El Tsfas is thefirst atiempt to combine the ELEarttle or MAGNErfe FLUID with Powerful Vegetable Ex tracts in the Turin of aniiintmeirt--:to be applied este/nul l/ for the removal of flitiOnse. (The almost unlimited sue- Cella it lutes met with abilities itlait once the ,GItEATEST inscovEßY or Tukli AGE. It is constantly; effecting cure, of the ofthe utnioit importance. The most leered u• lous are CONVINCEDi—the moot faithless are compidleil to bellevoin the power and virtue of this great ft:wily. It is universally admittedo be THE MOAT %YONDER FUL COAIBINATION KN O WN to the WORLD for the IMMEDIATE RELIEF of isease and pain. ' , never fads while there r males sufficient life to reTore • natural and healthy amid' to the capillary vessels of the body, and equishite tits rtrcuratien Vilie MAI, 1.1% thin mean," a uSelrollitip power is gained over the must oink/hunt forms of DISEASE; which cannot be obtained from.any other rem sidy. Such is the power of this combination that it pease. Dates to every portion ofthe human frame; every bone and muscle, vein, nerve and, ligament is searched outand made sensible of purifying and healing influence. Hence it cokes as readily with internal as external diseases. Numerous instances are on rmord where this remedy has restored health to patients,so near the grave that the most powerful internal remedies foiled to produce any ef fect- Such has frequently been the case in INELA DA. TION orate BOWELS-He patient ever need die with tin, disease where the ALTmile Ointment can hit °linden,' That dangerous Epidemic Known it. the PUTRID ERY SIPELAS ran always be cured by this remedy. For INFLAMATORY 11.11EUAIATISAL this Ointment is the most complete reinedy ever prepared.,-/. lu 1 4 9 case. out of 10) it trill njord entire relief to the worst censor NERVOUS HEADACHE; in tidily nib, Wet. For Nervous Diseabeli this renie n dy is of innate's° ea ue, Affections of the Spitio, Rheumatism, Lameness, Ulcer ated Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Pleurisy, Croup, Clitils, Cholera Minims, Ague in the Face or !beast. Burns. S Mil Head,Screful t, Suit Rheum, Erysipelas, Inflamed Eyes, Fever Sores, &e. will be immediately relieved by tlic use of this remedy. DR. BINGHAM'S CERTIFICATE. . In reply to your queries with regard to the result , of the Experiments I hauo made with vnur justly colelinned Meigne,ic Ointment: I can say with pleasure that I item it rune (tithe GREATEST DISCOVERIES (II THE AGE. -_-. ft is now nearly two 'years since I cominnneed rising it in my practice, and I have tested it to eases of Inflainnia-• tion. both local and general, of the most maglignant kin,) with universal success; even where fill internal remedies failed, I kayo succeeded with this. , I have treated cases of Intimation of the Braiii, Ind f mstion of the Lungs, hillamation of the Bowels, Inflations wry Ithetwriattstn. and'Ehild -bed Fevers, with pm feet success; also cases of Scarlet Fever, Candler Rash, and Ulcerated Thr and Ltings with like ativerm In the Ep emle nowt as the Petri., Erysipelas, by which eci many valuable Rtes were lust, I te,ted it fre quently, and it never failed of effecting a spigdy and cer , , lain cure. 1 , In cases of Burns, S p rains , Bruil, Frozen Limbs,lfte. it sets like a charm. 1 ; I ` . No Physician_or Family will be a tin ;le day without this Medicine, efts becoming acquainted with it power to cure. N. BINGHAM, Playriciau an Surgeon. M, Ma, N. Y. Jan. 19, 18M. jt I'V'Por further pariiculah and testi:no, ale, ice pie\ ph et left with each agent. battle. \ , Price 25 and 59 mita per _ AGENTS.—Carter & Brother. wholesale and retail, Erie; D. N. & J. L. Welistrir, Critionitut, Ohio; R ;ley Potter. West SprinefliOd; V. ll.Towissend. Springfield; .L. S. Jones & Co.GGir d; Jells :\t.:Trucy, Fain ice., - Erie, August li, 1817.—1y13. 111 TO THE' PUBLIC. nu increased dMaand for Dr 3PLarie's Liver Pill, since their introduction by us as his ugenta, has far exceeded onr most sangeineexpectvtions' It is 1195 V 111,911 t ten years since they were brought perore the public. Mr int this time hundreds of certitic des lurvii been Minded its testifying to their efficacy, lad silting the very great re lief they had derived from the use of Ilium: Wu hare now in our possession man; certificates from 11 , p..13 , b1e per antis, who have used Dr M Ir.ANP. :3 LIVIA PILL with the must happy results, where every other known remedy had' been used in vain. Also, quite eltiontrer of regithr pity 'imam, of good standing, through Om . coutstry, arc using and recommending theta in their practre. It has been our sincere wish, tits ices Pills should be fairly and fully tested by experie ce, and staid ! orTnil by the streets produced. That the have been so tested, mid that the result has been in et ery respect latorable, we calf !thousands to witness, who hate experienced their betMficial streets. SELANE • B.,LIVEIt. PILLS are not held forth or recommended (like most of the popular medieluex of the day) as universal cure ails, but simply for LIVEIt. COM. PLAINTS; and those's a ymptome equueese.kyllyvgrith UM 43 - geu Sl4 rims urges . t • DIIIECTIONS.