A CA Nlt. 11. IVILLIAMS, niu colly inform the cit icinity that their eerrices eat and Patio, either pr Mr. W., teacher of Datreir t o i ot tt l tket one or more classes thi+ beauttin l accomplishment FAI and i Winter. ilolVt O_lD, pro f essor hi- .erviees to Church CI ~ jro terms anti further at tin: Atncricaa •T 29. 1:317 ['all fashions TRE,ttbscriber is now prepared to tbrni•M his filen& and customers with HATS of a :1- 1 ,,,,i„ t " it ti tv; ; I kon General assortment or CA PS, MUFFS, BUFFALO ROBES, &c. uhich tt ill be Fold as cheap a, , :the•clicape , t. Per son. uidtittf.; to purchase ‘N ill pletme cull and'ex amine quAlity and prices fur themse:w4. R. S. HUNTER, Practichl flatter, Corner of dale and_ Filth etettts. Oct. 2!), 18 17 OurCustorn6rs AI.IE. informed that in addition to our present stock of I ..:LOTHri and YEISTISCAS we %s ill be rescuing by Express. during the F;411 and 'Winter :itch goods in our line as the tlymand may require. It i, cincircly hoped this city will sup= port o n ce regular iNlercha* Tailor shop that it carried on by mechanics. G. B. 1. 11. KEENE. , Erie, October?, Nl7.- if.2t --- — t. Wonderful Catakrophyl EXPLOSION OF THE NEW STEAM FOUNDRY AT LOCKPORT. (lint no one killed and no oni wounded) AAT, E; peoplete unde rsignedknow t i n . u n r i t c h i e b l i ): l l , ry o c s a e n o' i l e d t , i , n n z e 0 A sett us others, 'have aSsoei, • , in business at e Loci,port, Pa, wliero they are .inni.leturing vir tious kind, of , Coking %." 1- ' Stove's, BoN srovES PARLOR. mToVEs, PL.\ fESroVES, COAL PLOWS, e SLEVIII SUOES, •W A G BoXES, . Atli lariat:< kinds anther castin.v (no muner• thl+ to mention. We also 11.0 Ler 0110..21%J% that by our long experience in busilW,S we ,hall he a• hjr to faeilitate and therein , curtail the expense ot ut trtintr casting= an as to be enabled to nnthe as got.tl an Janie And sell a little cite tper than any other cAabli,lnnent in 'hi.; vegacit o 1 country; we thcreiore invite our friends to give Usti call le tore purchairine. elsetvlo‘re ;L:7-.ll'e n ill pa . o fifty per cent. inure fur OLD than any one vise in this WILEELtEIt, Alm . ..Turk 'AKIN (lc . tolter ISI7 Dwelling IIou:se fur lent. r 0,,, of s.ate, s t ree t, n )fitted up 114 a I) , Acltintr ['owe, i. AY red tor V.IIS, Aay Idot4, or iauulics,.l it Of1):11114WIn anti c oopfiodioog pl•tee.ol cJcni~, eroulJ do well ta apply par sto ' Al. Al A YEE, Agent. 4 le' ()too. .21 Fult A N ,V4l I El! Y . to good ion, sit _LA, tidied in 1 larborcrect: too. n:si,ip par uculatr enquire of MURRAY IV 11 ALLON. Erie, Octobl.r, 30, 1817., Ladids, Dross OPlaitl4, cashintric4, N'ontsr. len de I Alert, Plaid, :111611 Stf lia,•l, ;ind dlue Ai rie I , French,cntehrt(lll in,„eritran I;irr" . raln-, Frr•orrlt, Enttlirrh and Mal IC4II calico, ala nt t.r.rr tntrnt nr,orn and for - 4 de heap ht Erie (l e t, 30. l;l'at.:- , 12.1.1*:\: 4 S II N. _ 01ni 11.,,G1ys Parr lianrrirtrrr; Bottleri -rand W in Pape! ,r - niori,; whi c h I t i - 11 ho found ststie of the "lionr_th -awl 'Ready 4c,rr t ( l e.t. 3 1 3 SELI/F.N &. SON. r { riiND in the entlo4rtre odthe Anh-arribrrr n r bout the 10th ire., a (hilt hay tnahr orlt with a few white harca indite loielicart, the rar hied foot ‘vliire hebra• i6e feilne!Cj,ini, a rinrrbone on each hind Irmt, arid :ri . val all r owl. Th e nttnrr i 4 rtnitierr:ed to crane, prove prop,r , v, pry and take her away. • .11/11N I.l(qtrdlr l ,., riarherarnalt; (le:ober 21,._ . 1.; 17. , 31.2 I \\; f •l 10 OS ANII ft.ta•)l a nairarderl ar.kle of Madder, I,orr W oo d, S ic Wiwd, Alum, I wit and many other )(in is of 1)yrr,•:1111 , r, whic't rrt• 4,1'1 c l .earr than at tuy 111.14 '-'rtere. NV \ it id; nor. 2'l, 1: 3 17. 21 13 1 :1.N I'S, ( ANA) The ..un ill Or gliatuitiN No I pxli.L white 1..4.1, led let, \'en.'lllii red, eltro.nc. yellow; lithrt_r nil , and a-1•0re. , 1 F jvii g,f,,,,how ! ht ut tilt• lint et vi ice). a.).1 tic a v eordin ! fiv by & r, oi.t IT. . 1) E ttil IN,C A N `IIY\r ~ , Kiaivf-si liiciii -- ' gr f I . Fangn , 9 g iiiii n .Oi , f I: ehang-furt, iLsit-pi , tnlc. Chang-1(1115,4,-. , i- ,A lir, pros tore< aml to_aers in ~ 11117 S A: The' / X Yountty where tne %%olive. hat a: broad laces nod shot t tio-e., tittle ~.ye4 , hale fet, aml phimp 1 ou lii),," is hose cinperur style , Itim-elt the blutn er or the sun, and his country CrI.E.' , .TI AI.: The ;nail that "aye birth to (-'OnfilCill 4 , and ll bat i- , of tome consequence to mr, the land from which V, C. ,Ir ain that dell , 14titl beret i..ie, railed , 'IT—% , ~,,i;;Iily valued by .Imoakal 1,•olie- °VW tanks amd eon litiani, and about ulkielt Clete hai been •e. mui,ll 'aid ;vol. ii ri . ..rvn or 14'.."; sortie person. , tenmodestly claiming to be the way ones that ...II a pure ar,icl, at lee s , ,1 pri:cv. Cu; wi• pie '-+n',- ~ ,,,, r y i,w pct-tins ..s ill 10-lit . eo lb , . ability or h ,,,,, ':, to pi ocure and sell 1 4I)01) 'I 1 . ;.1. -4 is con fi , ,,;a\ \.•l‘%,ively s to 114 a 1t0kt , , 4 in Neu yorls, and IhAl al others in this line, sell bit. interior (pith :i- and that too at exorbitant pi ice.— and that ' ,ll -,: b' ti. Vtli•nt Vei cons arc content Nisith almoie. 11, p i '4.1 - 11 , Lit tuerdy to hare the satisramion or Pro s e . tin_ the d‘arp . upte (Mtn helo_ humbugged. l'or our pat t we think there i , something more l'.an meal under the tub. Thi, iti-cit'ay of l'ou i. hon.: ;zone'iong, and Oloni , , llowiiii t and Pe- ac, Nc plus ultra, Silver teal awl Guidon chop!! ii 111 the intlnmation tli it it is pm tip in TI) ft EP: It tapp , r 2 ,& . ..e ' 4 . e. tams to tar , quilt. unneer-sa,rw aatuu .4 plain hotte,l P`eople. For our part ii c • ,}tail . , I witeut oprselveu by simply a-suring those that \tam TEA::: that wr are prep trod to PIT , T them "tea...sm . :meat 01 the elioier4 liimls or Vick and ! ;teen Tea., at the folio wibg rate-: VAAt'lli" TENS ...1, 1 and :is per lb: II is - :1)\ AT 1,5, and 6+ per ib, ' --I IMPERIAL 7 and d s:tillin!s. . , 'fit ese sere prirelia , e4 (rpm men of 14 111 ,, '1C.•4t ttatalim , in the city and miry be relied on au ful ly eiptal ' to any in the marliq at, similar priers. i •l'hcy will be Nit up in the•trootl old faslsonetl ~, way--gw)d saci , jltr, and clean plain paper, with alit at y heathen hyrnglyplitcs to gull the 1111,113- h . li , killltz, , , COFFEE,&c.—Loan; Lump, brown atm and Il'orto Rico 'z'zip , ar.t. Old Java, La• rmre, ltio and Cuba GolThe, Chocole, Cneoa, stars, • nnd in short we have a very complete, asqortonent of Family Groceries, to hich we invite the attention 01 our friends, at No. 6 . , (Iced Hauge. cAL TEI & EItOTHEIt tuber '2.9, 1817 Cliarit . }3reovers a multitude of sins N D ~ L is t acs Moses Koch a , his cheap and fashionaldo CLOTHING STORE. 