Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, July 10, 1847, Image 1
ra !!I=l IE ;.VIII.. VOLUI PUBLISHED - BY 4. P. DUR i VERY SATURDAY lIN & B, F. SLOAN, SET, ERIE, STATE ST I j, in advance. SI SO • rg a year will invariably be jg will be strictly adbercd to One copy, one yea Otherwise, two dol charged: The/ ter I aft cases. I Advertisements ins o'r the nrst inse6 ion; nequent insertion. Job Printing, of Pamphlets, Handbill: boat Bills, Blanks In cuted in the best styl,, rted at 50 cents per square and 25 cents' for eacirsub- 1 varictkes,cat' as Books l A Show Cards,Steam- Notes, Rect., pcs, &c. axe ; and on ollort notice. " JACKSON. z • SARNI Dealer ill Dry Goo (tams Ware, Lit Chcapside, ,Erie, is Groceries, Flnidware, (! Iron, Nai No. 121, AIILLAR. • urx•eyor; ()tilde in Exchange Erie: JOHN County ;:ind Borourah linildings, French JOHNSON, JOHN B r , y AT LAW, td the Public Builtlit;‘- up.staint. in the town I L •rlif mid directly over the ,tee. ATTORN Has removed hie 0111 near the Court firm occupied by the Sh l Commissioner's 011 , Proutpt.attentiotl rusteif,to his care. be given to nil businetts en E. N. liU .BERT ic. Co. • IiVFII , AI.O, N. Y. , ~ /STORAGE, FOR YARDING AND PRO DUCE COMMIS 'ION MERCIIANTS, t A NI) Dealcra in 1 WO and Eriitjeual. Salt i - 1., and Produce g octant% Ptictilar ridden ! tioa...ilaid Nile sale f Produce 4d p ' urchtise or Mercliandi7e.J -0.'.1 &.. 4 CoburnJ.>quaro, South WiLtf. i E. N. 11U101 :11T, , . V. tRIGGS. C lluffalo, N. V. ) ' . 49 lIENJ2I.I,IIiI GRANT, Attorney and CounsMior No, f,„) Slate st., opposite he Va. , le Ileiel, Erie, P. i GRAHAM Sz. THOMTSOI4, Attorneys & Counsel ors at Law, Mice n French street, over S Jaclison 4. Co.'S Store, Eric. April 5.4, IS47. . : ~ 49 O. L: ELLIOTT, SURGEON DENTIST, Iles perminentiy todateti in Eric, ()filet] •rit his residence on the c wrier of Seventh aid Peach Stream! - ~ 19 • --- I. ROSE , NZWEIG Rt.' Co. Dealers ih Foreigt and Domestic Dry 'Goods, , \ Ready Made Crothino., rinos antl Shoes, &e. fie., No. 1, Flethming Block, State Street, - Erie, Ptt, . ---„----, JAMES-l. MARSHALL, Attorney at Law. Offich up stairs in the Tarn • many hail building, north attic Protlionntar)' Office. • I ' GALBR fIITIIS'k LANE, Attorneys and CoonFellors et I...atv--011iee on htreet, tvesS. side of the Public Square„ Eric, Pe. GALTITIAITti W. A. GALIIIIAITII. --- 1 G. LOWIIS tz, CO. —g „Dealers in WateAt r te, Jewelry, Silver, G mime Sil ver, Plated and Brit.tannia Ware, Cutlery, Mil- ,itarjsmul Fatly outls, N 0.7 Reed Goose, Erie 2 4 1 WILLIAMS It.. WRIGHT, Wholesale and Ititail-Dectlers In Dry Gonris,(l = o series, Ilardwa o t Crockery, Glassware, Iro , .street4oo4u Nails, ther, Oils, etc. etc. coiner of State thq nblie Squa, opposite the Ea ttic 1 Tav rn, Erie.; Pa. WILLIAM' RIBLET, Cabinet Alaber, ,lipboister and Undeitaker, State Streei, Erie Pa S. DICKINSON, M. D. Physician an. Surgeon, alike nt. Seventh Street, west (tithe iMethinlist Church, Erie, Pn, WALKER & COOK, General Forwardinz, Commission, and Produce Alcrchants; Red IVare llousa, east of the Pub. lie Br JOSEPH KELS Manufacturers of Tin, Cop ,t and Sheet-iron ware corner of French anti streets, Erie. LESTER; SENNETT R. CHESTER, Iron Founders, whole.4alt; and retail deal'ers in Stoves, Hollow-ware Se. State street, Erie. Ps JOHN H. BURTON k. CO tyliolesale and reta 1 n Drugs,Atcdic i lOvit'Sto , Groceries, c.No . 4 'teed .1.110 1 Eiie, P. (C. M. TILIBALS, Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries„S.l. Cheapside, Eric Pa. GOODWIN VINGLIT - - Dealers hi Dry Goods, Groceries, & r e., No Donnell Block, State st.,Erie, • CARIPEIt Esr, 11ROTIIER. ')calecs in Orugs,"Nledicines, Paints, D Ktifb, Glaes, No. 6 need Pa. . • B. TOMLINSON f.. Co. 'orwardin". and Comitlission MereltaqtF; 10 Street,,Eric, and at Gth'Street Canal Ba ,son, also dealers in Groceries and Provisions. lEN RY CABIN ELL calor in llardteare, Dry Goods, Greeeries, ca -t side of the. Diamond, and one door ea.t of the Earle Hotel Eric Pa. EAGLE ito,TrA.b, liiram L. l llrown, corner of State street and' the Publicioware, Erie, Pa. Eastern, Western, nd Sonthern Stage (ace, LYTLE R.; HAMILTON. ashionable Nlerehant, Tailors, on dm Public quare,' a feu• doors west of State ttreet, Erie, Pa, , JOEL, JORNSON: - ' - 12aler in- Theological, MisCella-aortas, Sunday 9,94 Chssieal School Book; Stationary, etc. etc. 1' 1 1o; f 1 I, FrencliStreet, Erie, Pa. -- P._ A. R. BRACE, . tkolhey end Coasellor atlaw, Prairie du Chien, W T. practices in the counties of Cran'ford, Grant and lowa, W. T,and in Clayton county, /own Territory. T, ANTED in exchanfze for Goods, Wool, Bin ' ter, Cheese, and all kinds of' Country Pro- Ice.• Fl. C;ADW ELL. Jun'e G 3 ARDWARE.—heIf Hardware and House Trimmings can always be had very eitcup at le cheap store of ' S. JACIPtOSI clo. November 21. 1916. ASH FOR TIMOTHY SEED.—Tho pub scribers will pay cash for good clean - Tirno y_secd. ' B. Tomj,,,lN SON lk CO. I.OVER AND TIMOTHY • SEED.—rot sale at , C. M. TH3BAL,S. MdILI 1,18 . 171 50 5 5 •• S' series 61* School teaks, lt 4 and 5. for sale at No. 111, French St. Erie, May 6, 1847. REMOVAL. 1 LOOMIS & Co. have roamed kit stork • o(CLOCKS, Wesca Sewr.LeTJFAtfvit oons,iste. etc., No. 5, Peopie Row, State street, arly dpposite the Eagle H ote l , w.[ arly will Pleased to have their ti lends call as usual. S, A laroaddition to their stock in 'rade ill be. Inade in a short time, Eric,p a ID. 1.947, • - have Ilse beatassortment that will be in this market oral) kinds, including swan's self imported-black and fancy 'Kid !my and vat iega d Silks and China Liaen. Ipril 'ILLIA NIS Isl. WRIGHT. . , . • .. ... ~ . ... - •• -... ;•-; • . . • • . 3 -• ', 1..= .. . • ::. ' ' :.: I .- -=.. .'.- ••• :" • . . . .. , 14- -• - - . . t • .. .• „ . - ."'. . , •-•. • . ~ e • •• `...- i •'•. - -•••••• •', ' • '" '-`:.' •-• :. ''' . I , -Z.,: . '„, .•:,„" • ••••,.. -• ' , . -•". .. , - ~ , •4 , • '', - A • . • . . . -- . ' - " ' • . '' . 1:. , , ."!...(•- '...* ,•••:i-i ..,-,,:.,•..-;, •,:1... wail .j - ~, •••,-, ; , . . ~. - . I I • - . . . , _ - . ~, `' • - '• ' • ' • -,.• • 4 .. ' ,- . - . . , . . ' I . . . •- - , : . te Address of the Stat) paittee ' o the prople of Pennsyli PE.I.J.our CEriztyis--Th members of the tate Central Committee' )1 the Damociatc arty, appointed_by the late 4th of Ma rc \ ,h , con. cotton,. deem it a duty,_ia the ftilfilmook \ ef lie object of their appOint ment, to address t ou id,relation to the prey tit condition of the m Coantry,,and to call yo i ir attention tothe partanae of the_ approa hing eleetton. - ISEXIME Never at any period sine the commence ment of our history have the people at lafgc and especially the • Detii.cratio, ptrty had more cause to conis•ratulai. each other Upon the progress of : freo princ,ples in improving the condition and extending the happiness of. man.- The people of these U. tatas,'arcall, without respect to party or :sect, in the and peaceful enloyment attic most enlar ged eivil and religious rights ? , which are not orly tecured by constitutional provisions, but by hat which is mush stfonger, the, good sense' Lind sound judgment 'a an enlightened '4 . 10 liberal community. It else gives us unfeign dd pleasure to join in congratulations upon the general prosperity which pervades all the 1 • business and pecuniary relations of the pea; ple. Not Withstanding the predictions of o'ur leading' Federal opponents of the ruin• and desolation which was to follow the election of the Detnocratic candidate's in 1844, our Prosperity has been onward ever since, and at no period of our existence as a people',-have all the departments of industry—agricultural ) mechanical, commercial and manufacturing, : been in a more prosperous and healthy condi tion, and labor more in demand Al fair rates of compensation than at tile present_ time It is when labor commands -its just reward that an hottest and industrious community is alwa3,-s the most hippy • , This•condition of things we hav6 reason to ibelieve rests on a substantial,b i asis, and is the' esult, in a great degree, of a sound and lib eral syStem of policy founded upon just prin iples of conimircial intercourse and reciptd= city, in connexion with a constitutional sys tem of finance nn the part of tho general goV erTent, calculated 'to pievent exbessiva sues of paper money, and to maintain a sound currency. . , Our Federal friends, hoWever, would have you believe that all our present prosperity re sults from the scarcity of provisionsinEttrope,, and the consequent high - *ices in this coun try. That the scarcity in Europe of, bread sttiffi has tended to raise prices , in this coun try, we will - not deny. Every Man (Wm:Mi nion sense be Waist. Put ev ery person of intelligence and candoi is also, hoUnd to admit, that the reduction of the du.; - , ties on onr flour and' grain in the Englith' ports, with thtifi modification of our own . ttiriff on their productions ] is tainulated to • enlarge the trade between the two countries, and • in crease the exports of our grain and , flour per manently; and as this will increase the ability, of our citizens to purchase and consume man ufactures, it will add in the pinspetity of ev ery branch of industry in the country. - : In-re gard to the iron and coal interests; they:Will be especially ben Plited 'by Ihe demand for lion to make 'rant-oak to carry the . 'products ultigrj,, culture to market and to - supply -the,wafitit of an milarged internal as well ,as- external cum ermine! in fact, Wo 'regard our - ,donleatiP tliAti - - ufaCturcs, l as , eistahliehed that with moderate,but certain duties 'properly, ,arrangt. ad . they" can withstand the. competition orthe, world; and in this - filinion We - pre confirmed , by, the ludgMent of . prectiCiti ?flip . arta* gaged. Anenlialing new', ge. tabliabraenta under ther,piesclattariff; withottti any teasotiablei hoPe'efitictirmxieiliatt-01ante.: -, ,Ournpponents - iinstrOer';httitink been,,driyin,l by the , experience of 'the ce . untri, 'from ' 4l their old positions in regard to tank in the • I 31101tElir .112 VANS. /BY ' MONTGOMEBY. - ` 'hat bird in beauty, flight, or song, Can with the bard compare, . Who sang 5g sweet, and inner' as strong, -As ever child ofair? ' ." " His plume, his note, hie form; could MUMS, Cdr whim or pleasure, change; He wint not one, but all bwurns, \Vali transmigation strange:— ' The Bhichbird, , oraele of Spring,, Whorl fluw'd his moral lay; t The Su:allow, wheeling on the wing, Capriciously atplay: The littinmin4 bird, R -Om bloom to blooM, , Inhalingimavenly holm; . The Raven, in the tempests gloom; The "Halcyon in the Cahn: n "aida Kirk Allowy," the Owl, At mci t telsiag time of night; • Doon,! th earliest fowl That earied to the I ght. ' • • De was tim'W:ren anidithe grOve, When in his -homely *cirri - At Barineeltipro the bird ofJove; With thunder in his train:— TitoWoodlark, in his mournful hour., Tile Goldfinch in his mirth; lit of his po -Ors, uid earth:-- The Thrush, 4 eper!dth Enraptinini2 heaien The Swan, in itinljesty • Contearplativ and st But roused—no Faleun Could, like his satire nd grace, in the , The L 1 innct, simplicity; ! • In tenderness, the Dove; Dm more than AU besidt, was ho The Nightnigale, in, Oh! hetl he never-stoop'd to s)lamP, Nor !cut a charm to vice, - . How ktl d ,devotion lord to name s r TI t Bird of Paradise! 6 1 .: . . Peac Ito the dead! In Scotia's choir Of tiinstrel's, ;treat. and small, He skan.z from - his spontaneous fire, The:Pittenix of them all: ------- _ .....-- Unite& Statei; a - high: proteetive 'tariff, and their opposition to the Independent or Uoristh tutienal Treiniury, new seek to 'find Canso of opposition to the ttentociatin &drill the war With Mekico. in regard ' -the bank they told'the people that it was 'iridisP‘ailire to their Prosperity, and that the :country cotild l'net exist virithotit it. - "They even excited their partisans to niadness and encouraged - a reVo lutionary-apirit amongst the ,people by'de nouncing Cieneral JaCkSon as a ty,rtnif and an usurper, for his opposition to altimeter batik which sought to - place Itielf ahem the coniti tuteeauthorities of the nation, and to control the - government. A distinguished, 'Member of the party on this oec,asion address ed the populace of Baltiratire,'on Sundayiand by way of encouraging and justifying, their conduct, declared ((that in roVolutiOnary Ones there were no Sabbaths." New the seine partizans say 'that a Bank of the - United States anobsaltite idea." . • Before the modification of the tariff. of 1842 they declared that if the.act of 1846 became a law, that nearly all the furnaces, forges and manufactories of the country would have to stop; that men• Would have tb be turned out 'of employment -to starve;-and that the produc tions of the farmers would rot on-his handsfor want of a home-market.' lii How these predictions have beeri ver7ficd let' the-present condition of the dountry an swer. They made Abe like pre , idtions in re gard to the operations of the onstitutional Treasury; yet it has been in op ration gout year, and the country has no .er enjoyed'a higher degree ofprusperity., Their opposition to the' Dein. crtic piny on account' of the Mexican Wa is entirey' consistent ' with their former induct and ptattice. . In speaking of our opponents pelted to call them by their. pry Federalists—not 'in derison 'or vie are corn per name of unkindness, but because it is impossible to deeignatEj thew by, all the names they have, at various times, 'assumed to'suit the emergency in l ‘iihieis Ahoy wereplaced,and to avoid the gulitrid odium of their political i offences. There is no fact which goeslerther tallish guilt than that of the accused , ing his name sethat he may not be kno Central Cam, This`the Federalists have done Over ant Itimin until any of them litivf3 petst triemselves t mt they are not Feftralist • 1 good honest 'Democratic Whige 4 It is, how ver, a fatal self-delusion, and a me l ro halluci atien of the mind.', Ti have 'no just clai to the name. There wor men in &It day ,‘ 1 ho took sides With; Oho epemy 1 , • , against the Whig's of the Revolution. ,ilst as the'l 1 tedei•Sialf the Present opposition rparty' , 1, take sides • t he Oonstitute ; au , 1 Inot•ities of BEE The Who,. were the advdCates of tiro rigfiis ti 4 / ,t i.,..... ty, and Werewill inglto sacrifice evory tbing'bu N t 'honor in 're sisting the, , tyianny 'mid -6pprlitsiort •oi't the liinb• and Parl l 'itment of Great BThairi,i ad IT' I \ for the pro.ahl4ment of a free and •inde end grit governs ie' . I. ' ._, due as then their sentiment . a 4kl:c;,„-,a. ? \ as the test by Inch to determine' what' con stitutes a Whi , what just claim can thelFed eralists make to the name? May we not ap peal tthe fath ra of Democracy Wha are yet amon st us top ove that fiom tite establish- meat t?f the co stitutioh•to the present day, the !eluding Federalists, in all the r difliculties we hate had with - foreign. powers, took ltides I against the Demberats and justified the,epe -mies.4theirr country, Inst as they are now ,justifyink the Mexicans, and condemning Mr. Polk aid the DemocratiC party: ' When, Great Britain was insulting oar IN, jmpressiog our seamen, naturalized and na tive, ctrl seizing . nnd, condemning oulthips and tnerchandize under various false pr6tencea prior to the declaration of the war of 1812, Mr. Jefferson was anxious to brink then to a ir , sense of justice without resorting to wrt by the adoption of peaceful measures. It 1- for this purpose the embargo and course laws were - adopted. These laws denouriced by the Federalists from ono e the Union to the 'other -as tindonstitut and oppressive; and such was the feel tunonist" the New England portion the' that the laws could not be executed, ttrt was their objet defeated. _' LThey then denonnced -Mrs' Jeerson, the whole Democratic party asp sillani i t and said they' could not be kicked into a . At length, when. Mr. Madison, who had . , succeeded Mr. Jefferson, recommended war as the only alternative left to preserve thetights and honor of the nation, the Fedeml , tune ‘vas changed. The Democrats were,jhendenounc. ed for making war without. reparation, and by many the war woe declared. 113: wii4ed ,and unjust, - as the leading Corwin Federalists now denounce; the Mexican war. - • Many of the New England'orators ,declarl ] ed it ounbecoming e wo motel and religions . pie to rejoice at out victories,!' and time - was the war continued, 'and the arm of the nation iri a Alegee pem)4o 1 1, the Machinations of Federalie th, until it ended in tne-,unparalleled victory of . the Bth of Januiry 1816, pt New Orleans, *chic* undeltho aus.l Pices of Andrew .Jackson: : •The results of this .wargave -almost- a death`hlow to Feder. auseri, end-then it was that they , :began'tolle; ny,their ancient name, and to seek for. othora more popular, •in order to deoeivo the .peopke and screen themselvee.frona the odiunioft heir tyaitorotts ctortduct._ j.). . . . , . But their, oppoeitign-to Datml.erttiip, n 144010 measeiaa, with a 'few horiorabha .exeepats ?: cOininut4 tie enure s rte Matter : Oat s Imam they. - „During th'a, administration Ge,aoal,44cle• ago a ,tipi,ty_waa."cartalmiai) 1r5:440 1 , :. *bid) cop feipme4, to 4 otr.l fqr sPoihttiot* °/11 , °- 1 4 pommorcel4, t48t.,,1110,1012 t ,<Y0f sQlne , Oftuae l Arta the treaty-, was eopelodedi. 411 r're: l /0 1 Chamber of Deputies-refused to make thane, ~.T.HE•WOR . I.D ei G 'Di C . NMI SATURDAY t.,:l:zitt;lT- t0,'.1.01,,. _ . eeisarY iiiipropriationete", carry It into effect. iliiyte'•p:ay what the treaty stip:We:Ea should be paid, and the &Ili:CO : our governMent for one of the instaltrieutia • Was dishenordd. Thii . - -, • ~ , • was an act. of bad-faith on the partof France, 'to which the . administration was' deterbilded not te!stibmit, 'evert .at ,the risk of War: and ;O n. Jackson suggested that if . tho treaty was net carried into effectin good faith, we would hive a.right. to make - reprisals. how did the Sclera! party behave on (his occasion?"--. fitteir newspapers were filed with denuncia lionefrom one end of the Union to the other,, against the adminiitritlon for its rash and un called for recommendations which would, as 14, : saidi involve llte• country in a war. Mr. 'Livingiton; who was then inrFrancs sour Minister, urging home Upon the French over u meut the necessity of the execution of I qit treaty to preserve the amicable 'relations 1 the 'two goVernmetita„ said the gre.ltest oh icle he foubdin the ,way of effecting the oh st was the .Federal press, particularly:the tional Intelligencer, at Washir e n, which Irequested the geeretary Of St ' to strike ,5 Ir a ni the -papers seni to the legation, oh tie int of its anti-AMerlian character, which Na 6e+ fro . tvos done.. ilt ‘vill,alatt'be recollected that du ring this di'fFiculth it as onticipated, from news received just at the close of the session ofongreas in -the 'lyear' 1-05, that, Prance might take - advanta4of the.ithen unprepared cOnditiOn-of the e.r.ti, / t . 1 .. 7 and make a sudden tre 1 'oration of war., ,It was.therefero`propes ad tcr!placein appropriation of threeMillionS of ollaiO•ot the:dis seise! of the President to meet the contingent . The proposition was at •cce acceded to ky a Democratic House of ReJresentativesy and the appropriation was it granted, by an ove vhelming vote of that body. But how wa it treated by a Federal 1 Se ate? Rejected ntrrnter in the most un par iamentary and indignant manner. One oft e leading and t4St distinguished mem bers of that body, and the head and front of of Federalism, deelaringthat ho would not vot for it, "if (ke,ao,7nl) Were, at i rthe teats of .kbe capitol batteemg_ie dote/44 ' ~ ,Tlte appropriation . ;_sras boat by 4 disagree men betweem the t.,wo Houses.i , Nothing daunted, however, hy,t le anti-American con duct f 3 the Serunci, qo teral Ja(dison adheyed MI I Mil=l resol tely to his purpo e.' until he compelled Loni .Phillippe to mak a virtue, of necessity by pa ing `the indererity. Now weknow that. kt i .cpponents, ho call. themselves ~ 'Whig , insist that they re not the Old IFeiler al pi:vv. This, howeye ,as we have before said, 4 a mere eV i asien, t avoid the odium of their former ileelle., l ;lli \ e know , there have been iidividnal ciii4h40..1:.113..1*5.,;,.. z i ..1.7,,i fists have come iiitcrthe Detneeratic ranks, and - scimo wlho were l4noera43 have . gpiie into the ranks of Federalism. . S ch c lanes will no doubt b constantly ,occu ring; but the, great i body of the parties are (—sell sally the same,' and the r principles identical. ilfas not Phil- 1 i 1 -' • I adelphi been always a Fodora tity—and is it not now a ‘Vhig city? • Werci lot Lancaster l , kfid Ad ms counties always F leral Tounties l • —and . re they net no v Whi L \V counties?— ero n ,t Alassactinse is and Rhode Island ,:. `alAvayS Federal States—and ar they not now Whig . I Do not these facts sh ow \ conclusively that modern ii , higgery 1 13.ohl 1 rectei - ,wlfsm Again, look at iold )34l s,nd old Northampton coon-1 ties, - in his Stag, ` Were they not strongly,' 'Whig 'mantles in i76—:Democratie. in 1799;1 - I ' for Jeff rson against ,Ada N msDemocratic in the war of 181 p —and aMleynot Democrat ic still? And again, look at the States Of, Fermsy,vania and yirginia=tvere . they :sot Democratic in 'the days oflefrersoe, Madison, and Jac tson, and rire they not still; , Democrat- I le? Dki l' not these ,few facts sl/Hy'clearly that essentially the same at this time'' were in the . early days of the Repub-1 ' this 'fact, hoWeverove have further 2 1 growing put,',of the relations, of the tithe present war. The Delictrats•l that the unjust conduct of the Alexi- I Wards our citizens; and their repeated-1 ions 'upon our National rights, and es;-,1 their' assassination of Mir officers and 1 upon our own sod, prior to the battles th and 9th of May, fully justify the I the .present adminis.tration in the ion -of the- war until an honorable hall be, ohtained, and' some guaranty fit it will beeobserved. . -.. . over itaded is but parties I as they' lic? 0 evidence .• parties believe cans, to aggress ) i pecially soldiers of the course I prOsecit peace sl given t was ter. 'ore ul of onal ings and oils It is, indeed, a matter of history 'that we had just] cane° cif, war with them tong since, hut, int wing - our own strenittlt and- their wealrue s, we forbore, and:Jice endored more wrongs t their bands thlin would 'have - been -tolerate by us from Great Britain, France, or any oth r, nation ion , t lie face - of the globe: -tit length,- mboldelted by our for'oettranne, and mistakinOettr magnanimity for- weakness or i cowardi e, -Mexico declared and commenced the war tererilf, Now the Federal party, es pecially ,he letiderS, leber in .their papers and in their,speeches to, prove that this is. an un iust and wicked-Wer, for which the, emeerats are elenojespousible-=just as they did during the war of 1812 3 : With . Great Britain, and as they indicated their course 1835, in our threat ened. diiiicUlties Nith'France. 1 .. ..- , ,„ .. •.- . . lithe 96a stopposition the,toPenincratip party is' really . a Whig oppealtion,.the„word must haveltgrne meaning very.-4.llfferentjtrOa wiiat it had Sin - the days of ,the f!,evcdotion: n those ; days the ritiligs,,ftelc P 1 74,1. with i their country, aqd the Tories with thelenenly,, It ,!t*erlasvhoWler, , that Our., ,oppOoT4,3,,tavv, , ' fOund out th at] I( they cannot alter, th ings; they, can change : 1111 , Mc 1 4. --- :': ' :- ' - 1 •-, - ~ 1 , -,': z ..-.;z: ..- ;Ate regret cite exiateneeef 09:.'warlel,?tii 1 4 Causes ,which,:brOught it sin ;- .hut,wo - tleera ir,... the duty ,Of i eviry.good citizen to isustoi c ti :the 'ominiotnitigatAotyigerensprosecuth ‘ inuntii y t ti*Frletnrelea.iclfill.ce 4 - d OPC ) !! i ! lktc?:---Tiacq piitce ; on - =faireel batiorol6",te mii; : ~ "00 ItifetticaueCoattnencedAti liii4 the r jmicl thole in:our owsi:Ociuritry.who take sittitilheio . . ~.. . ~. by denounCing the 'conetititted a orltieS o 1 the country and placing our own government , in the wrong, aro renp,onsthin nue: „ „ , , If the . Federal pres s, and esi onal I n telligeneer, paused so to Liviogeton, in tra4i oup Alifrerenees with that gov must,be the etregt of thevatute others of like 6tamp, ,pow t t' p#9pl ntueli leas , intelligent the Free'ch, on the qttestion oil a :question worthy of the arithmeticians of our 1 'Rena we wilt drop the itub,ie ent; simply remarking that tye are many doo4 and patrioticf i n of our opponent 4, who do not course of their , leaders, and wl rendei:themiehes subject to -o1 their adherence to a party dr wrong. To such we say, in all kindn ity,. examine , your ' . position, yourselves acting with those , ins their countiy, come over to is psrty. It is the party of th whtiteyer may be, its errors, found taking aides in tine common enemy. It was oni,intention.When this address to call your atten i ly try the affairs of our own Ste the • piesent condition of the I with its , condition a few years a however, extended , mit remark. matters 'connected with the menf, beyond what we intend therefore weary your patience a going at length into the admit& fairs in our own State. We s for the subject of another addre The State iMprOVeM441 m 4 a and will, from the most aut I te we have been able to:obtain, el. million pf dollars to the ,treasu present fiscal year, after the p expimses, unless - some, unfore 'should occur. We know oti no that are being perpetrated on t Commonwealth. We Ihelieve frilly collected and applied tit th Ilhe accounting department ha onsly engaged in settling - old - , enforcing_ the payment of arr which a very considerable su the last year or two, been re 41 1 .,, terest on the 'public debt, we b pUnctually pahron the ist of . • the same sound policy itAcl l ec ;he administration of Floil_during - tlio prood dt continue to bapaid of only so; but t i e fe. I short bona-a resike. established, to - o;4a pUI4 debt, annually Akrition. , tiPeetiin t Lac proleal tion, it ;Wi Come. N in ll' yery fnrid cnk t tion oflto inc;reas d The 'di aeu'lized tll friends. ' t inistration of Got. S i eexpectatinnso~ his • le js honest and cap fes and in tlici'r his pincin To his-firs the preven the, last se the ascen and well b: his re,:ele. • mess we are . gretl , l inn'of many bad me sinn' when the Feder! : 1 ant. - We ladie d ve , t i ar t • ing of the C mon% tioa, and the re .tr cd and energer in .-1 active, uni Our candidate for Canal Co admitted on all hands to be a tionableand excellent man, • wel the situation, and•Will' add st Party. • The accounts we hat -0 of -o l front, allpares of the Commonwe' ly flattering to' our success. however, suffer this to make us We have a vigilant opposition to ever ready to avail itself of our errors Or negligence, It there every dembcrat to be at his Ems form his duty to.himself, to the didates of the party,•to his S country. - • L. •REII / Y 7 • ISAAC G. lirKtstme, SWEETEN LIFE' Qh how gloriousto malte ever] ant-4o throw sunshine upon ev Sweeten life by smiles, kind woi shine. Make joy to spring in yi love glow on every face. 'lnsst iog angry feelings to the boy dirt on' you, 'say to him, with t little fellow.' be careful," and pa; peed on it, the little fellow Will you again. 'To the man' who pu fist in your face, say,'"Atydear s respect for 'yotirielf," 'and' lit xVil Mind in a Moment; Di) you'evc a'rperien deWn it the heel? and point him teen acre Of aunt! on the.far hills. - Has' poverty b friends to the bluest Open ynn your purse. A large purse andh will , sweep the cloud from his fac life, we repeat: There are surto and-disappointments enoult in al ivithout your adding to, th tn'e is a loud, call for.imiles, tore, itiM !words, and . cheerfet looks, you have nothing else; these enow,.and,adil 1F )nrge..epount, to i t opnn comfort 141 human. happii yAss 1T Itourin,-74 y I•4 4 ime who works_kborsu during thoJ can prUmelnits , conatart by them' iciw plo Jaded tetallist , the Vake_t,wovislbielftendfnl tearer upurilvbich-po.fir:Ora qt t 1 c.lsid, vatetijt it.:infuett,•ll:me ottte:100; e t a Ot . 11440tviifj it, and before the etie gaiti4tit let_tlieFe per k.% which .are Meet smeared over, with the liquor.; 1 ; . , -'----:'. likt ' I F -1 1'1111 . , r 1 . , ,:.,,:.- .- -, . I,' - ....`'..l. ' , ~,*:- ..- • - .. K- ,- ;• ...........---. .._ ... •' . ; -:-: TENNESE'E GALLAN/ V ItY : • , . ' - coif. the departur e of the, first Tennesseeiv 7 giinent "fireltleiee, the. young ladies of the senor class Of the-Nashville-. Female, 11.eade my; presented to the regiment • a flag; which their fair hands' had ,embroidered. . The gal- lent:lTennesioeaes swine never to diShenor it, , end:nebly . did , they Ite4p their pledge:, They returned with rinks thinned by. disease andhattle,:hirt witkuustainedhonof; and ha v e returne i dlt flag, ,covered - itli' glary; to the hands itlt ',t; ,i*a"%:e.,t." Masi ! 07.1 r E. rogul i t Was aptie, nted Ify her 'etassmateS to receive the banner; nd we , find-in onelof rain. T ennessee ..esehattgeti, the name of Which has ' e l f icapekpg, the following sineP; W ritten - by one' Of the: vel unteersi. - --- We've borne the noble gift afar, , . , - And proudly taw we steed, Ben eatif.lts fol4e; an many 'a field, , ' Where bleed like vi , ate'' flowed; .' . And dyinxeyes have oft been turned To where it fliated past, , When gallant fermi upon the cull!. Like leaves, tiere riding last. . • ,'" lof its continu- , cOiatly . the Na much difficulty • , in adjusting • rnment; _ what reS.l,,and all t telltexicaus, a ,a, a bah! than r'peaee. : 1 '.. f,the - attentin 1 Fed*l . ppo t far the res 7, . now tiett, there n in the-i•anks ctpprewe of the o ought not to" le remarks by, tt is habitually ss And sincer nd it you find ho aro oppos.' the bernocrat countly,,und never be mt. with :the We bring it back, unstained and pure; And glory still will be With that bright banner, While the tale • p told of Montereyi , / • And gentle eyes t, will drop a tear, jo alt who proudly _ Yielding their heart's blood for tbe pledge Of those they loved so wet!. C commenced ion particular le, and contrast I ommonwealth FORTITUDE -lINVER ADVERSIT V.t A- mo r e true or forcibly beantiful 'moral picture could scarcely be delineated by the pen, than, .that which we find recently introduced into 'tut ar- tiple in a London paper, upon the character of a good man bearing , up cheerfully Under the misfortunes of life. "There is no spec- • taele," slip this writer, "upon which God de- lights So much tolook as upon that of a : gpod men struggling under the weight. of misfor tune- Atm power of fortitndo, tint evidencei or afiran faith, the Clicistinn• resignOtion of a chastened s pirit unfold their beauties to the omniscient mind of iiim,tii whom all things good are pleasing—the wisdom of his creation is vindicated; and the Cre4or then,. if at any time,' has caub - c• to ptonourre it "eery good." To men, top, is this an adlnirable spectacle: to sec the Man borne doWn heavily by the pressure of Ihiszoes, struggling. cheerfully I with fate; and aWT, ea wave after wave of mis fortune rolls" civer his:devoted head, yet once more breat h s up R 'prayer of gratitnde and praise, is in itself 511 0 iplilbi i IV', so flottering to human nature, thot the iwise, niith nne voice, have given, to the spirit, lly whose. power the sufferer is supported, the .rnagnifi ,cent name of philosophy. I it. is th e union of all that is good oil who nod ;linos Upon earth, C4REOFC SENTIm3N 4 .--4The sentiments Which follow are worthy to be placed in every house c and engraved on everiliega t i Nothing is more certain, ; yet feW• thing's less thought of; than the mulations of gover ty. Ofthis, education is. th'e great cause: ' i will - venture 'to . say that 'Vont h eliented With .. - the expectation's of picsidth4ng great Wealth or suffood Oven to suppose they are to later - - it_tt, — mbibe exactly' those principles; - .notions ; undo inions, 'which preitent them fratn.4o - it ' Oil the contrary, the hardihood s.`f povsity, and those enterprislicg and scheming habits,Whicti are acquiring itiintintttrions 3n-: digence, will inevitittiy 1p.341 tV ‘lteliiiti trid probably to poWer. i will . assert, W l ith pin , specti‘e ,certainty, that tho, children of. those youth whom I now see siVolling with , Canse , quential inflations of the pride Of,.%veeltln wi l l in thOr daybefinlod itt : the haunt s of wretCli edness, white the:offspring Of '144 `.n indus trious, smutty-faced apprentice boy will he \ blazing in all the tinselled . trappings of for tiine. - . - R. 0. We have in_refaticin to neral , govern d, ane will not this timi, by - tration o af- Lail reservelthis le doing well, c imformation • ar at least l one y doting 'the ,iririent of fall -cen casualty I yaste or fr e funiti o bey are f, it proper becni ass =wits, aragek, ha's, wi ed. • The wi 6 ugust,_en om bin in I be if !, r aintirs t adminia ifor all ti I assured ' I ; table Eltl ; flguish l t; i~ ionls law u l l oet langui We, sound nninteivfn indebted f sures durin MEI= e piospetit • ealtir Oman • ge you. to b is support. imissioner is ost unexcep quulifi•d for ti our r prospects, lith, are lagh e must not, oo"confidettt.' oritend with, indifference, re behooves , and to per- t ell tried can-' 4te,lantif his hairman. ‘ll'. • MORAL COURAGE. IY tiVERY-DA 'L1FT...1.": Ha‘ve the courage to , discharge a ddbt white you have the money in your pocket: Have the coiling° to do without that which you do not need hoWever,elnich . Your eyes may covet it; " liave courage to speak your mind, %imit is necessary you should do') so, and to hold you tongue when it is prudent ycid slMuld do so. Have courage to speak to a friend in a "see!. (Iy7 coat, even though phi are in company 'with a rich one and richly attired. Have' courage to own you are 'poor,' ant diiarmpovertrof its sharpest sting - Have dourage to make a will, and a jitst. thing pretia'-: ry ds, and sun .dr, path, and •a 4 of-show who sweeps oMy :a .. en. De pot trouble s his dotible hit;, , emoro I change his r meetwith eze his hand ine, resting •ought_iour: Have Oaurage to to}l - ,a man , why you will of lend him'yoor moucy. ' - Novo our to. "C'tit i ' the most agreeable tte.7 aintance you have; when you are detainee& hat he lacks principle. sc.k friend should hear vith a frrend's rmities," but not. with his ices.• a— - • - Parc the courage to show your respect for tifi e styo it whatarcrguise it appears; and our contempt fur disltolie*ty and duplicity; y whomsoever exhibited, 1_ hiait and iglit dollars ~; Swetten vs and. paihs conscienc, int. 'r,ilsve, neas t sweet • nate the to wear yolr old Clothes iitil yOu'etinpny for new piles. • p' . rive courage - to obei . yoUr illaker, at the laic of being ridiculed, by man: paycourage to take a good paper and to pay for it annually itiadvance. Hallo boyi Does year fattier tad the pit: peral sie-ee—but I does. The news boy leaves one Xr‘Joifes' steps, and:l 'pikes it -, just es eesy: and dad he road s he doese ,-Hnilosen't do anything else-Main hoidoserit.2 7 :2;Ex.' piper. - . We are tarry to say 05.1,1,110 1 / 4 1 are Jtfat• of Ike name ~nort left in these,diggins. iyok C.o,n Va.- tip stock.of. ess;,‘ - - eiul, man" of Ton Out, of 030 rots. teasing' of .k 1s ot*alntit tkit 'C.0414: ; it,. 10010 tliti'stabl Itibilge be Y it. Iltisio.-44ckis theOfeg of er i . ehr* ;1. -1 11?1 ho id half-iptitet . Anil bait htST•ri akter ' -NUN like b lee t=the more' lirias duty edn'teln; the you eats Ilesr them. tit- Mei Are the retire Modest irta re tiring they appear, the better you love them. =II3=EIMMEM!! _E!M! , L . TAst, ha! vyrkfcii' li - deliii 0p1,014,y to . hie "Illtahitto iries. A posticitl.estbLitit • _ ton ( • lrt.) - TY:es_ ,rr' r'sB:l tte s il . F.eil • them; bite i iIT a more pra liar style.. Lie sayet• , Great tVeiterrt - waste of hottnie . hal; - • Flat ad a. patcah,e, ric hl a' item Where ati fi re till tte 4g , aetoktK And 'skew's tire as iIIF aelearo: 0 lonesoidt'; ' 1 '11•41f, gio ?,V- - 144te ! :..... Where buillne4 and s akestpreifaill . ,"the Ars: witlildlenall in kin,kfaae. ,-, st l 'l'fie last iri; dreadful, soundirt4l - 0. I'd rather live n eriMef's 'tn*.. - - : . 4 .: And he it Yanheedohdleh'e l t.. ,, r rt ',•-, Titniiwhere they never ie4 44114: , Alit} shake to tle,ith whit Tever,..,i'art „ . 7- _. .. ~• --.. FEW rwrre 1-0 . 41. - E.icr AWAY fx.Are,P - riatei. ' Rise early in the rnorninp., l ,,aii during the day, attending t) yo . ness i , I:nd not worrying ;yourself , nolghber's Concerns: 1 • 1 . Qive oncouragem'ent to' i l tiFirdd In all cases give preference . o lisn factures,over foreign. ' 4 - - stead of following the 'fTali pt ,. frs, cultivate a' Ipfrit of alkk de ide for yource'yveshow i you nndlioots shall be made. heels out of the streets, unless yquito transact that which yda your stores, slioysi or dwellings: By all means keep away froni gat l fibling houses, land, above al, detes i tlble and despisable leaferl I • It rdoarp-manufcctory—,•the I t hEititt . l i, : - . N''' Heri- yeti buy 'an - article Of ;cl 'think; study In 'mendable eynotny; at theleme-time get ed a rticl4and .when • made, talio: particu 1. l care of it, and *eat; 4t (4titii r - 4 1 ta 1 c4l' of g 1 :1 1, change of: faChion,, . Faslitatii .:a great rant, and..r4en aVe , ,,foole to be. alay•Cs tO it. flty ht hom&of nights, irnprtd ouraelvs edding, wrliing, or insi itic(.iv 4qaycfsa -1 arid 'retire td I Your • beds ltt att coSilY _lti)nr.. 'e kind to yourl relations, iohliging to.your Ids, and charitable to alli L dnd rzerer per rthir bin wily the prince i-s id itin 'pp tfr ft: I • ~ . 'lll the I'M trio mit FE , 3cpxAn Sin TE3IENT.:- 7e lit, stdtettlent lin one of -p7 'log that many of tht Ito! Its of tts t arninOkn in Aiekiir -0 on Piilidayi he 4ttle of Paid Alta tlis \ \ , l the Bth day of May. ' • `'.6 Anteri . oni Artity arriYed arid t(0 ixlk - . Ain frdtlt of-Monterey sit) inglayi - thil day of Seetember=ihe ba e tenttiihne,- e nest nlorning. 6 Battle of Del Ishikei Nek feii66;'o,ll2 it on Stisimr, the dith dny f tignari t s e battle of nUent} Vista - ho l ointehttd tiif sr, - thh 41st day orebistiifr. J, - . . hnirendel•rif the oily and ' j Vas andel to Gen., Scott 6i:p17244ti the \ I, air of Oar6hi . battle of SaErinfetittr, !Chillatillni, *is On StiNdAtr, - the Bth day Ot Marc* \ bdttle of Cerro GoH eoiiniterfetd'On , the -17th day of Aril. . 1 ' I I'. .--r-..,... .• ; .1 lOW WII4t, YOU 11AVi Prt ‘' fow• 1 sho ecci pl r.. FAT siti( 20t1 ed tl, nio g Strr Th Crtiz 28th Th( Th el St;:usA alm - has been a great deal of flisOitittoit hose who ` re philolOglste,in4 ididn4 ' o , are. hot,! eboOt fres beiegi r ' . 'Anti oui nd Chandler, of 1116 . tiiiiltdl"'Statep to whom;. and to the mealeijr, of iiii \. dg . ' Rolla, alltOn iiir do, haii fought i tout haute on th. Aeld 4 i fctr4.43 . t. - btilli" and so forth, ' etietifilit 4s, and he Must tellp if 14 Ilitiathit iiin . ton Chionotype, 1011. the '64% itt the which gcoit f)l3ificil AY lifiAlegi 1 bal Is . I, a Mt-L'a ' alpabi hlti''', , r, I say, 'is my ch'clten hialilhge t . . "No,, silri the peek is ; " I :I. 1 atthinV, those ;vi Gazette wortnY many a bein sanction to the 80, follo*ln I what 0'0! 'S nitJ, ill'atZitlei the bbln; }le' is• 40d 'But r tough'." I "How bitqlTt t 1; ili you have it done; th ill I have it &he? W e is <Mink, sir.' u sai,l,.hci was broilitii , nOse/Aft P, but he b Ir. Waiter, (i•igiSitjg 464 1 1. 1 ,0 1 4/t, ) may I irsk, )ti your igh .Entm , ty, is an chiacx s.uma ' ‘l'lltit y “grs he "well, ) , 'Oereilt/ "Yes' !! , ,That vt, - - , liar should receive h etlaLsr ti. id rip;, Ntith as little delay , a ssibe, i d .. ' reuiustanes:-"Thila , tip ici Rut,: . , ~ . '•idre: . rigei don t i n l uet !sa t t b h e et. p t l o i. erm . 4 l r s es ,u beti T. , ttre more solid than th:qip Okat;ifu, • .ititl pi-esiets a. ftithesitrit iipt:= rifle nia'y tipriveustifthftir, , Vittlp rpfuge fix.ro_ 'all iielssittldis;::td ti t be nioderiite in" priisitiity; anti Idlsp"Orttged;ip idt,e'red yi She ,is of delight to goOd • inert ruld.forOp icked to pay ire boiiisg.: 1 ‘6' prufe"ssor. under the Win'. I - Love V and never procure u! flittering. ] Iskable ,; a alone i s trachea ii not kp be the seurc: even the i 6 Rtatt on horse], 13oston t 01 egaest.riai was Stare sported al tsiettet heard 'of Fi tempers, 1, 1 rhit. Oti/ 'RD TR.At'k-,;-.A lady wasseettrielini k, thrdUgh one of the etreetif ,cit, e afternoon list *eel!.,ll,ll,,fetn. a1e3... s aye stayed at in eititl; hut itAk it rittiablesly hard, btitaulte OS , air of nrCi, Clean sn'oftyl,, hp , Orii. v ia- 6 ' of straps. :We t:: , iutse 7 feed irt, - ruffied ' colt 4,. 'hailed 4, - Ttne eilkeforear—„ " feria. . : . , --' ft roan, tharthaying. 'gat his, 6 for .4 phybiailii' 1i.r40, after in . , Nrcundfr eq je sief his; servant to' rii possible, a d to 0t NM 4 certait) !CIN ,F i VlO 24,'a, Ptqien!,.`l der sti :greistl i ,' ' : - - . icTes," tiiref thhteptyi 'I( the, 'rail, aser4.afiedthe cat tiAl lie - •, he get: bazig i . Thc, world !lever chooses to a In ptaOrtuts circunistaneni. It i which mankind dare not aesaif:! El FOIE 11211 , ME EMI - • fAal i r to' Iffy a II icl-F ' be -diligent awn but nbsnit -.four n'dilstri'i and cirM' of dick* .14n4 1.-c;il;'lB_** osiOss catia cartrOt do jt; tinking and Owl? that making and fitad i tit, i d) r at ihipbttnnt 0 httb tither! - ight dit OM 71 *iklit it go,.r ? 6014 as rad as Taster: the dais= lid ter donsi ack mad a fortrese II