Col. Do:nlp6an and Tom Coririn. 'Pt reciep L ion of Cpl. Doniphan and his gal lant i regime i tiof Missourians at St: Louis, was a glorious affair for tho heroes of Bradito a nd t accatuOnto. Col Benton, on of the citizens of that city, addressed them in a speech of cOnsidefable length, and in itself, a retnplete history of their march. The reply of Col. Doniphan, or, whom appearance, says the Reveille "shouts and 'huzzas made the welkin ring ligran, - was just sue h a reply as we might epect from 'the-bold and fearless commander./ . .Plie Col. is a whig, and to the whigs we commend his strong language in 'this short te tract from his speech, as we find it in the Re eille? s "Col. D. ob•erved, very emn aticaltv, that 1 'this was ii str uge war. it as branded by Col. D.'s ofrit pariy,,as an unjust war, • and yet opponents as well as supporters rallied to rustain it. 1 \ higs and Democrats composed the same unto es, and slept in the same tbnts. As an instance of Whig feeling while in the, field, Col. D. said that after longylong months, during wh . lCil nailing had been heard :trom the States, and while all hearts were •yearning to hear from home, the first thing me with in . mericau papers was the speech ( of or,win, Of Ohio. It was a complete show -1 er-hath!..4t was received with a shock—a 'shudder! 'Ater ha - ving (Wert:olll'3 weary leag,u s, impracticable mountains: after cut ting heir ‘i..ity / through the enemy, all their Than s wat, to he told - that they were "rob bers and ci t'-throats!" , Col. D. indignantly den tincerl 64 , ry speech and, every paragraph - which w/nii. th decry the prosecution of The war to a prOm i pt :close. It was said that those who made/ Filch speeches , Wonepto the "peace' party. 'No such thing.. 'l' ei would on the conl/rary, viistpone peace to ternity ! Prompt /*you and sustained'actilm, or all ef forts WeiC l 6 ‘lllll. Yrritic thunder and hail storm pass donia, N. V., on Tuesday last.- - ss says ":About 2 o'clock P..M., a made its !appearance in the north, roMid to the northeast, and about i'ine the wind began blowing a per uml, that quarter—the duals came emitting the most vivid flashes of whi'cit were followed by deafning 3 unde.r. , Another shower now ap'- he south-west awl took an north rectiun. IThe two storms met each ,t directly over our village, and for 'rtes the scene Was fearfully sublime 1 tato] cintendino! for the mastery— were!'' rolled and tumbled into con ses—now, rallying to the charge, wing and scattering- before the lery of heaven''.—the rain wa.lit ed, "commingled with hail." The 4 tcd about !20 minutes, at the end of le the wind, with a crashing gust onth-west, the ilurth-caster retreat- Was fair weather again. Itt storm r some three hundred lights i-.‘, broken Airy hail, and three houses . 1( lightning. Dr. M'intyre's was !I torn to pieces; the Doctor's Pills I, ;n all directions and himself upset lured. Mr. 11. F. .Sit li had a chim- ed,oNer The L'ipre dark clottd and moved the same ti' ftct gale fr tip rtpidly,l lightning peelsof Li mired in easterly di other aim() • - a few niinu —each .see the cluudi ntas ,then (lisp art, rrally you combat la which tiu 'bid fled to .H 0, and all During •of ghtls w strucit 4 xit a good da, scattered but not in and his , library strewed over the e flu entered a hoosToccupied by lor, at tb(i ellimney—catlietted down iipe into the kitchen, hroke in two nil knocked 110%4 Mrs. Winsor. • ne) slrnc fluor. T Mr. Win ilie Move a griddle go's , pcography of Pcnn37lvania IRI book has been laid upon our d 'from the extaminatiUn which we en it, think it is 'well calculated fur g e es for which it is intended. It is t tuperior to any Geography of the etofore published, containing a full n of the several counties, their A copy table, an have gir the purpo f l perhaps / State her descriptii rFnms, principnl mn nu fac t 'lrk's,' in flung v‘ hiell such a work should The Book is-fur ra . l - grat 0. D. Spaf- to«•nr, s fact ever IMMO 'h tore in this city 'ford's Bo spun lent of the New Orleans_ Derta A cum "Plttri York 'Frii the .7119'e . of coursq from this{ miliciatid to is conying articles from the New nine IA ith approbation, :Mowing that lean peop!e• nre oppose,' to the war. they receive great encouragement belief, aml ate daily looking for a de again4t Mr. Polk." • ley-of the Tribune can stan I all that. flush, he omit. have a conscience timvican Foie leather.—E•rshM .1r- it Gra and nut made of t fins. !as one at all, it probably is made of l rial; but %ve are inclined to believe inee to di the advice of 1114 pAtical ilia I Steven', and threw it tto the If Lori that mate he long 'l l (rival. devil! A Butt of the first Water, eriker in an exchange rarer, per ; ie. following, iiiiinitigatel letz I 0 be 0 losi: . An nth retrnti's t too good ED immediately. 75 or NO Women to manufacture Ready Made Cloth- I" WA ni/11(1!rk in g. " foot !owe three fee is water in the upper Lakes is tt than it was last iyeltr, and nearly lower than it was live years ago. 07 — T long a:I n to citizens of ‘Vaskington are ma .9Pssary arrangements fur 9 public lie gallant Col. May. dinnei 1 to . . ~. 'A duel was 6ught on the 12th of June, in the quiet village of St. Charles, (M 0.,) be tween n rafteman and a landholder. The rafteman tired before the word—shot his an tagonist in the neck, and then ran! Not heard from eirote. ~ Boston Aninaement3. tidies cowhided a young gentleman the other day, so says one'C'd the pers. A bachelor friend at our el-, s tie ought to be thankful he escaped FZIM in Bostoi I)o•ton p bow thin PO CrES.V CL --1 ber of C died at 1 :bri. Richard Biddle, formerly a i ngress mem from the Allegheny district, 'ittsburg oni the 6th inet. 14§(1. of Wattsburg, will ui thanks fur of very nice JAMES accept berries . _ e Gazette . ' is now publish and makes ignite. a handsome appear- (ri'T ed daily, OM ti r tFi'fL' *4 OF TIER llccue.--The Hottentots this agent in diseases of the kidneys; irk them its virtues became known' ean 'Physicians. The Dutch physi ve it great sucesss in Indigestion.— , said to hake afforded essential ser ;hronic Itheiim'atisin. In the form of t's cdiripoond eixtract of this agent, it , extolled fdr t le relief of calm' lons )oily urine, and in irritated and su condiiions of tbe bladder and urethra. Reece found this agent efficacious inence of urine, catarrh of the bind otricture of the urethra, gonor i•ellin&s of the prostfat6 gland, and e. long It.ed and thro to Etiroi t C 14116 ga It is al,s 'ice in \lerchat has beef. pain., bl peratite Aioreove In 'neon der, spas! rhea, 8 ,1 iunpoten Sec Pam[ m e of the a vertisements in this paper. A of description may be had GRATIS, en% MARRIED—On the 211 inst: by G. Bell Esq. Mr. Wm. A. Crane and Miss Rebecca Yoheye. , • [ED—On the 21st inst., after a protraet= ed and painful Weeps, Mr. JOHN ZIMMEFIMAN; of Mißerea township, aged !fa years. , On the,l6th insti, tit the rest l ence of his fa ther, DAMEL bee, aged 2 years, son of S. C. Lee, Esq., of Green toWns • On Thursday evening the pith instil after a painful illness of four weeks, which she bore with christian fortitude and resignation Mrs. AIMIGARET Aner.r.,,,aged about 27 years. , THE MARRIED WOMAN'S, PRIVATE ' MEDIC &IL 11011IPANION NI I - Placer Bv"br. A. ,\ AlAutiimAtr, Psofeesor of eases of ‘Vomen. 'Datil edition; 18ino. pp. 250; price Si. :..1.5,090 Copies sold in three molllts. • The great demand of 011ie most important work (or which thousands aro'scld) his compelled the issue,of another edition. it is intended especially for the married, as it diseloses)mportant secrets which should lA knoN•n to them particularly.— I le re every female can discover the causes, symp rom.,_and the most caldera remedies and most certain mode of cure, i u every .complaint to which is sulject.,l Nlatried females • wouli here learn the Irt- Whereby they would retain their youth, beauty, vigor, el isticity of body and buoyancy of spirits to an advanced ate, instead i r being afflicted, as hundreds and thou:ands, int whose' hands this hook has not fallen. This work is designll to he in the hands of every wife and mother who has a regard (or her own health and tv ' Afare, as All as that of her husband. 'rho revelations contained in its pages have al read}• proved a blessing to thonaands, as the in nutilerable letter's received by the nether will at• test. , It is of course inprissible convey mete Tully, in a public j njrna t , the various subjects treated of, as they are Of a nature strictly' intended for the married, or those contemplating marriage; neith er ls it neeessary,,sinee It is every one's duty to :become possessed of knot% ledge wherelpfrtliMi iterings to whieli!at wife. a mother, or a sister may hd stibixt l ean be obviated. • Copies to e sent vy 3fail free of postage. - Over ten Iltous I ind copie , ; have been cent by within tlree mniihs, with perfect safety and ebr tdinty. In no instance has a rentittr nce failed to reach the publisher, or the book ihose to whom it has been directed. . • On the receipt of One Dollar, the "Married Woman's Priva;c Medical Companionl' will he sent free of postage to any part of the United States. All letters tlanSt barldressed (poet paid) to Dr. A, M. Mattrireatt, 133z' Q2l, New York City, Publistling Ulfl e 129 LiVtary street, New York. or sale Erie 1$), 0, D. SPAF'FOR.D, flook'seller, Slafr strei.q. . July 11, ISI7. 3mlo - - fl 1\ D 1" AND RAISINS by the Box of potted %._"/ lor sale at. No. I, Perry Block July 21. • 'P. W. MOORE. rtANCni:::3 4- LEA /NS, at the cheap Gro: CC, y.Store or W. MOURE. 13 ' lta & 11 , A s Soda Pop, a pleasant teniperanCe. dnuk. July It. • T. W. MOORE. Vendue NAT ri o l' „ ',' , 7 l, P ,lt il k .re A l . l; \ l l. sa o lt :i a 'lr k) :lt "c tli ll e. " 6 e t ti li " da a v t of ‘ll'2lll thct. at the lz,xch,ta , ri on Frettri. St., tt Pitt , rgies, .1 tWo lout 1Vai2:011, 1 Ix f2art, saw mill Shwa and Mill Illokt:ca and Tackles-o' o o, Potash and CaldrQ.l Kettles and a variety of Iron ware and Varmint; took e. 'l'erins snide known at tiagale. Erie,"July 24, 1817. M. MAYER A gt., Vor the &irate of P. S. V. HAMOT, r 1111.4 1 4B:\ Jelly, Ztturtlaues, Vivi:led CllysLurs Lemon Syrup, corricicupiaiß. July 17. • T. W. MOORE. lG A RS.—Pnerio Principe, TraWeft, Span's and all other kinds. July 17. T. W. MOORE: ‘A/ VI:Sr A lot of tirst rate ii It e Fish Jost received and for sale at No. I Peril,- Block July 17, 1517.' . /ITS DS of gaol Conee for one dollar, and other things in proportion at No. I Perry July 17. 1817. CLOCKS. VIC; 04' VY and 30 hour Gothic, 0. 0. G. Piltdr-; Alarm and eat ll inon; by the single m ease, I ery eltepp lor ready pay: G. LOONIIS & Co. S.aTh nearly opposite Eagle 110 tel. July I-7, Nl7. pEc l'AcLe:s of cold, silver and german ver Prattles, ati even4ive assortment °leen eave and Convey. 'Also, Lit t ! celebrated perifocal and paroholie Spectacles, superior to any. in use. G. LOOMIS &' Co State st., nearly opposite Eaglenotel., July 17, 1847., and Camphene jJ Lamp ,, , Camphelm sospantling Lamps, I lorn's Patent Me best and garvst in nee: The public.are assured Mese lamps Will not eriplotie, for Salt! by G. LOOMIS & Co., suite , nearly opposite Eagle Tavern. July 17. Is !7. i A DI.Es wi II findl steel, silk and bead bags I_4l steel clasps beads, puree silk, Pati: fans, new style brooelieo, bracelets,.- pencils, lock et 9, totfetlter Ali an endless variety of splend fancy at, ielos, at G. LOrINIIS Sr. Co's. Stag• st., nearly opposite Eagle Hotel, July 17, ISI7. A ceoßDEoss, with Ilse Improved valves! BasN Viol, Violin and Guitar strings, for sal by G. LOOMIB & Co., state st., nearly oppositti Ehgle Hotel. July 17, 1347. NEW GOODS! NNW GOODS! . .G. IstiOMIS CO., opposite r4le Hotel, have just received an'addition to their former stock of anctls, which makes'rheir assortment very ex tensive, comprising ,a •large variety of rich and fashionable JEWELRY, consisting of diamond, ruby, garnet, emerald, amethyst, aquamartne and imatneded pins, diamond, ruby and plain rings; 'gold ear rings, guatd chains and keysopectaeles, pencil cases, briieclets, lockets, miniature settin thimbles, studs ' snaps, F:c. &c. TIME.—GoId and Silver Watches of the pat tent lcrer;duptex, horizontal and common escape,- mrmt. Frenaronande, German and American clocks. SILVER CI ODDS.—Tede, desert, ted,ftalt add mustard spoons,, ladles, butter and fruit knives, spectacles, chains, keys, pencil cases, thimbles. fluted, Britannia and German Silver Ware.— Tea-pots, urns,. pitchers, cups,, tankards. bowls, cake baskets,' candlesticks. snuffers and trays, spoons, faccets, inkstands, Castors. cuTLEtty• —Ro ,, er's and other celebrated Makers razors, knives and schisdrs. j MtSCELLANEOUS.—MathemiIcaI instrtt nicnts, telescopes, thermometers, pci ket compas ses, sun glasses, Viol ins, accordion's, Music boxes, doles, fifes. steel pens, card cases, combs; pocket boats, pocket pistols, coral,' amber, gilt, steel, wax and glass beads, bead and silk bags and pur ses, elastic guartfit., portable writing desks, work, paint, snuff, toliaccu and shaving boxes, razor strops, domes, Iralr, tooth, Vall and shaving brushes and glasses, Glazier's diamonds, shot belt's, powder fhisks, percussion imps and pills, chessmen, domirloes, slgar cases, purse Etna cloak clasps, tweeze ~ cane, whalebone, vhafin and bass viol strings rouge, powder,' pin, perfuntermy, l i court plasPir, toolt wash and powders, tooth pic s, teething flans, tea bulls, sealing was, m'o to seals, visiting cards, errfery traskefe, needles; V t tletlor, and birds, epoill stands, with numerous oth er articles not nreritiorted, both useful and orifa mental, which will bc.for "s:eddy pay," from two' • ty•five to fifty per cent lower than formerly. N. B. Watches, music bores, jewelry repair d in the best manner and warranted. Cash and must kinds of country - produce ta ken in payment for goods or work. Call amities. The highest prices paid in cash for old Gold and July 21, 1817. IVATERIKIS OWR EMIEDV: INVAI.IO'S IN Itt:ST FRIEND: I is confidently asserted that iti there iiria was a niedi i e which has given such uni form and universal eat'. a H un , us WRIGHT'S IND AN VT I ILLS. moi They have stood the revere s trials, by curing when all other reinedies failed, nod h• ye cotablvilted a repute via I'd the face of the envious slanders which hare been relied again 4 them. Let it be babe In mind that AVriglit's Innen Vegetable Pills Are . ' NO.CATeII-PENNY REMEDY. - Me Offspring of the hoar, destined to passeway with it, and be folgutten, bit a medicine of sterlipg valet,. Its reputation is not Willi upon an isolated curo, effected un • dereircunistarmes in which the filth of this imagination had quite es rude' to do with it as the activity of the ruin, ed . ) , itself. Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills lay a claim to real worth, mantled on the !macs' and willing 'mitte,- uy of i ,_ THOUSANDS AND TENS OF TItOUSANDS , thraghout the lenkth and breadth of the land. • - It was after a carefal Study of the !Maims constitution, that these telelWatea Pills were prepared; Naturn's laws *ffe tbriat codsultail, and then a medicine we. lire pared from the herb of the Inditin,whin should act with them laws, Therefore, these Pills effectually _ ,1 Die = °expel the corrupt humors, by opntteg uMurni out eta of, the system. . SPRI BUMMER, FM: AND WI NTF.R. Each produce, by their VriflatiOllF of temperature, pecu liar effects uporattil Imam' holy, Thd lid it expands, and the cold contracts the volume of th.., eirculetdig fluid and when changes take place suddenly, the etferta oro of ten serious: , Wright'. ludiun Vegetatle Pdls counteract the evil influence 'of sudden • changer, by purifying the blood, and keeping the atmu•tch and bowels in a natural nod healthful condition. Eon FEVER. AND Acur. That acourge of the West. Wright'. Indian Ver,ettilde Palo stand unrivalled. An instance has 110{ or come to our knowledge of these rills haviui been taken, without effecting a complete cure. In Chills and revers the liver and harry (Voodoos are chiefly disordered, superinduced by great physic I debility. Wli the symptom( first ap pear, no time should be lost before re-ortiav, to these Pills:. A few doses will give such mauife , t,reln;f that no persuasion will be necessary to reeti,lie the use f them. _ FOB DYSPEPSIA., Wright's lodise Vegetable Pal ¢ will be found very sum,. riot. In this disease, the gastric juice is weak aud dnfi eaeat la tiaalliy. Cota.equently, the digestiou io 'ewer fett snit the health impaired. Throe 4 1111 v remove the bile front the 'tort/melt, restore its 1011 C, and improve the chgestran Wright'a In.lble Vegetable Pills are equally well adopted to the Fallout' or this complaint. As they operate upon the one general and unif9rnt priuelple, _ of clutityang tho stomach and bowels, purifysti; the blood,,and re ' Lllymq the secretions, they removu the CAuss of /medico, and ef all other disorders. tT Ft:MALE mr.111411:1E. It wautd be difficult precisely to telt to which of .the two seam, Wright's ludisti Vcgotabh. Plll.. have been 06 greatest blessang. Bet ft is very certain that these Pill: have -given heultti. and spirits, and at goal! complexion, to huudreda of &Males, who would, without them, have been in their graves. A box of ‘Viight's :admit Vegetable Pills ji an inestimable medleat companion at certain pe riods. IIEAD‘MIE, GIDDINESS. &c 'The ptesence of puiu to any part, indicates A r. orrupt state of the blool, naturals .tritlog to correct. A few doses of Wright'a Indian Vegetable Pills taken Oil going to bed will be car alit to give relief, lithe thing be at all possible vituriAnt.t AN l rvimus mEnlciNg., It in well known thut the Smith and West suffor mere from bilious disorders thou from all others eninliiiied.— This is portly owing to the climate, but chiefly to the nature of Southern and Wester n life. The sensations at:- compinying liver complainie ro of the niosi wretched description. Ilabitilal drunke rues is frequently brought on by liver complaint. IA piitiont suffering front this dis ease, should not bo marked with pretnuded cures; yet there are very few medicines Mature aortlrn straw In the removal of this complaint. tbaloinet_hos hitherto been the chief reliance, but the remedy Ims proved itself 'worse than the disease! WhateLthen shall be done? 'lYe say, give Wright's Indian Vegetable Phis n trial. If they no not Puce your expectation:. we urn wining to hear all the opprobrium of failure. And 01. pay to all THY I HEM There is no rink run—nu money thrown away—you are certain of benefit. (WE WORE) MORE. Whet) you have fauna that ‘Vrighe.- Inaba Vegetable P Us are a *gratin" the bent medicine you ever heard or,. stick, to them!' Don't run after every up*tart ILeineth , Which attempt* to bluster twit" intt ~,,, oriety, AM:lre:ill DELVADE OF IMITATIONS • of Wright's Indian Vegetable l'ill, Previous to the in i oduction of that Medteinc, Indult, Pali* were never beard f. Now what hnks of them And after all, what are ev: but miserable mutations of the oniglital Medicine; o more like it. than chalk to life• eltreso! (we moo tot erlitel. "Improted" Julian Vegetdble Pills Tilts would ea capital juke. if it were less b emus Ilea are of all BUY TILE RECII,I,AIt AGEN * There is no safety ohms here; The country is RWM7I - with counterfeiter., both of money and of medicine.— hut which is the worst! h not tilos counterfeit, r oft, toed eine hut little better than a robber, and a murderer Buy of the regular Agents only we say 3.Zaltl. AG EN ro t ERIE COON CI. 0. D. Sr IPFOIt. Cril, santeel Iletebilop it Co., Waterford Jo on McClure. Sen. Gourd. 3, 8. S vcrgure l 11,pinn. , Raley & l'otter, Wegt Springfield, W. 11. Townsviati, B. C. rown '& Co., ‘Valtilturg ‘ Mirth East. John Moment. Fairview. Tile ONLY , ORIGINAL AND GENUINE - TNT/lAN VEDAT %SLR PILLS GAVE TIER SIGNATURE OF % i. I,Yatiour WRITTEN W.TR A PEN ON TIIA TIP tangt.'or Solt, None other genuine, and to counterfeit thie ts roRGERY. Offices devotmfaxelmordy to the Wile , or Irright's In 'tan liviefrthee wholesulo and retell, lin Harm Street, Phttadelpkiia,ilSBGreenp•ich Street , Kew York, and 1143 Tremont fBtreeti Ito•tons Erie July dl. le It 10 LOOItENG Glagges and looping. !Jags plate, A large assortment of the above articles for salt very low by G ,Lt OMIS Cot, Sta.e st., nearly opposite Eagle Hotel. July 17, 1917. G G UNS.—Double Darrell, Sihgte do. Fow Pieces, Rev°!viol: six Shooterb, with a,rco eral aszartm..ot of Gun 9 Y i 11V. "Mt G. LOOMIS 5.7. Cot July It, 180. WARE.—Silver table, dessert, tea, salt. and mustard spoons, tone.ri, ladles forlss, butter and il , Ukt knives, constantly on hand and for sa!e by G, 1. 1 0()NOS 1 co., Stale. lA., nearly ohosite ffagle+ljotol. July 17, 1817. I " Public Notice. TS hereby given that an application will be made to the next Legislature of Pennsylvania, for the incorporation of a Bank to be called k" rim P .Anstens and MEctianta thsta," with a Capi. tal °fene hundred thotntand dollars, and the prig:,.. ilege or increasing the seine to two hundred thothand dollars. Said bank to be located in Etie, county Erie, State of Pennsylvania, l_Srle, July VI, 1919. It. drotwett; J. 11. Willinnts, J .11, Fullerton. Wnker Chertnr, Smith Jackrun. • Jame& C. Mar-bull, 11. It. V omen% Wm. S. I.llne, 11. L. Mount, P. Arbuckle. PEOPLES' LINE: ARRANGEMENTS -F0R1847.-FARE dahin Fare SS, gteern;c:s2, to any port •on Lake Michigan, from the opening of navigation to Sept. I. The Steamer, A. D. rxrcius, Cppt. U. Whitaker, will tun during the season as follows: tkavra uurTAr.o. MI:WES CHICAGO. Wednesday, July 21 Wednesday, July 2E, Thursday, Aug 5 Thursday Aug 12 Friday, - " 20 Friday ". 27 Saturday, Sept 4 Saturday Spilt II Monday " 20 Monday . 27 Tuesday, . Oet 5 Tuesday . Oct to Wedneitlo, " 20 Weduioday " 27 Timm*, , Nov 4 Thursday , . Nov 1/ Friday ' 19. The A. D. Patchin is of the largest class of Steamers, built with a solid timber bottom. 15 iwches thick, sates the plan of tie Atlautio frigates, which prevents the lie belay of sinking by striking rocks. Shia is an like proper:` Lion strongly built throughout; no pains or expense hay.i lag bean spared to make bar the strongest boat on tho Lake.. Her model is superior to any on the western waters. She has accommodations for 100 cabin and 1001 steerage passengers. , The A.D. Putchin and United Staffs Viii run as adver tised and tinier no consideration will go into tilt associa. Linn. . _ The publid will pleaae remember that they were th, only opposition buata is the Call orlB-16., H. IVIIITAKER, Sole Owner. AGENTS, C . hIYEILS & Co. Buffalo. WALKER. & Co :K. Erie. 9 July 17.1817 j SHERIFFS LE. By ionic of a writ of Vehditioni. Expona4, is stied out of the Court of common Pleas, and to me directed, I will sell at public safe, on nonday the 3d day df August next,a ffilltige lot In Wesley vine, Erie county, Pa, bounded as follows; east by Station Road; west by latql eA. Sides; North by land of A. Fuller—Containing I—l acre of land, more or less, and haying erected thereon ode Frame DWelling House. AI N, a Blacksmith shop and the land on which it stands, bounded north by the Buffalo Road, cast, south and west by land ofj A Soules. Seized rind taken in esfeeution no the propettl of Joseph Lee, jr. Salo to take place at the court house et 2 o'clock in the r fteriroon. M. W. CATIGHEY. ' Shbriff's Office, Erio, July 1, 18.17. 8 AUDITORS' NOTICE: In the iCinmcis. Pleas of Erie County; In theitnnt ier Of, the assignment of S. W: Randall and Rand 4. Kneeler. , THE under Signed, appoidted auditor to distrib. uto the assets in the Wends of the assignee among the creditors, will attend to the duties of hii appointment at his offiee in 'Erie, on Tuesday the 27th Jay of July inst., when and where, all persons' interested may attend if they think prop. er: t - MATILIEW TAYLOR. Pie, July 10, 18,17.' 3ts 1~ FOR JAUNDICE t. M. Tillhalm, Samuel Joh u C. lie..he; Vic; W.:Sterrett, Carbon nr.ilmm, %Villiame, Guy I.uoihig. A Ifredi King, M. %V Catlg..ry, James REDUCED Patent) Elastic Baby Jumpers, Olt NURSE'S ASSISTANT, a new and emu ding article Of the nursery, by which,infants three months of age can amuse and exercise then selves, resting us they do on a little seat or sad dle, which serves to sustain the child and , rive it all the support required. It is reiminmenfed by Physicians as conducive to health. To the - mother it, is invaluable as she can leave her little ode alone, and on her return bp assured of finding It inmsed and 'perfectly safe: Poi sale at No. I Perry Block. T. W. MOMIA. Price S 3 50. • ' July 17, IS 17. g, WOODEN WARE.—BowI9, Wash . ittip, mop handles, initter prints. ladled4l.!. July 17. W. NI 001-I.V. OLD ENGLISH e11.E1?.3E ut T. W. mrioltos. No. I. Perry _ July 17 THE KEVS"VONE STATE. PEN:iiyx.vA'mA AND kIyNn.NT Tab: above is the title of a Map of the State of r ee eKylyania juit isstr?.(l by Ap o il os Harrison, No:',2 Son 117th stree:, Plithdelphin. It is n larne, I full, accut ate and splendid imp showinc , a.. 11 the internal improvements, county township lines, cities. vill ices, "p l emtnent, roads, ntl distances from place to plactl'on all the - s t ag e r e ds. To give it the highest le i ss it,h 3 -4.1 o ree of d stinetivenes4, eiich township is, full col. uted, and soil county colored in out titles. ' It is I ornamente with an elegant border liter incites wida, enci ing portraits of eight" etninent sinett of the Siate, 'he title is given In two tlting, one in English. dn, other in' (Acrid:tn. exectued in a highly °moment al, style. and 'surrounded with, -lattices of Penn "anti Franklin. The coat (if arm.: of tire colony is encircled by one title; atuL that of the State by the, other. The site of the,may is 4 feet 10 inches long by feel Itto•ol. It is r i o t e d on , be best or timer and mounted in the irtlnAt d. - enant and dutiable manner. ALIN Elt V EDIVI. is the duly :imitative! Agent for thc'sale of the. above Map in Erie county. I,t mt.y be been nt the book store of 0. U. iSpatf July 11, 11317. " .It 9 IIIitUSSES..—A good asgartment of Hull's, Niarrill's, Tiernan's,'s and Rhine. hart's Trusses, • esorted sizes thr sale low by CARTER & I.III2THER. July 17, 1817. 'l'o PHYSICIANS, CINE of Dr.'s Vibratinif Eleetrb V — Nlivrtretic Nlrsehines, un invaluilsle, instrut meet in the treatment of Fhenrnatie, spinal- and ni:rvons diseases; for sale by CatterAr, Brother, No. G, Reed 11 onso. July' 17. 1817. 9 COalFs. Side, curl and hack cornhg, carved and plain, 5h,..11, ivory, and common born, the very latest styles, in ;peat va• riety,by, Caker & Brother, No, 6, (teed house. July 17, 1917. 9 • PA PEit.tAt amain!: and nova pa v er, 111.1111 fancy am) hilt; line Enttli:li and Ainerican N, s white and blArtilt (Land plain letter paper; card and letter envelope-1 . 'a beautifill assortment, for sale by (tarter 4. Bt her, No. C, it.Ced,Liouse. Julyl 7, li3 17. '9 .. • I mr,ZzoTiNTO DAGUERREOTYPE LIKENESSES 2 ' TAkiEN W.ITIf TIM CoLons. A - LA .11.3Eii. l'O . would respectfully an •nouree to the Ladies and Gentlemen of Erie anti vMinity, t tat he ha.- taken Boomi at Tammany Ilan, • 'I tis. now prepared to ii%ectite DavericotYpe I_ ikene...te 'n a style, U hich fm tru:hfulnessl of representation, aMI, tbr 'minute turd accurate Id tiding. of hien and-le, fantod he excelled' t; to must liCliClitely 'i/ italte'd steel Ene.t.aving.l . . Flavin ! : availed himself of all the:late improve ments in the Art, be wilt now CII. , auC to 61 bet ter work Oran has beretbfure, bnen_d,one by any -Artist stopping in this place: , Room open tram t 3 A, Al. to .1.P1 , -NI. ;lay 10, ',817. ERIE ACADEM Y. TIIE second (planer of 'the Summer,Se.sion of this Instit.i.ion will emintieneeno Mon thly the 13th of July, and close the 14,t week in September. Terms $0.,00 3,Q0 per tpkartur. JASIE3 C. - Rpm, Principal; J. W. ‘VE.rmone, Mathionatical Ddpar:ment, D. P. EKsirm Primary db., Miss L.' E. INoctisoLt., Female Mr. C. Beadle trill ZiVC instrft manship tothose who desire it, for tra will lie made. It haery desirable that students attend,ince pun'etually the first day As this ilth i r lait-quarter that th sdpal will tw engafzed , id tee:whine, the siftlat ion Of Principal may bi „A. Elliot, Esq. Secretary of the Boa . _ JANIES C. ILE' :ink;3. 1817. I - CEO. J. Mon-t c '-' mows, .711, NEW STORE, •1 NEW'SCIptIS, NEW FIRM, NEW PRICES Ttir. undersigned,beg leave respectfully to in form their friend; and the public fleneridly the they have entered into the b 11.4- 11Cti4 tinder the name of .MORTON k g 70.. No. 4, Übeapside, next door send' of Mehaffey Brews ter. Their stock of Goods_ is entirely' new, far serpassiog, in tidiness, variety and cheapness, any stock of foods ever brought to this market, and embrocing every style O( Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, among 1) high hill be:found Linens—American, Irish, ertnim and French; Dress Goods of every descriptiOh, of the latest designs, varying in price from Li conic to.:?,.2.11;" Sommer Stiiff.4,Dl it ,Teanp, qnssimeres, eft. Brown.atid 14caehed'F , hirtings and Sheeting: , of every width and ita Broad Cloths, Cse,inieres and Calicoes, Al Lawns'and cilinghams; DeiMets, a splendid a , soriMenit,. Il inhon , , Arti (kW Plo,werk, La i lies and Bitches, ITinlirellas and Parasols, .a grebe assortment; Carpi.tin and Paper Ilangingi. Also—Millinery Geod.', 'fraiteet : s Trimmings, Nlorcens, Damasks, Linen diapers; C r0 :1 1 , F renu h Silk and Cotton fibse, Kid, ,Silk, cotton and Lisle Gloves ; Yestings, a great vs' riety. In connection n ith the above will be loythil well r,elccte l 4tock or GROCERIES or stivrior qUality. City and country Merchants suppled with nnv article in our lino on fhtbrah!t• terms. MOttTON Sz CO. Eric, May l 1817. t Spring of 1847.] R 41 " 4 1 Rail 1 0 -ANITA.:, NEW SPRING. UM S 3.1E4. GOODS, jitst rece i ve d e t the Jew Store, IS'o. I Commer cial Excliatuze, coiner of French and Filth sts. Moses, after eneonnterini, all sort.. of perils,' ht ern and land, is lair° with his new and fashionable Goods, porchaecd in New York and Philadelphia at the lowest cnsh prices. and titithraciny: the .gredt est vat iety of Fancy and Staple Dry. Goods ever hrott.ght to this Or. A few of them %Oil lie no aced. FOREIGN S. FANCY. GOODS. . . SlLKS—Striped Ponit de Soir. ' I Plaid Grenadine, ' Do. Foulard, . Heavy ipat'ril tc7 .5 liipefi black .5:. blue blk White, .%. n•ereil, - • . \,., .. 'Whileni l id '.)liiik Satin, at, • ° Plain bl ek Italign, Colored Florene•es. !' '• Porteli G'ingliani, a new and be,mtifitl article, Muslin Robes, plain and embroidered, French embroidered Robes tpr children, Very pretty M. de Le:Linea' fol fik. per put: • French woi ked Linen eambrie Embroidered and bordered d t d. do. Double g. single French nee le-worked Collars and.Capeg, Embroidered muslin shawls, Silk, Cashmere and Barrage do. French Searle! English thread Laces, 6wiis an'd , cambrio Ed;- Inge, Black, white acid colored French Kid Glover., Silk and mohair I:loved and mink, Ombra wiped Bennet Itihands; Fi_ured do; dd: Carinthian'Cord, Lncl Butbude; Silk Prondet Wire, Sr *c. il-7 - '4Mind die nanie and number. NOSES ICOC No.l, Commercial Exchange; French at. April ,:?.1 Glttyi AVI-1414.6.=--.Newton Oprgris mi d , ev .. r'a other kind of apples for solo, at No. I • Brock." T,•‘11.: IVIOORE. 3, 1847. • 7 50M -1 i - 11 — BBLS. New Orl, Loal; i vertz- f" cd, Crushed and eans Aluscotado .iit Sugar, cheap for cush, ode door north of the Rig Window, by , RfNDERNECHT. Juno 12,1917. , 1 • : • 4 .leasureEc ursion TO GREEN BA Y D'CiiloAGO. BARE—SI - EACH WAY FR STATE ROOMS, ASI Z.lO FOR CAIE l ASSAGEs •" " - m - gr Fl Splendid ;Stea Packet Baltic Capt. A. l'.' '` Kirthm vtt, will leave Erie •-••• - -"'""*" - r - for Giren ay, and Chit:Ft:4p, on Friday morning, AugOst 13, Ln an Excursion of Pleasero to those point*. The BALTIC will eto at the liTincipal ports and points of, interot, affording puisengirit an opportuoity to visit such point." at leisure, and no pains or &Tense will be *Flared td lender - the trip tiledSaat and interesting to those on board. A large, band of the beit Musician, in the cdttntry be,on board. - , •,. Thh Nitre 12 entirely new—has 64 sila . dions and richly forriiihed State Rooms, and in point of elegonee, eat:Wort, aqd speed ie net. surpassed by any boat on pie Wer4eili,ht•aferp. ' Will dlAolcaVo Erie dri Wednesday morning, June 30. for the acconimodation of Delegates to the liarbor Cdntfcrllion tohe held at Chicago,on , the sth ()MO. , For passage apply dnor to . June, 23, 1617. W.M. : GIAL,LAGHER— •lion in Pen which an .ex- should he in Ow ecru'. present prin. ppltetttion for intoie to Geo. I of Trustees. Principal. !off. BY ' [Spring of 1847 -- . - Nir ESTAWLSi 1 M EN'4 t Du Stale SI ert, nearlyignfotite the Eagle ) 11014. irit LOO, 11S ..c. CO. re Ow receiting. from VII - s- Newl York and 'l, ening-at thift new store an ex•onsive assortment f itivir and PasHidnable JEW Ej..llY, (cinbracin4 the latest style.of work in marketS watches, Chicks, Plated and itrittftnia ,IVare. Fine Cuttery, Stet Tfiniqiings, CarnAhrne and SAnr Lamps, Lank i i ig Glasses. Gold Pelts. together with a general Variety of Useful and Or. namental articles. Cultl and see what ott atfill see. Jutte'26, 13 17 . 1 6 Nce r icE. Lr person who Ittniw thentseiren to he tlebtlyl 10 nroo 4 /00, Brown,' 4- Co., Mahar. fey and BroWn, or MeluitTey and Brewster, ,ehher 01. the sore or Woollen Factory, are hereby re ques:ed to pay thieir' indebtedness by the first of July next; or ollterWisitlexpeet to have coils lidd ed. Woo!, grdin. of all l descriptiorts, Butler and chee. , e, will he rei.:eivedila,pavueltit of debts duo, if delivered at the grieZWoolen Factory: Erie, Jnne. 26, IS-174 6 It WOOL!! WOOL EtIAFFEY tIitILIVSTEhI keep con standy on hand at the Erie Woollen Facto ry, Plain Cloths, Plain rind Fancy Cassimeres and Twed , ,, of rations cola': and qualities which they exchange for wool on 4 livery,.on customary and acemmundating,terms They also pay Cash for wool. Eric NNldAilen Factor FttoNti Fiturr.- "on can fin' Pc plc's Rihv, 0 an.lea, 8 Lonrian , I. ; igm, .PruncA BOx Ra ands;' [rods. cheap for dash by June 26.- ' ' Wi F. bey c 1498 LAT . : . M first' lct rd, for ai s i n .' Amu .26. , W P. RINLi SPICES St, AROMATIC C Nu mega, Sage, NI ace. Cloven, Ground Cinnamon, i Sweet 11 f i, " Pepper, black, Vanilla rayen e do . Cti.on, Superi ir M ii.tard, 14 •tracl. Pure antaiea Ginger . "' - Hoot, ,i, " Ground, do - . ,10range Coriand4 Sectl4, I Leavitt' Unrii way do ' ' ! i l ' DI 1 ;:' r EyCS FOIL' T'l• • s ie.; i Beraittila, A rrow. Root,: ammo' Superior ivirite Tapioca, ooper'• Pearl Barley, -' .; 14tissiari Sa ,, o, -' 1 1 10911 M. Rice Flour, • , 'l4 eland Selew.ed with eare'and 'al warra .1.11.8 UR Erie. June 19. IS-17.11 No. frol /Z. Varasols,f . j lionl lii<a cthlerefit all shades and eultirajtiA. Arol it Na ‘V,1141 Stir.itippc SA E. i' tl By Virtlic. of a writ:lk evari i odes, issit out of the Court of Comution leas et! 'tie count , and lo me directed, I" havel t ken it - execution and will expos; 'td trublie Said dthbe t oat house in OM borough of Erie, brt Moods the 2l day of A uunst next, at 2 olock l P. S ~ thezrfollosving de,erihed property, to wit: l i All tl at pace or par cel oftland lying and, situ to i Fairview town hhip, Ede county Penn's., .heinr part of Tract N 0.265 end bounded ma folio a: Beginning at the south West corner at astiump, thence by, lend of L. Lord north oneand oneJlall de rces west thirty six perches to a. pT-11, thence u rib five degrees east tivo perches to a post, them north sixty-two 'ilet;.ree, , , west sixteen perches t a Hickory sap, thence north seventy deg. teat twenty-nine perches to a post, thence north. I venty-three deg. west sixteen perches to a post, thence, north five deg , . west thirty-two perches to ho ahore.of Lake Erie, thence by the same south fo ty three deg west thirty six perches tea post, then •e by Tracl Nol 2s'6 south ,twenty-six &grees east sixty-ninei, perchesto a post, thence north tity-one - detzr,ce• east eight perches, thence by th Paper Mill lot; northmineteen degrees east twe trone and eight: tenth perches to a post, thence's uth fift y- five_ one-half Aeosees ' east twenty•one and a half perches to an oak. thence southtity•nine degrees east thirteen perches to a chest lit, thence south eighteen degrees, ,west eight perches, thence / 1 south, seventy degrees, east twenty-seven,. and; three tenths:percher}, thence• six, degrees, west Mitt-teen perches to the pl ice of beginning containino , set ernmen acres neat measure . with all and singular the aptirtettancel---being, the prop• erty or George Sett! at, Roderick Patton and Ei D. Gunnison adittin'etrator of t le estate of Abi, , jah Pross, deceased, late kilthe borough of Erie. ' .4/.so—By :virtuel it y..rito let has Yentfitioni i. Exponas. to me dir;ctcd. I will expose to public! sale a't' the canto tint arrplace, ill the, righcritle„ interest and claim of David Durtod of in and to the fol'owing in lot's situated in the ' Borough ofi Erie, Erie county, Penna. to wit:, Writ tilimberedi in the general Plait of said boiough of Erie vvithr the number, one thensand four I undred and thirty two ( I 4320 bounde,ti on the north by lot. No. 1431, east by lot No.' 11:4, solith by Eighth street, and on the west by lot No. 14.33, anti 4mvintz : d Cootie dwelling add a frame hard ereeted thertori. .-Pso the undivided one third pia fin lot No. one tholiAnd Ibtir Hundred and t limy-one (1431;) hoiiiided on the, north hy Sever th ativet, east by lot No. 11430, smith by lot No 11. 21 and-on the west by lot, NO u tlin„ ,with the ap trilenanhes.- 1 .Tso.—inlot munber slky-dne (d ) 01 .aid borough of Erie; bounded on the north :y I t No. 62, cast by lot No. 60, South by Twelfd str et, and on the west by lot No.'c !„ with the ap int nances &c.-- .11bo, in lot number siXty•fourl 1) 4 o said bortitigh of Erie; bounded on themorth by, I t No. 63, east by lot No. 61, south by Twilit! 'sir et, and on the west by' Peuelt street, with tto pptirtenances, having a frame 41wellitig erected t wreon. .Itse, one other-p,iece or. poreel-a Ia township' of GreenOeld, and, hounded and described a.' fell( a post in the centre of thrt Stet nine north along said road on eight pereltbs to a post, thence 72 and 53 three hundred and El post, thence south by tract No. five tenths of a'perch to a post thence alcireg ,paid road t r tOlith iVest ono hundred and forty -s . along the bpi() road south 6 htindred and pi:icy-four peicb said road seventp,one and save it post and place,of be:punkt Ittiodrcd 'anti eterenty, ace 8 land, be the,same more or les servin ,, about one acre now fee a , : a burying ground. - alsci—r fourteen rods 91 'lie tiorth-ertsi of the Selden ilmo which lie: leading to Maitille, whicli had to the fetrvey as made try °ether with the iroprdirierients &.e., 1. Sheriff's Office, &icy...llly _lien • 'ItUDITOi Th President and Cot o the ilanit.of the .11 Stephe l n Aver,il TAKE NotiCe thnt the ahovj entitlet of the money Arising fro the lien creditors, wlll ` I oppointmtnt at his of July inst., at which ti csted can attend. Jp i ly 10, 18:17,-3g e TIYE STURFS:— 1J Nic Woed.Variir Hint Vitriol, Creatil T chpap for the ready, June 26. • • ki 'LOOS lii RE p wit,Llyot7r , ' . TF you irish !.0 buyellop.'ydo , will.p),wie call at 4lt i r NDEAN .'O . l-11.",31140.9,, - poori l td pie' s Row, i‘rhere ydo can "find the thee, arti'die s s, whic h - jure iarreilte44rxia:"..- , Ceffee, St: ur t, Tea, Mlas. , ?P. , irphacrtof MI itinds,'lticc. Piper, Spike; Ciii- arnend,Oloviii, It tAniega,ginger',Stitreh,Clieco. _ Ilkte,Cocea,Nlitstaitl Sithe poiindor fioX...POPPer Satiite,:Lemon Syl, Oaer, Oil, Lainp Oil. Vine- gar, Fire Crackers, liatile SO)ill Of 411 kind4Slia• vine Brushes, Powder, Shot, Lead, Perensgion Caps and Pills, Candle Wick. 'Pwine,-Maitclies, .Stove Blacking, shoe Brushes and Mackin ~, Chalk ' 'Tar and Rosin,, Alacoboy and Scotch snuff, suf. - pher, Brimstone, Epsom Salts Glauber Salis, Sal. ' braii-t, Bed Cords, RoPe, Fish and Chalk Lines, Retrin, ,, Patent Pails, .Tubs, Willow W'' OOnF, W t 'aSil Viiartk, Wire, Strets,l!Almonds,,irtileira Ntiti, Pilfierl., yu(ry Combs and Horse C.:v(l4i i 1 Eloise Brtitite and Combs, Saltpeter, )airyl 'all in 7 .-bazi, Brooms, Corn Whi p ;atiil Hearth 1 Brooms, Whitetc.nsh Brushes, and other sttich's 1 ' too numerous to amnion. Please tall and see flu - ynnrselies. Erie, June 19;51517. MAPS.—Grays awl Manilla Alnt:4, just ro (Ave') and for aalc cheap at Ntl. I Perry Block, By . T. W. MOORE. s June 19, ISI7. i f .. __ •___ . rJWNSENDSS ARSAPARIO'I,and tti t — i ,- i celebrated Depuratives. Per sale by • • ! °J. Id. BURTON & Co. June 19, IRI7. .. • 14 1 'c; VER AN() A . .4 Ut..:.— . - \ al. No' 6, Poor iltana Raisins, sins, Currants ERNECIIT !al); % - v o by EfiNECHT NDIMEN'FS monrl4, avow, Jjorain, Can r, Bluer A Summer /mina, F emon, . Sitter Almonds plenn Wro4r, Rose do I I ,S: iNVA Ibiitzlelde, do UM ited stifigri FON bt. Pp' 1 , Reedf-joi adek ding' :4 awl tiare4, inch by • WRIG OM MBE! ; opcne lANIS nd iiitpated,dri the coun7 aforesaid, ("wsi liettinoing at on road s , and run hundred and Illy ast by tracts Nom. t yen!y perches to a 1 ningty 2 cieht and nd Mayviilg. road, i.t.,; it ty -xi v detirccs 4 1 c l o r t e lt it e. t . r , e 2 . 1 . 1 c .onen c e s, •,...!ence west by t t' . perches to t 2 c; <i'*%.' tint!, two I ill it:P'p relics of ,excetring and re c ced and dectipieti\ hods two acres and g cclrncr of that part e ethith of I.lio road relbrenee. may be ! I lark Putnam, to nd 4purtenences, , , FAUGLIEY, , i 17. '8 ' TICE. , i , N 0.3, 4pr 1842. itor op ,l rO make dist, iffs' Sat;eo.l to the Ilpti • ri,e, op th• lace flora° ClAt Dias.., Toro) rood in ninnor, , r o of 4 Kerm I 't t' or. I .liporog, lot BA A ' ti She:,end Lwt Wtkid Muni, C ago; &e., NDERN ELI Tonit.Mixtdre, intlia atiolavg:le • Nl.l6li's Ague Pilis quinine, Verrni Peruvian Bark, For Male wholesale and retail by • CAItTER & BROTIIER. Erir, Juno 19, 1547. DYi kiTTIF.F6. ' Anna:id, 011 Vitriol - I Alum, Indio, ~, - Clppertol; . Blue Vitriol, Crum . Cud Bear, A r 4, _ Cochineal, . Spit ite of;Tin, Liqutil Elite,• or ohmic. ilo Lotprood, Nic WoOtl, (great), • Win,wood ? Madder, Fast iok„ Itetl Saunders: For sale very cheap at No. 6, Reed Annex, by CAItTEEI ..s.intoTliEtt. Jane 19. 1847. 5 PAINTS, OILS, &,c A Ni ONG our smelt will he round -100 keus pure White Lea , fluff.d9 and Fittsburtfli manufa ure. 1600 lid. 4 Spanish Within:E -tOO Venition Red, 500 " Feeneli and Yell° • Ochre, • 10.0 • Frentli Gryen,a ut. ariirle. • 34Q lied Leq, 2CIO Litliaruge, l • , 200 papers refined Lrunphi c ielt, -20 bnvs Chrorneyell?w•u i nd 100 gallons Spirits I:nr.peritinp, ( 100 do . , 03 ito C,, pail Varn;sl4....ep;ild7;l • Furnitnre. • 20 doz Paint Bru.thes, assorted FiZCS. Just reeeivsd 'Lind for sde on i aeounui.)datintr terms, at No 6, Reed SEIM •Juno ID, 181:7 4., BRO idler the I. itous Lig • - CARTER D SING license I tin I" Ninon: , arid Sir assoftincnt Pure Port; Aladc Sherry, 111146ga, A.rul ALSO ' Brandy, Rum, Jamaica' Spirt , For sale at as low Dave ever :n:en otreri Reed 11oti.4e. Fsie, Jiine 19, 191 - -1 - - r UPEltri. Fren 43 plain eitei Paper, Niajliiird mid Black Keats Carmine and Red Ink, coliimori, Note, Tini Searing Wo.v, ['ounce, Black sand, Rubber, For f ale by ' J. 11.. Erie. June Oth, :847 ts, And rll Pi a 4 d in t4i e and liVoln , the City 1 f Mexico. Arrival of Freath'isad Cheap Groceries At Pio. 1, Perry flock SINCE the Tarirrhas been taken, the im ports into this country, and placed on that of Mexico, it has enabled those who have purchased Groceries in the East to sell them cheap.. We wish all who want anything in the Grocer", line to cull and examine our stock, for we do assert, without fear of come:unction that, we hate. the /freshest lot of Groceries in ads" Market, hat;itrz all been purchased from the latest itupottatilms. 'ln oar stock muy be found the follnwin:!: Imperial,,GunpOwder, and Young lbson Teas; Java, 7lio, Laguira and St. Domin go Coffees; LoaloPulverised,• Porto Rico, and X. 0. 'Surgtt rs; ,Pepper, Spice, . Giri ger, Cinarndn, NutUtigs Mace,Cloves, Rice, Pearled barle . ii, ' Pecan, Br• Madeira and Pea nuts;dlmondr, Vilberts,' etc.; Fruits—Apples, Raisins, English Cur-' rants, and Figs; Sperm and ralloto ci u tdles; Summer and Winter strained Lamp Oil, 'a superior arlicle, Salad oil, Fancy Shaving-, Va i riegOted and Jar soap. Dairy salt, White Fish, Mekerrl,• Mackinac and herring; • Kitnball's extm. , Fine ent chetkinz, Spanish Smoking , and Cavendish ToliatFo, Itetralia, Principe; Trahtica, Lenora and coin nann GoloFed and plain Grass and Manilla Ala's.— Besides .a host of otlizr articles to supply the wants of all. A fresli supply Of Gros ies re ceived semi-monthly. Call asd, examine ~ e 0 Is and prices at No.. I, Perry IlNelc.' T. W. MOOllll ... Erie, JAine 12, 1 S 17. , 1 Si % NEW ANO t Ft 0111041312,11;S;, • .11 .Vo. fi Poor Peoples tßow. . WF. HANDL!. RN Win' tins jtist reileieed a • lama and n elI Aelected assmtment. of vet, dry and Family Grotericis; Dye Sniff*, Nails aid Glad, which lie tr ill sell '4.:' tea per tor cash that: a tt other . e . tablisittrleqt in town. Plimse call. and POP. I r June 1.2. 1z,17. elU.zt. I I: t.t...: r..t v st.,t) *25 bags t: ;), Volta, St. ito mintPO and Java Cot`: e, one door north nr the P.lig Window, Slate streiii, by ' ' W. P. ItINDE RNI'IC 11T. -'• 4 ,,, ,,, ,-,,-_—______ •,___. _ ____L --- 4 2----- upeALO ,v HI VE-14:0 0.-4,111 Invoice 01 this superiot article ,last received. Abfo, 1 ittAur,fill Lrad, Wahnestnek 0_ Co'. inalic,} (by and in oil, alway., on hand and wakranied. -June N. J. IIL BU RTON & C o . .... 14.6 Ch Frea ,1, Jun received and tor Fate by life cheat or !ess kV, b V iiinft 16. W. P. RINDERNT-ChT„ Jttne Ufl p -- ilssF,3 ju.,t. received, t pa ill ' 11; ' clie,(pest, or,e (L. north of tile Big Window, by Yung . 16. W. P. !LINDER:ST;( I MT. . 440 GALS., Ohio Stone Ware. for sale Tv ..... door north of rho Big, NV i r'..dovy„ _Juno 26. ' W. P. Ii.INPJEILNECIPP., , THE EXPRESS AGAIN. _ CADWELL liasjust ree'ircii from New York a li3W,very choice -20'.idi, in which fie invites. 4 1 the attenti t of . . tho lall'.es and °Owls Viigllintz to purchase„ c nsist.ine 01 Oilein••• Mirsiins, a licAV 1 11l bt`illViii artiO.f. fOr (4Cliiie-I, ,StriSS Ninslins, 13r chit Ila n,, Plain fin., Pringes and Gimps, Silk mud C ~, . ..nuroro Sirawls, 'Farloton Mull:, ..s.e. &c. cull tio,,t week; in Owl - meantime lie respecOtilly solicits a call.. I U. CAI) ELL.. — July 3, 18 ] - I i ----- .4. , FOVISIONS',—FIoiur, - ), Ilants, Sliotfal ere, dried Aliples, drie I p e 4 e 1 1 0,4. Cotn Meal fiedfisb, Wilke Fish. Mati erel, Potatoes and eV erytbinf hY. ilie Provision Line, constatal) on build ui d for rule by. Itniie,-26'. ; . i W. F , IrVINDOWT.3I;:cg: - i i ART.EII. 4 , lit ROTIIP lt hove jut rec'eivc4l „I their summer stock fit" V trp r low Ghts'e, which' isrlargn and coniplete, vary ng in si. - e from 7x9 to 1. x3O, and rill be cut to a v si.:±e Or shape i ffesir e ,without xtrn ruitlYe. ittf, chht'y'llt on ha`rUl.. l 'Jung 19, Is4l, , • =. , '' ' , r'' -11 .CDTiD I;V:iiB :, —Levi own s Gott Pent o' MO.( cOleiprited make of the article, a thonit nstmitment kept cons tantly on hand ; also the dif ferent kinds Of cheap (dearO.t) Piny, nt . G. LOOMIS 4. Cola, i . Stotp st., nearly opPositetglo Hotel. July 10, 1 4 347. 8 " - 1- 1;7: E H MT. SlOstrim ranDIiDINE inv Wolta.0:: 1 1 GEO. VV, MERCHANTII CARCLINC - OIL -7 AN retne dv, .or I orses, 4n,4 oder domestic aniintrs, in the cure of (Ms . - Fr 34 II' T. e Inr'6, F shag, S !fast, Ontts Ain 's; Strains, I.•tatftleit. / )grains, Brui,t,s, Som. Crack's, 1 . Cracked 11.11 s, . ' Fat nd. redi re, I„ : 1:i il •41,0ne, 11 . i a -hills, ti,ratches or Gyros:, Port Kui-I, C;illt 1 s-, .111,11.;:, Sputins, Stcrcitcy, Horn Distryiper.. It. is al.!o a Universal Family Embrecation fur ili's'ea-;e. t.l ilulnati.llesh, sack as nhtuantiA at, ' A . :1:/:VI al Poisons, * 114,s,of.114:1141:, l'O,lint Ncrrous qtrce- Frea Iht.ts,l.• ' • fitm.", • . Coil., .•:;•. • Co eri.t,, er hillote . k't Burns an l'S -al ?s, 1 ' .. • Chill,isin se, Cr naps, ' , Clapp:Nl . 11121de.: Col Ira, tr al Cfr .. , rns -irs, Str,liings, Wounds, , 1 W corm: ss ~ f i'te Joints,' ~11:qk,c1 Breasts. AIi:gCIIANT • S C;AZIGI.I%t; 011--It is worthy (IT special remark, that beside. the rat and — extra-' i ~ in . ditwry powds die cure of diseases of tho 'terse in wltiidl,:t . Js %I.rtites firstlttracted the atter'. (IT of thefarner and f aoncr, Snit the wonder of the public aencrally. it lies been successfully . em 1) 1 1 1 in a great wa.riety of the maladies whielt alt2c. the tumuli race; and it has pro% 4:0 by the word, nil curts it 11Wilvtlb1111 , : d on ,the lower an imal,t, that it is ethh,med with curatike properties tiottotind id other liorsia oil-, nhich bas establish ed its claims in ~ e neral conflderi . ••e:: • - Ben are of the entftitcHelt it: aild be sure the Elaine of the COLE PROPRIETOR, G. 11r.: chant, I.ol..kport, is blown in the bottle., it J For testimonials, tzynotyl's ordiecasT's, and mode of irentment, see patitpliltA whi'eltiiecetnpa nies t aeh hot it'. - Sold by J. 11. Burton & Co. Erie; S. S. & H. Pass%nt. Na'dabuld, Ohio; and D. N. NVebster, Cinneaut, thin. 'ly -- - I? lt• R IVIC . It 0 11.' 0 0 11. le 00 t - - - ra i lOt W'.' AIERCJIANT ' S .11PROVED • COMPOUND FEUID ~..: • :b.. EXTRACT or SA RSAPARILLt 4 . -For Removing Diseased of the !Mood, ~ Ari dod ft owita at•eac o f Ar-I I. wee .iwl joi;ds. c a t i, r,roc'et; Sic cs;ol l anale al s. rte t`la oak anth,A.fanii ,al 1)“ rs "II Ii ..I.s. — ' as... sw.l. as S. a. I head. L , citt...Ortnn. , • .c;:rofola or Era S coo ,lii , q, 1r1,,• /1141, doltur pijcal.. darySyphi'L.s• r manna,. i es ari..i . ' g pwiii dri impur e ac‘raltoa lend Corros! .nt; of. state of the Blood; ol e o, ih . = . . 1 1 , ;;;.!. , .. 1- ;''';'.. CI , •••:s 'Hblion'ke.;sticeneu. Piles. 1 L, s. frArl, and Other par ts Cla-swir oforlton,s Li • r q of l,' b ply. I Lting.l and Chest. • - Culls or ',Wales on N. face Poi-, is the st..tothil. mid Si N, I IS( aly 4 nee•cs. ant; ofltcr cr• . Night .`i'inaj., kcd,tr. 1 lig. • tos:o th f . aim: It f , Ideal. muck recomnien- I ha, .c. c a, .. w , awl. Pier &o. thd oe a elcapiing ..,Fln ii 1 1 ',lf ti ', ,, ,r, 1 nor,, , ,, Mill g‘nera de.• . ir/.::::. shi. I; ..):. Faun 1 t Mc (GPIs. iThis remedy is peep fired iroin the ciwiter,t e, - lected ma ti;rhils. the active properties of winch re • xtraeticst by an improved process, w idiom., het; n alco ' init of a iiiisli it is preferred icy - Physicians dd s hello . mare uniform 'and active than ,any othet ! now Before the public:, i A rut( account of the remarkattle efficacy of it id i enmity, ifs ':,arletv bl• (lases of the most egg a -sated ngure, it Cw. seen by Calling on the r 0-_ 111. rietwor his a. , :entri. ,- . . . 1 As most .good medicines are conblerfeited, ? i v li one and (Add fOr ".Nleildi4nt'.s Satsaparil a." ..,- ;d tee that these woids are blown on th.v...iiass i "Frimit thelAhoratory of Geo. W. 11 . 45.rchant, Chemilt, Lock On, N. ,Y. . r C=3^Almost4:very pedlar imilie cpotifo. isnk' putting ire and impoilnE on the pliblie an articft they van sarsapurida. Therefore, LlF.ltAnell [__ Sold by ~1, 11. Dacron & co. Erie; s.l'iS.! iS! . . ilf. Fa.s..4eti; Ashtabula, Ohio; D. N.Aychster, Coil , neaut, Ohio. _ ---): !!. 1y56 , . 4,--0 rit.sniiifs or - THE trilINA a v ORditzig ' ,LitsEAsi.:s of the Urinary Or4 , aps, curekky the. EXTRACT or nrrilr, 1 ,, 1 Itnnli.ii,nii cv•- •hr.n.:. .4...ici, as chronic and acu - ..eldik4seb of the libiliier, .. . .17.4 - a,r.t:raniE Vreara, ^ % Gonorrhci - a, , I i Pre.strali . Gland, ' - tieets,Whitei, Ti hiri t i, and Pricturts, 1 4fins, ~,. • - 1 Diafners, 4-c. , 'Phis vAlitable Medicine is prepared . onl3sbir Geo. Nt.',. Ni, reliant,. O'peratiVe chemist 1 . ... c... Lpck , , port,'N.T. Euil and ample instrue ions; - testitnonials; Sze - : atrompany i.N.L.1.-bottle. ! i,, i I 'Sold by' . .T. 11. Baron Seer , . Erie; S.. ,P. -&.• II: Fn -sett, , i \•,;:ratnlia, Ohio!, D.IN , Weli".4te . , Cbii lieliti,t, ( nno. . ' - I V5O. I , I '-'—' '.. 7-- TO RED HEAD ' ANI) GRAY: , ' rril, Ylll A N I I MI: Will!, t Warronied article for il l 1 4 .! . colori or , the hair a beiiiiiihil brawn 0 .-; t 'A i d:, it ain not ,vear o , soil the linen, or color trk - , shin, iiti,liiiod.'e Is e ITI testify,, , o . ft has also been iised liece si sflilly in coloring Fut 4. Beware of the rout and lie sore yon Ile the ifyit ni he. pr, pared otil : ; l y Cleo. W.!Merctialic chemi st, DWI, po, t, N. Y. Samples of Hair May . Ms:seen at4l„to store of 11)4 p mriew'r or hit Sgetits: Pr:re . •9 cent.. L Irs ; S . S . & T T Sold.loi J.. 9 . ilitrion k i .co,, ~.rte; F issett, 1 Xslq . .ibula, 0116; and I). N. Webt,ter, Conneaut, Ohio. b • 1y,50 _ _ TMEHE II aye of la !t to rctait 'tors, o for d zootl FaTel, SIC/1d; Ciment wines ! iTot.and Gin; ry, Ale hol. hq. I inaket!, at No. 6, nuirtnan and ,Isliarcnt and Motto, etc. etc. ctc. 'UItTO &CO -D ...._, i... 1% APPLE:47—r\ fret+ii lut or Pin__e. Apples, .1.. j:i,t recuivr.d and lot garr at Ny. 1 Perry Mich. IT. W. mopRE..; %Tilly 3. li-ii. ' ! • 7 W. C. k R. P. I ULIIERT Ileqe just rereivil thrii• full' Stick of 81411 N G AND pu MM ER 'GOOD'§;N Ap ND n onhres'peetKollv invißt the islitntion porvii 4,el's be:mulct! lasioriment ctfl N,, tiptNIAN; ENGLINI.! anti :1,1011;11cm . of the newest anti thost. ta.*-!e . ,\ ILsI i A the market. The ]F.ryntest doetnnesit , N% in be 111:red itic:to4(.ns reii -, 1 etis . .cmicrs can nlv.ays at eur store - dui latest, ;1114 most desirdble styles orgoikts„ - SECOND: 7 r . intr.:n(l ktriefl to adhere to-tlin principle. of :it the' i"I'.I..OIV . fi:ST MARKET PR , 11IRD. . • They are tai.iin ,, must 'all kinds of proclutke, for rliieh they pay-the hi gliett ultuket,vnitie. • . Thu billowinr , ate aiiioug the -iuti4 desirable aLyles ef.Go,als of gyred, viz: L i 1 Evra Rich Paris PrinterrLawns,llarani ..Li -__ en Lwitre.,„ a new and beautiful article CO 4reesegi, f 'al ilin ni4 0103.1;4. French, Erio6 . ll and 4mt94con Blau- . de Lai ii,; ,, s, Plain, figni-ed andllattfifed SiVisis N'ltr.lino, tirrieed arid Barred Nlitselins, .Salto , rripeil trii, ,, typiti, French, i4cotili and Arneriton li 1 n ~t oilliA, ki.p. - Itich Olawl4, b.:r .. nel4 . .nn and_ ilernaa, Gossamer, llt - ,rage,Prid,'Endir,adered Aluus de Lain, \c. Straw Gonetri u -- rminpricing many new stylesq-r- f Also, French! artifivrab,hc , autititl, Bonnet spa' easikihhons , ,,,i ‘ fli,Uhuzbani, and cotton i'artieoler; buttons; sil4 :tinges, weettrininringer . I'urc'l'wist; eminip‘, lito l weA and AlittA, and hundreds. of other art l ude+ tOb numerous lo' menthol]. We again invi:e all to eann3 and amino our j4 . •oodti and FiCe.3. Erie, 111 av 2.9.'1817. I_ . t .-.." PIZOTECTION. l l 1 T , [iE Erie County Mutual Ins.uran'eeCompa,ey ) 1, continue:: to inenfe azainst loss'anddiruagri I • fire,, on httil4in,ds., goods and merchandise-of. al descriptions[ Office j on the east side or the P !ilia Square, between Alt and 7th:treats, ; - lIINI)FIR:% , iF.CkIT MIMI • . DIRE cr,9 IVm.' Bentty,, J . Ti. .T. C. S'penccr, • cot Selden, Thomas Willi?, • Smith Jai*Pon, Giles SanfOrd, Elijah Babbitt; C. NI. Tihhala, . • John A. Tr*, ey. W. H. ToirnFend. • , 'Henry Crulwea, GILES sANFortry, •' J. C Srexcen, Treasurer, • Gpor t zo Seltlen, Secretary. - June 3, ISI7. 11
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers