Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, October 23, 1847, Image 4

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    The greateA . Dtseovery of the Age!
r.t. - -- - Mrfi , . !
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q i i:' •'ll f '''.... -
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tt. V., ". ir """ 7:. r'eageV"..•••2
.M 0
MUMS is the Brat attempt to combine tho ELIA:Tim;
JIL. or MAGNEr.O FLUID with Powerful Next:table Ex
tracts iu the form °full sintment —to be applied extei 'Lil
ly fox the removal of disease. 'Elie almost unlimited our-
Coss it has met with :dhows it OIL One. the GREATEST
DISCOVERY OP THE AGE. It i., eonstantly en:it:tom
Cures of the of the utinsed lelpllll.lete. Till,naul no red it
lout are CONVINCED—the most faithless Aro rompellcd
to believe to the pow et tool virtue 01 il.l4•geeat remedy,
hie universally tolnottea to Isu TUE 341.); 4 1‘ WON I,CIL
.FUL COMIHNATIoN liNtsWN to dhe WoULD for the
IMMEDIATE It I:LIEF 01 . 11110 t• (I and 'pain.
It never fails H tide there rcnl.tins suluatcnt life to restore
&natural and he sltliy action to the capillary V eoFel, of the
body, sad equalize the cireallti .fge 6441 By (hi. means
a Controlling power iact,dttedoter toe m ~S ,ttudif ,atit fir:us of
DISEASE Winch Cannot be ebt.ifool float any other ',w
etly. Such is the power of this condonation Met it pene
trate. toovery portion of lumen frame; every bone and
MUlleWirein, nerve and ligament. is , -arched amend made
sensible of :pia lieu tug influence.. IltelCu it
cop_es as 11l LitTlifii as external diseases.
Numerous i .stances are tot record whet e this remedy
has restored health to patients son, ar time gra% c that the
Most powerful i mensal remedies failed to prollore any ef
fect- Such has Irega roily been the ca - e to lo o s F1. , .01
VON of Tie BOWELS—nu lott.j.ost cier,ored die with this
disease where the 31 spietie Ointment cars be °loomed
That dangerous Epidemic hstou'n na the PC CUM , ERY
SIPELAS Call always be cured by thi- rentotil '
For INFE, Oilitincut
lithe most complete reaosl es rr prep ired.
In 99 cases out of lon It Ili rurire rt'o- i . to she of NER.VsJUA 111"..‘ L tullE In thtrly minute;.
For Nervous Diseases tin. rein. ifs 1. 1,1 1mm.•14,4•41 (0
Affections of the Spine I: Imam stism,
ated Fiore Throat, Bronchitis, Pleuris.y, Clouts, Chills,
Cholera Morluts, Ague in the Fore or 11, 4,lri, Mires, S old
Head, Scroful i, Salt Rheum. Er s s , apel 14. 113111.11,01
Fever Sor es, Ste will be Intinedi.ttely selieirtal by tee 1100
of this remedy.
In reply to your queries is ooh record to the results of site
Experiments I bane male web xoor jo•tly roli.bratri
Magee,lC Ointment: i eon an% 1 , 1161.6• rut.- that I deem it
one of the (HU:ATI:SF DISCLIVIRICS A(11.
It is now nearly 1 c -ter , I 1 o.oieratt,e,l using st
in my practice, mid I havo to-sad it In.,tors luti'llll,ll.l
- both local and general. isf the mast or sangria. , kisi.l
with UniVccsal surer"; es en w Nero -11 internal 1'0010111:5
failed, I have succeeded witb ths..
I have treated case. of toil moat,' of tho
Mallon oftho Lungs, Intl on nisei or (1o; ttnw on, t0i.00,,,
tory Rheum stisso. and Chita 'wed Fels:us, sa-sth perfeet
success; also ca'-ca of Searret Freer. Canker and
Ulcerated I !wont and Lungs With hike ' , neve,.
DI the Eyed conel. owe as the Putrid-Cry 01 poles, by
which •o man)l
Vll.ll .11 es I 1,,,.i,•‘; it irr
queutty, and it never failed Lfesfeating a ,11.. ed) old cee.
taiu cure.
Caerela of Burns, Sprains. Brazes. nozoa Limbs, &c.
it acts likc,a charm.
No Physician or Family will be a siitgle day wit h out
this Jlaticiuc , ifie e b, conissie .01 It po‘rttr
to cure. N. ill Mill 131. Pisysicsalt and paws.
UfPa. N. E. Al 'l. 10. Is!
rieFor further p trticulars and testinteatal., tee rt.!
vide; left wish ...oils .agent • .
Price 25 sold 51/cent, per boillo.
`AGENTS.— Caro, st Ihst hi •r,
101.14, lie and rite. il,
Eric; D. N. & .1 L. tt
Ohl.; If trey
Potter, We•t Sprits:filet& W. To•vmend. Sprio.sfosl;
la. S. Jones & Co. Eire .1; John A. Me*, Fairs
Eric, August ii. •r,17.—1v
vicToitz! visroßy!!,,
The new Jew,Store again Ahead!
Tl.ll' received at the Xav Jew Store, No. I,
Fleming Block, Stare street, a new and splen
did assprtment of FALL St. WINTER GOODS!
consisting in part or
BROADCLOTHS.—French, Ent!lish and Amer
ican black, blue, brown, 4.)1(1 itad cadet mixed
Broadcloaths, cheap as the cln t)cst,.
ALSO.--Uasitneres and Vesting. to match, both
as to col& quality and price.
GROCERIES.=—A general assortment or choice
Groceries, which will be sold Q.trcemly
CROCLERV.—A beautiful assermivnt of (lech
ery at prices that cannot tail to please.
BOOTS AND SI.WE-I.—Without buastint;we
can may pay we have thii chettir t i-t mid be a s.
sortmont of kloot4 and (minding L Mies,
Genyiemen and Boys, ewer biotight to this city.
CAPS'.—glen and hove cape, that cannot fail tn
fit both the purse and head—cane and try.
LADIES 'DRESS Gy01)::•••:.—Ilere we are' i t
home. We Irate cashmeres, do lane:, ts illicit t
number and airno3t without price;
(Anglian number
• and Alpaccas, California plaid,: and Sn isa ai d
Tarlcton Muslim"; wide limp and gimp eon ;
dress buttons, cut di and to -zels; but it hat is ti e
use of enumerating—no hale mery ;Wing to
make the handsome :lure diviae and the ugly
SlLKS—Striped and Plaid Penh de Sois,
White gro de Stvisa, ~.
Black watered ,t„•• Satin gripe poute soi, ...,
Black and blue b'aelt, gro do \JI) es,
'Black gro de !thin;. i=
SHAWLS—Of all in ices.'.slialle, mind quality
from t h e chi ap cotton o r ) to die finest silk
and, • .
GLOVES,—Of all ci 1 a.1, , , eq l .4; : atl , l ,iz:P.s.••
Hosiery, Su,pellikr, Pr i ra-, Ticks. Drill ~ 1 7 4:-
talcs, in :short every thiqg sMred to the season
and market. •
Ready Made ,Clothing. •
Our stock of ready wade elqthin• i..4lar , re and
splendid, and will be sold cheap, We du not wish
to boast, but we think %se can' convince any one
by calling that we sell a _nod article l'or a smaller
81.1171 than any other ertablislanout in town. A ,
any rate ',the proof of the . putldwg is in the eat
ing," therefore 'FRY US!
it.:P.Mind the name and number.
Erie, Sept. 21, 1817. IQ
New Goods! .New Goods!
I / VP.,l4tre our stock or FALL AND
WIN I'Ett (Au( wtheli we believe will
vie with any in the place in extent, style and
quality. We forbear to enumerate styles and
qualities having none ot . the r.l/11 It of the braga
docia, and presume that if we were to advertise
1000 pieces splendid silks, 10,100 pieces M inieen a,
100 eases French Nlcrino9, rich caglunete4, Para
metta cloth, Moll tir l_u , 4 it s„Otient al, Caliornia,
Monteray and PLli(l4, &c. our trade
would not then by be inerea=cd in a nu ional and
intelli2ent conininily. We have only to say on
this point that welhave a hill and onmplete assort
motif a 1 such goods in ow LI 3'103 al lie trade unthe
market require• and t.l e ler liwurwich our
ing pledge to sell at the ep•op• the CAT' ha
bought in the boroinili for cash. Plcii-e all and
let - us talk over this matte; a !irk at
I\II::rCALF':S, No. 1, lived I inn-e.
Sapt. 23. IS 17. , 19
Orphan's, Court bale.
IN pursuance ur an order id' On pilaus' court
of Eric county, n It be ,old at public vendee,
at the court house in 'tic borough of Erie, on :..iat
uttlaiy the 30th day of `,lei liar next, at 1. o'clock
P. all that lot or piece ni'll-ontut situate at the
Southwest corner of the Public Square, bounded
on the north by the Puldte,Square, nn the west by
Peach greet, and on the Ileuth by Seventh street.
fronting, 80 feet on said Public Square, and IGS
feet on Peach street; and 80 feet on seventh street
and hiving thereon erected a larae tiro story
brick house, and frame barn, late property of
John :Morris, deceased. This is a very desirable
and valuable lot.
i TERM tir SALE.-01.0 third 'ft' the purchase
money on the cottrnina:inn of the sale, and one
sixth in two equal annual p tynients thereOberand
the balance, being lone ba!f the purchase money,
to be paid at the deeeat.e of the widow of the said
John Morris, with int cre,t thereon annually; to be
scured by judgment bend arid nntrtgage on the
- E. BM31111"P
- , . E. J. KELSO,
Erie, Sept 30. 1,817, r.treenthrp.
Cash for Flax Seed. ,
1 ,
WILL pay the iii2heqt price in caPh for any
quantity of Flax Seed. C. M. TiBBALS
Aug. 27, 1847.
PINE APPLES. —A. fre , h lot of Pine AL;ple.=,
am. received and fur elle at' No. I Perry
Block. 'l'. N. MOOR E.
July 3, 1917. 7
.I)EING licensed under the Law-or IB4G to retail
Vinous and Spiritous Liquor; °lcor a good
assortment ot:
, Fazel,
And Current wines
Pure Port,
Brandy, Ho and
Jamaica Spirits, And Alcohol.
For sale at as low rates as the-same qualities
ha% ti ever been offered in this market, at. No. 6,
Reed these. '
Erie, June 19, 1517. ' 5
A MONG our mock w ill be found
100 kegs pure White Lead, Buffalo
and Pittsburgh manufacture.
1600 lbs Spanish Whiting,
600 Venition Red,
500 Freneh and Yellow Ochro,
1(10 French Green, a beaut. article.
300 lied Led,
200 "Li tamer,
200 papersfeelined Lampblack,
20 buxes Chrome yellow and green,
100 giams Spirit Turpentine,
100 do Linseed Oil,
50 do C, pal VaralA coach and
20 doz Paint Bru , ,lies, assorted sizes.
Jest revoivpil and for s:ilo on accommodating
terms., at Nu. 6,. Reed } I »Live.
June 19, 181"
Tonic Mixture, India .Cliola ,, ogue,
),laxille: A.l" Pills 0,1111 , i11e,
Tunic \'cnnilit2e, Peruvian Bail:,
Fpr sale wholL,ale and retail by'
C AItTFAI Bac - mien.
Junc•ii. 1317. 5
- Annatto, Oil Vitriol, ,
Alain, Indigo,
Coppera, Mlle 'Vitriol,
Crean Tartar, end Bear,
Argol,s, Cochineal,.
Spit its of Tin, Liquid Blue, or chemic fin
Lo,,tyriod, Ste Wood,• -. (green,'
Ca mwood, 'Madder,
Fintick. Red F , anntlera,
Fui side very cheap at. Nu. (1, Reed Douse, by
Jame 19, 1S 17. - ,- "5
p A Lruuti a5,, , 01 Linea -of I I
1 MaiQlis, ltliine
hart's Trusses, s,urCd l'or sale low . 1)‘• t
Jul' 17, 1317. 9
Ift Wynn., idol', rut
and Nlnseovado Snaar,
cheap for easli, ono door no! I it or ,ho Window,
June, 12. 1347.
171i1 T;— You can fun Vat No 6. Pout
r rco v ired Row Oranw:s, Sultaria
b`k!..%, PrnncA, 13nx Curt anti, -
and cheap ealh by
dune 1b . ,. '.11NIII.IIINEr:11T.-
p ‘N'IIITE L EA D.—An invoice ut
JO this superior article just "received.
trshoi 4 1) Lead, (Fallue , a , ,ek & Co', make,) dry
and in od; ulwuy, on hand lod warranted.
June 12. J. 11. BURTON & Co.
NEWS - ! NEWS ! \ •
Eirst .Irrival of I . 'lll an'd Winter 'Goods
I'otine at the :few Store, Xo. 1 Commercial
Exchange,ncarly 'opposite the Reed House.
l i ' l:!1 1. 1(71 1 1 1 ( 1 1 1 .)11 ' s g a n i t : I t Jlal”e is
1!1 now receivin_ his rl
kellt stuck: of tiCODS. probably the
most fashionable and best a•sortill lot or Lloolls
ever brought to this place: beautiful o.aotrorcv -
cry discription for Ladies Cloaks ,and brc. - ises,
Paramatta Cloths, Plaid Cashinetes, &c. - For
Bonnets, Silk Velvets, Silks and Satins Uibbons
and Plumes, and French I lovers; yrcnch Ging
hauls, Merinos, Silk snipe and 'Mild Alpacas,
Dainaszorecn , ' Silk and Mohair Fringes, Silk
Buttonshawls 01every de:cription, Thread and
Brussels Laces French needle wrottglit %Mars,
&c. Sze.
_. .
' Also--Cloths,Cassimers, Vestings, a col - Wan
assoi uncut, which will be sold very cpeap. --
11,1C.17.1 /C.C.)C. Et.
• Scp:,l, 18'8. Commercial Exeliange, Erie.
Itemedies for Sumnier Compinintm.
TA NES' carminative 13.11satti;
tkFos•mte's Anodyne cordial; '
'lied Anodyne cordial; , •
TlionmsoP•l Cal nit nitive;
Falinegock's clo , es;
Aroma•ic or spiced Illmbat b;
Godlivy's cordial, S.c. &c. IJr sale by
Co 5, Reed House, Sept. 11.
_ _
vi“OcHrs india Cholago4ne, at wholesale
ki and retail.
Cantiell's Ague Mixture; Rowan's Tonic do.
Jaynes' Ague Pills and Tonic Vcrtnifuge;
Duet. O. A. Sill' , Purapatheton; ,
leriatts Bitters; Newton's Bitters;
Sulphate Quinine; Ca rpentves Extract Bark;
Pt ped ne, Oil Black Pepper; for sale by
- J. H. BURTON & Co.
pt. S. • No. 5, Reed House;
• • A. CARD.
9 - 111 E undo', d, would respectfully inform
the fzehtle mof 'Erie and vicinity, that he
has opeird a T. ILORING Stir r 1 ,3 on the south
side of the Pohl', • :Square, n few doors cast of the
Erie Bank, where he Will he at all times readyand
h a ppy to wait upon tho-e who may favor hint with
a call in his line olut•ines. Front long experi
ence in some or the principal shops of London and
otl er Flaropeari citie., and by atriet attention to
al! •bnsioe !doh may non be cntrtwed to him,
confitiendy hopes that be shall be akvay 4 deem•
Ld ~iorthy to receive a.hate of 'public patronatte.
Itir work shall be eXeetited in melt a manner as
to bear a close . and intinutial examination, and
al ways in accordance with the prevailing,Fash
Erie 4 Sept, 4, ISI7.
N. B. enttin. , done on the shortest notice
- - - -
ripIIERE ham . been a areat deal said lately a-
I: bout Teas, and there are it ;neat many in
Erie who pretend that they are sollitn better Teas
e i l e. i per than tiny body 4.1Qt.1. TO , is a tnistake.
The Pehen Ten Company
of New I'm I:, have sent to their agents, Jolla 11.
Eurton S. Co. thoir s,t era' varie in Of . Teas.—
They are fresh, fragrant and highly 11„av,ored, and
'need in tieline, , s aay Teas that has ever been
-old in Erie, and at prices much less, In every
eaz,e where they, do not give satisatetion, the mon
ey :Will be paid hack for them. Three Teas are .
put hp is pound, half and quarter pound piteltuges;
lined tvitlitin foil. which keeps theft front the air
sun pre.t,erves their s.,reng,h and flavor. '
J. 11. - I;tSII.TON 4- so.,
No. 5 Reed Hons4i.
Au=. 31
lET I'F.R.s ration de honis non have
J i,een granted to the subscriber on the estate
of Eliim 11. Cool:, late or Elk Creek township,
deceused. , Persons indebted to said estate, of
havi tea claims aninst the same, are reque4ted to
edit anti pre ,, ent tht in opeily autben: , cated fur
settlement, and their indebtedness.
11IN liAIJLtItAII'U, Admihi4tvalor.
Sept. 15. 1847 tS 19
I I.lltAllsti,
Ic-KLED Saijincs, Tomato
Pepper Sauce, Salad
..11.1. Catsup, Lenpu, Syrup,
Oil, .:11uAtard, Guguha2lish White .I'4,
per, 4-c., forcsale at No. 1, Per 7 L'lock, lay
Sem: S, ' 7 , W. ,INIQOPLE.
FIT:Fe ~p in the L. e, near the
_U mouth of Six :\ Ii le Qieelc, on Friday;the
Mgt. a barre 'ork, marked with the name of
the city los ector Cleveland. The oi*ner can
have it. by p °yin!: pr petty and pitying !ehar,Tes.
Hat Loren , It, Sept. 1, j -Qtl9,
Import, nt Decision.
ennt,,ted tridl that has been cx'isting sn
1, many years has been finally settletdby a fery•
of Twelve Ladies, and iJ u decision is, That-the
purest, best, most fragrant and cheapest, Teas to
he had in this section of tiro country, are those
which come from the celebrated CANTON TEA
CONIPANY. These Teas can he had 'at all
times and warranted to give entire satisfaction dr
the money trill be rctimded, of their agents who
arc receiving fresh supplies weekly.
WILLIA IS..N ItIGHT, Agents. . 1
Directly opposite the Eagle ilotA
Sept. IS, 1917. , 1$
New Goods by Express.
RAVE just received by Eileen' from New
1. York a large assortment-of alpaccas, cashmere,
Muslin detains, Gin'gliams &c. which will he:
Bola cheap for cash. b. TIMALS.
Erie, Sept. 30, 1817.
„ . • .
1 MA, and coNsu \ 1 rTioN:,
Tue MOST CELEBRATE and INFALLMILE remedy for Colds.;
Conchs, Asthma. or any form of CONSUMPTION, is the;
the IRINGAUJAN - B.ALSAN OF LIFE, discovered by Dr. Buchan of.
London, England, tested for awards of seven' years in Oren Britain and;
on the Continentof Europe, and introduced into the United State, under the'
iMmediatie superintendence of t to inventor .
The astonishing tzuet-ess of the liiiit,• Balsam, it/the-sure of every'
km orCONSUNPTION, uar j l rauts the American A2ent in soliciting foil'
.E wolts:r PCSSI ,LE CAti.E.F 4 , that can be fon: d in the com l
Intinity-f cake that seek relief n Vain from air -.of the common remedies of
the day, and have been ‘.iven up by the,distimlui shed 'hysicians as,
•CONFIRM El) AND ISCU RA BLE. •The Om - win iari Bal-i un has cured,:
and will cure, the NI osT DEF . ; TRATE Orkt.,:A.4;S. It is po quack nos
trum, but a ..,tundar,l English . I edicine . ofli-14iii and e.adhlt . slied &neat:yr.;
Every family in the United States should be',upplieil with duel an's Elun-i
garian Balatin of Life, not. oit
to connteract the me
cotniptive r eu d enc ie.'
- I
of the clima!te, but to IA: used a ifyrtetntitie medicine in all eke, of '2olds.;
Cough,(Snitting of Blood, Pain Vu ; the Side and Chest, In limo!: and sore
flees of the Lim ~i , Bronchitis ;Difficulty of Breathing, I Ice: ii
Fever, Ni„Ni , dit
Sweat.., ErnaldialUd “Ild Gint . i inal a Debility,-Asthina, ,Influor,- Whooping
Cough, and Croup.
in case of actual disease of he lungs; or sealed Consumption, it is 'the ,
ONLY -,;01511Ct., Or" HOPE 1
Sold by All:PI/WM & Still Os,
Italian Ware-house, Regente
hospitals, &e.
By Sp_rrial .'lppointhien:—D
Mass., side Agent for the Unil
American price, $1 per bottl
health. .
Pamphlets, containinc , a m Y 1 fir En.zlisol and AWr ti
ican certilicatts'and
other evidence, showing the ti crprdlint merits of this Great English Reme
dy. may tin obtained of The A kits, t!ritris.
', None genuine, without the vriurn signature of the A i?e..ienn'Agent, on
a gold Ind bronze label, to colt tret felt which i , .. forgery. ,
AGENTS.—S. TousEy. Syracuse, N. V. General Agent fur New Yothy
and the western States.
r - 7.;rtilpiAini. 1
From the 13 , p!ist CI, rgyal in at Coloose, Osmezo, , Ctpmfy.
•" I 1.110 het uhy cheerfully tier' ify that I have used Fir. 'i - liteltitt,'s Him
garish Balsam in my tinnilyvith•gt eat sheer_ , -. My I lute girl, new in her
i i
seventh, year 'sit,. in the mo olt of neiiitier. 1911. attacked at. ith a pain in
her ri.. , ltt side, and notwitbst inding we aced all dilig.ence to remove it, slii
continued to grow worse, an after - obtaining the couto-ei of Pr. - B—, who
thrto ,, ht the Iti , rlit T,otot of lie' Lung , no , o-riously afford.. that her,retatrety
was exceedingly dottb fut.
tv I wa.: induced to &vain imtentbottbi of the Balsafn
awl before olio third alit a$ taken, the little stliToret resumed her plays and
tier awed - Woes-I Tettirnat li before two berths iiTre u- -d her heal It we
Fri IE snlnnirehins bating I L!0(ill il)tbOrtilljn: of
./.. New En•land nimble ed hand, from dill I
ent•qoarries, calenlati ii for I lead 'ool Pool tables,
Monement:, &c. %%bid! tht 1,- . oiler to Ned to any
on e in co wily, Pa. not living lint hey thiln
Elle , t late , ita d
le, and .dlvi•red, at
the f lettered i 1 t hol!owin tyke.: Pon 111, for Thildren, n i:tl'3l'
pe r f,, ; NI iddre i.dze,, - f..r aged people . , :;,%1 13.! (WI
flint; Largest `lit! .1: .. .:I 53 per foot. We think it
naiad be an objet t !la ::carne of the Erie ..!011ivy
p.....p1e to forniiiihn- a few ioccriplion.;:o , WO have
recently been informed by the Erie ITtarldc dealt....
in rather tabrattit!iina , way, thiti they wait siick. ,
it to the Elie and Crawrord eininty people good.
Tilli brat, ve,y Ite , tily - of ...e11i0t. , ,.t0 the "Penna.-
init l is" atTi . otn S 2, tilt to S t per foot. Should any
Or time people of Elie county be in %yam of any
thing in our line, they can corn aid ibidr insciip
thin., or come ihein , elves, and they -Indl 'have a
rate article at the above pi ice....
MR AM :-.11.{,ES &LC°.
N. Y. Sept. 13, IS 15. 171
ID L. A 6 K. SALTS.—I will pay Cmth, and tlw
JJ hi 111te.F.,t. pritc for any qoaolity of Salts
delivered at Nl'Kean, or at my store in 'Erie.
Occolyer 21, IS 11.. 4:. TIIIIIALS.
ACEicrms cull v. FOR HEAVES AND
COUti I-I IN HORSES.---Al.nw familiari
ty widi horses and personal treatment of the dis
eases to which they are subjeict have at length
i.esmited in the discovery of th'h. e?cceedint!ly val•
liable remedyl
. 111. t rave rrot, , f /I— a dig
ease which produces more misery end death
ainon4 these noble animals than ally other to
which they arc exposed. I have no hesitancy in
saying that my Powder 1111 elThctually and thor
oughly eradicate arery sytaplom and VI stip' of thin
.painful and dangerous disease if circa in any
reasonable length of time aper it ha.'bean con
(meted. NV ben ym di-rover s)inp , otni of Cough
or Licvves iu yotir horse, rett to this Powder
without delay, te - it persevt.r holy; and attend to
the (lints accompanying this direction.; for the
treatment of animal., and: in nine cases out of
ten you will find tliat it cures:
• If any desirous of seeing corti tiet4es of cures,
of them call on the agent. Price 59 I.ents per bot
tle. iNlanufactitred by A. D. Coleman, New York
CARTER k BROTHER, agents, Eric, Pa.
Ntartdi 27, 1817. 45
11E partnerzAtip heretelbre extsing between
the unduisiatin the paette e of Law, ha,
been di3belved'hy mutual ctnisent. A . 4 1, peisons
indebted to tti at esettneated to call at the ellit,
and settle their rt:pcctive accounts, en or beta e
the first lof Feinuary next, :rhos° sViK. negla,
this notice nut) incur costs.
Erie, Jan. 11, 1847. 3 t. 15 '
The Bonlss and papers of the late firm of GAL•
BRAITII & GRAHAM ale fvy mutual agree
ment left with me for the purpose of elo-ing up
the bled nevva of the concern and collecting all vh
which I all obliged tn tin as - speedil) na
I have as•vodated with me in business WM. S . --
LANE and 'WM. A. GALBILNITIL Eaga. and
Continue the office lately,oecutpied by II albraiih
Graham, under the thin of om.AmAtTils
LANE, where all business in the line of the ro•
fession, will be attended to with promptness and
dtspatch. ' 'JOHN GALBILAiTH,
Eric, Fehrhary 3: IHI7. 33
ikTOTES OF AN EKILE, by W, Miller,
being an account of the authors co ;fine
merit at Vail neamans Land, just meek._ d and
for aale at Spaff,nd.P's Bookstore .
Erie, \lav 3, 1317. 51 •
- ASHES! 'At.-11.ES!!
IWILL pay S vents per bushel ler Ilood field
ashes, and 12 1-2 CIS , per bushel for hot ash
es delivered at my ashery or M'liede corners. •
Erie, Oe.t. 21, 10411. 0, M. TI BHA L.S.
AMES.—•Chose good Ashes will do
well to deliver thew ',it our aAcii soon ea
we are now t‘orktog oirwhat—we have on hand.
April Stii 1817. T S.7ACICSON & Co.
AXES.—Wzit,rs RL CO's Cast :Steel Axes by
the dozen or sinzle.
FOrtinry 13. .11
. 7‘. 39
IVI3T t Gentune HAl:am of Wild Cherry
1' to Ccl. brutol tented) tor COITSIIIIII.t.II,II 11114 Othel
.11 , e4e/ of tit Wl/tor's Uentle Porga•
tiros 11111/. Fin s,lle by llc. P. 11,111, Agent, corner of Statt
tut Borentl, /ts, Erie, l'it.
Oct: 10,
It E.-I;nwls, NVitsli. tubs,
molt handles, butter pi ints. ladlezt,
July 17. T. \V. N.IOOIIE.
4 n‘ i , TAT-1., first rate Codfish; - also, a fox
- 0(..3 bbl flu lor sale by
LULU C-Fol.l Pens, tlv !
1110 f t Cr }chi ated maker of Me :uncle, tx goo,
Aseit meet kept constantly on hand, also the di t
ferent Win& of cheap cleard , t) Pens, at, ,
Sale el., neatly opposite Eagle Liotcl.
July 11), tel 7. - - ,
:It No. 6 Poor Peoplrs Atha;
IXT P. I.IIN'DEItNEC - } IT liaii•just redoived
Y • la . rtze and well =elected assortment of %I-4
dry anti Family c4rocries; nye N:aik•ar. c t
110 cheaper tor cash than all
culler 'establishmen town. SPrerrAe call nett
see.' • • . June 12, 1817.
TUB,l' RECUI VED, 25 Liao Rio, Cuba, St. ,Dei.
mina and'Java Coffee,
one door mirth attic
fig Wind ow, States 4reer,by ,
.711ne 12, 1847
Pti9VERI3IAL Pal LUSOPY , and other 1),o
-ems by Tuper f a few copies at Now_York pti!-
cos, just received and-for eale,by
'EtteAutv'ust 21,1817. "
„ _ .
GALS., Ohio Stone- Ware; for sato dab
!J. &Vt. north 'ortho'Bi ri Window.
June 52 6 . W. F. RINDEP.NECHT•
sole Agent fur the United Kingdom, at the
1. Lund m, iu ,Bustles and en ,, es, ler ships,
V11)4".' , 1A Al) I?.[•'.; 11 9 Coort , .t., Boston,l
ed P,tates American Pr6Vioces;
e, with 11311 tliieetioni tar the restoration of
,Tin : Coppti
taint; litisme,s w !
it the old ‘sta ftl of Ashley & litli
.•,tartt. so pply o f articles intiml
will be hey or sale at wholes alt
I 'opper mid .tfrass Wate takea
Pin \',are. ' :JOSEPH ).
nt ie, July (, 1811. -, I
lITAS removed liinsash, blind
11 , aie, bet veer 71. hand Bth
\% ill keen constantly on httnn or
at ticks in his line on the shorte/
wi,hino• to obtlin first rate wi
A•onta , do wet) n cal
elsewhere. Glazintone
vul Putty Crept constantly on hat !! .
14 . 4 BAS JUST RECEIVED • ••••x
from New York, per Potproy's Extrres,tnc. Spring
Fashions, and is now ready to dAcente all orders
for HATS in the latest Pasion,l at it of a better
quality than can be purchased here or elsewhere.
March 16. 1916. I'
1 1
B. TOMLINSON, Gruner, KEt.r.ona.
TILE subctibers, though some lime in busi
ness, have not before Mont it convenient or
agreeable to -introduce into the paper's n general
advertisetnent Bein. , rather of aim+de , t torn,
the) iItIVCI 11« n Oill1(11.001c0(110Whtlt like the stran
ger in New York, who go. ution a Slry goods box
in Broadway, to wait till the croml should get by;
and like him, having attracted a little public no
toriety, they aTe prepared to get down' and move
quietly along ' and would respeetfully invite the
attention of tho public to a choice selection of
GROCERIES, interspersed wit i a few staple Dry
Goods and other notions, jnst.l ceiVed from New
York, Cincinnati, &c., which tley design to sell
pretty cheap for ready pay. P ease call and see
at 109 riench street, ner. doorito B. 0. Hulbert,
F.Effa office, tai at Sitth er.-eet Canal Basin.
Eric Atig. 1, 1846. : i 11
• .
Public NoticeJ
s h reby given that an applies tion will he made
II to the next Legislature of 'ennsylvania, for
the incorporation of.a Bank to be. called "Tut:
FArtm - cas and Mccumocs' DANK," with a Capi•
utl OrOrlo hundied thousand dollars, and the priv
ilege of increasing the same to! two hundred
thousand dollars. Said bank to be located in Erie,
county Erie, State if Pennsylvania.
Erie, July 17, 1817.
11. Cadwell, C. M. Tllib.ds,
.T. It. NVilliaing, Samuel
J. 11, 1'01,1,7n, John 4111,4,, •
W.dlyr Cheater, Thom \V. Sterrett,
thuith-inckson, C 30,011 GraiMpt,
11d1115c C. Marehall, la sec \Villiuuy,
H. it. V tucerut, Guy
Wm. S. Lune, Alfred; /
11. 1,. Brown: ' M. W Cuurrhey,
I'. Arbuckle. 111110 Ilughey.
F you uish tolbuy cheap, you N% ill please call at
LNDERN IAT'S No. 6, Poor Peophfs Row,
where you can find the icilOwilltf articles, which
are warrentcd "pod: —Coffee, :7'u gar, Tea, Molas
ses, Tobaco kinds, Rice, Paper, Spice; Cin
namond,Clovel Nutmegs, Ci in _r r, Starch, C hoco
late, Coeda, Mmdard by the pouitd or box, Pepper
Sauee, Lemon Syrup, Oliver Oil, Lamp Oil V:oe
gar, Fire CI ack6.",, Castile Soap of all kinds, Sha
ving. Rrushes,'Powder, Shot,, Peretession
Caps and" Pills, Candle Wick,'Twine, Alaches,
Stove Black ing, shoe rtru.hes and Black! (7 balk
Tar and Rosin, Maeohoy and Scutt:di - snuff, sul
pher, imsmne, EpSOlll Salts Glauber Salts, Sal
eratus, Bed Cords, Rope, Fish and' Chalk Lines,
Herring, Patent Pails, 'Pubs, Willow Wagons,
Wash Boarth,-Wire Sires, Almonds, Atudoira
Nuts, Filberts, Curry Combs.and • Horse Cards,
['terse Bruhes and Combs, Sallteter, I)airy salt
in bags ' Brooms, Corn Whips and Hearth
BrooMs, Whitewash Brushes, anti other articles
too numerous to mention. Please 'call and si-et - or
yourselves. • Erie, June 19, IS 17.
117Eit 41- BROTHER rriceived
kW...their s_ummer stock of W Itnspj which
is larae and complete, caiying%in size from 7x9 to
15x30, and will bo cot to any .rizo Lir shapO &sir
ed,withom elara eharoe: always on band
. .Tone 19,
(1.1NI)1' AND t
for sale at No. 1, Pcrry I.
Joh; 21.
T fIA w
long expeo won,
ctitbryfterf and super for
is now riady. for sale at our S,
Poisons who have any dispcsi
vited to call, and do so, whath
chase 9r not. .
- Aug. 11, • •
N. 11. Old Stoves taken i,
throw them away. than nut tol
saving inventions..
Tp couNritY.upp.otAsT
T. ,U.
J Agmts for Os-good's Ind'
Batley's Pain Extactur;and
at wholesale prices:„
.Sept. 4,1817.
Accoßn~oti,_,Fitt, .t
Bass Vlol, Violin and
• State it., 'oppf
July 11;'1917. • •
SUPERIOR 'French and
plain Letter 'Paper; '
Maynard and No:yetaiiaek I
Kents Carmine and Red in
Wafera,•Com,mcm, Now, Tra
Sealing Wak , •
Pounce, Black Sittid, - -Rnbbei
For eale by - J. H.
Erie, June 19th, 1817,
-- - . ..
'eiisidered completely restored, and to the effect of this medicine, wallop! ,
any hesitation, I attribute the cure. ' , i .'_ DAVKI MeFAIILANI).
i Juttuary, 4845. _ P astor of died Balitist Phyti:li 41 Delouse".
. _
• .. Testimony freei'lleche,ater,_
It.iie testen, 'N. Y. June 5,1545.
Star—Sometime laSt January. I tv'estahe I with a violent cold, attended
with a distressing. caugh, :which in the of a l' w days brought on a
, bleeding of the lungs, with much soreness of the chest, pain in the side and
much soreness of the breast. After tieing Confined t my lied for some days
'and getting no totter, Mr, Pnrdke, fornierlyL i Deputy Sheriff of this county,
loretfotntnended me to let a bottle of Dr. Met h Ws liti garian Balsam of Life,
lobserving that he hadlicen similarly afflicted, and b the use of that medi
cine had been speedily and entirely cored: „I imme iately got a bottle, and
!after using it a short tir,tic the result Was aja ho pr dieted-1 got entirely,
(well. From the benefit I received front the Balsam, nd from the universal
Igeed name it bears among my friends 'who' have us d it for diseases of the
lttnee and chest, Inm iriduceti to believe it to be on of the best medicines
!now in use, for those diseases, and as stieltreermime. d it to the ipublic.
, . : W. W,l SWIFT.
I • Remarkable care ofni.'lllllnriggeroti 'Cough. ,
To S. Tousitr. , , I CATif,il4l,lonsou ,N. V. Aug. 6,1844.
Sir—We are entirely out of the Hungarian Dalsa4t- having Sold - all you
left with us, in our immediate vicinity, "and in justic to the medicine must
Isay with astonishing success. A few days since ay4 Mg geotlinnari , . of this
;hewn called at our store who had bedn for months a icted with it very dis
ttressino collet,. and wanted a bottlelof the Balsam. We told him it was of
Hittite use for him to take it or any thing olsd--HE A , ST Dlg. Ti e too k a
tibottle, however, and afterwards 11 ti anotldw. Ye , erday he leaned attain
livery much improved* inl appeara co, and said It - , was• rapidly gaining,
ilstiength—but had, it riot been for tl c invaluable II in Igarign Balsam lic musti
,have died. We Want a ime more f the medicine d I ectly. 1
. Voura'respecthilly , ! IN HAM & HAVENS.
;; [Front Esq . . IF. 11. Fisk, Omani)! , jv, V., dated C 4.:'AsTOTA Nov. "7;, 1849
To S. 'rouser, Agent, lc.—Si'r Having, n'ed - 3) .13mb:in's linnuarian
dtal4ain in toy family with the ver best success for lung counplaint:4, and
el i „.l„ g ,een it used by my frient s with like IIIIC:IS . 51, I was inciteCtil ht.'s!,
iisprit to in.:cone:en Agent l'or the ale of the same, ince whidh I have sold
;lei trout number of bottle.. and hay in IlllllhAl every instance learned that it
;Iliad ,ttetteeded beyond all etcpectuti n o in soine cases where the patient
l i been by 1 Pltt,siciaos el respectabili y FROND UNC • D INCIJ It A 131,E,
their eases hopeless, and I most el eerfttlly reentnme (1,4'0 111. ' Who 'are
iltering With lung emoplaints, ti,suri t; them that in i , ost eases 'they will
speedy relief. ' Stsigned„) , , 'WILLIAM, E. FISI
1 PM° o Proof. , 1 , ,
i Establialtini . th, dpirmy ef the iltir*triattills'a l nt ' , f lif e ,
~ , ~, , , , „ ,,
[From Deacon Li'vtti , t, ofttica, oateo I:TR:A, eutut r i l ar I, '
II - I cheerfully give my hainit'in favor or Dr. Btiehan'rillti gt Iritto Balsa ) or
111.1 ft% • Last 'April, my i n ill , waS at tack crlavt It a viol of Cr ti 1, utt ended i iili
to severe and most oeeret '.-+INt. VAIN IN' VIII stilt:, ii bly a. to dern Fve lifr
0rre:4..1 While in thi,:ittia , ion, !mallet! on Messrs.,lWerne 4. Co. leo nine„
1 1
ti•telliein , l'nd they reentninended t tie Dais:mi. , I porell'a..e, it bottle:an:l by
'ithe timewe'firel tr,,el about one ha f of it, My wife liegen f Zfq baiter, and
alter (using the remainder, her hie th was (J,,atipletel,„ Reettra ed. Slinte thin 1
11 . ,0, •
IMMO I IlilVetteotunentled (he Ihilsa it totny'rrittels o n any of rllOlll il Ile used ,
iit with like success. (t-d L .A ed) 1 ' - '3l) - IN LIIWIS.
1 - I t
Deacon ofthe I. , ll#.*Baotist Churcli'in pike. ,
tt - t'ir Forth ,r, lhlvidril*,( . :;;!
II [From:tile:y. 3,1. at tturlinvtop 1' at a., Otactru Co. l's.o Y. da ed Jun: 1815.)
1 1 hun I ,a.gtin Under the necessity I I ordering a new supply of the Llkatti.
I N'y nil': st ll' centime:3 the modieh a and is improvin,t o rt - It is (101n!!:won(1,•
l!i t , i i i i., n owt: t ow) , I hear.) of a Kent 50 miles hum httre who i wtts cohsidered
,tinc•rj - 1 - .1
a .., NI-11011:D vliN,l.l.lll`l lON. sent him two lirttles of the Ihtletim about
i!t wo wtthalttince,, and I hea 1 from him, and the Balsam is net in. , on
.:,hittililte a 'dain. Sittnetl)l , it. E. ARNOLD.
- The ;Alessts. Metcalf, of Gene u, N. Y. (one of whom is a praetisino
' :pityski:tit) in ordering a new supply of the Balsam, says that lit seine S.l-:
ilvene (l a sl i siour ete.totners romplobt olyeeeistimj great low : fit fee its us. e
t S. l'pl.tSkY, Syracuse, N: Y. Genend A gen: for Neil Yorls and the
I\Vestetin S i :ttes. Sold in Et ie by CARTER & Ilitoi ti En, Ni. l 6 need donee.
)! i • i
Tr alai -beet Irork
111 carried
fey, %%11A:re It con..
ItiKtored by him'
I Lind
in p 3 !tient for
Js' the ,0x otl poum
W. modpx,
1 1 Per of the afre,l the
tore or out dry.—
tion i I; to see it, are in
ier they wish Ito pu-
, n payment. Bettor
get one of ',these fuel
itro Wlio
all Clialagogne, and
can 'furtifsli dea4ro
imprle oved ,volves,
Itiitarotring:.z,lor solo
)osito Ehglo
American 'rulied•and
nsparent and Motto,
;, etc. ote. ote4 '
:...,.., , „ L .,„„..„ . 1 84 7 • ~,,...""A
• i.-....6,-.....
' ' NV ALKE It . 1:: COOK.
) • & , r .
pnit‘Y . MIDINCI - ; CuNIMISS,Ir N PI, )
12 DI IC E M ERG II A NTS.—WiII continue the
Forwarding and 4 . OIMiIiSSIQO bll r SilleS? as tdial,
at I heir care-lint •e on the Pahl ic ;flock, Erie. Pa.
and will be 'seat y on the ovning of Navigation
of the present yell' to contract tint the shipment o
Merchandise Iron the ea , tern cities, or other pta
ce,, to Elie, as tey are connected with good ic
spoil:4ld• lines, dud having Nome of the fire' class
01 ``tear Tlontadind j Propellor.; on the laftes, I an
nintr to heir hotise, thereby etbNuring the safe and
,p rely t - atudnklion of ail pi opertv entrusted to
Choir ear •. They will attend to the forwarding
of good , .up and , down the lakes or to any of the
Canadian ports lon 'Ake Ontario and the River
Sr. Lawrence—alto t-outl) by the Erie Extension
CAS] ads ant es made on all hinds tI Pm ounce
and sale.: promp ly a• tended to. They' us ill keep
on ha id Bituminous Coal, in large l
small quantiLire, to suit purcha3crs.
ALSO—Salt,lPlastor in bblii, or hulk, Fish
Iron, Nails, cloves and Castings of every destirip•
lold door §hop to
•treetg, where he
take to order all
It notice. Those
rk [at low• price.
I before porehns
idl dines. Was.:
Drrrilti u.GII Rod, ii
r tifid ar Me, and good
ed and for eale. ljy
D. 9
A i nglist , IS 10. 1
WOOL! - 7 4
iii ji F,ii A FFEY Mr
_IAA stanily onlhan'd at 0
rv, Plain'illoths, 1 Plan and
'Pwedzi, -of l varinia4 enlors a
exclia it•D• for wool on doliv
neconunad , irwitering '
• . 1-
Filo Rai ollv :` wtnry, .
A larl
sate eery 1 ,1
July 17'
LA' Picti
cral aS,M.
July 17
erg, r
CodliA, Ni
etythin“' i!
hand and i
June .26.
haq at ali
quality, I OW 01l
Au_. '2
. 1
11 lit )A )1, , 1, 1 .
LO eveqie6(l)
•1. Cheaplik,
Atilr. l'i.
rt in F. sitly , er,ilier is tin' t uthorized Ll rent tor the
_L sale,of POWLEIVSI itEN)LoGip AL
WORKI, in Erie Ct'onmy. He ai I tlisptre of
them at .New 'ork prices.. ,He for
et otozi,;ul Jourial, atll and itirt ,
ine ,thes'e valitablo pnblieatim s Ilt lily 'not
Store, oil Stale 'street, Erie, j'a. i
Atz. ! 1817.,1 0,0, SPI r AFFOP '
ALL AN 0 SE ~ .—Preptirtt cr• , in_C
arra,ngetne'nt for gcioZ to Ni w Yollt for
our P.lll`Cud Winter stock pi we will sell
all kinds of Sluing and Slimmer (;oils at c st, to
make rooni for the new stock. no 'e
Aug.. 11% BROWN & tun.R.
vIGHT bAY nod 30 boor Got de, 0.
1 3 t4ar, Alarm, and common, by } tlio.
CO-Ye, 1 ei'y chc,ap for reqdy I
.ts &
Slate "
nearly oppo. , lie L i ar•le H
dnlv ,I S 17.
ST! !
. )1).: I.A.ieUl l', at No. 1 PkiirN lileek. l l
1,7 July al. T. Wl._ I\looi
; AL. MOLASSES,, receiv
C f.); Edle cheap as the Cateapeht; 01
north or he 13i. Winkloje; by
Tartnerebip her:etotre ex etint b{
t i be iindetsiizried, hvthe mercantile bit:
is this tlay dispolved by annual consent.
1 ' . 1 1 . • GEO. J.111,101i.
ten &
Y to
ler s t
ment i
0 1 G
1 6 °'
1 -
RI. , I 7 F.R.ENCES.
C• J. 'aqua.; • Eric, 1
Joh: C, 13ecbC, 11
Smith Jackson ..i. , Co. "_
Johnsoi), Il infrod .c. co. " ,
' Holt, Palmer' 4- Co. Boffidn.
i.O. N. Chapin, Albany, 1 '
Vti. MOntel ill 4. , Co. 14
_ P, Clnpp & C 13
o , oFton, r
Cicorge W . 1 . 11'4 1.5. r- Co. N. Y. city,
E: B. Allt. I) , o,, ,, aensblirg, N. Y.
Anneq Pro‘VnejTi)ronto C. W. :
11Yrn. D. 'Rini, .51. Catherines, "
.Standail., Jarves & Co. Cleveland, 0.
iNlhert Ivy., Dor it, Mich.
INewhe l rry 4. Do c, Chioaeo, Illinois.
liirch 11. 1817'
i I 13
),:f ham Ware.— A be in -
i tssortinimr just rack'-
1' i i
;AVSTEIk keep epn- ,
l'e Elie Woollen F.leto;
Palley Catisimeres andli
il t id oualitie which they
Cry, on el stomary and '
Ihey also p i y
Lone 16, 141,7
, 011,01ellt 0
the above
)polite Ea'
w by
n o s
ncarly o
ilrle Barrel
, vol% ez nl. ,
giN 1
y, Sin le'
L litriti: • l
Apple:, dri
iSIt, .Vat
e by
i W.
I .-
.4 r
ty other
r`bred by
INirk, II; rns, Sfuwd
d Peache,i, Corn \leal
kerel, Potatoes nod ev
,Line, e nstantly on
n th
or ea
RtNimi , ,
(?cut le,t3
c in Erie,
r qtlB and
stt [pc, tit
I Gagglm , r i
ali s t.) , and
J9S. C. !MA)*
110. S. - MCA It!
t 17,'17.
otes and accounts of the I to firm
.. ate by mutual agreeme t left. w
tied for collection, who at 11 contir
at the old ',tend. where 9 cy will
cornmodate their old customers, at
morally, with goods on Fnore fait
n they can be had at any `then estt
Stltii city. BROWN 4• I NI'CAII.
ugust-17;51847. ; - S S I
RS—Puerto Psipcipo t TiibuCa,
al other lands.;
7, 1 .:,!1%1% . MO • ItE.
s Fresh Ville;
to .y ',the cheat or
6.1 W. F.
just ree l
leas qu
Ipsurtince Company,
. I.(oF
ARE now doing busineo's on ilao mutual plan,
giving the assured a participation in the
profits tactile company, without liability beyond
the premium paid.
Risks upon - the Lakes and Canal insured eu
the most favorable terms. 12,0813C3 will be
ally and promptly adjusted.
Eirerisks on merehandize, buildings and !other
property, in town or country, or a limited term or
permanently.! -„
Joseph H. Seal, - James C. Hand,
Edmond Thenphilus Paulding,
.John C. Davis, }l. Japes Brbpke,
Robert Burtop, r , John Garrett,
John' B. Pinrose, Hugh Craig,
Samuel Edwards, ~.Georze Sorrell,
Henry Lawrence, David B. Stacey,
Edward Darlington, Charles Kelley,
Isaac R. Davis, J: G, Johnson,
William Folwell, William flay,
John S. Newlin, • Dr: S. Thomas,
Dr. R. M. 'Huston, John Seller, Jr.
Spencer Alcilvaine,
Richard S. Newbold, See'y, Wm. Martin, Presq.
,I!..•Applietttion can he 1111111 C to
,J. KELLOGG, Agent Erie ;
Erie, August 7, 1817. tll2 .
rrilE Erie Cll-.1 my Motu I In-usance Compani
«mtifffieff inure ti ( takrest Ines and dainafffi
by fire, on to l itttifff z -s, vo t ris and intrvitandise - 01 .
all descriptions. I )!lice, nn this east side of the
Public Square, between Ind 7th streets.
.1,. 11.
George; St bleu, I e
it, Smith .IvcitE•on,
I, Babbitt,
',lfdro. A. Ti sty,:_
-end. . I I,unliu Russell,
i r ney 'ad we'll.
!ILE'S' SANFORD. Pre-ids:it.
den, (secretary.
Will, Piero ty,
J. C, Sl)enecr
W ill
Giles rot d
W. H. 't' it
A, 1817.
-- 1
-J".re SS, Steer;.ge 1..?2, to nny port' on 1.11,e
1011g11 11, from th,..opentmg of navigation to Sept I.
"Pilo o u, A. D. vvrciiiN, caw.. 11. Whitaker,
or al, t on during the .eabon tot follow.:
Wed 11 , 1.11.1 4 i', ' July' 21
Tfoir-day, Aug 5
PI r,l It) , . .• , 2)
Saturday, .1
ill•biLly t
Thu A. D. Patehitt i. of tile 1 irgj[c:uuert.
built it tilt a :mini timber bottom. [l5 inches! Omit. after
the phut °filo , Athantie frapite•, tr liielt prevents tliv I L.l
- *lnking by 'Amur rocks! She it in bite propor
tion iitrontrly built throualioiti: ntj plat. or expen.e.
boon :pared to make lier the! tdroegerir boat on the
Lake-. tuperiur to any n
%%dere. She hail .ICronllllo,l.ltlon, for 100 cabin and 10.1 0
ete..rage pdm:.•ltgers.
Tint A. D. l'atelt In and United State. , w.ll run its
tieed and under no elineitleratpun will - 1;,.• iiito the ~Itiictu
'Elie public will plea, remember that they were the
only ilp tiost Lion in the 11l of It lti.
T,s wT
inAtitAt, Sole Owner.
C J. An - nas .1. vutr,,hq
WALKI:Iei• li, Erne.
to t;.
1 - IT, INTEtz t'pertii )il, a pure article, tiu S 1.!
VV at, TuNILL\4soN,k G;<. Erie, Feb. 13, 1 15:17. ' • 39.
TN exchan2e air finials. an . y quantify of Good
LI ENII4/Clii FENCE BIIARDS, 6,8, I 'o, and
12 inches wide, 1 ; 1:1011,10 felt 10112. ,
1 i...
JUICE, 1 1-2 by 19, and 2'1.2 by
II; 15 16, IS ind 20 11: - (0 long. • , ' '
1-11Z\ILOCI i.. STUDDING, 2by San d 3 by , 4;
10. 11 and IG feet 1 loni., for which the, l'ii.:he l t
ina, • '9 price will be paid, when delivered at h s
Emilia_ yard at te tbet of Frenchistrect.
Erie, March 4, IS
LI .1 lot 'a prime Stved ish Lecul“
in good condition, just received by
June.N. ' J. U. BURTON & Co.
WINEN'S APeC ANU M—Said to be het: ,
than preparation of Sarsaptuilla as
Spring Purifier and general eorrectant for saki
-nool'2. J. IL lIITWPON ,S'• Co. Agents.
PEiSTACLC,S of r , old, silver and german hi
ver Frames, an extensive assortment of Co
e,a e and Conv6:. • Also, the eckbrated perithe
)Iparobolic Spectacles, superior to t any in Os
un l
G. LOONIIS & Co ''
State et., neMIY opposite Eagle Hotel.
July .17, 1517.‘VAIII:.-h-ther lahie, de - hsert, IC
halt and inu:stard spoOns,on t rs, ladl'es' fork
butter and thut...knives constaidly iin Itand a
for sale by, G,,tt tom Is 4 t la.,
. State ,t., neinly!oppohite Ea.2le licael.,
.Tnly ,174 IS-17. - I
Erw, Ap, il .21..1516
~• i - "
L'„Es will find sivi I, s.illi :Id head Its_, N.M. GOOD:
t-,teel clasps anti I,ieads, poise eitlk, , Par s . o .'fre--: 4 C._"- , -- , "D . i ',-,' .- I ,
thus, new i..t le brunches, bracelos, peneil4, l lool.•
ets, rotit?ther with an endless variety of :Friend ml ".; - ''''"= . 7' - • an n
fancy ni , ivies, at- 1 ut Eii,ils, U irh in.ii,e
State fit., nearly opposite Eagle Hotel
July ,1 7, 1547.
hIS fir,
'gle [Jo
I-7 vyrtorr ALE on draught, 'and for eale
No. I{ Perry Block. by T. NV. MOORE;
- Sept. 8, 1947.
10. rol
G.`" )(1; EttlES. --An 'exceltrnt• as , ortment
Groceries can at 01 tiirws be found a' No
ebear.ide. NITAWIT.II.
Ant!. 17.
chic;, l
l't'lLVEll it; n - lDts.,
mustatil sie t w,-, I:idlt
spectacle,. chain-, kt
Mai, ,i, Prit.clitia ;
Tea it,vs, TIN, pit,'
cal.- ha-,el-. 'e•althl,
p,, lar at ts, ink s
' et:' MEV, v.--i10.._
:\ hikers i•:,715, h. 11 i'Vt;
, ' All SC 'II
- 1 mends, ti le-.c0;:..?, the
• Pitl)lic Notice ; ~,, ~,,,
.....,!,, i ,,,, vioti
S HEREBY - OlVEktbat; the Stockholders Of ,' ll.ll ' s, 11 '! - '-;' , 1 :-... t 4 r 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 ::
the Erie flank, in the i Zoilitty Of Erie. intend; (o i 11 ""' , ‘-'• l'''•,\„' i P . .'''R'd'p i
in ' lte application to ii o limo I,...lslatitte ili• ft I v I " '.X and !2 ,, , ,, : , cleads,l
ewal of die charter, by the name and style oi 11\ F •."'-, i'Lt-m'•
, .
, I le Bank, in thecotimii of Erie, to remain lot a - .al•il, •••• 11 . 11 ; !nb•d i cco
t 3- i
°ll.-.': r .ti:4'.-r qu alit y l.tEi'olte-IF'(f:1-elhosNilliC1''ll:1131-:i3-il‘ e '°:1;' : r e (:.ni4 : 11 e lr:1T11:.i r li'l:te'''''I'I l lejlhel l 'rPrl' I sr : 1 , i;.i'' s 4 -nl's.?:4's'l i... 2ll''itEl‘lto c i°ll;c::.N.;:llll..'l I ntleidl i °'l7'l:!' s lii \'4'fi.i::})nill. n girt e °ll;tie -C.iv i l'i°'1: 1 '::::i:1:::1 1 .4-'-'1'.cN it k'llo)') u o:e-rjt'''111 : 1'':i' s ':-::11:'1'1:: l l'' ) :1.esl. e °1o l i'l i''
' 'F t. ' irati:-Le t stl' o r7-'\TtOl:i:)' l ' 1-: ;; : 1 4:111, 1 ' IC-
estl' i t:ll:6'.?.'lerll':::l'::‘ . l l..'tlir':':ll.l':' ,, it,'Lriisi e ':l.l .I‘);ji
isi ' l.'- r t 'l.:l: , 'c'''': , i''''l.' ' ''':i(ifl'irli i i''l4l l ii'll'-'i'll ! r‘lri - '''.l:4l'''ll-111-.3l , :‘.l47l „ ltlil‘t i l.'l : :llli'is.l , ':''s:lll:t4 , l. 4:' '.• :'1" ,1 1c'll
, ,
eh-1 , 4.1y, t e:els, i . MO
1.1 e plain truth fu the benefit of the public as tt CII N. IL W,,1, t , i t , ...', nn ,...
a. himself, be ha- i ...d. re turned limn the east( 'i`rt i i , iii' bc,l tilt:ll,ler at
cities, Boston and New Volk, %%here he lilts p ir• Ca-it , 1 „lii )' l kill'
el ased a lar!ze and well selected stock of GOOD 1 l ic e in rot 1:1,. tit ;, 1
. I _ , A j
as $A ell as FASHION ;B
IDLE GOODS, it hid, he i The hle., - hist Fi r (
g ,
is now rece iving, and offers M Ilk:11
r sale, and n
.I 'or r , iv ! ;1,, 1 ,r, : -'
qualityand cheapness l e .ventm w ~A. in at .les to say 2 1, 3 n•y„• , , I
be Bli:A'r IN TUN COgN'lltY. •As he desires 1 §i, i(Ai i s • z,z, Altii
to tio upon the ready liaj• st stein he it ill make p t i- ‘ i k ,,,
~..,„,, ,
ees aecordirily. Pastietilais neat it eek, but in '„" ""',--•
the mean time CALL AND SEE. ' 4 ". '
SAlliill JACKSON. .., 16 "'-' , , „
c-l 1 ; 17 Ground Cmtnn mon,
- " Pepper, blac
Cayenne do
Superior Mee-11 - tit!,
Pure Jantaie• (~ , :in;
Root, i .
' Grimm! di,
I' 03"fihnder'beetls, I''
'l' •araway S i i) I
1. Dt ET ELICS l'illl
' Bermuda A. runt Ft
Super for wltite*Ptipi
Pe;arl Dailey, J. il
S; Co
lriYE STUFTS.-3.la6tter, Lou Woo.l, rut
Nic Wood, Can't ~WootL Mum, Copper;
Blue Vittlol,' Cream Tar ar, &c., !br s.
cheap Or the teutly, by '
9 you Nos of sg onj !lee fur one dollar;
I -. 0 other ihinis pro6ort . )n Pei
it . N - u.
Block. •
July 17. 1S t 7. _ _
than can be
and of eTual
S of a lOin.9t
rice, at No
0. G.
gic or
September 9. F. 17
•d arid
c dour
i -
. ~
. ' De n tiis try,
\V"„i'ita. r r e e P i I ' l r S I n u a r l,l,e i Itilttlatn°de located
it i F n a Mechanical o r : I : l a:
tionlin the science Of Dentktry, will be done will
all that ease, neatness and durability which h m
experience and extursive opportunity, Loge; le
with a thorough knowledge omen the late 111
provemente of the Baltimore Dotal Colley& ill nt
can give. ' . .
Drs. Elliott or Rose will visit the follow n
named places once in six or eight weeks, •ii
Conneaut, Ohio, gpringtield, Girard, Loci w 1
airview‘, Waterford, Wattsburgh and N rt
...list, Erie county, Warren and Columbus, \ ar
en county, Pa. Ladies and gentlemen livin ,ii
r near either of the above named places vli
eed the services era Dentist, can be %‘ eked n'
t -their residence, by addressing us at'
articular attention will be paid `to the he , I
he Gums ,
as well as to restoring and !les
he Teeth: Pivot Teeth will -he inserted
lith trio
uo the,
he hap-
Lott the
Ilie latest improvements; ale°, Plato:F(4i,
one to an entire set.
Office and residence on the corner of Peaci
Seventh Streets, Erie, Pa,
Sept. 16, 1617.
lived a 1
,ntitv, b
LEAVES cnic.s.a o.
We , 411.!0.1y,
• , :20 310,,d0y
0 i
Tuc•il ry
Wll/1 e• d ay.
DR. - HE KRICK'S - .
Standard Fain Oy .111Nlicin es it .
T HE (llr It rilii 111:: , E Irk - ' or
Vf.t Tat
:V. —l, 1)
111 Jir ,H 4,..k., ~ tn of prdt,e ~,
%bore 10:.1.1.1 , t1 upon lit'"' t!'* - 4:IN 'ilY 11 ,
~,,r,' , l rr.dp:i
fly eitir.......-f 'AP hi 3 , 1 e-t rr,,,,, td,lllW, and 1) t., t ,
of dm " proic-t,tou lii , u 111 ',, 6 .• , / . .f tt,..t . ,41
bt aes owl Rat 1..1) I'v••(•-•1011s, es•talt,in to It, ta.,
Of 11.,, (:odlito•rqvg . of 'lll,l-, A tot- 'or t,,,„,,, 1
cwta tiiutt..., td„,,, 1 , to tt, tic; ii,. ~....1 ,—, •,o3 of 0,,, i
I , rfortal- ) I. ii l —, 1 ,, e'•1 , 1 . 1. , 1:1 , .., ' :i. 1 3ltt r„th t ~,,..
e; t l tre.tllll , 3 t ~! il l o •li, 3111. , 11,3- . Sc,! Cu up,,q,,,,,,
remritip,cl t`, ~1 .3 li . t 1.. l i. tr o t , 1 , ,
~. ~,, r•r.,441,
1)R. EIER It WE'S V I :(:11T.1qi,F; SUGAR,
'Cr ).V1'1:1) PILL . ..4'
M.tylic utli I ctt it}, to it 1.,,1 •
riutrtzt;.t 0 vrt.t.titi 1: 0 1 ptt-t
with ..1-rttoillttotz pc:. hitt .t
ht. t II it ,t , itt 4 ..-......1. ort— t.
Lill hint.- rtftlr. "r t , II ‘I , 4 ,
the but
hut tto litt.t . 1,11 !tr.! , I' l
le; 114101 0.t1, ,, ,t is e.”...- :,t0 11,1111 A Ittrt .i • Lt. i.. , 1
duct t%i• of .!t-e 1,-. 1: 011 I.
r ititetlittl , l , r ' Iti/ 1 .,' ' .1 .. * ' , C.
‘2 1,11111 . 1) , ill:' .I, "''''“ , q '
i i Eft li I ( 'l:' S : 4 ( ' I '-.'l'
roe 11}1P0111 51.1,11.-
Sort, 'F111‘..11,1111:,/ Crust
s, AV.:O 1, 111. 1.1i•j.1:111 ,1
i):•easo, of 01
extertiA .11.1.1ic,iti .11 11i
!11Cel tl. 1111X1/1.1( %V(11
or.t 0.14 4.1 . _1111. ,i 1.4.1 1.
WON1)1 1: NI) 410 i I: VI
Inv, as ant. tl ..1:1•. Is -.ii the
the I)rp tor ';.t• I,: the
11.• t . • • 1,1 ,
1•.1 ul " t Si
!voi•. LL.• •1, Norr it
not ‘w, Cif• •t..
,st IV,7CIT:1••
•••., ;
•1. e‘: ('
1111 , 1 /1111( 1 1 1, r,/,
j fSn'.4
Pr re 95 (1... 'IA
ell. (le. 1 . 111 . . 1 . 1 !I 10'11
%%here ettPt,l- 11. , al
Zi`117.4.- Ii .411, ton
tin 1111111111 -1- , I• 1 pi 1
C 1 ,11.41 14 t • l• 1 1 • Ire , i il,ll
;- .v - 101 roil elf.
1.11,1 a• 11...“.. ;11 1 . 1
li 10...11e1.1.1 - 1:1 LIII ie. , . .1
11:IZRICI 001,1 1
- I..Ni'NG
111” , 111: , . Pil( • i;tils
01 other pl e• •ni I, al
CII I API.z-T Pi ti"..PLIL ,
TO Tif
. to Itt I Is
th 11 rhoy •• p
, t r Coated 11,) It: I t, e•
ils• 1,5q.1 0; • it (,r s• 1)1 de:
- I' 0111 -11 l F. ,
`Turk, ll' lerrqr r r• r r
Cr/III:II r 1.
Dr. If, rli Dear , tr
I. • -11 0,1111•
(1.1./ 4%1.1
mirYet ,
ilip 1,, hod
it, I'.ll De, la :t I r , t - tt
.ter• inaq
II Um tonl
titidforil am, I.
• • ',N.I:‘V
NEVA AND C111;,11
iJ la,c of firm of fj
haveiat i !,rl
-.ale and 110.1iikiiiri o ce
nearly app.:situ licit: ll ;d
13: accOpied t
'LA %I NU :111 k
lo'rj!ti awl 1 ell Selee!pg
\Vet and 13rc
ly at tiele u k :nally l'ep
jtorr. Amon!: w.ock
Coffee or (•vOy prie
Old 11:1(1 N.- - , : tili z Hy
J'eppc r,
A• ,;<.", • y fit
CI .1. 1 3(t):1tell
( ettlittc.
,s. , !...!`:rpat 6,1‘11;21., extimdr,rtol
0:1 y i may !):
teveivu a (01.1 innance
cts tx ell as 111:W (.1s
I(1 . 1(11(1. EZT(litl
tl,ritttritpt,tl dirt! Itt - tr.t.l
-it-tAtr sate ti, tier hich i.;
IWISIVV, CO(111 , 11,11)•' 11
id -II lullbit... - j
. rul>2., t , . rnet: cmeit%ltl
unaniellt•fl 141 , , dia;n,
t 1 .zold t u'r ruler,!cardl
itenvil t a., <;I.) ac, lc!..
1-1 liiimbl, , , ,z , i,: , , r , ,:....1:
l'll r.. --Hi 0.11 ~ih:
I I lcr: .' , 'l l , , 2, 1 .111 , \, Inn
Frt. !`.+. l :', 1an,41
It ice Flour,
I Selo.. care
Erie. June 19; !S
.n A LI, per,:con
iletred io - Bret
and 'Brow n, or NI
at the Store or Woo
r, goested to pay.theit
im Jitly nt.xt; or other%)
ed. NVool.ur ain 'Ol
nd cileeQe, wiljThe re.l
iidelixci , d at tlle
191 'Dr)
it• - i • •• 11, 4141.,,t
IS ‘.l", They et,
I••••, a • •!• ,-, 4• , ..9 of u t •
t•- •I•f • and
'rt,,t t • ral orgartyli
,i k ;,• L , lltotts chit. -
trt .0( • •.,. t.,) , re the Hem
it hI • s'et, th rase pro.
rote Itat•
••1 .1r;,4 t4i :,cent`;
„.... ,-,1
R . 1,1 T, THE
°Tr Ce*
~,IT J. tq, :tank 1,.
Toot!net, FroienF m
lira Lao 6.. u• 1 %;Itermr
:It t: The r iptdiirs 4
KiNt; ‘If:DICINE ,
aitraclod R!
1 1 )N ‘ ,l xorl.l'
01 Cm- tobuz,,,
t Earh
01 , 1, esidl,
1/1111/ 1111(d II 1E1,1'46
ti! atielidr C ~ty ply
Ue Wtu
of 110,1,,
l'eti r, and all
direttiona, and aellla
t'...1110n. In the ant
A +. 01 , 1 1 11` . 4 , 11 of tir
I lit ' the Lit.p
•,alptiou Le greall) hely
are a?Gal
, rhica eye:"
lie,. let , Worpt 1).1th33t4
atot expol,tott of anrm•trat
ti them fir-z oli the I . 9lllOgie
, int lii th rttte. Children lot!
h .1 , to a-tut:lntl ti,b,.1, 0 1,k,
• h.tek.e.
t't find rt f• wild on the nfei
~ti Irani am 4 .1
.„„i ~,t,tt.loz the plate
)1V IN
P Ur. El i'.
I by •ome Nev. VorkPhieu
i!.ae to mai, and IPriditZ,
•I: : t•llti'llz and aclvlrSr-5
indttg tilt l'orur is
'riot bt 11.rn the putt,. andlet
a het hur a :1 .rem of Oa: kr.l
It, sck rl}l,llo l 4
1 . 41 4 •111- at W-t-bto.oonos tam
l'Acia Office, Jan. 16. 1546.
le , t.a of the :5111 idk.tal •
r pin ~ .au4ll will' afield
f•tn ho patent C:10.I
R u•pf or lit I i f
1it)1it...11 3 BURKE. 14
r un of she .gents.
tct, Albany, ‘t here all ce'
A: Co. John Cummins & Co,
artl; und'.l.ll.4lnynes, Norh'.."
leh.- 0, 1:147.—1y 10, 7".4.
Flltig . • ' - ~., :,-4
%.1. 3 GROCERIES !•! 1
& A. H. fill'CliCOCl3 - -_,
itcheock, Zimmer!) &Ca.
thentsi Ives in.the Who!e l . ,,,ii
y bm , itie=s, on State birert,l:':,ST:
''le liolci, in the room late•Vij
' i nderrn t lil. i ; tint er the stile
.: ' , 1 4 .
CO. h. here' Iv ili l
he found* ' :Nil
a - sol tment of al/ girds 0f. 3.
lit Moods comprising. ere
iir called for iria GroFery l
nas' ii found:—'
• and rOndity.
on Tea:;
'o, BroTtf, Lump and Loll • -,1111,
• it
n•r,uitG nailF,
t flank ' , for the very zentni
heip for' the past si7l.yea4
their endea‘ors to pleast,,<. t ,
l'ilvors in the
rnners. . They are prepay'.
ts all kinds, butter,: egg; .4; 1
F'tax,Titnothy and Clc-
SU. will be paid at the
N WrG001)S! •
(10. M. IS 4. 60., op'posi7
I e I I otel, linve>jitst receirtd,
ddi ion to thein former stock
• ORA r as.,ortn‘ent ery
large variety, of rieh ind
eonsit.tin• , ' dinmodd,
qmet.hyet, aquanveute - pnd
1, ruby and plairViitt%s;
lehdins and hey:,leclacks. ry
,lockt.t,z, min iatu!e settin;,„ q
&e. &c.
W.cehes of t 1 e pat
i7OO • a and 'coin iqon '
German and American
t .
T.l. lc, desert, ten,salt qod
hty tor-and fruit kiirtal.
iii , neil , casksi thimbles.
German Si/ref : Ware.—
/re , . vuji., tankards. hawk.
and trap,
idids, vas:tots:
tn's and etlici celebrated
• and scissors. - ,
'S.--I\lithematical initrr
Int int.tet.s, pocket comp?. --
is, accOrd ions, music bora
card cases, combs, pocket
coral, amber, =a lt, :iefir
I lb :alll l e al t ) :• l rtl i i i n k g d ba tk a s n , d w P o ti :i .
l .
and shaving - boxfs, razz , :
tooth, nail and ehatig, ,
Glazier's . 4 1*Mon ds, shg•
p , 2rcussion't ps and pa!),
rl:al ea,s, pt se and dok
i. n ha lebone, violi 53
n„ana6 l owtler, puffs, pertittnetrW -
L , h and post dare, tooth pia l,
ells: Malin, wax ~ m ott6
Inely baskets, c peedles, bat:
I s•ands, , n itlt npmern'usdttr -
ell, boll) useful ar4ij orav
'for "ready pay," (Oa WO'
I lower than tormertj. ~,.
:=i,2 boxer; pcdry refigigCt
if varrarae .
;ace tt
nd act
;Id Gat*
Cl-. comity pro
od, or +Audi. ,Ca))
paid in cash cor
Bitter Almonds,
gnintner ::•avory
• tineet Alajoram
Vanilla Beans,
ExtraM, Vanilla,
ger " Lemon,
°rano() Flenn 1'
Leavitt': Rose,
ioca, Cooper's Mogi.
Russian ; Io
Moss . ,
ltieland Moss.
ud all warranted sop
J. ii. DV ETON 4S:
7. No, 5, Recd Ii
know themselves t.
ster, Brown, sc. Co.,
lehtriTey rind Brewste
len Factory, are he
indeb eeriness by tht
ise eipeet to have c
all descriptions, Bo I
•ed i n payment of de;
rie Wook n FaitettY•l
! be I!'
r, either
eV . rtr.
firg 0 . 1
. 0 a d -1
ter le 3d
,ts del
, al
r .74