IE G I REAT NA 1. PILL S. DR. S IN ELE Dn. • -I PROVO [BMA . A ItE l'i, a111.111C11113 . 13 . SUPOriOrit) OM OVA MI P 351115 W.O Whirl, fled no fora; "iiitterald d they. hal, BENJ. ByITH'S. NOIAPEG• TABLE • COATED 3 PILLS ~ for the Unit, d States, and their all others for entire efficacy and ; for them a pre eminence of fame 'n Indoeuce to perpetuate. "Almont e silently) workrileffirir way, nil na lent held on thn °w n 1 a go ombat lett , of the - 1 . tick ne other moilicine.or opposition can rotas.t four yours,' they have triumphed over disegic, ihtjej and gladness to many an anxieu+bosoin. THEIR PlTRl'llii. :eat compound, com.uend• thole to the me t deli-' oven the mere hardy, who have suffered from sof impuro properties in the stomach, will in leaned with the delightful operation 'of these a. They have the rare merit of the must cares cted ingredients, are always cite , and there can ger of takini, Meal improperly at any time. A SINGLE TRIAL rifest their excellence in relieving the body of cursors of rilarming demises, keeping the bow Ly °Pen, thereby ensuring the continuance of IPlie twist eminent _ chemist In New Voris has certificato that I.llCse Pills are PURELY VEG i i , or ATERWS OWN neinEkbir. at principle recogniged by the inventor of this o merheine is, that cv ry p art of the body, u health or disease, it brought under the main the digestive o Taw. This plain ;old rational forms the only ground on WIII&I a good Gandy can Ili revoninieuiled. Operating according to elide. oft- S:ili'Fll'S PILLS LENGTIIEN TILE at romrAvir, tie seeretions of the LIVER. SKIN, mid KID• Ind REGULATE THE It iIV ELS, thereby adept• NLY NATURAL and coasi , tent method of eon e L i r& ft4)01) puit E, by car eating the vitias rs of the whole sY•tern. . i., possible to glee every particular in this twirl(' tit these Palls ire o irne•tly recommended es it preventing so notch misei•y and disease ' which or constipatmn of the [novels, neglected colds arks. &c., i te., and a lach at is in the power of PREVEN r. '- Palls du ion 1' mu tat:. sit . . • trii i - vh - ('(TILE .. dine Iles of the Westeid Colotry, nnil in ALL ft!LLIIR,%Lp , S , ORDERS, They s nail alone, traprr. • • I—,THE SICK MAN'S l'ltlENah A 111011,7 the complaints for which these Pills are highly reef/111 7 Ideal, urn the following, viz F EVE RS, I, . PUN IN THE SIDE, DYSPEPSIA, SCROFULA, INDICES I 10•41, - I nth 111.00 D, 1 cowry/ENE:3s, tilksTitue I'IONS, • H EA 7ACIIE, ,FEIIII.F. EO3IPLAINTS, i ItAD APPE riTc, 1011:1131A'FIStl, DIA ItlttE t. • _ WHO IPI NG COCCIIS, DVS NTAItY, ' WFA It NERVI.:S, LIVE R. COMPLAINT, II Yi l'Ell ICS, 01'0 MS, t OUGHS„ lIEA tTLIERN: , COW'S, DILI 0_79 l'1101.0", INFI I'ENZ t, 1 FOl7 .STOMACH, 1 7 1311'. Es, ' JAUNDICE, - Low SPIRITS, Jae. _ Ity reneging the vintplo directions which accompany every 1 H r of gentile,. pill.r.n permanent cure will bb•:el• te.:tml. , Mort of the OSPITALS iii New York hove gin . nil tiles Pills the prefe mice over more thou 20 kinds that bate hi en tested, and several EMIN EN I' PHYSIC[ INS, is-New Tort, and •elsew too e, use then, I t their prautice. EWAILE OF liIIPOSITION, ' The: emand for Dr. Smith's Pills lining every Where .1., great, several unprincipled persons ll.lre Heim Pills Of the most miser 11.1. unit dangerous stuff. and to palmthemoff for the genuine. have put of ir'eoating of riignr."- - Therefilre.beWale.llli4llllWAV% look fur Lnvo gni propla roll' .6°11, 1 and bralti A, MCL I ate, aurl the tine mire hn y the 0 p i ' fully stir. be an dal) Will ma , as pr gear Ile 1101. Fovea El MIL The g inval tub whether di, to doctrine 1 medlein thi. prii ST Promote NLYS, ai trig the &ring q t It is i notice, I menus n i CrOW 011 . .11.ght all Melo T • Phase, Most a INE WRITTEN T ILT ItE OF G it. T lt. tlie I ..IL Y. Ott IliC •Nuulhl mo•tlth IVC p, °moo of et pry box, in etutoterßitt which is FOR- More than NUJ certillcatcs have boon received 'rimmed °(lire mid the people 3,0 referred to • Herald & Gazette,' where they,can rend of the portant cures. ye, fur want ne cones, but few TENTLIIONIA/M. Front Rut. Loth, r Lee. intili•s l'ills .ire pus ety reget tile, operate well, duce I good result. 1.1"111 H LE'. Editor True Wobleyets. Pram the Rev. J. Kellett. ire fins taken Moffat's, Morrison's, and Alloy of ii she has received more trier:fit from Dr. Smith's in allbtherc She believes they grey be nerd by with perfect safety, o ilium t changing than m ot or diet, and it any sea-nn. JOIEN IiIIt.LFTT, 1;.t7 Mj f op Attune, Hrooklyn. Front 11, fit it voi•ali•t ifs New York. I. Ilunj. Smith's Pills hos, entirely cored me of , in my bead, and gesifiradwooker, tinny system. oily use them with Ilse bel , t se-0110. 1 would not sot them. I'. 11. t %SG, 99 Fors ; th et. From the Ed. of, the Black Hirer Journal. iitith's Pills tire free noel the obp•clions to which sti; are boble, and me the best' medicine that I it teen, J. Blt i ENE. From the P. )1 Tonawanda. N. Y., AIWA PIM are the best I limo ever used, &c. JAC. IiIUL , ,H., P. M. Frain Bet - ... 4 Wilitunto, Pattaburgh e used Dr. SmiliCs Pill-, nu& k now thy , y are n good itc, &c. S. wi Li ,1 a Ms, I st itapt. Ch. From Rev. J. G. 1.. Illn.lkins. • , 1- ,Imith's rill, :Ire , in demand in this region tem ph:min.:tire, nod cllicacYs I JOHN G. L. HASKINS, Marion No Y. Fronk M. Dame, the Quaker. il Smith —Ile• peered Friend—Thy Pills arc selling wilily, Alloi giac Of ralc sups' . letion to this place, Isle, IIOSIN DAM E, 261 . thine-et. , inith—Your pill-arc itill 'Nod here. ED EATON ko milor R . AT. with—l am tourit pleased withi your Ind. Vet t. Coaled fills. tied the•thent in my faimN. • ED BROOKVILLE (lA.) AMERICAN. above me unit' a few extracts—but we might go on .t whole nr %spa pur with similar Ones.- I heselP ills in tin most popular in this country, and goy the 'eneral rati-facibm. se Pills odl Away.; titre COLDS in a much mere nt way than any other remedy. For this they are Med. ENE RI) II: Pr, hu 1 . 111 th r, mak. ploy me, dit4lll My 1.. b. Iva othk r ha" , y lin mrthe Dr. from t MERE 1 1 1/r. Etigarl Th and II arc a pi el Th pl 'll air laimmiN,mau Palls I of mitt. ••rot. pvutt Dr Olt ernun Lon' Oct ernizileii,ed to coT au l 7.lleaiT .teDoor T3tniilt•• aye become E. crt popular thrnurlotut the country. 1 011 have enught to palm oft rEo.thle‘t •tuir with 4 : leg °league' to cover up a inort clangoroua corn ' e‘tnnbeelter, or Wheelisir, VIE. crq. • that n person its lace C.llllO 'WM' 10.$10i1 11/5 lac trims the elieett. Elf the I el lett "Sag Er Coated ' Inlll. , Abe, a gentleman in I YON. Ky. as seiccd 'v. ith violent oonuting alter use. a .. I Ilia goe.i”.• or get 11011 e, 101 P , fl th at 0. BENJ. ~,,, cif i, ~,a ith .. pen on thettctrfont °reach box. VICE:V(3I'AL OFF2CES. • NEW YORE. WlG...elm tch Street. 1 1 0.5T0N. 2 SN'Etter Strcet. ER IL, Cat ler & tuns her So. 6, RNA llnuEe. J. euliiroim.k Co..t.:oaner•nitg.itoteallil ;lb sore_ , I- I , jut!' li 'l7. • lini.l2 . —LI ---.. . ' (:,' fi3ll I A! )IES e tt tal t id at the cornet store, a nice a, sorttnent or Gluvee, Nl Hie, Iloiscry.-kc. ,c-c. 11 tie., Fancy Fan?, Comte,: Slice] Been ib.v , it, Pu see, Pltrey twist and •tiiintnint;tt, cinbr i ablery Inaci ials, :ticli as Fi elicit I lo : —, ti ort!tctl, c-litnel! tt rti &c. .1 , :c., all very cheap, by 1 1 11ny'29. 1e47. METCALF. New Woollen Factory • , AT ,NO:VI /I E.IST. ' .1 DUNC AN, 3E IVETT & t :u. have just com menced bushi , ..s of trittoit.tettirin , r Woollen Goods, dressing Cloth, carding W oul, ,c c. Their machinery is entirely new and of ea-tern maim• fachue, and. einhi aces the laten imprmetniints.- 11 e business %sill h,t condoned Dv Mr. lewea, who has had 20 N.( acs' expel ienee in it. both ,io 'this country and England. They will Mao t facture on shares, giving one yard of cloth for t vo at d a quarter lbs. of wool, or for - 'lady pay 'n co, tor country produce, quid on as reaFona In 1. in.. as any other establishment in the county. 'l' cir manofntory is locate I shout one mile notch 01 the village,ALEX. DUNCAN. 1 ' .IiiSIIIIA JEWETT. . ISAAC B, STEVENS. ' - Nord , East, hint! 17, 1817, 3ml CARPETING. , ATE: offer a row pieeca ALL WOOL Carpets, very cheap ac Ntay 2.9, 1817 ARPET BAGS & Satchels. Amon". which , wephayLe Amne or the Wilton and Venetian hat aro enNior to any m in3r4et, sr:Hinz eery heap at 1 ETG.II.I I" Niag 29. INI7. 1. PARASOLS. LARGE ar.sui talent, all s'ylcs and qualities offered as near trumtvacturers prices as is onaistent with a small eom,niaaion to ourselves, M ETC ALF'S. May 29, 1817. New Goods! New Goods! ! THE eubscriber is now receiving his spring mock of Fancy Dry Goods, Groeleries, Hard• ware, Crockery, Iron; Nails Sc., which will be *old at redtlced prices tor ready pay. My old substantial fri4nds' and the public c'enerally arc requested to call and et.imine goods and 'slices, they certainly will not ;:o away dissatisfied ne I will not be under sold by any west of New York, for leady-pay. SNIITII JACKSON. May 6, 51 ' rti. I egliorn Hats, a good ast , urttnent G may be found at April 26. • W 11.1.1 AMI 3 St WRIGHT'S. I'OSSTEILN HOTEL, • • TOIIN GIULIANI. Proprietor. The I J subscriber %%mild respectfully infoim t his friends and the traveling public gen• era y, that ho has leased Co a term of yearn this row and commodious flutist!, situated at the ' EiAttv, Street Canal 13asin, This location reti dcia tIM" WESTER.N " pro-eminently the most !'convenient and desirable stopping, place for all either doing business or traveling on ante Canal. There la, also, attaelied to this establishment a Large and convenient. Stable for the use of Boat- I wen and others having horses. No pains or expense has been spared in fitting • up this house for the convenience 2 comfort and pleasure of guests, and the Proprietor mists by strict attention to business to merit and receive a share of public patronage. • Erie, April 21, 1817. -- 49 NO. ill AG• NO EXCUSE F 'di 1 a De embracing The& • and Cirs.ical Sulto Which will be EDI. Oro o.tbred in Fhi may be found--- 1 Anthon'g cla9oc ary, $3 50. Anthon's Virgil, $ do Homer, I Anthou 'sJac bs' Greek Reader, 2,' do ' ' ' d do Litssons, 1, do d Laten , I, do d do Proy, 1, _ do o - Satin ~ 1, Davie's Mathen ;ides, including Algebra, Le gender, Analvitic Geometry, Surveying, &c. Davie's arithinctir , It irkham's Grammar, Adams'' thy Hail's U S `History, .lather's Geology, Olney's Geography, NI r 5 Lineon's Botony, - 111orstt's do / Cmstock's do ' 'Mitchell's do IBurrett's Geography of the Heavens, with large and splendid atlas; also, the Electic series of Reading Books. Andrew's and Stoddard's Lntin Grammar, .do do do Reader, ConiAtotl,'s cheincstry and philosophy, . Sanders' Readers, Bennett's Book Keeping, I . , {allter's Dictiosry, - Colt's, do Johnson's 'do ,'M r or's Baron, 1 Sedtt's elainentaries, 6 vo. , Dick's works, library editialso, cheap, The works at - Chesterfield, Illish's residence at the court of London. Fox's book of .Ndartyrs, Jo.ephus' works, Huhu ch's Lives, :rollins' do , Lady of thr;' Manor. kddisons' do Go?d's wild): of medicine, Dryilen.'s ~ do I iooper's med. Dic'ry - Eberle's Practice, Gay's med. Juriedence, do Therapeutics, Cruden's.concord'anec; Platonic Theology, ;gland's elements of Moral Science, The School and the School Master, Dr Olin's travels in the cast, Thurwal's History of Greece; etc: Guide to the Pt oplweieq, r num.; Tr,,,,i,, Barns' Notes, _ Fuller's riot!.?, . New Spirit ofthel Age, Chalmer's works, Bucks religious anecdo' es Malcom's travels, Gibbon's Rome, Pt ideatix's connesion, Life of Heber, Works of Charlotte: Elizaheth,,complete, thhis • Fre !Him Bremer, do ~ Moshi ries eclesinstical History, Luther on Galati ms, Jarves' church History, ' Pictorial I I istqry attic American Revolution, Life and Seri rests of Whitfield, ' Golthruith's ['inland, Parley's Dniirsal History, Together with u ally other valuable works too nuinerotts to 'rrienti l oti in the limited space of an adver, keine:at, Call and pee—no chargeg ' for showing bookq. I , s , June 13, ISI6. L , 4 PAINTINIII . , 11NGRAVINGS, gz.o. G r l ,lIT ER fs 11 10 r i 'Ell,. are in receipt of a beautiful collt ction of Paintings and Engra vings, plain and eo r lored, in oil and water. Per son; of taste cannit fail olberng pleased with the comaselection.• It coma views of sonic of the most roinamie and picturesque places in Europe and this country. A . Mong them are two Oil Pa intinor. 3 tiv„.3 I• 2 feet in rich gilt 6 ames—tho Ones 1 jeie of Troy and the Hud-on from Mt. 14, the other \V Es'i I iwton's Head Qom; Leis, near Newburg, on the .7\ (ink River; 11: , 41. 'liens of St, Cloud, La'. e of Zurlcli add 'surrounding country,. -- - ' of/,cm! and stir onn ling country , A Er"ieral VS,‘ of BriNsels, A Forest and - \\l ' - iluntirw gee 4C orrect like) on steel fr, two elqc in hanJ=oi i J Me:iv/wit)! 01 tiVJoe, A Ifi,?4'collet and Flow , ts, co si"ned t in,trn: fur ;he centre tab' Person's nny Oline in the worth their Otto thmi they can be Nov. 2S, 151 G 18 SIGH BRICK CO TIES DA v3rn viii %%a et-trete& Conwrisina G00d. , ; Sbh rummer we tt• tics; to be s, situ stock - 0 1 _GROCERII All of %%111 b y . Erie \lnv Sor No. 5, Erie, Nlay "New Store, F.rie, \lay E , I P:S.— A lot 'of prime'SAvedisli Leeches, 1,1 in g oodlcondition. just received by June la. J. U. BURTON At Co. NATINb r' .'A AIM %NUM—Said to' be bette V thin any preparation 'of Sarsapattlltcas a Pprifier and tt itneral eorreetant for sale by —nne 12. J. 11. BURTON 4- CO. Agents., lIV/N AND STEEL.-10 tons or Swedes, En , elfish and .1111(4k:en Iron, touetiwr with ull si vs az:Frio!: this (14y arrived at the corner of WILLIAMS & witicirr. June 12 II; RII EXl'EN:‘ , lOl‘;!--A large consignment , of INDIAN .CNOLAGOGITF., for cure or Fever and Ague, Biliona Fever, etc., etc., antl.tvill be sold to di tiv2ist2 and dvaleth by the case ot dozen, at wlndei.ale prices, by June t 2. J. IL BUI:TON & CO. Agents. M ETC A LE'S (r THE LAST AND CHEAPEST.,,D) NOW opening, from the la-t of onr Spring pur chase, a tcry general and extensive assort° went of Fancy and 'Staple DRY GOODS, with a good stock of ,D11.1.' GROCERIES, to which we have added a Ihrge stock of•OROCKERY, comprising fall dining Setts of China, with all the „cheaper Warrs. ' The attention of dealers is es- Ipccially invited to this branch of our trade. The Goods have all been purchased cheap, and trill he said , cheap. For further evidence please call at I MET CAL,Fv.I. J. a CLARK, in charge Mr P. ,METCALT, re• sneetfidlv solicits the patronage of his old friends and r omers at More No. I, Reed House. , Nlay .2.1), , 1817. Fil E INSURANCE FARMERS AND MECia'ANICS` INSUR ANCE COMPANY. OFBROKLYN, FOR persons desirous of Insuring in , the above company, the subscriber will receive and forward the necessary surveys of 'properly, and procure for them free of postage such policies as may be desirod. The above company is entirely responsible, and insures upon very liberal and advantageous terms. Any information Mo i l may be desireein relation to said company can be bad by calling upon the subscriber at the office of Graham &Thompson. CARSON GRAHAM. If 4 Erie,'.7±onr 113 1847 NEW GOODS BY RAILROAD. H Ay r . just received this morning a new sup 1. ply of plain and twilled Gihinghatn, also a lot of printl, 4.U., which will be sold cheapfor Cash by . C. M. TIMBALS. ,411tIay , 1517. 50 SHIRTS.—Hair, Grass and -Minutes; &tine; just •eceived at N., 4, • 14.04T0N 011111=311111 INST THE WORLD! R IGNORANCE NOW -- I JOHNS. • I CHU NIDE, has ins- I received from New York • and elegant supply of books rico'. Miscellaneous, Sundy .1 Books, Stationary. &c. &c. .cheaper for cash than ever be market.. Among his stock EM Robinson's Greek nary, .85; Webster's Diction Anthon's Horace . , Si 75 0, do CietrO, 125 y View, a beautiful piece, - V liver Scenes, ' ' l ieu, &c, alv, n,very fine and ( 1 7 1 sl sol i 'Zl , j ee pna;Clml also o ie n tzy,engrred r eliildrili, Allice and Albeit, ' me Ltilt frames; a beautiful nwari». , of "John'Andeison , rate and interesting picture. Lion of rare and beautifid Birds -redly and elegantly colored, de• lion to learners or as otnaments . bing to tiunish themselves with above line will find • these well otion. They will he sold lower purchased at retail in the cities. No. 6• Reed [louse. 23 47. 'lO BEHOLD!!! AT THE NER OPPOSITE THE EA GLE HOTEL: '1 I") y OPENP.D. direet,frorn the Pas s and Manufactories, a large and tnek of - sisr tee'sM AM real valliciyol Dress and fancy v.iibont•ninnber; Nien'o end boy's 1 Linen and any quaniity of Domes d elicap:r thou tyre; uidr an cite'''. S AND SHELF HARDWARE. ill be sold as cheap as the cheapest WILLIAMS & WRIGHT. 15. 1817. 1 52 ,11) an I Piano Forte Cover , 4, and American, for saler i at die "Now MOILTION 4. Co. 1'22.1417. NIA PLA If), for Boy''s coats and n li Ile the nieestiont, at the No. 1, Chenpnide; NIQR.TON & Co. 22. 1917. Morci New Goods ! BY THE QUEEN'S PATENT. • CONSUAPTION CURED—TRIUMPH ANT'SUCCESS I . OF BUCHAN'S HUNGARIAN BALSAM. OF LIFE. pEIE GREAT ENGLISH, REMEDY for COLDS, COUGHS, ASTH- I MA, and CONSUMPTION; THE MOST CELEBRATED aniXONFALLIABLE remedy for ,COlds., Coughs, Asthma. or any form of PULMONARY CONSUMPTION, is the ; the 'HUNGARIAN BALSAM OF LIFE, discovered by Dr. Buchan of d London, England, te sted fur upwards of seven years in Great Britain and, on the Continent ofEnrope, and introduced into the United State, under the! immediate superintendence of the inventor. • The astonishing success of the H ' Hungarian Balsam, in the cure of every; frm of CONSUNPTION, warrants the American Agent in soliciting for treatment the WORST POSSIBLE' CASES, that can be found in the corn imunity—cases that seek relief in vain from any of the common remedies of the day, anal have been given np by the innt3: distinDoisheil Physicians as CONFIRMED AND INCURABLE. The Hun.ranan 13a1-ant has cured, and .will'cure, the MOST DESPERATE OF CASES. Lt is no gnaclf nos trum, but a standard Alefficine of known and established efficacy. • Evei y family in the Uliited States should he supplied with Buchan's Hun.; earian Menai of Lifer, not only to counteract the consumptive tendencies dt he climate, hut to be nstil as a pr,rentice medicine in all eikaci of Colds, Coughs, Spitting of Blood, Pain in the Side and Chest, Irritation and sore nefs of the Lungs, Bronchitis, Difficulty of Breathing ' Untie Fever, Night Sweats, Entaciation and GeneraliDbbility, Asthma, Influenza, Whooping Cough, and Croup. In case ofi actual dia6aso of the luni:a, or seated Consumption, i t . is the ONLY SOU !let. OF 'LOPE. Sold by McDonald &.Smitb, solo Agent for !he United Kingdom, at the' Italian Ware-house, Ilegent-st. London, in Uodles and Cases, for ships, hoepituls, Etc. . 1 ~ : , By S k teciut.ippoiltletent—DAVlD F. 1.111.A.1M.r•:P. 119 Court st., Boetp . u,' ). , . Mass;, sole Aaent foi the United States and BMW' American Pi nvitice-. 1 American price, $1 per bottle, with ball di ections for tho restoration tin health. . . . Pamphlets, containing n ma,s of and Anterir•an certifleatec, and o :h erev id enee , ,',l lo ,viug the unequalled merits 01 this Great English Reale tly. may be obtained 01 the Agents, gratis. " None genuine, without the written bignatu r'e of the American Agi , a gold and bronze label, to counterfeit which is foraeiy. AGENTS.—S. Tousgy. Syrat,use, N. V. Gederal Azent for New and the western States, From the !NOLO Cbrgym In it'Colotts , , Ovorgo, Comity. , "T do hereby must cheerfully certify that I have used Dr. Buchah't ITun zarian Balsam in my family with great cetc. My little ,yirl, nowiin her, seventh, year was, in the month of October. la 11. attacked with a pain 'in' her ri:tht side, and not withstandino we used all dilitretwe to remove it, sic' continued to grow worse, an I after obtaining. the counsel 01 Dr.'B+, who thought the Lobe of her Lima...go seriously all; cued that her recovery was exceedingly doubtful. d was imitated 'Co obta in one bottle or tin Bills - am ant before one third of it was taken, thC little tttill'eret- resumed her plugs and her cheerfulness teturned, and below two i n were wittl her lied h wt WESTFIELD MARDLE FACTORY. TILE subseribets having a <noel a-40rtmeni 0' New England marble on lain!, I) oni eat quarries, calculated for Head and Emil tables Monuments, &c. which they offer to sell to any one in Elie emmty, Pa. not living f.irther ;ban° Erie, lettered in first rate stale, and deli ed, a• the following, prices: Small, 'for th:ldri , n, .51• per foot; Middle size; for aged people, 81 C 9 pet foot; Largest size SI 7.5 per hmt. \Ve thinh oonld be an object for some' of the Erie people to forward us a few inscriptions as we have recently been informed by the Erie marble dealins in rather .1. bragging way, I ha. they %yet e etie!sing it to the Eric and Crawford eminty people ;nod. They lung very lustily , of selling to the '"Penna mites" at firm $l. 50 to 3d per loot. ,Should anti of the people of Erie 'county be iniV•int el any thing in our line, they can faro nit! their int•etip Lions, or come themitelves, and they :than have a first rate article at the above pikes. mut Si Li:ES & CO. Westfield, N. Y. Sept. 13, 1815. rit 111 LACK. SALTS.—I u ill s imy (;a. h, awl t h e hi_hesl price 6.n- wiy gnaniii,vof imogy tial delivered at. Ni'Kean, or at my sioi ein lair, c Cletelwr -21, 18 lII._ Tll3ll \ Lc; COLEMAN'S HEAVE POWDERS, AcEtITAIN CURE FOR HEA‘ ES AND COUGH IN HORSES.---A low* fmiliari ty with horses and personal ;remittent 01 the di..,- cases to Avhich,they arc subject have at lemPtb resulted in the discovery ol'thi. e x e vu t. uable remedy for the Marts and Cough - a dis case which produces more mkery LIM deal) among. these noble animals than any other to which they are exposes!. l' have no hesitancy 'in sayine . that my Powder will effectually and tbor outthiy eradicate army symptom and- v.:bag , . of this painful and dangerous disease if ;risen in any reasonable len! , th of time .after it has bean con. traetkl. When yin discover symptoms of Comrh or /hours in your horse,_ tesort to this Powder without delay, use it perseveringly, and auetfil to the hints accompany 1112 the ditcetions for the treatment of the animals, and in nine cases out of ten you Will find that it cures. : If any desirous of seeing, certificate , of cures, Gramm call on the aoamt. - Pike SU cents per bot tle. Manufactured by A. D. Coleman, New York CARTER & BROTLIER, agents, Erie, Pa, \larch 27, 1847 DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. liiitlpaituership heretofore between - the undersigned, in'the pnietice of Law, ha. been dissolved by mutual eon:aut.- A:1 persons indebted to tri nte - requested to call at the °tilt and settle their respective accounts, on or bufo the first ,of February Mat. Those who negle this notice may incur costs. JOHN CI ALIIII..kIT IT, • C.UISON GRAHAM. 'Eric, Jan. 11, 1817. , :3; The Boolts and papers or the late film . co" G AL BRAITII GRAH AM are by nietual ae.ree ment left with me tier the purpose of clo4iott, up the business of the concern and collectinrall debts, which I am obli-ted to do as sr eddy , u 4 po=roble. I have associated with me in businesW M. s. LANE and WM: A. GALBR Irrri t Esqs. and continue theedlee lately aiceupiO by Galbraith Graham, ondcr the film of GAumArros LANE, where all business in the line of the pro. fession, will be attended to with pronipthe , s and dtsp.ttch. JOHN GALBRAITH. Erie, February 3, 1917. 3S STEAM ENGINES. WE are .now prepared to make or repair Steam Engines, anal 10 sari- fy those wi have doithor as try our shill , y to nun out sup ri trcok, lye invite their inspection of one w hich have recently built and put in operation at ru, Foundry. LESTER, SENNETT Sc CHESTER. N. B.—A second hand Engine ofB horAe pOw or. together with hollows for a small Foundry, for sale at H bar. sin. L., S. a Erie. March ;IR 1817. .14 WL could nor, have the Gentlemen inter that our week is e.cclosiv, ly for Ladks, They will please calf and see a 101 l assortment of glib& that they want. Among'others the best French Cloth that can be found in the place, and cussi mores to correspond, at_priees as near the Inver cation coat as they will tt.4k Also summer Hats, Caps. Gloves, Hosiery, Cravals, Collars. I ldlts., 4-c. Ste , at Mr.tuALp's. May 29, 1817. t‘T OTES OF AN EXILE, by L. W, Miller, NI being an account of the authors co' (Mo ment at Van Deamans Land, just received and for sale at .palTords's Bookstore. Erie, May 8, 1817. _ 51 LAPIES Cravats and Pointq. a fine !dee: km and something new, to2ether with some nice hat Ribbons, jutt opened at the coner opppeite t he Eagle. A pril,29 Wool-! Wool!! Wool !!! T ulF. highest price paid for Wool at No. I - Commercial Exchange French street. ' ,II3OSE - . 4 KOCH. I.rie, May 91, 1817, I ASHES. ASHES!! . IWILL pay 9 canto per bushel for ;loud field Babes, and 12 1.2 eta per bushel fur 1101130 ash es delivered at my battery or M'Kean corners. - Erie, Oct. 24, 1046. ' C. M. TIBBALS. ASFIES.—'Those ha- Mg good Ashes mill do well to deliver them at our ashes y soon nn we are now working S. what we have on hand. April Bth 1847. 18.. T A CASON Sr. Co. AXES.—Waters & Co's Cast Steel Axes by the dozen or single. fe.,TOMLINSON St Co. FebrOnry ° l3. 1847: 99 DOCT. WISTAIVS Genuine Beham of Wild flieO'ry the Celebrated 'reinedy for Consumption and whet disease, of the Lunge. Alto Wistar's Gentle Purge. live ri is. For sobs by Dr. P.Uaf,Agont,eornerofState an 9 • south Its, Erie, Pe. Jet 10. 1840. TOODEN WA RE.4Botvls,..,Wash ; tubs, T mop handles, butter prints. ladles, 4-c. July t 7. • • •'l'. W. moon r., 1 mpletely . ,restored. and td the ram of this medicine, a, I. attribute the cure. , 'DAVID McFA It 315. , Pastor of the Baptist Church in C I • Teatime:2y Arcata Rochester. •t • . Roc:H.l;l*a, N. YAlune 1 Sut.- c Sometime litst January. I was taken with a violent - cold, 'witht a distreisiug cough, Which in the courseof a few days brou, bleeding of the tunt.pi, witlthnuelt soreness of the chest, path in the 'much soreness of the breaaL Aller being confined to my bed for sr land getting no -. etter, Mr. Pardke, formerly Deputy Sheriff of alit recommended me to get a bottle of Dr. Buclian's Hungarian Balsa: observing that he had been similarly afflicted, rind by the use of 1.1 eine had been speedily and entirely cured. I immediately got a b after using it a short time the result was as tra predicted—l got well. From the benefit ))received from the Balsam and from the good name it bears eland?, my friends who have used it for discs lbw's and chest, I am induced to believe it to be one of the best now ln use for those diseases, and as such recommend it to the Tel 1 t Remarkable cure of n Disniarouiß Coh. To S. Touss.v. CATO 4 CORNORS, N. Y. Aug. Sir—We are entirely out of the Hungarian Balsam, having sol ileft with us, in our immediate vicinity, and injustice to the meth .(say with astonishing success. A law days silica. a /bung geiftleoll town called at our store who had been for months afflicted with rt ; tressineetrualt. and wanted a bottle ofthe Balsam.. We told hie ;little use for him to take it or anv• thing elie-LHE MUST DIE. ,bottle, however, , and alien% art's' had another.' Yesterday he ea !very much improved in appearance, and said he was rapid', Istrenm h —but had it not been (or the invaluable Hungarian Bahr have died. We wants mut more of the medicine directly. . yours respectliilly, ' i INOHAM &H [Front Esq. it' 8.-Eisk, 01110810117, .N. )t., dated CsaNasrura.No To S. TotliET, Agent, fie.—Sir: litivinlo used Dr. Buchan's • Balsam itriny family with the . ten. hest success flir lung comp raving Peen it used by my qienda with like success, I was in ( spring to become an Agent for the 'sale of the sante, since which la great number of bottles. and have in almost every instance lea Ihad succeeded beyond all expectation, in some cases where the been,by Physicians of respectability PRONOUNCED INCUR I their case St hopeless,•and I most elteerftilly recommeed it to all t f er in., , with lung complaints, assuring them that in most eases th ,speedy relief. (Signed) - WILLIAM tore Proof. I, ~ .E.,Ablishing Ills dlicacy of. the Hungarian Balsam of /if • I (Front Deacon Lowi", of Utica, dated UTICA, FChruary 4, It I cheerthlly give my name in favor of Dr. Buchan's Hungarian !Life. Last April, my wife wits attacked with a violent cough, at , I severe and most DINT'ErsNINE. PAIN IX THE SIDE, so bad as to i iorr e st. While in this shire ion, I Grilled on Messrs. \Varner 4. Inedieine, and they recominentied this Balsam. I purchased a b 1. ;the time we had used tout one hull of it, my wife began toga Halter using the remairifler, her health was completely Restored. time I have recommended the Balsam to m m friends, any ,of who I lit with like success. (Signed) . ~ JOHN ll I Deacon of the First Baptist Church '.`7'Fitrilicr Ey deoce.,El i From the P• M• at norlintflon Flats, Otsego Co. N. Y. dated en. 1845.) 1 1 lem again under the necessity of orde - hp , a new suppl y!,,,, of ti a Balsam.- ti 44 ;V")• wife still continues the met • 'vine and is im proving. It is do n wonders iiin this Net:lion, II heard of al fri tid 30 DI les from hero who was considered ''o) a CONF. in At ED c:trssume rms.., I sent di') two bottles of the alsatri about ..two Weeks since, and today I heard iron him, and the Balsam i acting on -him like a charm.(Signed) A. E. ItNOLD. . _ Tby,tessrs. Nletealf, of Geneeo, N. Y. (ono of whom is practising, ;,physician) in ordering a new supply of the Balsata, says that' n some SE irEttr; CAIF., our Cil , toulers,cemplein of r• eciving great benefit limn its nem S. TOUSEV, Syractve, N. Y. General Agent for New York anti ( the !l VVestern States. ,Sold ill Erie by CARI E : e: DIWirIIF.R, No. G Revd House. ,considered co, any hesizatiu January, MI MEE York 71JOTICE, le Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Alannfacti.t n!! In'isitte , s will be carried on i t the old stand of Ashley Es: Kelfey, t here 'COIl• 4:ant supply of:ill tinkles ntanniactnred by hint kept for salt: at whelesalt , and Old topper and Blass Ware trilie.l in pat mem for l'in Ware. I . JOSEPH KELSO', Jr. Isiie, Julti p, ISI 1. 7 _ _ IMMUMI irj\S remmed his sash, blind and door Shop to 11 State, bet Ween it. hand Bth street., where he w ill keep constan!ly on, harm or make to order itH articles in his line 'on the shortest notice. Thdoe wisliinz to obtain first rate work 'at low prices A ould do %yell to .rivelhim a call before purehas .•11, elsewhere, Gbvid..donent all times. Glass am! rutty kept constantly on hand \lay 10, 1816 ;- s, smrrit -•,. '4 , • • DAS JUST RECEIVED - •••"‘- il.. trom New York per Pornroy's Exr.-ess, tat Sprint', Fashions, and is now ready to eACctite all orders l'or FIATS in the latest fusion, and of a better quality t;kan can be purchased here or elsewhere. Mardi ifi. IS In. 5 kIRST APPEARANCE. U. •rnm.wisoN, GEORGE littLLOnn. TI 1 E subscribers, though Mlle 41,11 C in LW:* -nese, have not berore round It convenient tp attire:lWe to introduce into lire papers a generitl advertisement. • Being 'rather of a modegt to• they have been situated sower% hat like the stra - ger in New York, who got upon a dry goods In x in Broadway, to wait till the eiowd should gt t bvi and lik'e bun, having attracted a little !nark nu toriety, they are prepared to get down and move quietly along, and would respectfully invite the attention of' the public to a choice selection id “ ROCEdUES, interspersed with a few staple Dry 110011. and other notions, just received from New YrTrh, Cincinnati, &c., vi hich they-design to sell Keay cheap for ready pay. Please call and see at 109 French street, next door to R. 0. linlbert, Esq's office, tai at Sigh s'...eet Canal Basin. - P T' MLINSON,, & Co. Erie. Au_.. 1, NIG. - II BUFFALO AND NEW YOR ir - • • . --- ONE PRICE 1 - 1,01 . 411NG .STORE.' MYAUGHN, No 2 Fleming Block,, State • Street. This emablishment has mcoriety ny selling all kinds of clothin2 cheap aL. they'eau be purchased in New York Call and see. A suit•ot clothes can be made rd this establishment in ONE DA y's notice, in tEM latest style and nto4 approved fashion. Jtt•tt reeeived a general assortment of Clothing and cloth, suitable for the season and for sale at prices minced to the pecuniary means °fall. For instance a :mod article of cloth, all wool, at 50 cis per yard and every thiing else in proportion,- Cutting also dime to order at ;educed pt ices, All orders Limn the country: promptly attended to.— I' he chile can buy us cheap here :teak best judge. Customers. 2cnerally can depend on having their work done right, and no mistake. Elie, Ike. 20, ISM J. 15 _ ...... J.-- _ ----. Si 1 \ M.S. —Tho'China Crape, Silk, Embroid ered do., Itozah and ° Z4:pliins, do., Summer Cashmere, flowered and rainbowed Worsted, that arc decidedly rich. at • WILLIAMS cSr• WRIGHT'S. A pi il. 29 1 9 1 7 . 50 . , .i":". )HERE WF COME. W s The New Jew Store Ahead !!! Jusr received at tlio New Jew Store, .No. J Fleming Block, State street, a new and splen did a , Torlinent. of SPRING !!ND SUMMER GOODS,_ which, Navinp. been bought at exirtmely low prices andhi, subscribers having encountered neither "perils by ssoa or land;" in their journey to Phila delphia and Ne w York Markets, ran and will be -old us cheap=net to say a little cheaper—than at a'n'y other Jew or Gentile Store between • New York and "Sundown.". Our stock consists in part of • • SiLAMM' all kinds, descriptions and colors, 1 1 . 014 plain black 'to the moil fashionable plaid, striped or watered, qINGHANIS, French, Enali,b,Sootch and Aiperican, varying in price. and quality to suit culvoinem ' BI IA W LS, tiitk, rluncre, But rage,Otc., etc at prices that cannot to pletlss'• Al. DE LAINE.'4, or all qualities, from 20 cts upwards: B' )NNET RIBBONS, of ell colors, qualitieiß . , shades and prices. GLOVES, that cannot to fit the most deli cate hand, tit prices in accordance with the most duldato purses.' French Worked Linen cambrio Handkerchiefs, a beautiful ankle, and very cheap fur the (polity. Also, embroidered do do, to: , ether with ninny other articles, too nutnerous to locution, but which we will tithe pleasure in showing to-customers god others. Also—a s.plendid sock bf READY MADE CLOTHING, eons; sti riu or l'ont.4, Vests, and Coats, of all pri ces and quaggas, and Boots. and Shoes, of all kinds t 'ail and nee, and don't, forget the place, No. 1, Fleming Block, State Street. , ISAAC ROSENZWEIG Ec • Erie; April 29;1817. 50 BONNETS k BONN El"ritlM MINOS. WL have this - day opened, and ,offer for B ale large stock of Bonnets, Ladies and Misses ekes, at prices far below the market, among which are soma of the richest style •French Lace, Bead wrought, China Rice, Pearl Straw;Gimp, 4 r e., together with a 'good assortmefit of trimmings. Some 'of the real French flowers that Lie beauti ful, also Ribbons, 4.c. &c., at May 29, 1917. METCALF'S. OLD PENS.—Levi'Brown's Gold Pens, the G mat celebrated maker of Ma-article, a goal assortment kept constantly on hand; also the dif. farina kinds of ehinM (deare4t) Pens, at' . „ 0, LOOMIS 4. Co's, .'State et., nearly opposite Eagle klotel. Tilly In; 1917; - :- ' • ' I-I , IV A Linn WAR 1: DU (.:E . Fon% ardin. a; their pare acd will be r of the prc§ent “N crchandise ees, to Erie, sponsiblelin 01 Steam Boat ring to 0)61 sp edy transt their care. ol'lzood, up and &i nn the lakeS of r•amidian pOl IS 'on Lake (mta-HZ St. Lamence-:-alfo \south by the Et r i Canal. CASH taranues made on all kin and &Ilea promptly a , tended to. T cons , antly,on hand Bituminous Co stmill quantities, to snit purchasers. ALSO—Salt, , Plaster in bbli, Iron, Nails, am; 214 and Castings el dun ' ffEl PERENCES C• M. Tibbalw, Erie 1 John C. Bogie, rr 1 Smith Jackson .S• Co. " [ Johnson, II imrod .S•co. 9 Ilolt, Palmer 4. Co. Rolla 0. 'N. Chapin, ' '-, lila W. Monteoh S. Co.! " Otiri, Clapp & Co. BOst i 8 Gor, l e Av. nob. se Vo E. 11. Alien, Oadensbo Janies HI ow ne;Torori i o \Vin. D. King; "SI CO, ,'• St.indatt, Jarres & Co. C Albert Ives, Detroit, Mic Newberry 4. Dole, Chi. Erie. Mai (11 14, 1847 . 1 MUMMY \YINAi. ON Arro It EV' AND COUNSELLO LAW, - - 1 cbmmcnciAL EciLANGE, E tts; PA• RAVl:sin &ril far arranged and systemized his official duties, ns to enable t im to devote a great portion of his time to his prtfession, will at terse to all legal business entritstet to his care.—. Ho Will attend the Courts in the °unties of Erie, Warren, Crawford, Nlet cer, Vena Clarion and Jefferson, and the Supreme Cou t of this,State; and has prothssional urrangetne is by, which he will transact business in the adj biting Comities in, New York and Ohio. All it °flies collected will ho remitted by Drafts on Ye York or Phil. without any charge for xchange. He will also take cliarce of and p oseente Claims atrainst:the United Status, draw nd superintend applications for Pensions, Patent &c. Of the alilti,y and inte.rity w th Which all lit. i.iness confi led to his care will be performed it nottld no• be proper in this pla e to speak, but the , e ha% int Log,tl Business to ransact, or Col. lections to onake on This section o country, are re. sprc4llv referred to the tollowin gentlemen: 110\. ,JAMES TiloMP.soN. GEN. EH A FILES 31 REED, • 3lEssns. AVILLt MS & WRIGHT, Eric. p a. il:)Sl':fg KOCH, Esq. 'I'IIO3IAS W. STER It ETT, • VINCENT. & Co.' A. I) &'l'. W..PATCHIN, ESQ . & HENRY E. 53111'11. Esq. 'CHARLES 11. S. AVILLIAMS, Esq. 4AMES.3II, I I.I.ETT; Esq, PHILIP DOSIOMEIt, Esq. HENRY W. ROGERS. Esq. - lON. ADDISON GARDNER. florin 11031. JOHN A. DIX, Albany, N. Y. 'HENRY SHELDEN &- en. CORNELIUS W. L I AW111:(7E, DORI!, CHANDLER & WHITAKE 1103L - 4ROBERT II MORRIS, CONOVER & (ABACI!. J. &:A. VANOSTRAND, \-- 110N.JAMEK BUCHAN-AN. " W31.1/.3IARCEY. S C itoGEGT J.' WALER, W. 31EDILL. WM. Z. STEW.ART. Esq,. Logans GEORGE 11. Mr.WHORTER, ton It BROCKWAY. Esq. 110 N. WM. PATTERSON, Sandus HON. JOHN WENTWORTH j e BRISTOL & PORTER. - ' S col..limtlEs R. ssoWDEN. LUDWIG, titYt:E)7.Elt- Sr. Co. COL. JAMES PAGE, ABRAM. S. WOLF & C 0.,; HENRY HORN, E'q.. J. A .1. P. STEINER. 110 N. FRANCIS R SHUNR. •• SIMON CAMERON, N. B. ELDRED, HENRY BUEHLER, ESQ. 11 110 N. WILLIAM'WILKINd, GEN. LEVI CLOVER. GEORGE THOMPSON: , Es . Who HON. It. MoCLELLAND, Moorne,l W. J. GORDON.Clevelai DR.ENGLFALSRP,) " " .13CA I' oIiIAZONII, Esq. p.l lonClllo,S Esn.l .Ainy Jit AD SALT--A lowest prices and oft 1 Ntla.• ISI 6 ' ' "/ TOM TifilßET, Plain and em 1 Silt and Cashmere Shaw, cheap at the COMMERCIA Eric, Feb. 27; 1817. , j LI A I DRIS Ki ti and Morocco clam - at tl)o Feb. 27, 184 , - 4 -- 't,OTI - IS, Gr. CILOTI-LS, Casslinereei and finality arof color, aro of above cost, ar tlfe • . 1 Feb. V, 11348..-41 CASIIMERES, Alpacas, Press Goads, at cheap° in t4wn, at the . 1817. Comn ge assortment of I new and beautiful, - and the go , Ladling, pleaige 'call and exam May 29, 1811. rLENIEN'S Fratich G read .61" in the back par off. at reduced pricsseitt Noi Edo, May i 815.1 , Bultiorn cd! 1 .4d -with epre her, o. for some I ttle, intd by better . , and Sit* that. have used LEWIS. in Utica. 1847. LKER pING coMmissio Ette nd commissidn bn in tun=e on the rd,blie Do. early on the opening of year to contract - for th hom the eastern e .. les s they are connected ; and havinr. some of its and Propellers on t house, thereby ensfirin mission of all property The's attend to ti & P1:10- continue the ss as usual, lc, Erie. Pa. Navigation shipment o or other pia tith good re he first class e lakes run t he Fare and entrusted to etforward o any of the nd the River l ie Extension a te I Produce 'ley will keep I, in largo or r, hulk, Fish .very de.terip- Y, city, terineo, eve and, Q. al Illinois nurrato. stet., N. Y ?" N.Y. Cits nmhington 'oft, fa. ' ego,Pil. Y. Icagoi 111. 'Philadelphia. .arriebtarg. I=l l elitm. Va I Mich. di 0. 1 croft, Mich. k Op , on hand, a lbeat quality, by 11 1 NSON &r. Co. • IrOidered do Lano, pi a 1 mode, very , 4 1 SGs anu Buskins, EXCHANGE. , 41 'attinetto or every ered at u fractitin E WSTOIt • French St. Mks, and all other rams. than ninny JEW STORE. tercial Exehinge. ADIES DItESSI GOODS. VU ui e Corner .tore, Reed House Fess Galas; styles da decidedly cheap. no for yourselves at ME'VC ALF'S/ toots: iho kind you the Rook. going y ion lido, ,• , MEM 'ISTAYICON'S EXTERNAL, RD HUNT'S' LINII G now universally arituerrledged to REMEDY for Rhinasatism, Spanks tient of the-Muscles. Sore broat sad Ulcer*, Pains in the Dyck end Chet% and Fare, Teeth-Acee, ,Sprains, Bursas, Croup, Frosted Pest. nrA all The TRIUMPHANT riuccEso w application or 'his oncost W4NDER curing the most revere eases of t above iisulad—aud the HIGH EN Miff' bestoWod upon it, wherever it gives we the rir tto an no the A ones to the ONLY 'REMEDY ' - 1 without AND. oose". 1515. attended ht on a aide and me days Icounty, of Life, tat mrdi• ottle and entirely. luniversal ses of the nedieincs Ile. 'The following COMBCAW Or nelCat lUarantee orthe coutidence Hunt's Unit:mut: k Columbl , . if, 0. R. &anion —Air—Vou w ll ll tiniony to the healing properties called liunt's Liniment. Tho folio ) 1 my I urnedlate observirlitirli and I a of t me who may meet with a s I child "if a neighbor of mine was se the gyestest agony; your Liniment' lief was given instantly, and a fe recovered. I think it invaluable ail advise, every family to keep it in t!' also known to Mos.m. W. & G. Stu Yours, , r - Writ seirore sprain entire)) , c the Liniment. Mii 6, 1814. all you • .ine must n /alibis very dis k was of He took a led alTain y_ gaining m he must YENS.' , 7; 184`] ungarian aims, and uced last havo.sold ned.thatit silent had IILE, and ho are suf •y will find . F I,Blc. , Dear Sir —lt affords me pleasnr requeit,and add my testimony toll Lluimi:nt as an outward •upplie sprains, briuses, &c. Last white b.idly, and was sometime confined jured part was very muchloVolloll after Irving a vari ety or remedies of your Liniment, and found fro Speakinif from my own experiene , commend it ..s a valuable nisdicio in which 1 tested its qualities. Y JOII3I G. MAGI r es—The following , letter ucldre the Christian Advocate, frvm the 1 1 of the Merthodist Coiscupel Chur recommendations Ibis cello rated Aing, Gentlentem—liaving uget /lune. ly, and lea big hen its effects On I hove en hesitancy in teat vy ing t 4 tire agent In the iltsenties o• whit its inventor; and I think the inte.t be 'greatly suliservetl• by 3 our trial through the medium of tour excel enacted tb,tt much suffering 'mild obstinate cures cured, if its uses C not but hope thatits u.ti may hem) enmity. ltespectfu" 111 Tithe Liniment ii stl4ll at 25 and all i the Principal Driqgits and 31 country, 117olemleAgo , J1.1.1u, H'IADLEY,'IIIFI.' S Co. & RUSHTON. &co. I'M Broad , A. is. &SANDS corner F' ASFIN‘VALL,St;IViIIian S JOHNSON. KIDD & Co PAW) foe. Western Pentittylvania. Orders addreskedt6 rue ut Hine. tended to. • 0E01; For Palo by 3. IT. Berton &Co. Kart, .1. Chellnallta Fairview; £I,L July 31. 11317. W. C. & R.; P. HULBERT; ' • Hare just received lit it full StoCk of SPRING AND SO ATER GOODS, .1 AND would respectfully 'Trite the attention of purehasets to their be,utiful assortment of FRENCH, INDIA, IT: LOAN, GERMAN, ENGLISH and AM ERIC. N GOODS, compri singl an asset intent of the n Wee and most rash ionuble stylts in the mark di Lie greatest in• ducetnents will be offered : or tie followinz rea sons, Viz: - - . Customers_ can always latest. and-silesl desirable s They intend wictly to a or ,ellin g at. the J; _I-L t PRICES—S - ji THIR They ate taking most a! which they pay the inghes 'l'he 1411(m in. , rue anion stiles of Goods offered, viz: Ezra Rich Paris Printer en Lustres, a new and beant California plaids, Peellell,l ' Maus de Lain. s, Plain, fig, Muslin, Striped 'and B, striped Gi n. , hams,P French. Gingllama. 4e. Rich silk Shawls, Ch. Gossamer, Berage, Plain a de Lain, &c. 1 •Stra%v Goods, compri.ii 1) Also, French am loialf, cap RihMms, Silk, G inzil. Fancy silk button , sill Er Puree Twist, corp s, (31m , and hundreds or liter n mention We ag in invi amine our goods ; tulpic I Erie. 'May '29.'1817s ~---- P 0 1 rt.- • ARRANGEMENTS Cabin Fire $B, Steerage Michigan, from the openin . ! TIIO Steanirr, A. D. PAT will t un.during the reason as I LEAVES BUFFALO. Wednesday, July 2) Thursday, Aug 5 Friday, 4 . 20 Saturday, Sept 4 blouday, , 29 Tuesday, On 5 Wednesday, 44 20 Thursday,. Nov .4 Friday, - 19 The .t. D. Tatchin in oft) built with it solid timber be the plan of tho Atlantic frig batty of sinking by reriking lion strongly built thtougho ing been spared to wake he Lake•. Her tondo' is supe waters. She havcconntiodat steerage p,15%1110'1§.. I The A.D. Patch in and Uoihd St tined and under no conetddraliou lion. The public, will pleas rentembt only uppoaition home in the o' H. wuri A a imrs , 11,i% July 17.1847 VTIENA, 13artitina, V also Linseys, and ' t:orialo very low at WINTEWINTER Sperm Oi Rat , B. • Erie, Feb. 13, 1817. W . A. TN exchang e for Goods L HEMLOCK FEN C 1 12 inches ‘yitie, 14 and HEMLOCK JOICE, 12; 15, 10, IS and 20 fee HEMLOCK STUD 10. 14 and 16 feet; long mat • -t price will be pai Luma. yard at the foot Erie, Mnrcli 4, 1817, AGAIN HE WITH the best and ionable LADLES! offered in this market, eJ 50 patterns Dress Sills Colored and Maid an! "rode !thine, G. de SwiAs, Sth :s of all colors, SHAWLS of all ; kind: Barrage, 'Tibet, Mous Lawns, Balzarides an. Gloves and Mittsof all Cotton, CLO'CHS, Cassimeree, and Satinotta. In . short,'custotners Dry-Goods line usually k et. We forbear to m say, ladies, we can sell Lawn dress from lios t. any in Broadway. Ple selves. Further part forget the place,Lat April -HI. 1847. PITT6BUR.GH tto and article, and g. ed and for , safe 14 Atignet 1.1846._ PROT, MEIE,Erie Coeur) , ftl JL enatinues'to insu by fire, on' buildings. all descriptions. Otß Public Square, betweet • DIR Wtn. Beatty, J. C. Spender, ' Thomas Will' Giles Sanford,. .• • C; M.; Tibtials, - W. H. ToWneen . Hen • OIL Sre • George Silden June 3, 18171. EDT. CALLED 113511 le the INFALLIBLE ffectiont. Col:Arne. Quinsy luu Old Attu° to the roust i tat'ea Belt Rheum. IServolo Dioceses. ich ban attended the , 1.11. MEDIONK in 'o different Diseases , all OW that have lina been introduced, ICrED to resort a , T CAN BE RELIED I 'ne .1 ttled ebildlis a suf-i i l , at inay be placed i“i 11 Co. Nov. In. 1845. _ Itillowi nu, to hear le, .r your preparation inglase Garlic uuder . ate 1 for Ifni benefit ruilariacciderot. The Drat r orealde4 a , d in Wee nyplird,'au 1 re application entirely. • speedy,remedy, and' bowls, This case is rs of Hudson. JO:3EPII WILD :red ran:roue bottle of . - . I , ork,l.lutie . 19, 1815. • to cOruply with your to eacellpney of Hunts ion for the cur. of 1 l apinined my and* o the house. The Ire. nuille pain intettee, I ma te an application its ore apceily relief. ! I c.os confidently ee -1 in crises like the one !tiro, ate: 1 1E11..44 Wall •thet. , .cod to the Eclttoc, of et.. Theodosius Clark, II ia one of the beet toted, cantle% e. Stilt, Jan. :25, 1815. Liniment in any futni• unto bf my'neighbore, its Otfirits, ea et curt I it iii f ireconimended by eta 0 the public %nubd lug ill, voluca known rut Journal. I am per. be re ics rd. and many M, I nom, it; and I can , e ge eral in We il l:7- y. ODOS11:8 CLA . . ill centa per , bottle, by rchaute througbout the Irork. i' utter Street, ete 1:3 aYs ad William, r et. rgli, rwholcsale'peents N. Y., Will be et '. STANTON. • i!toprtetor. 11. C. Town North & Cu. Girard. , tlml ~. ing, rip, Jone =1 t our p Ore the • • moods' I I to theprineit:le T 'MARKET stcoNl :tin( s of prouce, for Inarket.value. itli inobt. desirable i It% •ns, laratr.z, Lin- Hip airticle lot (4(4:ars; „,nolish and American. repl nd printed Swiss rim] V uslins, Swirl Sim.cli and American meter-- d Ei ion and Hernani, IntirLadcred Mous any new Bon' [Hid Bonnet and id cotton i"arasols, , steel trimmings,4 !mitt ! , ;Hosiery, too numerous to to; coin and cx- Ican m. I n g d es a I c N E . 014 1847.-:-FARE E . 2.: any port ori o Option to Sept 111 , Capt. 11. Whitaker, OIIO*S I.kairt-.8 CUICAGO. . - Werday, Ju116% Thltr duy - Aug T Fady " 21 Suturday ' Sept 11 Mona ay 4 . 21 Tuesday Oct 12 Wednesday , • 4 . 21 Thurp.3y 's Nov 11 c larget class of Strainers; tom. 15 . 1nr-hes thick. after ed. which prevents the 'lin ks. She is in like propor t; no paint or expense lissf. the ?strongest but °Witte for tr any on the , western pens ifor. 100 c - lbinand 100 .1, las will run as ativer- II go iotc the errepa ir that th e y were the E 1846: , AKER, Sole • Own•r RS & Co. Buffalo. Elt & CO I, Erie and :Scotch Plaids !d'Goods ofall kinds CADITCLIA. Imre article, for 'sale ILINSON & Co's. • 1 ! 39 iii ‘4 ' quantity or Good ARDS, 6,8, 10; and tonz. by 19, and 2 1-2'by , any BU . feel I 1-`. :2 by sand . 3by which the higheit len delivered at his irenelt street. - • TItIMESDAIL. E cfiSt - E, pest. Stook 'of fastt lESS' GOODS .ever ling in tint( • • II colorS, embrocing rped POI& de Soi, nsits! ,of Sti • ... - I •-•k, - ~ . ch ‘s :Silko'Crape, in,l34chn, 4-c., de kiti ages, IS —Silk, Kid, Lisle, eds, keinutity Jeans I • d every thing in the red for 'in' the mar• n prices. ',Owe to handimma French That with H and see for your s her after. Don't C AD W DLL'S. ! 50 , n fi Imo nth you 1 16+ sec, !cut Ikin a' Wpre.— Abe iu ..octmeiht lust reeeiy- MLINSC* 4. co. . lON.. • !I Insurance Company just loss:and damage and mertiMndise of ,n the east side, of the d 7tti t it ft It 6 re MI 118. • • • J, H. WiJlis i ms,r George Sehlen, Smithleekeen, Elijah Babbitt,' John A. Tracy, Hamlin Rusiell, ; well. NFORD, President. Treasurer. retary. -" • jEC Tutu. !ea; and SS eta I, • Sc..; DR. HERRICK'S Standard Family Medici' nea tr Flinn P 4.VORITE REMEDY OP Tau A DAY,.-IThe high anemniums of ;ru t , ev w where bestoscit upon these deservedly' popular inedisZ by citizens rube blithest respeetibility, and by w ar d of the medical, profession io every section. or , t h e t. c. Silts, and British Possessions , entitles them to pm uti asaw df the Conquerors of Disease. A tams of Americas ai , Cana - lion testimony is in Doctor's p i„,,,,, c , n : performed by these Arcenlinent remedies a fter the cli i i ed treallnellt of the medical faculty. Mid the most Na g y' remedies of the day had been tried inyain. 1 ... DR. HERRICK'S , VEGETABLE SUGAR'. dCIATED PILLS. I-_ ' May be used with marked success ill rimy ;1,,,,.....,_ 4uirink • gentle and positive purgattie. Th ey , e ; with astonishing quicklime pains end dizmars,, of 04 ,, " head, pains and weaknps of the bre ast,,,iides sad berth all kinds offerers lon g mien of the digerent mom La 4 the human body. foul eatb, coated tonsde:billious Owl. let uhitualcontirentsit. and In all cries •lb,, th e ig aaF ae and bowels are loaded with-humors, Whr, 4 , YN r . e , so pn du 'iiiite of disease. Each bov erintainrln Lb, s, t war. re tett under oath purely vegetable, end sell fm r.,,,,,.._ H I '2 r, i e il it 3 l • i b c e n i m ny mi n s n m o . r s il p in ni ar i id . o ß illls . o c . 0bir.,,,,, c,,,,e4 , , RRIC I K N 'S pA S L CLA IB T L IC ER LI E N A I II N I I D E T T H E 34itThrunt, Quo Dzy, Crop'', SIM Joint., Shrunk fi t s . , ebt'S Agee in the breast and fare, Titotharhe rrozen Feet, Itises of the Spin/. Perished Limbs. sad wherews ~ ex erns! stivltc.tund Iv_ indicated. The raj - tido, •rb 011/11Cil this WONDER WORKING MEDICINE Carron, / u olryt esp., of the ribose diseases • has attracted ?By WONDER AND ADMIRATION of th' worldt Thu sit may nyailthemselY , is of the use of this b citing tr,h uiy ity the Doctor has put the price at Ili cents., , Each hot. iii Ira, the Dock's name blown in the glass, and ~„04 . "ed 11 a cut of ty.discased Spine, accompanied wilts fall St. rr clidrie_ -Like's ice general debility, attended with palm and 'weakness lo She stomach and bowels, emend* to t(:. .1,1,1.,..1.,,,. of appetite,tectubling of the Ileitis. hatpin Lion of the heart. Jaudi.ce, Ague a nil Fever: ma all ions di, are quickly lured by the two of l 1 HERRICK'S VEGETABLE TONIC BITTERS. I , Put Up in hoses arrompsnied with directions, and safe US etc Each box will make half a gallon. In the sage milliner can Couch*, Cnlds Asthma, oppressidh of?tts Chest, Whooping Cough Cibup, tedsmation of Octavo •nd recent caws of the I onsumption be greatly kelp) aml ouiLkly cured by LI , DR. HERRICW MEDICATED COM, , LOZENGES. Prlce„ 25 els. Two of these Lozenges arc a potung emetic. THE TIIIUMPDANT AUCCESS which every where attends the use of !ferrules Worm _ I) estrorim Logenges in the destrmtion nod expubloo of worms from the human optert), hat placed them first on the nudist's Of +news. They arc pleasant to fake. Myren lore them, nod their effect is anthem to estontsh iher obits% Price 2.ncis .. with full dire...flung • Those suffr ins ben pains and weakness in the breast;.sides and , sell. she LI brute:tat tt•to. I.Umbsgo. ete. will find a friend id the ere st HERRICK'S GALBANLTAI STRENGTH. I t ENING PLASTER. Fprf ed on fire Kid leather, will wear fro one to sw ei m tbs. Price only Ifii eta . and are taking the place sr all thee Op term and aro considered the-BEST' AND CIiI'APEST PLASTER Nta\Y IN, USE. I 1 1 , TO •TILE PUBLIC. - So much has tog been raid by sumo New York rualwt they teionehrn: the privitere to make and rend a gar Coated Pill, aniltoue even pretending and advertict 'lint he ha. , a patent for no doing, induces the horn, • bring this pr.ictico of deeeptihn pefore the public. inditt iteurbijudgesinthee:ue. whether a as sten] ado, kind on¢qht l o annr to - oxist. ,Ile. Herrick has Written to Mr ItnYlke, the Commissioner of l'atents at Washington, whine I tter in answer is vs eO U. S. Patent Office. Jsri. 16. 1846. Dr. Iferrick—Dear Sir—Your letter of the fah inst. has cot received. Irk answer to )our inquiry whether as, I dent has been granted for n pill coated :with sugar, I 31, to 1111 - onri you that-no record of such a patent can be I mud iu Lace. Roapertfultr tours, EDWIN!) BURICE.! r 1 rhamphlets fllitig a more 'm i ens' idestription of le 31eifici»ei. may be bud of any cribs ligents. • Principal Dellot rilStttc street. Albany w where alt or. dere Must be:Addressed, AGENTSL—J 11. But eon' & Co. JOhn Cummins & Co, Erie; Guilford & Evans. Girard; and J. DAlaynea. Nortl Elbe I Feb. 0, 1847.—1y10. N ENV FIRM. 7 FIV AND CHEAP GROCERIES, ! 't 1 111 N Zl:sthEitt,y at A. H: Hl FcHC,Odli, iJ late of the tirm q f HitClicock, Zimpierly & - .Co. Itaye a.U.EII assoctated themselves in the Whole. Vale and iietail Grocery business, on' State Kr' t, My op osite the Fagle Hotel, in the roe its. llv teetipitd by .Wm. Inndernecht, under le snle ofJ. ZINI NI EIII.Y Ft j Co. where will he founds large and well selected a:sOrtme'nt`of all Windsor Wet and Dry West India Goods comprisiefire . ry artAe usually kept or called for in a Gra*, store. Among stock may be found:— \-: ~ Coffee of every price and quality. Old and liTing. Hybon Teas; 1 .c,- pepper, Spire, Iniligo, Brown, i M ' op and Loaf algae. ' I 1 I i r ~., ', 1 I Chbcolate, castileland fosin'son , raising, fr. Tobacco of every (prettily, cigars, Shell Greicer ''t ics of all kinds, together with lron,'nails, Win. :,; duw glass, etc. etc. 1 ''''''l 4 ,' J. Z.,S• Co.nender their thanks for the very . lgerieral- .- 4 patronage extended to then the past six yew, ',... 1 and hope they may by their endeavors to please. i . 1 receive a continuance of favors' in the shape off - 2 old as well as crew dust niziers. They s i re prepar:.=- 5 edit° purchase grain of all kinds, butter, eggs,' - 1 dried appleancl,peiiehes, Ftax,TimothY and tie ter sect', for which .ASH will be pal at their -.1 coilliter. : , - . ' -.- ' -; Erie. April 21, 1116.. • ' . ,_,,' 49 -- , i- NEWI4OOTM! NN W GOO D. 1 •so a.,4-.., : q. LOOtillS•Rf CO., oppositel - Eagle Hotel, have just received an addition to their former stock - 3 : egocds, wkieli makes their Issortinent Very er• ' :ensive, ofinprisin g a large variety of rich and 1 fashionable JEW EI.RY, consisting ofdiamond, ruby, garnet, emerald , amethyst, aquamarine and - enamelled pins, ditond, ruby and plain ringv, gold ear rfngs gua d chains and keys, speetacke, ", pencil ca/es, bracelets, lockete, minliture setting, . ~ 11; thimbles, studs, a ups, &c, Ste. ' . - ,'-- TIME.—GeI , a d Silver Watches di' the pat. •-'-: tent lever, duple , orizontal and common escape ment. French' m nile, German and American clocks. : , 1 1 ... SILVER G 9 ..) ,S.-T,a- le, desert, t4,saltind ." mt stard spoons ladles, butter add fruit knives, sp etudes, chi ~, j keys, pencil cdees, thimbles- • - ,j Plated, Britt ma apt German Silver Ware.— , Tea pots, urns, pitchers, cups, tankards. bowl., ', - 1 . cake baskets,l: •aridlestieks. snuffers arid trays. --t eponym, farcetS, ink stands, castors,_ . - 11 Matters razors. knees - and scissors. - MSG 'ELLA ' OUS.—Nlathematical instem e't. _. monis, telescoP s,, thermometers, pocket compae• --. sus, sun . glasse. , violins, accordions, mingle boxes. antes, fifes. ate' I pens, c o'cases, coMbig, pocket hooks, pocket islets, c cal, amber, , gilt, steel. --, wax and glass cads, be dand silk bngs, and pee•4 l ses, elastic gu'rds, - portable ,writing desks, work, ...! paint, snu ff , t bacco and , shaving boxes, razor strops, elothe.,4 hair, toed), nail ,and Alicia; a;, brushes and glasses, glazier's diamonds,:sboo 1 ,.; ' belrs, powder flasks, percussion caps and OW '• eliessmen, don lnoes, eegar cases, purse and cloak elksps, tweezerf, cane, yvhalebone,lriolin and tun viol strings, r lige, powder, puff4,,perfurnert* ,i;, court plaster, t qtr wash and,powders, tooth . pieP ~ t •: teething ring ,i_ tea bells, seating wax, motto seals, visiting cards, emery ba4ets, needle4bae ' .tledor, and‘bir s k spool stands, With numerouSottr er articlesmot mentioned, bothiuseful and *tsar mental, whit , o ill be for "'readi pay," from twee- ty-five to fifty per cent lower than formerly. , `. N.- R. Watt hes, music boxes, je . elry reitairedr, indhe Vest de liner and warranted Cash and n ost kinds oft county proda4, to- l; ken in puyine tier goeds of work. • Call and see, i:1 The highest prices paid in` ash for old Golif 1 and Silver: t, 1 : . .1 July 21, 1 17. , a i 'lO,, §PIES 1t AROMATIC C NDIMENTSJ Nefinegit,„ Sage, 7. . Mace. ...a - Bitter Lalonde, - =-. Cloves,' Sdrum r avory, 1 s , Ground Ci mimeo, - Sweet lajoram, :. ” ' Pe per, black, Veriill Beans ! , - Cayenne ' to 'Citron;tz Superick 11 listen], , _ Extract Vanilla, P Pare _Jin iea Gin ger' I' , Lemon, • Root, - : : l"' Bitter Almonds j Grourtd, lolOran!! Elena Wats!, , COritiade, Seds, ' I Liearti 'a 'Rose do Carawil do DIE:TE ICS FOR THE' SICK I: INVALID- Bermuda/. Arrow Root, 1 Oatmeal, 1 - : Superiorly:4lh° Tapjoea, Cooper's lairiolass, .) '. Pearl Barley, ' - Russia o• * Saeo, Irish A ossi ~ • - 41 - \ 1 . Rice Flour, - i , !Celan Moils, Selected with care and ill wail rated Superior: J. H. BURTON tr. Co. I 1 Erie. June 19, 194?. j Ne. .5, Reed/louse. _ 1 - . ' si . ' OT CE, ' . • _ itt U. person who 'mow the s elves tlie.ia: .„n.. debtOdi to 13rewMcr,113row ~Co., 1 1 "" fey av i d Brown , or Mehaffey and . ,Brewster, enhc. al,the Store or Woollen Factory, are hereby re. quested to pap their indebtedness by the first Of Silly neat; or odierwiki expect to have costs - add . t , ed. - %VOA - walk), of al' descriptions, Butter sott digest All be recelYed in paymentof debts tia, if delivered tit We Krie - coien FaCtory._ - e ..Erie; 7tatte 26, RV. c 1 I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers