Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, August 21, 1847, Image 1

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BY Ai, P. Dvpu & il. F. SLOAN,
STATE ST , ralE,
One. copy, One yar; in advance, $1 50
Otherwise, two it Ila s a year will invariably be
:hared. These t m> will be strictly adhered to
n all eases. t
Advertisements insc ted at 50 cents per square
ir 4 the first insertion, • nd 25 cents for each sub
;equent insertion.
Job Printing, of al, yarietics; such as Books
Handbills, how Cards,Steam
mat Bills, Blanks for 'otes, Receipts, &c. exe-
Med in the hest style • tid on ~.Itorinotiee.
Dealer in (Groceries. rovisions, Candies, Fruit
No. Perry 1.11.ek,' State Street. Erie, Pu'
Attorneys at Law. dice upstairs in the Tam
many Hall building, orth of the Prothonotary's
Otlice. 9
Dealer in Dry Good , Groceries, (Hardware,
Queens \Vare, Lim , Iron, Nails Ste. No. 121,
Cluapside, Eric, p r .
- -
County and Dorm+ gh Sittveyor-, office ip Exchange
French,st , Erie.
- ----
.11)11N-11. JOHNSON,
Hammered his Offite to the Public Building
near the Court Polls • , up stairs. in the room
occupied by the Slit rift' and directly over the
Commi,sioner's 011 i .e.
Prompt attention will e given to all busineus
trusted to his care. 50
E. Iti. MI BERT do CO.
111.7Y1 , LO, N. Y.
AND Dealers in L lii4li and Erie Coal: Salt
arid Produce gr. nerally. Particular atten•
tion paid to the sale f Produce and purchase of
Mervin' ndi ze.
N 0.3 & 4 Cobitrn quare, South Wharf. •
E. N. HULBERT, U. Dftlo9.
Mad.), N. V. - 49
Attornnd Cottage 16 . r: at Law; Office No. 2
State, oppositekr Eagle Hotel, Erie, Pa.
Attorneys & Counsellors at Law, Office on French
street. over S Jaclt on S. Co's. Store, Erie-
April 21, 1917. - 49
-- -.,--
/las perminently loci ter.l in Erie. Office at his
- Rill - dente on the co uner of Seventh and Penchi
Street.. , 49 .
Dealers in Foreien and Dome:air!' Dry Goods,
Ready Made Clothin ,, , Boo:s and Shoes, &c.
&e., No. I, Flemming Block, State Street,
- Erie, Pa, i ,
Attorneys and Cotinstors at Law--Office on
Sixth street., west ,3irle of the Public Square„
Erie, Pa. 1 " I' ' •
O. LOr F--. ium AtT •c n.
- valets' in Watches, Jewelry, Silver, German Sil
ver, Plated and Brittannia Ware, Cutlery, NBl
itary and F.ancy G.)ods, N 0.7 need house, gVe
' l'a. 1
Vitolesale and Retail Dealers in Dry GOods,Gro ,
ceries, Hardware ICincliery, , .Glassn are, Iron,
Nails, Leather, (ins, etc. etc. tenter of Fztale
street and the t'ultic Stltta,"opposite the Ea ale
Tavern. Erie. Pa.,
ahinet Nlalser, .Tpliolster and Undertaker,
date Street, Gii Pa
Phy , ician and Surg,bon, otlieu on Seventh Street,
Kcrt ot:the Met li - tidist Church, Erie: Pa. •
3eneral Forwarding, Commission, and Produce
Alcrthantsrited \,are House, cast of the Pub
lic 11,, Erie.
klantiraettirers of l ln ex ye' and Sheet-iron
ware corner of Prenci an Fifth streets, Erie.
ro3ri Founder?, wholesale and retail dealers in
Stoves. 1-tollow-Ittare ice. State street. Erie: Pd
~ - -- -
Whoionic and rel.:air - loafer , i ri Drugs, Merlicirirs
Dye htuffs, Groe;crios, tic. N 0.5, Reed House
Erie, Pa. 1
I" - - - - - ----------- --- - --
Dealer i n Dry Gdods, Urocerics, ..c•e. No. I 11,
' chearide, Erie Pa.
1100DM,, IN fg, VINCJN T.
Dealers in Dry Cloorls; 1 Groteri &e., No. 1,
Donnell Block, Mate st Eric Pa
, -. •, ,
cART • It tr. BR(YrITPIR.
Dealers in Oruu.s . ,!Aledieines,
.) Paisktp, Oils, Dye,
SC. No. 6 RceClicouse,ll*.rie-
Pa._ •
Ferwardinff and jCounnission Merchant?; 109
Frqncli street, Erie, and at Gth Street Canal Ba
Ban, a!so dealer's in Groceries and, i2rovisions.
'Dealer in ilardwa:re, Dry Goods, Groceriett, Ste.
- east . side of the Diamond, an one door east of
the Eagle Ilotel, Eric, Pa.
ny Hiram L. Bronm, corner of State street and
the Public square, Erie, Pa. Eastern, Western,
and Southern Sta.e office.
• _
Fashionable Merchant Tailors, on tho Public
square,' a I'm doors weft of State tired, Erie,
Beale!. in Theoloviedl; Miscellaneous, Sunday
arid Classical SChool Book; Stationary, etc. etc
No. lII ' PrenckStrect, Erie, Pa. •
"P. A. R. BRACE,
Attorney and Counsellor at law, Prairie du Cliiet,
1". N4E:tit:e l s in the counties of Crawford,
Grant and lowi, W. T. and in Clayton county;
lona "Territory'.
N. ": f En
Cheese, a n d x a L n . " l lrafi c kt r c ( le Country °Q i'
June C, 181G..1
ARDWARE.—SheIf klardwar tind Muse
Tr imming?lean al w anq be had iely (hat
th.! &cap more or S. JAC ISAIN4 co.
November 24 1 194'6. . 27*
scribers wilt pay cash for gclodjcican Timo
)lipFrEt;:ii' series of School !Books, 1,2,
3, 4 And for sale at No. 111; French St.
Erio, May 6, 1817.
1 .
LOOMIS A I Co. have romoved their stock
( iooos,etc. hie., o. 5, People's Row , State street,
nearly opposite the Eagle Hotel, where they will
be pleased to have their friends cell as usual.
S. Pr• A. brie addition to their stock in trade
Mill be made in at short time.
Erie. May 190 1347. . ; 1
GI e have the beat assintment that
I will be in this market of, all•kinds, including
SAcwart's elt imported black and fancy Kick
!racy and Tai ic.zated Silks and China Linen.
April 2r.;.• tVILLIAMS WRIGHT.
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..roor . ehilti! what lonely days she passcd,.with nothing
to recall,
Rut bitter taunts, and careless words, antl looks more cold
than all:" •
By the glowing embers on the .kitchen
hearth of a large old-fashioned farm-Neuse,
sat Abel Martin and his wife. It.was late in
the evening, and a chill blast was without.—
They had been sitting long in silence, and at
length Mrs Martin spoke.
"At don't hardly seem as if poor James was
gone after all!"
She uttered this'in a half-Suggestive, half
doubling tone, and accompanied it by a %try
proper sigh.. Wherever James might be, it
was evident that his loss had'not very deeply
affected her.
"I really` cannot realize it," she continued;
"and then to think of sendin his daughtet_to
me to be took care of and rotiglit up. It is
certainly very affecting, ough I don't see
how it is to be done id am not used to hav
ing childrenabout the house. But," she said,
warming With her own eloquence, "she can
pick up chips, and run of errands, and they,say
she is very smart with her needle, and paints
and sings and all that: . She mustn't think to
have any thing to do with such useless stuff
here, but I can keep her sewing a good part
of the time. There's the linen I made three
years ago not made up yet, besides a great deal
of flannel ani tow-cloth; and she can learn to
spin and - weavN i t earn soy, tr bho )earns utimr
things SO quick ? , and I guess I can make her
useful after all." .
.. . . .
Mrs.lMartinansed and looked up at her
husband for a rely. He had been gazing at
tho fire'steadily for the last hour, without the
Flightest chug, of expression in his counte
nance. 134 now raking up, and clasping, his
hands uver his knees, he said, “flannah do you
know how much property your brother James
left ?" •. ' .%.,
,IN,-,:, .
"Well, it was just fit - 6r thousand dollars!"
"Fifty thottpand dollars!. and all to that
girl!", 1
!, , l'ea; and I am to be her guardian till she
is of age. She's a little aver fifteen now. I
Jell you what, Hannah, Wat girl don't 100100
me as if it would take much to carry her oft
She's been always kept to school ever since
her mother died, and looks dreadful pale. If
anything should happen you know the prop
erty would all come to us."
"Fifty thousand dollars.."' repeated his wife,
as if unable to comprehend the amount. '
"Yes; and if you only manage right, it w ill
all be ours. Just keep her right under your
thu inb. Don't let 'her think she can have her
own way at all. Because, in the first place,
it will be the easiest way, and next, when
ihe's'grown up, if she lives so long, which I
can't think, it will be less trouble to prevent
hergetting her money into her hands. For of
course, there'll bo plenty that will be glad to
get such a rich girl."
ConveVng thus, the farmer and his wife
sat until e embers had nearly died (tut upon
the hearth, and all their discourse was of the
orphan girl who had that day coma under their
charge. A mothoir's love she had never
known, and her father kad.lately died a in dis
tant part of the state, whence she had been
sent to be cared for by their relatives. •
Little did James Loring know the miserly,
grasping disposition of his sister and her bus- .
band, when by his will, be left his only cl
to their care. They had not met in many
years, and each had been sufficiently occupied
in the pursuit of wealth to forget the other.
Abel Martin had
. no children.. Perhaps the
influence - of young and generous spirits migiit
have made him a better man. But none
save themselves to provide for, both he an his
wife had gone on, from year to year toiling to
amass property which they could never, enjoy
therriselves nor share with others. But they
welcom i ed their young relative with as much
warmth, as they knew how to infuse intetheir
rds; for she was an heiress and an anvalid,
and t were her nearest 'kin.
Bat oh! how the floor child's heart sank
,within her, as She gaz:d.around on the large
dimly-lighted rooms, whose ponderous furni
ture hail acquired that-stiff immoveable air
which alWays distinguishes' unusual articles;
and a desolate, home sick feeling' settled urien
her heart, as she contrasted this lonelyi t hause
with her own' pretty' chamber Were e ll was
sunshine ant-comfort: Except on great oc
casions, the kitchen and Some - small 'sleeping
ones opened.' The for.
rooms were the only
mer served for all domestic purposes, 'for di=
ding-room and parlor. It was hirgettild al
most as lonely.' as the -rest—brewn beams
loured grimly overhead, - and the Vast fire-plime
seemed ready te stiallow up the Whole. " •
When tide shown , to her "chamber at
night her footatepa • echoed loudly through
the uncarpetted hail and on the bare creaking
Let him who arlll, rehearse the 'song
Of gentle love and bright temente—
Let him who will, with tripping tongue,l
MO gleaming thoughts to fancy's dance;
But let me strike mine iron harp
As northern harps were struck of old—
And lot iis music, stern and sharp,
Arouse the free and bold:
by hands that Iron harp shall "weep iI
j Till from each stroke neer strains moil,
And forth the sounding echoes leap,
To join tho arousing Song ofToib,
Till men of thought their thougtitioutepeak,
And thoughts awake in kindred mind;
And stirring words shell arm the weak,
tatt tettern coats, to bind!
And i crashiog, socon, o'er soul and sense,
That glorimis Litre, Whose iron strings
Are Labor's mighty instruments,
Shall shake the thrones or mortal kings;
And i ring of ale, and anvil note,
Anil rush ot plow through yielding soil,
And laboring engine's vocal throat,
Shall swell the Song or Toil!
Loring's Lesson of Life,
- - ------- _
'"TEI.E''WORLD, 8 00. R • 00' " CI
stairs. When her aunt
herself on the bed and, so
furnished with a bed an
looking ghise,'aiid a etas
proportions, with long tie'
was all. Never before h.
1 a morn.
But when` she had d ried her tears land laid
horse] down for - the ni ghtshe could not sleep.
The cold linen ' struck a chill through her
frame, 'anti the .'weight q of the bed4c other,
'which et gave no warmth, was insuplio table
Then the wind rose And mado such it e,
unearthly noises, around the house that the
Was filled with - fear.,
At last, j
after two or threejlionrs, she rose
and wrapping a shawl about her,
to the kitchen. As she opened the door, the
pair, who still sat by the hearth, were started
by her unexpected appearance.
"What is the matter, my dear?" seid Mrs.
Martin; in atone intended to be very gentle.
"ON aunt it is so cold and so lonet i ome up
stairs, I had •rather sit up all night,than stay
there." -
"If you are cold, I'll put more clothes on the
bed but as \ to being lonesome I'm sure there
can't any tlithg be more nice and snug.",
"If you please, won't you let me sit here
till you go up stairs"! I shan't mind it so much
Mrs. Martin looked at her husband, who
shook his head, and she replied. .-
"No, my dear. Cio right back to your room,
and bring you something warm ,to put to
your feet, I etln't have you think to begin _to
be a baby, and if you are afraid of the wind, I
shall lie asharn l ed of you. And don't you ever
come down stairs my dear, after; You have
gone to bed lain,' And another i time you
must wa m be ore you go."
With a heavy heart poor Mary Loring
again a -cendl the stairs, that , seemed
creek lo der acid echo longer than before; and
burying her face in her pillow, wept herself
to _Weep.
"Loco km?.
eth every form of 'air, and every shape of
And comes unbidden everywhere, like thought's mysteri
ous birth:'
From that day a neW life opened to the or
phan child. She had come to her aunt glad
ly,for she longed for kindnegs and tenderness,
but she found little there. She was a docile
girl, for the had early learned obedience, and
had scarcely ever known that : she- had a wilf
of her own, far less that it was to be gratified.
She had little strength of mind, little
reliance, for faculties 11 t
• sirst rtasywn_mll.“..A.
non.”' corn , .; to exist. See was of a 1
sweet and uncomplaing disposition, fond only,
of •her books and of the Pretty embroidery,
painting, &T., which she had been taught at
school. But with a sigh she s.ubmittell to be
deprived of her frame and her colors, and soon
learned to bit Meekly at the coarse sewing
which her aunt bountifully provided for her;
or laid it aside without a murmur to draw a
bucket of water from the deep well, or to bring
wood 'in her slender arms.
She sellom spoke, unless it was in answer
to same inquiry, and seemed falling into a
sort of apathy when the Spring came, and its
soft winds and new springing grass, and del
icate blossoms, so like herself, aroused her to
a degree of activity. It had been the gossip
of all the quilting parties and tea-drinking's
of.the neighborhood, that Abel Martin's rich
neice was little better than a servant in her
uncle's house. Many of these murmurs had
reached Mrs. Martin's ears, and perhaps it
was for this cause that 'now 'Mary wad left
more to herself and her own wishes. Sn she
used to wander about the 4voolls, or. recline on
the dandelion and violet-gemmed banks of a
low, sweet-toned brook, that stole through her
uncle's: meadows, or, with her pencil, Make
,sketches of thelpleasant scenes she saw.
An old dog, Ino favorite with the family,
which contrived to pick up a precarious living
in the kitchen and woods, gredually•attaChed
himself to the orphan, and at last became her
inseparable companion. Alone in the fields,
she was more happy tlan she had been since
her father's death. he wove garlands for
the old dog's neck, and while he gravely sat
and listened is her, sh told itimlong stories
for Want of other audit rs, and sang her favor
ite songs to the Spring birds. Her cheek
g , .. . rew ' less pale, and , the "gentle medicine"
- that nature offers the' cli.solate, seemed. healing
her griO.
The Summer eame, l and Mary still wander
ed out lire usual, gradUally acquiring health
'. nd strength, when owl 'day she was surprised
O find, by her seat, under a hickory that grew
ar the brook, a' pretty rustic basket Of
ri and fruit. A thrill ruilted through her
frame, an intense delight that she had not felt
for month's. i They were for her. Somebody'
must,have thought of and pitied her. ' It was
a friend who placed them there, surely.' Ent'
who could it he? . She knew no one, had made
neacquaintances, fur her•aunt had discour
aged any advances Made by the' r neighbors
daughters towards a friendship with ner niece
and she had neither cared nor heeded.
Day after day she came there, and, never
failed to find sow, similar gift: She had
pleased herself with weaving a hundred pretty
Romances, of which' they were the foundation.
One morning all the woodland creatures were
astir. The birds were-busier than ever among
the, bushes; the squirrels' eyes were blighter
re 'they shone out from their mischievous lit
tle'facei; and every deaf was glistening -and
fluttering In the early' bretio;••
With . a light heart, Maryhounded over the
mossy kerma 'rind withered • letticii In & glad
race with the'old dog, Which made the echries
ring with bis barking: Jirith flushed 'cheeks
and eager eyeti she• reached 'her favorite tree,
and looked around for her icruseoritedgift
Buf was not to be seen. ,e she said,.
gaily; *'you were beria f fiiit,• have', mulled
oirmY theY?'"l'
' 4, TheYaire hei6;
man, stepping from behind ihe . tree
• ; _
.syrt.i4p, .y i 4.vclijs, ; 9 1, 1847:. , . ,
Marry looked at hlm.for a moment in mute
astenishment. -- beepithuthes nv,erspreedher,
faca, and s e ciliated, not knowing whet else
to do; then with a, sttdlett-inpulse, .leaped
across the.roOk, and,waeboundinguway to
us .wards, the eine, when She heard the unknown
eigiaim, "Miss Loring!, Miss Loring!" 1
i )
From mere force of habit, she paused to lie
ten to what he had to sayeand washalf fright
ened when e.crossed thetbrook and stood by
her side. He offered her the flowers, which
she did not dire refuse, but stood . trembling
end wishin to go._ Thete was nothing very
frightful in he case, at JOst ad thought Lou
is ,Harden, a he , smiledlat ' the poor child's
'paleness. e was a young.farmer, with ra
ther better ducation, better looks, and better
means than ny of his neighbors; and there
fore though 'himself abundantly qualified, on
all these ac ounts,!to makelthe acquaintance
of the heire 5, whose situation hadexci ted so
much symp thy , in the vicinity. . But know.
ing this 'wo Id be entirelY,,diStasteful to the
Martini, h had made„thits'experiment, an d
was well pl ased . with his success:
It is to.b 'feared that the - young farmer's
smirk suffer d that day; for ; the sun was high
in the heave s When he jnitted his haymakers,
end ho often paused and stood Jeaning on his
rake,' as if' in deep thought.
' "What is the matter with you clinch" said
aunt Martin, as Mary 'entered the ilhoi': "your
-cheeks are aired as a piny!, You hay't look
•d so well this year. I told you %would be
the saving Of you to come and lire with me.
But'it seems to me you'le been a greitt 'ways
this morning. Now run right up stairs, and
go to reeling that woolen yarn; you've got so
smart you, can do it as well as not." Mary
gladly escap e d to the Chamber; and in the exe
cution of her homely, but fether pleasant task,
found ample time to think over the adventure
of the morning. It was such an event in her
quiet, aitnless life. ; j:— - . '
"I know I. mustn't dell annt," she thought,
"for then, he says, she will shut me up, and
pever let - me go out of doors again;.but I am
afraid it is very wrong." -
lA . her sho threw
biledalOMl. It Was
chair, a very , small
d of . Hui• nOrrowest,
kety legs, And this
.d she passed a night
. "Oh, dear:" she said 'aloud, "what have I
dole? I have gone on,-and on, reeling this
yarn, and not tied a Single knot, and now ` I
shall have to wind in all 'off and commence
the skein again!"
Poor Mary Loring. Something had sadly
discomposed) her that day, for it required all
her ilatiencel to get her simple work right, end
at night, so little had been `accomplished t hat
her aunt bestowed a sound scolding upon her,
and bounced out of the room its a raffe. Nev
er- nau we - out luny - 5-i trannerseeirma - nail so
coarse or repulsive, and a flood of tears con
cluded the 'untoward events of the day.
On the morrow she lingered in the IMuso in
stead of going as usual. She walked fromths
door to the window, took up her sewing, laid
it aside, and to use Mrs. Martin's expression,
i i
"fidgettedi until, Josh g all forbearancee, the
thrifty housewife excl imed, "Miss are you
going to take a walk, or, ain't pan? Because
if you ain't, you can g and fi nish that yarn:
and if you are, you'd better go, 24 as to get
back some time to-day. You wouldn't be in
dulged to take a walk'by every body, I can
tell you. I wouldn't humor an own daughter
as Ido you. Come, if you're going, go!"
The vision of the woolen yarn and the hot
chamber decided the child, and she went out
without a word. • Old Wolf, who had been as
restless as his young friend followed, and Mrs.
Martin stood in the door grumbling. II
"There you go, a pretty pair indeed! Oat's
all either of you are good fur; and if it wasn't
for them that's dead and gone, I wouldn't be
bothered with either of you, the girl or the dog.
But I promised, old tisie Hardepovlien she
gave me that dog when ho was a puppy,' to
keep him, and now I suppose I must. I should
think Louis would come and get him, now
the old women's gone, but if he did, I wouldn't
let him hovel him just for saying that I was
crossio Mary.. Pretty high times! when he
or anybody elare is going to take me in hand!"
So the dime went ,to her Work, and Mary
and Wolf; unconscious of her disparaging so
liloquy, wended their, way ,to the brook . —
She did not. dare to go.quite down, but stood
in tiro edge of woods a moment, and looked
towards the hickory. Quietly leaning against
its trunk s to o d td Louis Harden, and ne old Wolf,.
enraged at this disturber Aftheir usual haunt,
briunded forth barking loudly, he looked
around and s i r the trembling child.
In au instant, he had met her, and with a
hundred than l its for her coming, led her to
her favorq seat. A beautiful volume of
lustrated pantry lay there, end with delight
she seized it, lei it was so long since she had
seen a new book.
"Did you bring this fur me?'' she said quite
"I did, and I wilthring you a new one er
cry day, if you Will come and take it."
"How gold you are!" said the' child. Isn't
it Strange that my uncle has never broul,
me anything since I came hero to live?"
"You do not know those relatives of yours
yet, Miss Liritig 7 "
Arid, loweririg his voice, Louis frankly and
honestly told, her their whole design 'so far as
actions, w4l 61i, were sufficiently definite, had
revealed it. „:
She did not half comprehend him. She
knew that she had property of her own, but
this 'wasinoW her home, and ih r felt that she
ought to love' and obey them as much as pos
sible. ' She wield not - believe what ho'said,
but he' listened, and It . Was ciieugh:: . -...
ye, weeks, passed on, and the orphan
1 badi ftiddier bend, in Louis .I.larden'a„bosent
and Promisedte he Ws, , , ~ --, :
,The surprike-of Able,Adartitt esnnotbe,dee
cribed whop ie young neighbor came to him
1 and claimed - is,consent to Joking ; her from
them. But - was a shrewed, crafty ,man,
onil'' 4tiktre `,'lid ,dlSplealusie,l' iihiar %irati
'scarcely icb . expected. I e requesteda tly
tO.coupider P 'lt; oakini.i tl4o , ,Rogow „I/PO*
was. informed of bisiffillingness to part With
, - - 7 -----
Mary, since since it washer chdico • o leave then),
but insisted: that a whole yea should inter
i-voni between that time antrhe inarriage;on
acettuitt, of her youth. ' .
•To this Louis reluctantly eg •:erl, not with
out some misgivings at the old man's *matt-
al urbanity, but he was too muc pleased with
his u,nexpettesuccess in the egotiation do
speculate on i long., - , ,' 1 , i ,
__: - cRAPTES 111. . - • .
• "Ele look ed
frotiont the wi , dos
. t
‘lthlo lrJ nki a ga Oron the'e clear l r ight
' ' • 1
To the Try Might's purple . aze. I I
Cold and isle the, planets shown— at II the girl kept
gazing , on."
Very different now was, the ifs of Mary-
Loring. She wati'petted and i dulged like a
spoiled child. Whatever her nelo and aunt
tad chosen not to do before, til. s done now;
eautieul dresses took the piece of her mourn
ing; the large chamber was ope ed and band
sotnely•furnished for )ter—eve luxuriously.
When she exchanged ' the arrow closet'
ivhich she had hitherto occupie. for this room
With its soft carpet; its drapied Windows, its
books and piano, she felt that no gratitude
Was too much to express to : hir friends.-
- Louis 'was ()exiled with this Aix eas of kind
ness; he could:net: but suspect t. times the
existence of some under Curren , that would,
by and by, sweep away all this goodly show,,
yet gradually forgot these thong its, and when
the Summer came again, 'w :s coMpletely .
charmed by the attentions of thi Martins. 1
Thu year of :probation was - passed—the .
wedding day of the farmer and he o
r-1 young
pilau came. It had ) long be,f re been an
nounced, and all the country rood was hid
den to. attend the ceremony. rite evening
closed in, and brilliant lights sh ne from Abel
Meanie windows. The old r. ins had been
stripped of their antiquated furn ter°, and rieh
showy couches, divans ottoman', and ot4r
unaccustomed - ankles, of wine the guests
knew not even the names, s thstituted n
their places. curtains of c bi•oitled lae
fell to the floor, admitting the soft miil g
air. .
The right wing had been se ected for the
supper robin, and through, the oor, ostenta
tiously Itit open, appeared long triblp, whose
richly decorated viands seemed tot,-beautiful
to be merely eaten.
The orphan sat in her dam er. Shelled
never dreamed, even 'in ber,eart r I v happy days
of wearing aught so lovely, so .astiv, rei her
bridal robe. It was a gift from' ter aunt, and
the bridemaid descanted at gre t• length on
her generosity and envied Mal so kind a
(stsni . VA., .... llt •' Arirnl.. s.
she sat there, for that sweetness hat betokens
perfect happiness perfect happiness dwelt on her ace.
• .
The guests had all arrived, al d ',the clock
pointed to nine. - It struck, a d at the it.•
giant the quick pattering of a 'orse's hada
and the roll of wheels were hea d.
II "It is Louis?" said the hrid,., "I kno v
Iqinger's pace so well."
• -
Her aunt bustled from the ro. in, a i nd tie
' brideniaids conk a last look at ti eir own aid
then stood at the window to '.% eiit the me-
night for them to descend. l Ten minutes phs
sed. They looked at each other. Ten more
.t.:lie bride grew p l ale—the girls whisper d,
and one left the room. Therel was a 1 w
rtAmur in the parlors, but no . bridego in
'came.- They had parted but, a • w hours, e
fore, and whY was ho not there a claim ler
hand? The bride hid her face; •nd her frie d
came and linelt by her side; and spoke sue
-ang words:- A half hour, passe , and Mary
s p rang to her feet, as the wilt d of horse's
Woofs was heard, and the ame r .1t of wheels,
but this time they, went fr oml Or house.
At that moment her uncle and her aunt (a
ttired and requesting the brides aid . to lea se 1
them alone ' m
for a moent,,t lishen old the lf .
bewidered girl that ir was-all a j st,-that they
ne l ver meant she should Marry L uis 'lard ;11,
that he bedlam., and all betwe ‘n them % as
Over forever. I
They spoke most.lovingly to 1 er, and b g
od her to go doWn and help th-qh to may e
merry with their, friends—that i • was all Ms a
ruse that tbo pretended , wedding was arming
ed—and that all theylhad inten,ed to de was
to I
give a grand party in her lion r—that tLey
t o
part with her, even to •o worthy a
man Mt Louis. t ; -. .
Mary was bewildered—she , either wept
no r spoke. She looked vacant! into their
faces, and ecfasionally respon ed, "Fes—
yes," as if she acquiesced in aI. But she
had not understood the meanie!. of a single
w l ord. They had forseen a st run of
and reproaches, but they Were of prepar i ed
Or this. They looked at each her for e
p Dlation, but they knew not th t her. d 1 . 1-
c t ,,, e ll: f ersj l a i g i il y
go l.
wa ions th a t a: vn th e‘ a v t irto l li i s o p u t o i
s r n • ns . il s %
. r, .
,Irkened,They a a
i t d
t nit she.was unconscious , of W rd or de d.
% ine to lib. lips and she drank, Ind they ed
Ii r among the guests, whe wer wholly kn.:
c edulous concerning the flimsy i :reuse, of the
pretended wedding. How. I any you ig
hearts ached and eyes were d mmed w th
tars for the sake of that gentle Nature, (e 1
li •e a lamb to, the sacrifice! Mire was Ba l ch
a strange unfitness in her Wide' r• bes for that
e ricken one. She moved about, leaning nn
h r unele's arin,.se mutely, with' such a. Of
t ring look, they could hot endu e the. sight.
i ; ,,
ut no one dared risk the disple sure of t l i he
hsts by being the first to leave, and so the
e ening slowly wore , away, and ' hey -depart
e and all wait 09 17 . There
e ire great (x
c tement, in 'alt the countryside titi 'to the
e •ening, and .before - sunrise , e cry . peris n
within miles- around lknew wha . had to en
Illut the real facts were, 'thes -arid'• son
they were noised
~abroad. • Ilea' teuiti
I-lo.rden entered lie , -wits met by. bothimself, /
whir conducted' him Into ir, back 'reliant, final
seating.litta at e l reache4 hindsTeo end 1
requested klitO 1:o sign ; a papei tiOticti lay
tleret fpr it Woe the. price ;of IT ry,:,Lering: I
it: wks a bond by which kit w as It mid to tutra
I ' 1
,n. thing h te' t. .. • ids a property du
ring her life, an/ if she died.before him to re
linquish every cent of it to her nearest-kin.
' The boldness, the audacity of., the demand
alinost putr;fled him. •It I was repeated with
the assurance that, there was no 'appeal', .that
tho arrangeatent had been made at 11ary's
sulggtsiion,tind With her entire I conscnr.—
L. i )uisreplied in,tlerco words that ) he w ould
riutdegradeiliimielf by such a 1 bond!—that
MarY Might ; mike such disposition :of her
pr i operty as she chose, but he- would not sign
the l pap er. Abel was disasecerted, Ho had cal
liated on the young man's love for his "niece
toe far« It was for this be hail expended so
much—for this he had schooled his rode nature
• into deference for 'her he Was 'determined to
• deccii . In vain he entreated, almost threat
ened nay, prayed. At last he represented
1 the drtress of the bride herself—but it was
now .sclesi to attempt Btetriming the torrent
of pu.sion, and flinging the old man, into a
l'corne , as he strove to stay, him, ...he rushed
from he house, and they saw him no More.
'Of Love that never found Fro eirly eln,e
What acquelt Stenrhin eyes Ind breaking beartsl
Or 411:31in elllllO as afbc had mu becu -- ..
Oh, whita m i orrovy. was that which -'
ed on Mary tOrifigt,,OVith the morning came
back her reason; but dimly- at 'first; and ,- she
rose and walked; out into the woods, with her
bridal veil hung over her head. , Wolf ,fol
lowed her fokateps, as she tottered down the
hill, and looked up into her - face - with mute
intelligence. As she approached the well -
known's-eai, why did she stand-so statute like
gazing with streem:ng eyes down, on the
moss? There lay, his 'face buried in his
hands, her recreant lover. He had not heard
her light feeble footsteps; and, as a14AL.0411,
a - remembranco-of - ald - the - Past suddenly swept
6Vcir - her, and she turned. and fl ed, with the
apded of a falcon, towards home,. And Louis
never knew his agony was 'watched by her,
and from that hour they
,were strangers.
Well as he had loved her, his was a stern,
proud spirit, and once angered was not easily
reconciled. lie had unhesitatin,gly, included
her in his denunciations of.her miscalled pro-'
teeters; and having done so- - thong,ft with no
other reason save her miserly uncle's lying,
assertion—he would,-tot retract. lie went
into his harvest - field and labored; he mingled;
with the busy men, and, by an 1 by, the
sharpnes of •the wounded feeling wore a way.
But °Mary Loring at alone iii sher now
room, drooping and inconsolable.—
Cot!cienee striken at their own work, Mr.
ceaseless care and attention; they tried, , but
in vain, to win her from her solitude, an& to
no one would she ,entrust one thought or feel
ing that dwelt in her breaks. So she lived
on—each spring found her mate pale, more
wan, and when she, had heard that Louis
s Harden had brought a fair young bride to his
home, she faded still faster. i Every one mar
velled how she could live, so, worn and wast
ed, but not with sickness o'r p l ain. She never,
never reproached him,, never mentioned his
name, 'never rooked at the gitts be, had made
her, 2 •
On went the years, with a Slow, heavy foot
fall, butt there was sorrow elsewhere than in
Abel Martin's house. Poor Mrs. Harden had
ever been very delicate; .and wherilthe long
Mach winds came on keenly blowing from
the South, so lamp and chilly, a h l eavy cdld
settled on her lungs; and, when Ma I flowers
were lit i oerning she lay , dying. ,- "hey had
opened the windows to give Ir3i. I air, 'and the
breath of those sweet, lmperfe' r oes.that
blossom se earl •, came into the r oni, and the
kiying one felt their :bretah, and stake ftir a
branch; they i Wero in firs yoUth, she
was about to leave hers foreVer. At her re
_ _ -- -
guTst, all siie her husband left her, and then
turning her anxious eyes to his, she said:`
"Dear 'Louis, you have been so kind, so
good to me,. that I cannot leave you without
many, many thanks. Wives do' nut often.
give thanks for those things which they claiM
as a right, but I wish to do you justice.",
"My dear wile," faltered Louie, "your own
. veliness and goodnes . s I have never half
paid. You have been to me• the best and .
dearest wife in the world, and why now
turb yourself by thesis recollections?"
"Louis;" said the ¶lying woman, with More
energy, Ydo not seek to deceive ms in death.
For years I have known your secret. The
story of your love all knew save I; and when
I cameto learn it, I felt deep.pity both ftir you
and for her. Put Twhen in sleep I heard you
murmur 'Mary r l and moan in your dreams,
oh, how sick at heartl grew! It pas ; _ttionig,
time, Louis, bef011; I brought myself to share
a divided heart; but when I remembered that /
poor Mary was dyingfrom day to day, I gavel
up all bad Wings, and I have seen you stand I
in abstraction many times when - .ijou !their
not any one was near, and gaze — towards the
path that used to lead to Abel Martin's; and I
have long known of your moonlight visits to
an old hickory by a - brook, near the woods
Where you used to meet Mary ;-but, dear Lou- i
is, I have felt no hardness of heart' at 'this, , l
and for many months I have sent i Sarah
cry day to ask after Mary, or to carry
some flowers,'Asonte delicate food, tho
she has never kn 4 own whence they eatn:
So do'not grieve at having deceived me; f.
has been all welt with me at lust."
The h art-broken malt had. no answer
make to hese loving words, sharper to
than the keenest reproof. "Oh, my a ge)
h, groaned aloud.
Thera was a IoW rap at the door,- and he,
rode hot his knees, where he had fallen by
his wife'. bedside, and opene i d` it. A .ote
was plac; d in - his hand,' which he read. Ii
ran thus. - •
liAty n jeR is ayjng, and prays you to
to her.., ryon remember thei love - yeu- one
. felt for l te , I entreat you to edam. • E.
. ,
A r.ulll n change passed, aver the young
man's faCe; m
"Promlise me
go er
"'Nev i eri
gra4 upon hi
will," hesaid
"The Lord
brerithed for 1 1
stood alone wi
Id he murtured, 41 (
tit greater t an I can
rhispered th l 3vrife: I
Loais'ilarden, tli
. ,
Id leave you," was h
l!sre repes(ted, tigh
is hand. 'there was
'eye, he coOd not'
huskily.: I
hless you ind .that !
. l lilthedyin woman,
! tit the de ad,
Nuch wondaired Alley who *el
ther i e when they'. sawltiraleave,tht
turn'his face towards the woods{
wotild they have trratkell i ed had tl
where his net hour •was pasted
shades were loslitg in. when-Ike
theprst time. ift seven .years, ith
&Yelling whe r
e, so long heforA s
been his brid 1,, None i save th.
kne'v of his isit. lie entered-I ,
furi4, 110 eha her whero Itiliiide
ed I lkeomin that cru e l while—
in yOut
,'. .
She fay on a IoW luxurious coucl
"Through long am er of rollout
And li g htr devoid arose,"
had' failed to b ing"sleep to here
ber to her yelids." The dim
enough ,to sh w how wasted a
that poor fra c had bedonier..
death alread lay upon her, and
kneeling besille her, ere she was
, Lay me nearer, nearer," she .
difficulty, as they lifted, her slight fo
the bedside.
, She h i d her jliitt_ Whit' e-affie - I
neck - ', - aril stamile, the fi s t for ye i
over her face. * Buttears ained fro'
and strong emotiotia'shoo his fra I
"Do - you. remember the) brook, an
ing of the hickory heaves? ThOd'
the moss—and your flower=, haw
were?" •
Those i seven years; seemed, .forl
'Louis answered: "I saw You boundi
the woodi; your hitir was fioatin,g_b l l
‘virid;'yolr eyes were so bright! - -
a fatalorinng: Dear wha
not end ued!"
At the sound [of that voice s I I
arose from a .dark earner, and old
ly 'crept towards l the bed. "He n:
uip, now, said the poor child.
"Will you bury me by the
woot:s, there—there where you Si
I should have diOhe same. -
Louis, tell me, do you love me?"
The voice waso low, that no
heard save one. As if to, take a I
Lis'dear mistress' face, the old di
paws on the edge so t the bed, find lo
as though he kne the import of
rile!' he shrank back into hit corner.
Many a low word wasmurmured there, mod
many a faint caVess wa d i given by. that feeble
child. At last the voice ceased-r4he whits{
artas fell ba - ck-Hand once more thei.young ma a
sthod alone ' with the dead. Yes, hfidead-;
for all were go et save him. They could mt
longer endure see the. desolaqon they had
wrought, and h d stolcdaway to - feed remorse
a 104 .1 , I
The terrible o fferings of that man who cart
tell? Ife• via orth from the death chamber
scale" aliv..d He-sought his own home, so,
silent 'and. drear, titicl there hiii i. himsettfrora
all Sympathy—all Aty. The de a d were huip
14.4: 1 i
in the cliorlhlard--onel in the shad.;
9cry of the forest: but for which. mourned he
most? For the youni, wife who had learned
her hi ter lesson of self-control from his teach
ici,g, who fOrgave him ere he asked-nor the*
orphan whO had none else Co love, and died
when she might no longt.r, love him?"—Cotiim=
biga .Ifugu='ne. • .
It is confidently as serted that a poor Timing
inn has *two alternativetither, tog? to:
w rk or go to the Ideril.' •A ; great number
c oese the latter. ,It is a singular choice, ut
those who makqt may be seen any fin , ay
lounging in .squads about the corners 1 he '
stre2ts, with the stamps of cigars i ' t iv ,
mouths.—rhomprfori's _Rep.
• i I
Never was any thing said with more tr th,
A young man_ who has not the means of iv
log independent of labor, bad_ better!g to
work, though he receive not enough tor hie'
lubnr to pay for his board and furnish hiM with.'
clothing. Nothing del./avers iol mu b (ma
Mel estimation of a yOung man • lothe know ,
to be poor, than a habit of idle ess. tis al- ,
. i.
mos/ always the surf 6 ign'of tore is:grace.
Um! ruin. And whm we obslrve tt it habit ,
Of idleness, into habits dissi- ;
nation, and licenlioutness,, then we' e,caftell
Non ib bury Irupe,and forget 'the ear y prom
isc) Of youth.flt is painftil to the ph lanthro
piet to pass along and wit:gess the d ep,'ditirir
'l -.
ning, - devOuring degradat' L ioa 4 . thei speers,
as theyl exhibit themselves in the sunlight
areund the corners of our streets. hey 'will
find•find the abrive assertion verified I its, !full
inealting.—Sat. Emma
EAftur &mime betWeenl
ising every morning; at 6 and 8, in the purser
of forty years, amounts to .50,000 houre,,or
years lat days and 10 hours, which af
ford eilklit hours a day for t!xactry fen Yea r
so that it is the same as if ten years were ad--
(kid to a roan's life in which he could cont , j
mand eight hours-each-day for the cultirationi:
of Ins mind and heart.
TIIS ELiEPLANre••••I.I7IS t t , S U natty, ostpurce-'
for of a
form the vo dh+ch up torn! was about to per••
forning service, the #terotthanded
him a no e, which, bait cornmence4, in thrr.'
usual forniof art application prayers,' ho read;
aloud, as ills follows:"Theprayereof this cum- ,
iTregation are solicited for r young ,man who
haS ,gone, , to r §ott77 - . f70.',440.2,7,4tr1fti5i.
Deso'ock.... i
. .
e obey
you -w
s replp
a look
• Nse.
M 270
and Lonin
house, sit
but riOd
ey knoarq
• 'Evening`
tlld' hare
hat rich}y
had %lat.,-
r thin ala
s, or. 81uf0-
iiMit was
d AA rituaf
diLapor of\
aril anti;
t r.
Me F coith
around his
• r,s,l spread
an e flash-
inwas on
et they
of mo t: CO
ck on the
• 4 ! jtlyas,'
• I ve; leaves
ge of the
t told me
bp lower
other our
st look at
4,1 lad ho
ked at her