1 . . 1 . . 1 . . 1 i - , ! I .. , 1 , .... 1 . , - - . • , I , . . ' . ' -.,.. , 1 1 . i . . . - Zk' . ..... . A ' . - _I .. . , '[. ..- • ..;',„ Elj ._ . . . . , _ . , _ . . .n , . , .. . , . .. . .....1 _ _ . t •;,-. I 1411 j ' • B. S . ~.!. , , • ~ . „,. •il . ,i , . , i 1 . • , • • , . ....-...,-,_.- =___-_,-___-.•••••-________ • . . . voLumt r PUBLISHED EVERY SA*Rall" - BY P. DURLIN & B. E. SLOB, STATE STREETI HAIR, l' n• TEAMS. One copy, one year, in 'advance, • it r 0 Otherwise, two dollars a ':vear will invaria! ly be charged. These terms will be strictly ildheicd to in all cases. , Advertisements inserted at 50 cents per "sgitare the first insertion, and 25 'Cents for eaelt sub - sequent insertion. • I Job Paucit!, of all varieties, such as;Books Pamphlets, Ilandbills,Show Bills, Cards,St4earn beat Bills, Blanks for Notes, Receipts, 64. el.xe ,7tited in the best style and on short notice. T. W. ➢MOORR. pcaler iri Groceries, PrO , 4sions, Candies,:Freit, &e. No. I, Perry Block, State street, Erie, Pu, MARMIALLy(. - !.Ot*ICIVOOD, Heys ,al Law. Office up stairs in the Tam many Ilall building,north ulthe,ZrOthunotury's Office, rt _ 9 Attor SMITH JACKSON. Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Hard%vaTe, 'Queens 'Ware, Lime, Iron, Nails Sze. No. 121, Ch( apside, Erie, Pa. JOHN H. SIILLAR, ounty and Borough Surveyor; office in Exchanue Ifinlditig.", Prima at , Erie. • JOHN B. JOHNSON, ATTORNEY AT-LAW, « as removed his Office to the Public Building near the Court House, tip stairs. in the room occupied by the Sheriff and directly over the Conunksioner's °dice. routpt attention will be given to all busirips trusted to his care. t 50 HULBERT A: CO. BUFFALO, N. T. • TOItAGE, FORWARDING AND•PRO DUCE COMMISSION MERCDANTS, NI) Draler3 in Lehi , rh and Erie Coal, Salt ' and Produce generilly. Particular attee ni paid to the sale of I? oduce and purchase of erihandize. N 0.3 & 4 Coburn Square, South Ahart. F. N. 11FLBERT, DRIGON. non N. Y. 99 BENJAMIN GR A N uoinoy and Counsellor at Law ; Mee No. ,2 State st., pposite taule 11o;e1, Erie, Pa. NRAILAM ,k, TIIO3IPSON, . norneys 6: counsellors at Lail, Office on French etrect. over S.,lackson \ 4- Co's. Store, Erie. - April 21, 1817.. I 49 1 I. ROSENZWEIG & Co. '3lers in.Foreiun and \Domestic Dry Goods, Reddy Made Clothinz, Bogs and :AIOCF, &e. &V., O. I, Fleninning Bloci:, Slate Strect, Eric, Pa, GALBRAIAIS E.:, LANE, . turner+ and Coun.ellors at L.aw--Oilive on ,treet, west side of the Public Stittare„ Erie, Pa. I=l I= G. Loomis c CO. - ealers in Watches, Jewelry, Silver, Cl erman Sit ler, Plated and Briounnia ‘V are, Cutlery, Mil itary arid Fancy Goods, N 0.7 need noose, Erie Pa. 2 • •iNto.LIAALS Rz.' WRIGHT. 'ale and Retail Dealers in Dry Goods, 0 ro• Hardware, Crockery', Glassware, Iron, , Leather, Oils, etc. etc. corner of State and the Public Squa, opposite. the Eagle Tavern, Eric, Pa. • WILLIAM RIIILET. abinet Maker, Upholster and Undertaker, State Street, Erie Pa S. DICKINS(II\ - ;-.n. 1). ipieian,and Sorueon, oftic ) c on t.zet enth Street nest or the Isiethqi.t Cliurth, Erie. WALKER COOK, , nendFnrwardin ,, , Commission, and Produce Mereltapts; lied Ware House, east' of the ,Pub lie ll' idec, Erie. --, JOSEPH KELSEY, , 1 onifaeturers 01 Tin, Coate' and Sheet-Iron %are corner of French and 'Fifth streets, Erie. ‘ . LESTER, SENNETT T. CIEsTER, m El:minders, wholesale ali‘ti retail dealers in 'tones, Hollow-ware ke. site street, Erie. Pa. • JOHN H. 11URT(zi: R:.. co. holesaleand retail dealers i n Thugs, Medicines Dye Stalls, Groceries, 6.:c.N0..3,1teed House, Erie, Pa. t _ _ _ _ C. M. TIBBALS, :tiler in Dry Goode, Groceries, • No. 1 11, l'hcapside, Eric Pa. GooDwIN R VINCENT. ealers in Dry Goods, 'Cirrieeries, se., No. 1, Bonin 11 Mock, State st„Erie, Pa • CARTER 8 BROTHER. valets in Druus, Medieincs, r..ints, Oils, Dye, tnits, Glass, &e., No. 6 Reed House, Erie- B. TOMLINSON & Co. Iruanliri 2 and Couninibsion :Merchants; 109 French Btreet, Erie, and ut 6th Street Canalki3a ,ett, also •dealeri in Groceries and Provision's. 'HENRY CADWELL: cater in I lardwaro f Dry Gpods, Groceries,- &c. east "itte of the 'Diamo nd, and one door cast o the Eagle Had, Eric, Pa. EAGLE HOTEL, Hiram L. Brown, corner of Stile street and the Public storm:, Erie, Pa. Eastern, Western, and Southern Statte otike. LYTLE RE,HAMILTON. ashionable Meri•hant Tailors, on the Public Pa Squarb,! a few doors; west of State etreet, Erie, . ' ' JOEL JOHNSON.' , caler in Theo :Miscellaneous, Sunday and Chwical School Book; Stationary; etc. etc. No. 111, French Street, Eric,Pa. r. A. R. BRACE, norney and Cononnor atlaw, Prairie do Chien, W. T r practices in the counties (A ... Crawford, Gtt, and lowa, W: T. and in Clayton county, lei a Territory. VAT ANTED innxellanze ror Goods, Wool, But- Y V ter, Cheese, and( all kinds of Country Pro- uce. r IL CADWIELL. '_Joan 6,'IS4G. . .# HIII.DW A4E.—Strull tlardwune and Iloti# Trimmings can always he hae very cheap at he cheap store of S. JACIiiRON t¢ co. NOVPMber 21, 1916. . •. ~. 27 - scribers will pay cash for good dean Timo Ow eced. B.TOMLINSON & CO. M5O U FigE S' series ul Schoolßooks, l 34an5foroaat.iFrench Erie, May 6,-1817. 51 NEW ESTABLISIIMENT, — ; Ott state Street, nearly opposite the Eagle Hotel. LOOMIS .. CO. are now receiving from vt • New York and openint at their new store an extensive assortment of Mel and Fashionable JEWELRY, (embracing the latest style of work in marltet,) icatekes, Clocks, Plated and Brittasia IVarr, line Cutlery, Steel Trimmings, Cal/whew cud Solar Lamps,' Looking Glasses, Gold Pens, togethur with a general variety of Useful and Or namental articles.' Cog and see what you will see. June 26,1947. i 6 Cash For Flax Seed. - fIASH will be paid for one thousand bushels o Flax Seed by CARTER & 13ROTI1ER. Au„ 27 :1847. - No. 6, Reed House. S ---— itt . i.-Loal; Crushed, Pulverized, Clari , fled, Porto Rico, Havana, Now. Orleans Su• gar, for sale at No. Perry Block.. Aug. 28. T. W 00 RE. LIST OF LETTERS ni EMAINING in the Post Office at Erie, Penn's. Oct. 1, /.10 184 - .. Persons enquiring for letters In this list will please say they are advertised. Two cents is charged on every letter in addition to the regular postage. Arnold Justion 2 Landau Amos Appleby Mr Leonard AG A glad War • , Lockwood Mrs J P . Ackriat George , Lane Mrs Mary E Akorly Philip Lee Lawrence Anderson James M Loomis Nancy - Anderson Isaac Layer Henry ' , Adams Pcrsis E Lowry' Samuel Archer Beejamin ',mg Christiau 1 Brown William • Loomis J B . Bran Thes Se: ' Lich Peter ' Braddock Bunton W Lynch James Bran Thomas ' Lewis Iles , Almond Drown James 2 . Lytle Samuel ' Bradi.h Catharine I . Leib & Lang Brubeckeif Levi LannonJuley Breed Mrs Sarah M Lladon .Miss Mary Blake James McCoy Win Blake Elisha MeKitteritk Win Bartlett 1111sa Clarissa _McFarland John 2 ' Bainbridge Mrs C M McGuire Patrick Batchelder Rufus 2 Alellird J M - Bates Iris W 2'illeCa troy John Barry Thos J bleCarron James Ballard Rev Jos Mcflride•John Pates Mrs M J McAdams John • ilailoypr Gilbert , McNulty Hugh Baldwin Mies Abagall 2 Meradyen Capt John" Barr 111 It IlleMann Mary . Bartholomnii WII - McClure Miss Margaret Baker William I, - McComb John Barton & Slorehonse Bleltride Ruoger ' Barton Duet Al - kleGloclin James' Bewley F W S Miles Miss Teaclia Merry David Mills John Ilelluap Joseph ' Megonin Catharine Beach tut id Minigee Robert Bell Mrs Illaek. Michael 2 'Seinig Alanson Maxwell 83 '• • L'irchard Delia ' ' !Hardin J ilishop C'J Mahouy Mehl ' Bishop Wtu 11 • Munn Philip • Booth Mrs Maria Messick Win • BuYle John Martin C I) Reverie Richard II • !Waviness James Bush Wil i liiiin 2 • Marshall Washington Chandler Abel Mullin John Chui ch D 2.1 Marlin Miss lluldah 2 Chipman lion John S Mil:lmm Augustus Church Isaac Mead A J 'Clark Patrick ' kleietiess James Clo . rk Thomas t' Mills Mrs . Cleveland Bev Geo W Milner Margaret Clinhulibroinnet Exaverus Marry Michael Clary N It Mellhorn John Cork %Villiiii It. Miller David . Caner Isaili Montfort Abram Cameron El More John , Cass John Morris John Carr William Monagan Patrick Caldwell John IS Noohr T111.1111:1J1 Carter Julie Manisa Mrs Phellb Card Lortnizo ' Meese John ' Card Ileuryit Mu lue Isaac It, Cook Myron Ni , s Mrs Colli' JelLrstin • Ni cretin Mrs Phila Cole II 0., ley Win B I orbon Smith " Olds I. W tr Colt Arigeliee (Hiss) 2 O'Shea Michael IS Cornell NVillium - Pinny 11 ColerJacoli or Geolfelmer Parkhurst Ziba Cahoon Charles W Parker 'fluainas Cadet* , Beajamini Preston Christopher Commiligs William 2 Patten' %V Curtis 11.11.1116 J Parker Capt C E Curtis E H 1 enfold Thomas Drake Professor • Phi ips Morgan Drake Rev A.l or Bev Patter John K Penfield Quirk James Drury Feter quick James Dempsey Mrs ' lane Riley S C , Day Se imolai Rankin Samuel Dat id Elllll R.lll l / b Oll Julio 2 Day William F Bice John •I'bigio Mks Susan Joseph Round Dilloo Julia it ani.tly Damel Decker Miss Far) Allll It uhl Philip D.clomn Willi 1111 Item c John Duna William '2 • itiro It, airy A ..,1 'nun Miss Harriet C ' ItiosellC T Donal lioness lt) n.. 11 Theodore Dulles .1 W Robb ElibCrt P11111011(1 John Boxers Juba I. Dunbar Henry 31 L.A . Miss Samantha. Evaus E 111 ' Begers Aby A Eniersoaaelsree. 41.........J6.1.-.....•11A---_ Encino- Siey , Ual Joseph Elliett )Ilse itS Catharine 2 ' g irt Amin' si ink St- . - Etner.un I. M Mrsl3blt , ~ ' tla Abel II Ellis Sol ~,,,, ol 2 Fintth John T Eta wood Dank! ll' Sha•lduck Chauncey Fullerton 'Flionias B Smith Chauncey R. Fint.ll Joseph II . Slucula Lewis Fre.olly Andrew is 'Spencer C 2 I - winen Thomas , • Shafts Miss Nancy M ...... Fos.tei- jir, - Swank William C ozier (tooth C A i Saf er Gco S Cul-oln Ch ale, or NVIII- Sweeney James 3 taut WW;ewc Spe.wh John Crl. deity Andrew Sloan Honico L Cm, wr 'Revel-end Doctor Sadder Henry riles Plume ' , Shipman S roster .1 I. Stapleton Patrick Fro... Elir. i M Steel John Gtogrich Henry Starks Benjamin Graves 1.314 II Stone I • G.itT ()11.1ii Steveuhaugh Charles Gatlielii George Strang James J (liars Willman 2 Stewart Miss Eliza Urn OM, Staples C Gray Janie% W , 1 Stewart Miss Margaret (Horatio "Nebion Santee Michael Glass M(-is Martha Swirls & 11111 Ilooolonow M &earls Albert G Gallo lkintirub , Set ly 31 try ti diem Item y Thompson Thomas Gorton Urea Tiffany C apt Green ell Thas'er I Jr or II Philo lieu ninon E I) Teal Norman Ilarri , Mrs Love Tart DeWitt Clinton Hand 'I F . Tanner Joseph J limey 31ichacl Thompson Henry I'un cs Jll 2 , TraWbrielg Michigan /lickox Julie A . Tall Truman J , Hestia Hubert • Turbell A M Ilialiblerick I easels Townsend Ii C Hill Mr (Tanner) Thornton &Co Wieners - Brasier Susanna Tuttle Joseph 'l' Heron Mrs Polly Tilthits Seib B Hav, ltev Philip 4.1 Terry' Lizy Hartwell Charles Talmage II O Ilersliy•Mrs Salome Vedder Aber Herr John , Vealitet Vanblack 3 Harris hiss Cordelia . Van Brocklin James Hall J.unes Van-Curcu Firdinand !lemon Griffith • Vail 'retake' John T Hank Miss Lucludia Wright II 11 11, gerty Gubeu Wright Frederick Harper J Wheeler Bonaparte Hull Hiram WiICOSCI G N Hyland John , White Mrs Lucy Hull John 111 • White Saint • Holt.3liss May C White Mr llortoeOrviWS White Arthur W Hornier A • • - ... • Whitley Mrs LeuisaC Howell CG• . Warrota John 1 - --- Hurst 31iss Elan Warren II Huffily Davis Warren N F 1 !sham Charles Waterm - an Ssnthwick S Israel Mud T . Wagner John 1 _ Jones & Constable 2 Wakefield Dexter Jones John E -Waters Alamo' Jones Mis Rhoda Walsh James Jones George Walls Jesse , Jackson Nathan Weston James Jackson Andrew Webster John Jackson 31ra Mary A - Webster Mary' James Abel Williams Samuel • Johnson S C Willson Genl. E C Jenkins Isaac r Wilson Mrs F. 1 6`enny Seth Wickershun L Judd Edwin Willis William Kynaston William 2 ' Winegar William Kelly Edward Willson John • ' Kendig George 2 Woodward Joshua B Kenninton William Wood 31 Kviiraton Mrs Irene Wynkeep II A • Kelly Jaws P" - a.Woyd Orison Kohn Messrs Inane & Co C Woodin Itushrod Kelleher Michael Zimmerman D Kellogg Oscar . Zimmerman Miss .liia - Kuchler Charles G v.rot A:4 LPTl'mts • Gottfried Bricard Jacob Satinet August Pape Id Scharrer Rim Joseph ier . Clvistian Selinekenburger Carl Sehopfer Christian Wagner 9. Geoi ge Snider Karolinn Scharer dole. Hines . Carl Needh rue Schurnacrk 2 Andrea, Seifert Joseph Kist Ernest Moth or Frederick Mr Ileminerlin Gerlach C P Kramer Mary t alum( /lichee! Knipp Adam Wild Georg Jo-tue Fredericks Andreas Eraylc Zimmerman/ Weigand Lewis Dornte , Frans Mieltaa Kaufman thorn Schlaudecker George Taber It ~hare Renter Johannes Valentin Yochum /Mentos Strazinger _Mr Zeeman Philip Zama . Fredk Down Franz. Sandoskl J relater Hourich Knobloch ROBERT COCIIIU.N. P. M . ra - 1 138L5.. and half Ws: White Fish , rind v...JILF Mackinac Trout, this day received and for sale at Na 1, Perry Block. b '1;)N. MOORE. Eric, Sept., 25, 1843. 19 PRICES REDUCED. CASTINGS, stoves, stove pipe, copper furni ture, air. tight sheet iron stoves, arc now sell ing rapidly by the subscribers at less than ever, and our design is that no prices at Buffalo or else- Pere, for cash. - LZSTEIt, SENNETT lk 'CHESTER. It. 25, 1817. Erie, Sep OA KITS No. I Mockercl, put up for family 4 . 0 "= use,l6t received and for bale at Igo. 1, • Perry Block. . -../ Erie, Sept. 25, ; 18c7. 19 R AGS wanted in exchange fur tin warn by, LESTER, 'SENNETT 4" CUEStER. tier; 25, 1817. THE OBSERVER. "The World is Governed to 6 Much." R R 1 E, P k. -- — 1 Satiardos Mornin', October 9. 1947. DEMITO - C - BAT - 10 NOMINATIONS. FOR GOVERNOR S FR'S..R. SHUNK. FOR CANAL COMMISSIONERS MORRIS LONGSTRE,TH. O'Tuoa. H. ELLISON is a duly authorized agent to procure subscribers for this paper. A Double Withdrawal. Mr. Jas. Hagerty announces' that he has withdrawn from the field as an independent candidate for Congress in the'third district of Maryland, and from the whig party itself. 07'C. B. Langdon, Esq., of Lock Haven, has cut loose from federalism. Ile could not sanction the treasonable course of those who oppose their own country on all occasions, and take sides with the public enemy. He says; "Since the beginning of the war, the whig party seems to have substituted folly for policy, and desperation for principle." COME OUT FROM THE POIII, PARTY! ' The following letter was sent to the editor of the Bedford Gazette a few days tigt; for pub lication. The Gazette says: "Mr. Karns is a gentleman of great respectability, 'and has heretofore occupied a prominent position in the Federal Mexican party. We hail his en trance into the great Republican party with great pleasure—who comes next? Listen to the sound•and logical reasons adduced for !lie decided step:" , GeN. BOW3IAN:-4 have' always voted the \vhig ticket, but ,I cannot at present go with that party—l cannot go against my country, the land that g4ve me birth? lam a friend of, the eiisting war, and cannot see, on due re flection, that it could have been honorably avoided—and as the Democratic party appear to be the exclusive friends of the war I enroll my name under their banner. • DANIEL EARNS. Formerly a,citizen of :Monroe township, but at present of South Woodberry tp, Bedford co nty. Forgdy and Dec l eption. THE "PEG BEATTY" AFFID I AVIT MA KERS AT THEIR DIRTY WORK AGAIN ,i3' .1s in .1838 the federal whi,g - pttrty, despair ing of carrying the state by fair and honorable means, have resorted to pass Fortreru .and . "Peg Beatty'' affidavit makers been called in to requisition, and although but a few days remain before the, election, yet the disgrace-, fail scenes of '3B, when Whig politicians trav eled the entire sate promulgating their infa mous falsehoods and false depositions, are 'a gain to be re-enacted. Drowning men catch at straws, and the federal party knowing well that the billows of Democracy will assuredly, on Tuesday next, overwhelin'them and their ca+lidates, have resorted to the , falehood and calumny so effectually and completely rein tedlin the statements and depositions copied into our columns to-day from tho Democratic Union. Under the hypocritical guise of conducting the canvass on fair and hostorableterms-with their presses daily a`nd weekly teeming with articles denounci l ng all personalities, and de precating the a lu / ions or+ the democratic press to the .co nection of their candidates, Irvin and Patton with the : iniquitous Bank— rupt Law, the one as its father and the other as having availed himself of its provisions in the snug little sum of s22,ooo—they ; have been secretly organizing their forcN) and now, just upon the eve of the election, as a last and final effort have resorted to the• basest, fraud and forgery! in order to withdraw a portion of the Democratic ,party from the support of SIIUNK and LoNosTanTrr. But they will not succeed!—the trick is to shallow!—the fraud to glaring to deceive any. This is no new gime with federal whigery. All who resided in the state in 1838 know full well that the leaders of this infamous Pie -bald party will stoop to any and every thing to carry their point. The Federal press was then the vehilde of slander against the char acter of the Democratic candidate for Gov rnor. Wind wonder that it should bo so ow: It then abounded with "Peg Beatty" affidavits, base frilsehoods & glaring forgeries: Could we reasonably expect anything better now' Again, just on the eve of the election the Federal editors of Pittsburgh concocted the notorious islanders againat , Gov. SHIM{ in regard to "I/IJ, Bible," -4 'the Catholic proces sion",and "trampling on the anteriean Flag." miserabie inventions of Federalism were proved tobe false, Governor Situtqls was triumphantly elbeted, and the authors of the falsehoods branded with such a load of infamy that they have ne since been able to look on honest maniahe eye, but sneak off when the subject is broa he'd in,their presence like sheep killing hounds. The Erie Gazette was' among the first! to promulgate this infamous falsehood. What wonder then that it should now join wiih the North American in an en deavor, by the same base,means, to defeat the re-election of Gov. Shunk. . . •And what think you, reader, is the great and • horrible cme which .they now charge against Gov. Slunk, in the-hopes - of defeating hiii election. A simple relation of facts. and the proof which we append, will enable the readei to see.te whole plot of federalism as clear as the light.of day. • , SethT,Salisbury, whase . yemeity is on a par 1 with, his ,intel ige&e, and capacity, has hired himself as an underatrapper ,to the Mexican whigs, to get n i p an atrocrioul calumny on the lion. Jesse Miller and H. Petriken, Esq.— He accuses - them of having been instrumen tal in the publiCation of the many slanders which were heaped by the "Champion" upon the late lamented Muhlenberg after he had re ceived the Democratic nomination for Govern- "THE NyORLD IS G SAT ORDAY, Or in '44. The "Cli ral got up the Mexi. the special purpose Mublenberg, and pr ion in the Democrat to effect its purpos been quietly laid In three years, its putr I are to be raked up, poses. We congrat i ing found a tool, mei', answer their dirty them that the true fr in "old Berke," and awake to be caught They plainly percei v of this vile publicati tiles publisherm tha i best and purest men Democratic party, fo 1 Governor Shenk.* The DetnOcratic Union says it feels pretty well convinced, from acts which have recent ly come to the know edge of the editor, that the Champion was edited by a notorious'whig of Berks county, who,e infamous slanders up on Mr. Mulilenberg in his min'paper, were believed to be the exciting causes which led to the sudden death of that great and good . man. It comes ther fore, within , exceeding had grace from a Fe era( editor topeal to the friends of Mr. I\ üblenberg, in reference to the slanders again t that pi , able statesman, in tie Clam pecially does it coin with ai -the• Erie Gazette,,a paper that the State were more violent i 1 of the lamented Mull.mbPrg. But we think the Niloiving if lav'tst ial I willCle I enough Morgan till t of fede'ralisin. Read and see to what base will resort to carry th the pulls and o r rice 'no! approbation upon the ours if we hut exert o at home, thinking a sure and disastrous, Arouse, then one and door. To the Editors of thi GENTLEMEN - d .from the "llarrisbur. unqualified denial of' 'articlee; which have ''North American," s fed from a 'paper colic The trio' pufiiTicntio seen the North Ante cles attempted to be and myself. I consi Miller to state—, I st. That it is an that he wrote, and th I tion, to the publishe: one of the articles or 1 that or any other pa p j character,, moral or pi A. Mu'hlenbcrg, or o dead. 2d. it is an unmiti hood that Mr. Miller the Nonth Americas thought of writing, ting, any one of the North American, sl the Champion. Ih. I expressive, without rl fit to be used, to elm I this, and the charge ficient to say, that to injure the charact Oman, so well kno of it, as Mr. never been made. lel, Another Refutation; GPI. JAMES IRVIN IN THE ,P RACY! .[ -1 1 I will here notice remark (made, edit Hal, . by 'the Editor of the Inrrisburg Argus, ii hi s • lir. Giest, the Editor of the late I rid- , 1 " From the I.7 "— cmocr.i ' tic I_lnior as indigo at at of #e Champion, who swears so b w paper of to day. Ihe Edit° says, in efer- Yto,nan, published by Mr. Morgan / I veterday's North American, Make mice to this subject: .. ' "The Colonel (Sa isbury) loving statement on the of the idea of these per one havi rt aided or abet-: ' i - 1 subject littler will see that the Federal car Gvernor„has ha Led the promulgatio i of the slanders v hich were ushered forth t rough th columns Of that, edcliarges against Messrs. Miller sheet, and said he w old have the matter thor- Ito. Morgan is thoroughly expos ()uglily investigated, and refe r ed to write-any James Irvin more for the Argo , in favor of Governor tip unworthy business. a l s o TWho Shuck, until he she ild discover whether the , charges in the Intelligencer could be ain- Mined:" . , •of that has already resulted .disgr is effectual and triumphant vind Now, I would re pectfully enquire o Mr. o f Federalists, and We predict! w Cantine,_ whether h did not know that 'alts- 1. t! gentlefnen assailed—if that lii bury had in his pos ession, ar early as tie sth • 1 ndy been satisfactorily done. 1 , of March last, some if not.all the identi al or !, tides now attempts to be fixed on Mr Mil l ler and myself ? I he did not know it, he PHILADELPHIA, SePt. 2 was sadly behind the times. - I will sta e my Alessre. Hamilton and Forney knowledge of the fact: . On the morning oi l Innsylvanian of this morning,l o the sth of March, .: edge La forte hand dme fury Pctriken, Esq., has brought I r ad it li one of the manuscri Its in question - . , sore the public,in connect ion x) and then enquired N here he procured it. He; yho were engaged all spring and i said it had beeu has Jed him by Dr. Soli kleavoring to Lind a market" ft! I then asked perini skin to take it to M.. Mil--; tnuscrpt editorials of a paper t ler for his perusal. I did so,, and found Dr.l tampion. lam sorry that Mr. I Salisbury with Mr. Miller in his front room. inecessarily referred to iny late mi I banded it to him 'n the . presence of Salisbu- -Indeed, I confess that my 'feeiii ry. Ile, read it a d remarked 4 that aiy one q ply wounded; but as he has cert. who pretended that ho. wrote it, or that t was I 'Ate error in regard to the eats, in his hand-writin , wa'r governed by mali- Ilticipation in this matter, I Will, dons motives. I I avc other proof, that Sails- trnysell, as well as others,• gi%M a bury saw and rca the whole of - the anti- ty of the whole transaction. - scripts, as early a the date I have st toil!— t bout a year ago, Mr.:Geo H Morgan As the matter will probably undergo j dicial ded on me and informed me that he was about investigation, I wjl net now name th gen- teounnence the publicatioti of a , emocratic tleinalf by whom I Mend to prove the - act.— per, to be called the Yeoman, tii il diet - it It is sufficient to s y that he is one oft ë most s,the desire of the prOjectors' of the enter distinguished gent omen of , Harrisbur i:, 'wlio km, that I should file the eiliter. ;He inen is well known th ughout ' Pennsylv Ma, for tied too names of several promi lent men his many high qu lities. . io lie said had obligated theuisei es to fur • Again, Salisbur says he has-the w tole of di the means, both for type end` ress, and the .manusoripts i 1 his -possession. deny 'sustain the paper. I told him hat if he that. I have ten f them in ;my pos-ession, tught me \ some tangible evid'enc that Ate /) any one art genu- nr . ,temenire earned would be o ill ng to aus all of which Lean satisfy Me. They are pen for the inspec ioni of nlitu in the enterprise, I wind have; no friends and foes. They were handed 'vet to lections to writing for him. In few days me to give to Jud e Laporte, whp wit abSent ;produced a note for'iitr,ooo, Puy ble to . L. (and is now -absent) sometime last s tamer, hum) and Co., at six,mouths, aid signed by a man by the name'of Geist, who h.s since four prominent. Deinocrats,l wh se nettles been convicted of forgery. He He was on , o the I liad romitioned to me-before._ ji his dote three who were,en aged all spring an. sum- ts - afterwards shown to other pa sons„ and mer in endeavorin to find a market fit them.. ever doubted iti,genuinenesit u tit after I This fact ii, well nown to la great nu her Of id edited the third number, oflll , Y esm i a m people. -As thos who were,unjustl 441i:called upon tine of the suppeSed• 'endorsers, , cated with their athorship, refused to bid, heel was' astonished to find that ' delta dote some two or thre Whigk oin this pia e club. never been signed or erulorEied y hitrill—w bed purses for la purpose It is un.erstoodem loath to refer to this deeept on,' but 1 that a suit of clo hest wee part of t e Pur4pe it will be a useful lesson to him •in I fu chase money , e shell see, by and y, howtre, as well as to myself. A ref4renco io it that is. • , I have ionic re soil to believe that o arti lien he properly understood. I de I showed Mr. Miller•in the, pie eke o It was during my cohnection, as Salisbury, on the th of Atwell, Was writtee Yeoman, that Morgan profloset by a diatinguishe Whig.l It as p blike e renomination of Ni. S,hunlry b! in the "Champion '' with others of all e char g the "Champion editorials.? I actor, after the a mination of Mr. lulilen l As, I knew nothing of the exiOtey i I ' OVERNED T.OO MUCH." CTOBER 9, 1847. ampion" was an ephente an whigs themselves, for' !f villifying and defaming !clueing discord and divia c ranks. It was unable , but now, after having der the sod for two or d and offensive remains or the same - unholy' pur date the whigs on htt`y n and senile enough to • • nds, but we can assure ends of Mr. Muldenberg elsewhere, are too wide by any' such stories.-- that the principal object n is to revive the calun paper against one of the hat ever belonged te the the purpose of injuring ire patriot, and 'pion. And ea rl ill gracCfrom which tioe in pesonal abuse statements and "c". ily use u >this last "'Food fter election" Reorback them, then, Democrats, tricks the federal party leir s Onds, and then ;.To to re place the mark of dis :iv acts. The State is itselves—but if wo stay II will be well, defeat, will snryly be ouri t f:ate. all, thelenemy is a, the I, Dentde:Wic Unto) esire you to repo Argus" of this day having, written ce since appeared Ai id to hard been ex thel‘De no6atic CI denial I L,d read , the lon Mr. -t1 I owe to my tnin the rue am- I l 'Of ;can, an fixed ,er a dut, $ rti- Hier Mr. ted falsel in fpr publ Champion; le whitieve etinz upon the late I r man lieii end, pea -1 any for the ,enry unmitig t I hand of the ny artic ,er, rell lineal, 0 any, oth g or Al;len in ever malicious elf, as suit, wrote, or ted aCoutt uhlished i extracted trtls stiffici' o laaguag the basett• uve. h i famous att . ndin of a State an my judges, lit has no ,1 ated and land mys jointl vi a r de r l c i nt n c o : u e s be s l 1 1 ( , sorting acterize (diced a more il l l 'r and st I vn in t .1 ha.,, ii I berg. I know it was not in t • . Of Mr. Miller, and no one p etc i many who examined it, that l it %! ,The whole of the papers in questi I bibited to many delegates of ti el March Convention. Mr. John C place, was despached for them, t. la,Perry county, on Wednesday 'of March. ,They were in te li • tine of those, who have been ng t g a : bidder. Those who I I pro ure in fixinglthe authorship o It jOyself. At that time Salisbu y ti , ti lii diem—Tat.least I am ao inforrd hi, therefore, nurse his "in ign i wm 'that day until recently? One 4t ma Was for the charitable pof mi,arm," to answer ulterior perp. tlyi he 'not then exhibit his 44 i 1 against Mr. Miller and myslf, 100 e known as well then, a b. the manuscripts were in the tan either oflusl Why did he fo ml f t wards, continue to write and 1 übl; i# the "Argus" in favor of Slitinkl stfoth? I should rather suppose) Statement of the facts, the public w ily f believe that his recent "in ig tlie most VIRTUOUS charac er. - tin conclusion, I now declar , as fekinly declared, that it, is a foul tlttt. I wrote, and handed to :en s publication in the "Chatnpio ," deiignated in the "North America' TO.this declaration I appoint Gi voluntary statement. , H. 'PET, Harrisburg, Sept. 21, 1847. 1 -2---- . 1 Te ,z the Aditorsof the Democratic OENTLaMEN—I' have just seen American of this day and'ooexa, the articles published therein p,e', be extracts, taken from the "Ctain' tidied in this place during the vin, l 44, that I received certain desinal nicatiocs froM Jesse Miller, at d e riketh and handed them, to tl4 E "Champion" for publication: pr charge to be a base lie. I nev rrt i communications from either o th, men to be handed to tie Editor of 1 , pion," or any other aper for pu 1 ri otherwise. Those w o haves ate; have done so at random, and they ! and mulicioue liars. I am,&c . e., Harrisburg, Sept. 23, 1817 The following, from Hon. jowl Surveyor General, confirms the's Colonel PETRIKEN, and effectnall! SAttsnuay's story - about not 11116 offensive manuscripts until A•itli i I few weeks: 1 llmuttseimo, Col. H. PKrattius-Dear Sir: from Bradford county last evenitil morning I read, in the Democratic' .tra',.your letter to the editors oritha, transactions alluded to in that corn you are correct, except where y, manuscript had been handed to me! isbury. He was not the person fr. received it, and you must have mis t me when 'llanded it to you. The ever, told me he had seen and read script, together with others of .1 sit before, it caine into tny_hands, and Mewing to you that information, misled pin as to the fact of itsldelil by him. After you returned it' to takes it to Mr. Miller, as you 4ve Dr: had it from me for a short time that'he wanted to write an article I Mr. Miller from the charge of be,in, or el the manuscript. • As to the pl on chick I banded you the manus not pow recollect, but it seems' to beef later than the sth of MarCh, I no means certain; it may have be I ; four days subsequent to that tiine.l lam yours, &C., JOHN LA ■ . . . ~ manuscripts. Morgan; hog ever, stated that. certain articles against Mr.kMuletiberg had been written by Messrs. filler, Petriken,, &c., and that the original Manuscripts were still in the possession of Augustus Sprigman. I was astonished at such a charge; and I ,at once determined, if it could be - sustained, to lay the whole matter before the public Prior to the 4th of March Convention. I called on Sprigman who informed me that he had such manuscripts, and upon. giving him a certain sum of money, he placed them in my posses sion in the presence of Morgan. I refused to make use of the manuscripts until the hand-, writing could be identified; but Morgan in tared upon going ahead, alleging that ivheth er true or not, the friends of Mr.. Muhlenberg would lailieve the charge, and thus defeat the noininzumn of Mr. Shunk. I must admit, that from the 'statements of: others % I - was led to believe that tiro or thre of the manuscripts %%ere genuine, and accor ' dingly referred to them in are editorial article. As soon, however, as Sprigman saw the arti cle I had written, he called upon me and said he was sorry he had deceived ine4but he solemnly declared that the articles he had sold me were not genuine—oil, in other words, that 'Messrs. Miller andl t 'etriken had nut written them—but that mos of them were in gentleman hand-writing of a certain gentleon of Harrisburg, in nu manner connected with - the administration. When I remonstrated with him for deceiving me, he urged in ex:tenuat ion ' that he was intoxicated when , he ;furnisli, - 2d . me- with the mainiseripts. , On' the morn g of the .sth of March, a cer tain Whig of Harrisburgcalled me to' one side, and told me that heiwas authorized to give me 950 if I would agree to furnish them (the Whigs) with a certain article, supposed to be in my possessiod, headed "The Blooded Parson." k I promptly declined his offer. He then raised to $lOO. I told him he wus mis taken in his man—that I would sell myself to ; no man, nor toany party. ,On the same, day; I placed the article alluded to In the hands of ' Judge Laporte, telling hitnlat the same pme,- that the Whigs wished to obtain it frthn me. but that I was disposed'to s upport the regular • nominees of the Democratic party, and that other articles were in the Possessioa :of Mor gan and myself, which I'wOuld place at hiS disposal, as soon us I could see Morgan; who was then in Bloomfield. Sometime after that_ I handed ten or twelve of t h e articles over to Mr. Petriken, requesting him to hand' them to Mr. Laporte. These were all that I had in my possession at that time or since. I , When in Harrisburg lhst August, -Morgan called upon me and state,l,that he had receiv ed several letters froth Gen. James Irvin'', in answer to, pi-opo4itions that he • had I, lade touchinglhe publ t ratioa of 'these uars, ripts ' 1 I I 1 that sever I le ding ,Whigs of f tirriburg i li id cinifi , rre with him on the suledt!- 7 antl tl at be waS o publish the'l manusc ► ipt.-1, pre'- faced' by his Wit ' affidavit, addressed lin the ' one-term Democrats, &c. He also asked cm for the manuscripts in my possession, (as he s_u_ppli - iPA.) kudiitsdsla_ulikpic kilning hind , Mr, Shonk,' we would receive clerkships. un der the new administration. I told him- I could nut hiiten to, such propositiods—and ild % iseq him iq a friendly manner, to abandon so disgraceful if. project, as he would be linable to sustain the charges he intended preferring in his affidavit. l and-writing dell, of the as in ' mine. n, were ex !last 4th of ark, of this Bloomfield, i i lght, the 3d issession of ,1 god in find -1 1 them, fail r Miller or w and read 1 Why did rtion" 'from stippose it "keeping it see: Why dignation'' or he must v whether writing of .nth 4 after sh articles 1 and Long under this II not read lation" is of haye uni falsehood, Seiler, for le articles as mine. Seiler's tIi.E.N. non: the North ninat ion ;of porting to ion," i'mb er of 1843- od coinniu ol. H. Pet itor of the t nounee the ceived any ose gentle- I he "Chatin tlication lot. I that I d d, , re wanton MEM LAPORTE, lament of disivov, s ur seen -t ie in, the Iss4 5, 1847. I return , c 1 fr, and this Union Ex ..no.ner.. nnication, .0 say the by Dr Stil ,itn when! I inclerstuod Dr., how the menu tiler kind, n COM Mil t probably very to ine e, having 'stated, the The foregoing, gentlemen, is a_correci, tory of these•mnanuscripts, so far as my 'per sonal knowledgeii.xtends. o ' Very reaketfolly, yours, • • - - - - • In support of the al iove statement of IMF. Geist, we may say that on yesterday we had a conversation with a Igentlemen of our 'bor ough, of character any} respectability, who in formed usihat the note referred to in Geist'o statement; was exhibited to him by Morgan, with . a view of obtaining credit upon He said defending the:autli- I ecise date Iript I can )e to baiv b ut Tam by n three or The folio dug correspondence between Mr. Petriken an' Henry S. Alegre w, of Pittsburg, is in corrob ration of Mi 4. Petriken's state: meat, publi bed above, and show's, vffee con clusively, that that gentlen4n had nothing to do with thenrticles of the Champion, or the circulation of them: HARRISBURG. S ept. ' t 22, 1817. • 11. S. MAGRAW, Es I.—Dear Sir. Soon af ter the commencement of,the publication of a paper, iu this place, calla the "Democratic Champion," you addressed a letter to me, de siring to know whether it was established by persons friendly to , the nomination of Mr. Sinink.„l answered-your letter, and return , ed the money you enclosed to m'e. ‘Vi:l you be good enough to send me the original letter, if in your possetision? it' not, give your recollection of its contents. 1 1 ()RTE: ONSPI- arrishulg , former y Fllingly n .s the Gl i the alleg ed Petri ' id, and the didate fur a hand in Iv affair is cefully ,to '1( end in cation of s not al- H. Poottitiox, Esq.—Deai Sir: Yours of the 2,21 instant was received this Morning.• . 1i have searched my papers to find your letter in' relation to the "I),emorraticChampion," ttitl out success. Kome of my papers were miss sing , after the lire of the 10th of April, 1845, and your letter may have been lost at that time. I will, however, give my recollection of its contents, &el. We 'fad got, perhaps, the two "first numberS of the paper here, when I wrote to you, or sent word by a friend, to hate me supplied with an extra nuinber of copies, (I think fifty,) until the nomination. I either sent you the money or an. order,. which was returned by you, with the reply‘that the impel/ was not only calculated to injure Mr. ghunk l , hut the party—that Mr. Shunk's friends in Harrisburg had no confidence in it, and did not countenance it. Yours, g.t.c., - HENRYS. MAGRAW. • -- Another Federal Lie &Med.. ,1847 —By. the serve that my name •Ith those mmingrin L r certain , ailed ithe . has: (so isfurtMi ng es Were l s y bceli it of my justice 1 Frcim ilie Democraticarnion. The North American of the 27th inst., came to us charged to the muzzle with several Col ?inns of libelious statements, and forged dß :davits. The whole hurlhen of their proof seems \to re , t on what purports to bean Enda= vit of G. I 1 Alorgan,. and Augustus Sprig man. What will the honest voters Of Penn sylvalia say or these, i infatnoas Federal slap derere, when we prove to them that this Icel.. oh ted affidavit till a base forgery. Air' fus ill SPrignrini l Wltose Mime is app 'Ode to .. ....f, I th' . ' t- - I-4- thle:a4idaVit p r ' bqfercilWin 11C1ine,'1134.,1 iistice of the Peae df I oiiiibor7 ough, and made the statement h reto append-. ed, proving , conclusively that t o statement of the North Atnericrn it n:forg, ry. We al so append the statement of David Barris, the' Justice of the Peace! before whom the affida vit of the North. American, is said te• have' been taken, pronouncing .the said affidavit a forgery. What more do the,peopleof•Penri- .ditor with to defeat publish rovious to o of! such WILLIS GEIST 1 um yours, &c. H. PORIKEN • Pirrsutnto, Sept. 25, 1847. [ I NUMB ER sylvania4ant to satisfy them of &it, I of the';Federcil leaders. - Gnx,rxxstsx:—l have segn, in th. American of this, morning, a.statem • r the signature of OilH. Morgan, hes iec dress to the One Term Ileinocrits, anti of the late Henry A. Mublenberg," to I appended the following l t: - Viords, •"I ctir the above sauterne's:, Augustus Spr g Now I I beg leave to say thatiFnever a Address:of G. 11. Morgan's until 1.8a,‘ i fished in 'the North 'American of this ing and I never-gaye it 'mk, concurrei The whole thing" Vcerefore, 'so far as •oncerned, is alprgery. •In regard tildavit Purporting to be signed by m inublished in the North American of this g, I desire to say, it is entirely ditTeieii ~ hc,. one sworn to by me before David I. lEsq: The affidavit made-by me before . it Harris ,was merely, in regard to the til of two papers, andhad no refereriCe w 'to the lion. Jesse biller mid Lleiliry P Esq.; as Mr. Harris will well *mem' Further the - it this, I desire to any, that best'ef My knowledge anclbelief, Wear. ;ler and Petriken never wrote any of th kdes for the Champion referred to by the ttinerican of the 2.3 d inst.' - AUGUSTUS Seßldl4l. I Sept. 27,.18.47. sat the foregoing statemer de and signed . in my pii prigman. Harrisburg, I certify, th oluntarily in y Augustus A Ilariisimrg ITo the Mito I have seen h orth 4 American of -this date; signed .r ~ Morgan - and Augustus Sprigman, pt, ne: to have been taken before me on t i I August, 1817, - and desire to say,tint ntirely different from the one sworn t 4 pie; additions have been made to it s i - as sworn to. . - 1 1 - Sept, 27, 1847 ~e . , Anothet RefittatioM , - Since the above was in type, we find ennsylvitnian; of the'2sth instant, l 1 1 . wing letter from'EmANEYEL GEttplAN, a, ni law an'of charac 'er and ability, well arrisburg, wlt cli is so clear and tineqtit (contradiction f the slanders against M -. 11.1.1.:11. andxfq rark - s, that we publish) 1! _ a Iditiona! testi any -if 'any were wanti ‘.l.or;tradict the landerous publications i&orth America I. _ -, . ( 11 111 1 America , ,T, STIMO * iI OF Ili; E. 5.1L31.1:i Or Mb- , t l : I 1 1 1 ' ' lo the fiditors of ihe P - onsylvanian: - ' Gentlemen—My attention was called Oitti ' rticle in ,the _North Ainerican and Hinted' States Gazette, 'or the tl'ild hist; tater thesizz ititture of Seth Salisbury charging Hon.4s- , tii J fhin: 3111.14 i 4an , - Pe.rnuitot_wi 1 _thei peocratic Champion, of Harrisburg, du ine tr campaign of, 1843-'44. I !ta'ppettedio be 4 mimed with' the paper directly after it was first started, till its discontinuance f and k ow` the authors of all the articles publistreor4int that time forward; and ;I am ready nti 'to testify that ko my certain knowledgeklsae • t ;r ,tiller and Henry 'Petriken, ,in their le gerti üblishedOn this day's Pennsylvanian, aied ttse truth: e l - I was net the author of those it ter articl againsf Mr. Multlenberg and th= era—but I know who was. The'author, as aPerson who is in no way connected Mt tie administration, ner`has be been at 'ny tme since it carps into power. I self dr.; tier, that there was no such endorsemen 'ail the manuscripts as is alleged by the N nit 4tnerican, at the time they were handed in thn= publication, or at any , subsequent tim by ose who were connected with the paper' 'rid ow the author' or authors. . They are s a: riche, even if They hart been' made. , All the articles passed through my hands write, to Pnblication. The assertionrof Sulisburg hat liller and Petriken are the authors of thear rid les in question, is a base , falsehood; al ' I 'stand ready to pro ve him a bar before any Ie- • dell tribunal. 1 tours, respectfully, _ j E. S. GERMA yhiladelphia, Sept. 24, 1847. - • - The i'Skulking ,Cowardg,,, . ~., The Editors of the North American -w c. lied upon yesterday by Hon. JESSE; Mud to produce the Celebrated "Champion Ma, seripts" refused to do so. knowing that ' i i• v•ould not' be able to prove them to be In h ind writing of Mr. Micrani. We havdd debt Mr. Itlitgsa will forthwith comme lilgal proceedings against these libeller Tmt. Lreioa, f , 1 To the Puline. I,ecitain articles having, hppeared him dull , nunthers of. \the North -American and U Si gazette, charging me . with having write ar-. - tnles for a nelspaper ong;ei published in I ar , rshurg, calleq..T ie Derhofratic Champi n," . d larnatdry oftle . latii Hoti. Ilearyj A. oh , 1 lenberg, the manuscripts of some of whic ~it. Was stated' in one- c f the said papers, had eerr di transmitted to the editors, to ,he shown a ev , idence of the truth of their statements; I all cilia the office of the Nerd) American thilt day; in company with llenry Welsh, frit * and Henry Buehler, 1e.1., both well acquaint- , sti ai} my hand-writing, fur the ptifpo6 of eeing said tnandscripts, and proving that they were not in my hand. We found in'thef ()lbw. Morten WM ichael one of the proprietor., an editors of said paper, ptr, to whom .I; Men. ',jetted the object of my visit. Hereptied :hat 1M had learned the night before that I he'd :ar. , J I red intim City for the purpose of iustito ins a prosecutiOn,4ll that 'the manuscripts' : ad benH e sent to aresburg to \ he authentica ed f 7) 111 assuretlihisu that everything that had n -said in relation to myself - in his paper, in re- - gard to my Writing articles for the'Chanip on f or my connection vitt' i l l •n any manner, °or oflever having written a y article defaluatort 01'1 the chbraXter o Mr-uhlenberg , . v'askin (Mantled thlke in he Ma de, raid in eve ys par. , tieutar; and; requ sted t tat he,' as a e Ve inal', should retract everytt ing he It d ',aid' in'his paper; on that subje qi in Taint .to myself. Me replied that be ore he con d ire' ~ph answer lie' must consult Mr. Grahams k Wei thenlaOreed that he -nould meet as 'Clock in the. vex the Merchattfillotel, ati) nine, and give an answer., At the appri Awl It l ,our 1. received froin hint l verhat mess gef through Mre -Walloceostati g t hat, on gmnul-r. tionf mY requt' was decl de ... .. d , . 1 The coarse I have moon . has afforde the editors of ,theNortli Ameri an 84 . Ga e td the opportunity to do' them elver : just' e, by , full retraction of a colorant -1 -ant suet et ile net believe: ' This, hot eper , the h ,till vas ie tt dbliheratety declined, and Iftme to ur .lieh redress as the laws of the land may f-2,, fttodri against the wanton alto !fie; of viicked, ucl. , alicious libellers, 1 , In!ccinclusioni - tagain tub of ; thp publication in the No azette, on the subject in qt: t myself,-unqualified Plglaticli)hia,. Sept Wm. KLINE, J. Dauphin Cou Sept. 2-1, 1817. of the DeMocratic Uni lie affidavit as publishedl DAVID HARRIS, 1 .T. I Dauphiaou icktnifo they wh , rth- AdieuFan' e:..tiono in irogl J. MILI f ER ' ItY2 sQncd t 601 by G. ri MI berord nto it . 1 1 in the e fol.; qung 111 I►Mai i 3 3 'as ng td I the ed .nu "the , no