_ ~... .,_.7 ' ' 7 .: '''' , ' ~,':, FN. ; , _ F f - -7, . . • - - ..,:... ,_ -. :.--'?' : . _ 1., . . . . .. . ... . . I A?: • , . , • A . - 4 • . . . ~ . el •.• ';;/ . . , . . ',...• -. 1 - .'.. . . '., , , .. , - ci t ' .. . 5 : .."P .....J , . _ .. . F ~ ~::.,,,,,,,,„ .:, ~ ,‘„..,<., ~.,...1 ~.:......,,...5....,........_,_,••, „...,...,., • ..;„,.., ...., ~..... ,•t ~.,...., . . •. ..• • , . ~ . , • ~,,.1...••..:!•....1..,...,, •.,„. . , . • . . • ..... _.......____ 7 ..,,..........._,..____ ~..__,_,; . ... "THEWORLI_IS - GOVEIItriT.kH"TOO..MUCH. .- • ' ..: . _ \ - . -7,---__., ' . • .Fr XVIII*. . ~. . - • . r , . : . . - SATURtIA , OCTOBER -23, 1547. •__... ~, . ~. . . ... . : _ • . El yoLuill PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY . BY Kr. DUMAN & B. F. SLOAN, ' STATE STREFIT, ERIE, Pn. TERMS One copy, one year, in advance, . 81 50 yt i Otherwise, two dollars a year will invarin dy be charged. These tortng %%ill be strictly ad .red to in all CUSCS. . Advertisements in.aerted at 50 cents re.r square or the first insertion, and 25 cents cur each sub sequent insertion. Job Printin , ., of all Varieties, such as 80010 , pamphlets, Bills, Cards,Stea`m boat Bt Is, Blanks for Notes, Receipts. ti.e. exe cuted in the best style a infon short notice. T. W. MOORE. [)tiler in Groceries, Pr4ision3, Candies, Fruit, &c. No. 1, Terry Bloel,',,\State street, Eric, Pti, MARSHALL tz.;LOCKWOOD, Attorneys at Law. 011ie up Kai is in till! Tam many flan ortlie Prothonotirr's Office. • 9 •-- - - - SMITH J.ACKSON: DealSr in Dry Goods, t.3,rocerirw, Hardware, Uneens Ware, Lime, tton, NuiM &c. No. 121, Cheapside, Erie, Pa. • - JOIIN 11. MILLAR, County and Surveyor ; office in Exchange Buildini , s, hst , Erie. 7- JoLIN JOHN.-.30N ATTORNEY AT LAW N , Has ream ed his; Office to the. Public gond bi. near the Court.,llou.e. op stairs, in the room occupled b . ) the Sheriff aqd directly over the Cononi ,, ionert- , 'Office. • Prompt attrolion l will be yen to all businetts en tf ['stud to its (..are.- E. N. & Co. iit'FFA-431 - 1F STORAGE, FOR %VARY)! NG ANT) PRO DUCE ConMISSION ERClLkisn's, ANi) maks-5 1 '11i Lehigh and Erie Coal. Salt and' Pioduce 4enciailv...rartiettla - r atten tion paid 'o Ili;Jule of Planet.' and purchasn'of Dam:bandit e. Nu. 3 4 l'olitirn FAitiare, South Whir. E. N. 'HILBERT, U. DItI(.ICS. 1D GRANT, APorney and N 11114.11.1 at Law ; Pirwe INn. 2 State- st.,orinoto t Int ro, z l(t }lntel., Erie, l'n. GRAHAM THOMPSON,- Attorneys & Conn,ellois at Lan, t /IV ee on French street, over S 1../..tek.qon Co's. Store, Edo Ap7ll 21, 11.,' I. IRON ENZWEIC Cu. Dealers in l''orta!!n antl Potne-tie I"ny Good:. Ready \1 ado t r ?lo!liitt2', Eon s and Shoes, I.z.e. fie., No. 1, 41emtning Dinek, :State Street, Erie, l'a, G.U.13.1t AITI IS 6:, LANE, At orneys and Cotin-ellors at Liu% --Oiliee on .ix th :A ) !vet, west ,, lest side of th e Public Square Erie, I a. l• I. \I.IIII \iTII. W. A. CAI:MI.IITH. ' .--- —l G. ILOOMIS Z. 7.. CO. Dealers in Watlies, Jewelry, Siher, Germaii Sil ver,, Plated and Brioannia Ware, Cutlery, Mil ' itary and Pan6y Goods, N 0.7 Reed House, Eric Pa. IC 1 , WILLIA3f ! S & AVRIGHT. Wholesale and !lentil Dealers in Dry (Jowls, nro ceries, ifardn'a re. Crockery, Chrrare, Iron, Nails, Lenthcr, etc. 40, tier Of Sulk, street and the IP"la °PPUSI‘ Tavern, Erie; Pa. .- 1V14.1,1711 11 11.111 LET. Cabinet 'Alalc6 - , Virholster and triplertaker Otnte StreetjErie Pa 4. ,MCKINSON, M.l. Physician and Surtzeon, office on Sofenth Street, west of the Mettnntist Church, Pa. WALKlill ai. COOK ',; ' i i General Forwaidin , , Commi 4sion, n(1 Product Merchants; lied Ware lite, cat of the Pub lie PI itl , 7e. E ic. ----,,. • IttiE PI K afSt EV, of Tin', coppri and Sheet-Iron arena and Firth streets, Erie. Mandacturers ware corner ;•;EN N OPT , & L . , CHEST E 11 ,5 whole '* ale and retail dealers in w-ware ke. state qtreet Frio, Pa LEST,EII, Iron Found er Stoves, I'oll H. BUWPON k, CO. rctaildealersi❑ Drmis,:\ letlicirws l'roceries, 6:c. N 0.5, need l Iciuz,u JOH, Wholesale and: Dye Stutls , Erie, Pa. 31. TIBB:a,s, Guo(l,, 10.,1 I Erit Deal* , r in nr,‘,,l tlicapqiae, WIN VINCENT. v Gpo, thoceric+, &c., NO. 1, is, State sL.,Eric, _ _ TER BROTHER. Medilillll Pyc, &c., No. 6 Aced House, Ellc- GOO Dealers in I) 13.t1t II 1310 - -C,'] Dealers in Jr Pa. `()MiANSO3 d Merchants; In, Eriy, and al 0:k Street Can II Da ilers in (-I roeerVes and Provision'. C.II),\VELL. ware, Dry riad, , , Groceries, Sze he Diamond, 'and ma: door east. o atcl, G ie, P.t. Torwar Frendi z , t re son, also Ile Darr in Ilar eagt .:de of the Ea l :le I • :AOLE HOTEL, !;roan, corner of Slate strovt: and }care, Laie. Pa. EuAern,Wcstcin, n staze office'. _ . LTTL kliAmii,ToN. By Hiram lhr Public and S,otidv INlerchaiit Tailors, on the Pu tic etc door, ‘‘.e.A. ut state etreet„trie, _ I_ • / - - - - JOHNSON. eolo , ical, Nliqcellanentr, Siihday lat School Book; Station ry, etc. ote. o_neliStrea, Erie, Pa. Faqhionable Square,: a Pa. DealPr in Ti and Cla-.4( N0.111,V. P. A. It. BRACT, v Co u nsellor at law, C rairin du Chien, 'lces in thocounties or Claw tot d, owa, W. T.and in Clayton county, zory. Attorney and W, T. prat : Grunt and lona "leer t , r, ) ti exch aiwe for GpoclA, cuse,',lnd ail hinds of Coutr.ry Pip • 11. CAI/WELL. MB • Juno G, if.IItWA Triputt . the cheap :+l., Nov,mber 1 :11.::. :' , hell tlaidixare and I I out=e i m2scanalm.ai t 's be bae *wry clicapilt reof S. JAC g " 4 0. N ,g-co. ICI, 1916., 27 it TIMOTHY I".:EED.- - The ,ub Will pay cash for .00d clean 'l' imo B. TO, ILISSoN &CO. C Scr.ber) thy feed. 01" sehLt, Hooks, t, 2, id 5, for sale at No. 111, French St. 6, ISt7. in N W ESTABLISHMENT, Oa State St 'tr.!. nearly opposite the Engle llefi. 4 - 1_ IMO. its 4. CO. ate now teceivinq fawn k.. 1 -• New York and openiva at. (heir neA% sioru an exu , n , ,Wc as..;cattnen: of Rich And Fashionahle 4EW ELM , (ernbrici n; the latest alyle of nod: in market.) worrir.s, Clocks, Plated and &Mania if tine Cutlery, meet Trimmings, Camp/rue and Solar Lamps, lAoking Glasses, Gold Pens, tooTther wi.h a general variety of Useful and , hainentar at tides. eidi and see what ;Wiwi!! see_ June 26, 1817. • G Cash FQr Maxi . Seed. . CASH will be paid for one thousand bushels of Flax Seed by CARTER. & BILOTOLIR. Aug. 27,11817. No. 6, Reed Wage. . 3, 4 a Erie, Ma, ...... .—Loaf, Crushed, Pulverized, Cl;7rt rto Ride', Ulna, New Orleans Su at No. I Perry Block. v ' T. W. MOORE. , SIUGAIt, 13 fled, I' , gar, lor sal. Aug. :2&. MEIIIIII.IIX WIIAL:LON, ATrORNI:I - AND COUNsELLOD AT LAW, COMMERdIkL EILCII.OI,CR, ERIE, PA• - HA Vrial Cu far arranged and systemized-his official duties, as to enable him to tic:vote - A great portion of his time to his profession, will at• terse to all 107al business entrusted to his.care lie nil! attend the Courts in the Counties of Erie, Warren, Cran lord, Mei cer, Venange; Clarion and Jelrersou, and the Supreme Court of this State; and has moms: Mud arrangements by whit,' .he will transact be.iness in the adjoining Counties in New York and Ohio. ' All monies collected will he 'emitted by Drafis on New York. or Phil adelphia without any charge for Exchange. He mill also take clairce of and prosecute Claims against the United Stales, thaw and superintend aPplientions liar Pen-dens, patents. tte -01 the aldluy and intertty with Mitch all bu• : siness coati led to Ili:: rate will he performed, it would n ot he Moper in this. place to speak,_but those having LegalDwain-Fs to transact, or Cub let:lions to make in thil= section of country, are re speettblle referred to he lollowino• gentlemen: HON. JAMES THOMPSON, _ GEN. cIIsItLES 31 REED, SlEssas. WITA.IA Mg & WRI(:HT, - 310 S ES KOEII, 1.80. Erkio, Pa. _ THOMAS iv.::Trit It ETT, VINCENT. 11131R1 )1) & CO. . . A.,D. & T. W. PVITIIIN, Esq' s. • . ~ HENRY E. S5lllll. ESi. _ CHARLES 11. S. WILLIAMS, Esq. Bon - M0... JAMES MULLE'PT, Esq. P1111.11•1.10s0131Ett, I..:sq. HENRY W. ROGERS, Esq. HON. XI/LIMON GARDNER, Roehelter. N. Y. ZION. JOHN A. DIN, Albany, N. Y. HENRY SHELDEN & 0, , .., • CoRNELTUS W. I.IWRENCE, E••. , • Donn, C :sI HADL W I:It & HITAKER. HON. ROBEILT II ,31010,U8, N.Y. City. CONOVER A. L AtIAGII, J.'& A. VANOSTR AND; , lION.'JAMI:S RUCH.% VAN, o WM. 1,.. StAltcEY. Washington " ROBERT J. WALER. .. W.l MP:DILL. • Will Z. S PE wA wr. / '.. , q.. Logus:port, Is. GEORGE If. Mr WIToRTEft, / 0 ,,,,, eg0, iv, 3, .. It. isituctoyA Y. Esq. S HON. \\'MPA"! 'PERSON, :4.ll},litslty, O. ' IION. JOHN wENTI,ronTii t ch i cinio , 111.. . ItRIS POI. IT. PORTER., i.T . COL. ,LAME , . . It. s'T;OWDEV, ' LEDW/G, TCNEEITLER & Co . cor...rnirs 1 , It: r., , Philadelphia. MIR -131. S. AVOLE Z.: CO.,' St HENRY HORN, E.g., J. &J. P. STEINER. • 3 LION. FR A NcIS It ::111...N1i-., • •SIMON CA lIERON. e , riaburg. ~ N.ll ELDRED, tiln HENRY 111 EttLER. E•..q. 1 • HUN., WILLIA 11 W ILION: 3 , tritt.bg gh , GEN. 1.1..V1 G CLoVEIt. 3- • GEoittif; THOMPSON, Esq. Wliceliss.7Va. . • HON. It. 31c.C1.1.1,1.AND, Metro.., Mich. W. J. CORSKIN. . T Clereinntl O. Dm . S, 1:\61,1;11N61,1;11 Alt l', S , 110:s; LE WI CA -44: II A IMES I: HAMMON:), 1:59„ }Dcroit, :Mic h. JORN M. REYNOLDS Esq. Erie. \i.o. 8, N:7: FrOlil the Citi of -1116C116.-- Arrival 01 Uremia and Cheap Groceries At No. 1, 5 . 4.1 . 24' ilSloelc. SINCE the 'Falail;la been taken oti* the im• ports into this eountry, and i placed on that 01 Ale \ leo, it has enabled 1110,e who h ave p urc h ase d Groceries in the Fast !hem cheap. W wish all who want anytittn, in the Gtoecry line to call and examine our 'move do assert, e%ithout Nat- fit en it radiction. that we have the tree lest uro,•,•riei‘ in this market, havin all been purclia4ol from the fittest, importations. In oar etuek may be rffin.d the f,olloiving: Imperial, Gunpowder, and Young Hyson Teas; Jaya, Rio, Laguira i and St. Domin go Cofees;..Loaf, Paved:44 Porto Rico, and X. O. ...14w , , , are; Pepper,-Spice, Gin ger, C'inamon, a Xutmcoyarictf.iiss,---ininit, • Perled barley ? a Mt 3, Illmonds, Filberts, etc.; Fruits—Apples, Raisins,.Eng sh Curd': rants, and Figs; ..*.gpermand Tallow candles; Summer and Winter strained Lamp Oil, a superior article, .••:(111.1!! oil, Fancy having, Variegated . and r soap. Dili y salt, IV hitt: Fish, .11ckerel, Alackina Trout, and Herring; ttobullz , eNtra. Fine cut chewing,. l anish Smalsin , and Cavendish Tobaco, Pipeti; Ite ,, alta. Principe, Trabuca, Lenora and emit- =UNE mon Cigars. Colewd a nd 1,1.. in Grass and Manilla Mats.— Besides a ho , t of other articles to supply the wants of all. A fresh supply' of Clroeertes re ceived semi-monthly. • Call and examine goods and prices at No. 1, Perry Bloch; -•T. W. MOORE. 4 Elio, June 12. 