Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, October 09, 1847, Image 3

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another, has recently turned up in the vicinity
f Adarnshurg,l where, he has been committing
sad havoc tun tig the sheep. One' day last
we ek lie sud( only sprang upon two young
men, named I;sac Snook and Mr. Icnep, who
succeeded in ioiding, him and with the help
of the neighbrs and their clogs, pursued him
fur some time, until he turned upon them, and
Ecized the fore est dog, tearing him in pieces.
(; 1
Thr rest of the party executed an iinntediate'
keck teration, 513 the leepard went on his way.
—rhii..:Vora ./incrican. I ,
. , ,
AbVICF. Tp PIIYSIdIA'NS.-It is well
'know to the ek perienced - Physician hoW diffi
cult it is to effect any thing like a radica3c,nre
in diseases of the genito-uriharylorga&, — in
many instances he fails to afford even tempo
rary relief. 1 eis moreover, well awbLie, how
tedious and , emba r rrassing under the best
advised treatnient,, mast eases of Gleet and
Stricture bee me ; and thepatient, f„isappoint
ed on the lon expected 6ure, is t inpted to
desert his phy;ician and neck anot er, in the
shape - of hant's DMltu, lira lUrsi and
Cubebs, in thq use of which. the physician, if
he be wise, wOuld anticipate, hi patient. See
.4dvertisemenr. 1
Rev. Gco. A
waro county,
of this place.
—Ori Tuesday morning last, by
Lyon, JOHN A. Lnw, of Dela
. Y . to Miss .MARIE ft. HAYS,
inst., .by .11e9; Geo. A
, , all of Millereek. •
On the ,sth
Lyon, Mr. SA
On the 30 It Sept., by the Rev. G. W.
Cleaveland, II r. JonN ODF.LL of Canabrige, to
Miss KEZIA I ,ODGES, of Venting°.
On_ the 'mo fling of the Gth inst.; by G. J.
Ball Esq., Cui. DAVID C. MILLER to Mrs.
ELIZABETH SIMONTP. all Of this borough.
On the 7th inst., in Meadville, by Rev. J.
E. Barry, Revd. Joinv .NlcnoLsolv and Miss EL
LEN Esoui,, 'II of Meadville.
'Tuesday WI, at the residence
'. Clark, in this borough, of Bi l
ent Fever, Mr. THOMAS WOODS
the 31st year nf his age.
of Col. Dnvid
ions Inte i nnl ,
deedrona of being engaged in the
s of the ,Borough will make appli-
Hulbert Ceti on or before the 18th
By order of the Board.
. • J. C. lIEID, Sec.
District Fano
cation - to R. 0
(\c, 6, 1517
Dr. P.llTx l ll's Celebrat
1 Remedy
Ii qafek, p cdy gnd effectual ct re fur cones,
Cotds, floar l 4rar vs, Crory - dad if" looping; Cough.
This fredicine has beenC used y hundreda of
people with u fit iling lucceSs in caring the above
disclrs, ii ith lall those painful and annoying po d .
monary symptoms producer! .by cold. In 'At4lO
.ma and Bronciita , it has proven to be highly use
fed. and its ti ufly use it ecr,ain remedy. In all
orections oft to throat and lungs it is an invalua
ble ilisdkine. Many ca:ses of obAinate coughs
and hoarseneis have been) perfectly cured in 48
hours, and in severat, , instaneos troublesome and
dangerous coughs of from five to ten yer rs stand
ing have [no curedl%completely in-two weeks.—
..... .
la Croup nal
eqvally Biwa
flenzedy iv a
and several o i l
northern Alin
No. 1 . , Ilughr
Who . opini CAtimh its use has been
ssful when'tised more freely. This
certain tverentive of Constimpt:on
hers of the Inost fatal diseases in
LY of Pi 'LILL, at his Drug Shire,
DuiLlings, rornerrfSiale an h See-
cllO4 Strerts„ a nd hfs 111!,;e1A till olii!bout t h e coun
ty, AGENT.Ii--A. Ityynol6, 155 %lain ot, Buff -
10; Boyd, Vpica•nz Watcrionl; Jb!di A.
Tracy, 241, roil' Ja , 11. Campbell,
,Price 471 rellin 10 per Bottle.
1.11Fr.11: 1 0:, "S. Every ;ha «ords "Dr.
1 , 11 11; intAy" blown upon Lb° f;:hoiq
en si nalute on the Avrappurlo t ill (1,;
ne oilio'r ;ire 4,, twine.
P. ilall'a Co
and his writ
rections. N
i r or Tq71. ? 10. .—TINA is to
s•tt ett, hare o.vtillrp
l l tLth Itetnrety, auk' 114 , 41.1..11.1 , 1 it in
/e an ellieleionQ mAtieine, and trnefy
reify that sk
P.• Hall's Col
every in•tan/
worthy it 9 rer
'Ol, J. F. Ti ;icy, Thomas I kti g ,iieF,
...., NVit-ca F. in z, 'PI. lo)riti..a(l, j
al), J (am litialv!., 3: It: qr)eiriiti,
KP, ()tts Lapirim, Charki (jle,
.Itl , l. D.
n, 1. •l;,1 id
Jo'in Al. Warren
7. •
David }hi&
F. J.'o%vvn,l
Oct. 9, I`,
t rfil‘ QuestiO • .Settled !
viTii ILn %—irio , :s spec l Ahtlions have tor Q0O1"
V tune lab-orlied the Pnblie ipind in relation
to the coil, I Of FO [nue!' dal k weached, it ha; re
cently been c i
ili-cot efill that it i•-the clEnn. of such
immense p i es of I.kods On p Ter) a-' ha cc been
heralded forth by- all the p,itd ic newspaper. of me
'place, since the ri torn of it iciv of Olt - met chants fronv"Scw 'ork v llo = on and Philadelphia. , Be
lieving thi. 1.0 1), the case', and knoo in t ; that the
notice. of uttr,Stock would',um-t likely produce to•
talidarkne.4 we have until now, deterred any no
tice of i', a;rid-in doi n a so 0 c wo , 1.1 aQk the good
eitiz , ns oo 7 .ric and Viri .,
e:ly to bear 1% Lk us, it
nnother die+it or th i Sun's un-c be intrudedoupon
by our pile's of Nel,y (funds, Hod console them
selves wll4 earryli g °tithe previous parcel., th 4
as, !
the pile grou a leis theidarkness gradually rej
teas! ,
Come op then, ant\ avail yonrselves of 'the op
pnruiniter 1 iti q n fere d of tintiehing you and ream
' ring light to the commimiiv.L
ober 9.1817. , '2l
lite Oc
New Fall and Winter Goods.
lAM noW reecivinz fro l pi New York ea ;gem,
variety of rich and desirable grinds thr Fall and
Winter wide. Among. rithiir desirables now 0 ,
pening are]
Euperiorbet clothq, drab and black; French
minted cashmeres, beau.iAil patterns and Vetly
10upiecesiblack, drab, mode, plain and striped
Alpaccas, one third chea!per than evenefore
odered—i-, some as low a's cents per yard. \
Shank al•great variety 10l new rules; Print
Ginghaine, de Ltins, and other new style
of Dres, Goode in any quantities, twenty:llv
per cenf.:cheaper than ever before o fered in thi
city. T
All of Which my customers hnd the public are
respectfully invited to examine.
0&olif i lr 9, 1817. " 21
A" receiving a large and e l egant assort
ment of Fall and Winter Goods, which hav:
been selected with greatl cure. It is their deter
mination I to merit the reputation of press ling to
purr haws the richest, most desirable 'al lbs and
cheapest 9ood, of any ristablishment in to place.
They would- respectfully invite the public to call
and examine' their stock among which may be
found die most beautiful assortment of French
and•F.nglish [-
DRES4 I GOOIDS • ever broo l At to this market;
comprising extra rich NI air Lustres, Oregon
and C lifornircylaidb, ilk - Plaids; Pliiiu and
Satin Isiriped Alpacas ; - Cus eves; plain and
raps. M do Laines; Beinba• nes; French, En
glish Scotch Gingham., &c. Also a
most anperb lot of
:SHAWLS—Brix:Oa ' Damask Silk, Embroidered
Thibet, Turkon, Printed Cashmere; Mohair-,
M. de Laines, Woolen, L'laid and an almost
endless variety of other styles. They will be sold
ustoriishingly chap.
CLOAKiNUS.—A beautiful lOt of Gala Plaids,
Thibet Cloths arid Alpacas; Also sk great varie
ty Of Triunningd, , tomprisin s antill a , Cloak
and Dress Fritirr n es; I (limp - i lk : and Mohair
• Laces, &c..4-c.
ALSOTable and S:ard Covers, Fruit Napkins,
j .Whho Damask,. Daylies, Drapery Muslia4,
Window and Wall Paper; tills and menu Cups
and !Hats ; Boots, Shoes, &c. Also—a spice
- did 'vs.:oilmen( o
U ! —Amon., which aro common Coney
' Mulls, French do Fur lined; Genet do, imitation
LuStred Lynx, Real Lynx-do., varying in price
from 50 co. each to '312.
Oct: 9, 18.17. 21
NTOTICE is hereby i riven that letters of Ad
-111 nunietration have been granted to the sub
scriber on the estate of Francis J. Kircher, deed,
late of Erie; all rrsons, therefore, indebted to
said ertate arc requested to settle the same imme'y; and those havie.elaincs against the same
ti ill met, tit them - legally authenticated for settle
ment: DAN , ZIMMERMAN, Adner.
VIA. '3, Gt2l
"Nut for a Day but for all Time."
HAS now given abundant evidence of its heal
ing powers, anti proseditself the most exira
ordinarcand_wonderful-medicine in the world.—
In the 2hort space of iwo years, it has acquired ct
reputation fur curing dizervie and rcleaving pain
far greater tharl-ay medicine ever discovered.—
Its wonderful cures have astonished the Medical
Faculty?, who now Ullll crsully concede its great
value. They spealc of it in the highest tenths and
commend its use.
it is condemned by none. On the contrary, its
praisC is universal. by
case.4of cures are so on
tnerons that it would take volumes to recouni them
—and it is a fixed fact, rind is not disputed, that
as a Pain extractor it. has no equal. For the many
astonishing, cures, see the pamphlet to be had of
esch gent. If You sutler with either of the dis
eases or-which It is recommended, resort at once
to it- Ne and be cured. Fur the fullowinrdis
eases t is an inlallible remedy:
" • Affections, Rheu
matism, Paralysis and all ner-
• wins affections, Salt Rheum, Croup or
Hick Ague in the Breast. and Face, Weak
ness of the j tints; colds, tooth ache, sore throat iter
guMsy, ulcerated sores, indolent ulccrs.burns
frdsted fect;_cormhbitnyons, fresh wounds
swellings and scrufu
lulls ;act:duns, taus
, (pito bites and
K - ....7=-Thia Liniment is sold by all the reepacta
btu Nierehants and Druettists throughout the
enuntry, and by the Proprietors at Sing Sine,
For sale by J. H. Burton & Co, Crir, It.)t, Town North
Cart, J. Clemuuta Fairview; S. L. Jones & `o.
Oct. 9. 1817. • 3nr4l
IN Exehange for Goods—:10 pieces Domestic
Flannel; 590 prs. Woolen Socks; 100 lbs.
Woolen Y.irn. \V. C. St. 1.1,. P. UULBERT.
Oct. 9, 1617. 21
Arrival of New Fall and Winter
dr.voted six weeks in Boston, New
I York and Philadelphia, to the selection and
purchase of their EXTENSIVE STOCK;which
they are now opening, beg leave to inform their
customers 'and the country at large, that they are
dow prepared to offer goods of almost every de
nomination, at least '4's per cent. cheaper than ev
er. We find by devoting time to the purchasing,
of goods, as also for cash, that it makes a vast dif
ference, therefore we can pledge ourselves to sell
as low as any house—(that pays for their goods)
this side r r of New York or Boston, and for the
above asmrance we invite those that are purchas
ing 'any kind of Dry Goode, Hard Ware, Grocer
ic., to give us an opportunity and we will show
you as good an assorted, extensive l iencl cheap
stock of goods as can bu found in this market.—
For further particulars please call at the Brick
corner, opposite the Eagle Hotel, near the court
Arouse. Erie, Sept. 30, 1r47.
d Cough
1-1 E subscriber having rented the — commorli ,
ous warehouse of P.• Arbuckle, Esq. at (he
Bth Street Canal Basin, is now ready to receive
and pay CACII for 15,000 bushels 01 gocid clean
Erie, Sept. tO, 181 i. 200
T 1 ROCHA SLI AWLS—From $5 to $2O, crape
...UP do. 11.1 Delaine do. of different sizes-and col
ors, for sale at the elicit') store of 1'
Sept. 25. •
StiAwLs—Wdolea and cotton ; any quantity
fur sale bt the i:heap store of
september 2L
Ovr Arv Ants, Sept:lB, 1817.
SE LEI) Pit: )1U)-jA LS will tio received at
tie office ul th pediniissioner or Indian Af
fairs. Washini - ,r,ton,: D. C., until 10 9.10 ck, on
‘londay, the ist of, \ovember next, for fitrnisli4,
tollowir; golds, in the qulnti:ics an
nexed, or therca'iou s, for thou use of the Indians;
and utliverahle at t tc follewWif places, vii:
py' FiW YORK.
1150 pairs 3 OW. white Nihekin r ac blankets, to
measure 60 be 72 inches, and weigh
pounds r
:JO) pairs 2 1-2 point. Allito Manl:inan blankets,
to 1111 ca-i 1 re 5I by 66 tnebes,, and weigh 6
.Inilyair: -2-ppint white. I\ldelsinac blankets, to
in0.1 , 111 - e. 12 1) . ), 55 incises, and weigh 5 1-4
450,pairt 1-2 point white Mackinac bianketi,
to ineasnie by 50 inches, and weigh 4
1 4 pouri:ls
-too pairs I•poirit white Mackinac bin:diets ' to
in.a.iire 32 by -16 inches, and neigh 3 IA
220 pairs 3 point scar! .t M ekinac lOrnkets, to
theasine 60-,by 72 inches, and sieigh 9
' pound's
200 pairs 2 1-2 point scarlet Mackin'ac blanket 4
to measure 5 I by 60 iiiches, and weigh 6'
60 pairs 3 puifittrcen MdcUlnae blartelte!si, to
measure 60 by. 72 inches, and\ weigh 8
290 pairs 3 point Gent:melte blue MaclOnac
blankets, to measure 60 by 72 inches, and
•* weigh 9 pounds 1 1
210 pairs 2 1.2 point Gentinella blue Macinac
blankets, to measure 51 by 66IneIt'es, and
weigh 6 pound:s
- Dry Goods. -
106() yards bitr•raut.v and gray' list. i clutit
'350 do . rlet ' ' dii do
115 do ' g ass green ,do do
2050 do b tie sairlcd list cloth
730 do , s arlet ,do
100 do E een ' ' do
200 pounds a t ursted yarn, three-ad
90 dozen cotton flag handkerchiefs
' 100 e. do .11adras do
7U do ' blaCk silk do
40 do 8.4 cotton shawls -
25 do 6-1 do do .
30 do '4 4 40 do
20000 yards calico, dom . estic
1000 do ' do I.English and French
1200 do bleached cotton shirting
3000 do unbleached do do
3500 do do do . sheeting
6000 do domestic checks, stripes and plaids
, 100 dozen woollen sucks
SOOO yards plaid linsey ,
1000 do flannels, assorted
1600 shirts, flannel
125 do calico -
80 pounds linen thread
250 do cotton do
20 do.,_seiiing silk 1
350 pieces r - roands, assorted
975 yards bedtielting
500 do rattiness, assorted -
400 do Kentucky jeans .. •
7 gm:a worsted gartering • I -
20 pounds Chinese vermilion
810 pounds braes kettles
785 tin kettles
40,nests japanned kettles, (8 in a nest)
76 dozen butcher knives
14000 gun flints.
