Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, July 24, 1847, Image 1

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BY .1. P.
One copy, one year, in advance. Si 30
Otherwise, two dollars a year will invariably be
charged. These terms sill be strictly adhered to
'in all cases.
Advertisements inserted at 50 cents per square
or the first in ertion, and 25 cents for each sub
sequent insertion.
Job Printinz, of all varietie., such as Books
Patnphlels, 114ndbills, Show Bills, eard9,Steam.
boat Bulk, Blanks for Notes, Receipts, Sze. exe
cuted in the bcisi style clarion short notice.
- -
Attorneys. at Law. Office up stairs in thelTain
many Hall b'uildintr,nortli (lithe Prothonotary's
Office. • • 9
Deafer in Dry Goods, Groceries, hardware,
cf uee n's Ware, Lime, Iron, Nails Cc. Nu. 121,
Clurtinsitle,lErie, Pa.
(aunty a rul Borough Surveyor; otiii:e in Exchanze
Oluil(lifiv. French st , Erie:
lias removed him—Office . to the Public I.3nilding
near the Court Howe, up Stairs, in the room
'• occupied by l pie Sheriff and directly over the
Conunissioners Office:
Plumpt attention will be given to all busineus en
1 trusted to his care, 50
• nymito,
Dealem in Lehigh and Eric Coal. Salt
and Produce generally-, Particular attcn•
'lion paid to thl, stile of Produce and purchase of
N 0.3 tv.. 4 Cdburn Square, South Wharf.
I E. IC. inirdOtT, u.
Satiate. N. . 19
and Counsellor nt Law ; ;•2
~nppnigite the V..u tf itt uric, Pa,
Attorney I
s rit4Q 4
COunscltors l i at lxkw, :ce on French
ver 5 , ;.' Jackson S•Co's. Store, Erie
_ _
locatedin Eric. ()thee at
co orythe comfier of Seventh and Peach
th L. E
. 11.0811 N ZW ICI( k Co.
n rol l ,eign am{ I):)ine-tic I ry Clonik,
m a d e lcl ot hi rwt Bows anti :41toeF, ; , te,
. I, IFltimining Block, State Street,
a, I .
• and Coon-010r* at lat\ % ,
---litlite Im
,reef, !vest side of the Pol,lic Squili t e„
'a• i
De.kler3 .
A tturnt y!
Sir it
'W. A. 45:A1.13RA1T11. W. 5, 4 . lAN
LOt)Mi4 is:, Co
IN:l4g:beg, Jeivelry, Silver, aerinal , ail
itred aid Ili iootinia W &le, i'ltlkt v, NI 11-1.1
1.I Fai ey Good:4, Nu. 7 I veil 111111.1', I:: iv
a. 4
vex, PI,
. linty n
MIL ,LllllB UW7111;111%
Whoksale and Retoil Dealers in Dry Goo 4, Gra
ceries s •Flard care, Crucicery, (.11.1,0% arc, Iron,
Nail!‘, Leath ..r, 0115, etc. 'etc. corner of Stole
street and thf Public Squa, opposite thu Eagle
Tavern. ~. rill, Pa.
- i----- -- - ------ ---- :in an einharra , st d state. The $5,000 which nititr
...isitrfolliii'ly paid li. iliS if idotv i . left her in control ta.-
I Cabinet 111a14r, Upholster and Undertaker, Ail, d riliiii .i tario .. i.
l• State Str,•et,l Erie l'a "Another gcrith•rmin, alto hail been. unformn
. • __,
__ ____
%tite - i ri - ffit-ine, , , took .1 policy in fagot of lii., wife
S. "pIeKIN.St)N, M. 1). ,-
~ for ~ ,'.",,(100. Ile die t slimily atler payhe the see,
Physician and Surgeon, °filen on :•••cvelith Strcat. : r r
I% c 8 t of the Nletlinilitd Church, E r i c, Va.
_ . } ll.i aunt:.; ;ifeillititil, .111 d ;avec] his Gamily from
- --- -•.4le,li•ntion. \
".1 , u•ntleman. residing ill the State of Indiana
on the i'jili of August lagt, took out a policy on
Iris life for ...s3,ooo—litit one pay meta terra made of
Sltit , ... Jle died on the 19tli of September, and,
his wi'low received h • 'stun insured. f 53,01.10.—
'fie 14 a? - Yll ii.rCibly Ill'eizqNl with tho advan
f l at.tei.- in:L l , iti
ife lii •c, being a recipient of its
tient•ti- , , il at site ituntalliately effected an incur
anc ,• in it, .. 11 1 0 ,, 0 f $5,0u0 nit her own life, for the
preteetion of her faintly of young children.
".1 b ,, ok-keeper in a highly tespi•cfable mer
cantile liti , c: in thin city, throtwlr the persuasion
of its employ el 9, was ilidliCrii 10 take out a politly
on his life, for the benefit Mid, wife and children
in the Fit.ll Or 1,000, at the annual premium of
F_••••25,;(1; a sudden illneNs from scarlet fever tarried
Riot off in tell days, tun annual pdyments had
boon 'mule, and ,bi , widow in a few, day , after his
death, reeeived:3l,ooo; had it not been for' this
proviii , •nt'riltvision, she would have been le'lt in
destitute circunistanee?.
\V\LKFU. &.. COOK,
Cienefaftorwar i ,ifing, and Oroilitei,
Merchants; ttedlVare of the
lie B. iili , e, Eriie. •
int - Tin, co n i nn and tilert-.11011
'Frcitelt and Vila, titrtets, Erie.
ware corner o,
EN NITPT 1111.:S9 P:11;
Lon pounders,
.1.1"•„„Stov44, I ono,
wbule4ale and n tail dials rs in
,%v-sva re k.c, Stale :till vt. Rrie.
11. BURTON & CO.
Wbol sale ana
I)ve Stairs, GI
)i. , s,
koce r i es, &e. N 0.5, Reed I lousy
Cirocurivs, No. 111,
i• Pa.
600,1.-!, GI 011•11 ,. :1, 414 No. 1,
• St.lle
Dealer 'in Dry
Dvalers urn•
Ronny ii Mock
CAT. - ra
mulL, CI4 3 r
Is A1...1it-4W,,
INC., Nu. G Rceil Hotiet, Erie-
'B. T
Forwarding an
French Streeti
son, also deal
31. F.
Dealer in ;lard ‘I
can side of th'
the Eagle 1.101
Cuninii. , ,sitni Merchants; 100
Eric, and at qtli Street Ginal Ca
era in Groccrits and Provieiwis.
I .
are„Dry 0904, Grocerieg, Sc
Dianiu . ncl, and one door ea .A. u
el, Erie, I a.
AMA . ; 1 lOTEL, '
Own, Corner of Suitt tract and
'tare, Erin. l'a. Eabtern, Western,
Stago office.
Ily Hiram 1,. IL
the l'ettlitt Fti'
and Sot)thern
Vit . ('ham Tailors, on t h e POlie
doors wed,t of State-et cut, Erio,
Fashionable ST
Square,l a fen
31:1. JOHN:k)N.
ogicul, Niiscellancoim, Sunday
School Book; Stationary, etc,. etc.
eh Street, Eric,Pa.
eider in Tileo
and Clae,..ical
No. 111, Ftc
i ninsellor at law, Prairie ilu Chien,
ice in ihocourdies of Crawford,
a, T.and in Clayton county,
Nttorney a nd .c
IV, a. practi
Grant:and io%
lowa Territo
If tor, Cho
nit:Jiang° for Goods, Wool, But
,se, and all kinds 0 - Country l'ro
U. camvia.L.
June 6,11711 G
A RD WA l'
te cheap store
November tt I
lE.—Shelf Hardware and House
can always be had very cheap at
S. JACSAON I 4: co•
ss4;. c)-
scribers vvi
by reed.
pay cash Cur •'ood clean Tim,
sale at
S May 1,18171
1, and 5
Erie`May 6, [
. S' series of .chuol Books, 1, 'L i
for sato al, No. 111, French St.
lisp% 51
• t MOV AL.
(..! LOOMIS • Co. have rontoicd their stock
GoODS, etc.. etc., . 0. 5, People's Row, State street,
nearly opposite tie Eagle Hotel, where they will
be pleased to h. a their friends call as usual.
N. B. - A Is :e addition to their stock in trade
will be made' in . short time.
Erie, May 19 1547. 1
LOVE.S.—We have the best assortment that
be in ihis market of all kinds, including
S ta'A'art's self imported , black and fancy Eid,
'ancy and vatic.. eted Siks and China Linen.
. . I .
. . I
. .
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p.,...., . .
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•°. . .
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, .
COMPANY, of Stamford, Coinnecticut, have
made arrangements with the subscriber to secure
to any person Life Insurances who may be desk ,
ens of procuring the same. This institution acts
upon the mutual principle and affords induce
ments to persons to secure a competence to their
families against contingencies and uncertainties
of file, that none other in this country can. Poli
cies granted; in livery instance, makes the insur
ed a sack -holdei in the company, to an amount
equal to the premium paid, with the almost posi
tive certainty of a return of forty per cent. A
gain it is only necessary that a small amount, e
qual to hall the premium, should be paid in cash.
Balance is a id by, the note of the person insured,
thereby ma ting actual capital out of the individ
ual's own liability. These arc some_ of the ad•
vantages of this eompany(ov'er most others. A try
person by calling upon the subscriber can be
mado fully acquainted . *liken the operations of
the institution, who has made such arrangements
that he will liirward to the company all premium
dotes and obtain policies free of postage to any
one wishing, to insure. I As the business, of the
s inereases ;Ind nothing:more than ordi
nary mortality prevails, the premium to, be paid rain • Ily will diminish, and in dine will be , extin•
', g shed by dividendsoi props. This is a. pee n :.
li r advantage in Life Insurances—unlike fire in-
Yin ances,linvestments are made all over a country
r of varied.charneter and healthfulness, and the life
of one person is not dependant on that of another.
as one piece of property in a cityor town may be on
the nottety or tlebttuetion of rinother. A small sa
ving annually may emible any man to secure a
handsome provisos' thr his 1 family. Indeed in
most eases the slim thus expended would never be
felt, m bile if sudden death should ensue before a
competence by other means is at rmired, the fun&
fur future support and comfort is thus realiized.
The Mllowing are some Of the numerous in
stances of fortunate insuranc'es:
"The Equitable Society of London commenced
1 the business ok Life I 0511. ranee in England in 17•
tt•.!, without capital, and althOugb the benefits at
that time were but little Jr no l wn or appreciated,
" yet it now has over 8,0110 members, with a capital
1 of fifty millions oftlollars,:and dint in a coun
try where due investment of their surplus rund
does not average three- per cent. k Whereas in
, this country - six - ier cent can generally be ob •
taint4l, so that ,tlte, princip it of atoommlotiont
wonld bit' much trreater ere than in
siren -tland.—'
The report of American coint tartan
also sttly;
"en and confirm this positiu» and a striking - il
btstration of the value CCM, 1(1 policy, we here
give, by citing at, example Iron) the transaction:
of tine said f•iveinly. Ire only Capital n as, that of
the accruing premiums, it, however, in prioress
°Note, beentmo One of the most empecsAl 111 ;11)(1
IMP:Town: C , mpaniec in ::rnat •Vritain. Arr.
AforgarY, the table actuary 01 this Society, in his
address to the rzenerfil court, in
,ili e year 18000,
-nlyn;:-. "tn.:typos s a life on 35 to have been insured
in the year ritt:l. in the sum of .121,00 n, at the ari
-1 meal pi-quintal of ,C3O, in the eolo , e of thirty one
year:, this -111111)(1111g laid out be itn
„..pfove ,
at the i
e sant:exalt: o fnterest ut which the
pienum3 lure compined, would now have aceu-
Hoaxed to .C 1.500. ' if, howeter, this policy were,
non surrendered, the soul of w ou ld be,
paid tor the value of is% so that the 'person will
I have been asstored fur tinily one.veats in the slim
' oil: IMO, (excluskely of 1.10! ada 1 :jun ) not only
i<Ntonno, experene, hut even with the athantege on
ne nni, into C)7 as a gratuity at tlof end of the
lei In: " 1 r
V , )y twiny rrartieat eFunki, es of the blessings
1.110 I • 0 'eltrrio , - -
'i ,
of Ltre - Insur.ince are continnally oyttrrimr among
all clas,es (dour citizeus.--4 We room
t.r It o e which occurred in the city of
New York and vicinity in the course of one
suervll)nt in September iromica Ills life foi
the two , •11: Cot ss,ofio. Ile died in
1)e( eitibvr IMlut% wheil Ilk :41'44s - were found
"A pew!! twit riff,' man in the city of ftnebes
ter, in this state, on the 7th Of Anznst,, 1815, of
ttql an insurance on laiti life, in the stun Of.
7..1 1 000 i hilt mitt payment had been made of 823
n, and he died of a short illness on the fllst of
February, ISM, His widow, in ten days there
; fter, ref:6s ed e Imo. the sum insured.
"A farmer of Dinelm,s county, State of New
York, took nut a - policyon hi, life for 8I .000, nn
the Ist of hrly, I:115, for the benefit of his family.
The fit:: payment-of $21,70 was loathe, and he
died very suddenly, from an attack of • apoplexy,
on the 20tiVntthe following January. His fami
ly reeeivedisl,ooo in a lbw days after.
A getplcman of thi, city being in the reeeipt of
an ingothtt from: Ili, scife'e estate, to'continue clu
ing tier lite, but would tfeaSe at her death, very
rtniently reek out a policy upon her life, in the
ruin of E.:5,000, at the anntial-premit/171 of 8102; in
this ease two anneal payments had been made; Isis
%vile died and lie received $6,000 the sum insured.
, "A merchant in one ofthe Southern .Stateshad
a debt due him of 3,600. Knowing that its itlti
i»ate payment d muted on the continuance oldie
life of Ivs"debtor be OA oueu policy on it for that
sum ; on e )(ear's premium had been paid of $l6 I,
SI. Soon alter he was attacked - with a severe ill
ness, which terminated his life in Septemberlast.
The Company .on presentation of the requisite
proofs aids death, paid the sum insured, and by
this preoantionary measure, ho - nnapectedly and
suddenly realized a doubtful claim,
"A tzentleman of New York became security
or his friendin the sum of $3,000, •by endorse
nent on his papers. Ile had the prudence M el
eet insurance on his life for that amount only; one
payment ($l6) was made. This was done on the
3,1 of July last, and 'ic died the !Sitter September.
The Company paid him the 83,000, which he ap
plied to the payment of his endorsement—thus by
this insurance he was released frourhis liability,
which otherwise might have'put him to serious in.,
onvenience." •
Insurances made by a huiband for the benefit
nth use of hie wife, where the annual premium is
'under $lOO, will not be subject to the claim of
crinlitors upon his estate at his decease; so 100 if
made for the benOit of any, child or -children.—
Thus the extravagance and indebtedness of the
mstiand will not be alleued tolsweep away this
novision for the benefit of his Wife and children,
II it.,7'lnsuranee for life, or from year to year,'or
for a single'year may ba made.
Eric, Juno 12, 1947
STEW A.RT'S celebratedyrup, for tabte
Just the !hilt% you read of; at the "New
Store," No. 4, Cheapsido MORTON & Co.
Erie May 22,1817. 1
C ;
ROCERIES.—The subscribers have just
ceived a. fresh supply of Groceries, consist
ing of Tea,•ColThe, Sugars, Spices, etc.; - etc.,
which will be sold at their usual low piries.
No. I Fleming Block.
May '2O,
DARTS Kid Gloves—A beautiful assortment;
I - White and Colored, zellineeltaap at No. 4,
Cheapside; by NEORTON tz Co.
?-ire, May 22, 1?47. 1
Written for tho fgrio Obeti,rvor>
11:t itootholone; though round kiln thronged
Mlyt eager gazing crowds;
16, to another race belonged—
:tril race beyond the clouds;
A6ou ho cast his dark eye down
,:rponthe serried men, '
Than whit a bitter with'ring frown
f.ookod.back to heaven aguin. •
1 10 stood, the tart one of that race
Which once o'crspread our land,
; •
Bet vshO had vanished from its taco,
And slept Dri:enth ilia sand;
/111 , noble form was proudly rai cd
Pp to ito uttuufit height,
While pisrciugly his Amp eye axed
Upon the heaven's light?
"Wherii! admired" ho spoke, "aro Itll thorebrOree
iilrtra Once.ed o'er these 115111r—
lfavo they at d dark, blood graver,
:11et1do their native 1 4 110
Tell mo, yu long•hnivee, where re they
Who trod the forest Mug,
And sought with stealthy feet the prey,
4.Yr satig the test-path song.
they, thoildittr free,
ached o'er thi • 1 ed,
an from the eve,
ittrderouti hand. L
rued!), heeding cante—
r fortit trees—
"Pb: where are t
!Who once stre'.
Until the white
Upraieed hie ni
Where are their
Where are the
Where io the w
n'hat.wared w
ipum on their breasts,
h every breeze.
"These broad rei
hese rivers d
And where the rt
The Indian's c
The forest was
Its shade Win
kid She is gone!
, -To pluck the
oldie illnins they corned—
ep and still— •
ountato - darkly frowne4
y woo shrill—
ty &naive horns—
ne's bower;
we no more roam,
ild.irowu flower.
upiey're Rollo! 1
neyond Um di
Where gnine i ttiori
had yea the .
They died nut b
Nor with a Geri
The while males !
The Warrigre t.
11 gone, to hunting ground'
'tent ikici, 4 \
tho wild obottodt,
rt blow dee ly,
o plague'. swoop—
, tool bath swept' away
their 24eep:
"Soon, POOP 1 . 11 J
And ehatie the
n them in thatland,
'lying ricer;
,with 11y hangl,
hemlocks rear.
And cry the war
%%Imre tall Ott
And soon I'll lion
Whose water'
now smoothly I
'Vesicle the mos'
upon those circuit's,
'cysts! Itko, 1 .
no if Pi dream,
I y dike."
The Indian nee
triton the en w
Ili. well totron
Thon eaa Itymi
uhly- there," e •
I'll soon bend]
I feel that now h
I t.ll -alone
I—a moment gazett
I around—
w was quickly raced
the ground:
he. "my only friend,
hen lin—
coma trey cud
With air dread
fro sunk uuon
And as ho on the
'3r-whoop's piercing yoll,
cold round fell, •
it it* lied!—
, ter they formed—
ast and
h to rest holinfrhea,
4 tide!
II in spirit eotig
B••hind his ingtdo
Vl : at colicours
Mid bid him do
By 31 ssi-ri . ppa
110!•:11.SID1LC, PA. JULIC,
war-whoop by putting the ham'
bile yelling.
'The inilimot utter thei
ituiliteoly to their mouth
rth and Treasure
Treasure on E:'
Mr. Benedict Percival, one of the wealthi
est men in the city, sot rending a newspaper,
when three gentlemen entered his counting
room iii the formal manner in which commit
tee men usually present themselves--especial
ly committee men appointed to raise a sub
scription for some public charity. When
Mr. Percival opened his newspaper that morn
ing the first paragraph that met his eye was
the follcilw,ing:—
"At the town meetiing held yesterday a
committee of three from each ward was ap
pointed to wait upon our citizens to receive
their subscriptions in aid or the sufferers by
the latd destructive fire in our sister city.—
This duty will be entered upon at once. We
trust that the gentlemen who have the matter
inlharge will meet with a hearty reception
frpin our liberal-minded and benevolent:towns
men. We may lead the van in the noble
work, if we Ny 111. Let us do it."'
Over this Mr. Percival pondered for some
time, with his foro'finger upon his lip and his
,oyes upon the Ceiling. At length, as though
his action in the latter, were definitely set
tled, he resund t reading of his newspa
per, and was engau d iwthat agreeable occu
pation- when the co mitten of gentlemen al
luded to above called in at his counting-room.
"Good morning, Mr. Pereival," said the
"Good morning, gentlemen," responded Mr.
Percival, rising. ,
"We need hardly State our business," said
the spokesman. "You pre'sided at the meet
ing.yesterday, and, having assisted iti the ap
pointment of the coinmitteos for the several
wards, are aware that our duty in this one is
to wait upon our fellow riitizens for their sub
scriptions. We have called upon you to get
Your name at the head {4 the - list. Having
that to lead off with, our task will be an easy
one, and the result equal to our best hopes.
.Your subscription we of course know will be
liberal, and that will induce other men of am
ple means, upon whom we shall wait, in suc
cession, to put down largo sums. By this
plan wo•hope to make our ward double the
amouht 'subscribed by any other ward in the
“We can easily do that," returned Mr. Per-.
cival.•• "We have - wealth enough. • But I
must decline heading the list. Let Mr. R--
lead off. He will do it handsomely, withivt
doubt. Or, Mr. S— will start your sub
scription liberally."
The committee metuurged Mr. Percival to
comply with their first request, butt be was
firm in declining, and ultimately fold them
that he had made up his mind to place hie
name last upon the subscription paper.
A week after this interview ; the rich•mer
chant was again waited upon. The list need
ed only his neme to complete it.
"How much have you got'," he asked.
4 4We have not done as , well u we expect
ed," was . replied. Me you had led off we
should no doubt ham clone much better."
SATURDAY, JULY 24, 184'1
"Who headed the list?"
"With h ow much'!"
"One hundred dollars."
"Humph! Let me Nee the, paper."
It was handed to the,merchant. lie ran
his eye over it, saying half aloud, fts he did,
so— - . . .. 1
, • 1
liOnehundre —one hundred--an d hundred
—nothing ahoy a hundred. What,does it all
amount to?" ' .
"Five thousand dollars,'!
The merchant took up iis Pan 'and ‘vroto
his name with a flourish. Opposite to it he
placed a numeral and three cyphers, with the
dollar mark before them,, ttius—ss,oo,
Then, with a bow, and a glow of self-satisfac
tion upon his feed, he htindod 'the paper back
to the gentlemen who had waited upon him.
"Nobly clone, Mr. Percival," said the spokes : .
num . tlyw k bave saved the credit of our ward.
I have strong 'hopes, now, that we'shall lead
any two of them put together."
Two or 'three days, after this, the newspa
pers announced the result of the subscription
raised in the various wards In the city. The
particular instances of liberality Nei named,
conspicuous aniong,which stood the fact that
Benedict 'Percival, Esq., who was "ever fore
most in act l e , of benevolence," had s u bscribed
the handsome sum of five thousand dollars;
had, in fact, "just doubled the, iubscription of
the ward in which he resided:" '
There lived in the city whore this fact oc
cdrred a poor widow, in feeble health, ivho
had three children. Her only , means of sub
sistence lay in her ability to du plain sewing.
Barly and late she sat over her work, often in
pain and oppressive weakness, but the result
of her labor was ever insufficient for the ma
ny wants of her little family.
It was in the midst of a long and hard win
ter, and the wideli's greatest expense for
warm clothing for her children, and extra fu
el, consuming all of her little earnings, and
leaving nothing :for the rent. She occupied
two small rooms in a retired court,, for which
she- paid a weekly rent of one dollar. She
wait the under - tenant man who rented all
the:Souse on one sidii•of the court, a!ed, by let
ting them out again to poor families, at a,
weekly or monthly rent, not only saved hie o •
rent, but made from two to three hundred dol
lars a year besides. Of course, ho was a hard
man, and would have nothing, less than his
own, no matter how much Others were injured
in his efforts to obtain it.
Since the Fall the poor 'widoW bad been
slow about paying her rent. Sometimes she
'mu -r.:1111..* •- wive, lid im
portunate landlord, and•sometimes she could
give him nothing. He had scolded and threat
ened, andowarned her to leave the firenlises--•
but still-it availed not to bring hini Ms due.
Food and fuel the woman must haiie for her
childretOind, after these were obtaitied, there'
was little or nothing left from her *earnings.
Thus it went on until seven dollars were due
for rent, when the landlord became seriously
alarmed lest, in a bait resort, which was often
made by him at little or no cost br feeling,
there - should not be enough in the widow's two
rooms that the law would allow him to seize,
foe the liquidation of his petty claitn. die at.
once informed the widow that, unless she paid
him what was due immediately, he would sell
her out.
"But you know I can not do that," said the
unhappy woman.
YGo and borrow it of some one."
The widow shook her head. •
"Ypti`do sewing for several families. Go
to them and tell them that you will be turned
into the street if they do not lend yon enough
money to pay your rent. - It will be, but a dol
lar apiece from seven different individuals.—
Do it, and the money will come quick enough."
"I have no hope of returning it; and, to
borrow under such circumstances, Would be
dishonest." , . -
"It is just as dielioneti not to Inky your
rent," said the petty landlord, harshly.: 1
The widow answered nothing.
~ •
"You can do as you please," resumed the
unfeeling man. "But I can tell you one thing
—if I don't gets my rent to-morrow, 1 Ishali
obtain it in the.quickest possible way, mallet
these rooms to some one who will pay a' deal
better than , you have ever done, So you
know what you , have to depend upo n"
With this, thO landlord went away,, and the
widow was left Vo her own sad thoughts.—
'rhe eldest of heli children was a boy between
eleven and TiWelre years of age. The other
1 i
two l were girls , i (he youngest three years old. ,
Thii public seLcile afforded the means of ed
ucation to thesei and . it was the mother's aim
to keep them together as long as possible, that
they might enjek, the advantages so liberally
provided for the! 'poor as well
,as the iich.—
Charles, hell eoM was advancing very rapidly,
and in a feok iminths she hoped to see; him in
the high heljoel 'where she meant to strive
td to keep bit for at least a two year's'
curse,, before he left home to tear some
trade or go into asters. -The tad was present
during the brief interview that easeed between
his mother and hpr landlord. His young blood
grew hot in his 941'ins, and he wished, for his
mother's sake, that ho was a man. .
Charles went io school with a heavy heart.
'He clearly understood, from what bad been,
said, the extremity itt which' his mother was
placed. Aud he also knew that the threat of
seizing upon their things and selling 034,
would be executed on the next day, unless
the rent was paid, for more than one distraint
had taken place;at the instance of this man,
w,ithin the past year, and t belpless widows and
childrex . stripped of they: all without' com
pu4tion, and turned into the streets. -Young
,as the child was, he hid been eye -witness to
such stenes!of distress. : No 'wonder, that his
heait was heavy.
At school there was a great deal of talk
imotig„the.hoya about the large subscription , ,
that haii*en raised for the sufferers by a ter
tibia fir si: it/ weatorn• city, 66 (mount of
which had been public"
pers. The feel tb4
the rich merchant, ha ',
dollars particula'
, praise was upon
as one of the most 1
giien five thousand
ly dwelt upon. Ilia
~,and he was spoken of
.ene l volem men
1 in the
, • 'l,
hrengh the miiidef the
1 Wee -so rich ? rind be
nd i
wfilii3g to give live
ffer l ingqn an other city,
II ', '
, lend or give his moth
, •ent her little all from
and' she ' and h er l chit
eet in the dead'of win
e his You . t`ig heart beat
o burn. , Until Wonr
f '
over, lAs mind feeli n g - d
iment,ibat relief wod
on were made to Mr..
Suddenly it flashed
lad that, JO Mr. Perciv
uevolent as to be able
thousand dollara for a
he would be willing t i
er•seven dollars to pre ,
being taken from her, 1
dren turned into the stl
tar. The thought mat
quicker apd his cheek
time* pondered this 4
more eontiiknieacii mid
be obtained if applicati
Wcihen harles came
' '
the morning session,
%melon 4distre s.
eat.when ha aet wn
difficulty swaliow his
in a few minutes, am
word, took up Ida hat'
twin. Before leaving
of the boys the direct
store, and towards thi
steps. i
The publi& announe
erality, united, as it w
urns upon him as "one
most bbnevolent citizt
gratifying to Benedie
reed the various parag
with the liveliest satis
higher degree of self
had know for airing ti
agreeable,tu hiir to fink
scription made by any
only five hundred della,
was subscribed by amei
to be worth several hu
more than himself.
often to be had, and it'l l '
Numerous were the 0
ceived - fur being the pc
able feelings, united w
ifying them to the full,
ppy day for Mr. Pej
his reward in the prai
treasure was laid up in
can not say—we have
rug this.
; .l •
life. Peri:Mil was
irivato eounting-room,
incaptuniy uilwua't uo flap MIMI . nn
lod of his Tellow men, l 4indponderfiii that,
icant passage of flolY Writ—" Charity
i a multitude of sinsi"—lt lad entered
timid I%ok and a hesitating atop.
[ell, sir! what do you 'want?" said the
ant; in a rather forbidding tone, con
* his brows as he spoke.
r _child pauied suddenly nt this 'reeptien
l erent from what he expected, and look.:
I f frightened. But ha gathered uli ' his ,
red confidence and 'told hie errand
About ono o'clock,
sitting alone in
the g
mother htts got no money t 6 pay .her
• -
nd the man is. Ring! to -sell .all: her
and turn ctli or .3 intothe'street. She
wee him seven 'Won't you
to her, sir?"
Pereival looked at the lad a moment ►
astonished at his a►teurarrce; and then
"Begone. sir. I never, encourage street
' If your mother isn't able to pay
her rent, she had bettor take you all to the
Alms-house where you Will be well taken care
Saying this, the benevolent merchant took
the lad somewhat:rudely ,by the aria, 'Mid,'
leading him to the doorof the room in 'which
he had been sitting, thrust him into the one ,
adjoining, through which he had conic, where
'were several clerks, sa l ving to the tatter, as
he didso, in a rough, peremptory Voice,
"Don't let any more beggars in here.
itn l ow I have forbidden this over and Over
"I t ‘hall be everrn byall th em Jeri?
i s
in town," muttered gr. I crcival t himself
as he resumed his Seat). "So much for
dug one's' name up as a beievolent_thaii.V, - =
' When Charles came to school that after
noon his teactrdnotiqed that he hail Been
weeping, and that he seemed to be in a great
deal of distrss. But, 'though he 'asked him
the caiise, the lad did not reply directly •to his
questio i ns. Several tiMes during thel_after
noon the teacher noticed that Charles wiped
the tear from his eyes, end that his mind was
so much disturbed, that he could not say his
lessons., lie mentioned this to his fem a l e as
sistant., As Charles was leaving the scholl
room to go hoit)e, on the dismissal of his class
this yoimg lady, who had observed him fre
quently since her attention had been called to
him, Wok him kindly by the hand and said—
. "What is the matter with You, Charles?"
You appear to bo vary Unhappy." •
: The lad paused Mil looker! up into her face
Uls ey•s Were full
. of !tears and his lips quiv
ered. Ho cried to speak; but Se could not ut
ter a
“Is any ono sick at home?” asked the teach-
"No, ma'am," tIM lad, faintly replied.
The young girl;. for the teacher ,was quite
young,"stood - silent al momerit. She knew
that the mother of the ivy waspoor, ainl, from
the peculiar way in which ho tray distressed,
she immediately suspected that something
was wrung at home. I
"Is any 'thing wrong at I
would like to tell meT she a:
By this time most of the c
the room, and the teacher an
_quite slope. The teens that
t a g the eyes of thelatter ever
er had spoken to him, tiow feu
freely; but in a little bile he
strain thom, When ho told of
ed in the morning pa ,
r. Benedict P4eival,
home from scholil after
I he face of his mother
I hough the boy tried to
o dinner, lie could with
ood. Ile left the table
i f
~ without speaking a
nil , hOrried from the
school,he had inquire()
ion of Mr. Percival's,
ti - be now directed his
• mein of his great lib
•a, with high encomi:
of the wealthieit and
ns,". was particularly
Percival, Esq. He
apps that met his eyes
action, bud enjoyed a,
complacency thnn he
e;' It was especially
il thht the largest sub
ott6:Lbut himself, was
i i rs, and that this sum
i 4 charnwho Was reputed
i dred 'thousand dt:llars
I ro was a• triumph not
lwas' richly tmjoyed.--•
.)A g ratulatiotis ho re
, ssessor of such charit
th the means of grat
lest extent. It was A
ival. , Verily, he had
Lc of ;men. How much
Heaven' by the act, we
no menus of determin-
ome ithat you
Wren had left
the led stood
4 been blind=
nce his teach.
I vor hie cheeks able to re- .
e distrese his
""4 ~"s
mother was in, and that, if the rent was rick
paid in the morning, her things Would all be,
taken away from her and they turned' out of
doors; He also related, in a most earnest and
`artless manner, boW he had called open Mr..
i'ercivah . Without sayihg any thing to his.
mother, hoping that he would lenethem mdn
ey to pay' their rent. When be told of the
cruel and unexpected repulse n s flli which he
met; his tears flowed again.
"But the man Certainly not do as. he
has threatened," said tbo. teacher:
"0 yes he will." Veplied Charles. "Ile
sold every thing Mrs. tllis had this Winter,
because she didn't pay'him his rent and she
had to take little George andrMary and go to
the poor-houtse. ' 0 yes! he
.1 ,
"IloW mufb rent ts your, ( inother, oWer
"Seven. &Ham!' :
The , yonng teacher Was again silent and
thoughtful. - If she had possessed the sum re
ttiuired,,how gladly would she have Nitced it
.in the hands of the boy, and sent him home
with glad tidings to his mother! 11 Kit tech"
all her salary to support, a widowed mother,
in bad health, and She had, therefore, nothing
to spare.
"Go home, Charlee," she at ilengthsaid,
!'and tell your mother that I will come and
. - ce her to-night." , Something mita' he done
to prevent this Mali front distressing her." •
.The hey turned and walked iluickly away.
His sips was much lighter: than it was when
lie came to school, for - new there was hope
again in his young heart. -
. _.
The night that s u cceeded to this day was
-very cold. The wind 'swept rouno the north
east towards evening, and brought a 'heavy
flotti storm, that thinned the streets of pas:
1 1
sengers. After an early tea, the yOung teach
er,' with two dollars in her pocket, one receiv
ed from the principal of the school, and the
other her own contribution, set forth on thel
errand of mercy she had piapased to herself, I
which was to obtain, from such persons as
she knew, and felt 'free to W I I upon, a sum
sufficient to pay the poor widow's rent. One
or two upon whom she called, 'declined giving
'any thing, 'saying that if the woman, were not
able to pay her rent, she had better go, with
her children ; to the alms house. where she awl
they would he taken care of: They disap 7
proved, from principle, of private charities—
' they did more - harm their good: 'Others gave
her small tients„ such. as quarter and half dol
lars—and one poor widow put in * mtiollitr front '
her little store.: Those who wei 4 - : i''..' most able
gave the' least., It was past nine o'clock- be
fore the sum needed , was made up:,
- tv ith a light heart; the noble minded yoting
girl started for the humble abode"of the dis
tressed widow. On her way thither, benching
in the gusti of wind and snow, she passed. the
splendid dwelling of Benedic t Petit:al, Esq.,
the benevolent merchant. no sat in hiS luxu
rious parlor, with his family around hit* mu
sing upen direct that had fOr Somel days en
grossed 'oust of his' thoughts, wore' thao half'
inclined to think that the publici did : Jilt fully
appreciate what he had done, and ii• nil inelp - 1:
lent state of repentence for having thrown'
such a large sum of money away, :when a , -r----
thousand dollars would have done just as well. Kisstso.—llow delightful it must be for a
While the young gitl hurried by in the storm, yOunf e reetlemart•to kiss the P int 'and dirt
froe cheek of a smiling :lass and 'who its
her heart already receiving 'the 'rich reward
that true qnevolence is sure to bring—a re- the act is transported in an eestasycif delight
ward incomparably greater than what cornea' and admiration, -by the heairenl!), sWeetness:
as the result of deeds of charity, no matter h ew like sonic little urchin licking "la i sses:caodyr i
. 1 And how pleasing and deligh+l itiMust De
niunilicent, done for the praise of men. *
to a young Imly to have her face kissed by
) Usually, Charles, retired early; but this 1
one whose lips are bedaubed with filthy juice
evening he sat up, hopefully awaiting
of tobaccu'; and whese brentlismells strong of
Ncoming of teacher. 'Since seven o'clock,
the noxious weed; ti.e,l,*ether with i f the fumes'of
lie had eagerly listened to the sound of evo-v
, alcohol! f t must be supremely sweet ; to them.
approaching footstep, aturoften had his ytS
heart grown almost sick with disappointment ' .
—the—"th! nectar of heaven": i,.
"findn't you bette * r go to had rharles Tel •rit.- I Trutlyand JustierarO immutable.
said lii l s mother, long before nine o'clock.— ,I a tfa,eternar, principles—always sacredam3 al
"It is Vie stormy a night for your teacher to ! ways applicable. In no eircumsiances, hofe- :
come out. I our sure she will not be here." I ever orgent r no crises, 'however! awful,' c4n
,-- "Oh yes she will! I know she will come." thefe he ai alteration from the one, or a de ,
repred tlie b;i,v. And Otitis he ansiedred, ev- re fiction front the other, Witl4utlsini With
erg into' his mother urged l him to go bed: respect to every thing' else; be i iqle.- Rather
Time had stolen on unt I Ilear ten o'clock. carry your integrity to the dungeon or the
The icing roared without, and the snow rush- I - scafrold, than receive,' in excrosnae,for it i lib- '
,edtgainst the %e.ii i il o w 4 . The widow looked.' crty turd life: Should You ever tie called up ;
up from, her l work, and w s about,repeating ! on do make your selectiqp- beta:Ten these ex. ,
her reip ear that Cheades Would •g•ii "to b e d,i4trerries, do' not hesitate. his h t etter Prenta
when sl e 04erve.d thet In) heal fall4ir asleep 1 turely toile sent to lleaveu, in frltvor, thaii,
in his chair. Her heart 4as touched as she having lingered on the earth, at lest pi -sink to
looked at the unconseioessoy, and thought of ruin in infainy. In every situadona distron=
the share in her troubles t int he had volun- I able man is detestable and a liai much more
wily' assumed: While. ier eyes:still re'sted•l sci. ' , • ' •
upon him, there came alo , v rap at the door: I' 4 ,
On opening it, nde
a young al d sler girl step '1 ionitii,,i 1 ' r--,-The Wersaw (Illin ois)
r. V isitef
pod in a few paces.'saying as she did ',so— sayst—"Some thy weeks Bill p M John county, was killed ! by his
Wade, a Be h r - 1 4. promised your little toy that I 'Would
call and see
you to-night. I tin - Alala to have i brother, Wasbinton Wacte:l 'The deceased;
been here earlier, but caul n't get round soon - a was whippip,g his daughter„Whiin the' other
er: 'leaven has sent you, through me
interfered—this leading to atercation, Wash,
ington drew a - pistol and shot, •the ball enter-_
enoitili money to pay you rent to-ntorrow.'
Here t i t ., is. She handed he tviifoUr 'a 'small tug the arm and ' ettin ' ast * ' lie Iliedaev°44
hours after the wound. The daughter rusbeit
package of money. "It 'vines from West;
- upo n him with a stick to eontpletp the awf4
who have hearts to feel' fo others." . ...
Then partly turning a
woman had time to say an}
is too late, -and I M
Mother will'he uneasy at
away. Gnarl night. Cha'
asleep, but he will know
Claud night!"
And ere' the widow cou
thanks, she was away:
That; night, Mr. 'Ben :diet Percival lay
awake for hinge, unable to .leep from thinking
of the error he ' had doubt!' es committed, in
giving - fiie /
thousand dollar: for the benefit of
those viiohad sabred by t i le fire, when one
thousand would have told,' quite as welt upon'
the public. Moth and rust wore already be
ginning to corrupt the treasute - he had laid up
on e earth. ' -.
' e head' of the young teacher had not
pressed its pillow long, beforecall her - soots
were lo lied in gentle slumber'. Sweet dretnna
amine nled herthrough the night, and when
the sun ;sallied first her winclotve in' the morn = ing, eb blessed the depend warhappy, She
had lai uli a treasure in I.,ita_vel.
The Knickerb'oclteriWhiCh is alwas - se . rvieg
racy morsels fur editor's taid4
1 Wing anecdote i
A legal member of Congress ti:ds cne fuiled
an itriptirtant lati suit before an Indiana ju
ry, hy tlid . adroitneit of 'a pettifogger, Who
was,oppOsed tti The "hohorahle. gen
ileitian" ilia but little #crpminted in that fe•:'
;;ion of ir i s circuit, whereas tho', pettifogger,
was altogether at'home. The fokmer had 0d.4 .
casino; in the course of his argutrient,.tomalie.
frcquent reference r to "the coMErn law of
England," Which tnatie his caseknite clear;
but his antagonist soon detuolished that strong=
hold; "flentlemen of the jury;'+ dsaid_he,
retlY, "what have Lo'do with'tfie Coritmort'
Isivlof England? What have yeti to do. With_
nag English law? If we are to be guided by
English late at all, we Want Iheir bcdt , in%Vi
not: their ononon. , luw. 11 - 2e' tv,itnt 'as good
laws as giieeit Victorin,herseltinakeS use of;
for, gentlemen, we' ardall soeereigns,herg.
Ant we - don't want fro English i'laW; United •
States law is •gebd enough for us.; yes, Indi-"
it-on lam is good enough fur an Indiana jnryl
and so - .I gno* you will crniyince the wordy
gentleman who has come here tli insult littij
patriotism and gobti sense by ;Ittcri;ntrilklP.
influence your•decision througllthet common -
law of EnglantE" . The jury gr:e the peitP - ••••
fogger his case without consultition4
Milt' TO nr. A iNlAN.— , When_parlyle: Was
asked by a young person to point._ out what
course of reading he thought I:est to make_
him a man, he replied in his harticter;stic
manner:— .
"It is not books alone, or by books chiefly;
that a man Is iii all points ti Study, to
do•faithfully w ha tsoever thing in your' . acti.Ml
situation, then: and now, you fitid either s*:
pressly or tacitly laid down to yourcharge l -;... ,
that is your post; stand in it like
(herd Silently devour the maitY cliagrinF at
it; all situations have many, and sere you aim
not to quit it, without i:oing all thatiia at least
required of you. ) .A., man perfects himself ity
work, much more than by rctufing4 . Thera
are a grdiving • kind of men that wisely *com
bine the two things—wisely, 'valiantly, can
do whist' is laid to their hand in the', present
sphere, and
. prepare thernselveS withat4or do
ing other, wider tgngs, if such be; hefonl them."'
Tint ASD ‘vtiteit
: hung over the bank of the rites, was r n
down hy a tompesCof wind; and's it was car
ried dlong by tht. stream, some of its! boughs
- -afar
shore. Tlic . oak was edprised to find so fra
gile a plant to reinain unhurt after so - severe a
storm; and he could not, forbear' aSkind the
reed how liecame to stand so secure' end un
-4 •
hurt inn etorpest, which had be l en firtiouse
nOtigh to tear an Oak trP by the roots. "Why.,"
said the reed,!"l - secure myself by ectingl in
quite an oppoLite way to wliat i jr . ou do. In
stead of being stubborn and ROT; arndcona
ding in Mry 'streogtli, I yield' an ben to the
Wait, and let it go over me, knowing view
rain and fruitless it niotill be to . reeisti"-
ay, and heforo the
thing, she added—
Ist Inirry home.—
stayitig so long
les, - 1 see has Weil
itATiika:Asrtsicr.—The Natienat Intollk,
geneet attributes the authoroii4 of Presidtnt
P,olk's Inaugural Message, to Gri. Jackson! .
It is quite amusing - to' See pi9iers which
were trying to make out that Gen. „laclisod
Was incompetent to• write hie own Messages;
while President, now attrihu iridip' i him the
authorship of a Message wio was written'
IVhien• the veteran' Jackson war . cm: hie death
bed. Velily,. these, Whigs vql(il take Gen!
Jackson dirt to have been• a great' man, after
all. 14 : , Globe.
utter a word o
STRAtNGI 4aCadlui
at. the Secet •
io, while
tkthmembers w ere at the table, some' a
six' or
.eight persons;Were attacked wit • a ;violent
fever so ItuddehlY diet they Were coMpeliett to'
leave the church for home and ti sick' bed.-:-..
The drienia spread' rapidly thimligi the con ,
gregationiand upward's of bite hUttdreil mem
bers have alum:sheen taken dangeroUsly ill-'—''
Whole families hive been' prostra ed, i and as
considerable number h•a•re niece d efl,•'
~' ' ~~