Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, October 23, 1847, Image 3

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The following are 11 the reported
ties that have reached us up to the th
ing to press. We ay them frd
sources as can germ-. Ily be relied
Next week we will give the official.
Bork a, (o,fficial)
• Bradford,
Bedford, .
Crawford, (official)
Clarion, 41
Columbia, '
.Centre,' r
Ca thou, •
Fayette, .
Jefferatil, •
Philada, County, (official)
Potter, (official)
Wayne, .
"W yarning,
Dauphin, (official ' )
Franklin, .
Philadd. City, (oeicial,)
The State is divided into 59 cot
one city, Philadelphia, which is (,
mounts. The above comprise thett
Elk, which gives probably 50 dem l
meeting of the friends and fellow
the late President Harrison was re(
at Cincinnati, when on motion of 4
S. Todd, it was resolved that "the
the late war, in the Northwest, and
of the late lamented President, HI
.ievited to convene in the city of Cii
the Gth of November next, to const i
most dutiable measures for eCecti
ment at North Bend, designed to b
rial of gratitude to that illustrious
A.I.I.RIED—On Cite 12.01 inst, by the Rev. W.
D. Lemmon,' Mr. J. B. Anjer, fort erly of this
city, and iss Matilda, daughter of the, lute Jo•
seph Marlatt, of Pittshurzh.
On the 7th inst., by Elder / j. E Church, Mr.
William Wadsworth, of Conneautville, Pa,, and
Caroline. Dewey, of Penn Lin .
DIED—On the sth inst. ['this res
nango, township, Mr. William Boy c
;year of his age.
On tfie 15th inst in NVat!sbilrg, lermilla, only
daughter of Dr. W.ll. and Mary Jane Williams,
aged 5 ttion;hl and 16 days.
IXTANTEI) Imtnodiately,
feel of tletnlork Fence
is Lumber of all k cads,' for
piece will be paid. t
Erie, Oct. 23, 1847.
Attention! Jews an
Circunisized and Unciecte
Ishmuelites, Hebrews, ant
.laron and Daughters o.
instruction'and bruise,
Ilas returned fro the EAST, la •cn with the
f "
choicest treasure a e rt' that ancient gion, and in •
vacs your atten.ion to the same a the Cenuine
OLD Jew Sore, the one that has erned the reim•
tation of selling goads lower than a y other house
in Erie, arid thereby established a c edit for ../t . tw e
ry that has induced others to enterunder the same
name whereby rile/ hope to reap , profit which
justly belongs to Min. Now Moses i vishee it to be
. 1
undercoed that lie is not a IVandersng Jew, here
this year and aivay the next—a chr -'s toot ii ill sell
aeons person at cost and to anothert double price,
but that he is a regular descend lit of Faithful
Abraham, and has pitched his ten in Erie with
the intention of remaining in it, nd intends to
do business an heretothrwin such a mariner as to
give entire satisfaction to all reasonable persons
that favor him with their, custom, Weep all his old
friend's and make new ones of all hat oncu pur
chase goods from Min. That the o d Jew Store of
Mirses Koch does sell more Goods and at lower
priCes than any other store in Erie, is plain to be
lien by the course plothers, who finding their ens
tomers (Jail deserting them, resort to misrepre
sentation and abuse oldie JEW SFORE, which
they null know has 'been the cause of their loss of
customers and against which they direct all their
forces, think in.; no denht that if ,iii.s store was
out of the - way, they could get. what they cull the
good old priecs,—:filly to one hundred per cent -
such as thFy used to get before this fEw Al OSES.
came amongst them. Hence Wecc every thing
that can raise a Dray load of Ta e and Bobbin
commences blowing himself into n Lice by !citing
off a squib at the JEW STORE; but this only
serves to show that they are in grea t want occult
tomtrs, and that they know where t hey have gone
Now the secret of Goods Lein sold so much
lower at !his store than any other d' ,,, s
simply this—
MiAes goes right to the heal of the market, to the
Manufacturers ano Importers and buys by the
CASE, I3ALE or PACKA GE, and pays the
CASH down, by which he makes a double Boving
sad is enabled to sell goods in Er e at what some
cullers pay for them in the city; and that there
may be no mistake about this mist er he invites all
who want any thing In his line, nd wish to phy
either cash or country produce,l t call and exam ,
ins his stock and prices, fully' F tisficil that they
will find the OLD JF.W Si OR the best place
to get good Goods at ihe lowest rice's.
Moises begs to be excused from giving a list of
the number of Pieces ofCloth and .talico, Aluirclins
4 , c., erc., as the manner of some is—being much
t more 'profitably and pleasantly e ployed in wait•
ing on customers, he will leave his mode of PM':
ling to some of the New or older *tures who have
' smaller sleeks and customers , .
Corner of French &
near the Farmer's Hotel, (
- •
' 0ct.22 1817.
Now Fall and Win
TilE. subscribers ari .. : . lotv ret
of Fall one Wint Good
. Doi GOODS,-
Also a large assortment of ri
Window Paper.
All of which were purehas(
the lowest market price.. Ti
baring the largest stock of go
IMs. place, but will say they hi
fortment, and will be sold ai
MI %lid invite the public t
pnde and prim , . G: S
(v 1617.
"More - .1 , of the Effects."
VSITE-arg receiving more Goods, which a e a
little cheaper than ever. and have nn and
a complete assot tment ,of plain. plaid, stripe and
figured Mohair, Orleans, Cashmere, Merin , De
Lisle and Lyons Cloths of the riches alles. .
ALSO-A-150 different patterns and styl v of
Shawls, embracine , all the new proditctioris; $ hien
svo will sell as cheap as the cheapest, at the cor
ner opposite the Eagle Hotel.
me of go-
•m such
these wy ftishionable artielee just fee
and selling ?le ry dew at the New Store.
Oct. 21. 1 ALLYN &CO 11
and 31.1-4 cents per yard at the New
Ginghanis selling proportionally low.
)er..23 ' ALLYN .CO
DJAIES FIC±Jus t received at the New
a large supply of Bed Tickinzs,
and unbleached Sheetint:s and Sbinin"s, C
Flannels, Uresh, [luck Mulch, Apron cheek,
ed Skirtings, celnred't 'utnkries,' Jeans, t;:.
Also,•just - received, brown and bleact,ed
Table eol,t rs, Tablings, Do3lies, Nipkin
Towels, fur sale vet) , low at .
Oct_ 23 ALLY N 4. c
cl i
pairspairs nice Bed Blankets an LI
ter Quilts, for sale low icy
' Oct, 23" _ A[.LYN 4- Cr
To Blqcksmiths.
lop ELLDWS, Anvils, Vices and Hummers,
Sprrno. Steel, Obit rto., Ent:lW', Blister and
American Steel; alrO, Nail Rods, Band, Bir and
Hoop Iron, n hicb be kul-,n terms to FUlt at
our old corner 0pp0 , 1.) t he Ea2lo.
Oct. 620. kV, ILLI & n.iciirr.
RON STELL AND N AILS.— A tult as.ort•
I ment of swedes Iron and Eastern Nuik, cheap
as can be sold by WILLIAMS 6r. WRIGILT.
JcATHER.-500 sides best Eaioern Leather
jut received fium die maniirec:wers.