—Taka 2 or 3 going to bed, eery reconA or third night. If they do nor purge 2or 3 times by neat morning. take one or twomore. - A alight breakftiet might to follow their lite. The hirer may be used when purging isritnply neceesary. lAi an untibiliou< purgntihe they, are inferior to riOnentiil iu dosed ofttor 3 they give astonishing relief in SICK iu :fight ile rangeinenta °film Wined'. The demand for these Pill. is truly surprising , . Coun try inerchants who heretofore could 11. truly be induced to purchego one do:04 nor Dog eCr, Itead the following fro? New Castle, viz. NEW CASTLIC, 14, 1E413. diturs. Kid ~end me uu othei half gross of APLanc's 'Ph.: h.,lf grit. l pur chased a few niontjte ago are all solditoleed, Alice toy elastomers have used "1)r. if Lane's 1111$," and found therm so efficacious,lcan scarcely tell any other, stlthonla I atu acent for mush ? raw P4II.IICW before the public. Respectfully your., W. IVATSON. Pre pared for the Proprietor, and .01 %. holebate :11 , 1 retail by .1. KIDD Co. , • Ne.f,o Wood at., Piti•burgh. Pa. Purchaser+ will Id.• ' be Pat I ular and inquire for, "Dn. 3PLINE'S'I.IVER 1'11.1.8," a, thorn ore other purporting td ha ••Liver uow barite the public, 1)1 ' :M .: 914- f AA? VLE RM II Ft (G- Amedicine whlcli is perfectly safe, and may be given to children, front tender ternecv to advenerd age. teys under no restraint an to cold "ivalet, or any kind of food. Purge 3 mildly, subduing fey er,—destroy4 and ex- I pets worms with tevari i ible DI/LCV.D. —and is easilysidrimi- Catered to cliildreu. I" • , Thal it ',mnses these valuable properties, is fearlessly 2 smelled—still claiming the additional ativ3ntage• of be. lag given in small bulk, and requiring none of the drenching which Worm Wee and other supposed Vermis fuses demand. During fits brilliant career, it has been lutrodaead into many families, wham etery other known and accessible Yostuifuga 110>ln:0a:tried without the least success, where it ha's promptly expelled Worms to an al. Most Ineredalde smcieut. As evidence of the surprising effects of Dr. Misaue's Worm Specific, we give the following: ' On Saturday, February 7th,1816, Mr. J.I111;.3 NM called at the Drug Store f .1. Kidd Zr Co corner iof Wood and Fourth streets, Pittsburgh, Pa. and made the ,following statement ..a clot,' of mine had been very sok for some ton Jays—iAchad given her pure:ail. Opiedicines but it had done her no greid. One of our neighbors came is and said it was werins that were destroying the child, and at the tame ludo spoke of the wonderful itfects she 'bud witnessed from lining Dr. MlLme's Worm Specific, in that neighborhood. I We procured a vial—gave our tea- Vontal, and the child discharged forty-two worms. 1 thof gave another tea-apnea:it, which brought forty nix more. making In all eighty-eight worms. As a duty Ilium to you and the community ,at large, I freely make known these Gets. My child is now well. What is most the Worm Specific expelledtheWerms alive, iu about four boars after I gave it to the child. MORE, AND LATER. Messrs KIDD & Co.—Gentl.•tnet : I . g.ive the hi 01 - Dr Misaues Vettnifuge, which t bought from you the other. day, tu child of mine. The result was extraordinary.— She passed mid hutulrctl o Nio(lllP. is truly a surprising snsdieins. klAlt POW kll.B. Fine Creek, Allegheny co. Pa. Fell 20, 1847. J. KlOO & Co., No. GO Wood Btreat, Pittsburg now the sole roprictors of Dr. NPLane's celebra ted medicines All orders must bu addressed to them. , • • 8.--furchasers will please be particu lar and enquire \,for Dr ArLone's Worm Specific or Yermtfuge,„ Anewss.—Cattcr & Brother, J. H.. Burton fi • Co., Erie; J. Marvin, Waterford; John NrClure, I , Girard; John A. Tracy, Fairview; W. H. Towns end, Springfield; Hall Sr. Vincent, Cranesville-, Jacttson Edenboro; B. C. Town Sr. ' Co. Wattsburg; •A. Tourtellott, Union Mills; J. H. HAnes, North East. Sold - by Drmtizists and Merchants .enarally , throughout the United States. - August. 21, 18,17, • "14 WESTERN HOTEL, TWIN iGRAI-lAM, m Propiietor. The A subscriber would respectfully (inform s e =his friends and the traveling public gen-, 1 malty, that he has leased for a term of years this stow and commodious House, situated at the Eighth' Street Canal Basin. This location ren• 1 dots the " WESTERN " pre•eminently the most convenient and desirable stopping place for all I either dein. , business or traveling on the Canal. _There is, also, attached to this establishment a large and convenient Stable, for the use of Boat men and others having horses. No pains or expense has been spared in &tint! up this (house for the convenience , comfort and pleasure of guests, and the Proprietor trusut by stiiesattention to business to merit and receive a share 'of public patronsgc. . Erie, ,Aprill I, 1817. .1') ARTER Sz, BROTHER.. BEING licensed under'the Law 61'1816 to ietail Vinous and Spiritous Liquors', atror a good assortinent.of , I Pure Port, Fizel, / Madeira, BA; Sherry, Malaga, And Cu l rrent winch ' —ALSO— \ Brandy, Holland Oinil num,. Whiskey, l Jamaica Siiirits, And Alcohol For sale at as low rates as the sa have ever been offered in this marl Reed House.. Erie, Jumrl9, 1317. PAINTS,, OILS, ire, AMOKO. ow stock will be found ‘lOO kegs pure White and Fittsburgh man 1610 lbs Spanish %Vida 600 Venitiun Red, , . 500. French and Yel ow Ochrs, 100 French Green, a l beaut. 300 Red Led, i 200 Litharuge, 200 papers refined Lam black, 20 boxes Chrome yellot. and green, 100 gallons Spirits. Tur )entino, 100 do Linseed Oil, 50 do C , pairVarnisl • Furnit nre. 20 dot Paint Brushes Jest received and 'for sale on Brushes, terms, at No 6, Reed House. CARTER St June 19, 1817. FEVER. AND A•j}UE.