Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, July 03, 1847, Image 3

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    must have a change."--Federal Pa-
Vho but the Federal Ohio makers, who
„ only ride
ri o s f o t i the e
country prtriut ie
sinks, ltia , a
Matthew "
th sk ew s
a cH.AN I GE? i.
)0 the Farmers, who obtain one dollar and
, alf fur tlibir wheat, a dollar for their corn,
I rvpitinetss
v ia t c s a , s a h n r d or r o e the ady t
ask ' .i, ask for a CALINGE?
ifo the Mechanice, who have plenty of
r k, good pay, and li fair curetncy, ask for
Do the Merchants, who sell their goods at
I Do the Manafacturers, who run their mills
ght and day, and sell all the fabrics they
a produce at lii3Oi prices, ask for a CIIANdIa
Do the people urPenusYlvania, echo have
,t struggled out of the hideous jaws of re
diatido, iuto the pleasant paths of prompt
.yrneut, with honest men in the adruinistra
oli of thelgovernment, ask for a UIIANGE±
o tlnfpeOple of-the United States; who five
rars logo were begging loans in Europe et a
. 1 44iniW:but who can now command tifty
illions at s. premium, ask for a"CFIANGE?
None of these classes ask for a change; all
re prosperous and happy, well contented with
,sir lot, rejoiceing that their, government and
'ie people of this great and glorious country
re able to chastise, the enemies of the Re
ablic with one hand, and feed the starving
objects of crowned heads NV i t.ll , the otltoer.
None but federalipairic makers clamor for
CHANGE; but the people seem to under
tend them, and will adhere to the pilots who
nye steered the ship of State so safely through
he braelms of repudiation, and the whirlpool
;f graspint, monopelies:—)cm. Union- ,
ConrtlAs - r Or -CREDIT.—The subjoined
act gives a clear. 'comparative view of the
•mblic credit under a federal and under a
, E nocratic administation:
In 1841, in a time of peaee, and during. a
lug administration, our government haked
• Upited States six'per cent, stock all over
:mope, and was- not only unable to obtain a
;ollar, but was i derided for the attempt to_ re
.eW loans among 4 mass of disnonored paper.
n 1817, undo a democratic administration,
Hid during war, a loan bf 822,000,000 was
'dvertiseti, and bids to 856,000,000
vere of at a prendun by Atneribati hank
r--more than three dines the amount asked
tor.-I'icition Eagle. '
- The following - passage in relation to the
working, of the democratic financial measures
now in opperation is from the same journal:
Our moneyed institutions, which pretended
Ito date their ruin ' from the operation of the
!specie clause of the independent treasury law,
are declaring larger dividends than in any pre-*
iuus years. The dividends of nine N. York
tanks •n 1845 were $3, 25, in 1846 $3 35, in
1847 83 60. Those of twenty-four Boston
banks n 1845 were 4 , ::',325, in 1846 93 31, in
1847 fit 3 40, showing a regular increase of
The operatiou'of the low tariff an equally
pretended destructive measure, has bean no
legs successful, and, so far, the revenue de
rived from it ea` Beds not only the estimates,
but the business ott,ti v ist year. At the port of
New York, the incr ased imports from De
cember let down to April 23d, (four months
1 d
a d'a half,) have been 87.822,143. of which
II vaunt Et 4,610,867 has been received in tine
r, c e; and the receipts since , shows a similar
, vance. They %%mild have been greater
s ill, h e ad not the new warehouse system de
prived the government of the immediate re
ceipt oft, considerable sum for duties.
€l:;i' We owe our readers an apology "fur
the unusual space occupied b'Y advertisements
in this week paper. We will cyrtail them its
soon as poroiNe. ,
We are obliged to say that we have been
astonished at the vast number of curer Vaughn's
medicine, rdvertiscd in this paper is makiiig—
go and see the aent— , ret a book.
CrmaterFri.. Au riov. —I t is alundamental princi
ple of pll phydc it knowledge; that we can me ;ye
'eosin ? and destroy nothing. tVe may 01,111!14:.
the 14shion and properties qt all things, but to turns
new laws of combination or • new species of mat
ter, belong, to' the Creator. Hence results the
tundmenon energy and extraordinary virtues 91 .
the GARGIAXG thL, as evinced in the cure of tho.le
ol.Mlinate di:maYes which resist the action of all
ether.('N imp) remedies and oils.- It dues
not remove a' diem.° by mechanical ionic; but by
exciting 3 iJoneriM chemiivai influence in - the
rnothid part, atTeeting a change in the condition
of its elements, anti thereby res.oring healthy ac
Linn; and 'numerous are the ine•tattees in which it
has been hitt/it le to cfreet radical and pork-ct t ures,
of which a member or highly interesting eases
could be introduced, butour limits forbid. See
advertisement in this paper. A pamphlet or de
.,eription-enety be had CRAT 15 of the agent. .'
MARRAED—In Pittsburgh, on the 24th
ult. by Rev. Mr. Sparks, Mr. John H. Burton,
of this place, and Miss Mary 3nn, daughter
of John Herron, Esq., di that city.
, In Pittsburg, on the same du) l , by the mace
Mr. Richard Sill and Miss EN.a P. daughter
of John Herron, Esq., alt of 11101 city,
On the 30th ult., by G. J. Ball, Esq., Mr.
Henry Lucia and Miss Mltry Nutting.
On tile Ist inst. by the same, Mr. James
McConnell auJ Miss Sarah Jane Fisk.
lllEl) .. +fit the residence of his (-miler, in
Waerford, the 20th ult., Dr. T.'4. Bur
rows, in thei2tith year of his age.
In this city, on the 22'd ult., Mrs. Angelica
Partin, wife of Mr. J. Partin, aged 30 years.
PINE APPLES.—A freA lot - of Pine Apples,
just received and for 4ale at No. I Perry'
3illy 3, 1917
GBEEN A PPLES.—Ne%% too Pippins and sot
eraii other kind of apples for safe at No. 1
Petry Block. T s W. NIOURE.
July 3, 1847. , 7
--------- _ .
TI ig second quarter of the Summer Session
of this Institution will commence on Mon•
day the 12th of Jhly, and close the la,t week in
:September. Terms $2,00 3,00 per quarter.
Ja.ur.4 C. REID, Principal, -
.1. V.% WErsterte, Mathematical Departthent,
P. P.IENsioNt. - Primary do.,
Miss L. E. Istica,ol.l., Femaledn.
Mr. C. Beadle will give instruction in Pen
manship to these who desire it, for which an ex
tra charge will be made.
It is very desirable that students should ho in
attendance punctually the first day of the term.
Az this is the last quarter that the present prin
cipal t ill be engaged in teaching, application for
the situation or Principal may he made to 9eo.
A. Elliot, Esq. Secretary attic Boar of Trustees.
JAMES C. REID, Principal.
July 3, 18)7
For Paring with Plank the nokl, side of Sixth et.,
from llottnart to German streets , .
Ist. Bt, it Ordained and Enacted by the Pur-•
Tess and Town Council of the borough of Erie,
That all and every owner or owners of any lot or
lots or Small quantities of land, bounded oti the
neirt'a side by eth at, between Holland . and Ger
trqa suf., bo and they are hereby required to pave
the Side Walks in front 'of the sama, amt. the
o4'ner or owners of corner lots are required to
expend their pavements along said streetsqrast
the line of their respective lot or lots twelve feet,
and to have such pavement comPleted, as herein
after directed, on or hefore the Ist day of August
2d. 13a it further enacted, etc. That the bald
pavemlint ahall be laid of two inch plank, and the
width of the walk to be not less han six feet, to
be laid in accordanc e with the established grade
and t4.outor edge secured with substantiatposte
In default of the said pavement being completed
by the Ilet day of August next, as aforesaid, the
13u:gera ann Town Council will proceed to lay
down the same, and file liens for the cost thereof
'ageing( the rerpective lot or lots, or other quanti•
tier of hind, and proceed•to collect the alma ae•
cording to the act of Assembly in such cases made
and prOvided.
Old fined and enacted into an Ordinance th r
i". 30th day of June, 1847.
r" VIM. KEL e LEY Baines.
• . G. J. BALL, Clerk.
CADW ELL hasjust, received from New York
a few very choice goods, to which he invites
the attention of the ladies and others wishing to
purchase, consisting of Orleans' Muslims, a new
and beautiful article for dresses. Swiss Mullins,
Brucha Barrages, Plain do., Fringes and Gimps,
Silk and Cashere Shawls, Tarletori Audis, .S.c.
&C. More cxl
cted daily, particulars given in
full next week; tx the meantime he respectfully
solicits a call. ' H. CADW ELL.
Jsk 3, StiA,Z.
floalactlaing 'motet Kuovoring about.,
A tar,ity 9ntigr the head of a Pateqt Medicine
a(lverliseinent. 'We a,,k our readers to pursu e
the,follnwin , r, knowing Ihey moth thereby.
A i nwdieltie which is p , r , ectly bate, itint may be
given to children tiam tender infancy, to- advanc
ed nue I 'vs under no restraint tfs to cold water. of
any NI ~ d . Purges Mildly, subduing fever;
ft, )roys and expels u'orrn. with invariable suc
cess, and is easily administered to children. it possesses these valuable properties la fear
lessly_tissertedt still -claitnifig the- additiotfal
vantages of bei nu. uiyuri :11 small bulk, end re3uir
none of the drenching which \Vern' Tea and other
supposed Vertuifttges demand. During its bril
liant 'career, it has been introduced intol many
families, where every other known and accessible
Vermifiige had been tried without the least suc
cess, where it has promptly expelled worms to an
almost incredible amount. .
;Bear what the Editor of the Bulletin of the Pa
cific, (publishedin Pitieburgh, Pii.j bays in refer
ence to the article.
- , "in looking up a fifty advertise rents for my
small sheet, the other dray, I called i t upon Messrs
J. Ring & and remarking tiv t I would be
glad to advertise any medicine that really was es
sentially useful, they furnished me with their cir
cular revectino Mr. \ PLane's Worm Specific,
with the accornpanving certificates. Verdian.'
'tors:laded that - the certificates were genuine, I
took sot, , of the medicine borne (or the use of my
oy-n young flintily. I ye IN: first day a small
teaspoonful to Sarah. She as wan looking and
under the eves. She passed several worms
some as large a , . u pipe fe ern. I. also shy, a small
teaspoonful to Samuel, a lit lie, rosy cheehen, fleshy
boy, . bout 31 2 year, old. ButAls, bit stomach
was tynmannus, i. e he was pcbeThiod, I thought
he might !Uwe worms. Ile
,ried after more,
tvhich I did not see fit to give him, but upon the
operation of this mciUcine, his mother and the
neighbors were surprised at the result. lie pass.
ed nearly's pint of norm , , almost all as big as a
common pipe stem. There was seventy in all.—
' . then save sonic to a little boy only 2 years old,
and he passed twenty five, some eight inches in
length. I the.eforc :eel clear to recommend M'
Lan's ticirnifipte as a specific for worms. It
:tidy seems death to therm
l-11.".1ELI LEES, Editor.
Pipqhnr.ll, Feb, 10:11, IS 17 --\.
J. KIDD: Si. CO. No. 00 ‘Voott Streal) Pittsburg
now the sole Proprie orslor Dr. M'Larie's celebra
ted [medicines. gll Orders 'mist be addressed to
;N. B.—Purcli-v[ers will please be parting
n r and enquire fur De .11 4 me? lrorm Sigel& or
I J'ainifagt,.
• .
'pi ii l " '
f3:16-9M7,78 f"
a . _ : :, , ; ,- ..t .: ' ' r '. V.1 . ..f .- I '' - Z e , ' ;l: ;. • V :
j '.... 7 1 :„': -..
t r . :'
- -L tV , pfr,--;PIL I: S'• ' - -
. , _:.L. /.., % „„., ! ,.L. J'.4,.....,- -, - ' •,.
Front tlu P 111,1,11,0 (;,,z,,,te
The past summer (18 18) has b,ten a very re
'makable une. Frequent and heavy rains, follow.
ed by inten.e and lona con:inued heat, had the
effect, in the first place. to piomote a rapid grow th
of succulent vegetation, and in the second, to,pro
duce a rapid decompoNitien of vegetable matter,
giving rise to much miasma and spreading sick
fleas, disease and death, in places' which had
l,eretolore heed temarkable for toeir salubrity.