(kr. do LLI A 11-z Wain 11T
This remedy having been for several years
employed by the proprietor to his practice on a
very larg e scale in i'vl,otionehelia, Preston, Har
rison and Randolph countries, Virginia. besides
several other places, and havino' been attended
with the most,happy effeet, he has been tiom time
to time solieted to adopt such ,a source as would
give it a more extensive circulation wi,h it view
to lesson the amount of human su ierino Aware
et the fact 01,1,t 111 lily useless nostrutos have been
palmed upon the public, he liveitated several
year..., until 'Mir rettnly coirvinced that the above
medicene, if properly used, world riot fail to el ,
feet cures ma ;tett, many it.s duce,, and even to
alleviate these cas.-13 h hich are qiile incurable.
Symptoms of a SVased L.thr.—Pain in the
right side, under the wigs el the rib., increased Oil
pressure. :_•otiieririies the pai:r is in the left si re.
The patient is hardly able to lie
,on the lert. side.
Sometlines tire pain is under the shoulder blade
,It trequently tntends to the top of the shoulder,
arid misialoen fUr rheumatism in the
right arm The eioniachis w Toss of
alp tile and siekneis - the bowels in gen , re' are
Ire, ro 'retirees ul.euw i with lax—the head
s rouble,' ui.h pain, in compinned wadi a dull
heavy semmtion in th bac.: part. There is ger.J
erally a conkderable loss of inemoiy, aeeompanii 4
with a painiul sonsatiun Of haviiig lest widen ! ,
Some hing which ought to have been done. A
slight. dry cough A SelfleLittleir an at endrint. The
patient complains ot rearrness and rrehillily
Ile is easily stapled - his test are cold or burning
—and he complains of it pi ieltly sensation of the
His spirits me low --arid although he is
, satisfied that exercise Otllti hellt,flej.lll to him:
yet lie catifseiticely summon up fortitude to try it.
In tact therlistrnsar eery remedy. several of the
shove, symptoms attend the disease; but cases
have eel:aired where few of them existed, yet ex
Aitlination of the burly alter death , , has shown the
liver to have been ixten-i.ely derairged.
This is to certify. that having been associated"
with Dr. NPLane in the practice of medicine for
two and a halfyears, I have had many opportuni
ties of witiressieg the good eff,et Of his Liver
Pills; and 1 believe they have Lured and relieved
a much la reer pr. portion of the diseases of tire
liver than 1 'Mee 'know.' Curod and relieved by
any other course el:treatment.
Dec. 7, 1537. OLIVER M.D.
This is to certify, that 1 have been afflicted for
for ,fix years witlutlre Liver complaint; and ap•
plied to different physician, oh:ahling temporary
relief. On hearing of Dr. APLane's - Liver Pills;
I obtained and used two biftes. I now l:el almost
restored to la;alth. The Liver Pills have given
me a most surprising relief.
S. DAVIS, near Pittsburgh.
Onienvr..--tione are genuine, without a lac
slinilo of the preprimor's signature. Prepared'
for the Proprietor by I -
Wholesale 'and Retail Dag ,, ist.., No. GO. Wood
nties ani
returned ss
it all except
ioeratic ma,
A public
soldiers of
ently bell
yt'ol Charles
soldiers n
I iliesfriends
Arrison, be
icinnati on
h upon the
g . a mono
a memo
(fence in Ve•
in Lite SJEIi
N. 8.--In order that there may be no miitake,
be *,purtichlar and ask ft.r Dr. .VP Lane's Liver
d know
1t bars /Cord zi: CO. —I. 1139. J. /Creed 1 send this-'
testimoni .1 concerning Da. Cl APLANIVS
WORM SPIE:(2111C. • About seven years since l
was called upon to Nisit a young women about 1
twenty seven• ears of age. 1 found her laboring
under atronz ymptos ofPlo;aPms Uteri. She
informed me * hat she was' unwell for something
like yea ; and that slie had been treated by
several - 01Mo neighboring Physieituts, uho tailed
to effect a cure —and in tact had spent all she had
—and was sill in no better condition then when
she comment;d• taking their medicines, and-was
compelled ta work what she was able for her
( .0
board Tit • Physicians to whom she had applid,
had uniformly bets ed her as in case of Prolapsus
Uteri, and other complaints peculiar to females.
For six or eight weeks I It eated her UPC as one
of the above rntntioned, without any beneficial
effect. She was taken with vomiting, blood, and
from some oilier symptoms that extsted at tue
time, I was forced to the COMAUSit,II that she was
trounled with warms, and mid her what I thought
about ii, and proposed that she hqd better take
some worn) nytlicine; but she w its highly offended
at the idea of her being troubled in that way.—
She said it was all perfectly nonsensical that the
other phySicians never hinted ! it to herand
she the,4re thought it uselessi I fruity pre
vailed on her to take some of NPLAN PS AMER
ICAN WORM SPECIFIC, one bottle of which
she was to take at two . doses. and the result was
she pissed t tree londr i ed and ninety-seven nine
ty of which were tit one knot or ball, and required
the assistance of a neighbor women that was in
to take them front her. I saw her, and she then
told etc the worms were all large. I then propos
cd to give some more of the mune medicine, and
the same prescription as before, Which was dune
—and the result ,vas, she passed font hundred and
fifteen worms, that •he coun,ed, besides a number
1 that were nor counted.
After she passed the worms her ordinary health
returned—and since that site .eot married, and
raised a small family, and continues to have
her health. Yours, c.
The incredulous can see Doctor lictler's letter
in reference to this wonderful caw., by ea/Una:l)
time at the Dios! Store of - J. KIDD .St. CO. corner o
Wood and.-Fourth streets.
Thitrvaluble preparation is for sale by.
J. KIDD & Co.
Corner of ,Wood and Fourth sts;
— Prie particular to inquire for "Dr. M'Lene's
Ameriqgn worm Specific. or Vermiltme.
Accara:—Carter & Brother,` J. t'. Horton &
Co., Erie; J.. Marvin, Walorlord; John Nl'Cluro,
Girard; ohn A. Tracy, Fairview; W. H. Town
acr Sprinseteld; hail & Vincent, Cranesville;
Jackson 6: s 'antpbell, Elicnboro; B. C. Town &"
Co. Wababui
A. Touttellott, Union Mills.; J.
H. Haynes, North East.
Sold by Druimista and Merchants generally,
throughout the United States. 23
is KOCH,
Kth biretta.
I omsnereial Ex.
ter Goods.
leivins their stock
• consististr of •
'per Hanging and
'd in New York at
ey do not boast of
de ever brought to
ve as good an as
heap as the cheap•
call and examine
Ms 'MIN Company outdone: We can allow
and sell as fine fresh Tea and at u low prl.
ces as any one who claims any connection with
the Pekin Company. , •
Lcsrta; Saer►rarr Ift CIIICSTEL
LOWELL, Ohio, M arch 6. 1547
Oct 1G
Arrival of New .. 'all and Winter
GOO, DS. ~
HAVING devoted siri weeks in Bostfin, New
York and Philadelphia, to the selection end
purcha , e of their EX:PhrIVtL ST K.
OC, which
they are now opening, b
~., leave to "inform their
customers and'the county p -at large, that they are
now prepared to oiler gods of almost every de
nomination, at least 25 pqr cant: cheaper than ev
er. We find by devoting time to the purchasing
of goods, as also for csshj that it makes liastdil
ference, therefore wo can pledge ourselves to sell
as low as any House—(that pays fur their goods)
:—this bide of Neiv York or Boston, and for the
above assurance we invite those that ale purchas
ing any kind of Dry Decide, Hardware, Grocer
ies, to give us an opporti nity and we will show
you as good an assorts , extensive and cheap
stock of goods as cal be found in this market.—
For Wither particulars please call at the Brick
corner, opposite the Eagle Hotel, near the court
house. ; 1 Erie, Peet. 30.1817.
t of
lE.chingo for Goodil 7 -20 pieces- Domestic
Flannel 500 prs. 'oolcn Socks; 100 lbs.
Woolen Y.irn. W. C. Sr. R. P, LIULBERT.
Oct. 9, 1.17. 21
. &c.
I iE I
WHILE various sp eculations hake fdr some
time absorbed the public mind in relation
to the cause of so much dark weather, it has re
cently been d4covered that it is the effect annuli
immense piles of God (on paper) as have been
heralded forth by all the üblic newspapers of the
place, since the return of a few of our merchants
from New York, Bostot and Philadelphia. Be
lieving this to he the ease. and /cruchy , that the
notice of ot,r Stoc!i, wouli most likely produce to
tal darkness, we have until now, deferred any no-
tier or it, and in doing til6 we would ask the good
citizons of Erie ,and Viei!nyy to bear with us, if
another digit or the Sund a disc be intruded upon.
by our piles of New Goods; and console them
salves while carrying, offlthe precious parcels, that
as ;be, pile grows less th 4 darkness gradually re
cedes !
COOK on then, !and avail yourselvts of the op
portunity thus o.fered of enriching lyou and resto
ringlight to the community.
Bitovv & M'CARTER.
Erie, October 9, 1817.1 N _ -21
JUST received a ihe •
Cashmere Shawls, g
Oct 16.
NI.: *Geode of OiveZ description receiving
daiiy, at ALLYN & COL C'S
Oc.. 16, t'cw Sore, Cheepsido.
RED White and Yell w Flannels, all qualitieq,
Bleached and Wor :ed Shectings and Shirt
logs, ' 29, just received; also;
Cloak Plaids, Aei inns ni Thiheis lit the 'new
store of ALLYN & COIT.
(ter. I G 22
kJ above ria!iarticle o
at the new
Oct. ►6.
11 Barley.
g .,
i g rented the ennunodi
3. Arbuckle, Esq. at the
is now ready to receive
1 0 hushels'ot good clean
1 1 ,
• —From $5 to $2O, crape
f different sizes and col
store of
s. JACK3Ov.
Sti A MlLS—Woolenland cotton; any quantity
for stile at thefebeaM' store or 1.
Sept - euip.r 21. 184.. • H. JACKS6N.
Cash •fo,
Tnr. subsenho havi,
Gus warolio6e of I
'8(.11 Stteig Canal
:and pay IcAsit fut 15,0(
Erie, Sept. £O, 1811.
w , OOA Silk VVL
do. DelaiAe do.
ors, for gale at the, clica
Sept. 2,5. !
CIEkLED I'ILOPUSALS will b'n received at
the office of theXootmisaionei of Indian Ai-
fairs. Washington, D. C., until AO o'Llock, on
Monday, the Ist of November nett, for furnish
ing the tollowiog goods, in the quantifies' an •
nexed, or thereabouts, for dm use of the Indians;
and thiliverahle pit the following places, viz: _
1 Blankets.
1150 pairs 3.point white Mackinac blankets, to
mea• , urc 00 by 72 inches, and weigh 8
000 pair. 2 1.2 point white Mackinac blankets,
to Inea,uio 54 by 66 inches, • and weigh 6
pounds •
400 pairs 2-point white Mackinac , blankets, 'to
tneacurelt by 56 inches, and weigh 5 1-4
%. pounds
450 - 14air4 1 1-2 point white Mackinac . blankets,
• _CO measure 36 by 50 inches, and weigh 4
I. I 4 pounds
900 pairs; l•point white Mackinac blitnkets to
mrasure 32 by -fa incites, and w 1 . 4113 I-4
r pounds
220 pair,l3 point scarlet M. ckinac blankets, to
measure 60 by' 72 inches - , and neigh S
• pouinds
200 pici,is 2 I•2•point scarlet Mackinac blankets
to pleasure 51 by 66 inches, and weigh 6
. ..
pounds ,
GO pairs 3-point green Mackinac blancltcts, to
measure 60 by 72 inches, and weigh 8
290 Tait? 3pi int Gentinella blue Mackinac ,
1 blankets, to measure GO by 72 inches, and
' weigh S minds
210 pairs 2 I- point Gentinella blue Macinac
blankets, t.O measure 51 by 60 inches, and
weigh 4. pounds
, Dry Goods.
1060 Yardsbin fancy and gray list cloth
350 do : se dm do • do
125 do ', gr as green do • do
2050 'do tit to saved list cloth
700 do se ilet do •
100 do ! green do
200 pounds Worsted yarn, three fold
90 dozen k:oiton flit, hantisereinek
-100 do do, Madras do 7.
7U do bli'Mk silk do .
40 do , 8 4 cotton shawls -
25 do ! 6
,4 do do
.30 ,do 9,4 do do
20000 'lads calico, domestic
1000 do ' do• English and French
1200 do bleached cotton shirting
3000 do : unbleached do do
3500 do iAlo
. do' sheeting .
.M 0 de ! • amestie cheeks, stripes and plaids'
400 dozen woollen socks •
8000 yards Oaid linsey
1000 do , funnels, assorted
1600 shirts, flannel _
125 do • etilico .
80 pounds linen thread
250 do cotton do
20 do sewing silk
350 pieces ritiands, assorted
973 yards beihieking
51.10 do etittineis, assorted
400 do Kentucky Jeans
7 gro-s worsted gartering
20 pounds Chinese vermilion
:Bp pounds brass kettles
7.;'5 tin kettles
40 nests japanned kettles, (6 in a nest)
n dozen butcher knives
11000 gun flints.
500 pairs 3-point white Mackinac blankets, to
[amuse 60 by 72 inches, and weigh 8
- polintis -,,•,_
300 . pails 2 1-2 point White Mackinac blankets,
' to ineasure 51 by 66 inches, and weigh 6
420 pairs 2 point white Mackinac blanker, to
ervasuie 42 by 56 inches, and weigh Eti
500 pairs 1 1.2 point white Mackinac Ltankets,
to measure 36 by 50 inches, and weigh 4
• 1 1-4 pounds ‘
500 pelts 1 point white Mackinac blanketikto
measure 32 by 90 inches, and weigh 6 1.4
150 awe 3-point scarlet Mackinac blankets, to
measure 60 by, 72 illative, and iwiegli 8
100 pairs 2 1-2 point searlet Mackinac blankets,
to measure 81 by 66 inches, and weigh 6
mounds .
150 pairs 3 point cretin Mackinac bknkets, to
measdro 60 by 72 inches, an& weigh 8
150 pairs 31point. Genii nclia blue M acki nac,blank
ets, to measure 60 by 73 inches, and weigh
8 pounds' , -#
75 pairs 2 1.2-point Gentinella blue Mackinac
• blankets, to measure 54 by 66•I4,eites, and
' weigh 6 pounds
Dry Goody, '
800 yards blue inroads •
500 doKarlin do.. . _
100¢ do btu° fancy and gray list sloth
80 do ears green do - do -
Settled !
• New Store - several nice very low prices.
. :,
it u
-A few pieces of the
hand, and Benin!? cheap
900 do scarlet
3000 41( blue sa)
10 ,me moo .
1100 do green do
500 do scarlet do
400 pounds worsted yam, 3-fold
75 dozen condi flag htindkerchlefs
100 do Madrits do
15 do du
90 dozen 8-9 cotton alirol*
25 do 6-1 do
25 do II- 4 do '
18000 }sr& domestic calico
1500 do • English and French do
1500 do bleached cotton shirting
6000 do unbleached do
4000 do do sheeting
do i domestic checks, stripes and plaids
100 dozen woollen - socks
250 Q
. yards plaid Linsey ,
1500 do flannels, assorted .
