Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, October 16, 1847, Image 1

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'; VOLl_fi
UN k
BY' P. DU'
E It M S .
~ a r, in advAnce. $1 30
[Mars a year ‘t lit invariabis be
!ril t$ ill ho strictly adhered to
incited at 50 cents per square
I, and 23 cents for each sub.
Ono, copy, one y
r_ltlierwise;tsvO d
charged. 'riteselt
in ail ett'ses. • c
AdvertisententS i
or the first insertio
.sequent insertion.
Job Print '43
citt.ed in the hest SLS
all varieties, such as nooks
le,Fhon• Bills, Ca rds,Steatn j
or Notc. , , Receipts, &c. exes
le and on short notice.
..Provisions, Candies, Fruit,
1111nek, State street, Erie, Yu,
INl.llcr jn Groccric:
No. I, Perlry
m apyrfail hUiiUi
Otlico up stairs iI the Tam
iz,nortli of the ProtlionotaWs
. .
- r l'lrr in Ory Go ( i theens \Vare,lLl
Plitapgiiie, Erie,
Ms, Groceries, Hardware,
me, Iron, Nails &e.'Nu. 121,
survuor; office in Exchange
Ist , Erie.
Cu imtv nna nf.ront
3wonigg, n pi...)
L., n
IJasretno% his kit
ilear thel'ourt flo
lice to the Public Building
se, lip s:aiT3, in the mom
wiar and directly over' the
I be given to all businens en•
occupied by 16 1 ; 4
Cotitti—jotter',l.i )1
Pbtittpt attention
I t tt .t,,t to hi. c•trel
• -
E. N. lit,
11,11SElit'l . & CO.
CAM), '. Y.
STOR \GE, "F',ol
.chiok arid - Erie Coal. .alt
eneral[v. Partiiular attW•
of Produce and purchaFe of
Drt'E comxa ,
A•" i
;der:: n
arid Prihie l !:
thm !mid the rule
NO. 3 :N. 1 Coburn
.q wire, Sollth Wharf:
E. irut.ncivr,
Mail°, N.
nor; at Law ; (Mice No.' 2
he 1::aole llntul, Erie. Pa.
, BENJ.%
Attorney and Colnts
State ..d„ 0 , ) , I ite
GRA 1 7
Al lOrnf ys fi Collll,e
:o.rect, over S
pr I 21, 1317)
"DeAlersi i naH l oil
flc.oly Made Cll.O
&e., No. I/ 111c11
Eric, Pa. ;
(; 4 .11,81i A
A tiorney; and Cow
Sigh street, wi2st
or , at Law, ( )ilice on French
son Co's. Store, Erie.
and Pome , ok! Dry Good;,
611 , 2, 11,0 s and Silocs
I tning Bluek, State Street,
at Lit w---011icc
•ide of the Public Square„
G. 1.0
Dealers isn Wild elles
ver, Plated and It
ilary and Faniiy G
Pa. ' 1 I
)MIS & CO.
ewelry, cih er, German Sil
i j iLtooniii Wore, Collery,
oodt4, N 0.7 Reed I louse, Eric
it Dealers in , Drc Goods, G ro.
Crochei y, n ye, Iron,
ils,."etc. etc. corner of : 4 tat e
ie opposite the Eagle
7 ‘1"
Wholesale and tleta
series, 4:rdwrir6 •l
- str,,t and the rub
• l'avi•rnr Erie, Pa.
phob4er aid Undertaker,
dabink Maker,
i~talc Strec:, Gii
S. 1/iCi
Physician and Spit.;
- west of the :\ I ' , I ri;
.70., D., J. ,
•u❑ office .-'t , re:),ll Stmt.,
li:C('lmr, h. lii i Pa.
„%Elt &, COOK,
anal Pmawl
\V E.
Por ward iii
1 11,.rti6arii=; lied
lie RI due, F,rje.
Aqinnr.icturers of Copps' l and Sliest-ii on,
}care corner of Pr nett and Pitilk street., Erie. )
I.IISTER, 'A N (:111.1tirr
trni) I••oliwiet4, mhi,le , ..aW and r e t a il dealers i n
Stoves, flollOv-re State Ft reet, Et ie, Pa
‘Vh - olegate;tliq r'et.t
• py. , ;.>LliflS,Grol!
V.n., Pa. • ,
- -
1317ItTON k CO.
Ideain , itizs,
& L. ...Nu. 5, Reed House ;
. LS, 1.1
'it. : •
I,,:tior in Drv l -Go
DealPr- in Drc Goode,. Oi-oeeriel, &C., NO. I,
Dinlitlf 1;luck; L'a •
1 1 ,:aler: i n tiru s, Paints, Oils, Dye,
Glass, l&el, No. 6 Reed flonFC, Erie-
Forwattlind and (.:loikniti•aiicin 'Alercliants; 109
French > treet, 1l lu , and at
t• 6111Stree,t Gaird 13a
on, al.:0 dealers Pl
Groceries and ovisions.
Dealer in Ilardn•ard, Dry Goods, Groceries, Sr.
east side of the lAamontl,, and one door cant of
The Battle
. _
calher of State strect and
the Public :“Ilear(,', Erie, Pa. Eastern, IVesterh,
and Solithern'titifre
.10 . TLE
Fashionable NI ercl
, Nrc,..a feu- 4
taut Tailors,' on the Public
N We.t of State street, Erie,
" Jul;
Deafer in 'i'hen na
and ( las•icalkie,
No. 1 I French
car, :Nti , eellaneons, Sunday
hunt Book; Stationary, etc. etc
•iitrevt, Eric, Pa.
H. BRACE, . .
,:ellor at law, Prairie du Chien,
lin !Ale conutieFt of Crawford,
W. 1. , ,, and in Clayton county,
1'.,. A
A tli , racy and Com;
W. 'F. practices
Gr,int and luwa,
11)4 Territory.
1 . tcr,
thamze for goods, Wool, Bat
umi ull Vistas or Country Pro
-11. CAM ELL
June 6, iSIG
11 Trimmings c
the cheap %tote of
November 21, 1
HZ•twit tiarct%‘“re and Ilouec
an al way. be had very cheap at
- S. JAC lii 4l -I,N en.
atitl Vott: ; l'
scribers will
NI(1111Y tSEED.—Tbe :ub
)ay cash l'or 2ond clean T imo
1 li v Feed
3 "t,3 i r n i n s E liw se s t :a ° t l V. l° l ° l , 1 ,2,
Erie, Mey ti, t:l7. a - t•
State Street, 4early,ppposile the Eagle :Hail.
Lciomis • co.•nre now receiving lion)
• New Y or t4and opcningat their new store
en eirensive aKsortmeitt jtirb and EashionAble
JEWELRY, Irt4r.icintr the latest style - Of - trod:
in market,) icatclts, Plated and Briltanlii
Ware, Fine Cutlery, Stt f r Trimmings, Campltene
anti Solar Lanipaj Lookiiiir - ‘i;lasae s a, gald
togetheetvith'n general kitriely of 1.414,1'0 And Or
nauientul artiele. Call and ate tehat you will ice.
Juno 26 ISO I a
For Flax Seed.
Ipaiil for one thousand bushels of
No. 6, Reed House.
lgEi will be
.Flux Seed b
Aw.a. 27:1817
LI ri
Niro R
dr; (*rushed, l'alverizetl, (Arta
en, Havana. New Orleans Su
. I Pirry Block,
. •
- -
T, EMA MING in /the Poet Office at Erie, Penn's. Oct, 1,
111 , I e4l. Persons enquiring for letters in this list will
please .my they tilc odverinied. Two cents Is charged ou
every letter in addition to the regular postage.
Arnold Ju‘tlna 2 Landen Amos .
A pp . eby Mr Leonard A G
A gard Wni Lockwood Mrs J P
AckriA George Lroni !Sirs Mary E
Akerly Philip ' hoe Lawrence
Anderson tames M Lowing Nancy
Anderson Isaac Loyer Henry
Anemia Persia E. `owry Samuel
Archer Benjamin . Long Christian
Brox n William Lama's J It
limo Thou Sr Lich Peter
lirattandi Ran.nn W Lynch James
Wen Thomas ' 'Lewis Rev Almond
Brea I), Jo Meg 9 Lytle Samuel
Brad i-h Catltnrinn I LIM & I
itrulwtker Lost t Lannon Suley
Breed MI, Sarali'M Lindou Mite Mary
Blake Jones •- McCoy w m
Blake Cli•ha
Bartlett Mies Mario's,
Ha:abridge Mrs C 111
Batchelder Rufus 2
nacos kir 11/ .
Barry J
Ballard Not• Joy
Raw. J
.k Gilbert
Baldwin Miba Ahagail 2
Barr M
liartltolotoow NV 11 '
Baker %Vahan)
Barton 51. Morehnoso
11J M
flawley I' S
Berry David
Beach ra td
Ile Mr 4
SeifillTl Al3n•on
Birch ard D e lia
Bishop C J
ittslaop W tun
Booth Mra 3lari.i
liiryln John
Bow ne Ittchool
Bush Wnham 9.1
Chandler Abel
Chinch 11 :I!
Chipman Finn !atm S
Church Daum head A J
Clark Patrick Meteness iattice
Clark Ti ~,,, tan Alilir Mrs
Cleveland Ilev (ten W Woe.. Margti i
ret ,r ,
Claikaahroomar Exaverws Marrh: 51 , 0 , 4 , 1
Clary Nlt . Slelliforu Jobli ~
C•ark. William It Nllller [Lena" ,
Crirtcr Iraili , 310atfort Arriand I
Camerots EU
( • .t, JO/111
Cerr V\ 'Main Monagan Pac:riek
Cald 14'1.11 John IS ' Molda Then laS
I 'eller John Alain., Mn. Phebe
Card Lorenz.n 1.. Morse John
Card !Teary C,- Mudge Isaac It ;,
Cook M)ron 7 ' :SOP , Mrs ]
Pollen Jelf , ,,on Naekerron Mis Phils
Cole II Oakley Win 0
I iirlioli Sinitil CH& I. W
Clill Angeline (llis,) 2 O'Shea Michitel 2
enr,,ell I.VOli,in Psnay II
Col, Jacob Or Geo Helmer ParkhurA Kha
Cohoon Charles Iv Parker Thonlas
Cuilney gviljtnAin,
Cummings WWI 'in 2
Cortis Fiaalii. J
Drake Prof•-••or
Arc Rev A J
rt renhAt
Drury Fete/
livlpar) Mrs Jal
Day - Sraltloll it ,
141% Ebill
nay IVtllilm
Ilisc‘po Alin Sung.
Mtn. t'nr • Ann
Dunn William 2
Iluint 'Mi., t C
Dulll'sJ W Itobb Robert
Iltimonll •Jolthlimgerti 'John I.
Dtatilinr /teary 11l , / lltilf :Hefts Samantha
Es.uts E M Rogers Atty A •
Emernon !rioter , Ryan John W -
Cane Jeseee Robins Minato.
Cache, Stet' . Itmet J m•ph
Elimtt 31iCtIth: rive 2 linger!. n•on
Einer•on I, M Mr Smith A el II - I
Elli• Solomon 2 , Smith John 'l'
E viticontl D.trktil 1 Shad.! milt CtUtuneny
Fullerton 'I !mina's B Smith Chauncey g
rind, Jo•rpli 11 Slocum I..wis
Freadly .linlrew . Spencer C 2 /.
F irate. 'I hauls Shairr Mire Nancy M
1`.,-t, , r Mr l Swmik William
ro•ter Rooth C Sayer Geo 8
Ctlii,ot. Charlesn SWPCilCy JAllliell
I.wn NVtlires Speath John
rrwdelty Andre.' , Sloan Horace I.
F., wr lirverenil Doctor Snider Henry
1%11,, Minna , i i Stilleinut S
Fo-terJ I. Steplleum Patrick
(u g, tell Maury
Gr 11
GAtt 0.-nun
Mt- , William 2
40. en e,h,e•
Gray J.unra W
GI ~a..31i•a
Billrn Henry
thirion Almon
Grerst C 11
Guam: on
11411101 r. Lo,, - iTaft DeWitt Clinton
Hand T V Tanner Joseph J
Ilare3 Mirhael Thompson Henry •
Ito., es J II 2 Trowbridg Michigan
Ifickos Julie A Taft Ti ninon J •
lit;-lip Robert ' .. 'Parboil A M ~•
ii-ddilettek I ritteta, Townsend II C
Bill Mr (Tanner!) Thornton . Co Me.srs
11.1<sler Sossom ' Tonle Joseph is
11111 4/11 Mrs Poll• ' Tibbits Seth 11
Hay ltec Philip{ 1 i Terry Lizy
Hartwell Charics To Image II 0
lit-rill) , Mrs Saloum Vedder Alter
Heir John Veddet Vattblack 3
Herr,, 'Miss Cordelia Van Itrocklin James
I Imes Van Curet, Firtlinand
'lemon Griffith, Van Tassel John T
lin% k Iles Luci nda Wright Jill
liege, ty Outten Wright Frederick
Harper J Wheeler Bonaparte
Mill Hiram Wheeler,G N •
Hyland Johnl White Mrs Lucy
Hull John MI , , White Sand '
Holt Miss Miry V White Mr
Horton On ill S . White Arthur %V
110-tner A Whaley Mrs Louisa C
11°0,11 C C • WATTOII John
littria Miss Bleu Warren II
II tinily Das $s Warren N F
Niata Charles Waterman Southwick 9
Israel Ehuil T %limper Jphn
Jones Js: Constable. 2 Woketield Dexter
J o nes juhn.n - Writers Alanson
Jones Mrs 11.1101.1 a, Walsh James
Jones George Walls Jesse
Jackson Nathan Weston Junes
Juekmn Andrew IVelister John
.Jackson Mrs Mary A Weh4ter Mary.
James Abel Williams Samuel
Johnson S C Willson Geul. E C
Jenkins Isaac T • Wtison'Mrs E •
Jenny Seth Wickershun L
•Juthl Edwin{Willis William .
Kynaston William 2 Winegar William
/Kelly Edward Willson John
Kendig George 2 ' %Vonaward Joshua It
K son William IV I 111
Ks m,-tit hied Irene Wytikeep II A
Kelly lows P W o ) if Orison
Kohn Mus•rs Isaac &CO Wooden Dushrod
Kelleher I{liehol : Zimmerman D
Kellogg o..ear Ziumterinan Miss Jane
Kuchler Ch a rles • ,
BiCtild A ''S ' IiET7'BRS.
Gottfried Bricard Jacob Kanner
AIVII , I I'.llll, . M steharrer
Joseph hunger , ' Christy. Behnekenburger
's, Cart ,Seholifer 2 • Christi.. Wagner g
Geroge Smiler K•irolino - tichaver
\:1 1olirt Howe
Andrea. Seifert Joi•eph Kist
- ':rnes't Chilli or Frederick Mr liammetha
Gerlach C F Kramer
lil.try Sehlurat Michael Knipp •
Adam Wild . Georg 4u•lus Fredericks
Andreas ErzylcZinimermaili WCIP , "
Lew, l Born. 1 Franz Michael Kaufman
Georg achleadec ter George Tither
B orbara Kilmer Johannes Valentin Vochom
Nikolus Stritzinger Mr Zermatt
Philip idun Fredk Down •
Franz Sandoski J Feisler
llenrich Knobloch •
- - -
r _ A - I BBLS,. and half bble. -- .White Fish and
v.J%- , Mackinac Trout, this day received and
for risk at No. 1, Perry block. by
• T. W. MOORE.
Eric, Sept., 25, 1817
CASTINGS, stoves, stove pipe, 'copper furni=
ture, nir tight sheet iron stoves, are now sell••
in rapidly 6y the subscribers at less than ever,
snit ow design is than° prices at BuiraloorSee
where, for cash.
Eric, Sept. ....„.____
fa „. KITS Np.' •
As - A use, just
Perry Ma. ?
E . ie, sept. 25;-18e7.
‘ —
GS wanid s i T n E e' R x , si;er
ehan N g s e r4r
dept. 23, 1817. . . .
AlcKittoriult Wm
AreFarimmt John 2
ALA?mire Patrick
Malin! J AL
Mc( alloy idhlk
McCarron .I;aissos
Mcßride Jolin
McAdams J4lin
McNulty 1l Ii
:Nicradyen Capt John
Mt•Matin rilski•y •
McClure 7illss Murgnnt
McComb /inn
Mcftride !imager
McGloclin Altman
Miles Mill. 'rennin
Alegonits Connrino
Meager Robert -
Al o k vhr.lueel ::
31.Nwcil $
111 unit
Martine D'
Dlnvcurss Jninrs
Marshall , IVniitangion
Martin Joint]
Marlin 'Alum If ultifth 2
Mmhnm Anglisans
Preston ClAr4.topiter
Patten 'l' W
Parker enpt E
Phi Morwita
Petior John
quirk Jainect
Raithiit Samuel
IttuA son John 2
Joseph Round
Rohl l'aohp
Ruin• John
4 It ur 11. nry A
Rowell C T
Storks Iteujomin
Stout. J
StPrentraugh Charles
Strung James J
stnwart Miss Eliza
titeivari Miss 3largaret„.
Foodee Michael
Swirls at. 11111 '
Snorls Albert G
Sosly .711sry
Thompson Thomas
Tiffany Copt
Th:iyrr .7 Jr or 11 Philo
Teal Norman
1 Muukeril. put tip for faniily
received and for sale at No. 1,
The past! the pest!,ye.rise before me,
And old the dorliiness of ray g!norm
And Visions of the loved cuter , Wei me.
When not one shirdow dimmed my home
The post! the past! my heart is oblong,
Forever fur some joyous tone;
But suern'ry from her urn is eating
'A mournful echo! gone —all gone!
In vain, in ruin, nrtilind me smiling.
Glide happy roans with mirth and glee;
Nor danae, nor song] the hours beguiling,
Can bid remembrance fly from me.
The unknown future dim is iddniag,
Beyond the present's troubled Brut
But sweet druallui;rtiund my Ppirit twining;
Are liuh'll bright buried past, withlhee!
The cycs'w hope quiet lumre Primed u
The voices breathing enedc's strain;
The gentle hands which oft h.ttu prer.'4l us,
No after years bring back again;
The summer flowers Iltac sail wither,
lint when Vie winter's reign is o'er,
'The,le children ne s tlist Sun come hillier,
Aqd glad our longing eyes once snore
litutjthe tn•t for whom our tears ore falling,
No future wafts hack to our shore;
The wrung iteJrt o'er their graven is calling;
jßut they tome no more—they come no more!
Reader mine, gallant air, are you a clitir
voynnt? “Not given to anything of the kind?"
Eh blco, you will assume that character for
once, and for a liurpose, will .you not? So
now we are en rapport,: we must ,go back a
dozen years or so. into the past. We are ap
proaching a country village—we at the pret
tiest cottage it contains—we enter the bloom
ing garden—we hear a low murmur of voids
in that summer-honse—we draw near, and
nearer through the clustering vines.
"Ho, what a superb girl! rather youngish
but-a divinity, by Jove!"
"Rut, la, sir, don't you mark the youth at
her side? a. very Antinntis!"
4 , 11e,-4h, m g, passable, barely passable,
c "Sir, where is your taste? look again:
what a magnificent brow—what glorions eyes
—what lila—what hair—and, what a form?
But they a‘-e reading, and from one book; what
can it be? for the young man looks sad, and
the girl's dark eyes are glistening with tears.
Let us catch a glimpse of the title—" Paul
and Virginia!" "
The town of It-, in the interior of
Massachusetts; has one of the
sonages in the world. Ido notbelieve it can
be surpassed by anything short of some of
those lovely English rectories, about which
our travtlerii go into exstacies It is nested
in foliage and flowers, and hung-about with a
perfect drapery of vines. At the same time
we have talin for the commencement of our
sketch, it was occupied by d family of rare
taste and refinement, consisting of the Rev',
Charles Grey, a man of great learning and
devoted piety; his wife, ati excellent and
lovely woman, and her niece, a beautiful girl
of sxteen, but for whom the cottage home
wo i have been Comparatively desolate, for
the Greys were childless.
Madeline Temple was the sole and orphan
daughter of the only brother of Mrs. Grey,
and was an heiress. Mrs. Grey, who had re
ceived a highly'finished education in her. na
tive city, Boston, was herself Madeline's
teacher in all feminine accomplishments,
while her husband attended to the "classics."
I have said that Madeline was beautiful; but
her beauty was of a peculiar type.. It was
not n'aractive—it was too proud and spirited
for 4,at except to the few who loved her and
whom she loved. Iler presence, even at that
' early period, was imposing; tall, fair and se
rene, she walked, rode, danced and conversed
with the quietest dignity and most exquisite
grace—a child in years, but an elegant wo
man is her ways': One powerful and pre
. demintNing trait ruled and moulded her entire
character—and this was pride, lofty, unYield:
ing, uncomprotriising pride. And yet was
Madeline Temple in heart most womanly—
true and rearm in her affections, even to: pas
sionateness, yet carefully concealing all un
der-a-manner cold,- and at times forbidding.
- But when she smiled—ah, when she smiled,
everything princess-like and chilling, every
thing which kept one from loving her, 9nish
ed in an instant, and Madeline was bewitch
ing. •
There was one who, though not a member
of the minister's family, had .been from his
childhood a constant visitor. This was Ed=
ward Lawrence; the, eldest son_ of a small far
mer, living just out of the village. Mr. Grey,
with whom Edward was a great favorite, had
had the solo charge of his education, having
undertaken to make tip for the young man's,
want of a collegiate course and after Madelines
arrival, the two pupils had pursued their stud
ies together. Lawren ce
4 Was handsome,
strikingly so, but otherwise he was only dis
tinguished. for a modesty anddelicato sensi
tiveness almost feminine.- At the time whon
we introduced him to our readers, he had
reached his twentieth year, and yet went ,his
way, utterly and strangely unconscious that
he was one to be gazed after, envied, and
loved adolingly.
But there was one who felt that there was
a double fascination in:bis unconsciousness—
and this was Madeline Temple. Ere, she her
self in her proud unimpressiveness, guessed
such a thing, her !whist was irrecoverably his.
Slowly, but warmly hind rosily, stole the Morn
rise of love up the tWillght sky of a lift. be
fore all cold 'and colchrless.
And Edward—from the first year spent in
bladfline's society, he had loved with more of
intense passionateness thitn, she was capable
of, and with the deepest and tenderest devo
tion. But years passed by, and he sought no
return. Madeline was rich, and he, though
not altogether portionless, was no match for
her on the'score of wealth; and a morbid feat
of the cha i
his natural
lips. ' Da
ed, and
for his po%
never spot:
cold hand
heart. .
At length, when Madeline was just eigh
teen, her relatives _in Boston, a family of
wealth and high standing; became desirous of
having her with them, in order to introduce
her to fashionable society. Madeline was in
love, but ladeline was a woman, and the
brilliant lie thus opening before her, had its
fas'cinations: she was also very much inclin
ed to test in that way the strength of the pas
sion which had been engrossing her heart and
thoughts t so long a period.
The las night of Madeline's stay had ar
rived and dward was at the piirsonage -to
take leave: It was a summer's evening, and
when he rOse to depart, Madeline, 'Allis lib
quest, strolled with him toward the gate, as
she had often done. rWhen they reached the
termination of the walk, she paused and held
out her band as usual. -She was very pale
with her proud head thrown back,
gal composure, - she said fare Well
whose love she prized in her in
above all the triumphs and gaities
hionablei . world. 'Lawrence bent
liandpressed it fervently to his
lured a “God bless your_and was
and with ri
to the man
most heart
of the fas i
over that 1
Modell n
she wept
though sh
sorrowful, I
Temple slept but little that night;
It almost day-break, prOnd creature
was; wept as bitterly nanny meek
dear little maiden could have wept
at parting iwith the firs love of her heart.
The year that followed her return to Bos
ton, was indeed a brilliant one . for Madeline
Temple. With accomplishments,beauty of
a rare order and a fortune, it was a little woo
derl that immediately on her debut, she had be
come the rage. The history of some of the
triumphs of her belle-hood even reached her
old friend 'in their quiet, rural retreat, and
greatly were the 'chastened hearts of the good
clergymar rind his' wife troubled because of
the,temptatiens which must beset the pat li-
Wily of the inexperienced girl. But if they
feared lest Madeline should sufTer• from the
unworthy and Mercenary, through her alien
tions they, little knew her:
,One only love,
hidden an striven against, 'yet living 'and un
conquered was as an angel guarding'the por
tals of her, heart, and she was safe:
During I the first summer of Madeline's ab
,ccnce, Eirl4ralici lArat"mrerre , e for.trhi., fatfActic cool
found himself regarded as the head of a fam
ily you6or brothers and sisters. - What
with sea& for the dead and care for the liv
ing,,he found no time to indulge his love with
the passionate fervor and wild abandonment of
ro.nantic lovers in general; but he was nev
ertheless t i nily constant to her whose lightest
word with once sound the lowest depths of
-his soul, and whose smile had been the sun
shine of his life. She was not always in his
thoughts,:but she ever glided to his side when
Sweet evening was bestowing her Fort (levee
Upon the earth, and shutting up the flowers
With he moat tingere, fur the sleeping hours."
And whoa the night stole on—
her eye, looked on t him with the stars—"her
face was bit . his sleep."
Madeline had been
,gehe a twelvemonth
from when mercantile husinesr., in
which.he was engaged, called Lawrence to
Boston. the there became known to a dis-
taut relative and former friend of his father's,
a wealthy merckant ti%d imp rter. This
gentleman took a lively interest • 'n the hand
some'and'enterprising young man, and with
his wife nd daughters, Rpeedily introduded
him to 'the most aristocratie, circles of the
"Athens,Of America," and there he again met
Madeline ] —met her as the triumphant belle,
followed, I .flattered and. adored.
"Ali, then was the spell broken—then did
the dreatr vanish!" anticipates my reader.—
But no; after all tliat is said, few men- have
any decided objedtion to seeing the woman
they lovd the fashion;—it is an agreeable
voucher fur their individual taste, and as for
Lawrence, he found himself more irreclaima
bly in lov than ever. Yet still his intense
pride, his r
shrinking fear of the charge of un- ,
worthy and sordid motives, kept him from an
open declaration of his holiest sentiments.—,
Madeliitel, who saw with keen but carefully
concealed pleasure his fervent growing at
tachmen4 was piqued at its long delayed
avowal, fo_she did not know her lover suffi
ciently to understand his pride snd high sense
of honor. But an unhooked for event occur
red to liaSten 'matters to a crisis. The mer
chant friend of whom we have spoken, desired
to send ont au agent
with one of. his vessels
to soma foreign port,. and offered the situation
which was a very lucrativeone, to Lawrencle.
The poor young Man wasin an embarrassing
position. For the sake of his family, who
stood in need of 'his assistance, he knew that 1
lia ought to go, but if he vent he must be
absent two years; and his Theo ttah, there was
the ruby i l Ile at length
. concluded to seek
Madeline, and let her decide for him, resolV
ing if lie went, to - go only as a rejected- c. matt
It was n lovely June evening, when -Ed
ward Lawrence slowly and thoughtfully
turned his footsteps toward the splendid man
sion which wasladeline's elty home. On
his way ho chan ted to meet little. flower
girl, who beggedihim- to purchase something
from her. l basket. I The boquets were nothing
elegant,but the child had a'sweet voice, ant
a beautiful bine eye, and hebought one bunch
of her iii rli fle flowers, He was then surpris
edto fi nd among the reddea roses,,blowo to
the last extremity, commonj iolets,. and stifr
sweet-411mm, one fresh and imost exquisite
moss rose bud,standing-put like a little prin
t cess froth a crowd of- plot Miens. Detaching
this, and flinging the others aside, he.bore it
as 'a trifling present to Madeline.' He found,
'1 , •
her lightly and elegantly attired for N bAl!,.
Y, OCTOBER 16, 1847.
le 'of mercenary motives, kilned to
difference, effectually settled his
1 after day, he Was with her he lov- .
ill books and- flowers and music,
erftil and elo4uent aids, and yet he
:e of love. his manly pride, like a
r )t . Iron, seemed crushing down his
"The glorious night.
1 'hen heartb beat warm and true,"
which was to be given at on e
able hotels by the navy ollice
Lawrence had received an'in
forgotten it, and he was now
himself that he could not be t
tenda►ico upon Madeline, 'she
to accompany Lieut. S--
lor and gallant gentleman, to
had long ago affianced her.
But Madeline received , he
°fibrin with a smile, anq
as a favorable omen. The
,watcdrawing nigh—he saw t
time for delay, and immediu
what abriptly, acqUai,i4ed her
gengrousiutrer. Madeline t
oillier guard quicOy and feel,
"But you will not go, de
surely will not,go!"
The face of the lover shone
'and taking her hand tenderl
plied, •
"No, Madeline,'l will not I
stay, for your sake. I mu!
what for)ong years I have to
conceal. My purposes and
in you—my very life is boon
I love You. Madeline, wildly,
it be in vaini speak, answer
But Madeline was silent.
!eyed triumph, this deep a I
joy, seemed to'have rendere.
—and there.sat Edward, still
resisting hand in his, and li
with hisdark, passionate eye!
to read Iler glowing and t
through her pale, calm face
"Lieutenant S----- has
Temple," said a servant, •
rence started up and hurried'
, 1 cannot press you for a ri
but if I have not presumed t•
you wearing my rose-bud, t.
• Mad line raised her eyes, :
Lieute 'ant at that instant ,
Lawre ice, after briefly pas
ments,ltook his leave, and
the new -comer with her us
admirably preserving her trai
ess-Vge demeanor.,,,
"I.spleddid looking fello%
Lieutenant, Han old acquain
hear, Miss Temple ?"
I , Yes, Mr. Lawrence is a
and we were school-mates i
"Ay, ny, I understand
boys together'llow dear to
scenes of my ch'iltiliood'—sh,i
One word as to the !Amite
ne - was - if mairor marx. , —suPl
strikingly gracefttl: a fine dti,
ble waltzer, and he sat on a
tier of old, and vety•unlike a
was not reguiarlyhandsome,
manly and sunoll'id . Y. ' Thoi
that he was a little too ivild,'
headed—rather to much gii
and gallant speeches, but h.'
noble fellow in the main.
When Lawrence reached
lound Medellin., as usual, •
group of admirers, and look
anti joyous, more gloriously
had ever seen her. As h•
marked, "tvith , a thrill of j .
folds of lace which fell ove
bust, his own moss-rosebud,
quent'of love and hope. S . e
not observed his entrance,
a pillar at a !ittlo distaricd
her with . a new and exquisit
sciousness of inurseasion.
Suddenly came a , ; , .keal of
the hearts of amateurs and
cers, and the neat moment':
and Lieutenant 5- 7 .-- w 1
waltz. Lawrence was not
but he, felt hurt and amazed
considered his betrothed, col
other in that dance which s:
invented for lovers alone, at
did•that type of accepted 10 ,
on her breast. Ah, Rlwar
learned the waltilie kn
wild fascination-.he never
light" known to the euthu r
Look at us—we may be lani
finding, fault with the w
Carlyle; the air vibrates w
favorite waltz; and away
round,flike . gay barques in
licious intoxication!--or h
swiftly circling in an orbit c
"Ohl who can tell hfiw bar
the floor, with the fine Walt
at one's heels,"—a flirt ft%
round or two tvt.h her brot
man with his wife.' Had:
all this, he would, doubtless
cline's waltzing with his t
but as it was, after folio
eyes fur a few moments, hd
sought composure and cool
ny of the hotel. 111adeline#
him al . he left the crowd ?di'
waltzers, guessed with t
cause of his uneasiness, an
be led to her seat. A change
she sat thoughtful and trim
figures, as they whirled by
scopic succession of rich d
uniforms. She grew dizzy
ing down her eyes, missed
bud from its plaoe:
She bad dropped it in t
gazed about her for'it, cag
Presently, however, the Lii
quitted her for a few •morali
a glance showelher the to
ously.hanging from a batto
Mediate neighborhooi of t
heart. AI
6 1. believe that ii my flow
ing out: her hand.`,
'qt te:r i i yours, I know
floor' yonder, and you our
from me, now that you'ha
lowed it; unlessindeed,'l h,
floral gage d'oniour—there is often more;than
pefume wrapped up in a rose-bud."
. Madeline was startled ; the old ,instinct of
proud reserve was roused, and she carelessly
of the fackion
rs'then in port.
itation, but hdd
half angry with
le knight in at
ihaVing engaged
a brave sai
-1 whom the world
"No, indeed, it is of no consequence—keep
•the floWer'ilyou wish," and t4nlng, she be.:
gnu chatting merrily to a superanuated beam
at her side. But suddenly she looked around
again with &start, for she heard the Llenten
ant say,
Pr lover's simple
its he interpieted
it for the ball
hat there was no
tely and s,ome
with his friend's
or once thrbol i n
ngly exelakne ,
,r Edward, .-you
"Look here, Lawrence, see what a trophy
I have won! I challenge.anYione tb show a
like favor, received from the b lle of the eve-
ning."l I
"You a're indeed fOrtunate; 'realied
• i
,rence, casting on Madeline a g ..rie of rn-
I fni reproach—such a glance as one of her
htiughty spirit` but ill could brook. She saw
at once that her lover was putting a harsh
though:natural:construction on his rival's pos-
Session of the flower, and feeling <heiself
wronged and humiliated by his Judgment,,her
eyes flashed on him indignantly, while her fine
lip curled with a smile of infinite scorn. "He
thinks me a betirtlesieoquette," to herself she
said, "and never shall he seeme stoop to con
,vinee him of ,his errorl'
Once only during the remainder of the eve:.
ning, did Edward find opportunity to speak
with Madeline, and then it was he said, in a
tone of startling estrangement—
with sudden joy,
his, he re-
, t
o it you bid me,
t tell you now'
rtured , myself to
hopes all centre
1 up in,yours!..- 7
1 e; dearest!"
'rids' long-de ;
( d hompasurabil
. her ipeechles4
holding, her nu—
E azing Upon her.
:, vainly striving
I 1
mu.tuous heart,
"I should have hoped, Miss Temple, that in
rejecting the offered love and devotion' of a
life,.you [ would . have chosen a mode leas pain
fuland a place less public. Your triumph
is, however, complete."
- "I do nut comprehend you, sir," she coldly
replied;—then suddenly changing her min
tier, she added with mock; gaiety, "By khe
way, if you are troubled about that poor little
rose-bud, the Lieutenant will doubtless return
it to you; but don't let it blow out into a duel
.1 pray you." •
And thus they parted—these two proud, un
yielding beings, mistaken, estranged, and mis
erable at heart. Once again did Madeline sea
her lover; on leavirig the ball-room, au inde
finable fecling proMpted her to look back, and
standing directly beneath the
,hrilliant light.
E of a chandelier, she beheld, Lawrence. His
face no longer wore a kook of anger, not even
of reproach; it was intensely sad, touchingly,
hauntingly mournful, and this last expression
was present toiler dreams, that night—was
before her when she wake4'and left her nev
called for Miss
nferidg. Lau:-
ply at this time,
o far, let me see
=roiled and—the.
ntered the room.
in g, the compli--
indeline greeted
al serene
quil and Duch-
; emi t " sail ttic:
once of yours,
nandsome man=
our childhoOd.":
when you, Ware '
my heart are the
II we , go?"
ant. In perpon,
IL , roly - iortneartina
incor, an,admiria
orse like a cava
ailor. His p+e,
but it was frank,'
was no denying
rash and rattle
en to flirtations
was, after Oh a
But on reaching her home,
who lt.lle4rt that soinething
tweeti . !llit - Wrcnee and Made!
shrewd } s l usiun 4, how ma
that the rosy- ud was indeed,
lady; returnq it playfully, sa: i L
fear I l'utve been nrdsuM
in keeping this little flower.
accept it again, though it is n
erect." And she'took it without a word
The next day Madeline didsnot go out, but
s tint listening nervously to every_ying of the
bell, confidently expecting the speedy coming
'of, her fiery spirited lover, to seek a reconcil
iation after' the painful misunderstanding
which had been.brought about in a manner so
unexpeetCd, . and by means apparently so tri
fling. But she did not yet know Lawrence.
She bad to .deal with a nature as proud as,
and far more sensitive than her own; and so.
hours wore on, mid he did not:come, a nd days
went bY, and she received no, message, near'
whole week of suspense and unhappiness had
passe . At length, on returning one after
noon frOm a ride, the servant handed her a
card, eying,
4 1T le gentleman called while you were out."
the bail-room, he
PY a
I surrounded
! Dm more briq
,beautiful the
it he
1., he
drew ware
y, amid the
tier inngnifi,
I elo
its red lips
ing that she
a leaned :ga
and gazed upon
feeling, the con.-
music thrillingito
the heels of dim-
Madeline Temple
re whirling in the
precisek, jealous
hat she whom he
uld juin with an=
ems to have been
d wearing akshe
ve, that rose-bud
Madeline saw that it bore the name of Ed
ward Lawrence,' turned it over, and found
these words pencilled cm the back:
"I called to make my.adieu. The Orient
`sails to=morrow. I have been spending a
week at YOur frieiids then ar
well. God bless you:
k . E. . "
Madeline sought her feorn,,and for th
time, gave way to - bitter and remorseful o.
row. She viewed herself in the most una
bre of lights, no longer blamed Lawre ci for
his rashness, and the mad jealouviitich but
proved to her his love, and be ore shesleptl
she wrole,tholigli only after many unsuems,
fill efforts, ;rt meek, loving, and most ivoma r ply
letter of I+ll.
_ _
Lawrence never
w nothing of its
elt the 4 1 / 4 111zy de
iastic waltzer.—
muid or literary—
rather, or quoting .
F ah the notes of a
ve go, round and
a whirlpool.of de
ko mad [planets,
f light and music.
I it is to" keep off
z,musie "tugging_
ill sooner: take a
ler, a fashionable
have taken Mad
ival leas at heart;
ing her with his
$ turned away and
air, on the bateo
who had first seen
'eh surrounded the
i omanly tact the
F soon requested to
being was she as
led, watching the
her in a Italeido-,
• saes and , brilliant
at lait, and easy
ho pymitous iit9o
s ilance, - and she
Ily, but in vain:
'utenartt, who had
-fits, reform:o,, and
t dower conspieu-• the tin.'
Pat gallant officer's
This at breakfast-time she handed to a ser 7
vast, with directions to convey it immediate
ly to the ship. For a full hour sits Madeline
at the window, watching for the return of her
messenger. At last she sees him torn the
corner of the street. Oh, how slowly lie loi r .
'tete along! lie stops voornent to speali to
an orange-woman—now to read a play-bill
will he never come! 2
Yes,'be is at the epte,and Madeline bounds
down the steps to neet.him—he reaches out
a letter=l3h, Ileaven t it is her onlYi!
"The Orient sailed this morning at sunriSe,
madam." •
, Two years had passed, and Madeline was
still unmarried. She wa4 now less of a beli e ;
loss bloomingly beautifltlian formerly, but
alio' was still a surpassirity lovely woman .--=
And Madeline was constent' to her 'first love
--constant though she 'never heard from her
lover, except casually rind indirectly, through
his friends it Boston, or hers at It—.
Madeline Teti le was not it misemhle woman
—.in the life w WI she led, she had little leis
ure for the indp)genee of sorrow, neither' h9d
her proud spirit so utterly forsaken her;• but
she was not happy, she was' opt at rest, and
after all, perfect repose best exOesseik theitap_
pines of woman. ,-Slio found mocfr pleasure
in looking forward to the return of the Oritmt,
and a sumeding reconci Nation ,:tvith the only
man whom she had ever loved. It was early
autunin, and she . had heard that the Orient
was extieoted daily. - l''
' ITmras night, and Madelqie-: Termite; was
splendidly attired fur a fasttiona/)lo part ,—.
ehe said, hold-
Found it-on 'the
I • '
i iy taoi l takeit
tiiiforn it
!added , "it
• is some
lent S •
waif wrong' be
ine, and' had a
ter, ,rif stood' and
otit)alue to the
ing and selfish
`Parson me, tmd
low sadly with-
She had arranged'the lest ringlet, claspikit
last broce, and it 11.ns not yet time..
"Bring me up the evening paper, .I"enet,"
I t
she said to her maid. it had been er cthitorn
of late 10 look 'carefully over the 1 to arrivals
of yessels• in the ' , port. , The' j urnal ival
brought, and' the first. annountement Which!
met her eye was,that of the arrival of the Ork.
ent, from ir two years' trading voyage. Joy.;
ful, hopeful, a young-hearted being once more
Madelinethankfully lifted her eyes to'lleaven
;—then dropped them to the paper again, — to'
. if the blessed iutelligenee was indeed ,
there. Alas, the y fell Upon a I;artigrapr .„,
dill' rent riaturel. Gs}-aping for breatlvsh regui
the 'following : ,
. .
1 I ; " M9ABTER AT :TA. .
"During the late storm °flour coastt the ship
Orient had two of her seamen swept over.;
board, and in endeavoring to rave the a gal -1
lant4young man, Mr. Edward Lawrence, lost
his life. It adds t4.tto melancholy ioteresi
of this event to know t . ' , hiWr., Lawrence, who
was in the employ. of the sl4's company, was
just returning from a two years' absence frorn
friends and country, and perished in sight of
land." ' !
When - they sought Madeline to bear her to
the brilliant soiree, they found her sitting with
despair; upon her hrow,.unutterable anguish at •
her heart, the mocking gems flashing. in her A
hair and on her bosom, and the paper the hail—
beep reading grasped convulsively in her jaw-
elle() band. She wept not—she spoke not—slin
SL'W nut those around her; hely length, shriek
after shriek broke from her lips, and she fell
prostrate, They laid her on her. bed, ~and'
weeks passed before she rose again. When
sufficiently recovered, she desired to be con
veyed to her friends, at R , and ere long
she was under their peaceful roof once more.
Impelled by an intense yearning for sy_tapa.-
thy in her affliction,' Madeline Temple paid
an early, visit to the widowed mother of Ed
ward Lawrence.' The good woman at first
received her somewhat enldly, but When Mad
eline told, of her fond and faithful logo for the
lost one, esplititted their misunderstanding,
meekly coniVssed her own error, and resealed
the grief which was wearing away heiltre,
the stricken woman-wound her arrow tenderly
around her—leatml the young mourner" dtread
pon her bosoin, , and they %,•ept together:
-"Oh, my mother," said Madeline, leokilig
up; l4 on thot night, ono frank wordnf, expla
nation, one smile of affection from late, and . all
would have been well. But, my sinful Pride
drove him- from his country, and 68 14104
broken yoUr henri and mine.". ,
of his mother, hatr spoken freely to'her-
Madeline, in his letters, but always as though
he couldnot believe. thit she had ever loved
him l . In the lust one reeeive4 froin him, was'
th 4 the following: passage, which the mother:
read to ;Nladeline at her earnestrequest:
"•,A.ll wrote to Madeline Temple, dear mother,
as yoii'litivised. Whet' I first loved her, when
we both were very young, we , cine9 read 'Purl
and Virginia' together.. I wrote' to her after
visiting ;the lone Indian Isle,' , the scene of
that must exquisite roMance, and enclosed a
flower from the grave of Virginia. On that
mournful spot, .which in spirit Iliad often vis
ited with her, my heart went back to the sweet
days of old—Madeline chyle before me, moth
er, the being I once believed hey, all poveli
ness and truth, and not .what' stetwards
found her,' a beautiful incarnation of unwo-
Manly eoldneßs and pride; ' n d for the first
time . sinee my boyhood,-1 viept, for- I seemed
to be sta .- riding over the graye ocrray otva
Its •
"I never iecei - veil that letter! God ki
I never received itr cried hl,edeli
whole frame iptiveringivittravolsh.
• e e •
In an arbor ‘vhoselelusteriiig vines arerjuit
inted with the gorg,ecus hues ofe4ly autumn.
in the gardtn of the paisonne
sith Madeline Temple, now grown exquisite-
ly ethereal in her 'waining beauty: On s
light stand before her, is placed an elegant
rose-wood box, Gllel with prleeitius • thinge,
beautiful keppsa kesia rul costly jewels. Thee*
s the magnificent diamond, the modest petiti*
the sparkling reby,i the serene saPphire; but
not on these‘she gaies with those sad, tearful
eyes. From beneath them all shin htis (taken
a small and ranch worn', is the to
wnie° oPSt. Pierre, "Paul and Virginia."..-
She opens where pressed between its lepes,-
lies: a frail and colorless thing, a rose-bud fa
ded and withered. On are . fixed her
mournful eyes, and as slie:in+s, her thoughts
go &own f ir, far into the blue depths of °cow*
to where sleeps a beloved one, with the sea ,
grass wav ing o'er him. sad face is.
turned O t ward, 'and the swell oCthe waters
lightly lift its'darki brown hdir, and the cold,
white hand - Which lies across WI breast.—
And she, that dOsolate one, faintly muimors,
"Oh, my first and only lovel—mY poor, lost
'Edward, in txris little rose-bud once were fol
dedsour flostiny and mine."--Phil. Evening'
cr G
nerut Torn Thum's, although the
inn of his inches in I ;irnerica,
declines a nomination for the Prey-
He prefers thelifusemo to the White
d the smiles of the !Lidice to those of
House. a
Fi„,,, N ,,We find die following its,
mils Union, of the 214:
.Yesterday one- Callshoon,, sold hid
le took:in.; white , woinan,p,hansa
the St.
wife, a
Todd, f r *6O. A regular tilt et sate was .
drawn It , and every thing' arranged-ittlcc4i
dance t ith - the l'AuSt ttpprov : ed hterciatikk
hJudg Gamier, of ensaenia,tounnitted au.
ide at hat (dace a few ciayraioce. Tbe net,
was oat mitted with the utonYst deliberation,
in cons nence of pnverf.t. 'Judge G., after
directin nodes to all petal:lna whom he owed,
tied so e bricks in a towel, which he fasten,
eci to his body and threw - hicnaelf luta th 4 wr
v ,
, 1
I 1
i , .