- Tonic NI hturc,lndi . a Ala:cisn's Agin! Tall i e Verniirtiec, Pertiv For sale whole.tilc and retail by CARTER 1 7 ./To, June ID, 1417. DYE STUFFS. Annatto, ' Oil Vitriol, A tuns, Indigo. . Copperas, Blue Vitrio \ Cream Tartar, Cud Bear, A rgols, Cochineal,, Spirits or Tin, Liquid Blue Loo.wood, Nic Wood, edit' irood, 1 Madder, Red Saund rs, For safe very cheap at No. 6, It. ed Houtie f. -by_ CARTER 4- BROTHER. - ”ssortment •• Jives rpitliSSEs.—A good assortm nt &t I tell's, ' _L Tiernan's, Thompson's. OW !thine bares Trusses, r sorted sizes tbr sale Icitv by CAELTER &. BROTHER. July 17. 1811 SUOOMILS. New Orleans, ed, Cru:hed and Mus cheap for eat,b, one door north of th: by RIND June 12, 1517. FRESH: FBUIT.—You can fin {.l at No '6. Ooor r People's Row Oranges, Stjltana ; Raisins, Lonon.4, Figs, Prunes, Box lilts, ;Curt ants and Citrons. cho4p lig cash by June 26.. ,1 VV, F. :1.11 , 111 UPFALO *HITE, LEAD. • this superior article just r Pittsbnradi Lead. (Fahnestoek& and in oil, ;Away,. on hand and w June 12. ' ' J. EL WY , NEWS ! NEW First .3rrivirt of Fall and IV Town at the Jew store, No Excha itg6 nearly opposite the Reed Hon Vie. Lvl now ret ea 'in_ his trentendt us ant) niu_nif t stock of (WOOS. probably the most lashiohable and best tbsorted lot or Goods ever In ought to this place: beaut'lld goods or ev ery discription for Ladies CloaLs and Dresse,; Paramatta Cldtlre, Cashmeres, &c. For Bonnets, S:ilk Velvets, Silks and Satins Ribbons and Plumes, and Fren`ch Vlower:-; French fling ; bunts, Alt;rinos, :Silk stripe ant plaid Alpadas, Damask Moreens ' Silk and Nlolvtir Buttons, Shawls orevery description, Thread and Brussels Laces French needle ‘Vrought Sto. &e. Also—Cloths, Casslmers, Vesti assortment, omatit win ue 'sum vei MOS Sep', 4, 18 'B. I Commercial Ilieniedico for Mummer C AN ES' carminative Balsam; Poszaze's Anodyne Cordial; Bed - Atiod ) tie cordial; Thotnp , ,on', earmioitive; Y.almestoeA's do Lon Aromalc or spiced Rhubarb; Godfrey',, cordial, &c. &e. for J. n. BU I I No 5, Reed House, Sept: i I. REMEDIES FUR 1'l:A'I1 f`rtitillUD':i India Chu'agog Vi and retail. Cantu:ll's Ague Mixture; Rutvan's Tonic do, Jaynes' Ague Pills and Tonic Verutiluge; Doct. U. A. Sill's Parapathetuo; .Nlotrats Bitters; Njwtott7s Bitters; - Sulphate Quinine; Carpenter's Extract Bark; Oil Black Pepper; tpr sale by J.. H. BIJItTON Is: Co. No. 5, Recd tioti4e. Sept. S A: CARD. E undersigned would respectfully inform a. the gentlencen or Eric and vicinity, that he has opeiid a TAILotuNG sum , on the south eide or the Public Square, a few doors east el the Eric Bank, where he will he at. all limes ready and happy to wait upon those who may favor hint with a ' ca ll i n his littpol bminess. From long experi• ence in some the principal shops of London and oti Cr European cities, and by strict attention to all confidently wid el l w a y now be entrusted to Min, he hopes that he shall be aliv,rys deem ed worthy t o. receice a share of /lit - bile patrottage. Mg work shall be executed in such a utanner as to bear b close and ,impartial examina ion, and always in accordance w'il't the Availing; fash ions. JOLLN GO.bOE.N. Erie, Sept, 4, 1.917. • N. B. Cutting dune on tho Shortest notice r FINF. NEW TEAS. rrIIIERE lias been a great deal said lately bollt 'Veas, and there are a g reat nutny Erie vtlto pf etend that they are selling better Teas cheaper 4 any body .else. This is a mistake. The Pelten Tea Coiiipaity of New York, have sent to their agents, John 11. Burton & Co. their several vane its of Teas.— They are fre'sh, fragrant and highly 11,1 cored, and mated richness ;my that has ever been sold in Erie, and at prices much less. In every case where triky do not give satisfaction, the mon ey will he pail, back fur Went, These Teas are put up in polio% half curd quarter pound packages, lined with an foil. whiA keeps them from the air • ann presery tlicir s remit anti flavor. J. U. BURTON Co., Aug. 31. • No. 5 Reed nurse.. A . A mmistrator's Sale. BY Virtue of a decree of-the Orphan's Court of Brit:pointy. I swill, expose to public sale at Court Honor Con in the borough of_Erie, on Monday the 25th day of October next, a' certain piece of land situate in the village or Cranesville, in Elk Creek township, in F t rie county, btiundetras fol loCvs, to wit: on the north by land of Woodworth acid Sehoonoven, on the east by land of Ainos Pot ter, on the south by the road leading from Cranes %tulle to Washington; and 'onthe \Vest by the rand and Meadville road, containing about me acres of land,Eithe same more or less, • and hav• ing a frame dwelling house, frame ham and shed erected thereon, Tends.'—One third on confirmation of the deed and the balance in two equal annual instalments with interest, to be secured by jitdiment bond and 'Mortgage, JOHN GALI3MAITI - 1, Administrator of E. M. Coat Erie, Sept. 18, 1847. I • 305 ADMINISTRATOR'S/ NOTICE.' ZIEWERS of administration de ()was non have been gqanted‘to the subscriber on the estate of Elihu N. Cook, late of Elk Creek township, deceased. Persons indebted to said estate, or having claims against the same, are requested to call and present them properly authent•catcd for stteement, and settle their indebtedness. • • JOHN GALBRAITH, Adthinistrator. Sept. 15.1847. • '6llB lettLED LOBSTERS, Sardines, Tomato, 1 Catsup,,Lemon Syrup, Pepper Sauce, Salad Oil, Mustard, Guguba Jelly, English White Pep per, 6fe., for sale at No. 1, Perry Block, by Sept. 8. T. %V. NIOORE. IIUN D.