Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, August 28, 1847, Image 1

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One coey, one year, in advance,' 8,1 50
Otherwise, two dollars a year will invariably be
charged. These term will be strictly adheredin all eases. I 7.
Advertisements inserted at 50 cents prr squrire
Or the first iniertion, and 25 cents for each sub
sequent insertion. '
Job Printing, of all varieties.' such as Books
Pamphlets, 1-landbills,Show Bills, Cards,Steam
.beat Bills, Blanks for Notes, Receipts. 8:e. exe
cuted in the best style and on short notice. • -
T. W. Al OOR E.
Dealer in Groceries, Provisions; Candies,Trllir
ise. No. I. Perry Bloey,. Stitta street, Erie, Pit;
Attorneys al Law. Office HP - K t :14.44n the Tam
I many [lull building,florth ortheI s cothottotan's
Office. .
D ea le r in Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware,
Qiieena NVare, Lime, Iron, Nails Sc: No. 121,
• ri
Cheapsnle, 10, Pa.
- - -
County and Borough Surveyor; Lillie° in Exchange
Buildings; French
Has removed his (Ace to the *Public Building
near the Court house, up stnirs. in the room
occupied by the Sheriff rind .?irectly over the
. Commissioner's Office. x
Prompt attention will. be given to all businenq en
-4 trusted to his ,care.
E. N. nui.uttp.T 'at CO.
A NI) Dealers in Lehigh AO Erie Coal. Salt
-and Produce' generally. Tarticular- atten
tion paid to tlio sale of Product anil purchase of
Ilcrthn '
No. itzt. 4 Coli,urn Square, Solid. :Mag.
E. 11ULItyltT, U. DRIGGS.
Buffalo, N. Y. 49
Attorney and Counsellor at. Law ; Office No. '2
State qt., oppositntlie'Enjo Hotel, Erie. Pa.
Attorneys & L:nte, Otriee my French
. street. over S Jackson qo's. Store, Erie,
Ap:it 24 , 107.
Has peruninentiy local( ii iu
resideme on
,the conrner
Street e.
Det'erg in For;eion and Dime;lie Dry Goode,
Ready : I .lodelClotilidz, I; in :4 awl
ic., No. 1, 'Flemming Stat 6 Strem,
Eric, Pa, r I
Attorneys end leoun , ellers at Lttw--Oliice • on
Nth street, •est side of the Public Equare„
Erie, Pa. ,
GT - Etl6l%llS tr. CO.
Dealers in Wati.dies, Jewelry, Silt Cr, G ennan Sil o
ver, Plated tlirittannia. Ware, Cutlery, il
itary and Pane C4oods, N 0.7 Reed House, grit.
Wholesale and telaU Deah•rs iii Dry Cloor1,nro•
series, Ilardware, Crockery, Cxlas scare, !rot
Nails,fLeath r, Oils, etc. etc 4..orner p 1 State
street and the Public Squa, opposite Old Eagle
Tavern, Erie Pa.
Cabinet Mah.r, Upholster and 'Undertaker,
State Street, Erie Pa
lorgeon, office on Seventh Street,
ethoffi.i. Chireb, Erie. Pa,
P,hysiviin and
west bf the
din t r, Commission, and Pr'ilco
ed Wore House, east of the Pub•
General Forwa
lie Bridle, E
of Tin,
and Sheet-Iron
(French Filth streets, Erie.'
NVlge corner
Iron Founders,
~Stoves, Hong
wholesale and retail dealers in
w-ware ke. State street, Erie. Pa
11. BURTON tz, CO.
Wholesaleand o.l.6llle:tier:in Drittzs,Medieinus
Dye ' Stuff'. rocerics, fie. No 5 Reed House
P.rie, Pa.
1.. .M.4TIBBAi4S, -
Dealer in Dry Goods, groceries, re. No. 111,
Chcapside, ric Pa.
I iiool WIN Et: VINCENT.
Dealers in Dr ,Goods, Groceries, No. 1,
Bonnell Bloci , State st.,Erie, Pa
Dealers in Druos, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Dye,
stuffs, Glass &c., No. 6 Reed (louse, Et ie-
B. T
Forwardin.7 a
French Suet! ,
son, also den
I d Commission Merchants; 109
Erie, end at Gth Striet Canal Ba
lere in Groceries and ProvisiOng.
Deale n Hard
east side of it
the agle U.
rare, Pry Goode, Groceries, • &ie.
l e Diamond, and,ono door ceel, 'of
tel Erie Pa. -
OGLE llo' EL,
own, corner of Slate street and
are, Erie, Pa, Eastern, Western,
Stage office. , ,
By Hiram L. B
is the Ptiblic sq
and Southern
f Fashionable \I Square, a feu
•rchant Tailors, on the, Public
doors west of State urea, Erie,
-/ Is,, Sunday
3 , %, etc. Ott.
Dealer in Theo
and Classical '
Noi I I I, Fran
Igical, 'NI inellak9out
chool Book; StatioVar;
hStreet, Erie, Pa.." I
Attorne}• and C.
W. T. practi
Grant and Ito •
lowa Terri to
unsellor atlaw, Prairie'
!es in the coonties of
a, W. T. and in Clayt
V ter, Chee
exchange for Goods, Wool, nut
.e, and ail kinds of Country Pro
June 6, 1646
the cheap store'
November 21
ilardwarg and Hoare
I s Can always be had4ery the pat
of. 8. AC IiAON 4- 0.
1946. •
CC' scribers Fott ;
scribers wi
, thy teed.
IMOTHY SEED.-:—The vit)
pay cash for :mod clean Time
S GU • FFE S' series of School Books, 1,2,
..LYJL 4, 4 and ; for sale at No. 111, French St.
Erie, May 6, 1847. ; 51
' EMOVA L. ' f r- ' - '; . '
GLOOMI • & Co. have removed their stork'
GOODS, etc. etc. No_ S, People's Rea, Ste te street,
nearly opposite ho Eagle Hotel, where they will
be pleased to re their filen& call as until..
N. B. A lai o addition to their stock in trade
will be made in li short. time. ,'• ' • .
Erie, May I 1947.
- 1
will be lo
Stewarea self
Allay and vatic!
e have the best assortment That
,his market of all kinds, Inetudibg
mpetted and', limey KW,
%tad Silks and China Linen..* •
The sky bath its star, the deep mine bath ith gem,
And the beautiful pearl lights the seal
But the surface ofearth holds a rival for them;
And aluao morn brilliant fur me.
I know eta drop where the diamond now shire;
Now the blue of the sapphire it gives;
It trembles—itchauges—the azure resigns,
Aud the tilt of the ruby now lives.
Anon the deep emerithldwells in its glear.
'Till the breath of the south wind goet by,
When it qttivors a6miu. and tho diish of beam
Pours the topaz tune swift on the eye. ' ' ,
Look, look on tho grass blade all fretbly.impentl'ilL
There are ull of your jewels in one; ,
You may find every wealth-wirplined gem in We world
India Pew-Drop tlint'akiar'd by the sun.
Apollo's own circlet is matchless, they say; •
Juno envies its sparkles and light:
Far 'tin formed ofdrops lit by his own burning ray,
And Olympus shows nothing so bright.,
Romance of American History.
Under the title of Romance of Louisiana
'History, the Now Orleans Commercial Re
of the South and West publishes an
exceedingly interesting article thesubstance
elan address delivered by the Hon. C. Gay
nrrie, before the People's Lyccimn at New
Orleans, in April last. It is History clothed
in Poetry, and is sparkling with graphic des
criptions 'of early 'events in Florida, and along
the 'Min of Waters from the'Cridef Mexico
thro ig,h the inland rivers and setia to the gulf
of the St. Lawrence. The first discoverers
and adventurers who'penetrated the vast and
wild interior stand out personally before us
and the incidents of peril and progress, from
their extraordinary and varied nature, posses
absorbing enterest. The writer has open
ed' a mine of rare historical richness, and we
know Our readers will thank us for the liber
al. selection of gems. w hick 'folloiv:
Three centuries have hardly °lensed' since
that immense territory, which extends from
thC Gulf of ,Mexico to the,Lakes of Canada /
and which was subsequently known under the
name of Louisiana, was slumbering in its cra
dle of wilderness, unknown to . any of the
white race to which we belong. Man was
there, however, but man in his primitive state,
'claiming, as it were, in appdaranee at last, a
different original front 'Ours, or being at best
a variety 9f our species. There was the he
reditary domain of the :red man, living in
scattered tribes over that magnificent
'try. Those tribes earned their precarious
subsistence clifefly by pursuing the inhabitants
of the earth and' Or the wate'r; - they : ',:Sheltered
themselves in miserable huts, spoke ' different
languages; observed contradictory . customs,
and waged fierce. war upon• each other.-- ;
Whence they came none knew; ndne knOws
with absolute certainty to the present day,
'awl the faint glimmerings ,of vrigue"traditioos
have offerded little or no light io penetrate in
to oltheir inystt4iotts origin.—
Thns it wide field: is heft Open to those
dreamy speculations of- which the imagine=
tion is so fond. - p i
Whence came the Natchez, those whorship-'
pm of the sun with eastern rites? How is
it that Grecian figures and letters are repre
sented on the earthern wares of some of thoSe
Indian nations? Is there any • truth in the
supposition that some of those savages whose
complexion approximates most to ours' drab/
their blood from that Welch colo'ny which is
aid to have found a home in America many
dentuti6 since? Is, it possible that Phmni
rian adventurers Were the pilgrim fathers of
some of the aborigines of Louisiana? - What
copper t colered swarm first - issued from Asia,
- I •
the• revered womb of mankind,' to wend , its
untraced w i tty to the untenanted continent of
Ainericra What fanciful tales could be weav
ed.on the powerful'Choetaws, or fhe utu:aunt-'
ed Chickasaws, or the unconquerable Mobil
iens' There the imagination may riot in the
poetry of mysterious migratkons,. of human
transformations; in the poetry of the forests,
of the valleys, of the mountains, of the hikes
mind rivers, as hey ca , e fresh and glorious
'from the hand •f the Oreator; in the poetry '
of.barbaric ma iners, la vs, and wars. What'
heroic poemi t ight no a future Ossian de
vise on monarch s of old Louisiana!----
Would not strang.,hrstory, in the hands'
of a Tacitus, se as into esting ae that of the
ancient barber an tribes of Germany, describ 7 ;
ed'bjr his inun rtal pen Is there in that pe-
,rie. Office at hh=
Sk.renth and Peach
riod of theii• istence precedes" their
acquaintance ith- the s ns of Europe nothing
which, ;'vlieit laced in ntrai3t with their In
'tpre fate, appeal - 31;th° ':•inkrination of the
moralist, of the plilosph r, and ofthe divine.
WhO, ivithou? feeling h 4 whole soul glowing
with poetical emotions, ould sit under yonder
gigantic oak,-the growt bf h iliOusand years,
on tNetop of that hill of giells, the sepulchrp
of man, piled'up by Ilia h nds, and overlooking
1 that placid lake where a r would bp' repose if
1, • •
1 t were not for that solitary canoe, a moving
speck, hardly visible in the distance, did it not
hoppen to be set in'hiold relief by
. being' on
that very line where the lake meets, the hori
zon, blazing with the last glokes of the tie
parting sun? Is not this the
i vory portyOf
landscape--of Louisiana landscape.' ,
- When diving into the mysteries of the
creation ofh at part of the sou th we'aterri world
which was once comprehended iiithet limits
of Louisiana, will not the 'geologist h moll
pause, absorbed ih astoniament al•the nurit
bar of centuries which must have been leces
!4ary,toform the delta of the Mississippi! When
he discovers sticcegaive strata of forestlying
many fathoms deep on the top of each thek
when he;Witnessed the exhumation of t e fos
bones of tnamm 6 ths, ' elephintit,'Or huge ati
imale of the'antediliivitin race; wheir Ili reads
the hiemg,typiin reec?rd_s,ef Igature's . tfonder-
Ail doings, left by herself og_the very . .- - fie,
ember granite end calcareous taidetauf this
v°uritrYr 3011. he not clasp his. handy in echtt-:
cy, and exchiimi
,NO4! , the . :dry,tess cif -. my
.1104 tbere- ie:,,,pcletvg: the Nary,
foundation of this extraordinary •14dI g '
du Chien,
on county,
Fromiho London Literary Gazette
Thus I think that I have shown that the
l l' I
spirit of poetry was moving over the face I fof
Louisiana even in her- primitiim. Mate, 116 d
still pervades her natural history. Buil halm
• , . 1 EJ
dwelt etiough on Louisiana in the dark a es
z 4., i a,
her existence, of which we can know no, It
lug save' by vaguetraditions of the Indians.
Let us approach those times where hist [ l li=
cal records begin to assume some disti in
i I
. • I
bathe 31st of May, 1539, the biy,of S ,
to Spiritu, in Florida,• presented i n curb l
snectacle. Eleven vessels of quaint t
bearing icii road banner of Spain, iv l
moored close t the shore; one thousand i
of Infantry; and three hundred and, fifty
of cavalry, futlly equipped, were !chided
proud ariay, under the command .of Horn
do de Soto, one of the most illustrious' c
panions of Pizario in the conquest of P•
and reputed one of the best lancers in Sp: in.
"When he led - iri the van of battle, so pot or
fel was hit, charge," says the old chroni'ler
of his exploits, "so'broad was the bloody as
sage which he carved out in the ranks of the
enemy, - that ten of his men" at. ' arms c uld
with ease follow him abreast." He had ae
quired enormous wealth in Peru, and mi
have rested satisfied a knight of renown
the Governmerit of St. Jago de Cuba, in!
sweet enjoymeht of youtfi.and of power, bs
ing in the smiles of his beautiful wife, lan
la de &hadn't': But his adventurous'
scorns such inglorious repose, and now
stands erect, and fufi of visions bright, on
sandy shore of Florida, whither he co
with feudal pride, by leave of thedting,' to
tablish nothing less than a triarquisate ni
miles Ipng by forty-five miles Wide, and t
to rule supreme a governor for life of all
territory that he can subjugate. Not
mindful he, the christian knight, the hater
conqueror of Moorish infidelity, of the s
of his future vassals; for twenty-two ecc
astics accompany him to preach the wo l
God.- Among his followers are gentleme
the best blood of Spain and of Portugal )
Don Juan de Guzman; Pedio Calderon,
by his combined skill and bravery, had
the praises of Gonzalvo de Cordova, 'yc
!'the great captain;" Vasconcellos de S
of Portugal, who for birth and courage k
nitsuperior; Nimo:Tobar, a knight above
and reproach; and lituscosode AR-arctic), w
that small host of heroes rank in their
'nation next teDe Soto himself. But l
en which; if t did justice to
ivould to too long.
- s.7filit." niaterialio for romance!' Her
chivalry, with all its glittering tonap
soul-stirring aspirations, in full ma tch,
its iron heels and gilded spurs, towards
unknown and hitherto unexplored so
Louisiana. In south, it must hard be ,
splendid sight! Let us look at the glo
pageantry es it sweeps by, through the
vistas of those pine woods! How nobly
bear themselves, thosehronzed sons of S
clad in refulgent armor! How brave
music sounds! ' how fleet-they move,
Andalusian charger's, "ivith arched neck.
dilated nostrils' Bet the wholeltraln an
ly halts in that verdant volley, by that
tiling stream, shaded by those venerable
with gray_ moss hanging from their bra
in imitation of the whitening beartrof a
Does not the whole encampment rise di:
upon your minds? The 'tents, with gay
news with armorial bearings; the proud
whose impatient foot spurns the ground;
men, stretched on the velvet grass- at
cruiting their wearied strength by sleep
singing old Castilian or Moorish round
others musing ,- on the sweet rulers 0
souls, left in their distant home; a few
ing before the officiating priest, tit, the
which a moment sufficed ler their jaimi •
to erect utuier_yonder secluded tower;
burnishing their arms, others engal.
mimic . warfare and trials of skill or str
De Soto sifting apart with his peers in
not in command, and intent upon develo
them his plan's of,conqnest, white the
faces of some Indian boys and women
background , express wild astonishm a
'None of iho i Warriors of that race ar
seen; they'are reported to bo absent o
t.ant hunting excursion.' But methin
'at times I spy through the neighborin _
ets the,fierce glance of more than to
sparkling with the suppressed fury-of
paced revenge.. What a s! j cene! and w
not afford delight to thepoet'simagin
to the painter's eye?
n two ponderous volumes, the hi,
Gare'llaSso relates l'e thousantyncich
that 'rot antic expedi tion. What morl
eating than the reciption of Soto at th l
of the Princess Cofachiqui, the Dido
wildernesir - Whtit betties, • Whet, v
over the eleMents theMielvcia,l', and
endless abstaclea throwri out by rebell'
ture! What indredible_ph}' ..slhal di
overcome by the•advancikag, host!
roic is the resistance of the Mobiliens
•the Alabama!! With what .hdadlo
these denizens of the &meat-rush upon
clad warriors, and dare the thUnders
whom they take to, be the- Childre,
sun!: How splendidly, described id t
of Mobile, where women fought like
wrapped, themselves op in the l flames
destroyed city. rathdr than surnder.
invaders! i. .• , •
But let the conquering hero_ beware,
he is
_encamped on, lie territery ef..
saws, the;most - ,ferk:kcious 4 the Ipdia
And lucky, wad it t4,at.Soto: r y as As;
. was ,bravellttn4`.oePt,quallY;
defence and Atie.attnok Hat
dead of winter's night, When t i e cold
the, porthiltithe Month pfJaneary, 1
(iowlitig through; On leafless trees,
turieoc4niyl was jinni - J . , amore' bid
valee'pf,tiln tempest.
%vith :Are - tIaP 4 P I, -
ttitckea Fenfa.,w(ilqh ahniterepho
are soon on hie, threatening them alif
I •
- _
diate destruction.
plunging in wild affr;
from their ligninents
lards, hail naked, str
touring element and
desperate deeds, of
his companions; .th
St. Jago and Spain t
hf the r,
threw of the Indians
i of die flaming
highly exciting to th
indeed must he be w
in the strange cßntr
of chivalry on one s
ed courage of man i
It would be too lo
peregrinations durin
of Alabama, Missis:
At kit he stanthron
•sippi, near the spot
Egyptian named city
yes the . mighty river
to the White river,
territory of the Arks
termite hospitality a
the Indians,.he arriv
Red river;within thi
State of Louisiana.
close his-adventuror
Three years of inl
' mental excitement
cogstitution. Alas
droop within, him!
shore of the North
high hopes, &earth'
thy nattontr t are
lagoons, 1091 eca
continued con* r ets
estintakhArkti: i '
who in SpainliAl
by the songs V of
the contest with `,.a
ninivess, with the n
he whohad reeled
Incas of Peru, and
princely wealth: he,
courtshad been rof
an immense ,teritor;
none but half nakt
miserable huts, ign
pared with Castill
Grenada's fantastic
imperial dwellings;
wealth was gone,
companions were ,
them could he ren d
He, the bankrupt itj
could he withstant
Thought, that scowi
consumer of, man,
is searedltit deei
waste his is wean]
on the couch of sic
The Spaniards clusi
[lately look with de l l
tain, and at the omit
ver, Itriown at this
River. But not lie
havoc' within the s
outward mien; no
vulgar herd, the 1 1,
wail: Witt stni4
he cheers his . ctli
them, one ley one, t
cross lin hi 4 httud - ;
whorri he designate
andv perseverance,
long as the breath
do not falter in the
taken. Spain exp
ry and more ample 4
These were his Is
Blest be the soul
the true Christian
in peace within the
his companions, a
thorns deep' in the
The Spaniards
the death of Soto
they felttkhai there
lief of his existanc ,
to their grief to
of their beloved el
in their camp lief
place of repose
necessity, they
smiling faces, co
the burial ground
crated spo, the m
conjectures of the
subterfuiekvas v
with, signifiCant I
each other the pr'
white warrior al
Garcillitsso descr
plunging of the
Is i top
ti net
d re-
ed in
ngth •
• nk if
ing to
n the
to be
a din
s that
e eye
tion or
- torian
nts o
of the
of the Great Fath
'ver the
Then comes on Odyssey of woes. ' The nt-,
tempt of the 'Spaniards to gol by land to Mex
ico: their wauderilog as far as the Rio Grande'
and the mountain us 'region which lies be;)
tween Mexico au Texas, and which Wail des
tined, in after yea s, to be id famous in Amer
can hist3ry: thei return to the mouth of Red
River; their building of vessels capable of nay. ' '
igating the sea,the tender enmpaisiob 'and
affectionate assi tance of the gaud Catiqutj .
Anilco;' the leagu or th e other Indian princei,
'far and wide. un er the auspices of the , great
King, Quignalta qui ; the Agarnemnon: of the'
- confederacy; , the iscovery of the plot; the'rtit
treat of rill' the Indian chief save the indomiT
table Quigualtenqui; the fleet of one•thousanil'
canoes, mounted by twenty thotisind — inek
with 'Which - he pursued the weary 'and des pairing iiiiPartiarda'fo'r seva nteenionir days, are',
sailing them with incessant fury;,the giving ,
up,of the c,litierinly when the - aen , v , kma. nearly
,itr, sight; the fterc i f parting worlam the,n, difr
nns to the Spaniards:_-"Tell your cntintrytriep
ihn4Co'illict been intsued . by 4,;10,464,0 1
One• ithe litid been better aiBitited 'bi hi l
, none,of yen would .haVnenry!v,edtote, I:
the_taler the f54#011 ri es with,which ilAct* . r
thotMand canoes ivete on the witprx the ri
:nue na
•w he
and of
he iron
.1 those
of the
e beige
of their
o their
in the
lOW of
1, was
ons far
nd the
h OHM-
• •
D o', u .ft
UUUST 28; 1847.
horses reariug and
, and breaking. loose
ie undapnted Span-
Oing agalpst the de
; tinsparibg foe, the
execute by Soto and
, .. ~
leepton / shouts of
i .
ierescueqthe demon
I arrots; t final over
e hot pursuit by the
'age—form a picture
nagination, and cold
does nut take delight
, f the heroic warfare
and of the untutor
savage 'state on the
ig to follow
,Sqlo in his
tWo years, thiugh 4 part
ippi and Teihissee.,l
the banks of taMissia
hero now nourishes the
of Memphis.l
and onwardlh :toes, up
hile roamin' Over the
Afeeti with al
d hostility on he part of
ait the mo h of the
• present lim;is of the
There he Wa fated Ito
s career.
.ease f Aigue and
ad undgmined the hero's
well . might the spirit
He had' , landed on the
merman cuntin:nt with
Ig of cottiluest 'or r weal
, gniticent cities. What
[minable !fOrests, endless
.1c- marshes, • sh irp and
with meti4ittle s perior,
ithelbrotiA creatk n. - He beauty's glance,
i,trels, wheit he sped to
versaries wo!th or his
ble and chivalric Moors:
n the hulls of, the roperial
who there had massed
the . )wer of • nightly
ming I .
vagr.nt over
where he'haddl
d savageS, dwt
bly repulsive wh
's - stately - darn
palaces, and wit
massive with gol
two-thirds of,li
eat. 'What ac
r to their noble f
ifiime and in fort+
d the gibes of
urge of life, that
acks his brain, I
4, anguish; ask
rame, and he sink
ness, never to rise again.
ter round NC awl alter
-Ispair at their dying chief
tious hue of the bloody ri
day 'under the na eof Red
t %
the man to allow the wild
caul to betray its II in the
•ie, in common vith the
p an to utter one (word of
ig lips and serene brew
climpanion, and] summons
to sw'ear alleg iaiice - on. the
:to Muscoso de Alvarado,
as his Successor. • "Union
my friends," he says; '.so
f life animates your bodies,
enterprise you have under
cts a richer harvest of glu
t omain from her children.",
t words , and then'lle•diea.
.f the noble knight and of
Rebt. his mortal remains
• t oaken trunk scooped by
nd by them sunk many fa,
Jed of the Mississippi!
„,,, - -
t first hid tried to conceal,
from the Indians; because
, was protection in the be-,
e. What mockery it was
initiate joy on'the very tomb
lel, whom they had' buried
re seeking fur him a n i c e
ut when, the slaves of bard
ere, With heaVy hearts but
using in tournament over
and profiiining the conse7 I
re effectually to mislead the,
Indians, they saw that their
in, ankthat the red men,!
glances, were .pointing to
,vise spot u liere..the•great
pt.. How dolorously does
be the exhumation' and the y
ody into the turbid,strearn
3r of Rivers!
. , ,
ling n
.n co
! Him
s brave
pont A'
ne e how
•my !
is heart
r lw fever
Is at last
on the day they ceased theirt pu I
the risinig still and saluted him
thanksgiving for the expulsion of t,
the hair-bredth escape of the th 1
Spaniards wh o
. alone, out of the b
their former companions had mice . 1
ing from the hostile shore of Lou
toils during a navigation of ninot
port of Panueo, where they at la.'
astute of utter destitution, are all i
cident vonneeted with the - Mato'
iana, and replete with the very es
When Alvarado the Ulysses
dition related his adventures in
Montezuma, Don Francisco de M
son of the viceroy, broke out wit
admiration of the conduckof Qll
"A noble barbarian," exclaimed
est man anti a true patriots'.'
worthy of the high lineage and
tral fame of him whO spoke it, is
to the Louisianian - chief and is
logue tole recital of those roma
meats; tb nature of which is .
poet's peiltivould be more at ease
that of 0 historian.
' One liiintired and thirty years
way since ;he appar'ition of Sot.
of Louisiana, withoht any 'forthe
the white race tO penetrate into
goin,„when on the - 7th of July, 1
band of Europeans and Canadian:
MiSsissippiovhich they had come
the, far distant city of Quebec.
bad two leaders, Father Margu t .'
and Joliet, a merchant, the prods
great sourceiOi l f.power, religl I
Me l r Cr', - which, in the course o'
destined to exercise such Witten
i4ation of the Western Territe.
by the mighty river which they;
ed. They could not be ordinse
adventurers - Who in those thiy.Sl
expi•se themsel,:es to the fatigue;
ti journey through unknown, s i
the 1 1 34 Lawrence to the Misei
huinble monkisk gown of Pith':
concealed a hero's heart; anti ,
chant's breast their dwelt a sok
have disgraced no belted knight
Whether it was owing to the
ih which they had presented the
some other cause, th% Indiatie
showed any of that hostility wl
e l r xhibited towards the armed inva
Joliet and Father Marquette flo.
river ivithout much impediment '
ttrkansae. There, having rect.)
vtdence that the Mississippi di f
i to' the Gulf of Mexico,,they
t l ay back and : returned to Cam
that ..fraii bark drifting•down t
the 'Mississippi, anti 'in which
loddiug merchant., with the de
thought and foiecast on his' br
schemes:of trade with unknowi
iurieying with curious eye t
territory which Beetned,•as he :%%
stretch i
n commensuate propo
Infiniteness of space; in that fr. i
ivhere mused over his brevia
w here mused
monk, ?caning on that I
mounted wio) the silver cross I
coMptiting the souls that he, I I
still hoped to save from idolatry,
.tnuch poetry as in the famed Ve
i galling in quest-of thelgolden '
not their hearts as brave as-thos
ait j entureil wore not their den
.na was not.theobjectlwhich t • i
' I
much superior?
The grandeur of their enterp
at that time fully appreciated,
turn to Qiiebee; and on their gi
tion that they had dis Covered th
pflwhich the Europeans had
kit wledge 'conveyed to them'b
and which, from Ilie account.
4i, ~
3 anul length, Was consid
ottlie greatest wonders of the
fiall admiration was expressed,
Cathedral tolied.merrily for a,
[ I
the l bisho?, colloWed by -,his c
'wl Ole po i ulation, 'ling a fiolei
thfoot o, the alto . Thus, .o
nu intance 'of our uropean th
gr at valley of the Mississippi
present State of Louisiana is i
was an inStinct.that told thet
that ;the seeds of empire and ,
sown. 'Were they ,right in th
which - pushed them onward
spot thr ugh. sir many °tunnel ,
and e ire were there, and t
futbre elements of poetry.. .
Joliet and Marquette were di
yet had been done to take pc,.
newly discove'red regiops of. I
the . impetus was given; the ,
nation once begun could not, r
1 ,
mighty traveler, with - ,legien
was pushed onward by the ha,
the ,
same spirit which had driv
to Asia, new turned the attenti
the 1
continent of America.- T
had concealed the Mississippi
impenetrable forests,-and, as i
of , trees, was , broken, and 0
'claimed-its banks as their her
were now fated to witness thi
sion of ' irresistablelntredeis,
fileven years since the exp:
.quette end Joliet had, rolledby
ier; de. 1a 9aile, in the.mooth of
feasted his eye! wit's► the far-f.
pi. i For his companions he ha'
three monks; and the Chevalie
,received the education of
been destined to the cloister •
tutor, of c.tnldren in n seminor
ttd order of which . he 'wit; to
, .
ber. But he had thit will, an !
end that intellectwhfrh e&nn.
&contracted ch&nnel :of :aiti
l ied a pleblan, he wished to b
2.1011 obscure, he binge4to be
- nett Man shakes hie own de •
fortitude of le soul corresponds with the %ig-i panitinti ;
ordus orga izatiou of the *mind. When the they
heart da • a prompt the execution of what gen-ited-hor
ius conceives; nothing but , to choose the field i longer
of /mcees. That choice Was aoon made by I his des
La Salle. America was then exercising meg- I. , (!r,rn
netic attraction upon all bold spirits, -and did
net fail to have the same influence a:1'11k own.l.W.rokl
Obeying the impulse of hie limbition,,,b: cross
ed the Atlantic withinit aikil land
ed in Canada in 1673.
I ult.' adored
with Weir
.0 invaders,
eo hundred
light host
; • .ed in fiee-
!slam; their
I days to the
arrived in
hrilling in
y of Louie-
• nee cif poe-
When on the continent of America, that
fond ohject of his dreams, La Salle felt that,
ho was in* congenial atmosphere with his tem-1 ,
per/linen:i f Ilia mind seemed to expand, his
conceptions to become more vivid, his natural I.
eloquenCe to be gifted with more persuasion,
and he was 'acknowledged by all who'saw and
heard him to be a superior being. Brought
Onto contrast with Count Frontenac;who was!
the• Governor of Canada, he communicated to
him his views and projects for the aggrandize-1
ment of France, and suggested to him the gi-i
,gantic *ll i of connecting the St. Lawrence!,
with the Mississippi'by,an uninteirtipted chain 1
. ha v e
beenforts , 'Prom the information whidh I have ,
been a tleto collect," slid he to he oust, •I
think I may br able'to affirm
,that tile Missis
sippi dFttWs Itt source iiomewhe!re j the Vi-
cinitY of theta lest ial E npi re, and 'Ott France
will be moOonly`the 'mistress of all the territo
ry bets Feen the St. Lawrence, and the Missis
sippi, but will, ,command the trath', of China, l l
flowing down/the new and: mighty , channel
which I shall Open to the Gulf of Me.xico."—,;
Count Frontenac was seduced by e magnif-1
icence of the prospect sketched by , the entliu- ; ,
siast, but not daringto incur • the expenses
which such an undertaking wound have re- 1
quired; referred him to tho:itrtof France.
To France, then, the adventu'rer returns
with increased contidenee; for he fold:gemmed'
one thing, he had gained one point—intrtiduc-
lion I . the nollie anal to the wealthy under the
auspices of Count Frontenac . The s pirit 1 ,
of Columbus was in' hipt, and, nothing abash- ,
el, lie would have 'forced his way to the font r
of 'the throne and appealed to I%lajesty 'itselfir)
Stith assurance which ge6itisTitifparts. Bef
sufficient was it-for him tO gain the good gicil
ces of the royal blood of •rtince, the Prince
de Conti. lie fired the prince's mind with!
his own contagious eothoSiasin, and through
him obtained from the King not only an ire,-
meuse concession of land, but • was clothed '
with all the powers ina privileged Which he
required for trading (with the Indians and for !
carrying on has medpatedlplaris of tie:=corery.
Nay more, he was etntobled by letters patent,
and thus one of` the, frost ardent wishes of his"
heart was gratified.' - At lacit hews no long
er a plebian; and, with Macbeth h could ex-
claim, “Now, thane of Cawdor, t ie greatest
is behind.'l'
La Salle recrossed the. Ailantie!with one
worthy ll
of being his: ./lehafes,_ and capa
cif understanding the workings ol'llis,mitid '
and of his heart. That man was qt. Cliec l ie.l
Her De Total, who, - its an officer, 11:(.1 served
with diatinctih in lyittny a war, anti wholaf- -1
terwards becaine Nm q us. among the Indians
for the iron hand with which he had artificial
, ly Supplied the one fiwhich he had lost. ~
On the 15th of Slpteniber, 167 e, ,iroul and
erect with the conshionsness of sti7,coss, I,a`
Salle stood again in the' walls of Qiiebec, and''
stimulated by the cheers of the Wliu‘ pop,ulat
thin, he immediately entered into the execu
tion of his projects. Eger years after, in the
year 1682, he wt,t at the mouth of the illisiis-`,
sippi, and in the name, (as 'appears by a nota
rial act still extant) of the- most •ptiiisant,
high, most_invincible and victorious
Prince, Louis the great, King of Frit nce, took
possession 'of all the country ichieli he had
discovered. I how his heart must have swell--
ee with exultation when he stood attic , mptith
of' the great river, on which' all his Impel had
centered; when he unfurled the whiNbanper,
.and erected the stately column, to !which he
appended the royal escutchon of France,
amidst the shouts of his comptinfonis,,and the
diseharo , c of fire arms. With that deVotion
, o
he attis hate joinedlthe sole m7e Thant
'slw onithe, tnemo'rable Recap t! 1 1 I .
'7 1 , ~ ,
To re ate all the i I eia t-thrill . ti 4'a ventures
11 r , •
whiell' cetulterrto La Salle rtiring the four
years which elapsed between the opening end'
conclusion of that 'expedition, would be to go I ,
beyond the limits which are l allotted to me.--I
Suffice it to say, that at at this day to over- I
come the l hundredth part of the difficulties
which he !Indio encounter, would inithorialize
I a titan.' - Ali! if it be true that man is never
greaterthan,whett engaged in a genero us and
unyielding struggle against dangers,and ad
' versity, then it be admitted that (lurid* theSe
four years of trials, La Salle was pre-erninent
' ly great. • We's he not worthy of admiration,
when to the camp of the Iroquois, who at first
had 're c eived him like friends, but hadgiteen
i - '
converted into foes, he dared to go
~alone to I
'meet the charges brought against him by the
subtle MarSplio, whose words were so persua
sive anti Whosewisdefu appeared so wonder
ful, that it waS 7 attrilu i ted to his holding in-1
tercourse with spirits() another world. How
intercling the spectacle! How vividly it pic
tures itself, to my mind ' How itwould grace
the pages of a Fennirnae. Coope r, . or of one
liavingthe magic Penl of a Walter Scott.—
blethi' , lts I see that Areopagus or- stern old
,India IWarriora listening with knit brows end
ti n
~ ,
compressed lips to the passfonate aceusation
eo diallfully- urged against La Salle, and in
the prediction. that to .the white race,_
was the anti' forerunner Of destructiorrte all
-the Indian tribes.' -La-Salle rose iu his turn:
*how eloquent, how pathetic hj,,s• we.-ahem
pealing to the better fealittS:of the !Oleos,
and how deserving of the verdict rendered in
his favor:, -', • • . -
'But the enmity, therambushes of Indians
Were not to hien the only sources of danger.
These he could have stood 'untnoved!,.. Bet
nest have beep
_hie feelingi when helm
3Onscioul of the poison which hisd been .'
I,6tered to him by some one of his cem7i
he lions of
• ndozi, the
r passionate
e, "an lion
pis remart
rf the annea
-1 • ,
Jost tribute
lan apt epi
tic achieve
ch that the
with it than
• ,
on the eall
attempi 'of
hat fair re
.l3, a small
reached the
to seek froin
That band
.tte, a monk,
'types of two
,n and coin-
• time, were
con the civ
v, traversed
ad discover
men, those
'undertook to
and perils of
!Modes, from
i 'That
r Marquette
lin the -
;l nit would,.
1 eaceful garb
mselva, or to
had hardly
ich they had
ion of Spain.
ted down the
, i&e far as the
'ved sufficient
charged itself
etraced their
ada. But in
ie current of
sat the hard
.p wrinkles of
w, planning
nntious, and
at baatitilc;is
lint albog, to
tion with the
it bark, I say,
y that gray
ng shift; fur
-1 Christ, and
aJ saved and
s there not 'as
.sel of l Argos,
leece! Were
. of the Greek
: era us great?
y had in view
ISO was, oven
On their
, re i
ing inform
but a, vague
. the Indians,
given of its
; reel to be one
, ortd,. uni ver
-6 bells of th i e
tole day, an
rgy and ith
Te DeUrn t
the fil i stla - 1 ,
lens wiittit e l
of . which our
le heart, there
it was lhcrc
. reittneeo were
Se divinat ions
o th t favored
lel 'realness
1 , erefere all the
lad and nothing
6ession of the
[he West;, but
arch of eivili=
krograde; that
lor hia guide,
d of God; and
"n . t he crusadera
n or, Europe to
o spell which
were,-an ocean
i Indiaue Who
rapid succea-
edition of. Mar.
January, 1682
mod ,4ississi p
l• forty soldiere,
do Touti. Ho
esuit, and. bad
qd Ao L beeogie a
I ° F.
that Clellia
laeome rt . mem.
, , •
those passions,
t be forced `nto
1 ItOra Onor
both *loge and
maw. 1- Why
tides when; the
I 1
• What
who thought that by destroying him,
t old spare to themselves the anticiw,
rors of an expedition which they no
had the courage to prosecute! What'
lair was, is attested by the name - pf
Cirur" which he gave to a fort he
I bison tinu l l after.' Th l e Fort of the
Heart!" But let us turn from his
I S to the more graceful spectacle of his
'/.,8 he returned to.Frauce, and found_
famous. lie, the poor boy, the igno-,
birth, fo p alhom paternal tenderness
amed n6think o , higher than the - honor of
ovalio ,
In I
had dr
being . teacher In s seminary of Jesuits, was
presen ed to Lottis:XlV, amidst all the :plea- I]
dors of his "Court!: That Jupiter among the I,
kings f the earth had a smile tobestow upon ;
the h' rnblel subject who came to depoalte at
the fu t of the thrOne, the title deeds_ of such i:
broad domains. ' But that smile of, royalty
was dstihed to be the last smile of fortune. i
Thelf, vors which he then obtained, bred noth-i
log liu "revers r. Everything, howevei, wore 1
e brig t aspect, and the star of his destiny i
appeared to be Cultninatin,g in the geavens.
Thus' a fleet of four vessels was put at his
dispiis'ai with all materials necessary to es
tablisli a colony, and once' more ge left the
, IF
shores of his native country, but.,this time in
vedteL, with high command; and hoping, per
haps to be the founder of an empire., That,
indeed, was something worth having strug..
Sled for! But f alasl he had sttug.gled in vile, 1
the meshes of adverse fate Were drawing close'
around him'. . here is not the place to relate
his misunderstandings,, degenerating into bit
ter miarrets.with the proud Beaujeuovvho had
the stborinate cOrrinirind of the fl eet, and who
thonlit himself , I
d(shonored; he, the old cap
tain of thirty years standing; he,' the noble r
man, by being placed under 'the control of the
fessional, of the plebian, of _hint whom'
iled l a pedagogue, fit only to rule over
`en. The restilt of that conflict was,
at Salle fuuud himself' abandoned on the,'
hep l
of the Bay of St. Bernard in 1685, and ,
waS - ' educed to shift for himself with very Ifni-
itedesonrces. Here follows anothertperi d
'of th ce years of great sufferings, andiof b ld
i cessant wanderings throughthe present
state of Texas until a long I serieS of adven
inr . cyle•was basely murdered by his French
companions, and revenged by his body 'Ser
vant attrmgliliman by'birt%. I le'died some
where about the' spot where now' stands the
city f Washington (in Texas) which ewes
its I roundution to some of that rage to tsbich
belonged his avenger, and the star spangled
banner now proudly waves where the first pi-
oneer of civilization consecrated with his
blood the future-land of liberty.
rlie rapid sketch which I hale given, shows
thati so much of La BNe's life as belongs to
history, occupies a space of fifteen years, and)
it is 'so full of incicleritsthAf it affords mate
rial lenough for the prolicfon of arvoliimin-
Ous and iiiteresting b00k. % But I think that
May safely close my, observations With the r -
maik, that he`who will write the life of that
extraordinarylman, however austere his turn
of-mind may be, will hardly be able to prevent
the golden hues of poetry from ov,erspreading
the pages which he may pen, where history is
so much like romance, that in many respects,
it is likely 'to be classed as such by posterity.
A Goonlirr.—A noted caricaturist hits off
the attempt Of the v-higs to•pile • their party
duds on "Rough and'Aeatly," ,as, follows: i
The old penerril is prepared to lead his col-
limns to the attack of a Mexican force') and
toe Whigs have tied their "gocart" filled with'
Cor'witi's speeches to his coat-tail, and are
i repaying to jump iii themselves; hogWy sat
- isfied, thus far, with their trick. As lt starts,
lifs coat-tail brings him up with a jerk, which
necirly thre:Wa him off his legs, and he discov
ers in great rage, the cause. Turning upon
them. with his sword he cots the rope, avd
knocks them right anfi-laft, crying out,' "Y at.
rascals! you are wors'e than the Mexicans'.''
the Roston Atlas, New York Expressf, and ty
banyi Peening Journal, are running I away.o
fast ,ic their legs can carry ihem,'atill yelling .
out to their ,comrades, i•Let. the old foorgtil
he w i on't work in our harness!" kis it deci-.
decytit, and will make the litho;graplier's for
tit ne.—Xelo lin yen Register.,
,_ j . -
-----V--:-:-::.----- -- ----
"Tric Nl 7 / 1 3.1EN."-.-Some editor - nho de
'es to he whipt for his impudence, is out
in tin article shawing'how the-women "time
the 'grand s'y pints" over the men—or, in other .
_words, what advantageS they enjoy that re
denied to the male bipeds: He says-.-Ile
, sauce-box—that_ua itoman may say whatlahe '
likes to you without Ole risk of getting knot
ea down-forii. She can take a anoez e after
dinner, while, her husband leas to go to-wOrk.
She can dress herself in neat and filly shoesf
for a' dollar, whicfr-hcr husband has to earn •
•and fork Over to her: She can take a Wahken t i
a pleasant day, Without the rear of being ask
edto, treat at evrylcoffee 7 hOuse she paases.
She can paint,h r face, if toofilale, or fyi l tr it, .
if too red. She can stay at hem in time of
war, aqi ' wed again if her inishand is 'kilt: .
She can wear corsets, if too thick, add other,
fixins, if too thin." „
I:OA:Mi.—The term Infantry is issid to ..
tike its origin rim one of the infante of Spaitt,
who finding that the army commanded bithe
king, her father, had btn defeated by Ithe"
Moors, assembled a body of foot Soldier's, and .?
with them engaged and.
t totally defeated the
enemy. mehiory tilts event, and to hop
-or the foot soldiers, whofl were not: before beid
in much consideration, ihetTeceivedtite
of Infantry. , '
In Mexico,
.amall pieces of enap are circu
lated as moneyanswering the purpose or
small coin. ---Exchange paper.'
t 8 mit was the case until Tonr - Corw,
apeech appeared. The inhabitant,
ulate that—it-being genial so, anddecli
ly small coin.—:Huron Observer,