om Gen. Taylor. 'T Letter 11 Anoth a . 0. Delta. From th e . 1 The Louisiana Flor contains; the following: from Gdheral Taylor. Delony, of Clinton, in the roost radical, deters °crate in iLouisiana, General replies to the 1 the Doctor in regard leading topics involve , ' two great poiitical pa .grope fi k i sl ', to give an o of awa which he is h As to t e taritrand he says h knows but' never hav ig given th dan of the '7th Atiddst very remarkable letter It is addressed to Dr. 'his State, who is one of fined, out-and•out dem ur in the south. The ireet interrogatories of o, his opinions on the in the contests of the ties, by declining, very pinion upon the justice tmsclf conducting. ational bank questions, iittle of these Matters, tun much attention, and he necessity of studying an come to any decided ie Old Hero has a more him than whipping,„the got,,to conquer all the all, the battles, read all ster all the, intricacies al and illimitable con years past agitated the tcts of the tariff' and na-, that heeill be under them wiatefore he opinion. N i tre think : serious work before Blexicans., if ho has difficulties, fight ote the speeches, and m , involved in the eter, tests which have for country on , these sub tional From the Le isiana Floridan. i• We have been permitted by Dr. felony, to . whom it was addressed, to give publiciy ( to the following letter ficnn General Taylor. It, m ay be prciper to say thot ) it was not his i 1- tention to have it publ shed; but, from the great interest which seems to engross the public m i n d, and tho variety of conflicting views as to GenCral Taylor's pinions and intentions in connexion with the O estion of the presidency, land as there is,no i propriety in so doing, it was concludellte lay it before the public. Csto !ism') MoN EREY, MEXICO, June 9. - D 8.01,8111: Your letter of the 115th ult., from Clinton, La., IftB l just leached me, in which you are preas al to say, "the signs of the times in relatioltto the next presidency, and the prominent p sition of- your name - in connexion with it, if: a sufficient excuse for this letter." That - "it is a happy feature in our government thatofficial functionaries un der it, from the low( st to the highest station, ,1 are.not beyond the reach and partial supervis ion of the humblest citizen; anti that it is a right inherent in eery freeman to possess himself of the politic! principles and opinions of those into whose lands the administration •of the govertiment ay be placed," &Lc.; to all of which I fully ?incitle with . y•ou in opin ion. Asking my vi ws on several subjects— " First, As to the jti tice and necessity of this war stub Mexico n our part. Second. As to , the nccessity of national bank and the power of Congress or creating suckan insti tution. Third. As to the effect.; of a high protective tariff, a d the right.of Congress under the constitute pto create such a system al revenue.(' ' . As regardA - the rst interrogatory, my do flu; and the positio I occupy, Ido not consid er it.would be-prop r-itrtne to give my opin ion in regard - , to tl'e same; as a citizen, and particularly as a s Idler, yr is surricintsT Fir ME TO KYUW that up country is at war with. ,a foreign nation, to do all in my power to bring it to a epee y and honorable termina tion, by the. most r gorous and energetic ope rations, without in tilling about its j ustice, or anything else lonn ‘cted with it; believing, as I do, i t is our wi est policy to be at peace 1 with I the world, as lung as it can be done without endangeri g the Ito tor and interests, of the country. As regards the - :econd ant third inquiries, lam not prepare to Rust er them;„ 1 coald only do so after d ly invest gating those sub jects, which 1 cannot now o; my whole time being fully occupied in attending to my prop er official duties, which must.not be neglected under any circumstances; and I must say to you in substance [ what I have said to others in regard to sitnil`r matters, that lam no pol itician., Near ftrty years of my life have t , been passed in t it c. public service, in the ar my,, most of which in the field, the camp, on our western front er, or in this Indian country ;' and fur nearly th - s two last, in this or Texas, duritig which time I have not'passed one night tinde - i the roof of a house. , A& regards bei ig a candidate for the laresi l'ency,at the coning election, I hive no aspi rations in that w t y, and regitt the subjecthas' been agitated at his early day, and that it had not been deferre until the close of this war, or until the end o the next session of - Congress, especially if I a to be mixed',up with it, as' i i i it is possible it may lead to the injury of the public service in this quarter. by my opera tions being embarrassed, as well as to produce' much excitemen in the c!puntry, growing out o f the discussioi of the merits, &c., of the different aspiran s for that high office, which might have bet n very Much Olayed, if not prevented, had he subjeitt been deferred, as suggested; heal les very many changes may take place betty en now and 1648, so much so, as to make it desirable fOr, the interest of the country, that some otherl*ndividual than my/ Self, better qualified for t to situation, should' d be. selected; an could he: e elected, I would got only acquiesce . in sq h an arrangement, but would rejoic that the , epublic had one cit izeniand no doubt the i r,e are thousands more deserving than II am, an better ipialified to discharge the idtie s of as d o ff ice. If I have I been named by titers, ant considered a candi date for the pr e . idettcy, it tas been by no agen cy of mine in t e matter; an "if the good peo ple think my a rviees important in that star tion, and elect me, I will feel bound to serve them, and all t e pledges , and explanations I can enter into and snake, is regards this or that policy, is, that I will do so honestly and faithfully to the best ofri ty abilities, strictly in complianceith the constitution. Should cii ltii I ever occupy le White giouse, it must be by spontaneot s move of the people, and by no act of mine, s that I could go into the office untrammelled, and be the Chief Magistrate of the nation, "and not of a party". But should l i they (the ople) change their views and opi lions betty en this and the time of holding the election, a d cast their votes for the presidenc . r for some one else, I will not complain. IVith considerations of }expect, I remain your obedient)servant, '. Z. TAYLOR. Mr. rivAnn_Dimoxr. P. S. I write in great stint interruption, CORWIN MRETING.-..- held at Dublin, Ta. on inst. and a resolution w course of Senator CORM him for the Presidency, The meetin g also expre for Guvantvsno of IN dote fur the YieeTresidi • , TB Mil coßßEcyrnp r imanicLy W,111111.822 DEALERS IR DRY COO WARE I i Flour, bbl, s4 752 ' 5 ' Butter, 1 lue 12 Lard, I 1 • 64 Chet's, ! 53 - S llama Shoulders 5/7+6, Potatoes ' , 31 Coro meal, cwt. coutri. Wheat Coro, Rye, Oils bash Buley Si AO CI 50 25 33a37i 12331 Hardwood, cord SIM Vat „ Bituminous coal, ton 2,30 Anthracite., do 9.t10 Spam eaudlea, lb • 414,5' Tallow, do Euaziao, `suns. Sayer. Bub p e. 510 Tinwth. Flu. " 111,9". „".Y. • Eli Intl irrl2, ' foldria . i„, *Ti , .,„ . .t 1 3 3 MA Peach,' '.. I 1 - DON'T Wisii fr. 'ro SUCCKED.—The Public Ledger says:—The journals which have been predicting the ruin of the country and the diminution of the Treasury, on account of the present tariff; have failed in theirpredic tions most signally., The country never was vivre prosperous, and the revenue has yielded a - Ninon and a half ofdollars in seven months over the receipts under the old tariff. Some of them are now betting that the next six months will show a different state of things. We shall see. Our only wish is that they may be again as signally disappointed. SADDL .; GALLS.—W hen these inflamed tu more become troublesome, and will not yield to other remedies, Merchant's Gargling Oil will en tirely re • them; as it alro will callous from other parts of tto au - al. Seu advertisement in 'a aper. A paniphlet ofdescriplion may be had Gnarls of the agent. MARRIER—In ( on the 16th inst., by tl Brigden, Esq.. and M of Conneautville. On Thtirsday the tit inst.. by the ner. Joseph H. Presley, Mr JO Kin of Waterford; town ship, and NI iss Jane Stewart, of Greene. .. "On Thursday last by Rol. Geo. A. Lyon, Mr. Jotm B. Fluke and Miss Rebecca Terry, all of this city , ' ' - DIED. —On the 20th inst—after a prc4racted illness; 11, ra. Elizabeth Walters, consort of Mr Solomon !Walters of this borough. aged 50 years. C n tile' 15th ult., at Greggsville, Pike County, Illinois, Nil-. Charles Pollock, aged 39 years. sec ond son of Capt. James Pollock of LetuelT town ship, in -this country. On the 19th inst.. Mary,clzughter ofclames and Margaret Boylan, aged 11 onths and 10 days. On the 24th inst., Joseph Presly, eon of A. W. Brewster, Esq..; of this borough, aged 2 years and 2 months. SUGARS.—Loaf, Crushed, Pulverized, Cluj fled, Porto Rico, Hav'ana. New Orleans Su r ear, for sale at No. I Perry Block. , Atm. 28. T. W. MOORE. ' FAMILY ORGANS--All parties allow that there can be too much of a good thins, and the patienee of•the fondest parent is severely tried by the continued grinding of the same tune.— And new for the remedy. • TU TTLE'S PATENT BABY JUMPEP, is decidedly the most useful and amusing article now in use for the nursery. Infants (rie the age of three months and upwards are enabled to exer cise and amuse- themselves when clone without he least possibility of bein \ g, injured. It is high ly recommended by our most celebrate physi cians Tor invalid and other children, as its opera tic». Opm the system is pitch as \ in a great meas ure t dts away with the nuite33itysi medicine.— Nlany, eatcs - aild be cited when after being in the juniper but a short time the !Rile , innocents have fall,n asleep and without an excep ion have waked up laughing. Parents and guardians are ievectfully invited to call and examine for them selves, at No. I Perry Block. \ , T. W. MOOR2._' $ 1,000 .181-1 will be paid for onethoußand bushels of C Flax Seed by CAll'ir E.ll. & Barn H Eft. Aug 27,-18,17. No. 6, Rekcylouse. Cash for Flax Seed. T . WILL pay the hilthest price in. each for eny (pietitity Flex Seed. • C. M. TIBI3 ILS Ang. 27, 1817. A'lt's HORSE.—Come to the stable of the ,uhseriber, at the Wegtern Hotel. in. Erie, on the 13th inst., a Large bay lior,m, 8 n'r 10 years old lame in the lett lore foot, and ring-honed •on the telt hind foot. the owner is rcrpieste I to prove property, pay charges, and take it away. Erie Aug. 28, 1817. JOHN GRAHAM. CIIEPEST YET.--Jusvreecived, 1 case of French Gin2hams, 1 do, C,.lifornie, • , 11. C ADW ELL'S. nt Ang,tist, 26,+1817, CIL.L. AND ISt?. Ireparatory to mak int!. ,I r r a I t ”e m f , ri t t , or .-, bin to New York for our Rill'and .Winter stock 'Of Goode, we will sell all hinds of Sp ine and Slimmer Goole at coal, to make room for time new stock. Rote us. Aug, 17. ItROWN & M'CARTER.. Btu )Ancio r S and Cassumq.s of almost every coldr stripe, quality andprice, at No t. Cheapsiie, by Aug. 17. BROWN MITER. i_ROCERIES.—.An excellent assortment of. k_T Groceries can at all times be found at No. 4 Cheapsitie. BILOWN & AVGARTER. Aug. 17. M)LASSES at six per cent less than can be had at any other store in - Erie. and of equal quality, now oilbred by BROWN & M'CARTER. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. THE Partnership heietofore exietintt between the undersigned, hi the merb.antile business, is this day dissolved by' mutual Consent. - GErl lIORTON •O. J. • • 30 . 3. C. BROWN, August 17, '_17. 1 1 T IiOS. M•l.: ARTE aste, and under con- _ whig meeting was atunlay last, the 7th rmly applauding the izi, and nominating „ Intinimousfyadoptco. sed thaitpreferenee lew York, as•tt candi ricy.---- Cin. ch ronicle, -..---.=, KIT S. " on THE OBSERVER BY WarlaaTiP 2 tS, GROCERIES, HARD &e. &c, .1,. . A Wee. dried ! 75 Honey, 10aI2 ESP, do) 8 1.714•11. Maple 8 10 'Orleans, . oal2l Loaf, Powdered ; * °Alt • trmoita. Black Walnut 1002 Pine,llrtquality 10.00 Hemlock. M 5.0 0 . let quality W. sv"el 09,fX) 2d do do 5,c11 Cherry , 14a1.4 W blutoak I 7.5319 LtiatlLlll.fik Sole, lb Illb al3 Upper 11 °Y . 11 3305 o belle ' 325121 Castings Oa. Plaster &a : mom dolt, floc i 111.30 a. =woo. I ... 420 !. a! 29 Ibki 31 Reef tollolc lb 'I 8 Mutton mah do q 7. Wilk Wows, I ' 31 e 24:bbl $7 BOO Cod Deb, lb , 9 t Kir Iron d l Nall*. - Tat; .. Anneautvillei Crawford Co., the Rev. L. P. Butes, W. ilas Mary C. Cochran, both Il The notes and account-4 of the Lab firm of Mar ion & Co. are by Mutual agreement left with the tmdersi , rned for chllection, whO still continue the business at the old stand, where they wilt be hap py to accommodate their old custom:re,' and the public generally, with goods, on more favorable terms than they can be had at any other establish ment in thii city. BROWN 4. M'CARTER. Erie, August 17, 1817. 11 STII.AYE.r) or Stolen from the subscriber, liv in7 'in Millcreek township, a Bay Horse, four years old laat spring, with a star in the forhead, and the right hind leg white. Any one who will ive iNformation where he.can be found ebonite , liberally rewarded, JACOB SIECHRIST. Milicreek. August 19, 1817. 3+14 PROVERMAL PHILOSOPY, and other Po ems by Toper, a few copies at Now York pri ccs, just received ant for sale by 0. D. SPATFORD:- 4114 Erie August 21, 1817 Hear Ye! Hear Ye PUBLIC Attention is invited to the largest and most fashionable stock of LADIES SUM MER. DRESS GOODS, just rec riving, ever of fered in this market compcsing II) part Brochea and Plain Barrages, • Orleans Muslim', a new and beautiful article, Lawns and Balzarines 'Carleton Muslin of all Colors, Barred and Striped Mulls, Swiss and India Book M dab ns, Crapes and Laces of all kind; . . i SlLKS—Striped tilPlaid Ponlt de Sole, - White erode S jag,. ''' -r',- , - 1 Black watered er Satin stripe pnult de aoi, Black and blue b'ack,gro de Naples, • Black gro de (thine for Mantillas, Mantilla Lace Fringe, Gimpe, Buttons, An endless variety.- of Gimps an Fringes, of all calory and qualities. a . , 1 SHAWLS—Of all ,prices. shades tAnd quality from the chilli) cotton up:to the finest silk andtashme, GLOVE?—Of all kinds, colors, and sizes. Hosiery, Suspenders, Ginehains, Prints, Ticks, Drills, Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, Shoes, caps, Groceries of all kinds, 4-c..,t&c. in short every• thing that man, women or caild can want; to which we respectfully invite Or attention of our customers and others. HENRY CADW,ELL. , .1 door emit Eag a Tavern Erie, August 14, 1817, E'rie Academy. APRINCIPAL TEACHER will be required on the Ist ofOutobsr nexr4 to take charge or this Institution. A guntlemnn experienced in teaching, and who intends to pursue it_as a busi nesB,would be preferred. Also, a Lady to take charge of the Female De partment, will be wanted at the same time. Erie, Aug. 14, GEO. A.IELLIOT, See. 1847. 13 OUT AT LAST!-! HAT long expected wonder of the age, the T altbrated and superior "FULTON STOVE" is - now fairly !brute at our Store or Foundry.— Persona who have any disposition to see it, are in. vited to call and do so. whether they wish to pu "chase or not. LESTER, SENNETT 4. CLIESTER. Aug. 14, 1847. • . I • is - N. Be Oki Stores taken in. paymoot Bettor Arm thorn away than not to get one of thole Nei caring inveotiont. •-• TO THE PUBLIC. T i lati E cn n tl c le r ntolu m e a t l iq d a f by r ti a s u c e ;:nts lre ;as P ei l ; exceeded our moat satigniueexpectotions It is now abont tea years Mace they acre brought pefore the poblir. Dur ing this time hundreds of cert Me des have been handed us testifying to their efficacy, and stating the very grout re• lief they had derived from the use of them. %Volitive now in our possession many certificates from tbspectable per- sons, who have used Dr 31 LANE SLIVLR PILL with ens most happy results; where every other knows, remedy had been used in vain. Also, quite a number of regular phy &kiwis. of good standing. through the country, aro using and recommending them in their practice. It has been our:sincere abb. that these Pills she'd' , be fairly and fully tested by experience, and stand or till by the ahem produced. That they hove been so tested. and that the result his been iu every respect f4voruhle, we call thousands to witness, who hare experienced their beileficial_cffeets, . Dr. M L %NE'S - LIVER PILLS are not held forth or recommended (like most of the popular airdiriura of the day) no univertral cure alts, but simply for MYER. COM mArsrs, and those symptoms connected tv.tto a.derutm• gel etnto of Mat Organ. J. KIDD & CO. DlrtaCTlONS.—Taise 2or 3 going to bed every recoa I or third night. If the), do not puree 2or 3 times by nest morning, lake one or tammore. A slight bre.shfast ought to follow their ore, Time Liver Pills in my ho used whoa purging in • imply neces,sry. As an antibiliour purgative they are inferior to none—and in doses of t 2 or 3 they give astonishing reli4 in SICK HEM/ACK—also In slight des raugemants of the stomach. - _ J). - -;:m-14•"' ' ;:- :, ' - , 2 ' -..- •- 2: ( .- . : . L . I] v E IR ~ 7 _ ,.., Pty, Lt . s . The demand for tha=w rills is truly turpriiing! Com.- try merchaats who. heretofore could heroly be induced to purchage one dozen, now bug six Read the following from Now Castle, viz. Marrs. J. Kidd& 00.—Gelitietliell —Please send mo so other half gross ofld'Lane's Pills. The half gross I pur chased a few months ago are all cold—indeed, Chico my costumers hire used “Dr." .11 Lane's nil, ; ' and found them so efileicions,l can scarcely sell any other, although I am agent for most (Atha Pills new before the public. Respectfully your!, W, WATSON. Pre pared I • or the Proprietor, and pod wholesale and retail by ' .1. KIDD & CO. "N 0.60 Wood at.,, Pittsburgh, Pa. re Purchasers will plsente be particular and inquire for M'LANE'd LIVER PILLS,'' as there tire other Pills, purporting to be •'Liver Pills," now before the ,public, . lID r: Mc; L AWE'S I 'V 1E 'R ' '. - U GE - [ .„ -__-_,, -,_ t IVI I,F , _ _______, 1111. medici , m which a perfectly safe, and may be given to children, from tender infancy to advanced age, ye under nu restraint as to cold water, or any kind of food. Purgcs mildly, subduing fever,--dostroys and ex pels worms With invariable success—and is easily admin istered to children. Thant poiiscsses these valuable properties, is fearlessly , asserted—still claiming the additional advantages of be tug given iu mail bulk, and requiring none of the drenching which Worm Ten and other supposed Venni fugev demand. During its brilliant curter, whits been introduced into many lainiltes, where ovary other known and'accossiblu Verinifuge has been tried without the least success, where it has promptly expelled Worms to au al most incredable 41114111 UL All evidence of the surprising effects of Dr. 11 . Laue's Worm Sliecille, we give the following: Ou S iturday. Fehruar3, Sth, 18413. Mr. James Richard son culled at the Drug Store of,ll. Kidd & Co. cotuer of Wood and Fourth streets, Pittsburgh, Pa. end made the fullowiug statement "A child of mule had been 'very sick for SUMO ten days-4e had give , her purgative medicine' but it had done her, no good. -One of our - ncighborFz iu andsaid - itWas worms that were destroyiug the and at the same tame spoke of the woudertul effects she had Witucwed from using Dr. 3FLatiiis WdrmSpecific, iu that neighborhood. We procured a vial—gave, one tea spoulul, and oh.: child discharged forty•two worms. I then \gave another tea-spoonful, Which brought forty six more. inakiug in all eighty-eight worms. Au a duty I owe to you • and the community at large, I freely make karma these facts, lily - child Is now well. What is most remarkable, the Worm Specific expelled the Worms alive, iu about four hours a I gave to the child M• ORE, AND LATER. Mersa Kmu & Co.--lientlemei gave the vial of f llir I,l'Laue a Veriniluge, which 1 bought from you the other day, to a child tit mine. The result was extraordwary.'— She passed one dred worms. It is truly a surprising -!MARYPOWERtt. Pine Creek, Allegh py co: Pa. Feb-20 4 ' ISO: J. KInD & Co., No. 60 Wood rltreat., Pittsburg now the sole Proprietors or Dr. 'NPLatie's eelebila ted medicine's. All orders must b.. 1 addressed to them. t - B.—Purchasers will please be pirtieu las and enquire fur Dr At Lune's Worm Specific or Verinifoge,. Ac ENTS. '— Carter & Bt:other, H. Burton & Co., Erie; J. Marvin, Waterlbrd;lJohn NPUltire, Girard; John A. Trury, Fairview; iW. EL Towns , end, Springfield; 'it'll St. Vincent, Cranes , / Wei Janson Se. Campbell, Edenboro; 13. C. Town St Co. tVattsbor4; A. Tourtellott, ,UniOn Mills; J. H. Haynes, North Eng. '1 mold by Druggists. and Merchants generally, _ throu:;hotic. the 'United w.ates. Aueust il, 1817, WANTED. LIBERAL prites will be paid for -.1 don Bushels Corn, I 2000 do. Rye, • 2000 do. Oats, 2000 do. Wheat, It delivered within two weeke. I CADWELL • Aug. 7 ° ORPHAN'S COURT SALE: WILL be soldby order of the Orphan's Court, by public vendee or out cry, at the Court House in the Borough of Erie, on Saturday the 4th day of September next, ut 10 074:10ck, A. M., the ibllowing described piece or parcel of land, situate in the township of Millcreek, being part of Re,,ervd tract, number seventy-six (76) con taining about forty acres, be the same more or less; lute the propsrty of David Caldwell, deed. .1011 N G. CALDWELL, Bieeutor. Aug.l3th, 1817. • 303 Poblic Notice ' I ♦ HEREBY•GIVEN that the Stockholders of itfie Erie Bank, in' the county of Erie. intend to inu t 'ke application to the next Legislature fur a re newal of the charter, by the Barrie and style of the Erie Bank, in the county of Erie, to remain Inca ted in the Borough of Erie, in the county of Erie, witli the aline capital and privileges as it now has: By order of the Board of I/Hectors. C. M' PARREN, Cashi'er. Erie Bank, July 28, 5317.' FOWLER'S WORK IrrIEIE subscriber is the authorized Agent for the sale of FOWLER'S PHRENOLOGICAL WOJtKS, in Erie Couniyi. Ho will dispose of them at New York prices. Ele is also Agent for Combo's Prenological Journal. Call and exam• ine ~these valuable publications at his Buok Store, on State street, Erie ; Pa. Aug. 5 1817. 0. D. SPAFFORD. CANDY AND RAISINS by the Box or poutul for sale at No. I, Perry Block July 24. . T. W. moon. CIG A KS.—Puerto Principe, Trribuca, Spanish and all other kinds. July 17. T. W. NtOORE. 't ' ORANS LENIONS, at the cheap Gro cersClE Store of •T. MI. MOORE. ?; 19 P-OUN DS of gri/ Cofleg far one dollar, and other ihings in proportion at Ne. 1 Perry Block. July 17. 1847. NEW ESTABLISHMENT, On State Street, nearly opposite the Eagle G - LOOMIS 4. CO. are now receiving from • New York and opening at their new mere an wiinsive assortment of Rich and Fashionable JEWELRY, (embracing Ahe latest style of work in market,) watches, Clocker, Plated and Brilfania Ware, Fine Cutlery, Steel Trimmings,' Camphene and ;Saar Lamps, Looking Glasses. Gold Pens, together with a general variety of Useful and Or namental articles. Call and see what you will see. June 26, 1947. CLOCKS; • DXY and 30 hour Gothic, 0. O. G EA Pillar, Alarm and common, by the single o case, very cheap for Kendy pay: G. LOOMIS & Co. State 04., n arty oppinito Eagle Hotel, July 17, 1847. I SEC VACLES of gold" , silver and,german ail ver Frames, an extensive assortment of Corp cave and Convex. Also, the celebrited perifocal and parobolic Spectacles, superior to any in use. ' G. LOOMIS & Co' State et., nearly opposite Eagle Hotel. July 17, 1847. Lr ( Camphene Lamps. Oil and ICamphene Lamps. Camphene at spendiiig Lamps, Horn's Patent, the best and Safest in use. The public ace assured these lamps will not explode, top sale by G. LOOMIS & Co.. ) State at; neatly opposite Eagle Tavern. July 17, 1817. 7 - A CCORDEONS, with 'the l'ailgovett' vat its, 211. Titus Viol, Vitilio and t'l is 'otri 'for sale v by° • 43. 4 1.40,4 1 01C0.. .. -. State al., nearlyopposita Ehßle . 1. • Jul, 17, 1847, ,•. 7 • °le " QoDAljiiol7/T; st No. I. Perry Bleioli:e /,,, July St, , T. W. MOORF. ,- , . Nicw CetiTrot, Feb: 14, 1846. „. trsets in the form of an siiiinent—t' -he iipplindestmo.d. ly for the removal of disease. Tho Mont unlimited ,me mi., it ire.s met with stamps it at of ce the oit EATEsT DlscifilEßY Ole THE AGE. It s constantly effecting , cures ul the attic emus. impatiens . The tiso-Liiieraln.,: lous are CONVINCED the most f Wilma ore compelled' to helloveitt the power a il virtue of this great remedy. It is universally ndmit oil to MITI F. MOST WuNlilla- I rut, comniNATioN htvo wN to the WORLD fur the taIaIBUIATE RELIEF oldies., g, ngl p o l o. 1 It never fails while the •t , romaine sufficient life to re•tarit a natural and healthy ac inn to the ciripillary vessels of the body, and equ lathe rim atilt mis.fthibto it. By thi. means a Courrahrlii /WI er is puled orer the meat nothgeaskjermo of DISEASE whleh cannot' hi übtaiue I from any other Few . - edy. Such is tic power of this cm binntion shut it pent, tram (eatery portion ofthe frame; fiery lone and MLISrle, vein, nerve and ligament is iearcheil °wand made sensible of purifying and hewing ufluence. Hence it Opus as readily with internal as *Aliment disc Isek NUMBIPUS i stances are on r coi•cl whore this remedy hit. restored luialth to patients CO lli•ar the grave that the most powerful internal remedies failed to produce any af fect. Sarh ' his frequently been the c tie in ISM A NA,. TioN of he BOWELS--no patient 'ever lined die with this discus° where the 1M igtletie Ointiiiit can he iiiiiiiitioil.—; That iiangerouc Kiideinie known . the PUTRID ERY SIPELAS eau always be cured by title rowed V. For INPLAI AATORY RIIEU:11 TISM, ibis Ointment in . he most complete rented). ever Cipils w ,l, In 19 cases out of 100 it wilt ‘aff, , ,rd Wire relief to 'he' worst cases of NERYOUSliv.Aumiug Iti thirty minaks. For Nervous Di,onae# thi. reined. bier emm e ,,,, w „ ~,,. Affections of the Spine Ithenata Ism, Lameness, Meer.: mod Sore I liro,it, Bronchitis, PI wiry, coup, Chills, Cholera Merlins. Ague in the Pace r Blow). Bures.s aid Head, Scroful i, Salt Rheum, Ery. pulls, Inflamed Eyes, Fever Sores. ace will be tunnodi itely. relieved by the use of this remedy. DR. BINGHAM'S EMI IPICATE. In / repli to your queries with reg TA to the results of the Experiments I hauo made with y our justly celebrated AI agne,ic Ointment: I can say wlthipleasure rho! deem it une orate HREATES V DISCOVERJES "F THE AGE. , _ It is now nearly two years since in my practice, and I have test,ll i tiun. both foes! nod gener.d, of the with universal success; even w her . failed, I have succeeded with this. I have treated cases of Inthaniti; illation riffle Lungs, Inßsm ttion o Wry 11.11011 M abut. and Child had success: also rases of Searlet Fey Uleertned I broat and Lungs with In tile Epedenge k own as which .11 _many valuable Ilvee WCr quently, and it never failed of Wei lain cure. In cases of 'turns, Sprains, Brui It acts likc a charm. No Physiciau'or Family wll this Medicine; after tircomsort_acct to cure. N,_IIING - 111A31,Pti - (lo2 l 77.l'. — Jitn. 19, 1%49. - 'For further particulars ant piaci len with each egret Price 23 anti sllceota per bottle AGENTS. Carter & Brother. Erie; D. N. & J ,L. Wetu.ter, Potter, West Sprieefiielti• %V. FL L. s.Jours k Co. 6irn'tl; John A M===EM piAwrillitolg OWN n 6 l ' BEST MEND! IL in col there NKVER wax a medicine whith tune and universal satisfaction. .1: L WItIG I r'S INDIAN VEG They have sloe , * the severest , sII olher remedies relied, and haL4 lieu In limo face of the envioul dab , ruimieti again -t them. . I Let it bo boron In mind OA Wr/ Pills We • N') CATCH.PENNY the eir.pring or the hour, detain°, and be forgotten, but a ntedicin: reputation tent built upou an ten der circunutances in which the Ci had quite us much to do with it it edyutolf. Wriglit's Indian Veg. to real worth, touuded on the hue uy of I THOUSANDS AND TENS I F TfIO7, , SANI 8, throughout the length and bread' of thalami. 1 It was after neareful study of the human con•itiution, that these celebrated Pills ware prepared. N.dete'e Saws were and consultad, and then a medicine was pre' pared from the herb tir the Indian,which should act wit) those laws, Thercrerbt the PIM elreClually ABIST NATVIIE 1 o expel the corrupt b ntors, by ruing the a .tarot nu lets of the system. ' Britt •0, SUMS ER, F •i• AND WI , iTER Each produce, by their vartstiou , of temperature, recta bar effects upon the human body, The hog calmed , end the cold crintroets the volume of the eirculstmg flui ant when ehatigegtake plaee suddenly, the rancis or., u ten serious: Weil : lit% Indian Vegetable Pills enuoterac the evil influence of t tb* changes, by peril) ing titblood, blood, and keeping the stomach rind owels in a 'aura and heulthful condition. 1 . FUR FEVER AND ACIIP. ilat scourge of the Vest. Wri!glies India!' Vee.-tobi , i i Pills stand unrivalled An lindslice has never come I i Pills bovine been taken,..jtholit our knowledge of the a effecting a complete c ire. Ille Chills and Perms the live', and bilary functions re chiefly disordered, sup•tritoltirel by great physic I debility. IVh itt the syniptoini fir-I oi Ppear. no time should Ibe lost before 'limning to tia,,i; IM, A few doses will give such manife , t relief Cott oh etsuastun will be ncaessary to root,. ina the use ( the . Flit D 'BIIII'SIA. Wright's Indian Vog tsbl Pill s W ill be found very sup I. tier. In this disease, the astric ju.ce is weak and di - cient in quality. Co:sequ utly, the digestion is -hope - feet Awl the health i t tnitai ed. These , ills remove tit a, bile from the stom res ore its tone, and improve the digestion. ItIINDICE. ihils are equally well adept. tleml.' As they operate upo m principle, or cictor lug tir• inu the blood, mul rectitym • a the l:/tiLili of JAIIIIIIICO, en/ 1 Wright's India- Vng ) To the removal of thirl the one general and stomach Dud 11011elo,, the rear Alone, they r' of all . tl er dtpurth:ra I GICFAT ^ coin mfi' pun 010 l i T s ' e F lY li t t e r ' I C e l' ll l r l o .E. which of t! h Viteeatit• Pills have been tt e a very', certain that those Pit 6 its, rind a go n d complexion, o . Ollltl. without them, have be n I Wrimlit's 'etliiiii Vegetal, r ' leaf companion at certain p - GIDDINESS, &c. tiny part. indicates a corru t aturo, , a striving to correct, lien ling,,table Pills tslien ii rr i tin to g ve r..llef, if the thing I n ViTTI DIA US MEDICINF.! at tt e Sont i and West stiff u. mn, o a than not till others combined. totie cli ate, but chiefly to l i ii . • d% ,estetn life. The sensutions • inplabits are of the most wretch il ~ , al d.itniAciMers is frequently broue It I. 1 , patient suffering from this di • t ape o d with pretended cures; y t rstraw in t e edices that are aorth n stra plan,. C.iloinel 1146 bleu:11.1 be ti t tit remedy hos proved itself woo 0 hat then 'shall be done? We an P getable Villa a trial. .14 they o ~ eta too a/e ore willing' to hoar all iturr. Aniltyre rny to all lily 111 NI. n money )thrown away—you are I C worin MORE. and that ‘Prifht's Indian Vegetahli'l he best medicine you ever hoard of reit aftee every upstart Remedy, lu.t , r iticlfinit notoriety, Above all RE OF IMITATIONS EM pr Om hit It il mp mho 1 1 Ine It would be thitiessli wo exeo Wright I. renlesl bibasein. IaVO given beak,. ru hundreds ur finales, in their graves. A Pills is on inestimabi rieJs. in:, F lu ich ln art. lIICID% The presence or p slate of the Woo I, w tow dose. of Wrirht going to boil trail be at all popsit t ln VALUABLE It is well known 11, from bilious disorde , Tikill is portly owing] nature of r3outhorn a; companyiug liver c.' i dmeription, habit , on by liver complao' i l.ti ease, al cold not be tern a o very few remove of Ohl CO the chin Mistime, b than the isoase! %; give Wright•p India' not exceed your cap , the opprobrium of f Thorn is no risk rut *lain of benefit. 1 0 When you have f' Pills are a .•lectle" stick to them! Dote 'which attempts to lIR W., of l'Cright's turban pedlar' ion ofshis Mr of. Now what host' they, but inis e rable no more lily' at, tha vett i.ea, ..rniprove, be a capital joke, if . such. BUT OF HI i t There li(no safetj oh MI with colinierfei rrs But which is tho w rstl . Wine but little he ft 'r Ili Buy of the regular got AGES id 0. B. SP %/TOED rri Samuel Hamblin' At. Co Joule McClure. Sea. C J. B. S. venture, Ifilino. , Riley T ow n se n d, Poer-West Springfield, W. H.Sprint:6'll4 • H. H. I - own dr. Co., j tvettsbure ' " ''. North East, John Clement. Fairview. _ 4 ege stile Pills, Previous In the a odicke, Indian Pills were never heerd 1 of them' I And after all, what ro tom ,onus of tho original snedicii 1.3 oh Ilt is lilt., chiles°, One man - ban Vegetable Pills 1 This wo id ere lyr e s serious Hewers or II REG4LAR AGENTS. where/ The country is ewer • bath of l money and of medicine Is not thocnuutrecitrr aft mrtd• u s rubber, RIM a 'm urderer --: is red wo say flgnill. 0 l CH I T IECOUN ry. m. I k l , %Vstorord: i lb Wrd• • - ' a . . . THE ONLY OSIMINAL AND oßstrixx troraN VXSILYAXLS PILLS }IASI , : THE SIONATUSS OP W. SYNIIIIIT WRITTEN WITH A PEN DX THE DIP LaSE4 OP ICACII 80X, IC , FD: ottlier Venitins, and to cowiterfal this MAMMY. Offices devoted exclusively Ir. the select* Mighty In Vegetable Pity, w tolesale end relish. 161 Kure Ftr et. Phtledelphie.2BBBreetiwich Street. New York; and t 1 Tremont Street, So , too. , Erie. July Si, 1347, 1) S 4 E , . ART'S celebrated , itup, fur ruble u Just the thing you iread of at the "N , Store," No. 4, Chant:l.4de! MORTON &Co Erie May 2i, 8477' ~'l~~l OLD L'NCIL July 17. 1 AP L ".— A ot of 'inn App e. r• just receiv .aod for sale at No. 1 Pe Block. - • - T. W. MOORE 3nly 3, 1941., - I e y, Sardine!, Trukfed Oyit eerni!euptee.• T. W. MOIR • G Lemon Ski .Tvl 17., . on. ..ra nit re ash ouppti of Chooses., war at • drtia, Sagan", Sews, etc.,. ida at thalr final low prices. ROF:EiNZWEIq ts. Co, ;calved s r fag el Tex, 1 4 10 :14*4 be THE MARRIED WOMAN'S , MEDICAL comb/ix By Or. A. bi• Ms.unsce`mr, Pio cases of Women. Third edition; 1 price ,$1 The great demand of this must (ut which thousands are scld) has issue ofanuther edition. It is iateni for the• parried, as it discloses imp which should be known to them Flere every female can discover the loins, and the most of reused ] certain ;wide of cure, in every coilip" \ I her aex is iiiiijeet. Married Females. would IterU whereby they would retain th4r vigor, eli.tieity of body and Vey , to an utlvaneed age, instead of bait hundreds and thousands, into who! book has'not fallen. This work be in the hands of every wife and t a regard Tor her own health and tv as that of her husband. The rcve!ations contained in is ready proved a blessing to tholwan numerable letters received by cho h is of course impossible to cum, in a public journal, the various 'as they are of a,namre strictly !in married, or those conlemplating in er is it necessary, since it is every become' possessed of knowlelloe w lerin:rs to which a wile, a mother, be subject, can be obviated. Copies to be sent by Mail free Over ten thousandcopie3 have be within three mind's, with perfect Canty. In no inst t ince has a Rni, reach the publisher, or the book 01 has been directed. On the. receipt of Ono tiollar, Woman's Private Medical Comp sent free of postage to any part States. All letters must be eddies to Dr. A,-M. Mauricenu, Box y 2 City, Publishifig.oflice 129 Libr York. emumenced , itsiug it Ilu ca.rn or loniumno. most maglignam kind ull iutempti remedies it .3"" For Isle in Erie by 0, DI Bookseller, State street. , • July 24, 1817. ri of tbirDruin, Tui b thellurvels', Infl.imitro i, a, w:tli perfect r, Curator 11*.h, and Ithe Putrid Erysipelas, by lust, I te.ted it fre ting a speed) and stir- THE DELAWARE BIUTU . Insurance Comp (OF PHILADELPHIA A RE now doing business on` 11 giving tits assured aparAi profits of tbe coinpany; — without -the - Frenilunt paid. Risks upon the Lakes and C the most favorable terms. Losst ally and promptly adjusted. - Fire risks on merelnindize, built property, in town or country, for permanently. as, Frozen Limbs, &c Fe ti tingle tiny without /latntett witiv It powor, siciau and Surgtou. testimonials. Aloe pain wholesale and none:tut, Ohio; It ileyi nwitsentl. Springfield;{ Tracy, F.airviow. 509 C ij.T. Seal, James C b:ditio I Souder, Theophi . Davis, _ H. Jone Robert Burton, John Ga John B. Pinrose, IMO) C Samuel Edwarsip,, 'George Henry Lawrence, David B Vrlsyard Darlington, Charles Isaac It. Davis, J. G. Jo Forwell, Willis 'Joan S. Newlin, Dr. S. 1 Dr. R. M. 'Huston, ,John Sc' Spencer. Mellvain Richard S. Newbold, Sec'y. iVt It.„7•Application can be made J. KELLOG '- Erie, August 7, 1817. HIM INVALID' undirmily tigurortell av i t 11.18 given duet) 'I.:1 ABLE - lIA.S. rink, by curing who n rnpuln adore which have bre Ors •O•IIJn Vegetabl• REMEDY. to pass away with* of writ g v duo. It • +led rum aiteete 1 on WI of the im taitiattui the activity of t!te rem table Pills lay a (qui +t and willing teatitnu PRO M[IE Crio County continues to ins by fi.e, on buildings all descriptions. 0' Pubic gqu4re, belw ,4 r -.- :t JS S ES. A Ix' N I acsh's i 'lleradt Lag's Trusses, ssori I 0 P ONE of Dr. Sher Malfrietiti MaChi 'teem in the treatmen 'nervous diseases, co N 0.6, geed Douse. July 17, 1817. COMM.—Side, dr carved and plain, common born, the ver riety, by Carter Sr. Brd , July 17. J 947. PYER.---Alutinit‘ fancy and gilt; white and blue ruled :inch letter envelopes salt by Carter 4- 1.3r0 July 17. 1817. Spring of 1847.] l BY Rail 77 z v 'Z I\T MI/ SPRING ,k• SUAINtt received at the! Jow Stork cial Exchanee, corner of Froncl I\IOSF.9, after encountering al pea and land, is here nit!) hip ae, Goods, purchaved in New York' ut thelkorest cash prices, and en east variety of 'Fancy end Stapl brou,ght to this place: - A few o deed. ' FOREIGN & FANC SlLKS—Striped Poult de Soh. Ilaid Grenadine, Do. Foulard, • Heavy wa 7 id •p. MOIR°, w il ier , While on bla k Sat' - Plain black It Ilan, Colored.Florences. French Gingham, a new an 'Muslin Robes, plain and em, French embroidered Robes Very pretty NL do Laines fo French worked Linen camb Embroidered and bordered ft Pobble Sr single French nee ` and Capes, Embroidered muslin ShawiS Silk, Cashmere and Barrag. French Barrage Scarfs, 1 English throail Laces, SwiS. Black, wwhite and colored F Sitk and mohair glovrs'and Ombra striped Bonnet Riba Eigttred ,de. d. Corinthian Cord, Lace Butt .Silk Bonriet Wire, &c. {t Mind the name and ,e 1 ItEEN APPLES.—lsfe‘it l Uir crarother kind °Nipples Petry flock. July $, 1817. T. W. MOORE."' , No. 1. Prrry BI "V R.PAIi ORUlT.—You,eal I' People's Roil , Oranges 1 , re,. Lemons, Figs. ,I:,'„r nes Boa 1 and ilitront. cheap or cash b) . , I June 26. •,W , V..:11 ' '-'.--a dder' Me • Wood, Cam W ...,, . Sloe Vitriol, Cream Tarter, ' cheep for the re.edlri by - .TeA0,24. - - - W: - F. I 25,000 Copies sold in three DIRECTORS. TECTIOi Mutual Ins re aeainst goods an ?I ee on th en 6,h and ECTORS. Win. Beatty, 7. C. IS pe n cer, „1----Tlinnias Willi 3, OileeSanfind, --C. Al W. . Townmni I z - Heoi GILL Sre. l ' f .o r n Ti Set& 1817. Jtl id, Ha ry Cadwoll. ES SANE.' ca, , Secretary IHMIE , ;oorl .nssort Thomp led Aizes for ;AItTER s Jrtiv. 17 1817 YSICIAi' wood's Vi 21IS8, itri' it t of' rheum, solo by 11 = Shell, i ,y latest st Vier, No. r ig and n no nd plain'!. a benutif her, No. 6 No. I, C April 24 50011, BBLS. New (Meal ed, Crushed and cheap fer,cash, one door 'north by , June 14,1917.- , I "LOOK lIERE, WILL YOU'D' I F pm wish (o'4ll cheaP, you will please eall'at R INDERNEC HT'S N 0.6, Poor People's Row, where' you can fled the liallowing - articles, iVhicti are warrented, goodi- c .CoMed, Sugar, Tea, ;Molas ses, Tobacoor,all like; PePer, Spice; Cin namond,ClovsisyNutuieV, Ginger,Stalei, Choc°. late, Coees.Ohstard by. else pound Or bOS, Pepper Sauce, L'amonSYrup i Oliver Oil, Lamp Oil Vine gar, Fire Crackers, Castile Soap of all kinds, Sha ving Brushes, Powder, Shot, Lead, Percussion Caps and Pills, Con Ile •Wielt, Twine, Matches, Stove Black ing, bhoo Britsltes and 13hiclt (,;balk Tar and Rosin, Macolmy and Scotch ,snuff, sol pher, Brimstone, Epsom Salta Mother Saha, Sat eratos, Bed Colds, Rope, Fish and Chalk Lines, Herrinm, Pa em Pails, Tubs, Willow Wagons, %Vasil Board Wire Sirs, Almonds, :Madeira Nuts, Pdherts, :urry C miss and Horse Cards, Horse Brushes and Combs, Sal peter, Dairy Ri in bags, Brooms, Cod, Whips and Hearth Brooms, Whitewash BrUshos, and other atticle - s too numerous to mention. Piemie call and see qtr. yourselves. ' Erie, June 19, 19 17. MATS.—Grass and Ma( ceiverl and for sale PRIVATE ON. essor oC, Die pp. 250; months. iiportant work compelled the led especially 'twit rectas flarticularly.— muses, symp• ies and most laint to which Learn the Irt ~ outh, beauty, 11, ney of spirits g aillieteii, as e hpnds this. deslitnetl to other who has Ware, as well flock; by. June 19, ISI7 tIiWNSP.NDSS A BSA NA It LA, and other T celebrated Depttraiiees. or vale by J. H. BURTON & Co. , pages have at. 9, tab the in . ether will at- Jun. 19. 1917 FeWEIt AND A ju.e._ ry more fully, :ets treated - ofi, ended for the range; neith ono%) duly to tereby the e'er .r a tister may Tonic Mistlire, • India Cliolarzogne Mixim's Ague Pills „ Quinine, Tonic Vermirtitte, PCfllVl'lll For sulc wholcisale and retail -by CARTEL?. SCIMOTIIER. , Frio, June 19. 1817. • 5 DYE STUFFS. • Annwtoi Oil Vitriol, Alum, , , Indigo, Copperas, Blue Vi:riol, • . - I • Cream 'l'urtar, Cod Beur, ~ ' • Argots, Cochineal, • Sptrip of Tin, ~) Liquid Blue, ors:heroic for Logwood, Sic Wood, ,(green, Cum wood, , Madder, . Ftla: i el; , e Red Saunderu, For sole very eteap at No. 6, Reed House, by CARTER 4r BROTHER. Joon 19, 1847.4 ' 5 of postage ; n dent by mail afety and cer ti nee failed to qto to whom it the "Married nion" vi ill be of the United .cd (post paid) 4, New York✓ ry street, New AMONG our Stock will be found 100 ke.ks pure White Lend, Buffalo • -and Fittshurzli manufacture. 1600 lbs Spanish Whiting, 600 Venition Red, 500- French and Yellimv Ochr?, ' 100 French Green, a beaut. artier;. • 300 Red Led, 200 Lithar ewe, SPIAFFORD, 3tnlo L SAFETY, 100 gallons Spirits 'rnrtientins, 100 do Linseed ---541 — ddi •• C.pal Varnish . , coach and - Forniinre. plan, ipntion lability lieyond , 20 doz Paint Broslns, assorted Fizea. Jost received and for oak on accommodating tertn4,at No 6, Reed Hol se. CARER BacrrilE3. June 19, 1817. 5 insurAl ou is will be liber• ings and other limited form or t CARTER Sr. BROTHER,. BFANG license I tinder the Law of 1816 to retail Vinous and Spiritous Liquors, o fur a e i oil asso:tincnt of Hand, us Pau'ding, Bruolte, nett, ale, Ferrell,' Slaeey, {alley, 1114.3111. Hay, `1 hennas, ler, Jr:' Fazell, Sieila, And Current wines Brandy, lloi:and Gin; Ruin, , o Spiri's, And Alcohnl. 11 I r S . 0 ee l }. at rit; nw rater 49 the' final! ies have l ever 'Seen offered in this market, at N0 1 .+6; Reed (louse. r Erie, June 19,1317. • • 5 Pure 'Port, N 1 tolui ra, Sherri', 'lato, Martin, Pres't S , UPERIOR French and American ruled and , N plain Letter Paper, _ Maynard and Noye - s Meet ' ink • rictus Carmine and Red I k, wor rs, Common, Note, Transparent and NI o::o, Sealing Wax, . a , Pounce, Black Sand, Robber, Pte. etc. e:e. • Fur sale by J. [-I. BUIITO ~, &Co. Erie, June 19th. :817 • , . Agent Erie UM mince Company osa and damage merchandiseuf ealt aide of the th,.treete. trgePelden, iii Pickson, ah Babbiit, Airiyal of Fresh nod Cheap Groe:•rios At No. 1, ir.rey Block. SINCE the Tariff has been - taken MT the inn• ports into tins country, and placed on that ot Mesied, it has enabled those who have pure rased Groceries in the East to sell them ch,op. We wish all who warn anything in the%Groecry line to call and examine our stock, for 'we do assert, without fear of co.nradiction, that nc have the freshest lot of Gro - eeries in this market, having all been purchased Om the latest importations In oar stock may be found the following: Gunpoicder, and Young Hysou Teas; Java, Rio, Laguira and St. go Coffees; Loaf, Pulverised, Porto Rico, and N. O. Sugars; Pepper, Spi6e, 'Gin= ger,. Oinamon, Nutmegs Mace, Cloves, Rice, Pearled barley, Candies, Pecan, Brazil, Madeira and Pea nuts; Almonds, Filberts, etc.; Fri:tits—Apples, Raisins, English Cur rants, and Figs; Sperm and Tallow candles; Summer and Winter strained Lamp Oil, a 'superior article, Salad oil, FancY Shaving, Variegated and. Bar soap. Dairy salt, B'hite Fish, .4lckerel, Atackiriac Trout, 'and Herring; 10111)411's extra Fine Cut chewing, Spanish 'Smoking and Cavendish Tobaco, Pipe Prideipe, Trahnea, Lenora and corn pun Ci.garq. A - -. Tracy, ,ilin Russell, I RD, President.:. lifer. , ,eale low by r intoThEn. Jam 'hrato.• Electra v,thinhle inatru• spinal and atter 4- Brother, •tnd back combs, ory, Buffalo nod les, in greet vu , fixed ['pose. v paper, plain 1) 'owl American .tter piper; card I assortment, for Reed house. Color - ea and plain Grass and \Tanilla ats.— Besides a host of other artiide9 to supply the wants of all. A fresh supply of Groceries , re ceived semi-monthly. Call arid clarniso goods and price's at No. I, Perry Block. T. W. MOORE." F, ir,. June 12. 1817. 4 `Spring of 1841. Road.! 1 1:Aoons, just • I Commer. !' sts. surt4 orperi Is, by • and fashinnahle . and Philadelphia hravinwthe great f/ ,r .. Dry Goody ever them will be no NEW AND FRESH GROCERIES, Sit .?Yo. a Poor Peoples' Rotb. WF. RINUEItNECH"F has just redeived a • • large and n ell selected assortment or wet. dry and Family Groceries ; Dye Swan, Nails at d Glass, which ho will sell cheaper for cash that; any other estublisimient in town. Please call and sttr. ' I .Ttine 19., Isl 7. IV 1, I ItEl.; hi V 1..1.1.25 bags Itto, COIL, tit. Da irlin.ttn_and Java Coffee, one door north of the Rig Window, State perm, by W. P. 11.1NDERNECHT. June I?, 1847 ; 4 I' GOODS. cl-bfack & blue blk BUFFALO WHITE LEAD.—An invoke of this superior article just received. .4"ilso, Pittsburgh Lead, (Fahnestuck & Co's makes;) dry' and in oil, rdwav, on hand and warranted. June 12. " J. H. BURTON & Co. tjhesis Fresh 'ress, just 'received and for lJ sale by the chest or less I:0;mill*, by . _June 16. W. F. RINIJEItNIECHT. - SsriO•GAL. MOLASSES, just reeeixed and for mal. cheap ae the peapeht, one door north of the Big Window, by 4 , June 16. W, P. It 11111EfINECJIT. , b .inital article, .r Children, 2s. per yard. is Hdlas, l o. do. , le-worked Collars. • )(i GALS., Ohio Slone Ware, lin sate one 41vt , door north of the i3it , Window. • June 26 PROVISIONS. - Floor , Pork, Hams, SlintrA-, IC ere, dried Apples, driedjPeaches, Coen Meal Codfish, Whim - Fish, Mack rel, Potatoes-and ev erything in the Provision Line, const.intly! on, hand and for tale. by' 'x--' June 28. _ V. F. rtiNDERNECEIT 7 . ...._ ......_. . _ ' '. ; WINDOW GLASS. • C ARTER: 4- BROTHER re' jest received o t their summer Kock fW I dow Glass, which is tarn and complete , va - ying,in size from 7x9 to Isx , and will be Mal any size qr shape desir e( idiom extra chige.. Putty always on hand. one PI 1847. , - 5 li an Kt: Nil VW N . -- I hiau'itidebted to the hit - i firm of Smith Jackson & CO. aro requested to make immediate payment; ns this is the Second reqUest I hope there Will be no, longer delay. At- tend to this and save costs.; ' and cambric Ed,- I nch Kid Wines, ills, ' . umber. SES KOC 11, irnercial Fichan,ge, IFrench et. . II Pippins nod isev • for solo at No. ' I , N. MOORE. 5, Loaf, PolvOris necovado Sugar, r t h e Ri g Window, DERNECEIT. • S. JACKSON. Erie, July 31, taiz.. VARlgicid , Glovei—A beautieul assortment, - White and Colored, aeFllng ehearr es No. 1, CheaPside; by - • MORTONCo; • Mrie, Alas SR. 1 0 42: • b ri fso 4 m fit : " I„li clt er ti a s m r atf 4 s t o tl it tre lu sln S oL a d d i; ail shades and'colcnis,jost opened by „ , Apra 21. WILLIAMS dr WRIte:HT. I Grid at NO 6, Roer Sultana Raisins, Ratalat., ( Currants NDERNWIIT cui r AI laVOPPra*,; edict % kw' train 1498 ' Lag., Artie rate Coclifsh; big: Mackerel, for oat* by ALUM '' ' 1 \ RENDERNECUT. • :tiDCRN4CUT 711 IS ___ p at No. ,W.,11400RE PAINTS, OILS, /54c. 200'papers refined Lampblack, knxes Chrnme yellow and green, froti the City. of Mexico. WI. P. ItUNDERNECHT TUE wottiLD:r. TIRE U . ;0 - : W. MERCIIANT'g tt ,CLINC OIL 03t 10 NialLv AN inva :her (1 di, I'rt,,gs tcOthl Galls of Simiias. Do i Cracked Ilre king bow, Pull 'Evil; C Sporn's, Swi -1 - 0 (dile railed:* for liiirse*,, Cottle rind vast:stk . aniniuls, In tlib cute Of tut :calsoe: , i' / .s`,l i d i loth Avliir ; i,,, , 5, • Sinai's. ictnieneiti, ' I ises, , Stela ("rade, ~ I s, Foundirrit Fat_ , j intalls, Scratchtt of (ittaiti Ilitto, ' 4iange, .-1 em-y, f orte Dishmper. 1 '. Univen.ta F ini ly .Enibroeii ion ,foi' ses of ilmnalh Flesh, e‘iigt as ".4 - I External Poisons; . ..=- Pa:afig Xacaus -Vie. tionti._ . ,_ .. ' , -, 113 1/1.3 a • disc Rheumatism' Bitts Ft cst s, MrA earn 11, t V 11410ir .0, ' Chin& .4. , .. „ Chapped .1 fatede, the Arusars, Sicel!ings. Wound*, the Joints, Kaked_Lcreasts. , ' 1 . 5 GARGLING 01L.—It k worthy clr , th, that hesides the areal and etra wers in the cure of diseases Me _ It•its vir.ues ftritt attracted thee ten t ritnand firmer, anti the . trontl r of 1 . net - ally, it has been suecessihity k em• - greit variety el the maladies tvidAl mute race; and it has proved by7itto , • res it has performed on the loweran• t is endowed 3ci,11 curative properties other horse oils, n Well has e7tablish -14 to - general confidence.„ f the enuiverreit article, end be sure the sins rnoratv.Ten, G. W. Ater- _ port, is blown in the bottle: testimonials, synopsis of di/lase: 4 olnd iIiTICIII, tee pamphlet which tico,tripas 1 . 1213 Buria ani Cramps, Contracts of Weakness 0, MERCIIA. 9pecial rem , ordinary p.' horse in wh . Lion of the the public plowed in n ulteet the)) wonderful e im.11 4 , that not found i ed its claim. Beware 11)6 17;10/0 0 chant, Loc lt." - PFur mode of Ire 11_thitt-4n 1 8, r - C .- i:qe; S. Sr. Ohio; aid D-! N. jilrebstet t ' lyso 11-F V If QUM - Iglie0OD: - MERCIIAIO'S IMPROVED COMPOUND FLUID -' ' CT OF SARSAPARILLA , emoting Diseases of ike Blood, n abuse of Ater- .6 hlts and joints. ' feeer Sores.obstinate ail sorts tyl sai hinds. Scald head. Salt Rheum, Ring Ir'o , a, a d other I. , Pme.. a arist4 from ors is gatre ', atatentAe-43t00d; ate'. . lilabituat Ccinieeness, Piles' . Chronic affeeitons of thelP:ol' e -1 Inns and• Chest. - ' ~sfiecs en the five Pai , i i shear:Nadi and sides, es, and other cc- Night .streatt f 4-e. de. , c skin. It u ilkeulese. mach reconnnne y. and i thee' So- sled as ala Spring m:sin Spring g ions, s Medi' i e, , .1W in vowel dr ays. Pains in 10, Wily. meth' is preptiretklrom the choicest tie eri ills. the active prop rtle , s of vrhieh are • an improved - proccsS, without heat; o • itch it is preferred by Pkisicians orevniform and avl iiie than any other the public. .. : 'count of the remarkable I iteney Of this , a variety of cases of the most acgra re, may be seen' by calling on the ,ro his ti ,, ents. - 2. , 0rKt% ed it• i nes are counterfeited - he •till for "Si erch.l nt's ar , aparilla." and st words are blown on the f. , lissi4"Fro'ns to:y 'Ol Geo. W. Merchant, Chemist, IC.\ Y. . lost every pedlar in the country is now .'and imposinE on the pubhc, an arti c le arsaparilla. Therefore, er.weine.” J. II!. Burton Sr. co. Erie; S. S. 4. IL shtabtlia, Ohiu; 1). N. ‘Vebstet, Corr in. •, . 1450 NNE EXT it For ' tri bag from .cary, Offrouie and Dis • ases such Serefula or dory :Yoph rkeraliqti rNe Throat L'ar , °A lm bxfy o topleir r r f'pltc I upti}no of 1 ill 11..1. B,N:erg 4,: While I t SoN-I.ll' This re i'nff s S.vaa r stnerial. Currasi.tu Nate. chttks 1 , (Led other ex nitt l on, ceoun as bVine I non• befur A cull a rentOly, vateLlnan pric.tor or As mos g7IIF And :ire tint ti), tl:c Labor! Lock port. 63 . .kh put'ing ri! thcv cull -I gold ley Fassett: i.can , , 01 OF TILE URINAR Y ORGANS ;ES id the Urinary Organs cured by BUCIIV,,tIT4 r Vit'SJ, and cr los chronic and 'mite discuses of the y7fro, chronic , 60710rela0, - I 2 ta1)124 Chas, Whites, - Sir I I Diahe t luabie Arnrilicini: 13 prepared pith• bV lerenant, Operative chemist fke. nrsn.,is ;EB4. ;am .111:11111). Ur,ara' Prospa Kriorb • toin;s, this xy l: a 'port, N. Full an accorhpool Sold GPI F.reset, 41Pallt, 04 ample instruc.ions, tistitnoniala,"&e. V eLvb Is;)ttle. Bitron . S.: co. Erie; S. S. & IL cat4ltito, Ohio; D. N. \Arebate - , Con n. 100 . - TO RED 4IE:ADS AND GRAY. Fri Y RI. N 11M11. DYE. a 'warrimied article for 2 cob) jug Ole hair a beautiful brti or j t black, if, •ilt wit wear oft, soil the list n, or colon th?, skiil,,.o eln tes.ify: ' tvitai alio licbn used successfully in coloring Furs. '..'? Beware of the counteril it. and be sure' you get tire gormipe, pr 4 pared only by Gym W. Itlerclignr, chemist, Lockpprt, N. Y.. Sample's of Flair ditty be seen a. . l the)storea the proprietor or his agents.. Price s'J' Itti. Sold b , J; 11l Burton 5: en, Erie; P. S. 5:1 TI. Fassett, 'P. iht#ula, Oho; and D. N. Webiter, Conneaut Ohio. . Iyso . ' VOOLI WOOL!! 1 Tyr En L'EEIV ,Sr• BREWSTER keel . con-- LVI. pta I lly od hand at the Brio Woollen ueto ry. Plain Clothd; Plain and Fancy Casaime S and 'l'n ed.:, of varir u. colors and qualities which they exchantle for wbol onfdelivery, on customary and accotnitintpting terms. , They also pay:Cash lb: , wool. - '- Erie Wooller '' , tr•tory, lane IG, IS 17„ • G ,iIiNISTR AT — oRS' _ NoTicg. - AD art, 'E is hereby given that letters of Ad, istrittion have been granted to the sub n the estaie et \John Philips dec'd, late . .rige township; ull persons,. therefore,. to said estate are requested to settle/the lediately; and those -having claims saute will present them legally authe tr settlement. JOHN It_ G. ALLISON Ag 13199. iily 3 ~ " here Venn ebtal itn nst th, ted I. itrre . to the lb ineor, Public Noticc. y given that ajl npplicaf ion tic oracle next IL:egi . l)-Stlare of Pennsylvania, for ioration of a i3ank to . be coiled "Trig and NlErawitcs' B.ozari," aitlta Cari hundred thousrinit tkaars, and t4e prtv increasing the sumo to twtt- hundred dollars. Said bank to be located in Erie , !rie, State of Pennsylvania, tily l l7, 1817: - I 7 Fullerton.- I 'r :ha-ter, Jnckion, C. Bluratitil o einemr, (Jane, F. niter.. In °font qzo of tii.o anui county • Eric, . 11. c. J.ll. .1.11. Uhltei $llll It anipie MTh 'Wm. tt. L 1 P. Ar, E rr i c l 11r.;. ' ,.. - J:;C h Il i t n Ol d. I k 1 sekle vet luwtby , ' _G -, , „,, ~_ , - • State M ., nearly opposelsl6B4lB Ibiotek. !July, 7.1811. GUNl:l—Dotible barreiciiingle Tlis:V - Osrliaz p• ea, Revolving six Shootarb wit!, a pa 'cral as.,t 7 tui ,, 9l of Gun ifiiinza,,. ; , . , • . t I ' G. LO OM IS & CU . . , thl7. , ' • , , , , - :• 0211 R. IF ARE. —S i lirekitatile; dessert, test. ncytmistard ;Tome.taklite, lodles fork..d upu conatintif f Aaa bill tsld 0, MOWS* Ot: .31 State at., neatly opposite EsgDegout. 7, 1847. S syll alt S ILV eel butter a for aa!o EMI ,:;5ei7717, ---- 1 steel, ei, , iod — irogo ei ti eps owi .trams ,. primp sint,..p a ,,, v Sty e broochei,limotkito. - PoStiei g t - r. the, ids's* isolkitp:F . tenia • d tiole at .. , W : . . I L 6.1. Ingeteef t . : 7 , Stal et., no ly opposite Ecieet i frotill. ' 17,15,47. • , • 14AD . ftt/s , ne OM, tOi fancy I I 3 EM la n I Jan/ C. Beebr. - : • ThOs W. Sterrrit, Carton Graham. .14tnes Willintae t Guy Loom} v