...-! ADVICE TO PIL . SICIANS.-11 is well sow to the experiet ced physicianhow, t rjlit is to effect any thing like a riidical cure n d erases of the genito-urinary Organs;, in nany instances he fails to afford even tempo ary vehicle Ile is moreover, well aware, how , , 2ibutis and e mbarrassing under' the tbest dvised treatment, most cases of Gleet and 'tricturt became; and the patient, disappoint -1 on the long expected cure, is tempted to .. , ,ert his physician and seek another,' in the bare of Merchant's Boehm Uva Ur i and . 'tibcbs, in the use of which.' the physig,ian, if l e be wise, would anticipate his patient. See Idler fiscnient. ' MAI:MEP—On ihe 10,11 ins'„ by G. J. Ball. \l r. W 441., BR AILEY and Mies 11~.C•A. (•()WGII.L. 411 or Cris. tto 1 1 1::111A :y oveilituf. by Rev. Dr. Flint, Ir. Itel it Ai iddleton and Misi, Mary Jane Ben• all 141 his C;ty. I 31101 by Isaac Webster, Fsri., lr rod. I Breed, of \\ nettle t...•ocid i i ml Mis 9 JtV flinumficid, of Bloomfield townsliii i i, Craw • int the :29th ult.'by I, M. Wbi , e, Fsq., Mr lli in Fuller and Mi.s , Sophrona S:urdevant • (In the 7th inst.' by the store, Mr. Stephen •i•ttts and Mi:s I•a%mta nshern. On file It3th bleb by the same, \lr. John Slier md and Nlrg. Mary lilaeF. I 1:t iLe .93111 c day hy the 9.1f11f . Mr. Ruins Pratt ,(1 Trctot. 1,11-A),—C o the 9th ins: , 711r.1A tecnnder hum Was hi lig •on town , bip; aged about 7:1 et,ethe Ilth inst Elm. of consninp in.). MT. Anthony S.. eon of John Brae ley, Esq. ea r ofhis ago. Coe .1)11 inst.. at. iheie-idence of J. Bartle.t. 0 rilinbora' of typhit. ttiNer, ine e ,,i ti tto. of Erie. in the 20•11 ear of her a _ . - SCHOOLS. l iro : tq of twin!: en;za;zell in the ‘l , °phi! Tornti.uli %%ill 01.0. e appli ion to It. O. Hulhert :'F(I on or before the By Oder or vets lloird. 4t. G, J. C. REID, Sec. A Card to the Ladies. W I,AR!) •!/,, ',AI - . to inform ibe J . orthi , ( it au I vieiity, thatshe ha. jo.t Tei wi from Philadelphia an El'e ,, ,nt A•sort . w.of Pall and inter llillincry, conei=ting of Velvets an I Rildmos s , tlt , r %%itii a tonkice 4{dec•ion of Frimeli and un•rn eu .Ninfn.ial Flowyr. i all of . t h e w ill . 6ali (0 thou Imr liiends and cu,tomer9. sid.nce on Si‘tli street, a low doors of 4 - ,Nkalt% in & Tr n uer , duirs "Awe. ,Erie, 11, I =, 17-; 22 FOR THE 1%,1:11?.. (43i1.171'ER -Allow m- throntih the our iltiable parr, to 'Moroi die tzenq thiq Lily and sit inity, that lam !cooly , a lar,.:e and .%‘ ell pclomcd s:otlt of Fall and I 3 GUilds t l;ntcctins, Crockely and II 6, Llell lam f. P .lill l,, at t irCdt 11.11! , 11i11., 1.4 ,pay (tan.yiortatiun , tt u bal,t rce utll t , pyhe4l 10 c!sai 'tat& purp.,3ei For farther par. apply at No. 2 American Mack Mate N Pl. M. :VIA VEIL Erio, Oct. IC, 15 17. - - FAitM - FORPSALE. I snb,cribur t frets tor B,ile the improved I calm on which he now resides, about two dry smith of \\*titer ford, on the rut npike lead neoi Erie to Prit,hui , rli,eonlainino 100 acres land, CU under innisoremen , , and die balance ,' , ll a übae I with white oak, chestnut, &c. seri s [wawa, the balance , upland. On the is a good - Bann du log., barn, a ' 'dory mud dl apple and cherrt trees, and a nes ', of 11.14. For itsrthci par 0211 -s enquire of the subi - iriber on the pit:Mkt:3, Or C. Jon 8, Erie. J:\ RIGGERS. NN a eriord, Oct 1.7 i. 13)7. .11022 TEAS, FRESH .TEAS ! Cuini,anyi on cone e show I and sell as line fresh Tea and Lail.: lair pri c 4 as any one who of aims any confliction with he Pekin Company LLSTE.I2, SENNETI d.Cnesren. O;1. 10 23 ) hVIJI, V I Ail 11.' A Fh . l.t'. Int /,'.o). 1 Ills vat 1 1, uable al tide 1,1 oircied fbr sale at the jow -ice of one dotter, by , ._ , Le:STEE, SENNETT & CIIESTEr. I_rt If, 1.2 i cw,Goods lit N 0.7, State Street.R are now opening a groa vakety of 1311.1 - V &t)( /DS, euitrd to the soaqo4, ~ ill. .r .31'1 as Chrfip a, Ilie rtiropist Isirwillia9t thorn r Crow! Cloth. and Cacs , titore. ory !me; ' Aril:lea-I Plaid and Plain ( .70Inir_.: iriroan:es, Nterino., lloinl,itinea, Raw Silt: nail , aol Li:.!: 'ain . lpie land er,loe'. from 12 14 (431 , ; Pi int: f• ma 1 in ) real.; he L mires li.om IS :3 4 cent. apwaids; n'lL: l a inn in great varie,y, Thibet, de Lane, Straddla amid oiler fa.!iiria:ilde and other Goods in too great virivly in , !%nr,ise. The 'en loon are in3;reil Infevailime .nand pu:elorce ifilioy al 5,3114 ed Wiligt" l s . SCNVETT C Crinsvcr.. 16, ISO", 22 tI`.EAR THE WAY FOR THE NEW STORE! orriv.ti of Near' CZondo per the rec. nt Mtranters non) Fraince rind Englund : . ALLYN & I.; 0I T j X `'l: the plea •nre of tlllllOll 10 . 10:: 10 1 1 147 ei.i I. tell. of El ie that they are recei‘ ill. , cons•ant , M•tinn4 to their I:111 and Winter - . ;tot li, and ram_ olherm off •r the foll.ox%ing rich G0.),1 , at vtem , Iv I , ‘w price-. • Itich Ofe:zol ' a'nd Calitti ~ , i 1" , ,,tir1. 0.11%. 3 , . , per yard, north la.; rich 'tl.ilic , 1-:. aniq ~ ale 24 tit•i yard. troth 14.; rich dal': ;01, 4 11 111 , 1 only 2(t (14. woint'l 30 et-..; 'lull Jamb'. ;;a.zhain: eJITy In. per yard, ‘t oil h:2s . rich (lit It 1 , ' , ..‘.11., , t «tyle,4 f 2 1.2 an I 13 c'4. por cal di; ' 'll zt% I, 10 rich Slut xl• Iront 25 Cents' .p 318110; h. , fl'ec , - , no .v ea Raw Silk PI lid:, for 64. 61. el' Sl'd, a ZOOl 0. , 0110/071L01 qOVOS. I 10SiCry; , r.'"ki. ranZ2, ankles and small nick eaclo. too ..iae•;(•11 5 t.l 11101100:1. 11,..101. , call and qcarnintt ~., t sloe's lie ...re put Lhaninz, a• it is well tryrtliv ! , •Ir at en i n. ' ALLYN S.: COI I'. • ',. Fry, 0. , . 16, 1817. 22 4:NTS CALL AT THE NEW STORE . , -- iv , hand, a , A [,) - N & r( )11":4 :dew 5 .. 10tt., •‘ 1 ^no nc hr. hest st .ek or ClOlll4 to' be lohd n tits city; anion ; , then) :ire the, nicest.. French nd t;,,rrn to HI ; D0,.. , :in and Fancy Cas , ooteres - 9 , 1 Ittotd Cloths, (leaver and l'ilo• rot:logs, , 'herd., f 'n . .41 riv•req and satine'ts, Ako J It le• , erred Met iao Fort ,r Shirty and Drawers, , ;oornny Frocks, Blk Sa• in Cravrns, Cc , every atiety of Tailnl'S Triinotint:s! Jost I eveivvd Itio blaerc l'eket•, Satins arid Surg , s. Fn. the-e ad -other goods please call at AL!. & cril ct. tr 1917. TIE NI \IMP. SI XVCNCI:. is better than yhe SLOW SI lILLINC I L"Uhis is the , P 0 of the New Store, "as will b' proved to till call aryl s:r.e at ALLYN Jr. COI 'S. (1, •. 1817: 22 I'L \II/6.--A few pie, vs the -)‘ahritc rich aricie on hand, and sellinz cheap ALLYN tt COI P. • the new S:loie. 1 I ‘''''' I r. i veil a the New Z4tore scverAl nice Cachtivle SII;A‘14) troini , at very low prices. flu it;. " ALLY: & CnIT. • 71% W linods of every th r, eeiving daily, at ALLYN & COI I"S 'S.% IG, ' New Store, Cherriside. I'll IVhite and VellOw Flannek-all qualities, 111 ,, :ae)red dnd \Vole: ed Slieetinaq and Shirt ,2., Diaper., Tinewliitiv, jiiA:t received; aim); 'loak Plaids, Merinos and :Tiriles at th e now ,leo(' ALL { NSt ,COET. r ~.... ic, 1 2.2 . i _ The Question Settled ! yario.te speculations babe for Bonne tirrur ab?orhi•d tire public mind in relation the.cause or solinuch ilark weather, it ha• re• ently been di-e , wered that it:is the effect or gueli ',minen.c piles of God (oli prtp.r) as has been ..raided forth by all the public newspapers of the e. , la , e,••inet rho return 01 -a rew of our merchants hum Neiv York, Baton and Philadelphia. Be.R N in?, thiS to be the case, and ItlirM,inz that the ,rs we of our Stock would most likely 'produce to ,-; 11l datkne.,s ' we have until now, 4lettrril'any no• , 'tree of i• . , and in (loin" su we would asklhe good cr , r-es of Erie and Vicini'y to bear wi hots, if aanther ditra of the Sun's disc bu intrndedsupon ' by al our piles of New Gms, and console them z ',lye. whilecarryin 2 otTilie precis A parcels, that .i . lis The pile 4:rot% a lees the darkness gradually re ..,. Ci_deS ' - Goole on thrO, and asail yourselvta of the op rr , orlity thus o read' of •ilricliing you and IMO tin; 'l:pa to :he coomoniiy. BROWN '"7. HIGHLY IMPORTANT. Dr. P. Mills Celebrated Cotigh Remedy • Tsr a safe, speedy l and etleiottial cure for Clutha, J. Colds, liOurseuess, Croup and Whooping Cough. This ucdicine has been u , cd by hundreds of people o success in curing the above disea,es, nith all tho,e painful and annoying pul monary symptoms produced by cold. ,In Asth ma and Broncliiias it has proven to be highly usb fill. and its timely use a certain remedy. In all ff..elions of the tin, oat and lungs it is an invalua ble medicine. Many cases of obstinate coughs arid hoirsene,s have been perfendy cured in 99 hours, and in several instances troublesome and datie,erous'coughs of from five to .ten yews stand inn, have been completely cured in two weekit In Clamp and Whooping Cough its n,e has been emhillv successful when used more freely. This iz c wedy is n certain preventive of Consumption awl several mhers of the most fatal diseases in northern Oionames. • _ _ THIS MEDICINT. CAN PE. OBTAINED IN Eltl [ 3 : ON Ll' of P. ff.\ LL, ni his Drug Store, .Vo I, flugh.s' Buildings, 'cornet' of Si if: and Sev enth Streets, and his a:tents 1.11 , 0UghOli: the eon!) .IGEN ri—A. Raynolds, 155 11nin st, BnlTt. 10 ; Boyd, Vinc t •t.: - S Co., W4tOI lOrd; JO! In A. Fairviiny t Jas LI. Campbell, Edinboro. Pr cc :111.eents to $1 per Bott!e. BE mini.: OF COUA'II.:IIFEITS and /3.4 S 1-J 13113'.1110.V5. Every bottle has the words "Dr. P. klall'e I:on.z11 Remedy" blown upun the &a's, and •his written si.nature on the wrapper and di• recrien. - Non. °did:- ore I.3IPORT.I.VT TESI'/310.V1.—This is to certify that wt. ' the widersiztted, have used Dr. P. Coquh Remedy. ant letvo found it in every in -tuna: an cthcnuioua merlicinc, andltruely its reeninntend,c ions. .Vin Galbraith, J. F. l'iaey, 'Flintuas llng`tes, 1,14 11 W. Wit on Th. Moorhead, jr I). Dunlap, Johnlitr 2 he'4, J: It. Cochran, l'homa.4 Mice, Otis r.apliam, ell,trle4 Cole, Baldwin, M. Bald win, J. On en, Join Nl. Warren. 'et 9 ISI7. 21 , ' S6w Fall and. Wintei Goods. I/A \I now reeeivinz from New York- a great likviii iety of :ieli and desisable 21.0.15 for Fall'notl inter uncle. Amon_ other desirables now o p ming are z• ulterior l'hibet cloths, drab and black; French • 1 ( pi inted.Casnineres, beau Mil p.itturais and very cheap. .. - h, lOU pieces Welt, drab, mndd, plain and strired Ali abtas, nn .ibird cheaper then ever before o lured —same as - low as '22 een:s per yard. Sh itds, a great vari , ly of new s yles; Prints, Ginghants, ‘I. do Lains, anti other new styles of Drees hoods in any qteintiGes, twenty•five p cent .'cheaper than ever befOre olered in this eityA( All 'of %.liieh my customers and the public arc re-pet:trail): invited to exatnine. C. TIUBALS i .ncinber 9, 1817 rIEW FALI. ODJDS. W 4C. 14c R. P. 111111.13113 RT ARE now .ereicingit 1.111;t: and elegaot assort filet) of Fall and iVinter Goods, willett have been 'elected with Bre tt care. It is their deter. toin.i Ma to merit the reputation of {Westmling to poll:ha-els the ticlie 7 d,. most desirable ekyles and cheapest Gond.or any esmblisinnent in ttie place. They ,wild re , peetiotly invite the public tl cull and oxmoitte their stook; umnnt which may be found the most beautiful assortment cc French and Dd.It:SS GOODS, ever b ou >lit to this market; cninpriQing extra rich Ntok sir LliPtreA, Oregon ' and Calitinnia Plaii). , ; Silk Plaid.; Plain and S a tin striped Alpacas ; cashinele.; plain and repi..q do Laines; Ilumbazin , .; French, En glish and Scotch Giug!iain-, 4-c., &c. Also a ~,,,,) 4 .ilperb lu: of .ii I A `. VLS Mocha, Damask Sir:, Embroidered Thibt(, *Nilson, Primed Cashmere, Mohair, M. ile Laince, Wooltoi, Plaid and an almost endless variety of other siy lee. They will be sold astwiiihingly cheap. CL') \ KIN) IS. —A beantiftil lot of Gala Plaids, 'finbet Clot.'is a . a,l Al intess; Alio a - treat varie ty of Tiiminings, comprisintr Nlantilla, Cloak turd Dress Fringes; Ways, Silk and Mohair Laces, 1. , :.c. Vic. - A LSO—Table and S and Covers:Fruit Napkins, White Dam isk, Daylies, Drap ry Mullins, Window and Wall Paper; boys at d m':ns Cups and flats; [toots, Shoe, i&c. A so—a splen did a.<.)tianent of FUR .—Among which arc common Coney Muth. Fi eiichdo Fur lined, Genet do, Imitation , Lustred 1.. i. us, Real Lvnv do., varying in price from 50 c e. each to Si:L. 1 Ot : 9, HU. 21 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE NO 1 . 1.'..:E is heieby Oven ,li.at letters of Ad mini-nrotion have. been o - anted to the sub neither on the grate of Francis ' . liirsher, decd, I.itv of Erie; all-p rson;, there ere, Indebted to i . said 42,Ltie areiecio. eted to mole the same imme diately; and those having claim.: tioainst the saute o ill itrei. n: then] leaully authenticated for settle ilr!lli. DAVID Zl..\ INIEttNIAN, Adnir. Oct. 9,1817. 6t21 NEW GOODS. Fall of 181744 BY [Vail of 1847 Hail Q has now received his FALL 1..7• and WIN l'Elt Erotic of Dry Goods, Gro-. ier les. Hartle arc, Boots and 'shoes, crockery, iron and nails , si.c. &c. of which the lblluwing corn prise R :qtr. Llioad Cloars, French, English and American, avoid dt ad blue, black, blown, gold rind cadet Cassimercs. black, blue, pl,ain, and striped; blue, black, cadet mid steel mix ed ; canvass, ',widow, briefs ram, bur Los, a isli,Miggins, boron and black holland, rot on diaper. linen and Cott in table cloths, lin en earnin ic, linen cambric handkerchiefs, fur ni me and c n inhuc dimify, d•ab, White, black an d s l rte sclicia, Week and colored cambric, brown and 'blear:bed shcetirws and shictings, bed riMsin ,, , aproo chock, red, white and „green woolen flannels, plaid. linseys, crimson, scarlet green and drab moreens, silk and tabby velvet, black and colored, silk and worsted Serge, satin vest ings, italian erdIV•VA, b . ack and ehlors, chop pers, bandana, bareelmm, pongee and field hand% erehiels silk, cashmere, worsted and cotton hosiery, all colors,tgloves of all kinds, mats, worsted, silk, picnic and cotton dress handiterchic:4, ladies cravats, lace vi ils, harra• ges, s ripetfand plaid catiston and swiss. giri g h• ams and chamlo ays,RWigs,:plain, do Jed, Maid; striped, figured, hook mu-tins, silk bra,tds, hat and cap f ibbons, Italian and French crape, sew ing, silk, purse twist, rikein, knitting and tidy cotton, suspenders, bindings, quali.y, tape, bobbin , ' and cord, lacers, combs; but ons. nee dles, hook's and eyes, paste board and a gener• ari,asslr merit of hoots and shoes, h adware, crockery, iron, nails, Ise,, 'MI of the above will he sold as cheap as any new or Jew store in this city. It %%ill ill'. lapierred that I am the oldest merchant in t he pl lee excel) . one, and I non• say that I will not e undersold hy any, yowlg or old, for ready, rte. c.',111 and ;••e &it the tibove'are litcts, at my olds nd on cheapside, 'Where things for sale cant he het . I*.rie, Sept. 25. IS t 7. rir I' CU) tilack, Drab and Brown, cht•ap for ready pay at the store or Sept. 25. S. JACKSON. AL and cotton warp, from two to eight shillin.r% per yard, -Black, Brown, (bah, plaid, plain tyd- Sill in striped. tbr sale by Sept. 25. .S. JACKSI)N 4 Ttcfrr, floe AIR, AND 'STEAN CO:WT.IO'OR. WE' are 11 , IW able to otr. our •ustomere two ' size. the FULTON AIR TIGHT COp ING STOVE which oaly , requires to be exatnined to.convince every body of its econorny, wility, convenience, durahili•y a rm beauty. It will be sold at a uni form price, and warranted to suit even a maiden lady, as it posses.es all the above qualities. LESTER, SENNETT, CHESTER. Erie. Sept. 25 1817. l'ost Office Stationery. N compliance wiih die Law.antkpie,Order of the I Post Alave r General, sealed irrolidssls will be received by me until o'clock noon, 04 Mon day, the ft.st day of November, 1817.1. m supplying the StariTery required for the Ilse of this * Post Office, during the four years convit mein , ' Janua ry let, 1817 and ending December 31st 185). Thu estimate for each year is as follows: SV reams Envelope paper, . 10 pounds Packing twine, I • S pounds best sculing wax. Contractors Are requirid by law to give bond in a sum equal to double the value ofthe articles Ip be furnis , ted. `payment will be male on &Avery of t h e eta. tionw. ROurxr COCIfRA9, P. It of Erie. fa k. 11}7:4112 • "Siot lbr n Dny but for nil Time." STANTOIVA EXTERNAL REMEDY. gALLED HUNT'S, LINIMENT, HAS now given abundant evidence of its heal ing powers, and proved i:self the most extra ordinary awl wonderful medicine in-the world.— lit the short space of two years, it has acquired a reputation fur curing disease and releavang pain far greater than any medicine over discovered.— Its wonderful cures have 93..onished the Medical Faculty, who now universally concede its great Value. They speak of it . in the highest terms and commend its use. • It is condemned by none. l On the contrary, its praise is universal. 'rho cases oe cur es are so no merous that it would take volumes to recount them -and it is 0, iiited fact, and. is not diSnited, that as a pain extractor it has no equal. Im the many astonialiOg cares, sec the pamphlet to he had of each ugent. if you suTer with either of the dis eases for which' it is reeotnmendedf, resort at once to its use and be cured. Fur the . .. Mowing dis eases it is an inlallible remedy: I Sininal AlLetions, tivistn, Paralysis and all nor - vows Croup or _ Hives, Aotte An the Breast and Face, Weak ness ot:,the j nuts, colds, tooth ac'te, sore throat and Quinsy, tilt:awed sures,indolent Meers.hurne trusted lPet, corns, buttyons, fresh auunds • swellings and bruises, scrofu• loos affectio ns, MU. quilt/ bi .us and Poi At/ill. lt:J"'Thie Lininkkit is mold by all the reepacta• ble Alerehents tine Druaffist4 thremrhein the ei.antry, , and by the Proprietors at Sing Sing; N. Y. GEO. E. STAN I'ON. For saleilsy.l. 11. nation &Co. Erie, E. E.Tove n North East, J. Clements Fsirri.in4; S. L. Jones & Co;thrnr.l. Ilci. 9. PSI 7. :fin 21 • • WANTED TN F. - xetature for Goods —.JO pieces Domestic Flannt.C . s.lo prs. Woolen •Soe!:,:; lOtl lbs. W. C. St it. P. DELBERT. Ocr. 9, IS 17.'21 Arrival of New Fall and Winter GOODS. . WILLI ANIS 4'W RIGHT, HAVING tl toted. six 'weeks in Banton, New York and Philadelphia, to the selection and i ;urcha-e of their! EX E'EN-sly,: N roe K., which (they are now opening, Wiz leave to inEtrin their lcustotn.:rs and the country at large, that they are now prepared to ofrar good-, of almost every de nonnom in, at 1ra..t.25 per c nt. cheaper than cv Cr. .1N d devming time to the purchasing ()ratio& , im,for cash, !tilt it makes a vast dir• let-mice, thereinto we can pledge ourselves to sell as low as any Clouse--(that pays' for their 2,00d3) —this side, of New York or Boston, and for did above assurance we invite those that are purehas• ing any kind of Dry Goods, Hardware, Grover• to give us an'opportuiti'y and ac will show 3.titras ;rood an, assorted, ex•ensiva and cheap stock of gods a's can ha found in this market. For further Particularfi please call at the Brick corner, opposi.e the Eagle Ho.el, near the court house, Et ie, Eept. 30, 1817. Cash for Barley rrt VIE subscriber having rente4 Me commodi- AL. ens warehouse of I'. Arbuckle, Esq. at the .8:h Street Canal Bain, is now ready t.. receive and pay _e.A.5 , 1( for 15,000 bushels.of :mod clean Barley. \ ALFRED KING. Erie, Sept. EO, 1817. • 20tt , BROCHA SH AWLS— From 85 to 820, crape do. iil Delaine do. of ditTcreat 'sizes and col ors, Mr sale at the 'cheap store of r ts,in. 9.5. 1 8. JACKROV. SEI AWLS Wcjolco and co:ton; any quantity for sale at I he cheap store of SeptrmbPr•9l,lB.l". .. S. iIyKSON. ________. PROPOSALS FOR INDIAN GOODS. WAR DF.PART!IFST, Or •ICHINDIA-N AFFAIRS, Sept. 18, 1847. QE LED PROPOSALS will bo received ut the office of the Cui 1111 l issioner of Indian Al Washington, C., until 10 o'clock, on Monday, the Ist of November next, for furnish ina the hallowing goods, in the quantities an• -nex..al, or therealmulF, for thu npo of the Indians; and deliverable at the followlnu plaees, AT NEW YORK. Bla nke. 1150 pairs 3sp °int white Mackinac blankets, to measure 69 by 72 inches, and weig't pounds 990. pairs 2 1-2 point white Mackinac blankets, to Inea-we 51by 6t inches, and krcig;i t pounds 100 pairs 2•point , white Nlackinae blankets, to inea , ure 12 by 56 inches, and %scigli 5 1-4 pounds 450 pair. 1 1-2 point white Mackinac blankets, to measure 36 by 50 inches, - and weigh 4 1 4 pounds '4OO pairs 1-point white Mackinac hlankets, to measure 32 by 46 inches, and weigh 3 1-4 pounds • 220 pairs 3 point scarlet M ekinac hlrnkets, to • measure GO by 72 inches, and eigh:S pounds vrop.urs 1-2 point scarle6,lackitiac blankets to measure 51 by 66 inches, and neigh 6 pounds GO pairs 3 pdint green Xl,tckinac hlaockets, to tneastne GO by 7e inches, and neigh 8 pounds., i 200 .pairs 3 point Gentinella idol Mackinac blankets, to measure 60 by 72 incrics, and 9 pounds 240 pairs 2 1.2 point Gentinella blue Machine blankets, to measure 51 by 05 inches, and ‘seign 6 pounds Dry Goods. • 1051 yards blue fancy and gray list cloth 350 du scarlet do - do 125 do grass ' , men do da 2050 do him:saved list cloth 700 do do 100 do _re. n do - 200 pounds worsted yam, three fold 00 dozen cotton 1117 handitercluels - 100 do do Aladras du 70 do black silk do 40 do • 8 4 coiton shawls 25 do 6 1 do tio 30 do 4 4' do do 20000 yards calico, domestic 1000 do d o English and French 1100 do h?cached cotton shirting 3000 do , unbleached do do 3500 do, do do shcetin 6000 dc• domestic checks, stapes and plaids 100 d6zen woollen socks 8000 yards plaid linsey 1000 do fl mitels, ass nied 160 U shirts, flannel 125 do calico 80 pounds lined thread 250 do cotton' do 20 do sewing silk. 350 pieces rihande,, assorted 07. i yards bedticking) 500 do rattinets, assorted 400 do Kentucky jeans 7 thro-s worsted gartering , 20 rounds Chinese vermilion Hardware, 810 pounds brass kettles 7tl tin kettles 40 nests japanned kettles, (8 in a nest) 76 dozen botcher knives 11000 gun flints: AT ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI. Blankets 000 pairs' 3-point white Mackinac ,blankets .to nocasusc 60 by 72 inches, and weigh 8 pounds 900 pairs 2 1 2 point white Mackinac blankets, to measure 51 by 66, inches, and weigh 6 pounds • 420 pairs 2 point - white Mackinac blankets, to wasn't) 42 by 50 inches, and weigh_ 51 pounds 500 pairs 1 1 2 point white Mackinac' Ltankefis, to measure 36 by 50 inches, and Weigh 4 1.4 pounds 500 pairs 1 point white Mackinac blankets., to measure 32 by 46 inches, and weigh 6 1.4 pounds 153. pairs 3-point scarlet Mackinac hlarikets, to - measure-GO by 72 inches, and weigh 8 pounds 100 pairs 2 1.2 point scarlet Mackinac blankets, • to measure SI by 66 inches, and weigh e pounds 150 pairs, 3 point s.resn Mackinac blankets, to measure 60 by 72 incites, and Weigh 8 pounds 150 pairs 31Point Gentinella blue Mackinac blank ets, to measure 60 by 72 inches, and weigh 8 potinds , 75 pairs 2 I-2 point Gentinella blue Mackinac blankets, to measure 54 by 66 inches, and weigb 6 pounds Dry Goods, 800 yardS bine strouds 500 do ;scarlet do 1000 do : blue Amoy and gray list cloth Elti do grass green do do 400 do acid et 3000 do blue saved list cloth 1100 do grOen 500 do scarlet 400 pounds worsted yarn, -3.fuld 75 dozen cotton flag handkorthiefa 100 do Allidrite do I 5 do . black silk do • , 40'dozen 8-4 cotton shairlS • 25 d 3 6- do 25 do 41. do. - ' 18000 ,yards dorncstic calico 15)0 do English and French do - 1500 do bleached cotton shirsisig ' 6000 (4 uiiblekiclied do 4000 do ldo I . 3liectin.• 1500 .do domestic checks, striiieson.l plaids 100 dozen wiollen sucks -2590 raids plaid linsey 1500 - do fiatiftels, unsorted • 5..)0 flannel shirts -400 Calico ' do ' . 100 pounds linen thread 250 du couon du 15 do EC,win4 20 gross wots:ed gartclin2 150 piecesrilbbous,ai iitcd 100 gross laticy and clay pipes 150 p./U1)(13 Chico-IC V43)11111103 Hardware. 1300 pounds brass kettles 50 Nests j 'panned kettles (S in a nest) 460 tin kettles 25 , rross sqnaw awls 7000 fish hooke 25 dozen fist' linea 25000 needles, assos ted 100 dozen combs; assorted 10 dozen seissms 11000 gun flints 10 ! ,,,, r05 4 gun worms 200 dozen butcher knives ' , are, and Hatchets. 25 dozch axe- 4 to weigh from I I 2 to 5 Ii I pmad3 95 do half axes, to weigh 312 pounds ~ 12 .do - squiw axes, to weigh :i pounds 45 do Ihech q,„ to weigh 1 1-2 pounds To be deliver d at the place %Otero manufactur ed, or in the ci y of New York or Philadelphia, 43 , 17141) be regoirid. without udditioriul expense, • --- .51 n o.rOultural implements tf•c. There will also be rerpiiied, to be deliver d in Jv,to York, ot he same time, the iollowing ugri. ; cultural implements. ' 230 axes., to wigh from 4 1!2.t0 5 1.4 pounds 25) half axes, o weigh 3 1-2 pounds 200 Inichets, io weigh 1 I.2.pountk 200 drawing knives, 12 inches in long It 200 augers, iq equal proportions of J inch, 3.1 • inch, add I 2 inch 159 pairs ham's FM du trace•chnins, bright and stra!ght link! 300 pounds bil i ass kettles Atso -,250 axes, to weigh from 4 1-2 to 5 1.1 pounds 220 half axes,' to weiolt 3 I 2 pounds 200 hatches, to weigh I 1 2 pounds 1.00 weeding hoes, a•sinted sizes 100 single horse ploughs, with clevis and cast iron mould boards GOO pairs trace Oiling, bright straight links, each chain In be.o feet 4 incites in length, and to whigh not less thin 3 1-2 pounds 75 log chain., eacit chain to weigl 23 pou,tils 1000 best Ni,. :IQ Whitteinorc capon curd , 20 crosscut Saws 7 feet in length 20 do. do 6 feccl in length 100 "single cluncrossed saw files • 150 hand suWs 120 hand saw files 150 drawing knives, 12 inches in length • !S5O "quarter!" screw augers. in equal propor tion, of 2-inch, 1 1 2 inch, and I kid! 900 .quarers" socket chisels; in equal propor tions of 1 1 2-inch, and 1 3 4 inch 100 planes, c i onnplete,' Cllll/1 proportiudi of Cure and j ick 150 pairs twines .Vothrecat Guns. 650 Northwest pins, two-thirds of which must' measmie 36' inches, in length of barrel, ( and one-third -t2 inches, to be delivered at the ph ce where manufactured, or in the city of New York oePhiludelphia, as ma y be requited; samples of them are desposft ed in the office of the Conunissioner of In dian Affairs The above Proposals may he divided into five parts. for each placed( delivery, viz: ~ I. Blanketa. 2. Dry Goads- . _ 3. Hardware, to include the agricultural im micas. . . , , 4. Axes and hatchets. - :‹ -' '5. Noriliwi!st ions. . The lowest, competent responsible bidder will receive the whole or any part of the contract, ex cording to the above scale, the departmeht reserl , - ing to itself the right to determine whether the biddei is competent and respon•ible or not. A schedule of the articles. with samples, may be seen at the office of the Commissioner of Ind inn Affairs, in 'tYasliington, exhibiting the amount of money, to be xpentled Ibr each article; but the de pertinent res I ves the right to increase urdinfin ish the quant ty of any tt . the articles named, or substiute others in lieu therefore, or to require, at similar pricei, such goods as may he wanted for presents or other purposes, in the administration of the alLirsl - the department. The whole I) , amount in money to ho applied to 1 the pmchase [of goods .vill be about Bcs 000; of I e !licit some 6 ltl,"000 will be wanted on the sea bond, and the residue' in the west. Goods of American manufacture, all other things-being equal, will be preferred; but as all the the samples of blankets and cloth on hand . are of a foreign manufactore,lit will be necessary when a domet tic article is bid for. that the sample of it slumbl accompany the bid, to enable the , department M decide wether it iii of cleat quality with the satii ples to be exaibited. The party tirnposing to supply the articles will make an invice of all the items einhrreed in the above list, a dffidollars ax the prices. in and c , ,iitQ, at whi -It he or they will furnish them, de liverable in New York and St. Louis. respective ly, on or befe l re the fifteen' h day of 'May next, as- suming the 4'141E4; of each article as specified in - Mk adverti4dinent, and extending! the cou, ma. king an aggieate of t' e 'whole invoice before Bending-if on. `The goods it ill Ire in , pected at. , New York or, s'. Louis by nh agent of tit e United States, who will be appointed by the department for the pnrpoje, and to ascertain theconthrmity of the articles p, rebased with the samples exhibited, when the cuntratt shall be made, and with the terms of the ontract itself„ Which shall contain a clause that i the articles are not ftirnished with in the time p eseribed, or if they are ofinatifficient quality, its the opinion of the agent aforesaid, and if within five days after the notice of such ipsulli ciency the party shall not furnish others- in lieu thereof, of the required quality,, the United States shall be rtuthorivd to purchase them of 'others, and to charg any increase of Price they may be compelled - I pay therefor to the contractor, who shall r y the said difference melte United States. Bonds wil be required, in the amcunt of the bids, with tm you'd - Sureties. the sufficieney of whom to be ertified by a United States judge or ) district altoney, for the fitithful performance of the contracts. Payment will be made afxr the contract is completed,and the delivery of the goods ' at New Yor t and St. Louis respectively, to tin agent of the ilepartment, upon a duplicate invoice certified by hint. Commitnialiens to be marked, "Proposals for Indian good ."- t v , The bids ill be subniited with the following, heading, and none will be cogs-dered that arc not made in the form and terms here pre scribed; "I (or v. c) the Indian l' the prices of .._ „, (H. propose to flirnisir, 114 the servico of epartment, the following atolls, at ;zed to teem respnetively;viz: re insert the Herder rzoods.) "DeHier& tile In the city of Louis, on or bretore the ------" and in case . ;ofthe acceptance quantilii befog preserik.4 by, (or we) will execute a contra agreement, and give eatisfac department. within ten days is Of this bid; and in case of I: Filch canner% end give such' I will pays - to the 'United States; tsvoen the sum bidden by me which the United States may for the eaare articles." Eath and every hid:Oast nlScr be accompanied with a guarantee in the following form; to be sign ed.by one or more responsible pe - .rsons, whose sof- Bele:Vey :mist 6y Certified bV some one who is known to the, department, ea er personally or by his official position: "I (or We) herebyguamnty that ...,.... the above bidder, will comply wit the terms of the advertisement for 'Proposals t For Indian Roods: dated September 18, 1817, if t e. contract should be awarded to him, and enter into bond for the ex ecusion of the same within the time prescrhed." 1,,,• rt..] ._ I:' sz*L.l W. MED LL, Commierioner Id ludlan Atfairs. 1 c•pt. 18—ist,Nov.• s 1 5 do do • The New York Canton Ten / CauxpanPo 8L . P113.. 0 ' T . E 1 1. AT r V ire 3t r , r) :: Y 1 j r ,(Ifr i :', l t n n ael the Y ; . I , ° ll l J) e n l o 'irt:a n Coni ( p 3 ,;: ny, N. V:, (among -..ddo!) to.ty be found GUERNM. Good YOUNG 11 Y Firm • r do No. 2 taa7ant No. 31yory fine (Join] HYSON i Very floe do k,od f i Y:jIIN SHAN. Good otpEttiAL, Wry floe • du G'o GUNPC Fine do ME BLACK:4. No 1 501.7(.1-IO I NG, , $0 50 per lb No. '2 do . 63. Finest d'i , : . 75. , Fravant POWCiIONG, d • various prices " 1 , COtit3t ), ' VitliUllg pl i(71 . 4 " Fine Oi LONG, 11 50 " ITery fine do II 75 " Extra fine do It 100 " NINGYONG - 1 various prices " 110WQ.UA, or finest Bla k Tea imporftil, I 100 ' CA KS. NOTla!`t l -- - Th - c — C. anion Tea Company are the crrhisYe OtttlerA ortho •nptrior Black Tea called •'I.IO 4,1_1 A'SNI I XTU RE." Every paciinae, (in additibo to its contarming full weuiht, independent wrapper,) tho statdp of nratness and Cle.riance, aiiil the Tea+ thatch) are an thorott2hly seCnied from lit:lit and air, that their quality arid power will rem tin on impailed in any climate. 11 - , For wale at N,o. I Perry P.!oelt, by Sept. 2, 1317 1 11 T. W. :110C1RE. POPULAR GOODS, JUST RECEIVED THE MOST EXTEN SIVE ASSORTMENT ,OP. • .LADIES DRESS GOODS!1 EVEIL ufrned in this 'leity' comp:lA[llz, part— , I 7 I I II 15U pieces Cnshuleres Muslin de Lain,, Ported C0101% , r1 ! n 75 do Frcoti,Scotcliii. Germ:an Cinghalivii - proved patter ns, I ' ll , ' .20 do Salss add l'itsl! ,l ston Mullins, . W 20 du Lace and embieldered SUnss.and Tar r . leam 4, 1 53 do Jaconet Cambrics and hrd Mus!ins, 50 do Silk (rinses, tissoited colm.s, 41'5 do Wide (limps aMI Gimp cards, 30 snoss Dress Buttons, i- l id cord and tac.ells, 200 pittees , Silk Mull 2:. French Imperial edgings, 150 sh itvls, or all styles; varying in price from . _ 33 to F.. 15, 200 pair la lies andt.2.et;tleitian's Frvach li.id . 1 Glm e.i, as: fled colors, .200 do I.adiee, gentlemen's and children's \ , - .Cashmere; Worsted 4- ,Lit.l6 thread Gloves, li I 100 do black and sdiite silk mitts.' 1 FOR GEN'I'LENIEN. MO ha of eery shade and:quality, ' - 1 Ca.;:iinrres, do it do ' ,' Ves:ings of all kinds, cotnpriyine Silk, Satin, Bal, Ca•litnerc„ Marseilles, etc. etc. STAPLE GOODS.-1 1 . lit, z. , : , stock of every de scription. In Om! our stut.k for richness, cheapness and durihilit'y hal - nerer been' equal r 0 in this market. . CAP.—zOO Mon no 1 Buy's caps or all kinds; SIIGES.-509 pairs ladies and childrenti' Gapers Slips and %sulking Shees. ;203 .pair. genii - men's, lathes and NikseS' Rubber overshoes. UMIIIIEI_.LAS.—Six dozen Umbrellas for wi.t ‘s catlier. GROCT.ItIES.—A general yariety of Every de• . scription _ • -. SHELF HARPWAII I E. Ten SHELF dellaN spic!,etitnio_lsing, every thing in the line—Joineisl, Braise and Ship ('as • pemers, Coopers. ,Sitorioakeis, CabbibtinakerS, Saddlers and Smith( I cols, or every delst Saddlery a large assortin[4t of all k bids. Carriage triiniMiigs of ell kind -.1. Axle Arms, eP.inirs, anvils. vices, ...Midis' bell ' brass aid proeelainl kettles, shovels, limb+, tlosehars grit cut,•ciretilar and pit Fives, ana,..arirlit of till sizes. GLASS W A LIE.— A complete assortment. _ • Customeis foul our old store safely anehor ed at t he old stand, in gotHl I) .:I,lQt, with lOU tot's cell assorted lItUN, steel and nails—tae cheap i.st in the mailtet, P. S.—The question is! ono) ask e d why goods cannot be tiOiti ats Jim as in Billrilo. We say I.11(LN can. Our stock entire was bitaght of importitig * houses at the same time and same paces thiit ; t om ,. o f t h e I ir tt eat houses in BlliTtilo ilf111"111 and we pledtte our wool It hat our goods shall tie sold as low us at Math) or any playa west of it. for cash. HENRY VAD W ELL. Erie? Sept 25, 1317. I 9 . . luportatit DOCISIOri. TILE contested trial that has been exitting so many years has beetifinally settled by a Jury of Twelve Ladies, and Ulcer dectsion is. That the Purest, best, moat fr 'grant and cheapest Teas m he had in this section of the count] v, are those which tome from the cerebrated CANTON TEA COMPANY. 'Thest),Teas can be had at all time, and war-ailed to giVe entire itatisraCtion k r °; isms Money will he rctliaded, of their °wns e ate receiving fresh supplies weekly. ' WILLIAMS 4...WRIGLIT, A ge)ilifX Drtectly opposite the Eagle Hotel.' Sept. 13, 13-17. IS Orphan's Court Sale. is pursuance of an order of the Orphans' court I 'of Erie county, will be sold ut tontine, at,the court !tense in the b0r00. , 11 of Erie, on Stit tirday the 30111 day of '.3etber next, su. 2 o'clock. P.M.o 041. 4 lot or piece Of ground situate at the Sou hwesl corner of the Public Square, bounded on the north bithe Priblit • Square, on 117 e west by Peach Street, and out the south by , Seventh street, fronting SO tee: on said Public 1.,-quare, and •lfia feet on Peach street, and SO feet on tieventh street and having thereon erected a large two story brit k house, and frame barn, late the propertykif John Morris, deceased. This is a very desiralle and valuable lot. TERM; ne Sete.—Ono third of the purchase money on the confirmation ot the sale, and orie l' sixth in two clod annual p iyurienOt thercuficiand the balance, l eing one half the purchase motley, to he paid at decease of the widow of the said' John Morris, with interest thereon annually, to he secured by jtlgnient botid and mama:ice on 1. le .• E. 043131 IT,'premises. E. J. KELSO, Executors.!' New York, or St. day o f —. next; of his'proposal, the the department, 1 t ticordintr, to,thitt ory security to the tier the acceptance time to enter into • c'(rity'. 1 (or we) the difremuce be or-tis) and the stun be obliged to pay 1. 30 do A ['MCC 14, 0: very description, 23 do Califolnin : I i 40 do Dress silks of fie latest l and most Firie, Sept '3O. 1917. Strayed or Stolen.. STIIAYED or wolen frotrithe subseriber oh t e night Tuesday StBth September 4 Dark GI ey mare wrih a silver tail and wart on the left can h i ve years old, about 14 or I &hands `high, car em a good head and fail, is a good - stiti - are t velier and has fiat and rather golf feet. 'AI fai reward will be given to any one who will let nor give O informatt eti that We otrote , mare c be ohntin • a • DAVID* UNIAND.I Waterford, October 1, 1817. I *420 NOW' Gpeds by Express. 'I HAVE just received by Expecsa from Now 1 'York a large assortment of alpacene,e °slime 4Vlrisiln de faine, Gingbaros, &c. which will be sold cheap for cash. C. M TIBBALSI Erie, Sept. so, 1817. }scriber COW.—came to the far or the - attb• 10!scriber in Greene township, eh, tn. the 13th inst. a red cow, with white face, ab.ut six years ntd4 No artificial marks. The evoir le rogues. ted to come, prove property, pay char '•!., and take her sway. RODER TATE.I • Giecne, Sept. 31, 1847. • lir Tne onsT noptgle mEnscisE IN THE WORLD!! W. ,MERCHANT'S -14_44C_ MI _ • d' d HiJnES AN Mc:doable remedy for I lorries, Cattle am other domestic animals, in tht cure of ti:L. 641911 iiig di-at: I I ies: it Fre s't Wounds, : , F stub, S tftct, I Gall: of utl kinds, • ' Strains, Ltortsness, - 1 Sprains, Bruises, _ Sana ('racks, (,'rucked ' I lked //rd.!, i Fuutidered feet, I t I reitatritout . , Inn ipilia,l St recites or „CriCS; ) (Poll Evil, ertllue, t , ' doter, I Sp.trius, Sweeney, Ilarn Dist; tt:p.r. l I llt is alsrt a Uniet.rsal Family Enatiova:lo9 f ot diseases tn.:lnman Flesh, stielt as , 1 Ritrutitglisin, !stern al Poi R6ll 0. 11 nit t ' S GrArlint'liS, l'a htftlt .Ferrous.2ffec- I, Froal Bill 8 ) II lions, BOOS, ' Corns, Irhilictra, 1 I Burns and Seutis, Chia/sins; ~ Ceti/lips, , Chappe.lTTlQu's, i I C'entrnets of,tfte Nos :1r s, Sir, !tin f.i-s, If - winds, I , Wenktt as e l l I'll . .. Joints, Naked Bre tu,t e. .1 MencliAics's Gs.c.co.i:vn 4011..—1 t is wotthy fl special rental k, that beside. the t.r.rcat 'and extr . - ordinary powers in the cure of disea.c= of tqe\ horse in which Its virues fit si. attracted the alley i inn of the jutrie r and farmer, and the it onderj el life public &rent rally. it has been sueees.lolly etit• played in ai!zreet vat iety of the maladies whit . .ll tatet the Itimian lace; and it has 'proved bytile wondei MI coils I; hat- perliirnird oa th , 100 sr a i t imala, that it is endowed wl.h curative prop^. r,i •,' 1 not found Ili other hor.o oil-, ii hilt has establiSn ed its elaitna to rieneral confidence. , I Beware trf . the -vottn , erfeit at titl-, and be rairo • the nam^ or the .0 . i..f: rnottrar.vort, G. V. Mil - - 1 i chant, I..neli port, is blown in the hottle.l • itlT•Fort testimonials, synopcis n';(ll.eases, rihd 1 triode of tleatinent,' see pamphlet whit 1 ot.comps ,' roes t rich botde: I 1 ,I , . I I Sold he I. 11. Burton & Co. Erie: S. S. &:. Ti. 11 Fassett, A t'littitttia, Ohio; and I). N. \Vclviter, gotten -nut, c&lltio. 1.,-50 $) - 50perlb I " ZS " I• 00 75 " I OJ " 5) " 75 " 100 '• I " 75 " 1 75 !` P IX EO. 1 ( EXTRIA t'T ,'Or S.II{SAPA 11. ~A , , 1 For fie: °rill.- Dipreoses of the Blocl,i 1 , I fsi ' v fray - l e an al ma ! if Iferi to Ines - and ',14 a.! P raps, 1 ! - il'issr 5..,..r ciN. Olfate i l(.r,,rts Wean,: alai on final. LarDiJ ' "V' . all Slats aces 'ilk as , Sat( I head. sa' Rheum.: 1 I ' reerililqr 4',., *.t Et, S Van Riv Wo r. is otle4 Di.terts ' si. ris .94-111" , r fa , ierial. el mis t as ft .m on, Crii.ure leernlssn ri-ier . (..'orilsi , its e I. steles ill' he II acd; of.it,j 1 44' 'ThrauF. Vase. Cheeks -,ljattital Coals nee, pee.., ' Lids. Ears, nd oilier parrs (Arian , ' eitTerlte is of pre !leer. of ale 6,icia. .. I 1 Luna.' a' lell 'at. ', 1•, N, inptes or peal ales on the fa - e Alit, t t the St , is , ach and sides, ' PiSeal" patches, and ether er- Nigh) Sean": tie. AT . ‘ up, ins arthe id in. - /Six Itiatife much I ITOMMeII. 11,1 0 i. SCIOVE9. ands Oar Seth dal at a (Iten.lsing .8,1.),rai.) riainc a:ft', 'fans , griii- - ine, rind in flOZet ( de- Male Sireeivs, l'ai - is in Me. laity. ' l ' Ina riots; dy is prepared Iron] the idiot cost se• ' Meted material.. the eel i vp properties of whicitarc ex.raeted by en inipioved process, Withotti ht - at; on imeoli• i sir ,Itittit it is p(eferied by Pli.itians 'gore It tir.lrm and active than any other •, the pubtie. ~ • 11 come, of the remark4ble eleary of this 0 a Vat lily of ea=e's Of tile insist a - 4dtta• tr. , . may be . cen b)I calling on the err hi...lL:ems. , , . ',. cool; in , clic hes are enunterieileri ' call ;:,r "Nlerethint? Sarsavririlhi,,',' a, ilt-D.; - .M0., ar. trbin n nn ll,c F.. - 4 , x ,--, 4“P“; eatery of God. W. Merchant, Cherr, i N. Y. r thost every pedlar in the country is r o, !pawl imposimz on the (iuWh!, nn artiel 1 6iri-I;.a. i1l1„, Thei elhre, at. wA n s.! ii kJ. H. but ton $t en. Erie; S. S. -..5-1 11 Ashtabula, Ohio, D. N. Webster, (colt 'r to. ato. . . 1) a DISF A AtiES Or THO URINARY ORGAC! I)k,:: - ;b:S . at the Urinary 1 . Or4:!ims eurel b the .x,TRACT OF 10.'Clitl, UN A Vlvii, ant i 1 e: a , . stit.h us chrtmic Mid ovate diseases dl le Ittirlet , ' .11s0, chronic Urrara, , ei anorrtarn, • `. Proetra I : Ghoul, tasetS, (s ' hit's, Kitaili l s, (PO, Strictures, I Loll s, 1 Diatu.te S., ..c-c. The viillialile toeilixine is prepared onlyl Go. V . . Mere:mut, Operative etreinkt&c.' l oci poll, 4 1'.. '. . . 1 Edl a:plan:plc instruc.ione,, tectiiiionirds , r &L accoinpanv e..( it hot? ht. cold-ht. : J . - 11. I . l`tfron Sr co.,F.rie; S. S.:{ 11. Fa.sett, lA.atabola, Ohio; D. N. IV,9bste , tlon - neaiii„ (Th-- in, l' v 111 -----....----.-0-----.2------- av hnin:. now 1)(11, 1 A full • emeay, i Val i e•or or A q mri suitc. and 010(tt the Labo Loci: port) put , ing Gill Fussell, i i ncatr , (Y, The new Jew, Store Deal .iu' recei4d at the Xeic .14sc s-T p1i , ..),,,. , 1,10,,5,„,c strc-t, :in - - — TT -- ,i,d a5 , , , ,,: mwr0.1t FALL S.,i. \V K./1"1 TO RED HEADS' AND GRAY..I CO . I . SN in_ ill p art of T YRI t IN HAIR DYE, a Wilfr imed an t i' c ic for lill.G A DCI,,t / rus.- French, Cued' ... Morin. , the Ihti,r a bemtifol blown ..,,rr j t „.‘,,, bbio,, !due, brown, .I: , nlij an black, it's ill not As car off, soil the linen, or c'olin ;‘, i , , , t i .1 wic,i. i0.11.11Q, ,cheap as the cheap tint skin, as lonidee Is cats ten', ify. Ali, 4 , ,,), t:a...,.1 in.:r •• and Vt.s n ings I It has also been us,..d etteeessfnilly in, com-ing ' a , . n coin , ~ Imo; and price. rniq. I 1 1 . Ci l' I 11. .1 . :111E'D -A g,n,po ass :MI flatware orate counterfeit, and he sure' yo' 71 zet t t : ,rnettric.. c, Ire!, still be sold ex li the t rend ne, pr‘ pared only.by Geo. W. M , r` } silt (..., ROC. I.J .ItY.—ALreaut i fill assm 1 chemist, Lockport, N. Y. :Samples alial e l nay el vat 10' I et\r,i'l,i I e 1-1101 hail .0 id b ti e seen tit the store of the proprietor of his az mts. tki ,.l p : ..: A N D ~..; ilui. ; . ; ._ w ithnn Price 59 Lli./n t 9. - I l' Y , lll II oly sas si e has e i he cheamt 5;,,1d• by ~ i. li. Burton Sr co, Lim; S. S. , H. , sol Linen: hi belts an i :shoes:, Mel. .. Fassei., ; As!ddinda, Oho ; and 1.1.- N. ,Weter. Gen:km/en •nd lloxs cm(/' !Kong, Conne.tut, Ohio. V 3O 1 CA PS.—Nlen Ind BoCs care , , that - I 'fit both the p irse and head-coin THE By Dr ca..es of price $1 The g l (ot whici issue ofanother e•lition. It k intended ikpe' , (or tne m l arried, as it digclowq calportatit g which should be kuoitn to firrirr• particul.us . Here eve ry female can discover Call.e9, n toms, and the mos; efTi'cient reritedies and certain Mode of cure, in every cumplaint to i hr r sev i; subject. - Married Females ivcittri here ream° the whereby! they woilld retain th-jr, youth, h ; n vigor, e.waitity °firmly and buoyancy of ...- iti to - an 'advanced a. , e, instead of being afflic •I, : hundreds and thou,iandg, lam whose han d th boob has not fallen. This work is cresizric l d 110 in the hands of every wife and mother win) h; n. r egard forher own health anti wehhrc , a.i we iI 1 i as that ot her husband. I .. 1 The reve' l atiori s contained in its p ges lia , fe. a reo.dy i'noved a b i lessing to thoupi.nd , as tIIO il numerable letter received by, die" iii thor Iv 1 I a ' tel, 1 (. ' i, is of Crurie impossible to eont'e • ril: re (All in a public.utiimil, the' various subje •lit tit attld I as tfie•Yar , of a namrO strictly into 'Jail fu l l [ tl Married,' or tos.2Cowempliting ma Hag. ; lipit or is it nec 5141, since it is every n'o's duilc) beCeme po secs d' of lt now [ ledue Oh I nebly, Mil il st lerin- , s to Witielt a vakie, a Mother, or 4 siste i r ma I be subliii, - can be obviU•ed. l I II Copies to be sera by filiall tree df pos ig Over ten thousand copies havebeen sent b ; m. within tine° moths, with perfect safety and, cc In-no instance bae ti remittt nee failed reach the publighdr, or the beolt those to Wlem • hag .een directed.l Orr air_ receipt', of Ono Ootiar, the "M-rrir W omen's Privet° Medical Companion" tt ill 1 gent f re e of postage to any part of the All letters must be a ddrissed.(post jai to Dr. M. Mainiceap, Box ti t, Ngtv yt; City, 'Publishing Office 129 ILibrary street, York. For 11411 i in Erie by 0, D. S - PAPFI Booksolfor, State stmt. 14347.• 0 D CHANtS tNI i pROVED . . 'OUND FLUID c. ME OM, lARRIED WOMAN'S PRIV I "MEDIC COYIPANIION. A. Al• NIAtIITICEAU,•ProceSs.r or i vonreit, Third edition ; Ism.. pp too Copies so!d in three months. cat demand of this,tnost itntioAatte t thousands arc kid) has cointwlle'l NATURE" OWN BEST t MEND: If to ronedontly •swrted 'bore NEVER *lll , inedirino,oarhicb bat gibe' form oml umborroJl sob,famioli. as K kit; II T'S INDIAN V Ear; rAtr.F: t 1 LT.S. Th.y bo%e stonA tho :Nevoicst B•r•I•, by comoF nllotnrr rommlmpt mol bo's En.lablashrtl • r l er-V3- non so ii, face of the envious slanders *Each have laehl raised oyobb.r. them! Let it tte borgge m r..bb: Teirefalil• BMa mo 1 r No CATI 11-11)NNY rtc:mr.nY., chi oirpriug of the boor, defile. , 1 to pose piiia , Aral ha inr3ittten, but a tardieine or •terllt g V 31 ,1 reputatient la nut bulb upon on Illehitail cute. .4.41 der cireuttn , tancret to h hitt; the f.ltn of th'e croa k , bad quite as mar , thildultilit sirs the s tert4 of th. edv Itself. %Vrig' Vs ftstlttn '6 ' er...table 1 1 111, toy w tonal %W O, finilltied hh ILO boacot hail wining to ny ut,l . I TIII0I'S.IND:1 AND FEN•(IFT/10FSANUr thrntigh.ut the.lonsgtli unit littallt , i or the laud. I It war siker a earelul al lett of tun human conatl !hot there tetrbratrd Pitt, were prepared. A. I int were fleet co.tyult.,l, and then a tneditpne air purest ,r(01111,110 . 1irth 1.. e the liithile,l4lllChehOillit a the-i - I re.. TileVerilre, iii,,,, ll . ,Thiefrvethyllt Assi , er N %Tr t: r. - .5- to es.p‘ 1 the co. ript b roar a, by npettoki thetratter! lets a the syrtet.l, SPRI G, to. '!,l 'll. F -1.1. AND WINTE4 *F.a.li Wit hive, 11 , I:1$4 P.li - htl.nu• u: tt,,ppmtur , It it errs. t. , 11,.c., 01: hiliil.l.l 11...1T. 'I he be it e and lire trill 4 - I.ill.•eti the le . .:11 - ii• - of the cirenkt, t an I a h.ntbani.eot..l.4 , place -t0.1.1.. el e, the . &eta 'ten amore Fi'rtgl,F. (t.:Lit, \ .••;.. tall.' Pills c0..41 tic , t il ttl.tm•re 01 •tol.'t. 1 t clia.ua• _by purti,• mn.% or dk....ping 'll , l Aton).lcll ' and b . t . cola so a and Ini.tl;laulcol...ltron. . 1 . 011. 1'1Ni:11 ANDA G•l'r. . 'f hat ..,:nar;,, or 0:e. Wro. IVrtr.bt It 'lndian Vet Pet. at Ind ouriv111:.1. Au an•tat,t, hto tl6rer cr tour 1 , 1101‘le.Ig..• or i , ,,.,. roi. b.,, , O been t4 k.,,,,,, cif , I' flog :1 eMlitili to Cure. /11 Clink and re•cre (t and ills) 11100101, :yip L ht, fly di,nrderell, tuperti Iby 2re_it plot.: I ir, bilit • V, I; a the F.ymptourtif I 1 ,... Sir. note ..tionld be 1 , ....1 before re.urting t , P. 11.. !A 1.. i'n•c. a ill .2ks .• .a. is Inanife - t reline peon. ~..s. oil be a.; i •.., i it, coast 4le thi. me 1-lt D's SPII',I t. Vir..,l,t . - indlan VCZVt sir P.V. •At.l,lse rotted Tel C. V. 10 thed sirs,:. t'.. , g ‘,.......J...•te. ix speak ai . , io t ;., 1 ,, , „ty. c,.. rerb , ,,lly, 11., digekaoti 1.1 I. , t rut the licAlth it , i . ut, I, Th es ill, r, , A n! I. ble lit-at the •Initi..th, I V-li.i v 1 - I,lla, and Imps dincrttoa. ,i 1 JA1•NI);(:11. ,trelt (croup; cnt. Al, !Ley lupen nn I:tx•ilui the Wont), nut re 11104 I' t Atli1 • 1 of 4auurd T. 74 At.r. mr.l)loiNri "preeumly to tell] to ailie dt m 7e g , t.ble rtit•e It trtli rertmn 111 .p•AUtF, u - a l a n i f unrit4 nu 001.) I, 1 , 10°,41 them, 11‘, of Wrizlkre Iltaiinn At euntimuton at, ett Veg,' thr rritnl al of OH tint, n g.q,cr .1 u:11 u stom,eh rm.! Ho•.t CA+. .ecrouut,S • tlit.y Of ill Ilirr (Par. It w'nultill , lvt IP "I Ilelt 6 lo fiat r, eirvn 1 hnnJn•n• of fete in tltr;r cr irc.K. A is all mrstin.abi rinds. , , nt, cincirsEss. /t. .i 'l,l 41. y p "-E. inilic.iltit li !i it.it.irir.i.i , strilitif Ao I.'Op ii Lilian Viigililiii• 01111 ort.oi: to glue 1...11014f the 'CT: 11 - I.IOVA '.li I4CIN it roi ..,iiiiiii and '% eell aul ii thin r out alt ..ler' ivo to - ihe ehor•te, booiiivir. f •1 Wtg opo o lin h .- le art. ml'hh. art:." or It ri c Ow% f . , A di 'itikeillie`ii I. r tglivily A ti ~ p.teot sutre.lts I.‘ ol l , mocked ooh pte'..Oolod ct c I 01 r. that aro north a •ti. spl ;W. ridodit i II .Q. gitth [ I the rfone. ho< r rObJell II 1, II °!, IP Sh AI n • . hone? Voz , .tahl- POI. Wimp. I .1 tot.uo . o r arc O ilimg I l k !tiro. Awl o e :tir tC , iii 11 TIZ.V 1 iID:NI no ItoLley Ono VII al wayl 111: 1 ry % TLP rT"t. , •11,4;_ or r Ant. of nOl,lOOl. O. , q I will h rit • EZMEIMEI II is is oil fttitikvki t frt.tia totions ku,l, 'flu+ is pittiv owtrig ilcure of ~nnthrrn it COI:1.1 mytilg lit es LI ri 01111. li.llllll ml by ItVO Cl.ll thl iii Om( be V4`,.. 1. A n renown] of o•n: the rhief I.e. hi Via Iho .11.se” o!, F Ivr VI right's loili nOt rt. utir.:tp Cie "I , lirolll . 'lmo of is i• rn.t;•lt nt eel t no of bructo% • m6ll r:. I w Ititrtan le In •t Hie !ic/.lc V. ynu h t n I Pll'• aro a 14,0 a '1 'Pligk' 17 1)Q . whir 11 uttempt• U. 1 ruu ally CveryjUllstart slxr itr,ll" hitt unto! rty, tEOFIAII'.I'I's! AR mr, illdlllll Pills wit of Oesit . Ana aftr9 . of %Vighe troduelwr of. Now wb.mt hoFt. ynrtnlinu• of the on etettk t• late chs..•' thPv. but 11.1-eroliole no :nor., lit, it. Om. Vi•rt ttib:* PI t Prl I,n, .4111/1,11",•ii capitul if it %%Cie .I.criuut. ME BGY OF TII E ItEGVI.III.)AG Tli.er"e is no t, ,Gtr ..14 - 11n! ' n in! with amnia, y fin, Itilt Which 1,1 ) .0 r.:17 1, tint t!.nc•lnutf.' wine but little Letter tilt n a roL6rr, al.tl [WY of the re:ttil .1^.°011). oils r ‘xl' Afll:ti rut Eitit:(ou:i I O it. SP \ I , l%)iti), Sainool NVatorrotii. Jo ,n 11. (la., Gt. ant J. It 'S r, railer, riition. - ItircV & I . ol n er, iiV,tt Sprint:fifth). - 11'. It. II C. lon a .1.7 Co., Vt atl.l.lr• " Nort't E .1,,b, ci,',-nt, EA..L., be Tur: ov;or or.i." - ;:v.r. %ND 'ItlINI" Nit INID I nd PILL; It ter: T!11 vrtNATrrtf: OP W#. VV I J wait., PE' rot Tar 7 , 1 p LAnrf, a? rsr If •-•• sr antrir, sr'', in r . ter/fop - I tan It iCI,, • e , :tir.l 4, (Wives devoted exeltt , tri-ly to the,le 0 I'7. title 1:lIl . whale. , I,' and retail, 1 .. riill:utetriiin, t .!iStl-e,iiwieti Street, Nell' x Tr , rnont StreeT, Rh Lin. le rrtn, .rols , t.,1, 15.17. !oUI► FLAG IS I' rotnr! HURRA! IiURRA!!IIUI LAMES DR holm.. \Vt. nu 11h C 1 and - un I .111.acc. l'urEttotY dirE-i--atit on nic of enu❑ to.do• Ole ha ESS GuODS.—llt have ra,limelig, de 1:11”.; idlont pri, • s ! 16! illa pilidg ide 41111 p '4l • 0:01 , 13 and e Dire idlome mote divip4 eilehaiinnoi N IL.Ii.:S. - :lit! ip!ed i and Fl lid fault I' is \k Line irro de :tin iss, 111.tek v. ii)erild ,S• Satin stripe prnllt de Mack roof Woe Lcaelc, !!,1,) de iN•ildt.4 . 1 -: %. 131,1e1. ~ . .,:ii)i)Li Rhine. i • 3 ' 4 Ski A'X Ls—dr all pi ILCS, s!iadeg end -11 - front the cheap cotton up to! the E - I i opil Cashmere, • i t G LOV F. - - -,-,, )1' all k i oils, colors ard-J:4y I to , iery, Stl , pe Itkrs, Pilot-, Ticks, I/1 Y , tot irs, ire ShOri every I hi , iii suited to th 1- nod market. xeady , lade C othin Our A:orls of I othi n i o . is ppletolid, and/ Ip. )8' . 1; th to bou4, but v i ,convince hr call/ tus that article for stun than . env anent Lin it ally rate ;'t lie proof ofMe ptaldinlkis "r _ieg," th role. c Tit V U! f l - I t t 0 _F'AI int! the value ant numher. ISAAC It.OtiENZWEIG Ct_ I - L'il'e,lSttpt. 121, 1847,19 YN I _I W 1 .11. O , Goo4s l . - New 14f)our 51 , i; ,E, are 'reeeivin , . olii. stuck of FALL AN'tt lc , WIN IT.R GUODS., which 'We bel'eco silt , I. 1 , , Vie 1.1t,1t any n the plate in extent, .i tle and rittality!. We forlfear In enumerate s 3 le/i in 4 quiditi!m liavi .. /owe of the spirit of t brptgli , ; rrl i dude, ' anti pt.( iumt- that if wo we're to a litertied littitt piece.: spl :lurid silks, to,Outll piece!: paeeatii 100 Lases French Alerinos, /rich cashme e , pita..., int•ti a cloth, Mohair Lus , res Oriental, I , :.fOinia,.f Mentality and Oretl , ril'-1' & c . 18 ; 6. .0 r ,trade,,; Wttutti not tiwr by be fiter'eanti it'il rat nal..anti; irodli t Net cowtottoity. We ltitv'el only 1 iajt °di i, , t his pbrat tli It i Al:e irate :1(106,0 compl .t 'a'sr.toii..; me w .1 site:/ c.hutlit in our litr/t-telt of the t & e 'as the; t ma rlteit egnirel,._ awl vie offer thein laith our stand-I ing litrthce to sell a the efeaprst roles they Can be' .1• beiitrht in'the borough fro B ashi. Please calf and le let lb talk over this matfel a little int 4 , sevt. 23. It t l s l i , .l .7 :o l liLF'S, No. 1, 116 ed r' l 4 k Fain. out NIEItINO-131ack and . t of the hest: qu...lity, for safe clietip I mi , t4,,er. es. IR. .1 Cash for fax Shed T WILL pi.y the hi lt heat price in ono, que , irity seed. G. Au;. II Owt tut. ith Its eJ 1171- nation e rein elms!. ,torw's {I ttllpp~ '' Pre ,el,ll.lth .1 oil- 1 peed- u.ui er- of uteract •An 2 the lirtiat • rtr, trfn nme Ul about be bier nduced i fir•t o Vtese &hut co f them. ty 1111114 • ed dc f• imper :ove the rove the nclap'ci to Upon flue toe Lir ) ill. aid • I of eao ren the !CPC Pala texion, to I‘.4v. 'lain re- I errupt Hc4 A abon on thing bn Tr word bit ! , ,y 'to the lti a% no o tet4to.ti tq j r,lohi Ilia, tit. ort4; I. et o.lw sretho 'to becil Oley dct 'ear all .I'oti are 1 et 'lle of, Mane nil l ! f % 'l 'Fr th h e ra t what are atetticiat.; , inian ad 'hi. would 1 0 Of- ear .rarer. Ca med. Irtlcrer! l int) I rre no r all 1;1.0 On In I, new .\ TB 17. V 'ox, c dn•Trr.N• 'one other Irrif' It 4 York lan CC !Street. anal !LEI c c r. 0 BE RA n t 'tore' head! '? No, ti ryl fried -1,100DS! ' IE ^,t tft ftd i m l ir; mixed is;)a ,acid cb, both. = r choico v row. Q~ of crock vent Zige, boas,i t atilt Ling best city. faittci I!, adirri, 11.1 G caan , • and ate at ‘‘lthout !naharn3 Nit; and 1p cord; I I 3 the hing to• he ugly d r. , G , 74 i nd Intt very andt NE est silk 11 seusoit r.IPt" vv ttrhei iOt any Oil slnarl I n " the eat- CO. 19 0 8 co: or EZE T ony