\VC arc c red th'y in'tn mcd, ti n t whole meadows
on which the grass vy :sit tusaally heavy, rotted to
toe grocaui and was not tit to be cut, Inyiana
and Illinois. the sickness was co genera , 'that
there was not enough well persOns to attend upon
the sick, whose su.terings were protracted by a
%vain of pryer rcm,olies, as well as of good our
sing. Nitwit' hi this sit fiqing mig'n have beeit
prevented, had every family kept on hand a sup
ply/ of medicines smite I to coon:cruet the effects of
thi s miasma. with wl ich the atmosphere at cer
tain times is surchar,d. In addition to Quinine,
(which is in such 2jrieral use as . o need no com
ment.) we would strongly urge every la`mily to
keep on hand one or more boxes of "Dr; 11. P.
These Pills are the pre , cription of an eminen
Physician in Monongalia Co., Virginia, and n ere
used by trim in his private practice as a remedy
in bilious complaints, for years bolero he thought
of uttering them to the public. Such, however,
was the mimosa of the Pills, and so great the
numb..r of persons benefited by them, the malting
of-the quantity requisite, to supply thii incress
in,, demand. began to interfere materially with
the time required to attend to his practice. To
prevent this he has made arrangements wi t h the
house of J. KIDD'S; Co., Vo. 60 Wood J Street
Pittsburgh. Pa.. to prepare and vend them, where
the genuine may be proutred at all tiMes and in
any reasonable quantity.
Th e " p i th t ' are not ee,cornmended as a panacea
for "ail the ills that. lie4ll is heir to," but in all al
tections of the Liver afed in all bilious complaints
they stand without .a' rival. All who have ever
used them, give then tie preference over all 'oth
er Pills, a . cannot he persuaded to exchange )
those ;hie hey lint by exparience to be nab!,
cafe and lie ttal, 6nany other, even the ugh they
'nay, be sug, •conted,. or so drastic as to go "thro
by day ligh
Prepared or the prophetor by 3. KIDD & 00.,
.Wholesale huookt, No. 60 Wood Street, Pitts
burgh Pa. - oo_wriom all enders front a distance
inuit,l:to die .curd, Sold also by-our Agents and
The prineir 1 1 C ra ga kts th.oti g hoilt. the
Stes and , .arrada.
If 1:' N.Jl3,—Ptirchasers a ill please be panic.
War and enquire for "Dr. .M'Lane's Liver Pills,"
and take none else, n' thAre are other pills now
before the public, purporting to be "Liver Pills."
ArosstTs.—Carter & Brother, J. H. Burton &
C o ., Eric; S. Ai rir ion,, Waterford; John APClure,
Girard; John A. Tracy, F'air . view;' W. El. Towns
end, Spriti 4 .2field; 'call & Vincent, Cranesville;
Jackson Wampbell, Edenboro; B. C. Town &
Co. Wattsburo; A. Touttellott, Union Mills; J.
H. Ilaynel 'North East. ,
Sold by ,bruogik? and:Merchants generally,
throuohoittlthe United States.
June 26, 1817, . ' - 6
Marvin St. Bennet In the % I _:ominort Pleas of Erie
vs. County. L
J. W, Hunter and Levari Facia% No. 46,
Mary A. Elenter. f November Term, 1846. ,
unde-signed having been appoind audi
.l for to distribute the money arising froM sale
upon the above tuentioued writ 4ritong creditors
legally entitled to 'evolve it, hereby gives.notiee
that he wiil attend to the dm - es of his appoint•
ment at the Mike of Marshall Lockvettod, in the
Borout , b of Elie, on Monday' the lath day of July
nest; When and where all persons interested may
attend it they `Mink proper.
Erie„inne 25, 'SI7
the matter -of the estate of W illiam
I late of the Borough of North East, Erie min
ty, detteasfil, • the undersigned having been ap
pointed auditor to marshal and make distribution
of the sale of real estate, hereby gives notice that
he' will attend to the duties ef r his appointment at
the of of Marshall & Lockwood, in the borough
of Erie, on Monday the 19th day of July next;
when and where. all persons interested may attend'
if they think proper.
Erie, June '25, 1837. • 3t6
' I
PROVlSlONS.—Flourrrorlt, Hams,' ShouitV
era, dried Apples,
dried reaches, Corn Meal'
Codfish, NiVni,te Figh. Mani:ere!, Potatoes and ev
erything in the Provision Line, constantly on
hand and for side by
June 26. - W. F. RINDERNECHT.
VOUNtr.- , -On Saturday last on the Beech of
the Lake, a trunk containing scam articles
of clothing of menu apparel, 1:Ita owner can
have it on proving property and paying ohargeg,
by calling on!the subscriber living in North East
township, übiut one Mile east of.j. Neely's Mill.
North East, lane 211 WM. THoms,oN.
E ST UFFS.— Madder, Log Woo5 •-----,-% ,
Nic Wood, Cam Wood, Alum, Copperas,
Blue Vitriol, Cream Tories, Indigo, &c., for sale
ebeap for the ready, by
June 26. W• P. RINDgRNECHT.
CARTER 4. BROTHER have jun rec e i v ed
their sUCIIITIef stock of Window Glass, which'
is lerge'and complete, varying in size from 7z9 to
13x30, and will be cot to soy size 'it shape•desirl
edovithont extra charge. • Puny ajwOla on band.
June 19,18x7. • 5
-• • -
The only perfect managed establishment in
the Union, comprising upwards of
150 Men and 'Horses!
- Will be exhibited at Erie, 12th, and at
rasd 13th days of July.
-This grand Equestrian Cfivaleade will be pre
ceded by the mosteelebrated BRASS BARD in
an elegant and costly CHARIOT drawn .by
Twelve beautiful Creams Colored bovata.
the truly imposing emrance of this noble and mag
nificent processional cavalcade. 'The surpassing
beauty of the thorough bred horses; the - , gorgeous
ly decorated carriages, near thirty in number;
the- designs and gilding!, of which arc by the
most distinguished artists, compels a comparison
that places this establishment at the head ofevery
public exhibition. In fact a large fortune has
been expended in the accessories and equipments
proper.ta the scenes and acts presented by the su
perior arti.tts picked anti chosen from a hundred
stars, In order to render this the first and most
.Superior Company in this or any otli t
er cotio4Si t the world.
Among iis Extensive and numerous company
is the eeleb tect'and fair fainted
tonishing performance of the most daring and
,graceful ReelICA place her beyond comparison, the
most chaste and beautiful equestrian female that
ever appeared befote‘an American people.
Mr. LEVI 3.• NORTH, the Greet EttaNn
Hero, who has far surpassed the most celehra d
rivals in this Or ,any other country, and lies borne
the palm of superiorly before the Royal-Families
-of Erittiand and France, and has • returned cover•
ed with , edals 'of the hiehest honor and applause.
Mr. J. J. NAT HANS, the must celebrated,
two to four an I 'six horse rider, will utiliser in
many of his adMirithle and aatonishing acts of:
balancing his pupils, forniing, many most - beautiful
The great unrivAlledchwen, JOHN MAY, the
brighten( star in tithe country, and decid.adly the
best in hid
Mrs. , WOODS, the graceful alemande rider,
and leader of the Egnesirian eavtaMe.
Mr. E. WOODS, the grand representative oP
the red wen of the Forest.
Mori . MAC A RTE, from the Royal Amphi•
theatre of London, the great Acrobat, Tumbler
and Vaulter.
Mr. MOSES LIPMAN, the wonderful Valiher
and Tumbler, and beautiful a-cne rider.
FRANK PASTOR will appear in a Kindling
infantile and Jiiimirahle act on aiiingle horao
N EY, the great yepresentativea of the Ethiopian
J. BANCKER-and a DUNBAR, and a ho=t
of other tater tee! 'performers.
, The highlyp dancing and trick horse
TA:M.tiA_ NYC, taught and performed by Mr. Le
. vi North, who:aslonishes every beholder in his
unparalleled acts.
The two eccentric ponies, BLACK MOGGIi
& : JEN\ 1' LIND, will appear in their diveiting,
donole aces, and go
_through many very pleasing
The highly gained and beautiful Arabian
.horee, ANDALUSIA, trained by Mr. James
Banciter, will appear in his most wonderful Leap
ing and other peribintances. •
Eou,strian Director—Mr. J. J. NAT'L% NS.
The great wmer proof pariliton in entirely
new, and appropriately decors: ed and furnished
with carpeted scata for the accornmodat ion of three
thousand Ppeenpors. The arrangement of the
iAerior is such as to preclude possibility of
an attempt at disorder or indecorinu.
Performance to commence at. o'cloch., P.
NI., anti nt I-2 in the
311 C. G RIS WOLD, A Tont.
i.. ,7 r -.- ; 1' HE Splent.tid Steam
‘l • Packet Baltic, Cii - p . t. A. T.