04,(20ai•a, tiverceats, Pants,. Ve s ts, Drawers, shirts bpsoi».,, collars, and evert: article. in the cloihina. line, are to be had 25 or 50 per cent.ndniaper nt the (ILO JEW STO tß , than at airy" other estali hshinent in Eric; met ;Iwo reason is livid this, Mo. se: buys all Cloths, ri,i mer4 , n d H anne k , by the hale and piece, from the :\ haul:lowers and Importers and that for cash, and then ho rate Tailor, and his Mein made up on bt cam premises and undor his inspeciioit-so tt.at Lc I+l alWayS unto o f having a good article at (tin ?mks tee, duo% those who purdlago IteoY madc clothing in Philadelphia and Now York, made font rally efinierior material in a slight un iiionct. Now those wishing to pm hare any article at'ttcaring apparel call depend cpmi obtaining of the htrt m a t er i a l a nd work hiandtip, and altogeiher cheaper OMR etui in any odic: way or any other place in Eric. lEe- Inrnd,cr the Old Jew Store of NIOSKti KOCEi, No, 2' Confutes - vial gachange, Viumeli at. Ocl. 2 24 - - 1A lOW yards parlor, hall awl carpetio4, at paleeS varying 11044'2 awl , p.ac- to 3 sitiliii3s:B per yard. Alta), Fluor Oil t at the usual 'ow rates of MOSE 4 KOCH, Nu . 2C . iintine•e; IR I Fi ci1,1;17 at; %!,!, Olt '2l. D. Band. would res• zees of Elie 'and at all times be had 'ivate or public. would be happy olyoung people in during the present of Vocal Music, of or private this information apply New - and Cheap Groceries, TE.p .!;.,ascither would rutOrm the public that he ha, Joia received a large and choice hs• sot ',went of Orel:erica, Consisting in pat t, of Col teas, sugar, molasses, tobacco of ull hinds, k it e, pepkr, spice, cismatnim, cloves, nutmegs, ginger; chocolate, cocoa, mustard by the lb, or bus, lemon syrup, olive oil, lititmdone, fait &c. • Also, white fish, alone ware arid every variety nit Nils, ai . h all such rink les mare tionitnenly ' iinind in similar establi•linients, which will be sold as che.jip as they eau be had else where.— The , iihscriher will iii he 'miler Sold, and earn• cstly invite all who would purchase Grocerici, low toOgii e a call at his stand iNio. 3 :'Anierican 1 1.1luelc, Mate street. Flour and Bran will he kept con , enntly on Iriu tr a rte sold in qua ntities to suit pat chasers. Erie :in 1817-21 PE.FEEIL 'pr 1847. EN CAPS! CA I.'S!!—Fn r, boy), Glazed and Caps, a zood assur e aent. le.:. 30 is 0% sELDEN ;741--)N. r Err gIIS antintinistrat ion de Goias not have L heen granted to thl subscriber on the estate O (tich.ird St.innor, late or North East township, deceased. Persons * indebted to said estate, or Itavitvg claims agnitist.the same, are requested to Call and present them properly authenz;eated for sett:eruent, and settle their indebtedness, od. 3n, . IS 17 New Fall and Winter Goods.' Pllii ibQrs fan now reeeivi tie their stock. j_ of Fial and Winter' Goods eotisisting. of DRY Goons:, HARDWARE, hos; N.6r,i, kr. ke. Ako a larLT assor tnient of raper Hanging.and ittdow Paper. All of %%kick wereAnne!loted in New York ut the lowest market price. They rlo not boast of bavinu the largest stork of goods ever brought to this place, but ‘t ill say they have as good on - as- FOI unent, and ;will ho sold as cheap as the cheap eEl, and invite the public to call and examine __ands and prices. SEL.DENI & SON. Mut, 93. IS FL 23 NAT V E are rc4eiving morl. -which arc a little clheaper than tnler. and have on hand a complete a , ':s6ltinent of plain. plaid, stri'ped arid liuured :Mohair, Orleans, CaAlitnere, Mermo,-De Lisle and Lyons Clint Int Of the I ieht`S • ALSO-190 tilliezeni ini•eriis and -styles,ol Shawl44,einbraeilllf all the ll'a‘t: prOdlleljt):1S; e will sell as cheap as the cligapest, at the cor ner :-.)pposi,e the E.nzk. Ito el. • Oct 23. WILLIAMS & winGtrr: 19ME I . )LACii DI.:\11 VEIL.— A, new lot LW jj tlieqe very lashionable artielleF . 111 , 1 received cry Jun. at the Nen Store, AI ANN 111Cil EC;( MAWS 1.4e11in. , 4 fur .2.0, 1.1. and 31,1-1 ,tonl4 per yard ai the SCW Store: (,;Ingbil/11-4 .t-elling proportionally low. Oct: '23 ALLYN ..S.COIT. 1 F.. A.. 5 , D 4..tif 15e......„::: - rA - . 1,131 1 -e• 'l-SP'7 l ?-1 c...... I=lliMME=i!M2l DYSPEPSI.I A.N1)::;ICK 11EADACII. •Tlits remedy I twiny been for several years employ , d by the pi opt icier in his practice on a try large settle in 1\ lonum.theuli a, Preston, l far; and Randolph ci.unlrtcv„Virginia, hie...ides several other places, and having been at tingled a kit the most happy elreel, he, has been bolo time to time solietcd to adopt ouch a sotter,e as would give it a more extensive circulation, with a view to Issas the amount of human sutler my A *ital.. feet that ill no‘ernnas have been pahmd noon the public, he . hesitated several ve ar-, until blur tegtily Convinced that the alone Metlieene, if intit:lly would not flit to et ft Ct. ( Ines in II t teat malty ittst att aett, an d even to stirs t a l e I l k "-, aa -t,, e.loch are Tule ineurible. :' , 10111:0.As of n f) t h e il L :s of the rib- - , filet ea sed on it, t,s-ore. Sometimes the pai n i s i n t h e l e f t si tea The patient is hardly able to lie on the IA side. Sutai,litries the pain is nndrr tilt: shoulder blade. It frequemly entends to the . top of the shoulder, .- and is ottlet trims lot rlieutahitisin in the richt arm. The stomach rlreete I with loss of appetite and siektte ,, -the ti twels in general are cote eve, -onion trues altertolt intt• with lax -the head troubled pain,..aetmilpanied with a dull, twavy sensation iu tte• la.'!!: part. There is gen erally a ernt-idet able 10-ts ofitietottry, accompanied it la. a painful sensation of having left undone some }tiny alicb onalit to .11,1vo been done. A sligh. dry cough e some; iniee an attendant. The patient compimns 01 wealloese and debillily.— lie i s easi ly s t ar .led - feet :aro cold or hairnitv , —and he complains of a prickly sensation of the he spit its tilt low—and altlintoth Inc is satisfied that exercise %%mild be beneficial to him, yet lie cati!searcely stittimon up fortitude to try it. lit fact he di",trnst,s every remedy. --Several 01 the alcove split - emits attend the disease; but cases have otteurcd where few of them existed, yet ex animation of the braty attar death, has shown the liter to have been extenskely.deranged. ImwELL, Trumbull Cu. Ohio, March It. .Musses knit Co.— lingo: icited I send tcs:imoni.d concern' ng Da. C. iIPL.V.N WORM S PECI About sewed year., silted I nag called upon to visit a young women about twenty seven years ()rage. I found her laboring uadcr syrongisymptoms of Prolapsus Uteri. She informed me that she was unwell for something like eight yea::, Mid that she had been treated by 6ever4l craw oelAtioting Physiciatni;who failed to eft . ..et a cure —and in fact had spent ail shehad —and was still in no better condition then when she commenced taking their medicines, and was compelled to work what she was aisle fur her board. The Physicians to whom she had applid, had uniformly treated her as in case of Prolapsus Uteri, and other complaints peculiar to females. Yor six orti . oll weeks I treated her case as out; of the ahow: mentioned, without any beneficial effect. She was taken with vomitiet! blood, and hoot some other symptoms that existed at the time, 1 was forced to the eonclusion that she waz• troubled with worma, and told her what 1 thought about it, and proposed that she had better take some worm medicine; hot she was highly otlended et the idea of her being troubled in that way.— She said it was nil tlertectly nonsensical that the other physicians never hinted it to her— , and she therefore thouglit,it useless. 