&JO flannel shirts
900 calico do
100 pounds linen thread
250 du cotton do
15 do crewing aiik
20 gross wora:cd gartering
ISO pienes ribbons, assailed
100 gross fancy and clay pipes
150 pounds Chintse vertnilion
Hardware. -
1309 pounds brass kettles
50 nestsjapanned kettles (8 in &nest)
9GU tin kettles
25 gross squaw/awls' '
7000 fish hanks
2i dozen fish lines
25000 needles, assorted
100 dozen combs; assorted
•10 dozen scissors
19000 gun flints
10 gross gun worms
200 dozen 'butcher knives
• axes andliatcheta
25 dozen axes, to weigh from 4 1-2 to 5 1-4
95 du bait axes, to weigh 3 1.2 pounds
12 do . squaw axes, to weigh 3 pounds
45 do hatchets. to weigh 1 1.2 pounds
To be delivered at the place where manufactur
ed, or in the city of New York or Philadelphia,
as may ho required, without additional exuense.
Agricultural implements 4.c.
There will alto be requiied, to be delivered hi
JYrio York, at the same time, the tellowing agri
cultural implements.
250 axes, to weigh from 4 1.2 to 5 1.4 pounds
250 half axca, to weigh 3 1 -21 pounds
200 hatchets, to weigh I 1.2 pounds
200 drawing knives, 12 inches in long h
200 augers, in equal proportions of I inch, 3.4
inch, and I 2 Melt
150 pairs homes -
150 do trace chains, hright and strs!gbt links
300 pounds brass kettles
250 axes, to weigh from 4 1.2 to 5 1.4 pounds
220 half axes,' - to weigh 31 2 pounds
200 hatches, to weigh 1 1 2 pounds
1,00 weeding hoes, assorted sizds
100 single horse pfoughs, with elevis and cast,
iron mould boards
600 pairs tract, chains, britrlit straight ea h
chain to be 6 feet 41inches in length, a d
to whigh not less than 3 1-2 poundal
75 log chnini, each chain to weigh 25 pounds
1000 best No. 10 Whittemore cotton card
20_erosseut saws 7 feet in length
'al do ' do 6 feeet in length
100 "single cut" crosscut saw files
150 handsaws
120 hand saw files
ISJ drawing knives. 12 inches in length • •
830 "quarters" screw augers: in equal prop
, tion, 01 . 2-ini.h, 11,2 inch, and I inch
900 "quarters" socket chisels; in equal' prop..r
tions of 1 1 2 inch, and 1 3 4 inch
100 planes : comp's* squid proportions of foto.
• and") tek • -
150 pairs battles
Nothwest Guns.
650 Northwest guns, two-thirds of which must
measure 36 inches in of barrel,
nod one-third 42 ineheo, to be delivered at
the pi-ice where i tnarinfacittied; or in the
city of New Yorlt or Philadelphia, as any
he required; samples of them are .desposit
ed in the office of the Commissioner of In
dian Altars
The above proposals may be divided into five
parts, for each place of delivory, viz:
1. Mantic,.
2. Dry Goods
3. Hardware, to include the agricultural im
stionte. _
4. Axes and hatchets.
5. Northwest gun*.
' The lowest competent responsible bidder will
receive the whole or any part of the contract, ne t_
cordinz to the above scale. the department reserv
ing to itself the right to determine whether the
bidder is competent and respon-ible or not.
A schedule of tho articles, with samples, may
be scan at the office of the Commiesioner of Ind bin
/Whirs, in Washinetun, exhibiting the amount of
money to be expended for each article; ben the de
pertinent reserves the right to increase or dimin
ish t h e quantity ofany orate articles named, or
substitite others in lieu therefore, or to require, at
similar prices, such goods as may be wanted fur
prdsents or other purposes, in thu administration
of the elf dr:, of thd department.
The whole amount in money to be applied to I
the.nurchase of goods •vill - be about '465 000; of
which some $lO,OOO will be wanted od the sea
hoard, and the residue in the west.' Goods of
American manufacture. all other things being
equal, will be preferred; hut small the the samples
of blankets and cloth on hand are of • foreign
manufacture, it will be necessary when a domes
tic article is bid for. that the sample of it should
accompany the bid, to enable the department to
decide wether it is of equal quality with the sam
ples to be exhibited.
The [laity proposing to supply the . nrilcles will
make an invoice of all the items enthrreed in the
above list, and uflix the prices, in' dollars a rid
cents, at which he or they will furnish them, 'de
liverable in New York anil St. Louis, respective
ly, on or before the fillecmh day - of May next, as
suming the quantity ofeach article, as specified in
Ithis advertisement, and extending , the COAL ma,
king an a 7gregnto oft e hole invoice before
sending it on. The frauds will be inspected at
New York or St. Louis by on agent af the United
States, who will be appointed by the department
for the purpose, and to ascertain the conl k ormity of
the articles Purchased with the samples exhibited,
when the contract shall he made, and With the
terms of the contract itself, which shall eontain a
!,clawm that if the articles are not furnished with-
in the time prescribed, or if they are of insufficient
quality, in the opinion of, the agent aforesaid, and
if within fi ve days after the notice or , tich instifil
ciency the party shall not furnish others in lien
thereof, of the rerptired quality, the United States
shall be authorized to purchase . them of others,
and to charge ally increase of price they may be
compelled to pay therethr to the contractor,
who shall- pay tho said di:Terence toithe United
R oo d s s ou b e requ ited, in the amount of the
bids, with two good sureties. tho sufficiency, of
_whom to be certified by a United States judge or
district attorney, for the faithful performance of
the contracts. Payment will be made after the
_contract is completed,und the delivery of the goods
at New York arid St. Louis tespeetively;. town
agent ofthe departiqout, upon a duplicate involeo
certified by him.
Communications to be masked, "Proposals for
Indian goods."
The bids will be submited with th e fallowing
heading, and none' will be cons - dered that
are not made in the form and terms here pre
"I (or s e) propose, to 'furnish, for the sefirice of,
the Indian Department, tho following goods, at
the prices affixed to teem respectively, viz:
(Here insert the list of goods.)
"Deliverable in the city of New York, or St.
Louis, on or before the .dug of next;
and in case of the acceptance of his proposal, the
quantity being prescribed. by the department, I
(or we) will execute a Contract according to this
agreement, and give satisfactory security to the
department. within ten days after the acceptance
of this and in case of fittlere to enter into
such contract, and ?hie such seettrity. 1 (or we)
will pay 14Ille United States the difference be
tween titvont bidden by me (or us) and 'the Own
which thelinited Statesmay be obliged to pay
for the earns articles."
Etic•hand every bid Most also be stecordpanied
with a aucantee in the following form, to he sign
ed by one or more responsible persons; whose suf
ficiency must by certified by some one who is
known tithe department, either personally or by
hie official position: - ,
"1 (or we) hereby guaranty that —. the
above bidder, will comply with the terms of the
advertisement for 'proposals for Indian goods.'
dated September IS; mit if the contract should
be ewerdedto him, and, enter Into band-for the ex
eon of the same' within the time preserbed. 6
• l(axis.)
Commtseicater ofledtin Affairs.
Fept. 18— itt Nola.
, [
eititiit s eir New Geed. per th e wrath
. warner* fr Fretsee and 13naiend
• ALLYN 1,14 CO' T
TIAVE the plea , ure immune ng to the chi- •
JLJL zens of Erie that they are receiving constant
additions to their Fall and Winter Stock, nil2l
among others Offer the follow Goods at
extietnely'low prices. Rich Orego arid`Califur
nie Plaids only 3s.‘per yard. wort 4e.; rich dark
Gine:riming only 2s. per yard, wort 35.; rich dark
Ginghems only 20 cm worth 30 pts.; rich dark
Ginghams only la•per yard, worth 25.; rich dank
Calicdes. latest styles 12 1.2 and eta. pet yard;
every style of rich Shawls from 28 Onto $1300;
a few pieces newest Raw Silk Plaids rlls.
per yard; a good assortment of G i loves, osiery,
Cravats, fancy articles and small ickl na a, too
'numerous to mention. Please call anWexamine
our stock before purchasing, as i is well worthy
your attention. ALL N Br. corr.
Erie, Oct. 16, 1817. i • _
A Card to the Lad 4
Mits. WARD begs leave to Infrii
dies of thiecitY and vicinity, Shaul
received from Philadelphia an Elett
!Tient of Full and Winter Milliner , ci
Bonnets, Caps, Silks, Plush Velve eat
together with a choice saleciiorr of
American Artificial Flowers; all o wl•
be happy to show her friends and tri
I;...:eliesitleitee on Sixth strc t,
east of Goodwin & Trueeduil's etc a.
Erie,'Oet. 16; 1817
AIESSItS• EDITORS: -Allov) mai through the
..I.VI medium ofyour valuable pap .r, o inform the
citizens of this city and vicinity, t tat I am receiv
Ina i large and well selected st ek 'of Fall and
Winter Dry Goods, Groceries.l Om:limy and
Hardware, n Well I um selling at Great Bargains,
in order to pay transportation, theibaiance will be
applied . to charitable purposes. For Lliirther par
ticulars apply at No. 2 Americ. n Block State
Street. • A . MA KER.
Erie, Oct. IG, 1817. 1
THE subscriber offers for salh the improved
1... farm On which he now res'dest about ewe
miles south of Waterford, on the Turnpike lead
ing from Erie to Pittsburgh, cont ining 100 acres
of land, GO under improvement, ancll'ple balance
well timbe.ted with white oak, the &c. For
ty acres bottom, the balance uplaild. On the
premises is a good frame dwelling, log , barn, a
good orchard of apple and cherry;revs, and a nev
er failing spring of water. For liur' t her particu
lars enquire of the subrcriber on be 'premises, or
or C. C. Jon . ts, Erie. - I__ II '
Wet erford, Oct. 15, 1917
EVER. offered In this city, cortiptising, i
-150 pieces Cashmeres and Muslir
sorted colors,
75 do Frentitell and Ger
30 do Alpacc is, or every des(
29 di) California Plaids,
90 do Dress of the latr
proved patterns,
20 do Swiss add rarleten M
20 do _ Lace and embroidered
59 do Jeconet Cambrics and
50 do Silk Fringes, assorted
45 do Wide Gimps an I Gin
20 gross Dress [Nunes, and cord
200 pieces Silk Malt 5%. French I
150 shawls, of all styles, varyi
3s to 315,
200 .pair la,:les and 'gentlemen
Gloves us. , orted co,
200 do Ladies', gentlemen's
Cashmere, Werst.L .,
Gloves; •
100 do black and white silk
Cloths of every shado and qual4, 1
Cashmere; do . -
Vestings of all kinds, comprising Sati
Buff Cashmere, Marseilles, tie. to:
STAPLE GOODS.- 4 1. large stile •of every d(
seriptio». 10 s!);)r: our stock for /defines
cheapness and duribility has nev r been equa
ed In this market. .tr.l
CAPS.. -, -.SOO Men an I Bog's capß all kinds.
SHOES,: 500 pairs ',idles and ehildrens' Gaite
Slips and walking Ships. 200 ;pairs genii
men's, ladies and Misses' Rubber overshoes.
IJNI EL.L4B.—.S.i.v. 4,zen liinLrellas to;
GROCERIES.—A' general vatic y or every d
seriptien I I "u
l lt E.
- Ten thou-and dollars' Arndt, c r murising ev j e i ,
thing in the line—Joiners, House and Ship Car,
petuers, Coopers, Slinemakers,l t'abinetmakers,
Saddlers and Smiths'
.Tool, or chery description.
Saddlery Hardware, a large assartment cif all
kinds. Carriage trimillingt of all kinds.
- Axle Arms, springs, anvils, vice], smiths' Hl
lows, brass and proeelain keales P , stovels, spades,
crowbars, _rd boxes, mill X cut,ici . cularand ,pit
saws, and chain of ii II siz'es. 1
GLASS IV A RE.,—A complete ssortment.
Customers will find our old stare safely anehor•
ed at the old stand, in good h..ilast) with WO to'is-- ----------
wall assorted IRON, steel and nails—the ches a- TO RED
eat in the market.
~ I 'TIN - AN HAM. DYE, a warranted article for
P. S.—The (re Lion is often asked why &moils
...," coloring the hair a beauiifol brown or jft
cannot be Bola a .. Iwas in BuIT,APO.; We say they , black, it a ill not wear oft, the linen, or color
can. Our stock e tire was bought of importh(g tha skin, as huntire4s tan tcs,iy.
houses at the sa e time and 1 same prices II at It has also been used suceesspilly in .coloring
some of, the large t houses in Bu ff alo bought at, r um ;
and we pledge out word that our goods shall he , Beware of t he eounterrk it, and he elire you get
sold as low as it BufEdo or any Oat.° west of it the genuine, pr. paretionly by Geo. W. Merchant'.
for craft: EIENP.Yi . t. i A.O WELL. c h e ,i,i,,,,, Loehport, N. V. samprn+ of flair may
Erie, Sept 25, ,Sl7. I' i. ' 19 be ;een at the store or the proprietor or his agents.
, . ' • Price SOL:eras. '+
Sold by J. 'IL Borten:: co, Erie; 'S. S. Ez H.
Paasett, Ashtabula; Oho; and D. N. Webster,
Conneaut, Ohio. Iyso
iDr. P. flair's Celebrted- Cotrid
Remedy I ,
IS a safe, speedy and ellectu4 cure fur Cou p
Colds, Hoarseness, Croup and !Whooping. Coui r :;,
This medicine has beep used} by hundred s I
people with unfailing success in' curing the abhi
diseases, with,all those painful rind annoying pn
inonary symptoms produced by cold. In Atql
ma aid t3ronchitaa it has provet r ; o be highly use
fol, add its (lately use a certui remedy. In al
affections of dm throat and Innis }it is tin invalita
hie medicine. Many cases ieb,tinatocQuyhs
and hoars,eness have been perfectly cured in .IS
Imam, and in several instances 'troublesome and
dangerous coughs of from five tetiten yer rs stand
ing, have htien completely euredlin.two week .
In Croup and Whooping Couith (its we has been ,
equally successfullwhen used Mere freely. 'phis ,, ,,,
Utemedy t is n certain ,preventiiM of Consumption:
and sevsp•al others of the most fatal diseases in
northern climates. • - 1}
IN ERIE ONLY of P. HA LL,ltit las Drag Starr,
NO. 1, Heights' Buildings, corneilof State and Sea
cntis Streets, and his agents thr l T:thout the coun
ty, AOENTS—A. avynolds, Alain s 6 Than
10; Boyd, Vincent $1C0.,..W+11441; Jem A.
Tracy. Psi/wow; Jas H. Cnmphell. Edinboro.
rrs . co 37 critit to 81 *r Bott[r.
BEwauk; OF vouxreaf i ElTS and B.ISE,
LITIT: I HON'S. Every bottle has the words "Dr.
P. Hall's Cough Remedy" bloWn upon the glass,
and his written signature on tip wrapper i and di
rections None other are g,nuine.
certify that Ave the undersig7d, have used Dr.
P. Hatt's Congit Remedy, and have found it in
every imfance ati efficacious medicine, and Inlet,
worthy its recommendations.
John Galbraith, J. P.`Tracy, Thomas lltig%es,
John W. Hays, Witao'n•King,'Th. Moorhead, Jr
Jas. D. Dunlap, John,Hughes,'3: R. Cochran,
Thomas M'lCee, Osier Laphatn;;Charles Cute, '
David Baldwin, M. BuldWirt, -
J, Owen,- lohrt M. War en.
Oct 9. 180. 21
New Goods at Di o.7,Mate Street.
WE are,riow opening a great variety of DRY
GOODS, suited' to the season, which. will
6i spill ai cheap as the then/mgt. Manliest 'hem
are, Woad Cloths tindCasstmeres of Various hues
and 'qualities; Alpacas, Plaid dnd Plain Coheres,
Brilliunies, Merinmi, Boutbatipes, Raw Silk and
Plaid Erittaisia, Linens, Linilm front:4le Inuno•
keictriees fram 12 1.2 to 75 eenfri;;Prints from 4 to
2,5 cents; De Lanes from 183_ 4 celts Upwards;
Ginglyurs areal variety, Thihet Ca'shmerc,-
Eroelia, de Lurie, Stradiffa gild other fashionable
anirotifef Goods in`too treat! Variety to
aditertise. The curious are int - at e-Ito ellamine
them and purchase if they are satiedet nichgoodp
and prices.
Oct. le, 1811.
OAT SPIIK&S.-4 a •au.
00 1 V 41 3 gi din
* lV i llatk 148 6
wryt the La
,ehe haz4 just
:kinriqtitiz. of
,French and
hich she will
AN invaluable remedy for Herres, Comte and
other domestic animals, in the• cure of the
following 'disease::
litotztuts,? Fstola, ,S4f a st,
Galls of ult kinds, Strains, Lameness,
Sprains,' Bruin C
Bruises, Sand olas,
Craekleels, . Foundered Pat, •
Rinenntr, (nudges, Scratches or Grease,
Poll Evil, Callus,
Spayins, j l &occupy, Born Distemper.
It is al3d a Univercal Family n tbroca:ion fur
diseases of Human Flesh, pitch as
Rheurnqiism, Exlrrnal Poisons,
Biles of Animals, Painful Agee-
Prost Miles, thous,
Corns, Whitlows, .
Burns an d Scalds, Chilblains,
Cramps,' Mimed flan ';8,
Contracts of the Muscles, Swellings, B:ounds, ,
IVcakroSs of the Joints, KAM Breast's.
MEttIIANTIL GARCILINII 0111..—1 t is worthy of
special remark, that beside:, the great and extra
o?dinarY powers in the cure of diseases of - the
horse-4n which its virtues filer attracted the atten
tion of the furrier and/inner, and the s% onder of
the public generally, it huls_been successfully em
ployed in a great variety of the maladies Whieh
affect the human race; undlt has proved by the
wonderful cures it has performed on the loner an
imAls, that it is endowed with emu' ive'prdpert ies
not found in other horse oik, which has establish
ed its claims to tqllaiderlCO.
Beware of the coon:crick atticl', and he sure
the Dame of the sot,. ritorntsvort, G. W. Mer
chant, Lockport, Is blman in the bottle.
' Ir_rFor testimonials, synopsis of diseases, and
mode or treatment, see pamphlet which accompa
nies each hot le.
'Er low doors
Sold hy. J. 11. Dutton & Co. F.ticf S. S. & 11.
Fasseit, Ashtabula, Ohio; and 0„„.,.) . Weliner,
Conneaut, Ohio. ' 1 v5O •
de Laind, as
For Removing Diseases of the Blood,
non Gingham;
A 1434,1g/tom an aust oj.tfer. h. lea and johle. • j
ern y, Firer d r
s o . b.stinatt dd sorts
Chronic awl coustitutional Dis
let and most im
uses such us Scald head: SaU t ßheum.
&reAleem. Era Ri v fa tr Other Li-ea
6w.isa and Tar
dory r reneria ti 1.1 arts!' freim au
U7ceratrin aat Carrosi me el, 'tote of the Mood; a'rt.
ei i, rd 4,
a a d tas*etts,
pe t rial edging.
in price fruni
the Throgt. Nose
Lips, Eat s, and other parts Chmnie affekttons of Sae Licer,
of the body., I I.unas and Cheat -,- -
topes or postures on the fare Pal i the St.nnaeh czn4 sides,
PiScaly psyches. and other er. Night &seats. .fe. tte ,
upti sits of the skin. . It is !itemise much rernmmen.
Bike. Seureey. and tther Seol red as a Crtennsin, 'Spring
_ .
" - -
rbutie nffeeiona
White dire/tints, Pains in the: fility.
this reniedy is prepared ruin the ehoievst 10
lecterl mat'erials. the active properties orwhich are
ex , ructed by an improved process, IA ithour hcat;,
on acebunt of which it is, preferred by Physicians
aw beit i r more unitbrin and active than any other
now liore the Rublie.
A ,f II account or the remarkable efficacy of this
remedy, in a variety of edges of the most. arrgrei•
vated nature, may lie seen by culling on the pro
prtetor or his aaents.
As most !mod medicines are enuoterfeitetl, be
sone and call for "Merchant's Sarsaparilla." end
See tlldt these words arc blown on thezlass,"Fir,m
the Laboratory Sol Geo. W. Merchant, Chemist,
Lockport, N. Y.
ViritlinoSt. ever) prutui ca: yummy is now
imp and imposing on the public, an article
they call sarsaparilla. Therefore, trEwsnt.'.l
z-old by J. H. Burton &L en. Erie;.; S. S. * H.
Fassett, Ashtabula, Ohio; D. N. 11 eli:=ter, Con •
neat;, (quo. , • 1)50
8 'French K
and children
Lisle threi
T i rAS.
the r.:
..., 1 till
Kii9evs,latst I Striettsls •,1
Loin's. I ' I 1 Diabiles,,i v -e'.
Thii. valuable medicine is prepared only by
Geo. W. Merchant, Operative eitemict. &c. Lock
port, N. 'Y. , •
Full and ample iostruclions, testimonials, &c.
itecoMpany eheb bople. . I
Sold by . J. H. Burton S: en. Erie; S. S.
Fassett, Asatabula, Ohio; D. N. Weboi
event: t Thin. $
f 'it. 4. at U. r. n v e.n E ILT
--A RE now receiving a large and elegant assort
/1C ment of Fall and Winter Goods, which have
been selected a ith Brett care. It is their deter•
minatimfio merit the reputation_of presenting to
purchasers the richest. most ill'adrable Styles and
cheapest Good., of any estahlishinent in the place.
They would respectfully invite' the public to call
and examine their stock; among which may be
found the most beautiful assurunent of French
and English
DRESS - GOODS, ever lir - Might. to this market;
comprising extra rich M , Oliair Lustre. Oregon
and California Plaids; Silk Plaids; Plain' and
Satin siriped Alpacas;' Casha ' teres• plain a ti
reps. M de Laines; Botabazines;. French, E l•
glish and Scotch Ginghatni, 4'c., &c. L Also a
molt superb lot of
SHAWLS Brocha. Damask Silk, Embroidered
Thibet. Tarlton, Printed Cashmere, Nlohair,
M. de Laines, Woolen, Plaid and an altno4t
endless variety of other styles. They will be sold
astonishingly, cheap. I
CLONIUNGS.L—A beautiful' lot of Gala Plaids,
'fliibet. Cliiths and Alpacas; Also a great varie
ty of Trimmings, 'comprising Mantilla, Clusik
and Dress Fringe; Gimps', Silk and Mohair
Lace., eke. e f .e.
ALSO—Table and S and Covers, Fruit Napkins,
White Damask. Daytime, tirapery , Alitslins,
Window and Wall Paper; boys and Mena Cups
and Hats; Boots, Shoes, Fitc. ' Also—a splen
did assortment of
FUR i.— Among which are common Coney
MO; French doFur lined, Genet do, Imitation
( Lustred Lynx., Real Lynx do., varying in price
from 50 as. each to $l2,
Oct: 0. 1847. 21
. .
I AM now rec6iving, from New York a great
J variety, of rich anchlesirablo goods for Fall and
Winter trade. Among other destratite's now o
pening are
Fuperiof Thibet cfothe, drab' ariil ()lack; Yrench
printed Cashntercs, betity Hut patterns and very
102 pieces black, d'reat, titade; plain and striped
Alpaccas, one third cheaper than eter belofe
olfered—dome as low as 2-1 tents per yard.
Shawls, a great variety of new styles; Prints,
Ginihams M. d i e Laing, and other new styles
of Dress Gloria in arty quantities,. twenty-fives
per cent: cheaper than ever before onbred in this
All of which' my custombre dnd tbU public ere
respectfully invited to .exuthirre.
loch Boat
1110stmlic MIEDIM
71713 WORLD:[[
Cheef; II abituct/ Cogireaus, /Wes,
4felgane, irQineia de.
nyary Orgai)s Oared yy
, ciFu, ova a.res!; and 1 ce•
Id' acute *loser of the! I
1.1.1/4tO' c;', , rioni ''l "!
1 Cor4rri& ta,' i - : ,
i Ch i efs, i "hilt' •.,
r 8,
SO ,: r THE
ES I 'hp U
IRA T OF ptl
oafl ronic a
Nov Fall and \VintOi Qoods.
°miter 9, 1841
IiffWBLE. SIXPRNCE.:ie better thud
the SLOW SHILLING.' 'Chits fa the
ttertto of the New Store. "tor bill be proved MI
that can and -see at • 4 1...T„ T N
Pct. r 6, lart,
igAT . BedsOWN sticatsort IPIVALIrir .
i. 1.11 HEST FRIEND ! It ls eouldsatly' asserted first
(there tiniest was a medicine which has stwessitah mid:
form awl uptearselaatisfaetion, as
oaring wham'
all T a l t i n e e y r 4 rill e a rie o s a C l a h tt e ed i r a c aTat t irl i tt 4 stsh ir, lobed • teepull•si
%Wu in the (.coot the chylous slattdatY wthlalli bass WW I
raised 00104 them. ..
Loth•be borne ha mind that Wright's blitlkiii Vltififtahhi
Pills ate
,'_ . ..
the off.pring of the hour, destinedollo peso swat ' l , ntbl lt .
and be forgotten, but a usetlicinfitit laza 6 niqtt, l' ir i
reputation is not built upon an wool die. hettltla "'„}
der circumstances in *lnch the Aids' ' the iniagiordtese
had quite teintueli to'do with It tithe lilt, of the tete:
edy Itself. Wright'( Vogel% le Pills 137 a dolts'
to real worth, founded au the hottest tattilingtestiaid.
Hy orl
THOUSANDS A:6 TENS OF 110 L urt.tallig,, , , -,
throughout theletigth and breadth 0 the laud.. h• ,.
It we. after a careful study of the ulnae Minttitnthai
that those celebrated Pilll were repappl.
is., wero tint consulted, and Ilea simians*** W..
pared from the herb of the Itelfßinswitilnb illbauld *la W ith
those laws. Therefore. these Pill. atrattaallY
to expp the corrupt humors, by opettle tio gattitaitsSl : i
lets of the system. I „
Each produce, by, their variations of tePer i s re IleoWl
i i ns
liar effects upon the Wool. tybal, Thd be',,, itihihde,
chit the Cold cobtraces the iolulotie the cirfillattng Uhl
suit a hen changes take place suddenly:the effects sr* of.
Ira serious: Wright's Indian Vegediaile,Pills eosinteteet
the rvil itififf .
enee of sudden changes by purifying,thii t .
bluoilowd heeplarrthe stomach slid bo,edla lis a slitiekT /
dad heatififidtenditidn. ---
Volt FEVER: AND arr. I
Tint 'condo of the IN'est. Wrigh 'a ludisp Ysigetehle
Pills mend unrivalled.' An instance has 'meter:team le ,
our knowledge of these . Pills having been taken, wittnitsi
effecting a complete Cure. lir emit. and Fevers the ,Ic ier ,
and bilary lulictilins ord. chi. • ilydiso dered inphithduted
IV treat Physic I debillie. WU .d . 6 s'yitilitOnts first ip
peer, uo time should ill tes( lieforo resorting to these
Pills; N few dosa4 will give such anifest relief that eaf
persuasion will be necessary to runt no tbe use I them:
•Volt Diit'EPS A. __
Wright's Indiah Vcgct.ble Pit a will be found skit,' inipts;
riot. In this disease, the gastric jteis weak add dell!:
mi„iit iu quality. Co...seqUently , th digestioti . is linPct
, fret and the health impaired. Thitsp,„ tills remelt, tisk
I tide front the sttothigh, restore ititdlie, sad itisprdv'e the.
digestion. ti.
Wright's Inillav•V' ,
egetable Pill, are equitlly well adapted
To the removal of this complaint'. AL they operate spore
the one general end mi lty! . principle, of-eleapsiog. the,
stomach and bowels, parifyinr the lootl , andfreetifflole
the secretions, they remove the CA JR of Jatnailices and
of till I tber disorders.
11111:kT 1.1161A1.E lIELkICING'
It would be did - scan precisely to ' t ell to Whil'h of the
two sexes Wright • linhati Vegidabl • Pill. bare, heed glip ~
gresie.t bles.ting. But It is very ' c nein' thelsliesa Pah
iris given hselt •. and spirit., and ii good eilaiplezion, to
Iliinklrras of females, a hu adult, without 14069... have bees
to their graves. A boa of Wrigift's IndiktP Vegetable
Klls is air Itiestrmable reediest cons at' donate pa=
rinds. I , ,-, 4
itc.trtcliE, rarrrnmEss. 6C.`
The presence of pain In any part.. landau:a i,iciiiiiipl
sista of the blinii, which Inituivas srriflog 16 croreets R 1
fsw'doses of Wright'. Natoli Vefetable Pill. taken on
going to had will be Certain to site niter, if the Nei' bee ''''
at all possible .
VALLJAIILY. ANT: Irr.toe.a._ 3.ii'DIC&F. ' -..-:
It la well known that khe South nhd West Odrer sore
from bilious disorders than Ilona all. ethers . f.ombieed.— ,
This is portly owing to the clierite, bat chtelly to the
nature ordmithern and Weigel if life. The erneatiens ste7,
compant mg liver cOmphiliits are of the Otos* wieletted •
description. Habitual di unkeiine** is frequently bloodrit
nos by liver complaint. A ,patient sUffertog how flirt Ilf
ease, shtUld net be 11MCkPli with , ftelOtiflrd curer' jeik
there are very few med,ci , es Marmite worth is efraw i 4 the
removal of this complaint. c r oon.' h i m hitherto see* '
the thief reliance, but the remeilt Mi. proid.fstkelf 'korai
th:.i. the disna.a! Whet then shell be don't We lay,'
r Ivn Wright's Indian l'egetebie Ntts a trital. If they do
not eceee i your expectation.. ire are Willing to bear all
the opprobrium of failure. And Add , .ely to all
There is no risk run—oo money thrown away —yew ors
certain of benefit. . I
I art'
1 , 1
. . . ,
:When you have found that Wright'. Indian Yr gdithl•
Pilia are a "leetle' the best medicine you ever 6 tilt of;
stick to them! Cloo'r run after every upstart It moody &
sr ,attempts to bluster itself intt notoriety, AbOve al?
of Wright's Indian Vegetable l'ills. Precinct to the fa . -
trodurttrin of this Medicine, Indian Pills were actror baud
of. Now what hosts of them! Aid after all ''what atV%
they. but tniserabln imitations of the or4lnat imodicier;
no more like tt, than chalk in ItkirChelsol ' One man ad
remises. "Imprased" ,nittan Vegetable Pilla - Tbis caul&
bee cyyrital joke, if it were leis 'serious pared of err
such. ' . I
There is no wifely elsewhere. The,coulory is ,fatal'-
in: with counterfenterA, both of money and o( Medititut.—
But which is the wo n t? Pa not tho counter Our oft me. 3
idiot 61)11110e better than a robber, end matderilt7- , -;
Buy of the regular Agents only . WO say sr in.
Afing IN FOR EILIE CO'blllY.
0. D. §P t FFOlt D. I:tie.
Samuel . II melon. & Co., Wifcrfotd,
Jo in McClure.-Sen. Guard.
J. U.S. verance. Union. 1
. -
Bitty & Potter, %Vett Sprlmtfield:.
Yr. 11. Townsend, Springfield: ' , .
Le. foam & Co., Wattabutr.; - ' • - •
•• '• ' North East. - - -' - 1 • '
John Clement,.Felrview.. ' ....." •
Tut , : oscr oatotafit. ANODE/MINE INDIAN V/LOTTAlitli:
- 141. Tn a rEN on TOE TOP LADISL Or ic•cit IttiX, ; peat other
genuine, and to mauler/tit (his is vOittetzte.
...„, _
_. _
()Meet devoted exelutively to the dale of wrtiVire ,a *fog
reo-ta.sle Pill , wholesale An t
d retail; 164 Race Street(.
Tremont Street, Bo.ton.
Erie, July 21.1847,
Pall of 184 .1 . BY [Pall of 1847‘
.... -
.I;ACKSON has now iwceirect 7 hht FALLS• and IVINTF.II. stock cif. Dry Goods, Gro
eeriet4ilardevare, Boots and shoes, crockery, iron
and fids, 4-c. &c. of which the following tont- -
prise' a' / part;
Broad ,Cloths, French, English and American
weal dyed blue, black, brown, sold and call.
mixed, C,assimeres, • black, blue, pfa d
rind striped; Satinets, •blite; black. Cadet and
steel mixed; canvas s, padding, buckram'. bdr: '
, laps, crash, wissindtbrown and black hoflande
cotton diaper, linen and cotton table cloths, hn= „
en cambric, linen cambric handkerchiefs, frit; t
niture and cambric dimity, drab, white, ,
and slate selicia, black and colored cambilk
brown and bleached al:actin:man& sitirtinsty, -
bed ticking-, aoron cheek, led; white and green/
woolen flannels, plaid linseys, crimson, searbsX'
. green and drab maracas, silk and tabby Yalta', -s
black and colored; silk and worsted serge, satin
• vanities, Italian cravats, black arid colors, etiopz,
pens, bandana, burcelotta, ponge. and spittle
tild handkerchiefs, silk, cashmere, Worsted at
cotton hosiery; all colors, l i gloyes of alt kinds;
mitts, worsted, siltt,l picnic' and tonal &esti
handkerchiefs, ladies cravats, lace veils, 'barra
ges, striped and - plaid earlSton and mess engh;
ams and chambry~v,s,swiss, plain, totted, plaid
striped, fi ,, urcd,go'olc mthilins, silk &raid., hat
and cap ribbons, Italian and French crape, sow:
ins, silk, purse twist, skein, knitting and tidy "
cotton, suspenders, bindings, quaint. tapes,
bobbing and cord, lacets, combs; buttorii,Hca.
dies, hooks and 'eyes;ints.te board and a g'oner-.
_ni assortment - of boots and shoes, hsrdware,
crockery, iron, nails, Etc.,' all of the-above will
• be sold as cheap as any new ar Jew store in
this city:
It will be observed that 1 km the oldest merchant
in Old place except one, and I now say that I Will
not be tridersold by any, yonnl or old, for ready
pay. Call and see that the abo e ate facts; at ray
ohl stand on cheaPside, where links for ealelain
be beat. ( -10
Erie. 25, 1.617
IBET C L Tti-131nyk, IJiab and Crown, T cheap for roily pay at the Ate
Sept. 21 S. JACKSON.
ALAIjACA —Silk and cotton mil, ftbm two'
to eight shillim.r.s pets ysrd, Black, Brown,
drnb~ plaid , plain cinti satin striped, freak by
HOT int, ToNotcrollie
vvv. are now able to offer our Coot:mere two'
eii.eir or the.
FU MON. AIR the ,
ivhich only requires to be examined to convincer
every 'kitty of its ecoriorOy, tttilitd, eoritaitieticiVA
&nobility ah'fi beffut.o. it win be sal et lit vdtL
'form price, *nd werrtantetti to suit don a melded
lady, es it peteesses alt the above qualities.
LEs'rEtt, CHESTiait,
• Erie. Sept. 25',1817.
FlitNCll - 111Ell110-7; iettki. *toga &to?:
of the ben: quality, tar mite cheap hi ,
Sept. -
XTOTICE is herby alien that letters , of
ministration de been
_granted to the yak
geriber on the ettt6te of Ftancis J. Kindler, (led'
late of Erie; all p ritons; therefere, 2nifebt%
said estate ate rt./nested to , set le the :ialitl4fr
',lately; and thosehaiing claims against 11,6. e..,
wilt resent them' legally atithrnticaterl ftnt std.
Oct. 9, 1847.049
, ,
ON Item! at ALLYN* COIT'S fa,* S tore.
one of tlie best Oath 6T Clothe Tonal
in this city; arn00., ,, them are die Welk ttencie
atfd German filk Uoe*tin and Fanefteatfifterter
and Broad Clothe, Beavet end JPllo,o6atingai
Tweeds, CaisidierSS sad Sa I Ps 4 311) "'
deiv ea Met incil Under Skits lend ,IDsayerit;
G tVernvey Froekai 1311( Satin: Cratittg„ At4E.; CV'ett
variety of TOGA' Trimmielei
blab black Velvets, Swans via - Sated, Int MPG*
sad other goods please call at g tiist
- • 14.1.1 LO GO
no. 16. .1154. t. • . C14;11974
la hAfvf..V tasair WAFFLE IRU'lli.-- -'I ti
.LI , trable article is offered 051 , Nibs at *al Yee
pride abbe dollar, by . -- -, It•
1 tEartn i StittiEti lk t still ~.
Ott: VI . '/ i -.--1 i • )I,:jt
. .