1817 "Not thr a l)nv but f o r S TANTON'S EX TEILNAT, CALLED HUNT'S LINIMIENT, Vs: non given abundant evidence of its heal , I log po,n ei s o . and proved itse;r the most extra , ordinary and wonderful medicinu in the world.— In , her: space of two years,. it has acquired a reputation 14r curing disea-i an releeving pain tar _seater th.in any medicine ever discovered.— It-'ivonderlid eases have Is•rinislied the Medical Faculty. oho now tiniveisfilly concede its great lue. 'I hey speak LA it in the highest terms and /' Ir i.: m ale:nu:al by none—On the' contrary, its 'praise is elliVer?lti. The ca.es ni ewes arc so nit. ca.rous that it ,%tad)Also %plumes to recount them --awl it • a ft:it.d tact, anj is not disputed, that as a pain extricto/it has no equal. For the many astonishing cures, see the pamphlet to he had of , 4 lit. It/you su.ler with either of the dis ease, for w illy!' it is tecoinutenled, resort at once to use an Ibe enred. Fur the following dis eases it is • n infallible remedy: Spinal AfTectinus, Wien nvitistri, Paralysis 89( - 1 all nu 'oll4 aff..eNcons, Salt Rheum, Croup or I ices, Ague in the Breast and Face, liVeak s of the j lilit., colds, tooth ache, sore throat and Utthisy, ulcerated sores, indolent uleers.burns frosted feet, corns, bunyons, fresh wounds swellings and bruises, scrofu lous affection's, nuts- quit° bitesand Pokons. lr This tcrliind by all the respacta ble Merchants a - nd Dru...ists throughout the country, and by the Proprietors at Sing Sine, N . - - GEO. E. ST A.NTON. For •ate by J. 11. Burton Co,& Erie, B. C.Towo North t7;,000t, Volt-vie% , ta. L. Jones & Co, Glint". ' Oct, 9. Ibl7. . t tim9.l ' Rik and Ilia lthig. \Tithe Fish an, Matlina.e. Tiout, this day received and ctor sale at No. 1, Perry illoek. by W T . •111001tE.. Erie,.SePt., -t 25, 1817. . 19 PRICES RE,DE 'ED. rIASTIiii.I.6, stoves, 'stove ipe, copper furni ture,l.-1 airnighz sheet iron loves,ara now soli km, rapidly by the sub•seriber at less than'ever, acid our desi , rn is ti.at no pricits at Bpfralo Or dee where, foi• cast/. i ~. •- - LEsTER, SENNI.37 Erie, Sept..2s, 1817. :r SL CIiEsTER. 6cp, KITS Nu. 1 Mockergl, ju,t meek ed and I ,Terry Erie, sept. 25, I`e7. _ -- RAUS ‘vanud in exchange fur tin ware by "8"111 LEST ER, SEI:I4E4T 3*, CtIKSTER. Full. 25, 1517. 1 WEISTBRN- HOTEL., rfTOIIN CI Lt. A LINN], Proprietor. The t.) stth , ciiher would respectfully Inform ...I . Lijk . his friends and the gen.' vr.dty, that he has leacd for a term of years this row and commoilinti3 ,Rouse, situated at the Eightit Street Canal Basin:' This location tell - . dcrs the "WEAT ERN " pte-eminently.the most , convenient and de‘irahlc stopping, place for all either doing itsiness!or travelmg' on' the Canal; Th er e is, also, atotolictl to this - establishment a large and convenient ir table for the use of Boat men and others Navin , horses.. i, . •-• ' • No pains or expcns .has been, spared in fitting tip this house for 11l convenience, comfort and pleasure, of guests, a d the Proprietor, treats by strict attention to bus neSS to writ nail I.m:iv° ii . e share of public patronage. . Erie, A pril,2l, 047, • -' 47 The muffled winds are sighing O'er , ,Auttinfiee opening grave, And irlthered tloiiers are lying Lijte hopes which Childhood gave. Each leafy erowula stolen, That hung the fountalbs o'er, ' Whose besorni, sudden stvollee,• Their grief in rivdrs pour. • No Fylvan song of gladness , The birds are here to woke; The wind's low tones of s aduesa Alone the silence Week: And thus Is Nature weeping Forbeautles torn away, Like Age, his vigils keeping. Arer Manhood io decay. - Bi3t soon the storm.' will vanish' -* " And vernal bloom appear, • , And Natu o thou will bambh . • gloinny cloud of fear. Mid soon both ago and borrow Asidit the,soul will fling— . Its long, cOnetml morrow •Will be eternal . spring, ;Western Literary Messenger THE IDIOT BOY. "See, se(sister,,here is William Jones," said a little girl of ten years, with sparkling black.eyes that. were contintuilly laughing„ and a face as round and blooming as a peach, and dimples roguishly peeping out: fancying they were hid, like their peerless little mis tress herself, when playing 'hide and go seek,' looking front the' parlor window. A sumptuous room h . was this parlor; ric its furniture, gorgeous its carpet and hang ings, and superb the gems of art adorning its polished, walls; and its little occupants, ac- cuStomed as they Were to the splendor of this beautiful home scarcely dreamed that others there were, less favored than themselves, or wi thin and without, homesless cheerful than their own. Clara was two years older than her sister Susan,: and possessed her vivacity wholly . without her boisterousness. Her' blue eye was 'ever radiant, her pretty mouth wreathed in smiles, and her quiet laugh quite as joy-' cuts and happy. It might be difficult to say which enjoys the sunshine triOstiN s t leaping cascade or the quiet stream. "Does'nt he look stupid?" said the Young- est of the! sisters. 1. "1 Should like to give him a real pitich, should'nt you, just to hear him •cry out?"( . , "Old Specie is saving you the trouble," re-, , turned Clara. Old Specie was Doodler than. madam goose itWttlA.