(, .: 14, 7:i......"---"=', KirrestAN, will kayo Erie
.. ..
for Green Bay arid Chicago,
,on Friday morning, August 13,r0n an Excurumni
of Pleasure to those points. .-
The BALT(C will so. at the princ at ports
and points of interest, arding passengers an
opportunity to visit sucly ..ints al leisure, and no
pains or expense will be spi- ed to render the trip
pleasant anyl interesting to tl 'soon board.
A large band of the bes Musicians in the
country will be on board. A
The Baltic is ent' ely ne r —has '64 spacioui
and richly furnished Stu - I .oms, and in point et
elegance, cointirrt and peed is not sufplissed by
any boat on the Western waters.
e Will also leave Erie on Wednesday morning,
June 30. for the accommoda.ion of Delegates. to
the Harbor Conierition to lie held at Chicago, on
the '6th of July.
For passage apply on board, or to
June, 23,1 1 317. i....„ . W. M. GALLAGRER
On State Street, nearly opposite the Er te Hotel.
LOOMIS 4. CO. are now receiving from
• New York and opening at their now store
an extenive assortment of Rich and.F.w.hicinatOo
JEWELRY, (embracing the latest style of work
in market,) watches, Cloak, Plated and Britrania
Ware, Fine Cutlery, Steel Trimmings, Camphene
and Solar Lamps, Looking Glasses, Gold Pens,
together with a general variety of Useful and Or
namental article s. Call and see what you will see:
June 26, 1817. . 6
A LL person who know themselves to be in
debted to Brewster, Briwn, 4- Co., Mahaf
fey and Brown, or Meliatrey. and Brewster, either
at the Store or Woollen Factory, are hereby re
quested to pay their indebtedness by the first of
July next; or otherwise expect to have costs add
ed. / Wool, grain of al' descriptions, Butter and
cheese, will be received in payment of dobts due,
if delivered tit the Erie Woolen Factory.
Erie; June 20, 1917. 6
ivIEHAFFEY - BREWS [Ea keep con
stantly on hand at the Erie Woollen Facto
ry, Plain Cloths, Plain and Fancy Cassitneres and
Tweds, pf various colors and qualities which they
eachango for wdot on delivery, an customary and
accommodating terms. They also pay cash for
Erie Woollen Factory, June 16, 1817. 6
F ll
oESI-1 FRUI, V.— You can find at 6. Poor
People's Row ' Oranges, Sult a n a Raisins;
Lt:111019, Figt, Prunes, Box Roisi .., COrrants
and t;iirons, cheap tot' cash by
June 26. p.W. F. lUNDERIIECHT.
98 UK, first rate Codfish; aka, a law
Wale Mackerel, for sale by
June .26. W. F. BINDER 'EMIT.
Nu mega, sa l .s,
Mace_ Beier Almoads,
Cloves; --- - Summer ,a,vory.,
Ground Cinnamon„ S$ eet Majoraur,
" Pepper, black, Vnilla Beans,
r ‘ayenne do Citron-,
Superior Mustard, Tit.ratt Vanilla,
Pure Jamaica ginger . Lemon,
Root,. . f' Bitter Airhands
Ground' do , °rause Flenn Water,
Coriander Scads, . Leavitt's Rose do
Caraway as ' I
Bermuda Arrow Root, Oatmeal,
Superior white Tapioca, Cooper*lstrigiass,
'Pearl Barley, . - Raman ‘ l / 4 jdo'
Sago, kith ,Mots, •
Rica Fie , Iceland Moss. .
Selected ith care and all warranted superior.
Erie. dune. 9, 1 547. * I No. 5, Reed,House.
1 5,1)0Z. yarasols, Parissoletts and Shades,
lions live di derent manufactures, including
rill stadia iind cotots,just Opened by
- April 23. , WILLIAMS 4r 'WRIGHT.
