II portant ti'om Vera Cruz anti Tampico. !I Q 1.. Bra 11 tha N. 0 riot) uni., run July The steamship New Orleans, Cupt. Auld, rived at an early hour this morning from • i era Crut, via Tampico and the Brazos. , ,Her ws is very important. First of all we give qtpt: A ttld's report, by which it will be seen hat he left Vera Cruz for this port itS early s the 14t1t,nd then returned thither, going o farther than Tampico. , 'eport (Attie U. S: steamship New Orleans, Edward Auld, commander, from Vera, Cruz, vitt Tampico and the Brazos: On her departure from Vera Cruz, ou 6te orning.of the'44lll inst., Gen. Pierce with g command of •dotaainenis from the 3d. , agoima, 4th artillery, 31 itartury, and the h, Bth aint 14th infantry; a l l let. ac li tnent of .Itigeurs and u large dettichmennt of mq i les, amounting t0_t3,500 men -mil d 150 wag s, had taken up the linc/of march toward ' tebld. Ye arrived in Tampico on the morning of 15th inst., at 8 o'cloele., Col. tutee in- med us that two hundred American prison. pp who had been released from the city of ;aide° had been ordered down to Tampico d recaptured by General Garay at or near ejotia, about 90 or 100 miles tip the river d Col. D:aussy, with 130 men and officer', J left on the morning, of the 8:11 inst. for purpose of releasing.thepri , :lmers. They a d landed 50 miles above, unmolested, and _two steamers had returned to the city . At'' o'clock P. M. an express had an iv edl frinn Col. Deßn,sy, that they had. been lie milted to march. up un , nolosted until they et in a narrow pa:,; near lbw - pain, where th y were burro untl u.l by twehe or' fourteen in udred Mexicans 'tinier t,,ionerai Garay.— ,T ley had su:Tere.l corm lerable loss, but by tit A ssistance of Capt. '‘Vyse's artille7ylthey ,c.. hal cut their way (int an t returned to the ri - er and wanted assistance. ' 'ol. Gates despatched tier NOW Or:00111; to I V. ra Cruz with a reijui:Siti o n on Col. Wilson fo four erns panie.r of Infantry, an f also the lit amers Udine awl Mary Bummers up th,i ri . dri -el. with 150 men to the rebel of Col. IKi it may. The, New Orleans arriiel--Au_VAira i C Liz on the Ilith at 1 o'clui.l,l l .Th., whin w found the city in a great excitement. ,I Gem Pierce had marched ont, and ernlamp • - .. i: Isabout ten miles from the city, when the rs outs or out-guards came add reported a i la ges force of Mexicans at '111.3 National i! idge and marching towards the city. Er- I ervthing was got ready for an attack. The ell ipping was removed from between the eits• at d the castle. Gen. Pierce came in and took a l reinforcement of seven hundred men, m king in'all thirty-two hint tree. , In cunse qt ence, the requisition of Col. Gates on Guv. Wilson could not be complied with. We received on board 26 marines from the U iited States sloop Saratoga, and Ott the msrning of the 17th at '7 o'co.icl- 'sailed for Tampico, and heard that the two detachments lind returned and the result, as near as' we i_could ascertain, was as follows: ifhe detach- 1 jt4nts had marched up towards tri•?ir place of I destination, uumpleste.l, until they came in a ,"I arrow pass;' several miles from lliietjula i l i w en they were surroundel.by 1200 or 1.106 TM ixicans, who commenced a heavy fire On tlllii trout all directions. Capt. Wyse I got dii piece' of artillery to bear on them; utter , gi big them six or ,right rounds of grape, w itch cut lanes through their lines, they gave ~w y and tied through the chaparal, on each Isit e of the read. . i i .' ' l Fhis was en, the morning of t i ne 12.11. They continued 114;11:M1; 1 ,i - heir way hack of the river, tit inter( uls, in ril the morn-' t\ty i n of the Itith inst., Xvheii thi y were reliev \, o ': , l6:l b stli : al,srl ' ie r elC i fel i t: : Li i lita)r:rtlitl':ll.s"L'iu'll!'iftleL-:a:.;':lr:l•L'elficti..g‘'.‘irx.ii was ihiscliiilermtlidnilsil:,ll4Hll;ila.a:3‘.. The :: ' ,.. 1\3% : ..4 1 11:4: 1 1 i t: 1 t 1 c.eh l tl!'illissll,l - Innicyfi e i t t‘iel i s f)%gl s :tanli s el l iiirt y ece.git l irini a e( t fr'll i jci r of i e.t e l e tirl:llll;i i irllt:l c l te° , l :ll t i ‘eire c '.lleit r e '.lll , %3liii r .l'l , '; : li . ec.Yitr s l : l ‘ lli l liiti c lril l gi e sclo o l t .'s'i : lin'ill . u j i'sl . n lC'‘t:f e t u ji:ll:t i l i t'l'llial iu 'istall'il t -11 1 :11a ' lent. Whipple, acting, adjutant of the' ls infantry, was lassoed by- a small party of "Mfrs on the 10th inst., when retiring from cemetry, within four hundred yards of the sof the city of Vera Cruz. They were ned by the Americans; who could not taken them. The chaparal has been 'ched for miles around; but his bully could e found.' . pt. William II Dull; of the 3.1 dragoons, of vomit() at Ver,s elm:, on the afternoon to 16th inst. 41.1 . hor los end the Inan, iDel 9th gue the wal put ore died of t ' um Vera Crux. oar new is lestl satisfrt6. than we should wish. On the 13th, our •spondent 'u rites, two expresses had arri from Puebla. The news had nut fully. tired, but the report had got into cirenla- INA the Mexican 'govorminent had sent tow nil siotte N to Z":111 : .N1 art in TeStridu about nine leagues from Puebla, to meet Prist and henr through him the terms hf .hy the President. This was but a ru in which we place but little cotifilence. r correspondent v. rites •.0 the - 16th from l Cruz that an expres; Item Gen. Scott exican) while on his way froni I'uc ato t Cruz, was murdered near Jalapa. Tin.; Ilas report that he fought desperately, efore he fell killed to 0, of tlEtir number: wn express ridertiTrived - in Vert Cruz 0 - morning of the 16th -inst., %i ithrint his s and severely wounded; Ire Caine by out of Orizaba, and vt hen S'ix leagues that place he was attacked by five guiq t!- td captured. They took from hum his i t! inflicted seven severe,wounds upon him poniard and left him for dead. Had he uyed possum a little he thinks they would my have finished him. , er they had It ft him he found aintsiness to our agents in - Vera Cruz, torn into erns, near him. Ile . gat herel up most pieces and took them safe to Vera tory 111E7 EMI Vera goer and Our' on tl lette the from las a lette with riot p cella Oifr correspondent, v. rites that alter g the pieces together as N 5 elt as he could, Id only make out the followirer items: . division atritied at 'Puebla on l b, al) American Army its ill.] march on, to ,ty of 'llle, ico toe ceri tiniy if pence were i on made. • TIM po•: “ ript, dated the 11th 'says that peace nas he order of the day. }'ritei placed nu faith in the prospect; i .he ;creel that Santa Anna's solo' object was time, a principle of gengrarpolicy with ,exicans, especially with thatgreat man. corresponde c k ‘vritea thata large part command o 1 -Gen. Pierce left on•the 1.-ite , general was expected to get Mr ening of the IGth. Our letters say no 'about the fore collected nt the Nation ' dge to oppose our advance. General • bad been ill but had recovered from his •. ' Governoriof Vera Cruz had received nformation as led him Suppose an attack .he made upon the.citY as soon as'den • ierce left, and preparation.; had been to defend thit place. General orders sailed for ever} , ,citizen' to enroll himself Captain Tibbitts and hold himself in ess fok any ernergeneY. . art. VL. Parker,-'of the navy,' died on di inst., oni board the steam frigate I.lpi, Lieut. Parker was saved from the e, taus severely wounded at Tuspan, the capture of TahaSco,.and , hall been i, th a fo r eoost in almost every enterprise alien by the iiiivy. ' lid was snoble, • ml gener u ug,i and beloved by all \ who hint,- , united reatli/ I• the Huta° WIN ' tinder braem knew , bunt ,ndtir• Ji e copy the following from the Stin of Ana f the 13111 la not so late as thse I sitbsequently received,- but contains f the v:inors ail= ' = A privatewxpress arrived here night before twit front PuetAn, bringing, very interesting intehigenco from-that place, from 111e3tioo, anti from General Cadwallader and 'Pillovis trains. -, The express left Nett'la:on the 31 inst., and. brunt) private letters dated the same . day.,:' , , News had been reoolvCd the day ,previous'' from Mexico, that c immissioners had beep : appointed . by the Mexican Governmeitfto'con•: for With-Mr. Trist nt San Martin Tesuletir:' can, eight leagues from Puebla, and it was supposed thoii would meet him on tits 4thof July: The express cider tivt with Gen's. Cadwalla der and their Oespective_commands at Perote. They tad beeit attacked at La Iloyi and had completely rodted the enemy, having sustain ed but little lo e ss. No property was lost, and both trainees had arrivaln . ._rerotet„whicli. 1 place - a corms ondent say•, they were to jeave on the 9th ins tint: ' " - ' We have s en a letter dated MeYtico• ' July The writer says that' be does not doubt. that a treaty of peace would _hp cmicluded at once by the cominissioneri. , lie - also says that the peace party has become Si) c•Msidera ble in the capital that ho thinks that Santa „Anna (who is always on' the side- of the lrengest) will soon pcoouncehimseifin fa vor of peace. , ' A letter from Pueblo, which was written several days before, the express left that place, hays that there had bean some sickness among our troops. We do lint give our readers the whole contents of this letter because it is full of ritingAyhich had not been realized at the late,t The Mexicans were still fortifying the, city of *.lexico, liut tho I - 1109.11i of the Government were so lim i ted that we do not doubt that it will not be inure than a day's, work for Gott. Scott to demolish all the Mexicanq have done iu tierce months, in case they should show ru sistanee. A YEart's•Sr.tviteE.— Lieut. Emory, of the Vedographital engineers,' left Washington on the Gill of JUlle l y" 1:346, and returned there about theist of May, 1817. During that time, he travelefil steanr 6,990 miles,' by land 3,600, rode oit horses and mules . 3,500 niles r otiseri;ations, Ini.l out Iti,t at-t:ktt , d iertaying out two forts, dud was waged I;r.rsonitily in one skirmish and three pitched baffles with the enemy.— It will he recollect t ert that this officer went out as chief f4otrphical engineer of Brig. Gen. Kearney,: and wait scot borne by him aril hearer of despatches ant California. After' crossing the Continent', he was appointed ad jutant general to the cornhinc,l naval and ar my forces that tnarcheil from San Diego to the Pueblo delos Angelbs, which force foug,ht. the battle of the Bth arid 9th of January. lle was iu the charge at San Pascual, and one of the few who were not killed or wounded / in that- fierce little conilict which °petrel Gen. I( . 2.arney'a road to the naval forces ip San Diego. When Lieut. Emory was ordered to this service, he was just from a two yearr; Campaign on the northoaatern boundary snr %vv. Tire seientificinanner in which he ex ecuted his work amid the exposures of the north drew forth the praises of even the Brit- isb commissioners, mid caused him to be warmly recommended for breves to the Amerirwto cfmatieslitier,4ar. Smith, aril by , iet;nt t bead of the sci entific carps of the son Batriol. .1 CAI:LA:NT ioirpt.—A :-hurt tittle pre% i oils to the hide of Buena Vista, ft youth in New ( .e I ans maw Premeanx, alauit, 17 years . i(rp. determined to join 'the army of General Taylor, in Mexico, and did so, ranch against the wishes of his. friends and rela tive:. The New Orkans Courier thus r.,fers to his conduct in the brilliant battles which 'occurred soon , after he readied the enemy .. .5 dountrvt. . . Whew he arrive.) in Mexico hp lost no time in Curling a place %%hero he 1614 t are to ob. twin an opportunity to distinguish himself in the thou approaching ootnbat at Buena Vista. Prompt as lig hiuing, chivalrous as Bayard, he • --r-nirrurr—wz pained wounds of Vie -ahr . o and lrin!ce. lie was left on the field, wh-re, after the enemy retreated, he wits 101111.1 ahno=t lilelev 11n mediate and al..siitious attention wasigiven to hilw- i —he was slowly re:: 'red to his senses, and in a few weeks, with v with an! courage to siistaiithim, was in a fair way of recovery. Inteiligenee had arrived here that he was dead, but, to the unbounded gratiticat hut of his friends, itwasat length announce I that be not only vva.ri but inure than ever` pre pared and resolved 11l make the MexiCans pay dear for the blur d Which.he had lost. . When this brie tad left his home he was wpiapil in' the I figit School of New Orleans. Ilk companions in that institution are about to procure a splendid.sword, and for Ward it to him, as a token of -their Admiration of is courage and berm: m. • FINANCES or•tor. STATn.—We are hip-hiv gratified in beteg able to state that the .wm pinery loan of two hundred thousand dollars, which Was made to supply the deficit' in the Treasdry mt the first of Pebuary last, to pay the interest then due, was promptly repaid out of the Treasury at the tilee stipulated, and that there will be in the Treasury on the Ist of coining, ample funds to Meet the interest which alit then be due, and probably a surplus 101.- This folly sustains the state 2 mem made by Gov., Shank, in his annual , :S511g1; at the cninmencement of the la st ,- , ez•Z , ilHl of the Legislature: Ile then stated that there would be a deficit on the Ist of miry, lint that it would not affi!ct the re sults of the IA hole year; that taking Old whole tinfincial year there was every reason to believe I the receipts of tile year noold be folly' tule- I irate to meet the demands upon till State, abil leave a balance in the Treasury ., From' the results thus far, there is every reason to b-l•ev.i t that the Governor's estimates will be , more Ilan realized. -This state, of things •cannot be minimise titan pleasing to every c i t i zen of peonsykaoia, who possesses a prope: feeling of State pride, and especially triton he contrasts the pre-cat financial con the State with what it was e fe,w years ago, when we were taunted with rept!- ' thation and bad. faith. vt \ Vito liesi rex that this stet( of things shoidd be changed, to enter again tip et wild projects and. untried experiments, in the Fah) of our public works, and ift the creation of a mam nwth transportati m company t—Deniumitic Union. CAUSE. f.F FLoun.—The New York Commercial Advertiser of Thori dtry, sfiys• ' "One reason for the late depression manifested in the flour market is: that a large quantity of Western is arriving ,which is in bad order, and the holders are forcing it on the market for fear of its souring. Good qual ity flour not being so pienty, is firmer, partic- Ularly, so as regards Genesee, which owners prefer to sßip-and take the risk of the English Market, rather than to sell here at the present prices. Amn-Qo.—The War-mw Signal learns from various sources that guile a change has come over the city of Nao voo. That city has been known as rather a,hard place, ever since the fall of the Mormon Dynasty. It, became the r eso r t o f rogmqd and scoundels Who, for a time preyed upon one another f nad, upon hnn: est men who , attempted to make their home ninon , * them. Now the better class of citi zens have been training ground, and,they have attained the asededency, and the,conseqdenee is, that NanvooOnaii become quite an orderly end well -regulated town. icauvoo is the handsomest 540—Quincy excepte d-..0n the Upper Mis.sissipo• TALL VAl e fill!rG.•—•• A - Mr. P. F. Johnson recently walked from N ew Orleans to Litlce L.Ponchartrain—al dibtance -cif five miles—in forty tninutes. In order to make himself as comfortable as pbssible during his tramp, he ; carried- forty Iniunds of baggage upon his shoulders. ' - • Foreign News by the, WaShingtsn.-1 The newit is not important.' , The weather continued- fliiforable, Ana/ ther e is searcelY : room to tloutit; an abundant,. harvest. - V,i;eti' the potatoeapnears to lie - .",iery. geneolly"_ healthy; and:to promila,,lfotintiful. in,'•mar.! kets, there ialittle change ' but; a cuttlittaa, inproii,errientzin money,andbusiness. Fever to ai:alarmine degre&still prevaili' in Liverpool. In addition to the death.; al ready recorded, the Rev. Vin. Dale. of St. Mary's, Edmund street. died on the evening of Saturday week. Ile js,thp eighth yictiin of the Astilence among the Roman Catholic clergy kit Liverpool. The authorities have been resolved to, take instant Fte , psi noorthat, the new poor l'aw is coming 'tutu-operation, mildly lut lirtnly to remove the number of pauper 'widen" - have so - lon lieieg,ed the town o Liverpool. •Typhus•leveris increas-ing alarms ~iYi among the “oavvies".eMploy c ed on the 'altidonia Railway. Jutemperance Nvantil s veLet;ble food, tiny, the damp, huts ' which these I borer; inhabit, have contrilni-- ted• te.inerease the prevailing disease. 'ln London, ulthongh sonic instances of typhOid have, occurre ',Alm metropolis is genera ly free front taliginvit fever.--Europe in Times. • ' - • ' 46 • Leuiii Pliiilipp's' heulth ii fa i l-- t i , but attributed to- stuck -job -1 his lainily arc at Dreita, coin ie death of the Duke, of Or- Rnmorg tha l ing urn curter biug. pe.an memoniting liinns. I of Prince Jerome Bottaprole t i eephalin, to• the chamber ;of log to be allowed t rabble:lit tly to be grunted. fly revenue return of the .13cit nt, are hig..bly satklarlory,4:mi ueral derangement of trade du ll-et! (tomtit., and the greatly di oyttent M the main branclimi of imluAry. potit int' ex-filing of 11 1 Doputies, prt4 PI.IVICO, The (parte Govenntief Bt.leritia the , ring te lint t mini Leif env Aoann fa et urin I=l The decree mounts to 10,0110,bales %'LVI cotton wool a cept ion of a slight decrease if IL on the quarter, [herd increase on the total revers ' no fe,S tlitin -C1,001,020. With the 6 the Customs "a comparative for the year ci Inur,AND. nals continue at the declar the Irish pied neAA. Th e y geared in thel and aound. The Tories Cork City at return of M The Dublin arof provincial joor- Ito express their astonishinent tion of 1.9r,1 i:itssell respecting ito crop,. a nd deny its correct ming potatoes which. have ap market aro ofg,ood flavor, mealy havo been signally deleate,l the efecthin, by the triampliabt . Power, the hberal call iidate, ',)ponent, 9lr. Lender, the ' Pro 'he cloittx numbers were;—Frr rigninst his o tectionist. ' \ Mr. Power, ;1 1 . 281. At the wee! sonintien, on barrist;l Ing, wtt W tirstl aterfor.l. eenunk, 104 Iron thc! I the nioce4e4 I 11; Mr. Leader, (AO; mtjorit l y,' . 1 .1:cly ineetio'g of the Repeal Ai the sth tilt., Mr. E.'INI. O'llA i ter, took.the chair. The meet a.hireei-ed by Rev. Dr. O'Brien, . v:lio appeare3 at the Assleitt i. howl to hand ill a slim of f:/ill ICI'g) : Mell 6f his persdaston iir of Waterford and Lisrnorp.— Atter riposlclii, rice (J'Cunik LO :s from Messrs John anti Mau -1:11, the Repeal ltent was an .Cp2:l tos: \re regret to learn that. in spite of the Ad lres , es of do OrAngnS kalori urging the he ut pretty tr.ice--ioa , c Orange men have wailaid in 1)111 ga moo, Itathfrillend Newry and urtlitr place:, and riot and s tone throwing follliwed as usual. In Tyrone and other Northern emintiris there were to ho 1 1 largo procds ions with t le usual ,acestimpani ments 4 ban Frs and party tuncip'un ON I•4tit iiiat., and court li:rattle alarm is expresztod as to the eoni-ehieneeg. o!rwial in I,h it.dief Comm' If :II kolnatiou has boon givou by the I. . 1, i , Ass<m to over to e nspeetiog officer 1 , ti uroughtiut Ireland, that the of enc. Temporary 30th of St.pt, periu . d powers of is desirable " I I gataeriti;rot ity. The it so required t; Sept. and Ili; .qtrout ; {....licf Act letalwr, athl, 1 InuAThe the • New 1.0 clone th the barves , VUIICCS for 0 be (11,!con , , ._ll.)ypiials Fax:tick:., It is stated that Goverinneat is secretly co:We:orating t trees on the frontiers of Spain for some unexi lained purpo , e. In trigues are zcto.ely gui n on ntMatiri.l,,pro milted by . the , .Freiich .. Charge des Alf:tires whieh, if rel ott speaki l true. have fur their object to alarm the Kimr of Snail: for his per sonal safety, so as to iiiilucirt .. iiiin to seek: e fuge in France, and thleby raise the ques tion of the s wcessiottint once. All enileitv 'ors to recto elle the King' to the Queen of .Spain, et.en:herwarnestlV expressed desire for la rtconcthat!ion bare liiilwrto proved ineffect ual. This nolrippy marriage seems to have produced unspeakable dOmostic misery to the ill-lated royal couple; and it will he, we tear, l eventuully., ,in its nationarconsequences, a LI ruitful source of political dis:tension, if not of , tutest ine xvi, i:. The great reform din: place iMPalIs. The oil sioll is to be l tic Count : frien I and relative of G.:' Mew president of the PO ris. The po,:ice audit:6 number to he present to ticket. has already bi.:4 i ed that aluttist all the' dli! , OM, Wilehler iIeI , IIItTIWY r on llama :-e,ction, b The Debiits has allot) het weeri di r e governint ,Alexieu. It tYiauy 4Qtlier4i on the sain porary expre!Fsps an opi l of the in vaalirii is to urea lieniii-ito iigil'ilet m om' 1 k et..o, to deli} ire the ine rotion On' treo the iii‘i the Coriptei4 of":ll.xicri , will wit be followed •by, stilts which the governtol ill is rottiored that tilt ha= resolved to place her IM in or money: some, ;ICH ttl d othors sflvo sorted that this loan IN : 1' Prussian (3(h - eminent, b the King pert‘onally. • 1' fact will not osealie any I ed the recrnt incidents !tits nut. usit.lo.i;s to add, t is :not a new Li trtordi nary pxpenso,:: nee i .linrope in 1830 exlia the King pe'rsonally 000,000 thalers. DEkTU IN 'I L IM A ams 0 r 1,ti.:...--f M Monday afternoon in one or-the' alleys near the ohi Brewery, a miserably, ha Bard wont an sat for most of the afternoon, on It bloult ,o! She leaning lif.n hist an empty lin g .l ie ra, Sh e h a d an' infant chill i:i her ar ni - and was caress ing it, although 'Om seemed as fe e ble an d as helpless as her otlsprir 4 Darkness Carrie, and she was in the samel plate. `..:30m0 char itable indit,itinalw disc Averell her unhappy, plight, and, resolved to,give her shelter for the night. On approaching her, they found that she was a:deep, and the - child in her argils was deuti.—X. 1. Tribrine.! DIU:AIDFUL ACCIDP.NT,--qhe Pittsburg Com mercial of Tuesday says, A "land slide" occur red in Slig?'yeste4day. afternoon, by which iive persons were killed and three wounded: 'A fragment of the al ide- T a huge rock. weii,-;li ing about a ton—Was precipitated froni the brew of Coal tHitl, , and j fell upon the school house in which Mr. Cinvers-teaches., Five elffidien were instantly crushed• to deatb,,and horribly mutilated, Old three othertf,wounded. The names of those'killed areas follow.; JnO. Davis, Chas. Duran, M. Richards, Oliver MciVitich and J. Cassidy, They varied' in age from six,,to ten years. Wounded 77 -John Craig, S. Johnson,,and Robrt If cCorkle.— The injuries of the wea . n ed tirdnOt'co sitter ed as - dangerous.. •• . ' •-. • tt: -4 ' .: • Arrival of the ilibernb. *lire ill!).1 Later-L4iight Dc4:llaate 'll,O letot,r. • • . '"` NEw,l'oalc, Aug.:2-1 I. M. The Itberni4 arrivei abolq 9.o'clock thiS tnorning,liarina: m al e her' passage An ,la f ' • days. The following n are the Liverpool quotations of the 1501 ult. Flour, sweet 3.1a355, sour do 27a305:6 . -- Wheat,-red 9s tda9s Bd, white 9s thdaiOs Beef, prinie mess 88s ti) 91s per tierce, 55a 608 per bbl. Pork, new mess 76s to 79 , , old iness bas to 72 , ,:new'prirrie 60s th O. • A Liverpool paper of the 20th ult.., states that during the last ten days the'Weather had been alinhist :tininterrtiptedli fine, ,and each day strengthens the eipectations cot rttiined °lan abundant harvest of grain, throughout Irelaticfaml all Norope. - The heavy decline in corn a hick took place at the beginning of the monih; wits checkial singe the lath. The market:has ,aamin given way. The prospects of-receiving. still larger supplies from the United status and by the way of the Mediteranean, added to the line weather which prevails in all quarters, oppressed the market which presents ever) aspect of a downward movement. The phtatoe crop is represented to be free. from danger, and contributed not a little to effect prices. . The Cotton Market has been steady- since the tOth. Sales'pretly large and It' cow:4ler able portion taken ott speculation and for ex port. • The r e ports from manufzi?t tiring districts are or a satisfactera nYtd encimraging charac ter. Home Miv faddres are noticed in the Manchester reports, but th.ey are, not to a \ eft. great ekrem. , 'l'ht; IVonlf;n lrn t? in Yorl:liire i. 3 rcimn ing tt• " • Tuft ATM \ - 44A4 Vel.t)NrWnlei.—Captain Edward Hunter, of company G, in an a 11.0,3 to the people of Anita tiros, - dated Ca irid cantada, Ma . ) , 1-1, replies to Copt, Pike, eon= cerning the f•tatement, that men form the com panies of Hunter and Daley slaughtered twenty-seven harmless Ifexican laborers without a pretext. All this Capt. Minter de nies, and says t hat one olthei r men„ Colquitt, having been caught outside the chain of sen tinels, and murdered, mutilated, and tied up to a bush, the murderers Were tracked to tbe mountains, and fowld to he Mexicans, who lived upon plunder. Those with worn they were sheltered in a cave refusing to surren der them they Were fired upon, and four kil led, according to. the court of inquiry. They were dres , ed in the clothes and wore the arm , of American soldiers,' about twenty 'of whom haul been murdered in„the saute way in which C.!olquitt was taken oil: order which Gen. Taylor issued, dbqtracing these two companies, was revoked, after the finding of the court, and theys ere rettored to their standing iii the regimeat, Capt. hunter adds sume.severe reflections about Capt. Pike and his squadron keeping (Alt tpf tire at the battle of Buena Vista. Ititlli,that Jitiwo or, we have nothjug to do, but take 'pleaimre in -showirig tliat 1)1d Arkansas boys did not wantonly 'mur der "twenty-seven innocent men, women and children."—Buster Post. FAIT.. of. Siimmus.—=l'lle Charlottesville Republican gives the following - accottilt Of the fate of Semmes, the, young loan %%119 shot Professor ()Avis, some years at the Air ginia truiversity: \Ve learn from an authentic source that Jo seph G. Summs, re-peeling whose career our readers will perhaps be curious to hear Soln,e-, thing certain, brought his iife to an end l y his) own hand, the morning - of the 94 inst., dt the house eiThis brother in Washinoton, Ceorgia. He shot Must''f with a pistol,, the entering , the I?.ft eye and, penetrating the brain, and lingercl in a state of totirl insenibility, from about '7 o'clock A, M., when the family was called tb his room by the report of a pistol, until half past 1 o'clock P. M., of thelsame clay, VYhoit his room was entered, he way was I) ing acrss I,iis Inn, and on the table was an open razor. On the table was found also a, note, stating', in the form of a certificate, dated July 9th, 1817. that his death - was occa sioned by himself; and was brought about either by pistol or razor. Irelanu, will expiro nu 'the that, .as after that grante I uti.ter the Lqw Act, it preseut.nrranwe will be ever hcrtals tea!- itmoi b . the 30th el er i , about to take .silent un the °veil de La,teyrie, an old ti. Lafayette, N‘ ho 6: !ish coati:l4o2e in l'a tics have limited the 1 2000, and that of !taken. It is expect • ..lties of the Oppiisi to the Theirs'or ()dil e p:CSOili„ t cr artiee on t he war ills of the United this article. us in i.ohjeci, our COI.OIII- ihion that the ol.jeAti I to a league of ropoTt ralties. The Debats 110aCy of the Frope -1 ders, but thinks that 43r PenMe Dl4irr or Chun.—lt i; propoSekl to make some movement to Ws paying °tithe public debt of Ohio. It nuw amounts to il 9,- :216,-260, and the interest to $1,621,260. The Fund Commi,,,liwo rs propose the fo:lowing plan, ' h . u 4 the Ohio papers say IS lea.ible. The st rphis rmenue will millet - . the debt c lt to $16,...03.319. A tax of twenty-five cents on each e iBlooo Of the present trixable Roper ty would raise sloo,oou a year; add.: this ; .'etu the sink;ug final, With other means alrmOy provided, and the debt ‘vould be paid in tnilr . ty -five years!' the United States the Fatisfactory re nt anticipdtp. .o,nporor ot t ft vcry contideraille oink I (,0000;00 roubles.. ft fis t not be unite to the N• .. h!,,, been I,ll,:ren to he intportanee of this l olce %yin)has' follbw r internal politics. iatn personal, loan to ing; when tbe ex- Or CA EMitirt NTS llonitrimn STOILY.-Tho St. Joni Republi can, in noticing the arri‘al'in California, .of the emigrants from llisiouri, under CA/10s aayri:— • About the 2lth of February. live NYodien and. tivo men arrived nt Capt. Johnson's, the firl-t house of ti q Calif settlements, en tirely naked, and ?heir fret frost bitten. They stated that . their co:Minty had arrived at Trucker's Lake, on tie east side of the mountains ; and fond I th, s l ow so dedp that they could not travel. Fearing starvation, sixteen or ttie strongest,' (eleven males Dad fiv e females') egrceil Lo 3tart for the settle ments. After, .watiderini about, a number of days, bewildered, their p.o6Bions mu out. Long hunger made illibcessary to cast lots to see who rdiould he'sae , dticed, to make food for tip rest, but nt this timimhe weaker be gutrto di:., wide!' renderqd Ittie,taking of life As they di. t ed, the company went itnO eany und inadt; Meat °Nile dead bodies of their connianioni. Nine of the. men -died, and seven were eaten. One of the men was curried - to Johnson's by pit Indian,— Prom this statement, it would seem that , ttO women endured the hardshii,s better than the mery;-ris'norie,nf them died. The comp Any left'behind numbered sixty souls, ten of them men, the others women, and -children. They were in camp about -one hundred miles from Johnson's. Revolting as it may.seemy it is stated that one of the women was obliged to eat part of the dead body oft her father' and brother, and another-saw her husband'i hea.o4 cookW• t-toned ltd• the state t,ted the Treit7ert-, meted a loan of 10,7 Y• h h e 6" h _ thorats In papers that Mr. John Downey, Sutler oI tho 2d Rogintent 'ef Penniyirania Nrulunteers, died_ in'- Vera Cruz oti!the .2.lth of Juno' , J. IL Kraft, a seaman in the St. Mary's, as he was going a,hore fro:n the expedition to Tampico, addresseddt letter to the purser, di recting that iu case of his death the money due him should go to the. benefit of the we . .en:- mem, as it Would be stitlicielit for a soldier's pay for the space of nine months in -hisplace. In forwarding this letter to the department, Commander Saunders writes:—"l send it be catise it mar be gratifying to you to know of the patriotism of one of our adopted citizens. It is more creditable to Kraft, because he had no intention of continuing in the serYice after, his term of enlistment has expired." , A SAD Snarl' ma A MoTtniu.--llention was made last winter of the loss of a little boy, the son of Mr. Daniel Wise, who lives iu l'ongliki•epsie. Ito w . as on the ice' with two or 'three other boy., but when they re turned he iiid not come with them, nor were they able to tell what had become of him.— Nothing was eve heard of hint until a few days since, when his body was' found in the grans on the fiats of the river. ills mot:her, la as out eaitiag with sonic other persona in a small boat, is mitt to have first discoverisl the remains of her little .son. slizttes Were Still on 'his feet, his clothes- open his birty l and his mittens still 11 MD his hands. MEE THE I ..oooktoa too ~.xt "_ll_,,_P A oriktug,.'Audu.t, 1, ii. . --1 1111 -'-- Ni --- *olllN..tii OR - GOYIM NOlt, ' . t a S'H U ... . _ ■ AN L CIIbI37ISIONEft, ,ONGSfII PlnitirdltY DEMOCUI F R'S'. FOR MonRIS Ei Lisos it: a July al stilm.cribers fur ( r ids it `(riTitos. 'tient to ivocur :ILOon of a' bettufftil oniaidO to-day. Pe oral manner innhie e together, it contain , Q - "Tile con be fonnd on (as truthful and on , Lents are wo excellent Choral Gu' , tte EaYs Mr. Walker' nn Tuesday ev. 'ling. was . "pithy an ye." Dues oit neighbor enders? "mon" :i,f,aid? Jecause if bo, we n 6owething to ssy on the subject 4 For IA whig friends Monday e\cni week nt least in Cr, we lute di. usual editorial endeavor to sti, ot of room and hoc; eceired coottidi tg Keep them lw pre.zent btate,of tl penned With a portio variety this 'w,ock r em up Fieep, them fromroil Ploazurc n, Nvei invite th I , the nay on tot !® enLiott Of: the r a ple'aioire .cLxrtl .ago. She will the 13th ill ?Lire it short tint .11(1 the usual Snit better opportot officers novlo ta tihem col= ay and Ft ilhy In wi-Ir of boom 1 sen.,o Neithe i.e from on of b r and se% I we besi at:offit Glien t ort ou thine v . Iturrnoil er of I.ll' as theyhave a of the first or ,f our citizen i for them a plea ,any pr: epLt it . under- lug, ul :hice o Stoamors We' hate sH r,?gitlar wishing to go any day - for rill 1 1 steanwrs Baltic _zany, Hendrick al others, call. r our port; and get one lie on the upper lak e D. Putchin, SuII 'con, Sal~a'tla E/J ndy for . coal, al l Sul hours in get, 1g a good 'Opp ] takoi passage [irst class, and traveler. Colvvravrto; MEI w a VS detaiucJ board, thereby city who may , A They are all of desirable combo A NAU eve y 1) beret w" i at opted at di. I ida evening st, ort'v nt;on, for ele idea' ati'd Vice Pr xchang,e3 that 'sue! .We 11TV ;we EtWMIIIIMIIIE ou of a National CI ablates for Pre. soe by our is! or Ow party t niost universal 0= 'we rejoice at it— hat the right .spiri' tie Democracy, an IS, will result as ,Ii t this result, we an obtained by a tuna: .IScforrhF.,,il.a as an evidence the brO.asts of campaign of ]ti• that of '44. 131 ed, can only ho made norn nat i ns, by a hearty (lilidateS thus bruit support of the c I Cofl wry. 4 .!_ k et, by the tlembera' their prituary canvass for Go% ter, so that whet thim, an exprci--sio .y of the Keyston neetings, during 1., ernor, in. regurd t n the propel. lime States may know I rate. with them in, friends in other ready to ,co-op' wriggle the pa ter with fetlerrili i be tr.le , to hcrreil cis ft. litfunk,v the north, thj`-. will again hare in. That Pennsy this fail, and le have every con uth, - the east, an the sun of t•tic brighter and bri eS4 1s evvi , y, day hterHWhile the ai erallistt in regy(l 1 . " and "piffle" i nd tliei well to sclll dur pn ntnoth cl .l omptu I cost, ( I s (fail :0 of &flat, . • • , f . 10110,1 %...( nvent I . ' can cotir.fe of ft its Wee cry of " 1 sage of the tariff voeacy of the pr and railr ads to than half their.o' them over the pt. sion, then, fur ME Nat , .ti Denioeracy of with file cheer WM with it peculiar the KeyAuize . of iree Ihat'con'claim Porkrai flowing aft 4 -the lea ) y mem, ‘'as titernbt ' l ady in a l epee - trait is a gal think we re! ures of the hc( re. lie cert.! l als we allude find's eye to id purpose. • or. thernselve&, h us that the the head mull EEL Taylor.! lion. Jo 'o -party hua R. to Ohio, H. Th , ust, th 1 knowt noV , (11,1 grest; fro cord N. Q~ po i u t fsea good at I it the %re t lie, Vida! of that pm eine the in Irt, in have tin c( ilnterp the hrti.h 111 II go ige J to sue vier:. 1 let ottire` i they &riot agr, the best S l yer dra Commerdil: I "l'hneg Whig have got 'tip this Taylor, Iknotuiu, tending hirers, etil fortuiteet q.ho in the sii ) f ils iy 0'0:1441 self their 1 in God fir it epla theta to ft uric in t von, Tli ty have or the pi T pip. '., us oolittgally co mislead them. ' error." I ME 11 1 (q 01 : hi), ip; Mr. Giddi 'mod in faro' L to be in fa men of despe d become an.rio lice; they ar , their matte!, !it success; orl to s naltine of Er uu errated the it 'hey belive the tu. lrrupt Ite those,. w 'irate will demons • (4 -- We tee, &num:i: nt i m!' of by the Whigs of We give below ventino; which, Gen."Paylor for sanlejurport:, ntly gave the reel hi ~Viintot piovii peorgit in state ci 1 1 - resultition of a c fter prese'ntingt ti he Presideucy, spy "keeplncd, TI 1 cord witit- the veintion Abe". ' it.' to be unjust, constitutional, c. hostilities and et against tlie,othe niter abhorrence and despise its b at we do most h' tion.of the will:: I Viltnot proviso,' ingeneroub, marl ; lettlated, to:stir u' i'bitter one part o. 1, and that, while , its end andinint, t:' Ise and s tietuded pr nereini Advertise eli i raylor orga n , !CM; With its dot, Will the Con Wilmot-proviso reconciles the a, NM a= MI MEI xtioriied :Ile skill. Nes the the a must is speech I d °fleet kill that, oay have EMIEZIEI ape" on -rating a e weattv 1, of cur We 'Atilt ipd keep t- • i/09.. 'utters to ultic t in l UrSlOti to leave this t: and ',tt) from the y weath y' oilers it require early the er. '.We /tend go-, Ina time. a lit thp, n OW Ile o Uppori of °Lin r Steamer lamersii p roan , e irno,t 5.,1 The ' .tana, h e 't? r - ' d are ink it on of this ouss tunity to Olt then . 1 1 1"er every 111 re spo) tl mocrat lc pproving tin 111 E. tin al vim it Ilan it the -1v it, MIME ZEE inited 294 i, nd =lit before he given State hi e present this Hint- rrtres ! our int we nre the great 0 enconn- vonin «•ill ect Frau- MEM the west,.; becoming 1 'llll the war, n thn pns •nown ad- 'die canals iy for 16A MEE 11n expres lion by the sylvatihr, ac of vidtort., and plYttge, t rch, the I 2112=11 e ill carry ti iti Ivere, I=Ml a Master Ha a. , lers of till wnljyti or 'con li ut Con a one—so oglitze iu d and tall inly must 0, ur their )ave plied 116V0 will and see if rmrtruit tail of the ige,) who , or of ex- I Hie politi 11$ to situ re men tehci and iftei) Ito cnOtle 'maim fa st4es obe u ::‘eek to rate their lotion' of .0 adopted unty con e name of aks to the artilp ae state cun nd believe and Ifn i sectional I the Union ye had in ,•e:co'n tenni jectora. the great us how' it nest 1 FEDERAL MEETING "Pursuant to nn urgent call--a call ma I by hand-hills 'as we,ll as through t e h'Errnediti of"' theec ''part' organs—a goodly 'numbol Court H assembled at the ouse on" Tuesda "evening. A's , lsOt ir Wont on those occasion. when su ffi cient luistqe is atl'orded,'we :steps in' With other — Democrats - , "dr signing. to fill the pilule of a 'looker-on in Venice,' and h p nl to he m)tertained if not edified. rw this e.l pectatitin we wete not disappointed." "A Hr. the: organization of thti Meetin, our frie h 0 al It ; . I)'S eII'INIViTI to WEE= the pitrkse, as hi tiverre,l, of replyihg speech the-evenirig before of the Hon. .1 Thomp,4,ll. lie appeared to he a good nett,le—Lin fact he aelrun i wledged that tl mark, , of 'the Judge Led excited him wounded bird always gutters" thottglit and the, A:ay he wriggled and twisted v i :at , caution to skinned . kik.. The first Step took was an endeavor to prove that the:dem crats were actually the federalists, aril ft . ti ti porpotte, nalned_ter certain prom twlit dent crats who he said of ce,acted with the federl party. 'How far titht goes to prove the p" Lion of the gentletnan,the public can easi! tree— c if there l were i no principles invoked lit tweet, the two parties it might Irate cloy weight. p where reasrnitt LL could itlatre Mr". flallt' :lie once acted itttlt call y with ti Trt,tnintri democrat . he . stiff mat s al- "old ;lite rhg federalist. A • berefore, e my it be) fideralist. lii not f-ontent i i th ! pia c lug. bun:tell' in this in 1)0t;1 101011.! 1-1(1 , 1,1't "OW Oto IV: I.ltl 1. ”. I,w-roc/II faint gognisiP.! llcirahed tip II bones of Ames K. folk's grandfather, and a: ~t ooi n g• t h e position that the old gAtleintu in life, had committed the,Lpolitical sin of lit ing a Tory, inferred therefrom that the grand son was little hitter. Nilw we reil,cct hall as a eitizem and we cannot, therefor, but think it an unttimate train of rea,ionin, for or' any hod k adopt. If ama e political sins•of hi., ai r their, moral peccadillo . Bat ! is responsiblc fdrtl cestors, «hv.•not Thee certainly ar ' make Out that the Wm, to bring into life the N. y, but Figlle lurk or ('till I in fact. had succeeded i the tail ol‘yltigery. Ni tere the only trt next . endeayored to erats were the first the American par had Mideavored, pinning them on to vertheicss they, 0" i,ii the eientry.. T that a liberal sy , trzin • of the pri elide., fur tk lotion fdlightz.- Win ad uprin the qiie4ion, here dxists between tl anti-N[llk C prove this, he sahll emigration was ono the war of the reVo,! bearing that fact h what 119ection o .1 t ion pwk tho , c , of tho prc ,ce tit to tr.lt;tlF, \PII.III hig Ale revue &lit. day, 110 did not wfi)le to 11 hi-4 hearer i on :}li rlue. lion d ith ih , ave hi; hearet-A - his dal )K 1 think it wur that e‘eiy Native la t Congrt2:z,, acre whigs. lle next r. ajity of ri‘er and har;•o, Oil the conAitutio lining, of cpnrse, fiat t ! 105,2d to the sy,tetn; and improvements, an ;,democrats were op make met a ca-n, netimili dol!eti- Werth itels bein el Imehors ollril,•es., art: l i e ihttc niratie timisti. , l , ' I-:'itt. it, that a an ef rote! Inatiiriu Itl'• fro-get thi t farther ali.l Inn!: 11“ n tim the General Government power ! according 'to i t)! uil:I icaterth4 and rail rote;: his eagerness to forgot that erery - pended is building appropriated unqr Lions. Sttaripw : , i ligt nee anti • nfoi ;furtr wen ivnig gron ni t ha) has the right Con stil in ion, w e were ! -,.rtid t•, hea ns wiwre to find them o I t next adverted to a Unite really we' were s , atry,on ad heel) so cruel at.; to flier tefore, he felt so ‘'erY, rer. It tears iit hi. eye-, he d e a penny v, Igo her we e-lt , Ist er" or hot-Lno%erthe,, , , opinion that wt. most hay s. He g 1 :111C 1, 11 1 .11 , thtly a the proceeds of the-pOli tth a, -freezing., chillin I oat into the Mexican war Irexi'eatt side of the qiIP:4 at .we had 110 riOtts bcyop of the documents he pm) wit- rather ainnsing. tlu•ough the State this—we know ti this question, States Bank, and friend theJitdge, 1. lion it tho tight I.Vith Hare,' be ditrtit ea had another "Mo he was ruilv of !WI some I:in•l brto the Distribotion loud;, and •their sensation, !antic hel He boldly took OK doh. and ;Ironed tl the Nueees. duced to prove thi.; was tattliing,less t an a no . wspat,er—its namt i which lie read (a . " Lett „ ;le artily." de i scri hi ng the re lof occupation received a. iliabitants,' when th‘-..tn0l ieyond the . Noeces. ' ,`,...;iiii I dttori: fo''it-r-a't i)ciist non r poor e , vi i tten't• t, thisl r nran w, 'Whi h 4 ,o resort iA \, \ li t , irideil l , \ -„ , , c '‘'\ 'r„ 4 ,,,,, ents, TI hi' st'fig \ erriiii4 sl x \-e -i lire ‘ l, n ' ' r iSsfiiyilFild 1 ),. .Jr. 1.3 1 ,.b i q e titOienee 1i2. ; iakrni, -, and then dy-)Ir. Walker. i atle it as cllar las mud that personily', politicallccil idually, th:e most co ;is uin 1 he dirt from tm ufiiccr in t eetition the army the [hut& of the up t heir positron letter had was thin it ) mu 't be II laving o of be Vent'. W , tinAorstanq 6e I 1 hitt wl ' • ( 1 , i io afllll , t 1 moothvat the boy: who of course, Ili we democrats, are lectively anti itiai mate set of ,canifl. iti christen tom. Progcriptiolt" Iss talk most . eetly of the , . • of tnelr re oration to pow rit shall be allayed and the artyl. will bd thought of for ion'olly, however, some in ature'' whiqer-in, lets out 'or instance, "Potomac" in lot, gloating over the nextl, t4ives as probably FeJer roLTranune as follows. Re dlont clerk, B. B. French, C2I3EM 'l'hu Federal pr blessed influence Cr, when pa'rty country and not' u moment. Occa discreet and "pr it the true secret. the lialtimore Pnt Ifoqse of Rep . reNei al, lnysdown the p ferring to the ow, Esq., he says: I atil+.l.ifs.lste, I aT sure he 'eaeral Vote. A Ft:DI:RAT. borious and pstribtie diity conduct the Executive "Were h'e' thric could not get one llousn, with the before it, which tl model's imperative will certainly take care in the outset to have A I:ENV E IPC ointA o GANIZATION who will phi) , the part of it trimmer, ten loris,er or bargainer) need think of being elected Clerk of the next Ilou'e of Representativeiz. - He MUST ljt , E A ortxtrixr: li'EnßaAr.„ capable, honest and ener'getic. A drone wont do! So with the Setgoantlat- Arrns! ' So with the Door-Keeper! llusitTiis l is to be dime by the next House—acid it must'' have business incii for its officers!' admitted," l then, that the "no party" doctrine does notlaPply to the "spoils of of ficer' Where officers are to be appoildeti, "a ' '' . eFEDERAL!ORGANIZATION" is all right? IE2 '‘Ohe Un it'd States steamship Missis sippi took fire a hurt time since at Vera' Cruz. It s cc . asioneil-hy, the spontaneous combustionif he coal au& was onlyi-extin guished by the Most exertions of tte prpir. Detuocr According to prt, r 'number of the i y : Erie county, aseernl :, 1 in Erie, on Mond?) , ,d 1 The meeting was ei di ! C. MARSH ALL, aI 1 ' • I , - pointing FITIIII 0 ..... - 1 0 .1 f r , 1, 1r 1 '.. ,j I o C I , I . S i ;O i t 1::: 0: 4 s to , I di nt., and B. F. , e , *Jere, En., of IA r t 1 The object of th ! ) 1 1 e, , teti, on motion i1.,,c „ 4 ! liointiilf - to (frart-re e I f appointed Murray r :1 \Vin. A. Galbraith o % ! C. G. tiowell, and : • ! ! L !! !!nottee. , at After the comm i , e 1 JA3IES • Tllomrsox - , dre,sed the meeti i length, Which for f i h in g; convincing arl 1 tatious, , we have -i, though the speahei ly , (it the principal to' - I , o, i th M exi co,and . tf c Rn that question, i g ) ceived a large kili - hen , he ‘‘as ei - n- , s ve!•tage of their c cue rights'a t —proof, strong a -: going to faston ill e,ltofort" to the encl c! a rprLivrtt and indot - lion.' ThomalCorl are advi,ed to w'eN - hand ) - It %%az.; Iktene Ito • terr,ipted ‘t it It bur . • committee Whallon, 1425(L., tt resolutiunq. durii - were repeatedly I ed by acclamation Resared, That which the ejilutr), juYtice,, aggressiu that natio just ticfc-oce4f ou al liolior, aitil sites will canstitui ) f public, the cVily a i has hitherto denot tons: t 1 I r nii•soil. cif, I.lta , for the tithe beingl null linfort%mi e I , 1 this unnatural x%a lks - 0) jth-tide tl,. , th4t gar sluthia shoekl it'bPth rill 1 rac ut t.„ ithkth :ttity Li iiinri pt UppiA an :...:iy p)rtlon ((f Ne , by every frien4 of ten-Kin i,f ei%it, ( 1 . inierilstine:-I,uriAo , •Ilitheit) silln•rin:, _ or a j:it;:z01111112 . al ... iitiO/Vt'd, TI7OI : ; Cif izt+, when th. , - li:reigil tear, to r 1 t _cordi4 and heart , , .11 , ),iinc l i) her, 1111(1 11 leld t to itsicouncilstheiknast Ila)ppartl; and those ;-ivlitise er to prosecute a eur• i. F': r;.4e of- procuring to are urm tthy the name. a 3, Of the principles cif:Pa - trials: ,;the gredt and:unpr'ecedevt or country, furnishing' to h.- rd. and to all an abUndance ery Want, is thelest eq . !. silt;nl and pat n rioli'sm w ith re conducted, and heepuri itA councils; CN,SfIO 1%).1. „• honf peace, „r they llu non ./ZeztO/Ved, 'Fitt r C I prosperity of bor its due re w, fi...,t tliv :supply-of two' of the n r v..lich i'l... affair. ty and ;tht:ltv of •, lit.-olc,d, Tim , K. Polk Juts I cut! onlnurily cr,tica • ptylic, und on ev eqinil 'to the w.tt ' the country. rP' e-eri, i i ' cr n . nernies fr CILI::C Ili agniMA ‘ I aS at IMMO. - ns. l Penn. yfranians we 'hare nttled gra‘ification the proud ,acter tt•hi h has marked' and . presen l t L AdministTation tereotr4 with foreign, 14- lion:lan es 13neharian, the , , f of the ~ tti.te Dapartnlent, nired arian orator, a string ner, a really debater,. and yet his present position bas d for the display of: his tat ! has added fresh lustre to his hed reputatiln. as Democrats we pTace'unr lento in the 4 ir . tegrity arid ity of our w rthy.represen s, the Hon. James Thomp+ .lie:Sidect!. Via ieu ed tt ith untu and eletatet cha ditinguit•hed th. its diplomatic i tions:. That the distingniAcil chi although loniud l and eegl.nt. yeas souna stOet-innn, opined a 1)elt .- 'lie I ems, in %vhich he already distingni- lie.yedva, Wha t diminished cunt') distinguished abi ! tative in Cow,Tea Resolve:ll, Th tura of IS , Vi is sent Junuolactur buyers. from buy from groing rig ti e '"ruin" produced by tha lot so desolating as to, prel._ is.from making fortunes-7 ig cheaper-and all classes leg _ the Administration bf P5t. , \3'.. s (idly come tip to all th by-its friends— it hos Wee, patriotic and faithful to tfici for 1% hich they will assine4 7 eir Goteritor on the isceoti4 er, ext: I i ~... i th prospects of the periti l to ,State were ner fait nd with SIII:NK an LONO .._cr we can and will be tine, Resolved, Tha Ms R. Al:: 114 _was promised for honest, effective,• peoples interests, ly re-elect hint t Tuesday of Octo ,ocratic t (Mtn at present, sTiti:Tit on our ha, .cessful. Resolved, That neither Their ii will support no of tie° and PAssess the democratic party change me or their principles, and I , e who is not knoWn.to preic .oth when• the prgpel time ar n4idates for President.' and 1 i lie'demociTa - cy of Erie county lie first to hail the regular ITatimai Convention. : . a young gentleman formerly r'a number of year? a nig - - 1 , I.' and who has just rettirnecl , paign in . .llle.Vico unlcrGert• .10,n loudly called for. lie all in*peech whi l ch gave' lent? fit howpver really he... ‘lf to defend . his'contitry.'e, .oinnlob enemy in the field, in vindicatiniher Tait' facee atm dud more fat l\blows of • ties. Ilis rermir ( s WE're,re•• 1 , . Reeolvcd, Tha rives to Select c, Vice President, t will be among t nominationlof a Mr. , Antler Son, of this'eity, but'f. dent oldie south: from a wear's cat I I Patterson, was t responded to the unmistakable evi, had proved hints, rights against a i l he was equally against the insid' political demagc4 1. . , Itte Meeting, . . .-: :oil, I tiCi given,.a 1 1 4 .-:::-, Itloinitable Democracy -- : .:::. 'bled at the Cimrt 1 . 1 , ..,,,:_1',. ; - evening, the 11 in't 1, - r:',Z i . rianized by callin g 0 -;-: , V,. I.]s q . to the Chair, nod f r .: -. '.4 . : x and W.U., Anauct;4,- celimß ElL , of llarboicrill"'s,:: of North Eit'st, Vice p r', - Fieux, of Erie, arid 8.1 ...*.r. - ayrut, Secretaries. ".1.:... i, rooting rooting having been •-. . f..i.., ri l !nit ittee of seien {vas's 01- A itons. The elliiiitir 7 ''l Whallon, G. 11. Cut!. ti , Iplin Fagan, Jos, E.1,,,,:i'3,.: .1 D: W. Iloward,saidec z .: :_r I I t ) Ig t t e a : Bi n h e %d al called dp t i r eiel e pe d ,the oo l fsi gid : i ._: , , 1 sound fi l lip logical reason. Y •Itiment, aria iiertinent'qw,o.--;,1 seldom heard equaled. A. I u. ret,-iewe'd and touched t:.. 1 > , ics of the day, yet them - ''l e course - of the vihigs u., 1 , I 1 and out of congress, t , ,, F i 1-, re - of his attention. A _ int icallr at home. le i aim 414 . riend,hip for ti, ; 2 ; ul honor, was 3CR Stalldi:; Holy iVrit, was` prodto. . charge of "diving, j aii - a% anY, and of their unanicw-, Cement of thopitfeh of tt.- s in, wherein the ome our brave volunteel s andlcispitable :gravel. ,vith marked 'attention, :: -ts of appfause. through their chairman, X cri reported the followiri. '• g reading `uf which the! cheered,. ata i d then adopt tile ts l Mexico, in? . , has been forced by then and final invasion 1, is a war lased uponitii national rights and out) disregard of such :- ate in thq history of this )oiogy (if that party alike • need it as tojult aniniqu, the Jmiiitary_dtspOts misgovilfrried' that imbecile ovle; having "brotight ribou r between two great. Reelpub -nClnds tilatithe expenses C. e borne by Mexico. Tha: the interest of our l govern• for the same, to annex to the 1 Liwer California, and alio: lw INfoXico, it will be':haile.: free institutions, as the ex• ad religious liberty ore; as e of the A inericatontineF. tinder a grindin, despotiga 1 . it is Ow l duty of es.s.r..F.lpitl countri [ y_ is engaged in a the administrai ina pt' James iritere.l a period more. than in , the histkiry i t his Re ry merglency it has prtoved sts and: wishe's. d ME= nd protecting it! •m abroad,.as
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers