Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, August 14, 1847, Image 3

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    er In speaking of Judge Lewis ) of.
caster, having come out for Gen: Taylor, the
Gazette says he "is an adroitpolitical inana
ger, and is doubtless, in thisimatter t looking,
forward to personal promotion." A hard hit,-
that, at the head and tail of the Commercial.
'Strong,/of Point,
h as been nominnted by the Democrats of Wis
consin, as their candidate for Gongress.—
He'll be elected of course:
7'lVe,commend the following to the spe
aialtittention of the head and tdII of the e eotit
meicial. It is from a Whig pai)er, near Cin
i cinnati:
STRAWS.--We are authorised to offer the fol
'Owing rewards for the characters described:
Five dollars for the wh vote p r in BUtler
,eslnty µho does prefer Corwin to Teylcir
for the Presidertcy. „ ,
Ten dollars for th'e svhig who would,rather
vote for Taylor than any other man.
Fifteen dollars for the whig who believes
that Taylor ought to be nominated if there was
no doubl'of the election of a .whig to the of,
. . .
Fifty dollars for the Whig who electioneers
for Taylor, and does not feel as_ if he had sto
():Irlie Washington Union, by authority
,of the President, denies the assertions of the
'ter. Mr. McCalla in relation to the Rey.
Messrs McElroy and Rey, and adds:—
"It is proper. 'to state also
_that neither
,at the time the Rer . MesQrs McElroy and Rey
went to the army, :Mr at any prior or Bohn. ;
"itient period, was ' there any? conference or
c o mmunication with them by any member of
the administration, nor between the Presig7itt
'and the cabinet, Or any rioeMber of it, nor any
thing in'any communication with Gen. Tay
lor; to whose headquarterg they went which
sanctioned, in the remotest or slightest man
ner, the idea that they were expected to act as
',spies': 5 5 e
The Presdent i. 4 too cautious to make a con
fidant of a leaky and erratic clergyman like
Mr. McCalla, and he has too high a sense of
' EIS oil] dutieynd appreciates too keenly the
rightk,a - feeling-OVothip, to indulge a de
co l '
se hod degrading, as that alluded to
il e
in Mr. .tilla's letter, and by him alleged to
be entertained by the Ekecutive in regard to
the Catholic Chaplaihs. •
It is the p' evinceof the Chief Magistrate
of thielgreat cianntry to submit to abuse with
out the opportunity to reply. But in the pr,es
eat instance, the charge is one that ilethands
the answer we have given. to it, if only as an
act of justice to the intrepid men who accept- ,
ed the appointawnt conferred upon them 14
the l'resident,'and discharged - its duties in so
:i0111 , 3 end christian a spirit."
that two male German mill
grants,shortfy after arriving at this port on
Tuesday evening per steamer Indiana, fell in
tc,i:the Bay an'd were drowned. One of them
leavirii a wife'and four ctrildrep. Nainezi Out
VOL. DONIPIIAN AT Ilo3tn.—The receptron
ci this gallant: until able soldier, nt his own
honle, iu Liberty, Clay ci;unty, Mo., was most
graiifyi lig. The Liberty Tribune says,
..Crbwds pour in from the Asbuntry,
the !Jay beforehand. 11y night not a tenanta-
He place-was (left unoccupied—el.:cry house
was crowded from basement to attic, and not
a few lay star gazing in the Court louse
yard, th'e blue arch of Heaven their only can
opy. Next day, the 15th inst. from earliest
1 1
lawn until tes o'clock, 'continual stream: of
• men, 'women ' nd children, poured id from the
courstry—L•in fa t all Clay county emptied it
'oielf right here while Platte, Jackson, Ray.
Clintoh atid.otl era contributed a good share:"
ANun.—=After being, defeated
rite which they have borne—
tional Republicans, Anti-Ma-
Native Americans;—attd al
nd denouncing the democrats
Destructive, Agririans,. and
r Federal opponenti are new
-3f trying to talti! to tlieniStlves
which they have applied to us
atid codtempt, Their can
,ress In tlin
_first district id In
we supriein to pave the way
n by hieipL.ity;) declared ;hat
co Focol did not belong Tex
• part y i—that, it conld,rifoperly
lie Whigs! Whigery sur
in this world iu impudence!
ANoTnutt Cti
under every., na
Federalists, Ns
sons, NV higs,ot
ter ridiculing a
hs Jacobins,
Loco Focos; or
ofillie evc
that appellat hitt
only derisioi
ilidate for Cong
diana lately (as
fur its ailsumpti
¶lie name of I,c
i , lusively to our,
beltl i ainied by
passes atiy thin
Pitts. Post.
111101110 VoLuNTEHas.-;—The
nd.) Review says that "Lieut.
ane, w 0 has just returned
to, delivelred an eloquent and
in that place, on Saturday
,rge and respectable audience
his remaks he . ttiok occasion
I oawin, a TaArrett, and his in
r speech as nothing short of
,nr , lie ,also declared that
of the honorable Senator's
n, the Ohio Volunteers not
leech, but burnt itS au ttiO'r in
Crowfordville (
Col. Henry S.
home '6om Alex
j)afrrolic speech
last, to a very I.
In the course o
'to brand Tom. 11 ,
famous anti-wa
"damning trews '
: on the receptio '
speech in Alexil
only bumt,the s
.....ITE A FA T . E.—Ttie fffi•
a letter frotri Mr. ,;C:iir,tis,' the
may be seen by calling tin Mr.
to the remarkable efficacy. of
Palla in restoring a lost appe
iength in general &Wilily, and
ion of the bowels or COStiVe•
DVSS. .. ....
- PMy case is that of general debility of long
standing. My health end appetite have been
•‘ery poor all wintsr, and seeing yofir advertise
ment and recommendations', I Concluded to try
)our Extraet ot Sarsaparilla. I begun,by trik nig
;half a tea spoonful three dines a day. 'lt seemed
to operate well except the appetitp, and that has
become act craving that I shall nor• any fdriher
without advice. Before I be ,, an o takes the Ex-
/ Ireet, I Jiad no &site to cat more • than-. twice' in
. twenty-four hours—and now My stomach craves
,'l.c• that I want to eat FORM five or six times per
,day., As your E' tract is so gentle on the bowels
- and each a mild axativo that 1 am anxious to
give it a fair trig lam occasionally troubled
uitlt'a sore throat which I fear will lead to'Bron
•thitis. Anyour e tract is recommended so high
ly for chronic cornidaints, and fur purifying the
blood, and cleansidm the system, that I am •'esir.
i,..- ~,‘ --1.-• -
)10W T 0 CI:1
I(winr, evract ni
orizinal of hich
NlerOvant'i Sarsa
Cte, imparting sttl
reaming Lostipa,
ohs - id Coatinue itTrse. ,7 Youre,
''Pdinlyra, Mardi 31, 15 11. "
See advertisernoiwin this paper. A pamphlet
ticleseription may' be bad GRATIS or the a;teni.
die ftfth inst., by Carson
Graham, Esq., Mr. Henri? rirbcf and Mrd. Bar
rio, Stilwell, of Erie Co..oliio.
On the 11 inst. at Saler' :/4 It „
bY the Rev. C. 8.. rieye3, Mr. WM. K. TITUS, of
cireemoch, Conn„ and Miss M•111' D.',TALL•
NAN:, alba forme place. [Cake received.
can%ort, c' Alt
fox nship, aied 2
10th inst., Mrs. Malvira Rib-
David Riblet,tuf, Durborcreek
years. ,
APRINCIPA TEACHER will be required
on the Ist o October next, to thito charge of
this ttnion; A gondcman experienced, in
teaching, and wh intends to pursue it as 'a busi
nc.., would be prtiferrcd. • .
AIIO, a Lady tol, take charge of the Petnale Do.
partutcut, will be Wanted at the seine time.
Erie, Aug. 14, 1847. - - 13
- 013' AT LAST! !
IIA7 long a pcmCd wonder of the age, the
celebrated and superior "FULTON STOVE"
now ready for • ale at our Store or- Fonndry.—
Persons who hav any disposition to ace it, aro in
"ted to till and olio, whether th.sywielit to puL
chase or not.
Aug. 14, 1847.1 1 13
N. B Old Stoves taken in, payment. Better
grow them away than not tot one_of these fuel
sar ialinvoutional
JtayLemon syrui
. 27 -
y, Sardines, Pickled Oysters,
, comoeuplas. I'
Late from Mexico—Another Battle,
From the,Pitt■burgh ChronictO
ftrormosp Aug. 9-4 o'clock.
liy tho arrival of the Propeller Washington
at Aew OrVans; 'NM the Brazos ? we have
dates up to the 22a.
An express had arrived at Matamoros from
tfo city of_Mexico, bringiUg • Ag iniporgtut
and glorious news that Gen, Scott had en
countered the Mexican.' Rio Frio,
about eight roiled from the city of Mexico,
when a severe and bloody engagement en
sued. '
The enemy were forced to Yetreat;and were
totally routed, with great slaughter. Their
l oss is not stated,•whilst ours is set down at
three hundred! '
Gen: Scott then marched on
,the capital
without. interruption, and took possession o r
it on the 17th. The American Flag now
'floats in triumph over the Halls of the Monte:-
This news is no diiubt . coFrect, as it was
publicly read to the troops at Matiiiiiotas:.
PIIILADELPRiA, Aug. 9-=5 °clock P. M.l
We sent you at 4 o'crock,sorne good news,
and true, • 'he City is in, great excitement.
Flags are flying and guns are firing in every
part of the city. . OPERATOR.
Private letters received 'at 4ieliinond from
New Orleans,',tiives additional confirmation to
the report of Gen. Scott having entered in
triumph the city of MexicO. The information
comes from a Mexican ,Prisoner whose fami
ly in Mexico, informed hiM of the • facts, by
, • RictotoND, Aug; 10 . -8 o'clock.
The Mary 'Jane Kane has arrived at New
`Orleans, liriiiging dates from Tampico tiP to
the i16t14 ,
She brings no confirmatory news of Gener
al Scott' s reported engagement at Itio
and the surrender of the city of Mexico.
Gen;Taylor is still at Walnut Springs.
Gen: Taylor's whole command amounts to ,
7,000, and will-march upon Sam Luis as soon
as his force readies 101300. 4
A rumor, prevailed at Monterey,as early as
the 13th tilt., that Geri. Scott defeated a large
body'of Mexicans, near the Capitali which
was supposed had been taken.. '• , . •
The Steamer Fashion, from Matamoros,
with a few days later news isinprly expect
ed. The news, by her will 'pro ly dissolve
all doubts about the matter.
The greltest Discovery of the Age!
1 •
oil, Titll‘ , Bllll
ral is the first attempt tocombine the ELECTII,I(,"
or 31.1(1NL:r C rus Dgrltti ruwerfulSrgetable
tri.cts in the form of in •illt 11;11I — to be applted external
ly fir the rele4Val 01 diee,46o. Tile 11111104 coo -
Celli it lots met mlO statnPs •it at once the GREATE:g . r.
Dizze iVCItY OF 1.; AUE. It I, constantly effecting
Cores /11 the a the u t Hapol Inure. The mo•titicreilts
lons are CON VINCED—tIio most faithless ere compelled
/1/01i1,0 to the power an t virtue of this great retaPtty.
It is uuivere.illt ndntidnd robe TIIE 310{T WOSI/ER-.
FUL COMB!!,A I'ION KNOWN to the WORLD for the
IM MEDIA FE I ELIIEF utilises o and pain.
II wry., /UM HI 111 111011 , 11011.110 a auffi,loollloC 10 restore
a lowered anal he althy amino to the rnptllary vestals of tire
hardy; aad quatt_yllyr circulal 'll rf the No id. By this means
d comey.llivjorer is yanied errs the Inwt malignant forms of
DISEASE winds cannot he ohtained from any other rem
edy. Such as the power of tilts combination that it peril's
oaten to es try portioh of the huinan_framM` every bone and
muscle, vein, nerve and ligament is searched outand made
sen,eble of purelyiug and toting in fl uence. hence it
copes us readily with i,tereot 04 external diseases.
Numinous i stances are OJ r ',cord where this remedy
has hosith to petients so nearitte grove that the
most power lid internal rot. ,11,0, failed 1.010 . 0(.100000Y of
Get Such leas arequently been the see in INFLAHA.
TioN of , he 110WELSito patient ever nerd die with OM
disease w herd. the NI an netle Ointment can be (datelined.—
Thst dangerous Epidermic kaoWei as the PUTRID ERT
SIPELAS 03111 alit aye tan cured by this remedy.
i s i l ie 4,0:A-complet e remedy ever ',prepared.
In' 9 rates out of 11111 it trill orerd entire rttkr to the
worst eases of NEIL VO US II El DA Cll F. in thirty minutes.
For Nervous Deseases thi• ralonedy is Of immense WWI.
AtTeetions of the Spine Rheum them, Lameness, Ulcer- -
mei! Sore Throat, Bronchitis, I' eurisy, Croup, Chills,
i t
Cholnra Moiler, Aeon an the rare or Recast. BureaS aid
Howl, Serofill a, Salt Rheum,. Erysipelas, Inflamed Eyes,
Fever SOFPP. &p will bu Imbiodiutcly relieved by the use
of this remedy.
in reply to your queries wt li regard to the results fifth"!
F.xperemouts I bane- made ith your justly celebrated
3lagnai.m Ointment: I con gait wills pleasure that L deem it
`lt is now nearly ty,l), - ,•cur,s{;glitice J commenced olden it
in my practice, and I have tested it its cases of inlinnuna
tion:both food anal general, of thb meet maglignent kind
with uuiveraul suceres; even where ull internal remedies
felled, I have aucceeded with tills.. ~
I hate treated COlO •A of 100.1100000 of the Retain s Nai
rn trios °Mae Lungs, Indent Ilion of the Bowels, tutlamma
teary Rite yin distal. and Child heal Fevers, with perfect
success: also case. of Scarlet Fever„ Canker lia•h, and
Uleernied I layout mail Lungs with like surer...
lei the Eiemlentle k• owe en the piffle! Erysipelas, by
winch so many valu l ahle lisps worn 1081.1 tested it fre
quently, and It net er Tailed of cfrocting a speed) and cer
tain sure.
• .
1.1 cases o§ Purna , Sdratus ; Bruizes, Frozen Limb's, &c.
it act. like a charm. ,
No PhyvAiali or Family will be a single day without
this .3lediem'e, idler becoming , acquainted with it power
to mire. ;• . N.IN:s:(1)1A111, Physician and Furgeon.
Uti. a. N. B. Jan.lP, '113441t. -
176 , 'For fdetliceparticulars and testimonials, see ram
',Met left with each agent..
Price 2.1 mid SO cents per bottle.
AGENTS.:;---Carter & Brother. wholesain and retell,
Erin; D. N. iSz L. Webster, Conneaut, Ohio; Riley
Potter, WasOiprinaliteld; W. IL Townsenktipringfield;
L. S. Jones 4C. Girnid; John-A. Tracy, Fairview. '
Erie, August ii. 1617.—1y13.
4 •
, 0
.1 lIAN . §
WIA- be sold by order of the Orphan's Court,'
V. V by pUblic vendee or out cry, at the Court'
1 - (Oust; in the Borough of Erie, on Saturday the
4th day of September next, at 'lO o'clock, A. M.,
the following described piece: or parcel of land,
Plulate in, the township of Millcreck, *beim , part
of Reserve tract, number seventy-six (76) con
taining about forty acres, be the same more or
less; late the. property of David 'Caldwell, deed.
JOFIN G. CALDWELL, l3xecutor.
A ;.13th, IS -
DER AL prices sill b'opaid for
2000 Bushels COO, 4
2000 do. Bye;
2000. do. , Oacs;
2000 . do : Wh eat,
livered within I.:v‘i
**- Insurance C ompany,
(OF riuksostritnr4 -
ARE now doing business on ilia mutuld plan,
gi% lug the assured a partieipation: in the
pews of, without liability - beyond
the premititn paid. *
lake upon the Lakes and Venal insural on
the most favorable terms. Losses will bo liber
ally and promptly adjusted.' .
Fire risks on merchandize, buildin4s - and other
property, in town or country, for a lit ited term or
ptionsnently: 7,
Joseph H. Seal, James C. Hand, 1
Edmond A. Solder, Theophilus Paulding,
Mid C. Davis, H. Jones Brooke„
Rot4rt t , • 1 Jehn.Garrett 4
„Mtn B. Pinrose ' , Hugh Craig, , 1
Samuel Edwards. George
Lienli.y Lawrence, David B. Stacey,
Edward Darlington, Charles,KelleY i I
!sane R. Davis, J. G. Jhnsou,
William Fo!well, William Hay,.
John S. Newlin, Dr. S. Thomas,.
Dr. M. Huston, John Seller; Jr.
Spencer Mcllvaine,
Ric. t hr4d S. Newbold, See'y. Pres%
1 Application can be made to
j. KELLOGG; Agent Erie.
Erie, Aug - mit 7, 1847. - 1112
QCD7II6 -"- tiT,- it No. 1 POTTV Block:
►my 31. T. W. MOQUE
Public' otice
I'S HEREBY , GIVEN th t the Stockholders of
the Erie Bank, in the co nty of Erie. intend to
make application to the ne t Legislature fur a e.
newel of the charter, by the name and style of the
Erie Bank, in the county . of Erie, to remain loca
ted in the Borough of Erte in the county of Erio,
with the same capital audeprivilesea as it now
has. By order of the Board of ()Hector*
C. MioPAIMEN, Cashiler.
- Erie Mink, July 28, 180.
rptitsubActibe t is , the authorlied Agent tier tho
WORKS, in. Erie County. Ile will 'dispose tt
them at Now York prices. He is'also Agent for
,CoMbell,PreitOlogical Joni-ail!. Call and (Mara- ,
lne &hese valuable publications at his Book
Store, on State 81reet, ErK Pa.
An;. .5 1817. . 0. D. SPAPFORD?
By. Dr. A. JI• MAunieeAtr, Profersor
Women, Third edition; 18ino. pp. 250;
price $.l.
25,000 Copies hold in three months
The great demand of this. Most important work
(ot which thousands arc acid) has compell e d. the
issue of another editiop: if isintenacd s especiallV
for the marrie'd, es it diicloses ititibrnint `secrets
which should be known to, them particularly.---
Here every female can discover the cutlers, spry.
toms, and the most efficient remedies and most
certain mode of cure; in every complaint to which
her sex is,pubjeet..;
Married Females vvoutdi here learn the art'
whereby they old retain their youth, beauty,
vigor, elasticity of body and buoyancy of spirits
to an advanced ago, instead of being afflicted, as
hundreds and thousands, into whose hands this
book 14a not fallen. This work, is
.designed to
ho iti the hands of every nice and mother who has
a ret!ard for her own health and welfare, as well
as that ot her hUsband.
. • • •- . . ,
The revelationscantalnel in its pages have al
ready proved ti blessing to thousands, as the in;
numerable letters received by the author will ati
course impossible to convey more fully;
in a public Journal, the various subjects treated of,
as they are ofa nature strictly intended for the
married, or those contemplating marriage; noith
er is it necessary, since it is every one's duty to
become possgssed df knowledge whereby the' stir
lerings to which a wife, a mother, or a sister may
be subject, .can be obviated. . ' ,
. • • ...
C t :opies to be sent' by Mail free 'Of postrtkc.
Oyer ton thousand copies l have been QUM by mail
within three months, with perfect safety and eer-,
taintr' In no. instat;ce Imo a reinit , ts nee failedlci,
reach the itibli‘slier, or the book those to whom ir i
has beim directea.
' On the. receipt or One Dollar, the "Married
Woman's Privam Medical Companio.t" „ill be
sent free of postage to any part or 'the United
States. 'All letters must be addressed((post paid)
to Dr. k, M. Mituriceau, Box 1221, New York
City,, Publishing 011iee 129 Library street, New
;t: r. 1 - or sale in_Erie by 0, D. SPAFFORD,
Bookseller' State street.
-= Tuft' 1617.
ANDY ANL) RAISINS by the Boxor potted
for sale at No. I, Perryßlotit
July 24. - - T. W. I\lOnRE.
ARR & 'WATER'S Soda Pop, a pleasant
JLJ temperance drink. -
July 721 T. W. MOORE.
IGARS.-rruerto'Principe; Trabuca, Spanisli
and all other .kinds.
July 17.
ORANGES S• LEMONS, at the cheap Gro
cery Store of T. %V. !MORE.
1 9) POUNDS or.t . raod Coffee for one dollar. and
•• other illinoe in proportion at No. 1 Perry
July 17, 1847.
On Stale Street, nearly opposite the Eagle Hotel.
ri LOOMIS CO. ore now receiving from
Ur. Ik r ew , York and openims at their now store
_an ex.ensk:e ahso - A tnien: of Rich and Fa. 4
JEWELRY, (emtwaeing the latest oiyle of work
in market,,) tealeins,Xiaphp Plated and.Brittania
Ware, Cutlery, Steel frknusiima,,Cninphene
and 9ular,Lipips, Looking Classes._ Cold Pens,
tic:Tether wittia general ; s iariety of Usefyl rod Or
namental articles. Call and see what yen will see.
Jona $6,18't7.
EIGHT DkY and.3o hour Gothic, 0. 0. G,
Pillar, Alarin and•conimori, by the single o:
case, very cheap for ready pay: . ,
State at., nearly opposite Eagle Hotel.
" July 17, 1847.
SPECTACLEIbuf _old, silver and german sit
dver Frames, an extensfte assortmekof Con- .
Gave, and Convex.. Also, theeelebrsted 'perilueal
itpd ' arobolie Spectacles, stittertoi to any in ,use;,.
• (.1„L.00M1S Si Co
State st., nearly oppocito Eagle Hotel. .
July 17, 1847.
LiG IlT.—Girittuloles, Oil and Cumphone
Lamps, Campheno suspending ..Lamps,
Horn's Patent, the hest andpafest i in , use. The
public are assdicd thcsd lumps will not explode,
for sale bli ,
.-- a toomts &co.,
State st.,' nearly awe-Atli Eagle Tavern.
. .
July 17, 1817,
LADIES will find steel, silt and bead hags
steel clasps and beads, purist, silk, Paris
fano, new style, brooches, bracelets, pencils, lock
ets, together with an endless variety of splendid
fancy- articles, at i . •
G. LOnMiS & Co's.
: State st., nearly opposite Eagle Hotel.
uly 17, 15,17.
ACCORDEONS, with tlia improved Valves,
Bass Viol, Violin and Outtar strings, for sale.
by 7 1 sr. LOONIIS ki. Co.,
Suite et., nearly oppositerEliglo Umel.
Ally 17, 1917.
LOOKING Glasses and looking glass plate.
7 A largo aisortment of the above articles for
-.I 1.
o rlfiC&S, VON' r
era as.Yortnent
sale very low by
State at., new
July 17, 1417.
trail, Sing,le do. Fowling
.11, six Shooters, with it gen- .
uri" &inv.
July 17, 1817
SILVER table; dePsert, tea,
salt atfd 'mustard spoonS; tong s, ladles forks.
butter and frutt-knives, constantl on band and
for See by L ONUS & co.,
state at., nearly opposite Eagle Hotel.
July 11; T 847.
Public Notice.
ITs hereby given that an application will be made
to the next Leoislature of Pennsylvania, for
the incorporation 'of a Bank . t4,,he called "Tug
Rumens and Ai ceramics' Balm," with a Cap.i.
tal °font. hundred thousand dollars, and the priv
ilege of increasing the same to two hundred
thousand dollars. Said bank to be located idatio,
county Erie, State ofPennsylrania.
Eric, July 17, 180. . •
41 emigre% C s .:A m f uli i i b i ti m a y l p s . , ~... ,
. .
r,1.11. Williams,
.LII, Fullerton. , likus C. Beebe,
Waiter Clmoter, nos - W. Sterrett,
Smith Jackton e . ". Cason Grabble.
:Imam. C. Mardian, James Williams,
lucent, '
Gay Loomir,
- Wm./3. Lone, Altreds King,
G. L. Drown, ' M. W. Caugliey,
• . 'Arbuckle.. . James Hugh”... .
NTOTIG.F. is hereby given that lettere of Arl,
.1- 1 1 : ministration have been grante,d,to the snb--
scribers on the estate of Johnl'hillpadec'd, late
of yenango2 township; all ,persons, ,therefore,
- Indebted to said estate are requested to eettle.tho
r , otone immediately; and those haying telairos a
gairist the sane will : present them leg - ally authen
ticated for settlerdent.
JOHN R. SMITH, /v i m ' , a.
July 31, 1897. • . •
stantly'on hand at the Erie WoollSo Facto
s Philo Clothe, Plain and Fancy Cassimpres and
Tweds, oryotleus colors and qualittet *filch they
e.fchillge for wool leery, on gatornary attd
aceommadating tame. They alio pay- cash. for
le woolka ? site'? Jone 16 1 titlt
~ 1, HUNT'S LINI lEN pi,d, - •
Is USWOrilversall acknowledged to e tins IN A ALIOLE
REMEDY-Teen . Carnelian, tiptoe' AffecV. Contrite.
H oes ofthe Muse! s,Soris i hrost an. Quip blasis , .. Old
Ulcers, Pains in lie Hack Sad Ches , Agee mettle Aroma
and Puce, Tooth At he..Bprains. It uites, sit t Rheum,
.iapplicationhe T l t
h r t Croup.
of ;h
, : P t
hi t t e :
Ti e
er d; st
u e tc ,
ye .
a t
mitc : ,
N a t ! I .
ci ,
, i ) l l li rt l tiit N iuc c d , sue rv itrh zici ti i ,:c . ills ir i c lisii
above nented—itiid the MOH ENCO3IIUST that . bald
b-en bertowed upon it. - wherever It hit been futrodueed,"
gives me, the rig . t in call on the AP "IC I Eli lin resort a.'
. I r
tar t be folloding certificate of itsceldedelplilisitauf.
flown( guerautee Ofthe confidence that may bp placed in
Huut's Liniment: 1 1 • 1
Colunihisivllle, Colt/whin C,.. N ov ," le, mte .
Mr. G. it, Baiathai—Sir—Noo will allow zuo,p3 be t{ tea.
simony to the' healing. properties °Vaunt. preptation
culled Hunt's Liniment. Tito following case lernie 'hider
toy I,,,,ibediate observetioe,
I State it roltke ouPtit
' of there tithe may. inet with a similar , ate dent. The
child of a neighbor of mike was severely red 4.1 a•ni in'
kb r grOdiest agony; your thaini. , et was a:plied-an rre !
Ref was giveudriStmlllY, nild a lew.opplicetion entirely
recovered. I think it in valtundwackspr , edy remedy, nod
advise every family to keep it Mille liou.n. 'This case is
also known to Mears. W. rr. CI. Storrs of HicLoit. •.
I Yours. ' JosEi , D WILD.
ILV 4 A severe rprialu entirely cured with iitio bottle, of
~ the Li! intent. _ I
' . New Err& June; I P. 1815.
IWO Sir —lt affords me tuloasurn (1. comply with your
relines, mud add my tcstltirosy totbe excellency of Heats.
Liniment as' au 1 Outward application, far the cure of
spraio4. briuses, ,A c. Losewieter I sprained me uncle
b idly,land was sometime coothted to thelouse. the In•
pre, turt,iims very much swollen, and ltie•poiu loiemie;
grief t vier a vutrietyof remedies. I mule an application
of your Liniihent, end
,firund firll its tu-e speedy ,elief.
sleeking ttking front own experie co, iC3 cotilldently;re.t'
conint6ittl It as a valunblo inane tie lu cases like the Quo
in whilli I tested' its no di tier. Vonrs, &e. I
-0, 1 JOHN G. llAlillElt, 44 Woll griet. ' 1
Tito folloWing fetter addressed to therEdittirs o
the etinstitin Ad Mteatrc tr 'lll the Rev.'fbeodUsitor Clar ,
of the Mettrodist Ilpisdopal Church is loun'i of , Ilia beat
recornsitendstfons this Celcbrand rowbetly can have. •
.1 , u I .. : Sing, Sins, JAW, .45, IS "5.
Cr lit'onc:r —Tiaying tired Gnat's Ittonnentin my (oral
ly, and having seen itself •cts ors sae of my neighbors,
1 h .ve Jan Itesitnsiey in eetifyiug to it. merit*, 1411 a cure
Nye a n ent In the diseas a for Which it iswecontmended by
its inventor; and 1 thin the Interest, of the Litiblic would
he greatly subsarved by your making! its ruining known
through the medium oil your excellent Journal. I em per.
Auntie! that much, duff ring would be reltevt:d, end many
obstinate eases ennui', if its own were known; and I can.
not but hope t h e 'iWube in ty become general in the cow.
tenuity. i respectfully.
„ I
This Liniment tinErbi. at 0.5 and 50 'cents per bottle, by
all the - Principal Orugg Hs and Merchants throughout the
country. . I II • '
- I • I li /okra e Agenli for New York:
II i'A °LEY, '111E14":1 Jr. Co. ICI Water Street,
RGSIITOV &/o. I'o Ilroadway„
A.lll. & I i.SANDS. cornet Fulton and William,
• ASPINWALL Ki Williuti.threet. ,
JOHNSON. KliiLl atd Cu Pittsburgh, wholesale agents
foe Western Pennsylvania, •
Orders addressed to me at Sing Sing, N.!. wall lie it
' tended to. uk:OltGE E. sTisTox. '
• , •[ Proprietor."
For *We by J. i . Burton & Co. Erie, IL V. Town Nrth
East, J. Clotnenti Foirviow; S. L. Jones & Cu. Gitlin'.
71 Julyl3l. 1811. • 2mll '
lijA:11M11 , !OWN ItaktBIEDN: INVALFIV .
Ip:ST tICI iNik It to coed Jellify usserloti that
there'NEVER wee 9 sictlicisit Which has given such -Uni
form! unid uniterr , 4l ..Lts. fact inu.
They have stool tho sevc:est trials, fiy curing when '
all othe,r remedies failed, and have esteldi.hatil sa repifra•
tiou in tho face of the envious statutory which have been
raised tes.iti t them, ,
' Let i bo borne in inlaid that Wright's I thlls n Vegetable
Pills a e
NO cATeil.r.EN:vir 11.1:3IEDY.
tho MT pang of the hour r do-lion I In pus away with il l
aii4 -111- forgotten, but a mullein° of stern g v able. its
reriutalloa la nqt built upon an trolated cure, effected un
iler eirtutosteneesain which the frith of the inittgination
lied nu to as itic'a to do with it as the act ivily of the rent
city itallf. Wright's ludiau Voge3d'hic Pills lay a claim
to real worth, tom IA ou the limiest -cud willing testimo
ny of --
, 11101730;1 S AND TENS OFTIIO7S.ANDS,
throng mit thel gth anal.breedth of the laud. ' -
D. wa s uftor it areful etude of-the human con,titution,
that 1060 col rated Pills were , prepared . Nature's
l i
lewd w •re firsticonsultad, and giro's rnedicin'e was pro
pared yrom the herb of the Ilialbse,kthiclishoinel a t With
those I wa. T i tiereforee these Pills Wectuelly,,, .
, . a ASSISI' NATuot
to eSp l the coy r upt humors , hi opNittig t'so . inaturol out
lets of hr system.
IS Pit I s o,i ni.V.IME It, F ‘I.L A...„'ND WI Nill.l It .
, t
Each produce,iby their variation? , Ttemper4itre, pecu
liar otr4t.e limo 0, human body, 'Tile he it:.( expands.
and tit cold cdotracts the volume O . Die eirc,ntmg fluid
amt when changes take place suddeal k., the elhicts an, of.
ten sm. oust , Wright's Indian Vegrtabl r e Palicounteract
the eVi iufluche of sudden •chauce`f, • by purifying the.
blood. oil keepi g the stomach tad Imwels its a natural
. ,
ER' AND A( DIP. 1.,
and be Ithfultl i o v tt i. iti l •
That s ourge of the West. Wright'S lodine Vegetable
Pills at ed uurividled. Au instance has never cosh° to
our kwiwiedgo or Obese Pill. having been taken, without
clffectit; a complete corn. In Chins and Fevers the liver
and bit ry ibrietions ere chiefly disordered. superinduced
by great pliyeaf I debility. Whm the symptoms first op
rear time ehautil be teat before.-rteortpsg:tct tam
~, - tlt ,115., vrtnron , -...... t•T ..b.....• •••••••• ell 11 . •I II •
pcusuut on will be oecersory to conii , Ald tlia can f them.
Wright s holliin, 'e F g u ot_ it .l., D hL Y l B 'i P l E s P w B l l l4 , -b E e l found very cop.'',
rior. I z Mils dttrettae. the tteirie)uicejs Oretik mill cirri
cieht its qualitk. 'Ceiluently, the digestion is imper
fect and ixis
Abe health impaired. Those I ills- samara the
bile from the attoutioh, restore its lout, and Improve the
Wrightle Vriect4lote.l'ille air), equelly.tyell.nclepti
10 the removal of this complaint. Ai they operate uplot
the one }mural and unifirin principle, of clean tug the
etinuJel and bowele, punifyin the blood, and re-tifyinl7
011 recr!t'tione, they remove the CAUnt Or J.lltudrce, and
ofall Oar II te!orders.
IMIS &Co.,
opposite Eagle Hotel.
60 I-
(fit lT PF;S.I.ALE MEDICINE' • ,
It wet Id be di cult ;precisely to tell to which Of the
two rev . Wrilli 'a Indi'ati Vrgetablo Palo have been the
greeter blesssim. But It is very certain that these Pills
blip eiVen healt 3 / 4 , unitopirits, and a good complexion, to
huddreds of females, who would. without them, have been
in theirigravoi. A box of Wright's Indian Vetinhiblo
Pills is au insatilitatile,modical corppanion at certain pe
riods. ' , '' . .::: - 41 -.-- •
11F'.115AVIIE, GIDDPIEss, &,
The Presenet'lltrpalit in any part, indicates n corrupt
1 1,
state e i the blootetshich,uathre,ii striving to correct. A
few do. a of WritehriAndi.M,yegetublo Pills taken on•
gob); t bed wiltAllcorliiiii tegive relief , if the thing be
at alkp 'Bible -
~:•,, . -
It is ell known that the South end West suffer \ more
frombi lous disorders thug flow ell other, combinakb—
Thls is tartly owing-49.311e clintete, but chiefly to the
nature of. Southern auil'%Vestein life. The sansotions ne
comdatiying liver - complaints are of the Mott wretched
description. Habitual druukeiniess is frequently brought
on hr liver coniplsini. . A potient suffering from this dig.
,esse, abratld not ho. mocked with pretended; cures; yet
'there aro very few thetlicMds Meter° worth n Nu.' w in the
'removal of this complain:. Calomel has hitherto been
the chief reliance, but the remedy bop proved itself worse
than the disease! What them shell be donel We sitY,
give iVright's 'lndian Vegetable Pills a trial. I If they do
not sweet your expectation.. we aro wititogl to bear; ell
the opprobrium of Llll{lff. 'And e.e my to all
MS I 11F31...
There is no rick run—uu weary threwn away—you arc
curtain of benefit: I
_ .
Whoa you hien found thut Wright's Indian Vego.ahle
pill■ nre n “Isetle" the hest incoliente you ever hard of,
4(14 Jo Mein! ,Dniet ,run after every upsilon lartnetly,
W hi c h a t tem pt s t o hltistenitsalthott notoriety, Above ell
of Wright's Itboau Veget,:bln Pt le, - Previous , to .the in•
troduction of this Medi/inn, Indino Pills were never heard
of. Now whet hots of them' And after all, what are
theY, but miserablo imitations of the Original medicine;
no more like it, than chalk is like cheese? One moo ad
vertises, "Improved" Indian Vegetable Pills This would
be a capital joke, if it were Ices serious. Deward of on
There is no safety 'elsewhere. • The country is 'were,-
in: with counterfeiter., both of money:and of medicine.—
But which is the worst) Is not tho cnunterfeittw Of* toe&
ititie hut little better than a robber, and a murJererl—
Huy of the regular Agents only, we saw agent.
MIEN rol ERIE COU:irr.
0. D. SP %Prom). Erie. ,
Samuel Hutchins ,t C.,., Waterford • i
Joint McClure. Sen. Guard.
J. BA wersiece, Union.
Riley & Potter, Wen Sprineo:l4. I
W. l'oWnseiel, Sprinefiebt.
D.C. t own it lle.,Watteburg.
" " Not th Last.
John Clement. Futrriew. - • • •
Wan A PEN ON TitE TOP 2.AnEL 3/ EACH SDI, NoNit Oi, UT
genuine, and to e.unteefeit this i 4 0 11 OF:ItY.
Ofllcei devdled exclugively to the tale of, Wrig In 7a4
Vegetable Pill% urholesnle aro! retail, 101 Rue Ftroel ,
l'hilltdelph io, 288 firenowiele St reet, New York; ild It
'Tremont Street, 11p-inn.
FAO. July 21, 1817. 10
Cahla y a m SS, steerage $3. to'itity port on Lake
Michigan, front the opening or navigation to Sept. I.
The Strainer, A. M:.itATCIIIN, Capt. 11. Whitaker
will run during the ?alma as tenon:
LtAVjp aurrahn. LEAVES einem:lo.
Wedueaday, - , July 21 Wodansday, July 25
Thursday. , Aug. 5 Thursday Aug 12
.0 , - ,- *. 20. rsiday . .. 27
Saturday. ' Sept 4 Setuniq Sept 11
Ileindny ' t• 20 - Monday •ry 27
Tuesday. - 0.4 5 Tue•day Oct/12
Wei:Weedily, -. 4 4 2U Wedsistday . .41
Thursday, Nov 4 Thursday Nov II
Friday, •• IS . : ---`.`
The A. D. fatchin is, of the imnokt Class of Sisanters.
built with,* staid timber boittim. 13 (aches thick. alter
the plan ofthe Atlantic frigates. which prevent" the lit.
lkility of sinking by striking roc ks She is in like proper:
lion strongly built throughount ea Pates or expense bev
ies been spared to make bertha strongest butt on the
Lake.. Her model le superior to any on the western
waters. Hhe h•M accommodations fur 100 cable and 1000
steerage pawn:err. •
The 4. D. Patch in and United. States twill run as deer-
Used loU under no consideration will go into the-anode
dm •
• , ,
The thstale 'wilt please remember Olt *bey livers the
only opposition beats to the MI arum: •• •••,••• •
• 111—WHITAKElikttele Omar:
, Agg i vre _S J. UYSIII, Ca, Betrelo;
WALSR, co Am *ge • •
314 17.1P47. • ' • •
. , - T. W. INC*RE'S.
No. f, Perry',ll!ock._
July I 7
. -
Patent Etas ic : .ily Jrper - 4, 7
ONURSE'S ASSISTA. 11.`, a' n w and aunt
kJ sing rtitichs of the nurser), by' t i llicit infants
three months grip can ritnusland exercise them.
selves, resting as they dorin little Seat,or sad
dle, which serves to sustain II child and give it
all the 04)0°4 required. It 1 mem men led by
Physicians as conducive to heir th. To the mother
it is invaluableas she eau leas her lit leone alone,
and pa her return ho assured ffindi git amused
and -.perfectly 'safe. For sae at• n. I Perry
-Block. • • 1 .w. 100 RE.
- Price $3 $O. , I - .:- ,
July 17. 1817,_ t ,., - --•:. , 9
THE above is the title of a lapin the State of
Penn Sylvania just ifisu dby polloi W.
Harrison, NO. 21 4 Som m
h 7th tre,
h la a larffe,l full, accurate and sp ctllirl , mup
Showing all the internal_ im rovem nts,„voutity
litres, tuismship lines , citias, , Maga , prominent
roads r and distances from place It to o n aft the
stagn,r94s...- TO give lt,the 'highest possible de
greocf distinetivenehs, each - 'owlish R is full col
ored, and eacb county Colored in out lines. It is
ornamented wilt, an elegant i border four iiselts .
wit), encircling. portraits of eight minent Mau
of the State, The title'littiven in tt o forms, one
in English, the other 'tt German; e emitted in i n
highly ornamental style. apd slur folded with
liatuti.s of Penn and IPettuklin, -ate coat of arm •
of the eoleay is encircled i/V ooe title and that of
the skata, by the other. The size of tro map is 4
feet lit inches long by 4 f ee}} broad. lit is printed
on the best of paper-and mounted Cie must el.)
eniant and durablejllaUJlC • i . •
ABNEIt VEDDER lathe duly autherized Agent
for, the sale of the above Map- in Erie bodit v. It
mil he been itt the book stare of D. Spafrard.
July it, 1817.
TaIISSES.—A good nissortrnent of Hull's,
• Mar'sb's, Tietnates, Thompson's and 'thine.
bares Trusses, ;'sorted sizes for sale low by
JnlY. 17. 1817;
(N NE of Eir. Sherwood's Vibrating Eleetro
kJ Magnetic Machines, an inv,iluable instru
inent in •the treatment of rhinmatic, spinal and
nervous` diseases, for sale by Caller 4- Brother,
N 0.9 Itc..o4,llouse,
Jufy 17, 1847. ..
-,.. 9'
Co:lll33.—Sideolres,ing,icurl and back combs,
. carved and plain. 'Shell, ivory, Butl4lu and
common born, the vqty latest styles, in great vu
ritry, by Carter &Blether, No. 6, It led House.
July 11, 1917: ' - I.; -, 1 . p
_,.....-__ _.....+_._
AAPEIt. Mourning and note paper, plain
fancy nd gilt; line g nal i , I) and American
white and blue ruled and k plain letter paper; c.ird
and letter, envelopes, a beautiful assortment, for
sale liy tirter - Ijk Brother, No. 6; Reed [louse.
July 17. 107.. - • . ,
TA ;LEN THE C 01.0119.
ALAMBER.TO74 would, respectlidly an
s nuttnce to the Ladies and Gentlemen n 1
Erie and vicinity, that he has taken Rooms at
Tammany Hall, and is now,prepay I A to etecute
Daznerreotype Likenesses in a stye,• which Mr
truthfulness of representation, an for minute
and accurate blencling• of lizlit and shade, cannot
be excelled by the 'must delicately fidished Wel
Haring dVaiie[i himself of II the late improve.
manta in the 'Art, he will noW enualze to do bet
ter work than has heretofore been 'done by env
Artist stopping 10'11115 place.
Room open Irani 8 A. M. to 4 P. M. -
July it% 'Bl7.
NEW wrilitE.
'riE undersigned beg leaVe respectfully to in
J. form their iriends and the public generally
that they have entered in.° the mercantile busi
ness under the name of m (Auras & Co.-, No. 4,
Cheupside, next door south of Mehaffey 4. Brews
ter. 'Chetr stock of Goods is , entirely new; fur
serpassing, in richness, variety and cheapness,
any stock of goods ever brought to thi!s market,
and embracing every style of Staple and Fancy
Dry Goods, among which will be (blind'
b i ge n tieldrrihil l e r i j i tl l e lig figo a g, and F "" eh .
Shawls of the latest designs, varying in price
from 75 cents to $25;
Summer Stuffs, Drills, Jeans, Ca.ssimeres, ere.
Brown and bleached Shirtings and Sheetings
of every width-and quility; ,
Broad Cloths. Cassimeres and Saitirietts;
Cal i coee, Mll2l i ns, La mill end G i glut ins;
Bennetts, a Splendid assortment;
Ribbons, Artificial Flowers,Ltice and Ruches,
Umbrellas and Parasols, a -great ssortinent;
.Carpeting and Paper Hangings..
Also—Millinery Goods, Tailor's 'Trimmings,
Moreens, Damasks, Linen diapers, Cro4), French
I?.mbroideiies, Silk and, Col,top. finse„Kid, Stilt,
cotton and Lisle Gloves, Vestiega, a great "va•
riety. I
In connection, with the above wiil u
be found a
well seleeted,eteelf..of GROCERIE., of am , 3
quality. City amt .couptry Merch fag suppled
with any article in our Ifne on foam ile terms.
' moirr . N Sr. CO.
Erie May IS, 1817. 52
Spring of 18411 ,BY iS af n g of 847.
-.. 7 4„ ,
Rail ":-L72 - -- z- "F '-tr -:--Z[4-- load!
, ..:...
N EW SPR 4 .
ING - . SLININIEIt ( 001)8, just
received at the Je?: Store, Nt i .
I Commer
cial Exchange, ofFraneh and Fifth sts. ~
Mosrs, utter encountering all sorts of perils, by
sea and land, is here with his new and fashionable
Goods, in New York and Philadelphia
at the lowest cash prices, and embracing the great
est vat iely of Fancy and Staple Dry,..Goods ever
brought to this place. A few or them will be no
SlLKS—StriPed Poult de SOir.
, .. ['laid Grena, dine,
p hpo. Fou33, • I
Hem watt }lslcstriPed lila
W l hite, wateite4
White and black Satin,
• Plain black Italian, ,
Colored Florence&
French Gin:elm,' new Mid hentl
Muslin Robes, pinia and embrokk
French ettibroidereci Robes for chi
Very pretty MdeLeaines for
French. worked Linerlcambric lld
Embroidered and bordered 'do. d
Doublet& single French needle-wt.
And Capes„.
Embroidered muslin Shawls, r
Silk, Cashmere and Earrage do.
French Barrage Scarfs,
English thread Laces, Swiss and c,
Ilias, •.; .
Black, white and colored French IT
Sirkrin,d mohair gloves and milts,
Ombra irtriped Bonnet Ribtinds,
Figured do. _ do.
Cciriethian Cord, Lace Buttons,
Silk ponnet Wire, &c. 4.c.
Ir...7'Alind'the name and nurnhe
No. I, Ctimmerei
(1 VEEN APPLES.—Newton Pipi
ersl'othei kind of apples for si
Perry MO.' T, W.'
JuTy 3, ivy.
5000 R6LS. New Orleans, Lo
ed. Crughed' and N 1 mien
cheap for cash, one door north of the
June 12, Oil.
EIRESH FRUIT.—Yeu can find
People'a OzanAee, plt
;Lemons, Figs, Prunes", Box RaiSi
and Citrons:cheap for cash by
June 26. ,W. F.
A 42 LBS., first rate Call t ishp
9lbuld hide Mackerel, for sale b
. June .26. W. P. RiNPE
PARCS Kid Gl°Yee—A beautiful
Whim Sod Colored. selling chew
Cheapside; by MORT'
•Mrier.-May 22;147: •
XDOZ, Paiaeola. Perim)letta
1 eF. ,flatn Ave
,ilWeropt, tnanufa4ar
all shades andcolora,juat apaned,byl
April 4 23. - ;WILLIAMS F i
irt YE ST UFFS,=-Itladder, toeW
Nic WoodwCant Wood, ,Airom •
Slue Vitriol; Cream Tartar, Indigo, et 4
cheap for the readY,by , =
- I* • w.l7ltitioEß;
QTEW ART'S oelebnuegibinT; FgCtable ;tie
0 J u st the t thing you Teo ol: at AbottiuNen,
'Store? No. 1, Cheiptido. , MORTON & Ca.
Rd. Mar '23. P3rrt. __ _ t I
1 • .
I I • r
, r
' '
ii tk. bf ~e
-- i - ~ I
I ti ftil auk: a,
• 153,
tired Collars
{id Gloves,
I Exchan
'French st:
ins and sev-
Mb at No. I
!if eulveriz
i min Soar;
it Window,
t No 6, Poor
ins Raisins,
s , Currants
also, a few
I assortment,
. at No. 9,
N & co.
'to., for raid
"Leitilt HERE, WILL; YOUr'
I• you wish to buy cheap, you will please call at
INDERNECHT'S N0.6,1P00r People's Rosy,
W ere you can figd the Cottoning articles, wh ir
or wet rented goodr—COßee, Sugar, Tee, Molly,-
se , Tobacco Or all kinds,sitibe. PePer, Spice; env ,
narnOnd , Cieves,Nutmegs,ftsinoes,Starch,Choco•
I+;Cocoa, Mustard biy.iiiet ponied or. box , Pepper Strum, Lenten Syrup,lblivdr Oil, Lainp Oil V:ne
2. r,FiroC'rriekers,Cusrile Soap of all kinds, Sha
s, Orttstres,•Powder, Shot, Le a d, percussion
Ps and Pills, Candle Wink, Twine, Matches,
.iivv Blacking, shoe Brushes and tilackimr,Ctralk
dir and Rosin, Nlocohoy and Scotch Snuff, rail. I
l'er, Brimstone, Epson) Salts Glauber Salts, Sal- 1
tug, Bed Cord', Rope, Fish and Chalk Line.,,
vrinn, Patent Pails,'Tubs,- Willow Waszonr,
ash Boards, Wire Sires, Almonds, Madeira
ta,. Frlherts, Curry Combs Lind Muse Ca•d.,
rev Brushes and Combs, Sal 'peter, Dairy mill
1 . begs, Proprns, Corn / %Vhi-ier and Hearth
ormi, WiritcWash Bruldes, and' ether ' oft icles
nnetertis to mention. tPlease c 1 :111 and See for
yirselveP ' Erie, Jima' l
Rl' 1917.1
1 I
as and, Nlatrillajtht 9, I,ust re
for sale cheap at )4. I Perry
T. W. MOuitE.
• . 5
SS A RSA PA It I Li s A, a id other
pin-arises. For' Sale It
J. fis BURTON Co.
t_ .._._-I....____
,;de. AND A itP::.— II
3ett . by
Tune' 19.
1 3 - v vi
ITitri- 1 ,1')
• Tonic Mixture, India Cholu7ogue,
ALtxim Agile Pills
`Poore Vervifoge,.„ Pertivlsii Burk,
For suleyholebule oral
Erie, June 1b 1817. - , 5
A onitiO, - Oil Vitriol, .
Alum, , intthzo, •
Copperas„. ~ Blue Vitriol,
Cream Tartu, Cud Beat, •
Arzols, Cot:Lineal, ..• •
Fpirits of Tin; Liquid klbie, er clintrie Ibt
I.o.rallod, Nie ‘Voed, (green, .
Cain , Madder, -
Furrielt„, lied Saunders .
For sale eerS. elleariat No. 6, 11•441 Flim.r, by
CA ltTEll mcifrtiEß.
Jti-u. O. - - • • n
MONG our stock o ill be found
.100 kews pttrv.lV I,i :e Lead ; Flutr,to
• nod rittsburgh manufacture.
1630 lbs Spanish Whiting,
.010 Venition Red, • •
509 Vreirh and Vet law 'Clchr?,
100 'French Green, a beret. article.
300 lied Led,
k . 200 Litlau nen,
200 papers refined Laniiddnyk,
tigo boxes Chrume yellow 11 . 111 gryen;
100 Turpeniine,
100 do Lint:ned Dil,. •
50 du C. pal \twain'', cuntl M i ld
20 (Iqz Paint Brushes, asgortell. NIZPV.
Just rCeeivod and for .s.ic on accomiiiJdatiwz
at No 6, jived-tiuuFP.
CARTEIt Z L'l.2.OlllE'L
19. \ IBI7. 5
1 EING licensed under the Law.a'.lBl6 to_retail
11 1 VillOt/A and SpiriLous Lignn 8, ret a rzUnd
,so.tmcnt of III
Hoek, - . -
And ;Current to fines . -
Brandy, Holland Gin , v
Jamaica Spirits, Aml AI I
For sale at as I r lW rittPs as the a nun t 91(11.
Ye ever been otßrred in this inathet, at Nu,
'ell House.
Erie, June 19, ISlt,
UPEIt Frenell and Ainetican ruled Lid
11 plain Little/ Paper,
Yruird anti Noy. s inacitipit
.itts Carmine anti Red Ink,
ht rs , Common, Note, Ttansparent Moto,
Mint , Wax, - •
tinktrats t:~nd
n lt h iff.r eiiTs":"& co.
I.lrir, inno - 191h. !Sl7
ore Port,
Froni the City of Meiico.
rrival of Emil§ and Ch-nif Grotri co
At No. 1, errry. kifoek.
SINCE the Taiiffhai been takim o :I' ihr int:
ports iuto this countiy, end ph iced on that of
:Toxic.), it 'Ws cnibled dant: , ‘vlin.,latle
Groceries in 1 ilt*EllSt to sell theml.clicap. v. We
wi•H rill who-want anythitta in the Grocer; line.
to c..i1l and examine our stuck, for ate do, es-wri,
n i hoot fear df o.ltradiction, that we .hai , e• the'
tre=hest lot of; Groceries an this market, liailn::
all been purchased from, tire latest ,iinportalton.4.
In nar Aoelt may be fottnd the followiwz:
~T;niperiol, .Gunpowder, and, ,Young Hyson
as; Java, Rio, Laguira and St. Dinnin
go,Coffees; Loaf, 'Pulveriscil, * Porto Ric,.
and N. O. Sugqrs; Pepper, Spice, (lin
ger, Cinamon, .7\ - ittinegs,ilace, Clore.,, Rice,
_barley, Candies,. ,e(crtti, Brazil,
Madeira and Pea nuts; .4lmonds, Filberts,
eft.; Fruits—.lpples, Raisins, English Cur
rants, and Figs; Sperm and Tallow ca.:idles;
6'u l minar and Winter strained Lamp Oil,
sulierliir article, Salad oil, Fancg Sharing,
Variegated, and Bar soap. "Virg —pall,
White Fish, , Mckerel, .11ackinue Trout
and Herring;
Kirninlt's extra: Fine cur chewin ,, , Spati'ish
Smakin and OavendiCt 'Ecitmeo, Pipes; I '
Iteg.tliti,Piirrcipai -2- Trabuck,Leridra anal com
mon Ci.vrs.
Colorea and plaindiasa and Maniiia Mats.=
tlesides a hust of other articles. io supply the :
wants of 141. 4 fre.,b,supply of groceries re
alti vedlsemi -omfithly. ' Caill and rximine gimis
'a id itriccs I ii.l l‘a. 1; Pea ry 11lock,I. ; 1 i
•4, ' T. W. M1...1011.E.
Piet , 1847. 1 ' i , .11 4
,1 ,
Ani Frcr,sH GROdERES,
Nol• 6 -Poor ;People* RoW.-
121Ntr , u 1,,,,5 ) let ielf
44 w
!ei i iod . a
re:e a dwell =e4.eted ris-10 i'n)6l}t rt
iSillily Groceries; Dye Slt frs, !ry.ails al al
icli h will sell cheaper iii caslithaa any
I.dishmeet, la town. Please call and
1 - Joao l'l, 1817. '
Erie Ju
WF. p
• lat.;
drr and Fa
other est&
J l . NI V NA-1 21a tiags tit°, Ctiba,..6t. th)
minto and Java Coitip, one d .or +milt of the
Big Window, State stree-,, by
June - I?, Mil
861 Fl il!: _LE A li—Ats invoice td
this superior article just received. Also,
Pittsburgh Lead, (Pahnestdek St. Ca's make,) thy
and in Oil, always on hand and arraw ed.
Julie 12. . J. /1.. & CO
It.t.t.:lw*ts Fresly'reds, mid itkr
II sale by the t.thes or leE 9 1 1V
June 10. N. P. It I N'llgit NECI IT.
.500 GAL•MOI.ABSES, just meek e , l,and
fur stile cheap as the etteapebt, one Aluur
north of the Big Window, by
-June IS. • W. F. it INDFIRNM:IJP.
490 GALS., Ohio Syone \\' are, for tra:e ou'
re , door north of ttie \V indow.
June 26. - tit N N 1 7.0 HT.
riADWILLL ha4lsi received from Nov York
kJ/ a row vary choico Lroods,lto which ht im ices
tlt4 attention or.tho lathe's 'alid minas wis tin_ to
purchase, consisting of Orlolins' NI uslitiii, a new
Dail beautiful article for dresSes, Swiss *Wins,
Br i dm Barrages, Plain dn., Fringes and Gimps,
Sf Wand Cashoierb Shawls, Tarlemn Molls, ,pc,k . ' Nora expocreil daily, particulars Given in
fiil'nezt Wank; in the rucuarittio he respectfully
an icifit a calJ.
' ' 11. CADW ELL:
'— • '
' . 1 11. 11 0 y V 3, 18 18c7.
lONS.4lonr, Pork, lituris„ Shotrid
firer, dried Apple ' dried Peaches, Corn Meal
C dilA.While Fish .Maclterel, Potatoes and ev
• e h r a
n t d h
a i n li g d i fo n re t .a hr o P by ro itrioi) Lino, constantly on
'Lions 1.6., . P. RINDERNECHT. ,
._ t. WINDOW GaPti; '.
ARTER. .le BROTHER have just received
their summer stock of Window Glass, which
is, arge and complete, Varying in size from 7x9.t0
I 500,•and Will be'cut td any size or shape desir
ikwithotit extra. charge. Putty always on . hands
"Julie 19, MIL
AKE NOTICE.—Those indebted to the late
• firm of Smith Jackson ISt Cm are, requested
tol make immediate payment; es this la thee second
request. Uhepotherearill be no.leno,lloo. " At,
te/d to this' and save costs. • L'
L-41 H ' " NCICSOSI.
Julti 31; 1 817. I , r .I 11
Tlll3 l mum ROi►sit wiebtetiat ■
A N invaluable reniedy for liorres, enttle and
domestic animals, in ti e cure of
iolluvring diseinsev;
Frritti 11 - otiods,;
Galls of, all kiio+,
Sprains, !Matte:,
Cracked Beds,
F turf,
Str.rins, I. , ,erness,
2fna f'rarks,'
pandered iTet, ' !
Rin~Gonr w in !.I!,
I'o'l £t..l Ca llta e;
Horn Distroper.
Sparine, Sorenty,
It is al.flo a liniverEnil Family Embrociiiczn
diPeuses of Human Vleshomeh _
Ett-rnal Poison,, • "
PoMfid iKcrcous
R;t,a uf
Fri's: Bites, !iric,
. .
Bolls, Corns, Irhit/eiri o
Morns and Scalds ' Chilblains, -
Cramps, ' Chapped ilatio'S,' .., i
Centred* of floe .1/esTfcs, Stealing's ; lroundk,
ll'enkno ss of the Joints, Kuked Berea:. . ' : •
dt,, 4 tltra-M:( l ll..—it IS woithy o
special retuark,,tlnot besi,l4i, th- erect and extr '
ordinary powers in the tufer ellscifies oft •
horse in which its vir t ues filsf :ttracte4 the atle .
Grin of the farrirr andlooner, 1111,1 the wonder
the public generally, it has blyln successfully eti
plnve,l in a great •eariety el Idle maladies tide,
alt;cl the human lace; and it hos proved bs 0 ,
,wonderittll:antol it ltu i , pettiirmed on the lower in
im.d=, that it JS enfiunnd wilt eitrative properlie
nut folimi in other lier-le oilt, whiL4 has ta11. 7 ..t.
ed its claims tozcnend confidence. ' •!' '
Beware of the cnuntorfeit ~irticle, and be sari
the nainit.Olthe scit.k. er.oreinron, U. W. Me '
(Anna, Lotf:pert, is blown in theltinft.:.l
, l'l' IsTer tut i men i als, synop , i, crdia:lntes, an
, ! rode of treatineol, seeri ;11110/let which occomF-
Ilies each hot In.
-Sold by J. 11. lloliOn & Go. Erie S. S. S. &.
rasactt. Asiltabula, Ohio; and D. WebAie
Conne;itit, cfhio
compouNn FLUID
For Removing Diseases of the Blood,
.It-hiqg from wt abuar ef Mee -I
• , t'l't . I
c'hrottle aniicortstitirti9: ul, Dii
(gee hurl. tu •
h!...,Nfulti or Ki , f,l'S E9l S•eun
daril : , :mtelti' • t; eettejal,
„ Or
Lleeratittn. at:revel :as f,
the -77 .. Stt.te.. C'he•-le .
Li/ .t-s, aUli vilizr I,n t.
,e kely. „- 1
• • 0.,1.1..s or 7, ,, idn'es on eh. Ate
j'lscaly patches, anti tthrt u•-,
tti ti the n/ the sit.. 1
11 la. Nenrrey. and c ther .Fes.'
Galle allec't-ins.
il . ' 9s. P
hit. , Sada/ 9s. Pain 4,ry.
. remedy ii prepared troinmii . e choicest st
lectc,l niarcri4 l .4. the net C properties of which ar
c.; roctrd by an imPrm•ed prover,•Withont heal
ou account of which ii,is.prererred by Pliyslciant
as helm , more tmiMrin and active than any othdi
new before the public_
A ,full account oldie reinaika l ble ceicaty of tim
remedy, in attnaritaN at cte.e. of tlic must ag:grirt.
‘Mied nuntro, martin seen by calling on the pie
pm:or m likazents.
As most f ood medicines are - counterfillicti,74ll
write aria e4ll. fur 7Z9ertsiusill:3!:san,Onriili."
see Oat the Lie wordsnre birevn
ti-c Laboratory al Gcc.W. Al-rchant, Chemis
• •r
' •
U)c!: purl, N. Y. • • • •I
- •..t-.lllitost every pedlar in the t.oontry.'is•
o f amid iti/1105.i115 MI the pti'di ..:, an Yirt.r I
they call•nar:2lperilla. The; Ohre, In' tr d t ite (
f 41;!: by J. 114Burtoh & co. Erie; S. S. 4- H
Fasse:t, Ashtabula, Ohio; D. N. ?ii'ebster, Cd&
p stitt i, obit).- ' ' .-i. lyso
(SE ASE "• of the Urioary. Organs cured b' l
dt_J• the ENT tACT or IiVCIRT, UWA URI!,'
ot:r.4. such a chrome and acute diseases of the
Bin I.(i r, • ' , Aldo, Aro* '
Vera nil,. • Giindrrl44,' "'
. Prostral, Gland, cilet 4, !Vhiirs,
Ki Inglis, and S Strictures,
- Loins, ' , I DiaMes, 4.c.
. 'fhis valnaltle metlileine is prepared only , h 1
G eo . W. Merchant, OperatiVh cdleihia &c. tick I
port; N. It, • ' ' ''• ". •''', i ••• • :,• -I 1 1
Full. and ample inzis l a. - ...iortz, testimc•niars t Si.c. r
I • i i
aLcompanY e:.e t a himli..' :
' Sold by J. El. Iltirnin SI co. Fgie; 8. 'S. Si H
Fassett, iki;afabida, Ohio; D. N: Webste -, Con 1
twato. Ohio. 1 I, ' i v 54.1
r-rwrziAN di A hlt: u Oarrarut.d artieleA
eolurir.g thz. itjr s a beautiful brown or jt•
44. k et., it, wilt not wear oft, suit the linen, or col°
the s'tin, ns inn tewify. • I
I t-iius also been used successfully ih colon l in *
Fitts. -jt
-.Beware of the enunica, it. and be sure you ge,
the pr. ptirelonly bv.Qgo,'W .. ,Morclinn . 1
thetnin, Lockport, r:".A . r.l. iz."lrtylosnaridair,tra
bn seen at the more of the pronrietcr f.n• his.age
Price 60 temp. • • 1 I
Sold_ by H. BITTIOII Er co, Erie; S.
Ashidia.., Oho; and D. N. •Webate
(mune:tut, Ohio.
1[11.N1.1 A P PIA. .—A ice2-11.1ut ur Pine A pp
•1•r just received and for' rata at No.' 1 Perr
Blucic. T. W. MOORE.
Jnlv. 3, 1317. '•• „ 7
• W. t. Sr, R. I'. HULBERT- •
Rave just reefivqci their fall Stock of.
ND vi °tad respectfully invite the attentioti
their beautifill assortment o
*EscrLISH anti AMERICAN t_i0011S;
an esscrinetit of the nee cat Und most lash
ionable s ) lee in thmtnarkeL 'The :zrritest
iiiii:Waietilts will be of red fur the lellewin . ; real
• -
Cinqnmers can utvvays find at our store. tly
latlyt and mos( d'esirohle styles of goods. .••
They intend -trictly,:n adhere to the principl
;.if et the MARKE'
TilißD. -I- • •':.l
They are taking moat all Linda of produce, So
which they pay t: li
tiltl_lieet ma rhe't.Tultie. ,
• ;I'l le 14,11 ( m in lie aintniz the most d sirabi
st y of Goods off'red,l.‘i,z:
• 'Ex" ra Rich' Puri , t inted La w'ns, Bare R, Lin
ti ,
en imstre , :, a new n beautiful a:tit:le for resses
California plaidS, t tench, Efsrlish and America
Mamidc Laiws, Plain, ild_mird hod prilltel &vie
Alutdin , „ ( Striped l'and Ha red Mu.lini,, Sad
stripedlGinte s hatns' French, Scotch and Arrierics
G i intlia mg, &c.l . ':..: • : - •
Rich silk' , Shat •Is, Chameleon 'and Hernani
Gossamer, Rerage l t Plain and EmbitiuderediMo
do Lein,l&e.... i :3 I t
Strew Onoils, comprising menstmefit 410...
Also, French tittifienila, beentiml: Bonnet.. and
cep Ribbons, Silk, and cotton parasols,
Fancy silk buttons, sill , iiingrr, steel trimmings,
Puri,c.Twist, combs, GlovesSond Mitts, lici.iery,
and hundreds of other articles toovnumerbus le
mention. We az.tin invite all to come and es.
amino our .mods and pi ices.
Die. Ainv 29, I'o7. 2
TIE Erie County Mutual InsuronceCoMpanj
•,eimtinucts to insure utittino loss anilthnosire
by .6re,• on buildings, goods _rind merchandlieol
all •denerltuions: Office on tIM east side of Ott
Public, Square, b6tween 6111 end 7tb streets.
" t !•• • •,
Wm. Beatty, • I J. ll.Yiniams,
J. o.l•Speneee, • I George Selden,
Theinas,Willis, • Srnith !Jackson,
0 iles Sanford, Elijah Babbitt,
-• W. H. Tirwrisend,' Mae;
' I Henry Cv'well. • ".'• • •
J. C. SPENCKR, Treasurer..
Georzn'Selden, Stxretary, • '
Juno t, IR t.
. -•. -~
b es and joints. •
Fenn. S'ores.plafinate - old f r
of WI Lade.
Seal &Ind. Rheum.
hiog . W M
o.ta a- d other ita
• es arise.,/ flout an imp
strie qfihe Mood; also,
.Iliztitnal Ostirene.u.
Chrotk glli.tions 411,..f- Lir
Looys mod Ch .
P.r rio , St , ,,,,sele and All
ats .0% c.
I, h.:ea much rrcomznn
tied ( Irian:slag Fpri,
,It.l :I..ltr;eig .
t '—