—Picked up in the Lake, near the mouth of Six Milo Creek on Friday, tho 1 7th inst. a barrel of Pork, marked with the name of the city Inspector at Cleveland. The owner can have it by proving property,ind paying, charges. AUG ISTUS SHAW. Sept.Llarboterce.t, S 21; IS! . T3tlJ j 1 Sta.—Sometime la,t January. I , wit, twilit a distressing cough, which in tla i bleeding of the lungs, with much sore Imuch soreness of the breast. After bj, I and getting 'tel.:utter, Mr. Pardko, fort I recommended me to get a bottle orDr. i ‘ ubselit Mg that he had been similarly a 1 eine had been speedily ,and entirely cu after using it a short time the result 1 ~well. Front the benefit I received fror pgood name it beatts hmong mydriends l'lungs and chest, I aid induced to belie, l'now in use for thoseViseases, and as ..' II I ' Illeotarketb:e care or 1 To S. Touscr, s Sir—We are entirely out of the fal ~ I , reft With us, in our immediate vicinity , say With astonishing success. A few d , ; town called ut our store who had been Aressing con ,, h. and wanted a bottle u' l l liette; use for him to take ;I,t, or any , thin ! bottle, however, and afterwards mid ;• L very' much improved in appeal ance. I istrength—but had it not been for the i t ,have died. We wants one more of ti i F;10 font Esq. jr. Y E o . n i. r . s i s r i: e , s e p c u e n t a ft s t i l 0 1 y i a , , 1 TO S. Tousny, Agent, &c.—Sir: I flialsam in my family with the very be, t, . . - having seen it used by my friends w tipring to become an Ageut for the sal a great number of bottles. and have h i ll la succeeded beyond all expectat iormt !been' by Physicians of respectability p their cases hopeless, and I emit chetult ferito with lung complaints, assuring ,- ispeetly relief. , (Signed) Morereoor. -• • - ,Establishing Th e f:flirary of 0 e Ilungarin. i (Front Deacon Lewis, of Utica, dated Urten, I :; I cheerlidly give my name in favor of (Jr. Iluehan'4 ].Life. Lint April, my wife was attackled with a vielei , severe and mo-t DIsTRESSINE PAIN IN TUE Mini, SD ;011 . 1.74. While in this situation, I caged on Messrs.' I , , ,nedicine, and they regommended this P,alsant. (pt; n idle time we had used about one hall of it, my wife bf slier using the remainder, her health ivas completely ,timed have recommended the Balsam t my friends, rzi lit with like success. (Signed I 1 I ' Deacon of the First 114 r-F 9' [From , . 'Farther levidence4yl [From the P. M. at Leilington Flatsl, °woo° CO. N 11.1EAD.,_..n 1 - i I lam again under tl e necessity of urderin ,, a new Front the Baptist etergynt tat at Coloose, Oswego, Niftily. 1 I I Vy wife still continue] the medicine and is . imprevin "I do hereby most cheerfully comityn' that l'have used Dr. Buchas Dun WI) this section, I hen -d of a friend sl t mile s from her gating' Balsam in my family with Brest success. My little - girl, now jin her in a CONFIRMED CoNsemerlost. IBC It hint two hot seventh, year was, in the month of October. 18t I, attacked with ; apair, t ri :;l wo weeks since, and today I heard I out him, and tl her right side, and notwithstanding we u s ed a ll diligence to remlive it, shei , him like a charm.' i (Si * Bed) continued to grow worse, ant after obtaining the counsel of DA D_L, w .h o ii The Messrs. Metcalf, of Genesee:N. Y. (one of thought the Right Lithe of her Lungs so seriously named that her rel!over'y ; :phyOcian) in ordering a new supply of the Italiatn t j wag exceedingly doubtful: I was induced to obtain one bottle or the 13'als a m .;acne CA%ES our etn- touters compPiin of receiving gr and before one third of it vas taken, the little sufferer resumed her pliysantl , l S. 'rousEv, Syracuse, N. Y. Glmeral Agtnt A .her cheerfulness re:hinted, and before t wntult les were le wd her healih w e;; Western States. Sold In Erie by CARkEr. & BaoTur:s ' nu qualities et, at Np. 6, - , . • CONSUMPTION CUlt I ED—TRIUMPHANT SUCCESS 01? BUCHAN'S HUNGARIAN BALSAM OF LIFE. I • , FETE artecc ENGLISH RE VIEDY (or COLDS, COUCHIS, ASTII -1 MA, and CONSUMPTION: Tile MOST ,CELEBRATED and INPALLI A BLE remedy for Colds. Coughs, AAluna. or any form of PULNIONA BM CONSUMPTION, is the the HUNGARIAN BALSAM OF LIFE, discovered by Dr. Buchan of London, England, tested for upWards of seven years -in Great Britain and, on the Continent of Europe; and introduced into the United states under the' immediate superintendence of the inventor.l The astonishing Sllel'eS2 01 the Hungarian Balsam, in the cure of ,every, form ofCONSUNPTION, warrants the American Agent in soliciting for' treatment the WORST POSSIBLE CASES, that can be fouud in the coin munity—cases, that seek relief in vain from any of the 1:011 - 11113f1 mint:dies of the day, and have been given up by the most'distinghished Physicians as CONFIRMED AND INCURABLE , . The Elougailan Balsam has :ttretl, and will cure, the MOST DESPERATE OF CASES. It is no quaelt nos: tram, but a standard English Me(ficiffe of known anestablished 'lciicy.. tm Every family in the United Suites should be suppli ed with Buchan's Hun li garian Balsam of Life, not only to counteract the co isumptivo tent: ncies of the climate, but to be used as a prerenlive medicine 11 all cases of 'olds, , Coughs, Spittinn . of Blood, Pain in the Side and Chest, Irritation and sore.. 