R. SMITH'S GREAT E I ILMI TONAL PIL DR. 0. BEND., SMITH'S I- .l, fIVD INDIAN VEGITABLS - I favoan , COATED? PILLS ..ri.: , • ARE the medicine for the Un red States, and their i superlortty over all others for entire ellkney 'and pleasantness has won fur them a pre eminence of, ,fame which needs do ftweign Influence to perpetuate. Almost n 'heralded tfiey have silently worked their wny, and , hare gained "permanent hold on the approbation of the ropier whiehtro other medicine or opposition cau a r . ' For about forge years they have triumphed over di case , and broUghtjoy aefi_gladness to many an anxious bo m. • I THEndM PIPIMUCI2a TlFlrr i , • • , 1 As a Inedlealc ompou, CO6 them to the mo deli ems, and even the more hardy, who have suffered from the effect, of Impure properties in the stomach. ill at ones be plewied with the delightful operation of these there Pills: They hare the rare merit of the most mo rally selisetedlingredients,nre always safer and the e can be no de:mger , of taking them improperly at any e. A SINGLE TRIAL • Will inanifestheir excellence in relieving the 'h ly of many poseur ra of alarming diseases, keeping the bow.ls ge re i , ently - en, thereby ensuring the continuaisce of _health'. The ustist eminent chemist In New York hem given his certificate that theme Pith are PURELY ' VEG ETADLE. orl . - i NA I TIUIREffiI OWN REMEDY. :' • The great Principle recognized by the Deventer of this ' invaluable edichie is, that ev. ry part of the" body, 1 erhisMser in health or disease, is brought no e: lit infin. ewe of thelgestlve organs. This plats tonal ~ doctrine 'arm the only ground on Wil WA a good ;faintly medicine e au o recommended. Operating accorfiing to 'this ovine pl . DR . SMITH'S PILLS STUE °THEN THE PITOMACU, l i. Promote the secretions of the LIVER, SKIN, and KID NEYS, and REGULATE THE BOWELS, thereby adopt. log the ONLY NATURAL end coosistent method !of ten derl4g the LI E BLOOD PURE, by cora ecting the vitia. ted humors o the whole system. It`ls impel ible to give every particular in th s brill, notice, bet th se Pills ere carsie.tly reconanteud as a means of pre tinting so much misery and disease, which grow out of c natipatton of the biveli; neglected colds. Welt attack tee., dz.c... r ozi which it is in the power of ALL TO PR VENT. These Pills do not PALLIATE, hut I TIIIEV,CIUNIE r Most all at' serer the %Yesterit Country, and in' Al.i. BILLIOUS DISORDERS, ! " Tkey s nd klone, unparalleled—THE SICK 1 MAN'S FRIEN, a. Almong the complaints fur which these Pills are highly reconatueuded, are Vic:following, viz: ! i FEVERS,PAIN IN THE SIDE, , DYSPEPSIA, ''. 'SCROFULA. ~ INDIGESTION, ;BAD BLOOD, COSTIVENESS. °mit ire I loss; HEADACHE FENI 11 . E COM PLAINTS.I DAD APPETITE, RHEUMATISM, DIARRII 1, WHO iPINO COUGHS, DYSENTAI Y, WEAK NERVES, LIVER CO PLAINT, . HYS E'ER ICS, WORMS, i OUGUS, ' HEARTBU N. ' COL DS, BILIOUS C 10LIC, INFLUENZA„ FOUI. BTO ACII, PIMP, ES. JAUNDICE ' 1.9 W SPiItITS. &c. Hy followln the simple direction* which accompany iiery box of engine pills, a permanent cure will tie ef feeted.'"lllost f the HOSPITALS in New York here giv en these Pills he prole ence over more than Id kinds that have been ted, anti several EMINENT pilystcl %NS, in New York ud elsewhere, use Show it Facile practice. BEWARE OF 13IPOSITION. The dimandlor Dr. &fitted Pills being every where ! great, at veralanprincipled persons have made Pills of the moat miserable and done erous etuff, and to palm them off forthe geniaine. have put on a 'coating of sugar."— Therefore. he are, and always look for TUE WTTEN AINGNATURE OE L G. . BENJ. wMITI li On the botto of every box, to counterfeit which is FOR GERY. Her than 1000 certificates have been Peceived at the princl al office and the people are referred to (Smiths He , d &Gazette," where they cau rend of the ',most important infer. We give, for want of room,-hlat few TESTIMONIALS: From Rev. Luther Lee. Dr. Sinille j i Pills aro purely vegetable, operate well, and.p7duee &good result. s LUTH it LF, - „, Editor True Wesleyan. .1. Kollettc 11:13 From the Rev My wife h ors. bat she Pills than al females wit ploymont o s taken illotEtt's, Morrison* and many oth boa received more benefit from Dr. Smith's others. She believes they may housed by i perfect safety, without changing their cm diet, and at any season. JOHN KEI.I.P.TT, 127 Mirtic Avenue, itruoklyn. om the (list vocalist iu New York. . uj. Smith's Pills have entirely cured me of my head, nod generakwealeness orYny sy.toth. el them with the beat re , ults. I , would not • em., F. It. HASH, 99 Puss, th at.. •, the Ed. of the Black River Journal. is Pills 'warm from the objections to which re liable, aad are the best medicine that I 11 ., n ,„, 9. Ca tvip, rem the r.. ‘. . sonciarandei, N. Y. 's Pills arc the beat I have ever used,.&c. , .... JAC. EIBLI-R, P. M. rum Rai, S William', ritubtird d Dr. Smith's PUP, end know they area good c. S. WILLIAMS. Ist Rapt. Ch. From Rev. J. G. L. Hoskins. bra. B ~.dizzintur in My family u, be without Fro' Dr. Smith other pills ' it% e yet ee Dr. gal /I I have us medicine, • Dr. Smi (rem th•G 'a Pill*nre I n n s great demind in this region l'" lBifteenriVatriS; Harlon n. s. From M. Dorm tho Qnsiter Dr. Oral It —Reipeeted - Trloud—Thy Pills are selling ~ very rapid •, and givo Grit role satisfaction io this place, I - Prikeepsle. MOSES DAME, 26 . 1 hlaium- at. Dr. Rmlt h—Yoor pill, are well liked here. ED. EATON 1.0.) DE MOCICAT. - Dr. Smilt—l am much plowed withl your lad. Vcgt. bug v Coted Pills, and nso them in my family. . - • wit gene al n E tit O rg . c l:R io t . ) . otiVlLl.F. (lA.) AMERICAN / ett a are only a few extracts—but we might gone and Alla hole tti wopaper with similar ones, .'t hesePoills are Dow t ii most popular in this country, and give Alio These ills iv i 1 eliv,iis core COLDS in n much more pleasantstay than any ther Vvineily. For this they are mutant 1111 RANG AER inn decei dls now apparent; as Door Smith's , become ery popular throughout the country, have sought to palm od•woithleso stuff with n , fsagar" to cover up a most dangerous cora _ Of boln Pills bare imitators °coaling pound. Dr. Cr that plat. counted I Louirviil their ore 1111becher, of Wheeling, Va. Pays that n person in came near losing , has life from the oil is of the It ..13ngar Coated Palls. Also, a g•nitleropn In Ky. was seized with violent ;vomiting alter- • genuine or get 'none, end see that G. BENJ. written with pen on the bottom ()reach box. PRINCIPAL OFFICE'. W YORK, 170 Greenwich Sheet. STON, 2 Water Street, IE, Carter & Brother, No. 6. Reed flnu•e. J. ,Comrnine & Co. Coiner of Statute and 'treed , . 18117.1, Get tb SMITH i EMEI I -I A p 50 1 ES cantind at the corner store, a nice a-s -ttne,nt Or Gloves, Mitts, Boisery, 4-c. l'Frirte*fans, Combs, Steels Been Serra, Purse twist and. trimmings, embroidery tr, nth as French Flues, worsted, chineii &c., all very cheap, by • , - 29, IF II7 . METCALF. Purses, materia ordloke Mtv eiv Woollen Factory AT 110kTIIR8T. .U. CAN, JEWETT & Go. have just com• m need business Of manufacturing Woollen geoids, dressing Cloth, carding Wool, firer Their machi dry; Is entirely new and of eastern menu fistfuls arid embraces the latest impi - ovemerits.— That ainees will ba conducted by. Mr. Jewett, who b's had 20 viers' experience in it. Loth in IMO&ntrji until) England. They will mond it rn• facture on shares, giving one yard oieloth for two and a barter lbs. of . wool, or for ready pay' in cash o ountry produce, and on as. 'reasonable terms any other establishment in the county. Their anufactory is locate t about one mile north of tho Il L w r I ALEX. DUNCAN. I JOSHUA JEWE.TT. ISAAC 13. STEVENS. Edit; Juno 12, 1817. MI CARPETING. offer a fow pieces ALL WOOL Carpets, e►y cheep at 9, Oa. V i T Ma PET . BAGS is Satchels. Among ; which kayo some of the Wilton and Venetian d supttlor .6 'any in market, sellintz very 1. AIETCALF',. 129, 1897, that cheap Ma PARASOLS. ' ARGF. assortment, all cyles and qualities dared as near manufacturers prices as Is tent with a small commission lb ourselves, 1 f fa ETCALF'S. np,1847. . I __ j _ - ! gew , Goods! New Goods! THE subscriber is how receiving his spring a onkel' Fancy Dry GOOCIA, Groceries, Hard ware, rockery, Iron; Nails &c., which a ill be sold s reduced prices for ready pay. My old substaintial friends aod, the public zenerally aro raga tad to call and examine goods and prices, they rtainly will not' go away dissatisfied as 1 will o f beruncicr sold by . ny west of New York, for- ie tidy pay. , SMITH JACKSDN. - MIV 6, 1 4 47. - 51 coati I eghor jmay be found a A .01 26. WI WESTI -- TOHN GE. , 0 - subscriber would . respei:tfully inform his friends and the traveling public gen ' , that ho has leased for a term of years this and commodious House, situated at the Lost th Street Canal Basin. This locationen lthe " WESTERN " pre-eminently the enlent and deeirahle stopping place lall r doing business or traveling on the danai. e is also, attached to this establishment a ' andconvenient Stable for the use of , Boat and Others having horses. ' i o pains or expense has been spared in fitting is house for the convenience. comfort and 'sure of guests, and the Proprietor trusts by ',4attentionlo tinsiness to merit and receive a a of public patronage. - • I tie, April 21, 1817. 43' up pie mai eha NO: 111 AGAINST THE WOltlaYf NO EXCUSE FOR IGNORANCE NOW OE taii 11 1 CHEAPSIDE, has JO -, received from New York • •- - a new and elegant supply of books embracing Theological, Miscellaneous Bundy and Olaiisical School Books, Stationary, &c. which will be sold cheaper for cosh than ever be fore °Tema in this market. Among his stock may be found— • . _ A nthon's classical Di ev,155, Robinson's Greek and English Dictionary, $5; iWebster's Diction ary, 83 50. Anthon's Virgil, £52, Anthon's Horace, 81'75 do Homer, 150,-do Cicero, 125 Anthon's Jacobs' Greckl Reader, $2, do do do X.cesons, I, do do Laten` - do, 1, ' do . do do Prossody, I, do do Whist; 1, Davies Mathematics, including Argebra, Le. gender, Analytical Geometry, Surveying, &e. Davie's arithmetic, Kirkham 's Grammar, Adams'. do • . HMI'S U S - History, Mather's. Geology; • Olney's Geography, Mrs Lincon's Botony, Morse's do Comstock's 4 , do , Mitchell's do Burreit's Geoaraphy of the Heavens, with large • and splendid alias; also, tho Electic -series of Reading ,Bopks. • . • Addroi's and Stoddard's Latin Grammar, du. do do Reader, Comstoek's chemesi riand philosophy, Sanders' Readers, Bennett's Book Keeping, Walker's Dictioary, Colt's " do Johnson's do Moor's Byron, - Scott's comentarie's, 6 vo. $l3, Dick's . work, library edition; also, cheap, 4 , • The works of Chesterfield, , P.itsh's residuum! at dm court of London. Fox's boot of Martyrs, Josephua ' p orks, ' Plutarch' Lives, Rollins' do 'Lady of the Manor, Addisons' do • Good's studyof medicine, Dryden's do -. ' . Elooper's med. Dic'ry, , Elicrle's Practice, Gay's med, Juris'ilence, do , Therapeuiics, Cruden's concordariee, Platonic Theology, ayland's elemputi of Moral Science, .... The School and the School Master, , Al Olin's travels in the east, • Thurwal's History of Greece, etc. Guido to the Prophecies, Dumas' Travels, Barns? Notes, Fuller's works, New Spiritofihe Are, Chalmer's works, Bucks religious anecdotes Ilolcom's travels, Gibbon's Rome. Prideaux's connexion, Life of Heber, _ Works of Charlotte Elizabeth, complete, do Frodrika Bremer, do M °shines eclesinstical Higtory, - Luther on Galations, Jarves' church tliqtory, Pictorial History oftho American Itevolu:ion, Lire and Selrmons of Whitfield, G“ldSinith's England, Parley's IJn i versal History, Together with many other valuable works too numerouS to mention in the limit - red space or an adveriisement, Call and see—no charges for showing books. June 13, ISI6. 4 PAINTINGS, ENGRAVINGS, &c. GARTER. Sr BROTHER., are in receipt of a beautiful collection of Paintings and Engra vings', plain and colored, in oil and water. Per sons of taste cannot fail of being pleura with the election. It comprises views of some of the most romantic and picturesque _places in Europe and this country. Among them are two Oil Paintin!!e 3 by,•,3 1.2 feet in rich gilt franies—the,one a view of Troy and the Hud.ton from Mt. Ida, the other IVErthtn2ton's Fiend Quarters, near Newburg, on the North River; also. Views of St. Cloud, c of Zurich and surrounding country, L'alie of Zen:: and stirroundio,g country, A oeneral. View of Brussels, • - A Moonlight View, a beautiful piece, • .Forest and - Winter Scenes, Hunting scenes, &c, also, a very fine and Correct likeness ol'Queen Qietory, engroired on steel from Stilly's painting, also of I Her; two elder chi dien, Attlee and Albert, in handsome gilt frames; a beautiful Met.zotint enirraYing of "John Anderson my Joe," a rare and interesting picture. • Also a collection' of : rare and beautiful Birds and Flowers, correctly and elegantly colored, de. ?gni '2h t i r n e ss . r i Atitjon to learners or as ornaments Persons designing to fiirnishl,hemselves with anything in the above line will find these well worth their attention. They will -be sold lower than they can be purchased at retail in the cities. , 100. G. Reed House. N0v.129, 1916. 29 SIGHT TO BEHOLD!!! • AT THE / BRICK CORNER OPPOSITE THE EA GLE HOTEL. • TS DAY OPENED. direct frorp the Eas tern cities and Manufactories, a \large and well selected stock of - 31311#11611 'Mr fiG3-111310 31:0115111. Comprisinft a great variety of ',Dress and Fancy Goods; Shawls without number; Men'Oand boy's summer wear; Linen and any quantity - of Domes tics; to be sold cheaper than ever; with an exten sive stock of ROCERIES AND SHELF HARDWARE. " Al of which will be sold-as cheap as the cheapest by WILLIAMS to WRIGHT. Erik May 15. 1817. ' 5.2 QOM M BOSSED Table Emil Piano, Forte covers, ILI English and American, for sale at the "New Store" No. 5, Cheapaide.i MORTON 4. Co. Erie, May 21, 1317. CALIFORNIA PLAID, for Boy's 'coats and pantaloon', a little the nicest oui, at ; the "New Store," No. 4, Cheapside„ MORTON & Co. Erie, May 22, 1817 LEE...:HES.—A lot of prime Swedish Leeches, in good condition, :pet received by June 12. J. H. 'BURTON k (n. lATINEN'S ARCANUM—Said to be better V V ; than any preparation of Sarsaparilla as it Spring Purifier and general correetant for sale by —tnie N. J. H. BURTON .1 Co. Agents. _ IN AND' .S.'TEEL.-10 tons of Swedes, En glish and American iron, together with all er zcs of Spring Steel, this day arrived at the corner of I WILLIAMS & WRIGHT. Julie 12. 4 . FII , IE EXTENSION! —Ap large con i signm c snt . I INDIAN Cnotamoonc, for euro of Fever r and k Ulm Biliona Fever, etc., etc., and will be sold o druggists and dealers by the case in dozen, at w iolesale pricos, by June 12. J. IL SURTON & Co. Arrents. METCALF'S • More New Goods! O 7 THE LAST All-0 CHEAPEST. .Z 6 NOW opening, from the lastof our Spring pur : charm, a very k•eneralland extensive assort ment of F * ancy and lota DRY- GOODS, With a flood stock of DRY GROCERIES, to -which wt have added a large stock of CROCKERY, comprising, full dining Setts of China, with all the chiaper Wares., The attention of dialcnris es peCially invited'to this branch of our trade. The Gooda have all been - purchased cheap, and will be eta cheap 4 For further evidence please call at • ' - A4 ET CALIO3. O. D. CLARK,. in 'Ampler P. Moreau', re spectfully solicits the patronI ge of his old friends and customers at. More No., Reed House. May 39,1817. 1 F 1 I{E INSURANCE: FARMERS AND NIP.CHANICS' INSUR. ANCE COMPANY, OF BROKLYN, N.Y. UOll. persons desirous of Insuring in the above company, the subscriber I will 'receive and forward the necessary surveys'of property, spd procure for them free of postag such policies as may be desired. The above company is entire! responsible, and insures tipon very liberal and advafiVigeous terms. Any information that may be desiredln relation to saki( company ,can be had' by calling upon tbe subsujiber at the offrie of Graham &ThOmpson. CARSON GRAHAM: Erie. June 12 1817 NEW GOODS BY RAILROAD. 114.VEjust received this mOrriiik% a'new sup /. plyt of plain and twilled 'Gbinkbans, also a. lot of prints, 4-c; Which will be sold cheap for cash by. • • • • 4 - - TILIBAPEL May I, 1847* r • k 'SO .1 HIRTS. - -Hair, Grave, and Maristee, jinn received 31 . No. 4, Oiespidde. MORTON St Co. E;(e," May 22, 1847. JOEL JOHNSON, BY THE QUEEN'S PAINT. (SU; ICCESS ' 13Ut_ -. _ _ - LIFE. • MEAT ENGLISH REMEDY for COLDS, COUGHS, ASTH ., and CONSUMPTION: &MT, CELEBRATED nhd INFALLIABLE remedy.for Colds. Asthi4 Or any form 'of PULMONARY CONSUMPTION, is the] NORMAN BALSAM OF.PFE, discovered by Dr. Buchan of EnglaMl, itested for upwards Of seven years in Great Britain anti m ontent ofEurope, hnd introduced into the United States under tite ite sqlerintendence of thejnventor. co F UE TUE Coughs, the HU London I on the *A itnntedi, , . ....... , , . - 1 The etonishing succe s s of the Hungarian Balsam,l in .the cure of every form of ONSUNPTION, Warrants the American' Agent in soliciting for tre'atme it the W ORST POSSIBLE CASES, that cant be-found in the corn :: Inanity cases it seek relief in vain from any of the common remedies of the day, and basr keen given, up by the mogt disting rishetl'Physicians - ash CONFIRMED AND INCURA BLEs I . Time Hungarian Balsam has cured, and will cure, the MOST DESPERATE OF CASES. it is no quack nos trum, bin a standard English Medicine of known anti established efficacy. Every family in the Milted States should be supplied with Buchan's Hun carian Balsam of Life, not only to counteract the consumptive tendencies of the climate , in be used us a preventive medicine in all eases of Colds, Coughs, Spitting of Blood, Pain in time Side and Cheat, Irritation and sore nets of the Lungs,. Bronchitis, Difficulty of Breathing; Ffecile Fever, Night Sweats, Emaciation and Generall Debility, Asthma, In fl uenza, Whooping ._ Cough, and Crctip; , In case of actual disease of the lungs, or seated Consumption, it is the ONLY SOUROW OF HOPE. Sold by MoDonald Sr. Smith, sole Agent for the United Kingdom, at the Italian Ware-house, 'Regent-st. London, in Bottles and Cases, for ships, hospitals, Ste. I. - 1 'I By Special "obament—DAVlD F. BRADLEE, 119 Court-st., Boston,i Muss., solo Air mt, liar the United States and British American Proiinces. i American prir, 81 per lute, with full directions for the restoration of health. , - 1 Pamphlets, c ntainints a mass of English and American certificates anti other evidence, s howing , the unequalled merits of this Great English Reme-' . , dy. may be obi hied o f the Agents, gratis. None acme*, without the Writtensignature of the American Agent, Off a gold and broikeitibel, to eounterfeit which is forgery. AGENTS.—S. TOII,tIET. Syracuse, N. Y. General Agent for New York, and tho western States, . i `T ' CRPREAD..AI . • .. the Baptist ciergyat in at Coloose, Oswego, County. most eheerfully certify that 1_ have used Dr. Buchan's Hun in my family with great success. My little girl, now in het was, in the inonli of Deli:flier, 1811. attacked with 'a pain is end notwithstanding we used all diligence to remove it, she row worse; an I afier obtaining the counsel of Dr. B—, who Irlit Lobe of her Lungs so seriously ftlfreted that her recovery, y doulvtill. I was induced to obtain one bottle attics Balsam third ofit was taken, the little sufferer resuuic:l her plays anti r i 3 married, and before two betties wept uscil her heal h we ' "I do hereb garian Ba!Fain i seventh, year her HI ht side," continued to gri thought the Ki was exceedin. :inn , before one; her eheerculnei, WESTFI4Lp MARDLE FACTORY. TEI E subscribers having a good assortment of New England marble on hand, from diffor ent quarries, calculated for [lead and Foot tables,. Monuments, &c. which they offer to sell to any one in 'Erie county, Pa. not living farther than Erle, lettered ,in fi rst rate aisle, and delivered, at the following prices: Small, for children, 31 50 per foot; Middle size, for aged people, $ G 2 per foot; Largest size SI 75 per foot. We think it could bo an object fur some of the Eric county peiple to forteard us a few inscriptions as we have recently been informed by the Erie marble:de:diets in rather % bragging way, that they were sticking it to the Erie and Crawtord county people gourf, They brag very lustily of selling to the "Penna mitee at from 92 50 to 9 I per foot. Should any of the people of trio county be in wont of any thing in our line, they can font ard their inscrip tions, or come themselves, and they shall have a first rate article at the above prices. • 1 - 1111. A M SIKES It-. CO. Westfield, N: Y. Sept. 13, 1915. 17t BLACK. SALTS.—I will pay Cash; anti the highest prieofor any quantity of Mach Sults delivsred at M'lieun, or at my store in Erie.' October 21, 181 G. C. M. TIBBA LS. ' COLEMAN'S.HEA.VE POWDERS, ACERTAIN CURE FOR H.1?.A1 , ES AND COUGH IN HORSESI.—A . long familiari ----- ••••,•,••••• - •.1 . /1 -, cases to which they ore subject have at length resulted in the discovery of this exceedingly val ,uable remedy fer'the heaves 'and Cough—a dis ease which produces 'more misery :and death among these noble .animate than any n4,er to which they are exposed. I have no hesitancy in saying that Inv Powder will effectually arid thor oughly eradleate'avery symptom and vestige of this painful and dangerous disease, if given in any reasonable length or lime after it has bean'con trar:ted. Vlthen'y-iii discover symptoms of Cough or Heims, in your horse, resort to, this Powder without delay, use it perseveringly. and attend to the hints accompanying the directions for the treatment of the animals, and in nine cases out of ten you' will find that it'eures. If any desirous of seeing certifivates of eures, l of them call on the agent. Price 51 eents per hot, tle. Manufactidedliy.A. D. Coleman, N".ew York' CARTER & BROTHER, agents, Erie, Pa. , Murcia 27, 18,47. 45 DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. THE partnerahip heretofore eximing between the undersigned, in the practice of Law, hai bean diisolvedll4 unreel conical, Ail persons indebted to us are requested to call at the oflieJl and settle their respective aceounts, on Or beta the first of February next. Thelse who belle-, this notice may, incur costs. • JOHN GALBRAITH, I , • I CARSON GRA.HAM. Erie, Jan. 11, 1817. 3t45 The Books and papers of the late firm of GAL BRAITH & GRAHAM are by mutual agree. mcnt left withrte for the purpose of eloiinu ur the business of he concern and collecting all debts, which i am oblized to do as 'spiedilysets possible. I have asioeialed with the in business WM. S. LANE and j %VJI. A. GALBRAITI4, Esqs. and continue the office lately occupied oy Galbraith & Graham, tinder the !lint of GALBRAITHS LANE, wherelall business in Moline of the pro. fession, will b attended to with promptoess and despatch. " JOHN GrALBRAITH. Erie, February 3, 1917; .38 -j STEAM ENGINES. WE are now 'preparedj make or repair Steam Engines, and to sati‘fy those whf have doubts asl to our abilityl to turn out ottp:rl work, wo irivitc their inspection of, one which v have recently built and 'put in operation, at ou. Foluttlr);. • LESTER, SEN NETT & CHESTER. N, B.—A I4cond hand Engine ofB horse pow er, together with bellows forla small Foundry, for sale at a baredin. L S & C Erie. Miircli 20. 1817. WE woiddirtot have the Gentlemen infer that our atonic is exclusively for Ladies, Tl#3, will please ettli and see RAUH assorunent of goods that they wani.. Among others the best French Cloth that ean be found in thla place, and casSi , , metes to correspon d, at prices as near the knit tattoo cost as hey will usk Also Summer s; Caps. Gloves, Hosiery, Cravats, Collars. (Mks., 4-c. &c , at Airrc A LVS.I May 29, 1817. INOF AN EXILE. b_y L. NV, Miller . I , N being art account of the authors conAnd+ ment at Van peantans.Land, just ,received and for vale at Spoffurds's Bookstore. • Erie, May 0, 1817. 51. LMMES Cravats and Points, a fine selection and nomthing new, ingather with some nice hat Ribbons,just opened at the cones opposite Eagle. ; April 23,. Wool ! Wool !! wooi !!! Z,EI!Oleo! prlee'paid for Wool at No I; Commercial Exchange,French street. VIOEES KOCH ' Frie. Alas) 1847. ASHES! ASH S!! I WILL pay 9 cents per bushel for eotol 4old 1 ashes 40 !l 12 1.2 cis vet- bushel for uso ash= es ileliverod; et my ashert or M'Kean corners; 'Erie, Oct 24, 1016. ,C..I`I.TIBBALS.',N A SHES.—, Thode fur frig god . Asher! will chi 13. well to deliver them at our aahery tooU we are now, working air what we have 'on h. ail. AprilBll9B47. S. JACKSON C AXES:+Wittets Br." Co's Cast Steel iiites the doaen or slosh". " • fl 3. TOMLINSON Sr:Co: Febniary, lA, 1847. . , 39 D _ OCT.; ' WISTA R'S Glen nli a' Balsaro'oft - Wild Cherry ithocoitibrated .rensiody for 'Consumption out other , disestnos of the Longa. Also Wittnr's, Gentle Purge. tiro Pills.. • For sets by-Dr. P. 11.10. Age al, corner nrlatnelf an Efet•enth'str, Nilo; Pa. - •4.lct. . 10: Min., :„,,_ ..., .. :,-.;;;; '-, '-: ' '''' . :, • ; ~, Wp , a llt2E h r t f ne y s A b ß ui E t . e — r 0 p ß rin W u4 l9 :lik' dte i r, h, 4,c. Llbe z, i. July lii ' T;• IV. MOORE; 1 . „ Considered coMpletely festered. and to the effect o this Medicine, without any hesitation,l attribute the cure. _ - .DA D MCFARLAND. January, 1E • Pastor of the Baptie Church in Coloose. ' Testipasony Orem neatest .r. • Rocussres N. Y. June 6, 1845. Sm.—Sometime ast January. I was taken with . violent cold, attended ivith a distressing ough,•which in the course ofd few drys brought on a bleeding of the ton a, with much soreness-of the c est, pain in the side and much soreness oft e breast. After beingeonfined omy bed for some days and gettitig, no' tettr, Mr. Pardke, formerly Dept t, Sheffer this county, recommended me t: get a bottle of Dr. Buchan's H ngerian Balsam of Life, obsers th ing:that he b a been similarly af fl icted, and ty the use of that me ; eine bad been epee ily and entirely cured. -I imm a. -diately got bottle, and after , using it a s Ott time the result. was as hti. .redieteds-1 got entirely well, From the b neflt_l received froth the Balsa ; and from the nniversal good name it bear among my friends who have u ed it for diseases of the fungs and chest, I in induced to believe it to be o oof the best medicines now in use for the ediseases, and as such scoot, nd it to the public. . W. W. SWIFT. _ _flit atekoble care of a Danger* a Cough. , To S. TOUSET. Caro 4 Cowie s, N.Y. Aug. 6,1944., Sir—We are entirely oat of the Hungarian BaO am, , •having sold all you left with us, in our immediate vicinity, and in just co to the Medicine must . ..ay with astenishi g success. A low days . since a oung gentleman of this town called at our store who had been for months , fllieted with a very dis tressing cou c h . a d wanted a bottle of the Balsa( We told him it was of little use for him t take it or any thing else—HE MUST DIE. Ile took a bottle, however, nd afterwards had another. esterday be 'called again very much -imps ved in appearance, and 'said he _was rapidly gaining Strength—but ha it not been for the invaluable Hungarian Balsam he meet have died. We vant s .me more of the medicinddireetly. ' Yours respectlidly, , , ING HAM & HAVENS. ' [Frem-Esq. Ir. E. Fisk, Canastota, .N. Y., dated 0 ANASTUTA Nev. - 7, 19461 TO S. TOUSET,' Agent,'&e,—Sir: Having used Dr. Buchan's Hungariun Balsam in 'my family with the very best success or lung complaints, and having seen.: it used by my friends with like a miss, I was induced last! spring to become an Agent for the sale of the gams, since which I have sold • great number of bdtties.i and have in almost evzry Instance learned that it hadfucceedell beyond all expectation, in some cases where the patient had !their by Phyriidaus Os - respectability PRONOUN 'ED INCURABLE, and !their cases hopeltsa, and I most cheerfully retort?' ced it to all whore suf. , feringtvith lung complaints, assuring them that i most cases they Will find speedy relief. (Signed) WILLIAM E. FISK. More Proof. 1 • 4_ Establishing . the effieereg of the Hu»gori n Balsam of life. - - (From Deacon Lea is, of Utica, dated lisle , February 4, 1845.1 , • I cheerfully give my name in favor of Dr. Budh n's Hungarian Balsam of Life. Last April, my wife was attacked with a v olentleough, attended with a severe and most DISTRESSINE Pew Itr Tim sine so bad as 'adoptive her arcs!. While in this situaticm,•l called on Mess s. \Varner ..1 ! Co. for some medicine, and they recommended this Balsam. I purchased a bottle, and by the time we had used about one half of it, my-wi . began to ' get better, and after using the remainder, her health was compl.tely Restore Elf Since that time I !Hive recommended the Balsam to my friend , many of whom have used it with like success. . (signed) e F 4 i o rs c t -.: t . a i p ' .. ti l s . , t . C .l :h at t li t e r N h .y L a in U ‘ l 'V t B i f e i S a s . .. 1 . a t Bur t v i r r g r i e ) o : e r n a t c h t o , e l n a e t o s E , f vldence. LA , I , , [From r a o m m a th g e ai P n . ueder the ecessity , of ord ring S. n w supply o f he Balsam. Vy wife still continues II o medicine an is Mips ving., It is °Mg wends s' . j in this section, I heard f a friend 50 miles frot 'here whit , sy a 'consider d' in a CONFIRMCD Coesupftsriost.• I sent him titre bottles of the Belsam'abont two weeks since, and today I heard from him ; Win like a chit. , , , (Signed) . - A. E. ARNOLD. , 'The Messrs. Metcalf, of Genesee, N. Y. (o eof whom) is a practisin4 physiclan).in ordering, a new supply of the Hal am, says tlktst. 'in some S VERE CASE 9 our customers complain of receiving , great benefit from its else S. TOUSEY, Syracuse, N. Y. General Agent for New 'York and the Western States. Sold in Eriehy Caivrett & Bela ii a, N 0.6 Reed [louse • OTICE. —The Tin, Copper and Sheet-iron Alanufacttaing business will he curried on the old Eitahil of Ashley & Kelsey, where a con altant supply of all articles manufactured by him Kill be kept for sale at whelesale and retail., Old Copper and Bras Ware take.) in payment for Tin Ware. JOSEPH KELSEY, Jr. Erie, July 6, 1844. 7 L. WARREN, u - As removed his 6119/1, blind and door Shop to JUlState, between 7t hand Bth streets, where he will keep constantly on hand or make to order all articles in hipline on tho shortest notice. TIM(' wishing to obtain first rate work at low pricei would do well to give -him a call before purchas elsewhere. Glazingslone at all times. Glass art7l Putty -kept constantly on hand May 10, 1846. 51 S. SMYTH IA4 HAS JUST RECEIVED Ali from New York. per romroy's Exrress,tm. Spring. Fashions, and is now ready to eaccute all order for HATS in the latest, Fasion, and of a better s quality than can be purchased here or elsewhere. March 16, 1946.' FIRST APPEARANCE. B. TOMLINSON, 1 °HORDE ICELLOGIO. THE subscribers, though some time in WO ---• I ‘.e. nn t. Worst In trtri it ectrlvntsi.nt nr agreeable to Introduce into the pera a general \ advertisement. Being rather a 1 modest Itirt, they have been situated somewhot I c the stran ger in New York, who got uponia dry goods box in Broadway, to wait till the crowd should get by; and like him, having attracted a little public no toriety, they are prepared to get down and move quietly along and would respectfully invite the attention of the public to a cheice• selection of GROCERIES, interspersed with ti few staple Dry Goods and other notions; just received from New York, Oincinnati;Ftc., which they design to sell pretty ,cheap for ready -pay. Please. call and sec at 109'Ffench sitreet, next door to R. 0. Hnlbert, Esq's office, co at Silt!) r.reet Canal Basin. P T('IIILINSON. k Ce. Erie Aug. 1 ILS AND NEW YORK BUFF CE fl, LOTIIING STORE. , . HN,INo 2 Fleming Block, Stela This establishment has acquired ling lall kinds' of clothing as cheap purchased in Now York city.— A suit of clothes can be made at ent in ONE DAY'S notice, in the L moat approved fashion, a general assortment of Clothing ble for the season and for sale at I to the pecuniary means or all. For ) 1 article of cloth, all wool, at 50 cts very thing else in proportion.— one to order at reduced prices. All country promptly attended to.• buy as cheap here as the lest judge. e erally can depend OD hailling -their ;tit, and no mistake. Erie, Dec. 20, 1915. , ' 15 ONE .Pll MVAUG • Street. nooriety by se as they cart* Call and see. this estsblishn latest style an 'Just receive' and clot); suit prices reduced instance a boo per yard and Cutting also orders from th The Chita can Customers g,ei work done ri, Q iITWEst erod do., Cashmere, tie are decidedly TCeChini:Crape, Silk,Embrold- Bozah* and Zitphins, do.; Summer aced and rainbowedWarsted, that ich, at ILLIAAIS ¢ WRIGHT'S MIME ERE' WE OMB.' • -‘ /I Mgr+ • The No • Jr M Store Ahead !!! JUST receited t the ir) ?Jew Store, No. I, Fleming Moe t, State street, a new and splen did ussortme tof SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, Which, harin beewbought at extremely tow prices and tits subs qibers having encountered neither "perils by sea or land," in their journey to Phila delphia and 1\ ew York Markets can and will be sold as cheap not to say a little cheaper—than at any other "Je o or Gentile Store between New York and ," undown." Our /stock consists in part of SILKS of Ii kinds, d a * .) criptions and colors, m fro plain bl ck to the st fashionable plaid, striped or watered. OINGRAMS, French American, varying in pri customers, SHAWLS, Silk, Cash at prices that cannot:hill t M. DE LAINES, of all upwards. ' BONNET RIBBONS;, shades and prices. t GLOVES, that canndt . erne hand, at prices in sci delicate purses. French Worked Lineitambrie Handkerchiefs; a beautiful article, and ve cheap for the quality. Also; embroidered do i , ,together with many other articles, too minutia ato mention, but which we Will take pleasure in showing to customers and others. Also—a spt ndid stock of ' ' READ! MAD CLOTHING, consisting or Pants, Vest', and Coats, of. all pri ces and qualities, and! DOW and Shoes, or all kinds, Call and see, and don't forget the place,- N0..1, Fleming Block, State Street. , . ISAAC ROSENZWEIG & CO. .' Erie, April 20, 1817. - 50 BONNETS Rr BONNET TRIMMINGS. AXTE ,hitee this day opened, and offer for sale a V - large stock of Bonnets, Ladies and Misses sizes, atpricesfarhelow the market, among which are grime of the richest style French Lace, read wrought, China Rice, Pearl Straw. Gimp, 4.0., together with a good assortment of trimmings. Some of the real French Bowers that arti beautt tut; also Ribbons, it • 'WILY 2 9 , ,19 47. , • ~I kIF,TCALY'S. 'GOLD PENS.L , Levi r -Brown'ei Gold Pens, the VI most celebrated shaker y theartiele, a good assortment kept Constantly on hand; also the_dif ferent kinds of-cheap l idearest) Pens, at - Al: LOOMS ti Co's; ' 'State at., nearly opposite Engle Hotel. July . 1841. 8 WALK tql - tWARDING, r DUCE.MELICH. Forwarding and con _at their ware-house o and will be ready on of the present year to Merchandise limn th ces, to Eric, as they sponsible lines, and h; or Steam Boats and I rvine to their house, t speedy transmission their care. 'Flwy'wi or !moth up and dow Canadian ports on St. Lawrence—uleo Canal. " CASH advances made on all kings Produce and sales promptly attended to. They will keep •.ustantly on hand liturnipous Coo, l, in lar2.e or small quantities, to hit purchasers, ' ALSO—Salt, VI - ter in bbls, or hulk, Fish Iron, Nails, stows a id Castings of eve}y descrip tion. I. 4 i \ P C•llTibt John . J3elt Smith Juck Jolsamme, r 1 1 Holt, Palm • O. N. Cha t W. Mont Otis, Chip] George N 1 E. B. All • James Rio ' Wm. D. Standart, Albert lye Newberry l Erie, March 11, I - MVOII. ATTORNEY AN. COMMEncIAI H AVING so far _ official duties as tenable bin to devote a great portion of his time to his professimi, will at tone to all legal bait ness entrusted to, his care.— He will attend' the' ourts in the Counties of Erie, Warren, Crawford, Mercer, Venango, Clarion and Jefferson, and' the Supreme Copt of (hie State; and .has profession , l arrangements b which lie will transact busi ess in the' adjoinin Th .i•Counties in New York iana Ohio. All monie s collected! will be remitt ed ti Drafts on*Now Yof.k or Phil adelphia without a y charge for 'Exchange. Ho will else takd ch. rye of 'and prosecute Claims against the United States, draiv nod superintend applications Air Pe shins, Patents, &c. Of the ability a d integrity with which all bu siness confided t' life care will be performed, it wont.] not be 'l:prot er in this place to speak, but the:le having Lege Business to transact, or Cal leciions to make i this section of country, are-re speC;fully refeired o the following gentlemen: 110 N. JAMES TIIO. PEON, I l i GEN. CHARLES It. REED. IllEssas. WILLIAMS WRIGHT, , ' Er MOSES KO H. Esq.• ' THOMAS W sTERRETT, I VINC NT. IMIDID & CO. A. D. & T..W.' AT HIM. Eaceo. HENRY K. SA ITIL Esq. _. i f CHARLES H.S. WI LIAMS, Eng. JAMES muLLF:xv. 'sq. Dui PHILIP DOSIIIOIE It , Esq. HENRY W. mmact S. Esq. HON. ADDISON GA' DNEIt, Roehoster, N. HON. JOHN A.VIX Albany, N. Y. HENRY.SHELHEN & Co., ' CORNELIUS W. L WHENCE, F.sq. ' HOAR, CHANDLE • & WHITAKER, HON. ROBERT H MORRIS, N CONOVER & LARA 11, J. A; A. YANOSTRA 'D, HON. JAMES DUCI A NAN, " J WAL LAURI EY, Within " • ROBERT J. ALER. , "I W. 31EDILL WAI. Z. STEWAR, Esq., LoaansPc ii r, h. GEORGE H. McWI ()RTES. , to m re B. BROCKWAY. Es.. - $ got HON. WM. PATT , Pt LSON, Sandusky, 0. - II HON. JON WEN WORTH, 1,..,._. BRISTOL tc POR T ER, ER, s a...sin/we, COI,. JAMES R. 8, °WON, LUDWIG, KNEED ER & Co. COL. JAMES PAG MIRAN. S. woLe ' s, co.. Illain HENRY (HORN. Er . J. & J. P. STEINE HON. FRANCIS R. HUNK, 1 !. j SINION CA.M RON, limi ,J 11 n i4l a b m ' " i N. B. ELDR D. HENRY RUEHLE I Esq. I HON. WILLIAM I LKINS, 214 / ' ' GEN; LEVI 0 CI. mt. s trlburv 1 . GEORGE TIIOMP ON, Esq.JWlteeMilg. Va. HON.' It. McCLEL AND, Monroe. MO. l' W. J. GORDON, DR..S. ENGLEIIA T, oloyelund. O.> HON. LEWIS CA, S. CHARLES 0. HAM lOND. ESQ.}Doectit j , JOHN mcmErio US Esq. Erie, Mali , 8, 017. lEnglibli, Scotch nnil e and quality to suit ere, Barrage, etc., te. please.. qualities, from 20. ts. (I_l3ll colors, qualities, 'on to f# the most tleti ! orchance with the most FLOUR AN the lowest p Atte. 1846! TIBBE'P, P Silk and C. cheap at the C 9 Erie, Feb. 27, LADIES 1 d chum: at th Feb. 27, 1847.1 CLOTHS, C quality and above cost, at tb • Feb. 27, 1648.1 riASHMER Drfiss Goo. other store in lo Feb. :0,1841 LADI OPEND* a , a large as new and beautif, Ladies, please e May 20, 1047, EN11,6111 NJ( read of in off at reduced R & COOK. - .xOl6lllO. !COMMISSION & PRO-, Yrs.—will continue the mission business as usual, the Pnblic Dock, Erie, Pa: the openlng of Navjgation contract for the shipment o •ettstern cities, or other pla to connected with good Ile: eying some of the firs. class 'ropellers 'on the lakes run -1 tereby ensurin2 the Sflii. and r all property entrusted to I attend to, the forwarding 1 the lakes or to any ot"the ake Ontario and the River oath by the Erie Extension RENCES Erie,, 66 Phan $• Co. " ii.S.II•IA t or 4. Co. Buffalo. tlpin, Albany, .• ith 4. Co. " & Co. Boston, • olt & CO. N. Y. city, n, Ogdensbnrg, N. Y. vne,Toronto , C. W. (in_, St. Catherines, "I arvialt. Co. Cleveland, 0. Detroit; Mich. 4. Dole, Chizaeo, Illinois. 1897, 43 X WILALLON, y cousse;,Lon AT LAW, ENCHANGE, ERIE, P • arranged and.systenn ized his ► SALT - -Always on hand, a liqee and of the beat qOality, by `► TO - 111LINSOiV & co. ain and embroidered do Lane, shmere Shawls: v I MMEACIAL 1897. aid Morocco ssitneres and Si color, Oro offoi JE S, Alpacas, si 5, at cheaper r, n at the I 1 Comme DRESS sov 8. the Corner S ore, ' eed House' Jortrnont of Dr •ss 'Goods, styles I. and the g. decidedly cheep. ;all and examine for yourselves at • METCALF'S. N l B French' 'the back p art rice; at N 0.4 1817.. Etie,, Vay 2 A rarity under'the head ofa Patent Medicine advertisement. Weask our readers to.pursu e tho k--- • - cce T, the additional !mealy asserted still claiming the additional ad iantagefitof givon ln email bulk, and tapir none of the drencling which %Varna Tea andother supposed Vertnifugcsilemanc... During its bril liant career, it bus been introduced into many families, where every other known and accessible Vermiftige had been tried 'without the least suc cess, where it has promptly expelled worms to an almost incredible amount. Hear what the Editor of the Bulletin of the Pa cific, (published in Pittsburgh, Pu.) says in refer ence to the artick. "In looking up a few actvertisements for• my small sheet, the other day, I called in okra Messrs J. Kuno St. Co., and remarking that 1 would be glad to advertise any.medicine that really was es sentially useful, they furnished me with their cir cular respecting Mr. M'Larre's Worm Specific, with the accompanying certificates. Peeling ' pursuaded that the certificates were genuine, I took some ofthe medicine home for the use of my , lown young family. I gave the first day a small teaspoonful to Sarah. She was wan looking and black under the eyes. She passed several worms ;some as large as a pipe stem. I also gave 4 small teaspoonful In Samuel, a lit ile, rosy checked, fleshy boy, clout. 3 1. 2 . years old. But as Ilit+ • stomach was tympanous, i. e. ho was pot-bellied, I thought 'he might have worms. , Ile cried alter more, which I did not sec fit to give.hitn, but upon the operation of this medicine, his mother and the neighbors were surprised at the result. lie pass ed nearly a pint of worms, almost all as big as a common pipe men:. There was seven:' in all.=, I then _nee some to a little boy only 2 years old, and he passed twenty-five, some eight inches in I length. I the,eforo t el clear to recommend M'- Lan's Vermifuge as a, arific 1 for worms,. It t a toy sceinm' death tO hem ' I. , i I I • 1 ISItEI.. .I.E,F.S, Editor. I Pittsburgh Feb, I tho 47 , 1 - ) .1. limo S f t ' Co., No Oil ood I Streat, Pittsburg i u W the sole Proprie rlr t , rit O r Dr. NPLane's celebra ritediciqes. All rder • must be addressed 'to t em. '' I. - "P'N. 11.-- , -Pitrelinsers lar and enquire fur Dr .111 Vermiftiger • ' From the rift.tngli G.Azette. The past slimmer (1816) bas ! been a very re orarkaliimone. Frequent and heavy rains, follow. ed by intense and lon_ combined' heat, had the effect, in the first place. to promote a rapid growth of succulent vegetation, and ini the second, to pro-, duce a rapid decomposition of vegetable matter, giving rise to much miasma and spreading sick ness, disetire and death, in places n hich had heretofore been remarkable fortneir salubrity. We are credibly informed, that whole meadows on which the _sass was nitusaally.heavy; retied to the ground and nal not fit to,be cur. In Indiana and Illinois, the sickness .was co gencrak, that there was nokenough well persons Mutton(' iipo . ii the sick, whose strierings•were protracted by a want of proper remedies, as well as of good nur sing. - Much of this so Bring might have been pt., vented, had every family kept on hand a sup ply of medicines suited to conntei act the t trects of this miasma. with which the atmosphere at cer tain times esti' chargcd, Iti addition to quinine, (which isdn such general use as :o need no Com inent,) we would strongly urge every !amity to keep on hand - one or more boxes of "Dr: M'- LANE'S LIVER PILLS." - These Pills .are the prel,eription of an mine') Physician in Monongaliap .., Virginia, and n erc used by him in his private practice as a remedy, in-bilious complaints, for yeais before he though; of i.florina than to tile potair R,,,-11. lirnve4rr. wols .. th success of the Pills, and so great the ntunbe of - persons benefited by them, the maiming of the uantitv requisite to supply the incress im, den nd. began to interfere materially with the l time equired trend kids practice. To prevent the has made arrang ements nith the house of J. KIDD & C0.,,N0. 60 , Wood Street Pittsburgh, Pa.. to prepare and vend them, where, the genuine maybe procured at all times and iir any reasonable quantity. These Pills are rtorrecommended as a panacea for "all the ills that flesh is heir to," but in all of tections of the Liver and in all biliods complaints they stanct without a 'ivalv - All who have ever used them, give them he preference Over all. oth er Pills, and cannot' e 'persuaded M exchange those whichl they' find y experience to be mill, (:, safe and efrettiab for a ly other, even tht ugh 'they may he sugar-opted, ,r so drastic - as to go "titre' by day ligbi." 1 . Prepared for the proprietor by J . , KIDD & Co., Wholesale Drtwgi,t, No. 60 Wood Street, Pius. burgh', Pa., to whom all 'orders from a distance must be directed. Sold also by our ,Agents and the principal Fruggists througllbut the 'United State. and Canada. li_'' N: B.—Purchasers u ill !Abase be partic ular and emptird for "Dr.,ll`Lane's Liver PLIEF," nd ike no»e erse, as!tliere are other pills w befor the puhli, purportingto be "Liver Pills." ;l Ammrs.—Carter lit BrOther, J. H. Burton & Co., Erie; J. Marvin, Waterford; John M'Clure, Girard; John A, True , Fairview; Wini. Towns end, 1.-,• 11: llincent, Cranesville; Campbell, & 'V Jackson .& Campbell, Edenboro; B. C. 'Pawn & Co. Wattsbnrg; A. ' ourteliott, Union Mills; J. H. Haynes, North Ea •t. • - ' • , • Sold by Druggists and Merchants generally, throughout the Unite. States. June 26, 1817, . . G MEM ATM:NA, (ittrolina,l V also Lineeys, and for sale very low at = WINTER Sperm V.V et Erie, Feb. 'l3, 181 AUCTION & CI mHE undersigned 1 friends and the X. City. have commenced the stand of John Grattan dorth of the Eagle HI receive and dispose of be consigned to them or Private Sale. Th Lion th all business o r shire of the public p keep on hand a choie suitaLle to the se' cheap as the cheapest Erie, April =I !plain. HAM 4- THORNTON. lN AI , eTenanzei)r.G4ods, any quantity of, Good 111;;NILOCK FENCE BOA IiDS, 6,3, 10, and 12 it clieg wide, A anif 16 feet long. li II E N'ILOCI.O OICE, 1 1 1 2 by,l2, and 2 1.2 by 12; J, 116, 18 nit( 28 let lon''g.l I - I . 1 ENILOCK S'IUDDING,V2 by 3 and 3by 1; to, 14 and 1G feet !ono', fur which the hitzheit market price will be paid, when delivered at his Lumber yard at The foot of Prem.!' street. I yard at TRUESDAIL. Erie, .larch 4, 1847, 42 WITD the best and cheapest Stock of fah ionablo LADIDS' DRESS GOODS ever offered in this maiket,.conAitirig in part 50 patterns press Silks of all colors, embracing Colored and Plaid and Stirpe,el Poi It de Sul; (fro de Rhine, • Grade Swiss, • Satins of all colors, SHAWLS of all kinds, such na Silk, Crape, Barrage, Thibet, Mous do Lain, l3rocha, - Lawns, Balzarines and Mirages, Gloves and Mitts of all kinds—Silk, Kid, Lisle, Cotton, &e. CLOTHS, Cassinteres, Tweeds, Kentucky Jeans and Satinetts. l'ed at! a 'fraction ‘ll STORE, French St. ks aad all other tee than at any EW ISTORB. cial Exchan.e. In short, 'customers can find everything in the Dry Goods line usually inquired for in th e mar ket. We forbear to mention prices. Suffice to say, ladies, we can sell you a handsome French Lawn dress from 12s to 16s. that will vie with any in Broadway. Please call and see for your selves. Farther , partieulars hereafter. Don't forget the place, at CADW DLL'S. April 28, 1847: 50 ITTS . BUR6H Rockingham Ware.— About. tiful article, and good assortment jus yeceiv and for sate by ,:•• B. TOMLINSON • Co. Augnst I. )1810. • ? 11 4 . ate: the kind you :t the Book, going !Chen side, t OR'l IN & Co. Domed' worth K wbig about* • will pleale be partieu tote's Worm Specific or Orleans and :Scotch Plaids Worsted Goods orall kinds CALDWELL'S. Oil, a pure ; article, for sale . TOMF.INSON & Co's. • 4i 39 'BLISHAIENT. !MMISSION'STORE, NEW ESTI beg leave to inform their /Alio generally, that they bore tnisines? ut tjad -old L on State Bisect, two doors tel, inhere they are ready to all kinds of Goods that may either by rublic Auction y hone that by strict raten trustell fo them, to V.ain a teenage?. They will also stock or ready made cloth= sons, which they will sell. AGAIN HERE WE COME, ell treatmoni of the'tnedical faculty, and remedies of the flay bad been tried in an DR. HERR4ICK'S VEGETAII COATED PILL s• Maybe used with Marked suec 0112 in unifier{ a aentle!and positive purge with astonishing ilui4uesa pains tad head, pains rind weakness of the.bre art all Itibde offerers:. ii.iidarnatlen pt the' d, the Imams-body. foul breath. coated ton! ie, habitual costiveness. and in alt Oases ach and bowels aro loaded with humors, dlJetiVe of disease. Each box contains raided under oath purely vegetable,and '2 and 3 !wine an ordinary dose:, Also, HERRICK'S SCIATIC LIN 4 1 INFALLIBLE ItEM For Rheumatism, Sprains, Bruises,' I Sore Throat, quiozy, Croup, EStifrJoi. ews Agtai as the tirea-t and face, Toot. Diseases of the Spine,..Perished Limbs external application indicated. hic;t Vila WONDER WORKING ME I I% °rot cast 4 of tho above ill Wases. DMIRATION of th ea of the use of this ' put the priceat 25 113111 C blown in the I .eased Spine, ace* l e, general debility, [to etomach'ssod bow ite, trembling, of auhdit, Agnei od uickly urea hylhe I 'S 'GETABI BITTEES. cothpanied vlith dir make halfi gal ' hr, Colds Asthma, Cough Croup, Who f IhVonsuroptiou I%'ONIiIIICAND may avail tpeimel, ity; the Ihihor ha tle has the Inciet'sd ed in it cutJef a di. reetisinr.!!Liketil and Vveuktieel la less.of appe tiotilal the loan .113tenSe4 nre? 1 Pbt up in boics a l :15 cti Eleb box limner i an Cou, Oaring.' nod rccqul c.t.c. nnil quickly cure,' DR. BERRI II MEDICA LOZENGES. -0 Of three Lozen lUMPIIANT MC 1 uat, of Iterricre 25' rts. I' l emrtir. TUT. Ti where attends lb Luzenge', io, i haile•truetion and expul the , h.i placed them fi v arc pleasant to I lect is such as to at full riVectiona TI .i. 5 h the breast. s 1 logo. etc. - still find or remedies. 'rise- Illnsn, their r Price 2 0 ct5..% ill p iins and wrakni it hettroatt,m.l.o GALBANUM `ING .PLAST leather, will we , ply lii; ets , and are and are canaille STEIL NOW IN l! l I JERRICK'S i.ipr.' ot on fine Kt oonoth•. Prier 0 ether pla-ter: CHEAPEST PL I T TITE IPIII3 8o much bovin been raid by dum \ plat they albite h ;I the privilege to Far Coated I'ol, and one even pretend lint he ban a inttf.tit for so doing. im bring this prarti e of deception befol Itt.rin lie judgeb it theTl6e. Whether ought longer to exist. Dr. Herrick ;Burke, the Comm miioner of Patents a 'letter in answer s given below. U. S. Nicol 0 i' Dr. Illerrivli—Oetr Sir-:-Your tette] 61,11 1,1 en ~I. - rn au.v. r , Io our ii I/?1t 1 '111 1/.lq [l l, o jgrauted ford pill havr to edorni :, o that uo record of t lot md it, (flu. olfic '.. • Itersprel . . t 1 El F.. 1 .Medium, git leg A y4ore gei i i ;the era •he had Of 9 ny ortr Prieelpal MT() 53State) street, AI ders eiu..t be add r eseed. AGENTS.-3 H. Button bi Erie; Hu:Hurd 8 . 4E:1an15, r r,...,t. NEV I FIR NEW AND CHAP GR. ( T,OLIN'ZININIERL -4/ . ., A.l kite or the fii'm of Ilitelicoe have again asSoiidted themsel sale and Retail 'Groccrybusin nearly, oppcsite the eagle ate ly arm/pied by• Wm. R . erne( ofJ. ZI,NINIE:RLY &I , . whr targe and Melt serecaar :surto • W-et.and Dry'WeAt !Mil ' Goo/ ry article usually kept . r!.Calle store Among stocklru vbe ' Coffee Of (.1, cry pride l'id qu • Old arid Young Flylso t Tea , Pepper, Spice, Indig Brost S . t1:2:1r. . C I loculate, - castile a./1/1 • Totten co of every goy lee of all kinds, togett/' /low _lass, etc. etc. i 1 J.*Z.,.5•,,V0. tender their 1 pltronage ext.endeirta t and hope they may by receiven-a continuance . old as well as new cost. ed to purchase grain o dried applta and prache ver seed, for which CA counter.. .: - Erie,•April '''.?s, 1816. - NEW GOODS • ' G. Li • ''''',, . Erigl: aired or goods, which makes 1 tensiye,j comprising a fashionable JEWLLR ruby, garnet, onerald, enamelled pins, diamo gold ear rings, guard c pnncil cases, bracelets, thimbles, studs, snaps TIM E,l—Gold, and '1 tent lever, duplex, hori ment. I French enantl., clocks, !SILVER,GOODS. - Mustard spoons, ladle , spectacles, chains, key !Pfatsf, Brawl/gala I Tea:Nits, urns, pit to.l cake 'baskets, candles spoons, farcets, ink Ist i GUTLERY.—Rog .1 Nlakerstiazors, knives I .MISCIELLANErU ments,! telescOns, her ses, sun . glasaes, vil k in tllites, fifes, kited p s, bboks, pocket pis s, Wax anti glass be cts, ses, elastic guard , no t sTed, snuff, tobacco reps, clothes, hair, brushes - and glasses, b r elrs, powder flasks, - cliessmeo, driminaes, a clasps, tweezers, cane, viol strings, rouge,_ p court plaster, tooth %Vb. tOething rings, tea b &eats, visit inr , cardsi'e tledor, and b rds, spool elr'artieles in - t tuenylo Mental, wlih i ti n ill, be ty-five to fittly per eci. N; 11. Wan/es, mu. ii the best manner an Criz.li and must kin ken in payment for go , The highest priYes and Silver. f I my 2l; 1 8 17. SPICES Ez. 31t051 N ir //Mgr, Mace. Cloves, I ' Ground Cinnamon,. " Pepper, black, Cayenne- do' Superior Mustard, Pure, Jamaica Ginl:l rosin Ity,ci r !rn hanks 'ie fe heir ei .t . lave' .naers. all ki rtax •H wi ICM p:r t eu e s it ,parse e s and n c ert a d I°l ' wbale on , violin and 4 9 wder, 'p ffs, perfutnettnit and o ders,,lsetti piek w •Ils, eal cm ax, mous mery eta, neediesitbk: stand , iit th numerous et& ed, 1 th: sera and guar for " ad pay," from tirtfr we th n formerly. 1 , - , i.e box , *ewelry repigired wart nt s of ou try Ptodnee to ds or -or . Ca gad gea paid iln t ash for old Gell , . 9.T1/ t., .. Sag ,' ,' Bin r Almonds, .., Su nter . :a!ory,i Sw et filajoram, l Va lila Beans, Cit'on,, ,El act Van Uta, r ~ I Lemon, Root, i . Ground 'do COriander Seeds, qarawayr" di, 1 riETIELIGS FOR 13errnuda Arrow Roo Stiparior white.Tllo. Pearl I E -l E. er l , pat ca,po ! IlRu Iris Ike dell J. T" Salto, B r ice Flour, Selected with care a Erie. June 19; 194 j ALL -person whol debted to Brit • I fey and Brown, or f .l] at the Store or Woo quested 19 pay the! July next; or othetl% ed. Wool, grain oj hheeiei will be race X if delivered atithe • Etie, June -26, 1 i ()TIC knew 1 sot. B ehaffe • lenl Fa; in/eh t ise exp • alldea! ved in • rie W. IS II 11 11 t n heff i ep cpeue , UGAjt, rev A im ,' e re. re: The) , care dizin;es of Me tad ad bon re t orrece in ds we. Hillman dolt , where the atom which ive Gann,. YON; . er , sell foe 23 :e:t.''-. I '' lEN T , , TuR DY 1 oatraCted Cords, te, I qtrank 810.1 ache!, Frozen Fon, ' and„herever to he r idity ?ant, Dlcrt Cutest/to atti eted THY, wdild That ap I b'eseidg to batman. enta.l- Each hot,. lass, and envelop, , - Wel , p ith lan dt. ends 'with pain) . 1 , sate ding to the t, e li las, patriot. 'ever, and all Bd. se E NIC, lions and sell ra on. n the sane oppr s lob of the alien f the Leap, be sfr a lly belptt ED COUGH ; e t. l .99 .r jr hale pOlitueeVi ff. WOT Destroying, on o , Worms rrin n ; at on the vitaloggrl e. Phildreir less ouch the beholder, one sOffering from des s hack, rho' frier iniheSteof IST ENGTI-1. ft: r from one to atioil )he place of ,d the 111:8E AND ES New York waken 'eke and read a fi kng mud advertieo; .ucee the Homo to the , aid In 'pi:teeter tA44 bwid 1193 iritren to Xr. Washtugtoo, otiose cr. Jan. 16, 1846. of the sth ion. has quire whether any. oared. with sugar,' uch a patent eau be wily yeses, MUND BURICE eral deseriptiun of o Agents.. • any, where all or Co .1 rdzato. F•b n Cummiticds Co. J. /I ll.yoes, gorth 1847.-Iy4lo. 10ERIES !'! HITCHCOCK, • ' e r s i. l i m n n t l h e elti & ho e lt". s, on State sued,' , in the room late ht, under the styli t : re will be found a em of all a irriz al, s comprisi or. eve - I for in a Grocery mnd:— ' lity.- n, Lump and Lost • , -nap, raising., figs.! tirs, elieltGrocer. Iron, nails , , with or the very general the psi six years dearors to please, s in the shape of They are yrepax ils, butter, eggs, Timothy and tlo• be paid' -at their 1 49 ' GOODS! 4- CO., oppo'she E have just rgeeived t their former stock ssorunent very ex: , firiety' -4;itr rich sad I sting of diamond, t, aquaintrinesnd and plain ringi; I d keyirspectscia.i : tniniiit'ase seta* • etches of like pit 'lnd common escape r n a.zul Americo 1 deiert, tea,sait as 4 r and fruit Lknires, I cases, thinabler. tan §iivrt 'Wart.— . tankards, bowl!, Isnufrere and trap, ; stone. _ ' other celebneri . pore. thematical instm Is, pocket 'conapas• , dire, ransie boxer,. ses, combs, peeks: slither, gilt, steel, ,d allk bags and pry.. E. r my desks, work, 1 . ns boxes, rsiOr ,ail and stiarikg r' j':.diatilionds . , sbot NDIMENTS , Bitter Almonds I.e Flenn Water, I rked Ress . do , eal, 1 per's Isinglass, ian :do Moss,' and Moss; i arninted Superioi. URTON lx Co 045, Reed Hausa i t 4, hercuselyes to bdij: ! cl an wi d ite C° lvs . ter, rd eitb d 1, . tor,i, are hereby 11 _,' i. dneaa by the first,: r il ct ' °into° costs sr . , Tip lone, Butter O W ''. 1 ay int ,of debts 6 01 1 °len taCtory. - t . 6
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers