Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, September 11, 1847, Image 2

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    rrom the Rio Gin&
( From CI • ( ,) any. -I,i g
The U. S. u. '1,'1.,11-o.ut schooner, Maria
Thomas, Capt. Knox, urro,thlyesterdej• from
the mouth of the Rin Grande, '.t' (nee she
tailed on the 27th inst. She brought no let
ters or' papers.
The'propeller Ashlao I
,:tlso arrived-,'Yester
'thy, having sailed bore 't.h4 - FanitY. She
41rought a mail.
Where was nothin:* now at the Brazos. and
but very little sickness orally ki nI. , We have
- a letter front a favorite corres:Jon.lent. which.
annex, from Mier. shoot I premise
that. the' letter %VWw lv rifle a behro it was
known that the idea ()I an advance 'e `General
l'aylor's‘column had been atiaoilimed. We
give the letter, nevertheless, for the news it
contains and the spirit it evinces. . .
Matt, Aug. 6, 1813.
Gentlemen:-=Yestettlay a party of gentle
men froth, Monterey, and bring
the intelligence that on the 40th of last month
,the express mail with an escort going from
hero to Monterey, was fired on by a guerrilla
party beyond the; Fa firigit llos, and a lieutenant
in command of the escort .teas killed, (lieut.
of Capt. Reed's Company of Texas Rangers)
bat the mail escaped.
On the next day two waggoa's r earti forty
eight mules (the mules loaded with invrelTA
dize) were attacked two .miles' - this side of
, Papagallos. The mules and one wagon cap
tured; one man and the driver of one of the
• wagons, killed. The wagon that was taken,
Ism told, contained the"kit", of "a couple
of French gentlenien" who were going up to
tae the bust of General Taylor. All the
material was captured and they only escaped
With their lives. • '
&few days after, I ant told, the' following
-was to be seen on the door of a house in
"BAH Idadellers."
•'The proprietors were recently on a. Dist
and busted up a whale group near Papagoilos.
This placed them in - posse ion of a. fr .
stock add latest lashions frinn Pari=.' All or
ders thankfully received, promptly attended
to, neatly executed and cash taken fur work
dune at this office.
"The unfinished 'mouth and noise of Goner
td Taylor compose part of GJr preset'', stock.
"had and Liberty.
These are rnerr •. thieves, are they not?—
lloweve'r, there is one thing I know: If they
have got the mout t and nns of Gen. Thylor,
there is no Mexic• n eah e‘er make a finish of
him. They can }Pep hat they have got,
but he has got his •ye on some of - fire'm from
the way' he turns I is head !towards San Lui
Q The prospect here • bright ens as August
clanks on apace,. The outer day 1 saw the
old general look over in the direction of San
Luis, and then he 'cast ill6,eyea otr-the Star
Spangled Banner floating near hint. I
thought this was Ominous; and directly after
wards an order was issued to the quarter mas
ter to hurry up the anionition from Cantor.
go. I came right down here, and am now
scrubbing up my old gun: tul'if I get it clean
by the Ist of next month, I think I wit t cross
the mountains..
Men and officers arc imdrosing rapidly un
der their discipline in camp. There tire
many on tlie sick report, but. I titylerstand it
is not considered that their disease are from
the effects of. this climate.
General Lane has again male his- appear.
ance among ua, and looks "realy 1:!r action."
HP, I think, will report at onco, in person, to
Gen. Taylor.
From 'Mexico,
RICHMOND, Sept. 6-6 P. M.
The mail has arrived here from the South
bringing a N.. Q. Picayune extra.
The schooner Mississippi has arrived bring.
ittrf dates from Vera Cruz up to the 2ist ult.
A correspondent of the, Picayune, writes
tibia news has been received at Vera Critz,
brought by a gentleman from Ayotn, Who
came by way of Orizaba, that the ranm . and
of Gen. Scott's army had reached Ayut.,
which is twenty miles from the Capital, on
the 13th, up to which date nit a single gun
ha I been fired.
The reinforcements fur Maj. I,llle, under
Capt. Wens, consisting, of, Capt. Wells and
railcs' companies or infantry,' and Major
Childs' lancers, returned to Vera Cruz on the
17th, haring proceeded to the National
Bridge, Where an express overtoolt Maj. Lal
ly. Information was subsequently received
at Vera Cruz, that he had gone - on safely be
yond Jalapa:
The command under Wells were compelled
to tight their way. to the'iNational Bridge, and
made au attempt to pass it, but fund the
heights occupied by the Guerril lax, vhoopen
-ed a heavy fire, killing nearLy all the moles
and horses, an 1 forcing / the whole party to re
tire, leaving all the WagiMs except on.; with
the officers' baggage and knapsacks. • 'the
loss of the Americans Was. five or six frilled,
an i two or three wounded, and several who
died afterwards from fatigue.
A detachment of 12 :lrligoong, acclmpanied;
by Surgeon Cooper, was nre'viou4y dispatch-(i
ed by Capt. Wens for the Bridge, but were!
prevented from'reporting to mai. and
have nut .bean heard of since. It is suppose.l
that the whole party has fallen into the hands
of the Mexicans.
Maj. Lally is reported to ,haVe had n Aar!)
shirtnish with the Guerrilla' nt Cerro Gordo,
and expected to have another 'at 'La Perin
Heights. The letier states that there is no
doubt of the Hafety of the train.
It was rumored in Vera-Cruz, that Scott
haJ met the enemy, and been repulsed after
a sharp engagement, with a loss on our site
of eight hundred! The Mexican.; loss it is
reported, is unimportant.' The Picayunstenr
respondent says he lias confidence in the
'truth of the statement that Scbott had reached
Ayuta without any loss. •
It was generally bettered at. Vera Cruz
4 that the city of Mexico was in our nossession
on the 201.hult..•althongt: no po:thive infor
mation to that etreet hall been received.
Th 3 Jalapa BuPlitt ha= a-lvice-1 from Pito
hls to the 10th, doting that the lnE,t disision
of our army had left that•eity. It was 4306
Maw CALL Foa Taones.—The War de
partment has just calleJ for the . new regi
ments, exclucive of the regiment (rpm Ohio,
which is already reported, to be raised, an I is
now in progress of being Muinteted into the
public service, and within a few days be en
route for Vera Critz. The tie,regiinc.lits now
called fur are to be drawn' from the following s
states: Two regirfilmts - from Kentucky, two
from Tennessee, and one from fa liana.—
These five •regimentg ore expected to be rap
idly' raised. and promptly placed in the public
Service. OfTels have aiready been made,
which induced the Evecd tire to designate
these States, and to make the necessary ar
rangements forinnbodying these troops with
out delay. The administptioLs have deter
mined to do their ditty, whether for peace or
for war. They have offered the olive branch.
As it may be declined, they hail(' deemed it .
'their duty to prepare for a vigorous prosecu
tion of the war, utpl to fill up the ranks of the
army to the proper standard, as they have been
- venially thinned by diseases (tad death. Lot
the enemy bo °Attired that• they have to deal
with an administration which will nut shrink
froai the most energetic execution of its duties.
'the hest Joterest of the Mexicans is peace—
their most fatal danger is in this war.—
Washiaglatt 1 t Ink. Aug, 28.
,Vre should fib t , know the political pre
detections of those ouisleas troops at Tam-
Lpica, lobo told powder and ball to the 'hiexiz
coos, ; We do sot helioe the are ""Mexican
i whign."..-Sprfftriad /rep
Tberecalf be no doubt at any rate that they'
were earrYiet 'Mai(' sSigiistjoOsur 0 i 4 dings ,
Corwie. Rol Atiefs i i Who:, does the Repub
lies!) egtt those gergifq4eo77•Nai.t.y :I':17'1,
111, - EWER PROM HON. - JAMES 1136-
re,,m the Petti,PYlvenien
. .
AVecare indebted torts friend 4* - n cotry , of
the following letter, sent by the Ijpt. .Tames
Buchanan, in reply tp,,an the
p art - 0 1 the democratic:citizens of Writs coun
ty, to the Harvest Home. which took place
near R e ading on Sritiirday i<tsL ;leis a-vro
duct Loa that speaks for itself. Written on,a
most intering subject; it will' command at
tention by the clearness and power with
which that subject is diecuesed—a subject,
let n add, which has assumed a most serious,
if not momentus, aspect:
ASIIINGTON, Aug. 26, 1817.
Gs; memex.--4 have beenlionored by , the
receipt of your kind invitation to unite
the Democracy of Old Berke in their Harvest
Home celebration; - to be held at Reading' on
Saturday, 28th inst. • I sholld "esteem it both
a pleasure and a privilege to be present' on
that interesting occasion; it is, therefore, with
regret I have to inform you, that my pUbile
durie,s during the present %leek will render
this impossible.
I rejoice to observe that the Ilierious, de
mocracy of "Old Berke are buckling on their
armor, and preparing for the approaching
contest. It is long since any state election
has involved such important consequences
fur the deinusracy of the Union, as the ap
proachibg election for Governor of Pentis,yl
- Oa its result may probably depend
the aecondency of the democracy of thelUn
ion for years to come. Hence our democrat
ie brethren of other:states are witnessing the
contest with intense anxiety. The field is a
fair , one; our candidate well tried, able; and
honest; and he has been regularly nominated
by the party. Should he be defeated, the at
tern?t svilrbe vain te explain the decision oV
the ballot-boxes, in any other manner time, by
admitting that the whip h ave the' majority.
Our caudidate for Canal COmmiseioner
also, above all reproach, both per - sonallY and
politically, and is eminently qualified fur the
duties of that important office.. It, undersucli
circumstances, the democratic KeeStone
should give way, there is great danger; that
the rirch may tumble into pieces. In this
contest, emphatically, he that is not fir lisle
against us. Ido not apprehend defeat,' un
our wily foe should first lull us into secu
rity by making no extraordinary public ef
forts; end then at the eleventh - hour, trii - etly
steal a march on us, as they , have dime in
some other states. Our vigilance ought to be ,
constantly on - the alert, until the moment of
The, -st' - f slaukr..
he qeestion of slautbry, in im., of its an- I
cient aspects, line been recently revived and ,
threatens to convulse the country. _ ,The
D,Anocratic party of the Union ,aught to , pre
pare themselves iri time for the approaching '
storm. Their best security, in the hoUr of
danger, is to cling t o their time-honored principlei. A sac regard for the Federal
constitution, and foie the reserved rights \ill
the States, is the inunovable basis on which
the parq can alone safely rest. This has
sated us from the inroads or abolition.—
Nokhern D.Mtocrats are not expected to ap
prove-slavery in-the abstract: hitt they owe
it to theinselres, as they value' the Union,
and all the political blessings which bounti
fully flow frwn i't to abide by the compro
mises of the constitution, and leave the gees
lion, 'where that instrument has left it to the
State, wherein slavery exists our fathers have
made this agreement w . hit their I , hrethren• of
the South; a t nd it is not fur the descendants
of either parfy, , in the present generation, to
cancel this solemn compact. The abelition
ists, by their efforts to annul it, have arrested
the natural progress of emancipation, I and
done great injury, to the' laves themselves.
After Louisiana was acquired from France
by Mr. Jefferson, and when the,state of Mis
souri, whiCh constituted,a part of it, was
about to be admitted,intanhe Union, the Mis
sburi question arose, and in its progress
,threatened the, dissolution of the Unioe.
Thia was settled by the men of the last gen
eration, as other important and dange ous
qeestiOns have been settled, in a spirit of-
tual concession. Under the Missouri corn
*romise, slavery _was "forever prohibited"
north of the parallel of 36 deg. 30 min.; slid
south of this parallel the question uas left to
be`decided by the people. Congress, in, the
adinission of Texas, following in the foot
steps f their predecessors, adopted the some
rule; and, in my opinion, the harmony of 'the
stateS, and even the security of the enion it
self, require that theLline of the Missouri
compromise should be,extended to any new
territnry which we may acquire from Mexico.
1 should entertain the •same opinion, even
if it Were certuin that this wo.ald beconle a
serious practical question; hot that it never
can be thus considered. must be evident tri all
who have attentively examined the subject.
Neither the soil, the climate, nor the pro=
auctions of, that port ion of the Californias
1 south'or36 deg. 30 min., nor indeed of 6ny
1 portion of it, North ortittuth, is adapted to
slave labor; and, beside,svery facility would
-be there afforded to the slave to escape from
tiis master. Such property would be utterly
in any part of California. It is
i piorally impossible, therefore, that a majority
of the c migrants to that portion of the territo
ry south of _:35 deg. 30 rain., , which will
itiielly,eom - posed of our fellow-citizens from
f ri e Eastern, Middle, and Western States, will
, ever re-establish slavery within its limits.—
I In regard tO. New Mexico, east of the Rio
',Grande, the question lias been a lready_settled
h . y; the admission of Texas into the Union.,
'Should we ticquire territory beyond the
-00 Grande, an: East of the Reeky Moon
-tam c. , s, i i
it sti ll
more improoab,e - that a major
ity of the people of that_ region would con-
Alm to re-establish slavery. They are, them
saves, in a large proportion, a• colored popu
lation•, and among them, the negro does not
socially belong tp a degraded race.
The question Is, therefore, not one orprac
tlcal importance. Its agitation, however hon
estly intended, can produce, no effect but to
alienate the people of different portions of the
Union from each other; to excite sectionaddi-
visions and jealousies and to distract and pos- 1
sibly de,fioy the democratic payry, on the as-
c@itiency of whose prineittsf•atid measures)
depends, as I firmly believe, , the success of
our grand experiment of selF-government.
"Such have been my individual opinions, ,
openly and freely expressed, ever since the
commencement of the present unfortunate
agitation; and Ar all the places in the world,
I prefer to put them on record before the in
corruptible democracy of Old Berks. I there-.
fore beg leave to offer you the following sen
timent: •
The Missouri Compromise:—lts adoption
in 1820 saved the Union from - threatened con
vulsion. It; extension in 1848 t 4 any new
territory which we may acquire, l Will secure
the like happy resnit. .
'ours, very resneafully. •
Clwar'es Kessler, PAN. Presi . deat,eihd Geo.
F. Spayd and Jacob Liveugood; Estill., Sec.
retancs, Sax., 84c.;
LigUT, COL F i nmorcr, on his arrival at
Fort Leavenworth, was placed tinder arrest
by gen. Kearney/and ordered'to Washington.
We have as yet seen nothing from California
which throws light on the cause of his arrest,
or in what particular he disobeyed orders.—
The Reveille has seen California papers, and
t e
says the Star of the sth June contains long
article in reference. to the exiitin tween
Gen. Kearney and Col:Fremont. bile it
admits. hat the course of the,latter hail ren
dered him very unpopular in California, it
leans to the conclusion'that peculiar circum
stances attendant were of a kind which ren
dered his 'course unavoidable. We however,
have no information as to the precise nature
of his unpopular acts. ' • .
"Good morning, Ben, what's the_ neyisr
First rste dews? Just heard from home...
the old man has klekedlat last. He only left
me a qv) twenty thousand,- Otani cll. '
M 1
Sugliprankr::Dloini6firt - 1/4tiniember 11,'1857,
',Exec Mo:l2lNATittioNl3l4-1
• $. „-
• Eon Go VEIINCIA, t \
H. is it duty authorized
agent to procure Pubier ' iber;3 for,this paper:
. (l' We ask attention to the able and pat=
riotic letter of the Hon. James Buchanan, to
be found in another column. -The views ad
vapsed by the Secretary :will meet a response
from the. Democracy hi all sections of the
country. He takes a national and not a sec
tional view of the slave question, ar►d of course
must and heti met the denunciations of 'the
hot=headed and factious of all parties. We
rather expect, however; he will survive all
such onslaughts.
077 At the Whig meeting on Saturday
evening last, to appoint delegates to the comi
ty convention, the Commercial editor and his
clique got most essentially and tetotally used
up., When the vote was announced, the
whole squad could htive been stuffed into a
pint bottle, they looked and felt so small—and
the wa'y they mizzled from the Court ifouse,
and cut dirt for home, has'ut been beat lately
in these diggins.
Wonderful Dlsco►ory.
The Chronicle ha's made u disovery-1 which
idniost throws Professor Morse in the atm&
'lt says it uniformly finis, in )oohing beer the
resolt)tions adopted at Demockatie county
meetings, that they sustain "Mr. Polk in all
that he has done and is doing." IVhat a
queer man you are, Samivel.
A Good Provision
The Illinois convention has adopted a pro
vision in the Constitution "prohibiting the
Legislature from 'authorizing extra compen
sation, to my public officer, agent, servant or
contract or, after the service Jan, have been
rendereJ, yr the contract entered line." A
judicious provi- ion, but which will be su re to
challenge the hatied of feeders on extra legis
lation, anJ to excite their perpetual murmurs
against the "impracticability" of the new
rine rrosA Teas
We were in luck this week—especially in
the Tea,lirie. Two samples of Tea from the
Canton Tea Company were laid upon our ta
ble fditorial, and' frrim there speedily trans
ferred to our tea-table. There appears to be
two establishments in town claiming the agen
cy for these teas, T. \V. Moore, No. li-Perry
Block, and Willituris & Wright, earner of
State street and the Public Square. B?th of
them have the teas on hanlan I bOth, we poubt
not, would be very happy to supply all c i rclet's
for the same. Tea drinkers will thid at
er establishment • for article put up in
pounds, halves and quarters.
A Good Law.
The Democratic legislature of New liafnp
shire has passed a law to preyent the owners
of factories from exacting more than ten hopp
labor each day from persons in their employ.
We think this is perfectly right.
Tho Way it is 1 ono
The following from the Sauduskey Mirror,
shows the malts opernndi adopted by the
Ohio Bankers, "under their General Banking
law, to manufacture a specie basis for their
•paner. The Mirror well says .it beats Wild,
Cat banking, and allows them six:
"The corruption and underhanded manage
ment of the board of control and some leading
bankers in Ohio, from nil we cart learn by
what leaks out, were never beftire equalled,
not even in the palmiest days of Wild Cat
Thinking. We predict a magnificent explo
sion onv of these days when the People will
be sitindled to the tune of millions. As a spe
cimen of the real capital empinyed in creating
these new banks, we learn that the sianie spe
cie was used for the organization of three dif
ferent bunks, in as munv dTerent places with-.
in the past two weeks." '
Farmer's and mechanics of Pennsylvania—
honest men of all professions and callings.:—
the approaching contest will &dile whether
a system like that shadowed forth in the
above, shall be fatencd upon the common
lwealth, or .not. The friends of Gen. Irvin
openly proclaim their determination to enact
a General Banking law, should they be so for
tunate as to elect him, and obtain q. majority
in both branches of the Legislature. The'
Democracy on the contrary are pledged both
by their past opposition and the well known
and oft repeated views of their candidate, to
war against every system of banking which
does not make the stockholder individually
liable, in all his properly, for the notes'and
other liabilities of the batik. Choose ye, then
between them!
-An Indian Humbug
The science of (=thuggery we thought
entirely confined to the white race, but it ap
pears -we were mistaken. The Cherokee Ad
vacate says, a young girl of the Creek mart
recently fell into a tronce, and lies since been
prupheoying to the tribe. She says that - while
in this inanimate state she held communion
with invi.ible spirits, who learned her a song
which asings with great beauty and bffect.
She'llas predicted one or two deaths which
have come to I pass, and told from her own
feelings of a murder, at the vary time it was
committed nt a distance of several miles from
her home. She Was also purchased bor burial
clothes, foretold at what time her death would
take place, and certain signs which would
'then be seen, and from which the world could
judge of the sincerity of her protestations and
the truth of her revelations.
A Crumb cf Comfort.
The Cbionicle has found a crumb of com
fort in the return of Paredes to Mexico, and
the "declaration loy the British g4erinnent
that it would continuo to recognize l the pres
ent Mexican authorities or government if, af
ter withdrawing from the city of Mexico, they
should 'wander forty years in the wilderness."
/int] yet, this Is an old and accredited organ
of that party. which claims that it is not op
pesed to the war, but to the "villainous'and
bungling authors of it," meaning the admin
istration. Ott,. humbuggery, thy name is le
G Tho' Frclois in 'Censor 'cam to It4cl
the week kreatlir eritprged anit r iinpipved . iii
appegrAnce;,--its lei:106116m / ho wever;, ie . 41;
bh los ever, '
. ,
But one month remains beforo.the people of
Pennsylvatlitt will :be again called upon to
ehouStfiian 4 r eectitive to fill the chair of State.
Our,hpponetstis have predicated the contest oft
Natiol (skies , and not local•—(laveiree)airn
ed tot world that the ,defeat or success of
Pranei t s It. - Shenk 'will be indicative O( - the
feelings of the people in regard to the great I
L aud motueutous measures which have charac,
, terized and tendered immortal the'present:ad
!ministration of the tuitional government—
'more particularly, the Tariff and the, War.
I Now, while we do not cpnceed That the com 7
litig Contest will entirely decide these• (Pies
[flours so far as Pennsylvania is concerned, we
lare.willfrig . to admit it will have an important
!bearing on .thern. Let us, then, in. view of
I '
thiS, for one monient examine whig proPhe
;cies and contrast them with Democratic Mal
'hies, in regard to one.-...ive means the Tariff.
' It is atnaxim of that Book•tif books?, that a
tree should be judged by its fruits. Let thetar
liffs' - of 'V' and '46 be judged by this rule,and we
I - '''
, are content to abide , the issue. But 'in order
' to do sdelearly and understandingly, we must
go back to the speechetsand prophecies of the
iwhigs beforelthe,bill of '46 become a law, and
!see whether ill° reality has not falsified every
'such prediction, and proved that the bill of
l''4o instead of being ;It blessing was new
, illyat curse to the great and growing ag
ri4ltural interests of the country. ; During
the canvass„f 1844 ; the Hon. John M. Clay
. while on a' political pilgrimage in this
State, made use of the follu4ing language, in
speech at Lancaster: . -
"Should the struggle for national indepen
ence, which -is-now realm , " throughout the
ength and breadth ' of the land, be decided
against , tie by the vote of Pennsylvania; she
will come out of the contest, with lierlgor-I
genus Vaimer trailing id - - the dust, herself
leeding at every 'pore. Thelshouts el' party
will be. speedily stteceeded by the
ivail of her ruined plowmen and her beggared
mechanics. -The fire's of her forges and the
l oand of the axe and the hammer in her work
hops will dli away amidst the acclamations
f her fetal vtetory; and, there may,be many
mong the th!isands before trie,'who with sor
, row-stricken„if not broken hearts, may live
t w o Mourn theie4s of that o ii.mat. which pub
fie liberty-tvolild cease to beta blessing."
This high-a;A D nrolit and vividly drawn pie-
W 1 ,
t l ure was to he the r -I. eeolt of the bill.of '46.- 1
lifas it been realized in one single particular?
1 hs Pernnsylvarq"bleeding at every pore”? and'
lies the "shouts 6 f party triumph" been "suc
ceeded by`the wail of her ruined , plowmen and•
lice:gated mechanics"? Have "the tires of her
f rges and the hound of the axe and hammer
i her .workshops died away"? And where'
a e the "sorrow stricken" and broken heart
e ,i' produced by the tariff of '46? 'Answer
u ,'ye "John M. ' Cleytone," small andlgreat
ye false prophets, and small beer, political
I -
hucksters!: Have these things come to pass?
I'The North American, Philadelphia, in id
ly!, 1846, in imitation of Clayton in '44, ad
dressed the, people of Pennsyhania his follows; 1
"Behold ;our handiwork! You affected to
favor the taritr---a policy i
-IrWber.. either anti nust Et c or bear nu life- .
YHi whose hills and valleys rung with the
sttngs of protected labor, nod whose vast hoped
of affluence and prosperity'knew (co existence,
bet in the tariff—your hand it is that has:
stricken it down. You have ruined yourself
et tithe country to 'win a sugared word from
a arty that spurns you. Now take the des
01, !ion that you h ve wooed; see your mines
deserted, your foge fires extinguished, your
shuttles stilled, y ur labor without hope, your
capital without p - fit. ' Pay your State debt,
if you can, in draf ti upon TUE 1 4 ,MITY-.-Or sink
into bankruptcy, ishonor and tnieery, and be
the scoff of the w r h, as aSt to that sold a i
glOriona birthright for a wretched mess of po
litical pottage."
{Freemen of theKeystone—.Democrats of
Pennsylvania—yoir who have stood by ~your
principles in gocitiens well as in evil report,'
what say you to the-shave? Has not a Dem
ociattic reality proved it a lie! Are ycliir
,mies deserted? your shuttles stilledtyour
labor without hope? :your capital without
l' I '
profitl On the contrary, were tines eaerlsef
toi 'Within the memory of the "oldest-inhabi
-010! And as to the &lite debt, although
sklafts on the party" are Ili, a premium, have
yo i not good whig authority for saying that
thclre is no necessity for :resorting to that
Source? Do you not see it daily and weekly
in he whig pipers that yhur State revenue
ha been increased so mu l ch over last year
on your rail roads and canals, that the State
Tr asurer has Iteen enabled to promptly meet
01 interest on itour State debtoind cancel a
large amount borrowed to meet the 'deficit
'while the bill of '.42 wadi» eNistence. Sure
ly,. surely, although you might have had a
hundred "PowerS" in your Canal Board such
increase could not have occurred if theirtb,ove
pro l phecy had been realized. No, no, the
gloomy fotebodings of whig presses and speak
ere l -aavo not been realized—the eye of , the , 11-
itii i rer locks in vain .over the . length and
breffilth of our vast country and rests not 4-
oo one-spot where the most subtle sophistry
cisfind evidence tb.iustain it. On the con
tra. y, war has failed to shake the credit of the
nat i on, suataineci as it is by the increased re
ceipts fretn our custom houses. Thb country
ha been prosperoue in every ramification.—
Even here, 'in Pennsylvania, Manufactories
and villages are sprint ing pp at every turn.
Tins could ndt be, an would not be, -Sinless
the iron business was ttill' profitable. Itlen
dotut embark their capital in business ufilesi
the have some guarantee that it will return
the a good per tentage. That the Iron but
sinus in Pennsylvania ,is doing thisaye,
more, enriching those engaged in it, we think,
nccene Can doubt. ' 1 .
But, say the whigs, all this is the result of
did t famine in Ireldnd—if it hadn't been for
that our predictions would have been realized.
0, moat sapient whige,didyou ever take into
e4sideration the tact, that the scarcity in
gtOinse Could only increase the price,of bread
stuffs.' I Admit that the famine in Ireland has
had an effect to enhance the price of grain,
which, by thi bv, we never dei fi ed, the.;
. .
prosperity melt other breaches, of agriculture
anproductive itidustry still stands Unaccount
ed " I Has the famine itt Ireland increased
the; price of Tobacco, of cotton, of Iron, and
abode all, of, la bor! We tisiefOsuch articles
would be rather hard even for do Irishman W I
a pease his appetite upon. But now
t a t , the wants Of lieland are supplied,.. and
t i year's crop harvested; proving more ahun-,
d l at , then ever, what is the reason , the great
agricultural ! 'staples of the• contstry,, wheati
clirP r oats, cotton,and tobacco,have not gone
b Ctotheir prices ; under the taritref !ogr
y' certainly should have done so, at least
wh at and Corn, if the famine in Ireland was
thp only rause of their enhanced value. Proin
, ... .
ore usorTthe r hie of these coal
itn,..etisr;tliar et;:tinthe'29th of
tbfe:yea 0/343'44--'45=4'48--
. fincithe following retfillt. ; :From
uricgstte existence of 6E440110f
e of wheat...ranged from 65 ti3loo
351055 §O.; ofits'2s to 27 cis.;
• m 01 20 and 7' 00; according to
:1 80 end 10 00; cotton 61 toI4l,
• a-ne day in 2Vgust, 1847, alter
n Ireland had ceased to have any
an over abundant harvest just
we find the following quotations:
1 1 0 to 1 20; corn 70 cts.: oats 50
II to /2 oie.; tobaico 11/1 75 a
a table
Aug last in
antif.47, wi
' 4 11444 4 4
cetti,i; C 4?
cti. Tt
lily fi!mi
Vat here()
wheat $
cts.; co
$l4 25.
anew° are done. These quota
`he character that sophistry can-
One w
lions ore
tem. They prove inconteetahly
8 our great agricultural ataplMs,
, oats, cotton, and tobacco, are
instead of being "ruined" they
It a more healthy 'condition. And
tilar, the manufacturing interests
i ry are not a whit behind them.-':-
14 is that "ruin"? where that wail
plowmen and beggarMl mechanics?
not reac
that no f,
were never t l
in Ards paro
the err
;on. Panorson'a Command.
it of the departure• of Gen. Pat
seat of war r ,the Union rays he
i harge of the military 'force of
cn ruined in Louisiana, Texas;
Illinois, and the troops which
Isltinioro under Col. Hughes.- 1
Sledel keep open the
betsfen Vera Crui
"Deist of .Col. Hughes'
lies of t mounted 'volur
In spe
terson ro
is to, tak
Georgia n a nd
sailed (rum I
'nese troOp
line of exit
and Perot
are iota;
_ it , A
f Texas ra
f them as
4x!--,.at 14
five a
teqrs trot)
rqe eicl
i'gers i i
3en. Ti
, ast ft‘J
frq r m Geu6
such part
for the so
has op fined the line of
After Gun
P i utterson
)11, he ev
'II join Gen. Scott.
id Practice.
Cul. ljaskl ie stump in Tennessee,
said if electet t l ld go for gleaning offthe
blood-houndsi" :i. e. vithdravving the army
to the east bank l i ' of the Rio Grande. It ap
pears now that this a ntirnent waa not new Ito
him—he acted Upon i at the battle of Cerro
Gordo. • J. R. and G• A. PilloW have pro
cured certifiC tes and statements from a con
siderable nu ber of fncers and Privates at
that battle, establish ng the correctness ‘of
Geo. P llow'a assertion that Col: Haskell. re
treated n advance of ilis!egiment, without his
cap on; all Who hav made any statements
agile° that he appear cl disconcolted and con
fu4d. Some think he was mtich alarmed.
111, on tt
he" wot
- • Patriotic i Polincian&
'net perfectlY pa riotic arid disinterested
ticians some of tne whig aspirants for the
sidency atle. Pol , instance, Gen: Taylor
area drtermin lion not to be a, condi
unless called uPon. by a spontaneous
•ement of I the peons, irrespective,Qf party
that he can go into the Presidential chair
ammeled.l Mr, Clay, too, not to he 'mit
e by Old "Rough and Ready" in such hum' ,
gery hes cinmenckd tuningthiti instrument
,he same key. The Louisville Journal,
spe , king by "authority," says; l "4nmediately
aft r he taw that the last presidential election
had resulted so dieastrousln ta the country,
resolved that he would not again be 14audi
date.for‘the Presidency unless he
.Was called.
upon to be one by the. voice of the !Ainerican
people, teithout distinction Of parlti."- As for
the late ,presidential :election, he cared noth
ing about it, sa far es he weskit:waif concerat•
ed: but for the sake of the people and the .,
country ---" his' ; dearly beloved . country"—be
deprecated and deplored it. "In course he
did." lie did not care any thing abridt being
President himself, but, for the the sake of the
honor iii,llglory and happiness of the people,
he woad like, to hate been elected.
'course We would!" Disinterested patriot and
statesman! Who shall refuse to offer thee
the hoinage of a grateful heart? No good
and Joys) whig, we
.. are sure—nnlesa it be
comes exredieni to throw you overboard, like
a useless' piece of lumber, and ptit in nomina
tion a "tnilitary chieftain." 'lt is true that
for thin) , years and upwards you have stood
ready to I fill the place of President, for ,the
sake of y )ur "bleeding country.," thirty years
have you held out to. that "bleeding country''
an enoraftnis ballot-box, and to this day that
tame "bleeding country" has refused to de-
Tosite a majority of its suffrages in the "Clay
poor box " Indeed, and in trutbr how very
ungrateq, not to say unkind, these "bleeding
cotintrieel'• Sometimes are! 'But Mr. Clay is
willing t 4 serve his "bleeding country", yet,
provided all pariies will step forward and vote
fur him. leiGnitness, untwist you don't say
Th/ proposition he now holds out
moa sirakely-like a diapeeition to steal Gen.
Taylor's 41under.
07' Th:el Gazette -ls aoaxing for Native
rotes. Itliaysithey' have no "distinctive or
ganiiatio in any of our counties, except
LancatteOhiladelphia, and, perhaps, Alle
gheny," itirid tells them i they "never can
make muclii head way, and, therefore, had
better disbaid at once, and go back to their
original eieniente." Meaning, of course, tlie
whig part . o-44t Would not advise. them this,
if it thong t they were Democrats, certainty.
By the by, how long is it since this same pa
per tried o make it appear that this na
tive party , were all democrat, or the off
spring ofitOe bemocratic party? Consisten
cy is cerfa)nly a jewel.
The TruelOolors,
The Cooneaut (0:) Reporter unfurls the
is There'.--No acquisition of
tem o extension of Slavery—no far
ther pros iution of this infamous mar.'
We respect a man when he avows his hon
est,sentitueuts, like the editor of the. Reporter
we know of no language too strong to
coodemnil i the hypocrisy of some of the Repor
ter's partlicotemporarieei who profess frisend
ship for tyeir country but are daily engaged
in :effort4o throw impedimenta in way of the
proseiutiWof the present, just/and necessary
war. t
(Cr T , e citizens of Vickslinrg have erect
ed ittiele - IA ,marble monument over the iv
, • •
malns of # . Wigan, formerl e di to rir of the
Sksbui l , ontinel, who was shot down in-the
streets 13y 4 political opponent. ' '
(r' T!1 New York City Council Imo
i 3
voted to IN ear mourning and set flap 4C kW
mist 'in inspect , to the Memory of Silos
, .
Wrighl. l !
, I
. i
I ~
• RougkNotes by -the , .
Corrospourlcno of rho Eril(Obsolpf,
Ncw 4 tiezvi- 1847.
according to my half•mode prorolitt;,l l l set
down to drop you a, fiw “ItoughNotealv the
Way." journ y thus fir, /nl l 11 .1 4'n an
extremely pleasant ne—in faCt it ould not
well be otherwise rum the diversified and
beautiful ,country through whiCh
passed, and the many queer pel)ple
tions one always sees and hears wh
ing. For instance, the hack dii , ,iver
us down to the boat at your city; esil
• • f she bant a band-boar Na
vitern porter could ail( 'such a queS
a quote to me. It may be but, a pri
culier lo 'this age, but I Weida Jr
some one skilled in antiquities to fix
periudin the world's history When
veled without band boxes.
The good steamer Ohio bore,us to Sandi
key city without tiny thjiigdccturieg' vorthy
note, if I may except an error Ilia i to aboi
4 o'clock in the niornini;oectision d by t$
noisy importunities of the runerk,. t Clet,
land. In my half-dreaming state, fatict
them a pack of prairie wolves in hpt chase
ter their prey,: and I'm not sure, not that I
wide awake, thin there:is not some lying re
a mblance—they are both certainly' re?.t nui.
e nets. On arriving at Sandugkey , l they a
all sides, and the uninitiated
would have supposed himself, in pie midst of
bevy of the mostanxious friends. I
favorably inipresSail with SaiuluSkey.
tains some very fine dwellings , sul
public building, and 'altogeher Wt;
a business a l sp l ectl
Monday trilDo ng was ushered ii
whistling or iliepconto live; the claft
waggons and omnibuses. At ; 7 i o'r
were seated in - the-cars, baggage,ehe t
pocket, whizzing along, en route for d
nati, a distance of about 240 miles.'
miles-of this route is traveled stag
ea; this :lies between Bellfontain and:
imp. The upper part of the l lrente
through a iery fine Wheat en till try. 1
mills and flourishing villages are E,cat
along. :Among the latter I noticed t i
of Tiffin, in Seneca county, asAPlace
importance. *
I love th rood old . fash Id,
Ipanies of' hom e
Illinois,' tl
'rler I Ha l yes,'Or
yrtor can spire
e companies.\—
_ tie gi ..o, .a.hioned'lstage
all the improVcments 'of the 'lines io t
trary; you jumble about, dig reur, elb
to each other's sides, tramp ' onli toe
bonnets, and soon become acquainted l
then t 'ere's na;chence for that seMsl;,' 4
read, /
. eed, ilnitt go 'where you, Will;
steamer, or rail road, seems to he oh,
every body, but is in realit' but an exc i l
their icy -hearted politer'ess. "Dr,ivol
object upon ‘'t•liich a community Of l ititi
felt, from the fact that fur the time, 1,1
is sitehter of our topes, both present a
ture. I think we had uron the bo l t t
pink of the turf. Ile bragged - 4mi his
sylvania raising, and upon his team, b
ing out largely upon his capacity to be
thing on the track; and we bragged upw
fur truly Abraham wae"one - of the tilde
drivers. , . • - I
f Our course lay through_a Very,fine c
lad three or four smart little villa
pritigfield is a beautiful town of better
.1 t
ree thousand inhabitants. 'Twas
oonlight when the coach rolled in, a
Telegraph posts,, scattered along the a
appeared like-the 'ghosts of thef l mourn
that age which is fast passing away.
ligence flashes I from this point to Colu
Dayton and Cincinnati. Def Ore day the
morning . we again Vaulted into the sac ,
the "Iron Horse," whOsellaminginostri
chaffing snort, gave evidence of hia sea
delay. At length the gins are hjosen
gives`a start, his triumPheitrairtini3kes
fort to follow—Lanother, another, ; and
notber, and then with a whistle that e
and re-echoes, : away i he dashes. , "Cha
down," is the language the '
Poef l has
his mouth, butihe Scorns the bit--onw
goes like a thunder-holicareening on its c
"He stoped not for break, he staid I
storm." Father Job may talk as hti, like
bout his wars tead, but I say the "old ha I
beat. The Slimi valley through 'which
Of this part of the'route passes, is Iperlia s
rich a bodz of land as the "buckeyes' I
boast, and ißis season is fairly' . groanin t
der' produce of all kinds. %...-v ).
j It would be good for yOur lake people's yes
tlu see the fields of. curb which w - f 3 Passed oi
this route ; I don't think, they can brag on thei
wheat, but: when you mention cord, th4y'r
"thrr." Ten o'clock brou ht us within sight
, 1 ,
of the city smoke, and soon spire, cioni4 r oo;,
and steeple, of the "9,ueen'' . alias "Pork elty'y
were glistening( back the morning sun. El
ery body knows ICiticinnattis a , great busines
,place; 'but it nittY not he gencrallizlinOwii
that it is second only to Pittsburg, in. the r 'es
and south, for founderies and in
As-we passed by some of theseystahlishrn re
on our wry to the boat, wheei/- ''"lane, at
hammer, sent up a song in '' Jteir rr
master, who ever and anqn td scol i di
as he drove them on their id. I I
A steamboat ride' on the lever
iateresting to, the travel_ ~l i vary
scenery, the passing' panorama ,of , villag
farms, rural sceneo, and every description
floating craft, keep the tourist on the consta,
lookout. 1
C 7 .
Earlron Wednesday nirning We oscine
our "individual" eyes, gave twit' or three ri.
telligent yaws, and found we were lying nt
the Louisville levee, whete we had arrived
about three o'clock in the moring.i DickenS
found nothing in this city to interest his lord J, ,
ly mind, but the operatiOns of a pig gatheritig
straw I for his bed; but we saw not only r;u4
merous porkers, but a busy bustling city, fast
improving and teeming with' every Iluxury of
life A' short ride of four miles brought 1123
to this point, where a , hearty welcortio, - frti i ini
our friends Made us feel perfectly "„fresh.',!h•
New Albany has always had the reputatiUn
of a smart little place, but in the gneral to 4
proveinents of tile times, it it perhaps ahead
of any place I rave seen on . theruute, 14 1 -
ing now. a city•o some six thousand , inhail
tants, and spreatline itself out In, new
good iinprovementS. It has a '
market hotl
about three times as large as yours; whic
every morning forms a buoy Scene of buy r
and setters. There is one excellent fem I
Semioary and Actidem . y established here: so
eight glen fine chorees, and thei way p
liesqhool rooms loom u ice ,caution 'to 1
ititi-common oho) advocates: This le pit •
haps one of the gteateot points in the teat)
J • - I
west. for -steamboat
are on the stocks no•
rapidly . preparing 6 .
contractors! ,have
hands sufficient t
season. They are
whip ytien coinpl
paiOn'lr and buildi
th irty; awn niers c
reverberate 'with t
adz and hammer.
met crowds of 'pr . 4
hear die stirring
banciihat was add
to the mellow bou
fact resting upon
the present.
my route
nd ques
that took
ed a lady
how a
'tion, was
mice Re
a t invite
pen al l at
dies tra-
The-e . ditOr
smart for this meri t
low in the song, w
and scratched hot' I
jumped back and s
In an arr of ne,l
its autho has neiti
backwards and for
"Wilmot proviso,'
others in the last ,
server," 4Demogr
&c., Rte. What
extremely bar - trio
awfully frightened;
ylvania has the ri!
the constit . n9on,
amend it aceordin
be inclined to think
would Say — EO, " ad his 9wu persor,
erty ,suffer therebk.
the editor of I tht Commerciur
the peophohave ILA 'the righlt to alte•
arn4id.their constitution to suit tlw
so that it does not conflict with Olaf United
United States. - If he does not, why
assertion of ours q iuted; deniitninatel
strous . . - _lt is ilotiling but a plain propi•
t—an th•
It col,
k in o
of self-Vvernmel
pliti Cal power, is
,as bu'v' insteadOf
c in
iflg but a pt;uniplt
as often as tiwv•
ii ani;rl.l - In ter.
be opl.o.ed t) It a
tthe } t
110 hi
the , .
now do. Not for
• I
the Presi , lent ut:'a
his 'rdati% v. en,
Cp . t_llly
bag appointed Lie
celitly cha'rii• to
E 123
rianed f,,r tJ e imr.
nil I
'e y e
and Fen t him •m td
egin k Uy abv ice
GeV. Belk, cf Oi
eub,istmice to the v
out—Coh Irving's
practice has been
their quotrkof illf:1 •
cleai,,natq in the, ,
refm, J toMiake any
portit ion of 14e '9 ,
their endezvons.l
the trtivethent of the
the telegraph, titr
meut was inft,t,rital
War _Thpartment
the emergency -17
I r 11/. 1
, I
u t
Tile federal skip I I
careening for its 6
its crew deserting
theirSeet men haiie
cour.:,e and conduct
leaders upon the" war
do longer. Of thosci
out from among the 1
ty, who has hereta
log Whigs of that
the late Meeting of t
he came out manful
and true Speech in
IVAa: lie renoun
party that refuses t
a - time of war, and
into the - ranks of his
but .a sting le instau
and thousands (‘uf tt
who kill pursue 'the
may not mice it put
.4-I,l,uzza fr-Shunk
We uuderal•
graphic' stuck has l b
this city to inure •
the line has been Btl
street to a room irr tl
the office will be kep
41?" The GUieitT,
may yet be their ea
is no mistake abou; 1
pelled to support lun
lore, Scotts and Mc il
S 0 siliti your eyes, y!
ty r an fprepare you
your leaders are pre,'
The Boston Post
should- receive the w
1 -
Went, the ingonious
wanld declare that It 4.
‘var;and, if be shoul
would prove beyond
popula .
Several of tli
the tle th of T. W.
a New Bedford pape
1 1
ele a iveeit or two'ag
that time, presumin
of his severe, illness
now contradieled it.
A, S ap att
'Tho Corwin
every side, bir." 11;
forbear'givin4 them
in his recent spec.
speakin'g, of the war,
"tu conclusion,
whatever ,circumsnt
placed, whe,ther;it
perous, and_-whethe
governinent be goo(
times be ready to gi
institutions', and we
taiir-the safety of
tr-The Gazette l
Presidency hant o f
letter, fur - fear, like
,c building. Sit
w; three are 'v it ,
tOr the fall trade;
tot_been able to.
Supply the deca l ,.
budding a ala t i ne
led, togeth e ,, 10 ,
g of some tivet:t;
nuttily ; v. iil tr, E k e .:;
e sound of.thr,'
In an evens, ~,:
tty girls, wh o
rains of 'an amateur
rig additiorial eatt42l
; - with this v ery
ur. rpernory we sins:
your El f truly,
of the Cciannerci a l „
tan—he's eq ua l t o t 4„
0 iimped into a brit::
hisgyes" out, 'and
ratehei then in t ip
rly - a coloran t , , x k l i t t
her heel nor tai;, •
wards, alternately fr
'dour representativ e
ongressr "the, Er,
is National Convey
'he fellow would het
say,i no appeare
because,-we said 'it
,glit to establfsh Slu t -
I the people 81
. 4 t
Lrly." One would's:,
phe was afraid "the
''' ithtt
"111(111St ro'.-," IS
tilidt,i by ILe
cir elm!..!&::13!3
17 'lli, IItIZ,C
e int,ti3t) )tti•iiy
;eh as
e l ;,,the aaptC
tenet do it, ‘I
nce the N %%tr..
2:1 rate Neau , t
er,l that i t he'll
her, W. H.
inia, wthch co'
e, of 11
in de:J.-Scutt,
Vunteer t s reeent 4 )l
4 the State3*_ to
'the place,,of ten,
1 0. The Govern
contract for the
mpanieA Cin4
this would have ref
(room but for th 4
tigh 'thief' the gc
4 the ilifficulty; an
nmeiiately p'rovid,E
'Rats Leav
i Sinking Ship,"
nyenusylvania is alreti;
at plung, and already v.
itin swarms. Many c
beco►ne disgusted at to
i P
their old associates Et
1 -- . --
and will act with they
Citio have recently "coot
,foill party" ewe may nac'
1 1.
OISER of Bedford comp
Ili been one Cif the' letd•
I ~
ec:ttun of the- State. A t
',.he Democracy of Bedfspl,
y and del i vered- la 'hie
favor of Say,M, 4sriTal
ed all contiectioa with i
stand by tbe C.muiry a
tis speech carries tern ,
former friends. This ;$
e. There are huntlree.
he same sort" in the lani
same Course though they
tlicly known. So we V?
and our Country.
.tid that Sufficient ;tel. ,
en taken, or will be.
I station. At any 'ralt.
.ked out Amyl) Fil , er.c.
r Iteed
Is of opiniof that pt!'
One. We think "Art
—the party will be rm•
in spitelof all the Tv ,
eans in the country.--
raid: and file of the ipit
stomach for the !dote
aring for you.
.snbt oftl t
f Thomas enitria
'big nomination for P,res•
Advocates. of that party
/ was in favor of 'the
happen to_ l be elected,,
avil that the
paper;lTaT-e announced
err, on the authority of .
I . We not ced the erti-i
, and did riot credit it at
it arose front thei fact
Eastern kpapers have
is catch t n "each and
Heiry tlay could not'
odig oder the fifth rib"
Philadelphia. Ia
he reniarkid:
I ...would oaf; that under
cos the country may be
tlourishink orunpses •
the administration of its,
or bad,' we sho u ld at all
ye in. _support tq c ,its iu
will orever main;
rOubl . -
i , . 1.. lta.
thinks ca .iustes f or r .,tvi to too meni
MT. Cls.' . . E n .S.-1 , 1, iheir ,
, Igan.
d t!