I I" VOLUME PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY BY A. P. D RUN & B. F. 'SLOAN, 1; STREET, MIR, P.+. EEO ERMS. One copy,',one year, advance, $.l 50 OtherwiseJtwo dollars a year a dl invariably be chanted. These terms will be strictly adhered to in all cases. AdvertiseMents inserted at 50.eents per square or the first tesertion, and 25 cents for each sub sequent insertion. Job Printintr, of all varieties, such as Books Pamphlets, J andbills, Show Bills, Cards,Steam boat 13i115,13 anks for Notes, Receipts. &c. exe cuted in the • est style and on short notice. MITII JACKSON. Dealer in'gry Goods, 'Groceries, Tlardware - ; Queens Warn, Limo, Iron, Nails &e, No. 121, Clicipsi(l4 Erie,. I'a. , JpIIN IL AIILLAR, County and borough Surveyor; utlive in Exchange Buildings, French st , Erie. JOHN B. JOHNS°. ATZIIORNEY AT : Has removed his 011ie° to, the PI near the C i purt { louse, up stair! occupied by the Sheriff and directly over the Commissiinter's Office. PioniptattC'nt ion will be given to all busineus en trusted labia Care. 50 g,IN. lIIELBERTC , CO'. DUFFA LO, . STORAGE, FORWARDING AND PRO DUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND Dealers in,. Lebigli and Erie Coal. salt I.nd Ptioduce \generally. Partiettkr atten• lion paid to k he sale of Produce and putleliase of Mercliandize. N 0.3 & 4 Coburn Square, South Whai f. E. N. lIULBRRT, U. DP IGGS. Buffalo. S , 49 ! ENJANIIN GRANT, - I I Counsellor at Law ; Clap No.• 2 • purism:the En2le Howl. Erie, Pa. „ • ti Attorncy Stare 4., ARAM tr, THOMPSON, Counsellors at Law, Otr:ce on French r S Jackson g• CO's. , Store, Erie • 947. 49 Attorneys & street; ov Aril 24, O. L. gf. Has permin residents Streelq. LOTT, SURGEON DENTIST. ntly located in Erie. ()file° at his lon the conroer of Sc:venth 'and Pc4kcl 4_9 . IROSENZWEIG Si Co. • Dealers in Ready NI se., No. Erie, Pa, , 'oreign and Domestic Dry Goods , de Clothinn., Bows and Slices, tke Flemming Block, State Street HIES C. MARSHALL. Law.. Unice up stairs in the Tarn building, north oldie P,rothonotar). ly at Elul LBRAITIIS & LAN R, id CounFellprs at Law--OiTi • I t ' %MC sideof he Public :3( Attorneys an Sis , ll stre4l Erie, Pa. J. C:ALIII1A1T 1. W. A. GA-LTIRAITII. w. a G. LOOMIS & CO.. Dealers in atehee, Jewelry, Silver, Gerrit' ver, Plated and Briouniiia Wafe, Cutler' • itary and 'dney Goods, No. 7 Itcfal l • Oh WILLIAMS, & WRIG Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Dry Good, cosies, Hardware , Crockery, Glassw are; L4ther, Oils, etc. etc. turner of street and the Publ idSqua, opposite the Tvern. Erie, Pa. ,IWILLIAM Cabinet Maker, Upholster and Undertaker State Str' et, Erie Pa S. DICKINSON, M. I). Physician and Surgeon, nilice on S , eventh Strec wept of tt e Nlethodi.o einirrh. Erie. Pa WALKER. &COOK, General FO wardiroz, Commission, and Merehan s; Red Ware !louse, cast of 11 1 lk li id= , Erie. JOSEPJJ ALanufactoreis of Tin ware cor cr of French) LEST jR, SENN TT tuEsTER, . Iron Fikunders, whotegki re and retail dcalers in Stove, tibilow-ware kn. State idr..et, rile. Ph JOHN H. BURTON & CO. , • . 'Wholesale and retai I deater• i n gruga,Medicitrs Dye Stuti,Groceries, &e. N0,..5, Reed 'House Erie, Pa.! 1, C. M. TIM ALS, Oealer in Pry Goods, Grocerids, .i.c. %:o. 111, _ , Cheapaide; Erie Pa. - 4. GdODWIN & VINCiENT. Dealers inrry Goods, Groceries, Sze., No. 1, iiopnei Lock, State st.,Erie, Pa iRTER Zz. BROTHER. Mt.'s Medicines, Paints, Oils, Dye, ism!, &c., No: 6 Reed House, Erie. [dealers-in kuff.4, GI lii TOMLINSON & Co. i Forwardinz' and Conithission Merchant.; 109 French Bt, cet, Brie, and at 6th Street Canal Ba son, also caters in G °caries and Provisions. fIENRY ADWELL. Dealer in Ild i rdil , are;`Diy Goods, Groceries, i Etc east sidep the Diamond, and one dour ca.4t o the Eagle Bad, Erie, Pa. EAGLE IipTEL, Brown; corner of State sheet and square, Erie, Pn. Eastern, Western, rn.:qa.tie office. 13y Hiram L the Public and South i Fashionable &lease, a 4a. 'T.I4E Isr, HAMILTON. Merchant Tailors, on the Ptildie d ew doors west of State strett, Erie, JOEL JOIINSON. beological, S4inday ital School Rook; Stationary, etc. etc. ench Street, Erie, Pa. ! pcalcr in T and Clusi No. 111, F. P. A. R. BRACE, Conanlior at law, Prairie du Chien, I:aces is thecounties, of Crawford, ,lowa, %V. T t and in Clayton county, iiOry. Attornfy an W, T, pra ()rant and lowa Ten N TV i ! Wter, Once. June G, V . 1 ) 'D in exeltatiffe for Goods, Wool, hut. ceso, and all kinds of Country/ Pro il l ,D. CADWFLL. . • I \ l 3 ..RE.— Shelf Hardware and house Trimmings can always be hat Very} eheaput the cheap stem of S. JAC eo. — ' Novettiberl2l, 1916. ' 27 C ---• ASH F R TIMOTHY SEED.4he sub scribers, will pay cash for good clean Tirno /thy aced. ' B. TOM LINSO 1& Co. CILOV4R lJ /vale at , May I. 18 171 AND . TIMOTHY SEED.—For C. M. TIEBALS. M GUPFEES' series of School Books, I, 2, Erie, 3, 4 a y 6,51817. , for sale at No. 111,. French St. Ma REMOVAL. 11s4. Co . have removed their stock CKS, %V sictics,..lEwELny, Faster c., No. 5, People's ICON, State street, a te the Eagle Hotel, where they will have their 11 lends cull as usual. arge addition to their stock in trade in a short:Jinx. 19, 1'47. , - LOON %J. of CL Oootrs, etc. e nearly opposi, ue pleised to N. 13. Al will be made Erie, May I—We l have the best assortintlq n this market !dial kinds, includi •f• imp:died-black and limey : Kid: ieated Silks and China Linei4, - - WILLIAMS /2 1' LOVES., %a will be , Stew art's se fancy and va' April 26. ••• ; • I . - ' ! I . . • , - ' _ t• 1, 1 ,•,, _ • E L CM ME MEE nSil Mil , Erie ',Gro Iron, state Euule KELSEY, 1 2oiipel and Sheet-Ron and Fifth streets` Erie. LIFE INSURANCE. Tm'illiPE NI UT UAL LIFE: INSU R A NC F. COMPANY, of Stamford ; Con necticut, have made arrangements w hit thn subscriber to seem, to any ftreentite Insuranea who may be desk i ous ot pfocut ing the same. This institution acts upon the mutual principle and affords induce ments (to persons to secure competrnee to their families against contingencies and uneertaimie, ,oklite, that none other in thfcoontly can. Poli cies granted. in curry instance,, oak -he insur s ed a stock holder in the co Ronny, oan amount equal to the premium paid, With, 1.11 almost posi tive certainty of a rerun' of forty p rent. t A gain it is only nece-carp that to small amount. e quatto half the premium, should be paid in cash Balance is paid by the note of the person insured, thereby malting actual cepital out of the individ nal's - twr, liability. ,These are soma of t)te ad vania,7es of this comPany over most others.. Any Pers n by calling upon the subscriber can be mhdy S fully acquainted •with all the operations of the i sti;tition, who has made such arrangements that he will forward to the company all premium notes and -obtain policies free:Of postai - go-to—any one, wishin.r - to — in — ittre. — Ai the business' of the company increases and nothing tnore than ordi nary, mortality prevails, the premium to be paid annually will diminish, and in time ivill be extin guished by dividends of profits. This is ti pecu liar advantage in Life Insurances—unlike fire in• stuances,oinvestments are made all over a country orvaried cliaracLermtidi healthfulness, and the life of ono person is not dependant on that of another, as one piece of propel ty in a eityor town may be on the safety or destruction of another. A small sa ving annually oily en .ble any man to secure a' handsome provison for his family. Indeed-in most cases the slim tints expended would never be felt, w bite' if sudden death should ensue before a competence by other means is acquired, the fonds for future support and comfort is thus realized; • The following, are some of the numerous in-- stances of terminate insurances; , "The Equitable Society of London commenced the business of Lift , : Insurance in Enolard in 17 62, without capital,' and ulthongh the 1)011611 sat that time were biTelittle known or appreciated. yet it now havnver 8,000 members, with a capital plover fitly millions ofdollars, and that in a coun try where the investment of their surplus fund dove not average three per cent. Whereas ,in this country six per cent can generally be ob tained, so that the nrincipal of accumulation would be much greater here than in England. The report of AMerican companies also strength en and confute his position, and a striking il Ins, ration of the value °fan - old policy, we here give, by citing an example from the transactions of the said Society. I,s nly capital was that of themcereing premiums, it, however, in process of time, became one of the most successful and prosperous companies in great Britain. Mr. ,t !organ. the . Me actuary of this Society, in his address to the general court, in th e year ISOML says: "Supposo a life 01 . 35 to have been insured in the year 1765, in the sun of ..f.:l ,000, at the an neat premium OLL:30; in ,he course of thirty:one it ye:trs,this sum being laidrn a totally to he inn d proveat the same rate of ante .8t at which the met - 1014s are computed, voult now hetve accu' nuda,cd to - J:1,500. If, howet et, this policy were now surrendered, the sum of XI 527 would be paid for the value of it; so that the person will have been assured Ito thirty one yenta in the sllllll (11 . 1 . 1,000, (exeleskely of the,addi, ion) 'not only wallow expense, tio eve n with trio advantage of teceiving ..C27 as a gra oily at the end of the term.' '' Very near - Sr practical 'examples- of the blessings of Life Insurance are continually occurring ,among all classes ot - onr M. melts.— We have Indy • room fur the follo-A ino.. which occurred in the city of New York and its vicinity in the course of one year: "A tn.-reliant in Scptemlwr insured his life tot the hen ti of his family It 55,000. He died in Dectimber fllotvino, when his atrairq were found in an embarrassed ,stat e. ,The 85,000 which was lumen ly paid t.. his widow, left her in comfOrui ( lII , ' eueutnstances. ,I “ f •uo, her zzeott,Ohin, who bad been unfortun ate in business. took a policrin laver of iiii4jwire lin 85,000. Ile diet) shortly aster paying the sec ond annual premium, and saved his lirmily from de:4o'l36On. "A gentleman. residing in the State of Indiana on the 19. h of August last, took out a policy on his life for *3,ooo—put one pa) moot was made of $lO2. tie lied on thu 19th of September, and his widow received the sum insured. $3,000. She was so Mrcibly lit pre-sed with the advan taffies of Lilo Insurance, being a recipient of its. bencil 5, t at she inintadiately effected an insnr once in the Num of 000 on her own life, ('or the protection of her faintly of young children. '"A book-keeper in a hiltly respectable mer can: ile house in this city, through the persuasion of his employe:l., was induced to take out a Policy on his hie, for benefit of his wife and children in the sum , of 'l,OOO, at the annual premium of $25,70; a sudden Illne,s from scat let lever carried hint of in ten days;i two annual payments had been made, and Mc: widow in a few days after his death, received $1,000; had it not been for this provident provision, she would have been left in des flute circumstances. yonn ,, married man in the city of Roches ter, in this mate, on the 7th of•Au_rust, 1845, of fec'ed an insurance on his lite, in the sum of• $l,OO, hut one payment had been made Of $23 10, and he died of a short illness on the 21st of February, 1816. Flit' widow, in ten days -there after, received $l.OOO, the suin insured. "A former of.Dutchess county, State of New York, took out a policy on his life foe :31,000, on. the Ist of July, 1815, for the benefit of his family., The f its( payment of 821,70 was' made, and he died very suddenly, from an attack of apoplexy. on the 20111 of the following January. His fami ly repcivcd 81,000 in a lbw days after. icigentleman of this city being in the receipt of an income from; his u ife's estate, to continue du rine.lier life, but would cease at' her death, „very pttufently took out a policy upon her life, in the r.ttm10i,95,000, at the annual premium of 8102; in this ease two annuarpayments trad been made; his wit 4, died and he received $5,000 the sum insured. "A Imerchant in one of he Southern States had a diiht due him of 5,600. KnOwitta that its ulti • Ilia, ie payment d pended on the continuance of l)te nf 11;s debtor, he took out a_ policy on it forthat s mi; one year's premium had been paid of SIG I, B ' l. --f -Sonn after he was' at tacked with a seveto ill , - nes.4, which terminated hip life in September last. The Company on press:ninth-in of the requisite roofs of hist' death, paid the sum hisured, and by i lift precautionary measure, he unexpectedly and . uddenly realized a thiubtful claim. ' "A gentleman of Net/ York became sccurfly fbr his friend in the sum of $3,000, by endorice aent on Ma papers. He ad the prudence to ef fect insurance on Maitre f r that amount only; one payment ($36) was made. This was donee!) the 3d of July last, and he die the 18th or September. The Company,paid him the 83,000, which he ap plied to the payAtent of his endorsement tints by this insurance he was released from his liability, which otherwise might have put him to serious in convenience." ' I Instiranca made by a hu , ,band for the' benefit and use ot itis Wife, where the annual premium is tinder 8100, will riot he 'inflect , tolhe claim* of creditors upon his estate at It;s decease;.oo too if made for the benefit of any child or children.— Thus the extravagance and indebtedness of the husband will not, be allowed to sweep away Ala provision for the benefit of his wife and children. I,....7 o lnsuranee for life, or from year to year, or for a single year may be matte.- CARSON GRAHAM. Erie. Juno 12, 1917. in SKW AR' T'S edebrated rup, fur table use. Just' the ohingyou read of; at the "New Stole," No. a, Cheapbide MORTON & Co. EciaMay 22;1617. 1 ( ROCERIE' , .S.--Tire,subse, ribers have just re l. coived a rre4h supply or Groceries, consist. ing . of Tea, Coffee,' Sulara, Spices, etc., etc., which will be sold at their usual low Oen*: 40SENZVEIG Co, No, I Fleming Block, - May 20, ARIS Kid' GloVes—A beautiful assortment, Whim and Colored, selling cheap et No. 4, Clietil?side; by • MORTON & Co. • Mile, May 22, l°l7. SAT'OR AY, UIN 17, 1847. TILE IRISh -MOTILE They shall hunger no morn ,"—Rerelalions vii 16 BY WET. 11 C. H I imam the lament of a poor Irish 'nether, As wutch by the forms of the famished she kept; The wan; wasted features of sister and brother Were bathed by the drops she had usrle•aly wnd; Oh' sweet was her lay for the burden it bore !!They shall hunger on more." %Min Winter's rude wind throug h cinch cranny was sight ing, The lust, blackent crumb to my jirst-born I gave: lopened my veins w en my youngest was dying, Aroused by a mother's wild instinct to save— - The lipiof my darling are wet with the gore— She will hunger no More. , "tiod Rung by the fox-hunting lords of the nation. With prodigal hands, to their hounds, 'would subdue In many a hovel tli pangs of etarvatinn, K - p 7 .1 thankfulness woken, that omp never knoti: Poor babes!! regret not that ang iish is oer : Ye will hunger no In re ', , While Famine the flesh on their Lanes was mmmining, It crazed me to bear their low moans 'night and day= No brand on the deeolote'hearth•etone aiming Their couches of cola, musty straw, with its ray; Now calmly they rest,' side by side, on the floor— " They shall hu..ger no morel" Oh! dnrk is the cloud that impends over Britain! The wrongs of the wretchedpake barren her soil; That country with curses nhould ever be smitten Where perishing Want is forbidden to toil— Whore Hunger kills snore than disease or the sword, And whim-banded Muth finds a plentiful board. The Camp and the Battle-Field. .A TALE OF TAR fEXIOAti WAR. The Deserter, his Wife, and the Patriot Boy. One seldom feels cold in- Mexico, except when on the highest points of land, ot', at any rate, some distance above the valleys. Once in a while we experience a blast or two of the wind that remind us of anthracite and flan nels, 'and make us sigh for a more substantial covering than canvass; but, as a 'general thing, we enjoy spring without: intermission. Hqweyer, I have carried a blue nose on more than one occasion, and been expossed, to the' mercies of a clever snow storm once.. A fall ofsnow here is a grand novelty. You can scarcely be anywhere at all without seeing mountains near at hand. All the land below the emine..ces is covered by, verdure the year round, but the mountains, if worthy of the name, are snow-clad at the top. With tough, strong griss beneath their feet, and here and there an elegant 'flower, this pro duces a strange effect, inasmuch as the view presents a paradox of nature; but When snow falls and cover's the green livered earth,, one is wonder stricken.** Some days htfore the battle of Buena Vista, a few of us, mounted, started beyond the pickets for Encikrnacion, which is thirty miles from the ground where the - desperate action was fought. We, welt to reconnoitre, on a sort of liberty duty which allowed us to do pretty much as 'wel pleased, provided the aim of our mission is _accomplished. We were under the command' of Major M'Cullough,`and all my comrades, but' two, were Texans. We only numbered thirty-five, but-were a match for four times that number of Mexicans or any other foe.— It Was on the first day of our moving that I saw a slight snow storm. The wind chop ped clown from the north and was as sharp as a rtizot(---if the simile holds good—so that, altogether, the prospects of seeing sport or doing good service •to our cause was very .slender. None of our clothing was in the happiest condition, but republics, we' know, are ungrateful, and the men who fight their battles must be content with any fare.thatfis - offered. Accompanying us was,:a young lad of bright intellect.ta . 7 11estizim—wjko rejoiced in the purely Spanish cognometi of Miguel. We had taken him from his mother's catfage at Ague Nueva, with her consent, to net par tially as a guide, as he `professed, truly, to know the ulay for fifty ware miles ; around., When he started with us, the poor Imother, taking the few shillings we proffered her, raised her eyes to heaven, and, with elevated crucifix, prayed for the safety and return of her darling olily son—,..then, weeping, drew her mantle over her head and entered her dwelling to count the minutes that elapsed during his absence. By rubbing two pieces of dry wood together, fire can be produced— but neither that nor warmth a£ owed the frictional association of a couple of begrimed hands or Edson-like pedals. We - therefore were impelled to , provide against Mr. Frost by fitting up a couple of huts, owned, or at least 'tenanted, by several peasant leperos whom we ejected for the time by paying with a small quantity of provisions for the luiu - Vy—and, by the way, a Mexican leper o is a thrilling sight. I have seen Milesian beggari, and heard of Italian lazzaroni. I have also wit nessed the holiday pursuits of a free negro,. and beheld the reckless indifference of the half-breed Indian to:work; but none 'of these, by any means approach the leper() of this country. He never hy any'pessibility thinks; he scarcely 'eats or drinks; I'm certain he know nothing Of the kind except-by instinct. He moves like a locomotive building:_lboks from his eyes like, an owl in -daylight, or a chi nese' opium chewer, and evidently considers life a Confounded piece of trouble and 'vexation. Allow him to dream and bask in the sun like a rattle snake, and be,is supremely happy and content. The wives of these men are slayes —utter slaves. I have' seen them, with scarcely any clothing on, bear burthens" that a New York cerium would be ,ashanied to task his horse withr r These poor women en dare dere their hard fate with the utmost 1 onmpla cently,—toiling, drudging, rising health and rest with devoted resignation' perfectly as tonishing. ' I had rather be anorrerie's mule than a lepero's wife.. Some , of theite vaga bonds, when not too lazy, cuff and kick their Whetter halves most' energetically'. Seine' of - the women object to ;Inch_ demonatrationa of l'agection, and With all the fervency of a de; vout spirit curse; and the strength, of well ex ercised muscles return. the favor with, Com pound interest., , "THE WOELD , In one of ti= ed as compaetl just finished l a course to my has followed 'm on the right EMI were scanning the' light of 'voices from it 1 They were ma in spanish..l ' l l de Dols" and ) ed without thing but conii - A ed in uttering i "What 'the . dollough 'of in little Miguel. "Oh!" rerilies about a real !th] ceived somew "Somewhat.: shriek, whiA the half blank, entronce of it tall,"marctila face and the ,d was not strim.. face did moil i The man, %id watching a vagabond, di of which wer‘ "Miguel, te' 'Mon," 'said M terpreted, an sationed was "lie accu,se him," said il. "No! no s! ing with tear: he is my bits rush upon 4. saul by seekit says that eau "So, Mi l go would halt, d. at. it, eh? Si./ has passed, a spoken as We rode. "This to MeCullcM! buiscuit atid I wore a sotabr. for comfor peasant. 4,1 “What a lough. "A de s sert , States of No with a g ra ce - 4 ;11o! hi!" ly; “perhaps tor. Youle4 Ail do nut 1 the man w'he' was made a geance for l i in l locomotion 1. "Where a rogatory pull "I am a l FranciscO I ha:e often My wife wa and now 'etrotte A i m a resting ph. would have . buried her ) firing Da.qi , —)r, w Ice in the boughs of ne turn bacl;:l'-' The ce in her fla n and s the man, t+ioi the most ferocious • that ever c both armes defeat ands Son, and I Santa Anna Coracero 1 when vo leave my tain with: "Ths lough '!.oim people, and adopting i th drel—th4 hangs upon ored him. woman wet Valdes' retreat W i ns that we 767 Encarnaciol ( we desired forces if WI bons. Santa Annr nineteen; thousand rand;' to be PlaC ed between q, and, by o well concerted' mense powers, cut us to the entire body of, /110 was to be shown; the ck,i of TaylOF. That Santa! had before heard, and i . I Over ,twenty thousand Was also .rumoni, but that ho intended to give battle ‘iras what had not been told ero this ' l. When and how