900 pairs 3-point white Mackinac blankets, to
- tneasuse GO by 72 inches, and.. weigh
81/0 p ire 2 1.2 point white Mackinac blankets,
to measure 51 by 66 inches, and weigh 6
,420 pairs 2-point white Mackinac blankets, to
measure 42 by SG inches,.and weigh 51
500 pairs 1 1-2 point white Mackinac blankets ;
to measure 36 by 50 inches, and weigh 4
•1.4 pounds 1
500 pairs I-point white Mackinac blankets, to
measure 32 by ,46 inches, and weigh 6 1.4
, •
• pounds ..-/
150 pairs 3-point scarlet Mackinac blankets , to
measure 00 by 72 inches, and weigh 8
pounds ,„.
100 pa ir s 2 I-2•point scarlet Mackinac blan kets,
tsf measure 51 by 66 inches, and ;weigh 6
150 pairs 3 point een' .
.r Mackinac blankets, to
' measure 60' by 72 inches, and weigh 8
150 pairs 3lpoint Gentinella blue Mackinac blank
ets, to measure 60 by 72 inches, and weigh
• 8 po i tinds • -
75 pairdl2l 1 -2-point Gentinella . blue Mickinac
blankets, to measure 51 by 66 inches, and
weigh 6 pounds _
' Dry Goods.
800 pills blue amide, .
500 do, scarlet do L
-1000 dO blue fancy and graylist cloth
'so dd grass green do du
Cash for Barley,
400 do senrlet 410 ' do
3000 do blue saved list cloth
1100 do green do do
500 do scarlet do
-,400 Pounds worsted yarn, 3-fold
75 dozen cotton flag handkerchiefs
100 do Madras do
15 do black silk do
40 dozen 8-1 cotton shawls 9
25 da 6.1 do , ,
25 do 4-4
18000 yards domestic calico
1530 do Englkh and French do
1500 do bleached cotton shirting
.110 do unbleached' do
Ttll,to tlo do. sheet ing
...1500 do domestic checks, stripes and plaids
100 dozen woollen socks
2500 yards plaid linseY
1500 tin flannels, assorted
500 flannel shirts .
400 calico do
100 pounds linen thread
250 do cotton do .
15 do sewing silk
20 arose worsted gartering'
150 pieces ribbons, assorted
'lOO gross fancy and clay pipes
ISO pounds Chincse vermilion
1300 pounds brass kettles
50 nests japanned kettles , (8 in a nest)
, 460 tin kettles
23 gross squaw awls
7000 fish books
25 dozen fish lines
,25000 needles, assorted
—lOO dozen combs- assorted
10 dtizen scis.ora
14000 gun flihts
10 gross ~u n worms
200 dozen butcher knives
.Ries and Hatchets.
25 dozen axes, to weigh from 4 1.2 to 5 1.4
pounds '
95 do half rixes, to weigh 3 1-2 pounds
12 do squaw axes, to weigh 3 pounds
45 do hatchets, to weigh I 1-2 pounds '
To be delivered at the place where manufactur
ed, or in the city of New York or Philadelphia,
as• may be required, without additionaiexpense.
.Ikricultural imidements 4r/
There will also be required, to be delivered in
Jveto York, at the same time, the follovvinc , citqi
. A
cultural implements.
250 axes, to weigh from 4 1-2 to 5 1.4 p'o'unds
250, half axes, to weigh 3 1-2 pounds •
200 hatchets, to weigh 1 1.2 pounds
200 drawint , knives, 12 inches in long h
200 augers, in equal proportions of 1 inch, 3-4
inch, and I 2 inch
150 pairs hames •
150 do trace chains, bright and straight links
[3OO pounds brass kettles
-250 axes, to weigh from 4 1.2 to 5 1-4 pounds '
220 hall axes, to weigh 3 1-2 pounds
200 hatches, to weigh 1 . 1 2 pounds
I.'oo weeding hoes, assorted sizes
100 singlo:horse ploughs, with cleeis and l east
irorr i tnould boards
600 pairs -trace (AGMs, bright straight links, each
chain to be 6 feet 4 inches in-length, and .
to weigh not less than 3 1.2 pounds
75 tog chains, each chain to weigh 25 pounds
1000 best No. 10 Whittemore cotton card'
20 crosscut sawi'7 feet in length
20 do do 6 lecet in length
100 "single cut" crosscut saw files
150 hand saws
720 !land saw files .
10 ra‘t kiiivesi' 12 inches in length
850 "gnarter:;" screw angers. in equal propor r r
tions of 2-inch; 1 12 inch, and 1 inch
1900 Moaner's , ' socket chisels; in equal proper=
Irons of 1 I 2.-inch, and t 3.4 inch
100 planes, complete, equal proportions of fore
and jack
150 pairs homes
Xoth west Guns
650 Northwest elms, two thirds of which must
in,..asure 36 inches in length of barrel,
and one-third .12 inches, to he delivered at
the pine where matinfactuitml, or in die
city of New York or Philadelphia, as miy
be required; sample; of them are clesposit
ed in the Otlioc of th Commissioner of In
dian Alitirs
The above proposal. may be divided into frve
part, ' for each place of delivery, viz:
I. DI iinitets.
2. Dry Goods.;
3.- Ilaidware, to include the agriculiiirdi ;in
4. Axes and hatchets
5. Northwest guns.
The It.r.vest comp:tent responsible bidd
receive the whole or any part or the cowl',
cordin. , to the above scale, the department
ing to itself the Helt to determine when
bidder is competent arid responsible or no
. A schedule of the articles, with sampi
be seen at the olliee of the Coininissioncr of
Affairs, in Washineten, exhibiting the aq
money to be expended for each article; ltd
;moment reserves the right to increase o
ish the quantity ofany oldie: articles net others in lieu therefore, or to rer
similar prices, such goods as gray re wa
presen:s or other purposes, in the &mini
of the affiirs'oftho department. .
The whole amount in money to be np lied to
!he purchase of goods 'sill boothout 86 ,000; of
n Ilia some 810,000 will be waincil on the sea•
board, and the it:shine in the west. Goods of
American manufacture, all other, thino being
equal, will be preferied; but as all tre the ampler
of blankets and cletltli e
necessary m hen aon hand tar of a foreign
i i,
manufacture, it willdomes=
tic article is bid fns,. ilea the swop! of it should
accompany the bid, to enable the department to
decide wbther it is of equal quality with the sam
ples to be exhibited. l'
The party proposing to supply the arts des u ill
t t
make an'nv
ioice Oran the items cloture d in the
above list, and atlix the prices. in doll rs and
gents, l i
nts, at which he or they will furnish t tbrn; de
liverable in Now York and St. Louis, re Pet:live
ly, on tir befbre the fifteenth day
..of ..May,next, as
suming the quantity of each article as speified in
this advertisement, and extending the c st, ma
king an aggrez!ate of t*-.e whole invbic before
sending it on. - The goo & will 'be Imp Tted at
New York or St. Louis byan agent alb United
States, wits will be appointed by, the department
for the pugrose, and to ascertain the conformity of
the articles purchased with the samples exhibited,
when the Contract shall bo made, and With the
terms of the contract itself, which shall ebntain a
clause that if the articles are not furnished with•°
in the time prescribed, or if they are of insufficient
quality, in the opinion of the sent aforet i aid, arid
if within five days after the notice of such imolai
ciency the party shall' not furnish others in lieu
thereof, of the reqiiired quality, the United Stites
shall be authorized to purchase them of atheri,
and to charge /try increase of price theylmay be
compelled' to pay the.rethr to the cOntractor,
who shall payr the said difference tolthis United
States. '' • 1
Bonds will be required, in the amen t of the'
bide, with,two good sureties, the suffi dency of
whom to bb certified by a United States judge or
district attorney, for the faithful Fierier ance of
the contracts. Payment will be made after the
contract is completed,and the delivery of the goods
at New York and St. Louis respectively, to an
agent of the departinent, upon a duplietit invoice
certified by him. ,
Communications to be marked, "Pro Osais for
, '
Indian goods." , '
, The bids will be Submited with the following
heading, and none wall be' cons'clered that
are not made in the form and terms here .
scribed; 1
"I (or we) propose to furnish, for the service of
the Indian Departntent, the following goods, at
the prices affixed to teem respectively, viz:
(Here insert the list of goods.)
"Deliverable in the city of New York, or St.
Louis, off or before the day of----, next;
and in case of the acceptance of his proposal, the
quantity being prescribed' by the department,l
(or we) will execute a contract according to this
agreement, and give satlafrictory security to the
department, within ten days after thd acceptance
of this bid; and in ease of failure to enter into
such contract, and give such security, I (or we)
will pay to the United States the difference be
tween the sum bidden by me (or us) and the sum
which the United States may be obliged to pay
for the same articles."
Each and every bid must also be accompanied
with a gmizantee in the following form, to be sign
ed by one or more responsible persons, whose suf
ficiency must by certified by some one who is
known to the department, either personally or by
his official position: •
"I (or we) hereby , guaranty that —,-. the
above bidder, will comply with- the' terms of the
advertisement for 'Proposals for , Indian• goods,'
dated September.lB, 1697, if the contract should
.be awarded to him, and enter into bond for the ex
ecusion of the same within the time prescrbed."
(scat..i J
iszat..) •
.. .
Commissioner of Indian Affairs.
Sept. 16-Ist Nov. i
Fall of 1847.] BY . [Fall Of 1,847.
t ix& r?
Rail tr e l_ l _ -.1 4 ” Road
—,- - ,--, - ,
Q JACK .SON li A noW;trec 4 eivell liii - LL
Os and WINTEI;,. black - of ,:lsry"'' , Gooils, 1
ceries, Hardware, B els and Shoes, eroclierv, iron
and nails, 4.c. 'Sze: f
,whichl We 1011uwin. 4 ,,, m
prise a part: .i lii ' 1 0 . #
Broad Cloths, Fren h, •Eriglt•-b ;and American,
wooLdyed blue, lack. pown,l gold and end'[
mixed, Cagsimer s. black, bli t M, plain,_ plaid
and striped; , Satti cis, blue, black, cadet and
steel mixed; camass, paddini4 btieltrainZbur
t cotton laps,
d era i s a h p ' e,l
wri2iLi'an4'brown ;Ad black holland,
and cotton `able cloths', fin•
en cambric, lineii cambric handkerchiefs, fur
niture and (iambi d - di tali; y, drab, white; black
and slate sclicia, black and colored cambric,
brown and bleael ed shectingt.i and s hi rt i i
red ticking, awn , check, red, li - like and f en
woolen flannels, laid linSeys, \ itimson, SCAT t I
omen and drab m ,teens , silk aid tabby velvir,
black and colored silk and worstell sert4e, satin
vesting, italian c :Iva's, black and colors, chop
pers, ,bandana, h reelona pongee and •niiile
lied I handl:m:hie ( s, silk, cashmere, worsted and
cotton ho-dcry, all colors,lsleivest of all kinds,
mitts, worsted, silk, picnic a Id, t eopon dress
handkerchiefs, la leg cravats, I: ee veils , h arm ,
ges, irriped and p aid cat ktoa and swissirdh
ming and chanthra Vf.4, Wi Q 5, plat n, clo - ted,:nlaid,
striped, Ili/wed, I o,
,; rim tins, Silk braids,-hat
and cap ribbons, Italian and Frdncli crape, sew
: in_ silk, purse t vim, skein, knitting and tidy
cotton, nuspende s, —, hindings, iptali.y, tape..,
bobbing and cor , laciits, combs; but ens. nee
dles, books and c 'es, paste board and a gener
al assortment of boots and shoes, It urdware,
crockery, iron, il l Ik, lke.,lall of the:above will
be sold as cheap as any !new or Jew btore in
this city. " 1
it Will be observe ,
in the place except i
not be undersold by
,pny. Call and st.e
phi stand on cheap
be beat.
cheap for real
Sept. 25.
to eight
drab, plaid, plain a
5.14. 2.5
AIR TICIIT; 1101' A:
WE aro now a
sizes of the
which only myir
every bic/y of its
durability and bra
Conn price, and w
lady, as it posses,,r;
le to oll l lc our cuctornerevo
ea to he ex'antined to convince
conomy. mility, conVentettee,
Alty. t‘ i ll be Y 01•1 at a uni•
irranted toisuit even a maid.m
all the above
Elle. Sept. 25 1117._
Post Of'
irN compliance wi
I Post NI rt-iter
received by l ine nn
day, the (I,st day o
the Stationery. re
Office, dorin.r the
ry Ist, 1817 \ and en
The estimate to
- 50 reams Env
10 pounds Pa
5 pounds ht;s:
Contractors are
n'a Sum equal to t,
o he furnis,,ed.
Payment will b
ItOgF.II,T.COCIIIIAN, P. M. or Erie, Pl.
Sept. 25, 1817. 4t12
Boweiy Coal Bank to Let.
THRproprteter'tof tli ain't° Rink, situ tle
near the Jtmetion or the Mielti , att and
Canal with t tc Illinois Iliter, will ret for a
term of ycare or sell at a reasonable mice. It is
situated in a Mult i and is inexhatNtabk, requiring'
no shaft to eve:it ttte it. 'Coal from this Bank ran
he delivered at ellicaLTo elteJp•r than it is now at
Erie. For litrtbet particulars add' (las
Peru, Lasalle county, 111.
QA..O On, IQl7'
For Barcelona I
The Fpf d
J. Imsbn, Nlnstelf
nesday and Pridat ,
Sept. 25, 1817.
ITS( n -
;her the
pi, may
°Ma o
'New Go
wE are. reee
Vie with any in'
the de
el, or
tied for
quality. We fo
gialities havit i 'L!
ocia, and pres.w
1000 pieces splen
100 Cu9rß French
noctia cloth, Moh
IdOnteray acrd Ott
would not. then!)
- .
this pcditt.that w
rent oistiO goo(
mntkct recitsire,.
tag pledge to sell
, i l ou.rto in the hot
let ua tali over t,
M'''.'FICAI,I"B, Nu. I, Rued tioti , e.
Sept. '2l, 1 1 517.1 19
-- fl, A G
The new Jew Store Ahead!
T LIST recel i rd at the New Jew Store, No. I,
di Fleming lock, State street, a new and splen
did assortment of FALL S.:
consis:ing in art of
13110ADULD I' LIS.— French, English and Amer
ican black, hie, blown, gild nut cadet mixed
Broadcloatli , cheap as thelcheapest.
ALso,_c assi mcr, a and Vestings to match, both
as to Color quality and pritie. -
GIROGER IES.—A general hssroimont of choice
Groceries. s i dlich will be shld exult:en-0y low.
CROCLEItY —A bdaul Mt I assortment of crock
ery at price that cannot fall to please.
BOOTS AND SlloEi.—Without boasting' we
can truly sa ire have the cheapest and beat us
sorttnont of 'ono and Shoes i including Ladies,
Gentlemen • int Cloys, • ' i t, t o t hi s c i t y.
CAPS.—Men and Be' :iintiot, fail to
. fit both l the p irse al and try.
LADIES DRESS re we are at
home. We have . _......, . Janes without
number and almost witho t price; Gineh'ams
and Alpacess, (; aliforpia p aids and Si iss and
Tarkton M !slim; wide gimp and gimp cord;
dress butmns, cords a:',ad tassels;..bitt what is the
use of enninmating 1 u have every thinz to
make the bandiotner more livinal mid the ugly
enchanting) • • • •
SlLKS—Striped and Plaid P l oult d e SAS,
W bite gro de Swiss,
Black watered. 1 1 4- Satin_ R tripe paid( de sot,
Black and bitic.liauk, gro de Naples,
Black - gro de !pine- J 1
SHAWLS-Of f all prices. shades land quality
nt fro the' cheap cotton up to the finest silk
j and Cualithere, I - •
GLOVE'S—WaII kinds, colors and sizes.
Hosiery, Suspenders,•Prints :Ticks. Drills, Fac
tories, in short every thing, suited to the season
and market. • I
Ready i Made Clothing.
Our stock of ready' made dealing. is large and
splendid, and will be iiold cheap. Nye do not wish
to boast, but we i thiuk , i,ve can convince anyone
by calling that we sell 4 good article for a smaller
sum than any other establishinent lin town. At
any_ rate "the proof ofkhe pudding is in, the eat
ing," therefore TRY US! i
If..7"Alind the name antEnumber.'
- Erie, Sept. 9t, 1847. 13
. •
that C am.tho oldest merchant
ne, and 1 now say that 1 will
any, yot, or old, for ready
but the vI) are law's, at my
ide, whet° things for sale cam
Li—Black, Drab and Brown
• pay lit the store 'f
I and cotton warp, from tA•o
no . , per ynkti, Bluck , Brown„
Id satin striped. l'or gale by
S. JAcKsoN
ice. •
LI. !Ile Law and the older of ;be
10E111, ,coiled propoials gill be
it 12 o'clock noon, on Mon•
I November!, 1517. I;ir supplying
tared trtr ttta use of lid: Post
our years cumin
ding. Det:Onber
eaeli yemi l is as fullou
I .lope paper,
•kimx twine,
svalifig; ‘s l ax:
required by kw to _pile bond
made the of the muicicr
ma la oL delivery of tba stn-
I w7:::A . --,'"
. ( 2- * J 'r 4 - 4Y •
:, - .7.4 -. ..z..... - A,..." ....1 4 ,
,Dunkirk, Silvrrcr i eek and
Bo If,ilo.
';'ew :lituiin Packet ni A tiv - vsn,
will leave Elie for Ilarci,lol,•a,
reek acid ililittiodvionfluY, Ml
ilyr ritorningii at 9 Aluck. •
1 - 19
ods! New Goods!
vinor our stock of l APALL N!)
GOODS, which we beliuve will
he place in extent, style and
bear to enumerate s•yirs and
:lane of the spirit of the bra ,•a
me that if we were to a lveltise
did.silla, 10,000 rieces...llpaecas,
Merinoi, rich ea4trnel es, Pura•
airing tea, Oriental, Calfornia,
,e7oit &e. &c. pni trade
1 / 4 • be increased in a ra!iogal and
\Vo have only In say on
I, have a lull and conmOr: n , gort.
Is in our braich orate trade as the
ncl we oiler them with our stolid
lat. the cheop•st was they can be
lough for cash. Please call and
Ins Inailet a litle at
Tlf E E !
The New York Eauhin Tr
\ATE i. . are now opening a eho
V nn received from the Can
ny. N. Y., among .vhich may he
Fine _do
No. 2 fragrant do
No. 3 very fine
Very fine do
Very tine de
Exira fine du'
Pine do
No. 2 do
Finest do
Fro era ntPOWC /I ON G, , i v
Pi lie `OOLONG„
Very fine ' do
E:vra fine 'do
' la
110WQ.UA, or finest Black Te
imported, . 1
!;..".F- TAKE NOTICE!—T le LC amen Tea
Company are the exclu,sh4 i•enchrs a tho , uperier
Black Tea called •-• HO wO. ti A'S'IN.I l X . 11.1ll..1.4",
EverypackageOh addition o its contaMinti
fill weight, independent 'or the wrapper,) bears
the" stamp oh' neatness and elega ice, and the Tea(
therein are so thorou;lilysoccured Aron light'und
air, that their quality and Rower will rem.Liti un
impaired in any climate. • 1
Fur sale at No. I Perry Block. by
Sept. 2. 1S t 7 , 1. W. MOORE.
TlVEtt offered in this -city,
1,50 pieces Cashmeres an I Mu. I
sorted colors.
75 dot French, lEeotch and
30 sin Alpaccrv , o: * uvery d
2 do California Pl, ids,
10 do Dress Silks of the I, test and most im
, proved patterns, -
50 do Swiss add ruileton Muslim*, '
20 do Lace and embroider4J Swiss and Tar.
53 do Jaconet Cambric** and brd &Ins!ins;
50 du yillc fringes, ussortcict a Jots,
15 do Wide G rnp4 andCOI
gross Dress Buttons, and Orris and tassells,
200 pucces Sulk Mull & Frenchlimperial edoings,
150 shawls" of nil styles, var in price fiont
3.3 to ,:41.5,
200 pair lailies add zt..intletn..n's French Kid
Gloves. its-ortual l olun , r •
200 do L' adies', gentlemen's 'aid children's
Cas.hutere, Worsted 4- Isla thread
100 do black and white sill*. MLLE*.
Cloths of every shade and qualjty,
Veicingss of all kinds, comp'
Ca , limere, Marseilles,
STAPLE (.100DS.—A la*g - n1
seription. In shor, our sl
clueerptiess and duribility ha ,
ed in this market.
C A PS. —zoo Men an I Boy's e
SHOES.— 500 . pairs ladies ant
Slips . and walking, Shoes.
men's, ladies and Misses' It
13NIBItELLAS.—Six dozen
It rather.
GitUCEMES.—A general v
ecrip,l ion.
Si - I HARD;
Ten thou-and dollars' stock cot
thing in ilk line—Joiners, Ho, se
pcmers, Coopers, Shoemakers,
Saddle's and Smiths' Teto!s,
Saddlery Hardware, n\ lurH asq,
!rinds. ' Carriage triiiimings of ;RI
Axle' A man' springs, an vils,ia
lows, brass-and procaluin ktct
crowbars, !pit bokas, mill X cit, c
saws, and chain of all sizes.
GLASS W A 11.7.,.—A comp
Cusn'ainers will find our old
ad at the old stand, in good 'b
tell assorted IRON, steel ani
est in 'he market
P. S.—The tptez.tien i•t oft c
cannot he soLl u, tun a3Y❑ 1111
catt.• Our stock antire4as b
houses at she hiline time a
SOIIIO of the largest houses
and LCe ittedze our „wo,d t:11
Sold US lolw as at' BulFdo or
for cus't. • HENN,
Erie, Sept 25, ISt. 17.
Important Decision. I
THEcontested trial that has been ex king so
i many years has beau finally settled by a Airy
of Twelve Ladies,
and Mar decision is, That the
purest, best, most fi?grant and cheapest!. Teas to
be had in this section of the country,'are !h ose
which tome from the celebrated CANTON TEA
COMPANY. These Teas can he le d l at 'all
times arid warranted to give ntire Fmk! ic.ion or
the Money will be kefunded, of their agents who
are recehing fresh supplies weekly.
WILLIAMS ,I 11' ;IP i IT„latnt..
[Directly opPolitel the Eagle lintel.
Sept 'l3, 1917. I is
--I ' I
Orphan's Court ; Nile.
I N pursuance of an order 4 tho Orpltas'
of Erie eodrity, will be sold irt puNii - , i
at the court houLie in the horohgi of.F.rii.i, 1
orday the 30th day of 9ctoberl l n xt , at i r
, 1
P. M. all that lot or piece of grt . ind situate
'Southwest corner of the Pahl el Square, b
on the north by the Public!o q
se, on the i
Peach Street, and on the smn. by Seventl
fronting. 90 feet op said Pujd d Sgeure, a
-feet on Peach street,' and Kfc' ton Seventl
'and having thereon erected] la large tw,
brick house, and frame barn; 114 - te the pro
Jtdiri :Morris, deceased. This l'., a l very d
nod valuable lot.
TERMS or SALE.OIIe thi ri of the purchase
money on the confirtnation l o , the sale, • l iiii dne
sixth in two equal annual payl l ints there; nerand
the balance, bring One half II le r pate:use money,
to be - paid at the decease of I t h l lwidow of he said
John Morris, will) interest the On annually. to Int
secured by judgment bond an 1 1 moitgagc OR the
Ipremises. • I 1 1:! ItAlll2l 1' 1%
" J. liEd.rtio;
Erio."Sept 30, 18 7
Strayed or Stolen.
TRAY ED,or. stolen
olen fromith on the
S:night of Tuesday itBth Sem totter a Dark Grey
mare with a silver tail and whet n the left cap, live
years old, about 14 .or 15 It'an s high, carries a
l, is a g m .square iiravoller
fl ,
good head and tai
and has flat and rather son feet. A fait' reward
Will lie given to any one who will return or give
information so that the above 'are Can be obtain-,
, ,
Waterford, October 1, 1817. *3120
New Gopds by i:xpress.
IHAVE jurrekeeivetl by Exp. cos fr om New
York a' lame asiortmentef alpaccas, cashmere,
Muslin !de-tains. Giegha s,•& - c. which will be
sold clump for call. C: M. TRIBAL&
Erie, Sept. 30,
of the beft
SPpt. 25.
1 RENCII ill G
Mustard, pr
No. 1, Perry Bloc
lot of Teas
oil Tea Compa
SO 50 per lh
75 "
- 1 00' "
75 "
I OU "
50 "
11 1 (10 5 . 4:
t?.5 -
1 75 "
1 1 75. "
50 per lb
63 "
75 "
rL'm' prices "
ribui prices
50 "
75 "
1 00 "•
iutis prices "
ilomprising, 'in
I !in'de Lains, as
erman G in Of ams,
I '7:l ?s iphon,
Silk, SLtin,
e te. ete.
(stock of e_ very de.
tar riebnes,-;,
ne%:er been egidf nkl
all kinds.
Irma' Gitc s
pairs .2'erille
• oversli
, rellus to
Inc ,
Jly di
of eve
wising ] every!
Ind Ship Car-1
ry description.
minent i r ot all
, smizlis 4
tuba or pit
ssortnie t.
safely tnetiOr•
will 109 tons
li —the. , cheap.
- Itroods
We i , a'‘; they
of impktin::
irne pl ices that
tlo botti:lt! at,
,Diods shall be
pl.we wet . of it
plot . ,
1.1 nu
1 1 as/
I nto
11, ott
i lly 1 1
• court
p ei . o S t a k t..
- at (Iv..
, eei li)
1 , urei•l,
rid 165
II pitrect
• Flory
,erty or
RlNO—Blaek and stone color
ality, for'r al • ,cheap by
STAitt ' Lot of Drench
paretrfOr "-use, for sole nt
k. ; 2,•e54-; • • EL I IB
• ••••a,-Isr. ,""f.
noust? rfinpicirme*
AN invaluable remedy-fly Horses, Cattle arid
other domestic duinials, in thecure of the
following di:A-uses:l-
Fri Aql PV(PtIIII3,, F chtln, Slfast, - .
Calls of all kinds, Strains, Lamlness, .
Sprains, Pruists, - Sand CracAs, •
Cracked neels,- Foundirid P-4,:l '
RingbonN4Win:lgalli, ' Scratches or C.; eniar, ~,
Poll Eril.,Cullus, Mange,
Sprains, S.orihry, horn Disfruiper. , s.
It is•also a 'Universal Family Embroca-ion for
diseases of Human Flesh, such as- '
Rlkuntqliatis, . ' EatcritidPoisons,l
Bites of Jahn:tilt, . • Painful Ncrrous .Vec-
Frost ,Bites,_.- lions,
Boils, - Corns; IFhitletrs,
Burns and Scalia, . Cirdblaio, '
Cramps, . Chapped
Contracts of lhe.MnSeitS, StrelfillgB, IrOlioltlB,
Irca/ot, es of ihe .I.7itils, ,Kaktd Brants. • ..•
M EitclinsT•s.c4fi.nqt.m: OIL It is worthy or
special rein:kilt, 111.1 t besides, the great aful e. xtt a
ordinary powers in the cure of dieeases of Vie )
horse in whiili itsklrues first attracted the attea.• 1
Lion of the forthr and fainrr, and the wdnder of 1
the public gencijally, it has been .lucce.ssfully cut 1
pinned in ti'grea,t vs! iety rut the it:dailies' wli
_aff:cr du; lintlail race; indit hasrnv'ed- by the,
wonder!' I curs it has pet formed n tii:! louse an .
husk that it s endOwc4 with cit atkt. ropy t!os
not (014 in other , honieloil=, whit Ii ha • estate ipb
cd its claiins to n•ener4l confidence. :
Beware of the coon:erfeit al tiek„ and be soi.:
the name of the s.fmr: rnorntgron, (I.' W. Mer
chant, Lockport, is blown in the houle.
to ;'Nor testimonials, synopsis of ttisenFe., and
innik of treatment see pamphlet which acct,mpa-_
nies l ench bdt le.
Sold by J. 11. Bu r ton & Co. Erie ;1 S. S. & 13.
Fasgett. Ashtabula, Ohio; and D 'N. Wibster,
Conneaut; Ohio. ' 1y.50_
GEO. W. P.tEitenANT's 1 i4P4oVED
• EXTHACT OF sulsApMtill,A
For Remo .in Diseases of 17z Mood r .
f, oin an atuse .110.-. bate.l ?mit
enry, 'Penn. n 1 1 A.,res
Chroffec orvitoustihdr, , aid Dis f;t" al{ A bra ' ,
• ttio, .1 Iglll 41.1, Scull head, MI la., al,l
Se 1 . 01,14 11l 01 .11 . 1.1V . .t Era S. C. 13 Re rfj IC e ni-jg I 'l 011.,,, mew
dm, ..50 , phi is , r i eve, Mi. I Cl arixi tg li feorro U/I irDpnre
(Wet'Own. ant Cur raft 415 oil etite Of the . law(); a , ,, .
the ,7Arroat. Nn.e, rheAs 'Habitual e,stieetreil. 114 , A. -
Li; -t .
A. Ears, awl vilier parts Chronic it!P,l,, , s of C.e Lieer,i
ql he 1.15. 1 /dings if ,la 4310251. I
',gip, i, p,Atedet On 0. ,, fa, Pal i i i Mt ilt.,” !Mil tli7d
_ . Sidel, '
h.tirrily pJfchee, aria ldher ti;•'Nifthe :hrrala, de. de.
Vil 110 t 411,4 Air, n is lilrri., , much nromnlow
lid, s. au (Ty, and velar Sc.,. • did ..1.• a Gra,ttury ' , pi trig
reage arl: , 'on.t. ' Val,. Pre. , red t.r w n„ - t, d.•
Whit• Se•elludtp. Arias iis tht I iti , y.
1.. 'is remedy is prepared troutthe ehoitti . st se- .
lected materials. the active propert iss lot . whi cletu e
,Cr.xt etid by. an hitt - troy( d process, t.t-thunt bri:a,t;
i count or which it is ,preferred ltY 1 5 hysii,iitihr
.itig more unitium :stud act it)e thaW any other
now betbre the public. ' 1 .
A till aceount,of the remarkatile clieLty of Otis
acme ly, in a vat iety ot cas , •s of the nibs' augra-,
valet nature, may be seen by callini l ow the 1;to
late! a or his auents. 1
As mint good medicines are conntLritlited,. be
SURE a nil all for "Merchant's," and
the',L za} it 11.. in vial are. *tv I I 4 -in tliesiaSt , "Front
the 'atioratmy ot Om . iNiere lan}, hemtet,
Lockport ; N. Y-.• I 1. , -11 most every pedlar in the Count r V now
puffin_ up' and illlllo.sill on the public, n article
theylsll sareapaijlla. Thcretbre, am •n E!! •
:' 3 ill Iby .1. iI. ihri ton & co. Eric; S t.: , .. 4.• IL
t i
Fassed, Ashtunnta, Ohio; D. N. We ster, Con•
newt , Ohio. .
~ 1, 50 -
DIEASE.: ot the Urinary Orzans i cured by
the ENTR cr or metro, til A cast, and co
nvi4,, finch as 'hronlc and acute diseases of the
Mar drr, eillso, chronic ;
Uri hru, ConorrloraJ
. ~.,
Pro' trots C ad, G lett!, White,
Iciintl i s, a'l -• . 1 Strictures, , •
Lohiq, 1 • Diabries,-4.c.
1 -•
• ,This, valuta) c medicine is prepared , illy by
Gen, NV. Men hunt, Operative chemisti&C.Lock
port, 1. :V• ,1
Full and am de instrucions, testimonials, &e
accompany cr.' h bottle. '
Sala, by .1. 1 . flArton & en. Erie; Si; P
un a
lti ir
FaQ, , ,eq, Agit:lra, Ohio; 1). N. i Nirel.) . AA
rwant.lYhio. I
111{. DYki: , a war rani crl 'ai l -Lich: for
. .
r T
rri 1' I
' - I
.... cdloring de hair a Ih.3andiftil hrei!,;:ii or j t
black, it will mit wear off, soil Um linen, or color
tha Ain. as him ire la can tes.ify.
It hut, also be 2n used sticecssfully in colorin2
d'wwilre of the icounterG.-it, and be sire you get
the cenOine, pri pared only by Geo: NV. Mt reliant
chemist, Loclipoit, N. V. SuniOleq of I litir may
he seem at the aoreof the proprietor or hislogents.
Price by cents. ,
Sold by J. 11. Dorton . S.: co, Erie; S. Si & 1 ,11. ,
t /
Eat=se;tl Asida mkt, 0110; and D. N. IV, cloic.r.
Conneaut, Obiol, 1 Iyso
MARRIED ----- - 1-------- - ----- t
' \ IlligDie it. COMPANION. I . 1 .
Be Dc., A. M. MAuntecAtt, Ptofeesnrclf Dis•
cases of NVoinen Third edition; 18mo. pp. 150;
Price S'lc. - I
25,000 aipies sold in-three niono .
The gteardemand of this most,importa I t work
(ot which thousands are sttd) has compelled the
issue ofanother edition. It is intended eSpeciall%
married', t ,
for thed as it -discloses important' secrets
which sh l oad he knoun to them partictilarly.—
(Jere ev.rir fern, 0 can discover the catpreilsymp
,' ,
torm . , atm:: tne ino.t efficient, rcincilies on most
certain mode of cure, in every contittint to which
her sex is suhk:Ct. 1 l i
Married YeiriLles - would , here learn Ali
~e art
whereby they 1, , n(d retain L , ll•:ir youth, ; Licaitiy,
vigor, elasticity d'hedy and buoyancy of pirat ,
to an urkr i anccda re, instead of icing afflict, d, a.
hundreds and th tvands,e whose handl this
book hasinot falln. Thii work is designed to
he in the; hands o - evely rite and mother wto has
.t regard for her own health and welfare, l as well
as that of her hit. and. 1'.., ' I I
- : ,
The rev slatirn. eontainetltin its. pages have al
ready prOit4l a bl •ssing to thousands, as, the in
numerable tellers received by the author will at
l ipos:.ible to convey more fully
the various stibit`CiS treated of,
,Ittre striely - intended, for the
ontemplating marriage;-neith•
Linee it is every one's duty to
of knowledge, whereby the suf
wile: a motlior, or a bister may
by Mailree of 4
CI copies hae be n senfl
s, with pe Sect afety:
;trie hris a •Ireritiat ne
i i.Sr the hoOlt those toll
It ii of eours6 ii
in n publie t journal
as they are of a nit
married, or those
er is it necessary, .
become tm,sessed
fe l rin•rs to whieh
c f
It Fobjett, coin be
opies to Lc 3004
Over ie4 thOusa
x Rhin . 'lliee mom;
tr intY.fin no hist
r melt tl epublishe
has been directed:
On tlu. receipt ;
'W om.a 's Priva!o !
sent fr e of peen
S l tates., All letter.
I:0 Dr. A, M. Man
fr.ity, !Publishing
ork. !
ii.J=l• For sale it
ooksellerl State
1 July l '2l, 1517.),
.f Ono Dollar,, the rp,farri
Medical Comprotioni he
e to anY cart of the 'United'
must be addressed (post paid),
iceau, Bwr. 1221, New York,'
?dice steet,New
Erie _hy 0, D. SP A'O;7l:'(:),RD, •
,treet. I '
NA"“Ettg OWN
jlt EST 'I. It E It is ro4li.lcutly li
there NEVER.I444 4 Medicine Irhich si
form eod ithisert•al
They Imve e too 1 the reveteat trails. by
all uth. r remedies failed, andbase: e -s ttiblt
thei tujhe Nee orthu curioevel;9lders wh l
ruited them.
Wait betmne m ieled to tt Wri rat'i 'o,
, i . no fItTCH-TENNY ACME(' ',
the offl•prtng of the hour, de-ttuett to puss all .), with It,
and, be 11or4tottt n. but ta medicine of stern. g value, Its
reputation to not built upon an motated cure, effected un
der Circumstances in win. li the t;ii , , or t ho • ott.komtoo
Itod 'you', as Melt to do wit. it as the mitt ty of the rem
edy Itsele. 'Wright's Indian Vegetable Pi Is lay n claipl ,
to red! worth, Minded on the honest and Ming testimu.
ny or N
throughout the length ambbreadt ; ~ t the Ina.
Itlwni after 42 cuderdl shill} of tic human- tottstitetior
that them caltbrated Pals were inept ad. Rafts's; 1
laws were first consultad, au & then a mesiteine Oat p -
pulpit from' the bet b of the. IngiattochiCh Should act Wi►h
thole Istwa. ;Therefore:Ala-se Piths effectuilly . " •
_ L NATtlirg
to expel the corrupt humor r, by opening 1
leueuf the system. ' I
11 - SVIII‘G, SIJ.,)1111E11., VALI: AND 1,
Each produce, by their varlatiatutur,temi I
11.1r,l r eireCtS , opentie, m, 'lb., I
untllthe cold ;contracts the t.llllllO of ihe t i
an t' when eh nee, take plass mld enlv ; al .
'ten Senna.: Wright's Indian Vegetal& i
the 'mil bid ',Cc of .I•tidilea_elimlgrA; b
Id. ' , and It :epot4c ele ttect.lo4" add 1
and health!' I conditis,u. •
k I
Tli t scourg of, the Weill Wrlght's I t ;
Pffl stand Drivelled. Au Instance Iwo
our baowles ge of therelleltaving beet
clip ;ling a c tinpkte mOS. in Chtlls dad
all'l hilarY-function 4 are chiefly tbspederc
by ; rent physic I debility. Wh 1 1 Ihe all',
pear, no tin e •Itould be losflbcfore r
Pills; A fa.. doses wilbglve ouch maul!'
pet , notion will he ucces•ary tardy:Mi. ue
W(r gilt's Indian Vegetable P.l s will be
niir. In tindisease, link pastcic juice i
met t lingua ay. Cutaccpmtttly,t the dui
r, ,
e and the Inmlth impaired, These. t
toilfrom thc stomach,. restore its tone; a)
1 •
Wrlglat's In
In the Ppill)
thelOn.. grin
stomach 1111,
I helsecretin
of all t titter
• :I we , al
t7l tPlill• I
gr;-,,tteff 111.
lot tdreds 0
Idhc-r sr,
t i
l'cl'.• 1
•1 .10 I
sin !el •
R. fi: pars
4.1 'dela ti .,
t .!
. fe i ef }fuses
, tr tr.4o to r
o) II ot ,:.q .
. it. in wet
fel pt
. bilit;
T I. 1,11
1) , urn of.
4, l 4'elitney I I
1 ticril Ito
tti lei live 1
1 eo-4, Add
ti l 4 l 4re 111 0
1 . 4 ' p11l 110 . 1
I lA* Chief
t c lil l l c t ti the
, MII rues:
lt IN.' 4 vim,
1 11
/01^" II
eertuin 4.)
,Pilt• are;
Idi , i G. 1
'tbich atts
', i ,
Wrigl i
1044414c1,, t
Ittf. Nov,
t ; llet., La
I tt • more
Mfrs's, •
ti , t i l ti c . api
, ITltere
1 stilt
:it %Ott,
i 1110 1 ' .1,1
li . ) , of ti
It at Vegetable I'll 6 lira cqn
al of this rtanplatat. As IL
,ral and name principle.
I hood.. purl() the Woo.
us, they remove tha C AUSE
e thilmolt pree,tely to tell o which of the,
'right Pli S have been the
~,ene. }tat it a* ,cry rerun that Mese Tills
healt a, and ppirtie, awl a. goi co, tupldsion, to
female,N, who wool I, v. ohou tlarlry have been
%c. A box Wrrui•Vb roltan Vrpotablo
ettimaLle stletheal eointlayi II .IL certain pa.
lli:'.1).Will:. ( &e. ; •
•Dri: of l' ' ' o iu ugly 'part, lel iictitea al eotrupt
{Woo I, aha l. 11.,1.U• e,la mnyllg, to correct. A
if IVright*u linillau Vegetal, e Tale taken on
d %sill be curia:4 to plc r,li fi of the thing kio
.1. 5 1111. E. ANT. lELIOITA 11 ?JAMIE!
known Ill,ft the smith am) 'cot. antler sword
I. dt-or m
le-tlit Is ui all E bert combined.— •
tly owillyt to Om diorite, b t Chiefly to the
lintliern and %Neatest) Fife, ' ha termatiatm wc-:
tg. 1m er compf.iilits are of t e leapt *retched
r, ilellit dal drtiirkennee.o , equeutli brought
•r eionplatht. A patieut Eutre, mg from this itia- !
Id lint be Moched Sikh pr.. coded seurea; yet
very few med ci. ei th at are a :n th 4 biravir ill
_ i the i
r this ram/Thant. Cahoot 1 i.ia Intiorto tredlll
elioner, but llieteropo loe. I rot ed dad( w rpo.•
...eel NVlisit then ~hail be donut We ay
-lir,. I ndiait Vegetalil7 Pllk a trial. Afttte) r'
I ~,,, a re1,,p0.,1,,,.,tr0..., ne- are walling to brea
j iutn,of failure. Av.' s.e j ny to all
Tit? I HEM,
ra rl.k ran—uo mai v.) , thro”—
ONE W01:11 Mont:
(111111se fir el that IVrlght'l
•tha.tle ' the Drat me liethe y
cm!. iiria't run after el, cry
enipt. to bluster it!elf lett no
Pe halkaa Vegetable Pills. Pi
n of tins..inco.., Indian Pell
lult haste of them! Aud il
inteerable imitatiolm or th e I
Ik., it. than etaillc 1. Like rh pp.
..liultru; ed" Indian Turetiohle
ul juke, if it In ere leet etyma,:
vo , •1 • ••ly 1114pwIlere. The
holh of money'
11, . the worst? Is 110 t
. 00 Conti
Inc Letter than a
C retinal . Agent. oolyz.--we , et"
A G t ri rOtt. Eli I Itt.t:OtT.
[welkin, & AVAterrotij
Inre Sen. Guard. 7
;lance, Unica.
Potter, NVest Spring •
Au & ro., tV.lttithure. ,
-• North &tat.
thee!, I:.tirvieVr.
IN (Merit r!r:Nr:
%;t: tile:NaTunt: or W.M.
EN of Tilt Tot' I.A . IEL Or rAt II
ratwlioleßale ival retail,
288 Greenwich Street, Nei
'uly 31, 1847.
twit .1 I
u. 23 '1
tlev &
C. re
THE 0;
enti s r 3 . .
0 are permanently lorated tt:Et P
here all Sur,eicuf qnd Mee , anical op
It he science of Dentistry, trill be 1104
ase, neatness and durabilit which!l
cc anil 4 eNtuisive ori,portniqty, Loge
Tiorottzh nou ledge of all ithe late
me of the. Baltimore Dotal College d
tit a 1
r vein
.211 qt, Fr
'en caul
Elliott or Rose will visit I
laces once in six or eight
it, Ohio, Springfield, Gira
Waterford, Wattsborg
c county, Warren and p oll
ay, Pa. Ladies and gentle
.. ,of the above named
services of a Dentist, can be.
resid:nce, •by addressing'
r attention wi:l be paid to
t, as well as to res Coring ant
Teeth %sill he it
improve.nients; also, Plate
entire set.
•d the
, Con
It Ginn
n lTee;
to a
ci:lth :
g'ept. I
nd residence on the' corner
,trects, Erie, Pa. - • -
'ash for Flax
pay the highest price in
yof Flax Seed". C.
1 itanti
Nitf.r. 27
I Fr
m qie. City of Ttle
of lf'ro•h and Cheap
At O. 1, Pert, - flock;
ho Tariff has been taken
iito this country, and piace
has enabled those w h o h t , v
in the, Eitt to sell Omni - c
to u ani anything in tlit G I
cxatnine our stuck, fiu k ,lAre
trot 6oritiadiation, that: %I.!
' of (_groceries in this mud
irelialcd'front the latest it
ik may be found the lolinwi il
/, Gunpowder, and Toir&g. Hys . o
vi:, Rio, La guirts and S . •Donan
; Loaf, Pulverised, P' rto Ric .
J .). Sul.:...trs; Pepper, t S ice, Gin
!mon. . - Vittateirs Mace, Cl Les, Ric
lathy, Ca wiles, Pecan, BVazi
tad Pea nuts; at:winds, Filter&
ts—applcs, Rairins, - Encdifit Vuri
Figs: Slier:nap/I 'calla wales
nilli - inter stra ined Lein Oil, e
rticle, Salad ail; Fancy Shaving
'4/ and /In,- soap. Il i irsy• -salt
' sit, Mekerel, .11aeliinalc Trout
leo, i
i- Yult
c kll nn•
itl out ti
es .est 101
11 1 ecn p
o sto
.1, Ipeeit
''es s;
r•r ('ire
er tied
ld ira,
tc. Fru
'II, legal
tatra Vine cut vhcwinal
14 Cavendish Tobaeo, Pll l
lrineq)e, 'lttantea, Lenora
nil pl.4in Oas.t• and Mi iii
cost of oilifrr articles to
li 11)1)11)1
mn'ing al
It , t , ilia
um Ci 2 ir•
C fared •
est les a
A trebl supply of Grr ,
monthly. C4ll and exa
No. 1, I erry flock.
T. W.
or al
gi -ern
scriber islini. in the habit
Liminctizze stud: of goods, -Or
Wel' lilt , 2-4; el his. neighbor
ill the benefit of the pti
o ha, jii.,t re.mmed . from
and New York, where
e and well selected .steel
i trg and offers for safe, a
-Lea paess he. ventures t
to ready pay scsAem he A'
I !If. Particulars next wt
i). 1947. , - -
'91 1 1.1E sjib
.1 of hit,' i
rior finality
tie plain tri
as hint/ ell; I
iiitios, Bost°
hlU..etl a lar
1 s well as 1
is now recei
quality and
be BEAT I.
to tgo upon t
i r .
Ail tirtl
ffnct ger
tailed to
%%110111 it
i!ow.-Icame to the ter
t Greene township.;itb
with white race, lab.
:fleitit marks. The ow
rove pcoperty, ply-char
r i, 110M2.11:,
clj r RAY
s,t. s a ci: r i o l3e .()
old. No a
tec to come ., ,
lie. away.
3?, - 1917.
latsteritid that
' 113.8.
'.4 . :lnug whir/
1,4 a . reyuln-
Jll hire her
1 •
1, , n Vegetablo
a natural o'lll
craters; peep*
bc , •t exputarai
irrtli teal
• frects on.
~u,iryint the
114 in a eraterid
dian Itegetublo
not er.cotac id
taken, withoa ,
'ewers the lire!
t, superinduced
ninon** first a
rtin to the
t relief that
.c tire• f theta.
weld very raw.
weak •nd drat
alien la imper
ils remelts the
d improve -the
fly 'ft ell adapted
y'oliernte Upon
f elenn•ing
and r,etifying
.f Juumlice, and k.
n aw4—yon
Itliihn [d i
,u ever
up.tart Rem,
onety,; Abos:
crinua in 111:;
Were"never b'
fer whit
r L iginul
One olni
ittlWaro 0,
ian7l . 1
uuirm is a*
erfriirrif a
al a Oiurder.
TA•sf VEctuT
131 T W
ON.I None
rI Ohrs
16 Knee i•
i York; an.
he follow
d; Lockp.
and N.
tnblis, 1% ..
en fixing .
waited U.
lus at Er
he health
sorted of
Teeth, fr.
f Peach a
ark) for ti
I 13841 LS
Off the i
I on that
purchase Alt i
rocery lip
(la asset ,
l e-huict th
i et, i hasin
and corn
is Mats
apply thol
l ine goods.
f bosting
their Stye
; but to tel
.lic as welt
the eastern
he has.pur
which his
d whichifor
say cannot
a he desires
II nuke
but ire
• 11
oldie sub- .
In the I.ldr
tt ,six :war*
•r is requee
ee, mid take