Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, September 11, 1847, Image 3

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latigut.ige may be "perverted and tortured into'
every tinginable shape." We think . candi
dates can write as many ....letter as they please',
if they do not like Mr. Clay, write them fur
differs t latitudes, without any danger of their
langus c being .."perverted" "at all, at :M."
Mr. C ay's error lay in attempting to ride
two hroses, a feat he has endeavored to ac
complish for the last 1 thirty ears
' .
_ .
ors- t. Col. May has arrived at Carlisle,
in this tate, and will be stationed there tome
monthscommandinl officer of itwO is hi: intention : to open a N ,, cavalry school
A rival of tki
The steamer Caledonia, Copt. Lott, arrived
at Boston this morning, brining dates from
LiverpotA to the 19th August. The finlow-
ing are he quotation:4'ot Liverpool.
Best Nrestern Canal flour 265a26s Gil per
barrel. I v lticlimond and Atelandria,2ss a 25
6d,Ohio 22s a 23 Sour 20s a gis. United
States N bite and Mixed; p&rlolb44; 7s Oil a
29.6 d. 1 ed, 6s 9d a 7s 6:1 Indian Corn, 258
a 30s pe <Fttier. Priv] ifeal, "per bbl. 12s a
33s 6J. Oats, per 45 lbs 2s a 2 A: L i 4J. Bar
ley, per 0 lbs, 3s Oil a 424 3d. Off Meal, per
4 240 lbs., 20 a 21s. Rye. per 480 lbs., 30s a
Thak Certainty of a bi tintiful harvest at 1
home.‘c , iuttpled With the continued large im
portation's of foreign br r eadStuffs forced upon
the irdi roiean market by, tli . e necessity of hold
ers, must exercise a.stiti stronger depressing
influence upon the trade, and it may be Nifty
inferred t rat the markets have not as' yet re
trograden to any thing like the point to which
they appdar destined to fail.
In Lon isn markets, also, a similar languor
has taken place, which accelerated by the ad
terming f glares which has taken place almost
precludes the possibility of reaction.
Up to the closing of the enrn morkerin
London, mesterday, a very limited quantity of
F . :ugh:di ‘Nllmat had come to hand. and though
t h ese was scarcely any samples to offer, the
demand W a tolerably active al - average pri;..e.-
There i 'Rs rather more inquiry for foreign
wheat oft le best quality, but middling to in
fridr kin s wine quite' neglected.
The nu ney market, ow ing , to variety of
camvs, has beeorno„seriously depressed since
;our last envie -2 C; per Ce inbria.
Up to last niglw, the actual bankruptcies
and stem r gee were little Idiot of 2,000,00
pounds ate rling; and -rt is apprehended that
ninny o f ih ise•will fell heavily upon the Ain-
A mlti'
Tern bri,lig
is in general circulation t h at L tois
been assas , I,ondon pa
tio conlirittation._
tinny slvAw au increase in favor of
en has arrived in :. 2 tt.ttlatia.
-nag latelylHtntlgttilty ofthe Dior
ro,ret 1, in a lift-I -1 3 ears tig.f.
1-1111 entitarras-el,
der of ,Cul'
-, Adiairs i
ItlVanya or A L . .1,1" AT AlocA t PLEAs vs r.
Yeiterda (Sunday) 11ot weer) 3an 1 4 o',
crock,' Mit - Mary Goodhear, a young gifi of
Aspeetable connectime, age.] 15 sear,, eta ,
stabbed by Arnie; Northrop, and 'died, lal
most instal ly. The mur4cer, %11/0 is sop tube from Nev. i, al:eat 45 yoa re
of ugo,...tind had twv,mc el,gLge4 to the do
ceased soma timef=•inci., 111 Cull,Clint'lloC I I
leer USIW {WI guess to Cti..etuui any him it: pull is
to camp me dine laW1) 11641 in g i be ni 4_1,50r-
hood, he us d such %iult.n., hgli
.n a ge. th a t s h e
declared to to sister that she wai afraid to
marry him. They Illtd an interlietv yester
day, at the louse of her sister, at the close o f
which her
i inter heard lk.r cry out, "Ile is.
murdering me!, Jump out of the Window C,'
Both of awl females then, sprang out of tlic
window together, the sister !wing seen the
tia.tulle of a knife In his 1141, the blade hay-
'•udy buried i i her left . brest.—
rdly able to move after reaching
ind died in a few minutes. The
de his escape. : —.Y. F. Erprees.
in been 'alr'
Mary was h
the grout d,
murderer M
Mons 11 ntmON Pltsreanii)N.—The t;t.
Louis Uthioi has information froth a person
directly lima the• scene of outrage, that the
anti-Mormo s in Lee county, lowa between
Charlestown and Montrose, `dace been enga
ged in stonin! the houses of the Mormons u ho
reside there. I On WedtWmlay or Thtirmlay
night last thdy made an attack.upon the house
of 111 r. - Hato , a revolutionary soldier. At
the' time of LI e attack, the old gentleman and
his wife wer in bed: he arose,' requested his
wife to be sti I, took'his rifle, and went alit to
look sifter the saailaiits. M. Hutch . became
- Uneasy, also at up, and went o ft. The old
gentleman sa v her in the dark, and supposing,
tier to be one of the assilants. tired at and kil
led her mats ly;'the ball taking efrect in her
DEATH OF Dismixatinii, YourStf4l4..a.—,
,On Saturday • iteration last, lIENET A. P. J.'
JONesoged if yearo, depaqe.l this life in our
borough, after a lingeringl illness
4 1 .. several
'months. 116 .oluntfered last Fall,ln Capt.
Hill's company of Xtolatneers, and: went t s 'o
New Orleans with out troops, where be was
taken sick`andk" honorably discharged. He
sought to retail to hi 4 home, Philadelphia, last ________
Spring, but ou \ reaching this boiuugh, in FINE NEW TEAS.
April last, could piiaceed no further. His T HERE has been a great (1 1 , 31 Raid lately a
-1 ` mother was seat Tor, and from that One until 1 bout Teas, and there are a great miny in
1 the day of his ( eath, attendelliitp with ussid- Erie who pre:end that they are selling b p tterTeas
110 US care. H ‘tas !pule,/ on-Alonddy after- to choaper than any holy else. 'Vida i s a mi Ka k e ,
0 _
_The Pekeiti Mt Company _
neon, at the Catholic burying ground in dila
place.—Dczn. ill ion.
f New York, have sent to their agents, John H.
..- Burton It Co. their several varie les of Teas.—
To PitESR VE I,B..,chEs.—Clersh
t it our They • ate flesh; fragrant and highlyflavored, and
[teed in richness aaY Teas that has ever been
peaches, by po ring hot., water chars ater upon 'ltem, and sold in Erie, and at prices much less, In every
afterwards wil t ing them with acharscloth; ease where they do not give satisfaction, the men
put them into glass or earthen kirs, cork them .cy will be paid back for them. There Teas are
up and fasten the corks with wire or strong
_put tip in pound. hall and quarter pound packages,
' twine; .then tithe° the jars in a kettle, of hotlined with tin foil. which keeps them from the air
„.. Water untiPthel t atmosplieric air is expend front :atm preacrvee titeir atrentrih and flavor.
J. H. - BURTON sie. Co.,'
'.- the jars; after Which seal them Ito tit with ' No 5 Reed House
wax. Peache prepared in this wan .Aug. 31
•., - L:_________
-' Iheir original la‘or,,and are equally asdeli- TO COUNTRYMERCILANTS AND DItOGGISTS.
• eioua, when crke,l it thP ordinary niantter, 11. BUR I'ON .c.r. CO.. are Wholesale
six fauna or ii. year niter being rot np, as if J. Agents fur ),good's Indian Chnlag•outte, anti
just take fron the'tr , .4eq. , , i Dalley'sPain Iz-ono:tor, and can furnish dealers
. ' at wholesale pr' •s. • '
.: An • limn( Yankee has been selling, dog _ Sept. 4. 1:317.1
ousag,es to the illexicans. He is det e'tniued
to meat the fel
TIII li 111 S
IN D a y
- INABA: &c.
kur, I.ld $1 , 75, 5 ( 11 .1 Ippler, decd
;utter, il a t ‘ li'fiilb.‘y,
•ml, 0.L.1, ;.;• •, 1101, •
lani• (,1 9 1,1.1 . I 7 \ 'n , In
..ilders , 517 G!(). Ir , tns, ' '.'lllll
I.tor ' :II 11.” af, 1:...13
5 11'0.814:rya
$1 (1 1 1 1 Itle, t, W , 11 , ,,\ 1911 , :.
.1 , IT . ll,r, 1,, ~, any in (,II
In. tte..l , , I. 51 , . 5.00
't:ill-i , itsalit W. ‘‘'., ( 9 •
"t , 33a.171 - 'd do , 1..)
Ft Et. in:, ry
, rd Mood, cunt sl.2sllVillte oak
1,13,1 I Lnvilms
yinle, lb
urn sire d, baa, 1
' at, b tab
l!lolluotii:to - A10012
3 ia , 11
, 2,".driipe r lir at'y
.nthroctie, do ; Poll I do light
{perm candles, lb ; 44450'u...imps 4/ 1 . 1"
r‘ilow, do ; 121, 1'1n.i...r. lon \ c . _ (07.110
It, Irmo, 123 L•lalt, film,td's()
i szt:nl. 1 - - en 1/tl,. 3138
: • I ° , o, BL SI , ' ;$ I ~,5.f,1 • 1,,,1 24 lbs 4l
;n3 , ,thy '81'4.14 Hopi' t ,Vow lb , -• 8
;1, k7i,.110ti, 0 do
4,21,:,(` LIMP, hush. ~28
74 101 7 1iit.,. &It ,1,41 1 S 7 30
BCod 114, lb 4
3731 Barlron
121 Sails
ay certify th,it I hare ha )r 'many years
.e care of from' 100 to 200 horst. and barb
ade use of Merchant's Gargling 'Mr two
ears pasthedvan tefely say, tha for all the
"eases that kireee aro liable .o, I never
.1v Its epial. • I u.,e about cne battle
month, and raienmmended it to the public, as
the best medicine for horses now in use.
E. D. MI N OR.
See advertisement in this paper. , A pamph
let L',f disc, iption may be had on4Tzs of the
agent. •
MARRIED-03 the t3d irl't., by Rev Phil
lip Osborn, Mr. Converge Clark, and,filies
Harriet Bradish, / ali of Girard.
At Milwaukee, on the 7th tilt., by Aleiian
der Matheson, F.:sq., 'Mr. Alonzo Chipman,
formerly of this place, to Miss Lydia Consaul,
of that city.
On the 11,1 inst. by Rev. Mr. Sheparison,
!dr. CHAftwarF. WiLutr, and )diss Minium
HOWARDi fill of Leßcen
Our thanks are due to our young friend!' for
their rethembrance of us on the above happy
occasion \/ May their days - be Icing •in the
sand, anktheir progeny never want for—coke.
DIED—On tho Gth that. Charles F. E. -
StohWan, son of Geo. W. and Eliza Brecht,
of Millcreek, aged,' year 8 moths.
_ Temperance Meeting.
MR. C. D. Church, will 'diiliirer rt lecture on
Tempe.anee at the Court House in Erie
on TnesJay evening, the 1011 inst., .at 7 ()clock.
P. M. The citizens generally requestV to attend
Mr. Church will also lecture at 'Non East on
Monday tin' 13th inst 4, Waterford on Thursddy,
the 16th Cambridge on Friday the 17th
and at Nfeadvill• run Sattr?lay, 18ok
To Lovers of good Tea.
500 Package. of TEA:, just received' from
the celebrated •Canton Tea 'Company,
and warranted to he superior to any Teas in this
country, both in quality end cheapniss. For sale
• Sole Agents for the Cantbn Tea Company.
Erie, Sept, 8, 1817. -
DETROIT ALE on draught, and for sale at
No. I, Perry Gluck, by T. W. „MOORE. -
Sept. 8, 1817. „ t
I'IVE th , ,i
ju-t nxeired and 11
lilotni ) by
,ept.. 5, 1847 4.
DIGKLEu LotlATEits, Sardines, Totnatu.
Ca.sup, Lenten Syrup, Pepper Sauce, Salad
u•ltard, tiuguba Jll y, Dig White Pep
per, 4e., for sale at No. I, tiluck, by
sup,. S, T. W. muon.E.
'THE sub:,,clibur is not in tile 'taint bowling
i 01 Ins innnensu stock UI gootls, 01 lbeir enpu
' llO, qt.:4llV over thuSe el his ih..11010015; btli, to Lull
Inc plant Milli ut-the public as well
laniseli j'ist to tuner) Inon bin eastein
ti les, lloston uno e I thh, Where he has ptic
claseti a. tat; • :tad well Sdeq ed stock oi:Urk.JOD
us hell FAZiI A .
•whicb he
Is n 1;
ow ,Tt'll',i/• , 4.A! ulll , , Jul and wsochlur
'pato) f6l.dLlle.ll
q.CBS VelltllAC6 tll, B.ty C• . 10t.
Lclir..ll IN AAI IJ , ;t_ l l_; . N LAY. As be il,ires
to w,.) up4il the It - J(ly pay ste eta lie writ in.ake
neek, but to
lie uttau..uuc CALL A.\
lavultilpes for r i., _inter Cwitpluilits.
ef.i.‘ r.. , ' I_,Allll/ Oa L 11't; L.1.41 , di11;
CO3:_!:i t'; .',110(I)'ilo curdidl; l
Lted Atvol : in; toc,ll, l li
Tlioinp-00'• caliniiii.ive ; ' •
1... ii,,,. : L •,... - S do Loren g es ;
Aroma it or- : T ILL d Ithulta,b ;
(1i,d11, ! .., 1.5.i.:.C. bir sate by
J. 1,1. wilt:ll.)N &to.
No 5, lle, d f totise, :••••..yp . 11.
REML.I).IEB FOR el.; - ER, & .AGUE, tz.e., , If:•-. 1n00.,1 CholGogue, at tdiok.s.ll,..
k.) and i. , .:tail. -t.f•
i..,ati„ell ~, .4 do VixThic ; 11,ot-en's Tonic do.
ie\ ii ••, A gil • 1'111;,,1 id Tonle Ve'rtnifu g e ; '
1/0..i. 11.11. Sill', l'alipallirtoo ;
.:110115...s Billei? ; N e wtori' Bidders ;
Solplmte Quinine ; Carpcii,ter's Extract Bark ;
. Piperiiie, ' Bl a ck Pep i lek, for sale by
i • J. Al. 1.1141 t CON '.:•. Co.
Sept. St • . No. 5 !teed 11,311••e;'
(01• it AY 11l iltE.—Stiii ) e.d the snh.ial
-13 bet, ii:t lino in Clic( Ile tots tiAlip, on the 7,1 i
111,1., a 'OlltH blue it 11015 C, 0 01 , 7 years old, a sin ill
white strip.' in I s lac T , a fett• white hair.: nearthe
loot of the I.iii, -um,: lllentilics on . the hind lees,
,11,-n1 al, aiound. Any onejrcinrinz said -stay or
givin_ inlorina ion where it triay be found bha II
,be ruitablv seioutded.
Greene, Sept. 10, 1847.' 3t17
TiiE undersi ,, ncri- would r ' espect fully inform
the gentlerown of Eric and, vicinity, that he
has ripen() a 'TAILORING SOUP on the south
! side& the Public Square. a few doors east et the
Erie Balk, a here he will he at all times ready and
, I happy to wait upon those who may favor him with
, a call ilk line of business. From long clperi
ence in some or the pi incipal shops of London and
osl er Enropeun cities, and by strict attention to
all business which may now he entrusted to him,
he cetitid.;mly hopes that he shall be d'waysdeem
,ed worthy to receive a sham of public patronuoe.
!is work shall be executed in such a manner as
in hear a close arid impartial examina ion, and
always in accordance with the prevailine fash
ions. - JOHN GOLDEN.
Erie, Sept, 4, 1847.
N. B Curtin. , done On the shortest notice.
Cash For Flax Seed.
%STI will b.!' p_tid for onethousand bushel:4of
Flux Seed by CAR,Tr.ft & BROTHER.., '27, 18 17. No. 6, Reed House. .
5 (I
1-2 I 4
l 2 6
, fist so,le CODFISI - 1,
or sale ar•No. 1, Perry
'6N.1.11 . 11 JAMSON
our P.M and W'
11 kinds of
ingd.e room for t
An , . IT.
SE :.—Preparatory, to makine
t for going to New York for
tiler stock of Goode, wit s will gel!
and Summer Goods it cost, to
le new dock. Poe
ces f ill be paid for
Lir,ERAL prl
• 2000 Bushels Corn,.
2000 do. Rye,
2000 do. Oats,
2000 . Flo. Wheat,
delivered two
%iv,. 7
1 -1 4 !GUT D and 30 hour Gothic, 0. 0. G.
Alarm and common, by the single o;
case, .cry cheap for ready pay:
.G. LOOMIS & Co.
State •.t., nearly opposite Eagle Hotel.
'3( v 17, 1817.
of gold, silver and Berman
ver Vratnes, an extensive assortment of Cort
i c ive and Convex. Also, the celebrated Periii.ical
and pal uholie Spectacles, superior to any in use.
Stare st., neatly opposite Eagle Hotel.
July 17, 1817.
imiT.—ciiandotes, oil and Camphene
_Li Lamps, sun) !tiding Lamps,
Horn's Pa:entie best and caPst 'in use. The
public: are asstMd these lamps will not explode,
for sale by G. LOGNIIS &
Stattltst., nearly opposite Eagle Tavern.
July 17 , 143 f 7.
A CC:GIMP:ON.% with the improved valves,
ABM's Viol, Violin and Guitar strings, for sale
by G. LOOMIS & Co.,
State neir4v oppntite Cagle Ho:el.
Jul:. 17, 117,
The New York Canton Trt Cainpan)to
E are now opening a Choi .o lot of Teas,
Wjust received froth the dan n Tea Compa
ny,, N. Y., urnoug which may ho round
GOO(' YOUNG lifS i ffsr, i r , SO 50 per lb.
r dr ' ' 63 .6
No: tt fragrant
No. 3 very fine
Very fine do
Very fine ,do -
Exist' fine do
Fine do
' ' • lIMAXIKA.
No. I SOUCHONCr, . 1 i $0 50 per lb
No. 2 do 1 63 "
Finest do 1 I 75 "
Fratrrant POWCLIONG, 1, , various prices "
CONGO, I various prices "
Fine OOLONG, 60 "
. ..
Very fine do . - - 75 ' 6
2xtra fine do 100 "
NINGYONG various prices 6 ‘
FIOIV.AUA, or finest Black Tea
TAKE NOTICE—The Canton Tea
Company are the exclusive vimtlers of the -.or:Her
Black Tea called .•110 Wail A'S IX WILE."
li:wery package (in addition to ita. containing
full WvitthL, independent of the wrapper,) heats
the stamp anytime:is .4"rul ele.zanc ) , and the - Teas
therein are so thou on , hly secured om light and
air, that their quality and power tt ii remain un
impaired in ant' climate.
For sale at No. 1 Perry Block, I)
Sept, 2, 1817 \ MOC.
First Arrival of fa ll and Winter Good.? in
Town at the Jew .Vlore, Conmer'cial
E.rcliange,nearly opposite the Reed House.
t carnet. al ifie palm a4ratii. lie is
Inow reeeivin , his treinendetis nod mr.,,nii
ieent stout; of -NV INTEL!, GOOD : 4 . proludity tics
trios- ih,hionable and beet n4o:t,d lot of Goeds
ever !nought to this pl u lid !loads of cv
rry inscription for Ladies Cloaks and Dres3cs;
Parai - dati:t Cloths, Ezc. For
Doom Is, Silk Velvets, Silks and SA'Cs Ribbol:s
and Plumes aid Ft each I. loWeis; French Giy:z
hain4, :%tutinos, silk stripe and plaid /11paras,
Damaskoreeas ' SPA lind Mohair Fi
Button., Shadr..f, of - very dese,ript ion, Thread and
Mussed, Laces French. needle' wrought Collari;
Also -Clothq, r'asihneis, Vestina4, a complete
assortin:mt,,,w Inch IA ill be very ,recap,
cep - , 1. ISIS,
Q 1.1(i A ItS.—Luat;u•Med„J'alverize Chu i -
fled, Porto Rico, ILIA ana.i New Ode ms :-u•
.12e1, for sale at No. 1 Peru
- • ' T. 1 . . V.
\IILY Oltil A N:-.1 - F A 11 parties allow,
i. there can too of a ,Jed thin ,, , Mid
the t.siteoett or t - , , ,:drot pal( at is :•arsicly
by the c•orrione zriodittg of the tame ttme.—
new for the remedy. •
decidedly' The most useful and annt-ang oatiele
now in use toi the tlisety. Infants ',Thin the nee
nt th:ee months antpipwards arc enabled to exer
cise and tuntase thems,dres when alone a it.hout
he least of hemiibjured. It is
ty recomninnited by our mug celebrate'
fur invalid and other thilnireas st 4 opera
tine tyan the system is set'lLas iii a: great
ure to do away a the w•cei , :ity of int:Judie.—
\ lany y011414)0 cited when after twin_ in
the kunper but qq. short time the little in 110 Cf! II a
hate thllon asierep and wiquut an exeep ion have
waked up lattzhing. • Parents and :zuardians' are
tespebtfully invited to caWaud examine for them
selves, at No. I Perry Block.
Aug! 2S. T. W. MOO t i:.
---- Cash forflax Seed.
IWILL puy the hiA-Itest price in cash for any
quantity of Flax Seed. C, T 1.1313 kLS
Atm'. 27, 1847,
Q . Tll AY HORSE.4-Came to the stable of the
IJ mliseriher, at the WeAern Hovel. in Erie, on
the 13th inst., a large bay hors?, 8 or 10 years old
lame in the left fore (hot, and tin:phoned on 'the
left hind foot. Cho owner is requested to prove
property, pay char...tea, and take it away.
. Erie Aug. 28, 1817. JOHN. GIRAHAM.
CEAPEST YET.—Just received, I cave of
French Gin2liains, I do, California Plaids,
Aus9l4, 26, 1847
B ' oADCLs,rhsand Cassim .re of almost
every color, stripe, quality and price, at No
4. CheapsiJe, by
GROCERIES. ; ----An excellent assortment of
Groceries can at all times be found at No. 4
kTheapsidel. BROWN & NPCARTER.
Atm. 17. -
19LASSF.S at six pPr cent less than can be
..1.1 ( 1. bad at any other store in Erie. and of equal
qualil, now oared by
THE Partnership heretofore esieting between
the under siened, in the mercantile business,
is this day dissolved by mutual consent.
JO - 3. Q. BROWN, -
August 17, '47.
The notes and accounts of the late firm of Mor
ton & Co. are by mutual agreement left with the
undersioned for collection, who still continue the
business at the old Atom!, where they will be'hap
py to accommodate their old customers, and the
public generally, with :zoo& on more favorable
terms than they can be had at any other establish
ment in this city. BROWNM.'O A turEl.
Erie, August 17, 1817
QTRAYED nr Stolen f‘om the subscribe i r, liv
ing in Millereck township, a Bay fint..e, four
years old last spring, with a ts;ur in the forhend,
and the right hind leg. white. Any due who will
give ir.formatidn where ho can be found shall he
liberally rewarded„
1001c:reel( A ip'list 19. 1917. 3311
Hear Ye! 'llear Ye!
ITIUBLIC Attention is invited to the largest and
tn , st fashionable stock of LA DIES SUM
MER. DRNSS GOODS, just receiving, ever of
fered in this market cnmpr:sing in port
Brochea and Plain Barrages,
Orleans Mullins, a new and beautiful al tick.,
Lay.ns and Balzatines,
Tarleum Muslin of all colors,
Barred and Striped Mulls,
Sviriss and India Book Muslint,
Crspea and Laces of all kinds,
SlLKS—Striped and Plaid Penh de ,
White erode SWiS.3. • -
Black - watered 4 Satin wipe pnult de soi,
Black and blue Week, erode Naples,
_ Black gro de Rhine for Mantillas:
Montilla Laces, Fringe, Gimpe, Buttons,
Ali endless varlets' of Gimps -a Ft loges, of all
colors and qualities.
SEIAWLS—Of•eII prices, shades and - quality
front the cheap cotton up to l the finest silk
e and Cashmere,
GLOVES—Of ail hinO, colors end sizes.
Hosiery, Suspenders, Ginothams, Prints, Ticks.
Drills, Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, Shoes, cops,
Groceries of all kinds, 4.e., &c. in short every
thing that man, women or caild can want, tei
which we respectfully invite the attention of our
cuetomers and'othere.
dcor eas 41eTate,e
Erle, 11; 1817, . '
do ,
75 "
75 "
1 00 "
50 "
75 "
1 OD '•
1,25 "
75 "
1 75 "
1 00 "
ro Irnr•rcittl hei r
• N'
)Oq V,
On State S. ',et, rly oppqsle. brit Engle Hotel.
jiS • ‘.►• a re 110‘1,. mceivin 14 06111
G• Netr ortt and op , ..ninzr.l.llClr newicore
un ereti,ive k , SONOIC:t. of ;mid Fa4lionahle
ji3w EL y,i(einhr.,cin 2 :he lawn style of wort:
in 'market.) tenlelif Pl,td and Brif rank
Irate. Pine Iffery, Sled
and S..:nr pi., Eintichts Chz5878,,100!3 Pens,
lu~e:hrr with tfen4l-.1 variev of Useful and Or
-.trti .11s. and er? , e what vat( Will see..
19 7.
ril:lE - 6ullsc j iber iq, the ittititori4. dzent fl . n. the
WORKS. .in igrio Omin;y. He rill tliepose of
them at New York i)ries. lief* 4133 Atroni Car
Combe's Preo l plogivil Journal. all ankl, exam•
ine ~these valuable' publications at: his Buok
Store, on State street, Erie ; Po.
Atte. 51847 i. JI iD . SiPAFFORD.
CANDY A , Dlt ISIN3 byth;
fu r mile at, No. , Pe Fry Blot
July 24. ,1
'uerip Pe i lnuipe,Tri
icr kf i nds:
trry Storer r. T. VV.
and all o
July 17.
1 9 POI.TN DO of if;aLl coJee for
other proi',7oitiert at
July 17.181'1'.
- -
WILL ho sold tail miler of tlifOrphan's Court,
by publii.: vendor. or out cry, at the Court
Umiak in tho Borough of( Erie, on Satur . ay the
4th day of Septoaber net, at 10 o'clock, . M.,
the liallowine described quce or parcel f land,
situate inc the tOwnship o Millcreek, -bei z. part
of Reserve traci, nouttwr seventy six , (7) con
taining about forty acres, be the same more or
less; late the property of I avid Viddivell,,dee'd.
JOI - t G. CA - DWELL, Bxeeutor.
Atm. 13th, 1517. 3tl3
P i ttblic Notice_ ,
IA FulaEny G, 1.41?.',N that the .4zockholiters of
Ore Et is Bank, in the county of Eric. intend 'to
make appiiita,idn 1,4 the, next Legis3.attare Car a re.
news; of 'lie lel,rter,by tl a name and style of4lte
Erin Bank, in I le conitty ; l i of firjo, to remain loss
ted in the ,ron4 . h,of Ei., in the couircy 4)f Erie,
t,i.ith the same {:apical ail pa iviletres as it now
has. By otlfict *of thellloard or Driectorik
C: NVit'AP,REN, Cashier.
ly• '2i, i 417'1,
l'ric Uink, Tr
nd at tlie!,cerm7 store, a nice ;Ls
diover:ollits, inisely,
C.bliotta, Bee 4)
a%rOrrimnrirws, embroidery
French Flocs, worsted,. c'aincil
leery tp, by
T A DINS can
sari-went of
HtlltfB., Pulley
Purse's, Thule tt
Qrd,‘,s;:e. tea, all
9.9; IS
isortinviiq all .1 yles tool qualities
oar Tau ilaetureis pliers as is
tu. otirselves,
Jl E iv A Ll''S.
A I.NrtilF.a4.
oir•rc,i ;1,2
eqii.istent Avi It
Illr II 1.1
111 , 1 V be lou. i .11
lpl il .21;
!V . A V CU it 41, Vir
It11;:i1). It is
ttu•rc vt.% C7[ .]t•' IN , I
form 1111,1,-,11 rat
Til,oy •toot •evo.
lin rllllll . lill • .111/.(1,11.
I Si., ipr o .• I
rniset aemit.l thosti.
I, burnt: in mind that
I'lll4 a.:
N ) C.lT.'ll - ENSIi it.r.mcnv„
the i.fivr.og ,, a vbe 1,,,6,-, 11,11/1111 Ito pa., t1OV:ly WWI it,
.111.1 It t
. 14.r,;0tt. , n, ha' a m61110:112 or ~t•oli g rAtio. Iti
replq.,o,l:, I% not built opoa an HI 4,1 cure: etrocie I an
(I , a• . tnayn-t fl:llIn 11/ 111111-'llllO f,i:lo 111 111, 111111Z.IIIIit111
!Ito! quilt , ',Mgt 1 1.61 do IV4 ,it It ( 1 1C1/111VIIS of the rtan
elly 11 , 1.11. IVra , ,x , st' 1n.1.1.n Ve....s.ialP. VIII , Ilya 0 din
1.0 ft' ti It Ut n o tIII.VId . d WI Ilte haa.nt anct wtilintt te-lia:n.
t.s'of , ,
'llilit:s,i l ;ll. , : 1:;I) Ti',:cs 01- 1•11()1';;.1' , :t s
breadth of the hod,
it o dr . ol •to,li of t itum - ot cee-ttletied,
th it ttioLo colobral to.'ro N
1. ,, M '11 . 4%1 (Intl V 0.1,1 io the LI it (re
It ti - P , l ['tow the h , " It of Ow Imltue,e (itch ttCt With
thOnt'l %Wt. Therau th,4l eif,c,e.ttly
Atv_zit4 NATulte,
to oCool thil corrupt I u ore Ly opollOg I.'lo untura
let , of tlto uptrin,
tztqtl G, Si. 1 1 311E:t, I' .I,L.VVI) WI Vi'ElL
nark unitive, by Llio:lrka i.tLiou. Lir tetuiterriturn, yarn
lour etTeats upon et ! litititatt body, Thi s h od expands,
ull , l OM cold rinitrat Is the •nittnire or Ili, eirenladig fluid
ant win u c 11.11.1 LAO illuttL,LlLltlenl... the nirfuLL Li o r ,. o f.
WC noriuuL, Wright ,I 111d1.1111 ‘ ettetable Pills counteract
the esti influt•aen of kidilon titan:ins by, lillfilyills tilt,
1110C.I. :Lll fIuLTILII: the 5101111C:1 and hot, eta iu a
and braithful condiitOn• '
FOR 1•1:V111 AND .1151:/s. I,
Th a t ... caarge n i the ‘Ve,ta Wripitea ludt 111 Vegetttl i le
Pill. stand inirtvalludi An 111-L.I.ICP 11.10• Jiclier o r ate to
our kutttilellge Orille.4o l'ill , f1,11,111g 111.011 LUILI-11, i
CITILL:IIIig Li 0 o a
utpleti• cure. In Chills and fevers th • liter
and Inlay,' functintik U'L-C elindlydistar•lernal, stiperitalueed
by gre it physic I lieldlity. Mt si the symptoms lir•t tip
padr 110 11111 C shnuld llnt last before re•atilag to these
P. 11.1 A few duties nit I litv's 1.111311mantli••t r••lief that nn
pnrsuastillt wlll be 114, 0..111 to roar, UC the use 1 . them.
Wrigher Indian Veget.ble Pi! a will lin found vrry 4ape
nur. In OH ilisee.e, Mt 1, 0 Wile juice is Weak 1•11.1
C via in fleshly. Cc.vriiiireily, the digestion it iinfir
fect she health ithp arr.!. Thr-e Ills remove the
bile from thiVatoineeh, restore Ile wee, and improve rho
Wright's India. , Vettet.ild , ore equally well adapted
o the removal or thlv complaint. As they operate upon
the 011etrinnerul hiiil worm,' ptinclple, or elPon•org the
stuUl3ol and botiel., lin , ifyin • the blood, and re^tUyina
the becrelluliB,thoy come% u the t allaß of Jaundice, add
(troll the, disorders. • I
It would be difficult preriaely to tell to which of the
two sexes Wright, r Indian Vegetabl , Pill. Intro been the
greateo But It is very certain that these P,lls
hate given healt I, nod rynritr, and n good complexion, to
hundred...Cl:voter, who 0114, Without them, hare been
in their grare.. A b.* of Wright's lichen Vegetable
Pas is tat inestimable Medical companion .tt 'certain pe
1111 1 iD UNIE, MEM IN EV** Ste.
The pre■n n cn of !Juin Lie any part, indicated It corrupt
watts of the blue 1, which nal (limos striviug to corract. A
few dinica of Wright's InJi.m Vegetuhlu Pills When on
going to boil will be cortath to goo roller, if the thiug bo
et alt pnasihln
It i. well k yowl) that the South mid iVmd aufldr more
from billows tlavortlors than rt out ull °than, soinhirett.—
This Is lustily owing . to libc,climste, but chiefly to the
111“111, ortt'onthern and Tete sensation. Ite
cons,tanying liver contiolaitos urn of the 1130‘i wretched
de.crif•trou. Hutment drunkcuneaeiM frequeitily brought
on by liver COM(1111.11i. A patleot luß trout this dis
ease, should irot bo 'mocked , with protruded curet; yet
there ate very few medmit:ce Ordure a orill a straw in the
removal of this complam . C domel has httherto been
the chief reliance, but tho remedy hu• proved heel!' wore
than the dieemel R a h tq ttiou 5h..11 be domil We nay.
give Wright's lodine lidirotabla PIN h trial. 1 If iboy do
not rxcee 1 your expeetntuu+. we lire willing\ to boar all
the opprobrium °Miler . And we .ay to all
There in no riolt ran—no moan•y thrown array—you are
certain of benefit.
. •
When you hive found that %Vright's Indian Vi' thle
rinser° a .•leetle" the b..t medicine you over h. trd
Wick to Memo! Don't run idler every upstart Re.oody,
which attempt* to blorger Oita inn notoriety. Abbvo all
or, ,ymeE OF imrrx PIONS
of Wright's (ultimo Ve?mahle Mils. Previous in the in
trooluetion or Om Nlediri,ir, lndtnn Pilis were ne;ve - heard
or. Now whin of - thenr And utter all.l what arc
thet. but miser.Mio tam:owes of the oragioul medicine;
no more like tt, that 'ohoik I.llk , Ch..." 1, 0110 m in ad
vertisee. "Improvor n o ne Vev table Pills This would
boa c.ip.tal juke, ir it ‘...4e less t:orious Dewar.% of all
Them is no M;lf..tY Theconniry is swarm
in' ith coninerfeiler4, Toth or money Awl of ideilieine.
nut ithich is the woriii I, not counterfeit! rof u find
i, the lint hale heifer than a robber, n tatiirloret?—
Buy of the rerristir Agrents'f noir Weravaenin.
AtiCNI FO CitlE COUN vv. j
o h D. Si' t rFolt P. Erin.
14.1111110 timeline; S. Co., Airitterford,
JO , O Mr(lure. Son. thittra
.4 Slurs: liold
J. B. S vt•rance,'Uto
& Putter, IV,
W. H. rn,vneeu t , S
B. C. 1 own &. Co.; , t
" North
John Clement. 1 7 ..1rtiaw. I •
WITH A MSON I%lE . l'of. 0 0 EA1 11 SOX, other
;I,ooloc, and t.,C lunlrrjrit 110 is 1 0.1OttlY. •
°lite. &voted eNclu.n ejy to the A• 61a of Wright's in lan
re7etufde_till . wholes.del sod retail. 161 hues Ftr,et.
INll.l.l,lplti...22BBC,reeoverah Street, Now York; and 1:)1:1
Tremont Street, Ito•ton.
Erte, July I. 11317. - 10
Q I is %VA TIT'S celebrated , f.)r table
Jost o.e thing you teed et l, at the "New
Store," No, 4, Cbcap-Ide MORTON &Ca
Erie flay •22. 'lB. 17.
• T. W. 110ORS'S.
July 17. No.4,'Prrry Blac15:
PITTO - Kiis7,
I just received and for sale at No, Perry
Block. T, W. RIPORg,
July 3, 1947. .1 r.
ri_IIELYABA. Jelly, Sardines, Pickled Oysters,
Lemon Syrup, coinoeupias.
filly 17. T. NV. MOOII.E.
ROCElll6B.—The.subscribers have just re
" ceived a crush supply or Groceries, consist
ingof Tea, Coffee, Sneers, Spices, etc., etc.,
which will be sold at their aunt low prices.
0 ODA SISCMIT, N. 1 Perry Bloch.
!et) , 31. T. W. !".:00.11.17;
nannactir. onIP.ANIO4,.
.Bv Dr. A. M• MAurticr..,u, P!..pregaor:of Dis -
terr .Women. 'Third edition;' I Smo. pp. 25N
price , $l.
000 . Copies sold in three months. '
''sllo peat demand or this room! Pnport;int work
(Orwhich thou's-mule itre 861) halo l compelled 'the
Issue ofanotheri3ifitidn. • It is hittinded especially
for the married,tut it die - closes 'into
oent secrets
which should be known to them particularly.—
Hem every female can discover the causes, symp.
tomq, end' the most efficient remedies and most
certain mode of cure, in every coin taint to which
her sea is Object.
Mirried Peonies would -fierii_ learn the art
whereby they would .retain their youth, beauty,
vigor; elasticity ofbody and buoyanepof spirits
• I
to en advanced age„ instead of being afflicted, as
hundreds and thousands, into whose hands this
book has not fallen. This Work is designed to
'be irdthe hands of every WC and mother who has
regaf f d for her own health and welfare, its deli
as that of her husband.'
Box or pouud
' . mqoßr..
I le cheap Oro.
Thereve'sitinn . s contained in Rot pages have al;
ready roved a blessing to thousands,'
tu thnusands,' as the in-
Ouettible letters received'
by' the author will at,
line dollar. and
No. i Perry
It is of course Impossible to convey More 'fully,
inn public journal, the vnriettS subjects treated of,
as they are of a nature strictly, intended , for thol
married, or these contemplating marriage; neith
• ,
er is necessary, since it is every hnola duty to
become Itiosseased or knowledge whereby tho sat
lerinzs to which a wile, a mother, or a sister may
be subject, can be obviated.
Copies to be sent by Mail free •of postage.
Uvei' ten thousand copies have beau sent by mail
within three months, with peifeet safety andixer-
Witty. In no instance has a remittt nee failed to
reach the publisher, of the book these to whom it
has boon directed.
On the receipt of One Dollar, the "Married
uma'n'sPriva'e .Medical companion" still be
sent free of ;to:glaze to ally part of the United
States. All letters must be addressed (pOst
to Dr. A, M. iMatirleeatt, Bas 1221, Ne . sy Yol le
pity, Publishing / Office 129 Library street, New
York. I • 1 •
it LT' For Pale in Erie by D. SPAFFOBD,
Bookseller, Stare street. • •
July i 21, 1817. 3'lllo
Insurance Company,
A RE now doifig business oat the mu - nal plan,
li glt jug the 'assured a !anticipation ift he
!froths of the company, without liauility humid
the pretninin
It fsl t s upon the Lahcs land Canal intlur 'rl dil
the most favorable 1011719. Lies b* liber
ally 'and pyryi iy adjusted. I
Fire risk. on merchandize,lntildino:s alai miler
property, in town or country, for a plaited term or
Joqpith 11. Seal , Jfinm, C. hand
Edmond A. Bauder, Theophilus Paidint,
John C. Davis, 11. Jones Brook , .•
Robert Burton, chirritt,
John B. P 11211 flea inie , e, 11
Samuel Edwards. Sorrell,
flenr Lawrence, I David
Vrf ward Darlin,tzton t Chatted Kelley,
Isaac li. Davis, J. JOhn4m,
VollYll, William I lay,
~Te'in S. Newlin, De. S. `f Is,
Dr. IL. M. lemon, /John Seller, Jr.
Spencer Mcilvaine,
ilidfard S. Newbold, WM, Martin, Lllrn
can bb inao to
Erie, Anfztist 7, 1857. ' • • 11'12
, ;rood ,isEoricritent !hob,
M. sh's, Tietnan's, ThonfOtom'a and Rhine
?rusies, ssorted sizss for•sole low by
Julti I I. lig t 7.
i ------
goud tstionk
1.11E.y.:11*! ]`\Y 11.1 W
!rem tits go:ea ,uch uui-
i:G JIIILC 11.1.$
•t tri,,ls. Fir clerikig when
Inc eNt.,1,11.!v•41:4 rcputn
-I.ali.l,:rs P. liclubmc been
Vr g , e 'n,11 . ; n g,ct:tblo
riNE of r. Slierwood's Vibrating I?..leetro
‘lmmetie Nlaclines, an invaluable instiu
mont iii the treatment of rheumatic, 'spinal and
nervous diimases, for,43atter .S• Brother,
No. 6, Revd Flouse ,
July 17. 1817. 9
‘lres,i 4 itr,, curt and back
c trve , ..: and plain. • Shell, ivory, Duni° and
conpnon horn, the very latest styles. in :vent val
riety, by -Carter &Brother, No. G; Reed tionso.
IS 17." 9
Rail Ya, `S- Road
Ivrqw 'NPRINtir 4. SU ‘l.‘llEttl (4001)S, jnst
received at the Jew Store, No. I- Commer
vial corner of French and Fifth
Moses, after'encotintering all sorts of mas t by
sea and land, is here with his now and fashionable
Goods, porchaQcd in New yOrk and Philadelphia
at the lowest cash prices, and embracing the great
est variety of Fancy and 'Staple Dry gear ever
brought to this place. A few of them will be no
SlLKS—Striped Pont! de Soir.
1' 'laid Grenadine, .
'' Do. Foulard, ,
Heavy wat'rd .¢ striped black & Ethic blk
White, wa•cred,
. Whim Satin,
i Plain black Realm,
• Colored Florbncee.
- French Gingham, anew and beautiful article,
Aluslin Robes, plain and embroiderbil,,
French embroidered Robes fOr children, .
Very pretty M. do Lainep for 2s. per -yard.
GKEEN •APPLES. 'pins and Het ,
era! othr kind of Ale at No.. 1
Perry Blor.k. - {%IOOIIE.
July 3; 101 d,, _ ,I) 7
1' 7 .J )
5000 BB LS. New Orlears , , Loaf, Pub eriz
ed, Ctuihed and itlitse4arlo Sugar,
cheap for ca 4), one door north of the Pia W inflow,
by , - RINDERNEcirr.
Jime !3. tSl7.r.i
F ltl 3H FRUIT.—You can flail dt
Row - Orantr.c.4, Sulfa
I...,inott;t, Figs, Privies. Box Raisin
and Citrons. cheap for cash by
bine 26. VI F. IND-ER
Er; HT;
laic Catn, Wood, Alum,' Copperas,
illuoNitriol, Cream Tartar, sale
vbeap for tto,reUdy, by
June 26., W• F. RINDER.NECHT. ,
t : lth long expected wonder nrthb ago, the
crtsbrated and . superior "FUL 4 TOI4 STOVE'S
is n,ow ready for sate at our Store or Foundry... 7r
Persons , who have any disposition to se r e it, are in.
Vile& to call and dO so, whether they wish •to pu
chasa or not.
N. D. _old Stoves token in payment. ' Better
lirow them away than not to get one oil these fuel,
ettvinc , inventiono. •
PROVERBI4 PHIL OPY, and other Po:
erns by Taper; a few copies at New Xctrk. PAir
mei - jolt received anu for sale by
ki'elit.--,kinitriiing and no:e paper,. plain
fancvl and !lilt; fine Enoi.h and American
white and ruled and plain letter gaper; curd
and' letter envelopes, a, beautiful assortment, for
sale by C.4ter Brother, No. 6, [teed House.
July 17 1181 . ^ 9
Spring of 1847.] BY [Spring of 1847.
French corked Linen cnmbrie 11j
Embroidered and bordered do.
Double .c.:single French ndedle-w
_and (apes, 'r
Embroidered muslin Shawls,
Silk. Cashmere and Barrage do.
French Barrage Scarfs,
English !lucid Laces, Swiss and
toga, •
Black, white and colored french
Si.k and mohair ,tlot•ce and mitts,
Ombra striped Bonnet Rthands,
Figured do.
Coii n thi a n Co r d, Lace Minims,
Silk linontt, Wire, &c..S•c.
ti 'hind tho name and numb,
0. 1, Comuterci
April 241
No% ton Pip'
apples for' s
, Les-rEa, SENNETT Ar Cii •STPE4
Aug. 14, 147. • '
Ecia dui 31, Y.:117
TF l you wish to huy Cheap, you will please call at
Iti N PER N r.etrrs No. 6, Poor People's Row ;
vi here you cilt fellotring‘ which
are warrented good; —Cotter', Sugar, Tert,_Nlolas•
'robuco of all !rinds, Rice. niter, Spice; Chi,
namohd,Clove., Nutmegs, G ~ e r, StarehTCbeerii,L
isle, Cocoa, NI we erd by the porind'or box, PPIVer.
Sauce, Lemon Syrup, Oliver Oil, Lamp Oil V Mar
ear, Fire Crackers,Cnstile Soap of ell k 1 ads, S ha-
Yin!! Brushes, Vowel cr, Shot, Lead, Pcreicr•liok
Caps and Pills, Can !le Wick, Twine, hititclie.a,
Stove Blacking, shoe Brushes and Bloch in , r, (Talk
'l'ar and Rusin, .11;ttohoy and Scotch snuff, Sul.,
pher„Br imstrine, Elerarn Salle Glauber Salts, set.
eratus, Bed Cords, Rope, Fiskand. Chalk Lines,
Herring, Patent Paii, Tubs, Willow Wa.zons,
Wash Boards, Wire SiVes, Almonds; Madeira
Nuts, .Filherts, Curry Combs and Horse Cards,
Horse rti 4ies and Combs, Sal!peter, - Dairy salt
in WO; Brooms. Corn 'Whirps and Hearth
Brooms, Whitewash Brushes. and wher articles
lob numerous tormention. Please call and see for
yourselves. Erie, June 19, 19727
ATS:—Gra=s and Manilla Mats, just ra
ccivadand for sale cheap. at No. I Pelly
Block, by T. W. l -MOORE:
• Juno 19.1917. 1 1 5-
celebrated Vepuratives. For Rale by
S. 11.. BURTON & Co.
Jun.• VI. Iftt7;
FiL VER. AND 41,-itf
Tonic Mixture, 1 1 Sia I Cholcoot;ue ;
. c, , • ,
Maxim's Ague Pills ~ ' iitulne,
Tonic rp
Vermifu, 'e irsian 13arlc, ,
Per sale wholesale and rei il 64 i `.
H i
I CAR 51.•
Brie, June 19. 1817. '5
Annatto, Oil Vitriol, \. _
Alum, indigo,
Copperas, Blue Vitriol,
Cream Tarim . , Cud Bcar. •
~.. Awls, - Cochineal,
Spirits of Tin, Liquid' thee, or elit-inkrfin
Logwood, Nic Wood, . (o . rveti
Cumwood, Madder, .
Fits ielr, Red tiatinavis \
For sale very cheap at No. G, [4'6l I 100-e, by
CAR.TEII 4. 11.141111E1t.
Jibe 19. 1817. 1 ~, ~. I 5
. PAINI'B, (.)11,S, kc.
AMONG oue stock wilt be tc , vil
NO lte , rs pur.l
and Fittblirinilontat.inte.
NOO IbEi S s potish IVhi , iog s ,
'630 V vtati.n.
1,00 Prune!' nod Mellott Oci.r. ,
100 - Frenda reen,a beald Lk le.
300 Red Led,
9.00 Litl,mtig , l.
200 s"refined 1 5 _,Int,Id •
1 5 : c ';521:1 gr,pn,
f.V021.10n:54 5 .‘•!0, , i. 'Thos.l)eotioe,
1 5 00 4'.0 ! 5 . 5
• 1.50 1 , 11 Var:ii-!l,lconch nu
20 dm. Paint `'.
;Am zita,tam
tvral , , at No G . , Reed I f •e.
CAlcrEa nal) mEr-2..
3%1-1(.19, ISI7
BitoTHEIR, •
B';;lN.3_littent,o I undet the Lau' 01' N IC to 10,411
Vintrig and o re: a ;rood
ascy-ttn: lit of •
Pore Port,
, 13raiiii c, El pilaw} ~ - . ,ii,
, V; ilit.'• y;
IJa ii,...i:1 -- .5 4. 01‘ i -i„ Aql 1 ' a1c. , .):1 ' .):. •
Pi: salt) at a 4 1.. v. tate4 43 do satnt v,,t t:i in:
Itat 0 evt.r i.wett 4.a.frctl itt ttti, mailiet, " tit No. ti,
Itl.a iloitse, '
Erie, Jane P, I' ' 7.
QUPEIZIj.)II 1 . 1,:),..!, Lud ..1.14,10,..,,,,0, Id. ti .thcl
pl lin I'. rl,
Mnorld and Noy, % Mac': T/ A• ,
Itiems Carmine any Red In't,
w a 1 . , 1 6.., (20E41.11, Note, 'Ptitu-parcnt u•al .N10:.: , ..1,
- -
;walla!: \ Vay. I .
Potin6', - rßlavit Sand, Rubber, Mc rte. etc,
Foi sale by J. 11. BURTO % &. Vo.
Vrie June 19:1)..”3 t 7
From, the City of Mexico,
Arrival. of Fresh um! Groc tics
QINCE the.,TacitY has been ta't en ra, im •
poll. into Ilesvounrry, and placed un any, of.
Mexico, it fus i enah!ed thOil! oir a !nice pin cn,e+rei.
Groceries in the Eastrto sell then, cheap. , We
who want anyilring in tile Grocery line
tp call and examine our stock,' for we do- assert,
uithout fear of coatradtetion. that N - se hail) the
',wheat lot of Groceries in •this mailtet,
all been purchased from the latcq -importations.
In our stuck may be tbund the litllotstin*:',
Imperial, Gunpowder, and Young Hyson
Teas; Java; Rio, Laguira and St. IDomin
go Coffees; Loaf, Pulverised, Porto. Rico,
and 0. Sugars; Pepper,. Spice, Gin—
ger, Cinamon,Wutmegs Mace, Cloves, Rice,
Pearled barley, Ca ndles, Pecan, Brazil,
Madeira and °Pea nuts; almonds, Filberts,
etc.; Fruits—Apples, Raisins, English Cur
rants, and Figs; Sperm-and Ta law candles
Summee and 'Winter strained Lamp Oil,- a
superior article, Salad oil, Faney Shaving,
Variegated and Bar soap. Dairy salt,
White Fish,' . 3fckercl ? .11ackinac Trout,
and herring;'
Kimball's extra Fine cut (Aim in 7, Splash
Smokinle and Cavendish
tteztlia, Principe, Trabuc,i, Lenora and com
mon '
Colored and Orin Grass and Ma:9.-
136'1(1es a hort !of other :articles to stipply the
wants of All. A fre,ll supply of Groceries re
ceived semi-monthly. Call and examine goo:Ie.
and prices at No. I, Periy Block.
T. W., \MOORE..
r.,;...Ttine 12. 167.
At Aro. 6 Poor Peoples flow.
IXT P. RINDERNECHIC bas just rcdeived • •
1' V • large and well seleeted aa-oriment of wet.
dry and Fainily Groceries; Dye Stain, Nails ni.d
Glass, which he will soll'ohcaper Ini• cash than any
eiher estahlisqrneet i town. Please :call and
sf*P. June IS 17.
•orlted Collars
J U.:II ttLf..; El V6O 2.5 ba a
gs r t Cobs, St• lio•
, r
mino and Java Coff e e, 'Crne dJor north of die
Big Window, State strew, by
June 1?. 1847 ". 4
acnbrik; E 43--
BUFFALO WHITE LE o.—An itivoiev 01
this superior article just ret:eived. Also,
Pittsburgh Lead, (Fahilie.toek nialte,) dry
and in oil, always on hand and tt arran!ed.. '
June 12. - J. 11. 13IJR - 11);\:l rn
(Id Gloves,
la. ~,,„: s I,7, cs i-, Te, ri , tun, ree,n....ed anO .Jr!
1J sale by the ellet 'or 1 , 5.9 NlS'ity, by ~
June M. NV. F. 111 Nii,'lt N i?.eil T.
500 70 - r 4,1 •11o: 11 e1 19 1e L
4;. A. :.?s S l E : . e '3. d:e i' :i t p li e c t .' o ß, l e iC i ti l o r :.r i
'ninth of the Rig Windo‘ , bv, I f 1 i
June 16. i } %V, 71 - 11T,P:".;F i ti.irr
A , :jl/ i GeLS..,ollio ', i. S
,riei V,'ll re., lui., rit.
— fe.i".-", do r nodi. of ihe 13i):: \Vind ~
.June 2G. W. Ic. 1:1,N 1)1;:it N1TT11,...
PROVISI. I -I:VS.,-,—Flutii4oilt, Han*, ,Snou,d
ere, dried Apples ding, , ., Corn.Nl ea i
Codfish, While Fish, \ l'ae:ierel, Putatnes and Us
en thing in the l'iuvi.:uo 'tine, een , stain.l) on
hand and for rale by '
June :lA. , i W. F. 11INDE'RNEC Err
r. 1
'll Exchange,
Prsneh st.
No 6, Poor
na Raising,
L, Currauls
CARTER. nßoTuiEft hav, j•Nt recciweii
, their summer stock of Window 0 htns,'whicli
islar, ,, e and complete, val ying in size finin 7 to
15:60, and will be cut to any al z 1 desir
ed,withont extra charge.' Putty altcnys on sand.
inoft 19. 1817. ' 5
IVE CI C 6. I litoie iiitielitud to OA :Ito
A firth of Smith Jackson St Co. at n requested
to.make immediate payment; as this is the second
rOttest I hopo.there will be no longer delay. At
tend to Chia and save costs.
Erie, July 31, 4147. 1.1 •
Kid Gluvets—A bel — Jiitio . • assortment,
White end Colored, sielline cheap la N. 4,
Cheapside; by 11101.1.T0N & CO. ,
Mrin, May ,1°47- ,
151'2 7 114; fitardnietl°eLrenit'amraaniulifealergi Sk ack
all s hades and colors. jokt•opened
Apr I 23. ' WILLIAMS W
1498 LOS., first rate potlfish; also, a few
bbl d for eai by .
June..ll.l-Nrg.Ei..l\ .
-1,! S
At Nitt. 1, l • . rry liti;ck
Til 11111051. MOOSE rarloatir4E am
. _ IdE lifent.D'l •
--- , lGrb. M. ICI ER tit ; I NT' S
' - -
10R i I
1 , .
N invisluahle - riented,s for Hors e, Cattle and'
lA. other domestic aniluctie; in ilic, cum- of the
thlltiwing dis,caser: i 1 . -
is/w9 Woundrd ' F stub; 2!tfast,
Galls of dll /car's,— - Strains, l i gmentzt, ~.
Sprain i,,Bryiats, Slew cracks, .
e rucked heels, - Found.Nt Feet, '
ninT,bone, Winignit. 1, Seratche r k or Grader,
flo'l Evil, Caltu# .11fingr.-I
, i ..._ .
tPaVili B . Sweeney, ,:.Horn Distvnpir. \ -
li is also a Unieerhal Family Enthrocation
- 'fot
. disease 4 ot Human Flcish, pitch as .. '-
Rh/Inilisni, `-- f Erternal P,Sisons, -
B,itra of A/limits,' Painful Nerroue effec-
pus! Bites, - I flon,sJ
, .
boils, • Corns,lll7l,ol4ntl, .•
71,iib• '
/jams (m i l 8.-n/ is , ' eltiltic
Cramps, , - Chapp J ands',
Coil A•acts of Mr Muscle's, Sictlliiig,s, I FlVGaitds,
If' ea km - s.x of tip: Join/s, Kaketlilirecists.
I , I t
MEncHAN't • S Gril , GLINe/ 011..—A , is mittlif cit
special rental k ; that in si,le4 tic _r o ut kind eitra
ordinary 1,00 et,s in : 1 .•:• care of d seases'of the
hotso in Which It3.4:lities first attragted the atten
tion of thelf.n•ri. r t ad brin , r; and t! e, wonder of
:he public gent ta'.V, it hes been stir i cissttilly.oln
til"Ved in r
,It great 7',3 al iety o! the InMatlies tt !
M ' •
M. 4 t the h uman o rice: and it has tl-oved by . 11: - .:
vwonderful l t• tire , : 11. ha: piqlorrn,.d en thelower an
iat'al,+, att 3 , it i. ,13t,htv.c,1 3., i h cltai‘ive properties
f1 ,. /i rii 1!I I ih Other 1, or=e oil., ‘i lilt li has cstobli'sb•
- e d i ts 0 ; 0 7 4 ; to
,leliera I i o , fi,YETt•ei
Dew :re of the 'enuivet Cult art.4.3J, :did he surd
q o w, Ilan) fie t:".IC.F t. - 0,1 PV:Oi Tth:Tillt,' kj. I,V.
r va, 1.o0:port, i„ . !.; 1,',0,,,, 0 in ih,:. hot h.;
11..:..,'"F.:1 test iirlitni n Is, sy linit , is ofOitqpnltes, snit
trill,' •• cl:tlrnin:ca..; see pitni,',!tt tylieltaceuu , pa-,
~ , ,
int, s • nen tmt lo„ -..
.' , l, :;olti 1.:•,-,J: i I. fti . l. t , ,0 :I', Go, Fa 'le; S.
• TY,
I i,ii•lt. .-',,, , ',1a1.a', o,.t.!iii,y, -nliti B. Y ti . I ,Weastea,
x'oll - P.l , :t. t ''..i) : i . 1 [ ) v5O
I' VIII I V i,:1: Vit N: I:I It a, 0 41 , D.!
• .r.O.IIPOIifND FLU - fill -- ; 1
EXTRACP 4:)1 7 sAtisArNIILLA 9
1 • 1 1 ,„
Far RetitOri n,ic Di :leo 5,7.: of at e l , , 1.100 /• 1 1 '
1 Ar:,i , AAPretnara Attaar of _11.,, , -; i. nr: 47,1 . 4 . 'e li.F. • •
; Ic"1•11,4, .` 4 I o 0Lt0. , .0..: (14 ;.: z's
• (27, , ,,,, .14).lon.htuti.., hzi Di, 1 1 - ' (l 1 :I,A [ , '
' IV, tath as i i , Vea/ 1 h.. ad, Saa 4/Attan.
. •Strglatt A. r NI. frAE , • I/ . 1 . :. , e .. .;•1 MI; Ile . , :.1 a jel Gnu• b t e .. r ,
t etown .s' . fleesi it 1 . tentii a. I et a. - La y. ~, an I.p/+t
Eq." 2 / 1 7:1,7) an d 4' o•ro.1 :,a 4.f. ..!,,le , !1 I,:e 1j1,4; e.g.., ,
,Vase..' the Throat. IS •
1ta!,;::,,,1 r: ~.i ~ , E, rPh..s,
.i.i., 1:,, s, a, c.I eti 4 .l; pal :.f
armbi'4,lle,'.,asii t.:e 1.t..,r,
' r/r.. I - .lg. ; [ I : t n ys .:4
. ...1d Cr: I '
9 ,,,, , $e r p ,tetics t e it e../ e r Pali . i i .V.,.` .5: .1 e t
nit,/ s ae.,
. 4 2 , Sraly 1„4,.'.:3, (lad (WO' .7. .Visflif Slt 111, A e.4.ti.. IL
"1 ~,a tgr,rhe di I. ! ,V: it 1i:f. , ..1-. 1,1 ,hi trecnsu"-
' I; I,v. 5z,a.,.-:, , , ald, Mc* .Y, ~. del nt a Cl. bat: J ..V ; i4.2hl
I ! , ....1 , , , n': :),'S. 1 ift.': - . - i , de,
-• 014 ,:kries a de-
Ir.i.' , ,`.74Thig:/l. !Vas .4 , ne Iz. J. 1 I
Thls rvlnt tiv t,_vicptv.ti tuunAlte. e.o L
tt!(st sr
leetql materials. ti.ef aeti ve propettesOf 'Ouch ale'
I ci.rittled by an iniplroved process; a li t! oilt heat;
on Seemlier of o ithlit is pret'erritil bylP i . sietacist
• „ li ., tI,, C ;,, fa , :) , 0 Ii lii.vint and arrive t,lithi ny other
'I toWI lotiore the Oni l fiz. ' i ; I
t ' A flit :RE:01111;K rc niarl; oh e filfa yof illis
rimeify, in a tart( tt'. , et of tilt. lila ':Apra
~ v:lled Ilatt`TC, ULAN f)tr',/CAnt by voitiog on ' 1.11.0 itta
,pi tarot at rigs aaents. t 1 1 I?t
t - As mom: :Mud m^diciurs are Cottilleatilc.t. ) , be
' s;:nri am) call ;for "Alereftint's Ser- I nti4rifla." and,
I see that theae words fire blown on )114 L4:l4t. "Frail!
L th c e cz,c4 L h ab ,r o t r , a N t . o:y y. o . t. 9'. ro.. - . N . V: : sl N , l , tirittrint I , lohist,
I ~ A hnost every.venlar in the cottny is no*
rint:itirop and iinposinZon the public; en article
; they call 'so rsapat ilia. Therilbre, to. wrl6,!!
I , :Sold by J. H. Burton S. cu. Erie; Si. .9 - 14 . If,
Fas4it, Ashtabula, Ohio; D.: N. We sr
:m , Con
aw', Ohio. • . - . 1 ; 1y.40 '
DISEASES of the Urinary; Organs ciredy_'
the EXTRACT OT IlUCtle, I.:‘ A UICSI and cc-
I r.rns. - such as chronic and acute diseases Of the
l • Blrz;lder, , , .91.10. chronic '.
lirrllera t •• • Gottorrha IT, 1
i Prost rat; Gland, I . - Glee's, 1,71ii,5,
• I.
Kilaeys, arid 1 Strictures, t
1 Loins, . I f Diahrtr,V,4o. i
'this valuable , medicine, is prepared of
Geo.,W. Merchant, Operative chemist - c;
I C ! . an ir d . a ' •
mph: instructions , testimo ial
I accompany . c4a battle.
l Sold 1. ' -
r iP '
Week, it will notj wear oft, soil the linen,
the Ohin., as hundre,ls con.ies;ifv.
It; has also been used seceessildly in c,ckl
- Beware of :he colonic:li it. and he .ilre yen zee
the genuine, pr. pared 'only by Geo. w. 2% ,e rOkan
chemist, Lockport, N. Y. Samples c Mar . 11 1 3 Y
be seen at the'store of the proprietor or aVents.
Price 50 cents.
Sold by J. H. Burton $: eo, Erie; a F.?. H.
Paasett, Aslitahnla, Oho; and D. N. Wdhster,
Copneaut, Ohio. • - I Ivso
suinly on hand et the Erie Woollen
ry, Plain Cloths, Plait: and Fancy Cassillll;f4'
Tweds, of various colors and qualities n hie hl
exchange for wool on delivery, on customiti ,
accommodating terms. They also ptry
ooller %emu, Jane' IG, fsl7
. NTIcE.
NOTICE is herehy given that letters t'
Ministration have beerr eranted to the
kici 'bets on the estane of John ilips &CO,
vF Veri,ango Township; all p er:
indebted to raid es:ate are rtnuestett la PO;
carne huntediaTt Iv.; and those h wins
zdinst the sanut thettOtT4lty,
ticated setthm.-nt.
PAIN It.S:k.llT7l, .
` Tofu 31, 1817..
Public Notice.
s hrreby ziren that 'in applicliiion_hil: be n ltp the j'elilis:t
the int•ottol.aiol he ealleil
Viiiii.atrfis and NAt v•ias' EANIZ," With a C
hundred the n
.ileze cn inerea3inz two hipl
tlipttlarid tlollart. Said 1):1,1k to he locatt:d
comity , ti!rie, Btaiekii Penns 1,
July 17, 1817
H. Ca
J. IL ithama.
If, Pul.!erlua,
Faith 31, k , oit,
Orntnr.q. C. 11.2r,.1ta
11-H. V itte.ctit,
:Wm. S. L
11 1.. Iowa;
P burl°,
T ocili LNG. (7;
.1.. A A hd above articleS
'bUle Yet) low by. I U 1..0()Nl IS Lk Cr
sta,e , niarly oprotiw,Eu g tt: Itatt
Picacs, Revak i s i Slll)OteZS, with
cral asdortm&nt or Ci ins?.
*Tilly I •18 17.
S salt and traislai4 viwans, tongs, ladles,. iii / 1
butter antk , fru. kolvva, con.4:lotly • on hand 11
for sale by • j -- (=,,i6.0()/NIIS & co.),
Mato St noarty oppoaito Zagin
:hay •
i A.UlttS ywlll fin emvt , silt: unit bend b:1
_LA steel- elasps ani beutl.4, parse silk, Pa
fans, new style hrt. - cti es t bracelet?, penril4, In,
els, together %tith an variely cf eplcni
runoy ilrMes; at.
Siam st.Nc
14 11.-*-7...
ly by
Lock •
J t
a and
• anti
1 1. T0 4 ) 11. 1
- I.thn itt) , ilot
'1 hol Stri:ett.
! cotritr,
• ' Mute!,
M %V eflugt-cyi.
a.; ilea.
cL • (y'ns&
'JLC !nlc ILua]
Ad -
tat ir
Cu it',
c tY.