‘l7-nicnratir ottu-'utest ieututtieu times without number, that she bad no sort of claim to the short grass growing on the green, nev ertheless, she cropped it every chance she could get; and persisted in treating all who puesed that way as trespassers, hence now t • - the attack little upon the boy, and the t girls' merriment who witnessed it from thewindow. Susan's loud laugh must have readied the unfortunate object of their, nnthinling re 'marks, for he quickly looked up to were they stood. his eyesinstantly fell to the ground agaim the blood r.4slled deep into liisale face and hle hurried ollas fast as his fet could carry him, and was soon lost to theid sight. %The bright face of Clara became instantly sad did She said thoughtfully, "i'erqaps he isn't so foolish, after 01, JS they ihildt him to be. If he is, why woultVe turn red when be heard us laugh? If hof . a fool," she cont'nued, still having the lad' - teted looks in her hunt q ey., "he must ve the :s - ame feelings thaqother boys have he would not have looked 6 ; 1 ,, and hurried so: fast., lam vez l y sorry we laughed so im, Susan." I , , The happy f titer of the two littl sters • entered the ro m, but they were 100 from the window an his presence was ticed.., The regrets Ot his oldest daughte nd the I very sorrowfu l tone of her voice ed him I", to listen. , . , 001 1plicd Su "Every "Every bod , calls him a son, "and I a sure what, eve body says must be true:' . /her says so "Yes, I kn , w everybody n he doesn't think so, for he af , ... ~, am -J•he does'nt.fay he is hn idttict"loirkrna with he by the whole hdir tof h _ a is n : o / :. wa g ste his g t o int n v o i convinced h , a: N. n fa u t i Y , _ ;, a ,1 1 m ~ .. , e a g n u d a k l l n y o‘ e v ° s n upon one who could not P ri `:" - ' The father could tiara s- from catC.h !mart for her kind ing his little daughter t, 'onruLd moment c h e e p encohno ni:dhicshnalrvitnabblnesnwmor.ds7 , ie chiir, tittentifin. Clara t r 1 d for she felt ccr blinvnebde d t e n drawseeingw he said. iia,aLiiny:,ii-nungrtssivideonrrdi right l i a )i r tt a ; :: t h a e i , ni Da h ind e ' nothkai n d d l feell i y ea . n r d 5 your heart much credit,-whi little t giddy," and he though your hear on her forehead.— parted the brigh..o older, she will better '!When Susan (.6 no doubt will endorse understand Yo 1i i . , , you' not my child"' l all y9 ti !' av C i ie:cup - led hand affection- ePa he p lacev of his pion - goat' dMigh laity upon , u in the face notAriaie- ._, I "1 1 . . ter, Who lo 8...._p_.' - . ing well ,4 reSurtied the father, "yeti '" -M Y c ' i - an . age•lo tbink anA'ie',= ' , . . . . • have now r - Yotirselves. ' The world i's' . flee ' B CT ike ailockef ; sheep, i'd ' too abli,4l lender, Whciei-cii 4e may be 7.,•,. a Pt• t° and tliat Oneto-morrOW--whe_ this 3 !' ugh to p,iit,' hinisolf in advance , , , n ' a , Y . the werld'S opinions antii you l ' l ' . P weighedtheM, - and yeur reasOn, • hini e tell you they'are,right: It is . ~ and thinking - admiesioii thiVetilla, itha tiVB just remarked, in idiot, and :th a foot;—it has Made him what he 1 1 rated being shunning every one,' l, orld does apt shun hirn v it has no . with - him, but, pityingly point* him 4 pat up •for family for eale at No. 1, AN AUTUMN BY J. CLIDIENT . EL ALONZO FARRAR. „out as but one degree remored*onr the bes tial level. That you may, the better :under stand me, I yill relate ;to yoty, it story which has the advantage of having come under my ow l n t ° ‘t b •a s t e tt r e v d ut b i t o tt n tlii ' s to draw Clara and Susan around. their father ; for notwithstanding the levity of their natures they, held- him in su preme love and' reverence, and listeno .at tentively, and even delighted to all lie thought • proper to say to them. THE FATHER'S STORY. . , ,- ' There . liqd•many miles from here, a Weal -thy family whom I shall call Stedman. Of four t i a children they were ( all reMarkably ,in el ligent save the youngest; (a boy,) who, al S! was of that unfortunate class,o "eyesore' to his family pride—a thorn "in the , side of As family's ambition." ,, - It has been told of him, that in infancy he gave as many tokens of intellfgeneo . aS any child of his monthS=.-was susceptible to that language known only to the mothers; and would prattle in return, would play with his feet, and would gaze for hours al, the strange pheno•netfon, his tiny hands; would cry out with pain if a pin pricked -hiin;.' still; as he _grew, older, his mind refused to advance, strengthen end' expand with years." ' This may be accounted for perhaps, as he grew weak and imbecile inbody. . Disease seemed to have laid its relentless hand uPon his phys ical and mental facultieS at the 'Same time: and though his life was despaired.of, he liv ed, but it was a life almost without the ener a and consciousness of life with him, so fully does the mind sympa rise with the body. It was soon gossipped abroa that this child, John, tas an idiot. Some pitied while 'oth ers rejoiced; for they gladly welcanied any -1, thing, that might huMble the' hatighty pride of the Stedmans. "It is just good enough for theta," crOake& nn old crone of the village. 1 .1t . ' Will teach them for the future; - not to feel themielves bet ter than their neighbors. I am 0.4 if we must be plagued with a fool in the village, it belongs to that family." ' ' - '„ "It'will teach them not to set "thelichildren up as better than other people's children," said another, whose son , had been presumptuous enough to raie his eyes to,the accomplished MiSs - Sophia Stedman, and . mud enough to send her a knot of forget-tne-nota.. This daring on the part of the -rustic, - swain, pro-, duced not the sensation it was intended: The young lady was only incensed beyond' rims-. are, and the - beautiful beseeching. flowers were-thrown into the kennel. . :•-• :- *- ' ' - 6. V..., o re hi p, car! 'A..... It ; ..... -A........, •sukvs, "and they most send that upstart, Frank, to the city to det, him a wife—there was not one-rich enough for him here; I suppose. Much hap piness may she bring himr• As may be supposed, the knowledge of their shame going abroad, -was not without its effect on the family pride of the Stedmans and though they ' professed utter- indifference for the opinions of their neighbors, who were all a long way below them in the scale of worldly weath, yet every word, every look of disrespect, now stung them to , the core and was laid . up against this sickly unoffending child.' , Twill not say they wished him dead, if suet an event had chanced it undoubtedly would have caused them but little sorrow.—: But he lived, and after many years was ,con-' valescent. "But was he still foolish, father?" asked Clara, who had taketi more than ordinary in terest in the little idiot_ boy, and could not re frain from the inquiry.. The father smiled approvingly and resumed— The derolopement of his intellect teas lit tle attended to. Family pride would not al low of his being sent to school in-the village; he could be taught niithing, and their disgrace would only barnacle the more public thereby. As to a private tutor, that 'was not. to be thought of for a moment, though his brothers and sisters were so provided for; and thus the good that mig lit have been done, and the little seeds that might have taken root and grown to bear fruit, with pioper culture, were never sown; nndshis mind. was !eke . hbrren - waste, with nothing to feed upon but the fancies, of its feeble, untutored self. tlo was never al- lowed to leave the house for the same reason that he was not sent to schdoF; but,when the older Stedmans Were front humei and,'the younger ones out ona party f •plkisure, old Jeannette would open his prison door and let , him into the street. The sight of the idiot boy was quite a treat to the gaping urchins of the village, who never allowed an,opportu nity to pass, i l Oteit they cottld indulge their curiosity, and gaze and wonder at What they could not compreltend--4he idiot boy. lie was madeto feel, however, 'that he was un like every other human being; a thing, nark ed; shtinned, neglected; if not despised,, he knew enough for that; poor child, and he, came still. more singillar in his appearance--, shunning`every,one., I•wiltpase 'over ten years of the history "Of' he Stedmans. The.odest son Was . ifra'iTie—a, as I have said befdie; s.pfna was atilt oa the svnriy Fide of Unity untaarr)e'd;'for'ai yet she had with 'tie • ligiblo ;offer; - and 'it might reasonably` be' iitipiiosell'i'sho• would; The second so had passed the wi n = teent-the d now it ivtiS Had rettireed'honie,''hav , ng in his 'coniliani hinj. Linda), an'early fr and of his father; end Caroline, his eharmin i . :daughter. BL:side; ,these, herwas followed is two or three bigh blooded young men of Fashion,' all of. Whom were to. spend th&tfeaiop at the Sfedmaiiev,`,l Now Maj. Lindal. ryas a tnilliezisrle;'Apti his, only child Caroline, course . an heiress, whom each 'of tbe gay' ydang aied otl#o*fe4 . a decided yearning for._ Louis Stedalttli wus one of h'er devOted adioirers; and " Ihwas said of alt who paid their court, he stood vuosi, in favor with the young lady. • Be this as' it may, the Stechnnatas thou , 1 „ • . approved of it but did tierything in their Pow- as if Urging the nece s sity tieing so mething; ,or to for Ward the matter. • Mrs. * Stedman's still neltber.moved or seetnedinclined - to take prat of the dear: hay, when ,she could get the rieklimself. , . '.. _ , -, _ ••• - , Caroline to listen, wasamtiring, and her tit- . - Seeing she could exp e ct nothing from those tentfons to theyoung, lady herself, appproaCh-, who had sworn a scere'of times, to lay down Cd Sycophancy. ' ' - . their lives to serve' her, a Scornful smile • Mr. Stedman gave himself up - exelusiVely wreathed her, lip, and most cutting was ,it to to the amusement of hie friend, the Meicr;' those gallant gentlemen on shore, - for they felt and to allow Louis a better opportunit to it was deserved, and she began to look abotit make advancesto Caroline, the married son her to see how she could best save herself.— contrived ea much as possible to draw 'othe The smile quickly fl ed from her face and a city beaux, and even Sophia, displayed ola 'shadow gathered over it, for then for_ the Brat ft.. greater extent the suavity of her nature ,. nil time, she became aware that thedroa contain to oblige Louis, put On some of her most be- ed no oars, nor,anythinghy which . it could bee • wltOhhie , lifts. Same said she would glidly guided tethe land. ,At a glance she: s..vv the aecept an Offer' of otairlage - 'froin the,.least. full 'extent,of hot danger, Thil current-was promising of,them all, but'l Will net say she - slowly, hot none the'ies surely :crirtiying her' affected them, any farther than her brother' toads the 011 s; and uniess as ista ee eo ill good required. ' • ;' I I' • . i l'' , ', reach i lher sheltauSt ineOtably,b 'alas ed o Of) - Thus the Stedmahs'were enjoying them the rock ire cv.l' Her Gheel nii ht well selves, if We except John, and know notVh'' blanch w tit ear. Her emirr ; de, ger Was I Should except him, for fie was not of th n rn Well tun orat d by ull on shit epiat i nd 1;14' Ever since he was old enough he' had bee Stedman full determined , to'• O iAimeth ng cietit . tii the field to labor with the-men on the worthy a gentleman and the great love - he en farm; and now more than ever, he Was kept tertained - for the unfortunate girl, feeling her closely at his work. If he entered the lieu's"? loss to be irreparable, started to call the men it must he by the 'back deer, and as for his who were at work upon his father's farm . at meals,' he must take them with the men_in no great distance from them to her assistance the kitchen. The Stedmans . trod the' Oft, little, thinking before he could return, /she 1 carpet of ease, and fed on choice bits in he l would be beyond mortal aid. _ parlor—he, like the Muzzled ox, trod out 411 e Sophia Stedman gave herself up wholly to • .corn to feed on the h usks in the kitchen - rescuehor fears, and wringing her hands, urged the Again, I say, he was of one of them. gentlemen to try, some means to her, One fine afternoon, , some days subsequ pt but they seemed dumb and rivetted to the spot. "to the arrival of their guests, the Stedrn ins, Every moment, the poor girl's situation be proposed an excursion ow horieback. "he came' more critical. A short distance on and 'party made a spirited appearance Whet; t mey `the waters began to break in ;their downward Were all mounted. Sophia looked her v .ry 'course 'over the falls. It 'wet a fearful ino beat, and savor her licirSe admirably. Carol oe i nient. The boat swept (steadily on, and si looked the fair rival of Aurora, and mans ed lently she commended her soul to God. Hark! her horse with exquisite skill. Her chtl kg A deep plunge'breaks the awful silence, but glowed with the warm, , rosy blood of hea th, nothing conk' be seen but the ruffle of the dis her eyes sparkled with, excitement, and ier I turd and parted_ waters. A 'moment after I sweet, merry laugh tang out with its accts- • the head of a man appeared above its surface. tomed glee. Whe n she chid the restiive I. •A • murmur of -approbation greeted him from movements of her horse, the mellow term iir w i ' the shore, and the _despairing girl held outlier ali ears and all eyes towards her, though 11 ies 1 arms to him as lief only hope of life. 'lle Sophia's' eyes had something of displeasur: in ; heard the applause, lie saw the confolemiLinove - - them. ' Wheiher what to others is so ful of : mein, of the girl, and hope beaming anew in harmony, was turned to discord by the ph . si-''tier 'sweet faceoind manfully he threw himself cal derangement of the organ qfsithd, or n-1 through the water. ' vy—that bane of • horrian happiness', tunieg "Ali,” shrieked Sophia Stedman; "Hecan every sweet, to acid—or not, I will not vet nit; not 'reach her in time! see!' time boat is to say. l , 1 scareely twice its length fronythe falls! God 'John was in the field %then the catalcgde •.protect'ller." . swept by upon the r;ad.• Ho dropped he I It was even so. That boat began to move heavy spade -with vliiili he was willing p i with greater velocity through the water, us if the damp earth, and gazed after them. I prepkringitself ler a final leap,. and the man, "They're having a gleet time on't," ebse v- , had not gained it. by many yards; and even ed one of the laborers.t , ! .1,„., 1,11„.,,,,„„,,i .._...., k - - -- TffOlf - prooaoie ne2couta ndt stay its' course another,with an Oath. ! !against such a current. He seemed to be "Yes," said a third, "rbotjuit, you put th in aware of it, and shouted, ' are gals in the kitcheni and them fetters lure "Leap, leap! or you are lost." a ditcher' and then se, what they'll be go d True toOris request, she sprang from the for. They couldn't heldla candle to John, ' boat which shot forward rward and almost instantly disappeared. When the senseles girl rip "l-should like to'se'e 'em brought to it "i neared to view, the man's arm encircled her pursued he who first spoke. 1 should lil e , waist, and at the same time he secured a rich to see Master Louis obliged to soil his.whi e I e - Throidered scarf that had become loosened hands in this *ere mirei right 41; alMuldn t from her neck, and Was floating upon the - you, John?" - I , 11 : ter,lrild then conveyed her safely to the shy John heard every woad that had been - Sal ,lA'd mi the congratulations of her compani but ho made no 4.13r,t "No," he thbugh I I she opened _her eyes, but her deliverer "it would give me no pleasure tot see hint h.- gone. bar as I have to dot nd t that .it would har i Maj. Lindal received his daughter with him; no I care not for t he toil; hut it is—it i: i much feeling, but 'ho 'one could tell film who that lam thought so mu 'ph beneath them; the iit was that had so generously risked his own lam neglected by brothers, en! I d by m 1 life to save his child. Sophia knew ;Try well sister, a stranger in lily father's house! lit was herdlint brother, but she chose to keep' Wherein do i differ so i much' fr+ thein? the secret to herself. Does not the seine WO run in my veins? : His precious burthen safe on shore, John Is not my skin as wll4—only it is bronze ; Stedman made a precipitate retreat; and gain by',, 1 exposure to the Still Is not my' back as .: lag the.cover of .a clump-of trees that stood 9raig,lit? But then',-4t then it is my mind ; near the wl,ter, he sat himself down in dry his at's warped' Yes, in My repir ings I had 1 (let lie; in the 'sun What were, the them ghtS forgotten, lam a fir!! True, trite, strange, I .cif that poor boy when seated theref r - he should forget it when every one is sure to tell swas a boy i 1 the weakness of an _lntim ores( me so; I ern a fool! and worst of all, lam so' Mitid, unsch oled i all things save the eek ,Inuch the fool that it cannot See iny folly:L-,1 lessons of th Ilea t, not e ' 'n twenty ; ears' Woe is me! for I must be an idiot, thoughl `of isolated li e;' He had sawed thf life t of a i• see it not! Has not) every , body told me so Inninin being he mad been brought' nigh 'unto ever since I was a child? Well, it is most a being possessed of that divinity, the perfect I kindly ordered: the fool toils 'on e , foolishly mind—he had folded a Mir i am form to his dreaming he is wise, and . in that bias much heart, and that a lovely tvomap. - Necessity to enjoy; while the wise man kno.vs himself; compelled her to accept the o ff ices of a fool he tube a fool, and the Iknowledge proves the thought, or she would have spurned them; but source of mnny.sorrows. Come, come, there when pressing her to his bosom, the'thrill of, isn't 'so much - difference after ril. What pleasure that wrapt his madened senses.— though 'I am a fool—content me"' and with Was it an emanation of mind? To touch a thoughts like these, he resumed his work try- being endowed with:reasori,Was it always fol ing to believe, though but half coi vinced of owed by 'such a pleasing sensation? 011! to his fullyi_ , - e allowed always to drink at the fountain of Meanwhile the cavalcade had l assed by, :uch'knoWledge. and a short way on, they alighted at,a deep But' the 'spelt was now broken--he was stream, (turning- a mill near at lm ily which g gain alone. He was no , longer needed— 1 they were to cross in 'a small beat. „. ' ' - ' I I othing human now required his assistance--- "Is it possible 2 you inteml crowding mall I e was but a blankia waste of 'life! Neve! into that nut-shell, Miss Stedman!" i n quired tell this moment did be feel what it Wacito be one of , the city gentlemen, in evict .i. nt horror fool. That night he returned not to his lath il of the diminutive size of the' boat th i was to .r's house. convey them ,to the opposite shore. f`l Time windoWs' of Major f.indal'„ house Were, 'wouldn't - trost my, dug in it, unless his lifeya:sl brilliantly lighted and in his halls were grith wellinsured, I wouldn't pon honor." l ., -. i e e d "fair women arid brave men".:.-fair mall "Titer thou thioltest_more of thy dog's lif l / 4 .t mt. adorni their' Sex, the :Wome l it—brave in than of thy own," said Ciroline, gaily, "for 'a I - words at last, the - uien—for they it ere thou shalt assuredly risk thysolf,,, though not oar of them late givers, and their voices had thy dog, or no king,er wear ribbons, of Mine; , b ert loud in the halls.of.the nation. ' .aiTil I will Calithee 'coward." .... Caroline Linda!, the star of tilt evening,' "I trust I may have 'an opPnituniti• to Jeon , vines. Mlss Pedal I am,far from being a dew.. f , ~ - , , - ~ ,4 e tier .eyes nere, often, upturn ed wi t h a I -, o - • ard, replied ,the disconcerted_ bedu. , ,; odly share of affeetion beaming in them— "' "Ypii, have it howl" cried" thegay, girl, anti his too, shone with a tire that eat at deft- 1 banteringly. AiCome, . Sir. Leande, folle* atiett the cententional - Water of unsocial re- 1 fete."-j '-• ' . - ., ' -•:' r 1 . . at - aiiit, ,tied Were brimful'. happiness. Mr. With 'the last word she bounded into:stile % )(iron 'was'a member:of 'the Semite from' i , il 1. beat witiehno sooner felt the 'weight entr tst.: on ; of our Western' States; and it was whil ed to it than it 'became dislodged frO'iii the , . , pe ed that he Was a self made Ma'n; that be" • , shore and shot into the stream. Exelpriationa, 11 ,4 from- the greatest ohscurity, to 'ifs pres-,• of .surprise and horror, ran trin, mond ,tg ent high-and enviable : position wholly by his Mouth, but Caroline. bad often plied thejoar 0 * ' eXertiOnand was an_ other among the alone on the little-lake near herfatherls c t un.: tea • li brilliant ex >:m pies se' befor'e the_ oaths try liouse, - and' felt 'fie; (darn!, \ and ;when . she gf ur fostering countri,WorthY of their high *ea w. the anxiety of hercompnemns, - e only, est emulation. . . ,langlied'and celled en-hitn she ad naped Le- - .here' now Is the Idiot boy? Where the ;ander, to swim to her regain.: .i But - e either reward °this tbila s his iltruggles, his devotion? ' lacked the courage to dose, or couldnll t, swim,- 'Wlerenow the ohieet that fi rst fanned into and en:did they alliind- looked - at each other quick &Me - the- latent fires in his bosorn• . i ht se, and not only tIM arid awoke him to a,svne of.what he wasosi3" what he might be! I:tiilShelitizard it.thdogriti - On him? That she rtiinemliered"tbegeneions: act that saved herfrotn soterrible",a,fates„ritit i true;'.and then did she invoke:blessings oaths head of heilunknown deliyerer; but ifie felt nothing 'like Idve for,one she hadriev i er Seen, That sentiment started into'being,' 614 y when called for by the.noble and handsome Waldron; • and now as she tearrod open hitiatm;anq glid ed through the crowded apartinents,,4 'Turf wurof admiration followed the, 41466060 Senatoi that had,so ?fair a ptirtner. - "Leilus seek the garden' lover IWaldron WhNiered, r4rid they went out iipotrthij:hla*t. 'whic communicated, 10t11 a periseriatciry, an t ien to the gravelled walks itctioW,:, It ves a 'lovely . tight. - 1 The moon re fed uprin tree and plant pale and melloWllght —tlitt gentle breeze dame laden with the aWeet scent of firers; al ci 'd music, discoursed front , hnzlpland flute ravis , the ear, .and enriched the hour. Altogether'lt was it time_ when passion grows likethings of-lifebeart yields to heart—and drawing Caroline 'away from - the crowd to a mere retlied,part ofthet garde*/ he earnestly besUught her to lend ear to his petition, and name the day that Would make his happiness complete, -' "1 have -your. father's consent," hi said. "My father has'spoken of vow in the high t est ternis," she replied; "and indeed sirilek me be candid with you." ' - "Pray be , so."__ ._ i . .. . - 1 "Ilia daughter is he \ happy:to acWooivledge has done you, u justice in all &Iles said in your praise, and hei heart; too,, so eloquently pleads for you, I ma d, i -more than half convinced she ought to yield.. "Delightful!" 1" -- . • ' "list I have fears (or you, Charles." .... r'Loge casieth. - out fear, it- is suitt—l have no fears.l 1 1 1 "None-v- 1 - : "Nonelj - - y .4; , . .. : "You can know but sittie of what makes Kr the sum of waywardness, my father has told ' - you la m blessed withal. It iS'scarce' a month ince jlou saw me first." • ‘•lt seems scarce amonth, indeed, so Swift /y has glided the pleasant hoursin your socie-,-- 'ty. We liad niet before,' " "Before,idid you sayV' "And at a time when love growwith rh 11 43-d is power. It , is net—you look adain t it stands before you,lradiet4 with hope, Cull I . grown—a .perfect statue—at a,time when the : noble ,instincts of thy nature, slowed itteMi 'Selves .eyes, andctilled thee - one,: 111..neuut_tii'ai n AC- rl hFt Ate #l4) embroidered searrfroni his bOiom. • "The Scarf I lost—" ' "In a Perilous alventbre on the river,rini) said; i oterruptinglier. , "How came you by it, chariest( Wan it yot i z who..-" "It,was - I, and 'twas not 1,," said Waldron, smiling nt the elegant language. of the-girl's countenance. lr “Will you explain - this riddle, ,Mr. Wit= drool" ITE 1 ~ 'You, with yoin.lather, were ispeinling the summer at the Stedman's—but I need not ett•- ter into detail. A : poor fool, w,tis toiling \ by the way side—at. least they called [lima mitliot ! —and saw you pass. Hews a member of . that family you came to visiti,but still an idi-! - of adjudged by all; but he Inn" eyes; and un t ' bidden they followed -and pondered , upon thy sweet Nee; ears, and unchid they dradk_the rich, tones of thy voice, as!' yOu swept by 'tin- " con:ecious of the theft. It was the waking of n dream feebly conceived'and born in the bcsam • of a fool. Such a vision,bursts upon us but _., i, once in our li fe time; and to him, to his un- / tutOred' tancy, - t was a, rei•elation Of beauty: .1 1 surpassing thought; Scari.elyjcnowinw what ,i , c he di , d,Oildropped his spade and followd, urged by impUlses undefined and less understood.- , -. Ile arrived in-time to be of t'?illing service to • 'you ; but let that pass. Thb eventrfof that ' 'day lieb&me father of desires illimitable; the - soil from which sprang a.tree of ambition, . ' whose branches filled the universe, fa' r t i) 1 ' for thee; the rock on . which he builuit,_ , -' temple, time has not iliattered 7 -loveV4 i , , N ' Ati his robed, and Stedman, that name - Wh** 1 -- - .1 " • reproached him with his former igutirWAO name that called him `tilliot," was cban;e4,_„„ 4 ,4:', the power of the legislature, arid %NtaliyatkiiiittV all that now remains of his presumptions love."' Dost fear to trust! thy happiness to me nown:fA- lons had "No, take me Charle," -was her Crank:re- ply. * - "And tl~at acLuty children;' said Mrsl Wai• droll, entering the rootm,"has proved - thelkap piest of my life;' and from the tone it ,was ut-t tered and the look she gave her husband, it was impossible' that Clara and lgusan could' be mistaken; their father bad been telling his own story. "Therefore, tpY children;' resumed Mr. Waldron., "learn not to be deceived byPpear , ' - anees, and When you see a being lik e that poor unfortunate who but now passed the.whi dew, remember that the mind isthere—Lthe mood is but hid in the heaps of sand that lair. rouded it. Seek to bring it forth when occasion* requires; and forget nut that he owes much of his present condition to the circumstances of life which intliience,all mare or 14ss; believing• thatmind feebly burning, like a light liitterine! - in its socket, may be rekindled in a wholc..=l / , some atmosphere--.-since thy father VVai • all Idiot Boy."—Boston Olive Brand,. I • ' "Got% patter to oparer . . • 44 1'06 sir; lit7re ' s one. Of DOC Wouict ynit'liketo eobseribe r }eir i atdtake t regur Tarty?" woutib—but T am too poor." That man had just 'returned from the Cir-; ens; cost 30 mintss lost time from his -farm, 23 cents;judging from the smell, at, least 25'cent - s—making a dollar - and a hal( tics tually throwp away, and then begging-for 0, newspaper, alleging that lie was too -poor to pay for it! That'a what we call "Fatting tit the apilet and wasting at the bung-hulei , , . \ , I- , , =I 111 BS 1 :38 t, II