ivory, m ''7,
Sweet Majara, ~f
Vanilla Beans,
CitroM„-,o ..a,
- o
Extract Vanilla, ' 1
: 3 l rterAln‘l : 4
orri.e Fenn Water, 1
Learitt's Rose do I -i
1E SICK it.' INVALI ' 11 :
Oatmeal, - .
Cooper's Isinolass, •
Russian Aci
ItishiMove,l i • .
lecland.lllngs. ' ' •.;._
• II wairanted cope iorj t •
Fl. BURTON Fr. Co. -
. IVis. 5, Reed !Jou- .
bw themselYesi to be • It -.
I r.' Brown,• S t CO., 7.1,1‘ 1. _
grey and Brew ter, er . t' '.--,.,
Factory, are hereby rf',. -2
leb tldness by the fir' g -;
, exp'kt to lin% eicots 0 6 :4 ;•::
Idescriptions, Butler
in payment r f debts de: -::;.
Woolen Factory. t" :
Eric. June 111, 184
"Ile No, Ynr},
111.4ie nod 1
10110. yr the I
fore Ow public Ittil
•r 1 \,1,.111 of iln..i
11:14 anin n 1,, Mr.
at Was111,11:11111
e J.rt.
I , lfisitry wheiher :my
s I d tali
"f turlr a P•oet C. 411 be
••s %thpr.,
'tc.•uer.d sle<ctiPti •
it the Agent...
v.ltere air
John Cn it, mitt, EL
tiil,J. IT II t% nes, N
1 110CERIES ! '
1 lA, I i rtelln)( K
rats, Y. iiiraf , riy N. .c.
. 1.t. , :; I - 1 the \V le
1; e -5i. 011 State ,7 ft tl,
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