'fess of the Lungs, Bronchitis, Difficulty of Breathing, Hectic Fever,l.`ight Sweats, Emaciation and GeneraVebiiity, Asthma, Influenza, Whooping, Cough, and Croup. . In case of actual disease of the lungs, 6 seated Cansumption, it ' ONLY SOUltCt 01' HOPE, - ' . Sold by McDoneld-ict4mith, sole Agent for the ITu l ited Kingdom, Italian Ware-house, Regent-et. London, in fluales and Cases, lor hospitals, &e. By Special .Ippuintairni —I) AVI DF. Baik.DLEE, 119 Court-St., B Mass., sole Agent Inr the United States and British American rrovil American price, $ I per bottle, with full directions for the testerat health cad, Buffalo lin:Lure. h, coach and ssorted sizes. leolimodatitte, OTEIEII. 5 holau.ogue, an Burk, tOTUEI . . Pamphlets, emitaininz a rila , s of English and American eertifieat other evidence, showing the intentioned merits of this Great Engliali dy. may be obtained of the Agents, gratis. 6; or clibtnie fot (green, None n idiom the written signature of the American Agr i a r , old and bronze label, to counterfeit which i, surgery. , I - AGENTS.--S. TonsEY. Syracuse, N. Y. General Agent for New: and the western States. ,oar, iritheriz •eovado Sitar, i! rig induw, ERN ECHT. -7—______----- - -- WESTFIELD MARDLE FACTOR T''g a good assortm sat olf New "" b E 'ii. n c . l . It s ma r ble hu ‘'ii on haul, (loin iffi.r eat quarries, calculated for Head and-Foot tar .s., -Monuments, &c. which they offer tb sill to any one in E.'rie comity? Pa. not. living further than Erie, lettered in first rate stale, and delivered, at the rollowine. prices: Small, ror c hildren, . I 5. per coot; tl\ liddle size, for aged people, SI 61. per fitor; Largeit size St 75 per loot., We think it mould be an object for some !of the Erie county tpeapledo ficrward its a thw inscriptions as we have recently been infifrmed by the Erie marble dealeis in rather •ft brccd::ill:: way,3l:a they were sticking it to the Eric and j Crawtorcl e nutty people good. Theybragvery lustily o f 1.--e fling to the "Pennto QM c.:s" at flour :54 all to sli p r foot. 'Slemld,any oldie people or Elie couffty be in want of atiy, thin 4 in our 'fine, ahoyi eau fuc wail their lasi:tip bunt, or come themselves, said th'ry shell have a first rate article at the above prices. 'HIRAM SIKES ,5,.-& - ). Wevtlitehl, N. V. Sept. 13, 118 I 5 lit n LACK SALTS. 7 I mill II highes• price fur any mi delivered at M'Keatt, or at fr 3t+.. -An invoice 01. ceived, Alva, (o 's male,) Ory lirranti:d. IiTON & CO. tier Cpadsl in 1 Continerilal letol.er 21, IS 111 COLEMAN • S LEAKE POWDERS, ACEILTAIN CUM'. POP. HEN'. ES' AND COUGH IN 11 )IISE: 4 ,—A long familiSii ty with horses and personal treatment of the dis re-lilted in the discovery 01 thi. exceedingly vid• (table remedy for the Moms and Cough—u dis ease which produces more misery turd &mit o,lllollg these noble animals; than any other to which they arc expozed, I have no hesitancy in saying that my Powder will, effectually and thee oughiy eradicate every symptom and nstig , of this painful and dangerous disease if given in any reasonable length of time after it has bean con tracted. \Viten rut discover symptoms of Cough or M ires in 1, dur !nose, tesott to this Powder without delay, u-e it l ieiseveringly, and attend to the hints aceompanyin. , the ii ri .: ions for the treatment °Oh.. anintal,-, and in nine cases out of ten' yen fund 'that it ( ME /R ry'clica . li,pC\ll Exchatwr, inpinintsi t 1 MI by IRTON &, AGUE, tZ.C. le, tt liolesald It any desirous nf ,ecing ecrlticates of cures, of them call cin the alf.ent., I't ice 5J 4t.nts per bot tles by A.l). Coleman, Now York cmITER nitoTuEß, agents, Erie, Pa. March '27, 1617. 45 DISSOLUTION OF I'ARTNERSIIIP. ripiiv. pat p beret..ollre exis ing beficcen I_ the tindersi,flic,l,, in the phietico-of Kiw, ha, bean itis,olvccl by i»tittnil con:ent, Ail persons in.lebted to 114 are regoca.fed to call at the otiic and Audi: their rcsptetive accounts, on or heft). e the first of February no t. wbo no& this notice may inpur costs. JOIENI ALP,rt. AVM., CAPSON URAIIAM. Eric, Jan.. 11, 1511.i‘ A 303 The linolss and papers of the late film of GAL BRA m k GRA! A m ,:ire by mutual agree. writ left with me I'4 the purpose of Elwin_ up the 6urineth of the taneern and erdkuting all dchts, I%hieh lam obi i,2ed tad," 'sp,.edtly I have ag:mcia•cd with tilt basia,s; W Sl. S: LANE and NV NI. A. GALttlt. Arr I 17, Ergs. and continue the atliee lately .c‘upied by Galbraith & Graham, under the thin S . LANE, w het c all busines t iti the line or the pro. lesion, will be attention to with prompt hest= Ail cksp.ttell. JOH N GALBRArrr}. Erie, February 3. 1917. N'OTEB OF AN EXILE, by L. W, Miller, bein ,, tiff account of the authors co.dine ment ht Van Deanaan9 Land, just icceived and for sale at Spaffords's Bookstore. Erir, May S, /817. 51 T WILL. pay S cents per bushel for Irood field ashit4, and 12 1-2 ets per bushel fur bun re. ash es delivered at my ashcry or M'Klean 'corners& Erie, Oct: 21, lOW. C. M. A sliES.—Those ba-inc coed Ashes will do AL well to deliver them at our ashery soon as we are now %milking otrwhat we have on hand. April Bth 1517. S . JACI SON & Co. AYES.—Watrs & Co's Cast Sted ANe5 by the dozen or single. 1.1. TOMLINSON &. Co. Fehronry 13:1847. `," • 39 n o,T. W., VA WS (leonine lt.ttrain of Wqd Cherry the Ceirlirut.4l remedy cur Consumption and whet or the "Lunge. Alen Winiar's (knife Purza• tire p i ll,. F or rate by Dr. P. Ilan, Agent, cornet uf State an Seventh .41+, Erie, ti. _ .1. t. le; 161 C. WF.IN- - - 001) \V Is, Wash tubs, m butter prints. 4-e. _July 7. ' • 'l', W. NI.OOIIE. 1.498 first rate Codfish; also, a few bbls Nlaekerel, for sale by • June ?G: RINDERNECIIT. GOLD PENS.—Lcvi 'irown's Gold Pens, ti t ° most celebrated maker of tke article, a good assortment kept constantly on band; iliBo the dif ferent kinds of cheap (ileare.trPens, nt G. LOOMIS 4. Co's, State st., nearly opposite Eagle Hotel.. July 10, 1817. 8 NEW AND F i RESII . GROCERIES, •It No. 6 Poor Peoples Row. WF. RINDERNECHT iias just redeived a • large and well selected assortment of wet, dry and Family Groceries Dye Stuffs, Nails and Glass, which ho w ill sell cheaper for cash than any other establishment in town. Please call and see. June 12, 1917. H JUST RECEIVED 25 hags Rio, Cuba, St. Do ininge and Java Coffee, one door north of the. Big Window, State street, by W. P. RINDERN'ECHT. Time 12, 1847 4 TIRO VEILMAL. 1 1 1.111,0801',Y, anti other Po- I — ems by q'tiper, a few copies #t Now York pri• cos, just received 'anti for sale by 0.. D. STAFFORD. Erie August 21; 18;7. .1 • 4t14 A9ll GALS., Ol i iipt,:totift Ware, for sale ono vdx-ir door norAtif#itsjEitg Window. J tine 26. ,v -, :4I:PINDEIt NEC irr• .7q • 1444-*;.`, BY THE QUEEN'S PATENT. pay Cash, and tht , hnlity of Blavk Subs 'y stoic in Elie. I. TIBBALQ, ASHES! ASHES!! l eonshlered completely restored. and to !any heoitation, 1 attribute the cure. • Jativary, 1845. Pastor , Testimony fro: i s the! at OK bilip:so OS,O 11, M: . on of .1 and tame ZEE BM OTICE. I .—The 'Fin,• Copper and Sheet Iron N Manidlielt.rin2 busine,S will be carried on qt the old stand or Ashley & Kel:ey, where a con 'smut supply articles mantic:maned:by him will be kept Air sale at a heleAale and retail. Old Copper and L'russ Ware take a in payment Jr Tin Ware. ; JOSEPp KELSEY, Jr ',Erie. Jule (5, 1P,314. L. WARREN, jff AS removed his sash, blind and door Shop to, Siate, between 7t hand Sth street , , where he keep constantly on handler make to order all a ticks in his line on the shorjest notice. Those sliintt- to obtain first rate; work at low prices do wi ll to 'fjiee-liiin ci cull before porelias ioir elseu here. Plazin.rdonC at ill times. Glass mid Petty [Sept constantly uti land. May 10, 18.16. ' 31 §.=. SMYTH . 4- 4 ; 1 HAS 'JUST RECEIVED from New York .per rourroy , Exr..ess,tne.Spving, Fashions, and is now ready to eAceute all orders for HATS in the latest Pasibn, and of a better quality than Can be, purchased here or elects here. 'March IG, IS IG. FIitSVAPPEAILA N E. rt. To7lif.tmo.N, • , GEORGE KELLOGG. bubscribers, though-, some time in basi -1 ness,thave not before found . it convenient or agreeame minim= into ma papers a general ad%:erti,ement. Being" rattler of a modest tu:rf, they have been situated semen hat like the stran ger in New York, who got upon a dry goods box in Broadway, to Wait till the et owd should get by;, and like him, hav i l iog attracted a little publis, nee toriety, ilyiy are prepared to get down and nqove quietly along, and would respectfully- invite the attention of the public to a, choice selettion of GaOCER (ES, interspersed with a few staple Dry Griods aid other notions, jirst deceived from New Y or k, t:incinnati, 6:c., which lltcy design to sell pretty , cheap ton }}early pay, , Pkase ;Ind see at 11)9 French street, next door to R. 0. Hulbert, Once, t :1J ;it vet Canal ila•in. & Co. Erie Aug. 1, 1846. 11 Public Notice. - - - 1 f TS hereby given that. an application will be made 1 to the next Legislature of Pennsylvania, for the incorporatimi of a Bank to be called "'Pm: Vxam Ens and M i Een tNics' Bess; with a Capi i tat monk. hundl el thousand dollars, and the pity ilelm of inere a . ing the same to two hundred thou-and dollars., Suid bank to be locatediln Erie, county Erie; State nf Pennsylvania. Die, July 17,11517 . 11. cad,‘ el J. 11. Willi J. 11, Fetit Wxlter eh, • Sqiith Ja• kt•oli, Jame, C. Abirtlutll, B. IL V iecrlnt, Wm. S. 1,1 It I. firm; P. Albin-Is C. M. To'Amis. Samuel flays, J.,lin 0. Beebe, 1 hes %V. Sterrett, Curran Graham, James Witlosetl, • • tiny I,ttonik, • Alilea; Met', • M. %V Castthry, ' J.tmes II ligher. , "LOC .I.{.llEitE, ILLW VOW" F you wish to buy clicap, - you %% ill please call at T lIHN DER: EC HT'S No. 6, PoorPcople's Row, where you can find the following articles, which ore warrented good Coffee, Sugar, Tea, Molas ses, Tohaco of all kinds, Rice. Piper, Spice; Cin namond, Cloves, Nutmegs, Ginger,Starch, Choco late, Cocoa, Mustard by the pound or box, Pepper Sauce, Lemon Syrup, Oliver Oil, Lump Oil Vine gar, Fire Crackers, Castile Soap of all kinds, Sha ving, Brushes, Powder, Shut, Lead, PerCussion Caps and Pills, Candle Wick, Twine, Matches, Stove Black in„ shoe BrusheS and Blacking, Chalk Tar and Rosin, Macoboy and Scotch snuff, std. pher, Brimstone, Epsom Salts Glauber Salts, Sal eratus, Bed Cords, Rolle, Fish and Chalk Lines, Herring, Patent Pails, Tubs, Willow Wagons, Wash Boards, Wire tikes; Almonds, Madeira Nuts, Filberts, Curry Combs and Horse Cards, Horse Brushes Awl Combs, Saltpeter, Dairy salt in bags, Brooms, Corn Whips and Hearth Brooms, Whitewash, Brushes, and other articles too numerous to mention. incase call and see for yourselves. Erie, Juno 19, 1917. ertwi. filet, WINDOW •GLASS tat* BROTHER have jaSt received their summer stock of \V indow Glass, which is large ,and complete, varying in size front 7x9 to 5x30., and Will be cot to atir size or shape desk ed,without extra charge. Potty always on hand. June 19,1817. 