Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, July 17, 1847, Image 2

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Mexican Nerv.
From In. pi. o. Volta SDt h
, m our tiles cif papers from the city of
're, by the Ee'molter Henry Li Mg, we
the following further interesting ex-
Cl , 'pt. Taylor aid Me War....-“W e h ave all
been in a state of expectation to know the re
sult Y' the commttnication directed to Gen.
Tayl r, by order Of the supreme government,
try hi Excellency; the commandeeraln-chief of
the a my,
now in 'this city, requesting him to
say a once whether it be In necordance with
his u structions, or from his own volition,.
that II continues to make war upon us in a
manner opposed alike to international law
's and the received usages among civilized na
tions., The day before yeaterday the answer
which the said Taylor gave to his questiod
arrivi4 and, although wo have not - seen the
docu ant, which perhaps we shall insert in
our folowing iturn4r, yet we can announce
to ou readers, that the enem§'s general Was
not g ven a categorical reply; but, as we are
informed,!it reduces itself to this—that ihe
will Carry on the war in a manner corers
pending with that which is made - upon him;
•as if ,itve were or had been aq any_time the
aggressors."—La Epoca, Silk - Luis Potosi, 1
alayi i 29. • . --
Cc iif and Me . 1 1rchbishbp.—[Extti). ct 1
of a letter from Puebla, published in El -Moi•I
nitor Republicans, June s.—" You must"'
suppose that the North Americans know as
well as yourself on which side to attack the ;
populace, and there is not one who does not
undeistand that they have entered the modern
SiiaMl ,For. this reason, in all their writings
the first thing they talk of is religion, the .t.r
spect due to the ministers of the ultar, &.a.;
and f r this reaen it was that Worth, the
day f illowing 'his entrance, dressed himself 1
in a rand uniform, and, accompanied by his
stall; went to visit our illustrious prelate.—';
The yonversation turned, as was to be ex-
pected front the acute old Yankee N upon the i
law of mortatain; he spoke of the impolicy of
that cdsposition, which he designated by tire
epithets of "barbarous," "unjust," and "inju
riousto religl'en on," ns we ourselves do. This
softer ed the I e of our bishop; who was
high) ssitisEd with the religion of the afore
said yankee; and mon'', he immediately re- i
turned the visit;, and did other things of which
I shall •speak hereafter. Not 'content' with_
this, Werth gave orders that all Iris soidiera iiiii
shout pay honors to the clergy; and thus it
: is, tit t we see the ,crowd of drUnkards that
Wee us pay a respect to the priesthood
wind they refuse to their own officers.—
More yet; even yesterday I saw, with, the ,
greatest surprise, a general, with an extreine-ii,
ly praia I bearing, yield the path and s weep '
the ground with his cap to a musician ,of the
catlie f rah merely because lie was dressed •in
t a
black " .
Gn .Settlrr.—:Trom•the sum letter.]— I
"My etter liaa been delayed to this, the 31st,
and I use the opportunity to add, that on Fri
day last Sbott entered with sonic fordo, and j
nithotigh I know nut positively the number of I
men `Which he brought, it appears indubita- 1
ble that it dues not reach 2000. Scott is as ;
greatiallypecrito as Worth, if not. greater; 1
since the day folloiving, he visited the ea-
thetiril, a. 14 spoke the same language as tile '
- ---other i rtbout the r 6 act ere to the clergy, but
his soldiers were no as well instructed' as
thoseliviie came with ‘l , rth," &c.
PIACF. Olt Wart.----[T to fullowitig is 601
• conclusion' of a long an able article in El
Razanadori of June I.]-;-"Withall this un
certaptty and folly, all the contending parties
direeed by a laudable be l t blind and outright- 1
ful setiment, frantically cry for 'war, and the
instri ment of Timothens the great Alexander. 1
Peaci„ they say, is not possible; but how I
will War be possible without plan, without'
concert, and' with tiind ,wasted in useless
quarra's! As it was with the Italians of tile 1
Midd a Agea, except that, we destroy or de-, 1
sire 6 destroy, each othr, our enemies tran- I
(piny take possession oqour cities, and no one,
_ mole is or opposes ther m . Shall we give to
_ this tto name 95 war? A peace, they repeat,
will over us with opprobrium; aiel a war on
in name—with what will that cover tie—
All d 'sire to fall, with glory, yet none move to .
seek each.. Ilatt'such ken from the begin
ning or resolution—were it event such to
• clay, of a single . Yunken would now tread our
territ ry, an I we shook not be presenting to
the i urid a scan:l(ll , am spectacle, exposing.
our inertneas, opr : hrlitiorence, and err inter- i
!nimble fanfarroaadcs We have said, and;
-,- we repeat it, fur there are things that cannot I
be tar!? often repeated, we are not the obstinate
partiians of peace, but because we see that
war i not male, and th t every day there is .
less robability that it i •ill be made with good ;
resul s. if it is to be - i HIV!, let us make it.;
as w might to, for riot •s the titne to act;
but, i at let ing now, sir me and disgrace will,
he t i ll lot of ahr SONS 1410 will one day live
strin'tiro in their natiile land. But, with a
_ T -tread of peace, properl arranged, their pa
- tritely may be a cuuti ry, liberty, and hide
pend cc."
__ Ti ,. -'-'•Amerticast Goi unemitexT.—El pat --
riota,l ,of Atlixco, has , a paragraph which
it celpie; from *the . ew Fork Tribune,
of th IsAll of Mar lid "This War of
. cartri Iges wiOritit. b: its (the conquest ' of,
New Mexico) as it ha been called, may be
cony r te] into 'a' could ct mere serioes than
was s l opposed; This v i ar of prontocels, pro
clathane, and constitlitiona, however much
• it ma ' accord with the, spirit of our imbacile
' • , admit istration, may nOt be. suited to the ge
- - nipsf the Mexican rancheros, who, though
not a civilized. as their invaders, are not' '
wanting in the instinct to discover that under
these (appearances are concealed the blackP.
perfidy. This animation of Texas, without
cost rilblood, duty find art adequate plage in
the messages of President 'Polk, becatige in
thein t is nettisual to give admission to tifuth,
, • but h story will draw from less doubtful fimn.-
tains the character of that atrocious
meast re. " If there is apything, more repro
• Thensi le, more prejuiliciore detestable
thin le present war, it is without doubt the
mode 't which it has been conducted. That
whic was connnenced in fluidness has .been
coati ue'd in the mast iconceivable folly,".
TO ',,, WAY TO C 0,19. en.—(From El Moni
tie R PubliCano; Jun 2.—" Since the °cell
patio' 'of the city, the) (the Americatia)thave
not m de the slightest movement; but 4hey
labor cessantly, to Ci nquer the mind of the
peep! and it must be onfessed.that the'abil
ity til licit they alto • is worthy of being
crowncd with success. They understand ad
• mireb the ground or which-they tread.—
_ Tilts n Jalapa, a city coquettish and effemi
, trate,_ to speak, they were amiable and gal
lant; here they believ themselves to be in a
hereti ' I city, and nun rig a fanatical people,
and t ey eliew themse ves circumspect taht7-
' utility and reli,gious t fanaticism. They do
not t
en raire their e 'es - to lea upon a wo
men,aind if you could co as I 'do the manner
in wit Cli they comply vith the slightest 'Prac
tices of Catholicism an d devotion you would
lie enraged, as.l am, a beholding the height
to 'which hypocrisy an be carried,, They
have mistimed the wl ole su ply of rosaries,
medal and other ba atelle . that are to be
. found! for Bale atth of the churplies;
and-i . is au edific tion to see the, card they
take t: supply tto whi l dis World with blessed
i f
' pictu a and actipuhtries."--Letterfrelli Pue
bla. ! • r ' , . , 9 .
D *hope' that the good people who'have
tilled : o many crivaedit.teara over the "ap
prose log downfall of the Mexican Church,
will hot make this extract a text front which
to pre've that the ai •hr been sent to Mex
ico, Solely 'for the of being conveted
to thh,Catholie ruts
New Orlest
yesterday n
um the Capi
ta ., ys latter th,
n' ha frlr9
w‘ l l
of the 4 2a says:
ilea of Mexican pa..
'he 12th ult. dates
Tavionsly received.
aeries or extracts
'ta tind in then) no
evidences of that formidable, fearful opposi
tion to the advances of Gerf."Scott, the appre
hensions of.which, for the last day or two so
alarmed the nerves Of some 'of the more sensi
tive of 'our.cotemporaries. -The same unset
tled, indecisive, neutralizing policy, seems to
prevailat rho Capital, -which has so long been
characteristic of Mexican. policy. We hear
nothing of those thirty thbusani of an army,
which- with a valor equalled only try that evio
eed by the troops of a celebrated King of
Prance, who marched up and down an emi
urnee—were marching out to attack - and tut
mhilate Gen. Scott in his quarters at Puebla.
Santa Anna, it denis, however ambitious
he may be to play the &cutter, is rather shy
in proclaiming his preference, he appears to
think ,that as he can getalong; though mius
half hiS isuuderztanding," he can keep the
Government Moving, though resting on a frac
tion of a ministry.
Wan.—The files before us contain
full reviews of the opinions - of the different
newspapers throughout the country, which
numbe? , about twent . t, aul with but one single
exception (in Durango) they ire all fully in
favor of the War.
THE DICTATORSIIIi%---El Monitor Republi
can° of the 12th ult.lcontains a lengthy arti
cle on the subject °lithe Dictatorship. Up to
that date Santa Anna was not proclaimed,
not had he proclaimed himself Dictator. In
_deed, the Monitor ridiculed the idea that; he
designed to become one. The rumor to that
1 effect which prevailed in the Capital, is al
leged to have originated with and, been prop
agated by his enemies and the enemies of
the country.
No Cit Argon or Pomer.—The }Monitor as
serts that the new Cabinet is not to be entire
ly formed of Pores, (Dihnocrats„) ,as stated in
„sonic of the journals, and that the new Min
i inters will carry out the policy of their prede
! cei , sor t i. Santa Anna - thinks that without a
full Ministry—with the Ministers of war and
Finance, together with clerks in the Bureau
of Foreign Relations—he Will be lable for the
tile ()Aug to carry on the Government.
omtess.—Congress met at ihe Capital
at ast on the 10th, and the propo6itiun of i
claring a recess, was lost by ono vote.
Tun Peace TARTY.—EI Razonador, the
peace paper, says. that it has recommended
peace only because it is convinced 'that the
Government would nor could not carry on the
war, but at the same time it approves Santa
Anna's withdrawal -of his resignation, and
praises him very much, saying that he is the
only man in the country who eau keep alive
the war spirit.
Tug PREMDIitiCY.--The Legislature of
Aguascalientes had given its vote to Gm. Al
monte. A letter from Od"lca says that San,
to Anna has been unanimously nominatel'
Preoideat by the Legislature of that State.
"Gad Baueneli died on the evebinff of
.62*. VALBNCIA.--qiin. 3idlencia had re •
ported having arrived at San Luis Potosi on
the sth Jane, where he took iinmediate com-
- nand of the army. Gen. Salas had also ar
rived there, and taken charge of his post.
Moan—El Estandarte de his
Chinacates, published at Sun Luis Potosi,
says that a large body , )1 guerrillas h as been
organized at Boca.; tiv Ive leagues from Si' •
leiis, and that they w •ei all well armed and
equi pod. ,
M Exit; i N C,OntigliPC, IIniNCE INTERCEPTS:D..— '
Gen. Alvarez sent an tspress from Arneca, on
I , the Ilth, with correspondence intercepted in
the possession of t courier going from- the
Capital to Puebla. The Government had
ca I,:ed, on the •d i treren t persons sending letters 1
in order that they sh•iuld be opened and rem 4!
I to stiow . Nvbetlicr or not they contained anS4
inforMation of which ,the Americans could
I. avail themselves.
A letter addressed to El Monitor. from
Puebla, says that Gen. Worth, whohegan by
kissing his hands to all the young ladies.,,at
Puebla, has concluded hy breaking the doors
of Senor Hero's house, lodging himself hi it.
[Whatever truth there may be in 'the former
part of this statement, the latter part we be
lieve to be a tie. .
—"The brutal passions of our :soldiers can
never be restrained by' any commander.--I
Neither helplAs infancy,'or decrept old age,
nor feinale loveliness, can arrest them in the
gratification of their brutal passions."
'Op the E ery day, that the. : . above infamous
sentiment was uttered in he halls of. Con
gress, by Tom -Corwin, a leading Federalist
of Ohio, and a candidate for the Presidency,
Francis R.. jileink, Governor -of,this‘ State,
placed his nameat the bottom of a bond for
Five Hundred Dollars, tol'obtain Money to
procure blankets and cloathing for .our volun
teer; who %fele on their Way to Pittsburg,
their place of' rendezvous. Such is the dif
ference between the tory Senator from Ohio,
and the Republican Governor of, Pennsylvania,
The former deserting the American standard
and Flag, and giving "Aids and Comfort" to
the Mexicans while ; the I tter Stands to his
country, right or wrong, t preserve t from
invasions and aggressions f its enemms. A
discerning public will deci a which cf these
men has pursued the mot patriotic course.
The Federal candidate—J mes Irvin, is with
the Tory Corwin party, in!feeling any in pol
itics. Corwin's cause is that of Irvin. They
are one and the same identical thing, and all
attempts to disconnect the one from 'the oth
er will prove to be of little- use.—elaierican
A Sot.rnsa rauu WARS.—We met by
accident, a few days ago, a wounded soldier
from the fearful field of ? Buena Vista. He
walked with difficulty and with pain—for his
wound had been as severe as his gallantcy
had hee) daring. Wherever the shots fat
thicicest—wherever the blows fell fastest
his white plume might be seen towering in
the adVance., Such a man has a. rigid to
( e (
speak of the,friends middle opponents of the
war; and w Wish the languagticif the intrepid
hero could taste been heard tar and wide.—
Ile, said th t the course of th e federal party.
in dettopne lig the admi,nistration, and in ob
structing the war, was the main obstacle in
I the way ofn prompt and an t honorable peace.
He declared that the speeches of such men as
Corwin and other oppositio» leaders did more
than any thing.else jo encourage the Mexi
cans, and that these speeches, aided by the
efforts of the federal press, had completely
succeeded-in poisoning the popular mind in
Mexico against this country, or rather
1 against the dethocratic party, and that the
f leaders there looked forward to a period, n'w
I not far diStant, when a peace would to made
that would be perfectly satisfactorrto them.
Ile repeated that these facts were daily oper
ating most powerfully upon - the army, and
would pot fail eventually to produce the most
importikt,effects upon the volunteers; Of
course it is out of our power to give thll name
of this gallant soldier. He spoke wartnly'and
bitterly of these things, because he'l4il him
self felt.srome of the practical Abets Of their
tr Lb.—Pennsylvanian. -: ,
0 leans National thus describes theni: Col.
D.niphan is a man of giant frame, of that
to , e carriage peculiar to the West, that de
cives the eye as to proportion and strength.
e can imagine that his gigantic arm must
hese wielded'his huge sabre: innAhe i 6 heat of
battle With a force that not only StrucAr down
his foe, butfitoralty annihilated him; that each
s4ccessive sweep, opened wide avenues for
hi's advance, as did Cortez among the !crowd
-04 binds of the warlike Tlascalanr. His offi
cers and men have a strange uncouth appear
ance; piece meal, the ill-made clothing of th°
volunteers has fallen .from." them,- and they
have supplied its.placfrwith what,chanee and
the wild beasts of New Mailer; have thrown
in their way: Their sunburnt faces, grizzly
boards, nnd*that, Their devil-may-care air,
is pert eiitly irresistable. Yet " beneath those
rough exteriors, are concealed minds' of edu
cated and high-toned sentiments,full of lo:ty
thought liborl v. 4
CIAN.—The editor oft lie "Brookville (Indiana)
American,l has lately paid a visit to Massa - ,
chusetts and New Hampshire.. .He has Viititz
` ed Boston, Lowell, Sanborn l sin, Manchester, `
&c.,and expresses r j ory significant
Opinion o the virtues DON turittof
The "Nationalintelligerledr,'l and its friends
in the 'Senate, predicted; nothing' but niti
from its operation. But what says the editor
of the "American?'' .
"From Lowell, we proeeeded up the_ valley
of the Mer4imackriver to, litisfunt, 14 miles
above and! frourthence to M anchester 18
miles still further up. Lowell, l Nashan, and
Mancl . t6ter, are three of the , largest menu
facturie,g place in the United 'States." c'
• A fete days before tve left Brookville, hav
ing been called upon in the streets for our op
inions of the Tariff, we replied that we were
.satisfied to let the Tariffof '4 remain. The
country wanted stability in th a matter. The
people and manufficturersiden ended a perma
nent settlement of this vexed question.. • With,
the present tariff, the manufacturers were
prospering; and if the Democratic, party
would retain the present tariff; the whigs, for
the sake of peace, should let it remain us iti
was. - We are non) more fully confirmed ini
that opinion. We have seen things lately
that have opened our eyes a little wider, but"
the way in whiOr it was' obtained, it shoutttj
not be published in the streets of Askaloir"
The editor wraps himself up in mystery
fear his revelation of the efficiency of the Tar
iff of 1846 might subject the advocates of the
Tariff of 1842 to ridicule or indignation.—
Therefore, he determines to "keep ckirk" as, to
all the facts and results which he collect
ed in his tour.—Waskitigtou P . nion.
Ruxstxr; piton Orxren.—The New Orleans
Daily National sayS "among thd vi nnteers
in Col. Doniphan's command, was young
man who enlisted to 'keep front run 'tkie for
the Afiesouri Lrgislature. This] gave um
brage to his'constituents and his name was
put up, and he was elected by a unanimous
WO. The unfortunate individual, who thus
had honors thrust upon him, while marching
in slow time with his musket on his shoulder
over in Santa Fe, is saldenlysiisturbed by the
APpearance of an express from the executive
of Missouri, demanding of Col. Doniphan on
pens and penalties if neglected, the body of,
the member elect of the Missouri Legislature
now a volunteer in his regiment. The Col.
as a military man, is obliged to obey his com
mander-in-chief; so he ordered the legislator
out of the ranks, and told him that he must
foot it buck, under a: g.iartl, to Missouri, wil
liiagly if he would, or chained as a prisoner.
The representative vented imprecations upon
1 his constituents, and upon his,sovereign state
and took the blek track home, perfectly dis
gusted t'ith his popularity at the polls. An
other private in Col. Doniphan's command,
now in California, has been elected to Con
gress." .
RIOT AT HOLADAYOWLG—A- most dismrace
fuldisturbanca toolc ph/cent the canal bridge,
Hollidaysburg, Pa., un Sunday evening last;
between the line boat and section boat drivers.
several of them were injured by stones thrown
—fire-arms were also discharged among the
beligerents, but without" cad: One
of. the ring -leaders was arrested and commit
ted to prison. On. Monday ev l ening the par
ties 'again assembled about nine o'clock, and
renewed their outrages. Daring the melee,
a stone, thrown by one of the drivers, hit a
child in a Section boat on the Mead, wounding
it so severelv , ps to endanger its life. Robert Elliot. captain of a section boat, had his front
teeth knocked out, and his he ad . severely cut
in two places, while endenyoring to quell the
disturbance. — A,colored man was arrested
and committed r udd warrants were issued the
next day for the arrest of the principal rioters
—Mil: Sun, July 2. •
AN OLD SOLDIELL—Th6 . oId veteran noticed
in the following paragraph from the Cincin
nuti'Conitnermal, is probably
,the oldest:revo
lutionary soldier in the country, and may al
most be termed the "oldest inhabitant:"
"There is now living one half-mile above
the toll-gate, Fulton, an old revolutionary
soldiCr named Benjamin Yeats. lie was burn
in Baltimore county, Maryland, in 1736, and
is dierefore 111 years old, lie• was in the
battles of Yorktown, Paoli, Brandywine, and
several others. lie was present at the taking
of Cornwallis. Yorktown he was wound
ed in the hip by a shell: This wonnd is now
troublesome; otherwise, the old veteran's
health is go-01. lie can see to rend, and
walks out daily. Ile is active—exr,eeding
ly so fur a man of his advanced age."
BLICk . CR AP/L ndbills have been post
ed about the city, recommending that all those
opposed to the
_Mexicn n wait. should wear crape
on their arms when the President arrives. -t•••
Let them do it: we shall then know 'who are
the Traitors to their Country. No backing
out, gentlemen; show your colors, and let-the
world know QM are willing, at the present
dziyito acknowledge themselves Hartford Con
vention blue.lights. If there should be any
want of funds to by the crape with, there will
be no trouble in finding liberal men enough
'to contribute such a sum as may be needed
to equip the traitors, without applying to the
Legislature. The •sheet-iron baud should be
engaged to play the Rogue's March for those
wlto,mourn over American iictories.---,780s
lon Times.
TIM WHEAT CratP.—So far as we havebeen
able to learn, the wheat crop promises miff in
this territory. It has greatly improved inttp
pentane° within a few' weeks; and many
pieces which a short time since it was thought
wduld hardly pay for harvesting now bid fair
for an average yield. In this part of the coun
try, particularly, the crop, we are told, never
looked better. It has not only acquired a
fine growth, but is remarkably unitOrm and
healthy in appearance. We regret to,learn
Walworth and Waukesha counties,. the
Hessian Fly is doing considerble damage to
the crop. In some other sections of the coun
try,evidences of the same insect are visi
ble, though the mischief it has already done,
is not believed to be sets.
The Milwaukie Sent!? el and Gazette esti
mates that the exports from the growing crop
will reach 1,000,000 bushels. We think the
figure rathPr'high, ultl+ugli it may be reach
ed, should the ,season ,continue favorable.—
Watertouny w.
.7'. Chronicle,'
The wheat and rye Crops of this section of
the country, which are now almost ready fpr
the sickle, ifre reported as usually fine, and in
deed we have re:eived some specimens It
indiscriminately from the field, some of whi h
have been already noticed, superior to any le
itave'ever examined.
The same good tidings also reach us
through the column of the . papers, as well as
by our correspondent, from Virginia. A let
ter dated New Market, :,Sleuandaali county,
Virginia, June t 22; says;'
Our 'harvest is at hand, and, our farmers
rirourtil will ins few days commence cutting
fain. The wheat, -- s'o far as we can hear of,
in the country, is goot4 well fined, and will
yield well.—[Balt. Sun.
A Clam MOBEIRD.—One of the numerous
travelling Circus' having Visited Minilton,
Canada, and the performance not being antis=
factory, in the course of the evening, soma
three.or.four fights were got up for the edill
cation, of ,the audience, during _which sundry
bloody noses and blacked eyes were received.
After the • Company- - bad ifacked up their
traps tol proceed to. Brantford, It mob attacked
a baggage wagon with axes, and , cut it to
pieces in a double quick time:, They next
laid hold of the dresses and tore them Pup, fol
lowing the exploit rip by destroying every
thing that came in their way. Duringthe me
lee stones and brickbats flew : about like balls at
Palo Alto...with leds fatal erect, however....
Sundry broken heads were re ceived, when
AI N leaders in the riot were arrested---Roth.
"The Wortd is Goiertired too Much."
R E, PA .'
Wilirdnylrionsistit. July It, 1547.
11T - 110C@
Olt Govnarron,
;R. l SHUN K.
• NAL cfkmmissioNEn,
F R'S.
I/ RRI gl
'Trios. I
agent to pry
4.Tiosi is a duly authorized
ihers for this paper
ierbeautiful production
livor to find a place for
frommir IL
on file. _V
it in our n
We ate again at our post, after an absence
somewhat shorter than we anticipated when
we left. Reatona "best . known to ourself,"
induced us to tarn our face homeward as soon
'as the main business for. Which the Conven
tion assembled ! had been accomplished.
OE7' We hate apOlogies, but as our fair
readers, who lcidg for a certain amount of lit
erary matter each"' week, are in the
we feel bound to make one fur allowing our
advertising to encroach upon the first page a
column more t inn usual this week. The lib
erality of our advertising patronage 'some
times, as at present; compells tis to curtail our
literary selections. i
(Any lack of variety this week must he
uttributed to the crowded state of our columns.
We will ender vor to inuke amends hereafter.
0 7 The second and third day's proceedings
of the Chicagi Convention will be found in
another portiou of out paper in extenso, with
the exception f the letters from distiiiguisli-
ed men; whic i we are compelled to omit.—
For the doings and s4yings in und out of the
Convention, oh tho I,tit, we refer the reader
to our letter of that date.
07- We learn that Benjamin Grant, Eq.,
of this city-, has been appointed by the ,--
ermirs of Ohio Indiana Illinois and Missouri,
Commissioner to tak ( e acknowledgement, of
deeds, &c.
elVe were shown some of the best spe
cimens of DagiierreotYpe likenesses yesterday
we ever saw. l l They were the production of
our friend A. ILamberton, whose advertise
mentill be found in another column, Mr.
L. has rought the art to greater perfection
than any onei we have ever had among us;
which, added to the ,fact, that! he is a citizen
of our own to n, ought to insure him as lib
eral patronsgci, at leaSt, as lias heretofore been
bestowed upot strangers.
Chicago Convention
It will no d.ubt gratify the friends of a ju
dicious system of Ha'rborlind River improve
ments, to learn that the deliberations of the
Chicago Conkunioi were, in the main, s r b
harmonious, and that the declaration of sen
timent submitted by he committee and adop
ted unanimouly by he Convention, embody
principles and sentiments in which all can
unite. We can truly say, we arc rejoiced,
inasmuch as• it' is more than wa exp6cted.—
FrA the time we left home until the Conven
tion met in the afternoon of the second day,
we heard but one opinion expressed. and that
was that it would end in political wrangling
and break up in a row. And on our return
we found this to be the general opinion at
horn . When the Convention adjourned at
12 o'clock on Tuesday, every thing indicated
that this fear would be realized; but happily
better counsel prevailed, and in the afternoon
a betterfeeling was Imanifested on the part of
our whig - friends. ,The result was a concil
iatory speech from Illr. Lincori,,whig member
of Congress_ elect, frim the late Col. Hardin's
district in Illinois, the passage of a resolution
condemning the treatment a democratic speak
er had received at the hands of It portion of
the Convention in the morning, and finally
the introductionsed l adoption of the "Declar
ation of Sentiment,l l to be found in another
column. We trust and lielk these proceedings
will have a beneficial influence, and tend to
•unite all on one common ground.
_ _
Gen. Taylor's Posltlpn
A recent letter,of pen. Taylor to the editor
of the Cincinnati ignal, has thrown a por
tion of the whig party into consternation and
- dismay. In this letter the old General repu
diates their.efrorts to make him their candi
date, and utterly refuses to lend himself , to
their schemes for power and plunder. They
call the letter a "forgery," . a "locofoco trick,"
"miserable twattle," and the like. Even our
neighbor of the Gazette is disposed to call it a
forgdry, although he hopes, and indeed knows,
that it is not. Wb shall publish "this letter
in our next ! as Mee r another to a gentleman
near Troy, N. Y., !equally as pointed as the
first. We should Have given them this week
but had not room.
. A friend called 4sit. attention the otliei day
to an article 'in th 4 Buffalo Courier, and,
quested its publicat'on, in regard to political
sermons on the 9th Ou friend was of opin
ion that the publication f the article here was
called. for by a politic I seriSou preached
on that day., We nOuld g ly do as request
ed, but the crowded state of tir columns this
week will not adini. of it. - By the by, the
belt way to notice these men who "Steal the
livery of the conrt of Heaven to serve, the
Devil in,"-and fro the sacred desk preach
hate instead of lov , treason instead of the
gcispill—who with acriligious bkode, would
turn the pulpit int a political rostrum—is to
stay away,fiom tho r ; church. Empty pews
and empty purses, ill toou learn them their
dutk. - • ' , ,
al Preaching
that "Ituth.”
The Boston Tim /
and Sandwich Gla
a semi-anneal divi
able Monday, duly)
corporation which
ploy, a few years sl
“change of times
they Should be un
pe4ding inisiness,l
mein. The latter,
were mostly Dean'
;a says, that the Boston
s Company, have declared
end of five per cent., pay
bth. This is the same
otified the men in its ca
noe, that, unless a radiosl
dopinions," took place,
or theJiecess' , of sus
ind dismissing • eir Work
t may he pro ; , to remark,
i 1 . 1
ideation of ' i Laity," in re 7
see of the United States
' the outlay, for a Court
(.0 for insertion this' week.
gard to ' the Oita'
Beni( building, by
Troup eau* too 1u
CHICAUO, JULY 4, 1847.
The city is full of people, and the cry is
Still 'they corn i . Delegates by hundreds
are pouring in nd have been for a week past.
Every publi h Liao is overrun, and the boat;
too—those Cirili ing last night and this morn
ing on the St. ' Milts. Oregon, Louisiana and
Baltic, having i remain on board, there being
no other place (or them, except at private
houses, arid the , although urged to do so by
the press, have ot, to any extent , thrown
open for the e commodation of strangers.—
Whatever ma} , be said of the business of this
rifplace, its corn e"rcial importance and'the like,
I think it can beast of very little genuine hos
pitality—such as one meets with in the west
generally, theeouth and the - east. The peo
-44e are. emphatically "an enterprising, money
pain- and money loving community, and as
a body \,.1 am confident, do not fairly represent.
the west. Originally from the eastern States,
and airrivinthere in low circumstances, they
have become rich in a fete fortunate
speculations and c 'cie appliCation to business,
and it therefore ca nettle expected, or indeed
ought it to be' th t they'ean appreciate in
others or pract l ice , li emsel yes o.
Akat ',unbounded
hospitality which so generally aracterizes_
our great coo» ry. Still I cannothelp but
like Chicago an its people. It is no% -4% city
of commandiiiimportance, and its future.t
destiny call 011 written when the grey
arid growing I% est shall! have been filled to
overflowing, 4d its truly stupendous and
wonderful resources fully brought forth by the
rapt rl develope, ent of science, and the ever
rest Mas arm of enterprise. '- \
No city in th Onion probably has increas
ed Fir) fast in p pulation and wealth as this,
and. none,i-iitt comfident, in the West, with
out it may bel t: Louis,- hag so higka deal.;
ii .,
w r y before it. 1 o provelthis We have but
to glance at the past and the present, an] then
calculate the ,f afore. ' Tho Black Hawk war
first brought t.le site where now stands the
city into notice A history of the place now
before me says: !'During its progress many
persons attache to the army, and others visi-.
ted this place,. nd forming a favorable opin
ion of its situ; ion; naturally communicated 1
their impressie sto others. It was, besides,
a period of gene al prosperity throughout the
country, when 'nterprise was stimulated to
unusual activit . These ersys corlinerl,
produced emig tie». Lau and tow i.lotla
1 I
were eagerly so ght after; speCulation result
ed—a a natural consequence, became the rin g
ling passiOn of le, period—and was coily ar
rested by the at 4ost universal crash and bank
ruptcy of 1837-:. Chicago became the cen
tre of speculati g operations, and enjoyed or
'leered during its continuance, an inflated
[ prosperity. Thsusands flocked here froiii"all
lirts of the cou try, crowding the place to
overflowing witl new citizens and strangers,
so that scarcely post could he found to lean
against. We fi td on an old mapof the period,
the population o the place laid down in 1835,
at 5500; one thin these, or more probably, were
transitory persons, brought here by the pre
vailing mania. We must regard, therefore,
the year 1832,40 the fall of that year, as the
period from win •11 to date the commencement
of Chicago."
now contains a
of at least. sixte:
population of s
year. When IN
tural wealth of
and views the
of country Whit
roads,. will even
her lap, he cairn
Chicago is only
'hat is fifteen
,years ago—it
~ opulation, in round numbers;
thousand,kor an increase in
imething „ ptfer a thousand a
e looks at the great agricul
he country tributary o it,
ineral resources of a rgion
by a proper system of rail
ually pour its treasure into
A help agreeing with l me that
in Rs infancy. I might go'
on with figures
crease of all kit
ductions thercfr
my , readers I kt
dry stiltisties,
cannot howev4r
description of:11
'strikes a straMl
low, situation, i
the level of the
however, L am
The diseases it
intermittent fev
healthy lake br,
city is divided i
go river and its
south branches.
going to show • the rapid in
s of commerce here, arillde
. in in regard to the future, but
ow have but. little taste for
d r will therefore forbear. I
close without giving a short
e city. The first thi that
.er on visiting Chicag:6 is its
1 being only' a few feet above
mlie. Notwithstanding this,
told it is remarkably healthy.
eident to the interior of the
s fOver and ague, bilious and
rs, are, in consequenc 3 of the
ezes, almost-unknown. • The
!no three parts by the hien- .
Iwo branches, called no th and
I • It is about 100 yard. wide,
and except on t+
feet deep. The c
on the lake and t
run at right•arr,
and well graded'
and wood, princ at the mouth, m
:ity is laid out about thre
V'Q and a half west; the
!W,' and are general!,
I The buildings are of
pally of the latter. Iti
ilocks built of what is
, an entirely new article,
iVechfrom their being mann
a city. They resemble
stone; ,I ne,' 'aid have
. I,
e. dThe , ya o said to b i
e li ,y
go *nnot b ast of man pu -
ot e niarket÷an 6kt;
even have said in the first part 'f
- 1
a people are so anxious tog t
vefloither money or time , o
astrtictien of public edi fi ce .
vevcr, some very beautiful
hou l es, &.c. They also have
xchdnge, Theatre, and some
ion meets to-morrow, and I
give 'you as concise an ac,
ngs is possible, unlesls it pro
g top long, in which" . case I
ed - - engagements to
' B• p• s.
some very lino
Milwatikie briel ,
The name is de
faetured in, tl
light yellowisi
pretty appearan ,
durable. Chic
lie buildings, ti
. what:
this letter. 'll
rich that. they h.
spend In -the es
There are, , ho d
churches, schoo l
a Merchants' I
very good hotel!
The 63nt;en I
will endeavor' I
count of its doi
tracts its settit
will be compel
This 'has bee
Chicago. Ne
jarred and cra
venture to nasa l
so gay and im
many along d , l
It. For mor
from a distan
by Friday ni l]
to their utm i oa;
Those that Ha I
to remain on 6.1
previously wag
the city. Bin
Indiana, Michi : .
ing in their hu i ass
Seats in the C.
the propriety. `
gates to a: co
t a
h S: her citizens witnessed
oil!) scene, and it' will be
i +ere they witness another like
tth a week delegations
o have been arriving, and
lit the hotels were crowded
L dap city for accommodation.
.ear pied Since are Compelled
and the boats, unless they had
ged coma, or have friends in
Q Sal 'many night Wisconsin, ‘
. an ar Illinois have been send
dred , all of whom have been
me their State badges, and take
nveniion. I very much doubt
if , such a_proceetling. Dele-.
Titian, iiichas this proposes
to be, for the purpoSe of discussing the great
subjects of River atul Harbor irnprovernent, cer
tainty should be required to present some ev
idence that the eoPle sent them.' ; Many of
those whd I have Seen to day with the badges
of the surrounding' 'States flannting l in their
button hole i 6 anti who hava taken seats.aS del
egates,' I am cextain would not be' allowed to
vote at !ionic; for the want of the proper quali
fication, ago. It. may, however, be all right
—indeed the old adage says, "in a multitude
of council there is safety," and if it is true,
then this convention is in ticy danger', for there'
is young and old, grave and, gay, comprising
all colors and complexions, from. the brown
face of Torn Corwin, to the lighter hue of the
descendants of the pure Saxon. i
But to return—the day was ushered in by
the firing of cannon and other demonstrations
usual on such eccisions. The fire:compa
nies were outot an early hour in their,holiday
costumes, their engines decked out with ever
greens, flags, ribbons, and one I noticed, with
two beautiful girls, of sweet sixteen, seated
3 1 arbor in front of the engine: It was a
iiiful simile. Besi the engine march
lie dark bowed and lardy fireman, ready
efil life and limb in efence of the home
fireside, of which 41 e young girls seat
the arbor were a , atitiful illustration.
n o'clock the differet t companies, milite
i d fire, societies, May r and council, cler
ic., had assumed t eir position as laid
by the pro; ramm f the eommittee,of
gements, an by el .ven the delegations
the ‘ different States, under, their respec
ntalknls, had assembled in the public
re near \ the. bank of the lake. The pro
on Was tl4 formed by the Marshal of
lay tit mare ed through a number of
ts,to he public square near the Court
se, where,an immetistkpaviliOn had c been
ed by the city authorittesfor the accent
ation of the Convention. And here in -a .
mthesis, let me remark, that 16 part .of
arrangement was all I objected to :‘,ll. was
' l ery' proper for the committee to make iii.
11 of a show of ' the public bodies of the
I ns possible, but they had nolinsittess to
their visitors
o iu a het sun, and drag them
ugh their dusty : streets for two mortal
in a
mod ,
all ‘'
...3, like a circus troop or a tnenagery.
n arriving at the.vPav ilion; the Convention
culled to order by Dr. P. Maxwell,. Mar
'of the day after which the Mayor of
city 18 -t ele 'Med i the dell inates a welt
vexl 1
ed ajid p rtitint , 'sptdc.l) l . Jas. L. Bar.
I i ,
Eq., of B fruh , , wa , then ca lled to the
Lr pro tern, and Col. Chambeis,Of St. Lou
is, and Hans Crocker, Esq , of Wisconsin,
apPointed Secretaries. - T‘kte Convention was
then opened with prayer by the Rev. Mr. Al
len of Massachusetts, a delegate I believe.—
Th,States were then called' over and the
nu ber and names of delegates, so far as they
ha been ascertained, Vero handed in. The
Ke , stone reported thirty-fotir, ten of wimal,
N% a -
we e from Philadelphia, nine from litts • rgl ,
to from rie, and the balanbe.fron different
sections Of the State. Among- tlom‘is the
II•ns. Jos. R. Ingersoll and Andrew Stewart.
or as his admirers delight to call him "Tariff
Andy." The tbrmer of these genmelt I am mdch pliased,with—the latter caries about
hint the tintnistakable evidence of (He 'Magogne.
A committee .wa's then appointed; one from
each State, to report officers for the pertna
nent organization of the "Conventton. The
ge r ntlernan designated on : the part of our dale
-. a l trn was A. G. Ralston, Esq., of Philtidel
pl . The Convention_ then adjourned until
,fo o'clock.
,A.t, four o'clock . the Convention inlet, but in
consequence of a head ache, caused by the 6x
tiime hdat this morning, I did not 'attend. • I
le rn, however, that it was addressel by ever
al gentlemen, among etheis Tom Corwin"; of
9 no, and Horace Greeley ofthe N. Y. Tribune.
hould infer from what I hear, that the _pet
I ' were much disappointed in truth of them.
Tto latter, as his friends well know, is no
blic speuket t and the former onty eceeds
tialing the crowd with well executed
foOnery and bar-room and pot lion i se wit. I
am also told he gave us democrats some hard
rubs, and thr, too, at the expense of truth.—
Let that Ws, however; we. can stand it Az—
especially from such a source.
The committee appointei 'to puminateiefri
irs, for the permanent organization ofd the
I.ll,Cleotion, reported the name of Hon. Eoz
jARDBATES, of, Missouri, for President; to-
go ther with a Vico President fr(!n every state
presonted. • .4.4 V. Loomis, Esq., of Mus
h rg.h r lis the Vice - President from Pennsylva
ti a. ono Charles Xing, of the New York\
Cciurier and Enquirer, objected to the norni
nl.tion of Judge 'Bates, and proposed the name
'out 30
• miles
• wide
or Corwin. That gentleman peremtorily de-
Oiled i the honor, however, - mid 1111 . r. King
Made himself ridiculous even in theeyes of the
tinulireis of Mri Corwin. L After the transaction
of'some unimp' rtant business, the Convention
adjourned unti 1 9 o' lock tomorrow morning.
II have just r tuned ' i frOrn meeting of F,d
it6rs, iilled at jui 'i hermknlion4e; for "pur
dses best kno nto limuslVeri.". 'll'here wore
1 •
goodly number present w .how many I cannot
ay, but the room was full and jokes were
tO me,
racked, and congratulations exchanged, with
hat_peculiar zest which the members of the
mirofession, when once let.loose from their du
iesralolie can. It was i decided.that they will
itake of a supper prepare.] under the direc
ition of th 3 local editors, at such' time and place
s they .may determine. _I was in hopes •I
Should see Croswell, of the Albany Argus, but
J q i
u'as disappointed. ' pe was not present.—
reeley, Chambers , Ranb t alias "Soltaire,"
, dge Wright, who, by the. by, is a seomid Edson in appearance, and but an ace
ibe j hind old Prank Blair in 'pgliitei ( s, Ha•ris,
;Herald,the "fat boy" of the Cleveland ; Cray;
of the Plait) Dealer, old *olon Robinion, a
veteran of the profession, od:a host of others,
were present'. 'rake them All in all they were
as jolly and good looking a set of the "b'hoys"
as ontr will often see congregated. . 1
P. P. S. ~
JULY 5, 1£347.
in the history of
cy been so litterly
angers—n6ver, I
FIAM Muupmt.—The corpse ()fa younff,,la
dy of ifroproachable charaete , - who le m ft a
neighboes fur lteYfather's ho se, was found
in the canal near Whitehall, N. Y., bearing
marks of violence. She probably fell into the
hands of a gang of wretches, who after viola
ting her person,' put an end to her existence
to hide their guilt.. ._
. i .
The "Sun" ;of this city, indirectly denom
inated Major General Patterson a coward,
yesterday! The reason is simply this: Gen.
P. was born in Ireland—as was Gen. Mont
gomery, Commodore Barry, Rzc.,, who were
among our country's bravest and best friends.
, -- - --
Chicago Conv ention,; - -
i - SECOND DAT—...jUI V fi: ,
Convention met'pursuant to adjourrunem,
EDWARD BATES, Kt.( ~ in the Chair: ;
Players by Rev. r. Allen, of :11a:n c l, u _ -,
Delegates from Icentucky were 4 T0rt ,,. , :.
aq having arrived since the adjourrinient las. 1!
- - i
The b ßresident announced as thke.anl m i tt , '
to draft resolutions the following n'linV g et ,'
1 I
tletneri. 1 ,
Ohio—John C. Wright, J. W. CraA
Massachusetts-9eurgs A. Keehn,
!Vas jioo. ' - \,
.llchigan—Williani Woodbmig,c, Calsiz,
Indiana--Daniel Mace, Anlrew Ozbern.
New York—John C. Speeker, Alvin Brun. ,
.ilissouri- 7 -John I). Cook; Fletcher 31,
Hassler. '
PenttiT/Ivanitt.T. J. ligham, J. c, m
shall.: : I' 1 flat
Rlittois—Jesse B, Thomas, bat id J.Bal, et.
canii - i mms i n —. P. Talimadge, .1;1).-liniu.
~ '
onlicctictif—N. O. Kellogg, J.lV,,Wi l it s ,
Main; —M. ,A. handler.
Florida—John : - .Carnp,
Georgia—T. Bu ler King, W.B. Hodson.
lowa—Goo. %V. Villtams, N. L. Stout.
! . Kentucky—ll; C Blackburn, T: 11. Cra . t" - -
i ford.! ' 'I
1 Rhode Istanll divanSeagrav'e,lLll ol .
pin, .4 , i , /
i i
. 7 Vt-te ..f:crse . y.=—Ro ell Scott, Charles Kin-.
Drl Gardiner, Est., of N. Y. roe 'and stn.
Jed that he held in his hand a set of resole_
tions;representing e voice of sonic, severiv
delegates, which h ! asked the • privilege t'.
:readr g. The resod'
lions we* referred r)
,the °mate° on esOlutions without read was requc. ted that all those Me
ftate having prop salons prepared, sub*
the s me to the Co pruttee on IteSolutions:
Mc. Allen, of M.,..titated that he had been
requested by the Missouri delegatiOnl, to Pre
sent to the Convention, a letterj ,from the
Hon. T. ll.' Bentott, giving his viewti on the
'objects sought to be enected by thts Conven
tion. - 1
I .
Letters from M. Benton, Mil %Vright,
Mi. Cass, - Mr. ,CI y, Mr. Van Buren, and
others, were then i6d , - 1 ,
After some tlise4sions in relation to the
object of the . Convent- conducted ;in good spirit, the lion. John-C1:
. Wright of 0., Chair
,. ni,an 01 the Colittee, remarked th g; had
b4en desirota - to e tibody as. brieti Sy7ossi
hie, , 6 cries Li resolutions that shetild speak
the sentiments of this Cohventihm on qe
questions upon winch they Were called to Ol: :
hLerate. They ,had endeavotied '0 exelti,c2
everything which ' the 'most, fastid otts Col l ii - -
deem eV:atonal Imo party sense., -They Ea'.
simply embodied , dectaitt consti tutio al truth„
which supported the claims of the est tqr
the national governincnt fur the ini rOventent,
of her harbors and fivers. The TAM - time&
hope! that the series of resolutjonWas such
as the Convention With one airtime consent
could unite in' itdoptMg, and rely up Mas con
, taming truths . indisputable in thews Ives, and
such 'as woulkt t)xvrt an influence u on Con
, gres,, s'utlicient to lineluee satisfa tOry re
sults., , 1 ,
1 ly: would say-in conclusion that; very res•
olittilm had bitch adopted with pc lect l o t a..
mmitv, and withoutia dissenting. v ice fridet
i• i r
beginning to end. 1 . I
. ". ' e resolutions Were theirreadb, • Charles
King, of Net Jersciy, and arc as fo lewst
Ttie Convention inubmit to their
izenS and to Ote Federal Goyernment the M.,
lowing, propo‘itions'ns, expressing their own,
sentinients-and . th4-e of th eir coast talents. .
• Ist. That the constitution of the (United
States was formed hy•Practical men, tor prat.-
tteallparposei idcellred in its preantble: '`Co
Prot - fea s ter the!conumin defence, t promote'
the general welfare and to secure the hies-
Sing 4 of liberty ; " at d was mainly d signejto
create a governuten,t whose functi ns should
be adequate'tlo the Protection of th cenunon
nterests of all the Statds; or two r more of
theiU, which r..ould not be maintain d by the
action of, the sa.ipafated Stales. Th, tin strict,
aecortionce with this Objet - , - the - re - % Sues ile='
, rite I i roin commerce were surfend red to the
1 gekt ,
‘ral GoVcrmucUr, with the expr sS under
,' standing that th 4 ,were to-be appli d! to - the'
pro Motion of thuselColomon inte'res s
I i=j, Thatamong,lthese common .
atitliobjects werelst -Foreign C
to the regulation MI which, the pots
States severally were confessedlyin
and ...:d. internal trade tind'rtavigatio
eve i! the concurrende of two or in.
was nec-. c
essary to its, Preser'vation,
the expense of its ' Maintenance,
equ taWy borne by Itwo or 'morel,
- where, of course, those S ates Inns
rilvi have a-voice int it. 4 re culation;
~. ,
resulted the ConsTutional grant
to Cbrigress "to regulate,
cigit nations and among the States
, 3d„ That heinglichtis poScssed b
means and of the - - pqwer which w
tolhe StateS respeClively, Congre
obi gated by every ehrisiderstion of
ani obi
common justice .o chetish an
bot rthe kinds ellen:pit - tome thus I
to t.'s cafe, by exPaticling and exte
tu al's of conducting them, and o
th in all those facilities and all th
Lion tvhich the Statiisindividually '
afforded, had the Ire4enue and the
seen left to them. it- -
4. That this Obligatien has eve
o .. e.nied from the feundation of th
Mont and has ben fulfilled partially
inglightlouse bhilding . piers fo
i t
break-waters . a I a wa - 4)Si removin
tions in .rivers, ' nd! providing othe
for the commekele!arried,-on froM
on the,Atlantic cOast;,,and the sa ,
• tions have been fulfilled to a much II
gin providing sin ilar facile es for '
among the Staies;' : ,' and - that the pr
been most emphatically acknowledl
-brace the western lakes and rivers,
priations for numerous light hot
.them, which appropriations !have i
questioned in qon g re s siss tvanting,
tionat authority,. ; , ' I I i
ii. That thus, hy a series' of acts which
have received the sanction of the peo 1e.0,f
the Unitta States 'and of every department,
of the Federal 'otjernment„ under all Admin 7 l
istrations, the °Miner) untltrstandin'g of the
intent and objets Of, the frdmers of the Con
stitution in granting to Congress - the - Power
to regulate commerce has been manifested,
and has been cc atirMed by the Pecips and
o• In
this understand n ass Gecomo_as - uch a part
t. . , 1
Of that instrument:as any one of it " most eA
plicitprovisions.!, ,•' , , , 1-
. ,
6. That the potvcr 'to regulatecontmeme
with Foreign Nat ens arid among . ttio, Stateti
and with the Ii dial' tribes,' is on Its fate so,
palpably applicable in its whole extent -to
°deli of the sub eets enumerated equally and
- in the same manner, as to render any attempt
to make it more eXplieit,'llle 'andutile, find
that those who, admit tho rightful pplicatidn
of the power tc; Fdraigri ConunCre , by facil-'
itating and protecting .its opemti us by irti- -
proing Harbors and clearina out navigable
_ rtvet•s, cannot consistently any -0 tit !coral
ly authorises s milar facilities' to "iloitirnerca
among States.' 1.-- ', ' ' ' -
7. That " °reign Couurnarce s is d,ehd
mit upon inter al trade for the distribeitien of
its freights,
.an fol.,tho means 'of Paying far
them, tin that h4oictimproves he ime,ad
vanecs the oth trl - rmd'tbov are so nseparable,
that they Au" tl - be regarded as. oe. That
an Cxport fro the itupriCan shot to a Brit
ish port in Ca atla! is: 4, much fo eign corn- 1
1 11 .
merce as if it rhacl been carrisd - irectly tel.
Liverpool, and, dim. an l exportatici to Liver
pool neither gains', pt loses any - of he charac
teristics of foreign commerce, hy. - he ditJeel-
ness - or circuity hi tho' route, whe her it p..3,i:-
ses through a cluitom-house on he British
tiiac cq the St'. La}vveuce, or &l
sec ds through
erg of tbc
,%% hero
ro State
tumid be
nd hence
of powe-I ,
with forr
e th of the
re defiled.
:s becamill
good f t kith
°mini te
ding tj
affor itt,g
t pia c~
ould hie
uthor ty
been roc-
by erect
the\ p. l rts
dbli_ a
-as ext nt
omme cc
eve b.
co sti