Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, July 24, 1847, Image 4
DR. SMITIFS GREAT E ATIONAL PILLS. OR. G. BE:sa. smri'irs IMPROVD INDIAN VEG-.TABLE tsuGAR. coATRo] PILLS I: the inenione for the United States, and' their uperiitrity over all others for ,entire efficacy and 111111C$1, haq won for them a pre eininence of facia needs no foreign Inductive to perpetu i . Alimrst sided they has n eilontly worked th r way, arid .ained it permanent hold on the apprshation of the I 'shier no other medicine or opposition can relax. out four years they have triumphed over disease, ought joy and gladneas to many an anxious bosom. TUEIR runiwv, edical compound, com.tendathern tithe moat stell ar, even the more hardy . , who have suffered from i acts of impure properties in the stomach, will of •fs pleated with the delightful operation of these ills. They have the rare merit of the most care elected Ingredients, are always safe, and there eau anger of taking, them improperly at any nine. A tgIINGLH IVIINAIL • .. Will anifest their excellence to relieving the slimly of many recursors of alarming diseases, keeping the bow rtr g ally open, thereby ensuring the eQ 1 1t11111:1111:1: of health, The most eminent chemist In New York has Owen his certificate that these Pills ore PUItF;LY PEG , ETA I 14:, or . FS plaid Whit Mtn halm I poori tor a anti b 1 AR a elite, vane the,n fully be no _ N,2II.TUnIVA OWN nEIIII IE DT. diigreat principle remiguizcol by the inventor of this le medicine is, that ev. ry part ,of the I 0:1Y, t in health or oliscrase, is brought miller thoyinilu. the digestive organs. This plain . and mood 1. forms the only ground on tvhick a good l i.ontily Itoo; can be region located. Operating' iiccurding to, i inciple. D 11." SMITH'S PI 1.1.5 ~ XIIIRNGT HEN TINE. wren - Axil, i e the secretions of the LAVER, SKIN, and RID. ,' and REGULATE THE 11011'ELs, therchy 'Moot .. ON lA' NATuRAL and consistent Method of I "II : lfte LIFE BLOOD PURE, by cur,ccting the eats. mum of 'the whole system. , impossible to give ‘cvery pArticotiar lin this brief but these Pills are' earnestly recommended as a of prev Dog so much misery and disease, which ut of co netirition of on bowels, neveeted colds 'Mao hso 'c., . c., and which it le in the power of 0 PRE% :Nl'. te Pitts do not 'l' 11.1.1 ATE. but' 'um r. ir CURE !I olt.eisrx of the w,qern country, ,:n,l in ALL BILLIOUS DISORDER'S, They . [i j otritiot 'alone, 'mop iralleleil—THE SIER. MAN'S ERIE 1% Amoom the I ornplAiram for which these Pill , arc highly recommended, aro the follow ing, e ix: FEVER/1, , PAIN IN Till: SIDE, llibl'EPSl 1, SCROFULA, INDJGEet o lON, 1111, 111,0111). - CO fIVESEtitI, i t ( 011: 4 1`/1 11C liTt iVs, I lE. OACHE ' PEA/ I 1.1: COM PI. IINTS, itA Arvr: Fill:, RHEUMATISM, DIA RIDEA, IVIIO /PING 1:011Gils, OF ENTA It T o WEAK NERVES, I.IV lit COMPLAINT, HI'S MEWS, IVtl I.11:3. : o OUGIIS, 11E. ItTLIURN. s COLAS, ' 111 1. 01'S' Cllol.ll', IN ELI: ENZ, FOli I. STOMACH, PIMPLEs, JAUNDICE) LOW SPIRE, By :i - illooring the siniiite directions whie every box of eniiiiie pills, a pe.rina rent en forted '''lllostuf the 1 ItISPITNLA in New i n the 'o l'llls the prefe•ence u.s}:at moss that h ire IMIII tested. slid set era, EMINEN r P in'Nev , York and el I.lll' here, ii.c (hoot i t t'. "i3EIVAIIE OF 1311)0S11 demand for Dr. Smith's Pills bring t taivcraliiinprincipled persons have st misitablii Slid ttangerotis :WIT, ion the hinitninc, hate put on a ',matins ote.seevar Y. and always look for .. ivitiTT cry ft INfiII'A.WEILA BENJ. mmurim. bottom of ...rely liii‘, to colliiterted s • Slurp than 1000 certilkatee hate prilicipili Otti•le and the people al" e Herald A Gazette," where they c i pgrtant cures. . ive, for want aro/Im, lint fl•sr '1P+:8'01.111 0 AI II A I.N. From 'EI,. Luihei i.e.,. ~iiiiihf• Pills are purely vegetable. Mince a good, ro.eult. Lull! llolitoi True - From the Rev. J. 'ifs liAs taken Moll at•e, Mori:m.ll's, mill many rith• t Minibus i occi red iii;ni:' b , inecit rfuil. Dr. lIIMIIII . I+ lan all others. She helmet., they may be wird lg. I With perfect safety, witlioott changing their sm. sit o-. 4 thet,xtud at any SC.I.1)II. .. 1 i , i JOHN KELLETT. 12: My rile N.M. , . Brookl.y n. em Ow Met e.'-• ' ' - Thr, Inv!'lu T 1 heti% 1.111211 0 doctri medic this p Pf 61110 1 NEYSI ing th &ring trd lot It is no• Inf• grow .light ALL l'he The great, trio at :. 41 to ' 1 on the “t tliU ' . 6rnit _mo3t I We Pr. and I,r 1 4 1 y In. bet Idle 01 female eroffil the lust sec dist in Nets 1 . Benj. Smith's Pills has entirely so in my head,and general, eakne, ily use tht in Oillatthe 1,4,4 rartitta. out them. C. 11. N. fit, Crotit the CIL of the Hlaelelt ts er J,:, nithis Pills arc free (tout the Object'', Ile siye liable, and are the beet z j a t stets. 1 1 . /instil the P M. Tonowanda, N. nithi, Pills are the th,:t I have ea er JAC. li'll Front lice. S Williams, Pittslo use a Dr. S millie thil....ind know t c; 34. S t VILLIAMS, 1 I ream Rev. J. (i 1.. Haskins. rnitli's Pills tire in great demand 1 hr itleleantn re s and efficacy, JOHN ti. L. 11.11:13:::, 7.'^...31. I) into. the (I tinker. milk -Itespectcti i'.',l—Thy tills ale editing idly., and give first rate 051• C iction to this place,6 Jr. 1 *. ;HOSE.; DA M:' .l .• ' - ..ffii Jl.rsity-et. l-V tithour pillatra a t ll:liked here. ED. 1:0:4 t) )DEM",".,."1t.41'. 1 itht:- . I - am- miter — pleat • , d wlthl your lu.l. Ve . ;t. u.ned Till*. and teethe it in my family. , FAL BROOKVILLE:it I.) AMERICAN. ore arc oily a few extracts-butere might gn no . 'Wit u , WtliMPOr , 111.11 6111111.1 r M 1.,. .1 hose Pills Ille, tilos( popular- to this country, and gia c the iera(,ati..f.tetiou. I Pill. wit alwala Vitro COLDS in a math mot n svaii than any other 1 .medy. For this they Are L d.? HEE., ■D NG-Eft, . g b d et 'L ta ° ,:b " a d e i r s v i p " o " ;4 '.! ;% r r C ts u t t i.s ' haul isl Tl C l e i r Ct n 1 1 1 1 :1 1 1 .1 ; ': have 1,1111:;10 to paint 'utr no, tht ss stud' :tsith ..s . 'of eagar' to 'Cover up a mo , t . 4.ltittplrtme coin- dizzin M fit Lc 11 Dr. S! "tiler p' la e7 l Dr. S hnv media Dr from Dr. •I •bry I'3 l'okeep Dr. S Sugar The , and fill a ore now I 111 at goo 'I het,e ple.. tint wArrantr Of 1,01 r 316 11. v linitator4 ..coating imund. Dr. Crinhedier, of \C heeliiiis, V.i...a) .. th It a hereon in that ithi ii came near IMiftg h:, tile from the elf , .1+ ulthe cotkter it ..tiogar Coated" l'ill.i. ---- AlroTa - g. - ..irtloolan In Lutosvil e, lay. wax acixed as ith' violent .auiniting niter their 115. . i l • , (iM the q,:nnit or gust nnnr, rml sec that G. ill.;,'SJ. $3ll ill s wriwn With A po'l, on Cie I,:dttin of imch box.. IPIIIINCIPAL orric cm. ' Is; ..‘v TOR li, 119 t; rerii ii ti hSti i. et. k BosToN, 2 W.11,4' Stri ..t. Efilr„C..rh•r 4: Brother. No. 13. nerd Omi.e. J. Comm'', Sr Co. Cot ncr of st..t.a., “11 111, meet.. • i March fi, IEI7. flat Li L A I) FO ES t anfind at the corner store, a nice as - tnent l ot . Gloves, Mitts, Iloi-ery, Maury Coinbs," S'el I nee,i, 1 1; i7 s, 'ttree 'twist nod trimminus, embroidery 1.1161 Frenth Flt-s, v. mm ml, tttineil &c., all very cheap, by 9, ALF. 11(1kr.; Pursro, matcria onl, &.t. tlav CASH!' CASH!! ana the hizlieFfh market price paid ror delivered at the tttore of the Fili)- Her of Frelle t and Fif hs,reerg. ASli Ecaiber, aO, 1 tii IBM 'CIRAGE AND FOR WARDING. subscribers arc- pupated to receive and hard during the spa ion by the Erie EN/co al to any point 011 the Lalies or Ohio ri v 'pony entrti,ted to their care vi ith the ut patch and ut.the lowest 'rates. :t,..res and Groceries or all k n4lFconi:tafit nil and for sale cheap at ;heir Ware IlOnse anal, Eigth atrect landinz, Glaziers 111.-• • P. ( 1 I. A ZI Elt M.SPALLDI ' M.NG. April 9.1, IF 17. 3,;n19 • ST for PIOII C❑ er all , prl most di: Bolt ly on ha ' on the sin. Efin f ew Woollen -Factory AT NORTH EAST. DIiN.:"AN, JEW , Ell' & Co. have just com m.nced business of manufaeturing Wtiollen Goods, Pressing Cloth, carding Wool, 4-c. Their machin • ry is entirely new and of caQtern manu facture, add embraces the latest improvements:— The business will bct condutted'by Mr. Jewett, who ha had -20 years' experience in it. both in this country and in England. The i y will menu lac pie :dial es, gßing one yard 'of cloth for two ntrawirier lbs. of wool, or for ready pay he cash or nuntry produce, and on us reasonabk, l c terms a any other e,tablkhment in the Their n anufaLto i ry is locate , ' about one mile notice of the v nage; 1 ALEX. DUNCAN. JOSLIUA JEWETT: ISAAC , IS, STEVENS'. ' East, June 12, 1817. ' 3m4 • Nord! CARPETING IMII I oft& a few pieces ALL WOOL Carpets; ery cheap at -9, 1617, CM I 'I 1' BA GS & Sa tchele. Arriong which have soine of the.Witton and Venetian superior to any - in niarker, selling, very METCALF', 29, 1947,' CALI - thit cheap May ___ PARASOLS. RGE assortment, all stylesaml9 alities I Bred 'as near miumidMitrers prices a 4 is r nt with a small commission to ourselves, ME-TCALIPS. Al . c4nibist May 29, 1817 T , Lew, Goods! New ' Goods!! . subscriber is now reeeivint, his sprinf , ck of Fancy Dry Poods, Groiieries, Hard - - rockery, Iron; Nails &C., which will be reduced - prices for ready pay. Pay old lid friends and the public generally are ed to call and examine goods and prices, rtainly will not go away dissatisfied Rs 1 1, be under sold by any west of New York, sly Pay- ,SMITE - 1 JACKSON. 6, to 17. 51 'NI Tu'i .., ware, Aul4 at ttiyitat request they Nlrece will ni for )t 4) TS. T r. horn Hats, th good assortment It • NO. 111 AG.: NO EXCUSE CHEAPSIDE, has 11 -Is received front New York " a new and elegant supply of hooks embracing Miscellaneous, Sundy and ClasAcal Sehocl 13fmks ' Stationary, &v. &c. which a ill be sold chepperfor cash than ever be fore (acre(' in this nuirhet. Among his stock may be found— Antlion's classical Die'y, $5, Robinson's Greeh and English Dictionary, $5; Webster's Diction ary, $3 SP, Anthon'i4:Virg,il, $2, Anthon's Dorace, $1 75 do Homer; 1 50, 1 do Cicero, - 125 Anthon's Jacobs' Plmelt Reader, $2, do .do Lessons, 1, ilo• do Laten do 1, do 'd o do Prossody, 1, do do ' t SsHug:, I, Davie's INlatheinatics, including Algebra, Le !zender, Ana!plies! Gebnietry, Surveying, Stc.l 4 . Pa vie's at itinnetic, li irk hones Granunar, Adams' do - Hail's U S History, Mathees Geology, Olney's Geography, Mrs Lincon's-Bnionj., Morse's do Com-lock'," - i do Mitchell's do . Ili mett's Geozraphy of the lleairrns, with lartre landn splendid ailwrillso, the Electie • series 01 Iteadin, Books. Andrew's and Stoddard's Latin Grammar, do do do header, Comstoeh's chemestry and philosophy, Sanders' Readers, IltMnett's Book Keeping, Walker's Dietioary, Colt's . t do JOIIIII I OII . A do MI or's Byron, Scott's comentarie's; ( vo. 'sl3, - Dick's works, library edition; also, cheap, - The works of Chestei field, Rusli's_revidence at the court of London, Pov's hook of Nlartyrs, ,, Jo'ephtls' works, Plutatch's Livws, ~'-, Rollins' do I,ady of the Manor, , o ;_ Addisons' do Good's study of medi eine, Dryden's do liooper's to Dic'ry, Eberle's Practice, tliiy's tiled. Joris'ilencei 110 Therapeutics, CI mlen's cotieordance, ! Platonic Theology, _ i avland's eleinentSof Moral Science, 'The ;ichool and Ilid:School Master, Dr Olin's travels in the cast, 'Tlittrw•tl's Elktoryi of Greece, etc. -.. 'Guide to the Plopliecids, Munas"rravels, Barns' Notes, i s'utler's ‘vorkS, o 'New Spiritofthe Age, , C Intl-ma's winks, s Y.',;:4 - Itteit s religious anecdotes ' Malcom'stravels, 71 - 37ibbon's Rome, - PlideirriX's connexion, I.ife of licher, 1 Works of Charlotte Elizabeth, coMplete, do Fredrika Bremer, to Mosliiin's celesiastiTal History,' Luther on Galations, Sarves' church History,. Pictorial llistory ofthe American Revolution, and Sermons of Whitfield; • G01,1,11141'6, ~ ' Parleys Univerbal history; Together with many Miter ‘sluable works too I numerous to mcntien in ,thc . litnited space elan adveri-ement. Cull and see—no charges for showing books June 13, ISI6. - 4 WM .1 It at:comp u}; e will Loet lorl. liavo g "- ' .20 Liqd, ty 0. tiv:slci kNS, ,£r practice.. 1121 ‘ l ry t, here )1.61,3 Pdh a( to palm them of E OF G. hilt rccr.ti,ett rl i o /erred to att road of the PAINTINGS, ENGRAV,INGS, Sic. CIA [ITER Sr 131toTtiva, arc in' receipt of a } beautifid collection, of Paintings and Engra vings, plain and colored,' in oil and eater. Per sons of taste cannot fail of being pleased with the selection. It 'comprises views of some of the most romantic and piwuresoue places in rope and thi. country Among than are two Oil Paintito , s 3 10;0 1-2 feet in rich gilt dames— the„one a view of Troy rind the 1-Judson from Mt. - Ida, the other WLshington's Head Uttarters, near Newburg, on the Not th River; also. Views of t. c of Zurich and ~ u rtnnnding country, Lake of Zeit , ' and surrounding cottony, 'A c , eneral Vicw of Binssels, A Moonlight View, a beautiful piece, Foi CA and Winter 'SCCIIeII, luntin. , scenes, also, a very fine and - Correct likeness nfUtteen Ctictory, engraved on steel front Sully's paintino, also of Ifer two cider Children, Allice atid Albert, in handsome gilt frames; a beautiful ',p , rate INT!! R SVe:leran. Irk, • cured tuu 411 11 /p . { , SY[4Bl/1. Mould II"t For.. tit .L o trodl. lot:. to t% 'Deft ncalicatio Oat 1 catt ENC. used, ai-e. Y. 31. ar.:ll any are a ann.] I.t Cll. Me/tOtint en'2,r:IVIII!! of "John Anderson ' my Joe," a rare and interesting picture. Also a collection of rare and heautiful Birds. and Flowers, correctly and elegantly colored, de. ~i'n' d for instruction to learners or as ornaments for the centre table. ii this rPgioll 'hr l r 11 Persons designing to furnish themselves with any thing in the above. line will find thew well wroth their attention. They will hit sold lower than they can be purchased at retail in the cities. No. 6. Reed House. 2 Nov. 28, 1616 SIGHT ' O BEHOLD!!! AT T BRICK COrtNE OPPOSITE THE EA GL • HOTEL. 91111 S DAY DP ?NED. direct, from the Eas tern cities- and iNlanufactinits, a large and ‘%1211 selected' stock of MD. NM "W: 4010111[7. CAr • Comprising a• great .variety of Dress and Fancy Good-; Shawls without number; Men's and boy's :summer gear; Linen and any quaruity of Domes tics; to be sold cheaper than evtr; with an 'exten sive stock of GROCERIES AND SHELF HARDWARE. All of which will be sold as cheap as the cheapest by • , • WILLIAMS WRIG Fria. May 15. 1817. 52 • _ill 110SSED Table and Piano Forte Coverq, .1.1.1 English and American, for sale at the "Now Store, No, 5, Cheapaide. MORTON g• Co. _ Erie,.May 22, 1317. ( - 1.1LIVO1t)I A PLAID, for toy's coats and pa..taluon., a little Owl nicest out, at the "New Store," No. 4, Cheapsicle, 111.01VT„ON Ez. 'Eric, May 1517.• 1 C. SIEGE[. dm or prime Swedish Leebhes, I in good eohaition, jues reeeiyed by June VI J. H. BURTON VULNEN'S Aly,:;ANUM—Saisi to be better V ibini any preparation a.L . Sareapanllkaa a printz Purifier and treiteral coreeetant for sale by —'lnc 12. J. IL I3UItTON Co. Atrettts. II ON AN I> STEEL.-10 tons of Swedes En talish an d American Iron, tO34ether with all si ze s of Spring Steel, this day arrived at the corner of WILLIAMS S.:. WRIGHT. ' June 12. A, - it 1E ExTENsJaN! —A Litge.consignincnt of !NOR% CIIOLAGOGUE, for cure of Fever and Ague, Bilions Fever, crc., ete.i' and will be' sold to drtt ,, uists and dealers by the case of dOzen, at wholesale priens by FEJlinekitr" J.. 11. BURTON' k CO. Agents. € .- "T111; LAST AND CEIEAPEST.;,,a NOW opening, front the last of our Spring4tur chase, a very general and extensive asttort ment of Fancy and Staple DRY GOODS, with a good stock of DRY GROCERIES, to Which ,wc have ridded a large stock of CROCKERY, comprising fall dining Setts of China, with all the cheaper Wares. The attention of dealers is es pecially invited 'otitis branch of our trade. The Goods have all been purchased cheap, and will be sold cheep. For further evidence please call at METCALF'S. J. D. CLARK, in ctiar'ge for P. METCALF, rd. •inectfully solicits the patronage 'of his old friends and impugners at :Fiore No. t , Reed House. May 29,1847. M ETC ALF'S FIRE INSURANCE. • FARMERS AND Mv;CHANICS' INStTR ANCE COMPANY, OF IMtOKLYN, N.Y. FOR persons desirous of Insuring in the above r company, the sub tribe!' will 'receive and forward the necessary . a veys of property, and procure for them free ,of pu g e such policies as may be desired. • The above company is entirely responsible,,and insures upon very liberal and advantageous terms. Any information that may ho desired in relation _to said company can be had by calling upon the subscriber at the Wilco of Graham &Thompson. C ARSON GRAHAM. Erie,Sune 12 18-17. tfl Ily'cElV GOODS BY RAILROAD. VE kW. received this Morning a now sup. pjplelo and twilled Ghingham, also a lot of prints, 4.c., which will be sold cheap for cash by. C. M. TIBBA LS.- . May 1, 1817. ' 50 Q Grans, and Mersaler, Sainte; just received at No. 9, Cheapeide. MORTON & Co. MUNI „,....) ~ IN'ST THE WORLD!- ,' R IGNORANCE NOW -4--- . , More New Goods ! = , ^ Irlt .• =IME=I Em CONSUMPTION CURED-TRIUMPHANT SUCCESS OF BUCHAN'S HUNGARIAN BALSAM OP LIFE. 'PHC GREAT ENGLISH RENIED Y . for COLDS, COUGHS, ASTILi MA, and CONSUMPTION: j j Tne MOST' CELEBRATED and INFALLIABLE remedy for ,Colds. Coughs, Asthma. or any form of PULMONARY CONSUMPTION, is the, the 1 - IUNGARIAN I3ALSAM ,OF LIFE, discovered by Dr. Buchan oft London, England, •tested for upwards of sevemyears in Great Britain and' on the Continent of Europe, and introduced into the United States under the' immediate superintendence of the inventor. The astonishing sticecSe of the lltingarian Balsam, ink tlm cure of cveryi form ofCONSUNPTION, warrants the American, Agent in soliciting the treatment the WORST POSSIBLE CASES, that can be found ie.t.ffil.cotn-1 munity—cases t h at seek relief in vain front any of the conunon iv:Medic oft the day, and have been, given up by the mostidistiiiguished physicknii as; CON FItYMED AND INCURABLE. The Hungarian Balsam luM cur ;(1,1 and will cure, theMOST DESPERATE OF CASES. (Cis no (pack Os - i trinrybut .a standard English Medicine of known and established efficacy. Every family in the Milted States should bc'supplied with Ruchan's,Flun• Zar. • tan Balsam of Life, not only to counteract the_consumptie'teladencies of the climate, but to be used as a preventife medicine in all eases of Colds, Coughs, Spitting of Blood, Pain in the Side and Chest; Irritation and sbre• nese of the Lungs, Bionchitis, Difficulty of Breathing, (hectic Fever, Night Sweats, Emaciation and GencrallDt•bility, Asthma, Influenza, Whooping' Cough, and Croup. - E' • In case of actual disease of the lungs, orfreated Consumption, it is the ONLY SOURCE OF DOPh:. Sold by McDonald k Smith, sole Agent' l. for the U United Kingdom, at Italian Ware-Immo, Itegent,F,t. London, In Bottle's and Cases, for sldpi hospitals; &c. • I, By Specist.tippointstent--)AVID F. BRADLEE, 119 Conrt-st., Bostond Mass., sole Agent for theynited States and British American Provinces. American price, $1 per bottle, with full directiohs for the restoration of, health. Pamphlets, containing a mass of English and Atnet lean certificates and other evidence, showing the unequalled merits of Umi. Great English Rome dy. may be obtained oldie Agents, griols., I • None genuine, without the mitten signaturethe \American Agent, on %O a gold and bronze label, to counterfeit dell is for* . AGENTS.—S. Toust,:y. Syracuse, N. Y. Genei'al:Agent for New York and the western States. - ITPREAD.-/7 - 1 rem the Baptist Clergymm nt Cotoose, Ofu*o, County. " I do hereby most cheerfully certify that I have used Dr. Buchan's Hun garian Balsam in my flintily with great success.. D i ly little girl, now in her. seventh, year was, in the month of October, 181 I. attacked with a pain in! her rit:ht side, and notwithstanding we used all dilrence to remove it, she. continued to grow worse, an after obtaining the tounsel of Dr. B—, who thought-fie Right Lobe oilier Lungs so seriously affected that her recovery was exceedingly doubtful. I was induced to obtaiMone bottle of tho Balsam ' and befn:(7: one third of it was taken, the little stiffener resumed her plays at d her cheerfulness returned, and before two betties Were used her health we WESTFIELD MARDLE FACTORY. „ I niILIE subscribers having a good assortment of New Emdand marble on land, from affer ent quarries, calculated fur [lead and Foot tables, Monuments, &c. which they offer to selkto any one in I:rie county, Pa, not living farther than Erle, lettered in first rate etale, and delivered, at the folloWin ,, prices: StnafT , , Or children, SI 50 ' per tool ; Middle size; for aged people, S,I ,63 per foot; Largest size SI. 75 per Mot. We think it would be an object for some of the Eric county people to forward us a few inscriptions as-we have recently been informed by the Erie marble dealers in rather % was', that they were stick in" it to the Erie and Crawrord county people', good. They bravery lustily of selling to the "Penna; mites" at. fiorn *2 50 td I' per foot. Should any of the people a Erie county he in want of any' thing in our line, they can forward their inscrip , tiobs, or come themselves, and they shall have a first rate article at the above pr ices. AM SIKES &CO. Wegtfteld, N. Y: Sept. 13, 1815 BLACK SALTS.-1 pill pay Ca.b, and tho highest prick for uny gitantity Salts delivered at :\ l'Kean, or at my store in Erie. October 11, 1816. TILIBALS . . COLEMAN'S HEAVE POWDEItIi, ACERTAIN CURE FOR. HEAVES 'AND COUGH IN lIORSES.—A long familiari ty with horses and personal treatment of the dis eases to which they are subject have at. length resulted in the discovery of thi•. - exceedingly val uable remedy for the Heaves and Cough—a dis 'ease which produces more misery and death among' these noble animals than any other to which hey are t sposed. I have no hesitancy in isaying that my Powder N% ill effectually and titer ) oughi eradicate laver!! symptom and - restfgr. of this painful and dan‘rerdus disease if given in any reasonable length d time after it has bean con tracted. When youldiscover symptoms of Cough or Mares in your horse, resort to this iPowder without delay, use it perseveringly, and attend to the hints accompanying the directions for the 'treatment of Ow animals, and in nine ease, out of ten you will find that it cures. 1r toy desirous orseeing re]; i fleates of ( cures, of them call on the agent. Price 50 cents per bot tle. Manufactured by A. n. Coleman, Neb.' York CARTER & BROTHEII, agents, Erie, Pa. I March 27, 1817.1 5 ___— DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSUIP. T HE partnership heretofore existing between the undersi2ned, in the practice of L9v,.ltu, bean diasolved by mutual consent, Ail persons indebted to n 4 are requested to call at the, air and settle their respective accounts, on or hero e the first -of February next. These who negle this notice may incur costs. JO Id IN ALBRA IT IT, CARSON CHLAIIAM. -.Eric, Jan. I I, 1817. 3tA3 The Books and papersof the late firm of GAL BRAITH &e..,GRAH AM are by mutual a7ree ment left with me for the purpose of up the business of the concern and collei.tillg all debt's, which I am obliged to do as 'Freddy as possible. I have associated with me in htudness WM. S. LANE and WM. A. GALBRAITIA, Esqs. and continue the office lately occupied by Galbraith & Graham, under the film of GAIAIRAITIIS LANE, where all business in the line of the pro fegsion, Will be attended to i'h prompthess and despatch. JOHN GALBRAITH. Erie, February 3, 1347. 3.3 it STEAM ENGINES WE arc - now prepared ,to make or rep Steam En ,, ines, aqd to - sati-fy those win' have - doubts as to. our ability to turn oat v,peri tro•k, we invite their inspection of one which t have recently built and put in opciation, at on. Foundry. LESTER, SENNETT & CTTESTER._ N, 13.—A second hand Engine of S horse, poW er, together with bellow:, for a amall Foundry, for sale at a bargain. - , / L., S. &C. Erie. Mareh-20.,1817. t 41 "No. 10- 0, REED IbilAtißOD', PA; 1.1?; undersigned having purchased the entire 449ek of Confectionaries, together with the fixtures belongin ,, to the businnss in the store formerly occupied by James Crossman, would say to his friends and the piddle - generally, that he has furnished himself with an old and experienced workman at the busine s s, and is now prepared to furnish to retailers, CANDY, at Buffalo prices, and warrant it to be superior to any Bufralo candy offered in this market; the retailer will become convinced after selling a few pounds ol any candy that it affords him more profit than . the eastern candy. Our sticks and kisses will rut 40 to the pound, and are finely flavored. ICE CREAM AND FANCY CAKES. I am prepared to furnish [tie Cream in torms to suit customers. Fancy 'C rw res made to order.— Fruit, Pound, Spoe, and lalley Cake, and Jum bles always on hand to supply .faniilies. I will furnish tea cakes to private families cheaper than they can bake teem; and on the'shortcst notice, FRUITS. Fiesh Lemon% and Oranges, Fin t It a king, Nuts of all Itinde; preserved ginger, mixed pielt les, sardines, &e., a good assortment. TOYS. \ 4l lame lae assortment of toys, such as, dolls, area se or Im - dressed, cats and dogs on .bellows; glass do ;4 and birds, fancy . boxes, beeds., neck:aces, hea esses, purses, hair brushes, reddin g combs, besid a thousand other articles too numerous to menti n. Please call and examine for yourselves. An orders frein the country for candy will be promptly attended to. . _ M. W. KEITH. Ede, Atignst I, 1840. WE would not haketh; Gentlemen infer teat our stock is excilsively lin. Ladies. They will please call and 'Fee a full assortment of goods that they want. Among others the best French Cloth that can be sound inthe place, and cassi mores to correspond, at prices as near the lamer. mien cost as they will ask. Also summer Hate, Caps. Gloves, Hosiery, Cravats, Collars. Has., 4-e. Ste.,-at METC ALF7B, T*v q 9 14 17. c °l4 NOTICE—The Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Manufacthring business will be carried on at the old stand of Ashley & Kelsey, where a con stant supply of all articles manufactured by him will be kept for sale at wholesale. and retail. Old Copper and Brass Ware taken in payment fur Tin Ware. JMEPIF KELSEY, Jr. Erie, July G, 1844. 7 L. WARREN, 11 - AS removed his sash, blino and door Shop to ill State, between 7t hand Bth streets, where he [articles keep constantly on hand or make to order all [ articles in his line on the shortest notice. Thss wishing to obtain first ,taco work at low pr ies [would do well to vivo-him a call before porches ,rigft elsewhere. Glazingdone at all times. Grass and Putty' kept constantly on. hand. • May 10, 1816. • • . 51 S. sNyirit HAS JUST. RECEIVED Ilrom New 'York, per Patnroy's Eite , ess,tnt Spring Fashions, and is now ready to eAceute all orders for HATS in the latest Fasiors, and of a better quality than can be purchased here or eledwhere. March 16. 18.16, I ME FIRST APPpARANCE. TOMLINSON, GEORGE riBLLOGG TIE subscribers, thOugh some time in busi ness, have not before found it convenient or a.ureeable to introduce into the papers a general advertisement. Being rather of a modest thin, they have been situated somewhat like the stran ger in NMI , ' York, i.vlto 4ot upon a dry goods lux in Broadway, to wait till the ciewd should get: lik'; amt like him, havid,r, attracted little public rit• toriety, they are prepared to get down and move quietly along ' and (would respectfully invite the attention of the ptiblic to a choice selection of GROCERIES, intqrspersed with a few staple Dry Goods and other ncitions', just received from New York, Cincinnati, &c., which they desien to sell pretty cheap for ready pay. Please call and see at tO9 French stredt, nest door to R. 0. Hulbert, •Esq's office, tni atkSittiprreet Canal Bildt'. & Co. I ` Erie Aug; 1, 1846. 11 BUFFALO AND NEW YORK ONE kPRICE CLOTHING STUNS. MM• VAUGHN, No 2 Fleming Block, State • Street. This establishment has acquired notoriety by selling all hinds of clothing as cheap as they can be purchased in New York city.--- Call and see. A suit of clothes can be made at this establishment in ONE DAY'S notice, in the latest style and most approved fashion.- , Just received a general assortment of Clothing and cloth, suitable for.the season and for sale at prices reduced to the peCuniary means of alLYer instance a good urticlefif cloth, all wool, at 50 cis per yard and every Wing else in proportion,. Cutting also done to older at reduced prices. All lordersfrom the country (promptly attended W.-- I nc child can buy as cheap here as the best judge. Customers generally can depend on having their work done right, and- nel mistake. Erie, Dec. '2O, 1915. i 15 CANDY. - Vr ANIMA Crown, linon bar, do. drops, hoar l V hound bar, do. medicated, peppermint drops; peppermint, rose, wjUlergreen, sassafras, and worm lozcnacro; sti?,ar !plumbs, smooth almonds, almond candy, etc. etc. 'for sale by M. W. KEITH. HAULS.—The Cldnarrape, Silk, Embroidi creel do., Bozah and .r.ephins, do., Summer Cashmere, flowered and rainbowed Worsted, that are decidedly rich, at W ILL' AMS 4• WRIGHT'S. April, 28 116. 1 17. 5O The New Jew Store Ahead !! T ItST received g thei . iVeto Jew I Store, No. I, v./ Fleming Illock:Sta e street, a new and splen did assortment of I SPRING AND SUMMER, G(MDS, Which, having been boeoht at extremely low prices and the subscribeis hatving encountered neither "perils by sea or land," in their journey toMila delphia and New York Markets, on and Mill be sold as Cheap—not to say a little cheaper—than at any , other Jew or Ge4titc Store between New York and "Sundown." Our stock consists in part of • , SILKS of all kinds descripti ons and colors; from plain black to tile most fashionable plaid, „striped or watered. I I GINGHAMS, French, Knglish, Scotch and American, varying _in price and quality to suit customers. I SHAWLS, Silk, Cashmer e, l Barrage, etc., etc. at prices that cannot fail to please. • • M. DELAINES, of all qualities, from 20 eta. upwards. BONNET RIBBONS, of all colors, quCities, :Shades and prices. ' 1 ' GLOVES, that cani . ot fail to fi e the most deli- Late hand; at piices in accordance with the moat. delicate purses. • French Worked Linen cambric Handkerchiefs; a beautiful article, and very cheap for the quality. Also, embroidered do do., together with many other articles, too numerous to mention, but which we _,,Will take pleasure lin showing to customers and'others. Also—a splendid stock of , READY MADE CLOTHING, consisting of Pants, Vests, and Coats, of all pri ces and' qualities ' and I Boots and Shoes, of all kinds. Call and mite, and don't forget the, place, No. 1, Fleming Block, , Statit Street. I . B.tAC ROSENZWEIG & CO. Erie, April 29, 1847; i 50 BONNETS tr. BONNET TRIMMINGS. W E have this day. OPened, and offer for sale a . large stock of Bonnets, Lailies4d Mind e i zee, at far beloW the market., among viliM are sorra of the richest tyle French Lace, Bead wrought, China Rico,: earl Straw. Gimp, 4.c„ togeth'y with 'a ,good 1 sortment of trimmings. Some f the teal Frene flowers that are beauti ful,. al Ribbons, 4.c. ~ at ' • I 0? May 1.9, I 047. !eon i eredi completely restored. and to the eft ! any hesitation, litattributc the cure. January, 1815.' Pastor of the I. , Testimony from Roc • goyim! - Sm.—Sometime last January. I was taken s! ! with a distressing cough, which in the cours bleeding of the lungs, with much sorene ss of t !much soreness ortlie breast. After being confi .and getting. no Wetter,, Mr. Parslke, formerly !recommended me•to get a bOttlelof Dr. Ducluan observing that he had been similarly afflicted, • 'tine had been speedily and entirely cured. ,I ; after using it a short time the result was as, !well. Frop the benefit I received from the Ba good name it bears- among my friends who lungs and chest, I am induced to believe it to .(101V in use for•thoso diseases, wades such meal ' Illemurkable cure ern Duna To S. Toustv., Ciii 4 Cc Sir—We arc entirely tot of the Itun: :Irian left with 113, in'onr iminediate vicinity; nd in .ray with astonishing success.. A lew days sin( town called at our store who had been tOr mom tressingeounh. and wanted a bottle of the Bat little use for him to take it or any thing else— bottle, however, and afterwards had pa other, very much improved in appearance . , and s strength—but had it not been Or the in ahead ; have died. We wart s one mere of th Medic 1 1 Yours resPeetMlly, ' l i [From Esq. II!. E. Fisk, Cana:ooa, .N. '., dal To S. Toustv, Agent, &e.HSii: ti a .in g it Balsam 'in My family with the very best suttee having seen it used by my friends wi h liter htprin7 to become an Agent for the sale ot the • la-great number of bottles. and have in almost bad succeeded beyond all expectatiop,in some 'been by Physicians of respectability PILONGI 'their cases hopeless, and-I most eheerfully,reer Ifering with lung complaints, ai,suring them tha i t speedyrelief. , .. (Signed) More Prook Esf a ldishiag the efficacy of the Ilungsrinn Ildgant of li . fe [From Deacon Lewis, of Utica, dated Li icA, Fehrnary 4, r315.] I cheerfully give my name in thvor 'of Dr.,Bueltan's Hungarian Balsam of jLife. Last April, my wife was attacked with ; 'violent cifugli, attended. with la severe and most nisTncssin C PAIN t' TILE -.I i 1:, so, bed 11:3 , L0 deprive her Hof rest.. While in this situation, I called on Warner:4, Co. for sonic medicine, and they Tecommtmded this Balsam. I purchased a bottle, and by !the time we' had used about one-lialLof it, toy v 'ire began to get better, and ;after using the remainder; ifer health 'it as corn detely Restored, Since chat Ithne I have recomun'ended the Balsam-to my flit: Ms, many of whinn have used lit with like success. (Signed) .101 IN LEWIS.' Deacon of the Firs! Baptist Church in Utica. • I ET. Forilier E;videne e., !=f,, - ; I [FroM the P. M. at Burlington Hats, Otsego Co. N. Y. dated Jan: IS IS.) lum again tinder the necessity of ordering a new supply, nithe Balsa m. I 1 Nly wife still continues the medicine and is improving: It is doing wonders Till this section, I heard of a friend 50 miles from hero who was considered a Cocrintimrt Coxsumerm the B s. I sent him ti 0 I3ottles of alsam about two weeks since, and today I heard from hint, and the Balsam is I acting 1011 him like a charm. (Signed) . A. E. ABNOLDt The Messrs. Metcalf, of Genesee:N.A.'. one p 1 is hoot is a practising physician) in ordering a new supply of the II ilia to, says that 'ln some S E bEn CASES our customers complain of receivir 4 great benefit ill in its us.e 4 S' 0 SEY, Syracuse, N. Y. General A fent for New 'Ye # k and t h e. blastt, tates. Sold in Eric by CA eTtll &BE 011IER, No. 6 "teed {louse n\s9 WII - COMB ~.~' ~~j -/~ MET CALF'S ct of this medicine, without DAVID McFARLAND. liptiNt Church in Coloose". ,iester. • rmt, N. Y. June 5, 1515. lth a violent cold, attended of a fete days brought on a le chest, pain in the side and med , to my hed fur keine days limy S-Iterifeof this county, s Hungarian , Balsam of Life, nd by the use of that myth mmediately tot a bottle, and le predicted-1 got entirely saw, and from the universal ve used! it for diseases of the le one of the best mediCines nmend it to the public.. , (•- W. W. SWIFT. Avis.; r J.Y. 1 (volts, .Y. Aug. 6, 15.11, lidsain, having sold all you 'ustiee• el the. MediOine I must (e a you g gentleinan of this ih s mill tell with a very dis am. WO told him it was of 1E Niur i nni. lie took 4 Yesterda.y he• called atmin id hewWl 'rapidly ;mining i 11,1 , I • 11 tingitfla i itusai,ta Remus. . ;( ac directly. i ENG 1-IftlYl tif IIAVES. d 01 N A SrroTl : N0W.17, 146) ill Qr. Vine iail's Tlunl;ariari ss for lung cOmplainisl and Success, I was induced last uni3, since which I ha've sold cvm y in-lance learned that it cases where the patient had LINGED INCURABLE, and an ine ed it. all who arc sof ig, in must ca,es they will find W ILE; AM E. FISK. 846. WALK ' - ritit 'WARDING DUCE MERCI Ecif,o arditt s g and et at ;heir vi edam:it! and will be , 'ready or the pteS6Fll ar Merchandise Awn yes, to Erie, as they sponsible lihes, and of Stearn Moats anti ning . to theil house, speedy tran,dnissio their tare; They a agor', up land do Canadian putt, !on Si. Law'enco— aleo IE C 0 0 K Of 0.1 1It''S10.); k PRCI dNTS.--INV eontinue the I mmissoin business lomat, ' In the Pliblie Dock, Erie, Pa. I the opmling of Nai'igation eonti am lin the shipment o eastern cities, or other phi. 'are eonneetcd with good. to haring some of the first.elass Propellers on the lakes 'runthet city ent,ering the safe and of ail prokrty entruz , ted to fill atteed do the forwarding n the lakes t'n to any M . the ALL: -OntaOu'and the I:icr -rout') by the Brie Extension CASH mkt - Ince:: and sales promptly cot,tantly on Intnil small qoantitil•,, ALSU—SaIi, Ph Iron, NaiN, :torts wok: on nil Linde r I Protloco 'tended to. They will keep ions Con I, in l'„lrge or t purelm:wi% :ter in blils, or bulk, Fieh i.d Catitiotts of every dc,erip• il I• T - RENCES: Ei 8011 S. rn. " I 111 rod co." (.• Till .liihn C. 11( \. J,'lnn.oo, 1 1-10, Pain 01. N. OK W. ton rt, (hie, Clapp Gent W i E. I'. Jam 4 s Ilro 'Cr ri; s c o , Bunt°. AI halt v, ith Co. Cu. Boston, Holt & Co. X.. city, n, Ourdensbnri y N. V. viie,Torcintii • I C. IV. arves rio. tleveland, 0: , Dctroit,r 4- Dole, Illinclis, 18 16 L Ir Watl4.oN, \, vc.ol3Nst:t.t.Alt kx•i• t]xW i rActIANGE, t,rttf:, arranged - and syi-tenwjcl his as to enable hiin to devote a itne to his profession, 'will at ness (116i:sled to his eine.— !ourts in the Courniesof Erie, lerecr, Venting°, Clarion and Mpreme Cotirt of this State; I arrang - ements by which he ss in the adjAning C 4, ountics Ohio. All monies collected Drafts on New York or All y charge tar Etchamze., &le ;:e of and prosecute Claims :tams, draw and superintend shins, Patents, &e. inte;;rity with which all hu h!. erne will be iierformed it r in this place to speak, but Ibi-ine:s to transact, or Ciol 'his section of country, are re ) tho zentlemen: KED, - %\'1:11,IIT, lEric.ra. Tim it ETT, • 311t00 Co. nsq ' I.llllllilo. . Esq. • / IDS En, Rochester, N. Y. \- A !illtztoi, N. V. =EMI Stan art, %lbw Iv 4. Nov% berry crie, Nlare i 11, PI RR, ATTORNE ' ANI I COMML ICIAL , 1 Al ffie lN i a ( :Lt I tar 11_ o -, great portion of his tene to all lenal Mist He will attend the Warren, Coa-tord, Jefferson, and the and has prolessiimt will transact basin. in New Valli anti gill be, remitted by adelphia As ithout a will also take cha . against the United applications for Pc Of the ability an 47iess confided to wont(' TIM he prnpt I those ha% ink Legal I 'actions to titakt.. in spectrally referred I 110 N. JAMES Timm GIN. CHARLES M I 51r53145. AVII.I.IIMS , MOSES Koi 7, w. ,A'INCET N. II I AS). &IT. W. TATCI IHENRY K. SMITH. I CHARLES 11. S. WAI, JASIES MULLETT, I. EHILIT DoSIIIMEII, HENRY W. RoGEIt HON. ADDISON GAT 110 N. JOHN A. DIN 4 IJKNILY SHELDEN , i, CORNELIUS W. I. lj DOItlt; °HANDLE t 4 HON. ROBERT H 5 CONOVER A:. I. AILAR J. Se A. VANOSTRAN HON. JA3IIIS RUCH.% " 11r3 L'E.M.11t4i4 " ROBERT J. 'Y , " W. MEDILL AVM. Z. STI; WA IV ', Sy GEORGE 11. M..W110 ~ .11. BROCKWAY, IN ON. ON. WM. PATTE t HON. JOHN WEN"I BILIST01.•&. , PORT •I COL. JAMES R. S. LUDWIG, KNEEDLI c01.....1.131k.'S PAGE' ABRAM. S. wou HENRY HORN, E,. . .1. 3: J. P. S'I'EINEI . HON. FRANCIS li. 1 1 SIMON CAMEI I .• N. 11. EMMEN HENRY IttIEHLER. ' 1141 N. W 1111.1.1.51 1..01 GIIN. LEVI G GLOM GEORGE 1'11031t2) , 1 ZION. It. Illcel.t. A.AI W. J. GORDON. - DIA. S. ENtmcirmt 1 HON. LEWLi CASS.' CHARLES 0' HAMSDi ' JOHN AIeREYNOLD, , Erie, ',May-8, 18 Ecq., WIIITAKER. 0111(16, N.Y. city • , t Lac, Witsibiligt on • 111.1. Logan:port, la. (i)Nwer,o,ri. 1. oN. shdn,ky 0. I 'own'. ) chicA g o; 111. t. 3 I ,wnr.N. Co Philadelphia. UNK, iliarrisbtarg. K INS, ). lllsbnrgh•— I; R. ", ESQ. WhOollilig. Va. 11, 3101ifor, Mich. Cleveland 0. • EVI), Esq. 3 Illero4, 115,1. . SALT--Always on hand, a s and of the bestguality, by I la roM LI NSON h et). LOlilt AND the liiwest prie. . Aar. ISIO TH IME'r, Pin Sill , and Caid cheap at the CONI Erie, Feb. 27, 18 111 1 1 . T .ADIV,S Kid 4.n. cheep et theL Feb. 27, IS 17 R r und embroidered do, Lane, nere Shaivis, a is mode, very \ ERCIAL EXCHANGE. Morocco Izzlipq and L'usltins, EXCHANGE. CLOTHS, Ca i .quality audit(' abpve cost, at tbay Feb. 27, 1816. L., mercs'and Sattinetts of every or, are offered at a traction JEWSTORE, I I - French St., (IASFEVIERgS, Dress Goofy, other store in to#n, Feb. :17, 18474 Alpacas, silks and all other t cheaper rates than at any at the - JEW STORE. DRESS GOODS. ril Corner Store,- Reed House ment of Dress Goods„ styles 'nd the goods decidedly cheap. Ind examine feir yourselves at MEl l ' fi Cq'S. ' French goots: hi d you back part of alto° , going s, al. No. 4, ChNipside, MORTON & Ce:: Erie, May 22, 1,17. '• . ' I OPENING at ih a large - assay ew and beautiful, please call May TF: 1817, GENTLEi',NIEN' read of in the off at reduced pric Commercial Exchange Something worth Mao about. A rarity under the, head of a Patent Medicine llvertiseinent. We a,k our readers to pursu e the tollowln!:,knowid , ,they will profit thereby. , , 1 - ,.),.- , - NiTe_L AN - '' s ~*--;vER N1:1F L G E:. A medicine which is periectly -4 - ale, and May be given to children from tender infancy, to advanc ed age, lays under no restraint as to cold water, or any kind of food. Purges mildly, subduing fever; t'ettroys and evpels worms with invariable suc cess, and is easily administered to children. That it possesses these valuable properties i tt fear assertcsh still*.laiming the. additional ad vantages of being given at sin all bulk, and tertnir< none of the drenching which Worm Tea and other supposed Vermilitges deman,'. Dining, its btil lhitit career, it ha' been introduced into mtany families, where every other known and riceettsible •,\ Vermiluge had been iul without the least Ilk - eess, where it has pr op ptly expelled worms t.oan almost incredible amount. I Hear what the Editor of dill Bulletin of the pa cific, (published in Pittsburgh, Pa.) says in refer-• ence to the artivlC. "In I °lam , up a few advert i .ernetits -forny small Aeet, the other day, I called iii upors I% I ssts & 3,` KimCo.', tied rem,Wking that I ' %void I be i glad to advertise any , trualicitte-that reahy wa es• scot ialli useful, t hey f}.lrttished me with thei , cir cular re. meting Ar. ,11PLatte's Worm .SpetAlle, with ,the accompanying certificates. Feeling persuaded that the certificates were genuine, I took some oftlie medicine home for the use of my one young family. I gave the first day a ...mall teaspoonful to Sarah. She was wan looking and black under the eyes.., She passed several worms' some as Lavas a pipe stem. I also gave a small teaspreful to Samuel, a lifile, rosy checked, fle.she boy, about 3 1-2 year:, old, flat as his stomach was t!, tenancies, it. e.- he was pot-le:Med, I thought Ile Ini.ulit have worms!. He cried after more, which -I, did not see tit to i c itim, but upon the operation of this eried!ciffe, Imi mother tted the neighbors wyre surprised -at the result. Ile pas= ' ed nearly a Pint of norms, tilmo-a all as Ida ia a COMMA) pipe sten:. '1 Imre tva:: seventy in a I.— F then gave some to a little boy only 2 year old„' and he passed twenty.livel some - eight inch, s •in'! length.' I the,efore feel c har to recommend •NP- I Lan's Vermitite as a tspccific for worms tlt fairly seems death to them. ISII:AEL It LIE.. S, Editor:- • Pittsburgh, 141), Ilbli, I:517. , J. 'Cum& Co:, No. cal Wood treaf, Pittsburg now the sole Proprietors of Dr. NPLane's celebra ted medicines. All orders must be addressed to them. , • V ' P_T'N. B.—Purchasers Nvill please be par icu- ' tar and enquire for Dr .11Tune's Wotan Spec,: Lc or Vcratiftige,.' ' '''' f , From the Pitt,lett gh 64zeite. ' The past Slimmer (18 16) has been a very re: marl: able one. Frequent-and heal, v raiine, follow ! . ed by intense and low , continued iteat,• had Lilo. effect, in the first place, to promote a rapid growta of succulent vegitation, and in ilai sound, to , pro (Wee a rapid ducomposit r tun of, vegetable matter ; i , ivini , rise In much miasma mid spreading iltiLlt noss„ di--,se and di .ith. in platys thickl had lierettdbre been temarhable fix their FAlubkitf. ' 1, We are credibly informed, that whole mea lows on, which the grass svasamti-iaally heavy, rotted to the ground atU has tiot lit .'fii be ea:, lit Indiana and 1 Ihnois, the stchne-- is 11, z . oral,. that 'here n as not enough well persons to attend upon the sick, white ,introits heft plottac)ed. by! a nancol proper retnedie.i, as null as of good nor sitz. NI tteh iil this 7 sinieriniz intirlit mouse been prevenfed, had esery latniis hept on hand a sop • ply of toeilivines suited to counteract the ((Teets id, this miasma. in ith which the e alMit , -h p re' at yet lain times is surcharged, In addition to (which is in ;anti g ' jnerai use as iced no inept,) oe %%out(' stronizi kelp on I snit one in!nr ' e boxes of :1)11 , LANE'S Ll V 1 7,11 PILL4t." Those Pills are the pt Ph) sieian in \lonon¢ali . . 11.4 7 )1 1)y hi in it) his prit a in bilious complain)), 1i) 01 ollei int; them to the %vai the ,access of -the mtpib,‘r olp,eNoti , !tenet of quantity ropiisit tog tletuand began to its the tiny required to Litt. present this he has ma house o; J. KIDD Pittsborgh, Pa.: o ep; the,st2canine may TM( ans're.umnable tp 4110 ily. , , • . Tll , `F ' r fill: art pot,ll - et oarti-terideil nit L a panacea for' "ziA the lIIS II at , 11 , , L 61 1- heir-to,' ; but in alJaf teciions \of ihei Li •er um) ) . in' aniti I ima complaints they [ sv stain' ighot t a 'yield.lA,tl . s-ho, has - el met ths ed theM, t2lre tle‘tnthL pre'erence over all oth er Pills, al.d 'vain ot.' Fiat prrs L\ t.] hi t x‘hantze those tvlieli they find by exp.-I.ton, 0. to • be mill, safe and etl'eelual, for any other, es en the itgli they may be sonar-coaled, or so drastic as to go "thro' by day liuht," - . , Prepared for the proprietoliw J, E DD & Co., Whnlevle Di ttr.e.k.t, No. 60 Winc,d St eel, Pit.t.A burgh,Pa., to %%hum all milers fro in a ditgaitee must he directed. Sold also, by our A ..ents'.and to priacipal C ruggil-h. throughout theC...4.ted .j 7t. rues and Canada. i. . • . - ; 1 .-_ - & N. 13.—Purehafmr: , l% ill please be pat-lie u:at Sind enquire for " Dr. .1!" Lane's Liver Ptas," :61 take nixie else, .v... there arc other pills nOw betot e the public, purportinz to be "Liver Pills:" Aowsvrs.—Garter St Brother, J. Lie Burton .S.: Co., Erie; .T. 111a - rvin ; Watertoid; John I\PClure. G i rat (I; John A;Traey, Fairview;, ,W. 11.3'0w ns end, Sprinolield;- Hall St. Vincent, ; CraneSville; .Tachson & Campbell, Ed enh; q (2 oro. C. To‘‘ it & co. wuttsburz; A..T.,,,,,,110 4 , upio \li is, J. H. Haynes North East. ) . Sbld by Haynes, and:Merchants gen...piny, throughout the United States. June:26, IS 17, . • . ' ' 6 VIENA, Carolina U: leans andseotub Plaids V also Li nseys, anti WorstmdC; mills (Wall kinds tbr sale 1 ery low at Canivem.'s. 1111T1NTER Sperin Oil, a pure 'article, fe — rj;.ale V at B. TomuNsoN s, Co's. Erie, Feb. 13, 1817. o • i :,9 NEW EsTABLIsIDIENT. • - 'AUCTION & COMMISSION/SIW: , Tpf. undersigned beg, leave to in lbrin RE rrivirds, i and the public genet ally, that they have commenced the above , business t the oil' stand O A Or Jolm Graham, on' ate . strect, two door's dorth or the Eagle LI otel; v. here they are'ready to receive and dispose or dl kinds or Goods that may be consigned to them, -either by Public Auction pr Private Sale. They hope that by strict atten tion all Intsincsg entrusted to, them, to 'gain a :-hale tW the public patronage. They will also keep ondiand a choice to o 1 I o:idy made cloth ing, suitable to the seasons - , viltich they .will 461 cheap as the cheapest., , ~ (~ , TIA HA ISI ,Sf TaORNTON. Erie, April 3, IS 17. " 46 WitiN TED! 1N exelthge for Goods. any quantity of Good 1-M111...MK PENCE BOARDS, 6,d, 10, and 12 inches wide, 14 and 16 feet long. HE \ I LOCK J01C1' 1.. .„ 12 by 19, and 2 1.2 by 12,,. 15, 1645 and 20 feel' 4 long.' I .11 1 'MLOC K. STU DDING, 2 by 5 and 3 by , 1; 10, 11 and 16 feet lona, for whieb the Illieft market price %al be paid, wlicii delivered at his Lumberyard at the foot of French street.' -• . WM. TiIIiESDA.IL. Erie, March 4, 1517, , 12 ,--.--- AGAIN HERE WE COME,. WITH the best and cheapest Stuck-of fash ionable LADIES' DRESS GOODS ever offered in this market, consisting in part 1 50 patterns l Dress Silks elf-all colors, embracing Colored and Plaid and Stirped Poult de Soi, Ciro dc Rhine, . , Gro do Swiss, - , 1 Satins of all colors, SHAWLS of all kinds, such as Silk, Crape, Barrage, Whet, Mous e , Lain, Broeha,,S•c., Lawns; Balzarincsun Barages, ' Gloves and' Mitts of all,kinds —Silk, Kid,lLisle, • cotton, &c. CLOTHS, Cassimeres; and Satinotts. ' In short, customers c. Dry Goods line usually Ica. 'We forbear 'to m say, ladies, ive can sell Lawn dress from I2s t any in Broadway. PI selves. ' Fartbee pai forget the place, at April 28,-1847. CO; ingham Ware.— A beau ood aosonment justreceiv PirrssultGll it, LiCul article, and cd,and for sale by Tr 11 TOMLINSON 4. co. It Autia«t i, 1816 lint? 4011- l i,r.ription of an cull 14nt Vitrinta, and tt re e practice as a remedy. years betorethe tlanght auGlic. Such. however, )111, anti so! Great the 'red hy them,ilie 1113,i in . .„; to =apply the ine'ri93B,-t terfere materially %%WI tidto his praetke. To arrau eineutti with the • GO V% . 'etel \ ll;treet re and fiend them, where lured at all times and in weeds, liontucky Jeans .n find every thing in the winked for in the mar ution prices. 'Suftice to you a handsome French lets..khat will vie with, lase call and see' fur, your tigulars hereafter. Don't CADIN DLL'S. 50 NONE CAN BE LIKE TILE\ HRRICK' .E.ED,„Ao,. - Standard Family, Medicinesi TINE PAVIRSItIME DAY.—The high etrcomiums of ma, e 7'. where bestowed upon these. deservedly popular m5.,;,„:' ,, , by citizens of the highest respectabrkty. Slid by 5 ,,,,,,,..;! -of the: medical profession in curtsy tiktion oft:., Cart,"" Statei and 13 • • Fe Possession*, entitles them i n t h e ~,,,, of the Commerce, of Disease. A mast of Calla lEin testimony is in the Doctor's possesse s , ~,i . , r .,." . t , yerlormed by their preeminent remedies sifter the sow ed treatnieutlef the medical faculty. and rs „, tlic i t ' • P , Tuhr remedies of the Slav hurl Moot tried in vans DR. lIERRiCK . S l VEGETABLE st: GAR COATED P11.1.:i. Moy, Ile used with heti ' slice es In, sissy d or , ~,. ginning u gentle d a ii- pooto.o plug tins' 'l'h,,. ~,, with astonishing iptiektirss pains And , 11 7 / I soc, of 0 : besot, pains andweak weakness of the hr.' ate, Ache nod 1 ,,, , ,•,,, all Muds of reser,. antlaneution of the slab-retie organ. s - ss - the human body. foul tlreatli, coated loncaa. billions vin.i, ic, habitual cost is rise's nod to all ease" where the Ho . i " act) anti bowels lire loaded- withAtrosor.s. winch ere s sr/7 ductile of dise.tse. Earle s ssse cH M- s i n , 3 0 p, b . , ~, 1 ,1 ,- rantell'unider oath purely Nt i ret,,,t,t, sdsd telbfor 2, cents.... • 2 and 3 being an ordinary !dose. ...Mr.°, lIERRICK'S SCIA'I'IC LINIMENT, 'I'IR, INFALLIBLE REMEDY For Rheum:main, Sprains, lirtit-es, Contriicte.l Tore., aura 't'hroat, Quitige, Croup. Still Joints, Shrunk Siss, esss Ague in the breast nod face, Tiltdii3Clit frozen Feet, Di.i..ah, if t h e Spine.. Periblica thilii,.. slid ethers" , r lie t•Orrn it apphcation ', irrslic.,ted. The r.iisolny lugs, li - utiles' t h is WONDER WORKINO NIEIHCINE Cutest!, is met cases of fhe above diieares it littrticti.,l TRY. WONDER AND ADMIRATION of the Word'E That ell may avail theinselv , • of the use of tine b resin„ to hinae • ity, the Doctor has put the price at 25 rents. Earl' 1,.. ‘ tin has the Diet's : %bone btu., is its the glx.,*, and enuelc i .. oil in it cut pr . diseased Spine, accomPollied wills fell .is. restive's., I.tkeuvise general debility's attended with'pann owl uvs-hlorts, in the twin:all and&O. , th, eXtellihtlg to the node-.lose of appetite, trembling of ilte limbo, panes, tam of the hes,rt, d.othol tee, Ague 3 aid Feuer, and all fhl. taut disease• are spsiellv etired by the ; use of • 1.11:lli R I Cli . ' S VEGETABLE TONIC BITTERS. .. ' P.,,t'u l , its boxes, sccompsnied nub directions, a nd sell f,/ ',nets E ich lust w ill 'liaise half a thilioll. In the r3n,.., manner ran Doug lit, Coll" A •tirma, oppression o f the I Che•t, Whooping Dough Croup, IntLiniati.nt of the Lulus and resent ca..-- of the I "ose•umption; be greatly help. sl - and spite kit tined liy' DR 'l . •' - 11E1f111C'K.S MEDIG.ITFD 1061:011 I • 1 ~ 'i . .-, LOZENGES. Price 23 rte. - Two-of th - eee Lozenges tire, a po , itni incise, l'ilE TilliiStril ANT StreCliS:l; 'stitch every wirere,stlensisis the - tire of Hermit's Worm Destroy i s! Lozenges its the de,truetion and expulsion of worms hogs the hum in ,iyst„iiin,ll,l4 placed thesis firat itili the se-Raise:us, of rentethes.• They are to take. Cluldeen ink, them. stud their sued is ouch as to H istsonsh thi'lscholsisr. Price 127, rt.., with full directions Those sutlerinc frost piiiiiS and ii c.ahne-s el the breast. sides and 1,,,,i,,,,,,,„ Ithenni.iti m, lAtintreco, site. will find a friend in then, nr I i Lit ii Ck'S ELILBAU M N STRENGTII. ''ENING PLASTER. ilpreasfrs 1 fine find leather, will wear (runt our to e.e Inn:Wis. Price only IC} CU, and are nib ilYg Ihr piers • f All Qiiiiir ris• ter, ands are i ~nsiderol the MEI" I' .IN - 0 CHEAPEST PLASTER NOW IN CS _ e 1 '• TO ' TIIIF; PIL7111.11r,r•• Si , much but 1.1: , `11 trod by tome Newtort; anta, thatthe`v aloto• had till Jeer to mart and ',:prtt a S, ear Coated rill, and our: even pretendiu 7_ , al/ fir silt erti•vr that 117 'patent for so f:sine, ttof lioctrr litina this prartiee ofd, cptioti 'before the thew be judges lit the ease; „bother a by.tni yr that k /ad . MI :flit looter to e]lsl. It,. Herrick ILna 174 , f itren to M. Burke, the Cointitistdotter of Patents at Waehtligton, wbe,e litter w dasher it gin en I!. S. Potent (Vice J. Dr; lierriels—Dcar Sir—Your le,ffer of, thei.lth ha% been In :111.•ss to olll . 11/ IpilrY Ikilf`tber ' Bon p Ii.AC ... .11 granted liir a pill coated with rutrar.l inform s on that no co cord of inch r' s. riarent can tie found in tine office. Itespeei fulls yob", 1.11:111)SIX BURKE:. ffiving a mere general description uP the ;tedieno— may lie nuitoi any of the Agent, I'ritirtp.,l Dopta 5.1 St rtu t•treet, Albany, xthere all, or mo•t be addres,w.l. I 4 ' AGEVCS 11. But ton it. Co. John Cnisiniins & Cu rile, Guilford & I unr, Girard-, rind .1.11 iiiyncs o Nuith 181T.-Iy4o. ' NEW FIRM: li t - NEW 'AND CHEAP.GitOCEIIES !-' !, J)IIN 7.1 NI M Eft LY &A. 1.1. 111"fi El CI tetli, late of the firm of Hitchcock, Ziatt erly &Co. have attain associated themselves in the Whole sale and-Retail Grocery business, on Itate street, nearly onfu-site,the Fault. Hotel, in tilt room late ly lICCIIiii6d by• Wm, It indernecht, under the s:t le ..00. ZIMMERLI'S.: Cp. where will be fiwn;l a larn-e and well selected assortment of till It inds ,4 Wet and Dry West India Goods connirisin2cm ry article usually kept or called fiiir iii a Grocery store. Among stock, inay, he fould:—L. Coffee of every price and qualit '• I Old and Young , II vson Teas; Pepper, Spice, Intli 20,- - liroi rn, unhp at - il...Li i_zu , ar. ' Clioc t ;late, castileand rosin soa , r.ising, tii.s. ',Tobacco of co eq quality, cigar„ sl elf tirocer -1 ire of all kinds, - - s, - tr 01 t:ether with Iron; ;ails, a• - 1 dow ulasw, etc. etc. i * EZ..S- Co. tender their thanks for the very fzenecal itroutate extenclecno them for. the pa .-lii st.t 'year:, d hope,they may by their endeat or.l to please, receive a continuance of favors in t 4 511/ , C of old ai, well as new customers. ,They arc prepar ed to purchase7,r,ain of all kinds, butter, eg t :.t, dried apples and beaches, Fta x, Tit UAW. and 'Clo t ver Soul, for tt Welt CASH will b , paid at their counter. . Erie. April 2.WS IC. •: .CASH! 'CASH!! CASH %%ill be paid for 10,0'00 1 10,000 do Corn, 10,000 qo 13. barrels Flour, if delivered'Atiu_ , ~. 111. Erie, Oct. 10, 1S 111. D , OCT. Wit:TAIL'S C..llUtlll, Ital-ton Celebr7Ped remedy for Consul Ilivenses of the Lungs. Al. ‘Vistar tine Pills. For halo by Dr. P. !Hall, Age an Sesvnth •ts, Eric. Va. On. 10. 15111 ASIIP,'S! ASHES' T WILL pay 8 cents , prr biudiel 1 ash'e:, 'and 12 I r 2 ors per bushe es delivi3tql at m\ a,sliery or - Mli.c Erie; Oct. - 2-1 1016. - ; C. M. _H--- li ,-. A , S ES. —1 hose loving, good Adm., will do .43, I well to 'deliver thew at our asiwg soon as ‘lc are rifwv working, ofrwhat we have on band. - 'April Bth 1817. S. JA C li:sON & Co. Co', Cast Steel Axes by Zi the dozen or Ongle, • TOMLINSON & Co. February 13, wEsATAIN lIOTEIL, i T .,, Tu.:, Ci:lt ALIA NI, i Proprietor. The . . . ti t J subscriber would rlpspectfully 111101111 - r;: 0 1111 his friends and the trAcling public yen- . erally i that-he has leased for ,term of years this rim and cominodioni LlOns"e, situated at the, Ilirdith Street Canal-B:6in. This location rent deFs ihe" WEST' :B` " pro-eminently the mosl convenient and dhsirablc stopping place for all eitlier, doing busities-s or tra‘elinp, on the Canal. There is, also, attached to this establiihmat a hinge and convenient Stable for the use of Boat men and adicil having horses. 1 . - ,q pains 9r cxpensil has been spaird_in fittin tip this hints° for !the convenience. comfort and pleasure of gliCbt,"7, and tlit: Proprietor trusts by Att. etattention to business to merit al*receivev, sh re of public patronage. • ' . -:rie, April .2 I. ISI7. ! , 4 fill.! OIL':. OIL!!! ... . SErGEL. has again op l e n e d his s.tore in this ~, shy, at the co:ner of French and Filthy strisets„ for the purpose ofselling LINSEED OIL. of his Own Innuacture, cheaper. by 10 per cent. titan it 'vas ever,.Offered here before; i'varrunted to . be ,_fiat rate article. 1 l . . He also keeps constantlf on hand Turpentine White Lead, dry or in oil, by the keg or pound; Chrome.flrcen, Chronic Yellow,- Anterican e'er-' million, Pose Pink, Eitharage, fit short, every de scription' of Paints, all of n Welt will be sold cheap for cash. . i. A general assortment of Gllbt RIES, such as Tea, Sugar, Coffee; Spices, gigs, Raisins, rte: which arc 11l the hest quality. ?All p,ersons wish ing, to buy Gil, or good and et%eap, .3roceries will, do well to call at the corner of i r p erilt at:id:Fourth streets at the @il and, Grocery tor f oC, : Seigel' and and examine finality and ri cirtlefore put ehasihg elsewhere, as he can di 4 t sur .hem that he .f 'will make it lbr their interest:to do so: Give hirr a. call. - _ .___ i H , I \ -)'•'.: ,'•- , E!ie,Jtine C., 1644. VOTES OF AN _EXILE, by L. t INV, Mille , 111 . being an account of the auilibr;; confine ment at Van Deamano Land, just rbcoiv d and for sale at Spafforda's Booktiture. Erie, May 9, 1847. !. LADIES Cravats and Point's, a l'hie seletitin and something new together with some nice hat Ribbons, just opened at the toner opposite the Eagle. • April 29. - - Wool 1 . WOO' !! WOOI !!! THE highest pricepaidfor Wool at No: Commercial Exchange, French street. MOST KOCH Erie, May V2 c 1817 11 II MIGNIE tisliclB wheat, rley, 'anti 5011 ADWELL. -21 of Wild Cherry and Gentle Pura t, curncr of State l'or good tied for house anL• :171 COTIIC TIBBALS