be was to do 80 remind tO / be ascertained :nore clearly. I I shall never forget the expression of t h e lit t le m es ti z i t oihofti +nominee as Valdes told his stay. ' It was, a mixture of courage, conic: pt, il l shame, tuu/ . ,1 lofty patriot ism. . The . woman did not - seem to care so :much foc the national o political consequence of her husband's defectiou, as for the disgrace' that Wetildattach to Idat personlly. But the buy:looked livild with Urigoialh. whilcieverland anon helchnched tit a small kitife he. wore in hi s b r e a St es it he Would be delighted- to plunge it to the hilt,hi, the deserter ' s heart, "realm° but to rid ficemiles to convince yourseOes of the trut 19f what I -have, told you," said Valdes,' 'euddeoly, , when, ho had vainly Waited for an intimation that- our, coapnaider, placed coq deuce in him. • . "Up and away ther4 , boys," cried MeCul- lough l "Place Miguel . Valdes, and the. we.: In,att on two caules,whi h must be . fouhd here. •Is GO'RN i • re n it , r 7 aus, a te l e o us w as bees in't hive. . Ir e a a i l, d ( i al to u s r , i t u e • t i c y . h , ile * lt i owaler-horn o f musts r, 1 from the time I fir - nk of the .I.io Gral ea- others otherai illeasant rush fire, when . the 1 e outside slnqte l im' ! e and foinnli yoke l s 'a 'he usual n um ber k t, and the dialogu e ) 1 imentary to the p4th J, ! it. { .1 i r..- levil is that'?" hiliai I repeate{i thiskia I he, naivety, 'coal; lt, one of the woM i ei,, lore." i ," 'Waif; the cue for a teri . filh was followeid ' by a'rush against r door of m/r 1 Shelter; aril the 'omen, ‘ . yho c iikgs pur i l sned by . a , litheleper l , with rage in his amoi in his eye. 1 he woman , but delica4., and tl r e• lines, in dicato coarseness o dehLvitY. stood with] his arkis folded, lid not suaitin the character of :spite his r Irs and beard, both' redundant 1 I us them s i ningMf tiiis intr u- Collough t I a comrade who in by . the aid whoin the conver arrie-d on. ti j herm Miguel, re7bng hastily. , i t . ti ' 1 itlihe Worriin, her e , ; "he has inine l i b ) 1 and. NoWl' setidres th and destruction, a g you. Itis not wl es our dispnte., 1 , '11;... , : , lel, you u%o (Ace, .e., its, 'or ne so hate tvo au ‘i.inke . ..l i; forgot'tlit I kit W all that d uuderAo4 nearly ovary word las , yourself," sa il my coin person," continued ,he, turning 11, who had,paased Over al tough t slice of rat , i, fatpork, and who pro ,and a Mexican otliccr's cloak "This persO . , is a soldier knd no , 1 4is a friend' r a spyt' . e your ing l tiirel Mr. M'Cul , r, and a friend 'to the United th Americreplie'.l the man ul inelinatiU , 'A. i replied Mepullougi knoi'ving on play the spy and auble trak moot deceive.us." wish to deceive ytht,,r' responded u this remark of our' commander ,pparent to 1 tim "I ,Iclaint vett isult,\and wil give yon. valuable .n order to a C hieve it r ' re you from?' was the next inter to him.'i 1 tative-of pa title. My name is 'aides. Miguel kitws 'me, for slept in hiS mother' cottage.— I • wronged hY.one of my officers, at I have riSked ex 'cution—the w0r,43.; a pairn—ihe . pnci.• woman obbei, witiVe crtutenanc aion, raise] supplicate] )1 "rather,' e. armies or (regiment 91 l ies upon that -pressei hu hove his h aid ly Ghost" ran pa' tied and he curb, , )ort. th I 4 the a rn r batter l iferate I illy or 0 "I am fr Turn ally° , eel," he Ve. "and I will n the moun- 1 nes in the ERSE a fill. stork• ' mutt r' these l this fe "but I re dare not ti ion. He is a scotin: would not lay vio!ent on if she hat clisliOn , of himnd treat the utmost eau clear, or he l 'a female. ev 'Take charg. LI/ that is, all chance of r and then informed car destination was teen miles off; that mber of'ata Anna's and learn his inten ithout h'esitation, that 1 ; that h 3 had is securel denied him ; re scouts; OM some eigh to get the itti 'were there, des replied, $l,, was at iyiela rnacion • .1 that h i' s fore:,s were nn l ent of his ha -1 ni annihilate I‘la mercy the total rout was there we r, own M JVCITI pieces MlMilal ect was Anna. en, numbered MEM D TOO. 'MUCH,. abot?ts, and watch thcm ' like lynx. Ifitl4re is a 'sitigle movement made which .looks like • either showing a clean pair of heels, er a face under that now worn, don with the culpit," . The air, raw and cold, I was all the clearer; an:l i the starlight (it was new moon, conse quently we had but little moonlight) spread about a apecies of visible gloom that had the effeCtofigiving a mysterious tone to every ob ject! The scenery in this quarter is wild and rugged; there are more ravines than hushes, alMast; more 'passes . and angles; gorges and slopes, titan speure of grass. At one moment we 'were plunging into what appeared a dark abyss, completely severed by croated, gnarl ed, Idwarfelitrees; at another :we totted along uptlin a fine level bit iof table land, the ground as easy to the tread of our animals as a car pet, mule has fallen ," , cried the boy, as the so-called sure-footed creature upon which he)and the woman was mounted stumbled tor wa[rd upon its knees. It was up again in an inatant, and journeyed on. In about ten min utes the mule slipped and fell again. k know, his foot is injured;'. said 111 iguel, ati l d our necks will be broken if v,b remain on him. Let us dismount and ride behind some on i e.", "Very well," my comrade replied, who, with' myself, had special charge of the Mexican trio; "we must wait until we get upon a de cent spot." I We were then entering one of those infer nal passes which ran up to a sort of corduroy table land, , arriving at which we fotind'out .• ' — es pretty neat Santa Anna's advance. guard, of whose presence there were uninis takable evidences. ' Prom the platform of the pass, down each side, were a series of shelves or slaty projections, as near as we could per ceive, and it Was over forty, yards distance 'to any spot that looked like a bottom. Scarce ly had we gained the top when the mule slip ped the third'time, and the boy fell lupon the ground like a sack Of wheat, while the female kept her seat, it amiciared, easily . I thought the boy was stunned, and jumped down to the ground to render him assistance, when he rolled away like a cloud ot. mist before the anti, and slid directly over the' precipice. • "Mr. G—! a determined Suicide!" called out one of the men, as we all peered over to see the result of a piece of daring as finexpecti ed as, it was frightful. The boy bounced from .projection to projection, using his legs ' an I.,arms to break thefall, and struck beloW, as he took good cafe tol inform us, utilnitit. ' re stow- We had I had re -1 rd which set foot de,) and faces by sound of en rs.— disputing 4 0fadre re lavish- l es eilgarr . - ..,1 ired Mc onion to a dispute 1129 re- betraying, 'es stream ' t r us he woithl nd peril his tat the boy .'•II4-3 made the mule stumble by galling his knee,* said Valdesovith a tone of cOnt rept, as if Ite thought we pugt to have kno n!it, lnd is OW to inform ill pickets of r tr) It p oach. , MI , cmdo it in five minufes, oe,— lou should have shot the young villitin i stead of bringing him along. Ile could haVe been of no service, ivith me here as a gold ; and had we both been inimical to your interests, one would not, as you may have supposed, been an antidote to the other's poison." i The fellow spoke tire trut. We; did not like the idea of backing oft' ,through the last pass we had traSeled w ,b'ecause i t , as the very longeNand worst we had encountered on the route; and the Texans Were taught,_ by eighth or ten years experience in fighting these peo 'plc, that we diolifil fare fiery 41enderly in case of a skirmish while defiling in such a rascally position. "Information and a trifle in - the way of fighting," is the scenting precept of .McCtillon,gles men, so that after the proprie ty of, either going back or forwitrd had been debated ab6ut: five minutes, it was decided to "go OM " . . "Buono!" exelainyal the ornart, in ad- , l ig htful tone, as we rec'ommen i ced the journey towards Encarnaciim. c.. — The man grated nis teeth and commanded L . 9er to be silent. She called kine"tht Domi. no!" (a devil,) in a,voiEe almost pitched to'a scream, so intence was the excitement under which she labored, and I fan Ciel I could hear the tongue smack with a glue 'sound against the dry roof of her mouth. :We got into the read, and in a very - tolerable position, cps 'we heard the peculiarsuunds of horse's hoofs up on the earth. We formed in the road in the I shapeA of a shape of a V., the two I. points lin the direction of the eneMy,,Yhe wo man behind the bottom. The Texan's knives were lo'psened in their loathes, and fire-arras were ail' readY. - We were completely prepar ed when: the guard came in view.) We might have been mince-meated for, all we knew at that' mpinent, for we were entirely ignorant of the strength of the oppOsinparty. . It m e I A aright have been 200 o butt proved to be only abett 6 wellAppoirited, gaily-dress ed cavalry. They raised a shout / When- they behold us, and dashed on, waving their weep . - ons, raising in their stirrupti, ant) '-'taking on airs," as McCullough said, like so many em bryo heroes. Their officer gave the word "hallo!" and they suddenly drew up.- "Fue go!" he bellowed, and the lead from their car bines rattled about our heads like water from a shower bath. ' , re.l , ;McCul- serpants of low without "Now boys, at them:" cried McCullough, and (to Speak plainly) - we "let idriVe." But they-were not to be frightened- of.— Down they came upon, us, and, as they arriv ed chock up, our V closed pretty well to and I, and we were into it hand-te.diand, or, ifyou like it bettor, horse-to-horse. Cuts andicon tusdons were fre%ly'exch:anged, and two of , .l)ur men had dropped all weapons and actually seized their adversaries by their hair and lar, bringing then off their horses with a ler - that must have dislocated Foino of their Small 'er joints. During all this sCrimmage, Valdes might have:escaped, but.lt'e did not; en the' contrary,he took particular pains to keep'his' wife a. prisoner While she 'sereadied'eneour ,, agement toiler countrymen. After ' ' . • After fighting ten tnipate's—and! fightidike that el ten minutes seems in hour--'our brave adversaries'drew %f , leaving • 7 !Minded' and tAlro, stark - cold; and the field to us.' II "Whew!" said ray co i tnia4e, w.lio had a liesh t . 1 , I wound i the shOulder, "I'm done.,'• for a fort : 1 a !e a st . inoht t But let us lofi l kahout andste to the c udition of the vanqUislted. I heard that d 4 doi's vice durilig'the fray, I'm certaih --- ." d i ' '' I ' • 'll,' "What Miguel'sT' ' .. ' • "Yes, and ho was lighting Eke an American too." This was; to me, startling information.— The boPs mother had placed him, midi many instructions, in charge of myself And another 'and if he were not on the spot when we again sought' the camp, what would be her pains and reproaches. I called mr commander aside, and begged of him to permit me to search for Miguel's body. That perniission was accorded, and I commenced my task with a heavy heart. My search did not last long. The brave boy—for such I must call him—had really fallen, and.his body lay in the very cep-, tre of the road, so mutilated that I scarcely knew it except by the - size. The l Teat i ures, what could be seen of them, wore a look of stern defiance, and the 'eye, which was not closed, was even in death, indicative of hatred and revenge. A ball had entered the brain by pierbing just in the' ce / itt,Te of the Morehead, and he mustimve died instantly on the receipt of it. With shudder I placed the body across my horse, and mounted to ride back to where we had started from. Val Jes was delighted by the' result of the skirmish, and &blared, again' and again, that he had told us the exact truth concerning *Santa Anna's contemplated movements. Suffice it to` say, we reached Agna Nueva and cnrrie3 the mangled body of Miguel to his mother's tenement. I had anticipated a great outcry, yrldespair • of the noisiest kind, but was diippointed. I shelf , never forget the w6man's look as, after listening to our story of her son's death, and kissing his mu tilate brow, she directed a glance of sat isfaction and pride towards heaven, and cried in n voice clear ds a,seraplis--" Thank God, he died for Mexico!" Ne . ed I say that I hon ored her for that? 1 Valdes and his wife were taken to head quarters. nisuinforination did mach towards, giving us the battle of Buena Vista.° - His wife frantically rushed into the midst of the fray nt that eventful action, and was never heard'of after. 2 ontu Anna's ilexpntelin. say ;,,F,03. • ) -• A Nalst.iN / Mini - BED.—In our last, "Neal's Saturday EVeniog; Gazette,"' we gave some account of the niitnerous luxurious er- k fects' of a young, Parisian fianne,?effvred for salelby auction. The death of vie youn,g‘per son l exalSed great interest among - the luxuri-; oust and frivolous Parisians. The drench g eor es r polent of the Ada& says, that she wfs thii rigi i ttal of! - ;:urrene Su f cur 46 41kfrie, Fn the oLtysterirs de Puri ,an belon o olin Fs to , a CiilBB of beings who can ltave l existenCe not 1 .1 I where bUt'in Pars: for nOWbere else 'could they obtain the same influence and,enjoy the same opportunities of bringing out the talents with which nature may have eniowe'l theta. She was a fit and worthy successor to Marion Delorme and to the Sophie Arnold, resembling them in her wondrous beauty and ready wit, in her generosity and extraordinary mind!-- resembling them in all things save in her bit ter rcpentcnce and her early death. linopon:lns.---I have seen the little pearls of a spring sweat through the ho!toMs of a bank, an I penetrate the stubborn pavement, till it has made it fit for the impression-of a' child's loot; aa.l it was dispersed, like descend ing dews of a misty morning, till it had open ed its way, and male, a stream large enough to carry away the ruins of. an tin lerminb.l strand, and to invade the neighboring garden;' but then'the dispised &tips were growing W- I to•an . artificial river, nal' an intolerable mis, chief. So are the first entrances of sin Stop-1 pet{ wit h the antidotes of a hearty prayer, find! checked into - sobriety' by the eyes Of a rever l-erend man, or the cnunsel of a singlAermon, but when such beginnings are neglected, rind religion has not in it so long as It'e can en-, &ire:l4oe): grow' up to ulcers and peAilen tial evil l s; they destroy the soul by their abode which at heir first entry might lias:m been killed by t to pressure of a little finger.--Jei-- env Ti!ylor. STRANGE PUNI r.—A Southerner; with 8 ne gro servant, arrived at the Broadway Hotel a day or two ago and on yesterday morning sent the servant dawn into ,the yard for some water. Sambo,-with pitcher in hand, inquir ed for "de pump" and on being shown the hy drant, sat the pitcher down and commenced working the few: hack Ward. and for Ward, drop falling at wife ry jerk. l!e pumped away until the perspiration .on his .face amounted to more than the water in t* pitcher; -and et la giving it up in despair, Ise addrelied • a gentleman near by, who hal bean watching his movements in silent delight. "Vat ail dis dam ole Flat?, am& Wy t tun not run alt de timer "It's all right boy, pump;away." "Nosir, I'll fowl] um from the river fuss." As sard)o was abaft to'carry his threat in to immediate execution, the gentleman went forward and explained the Mystery by start ing the hydrant; and when the streara gtished put, filling the, pitcher in a -second or two, Rambo felt back, with ail his whites display . - ' I ed in wonder.:, IF , What you 4all tlatl Pum moat when you ho tech 'ern. flat ?e to nee." e SameJaihrobbloi °rah" his pitchoi, 'mg, brani over the my dthis. - 1 D AND is s .—N more hateful than r pifted dandies stepping like a Wax doll ott wire, antting as if tle English lanmmge 1 3 was t v I r tube. spelteCt. .We heard, says theNe v urg T6legrapb .'on' - of them thus , • h is , , , i ~- ,• , ad*etts s cornuanion:,, . - fTO4IO meatball this ] ma ning - Woder hosts the thh'rrinunittalv stahclii ta4ar. . Stich' a voluptuous utmost/hes:ld ;nest delicious. ' I say, Petal), firing me a m4at,fiatoigiatrul punch an chi sitt i ate k willy Co?"' NUTUBE. THE EMBALMED lIUSB •I • . A young tin& beautiful women . l ost,, after ~hreo years marriage, a busbanil !whom she dseply loved„.- Contriving to evade the law, she kept by her the body of him whose prema ture decease she .was resolved to deplore as !dawns she lived. (Tile hearse bore away an' empty colin, while 'the remaines of the belov ed obiact, properly . ntlyalm,7d, was laid out on a bed of state. The room was- hung with' black; a lamp burned in it night and day.— The widow alone had a key of this sanctuary, and there she daily Cherished her sorrow. AN went well fora while. Daring a whole year, nu day passed that she did not visit tho chatribbr of the dead. - jßut the widow • was yobng,,and the warld, l still had charities for her. The visits to -.the sanctuary. became rarer !rind shorter, and the dead soian became au annoyance. In renewing the furuture of her . house, the widow was induced to appropriate thr, room she converted into a chappel for the dead, :to another, use.. Stilt full 'of respect, , howevii, furniemory of the de?unet, she placed,:_ him in a box of ceder wood covered with vet.: vet, of which she always carried, the key With the intention of visiting liiin daily as bei l iwe. i Fora few months she was faithfu l to her - Vow. She daily opened, he box, knelt," and prayed. The time came-when she did so no more.--.-- I The following year an advanfageouti mhteli presented' itself. The character and 'social .positipn of her' 4iiitor were suitable, an I be sides !it may be that she would now have pre ferred a living liegga.i to a dead emperoe • — • But %that was to be done with the preciouCi . box, 6 nioistened with 'so twiny tears, sneiti tied by so many prayers? Her Marriage (ince - I decided on, where was she to hide an object that would be 'tittle to offend the sight of the! ne‘. corner? After some reflection She had it I ' • • " 1 ' put away in t le, garret.. , The honey-thorn was not yet over, awl the bright sun shone on the month of May. Pre parations were made for a pee,ly deprbrturr; and a cmg, the tranki selecteiTtif the joitrney was t - 0 once sacred and - now forgotten I.m. 'Afterl t searching in vain for the key, the hos band Calle I his wife and inquirelWhat arilefes, of toilet that box so carefullraeciwed, contain ed. The gitestien confitsed.,lier, an] she was , unable to nnstVer. 'The greenfreyed waster-. was roused an I imagining that the . tios: wont! in be Cm' to c tain perhaps.aersing Paper;i, the hiishan I, vitlyrit,more adoil l )roke it open and fourid,h mself, face to face , l tcith his pee deces'sor, hg, when liking, kali bee bis'par #ctilar I friend. Irnagine ,hi's ;amizement!4"- - 7 !Imagine. the Confusion, aid shame -of Ow widow !I rortnnately, the new husban ] was r f, a cheerful disposition, and so he took the..af- I- • fair in good L part. si "Allow me, my dear," said his wife, "tot make one reques ts fore y u, do not think of in treati( sae ashion. Embalm ma.in but I t my boiy rest in the gra' * .: • it.RIST., AND ins G);:1 e foliowing scene between generals, actually took place; wns derived from a gentlema confidence and esteem of the whose name we are notTper: tion. '.After the battles of the Bth when the 11lexic l an army in the reached Linare. Gen. Ari' Generals Amptidia, Torrejon, Canales to his quarters, and t them.: "Gentlemeti:t—l an about command of the army of the have sent for yob that you ma) sons which have influrn7.2.l -11 simply these: I ' cannot comma s with honor tOMyself or Count it numbers so 'many cowards n mends in its - ranks: Von; $1 base coward; I trosted :you, wit best troops; yoti betrayed your recreant to the interests of - yo terror-stricken, fief trembling :without being Within halfa, lea gun. "To r n , Torreion, have sine eavalr3'r officer; God knows' tin obtained:it; I am only aston should haverthe effrontery to maul' - 1 "Yon," R 'quoit*, ; call yOurstrt , //artillery OffiCerli yam have been 4izossteat thiongla life only in one thing., your cpwardice; l you ate brave, like all 'Fasconader,,, when dangers ate at a distance; but %%lien the hour of battle arrives,•yen are either not to be found or your terror renders yourspresence not only useless but injurious, I , 't , '"And yon,Canriles, , to be called acnell(t! What a satire! ittcitt bittery irnatt l _ General! !laugh! a robber, a cow-driter,'ni.vagabonc4 skulker from rancho' to rancho, a cowardly pauper, whose very, presence is loathed ,by every honorable man, and whose claim to the title of acitero producei the most profound contempt. As for you, Colowl-Carisco, be gone and mena's!,your breoches,; l von'dirty dog.'; "GentleroenL I am done with you; ohr cow, notion is at an col. Woold that sour ctin• nexionwith ou i r nufort urtute country' was also at an moll." - . 1 • ' ' , • , - A huporouS 'iyontig- man i ,wtta - *icing tr horse,' w hich ‘as in the habit of ;stopping at every hotise, o i , the roadside: l .ll;4in a coun try tavern, where was • collected together some doubt,. conntrvmeni the beaSty aird'muirt, „1 ran opposite t h e door and stopped, in skite : D i r the 'yettng tntl4, who applying the whiff tvit! all his might' to 'drive the !tore C`Or tht 17 C'el l oath') porch commenced a 1 arty Onek, ant 'some•inquired if he would ti 1 that btirse.4 '"Yes,” veld the young man "but I 'anattt recommend him) as ,he has beTengad to' butcher, and stops witenevii totearslcalife' 'bleat." The crowd retired the her Ow I,i knee. ' . . . 1 , 2 , 101 I lie, turning In If I die be rg alter tio plir- mei ?IT, HEIM Atisti and his he Oeireription high in the ItietaCtor, but ittel to men- nJ ptli of May it retreat Ihaa ` - ta summonel Riquenck and hus addreisel to resign -the 'North, and know'the rea e.'They are . the - army y, as'.long as yithjiigh com-7 Upudia, are a [ lt 3000 of my trust, proved: country, and and 'ilismayeil,l gue of a hostile reputation as a v or where you hod that yaw ' retend to cont-