I If3lE XVIIL '; VOLl_fi EVERY. KUILDIIS `‘. UN k IL F. SLOAN, rulusiior, BY' P. DU' MI 1 . TR BET, IEIIIE, P.. E It M S . ~ a r, in advAnce. $1 30 [Mars a year ‘t lit invariabis be !ril t$ ill ho strictly adhered to incited at 50 cents per square I, and 23 cents for each sub. Ono, copy, one y r_ltlierwise;tsvO d charged. 'riteselt in ail ett'ses. • c AdvertisententS i or the first insertio .sequent insertion. Job Print '43 Blanks citt.ed in the hest SLS all varieties, such as nooks le,Fhon• Bills, Ca rds,Steatn j or Notc. , , Receipts, &c. exes le and on short notice. MOORE. ..Provisions, Candies, Fruit, 1111nek, State street, Erie, Yu, INl.llcr jn Groccric: No. I, Perlry • 1 - ARSHA _att m apyrfail hUiiUi L LOCK\VOOD, Otlico up stairs iI the Tam iz,nortli of the ProtlionotaWs . . °lke. SlifT - r l'lrr in Ory Go ( i theens \Vare,lLl Plitapgiiie, Erie, JACKSON. Ms, Groceries, Hardware, me, Iron, Nails &e.'Nu. 121, Pa. 11. MILLAR, survuor; office in Exchange Ist , Erie. ; JOHN Cu imtv nna nf.ront 3wonigg, n pi...) L., n JOHN M==l A TTORN IJasretno% his kit ilear thel'ourt flo l EV AT LAW, lice to the Public Building se, lip s:aiT3, in the mom wiar and directly over' the I be given to all businens en• occupied by 16 1 ; 4 Cotitti—jotter',l.i )1 Pbtittpt attention I t tt .t,,t to hi. c•trel • - E. N. lit, 11,11SElit'l . & CO. CAM), '. Y. EP} STOR \GE, "F',ol WARDINci AND PRO SION MERCHANTS, .chiok arid - Erie Coal. .alt eneral[v. Partiiular attW• of Produce and purchaFe of Drt'E comxa , A•" i ;der:: n arid Prihie l !: thm !mid the rule 111,•rth.111t1I7e. NO. 3 :N. 1 Coburn .q wire, Sollth Wharf: E. irut.ncivr, Mail°, N. IIN nor; at Law ; (Mice No.' 2 he 1::aole llntul, Erie. Pa. , BENJ.% Attorney and Colnts State ..d„ 0 , ) , I ite GRA 1 7 Al lOrnf ys fi Collll,e :o.rect, over S pr I 21, 1317) ROSE.I. k "DeAlersi i naH l oil flc.oly Made Cll.O &e., No. I/ 111c11 Eric, Pa. ; (; 4 .11,81i A A tiorney; and Cow Sigh street, wi2st THOM PSON, or , at Law, ( )ilice on French son Co's. Store, Erie. ZWEIG k Co and Pome , ok! Dry Good;, 611 , 2, 11,0 s and Silocs I tning Bluek, State Street, I=l=l at Lit w---011icc •ide of the Public Square„ pAI.tIRAMI. Al=l , I G. 1.0 Dealers isn Wild elles ver, Plated and It ilary and Faniiy G Pa. ' 1 I )MIS & CO. ewelry, cih er, German Sil i j iLtooniii Wore, Collery, oodt4, N 0.7 Reed I louse, Eric IS k WRIGHT. it Dealers in , Drc Goods, G ro. Crochei y, n ye, Iron, ils,."etc. etc. corner of : 4 tat e ie opposite the Eagle 7 ‘1" Wholesale and tleta series, 4:rdwrir6 •l Lnather, - str,,t and the rub • l'avi•rnr Erie, Pa. AI EBLET: phob4er aid Undertaker, Pa 'WILL dabink Maker, i~talc Strec:, Gii S. 1/iCi Physician and Spit.; - west of the :\ I ' , I ri; .70., D., J. , •u❑ office .-'t , re:),ll Stmt., li:C('lmr, h. lii i Pa. „%Elt &, COOK, anal Pmawl 6.arclb.),lse,ed,tortlignil, \V E. Por ward iii 1 11,.rti6arii=; lied lie RI due, F,rje. '• JOSEPH KELSEY, • Aqinnr.icturers of Copps' l and Sliest-ii on, }care corner of Pr nett and Pitilk street., Erie. ) I.IISTER, 'A N (:111.1tirr trni) I••oliwiet4, mhi,le , ..aW and r e t a il dealers i n Stoves, flollOv-re State Ft reet, Et ie, Pa RHIN H ‘Vh - olegate;tliq r'et.t • py. , ;.>LliflS,Grol! V.n., Pa. • , - - 1317ItTON k CO. Ideain , itizs, & L. ...Nu. 5, Reed House ; . LS, 1.1 ds,G 'it. : • I,,:tior in Drv l -Go UOPPW N DealPr- in Drc Goode,. Oi-oeeriel, &C., NO. I, Dinlitlf 1;luck; L'a • CAIUTER & BROTH ER.. 1 1 ,:aler: i n tiru s, Paints, Oils, Dye, Glass, l&el, No. 6 Reed flonFC, Erie- P.i. B. TOMLINSON Forwattlind and (.:loikniti•aiicin 'Alercliants; 109 French > treet, 1l lu , and at t• 6111Stree,t Gaird 13a on, al.:0 dealers Pl Groceries and ovisions. • HENRY C.II/WELL. Dealer in Ilardn•ard, Dry Goods, Groceries, Sr. east side of the lAamontl,, and one door cant of The Battle . _ • EAGLE calher of State strect and the Public :“Ilear(,', Erie, Pa. Eastern, IVesterh, and Solithern'titifre .10 . TLE Fashionable NI ercl , Nrc,..a feu- 4 Prt k HAMILTON taut Tailors,' on the Public N We.t of State street, Erie, " Jul; Deafer in 'i'hen na and ( las•icalkie, No. 1 I French . JOIINNON. car, :Nti , eellaneons, Sunday hunt Book; Stationary, etc. etc •iitrevt, Eric, Pa. H. BRACE, . . r ,:ellor at law, Prairie du Chien, lin !Ale conutieFt of Crawford, W. 1. , ,, and in Clayton county, 1'.,. A A tli , racy and Com; W. 'F. practices Gr,int and luwa, 11)4 Territory. Uj.lNTEDine 1 . tcr, thamze for goods, Wool, Bat umi ull Vistas or Country Pro -11. CAM ELL UM June 6, iSIG 11 Trimmings c the cheap %tote of November 21, 1 HZ•twit tiarct%‘“re and Ilouec an al way. be had very cheap at - S. JAC lii 4l -I,N en. atitl Vott: ; l' scribers will NI(1111Y tSEED.—Tbe :ub )ay cash l'or 2ond clean T imo Ii."VONILINSON ttr CO, 1 li v Feed 3 "t,3 i r n i n s E liw se s t :a ° t l V. l° l ° l , 1 ,2, Erie, Mey ti, t:l7. a - t• NEW ENTAEMISIiMENT, -- State Street, 4early,ppposile the Eagle :Hail. Lciomis • co.•nre now receiving lion) • New Y or t4and opcningat their new store en eirensive aKsortmeitt jtirb and EashionAble JEWELRY, Irt4r.icintr the latest style - Of - trod: in market,) icatclts, Plated and Briltanlii Ware, Fine Cutlery, Stt f r Trimmings, Campltene anti Solar Lanipaj Lookiiiir - ‘i;lasae s a, gald togetheetvith'n general kitriely of 1.414,1'0 And Or nauientul artiele. Call and ate tehat you will ice. Juno 26 ISO I a Cash For Flax Seed. Ipaiil for one thousand bushels of CARTER & BROTHER. No. 6, Reed House. lgEi will be .Flux Seed b Aw.a. 27:1817 LI ri Niro R dr; (*rushed, l'alverizetl, (Arta en, Havana. New Orleans Su . I Pirry Block, IT \V MOORE. • . • - - T, EMA MING in /the Poet Office at Erie, Penn's. Oct, 1, 111 , I e4l. Persons enquiring for letters in this list will please .my they tilc odverinied. Two cents Is charged ou every letter in addition to the regular postage. Arnold Ju‘tlna 2 Landen Amos . A pp . eby Mr Leonard A G A gard Wni Lockwood Mrs J P AckriA George Lroni !Sirs Mary E Akerly Philip ' hoe Lawrence Anderson tames M Lowing Nancy Anderson Isaac Loyer Henry Anemia Persia E. `owry Samuel Archer Benjamin . Long Christian Brox n William Lama's J It limo Thou Sr Lich Peter lirattandi Ran.nn W Lynch James Wen Thomas ' 'Lewis Rev Almond Brea I), Jo Meg 9 Lytle Samuel Brad i-h Catltnrinn I LIM & I itrulwtker Lost t Lannon Suley Breed MI, Sarali'M Lindou Mite Mary Blake Jones •- McCoy w m Blake Cli•ha Bartlett Mies Mario's, Ha:abridge Mrs C 111 Batchelder Rufus 2 nacos kir 11/ . Barry J Ballard Not• Joy Raw. J .k Gilbert Baldwin Miba Ahagail 2 Barr M liartltolotoow NV 11 ' Baker %Vahan) Barton 51. Morehnoso 11J M flawley I' S Berry David JoArph Beach ra td Ile Mr 4 SeifillTl Al3n•on Birch ard D e lia Bishop C J ittslaop W tun Booth Mra 3lari.i liiryln John Bow ne Ittchool Bush Wnham 9.1 Chandler Abel Chinch 11 :I! Chipman Finn !atm S Church Daum head A J Clark Patrick Meteness iattice Clark Ti ~,,, tan Alilir Mrs Cleveland Ilev (ten W Woe.. Margti i ret ,r , Claikaahroomar Exaverws Marrh: 51 , 0 , 4 , 1 Clary Nlt . Slelliforu Jobli ~ C•ark. William It Nllller [Lena" , Crirtcr Iraili , 310atfort Arriand I Camerots EU ( • .t, JO/111 Cerr V\ 'Main Monagan Pac:riek Cald 14'1.11 John IS ' Molda Then laS I 'eller John Alain., Mn. Phebe Card Lorenz.n 1.. Morse John Card !Teary C,- Mudge Isaac It ;, Cook M)ron 7 ' :SOP , Mrs ] Pollen Jelf , ,,on Naekerron Mis Phils Cole II Oakley Win 0 , I iirlioli Sinitil CH& I. W Clill Angeline (llis,) 2 O'Shea Michitel 2 enr,,ell I.VOli,in Psnay II Col, Jacob Or Geo Helmer ParkhurA Kha Cohoon Charles Iv Parker Thonlas V. DRIGC:B Cuilney gviljtnAin, Cummings WWI 'in 2 Cortis Fiaalii. J 0111111EIM Drake Prof•-••or Arc Rev A J rt renhAt Drury Fete/ livlpar) Mrs Jal Day - Sraltloll it , 141% Ebill nay IVtllilm Ilisc‘po Alin Sung. John Mtn. t'nr • Ann 11.ek.on Dunn William 2 Iluint 'Mi., t C .1)111111'1110.ktas Dulll'sJ W Itobb Robert Iltimonll •Jolthlimgerti 'John I. Dtatilinr /teary 11l , / lltilf :Hefts Samantha Es.uts E M Rogers Atty A • Emernon !rioter , Ryan John W - Cane Jeseee Robins Minato. Cache, Stet' . Itmet J m•ph Elimtt 31iCtIth: rive 2 linger!. n•on Einer•on I, M Mr Smith A el II - I Elli• Solomon 2 , Smith John 'l' E viticontl D.trktil 1 Shad.! milt CtUtuneny Fullerton 'I !mina's B Smith Chauncey g rind, Jo•rpli 11 Slocum I..wis Freadly .linlrew . Spencer C 2 /. F irate. 'I hauls Shairr Mire Nancy M 1`.,-t, , r Mr l Swmik William ro•ter Rooth C Sayer Geo 8 . Ctlii,ot. Charlesn SWPCilCy JAllliell I.wn NVtlires Speath John rrwdelty Andre.' , Sloan Horace I. F., wr lirverenil Doctor Snider Henry 1%11,, Minna , i i Stilleinut S Fo-terJ I. Steplleum Patrick M=MI (u g, tell Maury Gr 11 GAtt 0.-nun George•. Mt- , William 2 40. en e,h,e• Gray J.unra W f GI ~a..31i•a 31 Billrn Henry thirion Almon Grerst C 11 Guam: on 11411101 r. Lo,, - iTaft DeWitt Clinton Hand T V Tanner Joseph J Ilare3 Mirhael Thompson Henry • Ito., es J II 2 Trowbridg Michigan Ifickos Julie A Taft Ti ninon J • lit;-lip Robert ' .. 'Parboil A M ~• ii-ddilettek I ritteta, Townsend II C Bill Mr (Tanner!) Thornton . Co Me.srs 11.1