5 , - -- CNDY AND RAISINS by the Box or pouud for sale at No. 1, Perry Moult. • July 24. I 1 T. W. 1110011 E. OUT AT LAST! ! THI long lexpeetecLAvonder of the aze," the celebrated inid superior' k I TULTON STOVE" ,is now ready rue' sale 'at our Store or Foundry,— Persons who Wye any disposition to see it, are in ivited to call and do so, whether'they wish to pu lehase or not. LESTErt, SENNETT ..S;CIIESTEIL. • , Ain;. 14, 1817. 13 N. B. Old Stoves taken in payment. Better throw tinnit away than not to get one of Allege fuel say i ttl invent ions. ro I ,YotlNTßlLliittatellANTs AND DILUGGISTS. JH. • BURTON St CO., are Wholeiale . Agents forlOsgood's Indian Cholagugue, and \ Dalley's Pain. Extractor, and can furnish dealers at. wholesale pr l ices. Sept. 4, 1817. AccoRDE6Ns, wi th the improved valves, Bass Viol, l Violin and Guitar 4tringo, for salu y . G. LOOMIS &co., Suite at., nearly opposite Eh ;le Hotel. July 17, 1547. , UPERIOR French and" American ruled and plain Letter Paper, laynard and N,oyea,Black Ink Cents Carmine, and Red Ink, SVeers, Common, Note, Transparent and Motto, ealing Wax, ' ounce, Black Sand, Rubber, etc. etc. etc: 'or ealc byJ. iI:BURTON & Co. ' Eric, June 19th, L'3 i 7 I the effee rt of Allis medicine, iiithol IfikylD 11 , 10PARLAND. ntilie Baptist4Clautch in Coluose"., lin liocheiter. ltoctiEsT44N. Y. June 5,1515. 1 r ; taken within. violent cold, attend is bourse ot a few days brought on liefS of the;ch st, pain in the side ar ,41 , „;' , confined t my lied for some d 9 nerly 1)411ty SheriTOl' this count. 13ot:hail's iluogarian 13alsamof Lir , llitited, and liy the use of that' mcd red. ' I immediately got a battle, ai vas as ha t predietedlFl _got entirel i the Balsin and from the univeri who hav usi:d it for Miseitses of t , e it to be one of the best meclicir uch recomtnetid it to We public. DitiMT!! TO 4 CORN tgarian 114 end in in Lays eince for month 'the Baku 2 cite—lll nu her and a:10 Iv:Linable I w mediein! Y. , 410ted aving use hoceessl vith like si 01 the Nun;almost ev pa some .1tONOIT) fully recono hem that I, WFA , L IC E 12. T i ro n NifiJIDING, CO,' 1. DUCE MERCLIAN Fon% ardinz and cot4mis i l at their wae•house onl the and will b ready on he c) of the pregtnt Vicar to cont.; NI ercha nd isie trent thijeasti ces, toli:rii, as they are e 4) NM I ,cy _ ~and ha:ollo.B°mq and Propellers' ot tense, tiler enstii, is t ion of . al! propel will attend to sponsible H, of Steam Ding to the speedy trat their care. d dotsthoTtaeE; fon'Ldke ntari 41,,0 ,south by the .(le(in all kl nded to. ltunnnens I t pu'rehlt4e er bbir, Caitings 4 of troodp u Canadian 1 : S. ,Lawl en , Guitar. • CASH at and sales ill , totts'autly small (want ALSO— iron; Salk 5 Lio». we. m I lA,' au' 1 to t, Pia. IFEI C Tibbs C. Beul?e, , Jackson Co. Publierj 4. Op. 1k -Chapin, All Monleith po. '' Clapp Coi Bost. I= W. Blown ai t, Jat t. !yew, 1 ,erry,,s 7 I. 1 BE Erie, M U ll It , and g' by .1_ tide eti and for I;. tvooL i ‘j ET A y Vl',Y 4' stunilln hand I y. Plain glotl s, Plait ofvar oo.eul exchature for •00l on accotnnotdatit g termi wool. Frio Wooll ter LoolilNg . Ittrip tc,sortnal sale very St r a'..e at., n”a July 171 )8,17 - • 1 Piece, A ugust ME Flubto li . tt of Cittj eral us,,4rt July 17 io[toviA t i(iNs.— i - •ers, diiecl Apple. Codfish, Vt i 'lifte Fish, erytitittg inhe ,Pauv hand and (O i r dle by June 26 1 q • . W.l? MOLAS. MS at 4 pa had at', a y other sto • quality, IMO) [crud y A t r...-24 .. 1 B tONI ri 811.6A10 1 - fPFr and every co, or, snit e, gut 4. Cheapsi i del 4, Atm. 17L. L II OW IIC • IWL ;R'S, WORK. ,i rilllE stilt.* " her isipie r ujhorized Agent for trio 1 sale of P • WL , R'S PHRENOLOGICAL r ) WORKS; I' ',rice unty. He will dispose of them at Nework .a p ites.l .1 - leis also - Agent tbr etiCombo's Pr dlogfe • ll Journal. Cab and oxam. ins 4 „thesa ultra - hie publications at his Buok Store, on Std td, - srtrceii , E 4; Pa: mtr 1 A. 5 IS 7i I). D. .SPAPFORD, 1 -I rIALL A' -- -%...../ arranWo our Pall arid all kinds 01l make rootn! Aw, 17,. .NO s(11 tit 10 inter • • piing a ! i " 1 e ( ! l ir i al) , ) . It , ne: , -I 1 MB eti*e, cry ant rm ar for 1 St el July 17 ( 4,. - 1 (ALIA B ;:Cgt111:, 12 July j't _ . l J . 500 1 1 north of the Bial W tit June IG. 4 I j; -- --- i --i-- ' DISSO4 9 1 0 1 i THE F a{ tei , the nil Isigne , is this do ssblved i I I ' '\ August 117 7 '•17. l i , I • .The ho exatiti ace. ton Bt., \ Cm 14iiy mu unclersignciAlfolcollet i busines3 \ at 1 It old 1 py to acct rrl ate public genet t Ilk,wit terms than t 4 ll g can' meet in this!Mty, Erie, Atiguril 17 fiIGATO. land 1111:1 1 1 ' July; 17.• j!. uert cr ki j giChesii , - 111 kJ Isale by, Jul 16. !I reek' he ch !MI W. 'V.'SWIFT, ,s Coupi. 4, N.l ~Atig. 6, 1611 eri, haviri l g sold all y it to tife l lnetlicine- nit, hung gentlevn of tl licted With a very d We told him it was rI , UST DIE. He tool itettlay he calledagii le was rapidly gatni ) ariatt Eals.int he in tlt. Meetly. )11AMi. II AVENS.i VASTOTA Nov. 7, 1316 . 1 . Buelm es Hungarian '1 lung ,eentplaints, and , ss y 1 wnis induced Itt;st ince which I have sqld instance learned thatl it Where the. patient had . piNc.: 1 R ABLE, * anti dit to - all who are suf- Uhst eases they will find ILLIA / 111 E. FISK.' itsa in o_f '" i gbruary 3.punga i i my. coug tr load as yarner chased ttiran tel lestort tufty of 1,1 1 JOI PAM Chu j ir. dal l ery' BC. eI OISE ian Balsam of , attended to deprive 4. Co. for some to bottle, and Izet better, atia d. Since th[it idmm hare mild LEWIS. rch in Utica. ql Jan. 1815. t - the Balsam. doing wondc vas consider . c Balsam abo ;m is acting • ARNOLD. is a practisi t 'ln some S Lun its its.. York and ti ed House pply !. It i who .les of t le Bak whoNI say. th at ben, It New EEL ~ o=t C 18.—M !on bu krata tor rnat 0 K . lON Sr. PllO 'rill continue th Isiness'as used Dock, Erie, Pa of Navigatio r the shipment ies, or other pl with good re 1:11tlie first clan fi the lakes ruO ring the safe aril count-led ti the forwardin g r to any of Oil and the Rive Erie ExtensiM !MEI Inds r I Produe 'Phey . Neill ke 'ot, I, in large o or bulk , Fis 1 every deherii ! any, lolt Ca. o g ie, Tpront ing, ?it. Ca tves 8.: Co. Pet.t.it., Dote, Chi' ti 17 N. Y. city, N. Y. C. W " !leveland, 0 ao, Illinois. Van% A hea ti lent just receivi yc Mg lain d Itszort T pm L SON 4. , Co ! VOOl l Bilk.: \VS' at j lf,e Eete' aadVa . hey era tt(l quul lelry, on They al ER keep con;- Woollen Vaclo- Cassimeres unit ItIC3 which the' customaly anti l o pay cash MilE and nt o , looki g glass plate' 1 the a ove articles ,11. G..LAIONIIS &Co., positdEagle Hotcl.l. LE arrel si Sipg Fowlini 81ouotersovith u get n _'s.. . LOONIIS & Co. Porlt, I h ants, Shou;4- d Pe . u(illes, Corn Nical !here!, Potatoes and ci- Linel constantly on RINEIRENEC UT. cent 1 se than can be o in Erie, and of equal N M'CARTER.,I i our •,, dri Mn sioi ( - 3 - ITiai inLW orlitrit atity and price, at NO 'N I%—llreparatory to making it go n;; to New York for stack of Good we will sell tad I mmer Goods at cost, to st etc. Pi OVC us. I' 'MOWN & M'CARTE.R., i lk .., IN 1\ ,..- _ .__ .____ __ 0 K S Li 30 our GOthic, 0. 0. G. ul co moon, by the single or 1 end pay: , f.i. LOOMIS & Co. .orly opposite Faigle Hotel, & 1 r" at IN, . Perry 1.310 ck. 1 T. N.' MOCiR7 ILA ES, just received and •ap s the cheapest, one door dow i t by : V, fi RINDERNECHT: OF PARTNERSHIP. heretofore existing between in die stereantile,business, by mutual Consent. GEO. J. MORTON, JOS. C. BROWN, TROS. M, ''ARTER. Jun of the late firm of Mot.; d ine! greement loft with the ado , who still continuo the land whore they will be - 141)- 1104 old customers, and the ith ~ Dods on more favorable leh i 'ad at any other establish- BROWN ,SP MiCAItTER. 1847. 1. 14 a, Spanish 100 RE d and for by ECIIT. Tllll.- ELAWARE MUTUAL SAL Insurance Company, • (o) r ARE now doing busineiS on the mutual giving the assured.. a . participation profits of the company, without= liability bi the premium paid. Risks upon -the Lakes and Canal Maul the most favorable terms. Losses will be ally andpromptly adjusted. Fire ria,ks on merehantlize,buildinis and other property, inltown or country, for a limited term or permanently. DIRECTORS. yo,geph Ft Seal, James C. Hand, Edmond . I A. \Solider, Theoplyi I tIA a ufd John C. Davis . , — -- H. Jones Brooke r Robert I3prton, John Garrett, John B. Pinrose, Hugh Crai Samuel Edwards. ' George Sewell, 1 Henry Lawrence, David B. Stacey, Edward Darlington, Charles Kelley, Isaac IL Davis, J. G. Johnmn, William ;Pulwell, ' William Hay, John S. NeWliti, Dr. S. Thomas, Dr. IL M. Huston, John Seller, Jr. Spencer Mellvaine, Richard St Newbold, See'y. Wm. Martin, ;t:_T-4pPlication can be made to J. KELLOGG, Agent Erie, Alcimit 7, li3 17. . • PROTECTION. THETErib County Mutual Insurance Con .1. continues to insure attainst loss and da by tire, on buildings, goods and,dnerchand all descriptions.. Office on thdiemt side Public StMre, between - 6th and 7th :greets. .1 DIRECTORS. Wm. Beatty, J. H. William J. C. Spenar, ---- Geor , re Sehlen Thomas Willi 3, Smith Jacksoli Giles Sanford, - Elijah Babbitt, C. I. Tibbals, Jghtt A. Tracy W. 11. iTowitsend, Hamlin Russel Henry CadwA. GILES SANFORDVPresi, J, C. spt;NcER, Treast4r. G'cortm Seldett, Scerctary. - June 3, 1517. •y. 'of a W C. S.: R. ,P. HULBERT //aye just received their full Stock, SPRING AND SUMMER GOI AND would respectfully'invite the attrn mirehasers to their beautiful as,ettni FILF,NCII, INDIA, ITALIAN, G1:11: 1 ENGLISR and AMERICAN GOODS, sing an Assortment of the newest, and most ionable styles in the market. The ureati ducernents will be otrercd for the tollowin sons, viz: FIRST. I Customers can always find at our stor latest and most desirable kyles of goods. ' 11 ) 'F.CO,ND. They inttrid bt ietly to adhere to the pti of selling at the ' It.._,"F'LOWEST .MAll PRICES.4,,iI , j THIRD. They argtaltin2 roost all kinds of produi which tliey pay the highest marl:et:value. 1 The followi no., ale a ,' nion the most de: styles of Goods offeyed, viz: " , Extra Midi Parisi Prated Lawns, Ilaragt en Lustros, a new alid beau; illikirt hie for di California ilaids,Frsiicti, En=lisli and Am Maus do L ines, Hai , figured and printed Muslin, , riped a d United . .Nluhlins, striped Gli "tarns, F each , Scotch iin4 Ain Gins:hums ke. 1 .1 :1 _ l.! -'" ' I 1, Rich si . Gossamer, de Lain, Fiz, Suave G Also, Fret cap Itibboi Fancy and tiundr mention, I: Shawls,. Chameleon and IT I ilerage, ylain and Endcrtadered c. 'oods, coinprkeilmz many new I,iy eh artiticiais, - beatititul Bonne s, Sill:, ciCm4liain, and cotton Pa, buttons, silt , frin g es, s'eel trine st, combs,