1 firmly pre vailed on her to take some of NI'L.AINE,'S A MEM one bottle of which ',CAN WORM SPECIFIC, she was to talte at two doses, and the result was she passed tame hundred and ninety-seven nine ty of tt hich were in one knot or ball, and required the assitiance of a nei! , hbor- women that was in to take ilisan from her. - I saw her, and she then told nut tre worms were all large. I then propos ed to give some more of the same medicine, and the same pre , eription as before, which %vas done —and the t esalt eras, she passed lout hundred and fifteen worms, that site counted, Insides a number that were nor counted. After site passed the worms her ordinary health returned—and since- that she got married, and raised a small family, and still continues to have her health. Yours, O. JOE - 1N RUTLER, M. D. The incredulous can set' Doctor Butler's letter, in rocerence to this wonderful ease, by milling any time at the Drug Store ofJ. litnst St. Co. earner of Wood and Fourth streets. This valuhle preparation is for sale hy. • J. KIDD Sr. Co. Corner of Wood awl Fourth- ter. lizy , floparticalar to inquire for "Dr. NPLune's American worm Specific. or Vermiruge. Ace.srs.—Carter & 11tother, J. H. Uurton & ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. 1')1IN P. HALL, Ews A. OWEN, Aduirs ' "More of the Effects." STILL TUE Ci ME. OR LIVER CONIPLAINT, SURPRISING CURE . - Co., Erie; J. Marvin, Watcriord; John M'Clure, Girard; John A. Tracy, Faiiview; W.ll. Town send, Springfield; Eluil & Vincent. 4 3Tancsville; Jackson 'acapbeii, Edenboro; B. C. Town Co. Watt Agra, A. TriuneHutt, Union. Mills; J. 11. Haynes, North East. Sold by Din-.ists and Merchants ;zone/ally, troughout. 1.11: Cl/ • Attention! Jews and Gentiles, Israelites, flametiles, Hebrews and. Egyp tians, Sons of .laron and Daughters of Mariam, receive instruction and be wise.— Hear and know that a ' MOSES THE JEW; , Has returned C rain the EAST, laden with the choicest. treasures of that ancient region, and in vites your attention to the same aCthtt genuine OLD Jew Store, the one that has earned the repu tation 0301411 g goods lower than any other !tense in Erie, and thereby established a cr edit fur Jewe ry that has induced others locater under ti n same name whereby they hope ,to reap a pro fi t which justly belongs to him. Now Moses wishes itto be under Steed that he is not'a WandeFing Jew, here this year anti away thei nest—a class that will sell to iltiteperson td.cost smut manother at double price, but that he is a .regular dr,icendant of Faithfill • Abraham, and has pitched his tent in Erie with the intention or remainjng in it, and 'Mends to do business as heretofore in such a mender, us to give entire satisfaction to all reasonable persons that favor him In kb their custom,,keep all his old ii lends and make now ones of all tlat once pur chase goods Irmo him. That the old JeW Store of Alwses Eoch does , sell more Goods and at lower prices than any other store iruErio, is plain to be seen by the course tethers, who finding their ens , tomers deity deserting them, resort to misrepre sentation and abuse °film JEW STORE, which they well know has been the cause of their loss of custraners and against which they direct all their forces, thinking no doubt that it this store was out of the way, they could get what they call the tiood old prides ' —:lifty to one hundred per cent such as they used to get before this JEW MOSES Caine amongst them. Hence we see every thing that em raise a Dray load of Tape and Bobbin commences blowing himsell into notice by letting aura squib at the mos STORE; but this only .terves to show that they arc in great want +dens nutters, and that they' know where they have gone Now the secret of Goads being sold so' ninth lower at This store than any other is simply this— Moses goes right to the brad of the market, to the Alanulactiners and Importers and buys by , the CASE, BALE or PACKAGE, and pays the C Asti down, by which he makes a double saving and is enabled to sell goods in Erie at whit some others pay for them in the city; 'and that there may be no mistake about this matter he invites all who want any thing in his line, and wish to pay either cash or country produce, to call and exam ine lus stock and prices, hilly satisfied that they will find the 01.0 JEW STORE the best place to get good Goods at :he lowest prices. , Moses begs to be excused from giving a list, of the number of pieces ofCloth andealice, Muselins as th manner of some is—being touch more profitabl nd pleasantly employed in wait ing on easterner , he will leave this mode of puf fing to seine of the JY".te or older stores who have smaller stocks and _Mere custoOlers. MOSES K OCH, Corner of F renche Fr. Fifth streits. • . Farm near the er's Hotel, CommerciakEx. ,Oet.gg, 1817. '23 EMI TAILXIESTEC.—Just received at the New Store 11% large supply of Bed Ticking., bleached add unbleached Sheeting:. and Shirijngs, Cotton Flammha, Crest', tbackabuck, Apron check,strip ed Shirtings, colored,Canibrics,- - ienns, &c. ,\c. Also,'just received, brown and bleached Linen T Co%Fi able rs, üblins, Doh ' es iNipkins and J - ' T - o' Do} Ices, lowels, for sale veiy low at 100.. 23 { ALLYN ..s. corr. tV _. _ , . FEW pairs nice Be tl Blankets - and Lancas• ter 1 twits, for sale low by Oct, 23 I A LLYN 4. COLT: ,ATANTED It this Off i ee, --1 2 . 000 . feet of Hemlock Fencu Uoards—also build ing Lannber of all kinds, fur which the highest pdeu will be paid.. I .rie, rtes. '23, 1417. 'IIOPOSALS FOR INDIAN GOODS. WAR DEPARTMENT, _OFFICE INDIAN AFFAIRS, Sept. 18, 1817. QE:ALED ritopps.ALs wdl bo received at t.D'-the aloe iu the (.:eninnioiener of Indian Af fairs. Wai-itin7frin, D. C., until 10 o'clock, on Nlentla,y, the lbt et Nuventber nest, liar furnish. jug 14. tollowing gouda, in the quantities an , nr thereabouts, for tin) use o 1 lir flans; and oi.livvrable at theiVillowing pineei, AT NEW )i'ORK. ' Blankets. 1150 i)airs 3 , pointlivhite Nlttik.inae blankets, to inea.atre Col by 72 inches, and weigh pounds , 900 hairs 2 1-2 point white Mackinac blankets, • to measure 31 by (I Inches, and; weigh 0 pounds 1110 p a ir s .2.-point %%bite Nlackinae blanker', 'a Inca-lire I 2 by 50 inches, and weigh 3 1.1 pound -150 -- ' -2 'Mackinac blankets pairs point iTinleasnre 36 by 50 ,Inches, and weigh 4 1 J pounds' 100 pairs 1-poilit white Nlnchinne hhtnketp, to mvasure 32 by 1G inches, sinct'w l eiv.h 3 1.4 !pounds :220 pairs'3 point scarlet N'lLekinac hlrokets, to ii.casure 00 by 72 inches, and neigh Pounds 200 pairs 2 1•2 point scarlet •Nlackina , ,, blankets to measure 61 by t inched, and 6 pounds • 60 pairs 3-point green Mackinac blanekeis,-10 measure 00 by 72 inches, and weigh 8 pounds 290 ,isles 3 point Gentinella blue ;11ackinne blankets, to measure GO by 72 inches, and w.:1711 8 pounds 210 pairs 2 1.2-point Gentinella blue. Maeinac blankets, to measure 51 by Gti intlics, and . weigh 6 pounds • my Goods. 1060 yards blue fancy and gray list cloth 360 do scarlet , do do 125 do grass green do do 2050 do blue saved list cloth • 7.tu do scarlet do 100 do. rzrcen do • 200 pounds worsted yarn, threefold 90 dozen cotton flag handkerchiefs 100 do do Madras do 70 do black silk do 10 do • 8 1 cotton shawls • 25 do' 6-1 db do -30 do 9.1 do do • , 0000 yards calico, domestic • • .1000 do do English Mid Preto 1200 do bleached cotton shirting 3000 do unbleached do do iisllo do do do sheeth 6000 do domestic checks, stripes 1 100 dozen-woollen socks 8000 yards plaid Huse,' 1000 do II inners, assorted • 1600 shirts, flannel 125 do calico JO pounds linen thread 250 do cotton do 21) do sewing silk I, 350 pie&s ribands, assorted 075 yards he'll icking 500 do 1 , sattinets; assorted 400 do Kentucky jeans 7 gro-s worsted gartering 20 pounds Chinese vermilion Harda , are, 810 pounds brass kettles 785 tin kettles 10 net is japanned kettles; (9 in a 76 dozen butcher knives I 100 J gun flints. • AT ST ,LOlllB, NilBSOll Blankets 900 pairs 3-point white Mackinac dankets, to !ileum's-o'6o by 72 Inchesi mini weigh 8-, • pounds • SOO pairs 2 1.2 point white Mackinac blankets, to measure 51 by 6c , inches, and'weigh 6 ['winds . 420 pairs 2 point whito Mackinac blankets., to measure 42 hj 50 inches, and; weigh 51 , poimds 8001 - mirs I 1 -2-point white Mackin c blankets, to measure 38 by 50 inches, at weigh "4 1-4 phttruls 500 pairs 1-point white Mackinac ankeis, to , mcasure.32 by 46 inches, and weigh 6 1.4 pounds HO parrs 3-point scarlet Mackinac ankets, to measure 60 by 72 incited, and weigh 8 • pounds 100 pairs 2 1-2-point scarlet Alackinl to tnetisure 51 byl66 inches, an viands 150 pairs 3-point green Mackinac measure 60 _,hy 72 inches, 'an poil‘ids 150 pairs 3lpoint Gontinella blue Macl ets, to measure 60 by 72 inches pounds. 75 pairs 2 1-2-point Gentinclta lilt+ Mackinac blankets, to measure 51 by 6b, inches, and weigh 6 pounds Dry Goods:: • 800 yards blue strOods 500 do scarlet do 1000 do blue l'ancy and gray list t 3.0 cl.cr crass green do di do scarlet :3000 do blue saved lis t 1100 do green do 500 do scarlet 900 pounds worsted yar 75 dozen cotton nig it 100 do Madras -15 do black silk - 40 dozen S-4 cotton sh 25 J•) 6-1 do 25 do 4 4 tio ISOOO y ards domestic colt 1530 do English tool I'soo 4. . bicacho co, 6300 do' unbleached 4000 do do 1500 do doiiie is jOO dozen V. °Mien sock 2500 yards plaid!liasey Isoo' do 'lllo . omk, 5:10 flannel strirts 400 calico, do', Inilpounds linen thread 230, du cotton, do do cewirt.'4 at; 20 gross wors;ed gam ILO pieces ribbunS, - at4o 100 gross rancy!and chit, 134 pmnds Chine so. verl jnordt • r 1300 pound.; brass kettle.. 50 nests jwanned kettl 4601 in kettles 25 grog , . srrt.tiv wls 7000 11.11 booke , 23 dozen fish lines _ 2500 0 needles, as:oirted WO dozen combs; aieori 10 dozen 8C13,013 • 14000 god flints 10 Z1'034 gni) sl'olllo, 200 dozen butcher kniv .tres i and 1! dozen axe , , to weigh pound:: J 5 do halt av'es, to we 12 do squaw aces., to 45 do ha'cbet., To he delivered at the pl ed, or in the city of',t\ea• as may be required,' with .lgriculltirvtl it!' There will also be requi Arlo York, at the same tin cultural impleinews; 251 faxes, towcigh from 1 250 halt' axes, to 3 - 1 lOU hatchets, to weigh 1.1 200 droving knives, I:). in 200 augers, in (101 pro inch, and 1 . 1 linch 150 pairs barons 130 do trace chains, bri 300 pounds brass kettles Med 250 axes, to weizli crqui II '220 halt axes, to weitth 3 300 hatches, to weigh 1.0 weeding: hoes, :yam t honor. titotiLth.l iron 1111,111(1 hod rd GOO pairs trace chains, bri, chain to he 6 reet to whir•li not le the 10.2 chains, cad; difit IritiO hest 10. 10 Whitton 20 crosscut saw:, 7 fvet. i 20 do do 6 Wet 100 "bin; lc cnC • crosscut t 150 hand saws 1211 fiend isaw files 15U drawint. knivcti, 1.1 it B✓o "quarters" scicw •ut - lions of I 1 1, 900 "rpuirt'ers" socket chid twos of 1 I.2:ioch, 100 plan'es, comple;e, and j rck 150 pairs immea • I full wts/ Northwegl .I:Oes,t4o eleateire 3 1 : , and one-third , 112 inc! the pbce where din: city of New York ei be recoiled; sample ed in the office of ,th Jinn Affairs The above proposiils tit tar each plat:cot doll • I. inatikelS. 2, Dry Goods- • 3. Hardware, to oclud/ • ;neut.:. 4. Axcs and I):tiOt•tg 5. Northn est guns: lotvest Ennipen;nt r recri~c the whole or any p; °main to the above Fettle. tri_ the riulo to 1.1„ hiilder is competent and re! A ttelieiltile of the artielel he seen at the office of the C Affairs, in Washintzton, money to he expewkil for e' parlntent reserves the right jolt the quantity niany of 11 sub-Pirate others in lien the, sittlitltr prices, such anods presents or other purposes, of the nifiirs of thut dcpartu The whole amount in tit the put chase a .1,00:1. , -vill 1% hiCh some $ ftl,uou will Ii bowl, and the residue in American 'manufacture, equal, will be preferred; tit of blankets and cloth manufacture, it will be ne tic angle Is bid for. that Li accompany the bid, to are 'decide wedicr it'l of cqua ides to be exhibited, The party proposing to ,mpply the articles will make an int Mee of all the ,items embrrced in the above list, and affix Cie • 1 Heys. in dollars and vents, at which lie or they v ill furnish them,.ale liveraple in New Yora and St. Louis, respective ly, on or before the fitleent i day of May next, as suming the quan:ity of each article as :specified in this advertisement, and ev ending the cost, or king an aggregate of t'e whole invoice before sendin , it on. - The goods will be infliected at New York or St.Loitis by an agent af the United States, who Will be notion) eel by the department (fir the purpose, tint' to ascertain the confmtnity of the articles mu-chased with the samples exhibited, when the contract shall be made, and %with the terms,of the contract itself, which shall contain a clause that if the article , arc riot furnished with in the time preseribed, or ill they aro of i nsinlicilmt quality, in I lid opinion of the 'agent a taresaid, and if wi five days after 11)1 n otice o f , ile h i nso n; eiene, the patty shall not furnish others in lieu therec,if, of.the required quality, the United'StatesT shall be authorized' to pu chase them of others, and to charge any increa.el , of price they may be convened to pay therelpr to the contractor, who shalt Pay the said apference toithe United, States. Bowls will A required', in the r amennt of the bills, with two. need ,itretics - the sUlliciency of whom to he certified by a Totted States judge or district attorney, for the I titlful performance of 1 the contracts. Payment Olt he made after the contract is tompletcd,and tie delivery of die goods at New York and St. Lo iis respectively, to an agent of the departutent, upon a duplicate invoice certified by him. mart Communications to he Indian goods." The bids will 'be sulamited heading, icitd none will are not made in the form scribed; 1 "I (or we) propose to forril the Indian Departinent, It the prices nfli:ced to teem (Fiero insert the "Deliverable in the -. Louis, on or helore the and in case of the acts quantity being presort (or we) will execute agreement, and give department. within ten tia , di this hid; and in ease t such contract, and give so will pay to the. United St tween the sum bidden by i which tho United States i for the same articles." Each and every bid teas , with a mrcantee in the foil ed , by one or more responsi ficieney Inuit by I:e:rated known to the department, his official position: "I (or we) lauleby go, above bidder, will cemPIY advertisement for 'Propel dated September IS, ISII, be awarded to him, and en ecusiol alba same withi and plaids c blankets, weigh. 6 la nk ets, to cl weigh 8 imeblank and weigh COminissio Sept. 16-Ist Nov. loth U. do do cloth. ' do Arrival of New Fall iLuAms&w o Gl-IT, HAVING devoted'tiix week's in Boston, New York and Philadelphia, to the selection and intrcito->o or their EXTENSRT, STOVE, which they are now opening, beg, leave to infant) their customers and the country at litrge, that the-y,ate now prepared to offer goods of alitio‘d every de nomination, at least r'2s per emt. cheap r titan cv er. We find by deviating time" l to the purchasin2 olgoods, as also for-easli, that it; makes a vast (Illlercoec, rervar.c, theraore we can pleilke otirselvos to sell a s l o w as any 1-Ionic—(t110 pay, Mr their .vood') --this sitb of New; York or Boston, and Mr the above assurance wci invite t)in4l that time pureitas• ing any kind of Dry Goods, Ilarilware, Grocer ies, to aile its an opportunity andi we wilt show you as ; f ood an as:sorted, extensive: and cheap stock of coeds be foundl ill 1111 . A market.— For fin Bier particulars please at the Brick corner, opposix tht EagleJlotel, near the court house. Erie. Sept. ;10. 1547, ~ 3-fold nilkerchicfa do du oda Pre 01) do on shining, • do slivetiwo chg, g..ripei and phi I A.,Card'to the Ladies. MNits. WARD hers leave 'lO inform the La tlies orthiseity and vicinit ' thatshe has just recei ve . 4 'item Philadelphia aii Ele , nint Assort• anent of Fail and Winter Millinery, eopri•nina of Bonnets, Caps, Silks, Plush Velvetsand Ittlitions, Pips (8 in a nest) together with a clioiee !refection of Fiend' and American A rtilleial Flowers; all of which she will be happy to show het friends and emrtomer.. ;._Li'ltesitl. nee Sixth street, a tew-doors ea-t orGoodwin Sz: Truesdail's store. . Erie, 0c t.16, 1847 22 ! - ''. •Fon: THE I EItIE OBSEV VER. mEsstts• E.DrEORS:—AIIOw me through the [ medium of your valuable liaper, to intone the I tilt/:es (Otitis city tied vieinit), that 1 am occeiv ins a lure and wall Mewed tstoelt of Eon and 1 \V war Dry Goods, GroceriO., Crochet y and I hardware, which 1 3111 sitliw , a's, Great. Bar•“tille, ' a Irhets. frunt 1 13 to 5 21) 3 I 2 popii,lo 1 1 2 pouilds len where itia , lttruct ork or Philatlelpl ut acichtiotaitl expee 91einents et!, to bc i veretl the 10110 1 4.'11 1 g a in order to pay trativortut ion, the balance %till hr. i upplied to tharitahlO purp o ses, , further par , dollars l apply at. NO. .2 •AtnerteJn flock S;itito , 1 . e.t t id ; tr- 1 .S a E A ie, Oct. ICI, ISii, M Al., A N'Elt. r lie ' -`. • 6 FARM FOR SALE. MEW. sukicriber !o ff ers for 's l ate the improved farm on which he now resides, about two miles south of Waterford, on d e'l'ornpike lead ing from Erie to Pittsbur ,, b, containing 100 acres of l land, GO under improvement; and the balance mill titnbeted with white oak, chestnut, &c. For ty acres bottom. the balance,(upland. On the premises i, a good frame dwe lung,log. barn, a mold orchard of apple and cherri trees, and a nev -414 failing . spring or water.' For further paitieu lars enquire of the subreriber On the premises, or or C. C. ion s, Erie. - • JAMES BIGGF.RS. \\rivet foul, Oct. 15, ISI7. I • 311)21 [ll - POPULAR GOOD - 4 •2 to 5 I- I 'pottotl3l 12 poilipl4 pound hes in leng,l) I I . , ortiol3 of I inch, i ' fit and strii~ht li, 1.2 ton I. putnitiii 2 pounds $ll,eS I, it idi dct•i4 and ,cas ;ht ie raj te.n. links, cacti i inelie4 in 'methi trod lan 3 I 9 pitinds io .‘eei.9.ll 23 pound; it ,, cotton e.trd , i di , lll in lini4ili Saw files ches in 1e.ik21.11 in cqp I propor un•h, awl I inch ,; in equal propor ocl 1 :i I inch al pioportious 01 for( INIEI third. , of which most or leirfel to br deliveled as micae;weil, or in tin r I'hiladrlphi t, axnia) dt them lire tlespo-iit.- ) Coinniis.iloner of In • he divided into fht ery, viz: • the n_ricu)•ur;d im I •spon.sibtc bidder will it 6r the Contract, ac the department reizerv •tcitnine ,thether the pon-inle.or not. , with a:urrph•s, onnuissioner of Ind ian hilliting the amount of article; but the de to inerenme or dimin g) articles name.l, or efore, or to require, itt -4 may be wanted for in the administration rent. ney to he' applied to he about SSS 000; or e wanted on the sea the west. Good s, of i n other thintrs t 83 all the the samples ( rand are 01 'a foreizn es,airy when, a 110111e:'• I! Pallipit' 01 ' it Ile tltL tiepartifiellt to i quality with the sale- :et], "Proposal= for will the re cons•dered thax tad tow.; litre pre'; for the„ service. of followiry , _roods, at .4peci itely,. viz: ifft of miodta ) Ne - w York, of Si. (lay of next; 61 his proposal, the the department, I let according to this ,ctdry security to the 4's after the acceptance t failure to enter into eh , security, I (or we) ates the difference be lie (or us) and the sum' lay he obliged to pay iilso• be ne , eonspaniee, . win; form, to be sizn le pr,rsons, whose sal by some one who is either personally or tby i anty that -. the vith the terms of the Os ter Indian goods,' Wilt() contract should ter into bond for the ex the time preserbed." ssat..l [SEAL.] W. NIEDILL, ; or of Indian JUST RECEIVED THE MOST EWEN ' SIVE ASSORTMENT OF t LADIES DRESS GOODS! EVER. tinted in this cityl, comprising, in part- 7 1511 pieces Cashinercs and ),Ittrqin de Lains, as• sorted color., 73 du French, Scotch all! Gernian inghams, 30 do Jr O . :ex cry dtl4eription, .3 ( l 2 a u, 10 do Dress Silks o/ the latest and inatt im proved patterns, 2,r1 do Shies add l'a demi' Nloslins, 20 do Lace and emhadderell Swiss an rrar hymns, ' ifff 33 do T . :Monet Cambric. , an be'd Muslins, 50 do Fringes, in4sorted .14 do 'Wide Gimps and GI p cord:, • 211,55r . 05s Dress Buttons, and enjds and nal Pieces Silk AIM! St. French 12operial edzin2s, 150 :114wls, alt Myles, vary ng in price tioin I 3. to :•50, -200 pair hulies and ::.mtleinC ',4loe o s, astoned 2(30 do ladies', szentlenteir'sl Cashoierc , , Wprsli Gloves, I 100 do klaelc and white• Silk mitts. . _ r --- ----------i'- ' FOR G ENT!. E )IE-Nr. Cloth. 4every shade'and qual4, , Cas•itqre., do do J _ Vesting:4 of all kinds, „compriing Silk, Satin, MIT, Cashmere, Marseilles, eici. etc. STA vi.e: c:UODS.—A lai!ce ii4k of every' de scription. In short, our Ni.ol:lf. lot riChllVe,, cheapness and duribility hits inn. er been equal ed in this market. CAPS.---zou men ;,. i Ftoy's'eaps of all kinds. Sl.lolcS. 500 pairs ladies. and , hildrerve Gaiters Silks and ‘t alking Shoes. 2110 pairs gentle men's, ladies and ..-"yliss'es' Rubber overshoes. CiMRItELLAS.—Six thiten CUdiretta; for wet 11 canter. GleoCi;ltllitS.—A general vari dy of every de syriptium i • SI lELF IIARW DA It E. 4 Ten thou-and dollars' smelt, elmolising every thing in the Ire—Joiners, I loos 1 and Slim Car [(enters, Coopers, Shoemakers, Cabinetmakers, Saddler. and Smiths' Tools, of e 4 ;tery description. Saddlery Hardware, a large allsortment of all kinds. Carriage trimmings anti kinds. ! I. Axle Arms, springs, anvil s, ideas, smiths' bet lows' buss and procelain kettle4shovels, spades, crowbars, gr,4l boxes, mill `;: , '',eitt, ciireitlar and pit Saws, and elnkin of all aizcs. i GLASS, WA It.E.—A completi assortident.' Customers will lied our old sin e safely anchor ed at the old stand, in good ('mils t, with lOU timq wet assorted lILON, steel alid n tits—the cheap est in the Market. • S.—The que=tion i, Oen a- ked why tronds cannot he sold as low as in fluff e. We .v n• they can. Our stoat entire was boutfht of impMintz hou-ais at the barns time and ';Fame prices that some of 11,e dirgest bowies in Beat° bon alit at. and we pledze opt word that oijr f:oods shall he a sold ins low's at Burnt. or an ‘ ,lplare west of it for ' fl ENItY .;.IDWELL. Erin, Sept I's, _ .__ . IPtilll.4Y IMPORT,N.NT • Dr. P. Hall's CelebrOed C0u , .11 • , 1) , Remedy li i 1 ~. TS a safe, speedy and tuft:m.lll(4re fhr Cott ;Is, 1 Colds, llourerness, Group nod 1/ c )inopiatr Coil :4 11. This 'trod ici no has been used lby hundreds of people with tuvitiling success in e 'ring the above dista•es, u ith all thine paininl and annoy in , - pal • m)uary symptoms pi ad lice() by, cold. In A., d h.• ma and 13runchiht• it ha , proecult IT highly use ful, autt its timely use a t'er.:tittliTiohly. lo all alr..etions or the throat and liig4 it is all inv.thit hie IllediCillC. Many caws of Wtiiiitte cough:- and hoarse:le:A .have been perlhlily cored in iS hours, and in several instant s 1 tio u blcsomc and dan., ,, crons coughs of r, pm five to hr., yc.sr,s stand ing have beren completely cured ,iti, two weeks.— in Croup and Whooping Cougli lig use has been equally successlid when used more freely. Thij + ... heady i 4 a certain preventive of Censiti»pritio and several others of the most lital disigiscs in horthern climates. I THIS MEDICINIi! CAN BE I OBTAINED IN Ell I 1.; ONLY al'. II ALL, lit fl i.;• Drug Stare,' Nu, I, iliggltes' Maidings, corner of State amt . &T -enth Streels, and iii 9., agents thrnlii the coma- Iy, AGESZT4—A. fleynolds, 1a,,5 Multi st, • u o tr t • to; Copt, Vincent & Co., Waterford ; John A. Tracy. 2d, Vairview, Jas IT. Cantpbc 11, Edinboro. Price 311 cents In :4„ I per, Bottle. nßwmgE OF GOILV1'131?If:11'S ult.! 11.181: L111111110.,V.5. Every brittle kits the words "Dr. P. [has .Conali Remedy" blown Upon the al vs, and his svritten signature on the wrapper and di rections. None other, nre 2emrine. l f • . DIP OR Te • INT TES7I.I/o.W. — TiliS is .to certify that we, the usidersi , ened,l have ti-asi Dr. P. Flint's Coug h Iternecly, lull 1 !lave food it in every instance an (Amino:3 medicine; and truey worthy its reconunentialions. 1 „ John Galbraith, J. F. Tracy, IThimuts Hughes, John W. Hays, ,Wilson li.i.iitT,lTli. Moorhead, jr Jas. D. Dunlap, John Hughes; Jr iR. Cochran, - Thomas Mlice, Otis Lapham,l Charles Cole David Baldwin, M. Baldwin, _ I ) - 1 1.% J. Owen, John oNI. Warren. Oct. 9, 1817. 21 New Goods at N 0.7, State Street. V E arc now opening a great vbriety of DRY GOODS, suited to the season , which ' will be sold as cheap as the cheapen. 'll - unnzst them are Broad Cloths and Cassimeres of various hues and qualities. Alpacas.. Plaid and Plain Ctthurus, dualities; Botaba;ines,•liasySilk and . Plaid Brittarria, Li n ens, Linen Cambric fiund• kerchiefs from 12 112 to 75 cents; Prints frOm 4 to 25 cents; De Lanes from 18 3-4 Cents upwards; Gin?hr.ms in great variety, Thibet, Cashmere, Mocha, do Lane, Stradilla and other fashionable Shawls, and other Goods in too .rreat. variety to advertise. Trio cdrious are in , Trileti to eiamino them arid purchase if they are satiitied with goods and prices. Lr.srEn t S..cNscrr Oct, icy IF3 lIE BEM• r nonr4F: inn:tit:RN TILE WOIC and Winter 1 — t ARCL , t , \ IX: . r . , ~ L ___,...— . - , L , -- - -;,-,-...• . - -...ar.-- . . --- - • I'z) , - - • .7 q FoR HoR , EQ . iha I A N invaluable renway for I lorses, Cattle nnil (.her aniinnle,, in the vine of the folio rim di,eaebs, Wortouts4 Galls of all Nitite, &ruble, La111%11( SR, . 6 Sprains, Braisra, Ms I'M(' kr, Cruckra Foititibi•ed liint±lintir, !Vim! ails, &J.??fetus or Grrove; Poll - Er • t. Ca Sparias,'Stoentcy, IL is 111.10 a I'aiven.al Fain;ly l'Alibroca ion for disease., ()I Ullman F14:41q ,, 11ch / 7 . rt.nral /Mrs 4.llli:flats, +\i•rrOl ,r 4 nth s, limM9 art I Seal Is, ChilaMnt, CFM/If/S t I Chappell )(carts, • Content of the Maisrlut, Irraktirss of Me Joints, K,,ked Breirsts. MERCHANT'S 19z ie worthy ori special remark, i hat besides the _rent and extra-'1 ordinary -powers in the cure of di: , ee'ses of the j horse in which its virtues first attracted the atten-'1 fluff of the:farrier and firmer, and the wonder .of die public gencrally. it hae been sueees-billy II ployed•jn a treat variety ul the inaladici fleet die human race; anti it has proved' by thell wonderful cures it biz; performed on the kweran-;,' itnals, that it endowed with curative propertie, ' not found in other horse Oits, which has estabfi,h ed its claims jo ueneral confidener Beware oil the counterfeit orti the name of the Fot.i.: onornivron chant, Lockport, is blown in tin' hottly. ' il:.:± - 1 0 ior tetit imonials; synnpqls of dioca , c., and, mode ofrvanylenr, see pajppnlet v n elp neeutnpa t , t)ies cac.l hot c. ' i 1 1 ' ' j Sold h .1. - 1. Durum & Go. Elk.; S. S. [I. Pa,- , 4-tt. l,slnalk do., Uli‘o; and p N. ‘Vt',4ter, Connean , Ohio. '' i ll 13%10 ' , !-- - --,-- —, -1 1. -L al It - lkit 7-' V 4 ar it a , o'cr li ! GE6. IN' Tti ER CII 2'iNT'S I Mlqt(L) V t:1) COAIPOU NI) FLUID EXTRACT OF SARSA pA R ILEA, roe Removing Diseases of the Blood, .1 risi "I (rum an abase 0.1.1tt r-1 h men mat J,in 15. I geg, 1 fel er .`; , 1 I s...bshimli vi , l a, ; t 5 17,1., an , lr4liti.',li .. a 1 Pis 50 all A 4 5 ,15. ell.? .an , li o 5 5c,,!.? head,lia'l Rheum. se,(ala or gin4l',l:l'il Seeoll ItIO9I WO Of 41 d.c,ther fri , trag. , doe” ,vph,',s, 5. i •wer iat. es,iri.v, , fr lion , OW lOTIII l' Cb ,o ‘ ,1 4 ,,0 glad Col I i.e.,?.? . if MI Of (ii I 110011; alto, 'he 77il'oile„r , ise. (•/m,!< lihrbil/ di etuilierwe.cs, MI ~ s . ,Lip.. LOJ 5, 51 ml tot/., pa, rs I 1a...) .., all: , lOW, itl at , Lifer, Aor (he Ite vly, -- 1 1.0 ',W . mid CI,, et, ' Lg.!, . e patalei ~,, age 111. e Pail id the Maamell tind , i 4, s, I'i Seal" I. ',','or ,t, dal/ ~m, , ~, .v,',. , ..0 ,s , c, an. de. .I,'. • .I'o m 5 oit/, ‘ . ~,u, I It ~. 1i4., , ,'5 , arm I. 5 • enh.leot 'I MP+. Pi.wr , iy, and , rdes . .'... 11051 a 5 a Cow, , ing iNilod' I untie .r . f1re , ,,,,,t. .11.ti:tipe, t, itd la c,oi el tly, If/at'„,,, ~,,,,,,,,.. p q ,,,,, , , ti,.. t., , , , .,,,../ l'his retinslv et i.s. pi,.lred lonTrull,,The clioi , . , s ` Re- Ict:ted inaterials. t I,e a tire promerties of wheolt are cvr..ct , d by an intpro; ed: procc,d, u ithopt beat; on 'account of which it in pi el - erred by linsit. laps”: ; is heille mare uniform;\ d :active than ayother nOW loll) e the publid. , I's A lull ; Ceonm of th e 1 emarl; aldl rifle t;.5 , 01 ibis 1 , , . 1 • , ~ , , e cometly, 1,11 a v i aritt of ea ' , a , of ye in ,st nu.yn vite,l nat'uve, nay be seen by call'ing'Un the ;Jo iit, o r 'O, his 10rti11..... , • ,A, ~,,,,, ~..00r1 illvdiciiies are counterfeited. be , URI', and call for ",Ntercbant's SarNaparilla," and see' that, t hree words are blown on Me Blase, "From the Laboratory of Geo. • \V, iNlereliant, Chemist, Lori:1)0ot N. Y. ~ '. 1 t',: , :i,':\ Inmost i very pedlar in the corm!_).,, is pow puftime up and iiinntsitat: on the public; at; article l flow call sar-apartila• Tlicrelind, ut.n.anc”. : , Inid, by J. H. llortnn &' co. Eric; S. S. 4. TT Passert, Ashtabula, Ohio; D. N. ‘Veb, 7 ter, Cnn neain, Ohio rff•nelt Kul • Inrs, rind chilthen:o Lisp: thread I)ISE.ISES ()I"rILE URINAR Y()110ANS ,hy ()r:rails _IL./ the't:NTß IT e F r,reilV, I'l A 1'11 , 1,. aid cL t:r.t::melt as eltroniu' and acute diseases of the. 11141.1,1er, ,4/80, chronic 13. - .ra, , Gonorrha:a, Prnstrat: Gina 1, Meets, IVlitles, K !at px, and. ,Strirltirr.c Loins, mein , hie is prepared only by \V. Nivrellant, Operative chetoi-a. c. Lock port, N. V. Puff and amid() Sc ! accompany er.rl) bottle. ;,7,tldby J. H. 1311rtoll & en . Erie; .5.. 5. k Ti. 011io; 1). N. NVebste - , C 011• neaitt, Obi°. Ivrto AN II All: DYE, titarr.uttcdarticicfor . colorimr ihe Frair,,,,a beautiful brown or j black, it will not wenr ofi, soil the linen, or colos 41611, ;IA immiii . .4s can testily. . . It nas also been used' successfully in . . colorinf Fins. . Ilea are of the colmte,t;-it, and he Fine yen get the gennine. pr, pared only by lien. \V. Merchant, cliciiii•a, Lockport, N. V. tiamplef of I lair inn be seen at the t‘tore of t h e proprietor Ot Ids agents Price 59 cents. - - ! Sold by J. 11. llortoDl Sq. co, Erie; S. S. ik 11. Fassett, Asbtabuta, Opo; and D. Ni NV,ebtei, Conneaut, Ohio:1 iy:(I --,- S. 1.4 I'7o W F , AL.L-- (3 0 () D sl. iv. C. &n. P. ItEI,II I M.. ri.T . ' - A• RE now i,irevivin4 a lartie. and lelegint assort. ,tlititent Of Fall and - Winter tio ds, e hien ha .c . brim .vie, teA i‘i,t.li gre it: care, I is, tl;Leir it. ter ono:Ilion e in. ri! the,reputation ~r nee,:ent iii 4:. rii porch:So-9s the i 'chest. ino•it dosii able s yles and chestiest Good • if any establi , lintent in tl,e pl.ii e. . 11 "'Y would n'-1 t'etfully iovi.te Ow poldie to call and exainioe th ir ~luck; .u.nong v. Melt may be ionad the moil licatu4ttal usAuttitient of l' rend, and En..J.li-di I . ... DRESS LitiODS, ever hronlzbt to this market; compri,ing e. tea richMolif4ir •Laisti es, 01 iToli d Colitiotni, Plaids;- an Sill:: Pia id-; Plain and s i Satin siripeil Mpacas; °(*rislitrire.; Oa iii and reps. NI de Laines; llotribat.it; French, t. and Scot l i elt Gin4•ltain4, 6-4:,., &e. Also a i ttmst superb 1t of Si] A IVLS- Br ai 'F lia, Dlna.:4s.Sillr, Eiribroiileti.iii il • Thibet, 'Furl; m, Ft i l oteil Ca , lnnere, Mi,liair, 1' , 4. de Laines Wool ti, Plaid and ,an a1t00..1 endles;% m inq (troche .513 les. They Will be sol i { { astonishingly clue' p. 11, . .. CLOII , :I.NGS i t- A. 1ic.;6.61.111 lot of Gala Pl..11 ) 04 . Thibet Clo th . an I Ali•ac,is great ; Also a great varii.L-, ty ofTriiniiii. 2 A, coiniiiisiog Mantilla, f=lteal; ;od Dies lli c ingeis, l (Arno-, Silk and Aloltair '"Laces, ~.•,% 4. , .. ' 1 Al .51,1 7 -Table arolS and Coven White llon :4, Daylies, - 11 I j i . ,I C. Window all , Wall l'ldlier; 60 31 mid lints; ' ots • .S.ltoci Zi.e , did assortnt ,nt of ' ; -- PPP/ !--A 11;411 Win dt tire - Mulls, French do For bort}, U Lostrt d Lynx:, Iteut Lynx do. from 50 e s, each to :....-; O. - Oct: 9, 1817. • -- : New Fall and Willi T AM now receiving from Ne • I variety of rich and desirable wi n t er tra de ( l, Among' other •••• polling. am i , I=l GEO: W. MERCHANT :4; pettta, Sithce, .111711 TE, Distrmpt, t;ons, rho ii If 'II MO To RED HEADS AL'D GRAY SuperioTh;ct cloths, drab a 11 'printe I C Innerel, GT:anthill cheap, 100 nice !a blacit, drah, mode, Alpac •as,i 0n... third ' clicape: otierc —tome as low as '22 c Shawls, it , went variety of n• Gingkania, M. ' de Latins, an va . Dress li4ooda in any qtum per cent. chauper than eve!' be wity. I 1. I MI of which my ctietomeri a rc*Petaftilli invited to csatiiine C. 1 October 9, 1917. WANTED IN Etch:antic For Goods-20 • Flannel; 510 prs. Woolen N\ r oalen Yarn. W. C. & IL Ott.9 tAI7., ..tiliilLT EIitIVPS OWN II vvir up BEST FRU:NIX-It I. coaiideatl there itt•rEß Wa• a medretue whicli; ham ii 'Ural and I.l3lllerNsal patir , fartina. as! %%ItIMIT'S INDIAN vr.G6 rAnil i Thry hate •tood the !MIMI Cal trial., ti on other retnediee railed, tad Itu%o ratabl rt l inu fo thn ful:nof the en vital., xl.indera j ni.ed 4 , 01)1.4 them. I Let it bn borne. in mind that Wr)gltt't, p4ite 1 1 I It off.pr aid;l ? ,. 6 rli , atatioi der cireat had quite) l eo Ivelt '}yrefil %v tly or , ' rill throughol j NI) CATCH-PENNY I11:31' ng of the hour, depttoc,l co pa cgotttu, but u umitiviou of etc h out built it pmt au isolated c • St.lllCPt. 111,14111. h the r,,,ii, of ha 11311 i '1 to difrWitil It 31 the met i W rig he/. SIALI 11 tie.: etablv ;rib, :ouoded oil the bhullnest hull 1 I . v \\.,• :',,....‘ I.7SANDS Aso rEsi: or TII It the length. and breadth of eft( • !ter 0 careful quilc or• the but 1 relvbrated l'ella %ere lareti nr.t cousultml, end. then a 01 in the herb or the linitan.whi. a• Therefore, theft rills offec , At , i• - iIS C .'ATUtt ti be qorrutit hunter! by opening e spigot, 11 , G. ht;3:3lF:lt. I-' \ LI. AND duce, by their sa•lation- 01 . tel 4 05011 (111 111111110 biltly,,alll old voutrier to the sOllllllO of tht u climigt:a Like plat, oodeleely, ii, %Vriglit'. lIRLItin \i'ClLitllli 111111011 K l' Lti •10114.11 . • itattprz., 1,1 keeping the atimmele and bo llifulreemelition. rth, I (writ .IND AG( eir,iie of the ,11'eCt. NVriglit'e• I id Semis Aril, An 110401114 i h.ll. /ledge of these Pills' his site bre re coutplete cure. In Chilbi milt t fetamions ewe alit , LI!, thsorder, iiliyme I ilebstii. ,1114,tithetra flail, .1•11611 . 01 be lost before re few llltriLte li 111 give atsch 130111115 111 %11l 11C 111`lieri,111'Y 111 molt. LI I ' l'Olt LIN St'li:e , lAt. Lillian reget. file 1.'4..111 be thi. elisetwe,-the gt,irit• joo3•_ plalllyi L*0•0.1,1111,11Lly t the slid the health imp tired. TliesC 1 the tetimeh t ro•ture inn teno k FOR J.t.uNiiicE. • 11111 a• 1',...1 dolt-I,'lll. ern 1111 moral tif do, romplimit. A , tl dneral :mil umfmlielpelllt lola. tool Mitt el, parifyin ' the blue 'Sinus. they reinoi3O the e AX.7.4E. ier elemriler. WU'. yr 1.1:31‘10 , , It11:14C 1,1 be ditli,olt preri:rily•to tell I Wright •• lailitm Vkgettalde Pe blewitie. L Hut it le lery emu.' en beak I, nail ripiril4., nod a go, I of Arioialep, st ho 0 mild, wltlioll Znist.,... A I.oc of IlVr4lit'a II ineittimeible medic f e l itenie 511:•11lICtiF:, (5 DDINI:S, went,• of pain 111 ne'v put, 1,9 ' 101 Moot. WI, icli net eii ems ',tits , ' ,of Wrighrie,lloll.ll Veke r tubl bed will beArtaili te gite rtU •thle. .‘1.1JA111,1: ANTE It LIC/ US 31 : 1•111‘011‘lit 113;t1 the 1 , 0111.11 nod lt 1011S111,OLLIOrit than fi'out till ot, lardy uaiing to the Militiete;: bel i .. 'Southern and IC'er.tet it life. 'll ing liter eumplaint.tire of tic, ou, D4llllOO ill utiklaitigai• iMe ...r complaint. A 1, ei,ent butrer, .iil4 not be mocked herb prete a try tent medico:ea ilialniti as iii of flew I 0111111.t011. ' ,:.11.11111.1 1 i lk. reliance, but the 111111 l y ha , . pri ill.eme! IVbet theM hall be! glit'm halcut 1 cret:W/011/14 a t, ~.I your cajaa:tatiiiii..la 0 are Ili Ladino of insure. A o i l yt I t •ay to Tlt V I il KM Tins risk tau-510 avow:l tbretv: C benctit.. 9 . , ONE 100156 330 1 •uu lia%e tumid that Wrig it elli a :•leetln" the bust medico e you lend Don't ° ran idler es •ry itl eutpt4 to bluster itself lint 1/010 IllitV A RC 01 , INII ('A'l ioN: Ps Indus v,,,,,t.t,p, I',tio. Pert re of thl. Meditine, Indian Pills is what 1'0.4• of them: Anil oft! ini-eirablei imitations of the or' like it, than chalk lo like eliee.r '••10,1,r,i, ea" Indian VegcLible l'i aI Joke, if it Were tree tet,i3OU, kw • • a 11.,5 aer irtretl fr tho,r to to extol It to of i I:.telt tr four and the an I %;n. ten I.l`llll t1.d..r%il blued, .1 and flew Tit Fitl rte 4.ll , rtin unl till f great peer, I , , MEM Wri nu r. It cn•nt in fttt,nl b It; fn i chip , to WI I . lLr [lit• vile $lOlO ll' th bee ur 111.1 It taut tm o "LT. ttle3t I.ttr3it 11111111.111 d in t Item 1 1 ,11 , nods. br fate of it' ruing Ip nt ull p` be me It 14. s‘, from bi flux is I, n V I I 11111,/ All. lit , rol , tt It 411 11,44 retllV :11 ar 11- OP I 1.4,1 lac rail. Ir', 'nut 01/ e the taplara liero When Pill, me tr v.litc.t of iVn triZul t ni No they, to 00 11:(111 1r rthr lie esi Hi,. b. 'I lir,' 11 • wuh I:,it tcLlt Inc but Buy of tl O. u,•l' r• ennui I .I‘l l It Nit 11.11 C. Out, el, 'rm.., T ? Ir.t 1 qelyine, toe milferfrit th in in Office% leVoted exclufheq• to I ,:o toW Pill -, wimles.tl," anal la, t2thiGrOCOWoluS TreMolll I•jtreel. 110-toll. tt,o, .1 41v, I. 19 t 7. 1m0,14, E )L t VI NO NV FFL u able- at icie ' aire.rc 'pi ice or (inc dollar, bs ' LLs SE'S QCI. rTh EtUNO--1 . 1.12 oil lie be:[ ite.dity, for r :tort, MI itilb - u Cu) rll—l It • e iw i ip jar ready pay at/ Sept. 25, ALAI, ACA—SIII: and to oJ:in j.billint, per phOli, plain and sigh' Sept. 23. P _ TEAsrvitEst Eli IN Companyokc,ro and ePll a fine Grit rink one: Wfio atims, the Pekin Company. inet, 16 1119 AT SPIlibS".--.1 I 13 'Spikes van lie had r Oct. -23 • WILLI A \TS LI- \VITO HT The QtleStial• Settled ! r Roma /1 7 - tii li in LE; : al . : L ' , r ) i r7) .- :::1 mi nt) ralntiun tt, the winse of till WeAiller, it has re Gently been di-covered that iris the effect orstreli immense piles of (411,1 Ir; (aa, paper) as have be.F.Hr.i,", 4erahleti faith by n il . The public wewspapets of-tol— place, slate the return of a few of- our merf.hantfr iron :%:ew York, llos•onand Philadelphia. lieving his th rhe vrud knee int: that the notice of our produce to-. tal tlatkne-:, we 1):1:11,riptv, deterred any tire i , .I.ld lit dome so we mold hat the g,ood eiqz.,H= Elie a :al tol,bear rtith u%, if , another dig t 9111:e z•-•.in''.4 (Ilse upon be our I lies of New Un,,d's, and console them- , -.els es ehilc c,rryilitr parcel:, that . • aq :he pile ,g,ovis graddually . re: eed jlt Cowie on then, card avail yours - Avis of the op portunity oSertrt iiiriidiiit4 - yori and rcoto - ri g h t to the common i 1111 \ 1 . " N c.etalier - 9; ISI7. , <I. •' GEM JUs received d the Nem T Ca.lmitcre Shawk, grain (let NT EW CI WLS I __ of C‘Cry d daily, at Oct. 16, art and 1 - clltim: 1 Blearlied...llll Worsled inus, Diaper<, Cloah Plaids, Merirkoz?amf 'tore of Oct. IC; Fruit N.ip'.on, capery Alustin 111:.1)5 Cal Al u ^ s ,plei _ . v - ::v)s PLAii).--., few pieces °Gill.: VI :1:14.1VC ricliarCiele on In n(l, - innl mellin2 cheap at the neiv stoic.' NI.LYN tc COl''. Oct. 16. : ! u :22 i --- ;ci e r i n ti no ni, Intiuuioi -varying in pl!I Ca t ISII for 0 TIIE subscr iberhavitv , otta'v.areltimise tat" l'. Bth Street Cathtt Bashi, is and pay clan 1.4 r 15,000 t Erie, Sept. f,,0, 191 i. BROCIp. Si I A 11: do. Delaine do. of il ur4, for sate at the Cheap sto 1S 11.V1V1.‘-;—Woole",1 a,,, Ittr sale at the cheap st Soptetuber 24, 1+47, azizzi 'or Goods. 'v Yo k a 'veal oods i'or Valiant e:dra des now o black; French ')attorns and very plain and strit,e than evet befake n:s per yard. style 4; Prints, triotoicelsto;ritzei To Black BELLOWS, Anvils, A I I Fininz SU:O, CUst (10 American igeel; ulseNail Hoop Iron, which can be I ' our old torrir . uppo , itu tile, Oct, .20. WILLI, .. . Ilt(),N STEEL AND N 1 I meat of Suedes }COM at ai eau be sold by WILLI Oct. 14 •, - d thv public are M. TI►3BALS.' 2 .ieccs DomcQ-ic SockF; 10;) bq, 111_71..13Ett." EATEWlt.—:tiOtt eic ju,t ccceived from t' -21 [ \t a.; 1 riwa.r ith it. R. g std.", 4ts te, t•tl,t7Pcd tin ltuagiolatinnl , ♦ley of the trip 1 11 t. taya clatu, wllliunt.e• •1 , , Ind. I --t nn cori.tination o l tetl; -- - +Nottirr'A pre-.f^ uct .ualt/ IwisTPR, 'r. iudran . ninirr i GOl4 10, I . t in ',then, n stoma . "Flever4 the 115er d, enpl•rinducrd mploni• 664 np. pl OP,() re dna Ito the tli1)1f ILE , scry sup - weaklend de 4011 , 1 . - Ills ren.....e tot ta.o.3se Ole .11) vc I adapted ..per..ta upon t elenhAng the 'd, andlreettfyine et luwdtec, mid to which of the ,I have bean the thl ri theee P. 115 I. co plexion, to ! lthent, 1.6 c been nd on II ertable n tit stain pc- ticatrt , coirupt. 10 I. brrect. A lill4 E den nn f, 11111 1 1 111 gr •:14CI I NP.! I ce Imre, ceirribincll.—. t ebiellY 16 the ,he semiatooo , me tro no,t iuretrhed i'eque r inli bran ¢ h t a - Irwin-Ow ail °tided Ore.: yet rth 4 •tr.iN In Ilia h. lotherto been oved ;blot W0r0.3 .lone? %Ve any: frial, llitbry ilo luring to bear all co all , H u.W.t3+3'oU . ark. V 1 ' tiliark . get thla t ever h llztl, or, tp6lnrl. I R thiluily. ICU', Abel,u sal 'S ' H !.AR The erni money' aP Ln ludi4 ,er, ae 1: CCU:NI 1;1; Y OF TUC null. - - - -afet)' winterleitor., both oh, the worth! I, nn,' hl tlo bother than a rt rocolar ,11po.t= (/1/I1 Ar;I:NI S rOlt Clt 1'1 . )1(4), Erhe. titolo.l4'it Cp., ‘C.ttio l 'guru. Sea. Girard. Sprnr_Tl. 1,1,4•11.), C..., g. t' North East. went. rairsioNi. 3, oatoiNkt....NlD C. N ON Tat: ToY,I.m:PL OMNI iN,r; Tvn V% it. W 'ol.q£lllr. the .Or~Tl X.' 1.!1 I Ito tir flack an ' r l ealg cl ra , and Brown s[orp of, xl l . i.tc ti.soS. ,•arr, lint two Black, Brown, „ hr sale by S. rsteß4lN t 1: 1 EA.11,! ito! , I,V g can` allow and T. as low pri -Iny connection' l with ~ : ,, ts7T - r 4=1...: I IIESTR• I ' , a, ck, Ii illw Lion (yard, a i e LEZTEn, cE .2 and , V Store several nice at vcry low prices. I N E: CVIT. pit:lll)64n receiving CQI Cheapsitl6.__ the now LL.!I - N & COLT. - a rl cy r sented the c ommix - II- I rlitivtac, Esq. at ! the 'how Nutty retphte umbels 01 u•bod clear. ALFRED - , NINO. 20tt roro S 5 to $;2O, crepe Irercnt sizes and tol- C cotton; any quantity re of with& ices and Hammers, , English, Blister and, Rods, Band, Bar and id to tonna to. suit a.o ,Ett!lc: 1015 & _w train:. as, A lull asnrt 4Eitat tarn Nuile, chef' • :MSS. NV PAGET es beat. tusitio Ltet r ile e manuilie A. •• NVlllairr • usperted that lye') SW)) uni 7 g I ILIA. curnig wheli 1-11 rd n; reputn4 huh t.evn Si. n Yegetabfe. NEM the ar.4laral out-1 pr4 p turc, pecti i,,,,t iexundir. ruiulltaw Moll he 4.fii tsrtir. tic- P 111.... matteract y .. 1, lair I' irle the eIN iu ' natural ' I - MEE the in ler lenatd a/Pasch:re i ;nun wuubl . re of el/ MICE ' ere or or all, ginal t ! Onti 'l6 Ti 'EN F. atry dorm. ~rrcitcr a 111 EL sn arm- lellll' .1 i annd lk !-- i a. I r xR.T ,run k ilm HT Tr RaTt.ri EU= LIE Irri,jlo;,'A In 'ran Itafir24trert, yuri, val le at' the low C-14:5 1' Er.. • oa stonecolor Spby I a.CKSOV. MEI inch Boat S. J.(CK~cn S. JACK:.4OS ~ i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers