, i -,i : ,-• !, -q. •-•1 )' • --. I , . - I li ±.- 1 • 1 - '- 1 . 1 _. r-- . . - - 1, 111 ,‘• . . 1 i :: B.S- - : ,_ _., ... ~ ... . .', _ ~....„.., ~ _ ~ . .. ..,,- , ... . • L , „ , !, .•. „., , ~ 1•.• It , _ , . . ~, • i , . , • ~ •, _., , • • ~ , ___„.•_,_________,_•_. •________•,,_•: . t, t ` g 6 T H E 'IV Q R 1..0 ISDO V R N:E D TOO . MU C H t I . -- -_-_:_- ..-.-_--- ,..._...,-- ___ ),- '7 E XVIII. i _ ~. SATIRDAY ? SEP I I A MBER 11 1847•. • 1 . - ,--- 1.. N. . . •. • -• 1 • ,__________. - VOL D EVERY SATURDAY V I UBLISH , BW! . . rif.D STAT RLIN & B. F. SLOAN, STREET, ERIE, Ph. T RM S • yew, in advance,. $1 50 dollars a year will invariably be terms Will be strictly adhered to inserted at 50 - Cents per square ion, anti 25 cents for each sub . l ot" all varieties, such as Books bills, Show Bills, ljards,Steam for Mites, Receipts, &c. exe- LAC and on shortnoticc. One copy, one Otherwise, tw, charged: These )in all eases. Advertisement, or .the first inger 1 sequent inserti9 Job Printing", Pamphlets, Hang boat Bills, Blank. toted in thckbest "r. Dealer in Grocerii fc. Np. 1, Peri, W. MOORE. I -- es, Provisions, Candies, Frnit y Block, State street, Erie, Ps: MARSII4LL I:: LOCKWOOD, AttorneyLai Layv. Mice up stairs in the Tam many Hall building,north of the Prothonotary's 1 (Mike. 9 TH JACKSON. • Grocerips, Harilwiire, , Limo, Iron, Nails &c. No. 121 Dealer in Dry Cineenn \Varc, Cheapside, Er, ti IL MILLAR, fgh Surveyor; °nice in - Exchange it., Erie. .101.1'(NSON, • IVEY - AT LAW, ' 1011iee to the Public Building Louse, up stairs. in the room Sherit£ and tilfectly over, the Office. sill be given to all busineus 50 , Joll,' County and Unroll , Buildings, Fre 1 IDE A TT oi Has removed his near the Court occupied by lii Counini:.sioner Prompuitteili ion dusted to his c STOI. AGE, F' ULUEUT A: CO. - CITALO, N. Y. RWARDING AND PRO —.mit,' ... vy Alt DiAut :........ I)IJCE COMAYISSION MERCIJANTS, A ND Dealers )n Lelii.gli and Erie C1, :4 Salt /1 and Prodttc genet ally. Pa rtiettla'y atten tion paid to tie shale of Produce and purchase of Al erchatidize. .N 0.3 & 4 Cobuirn Squar9(mtliWlia;l. ' E. N: nummtr, - U. DIOGG'i3. Minh), N. V. • 19 1 BEN AMIN -GRANT, Attorney and Co inseller at Law ; Ofilee No.- 2 'State .1., typo: ite the Engle Hotel, Eric, Pn. ..., ' GRAII Mlv TIIGMBSON; 1 Attorneym \ St Con iFellort. et Lan, Office on Frond; Street; o-ker, S ackson 4 , . Co's. Store, Erie. April 2/I, 4817, (ht.. ELIA/ Ilas pertninently I residenie on tit' Street,. = locattll in Erie. ()nice at his ,e cannier of Seventh and Peach I. ROSENZWEIG &r.. Pelers in Fore". , n arid Domestic Dry Goods, Readv Nladc Clothinz, Poo•:4 and Shoes, &e. I, ,Flemming Block, State Street, Erie, Pa, \ GALBRAITIV.A. LANE, 'Attorneys and qounsellks at Law—,olTice on Sisal street, 4st side / tile Public Square„ Erie, Pi, 3. GAttlit %Mt = 0. ..001111:3 & CO. Dealers in \Yalu es, Jewelry, Silver,German Sil ver, Plated and Britninnia Ware, Cutlery, Mil itary and Faller Goods, N 0.7 Reed House, Erie Pa. / 2 WILL lAMS S WRIGHT. Iyholesale and Retail Dealers in Dry Goods, G ro. eerier', Hardo+re, Crockery, Glassware, Iron, Nails, Leather, Oils, etc. etc. corner of State street and the üblic:Squa, opposite the Eagle Tavern,,F.rie. a. WILLIAM RIBLnT. Cabinet Maknii, Upholster and Undertaker, State Street, Erie Pa S. DCKINSON, M. D. # Physician and SOrgeon, office on Seventh Street, west of the M • thodiqt Church, Erie: Pa. LKER & coox, General Forwar.inz, ConitniSsion, and Produce Merchants; It d Ware House, east of the Pub id2e, Er* l e. , . JOLW,PII KELSEY, Manufacturers Tin,Copp and Sheet-Iron ware corner French and Filth streets, Erie. ENNETT Sz. CHESTER, LESTER, Iron Founders, Stoves, Rollo cholesale and' retail dealers in -ware kc. State street, Erie, Pa JoTIN WholeAnl(l and r D ., ye stufrs ,G Eno, Pa. 11. BURTON &, CO. ! , 014 , dealeri n Dri , s,Medicinci 'oceries, &.e. N 0. 5 ., Reed House • - _C. M. Tri Dialer in Dry Goods, Grjnxries, 4.c. No. I 11, Chpapside, Erie Pa. - - - - YIN B.NINCENT. MED Dealers in Dry Goods, ;Groceries, No. Bound Block State stAErie, Pa • CAR ER &BROTHER. • ' Dealers in pru_s, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Dye, a. Glass, e., No. 6 Reed Home, Erie __— B. T MLINSON & Co. forwarding anti Commission Merchants; 109 French Street, Erie, and at - 6 111 Street Canal Ba son, also deal ra in Groceries and Provisions, HE CADWELL. Dealer in (lard% aro, Dry Goods, Groceries) &c., east sidp, of th• Diamond, find one door east of the Eagle Hotel, Erie, Pa. AGLE lIOTEL, By l i firam L. Bilown, corner of State eared and the Public square, Erie, Pa. Easter4-Western, and Southern Stage office, LYT.AE &lIAMILTON. Fashionable M 'reliant Tailors, on the Public Square,' a few doors west of State s tre e t , - Erie, Pa.. , ____ • JOEL JOHNSON. Dealer in Theologicalreellnneous,•Sunday and Classh alSchool ok; Stationary, etc. etc. No. 111, P A. R. BRACE: Attorney and Counsellor at law, prairie du Chien, W. T. practises in the counties of Crawford,' Grant and to a, W. 'Land in Clayton county, low a Teyritory. . _ 1 . WA NT V.Dn exchange for Goods, Wool, Rut ter,i, Cheese , and all kinds of Country Pro- ,MICR. 1 a CADWELL. - June 6, nag. ' .....:_- 3 Li ARDWAP,?..—SheIf, Hardware and Mouse _ it - Trimmings can always be had very% cheap at the cheap store of ' S. JACIiMON 4 co. 'November. l, 1346. 27 CASH FOR:TWO - MY SEED.—The tub V scribers will pay cash for good clean Timo thy teed. B. TOM LINSON &CO.. 01‘4 5 GUFFEES' series of School Books, 1, - 2, 111 . Erio l :Aay and 5 1 A i raale at Nd , lll, French St. 51 REMOVAL. LOOMIS & Co. have removed their stock ` l 4-A • of CLOCKS, Witiettes, JEWELRY, FANCY GOODS,etC. etn., Noi.s, People's Row, State street, nearly opposite the Eagle Hotel, where they will he pleased to have their 'friends call as usual. N. B. A large addition to their stock in trade will be madeln a short time. Erie, May 19. 1947. . I GLoVES., We have the. beat asaorttnent that will be in this market of ail kinds, including Stewart's self imported black and 'fancy Kid, faiicy and vat e s ated Silks and China Linen. I April 46, AVILLIVISiIa i Written for tteo Erli THEARAD-MAN'' tin BY DTLA =I why am I shut in the i Made fast by clanking A ahuitiler cold Nino me And chills my weary b The waning moon is in t ' And shines between m And oh! there must be t The bright and twinkl I A dreadful gloom aniline' Opo! ape! that irou d -011! bear me, keeper!—l Ah! ha! tie hear. no m, I loved her once, andlny Methinks I her voice, And hear her light step ei - •, 'Rejoice, my heart, ref I But hold!—it is the keep' The rusty hinges crns I 31y soul is filled. with fun. I hoar his voice u&u, Ha tells me that I mast Oh! keeper I'm not m Ile bids me lilt the night But eh* my heart le ea Once more hoe gone, en In This lone darkabod Again upon my face the Rods down in sorrow's HONESDALE, Auu.,1847. The Outlaw of the FROM Tllh` MUCK "Would that the Califor as lof t y as the California claimed I, extending treys less upon the loftiest so which edges theSacrale "Not so," returned my would be too haril•to elim Harry South . was one o those men who re= veal only to their intimate friends a marked peculiarity of character. There are many such; all indeed may be re Ily so, for every man f onv inc . es those who know him best that ho pOssesses a true and fu I individuality; but more,than any other of m acquaintance, my friend managed,to' musk dreamy poetical imagination and a glowi g heart under the appearance of a mere fas iionable and high spirted man of the world His wealth and cen,neetions in society, of courad secured him . • theposition of u gentleman. Nobody sus- 1 pelted him of being a poet: yet though he never wrote lines, he alwitlyi3 thought poetry. Between the ages of fifteen and twenty-three he served in the navymidshipman and ,i s lieutenant, and then left t e profession to suc ceed to a valuable estate, nd consult his own pleasure by travelling as gentleman at ease. At Yerba Buena I first met him, and our ac quaintance soon warmed into fri ends h i p, so that 3ekfore many days pa s t, we found our selves travelling together,on, a half hunting,• half exploring expedition along the beautiful Valley of the Sacramento. Every hour re vealed some new-trait in his character. A peculiar freshness, not of inexperience, but the vivid glance that never dulls by often looking, seeined to form ilia ideas upon every subject, and made' especially delightful our conversation upon the most delightful of all topics, love and woman's' heart. Hithertd untoched_by the gentle ptission; ho had set i up f r himself ad ideal mOdel,:not moulded, as heas wont to exclaim, after any form of 1 r ial clay, but one which rose within hi§ in dim yet lustrous beauty, like a trans t miSt before the dazzling sun. Such a cter he conceived .O. be Miranda, in Tempest," and looked upon it as a love ion, never to be realized, yet ever before with a delicious, tantalizing presence.— d, so often did he rhapsodize upon Mi , that before " two days had elapsed I be cam 1 1 heartily sick of my .friend's poetical hobby, and sought every occasion to draw him outon other things. In this way we ar rived at the edge of that immense valley, and ascended the loftiest mountain to catch a fair view of the scenery around us. "Yes," said Harry, "it would be too hard to climb. You are ambitious, apd can never be stationary; you must either move onward or , else keep out of sight. If I were disposed to compliment, I might say, so is the sun: but the dource oi light would be degraded by com parion with a merely ambitious man. For my own part, I would simply 'take the goods the gods provide me,' and glide through a hap py li fe , i in cultivating, not so much My 'pa ternal acres,' for I confdes, myself no' farmer, as My own heart. The little society I would have must be associates, not rivals nor info riorS. But you would struggle, and prefer rising above the ignorant weak to _being sur passed by the educated strong. This is your country. The Californians are too indolent to strive with an energetic man, and will qui ed.)) allow him to ride over them, provided he I • is nut rough shod. They have all the pride of Spfniardi, half the quick intellect of Wench me, and more than the terrible- revengeful_ 1 • ness of an Italian bravo. At this time, the laz'est Turk that breathes through life in a clod of smoke would open his eyes at these n l i lu ps of Californian clay, for ever asleep.— Look from this mountain top, and say, are they worthy of their country? The air, that breathes delicioUs healilithrough others' vows enervates them. These noble mottntatria, that we love to climb with soul as- well' as body, l only arouses in them a lazy horror of the troublesome ascent, as they, stand below,- dully gazing upward. But, by Heaven! there is onebelow us who is not gazing upward hi dullness! That attitude is entreaty and des pair itself." . , . , I sprang to my feet and, looked over 'the edge of the roount4n. Beginning at the spot where we stood, an almost - perpendicular precipice seemed tolide down full six` hun dred feet, and then another peak rose aloft;' leaving between huff, valley with al*ftfty yards of looui rocke r garlanded With verdure. At that moment II did not notice a rude hunt" MI! ing.lodge in the middle; my atteention was las ened on two human beings in that remote place. 'One of them was very tall, gigantic, for- a Californian, and his herculean limbs, [arrayed. in theilunter's finery of his nation, bespoke himit once a dangerous neighbor in time of toed. At his feet in an attitude of exquisite suffering, kneeled a young girl, lovely 'even in the distance; and so truthful was her pos. - ture, that we almost fancied we heard a plead ing voice, broken with, sobs and tears'. Yet the hunter stood savage and immovable, look. ing contemptuously on her for a moment, and then turning away, he walked swiftly out, of tke ravine. a• Observer. LAMENT. =ME chains, crawls sky. bore, ere on high, ng stare dot my cell',— BM "There is something here for us to do," said Harry, firmly and rapidly. • His words roused me frOm a gaze of wonder at that singular pantomime, and hastily exchanging glances, we seized our rifles, and descended the moun ta in in silence.' d tier true— ming, tme— , ce: r'• tread!— and drcad!-.- eakl _ Spme hours passed before we could force our way through the thick underwood down the more gently sloping side, or skirt along the base. if ven there was great difficulty in searching tor the narrow gorge. At last, however, we found ourselves near the cabin of the hunter,. but our steps were delayed a moment by a huge dog, the Cerberus of these regions, which rushed upon us with a howl that Sounded as if the triple headed mon ster of old had opened with every throat at once. Our business did not allow of stnch ob stacles, and a shot from one of nur revolvers stretched hint upon the grass. We entered the, lodge. In one corner sat the fair suppli ant we had seen before, hiding her face in her hands, and moaning to herself, the most' mournful of all Spanish exclamations: de my! ah de my!" She had evidently mis taken our shot for the return of the Californi an hunter. Harry spoke a few words of en couragement,.but at the sound of a strange voice she started up with an instinctive scream and then, to our utter amazement, clasped each of us in her arms with a shower of tears ; and a broken cry of half hysteric joy. We drew back at this strange reception, but at - the next instant would have surrender ed a yew!_ of our lives to have been in that delicious embre again. Strange that we did not feel it at the time, but when 'tile first astonishment wore off; there lingered idea of a sensation that we might have felt and remembered to the day' of our delath.— But the girl evidently did not intend to repent the salutation. She stood wondering at her rePtilse as much as we did afterward, but 'wfth - better reason. It was a common and innocent token of friendship among the warm open-hearted sex of her country; and she, poor thing, saw a friend in every stranger at that time. She seemed aboutseventeen;and 'her form exhibited a rare mingling of grace and voluptuons symmetry that I had before deem ed iimpoisible, All Californian senoritas peg s* the latter, but it is united with a spread ing luxtnience of limb that forms a magnifi cent contrast to the sylph-like airiness of some other climes. Here, however, the two were so connected that it seemed hard' to know to which class of beauty she: belonged. At this time,, indeed, no critical thought en tered my head; I saw before me only the Cal ifornian glancing her dark eyes on us in fear ful hope, and wondered that I had ever thought the phrase "billoiry boSom" an extravagant expression. She came forward' again, and taking a hand of each, pressed them between her own, saying inquiringly, and with inexpressible softness of tone; 'amigos?' Then, without waiting for an answer, she hurried On: Her father, she said; was at wealthy plinter near the ,Sacramento river, heiself his only child. e still— d!— bird's trill— loft Inc here, I car, road! Sacramento. RBOCKER. ian character were mountains?" ex- If almost breath mit of the chain to Valley. riend, quietly; "it A young ma% the companion of her youth, had been convicted of a 'capital crime and sentenced to death; but a few days before the execution - he Ind etscaped, and was' supposed to be lur k ing near the •mountaini., He had once beeri atuuomiccessful suitor for her love, and his flight relieved her from the load of fear'she had always felt of' his character and designs. , But, two days since, she exteided he t i . "evening walk too far , and suddenly ;the outlaw stood in her path! He stopped for no vain - entreaties; they would be useless; but placed her behind him on a swift mustang, and fled for his home in the mountains. - No pans° or rest was allowed; in one day ~4 they crossed the'vtilley, and stopped at last before his Cabih. , Here ire lifted Her from the horse, faint ,with terror, fatigue and hunger, and leaving a savage hound as her keeper, he had just started forth with his rifle in • search 'of. game. She told this brief story simply and artlessly, 4 if conscious that words were not Wanted to color the deed; and then dropping our hands; stood before us, still in her beauty and distress.• Excited 'as I myself was I involuntarily' started at the' first word of Harry South.— His usual calm exterior 'changed into an ex -1 kession of terrible meaning, and even then I Saw that something more than mere compas sion and 'anger agita r tqd my friend. What he said was broken, and ' evidently came strug gling 1 p' from his heart. ' lie promised her prote ton and safe return, and without wast ing words, urged an immediate departure.— We turned to go, and our eyes fell upon the gigantic form of.tho hunter, terribly lacerated and dripping blood, ati • he leaned against 1 the doorway for support. He appeared hard ly able to stand; but the dull glassy look of fainineas'in his eyes seemed to itirround a fierce 'gleam 'of foiled malice. A fearful con teat was going on between lis'aiounded body I and the unconquered will,of 1 his soul. The latter prevailed for a moment, asi , with an ac tually blazing eye he rushed towards us, rais ing aloft his Clubbed ' Me. ' Thi .blow was easily warded off, and the lanceted deepen': do fell. . . „ , . Never did I fully appreciae the womanly loVeliness of Clare, holding the head of dying Idaimioo to ber !freest, hntil I saw the young CalifOrnian girl strive fa raise her'enemy and stanch his wounds. We soon found that he , . was nut dead; and havinkcarefully deposited him upon' a rude couch, the perideiing ques tion arose, "What is to be defier' He de serves nothing at bur hands but death, 'yet hu manity forbade n l s even tdletivi,him in that dangerous condition." We therefore remain edl there full fo r l days, while he was ' balan cing between Ife and death.' The cause of his wounds we ;mid not then enquire, though they were evidently received ,inclose• fight with some wild beast. During this time, I acted us hunter and'purveyor Of food: the Cal-, ifornian, of course, was the n u rse; and Harry, equally of course, - elected hinisilf surgeon. Prom what the hunter afterward said, it appeared that he had wandered some distance up the mountain. in search .of % wild sheep, or "broad horns," and suddenly found himself in close proximity to a grizzly hear; alMost the only - animal which the bold western hunter feats to meet. .It is nearly impossible for ono to kill it; rifle balls bury themselves in its body, and seem but to increase its 'ferocity.— Knowing that the eye was the only part open to -it mortal wound, he calmly waited until the fierce monster -was just about 10 rush upon him, and then fired with deliberate aim. Vain hope' The bear moved a little at that instant, and received the bullet in its[thick skull. It was staggered at first, but instant ly recovering itself, it seized the hunter in a terrible embrace. Nothing but his ,calmness of nerve saved him then. Torn and,breath less as he was, while the monsters hot breath was yet upon him, , and the foam ground from those,frightful jaws flew into his face, he drew the long slender dagger, worn by Californians for a. hunting-knife, and applying it with steady grasp to the eye, drovq it stiddenly, up to the hail. The animal's struggle was short, and the hunter arose, fearfully ntangled r hut still aliv. lie tottered back as well as he could, ant] arrived only to find new enemies in his owl home. i , . At the end of four days, the question, "What -Shall we do?" was as perplexing as ever. The hunter was' fast recovering: too fast indeed for our own wishes, fur we could not expeat hint tea:44lly to relinquish lila prize; and it was accordingly determined by the council of peace to leave him secretly, af ter placing within his reach provisions enough to last him sdvkal days. The next morning saw us five leagues distant. ; : Duringkhe journey, I had few opportunities of learning the character of our fair compan ion. She was mounted upon the'sante mus tang Mild] had carried her before, and Hai ry,,walking by her side, kept up incessantly a low-toned - conversation, so that 1 took the hint and led the way. At the close of the first day we bivouacked in true hunting style, and makidg up a hasty couch for the Califor nian ;girl; laid ourselves upon the soft moss in silence. -I was just falling into a gentle doze, when a single word from my friend Woke me. "Strange!" "That you hare found your tongue at last? What else?" "*I "Why, I never thought to ask her name." "Perhaps I can inform you." "You! ' how did ydu learn it? What is it? exclaimed he, eagerly rising. "What can it - be, but- I —Miranda?" said I mischievously. "No more of that, IIal!" he replied with a manly blush. " "But yet," added - he, more earnestly, "she is Miranda in truth. In a fevi words, she unveils her whole soul: So inno cent, so child like, and yet so womanly. I could say to her with Ferdinand: -"Full many Si lady , I have eyed with best regard; end many a time • ' Tho 'moony of their tongues bath into boudagi Drought my tee diligent ear; for several sirtues lla%e I liked several woman: haver ally With so fill a soul, but some defect in her • Did quarrel with the noblest grace she owned, And put it to thn foil; but you, oh you; f So perfect and so prerle.a, are created Of every creature's beet." Her beauty and distress more than interes ted me at first, and s ince that-why should I not confess it?—our conversation has showed me a fresh, noble soul, and has actually—not as I-was about to say, made a fool of me, but a wiser and happier man." "Happier! I may, congratulate you, then:— But her old lover, he will of course recover, and her is a Californian. They stab in the dark.," "True; but a Californian .practices grati tude as well us revenge. I ,hardly know which he feels towards us. Wo probably saved him from"a lingering death, but at the same time.robbdd him of something more than life. Let-us nietition kim no more. He is a dark shadow in my path, but thank heaven! behind me. I feat him not. Strange that I never thought to itsk her nain3!" With this soliloquy; he tutned over and I went tossleep. The sacond Any gave me no better opportu nity than the.firl'it for examining more minute ly into the character of our fair friend. 'ter ry was still her!constant cavalier, and I some times fancied tiat his treatment in excluding me might be aptly termed by the same word ; But situated as be Was, it was a point of hon or to give hiexclusive posseilbut of her company, espe ally as We expected Boon to . reach her borne. l Still, as I occasionally , glanced, and marked her free, artlesitkearing, or heard the musical murmur of hor lanth, I. could hardly h i tlp envying Harry, and his. place by her side. Toward the close of the afternoon we left the valley and ascended the first hill beyorld. When the summit was' gained; a. faint loutcrylof joy from our corn- . pinion, as she pointed toward a large hti-tien dm, abotit half a mite distant, showed that she recognized her .ibme. We stoWedi and were almost instantly seen by astra i ggll f ir e slave who ran to they hacienda , and n i wmo ments, a gray - headed old man spurred toward us at full speed ) ; with a crowd of gervants owing him. "My father!'i, "You have another friend to welcome," said' INI a deep voice at our aide, anti the outlaw stepped from behind 'a rock. 1 ' "I have waited,for you here." be i continued, with singular calmness. "Your companions L might have waylaid and'slot down before thio, j but they once spared and elven saved my lif , when I expected death ,' from them, and now, at this:our last meeting, I I come with one request. By the memory of our childish days, by_the death of ,my love for you. grant it!' Let me see you alone for the last time— forever!" 1 . ' I hesitated; but—. I • , i 'lt ,cannot cannot be Herman," was murmured faintly by the girl, and "it must , not be,' more authoritively from Harry South, decided the mitten what I hare to say, witnesses," Ile paused, and his fingers sively upon the barrel of the, was leaning. "Why have I left my ret . r l l you thus, while fever ran tr my wounds _opened at ever; tell you? 'Tis the same H my -proud nature in boyish that drove me forth, the sam but to lose all. Need I tell shrink, and well you may.' 11 day, of violence has passed, all peace from another. I must this; I have come now to l l and to terminate the existencs me. - Farewell! I commend Virgin. • . lie-held his - open hand tow went, then suddenly raised hi I taught her in my arms—del • A maddened scream actin9 friend. He instantly recovei with a friglitful slowness, pr and deliberately covered thel "Firer' cried he, bearing I you save me from . self murd: be hateful to God, and in her "No," replied Harry, lowe ing his weapon; "thou aatan ,of fallen angels, I will not murder you. Wounded thouglryo I are, you shall ; have an equal chance for li , but we cannot, both live. Imagine the gr and measured," heladded, with a mocking gl astly smile. H-i:;' took a pair of pistols. rom hie belt and handed me one. I -received it Mechanically, and gave it to the Californian. /They stood oppositel' each other, I counted and at the last word Sere was a. single explosion. The outla'w held his pinto sition as before. He totte one hand upon his bosom, body of his-vietfin. . "Let - me die by her side!' fell. __Ttleu looking up to II rible? - ernile, "It was a poo ' youveie — a hater marksma pistol to his head and presse s Thoughyerolutve paste get that scene; the body . of 1 stretched beside her gigant my noble friend gazing on tl agony in his look; and in th ltairedfather hastening to h' ~ A LAPLAIW W I , The following account of aiding on ; marriage between. Lapland, is extracted frim,p of England: "Here let me insert a peel in this barbarous country, M credible merchants ,whose e is death in Lapland - to marr. her parents consent; whereff affection for a maid, upon Jl, her friends, the fashion is ttui ted for her friends to beholl run a race togethr. ' The starting the adva tag° of a l i vi i ce, so that it i impossibl of herself, that she should the maid outrun her suitor, ed, it being penal fur the r mention of marriage. But an affection for -him, :thong hard to try the truth of h (without Atalanta's golden speed,) preterid sap() cast. voluntary halt before she co end of the 'ace. Thus nom Rimy against theiroWn wit ciki33e - that in this ceuiltrit are i . richer in their own con cith r lands where so rival) , nialte feignhd love and real, for i ced ~nhappi 1 PASS IT AL NG.7— Ycsj 1 pass,it along, whether you; not—, that one-sided whisper ei character of a virtuous femsle. Y 4 don't believe it, but you ,will use 3 1 ._, once to hear up the false r port, and pass it on the current . Strange c eaturei . are man kind? How many reputaticns have been lost i b by a surmise! How many hearts ave been bled by, a whisper! How many l enekelent deeds ,have been chilled by the shrug of a shoulder! How many indMdualslariti been shunned by a gentle myste ious hi le! How many chaste bosoms have been wrun with grief by a single nod! low many early i graveS hive been dug by a alse reriort! Yet you will pass the slander al ng; you will keep it above the waters by the w gof your tongue, I ; when you might sink it fore er. Destroy the 1 passion for telling a tale, w pray you. Lisp ' not a Word - thatmay inju the character of another. If the female has erred, forgive her; and forgive the past. She h s woundsenough 1 without the fangs of guide a tongue. Be de- , termined to listen to no ate that is repeated i to the injury of another, an as far akyou are concerned the • slander • will die. But tell it once, and it may go on the l ivings of the-mind increasing with each bre 0 1 ,611 itae Cir culated through thei_etate, ritiabronght to the grave:ono who might haiil livednd been a' blessing to the world. I i I 4 I. 1 DEATH' OF SILAS WRIOI i the tall form of My Country's mirth is hushed, - And awe enthrones herso o The hope of millions of her sons to crus Broken the golden bowl! So strong in mind, so purl. in life, Has met the Foe whom none mly o'er wi • • The Nestor stern of State, ; High o'er his honors towered the 5 And ever, on the field of mad debtite, Before his man form,— Beneath Mt light' imtef•his eye, While eloquence ho you cd in thriuter•• Knelt Sophistr y to die. will say before long will Wisdom lave • Her sacred limbs in streantriif And greatneis. bending 'o'er the elya.ntpio From sorrow• spurn relief.' worked ,convul tie on which he l int and followed. n my veins, and ;• step? Need F , use that curbed days, the ' , same that gained you you now? You 1 orgive me; .thend you will seek i t not live to see Eryou " farewell, which torments i you to the Holy 1, Whose tretWures ure the Ratlient Ir e counts his jewel', while he gripes th ithileasure born of Yet envy not;-0 Worth! Tito transport whi.•h that iniser ft 'Though severed is a mighty mind frcan The grave not all conceals: I t Your panas, pide Grief, :mina!: _ And tionn the last mad )vateli ofnt in condort turn to glory's &hied tiagei Arid read .the name meal>, Sept. 3, 1817. 4 [Buff. R rd her for/a mo 7 a rifle and fired. itd! Iy convulsed my 4.ed himself and esented his rifle loutlaws's heart. From the St. Louis-RmelSo On the rail cars between Alban n 10, the conducters are frequently t cha ring a single trip,'and as eaClilieWt %barge, he s announces himself - in 'oilic exclamation "Show your ticke s!", 011 a night trip, recently, h ! sty hoe was ne if the' passengers 'an exhi'Ated his ticket to the first ' ohd, carefully Placel it in a Well -worts pee, buttoned it up i t breat.pocketpf I is c .ed,his hat tightly on his head,„ . an fo b arms, resigned himself to the caru eus.. Ilis nasal organ had scarce ) . I ed him in dream-land, before anothir for came along, with—"Show,,your i is broad brefist, l r, Which Would =ight!" ' The old Yankee awoke with' n s hying been made conscious i.)f w wanied; he exclaimed. ' !.1. reckon you don't want to he. se the time, dew your' "Once will do me, sir," said the , conducto "Nell, you hey seen it that 064( repiic the old gent., "so you kin pass on." 1 ' the same po :d, and pressing .taggered to the 14 cried. as he • rryf with a hor -1 d !hot; I thought —he raised the the trigger. , I never can for hat lovely being c outlaw lover; em with life long - distance, a gray 's child! The conductor insisted upon looking :t i and the disturbed Passenger .unbtit t onei, eclat, unstrapped the old pocketbook, ha ril out the ticket, and thelconductor passed .yl , ol l 'hern fellers air Tity afeaq of getti chiseled," said he, as placing his ticket. his vest pocket, ,to agatn resigned linself asleep. , I - 'The conductor, thinking he halmiss Csome of the p ssengers, came ba k / 4, ‘g,, presently and a ked to see the tickets! • "well,Wha;! agi !" - exclaimed the/ild r "well, I wow ou are the mostyeskid li I over seed. Jest. take a good/lont hey cloned' . , ..1/ i The conductor passed °Again, an DDING. he method of de young persons in , tiller's Worthies Man stuck hisl ticket z iri hie hot-19 this time gots z sleep.! The he cars in a sNort, time loosened , hhtl :ago of a castor\ im the mouths of beheld it. It maid ,without . , it fell off„whi ili / a' / i sleepless wag in . clerceiving, hereked up the conductor's and approitcbing the old gent., shouted i ear—" Show yMar tickets!" '1 I . "Patience - gassy!" said 'the old here aint one of dim ticket , fellars;" ! he pulled out his pocketbool4 and .sec put: it back, then felt in his vest. pm in vain. "Xou've got it," said 'he, t.tv yoi, I knolr." Here he recollec ing it n his hat-band, and now con Sparch for his head-piece. The liat f sbuflling ,of the passengers' feet, I kicked along under several different /, After a busy search of some mi utes', - thought he preceived it beneath a fat Itl lady's seat. In reaching, for it lie awoke her. "What do you want?" she inquired' snap: pishly, as eien the most amiable old s rady would do when awakened out of a sound sleep. ,4 1'm Only reachite for 'ruy lint, marm,' said he, "its got under yoiiri seat." j ' I "I tell I you' taint," said she. What's a nice excuse to be corniiTt" feela mu id a body with, when they're asleep. 1'1! tell t i e agent';, A 1 • see if,l don't." - , if one bear an l eaking t a da d I the thereof to is appoin vo parties Mowed in rt of the ME higl p e, ewe •1 1 ,e o l %er lie inn t willing , aken. If er is end- renew the irgin hath MEI the y at fir t running she will, retard her s love, to aity; a ototl d make a le mark or impelled to (this is the t ied 'ileople int:than in RTC CO 1;. and e mare, 1 l uiarrinqes news." "'Why, good gracious, tnarm," said he, "you might sleep an age In th same bildin with me, aud,l'd never dream of techiu you." • believe it kainst the say you qpr inllu- ibl'ou 'mightn't (Worn of done so," said she, "but you aint a bit too good to, I'll be bound wakin' people up in the middle of 'lyre night, when they're all alone, (therewcre fifty in the car,) abort a hat =why don't you git your hat, if it's there, and go - - away; but hell you it zint there, now,,that's enough, l l think, for any reasonable person— why don't you take it I say?" Thus 'commanded, the distressed old gen,tle man reached'under the seat at the dark-lbek ing object which he fancied was his hat,' Old' the Of dog, which he caught bold of by die neck, seized him in turn by the iingere, with a trio-u-u-trough! "Ow-oh! 'ciya the consarneZ thilig!" ex= clained he; "why, it's a live innr.nitit!" f ".Vowr'said the'eld l dy, "I reckon you're 'satisfied that it aint the kind of hat- yoU're lookin' , for and :yeti Can go somewhere else and ranch for your old hat." A jolt 'of the cars here nearly threw , him io ta her lap, on Which'sbe,nrive•etiglo Stream and Called tor protection. "Perhaps this Is your hat, sir," said th e weg,who wan *Vitiating the, conductor, at the !lime timo banding him his chapeau, with the ticket safe in the hat-band With an ea. ilataation of pleasure, he seiz d DT J. CLEMENT. The Roman of the land, And [elan in the t.trire! lie calmly kept the vain The "inexorable Past," YOUR TICKETS 111 SOLUAMR. EEO "1 ere, take the Ounsatiteti tieket# will he e. claimed, handing l ottl pfolatitetioi but e 'etybody refused; , . , .. "Wont nobody 'hey 1(1" -he inquired .eur gfatiousi I wont carry. i i t, tarn ! il • I hriii y'tir alas!" exelaimed the r, entering,: to *hick he added, Auburn; gentlemen." l‘ ere, take it s 'e i sttid tfal old Yankee ! high state of exclioment4 "I"d jest rad ( locked up in your clod-rottedeld jail 44 1 I travel by nigfitt Ou'Nhese' waggins. A t eturnally showiti'llis titket= - Icarningi cross doge, or wlnii:s au all-fired sight. --',t cross old %cholla!" -As ho leaped from .the c 'r, is'itra ; ' tormentor 'shout 'after hi n}, Shim • tickets!" ••• J . "Darn youd tic ts, and tbe huff bil ' 0 • yePllie 1 shotited bask, as making trac the ;toter, he, disripared in the darknei 1 "ALL'S WELL - 141AT - E,N OffilFEJ it ; etl! vqw min Iduct., are a, I= I et; 1 !nit' In lit • ---- I' We find in ;1 recent number of . the N' Advertiser, theloitowing account .of et riage which was celebtqktfil i in New Je i few months since" Ottdtided hi rem& circumstances. It ceitainly Trace "while there is life there, is, hope-I-and prolonged existence only in the dense, bet of reformation of character, such change is necessary. : Some eighteen years , ago the bri , bridegroom, then quite yonng, were liv gether in the same houie; and became attached to each other. The parents c 1 1 1 young woman' ho were? ~ utterly oppos marriage, and:finally sueceded in bra it the, ecrurtship,!and in'driving the youn froM the neighborhood. He became in perate end led a restless and , wanlerin I ttiele \ ss and' burdensome., apparently ,t • L self' a.a td tip with whom he was con el In the_ meanktime, the mother of the g t.ldi : On& she herself removed to a little far 'wh he tii ] ierited, where she lived by herse Cwi out neighbor or associate, doing -h for work coven to clearing op her farm, ,r / o affix her fences, plimting her fields an t i e lib leading the lifeiof a solitari : is thrsp, thougllmaintaining a characi r for entree and virtdous . diportment. 4,boat a ar ag( the man quit -his intempersie habits itd be. caine industrious, and haiing then rd col, the situation of his eld sweetheart, rid the death of her mother,4e came to this *f ountry to see her. He fond her in therfiolit y fields burning _brush. i hey recognize es other, T i n and then relay the -various scene Which they had pasied through since 'Ol3O, awed, their vow( b;an4 agred to mrn Ole coming utu nip., He' returned toi his airless_ 'll °Era kiln county, but was hardly me be fore//he was back again. Th ' rend f this / ,i- I ;econd interview was that th y agree to be narried at once ? T i he marriage weal agree) celebrated. ,;lied a. friend wbn visited Item the ?titer day says that they hale appi • 'e l ntly renewed their youth. The l lady had . 1 leserted• the bruit(' helaps and the ienneti to I # ..t )eriurin the more seemly dutieti of a wile at iome,lii bile the Man has taken her Wonted lace, and cheerfulness and happiness dwell the home of the fOmer miJenthroPe, and' sobriety and industry has suppliinted the Itab ts nt the drunkard. ; 1 ' .- IME It= (1131 ged, du- I nc t i k • kb . th ha iiig eto , he etb.olc, .at, s'ull-' BIT 11311 MBE con tCka cirt, at IN Mr 5 1M213 ZEE I I, nd, 1 ioti hat, til. A I CURIOSITY' We should like to o l e the < newso l Vonld suit eriarybodY i . It would be a ty. Such a thing never did, noi • net) ave a place among the things of ear! tousands are astonir i Shed that the j vhieh they are subsbihers does not ist such articles as they like to read )no elorts moral essays—another, oi l flectli - iies—anotherlooka fogs' Berm( r a ther, loVe tales 'arid mis el;hiny—wl yonder that their 1 - .c.01i r i tastes, toited--'never for ti momet tl opt:rosin :ilito.r caters for all the ; tented api , - lousands. .. , ' i • A lIIN . ' . . Never tell your own Milt ys to an, M goo:. tipping lionsewife. Let li?.r appear vets(' . ;pee : loos—so , sineete—so candid— sure to tvoid her, and keep your own con g a I; for 60 Only reason shit has ; for prying to your • t ecrets—for insinuating herself into y of eon. 'donee, is to learn some error, or d furmity xiating in your fa nily; On Which ale may Last in se ret deli , lit for i a hisitriOtis mo nent, and then shire some of her choicest f i ts with I r neighhor.. Treasue thii up awl et upon i : nd its will save youyears of rtificali n if nut of heart toiiiting Itili k or., r _ , r.AnANGE p i:—i , i became poor, and my rel soon evinced it-1 t - unlversalfy led--I passedli through the at ets as' gh a desert: I had ,t / 1 me old hats.--I them all for a.new on , put it on and , out , --q. was litattiediat ly ace Aid by is. My wife contrived t? get iiti . one Ible coat out . of two oldnes—l put that 3 ii ;o, and went out-ever 1 one not* retog- OE and th rch d i ket, g S id L udt , d ami t tad se RIG II Hil MEE A • I ppa voi ze ler, me, and I w ,orner." ' n.DICATIONS.—The Empcirer of Russia, IC is tia d t In his recent large lniPNtnaents in the, .'..4ig ish s/id Freneh fund has been prepar ing,/1 *the mkans of till prt for. icriself p nt ! , repa tioryTto ationdoning; his triiik, and *wig the tlinsitidei of his days in prise y.Leefirriti of I teiglurn its also becoming tireil of malty.— ,- she .yci.tt,og Queen of. Spain ; column' liter is: s simila r; movement; What It less° may be derived from these facts of, the insu diency Ofhcitiorii and station te:contribtie to asl s rtfity bappinesi. ' 1 2 - • 2 ave I got more than one hi err 11./LW% yon dont know , what you an! talkingt about.," wt} ma r toll , the Congreint to h abot: their' brave four-fathers!" 4, Mr-Bnoodle you must stop eat y fro Csading the newspapers.:' • II IBM 1T !MEI MD3 ul cher. etni4 "We in I er be then en's egin vase, • gild' [ your n' on s for gcl • wark thief+ •. sey a__ I rkabla that I trot: of usual where MEI Ea= , r can t, yet • per to ontsia rth and ile ell re, not • hit an° item of ands with at ev- , altakPli 1 '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers