II VOLUME XVI I. PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY BY A, P. DUBLIN Si, B. F. SLOAN, STATE STREET, ERIE, Pn. TERMS. One copy, one.y i eur, en advance, SI 50 Otherwiie, two doll.irs a year will invariably be charued. These terms s ill be strictly adhered to in ctli cases. Advertisements inserted at 50 cents per square or the first insertion, and 25 cents for each sub sequent insertion. Job Printing, of all varieties. such as Books Pamphlets, fLindbille,Show Bills, Cards,Steam beat 11.11 s, Flanks for Notes, Iteceip.s, exe cuted in the hest style and on short notice. T. %V. MOORE. Dealer in Groceries Provisions, Candies, rriiit, No. I. Perry Mite:, state street, Erie. I'.t MARSHALL & LOCKWOOD, :lump yet at Law. thilite,top stairs in the Tam many 111111 builtlinviorth attic Prothunotnr‘'s (Ace , 9 SMITH JACIVI H ON. Dealer in Dry ,tloods i;rac. - .ries, ardware, QuernsWare. Lime, lion, y'aila &c. No. 121, ICh apsirle, Erie, Ea. !JOHN 11. MILLAR, minty and 11,,r0u211 surveyor; office in Exchailf_Ye‘ Erene st „Erie. 'JOHN 11 JOHNSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, as removed lii Olilee to thel Public 13'uildina near the Court House, up r,4. i n t h e rnen , occupied by the Sheriff and directly over the Cetninmioner's Office. rninpi . auentipn vi ill be given to all busineua en nos:ed to hi:. care. 50 - E. N. 1 1 1U1.11A , Wilf& CO. BUFFALO, N. k. )R AGE, FOR‘VARDISG AND PRO DUCE; COMMISSION MEItCIIANTS, i)e.ilers in Lehigh U 114,1 P:rie coal. : • elt and Prodner L!enc, - IParlicelar attrn p. .n the vale of Pioduce and purchase of lereb.inthie. N„.3 & colnirn Square,,Soy i :I. Wharf. B. 11ULDFIT, I U. BRIGGS.. 43 lIENJAAIIN I,ltilNT, norney and ronnarlinr at L,. v No. 2 Oto t• nvi.• I 1 , t•c.1 P. 4 4, pa% GRAHAM tz.IIIPSON, vorneyB,64. /iiiee oil French meet. over S Jackson 4. Cu' ':ure, Erie Air il 21.1817. 49 I. ROSENZWEK; & Co. Poreien and lkiincstic Dry Goods. ite,udy \lade Clothirr, 800 - and Shoc4, N.e. &e., No. .1, Flemming 810 !i, Stale Slice!. Frit , Pa GALBRAITHS Ifornrys and CounqellorA :it pia h ..treet,avear side of th Erie, Pa. I=l G. LOOMIS ealerA in Waiehoo, %Pr, Pla•ed and Briounniii nary and F•iney Goods. N 0.7 Pa. ' WILLIAMS & W 1 l'bolnsdloanatturuil;k.alaral eries. Hardware, Crockery, Nails, !,.rather, Itill, etc, et street and the Public Squa. of "'as ern. Prie, Pa. WILLIAM RIM ahinet Flair Ctnl" I'li' ' S. DICKINSON, 'hy.+ician ail() Sni:fl.oo. 01111:i• tite " WALKER.. *LC( eneral Forwartlitt ,, , CouliniPA Nkreltaws; Re•d , Vare lfotis lir 11 , 0 D-, 17.r;e. JOSEPH lan,ifAu I,liers , °I 'flit. *are'cortier or French and 1•' i,v,sT,ER, SENNETT nnf F'oultdors. whole4ale ah C . , o%es, A•.‘v ,r.• ' JOHN 11. BURToti ts. co } viiole.a.l...,nti ro..itidett tett it i 111 1:N. ‘: Cdig II •'' D'itt Stllirt , ; I I rot:cries. 5c..0...1, Reed I rouse tile, Pa. -:, —___—_ . C. M. Tin. , LS, cafe'. in Dry Gouda, tirocOies, 41'. No.'lll, iTheapside, Erie Pa. , ' , • GOODWIN tsz. VINCENT. - raters in Dry t_lnads, thoc ' cries, &c., Nu. I, I I) I Bunti't II Block, State st.,Erio Pa • • l ---- CARTER 8:. BROTHER. caltrp in Otto , . %.ledlt:1111.3 N MI'S, Oil*, Dyi., , tliiis, Giel,fl, Sc., Nii. G ! ROA; linnet!, I..ric. l'a ; . B. TOMLINSON & Co. - - - - - orwardinti and t;q111,111 ,, 1011 %It:mit:trite; 109 french Strett..P.rie and a 6 liStri•ei Canal Da son, also deakra in (Armen - ea and Provision. k • --- I ( V' '-• lIENItY CADWELL. iD ',- paler in Unrilivare, Dry l ;mph., Uroceries, &c. ea,i. 4 iflei.lllli: Diamond, and ore door i :Ist of the Eaolc Ilmeli Erie, Pa. • ,-• - i ___ _ __ . —_ EAGLE lIOTEL, Hiram L. Peo‘%n, 4 , triter of State street anti the Poidie ttttkire., Eriet:Pa. Eastern, Westetn, and Ftoutitern tttt, i t,e taco. 1.Y1,11 irashionable Merchant rs, on the Public 'Square, a few doors west of State etreet, El ie, Pa. JOEL JOHNSON. 1 1 0,1 let in Throftwical, - ‘ll. , cellancous, Stinday and Cl.”=iral School Book; Stationary, etc. etc. No_lll, Frenek,Street, Erie. Pa. P. A. R. BRACE, uorney and Counsellor at lam,'Paiirie du Chien. W. T. praeAlees in the counties of Crawford. Grunt and lowa. W. T. and lin Clayton ono wy, lowa Terrunry. XV AN r E 1) i excluto%o• for Goods, Wool, Mil- VI ter, Cheese, and all hinds of eoun:ry Pro tier, 6, IQ 16 .1 .0 '1 I. A tC. tiled mug). nit... v . can al ap he ti.ir a: h , : ! ..11.)..p store of S. J .1r 'ON co. Noveinher 21. 1916. .27 le -0)4 C ser-bers tvtil pay cash ior the Feed. µ .•• I 1 \ vrk, ciet M . , I.IFFE •.:1' sem 2, 1 and 5. for sale at Nu. 111, French St. - Erie, \lay 6, 1817. 51 NEW ESTABIA SH M ENT — , On Seite t streri, nearly opposite the Eqgle Mt.!. LOO‘IIS 4. CO are now receivinu tram VA • New Yorly.and nyeniny at their new store an er,lnNive as.ortment of Rieli and Fa-hionahlp JEWELRY, (craw cin. the bites - style of work in market.) tentchts, Cloc ks, Plotrd and Beitrania JVarr, Fine Ofttltey, St.rl Trimmin g s. Caniphrn• and Solar Lamps, Luolting °hissed. Gold Pena tozeihyr with a general variety m Useful and r r oarnental articles. Call and are Wolf you trill see. J tine 1.6, 1617. 6 Cash For Flax Seed: rAsil will be paid for one thousand bushels of V Flat Seed by CARTEIt k int ( ) - 111ER.- Aue 27. 1817. No. 6 , !teed House. ItS,—Loal; Crunkill, Pulverized, Clari ► fled, Porto Rico, Havana. New• "Orleans gar, fir sale at No. 1• Perry Block. A VV. MOORE. - c 1 • .' I I .c. . • . 1 I , . 1.1 ~ - • , I 1! ! i . . I , lit • . II ' . . . ' - i - tII L , . c ... . 1 1 ' •1 . _ . . - I , . . , • . _ . , . I I i '. -• 1 .-.. . . . . 1 . 1 . . . . . • . -.., - ! I . . . - 0, ~ • . • ! , ..t. .i...t ii 4i, • . 1 . . . 1 , .. . . ... 3 1 hl.r ..,_ • . _ l i . R . V. . .... , .. ~,., • .. ......_ ..:1 . i . -:-. , ...; • ..- • . .. .. ~.:-. .„.. ..... f••.; r. 1- 1, . r , [ , . 4 41 1 . . I ~ •.,.:I I . • . . • Mires AY WIr.ILLUY, rOit•Kl' AND i:o(iNsEt.t,on AT LAW, I.XCIIANGP., Lute, PA. tar s, u a r g ra t i o ntf e e i n i l to . , n i i c iit h . ;ls t i e u ii d i i t z ,% e .,, d ,t e h great p••r ion of his titn••• to his profession, will ata.s tone to all it-zal business entrusted to his Hu will attebd the Glintrts in the Counties or Erie - Warren, Cra %%A p ril, Niciiver, Yew:in:to. Clarion and „hirer -10. i, and the Supreme Court' or this Stain ; and his Proles,behil ariao•reinents, by twhich he will frans,ict business in the adjoining Counties in New •York and (thin. All in..nieti collected will be remitted by Drals on Yew YOrk or Phil adelplin rwi hunt any cli•trge, fin Exchange. Ile Will also take eliati:e of .mil pro.ei rite Claims oramst ihe United, Suit S. d,aw and superinten upplieation: for Pensions, Pa•ents &c. PI the truth y and inte..4rby with whirl) ail bi l Finet•s.coldi ed to cane will ho perinriewil it Would no be proper in ihi.s place Ito speak. ha those Legal Boi.inrio‘ no tinfo.nci, or Col let:tempi to in'ak,iii• his siTtioliorciiiiiarv. urn me ap..crfollv 'eh!, red In Ili • tollowine gentlemen: 111 IN JAMES '1'11031P:031, GEN.. II tI. LES AI BEIM. Mussas. WI 1.1.1 3MS & Wit lOHT. 3104 ES MBA!. t:sq. TitonAti iP sTElitt LTT, • YEW:ENV Militia) At, Co. A. D. A 'l'. W. l'A (*CHIN, P.SQ . S. HENRY K. SMI I'll I..Sa• CHARLES II s ti WHA.I IMS, ESQ JAMES Esq. Bulitalto: ( Pllll.ll'Lsg.. II ENKY w. , ltoGh sun. 111)11. AI)M.4ON GAR ICs. HON. JOHN A. DIX. Albany, N. V. lIKNRY :tIICLIIEN A CORNELIUS W. LA 3VRENCK, E.q., - DORIC, CHANDLER. & WHIT !v.v. city. HON. ILI)ItElt II NIORILIS, CONOVCIt & I. ‘II,IGII, • J. .Q. A. VANOSTILA ND, HON, JAMES B(tCHANAN, " W11.1..311111'1:1% ROHERT J. WAI.E.R4, Washington ' W. 31E1)11.1.. . ‘VNt. Z. S I F.W ART, E•q., Lavin:port la. GEOltliE 11. MeWHORTEII.: „, 11. BROCK WA it, Ego. • -I.s—oorogo,N• Y. 110 N. W3I. PA t TEBSo 3 lt.Stualts:ltY• O. (WV Juirs; wf: NT °Writ Hills rot, & volt 1.1:n. s Chicago, ill. J %ME.: K. sxowDErc, Lui)mc, K NEEDLEIt. Co c01..J IVES P ME, ABM 31. s 01. P Zt PhitadCiPhria• DENBY 110 K N. Eat.. & J. P. S I'EINEB. HON. El( A Ni'l4 It SllnNi, ,• SI OW: C1)1E1tON. iiarrinburig. N. it ELDit ED, itExitv q. 110 N. iV11.1.1.131.At lI.Ii INS, / GEN. LEVI G cI.OVE t. GI:OI[GL Tllolll'sON , Lig 110 N. It. McCI.ELLANI), 31uttrut', 31‘.11. W. J ItOtt DO irvolan I, 0. DR S. ENGI,IIII %ICI% 3 DON I.EWI. rat llt LES Is lIA H.MON , Est Derail, ISu ch. JOHN 31,1[1.3'NOLits Kcq. E NliiN 8. 1617', 51 — From the'City of Mexico. Arrival of Freidi mid it h.np Grocrrir► At Nu. 1, r. rry Bidek. SINCE the TaiiiTii.is been taken o?I' the im. putt. into Oils country, and risked Oil that of ‘leXiCo, it has einibled ,hose who have pig elm+ed G met ries in thu En-t in mill [hem ell. up. We oho esubt auty 'WI, in the Gineery line to call and examine a ua stock, for we do as,er t%ithoin fear of en itradietion, that eve host 'lit tiebliesii tie pit' lirraa rirs m this maiket, 11.1vin_ all been plirelia-c;t-liont lateFt, impinut ions. In nar may be hdlowinu: kinperial, Gunpowder, and Young Hyson I'eas; Java, Rio, Laguirit and St. Doinin- Ca C :ll l .. er ei. r 6 n il is %AP. ger, Xtitniegs Mace, Cloves, Rice, Pearled barley, Crndies, Pecan, .I.bideii a and P,a hut;: „glinonds, etc. ;„Fruits—Apples, Raisins. English Cu rants, and Figs: ,tiperin and Tallow c.ini.lei; Summer and Winter strained Lamp Oil, superior article, Salad oil, Pitney Shaving, Variegated and Bar soap. Dairy salt, White Fish, Alckercl, ilackinac Trout, and He'rring; Kimball , eNtra Fine en , chevi intr. "Spanish ?making and Citeendedi 'rob leo. Pipes; Tial.tica, Lenora 'and coin SANE, t.”' -_OOice on Public Squul C., = OE i dver,German Sil are, Cutlery, \lii. lived House; Eti. thy r; rn IGlas-%%nrr, Iron, e.•reer of Stet,. sposite the Eaule ET. and U rviet taker M. ' p, Ell on. and Prnfliw. , east ill die Pub Colored and pl.in Grass and Manilla \l ii Besides a ho.t. of 1/1 1 121" artiele4 to Supply the wants of ail. A Ovsli aupolv of Cooreolea re calved s ..mi e ve t tldy. t;,111 rsainioe gools and priues'ak No V, Perry Moe!, T. NV. MOOR E. Esie, June 1 . 2 1317 4 MI and Sheet-lion Lh Areets, CHESTER, til reiall 'kakis ii ! I ar .1 I'r!, TVs »..w alintidati evirletica rid its heal I „in!! p i a ci s. a l l I ptnvcil i sell theta St eX:I a • militittrx' and ivenderlid medicine in the would-- in the short space of two yea's, it has acquired a reputation fur curint: disease and releavlllf! pain Liar ;ZI eater 111,111 any Medicine ever discovered;— Its ivontletail cute , have imished the Medical Faculty, ‘ll , / now intivelsally coneedra its great value. ' They speak of it in the highest terms and commend its It is condemned by none. Ott the contary, its praise k universal. The c uses ot cute , are so nn merous Mat. it %void(' take volumes to recount them —sod ti.\ is a fixial met, amtis not disputed, that as a.paitilex rtc or it has 110 equal. Fin the many a , tttnishing ewer, t-ee the pamphlet to be hall of esti' a. , tit. Ii yOll su 11 . 1' . stub either of the di,- ease , lid which it is recominendi•d, ret-or at once to i e use and be rural. For the following di , cases it, is an iota 111 reMl'dy: Spinal • fr . e ions, Rheti statism, Paralysis turd all ner- Volli Rheum, I r '.np or Hives. A. , 11e in the Breast and _Face, kreak ness of the j dins, enlds, tooth ache, sore thrust and Quinsy. ulcers eti - idir ' ‘ . s, indolent uleerraburna • , irost , U lee!, cora-, limiyone, fresh mimic's swellio , stkod !musses, set ufu lous tG cii i cu. 111113, (111110 ill es and Pta:ona. Liniment is 5,1,1 by all the respacta bin Mort:haws and 1 1 )ru ,,,, istti thrwighott the cuuntry, and by the f i 'mprietnrs nt •;Ing Sing, N. Y. E. ST A` tN. For ,alc by J. 11. Burton &Co.'Erie, V. Town Nor'? Enkt. J. tletnenin ralrVirw ' i S. L. JOU. at, Co. 011 ord. Oct. D. 118'7. 3m21 1114L , 4. tiucl 10311"hbi. line 1 , 1,i) and .\iurkinac Trout, this day _received and fur sale at 'No. 1, Perry-Block: by I. ‘V. :MOORE. Ei•id. F , cp•.. 5. 1817. - 19 CASTING, ovu pipit, yapper rorni lure, ;lir tihi she irons caves. are now sell in_ yapidly hy the stib•e, 'hers at Ins. than ever and our ilesnm Ia t at no at BulTal , t or else where, for • LISTER, SENNETT &, CHESTER. Eric, Sepi. - 45 1•317. _ _ H. CAD N%' ELL .;),.1 KITS No. I M.icltertd, put up for fituily ""'"A" ii.e. jic3t received Mid' I>r ' , die at No, I, Pe-ry 1.",e7. . 19 R AGS %% a It ill I:Xeticlllee for Ott wore by:. SENNETT 4* VIIESTEII. 2-% 1917 „, .L /t N 4 All 1 %I, Props ietor. The „b.eritHir %intik! tespectbill‘ , inrorin IT Mg mends and - the truvelin2 public yen etaii ) „liat lie has leased for . 41 term of years - his real eoinin Minns HOUi Ilaled at the Eiultra Street Canal Ba in. This Inca ion ren deis the" " pre eminently the most convenient and desirable stoppino place for mill either (loin!! business ay' 'myelin , on 4he ('anal. There is, also, attached to this establishment a large and convenient Stable for the use of Bout men and a hers h.ivinv horses. No pains or expense has. he-n spared in Chi in. u p 'hi, hms tar t he convenience. condos, and piengitro of ottesTs. and the Proprietor trims by strict autentinn to bulginess to merit and receive a share of pittd;cpatronage. Erie, April -21, 1817. I brtn l li bnt all Tilw." ANToN' , %L1.r,11 JIUN'I"S LINIMENT, PRI CES RF,DUCED W ESTE HOTEL, EIDE BY LYDI ' A song on the propo- ition to stir ender to Mexican bar. arity nod tyranny th land betst,len the Nueces and he to Grande—the battlrelds of Palo Alto and Renee de P dam. ' • • it may not he'; God'. Forbid it, all that patriot, prize: Tbut land has taxied freemen's blood; Their dust within its bosom lice, ,'Twcre tuudneas to l rc,ign the fail ( •I On which our conquering feet have trod [Luling our way l with aloriouv toil,— It inuy not be—forbid it, GI. dl Can we telinquish lands where now The strlp.4l ,old starry hnunrre ware) No, never! We cogrnve our, vow On every fallen hrrither's grave: They could not slrep,%the slaughtered bravo Who in thcit beds - of glory rest.) , And feel the 1 . .0101 .11 of the fi1.70 l'ollete the and churn their breast. • Resign tlid field where ltmacoLo fell! The .pot where gullent STEVENS lies ‘Vitere Coc ia i x felt hie lio3oin swell Triumphantly in death's agonies? Where breve and virtuous hearts pour'd out The life ,o dear to hope and Invoking with their aysog edam Our einiutry4and our God above'? No! fly our country and our God, Wtt^will nor yield that 110.1 r-bought soil! We still hare heal ts with generous blood, Attu souls to Jure the conqueror's toil. On' To the rescue: Hearts of ateel— OW To the re-col , tiouls of fire— Le•t hooked blood flame-our ze.i Leuquer—criumpli—or expire fluzz.s . Pr on where. Taylor stands Invincible in convering ought; %o e hero lie commands, AulU :J.urtaio our uttered right AA T yl And iii And this Shall e, to retrace Ma Way, et' hia compleig to the foe! wool lam!, from tom to'stia,, hia emphatic NO : thin i; holy, ground, utid_linint;ed with 1,. mot blood; her loiters 11.,Ifunbounil, ,s her hoods to Freedom'. God! No. Dow. Bonito St.e. will e id m's God, she shall ha free I bri've hen In pre , v boldly on; lie, nor p till t!ciory t her olive garland OLI— fly Pre •1 fl uzzd 1 Strilcn 0 filidll p 1• list laud to utmost parts le'. sholteri 3 g wiagx are •proud; ,r thrimeJ on frrentell's beasts his laurels 111 their shade. MEM MEE AI! rilV !EMI 11W - Rf IMI UTIIOII OF "VANIER!: NOTIONS." BY TIL E atives,ihey,say, make an affirma rWrailietilid Muni* Nu . 10"1i'' l acve a pair as ever came togetti- Two ne Avir teen as ne,! er, for Paul that has ye "yes" to er, , suggested, was a true was the most affirmative man been. heard of. He always said arything that was said, proposed insinuated, or hinted to him.. lie tidminstration, map tinder all gov ever boingin the opposiVi those over -polite, over-gd-na. le easy, acquiescent mortlitls, who sent into the work! for no other in to show•how much a man May I want of a little' contraminedness. Hertainly," "By all moans," "No With all my heart," —happy ernments, was one of tared, oh, b seem to be pirpose tli suffer for rt, "Yez," '!, doubt of 4'Entirely . at your service," "Oh,' yes," "Oh, yes, Such ‘Vere to oblige; yes,'• "01 ant replies. As to saying "ne Paul's cm possible to get it out as 51aebetli's it wa. as when hellad moit need of denying, "Amen!" his thriiat." I don't know that it "stuck when "the yeas had it," they had He would not have cried "Xic he ever did Paul also. in the Polish Diet, if the words demolished the partition treaty. in poszvalum' -could' hay Thoughhe\ wa's not n the opposition, yet think it harly corr+t to call him a Jackson man, for he never voted anything' in his life, unless, in the st yle i,f the honest country rep resentative "Mr. , Speaker, I shall give my vote in fill: , 'r of the bill." In short, Paiil was' the very pi k of assentients—an incarnation of nem con, Now this is a very good character for a man to bear, on some accounts, for it gets one the rep l utation of a good-natured fellow; and as the world commonly pretends to have a high ofdri t ion of a good-natoredlellow, and according to the ,proverb, "opinion is the spleen of the world,"• the reader may think Paul must have had'a happy time of it. No such thing. pours good nature brought him into more embarrassments and vexatious than if he had beeff the crossest cur that ever snarled. I speak nut of lending umbi•ellas— 'tis the lot of thortility. ~ To tend ,money - is about the Sameohough money lometimes does come back. ' But who would belie% : e that a good-natured man, merely by reason of his being a good-natured man, and for no oth er fault under the sum could be led through such a rigmarole dance of adventure, by the perverseness of fortune, that he fought a duel and almost married a - widow! Ths Widow Wilful was a lady Ofta certain age; she made the best of time, and time re- turned the compliment. She had shed many tears for the loss of her man—so she pr. St ed, and I cannot help thinking she spoke the truth, for she tried very hard to get another. I.llV.everithis did not, prove so easy a matter, for althoughthe widow was not without charms, the men were shy. ' What could be the reason? She gave splendid parties, and bad sparks and danglers without number, but it was never a match. What! could be the reason? the reader will ask again. It isnot elactly my ttusiness to tell, as the story will be plain enough, without it; *and if the reader cannot'guess, it would not much help him to let out the whole mystery. "This is truly delightful," said Paul, one evening to the widow, as he leaned his , arm over the back of the chair, worked his face up, to the blandest of all his acquiescent smiles, and essayed some flattering complement concerning the widow's fine entertainment,— "This is delightful; so much hilarity ! and IN I • It I T - H WO'RL6 GOVERNED TOO' MUCH. 22 1 E TURDAY, OCTOBER 3O 1847: ULTIIIATUM. lERSON. cheerfulness—so many happy faces—l love' to look on them:" • Paul inadvertently raised his eyes as: he uttered these words, and at the close of the speech was looking straight into the widonfts, face. He meant, not the 'eclat, harm in the world; but the widow pretended to blush. She pursed up her pretty Mouth— "Oh, Mr. Pliant, you're a great fingerer; but we know you are honest. You never sriy brie thing anti mean another." "Certainly, by all means, my dear 'mad-. am." r "But really Mr. Pliant, my dear sir, wli a gentleman tellsla lady Ihe loves to lOok on, her you know that is really significant." • "Oh, yes, certainly, you are quit.; right, madam." “Well, you ( are frank, Mr; IPliantt and I shall certainly give you credit for sincerity. Anotherman might say ten times as much and 1 never think of regarding it; but I know I can rely upon the word of so honorable a gentleman as Mr. Paul Pliant.” "Rely upon my word! surely you may, Mrs. Wilful, I should be sorry if—" "Oh, don''t mention it, my dear sir. .J' never doubted•it for'a moment; certainly you 'never would have hinted anything like at taeltment, unless you had been:sinFere." . "Certainly, ma'am," replied: Pail, in great amazement, with the conjecttirei, howille had been so unlucky as to say ' Mor than he meanr; for Paul would as-;smin.lia .e thought of jumping off a steeple, as of telling WidoW Wilful . he felt an attachment fur /4 - rf r "Cer= tainly, by all means," he continued to repeat; mechanically, "oli,,yes; certainly,", i "Pray Mr. Pliant, be so good tie .to hand me a glass of water; really the room -is so warm—just reach Your hand." , "Certainly, madam; my hand is entirely at your Service." Paul was in such a flutter that Ile was not aware what he' was uttering until the words were past recall. ' "Bless me! what have I said," thought he to himself.— But it was too late. . i "Oh, Mr. Pliant!" said she, blushing up to her ears, "you are tbo generous. - I mean youH are almost too precipitate. Now, were it any other man, I should suspect him of trifling.— But'such a man as Mr. Pliant!" "Confound the jade!" quoth Paul, to hint self, "how shall I get out of . this scrape? I hope she isn't going to faint. Mrs. Wilful, madam, \ you know I say a thousand things of Oh.? sort. .I can't help it you know:" ' "That's just what I always supposed, Mr. Pliant; a man of your sincerity and frank neis can't help uttering his true. sentiments. Oh, Mr. Pliant, you are an hone-b2l*,hings!., "Now this is too bad," tliought Paul, in great tribulation. "What shall I be My deat.::rnadarn, I certainly wish to be honest.— Compliments, you know, are compliments ; but when • a man means nothing, you, k no w—" "Certainly, Mr; Pliant, you are quite right. f When a an Means nothing, lie should say s nothing.l knew these were your sentiments. 7 Wasn't right?" • ; 1 "Oh, •es, by all means; quitil right;' . re thineWasn't anh in deeper embarrassment ihnin ever. He found himself , fuirly caught; tlie widow's eyes sparkled, .ands she languished three times at him. "I won't speak another word," said he, to hihisolf—"it only makes the matter worse." He snatched a cup of whipped cream, and pretended to eat it! The widow saw his embarrassment, and whether she suspected ,his, determination to , resist all farther attempts to entangle him or i not, we do not exactly I know; but she was I resolved not to let him escape. A qience of some moments folloWed, till Patti, finding he could not decently hold his tongtte any longer set about for Something innocent to say.— After some hesitation upon a variety'of top ics; he judged it safe to admire the carpet; from the carpet, a natural transition, was made to the pictures," and from they pictures to the window ; curtains—the window curtains led to the arm-chair, the arm 7 cliaitto the_sufa and the sofa to a pair of little babies. in [oo' baster on the chimney-place._,— "Charming! delightful:" eclaimed Paul;, not exactly know,ing whether he in&ant to•be tioderstood of the arm-chair, or some other or.: tide of furniture. - "Ain't they?" said the widow. "What have I said again?" quoth Paul to himself, beginning to tremble tOth,apprehen sionc "The furniture is in good taste, MT& Wilfo—very elegant—very fine." "Ail vanity, Mr. Pliant," said, the widow, affecting a very solemn look—"these things are all vanity•" "Oh, yes—you are quite' : right—all vanity," rdplied Paul, Oiling a spimfuli of whipped cream, and finding he had got nothing in his mouth. "Ah! Mr. Pliant!" saidLthe widow, lan guishingly - "Yes, exactly so, — returned Paul.,, xactly now; Mr. Pliao, pardon me.— .'t perceive the drift of your observ i aion." "Beg pardon, ma'AM-1 -1)4103 only sayiug— as you remarked, that every thing iwaa re markably tine im this house of yours, and that all its vanity, orirather 1 should say, that one thing is needfiil." ( • "Ah, Mr. Pliant, 1 understand you—you mean the furniture hi comp'ete except one ar ticle." ; . . •Exactly so. Yes—that 111—if yob think anything is wanting," replied Paul, hi consid- . erable perturbation, and glad to escape the ap-' pearance of finding fault, by any Isort of eqiiivoque. The widow clappbiLyier handlarchibfto her face, and exhibited, or pretended to eithibit, a slight emotion. "My 'dear Mr, Pliant," said ahe, in a ten der voice, "it is impossible not to understand you. You mean a hus--.liusband!" - "A husband!" exclaimed Paul, startled by the-audacious boldness of the proposition, ; E kneirlyou 'meant se," ree, rned the wid ow; sinking intO the Chair. h " p h, oh,, my d ear sir, I feel quite over-enibirrissed." "'ours iitellect was in sucs n cloudy state authis moment, that lie th,i‘oght she was alifiat to fihnt. He caught 114Ii l and, add was just going to dall for iitirtshOnc when she opened her oyes with 'an appe4rtineo of great el.; languor. • !"Oh, Mr. Pliant, the sincerity of this avowal—you are sincere; Mr. Pliant.l - 1 "Certainly—yes," exclaiined Paul, for he could say nothing else; he was a lost The widow kept a fast hold of Ihis band.— Paul struggled to say something—he felt how desiieratelY he was shorted. "Mrs. Wilful," said he, in great agitation,— ! ."l do not wish you to he deceived—the filet is,‘l must plain lyH-"; l deg a deceiver. so'deceivit r Mr. • Plian't, I never ' l lsouglit you Oh: there aro some knee who are Ig . r t I s at hi; last gasp as the, widoW tit- Imtheti exclamation. ' set the matter right/ at this me i ught he, "or it will be all over with I threw himself into an attitude of relay. "Listen to me one moment, said he, with as much firmness, of Paul w 1 „ . tereu this "I nun meet," th me!" H • earnest e* Madam!" was m i ttster . of-14k, luckless man! 'atching in the hearth ) ossed knees. n an instant, and the Batten . whole company beiik aroused by eery body looked around, and beheld pplicatii i m a the vv idow's feet. lie ransfixed with horror and vexation irds of d minute, and then, without word, Made a leap for ihe dour, and' of the bouse. ' t day Plies hdventuro was the talk n, and the congrainlatrons and con hich he received from his friends on anent to the ‘Vidliw Wilful, almost stark mad. • dear fell*, I- • - voice asi his foot him on hi tieni Of th , the, full; e Paul in s remained fur two-th: uttering a bolted out The•ne of the tow dulence his engag drove-him ';Paul, ny dear fell*, I- give you joy—but have thought yuti had the courage . I ow could yo l k do such a thing'!" %vtio wail to do itr "Paul, wish you mt ch happitiessibut wid e!' cunning hings!"' 's all over w th - you re the saint tions, to which he was or a ,week;- :ye, fur nine days: for ist a wonder be allowed to . last, Ed - len it.gives a privilege to, it man to ther of his misfortiines. As to de thing, that, of course, was out of rn withiatii; besides, had not the :e full of people seen_ Mtn on his re the• widow?—and I did not tho aul gave tip in despair all thiiilgnts or denial, and only hoped that some ent would pop ilk bettveep him and 31 catastrophe. "Nor I owe are HI "Paul Such subjected so long in pecially w remind an nying the the, questi whole hou knees bef w of gainsay' lucky pool! the'dread ! , iWell, au!, my epriquering hero, when is appy day)" 'asked hislfriebil, Tom loOk of roguish sai•ca l s l m,And good kern., 1 . , aivery happy day itl'will be, cer plied Peul, shrugging hp his shoul4 ;non, I suppo.ser to be The II Sit', with - natured e.,(1. "Oh, ye thinly," re ders. "Pretty 1 0h, yr —soon enough, no doubt of 'that. Mil pretty mach to her, eh? :Well, right—women love to have their aulT' "Left that (pi - WaY, eh, iti, . I 4 9!4acily so, as you say," replied Paul, With a half sup f pressed groan, . Al • - certainly "The I,vi ow is a fine woman," 'said Tom, with an almost malicious look of j condolence. I Paul made a very low bow, ned a very des Aerate attempi to look smiling at the ME "Had k husband thiVi years age—died one day, poor man!" "What ailed him?" srld Paul, wishing to turn the•conversation, hut feeling at the same time an awkward sort of interest in the topic. "They say. she pinched him to death." . "Iforrid!" - e - x - clainied Paul, with an involun tary shudder. "Though Idon't altogether believe it," re turned Tom, in a tone as if he Only said it to comfort his friend Paul. It was a gresi deal worse than if he had +said nothing at all; • but probably this was just the thhig'he meant . "Thank ye," said Paul, with an air of dol orous resignation. Here they were interrupted by the entrance of Colonel Strut. More friendly congratula tion 4 I suppose, thought Paul to himself, iri heroic resignation. • "I -believe I have the honor to address Mr. Paul Pliant;" 'said the Colonel, marching with stately port, and in double common time, up to Paul, and planting him4elt bolt upright be fore his face. "At your service, entire meek and measured civility: "And, Mr. Pliant, fI presume," continued the Colonel; making halls bow, and screwing up his martial features' into an apology for a civil smile, "is to marry the Widow ‘Vlilfull" "Oh, yes; certainly-,-that is—so they say." _4.T.lten, sir, I have only to say," s4id the Colonel, lifting himself up as high as possible, and twisting his fore-finger into one of his formidable black whiskers., "that considering myself supplanted, beguiled, and circumvent ed by you, I apprehend you are ; ready to give me such satisfaction, as the laws of honor re quire." "Certainly, sir, with great pleasure]"" repli ed Paul. "Them sir, I shall desire the pleasure' of your company on the other side of the State line," returned the Colonel, in the quickest tone phssible. "Pistols, I suppose, would be .your preferences' "Pistols!" said Paul, in a tane which he meant for an ejaculation of surprise. "Very said . the Colonel, without lug him :time for further explanation, "here are the terms of meeting, which I trust you will find perfectly agreeable." !So saying, he . I d) handed a paper to Paul, whit received it, and ran' it over with his eyes, without having self possession enough to gather the meaning of a , particle of its .Ctntents.' "Perfectly agreeable, certainly," said Paid, in hisl usual assenting way. ' The Colonel turned upon his heel, and stalked off .• Paul's , good friend Tom snatched up the doCument and read•=."Pistols-115, I . M. i -- , thirty paces, seconds to mark out thii ground -- no interference till the third shot—burgeons for two, mortally { Wounded, &Lei" Paul, do yoti know von are to fight a duel?" "Am It" said Paul, "then heaven be prais ed, there is spll hope left; for if I am shot to death,l shall escape marrying the widow." When Paul arrived at the field of action on the evetiffurday, he found his spirits a great deal : firmer than he expected, 1p fact, he felt inspired by the greatness of the ( ;:ccasion, and :Very naturally, for when a man k ows,he must either be shot or married, he must beawA that the crisis requires all his fortitude.' Paid took his station with the most bloodless inten )tion thtit ever prompted a man of Battle. "1 had much ratheibekilled than to kill;'! thought he. "One two. 7 toree, 11 salt( the seconds, es Paul raised his pistol to about Potty-seven de.; grees of elevation. "rite f" bang! The• Co lonel's bullet whistled by Paul's left ear, andl Paul's hit the steeple of, a martin box at the top of an adjoining barn. Twice more were the pistols tried, when the seconds interfered; the Colonel deciircia he was 'satisfied, and they shomt - irxrds, there by showing that Paid Pliant, by shooting' three times in' the face of the blessed sun, had proved that he "t:ever supplanted, beguiled and circumvented" the aforesaid Col. Strut, for so it is lid down in the "code of honor." I; seemedinow to be- all over with Paul.— "I must be married, then," said he-to himself —"killing won't save me." The day w as fix ed, and, his fate seemed inevitable. The nsar er it approached, the less he felt resigned to it. The day 'before We wedding, Paul met Dr. Dindeintight, the worthy parson who wds to join him and his bonny bride. "Doctor," said Paul, "how Mall I escape?" "Marriage." slid the Doctoi, in his Most solemn argumenttive way, "is considered by all authorities, edclesiastical, pOlitical, ethi cal, legal, and judicial, as a bond or covenant entered into by the mutual consent and agree ment of both partirs. Thereto - re, I tint •deci deilly.of the opinion, that when the ceremony takes place, and-I propound the regular ques tion, yon take this woman for .'your by no manner ormeans. "I can't do it," said Paul, mourn have tried it . a hundred tiMes, but stuck in my l throat. There is a me in matters of denying; I must evorything. I wra• born without c dlif otherWisi.. ' Ask me if fliare i h' ads-, I belit t 7 ee I should - say yo'.." ''l.heti yoU alarays say yes?". 'l'esdalwlays,!certainly ?"; "Good-by, ftiend,Paul ? " ' said-t civilly touching his hat. i Mercy on me?" exclaimed'Paul Pliant:" 1 There was such a turn out among the ladies' the next day! I wish I had peen there to \ see it: Trinity was thronged, for everyhAv knew ytlui Pliant', and the acquaintance, of Widow Wilful comprised nearly the a hol l e of that circle Which calls 'itself, ,"good society." I wish, mor l ecner, I had the 'talent of the im mortal author of Clarissa Marlowe, at describ ing feathers; then' would I tell how 'magnifi cently the widow was •decked out. Every-, thing was as it. should be—in the eyes of the world. The "happy pair" drove to church; a lotig fit IV, of conches followed'them the wid owldualied and smiled. "and all theta Orld was, gay." Wus ever a bt:idegroutn in a stat of riore ., inekplicbble as kwarilnessl He deba ed with i himself for a moment whethe; he sh aid not) make a desperate effort to take to his heels and run—but it was too late. • . , Paul cast a longing, lingering look behind him, as lie entered t ( he church door. ,'t'ore well blessed , light of heaven"' said hello'him self, ikis the last time I shall ever see pat) a free maul . ' The widow'held himefust by the "My dear. Paul," said she, "here we are at last." urns "Yes," replied Paul, with a groan. "We are all ready," said the bridesmaids. "Dearly beloved, ! began Doctor Blndem tigiq. Paul felt his heartbeat terribly.-- "One moment more and:there Will be no rem edy," thought he. , I He looked most Imploringly at t h e Doctor, as much as to say, "can youl)e so cruel!"— The Doctor made an awful pause before the great question. Peep heart beat faster than ever. "Now for the- catastrophe," said lie.— The Doctor gave Paul ,a keep loots; every body was breathless. At length be spoke— QM NE "Do you refuse this ttontonfor your wife?" "Yes!" exclaimed Paul, the loudest tone he was ever known to utter. .In an instant the idea flashed upon his mind that he was free. ' 3ie sprang into the broad islo with the quickness of lightning: !clocked down an old gemtleman in spectacle, burst through the crowd and bolted into the street. He tan home without itopping; and it was not until he had that himself within his own chamber, that he felt certain that he was not married to the Widow Wilful s , There was a terrible sceneat the church, with fainting, &c,; but the widow is alive to this day, and when - she finds another inan who can't say "no," she may Igain play the game which had nearly entrapped poor Paal How sweet a thing is love of home. It it not acquired—it ik a feeling that has its'origin elsewhere. It is born with us ? bronght from another world to carry us on with joy in this. It attaches to the humblest heart that has ever throbbed , 7 I 1 AN AmicriNo, Charles street/ se attracted by the in mourning, fol children, whose eves undimmed b were covered ing. ‘Ve stOppf phans, a admit a-pretty g i ti, not tooked, , a hesrsel he little innocer,l y, and running' dress; exataime home; they are VAI ft a tear Cause 'owed heart, •.that the little child;' thrown aside, sh , the groU l p passe chapter in the h s fearful ext4bit liy, the plague.tl tion 1. MRS. IiAfAY 1184 Mr: • lin Ad ams, who was afterwards Preeidin of the United States, as residini in Fm.ce for • season: Hie ire, who wds 8 iefY 'Wonderful woman; called lire day oil the lady of Genet,' Lafayette, and i seen this lady visited :Mrs. Adams iu return. Mrs, Lafayette was very modestly dressed, while the American ladies present were I Mostly , in very gip attire:-.- While at the table; one of those who sat near Mrs Adams whispered to her, saying; "Good Heavens' how awful she is dressedr.' Mrs. Adams rebuked the nliservation, and rettirned the whisper by saying that "the lady's rank placed her above the little formalities of dress." We wish it was the case now that : all who occupy honorible places would feel" themselves-above such small matters, and, indeed, that every one would Consider that a brilliant and well-trained fitlnd, good conduct and agreeable manners set tho . se off that pos seas them to almost infinitelj , bettei advantage than costly'array and sp*kliiig diamonds— , Eider News Later. Bust Int.sas.—Some persons , nre always busy, and accomplish nothing fin January to December. f 014, wish to purchase a!. coat, or hat,a di inec ccr supper, it takes-then - 11; about as long 'as to drilla regiment. You can get them to do nothing that,they tan possibly avoid. They cannot find time to settle ah Ile.: count, call on ~ a friend, or take a cOld bath.= Yetthese very persons: do nothing—nothing - i thatj ycu can place your . finger upon. Their .; lives are spent:in a round of busy idlepessi j twelvemonth. 'Strange that men,. accounts , ble, intelligent grown up men, can be so un- wi4—can so ',degrade themselves. Vbat are,they n t h for society? About as much ; , as summer tiles in a butcher shop. could'; ; we rid the world Of them it would be etter.il for every body themselves and,the rest of ere- i; atiox. Yon lan't reason with. them, for you • do not find them in one place long enough.— 4 I , I . 1 trop c r anit kick/them aside; for they seldcli • interfere with yothr shadow.-_,What shall -be done with the busf , ,idleisl Tell us, ye utili tarian .philosopher .. ally. the word pall upon assent to a pacity tg gut three e peter, Tna ODDS mt.% NAtlrTy.—A corres , pondentrf the Si. Louis Reveille, relates the I followink story of an Irishman, who While in , Canada, went to ch 'ref), and afterthe sermon a 'collection was 'taken up.. The relator says:, 6.l\rell, round comet( a box void a hole in it —not a /date., you tufdetstand—ami the priest kept looking itt'me, hard, and fluid nothing my, vest pocket but eight siereigtis and one English shilling-.athe same sized' coin, d'ye mind—Land I had' not the face to, take all out before,hinc and give him the Shilling; I'd a blttshed to have done iti my boy—beside:, you know, it wasn't it plate, hid I wished tot make change; sti hetd ghes, say's4, and I put my fingers on the first coin tryhoutfetik and pee now the villains luck; there tvtis eight to / one against him, and, by the Lord,,he got the chilli g Ttit Sand. ExpArinne:-=lt appears that ti; gentleman of the city of Troy hair invented, an article he c alla the Skirt ,Expander. If a I lady should- walking and wish'to appear larger or smaller, the - sirt is so constructed that'she may enlarge or diminish *apparent .size at ,pleasure. This is an invaluable in vention; and will entirely euperc i i bus tle, over which it has many tithe idgeS, A lady may pass down Otte side of it street as thin as a whipping Post; and, if she fails to makett Sensation, can go up the ther.side is full a:xi hogshead of, bale of cotton. A clergyman of oar acquaintance was travz eling accidentally . with a native of the limes ald Isle:, The passengers, after a cold nights sat down td breakfast: Patrick *as later than the rest,-and the tett-poi had been filled up, with lukettarin water before his share Was poured out--" Sure," said he, 4 and - ttle is strong ; lay." He met the surprise of his com panions by arguing, '"this is strong fo r its druv all the rrsl out afore" it." SYMPATHY .=-11.11813el was singing the :dis , Mal song entitled "the Gambler's Wifil" and having uttered the wards= - Huai' he comes, conies not:let! •- - The clock Follies one! had struck the key to -imitate the , sullen knell of the departed hour, when el respectably dreg eed lady ejaculated, to the amusements of eve rybody "wouldn't L hareletced him home!" Ten volumes of Mrs. ettudle's lectures were Concentrated in that little sentence. • Golub EITHRIC AY.--tliel Duke of Neff borough was hesitating Whether he should take , a ' prescription recomMended by the Dutchess. "I'll be hanged;" said her Grace, "if it does not cure 'Dr. Grath; who was present, and to whom the vixen character of the lady was well known, insantly exclaim ed, "Wake sit then, your grace, by all means: it is rbre to do yeti-gland one.voey or the ether;' lI3ER 2 1 NU IncirmeT.—Tarreirig . ifekvit day of two Slice, we Were l appeerince of a lady dressed owed by 'three iotely f little hearts were light, an' thek ay adirow; although they too th the habiliments ofrnotirn: ed and . gazed on the little or Fed pattlCularly the youngest; i three years old. • While 06 came rephity up the ityeet-zz ;it clapped Ika (midi in eEttia to ild Mother liad iel:zing her_ d,— "They •are bringing pa bringing Pa home." There d by the imlreotionri of the whiz it fell .upon the bright face of the dark veil, for the moment irouded the mothir's face, and i ed on. Whit nn affecting!._ 'iltory of every-day life, _What :ion of deablation "oceasibned iat,ravages our city - A7Yr Q.,