TF you wish to buy cheap, you will please call at
IRINDERN EC EMS No. 6, Poor People's Row,
where you can find the following artieles,'whiCh
are warrented good: —Coffee, Sugar, Tea, Molas
ses, Tobaco of all kinds; Rice. Peper, Spice; 1:34
namond, Cloves, Nutmegs, G inger, Starch, Chaco
isle; cocoa, Muhtard by the pound or bns. Pepper
_Sauce, Lemon syrup, Oliver Oil, Larnp Oil V'Me
car; Fire Crackers, Castile Soap of al kinds, Sha
ving Brushes, Powder, Shot, Lead, pereusaion
Cups and Pills, Can Ile Wick, Twine, Matches,
Stove Blacking., shoe Brushes and Black ing, Cl alk
Tar and Rosin, Macobby and Scotch snag; sul
plfer, leimstone, Epsom Salts - Glatiher Salts, Sal
craps% Bed Cords, Rope, Fish and; Chalk Lines,
Herrin‘r,- Patent Pails, Tubs, Willow Wagons, -- I
Wash 'Boards, Wire Sives,! Almonds, Madeira
Nets, Filberts, Curry Combs and Horse Cards,
Verse Brushes arid Combs, Saltpeter, 1-'airy-alt
in bags, Brooms. Corn Whi-ps , and Hearth
Brooms, Whitewash Brushes, and other attieles
too numerous to mention. Please pail and see; for
yourselves 4une 19, ISI7.
Patent - Elastic aby!.Nmpers,
% NUItElPii ASSISTANT, new I,nti atom-.
sini rticle of the nursery, by which infants
three months ()lilac can amitseauUPexercirte them
selvelr, resting as they do on a IWO seat or sod
die, which serves to stiqtain the child' and give it
at( the support required. .It isirseommoryled by
Physicinn.'Eni con 'ocive to hcattta • To tlie mother
it is invaluable as she 'can leave Mr little due alone,
and on her return be assured 'of finding it amused
and perfectly ade. On -sole at NO. 11 Perry
Block. T. W. it ORE.
June 19, 1811. A ' 5
VlATS.—Graaa and Manilla Mate just re
calved and for Ealo cheap; at No. I Perry
Bloch, by , T., W. moonn,
June 19, 1947.
i. celebrated pepuratives. For sate by
J. H. BURTON & Co.
June 19, 1847
F EVEit AND AkilLE.-,
Tonic Mixture, ' India CholagOgue.
!Maxim's Agin: Pills Quinine,
Tonic Verinicuze, Peruvian 13c,ric,
, For sato wirole4are and retail' by
Erie, June 19, 1941. 3
DYE SlruFFs.
Annatto, Oil Vitriol, ,
Alum, . Indigo,*
Copperas, Blue Vitriol, 4 1
Cream Tartar, Cud Bear. •
Argots, Cochineal,.
Spirits of Tin, Liquid Blue, or demi': for
Log wood, Nic Wood, . (green,
Camwood, ' Alhdder,
Fustlck, + . Red Saunders.
For sale very cheap at No. 6, Reed 'House, by
June 19, 1847.5
MONG our smelt Will be round—
]l'oo kegs pure White Lead, Buffalo
.and Pittsbnrgirrnanufacture.
• MO lbs Spanish Whiting,
600 Venition Red,
500 French and Yellow Ochre,
100 Frenehpreen, a beard. article.
300 Red-Led,
200 Lithar age,
- 200 papers refined Lampblack,
20 boxes - Chrome yellow and green,
100 gallons
i pirits.Turpentine,
100 _ Li seed Oil, ,
50 do C. pal Varnish, coach and
20 doti Paint Brushes, assorted sizes
Just received awl for sale on aecommudallua
terms, at No 6, Recl Hotive, -
June 19; 1817. 5
BI MCC . license i under the Law of 181 G to retail
Vinou and Spiriteus Liquors, caer a good
assortment of
Pure Port,
v o. Sherry,
Brandy, Holland Gin,
Rum, • •_ whiskey,
Jamaica Spirits, And Alcohol.
For sale at as low rates as the same qualities
have ever :wen offered in this market", atNo. t6 ,
'Reed House.
Erie, June 19, 1917. • • ' 5
SIIPIMIOR french and tuft:Hyatt ruled and
plain Letter Paper, . .
Maynsrd and 11bryt s Black Inl:
Items Carmine and Red Ink, •
W afers, Common, Nulls, Transparent anti Motto,
Sealing Wax, °
Pounce, [Reek Sand, Rubber, !etc. eto. etc.
For pale by J. H. BURT° N 4 Co.
Erie. June I9tb, 1547
From - the City, of Mexico.`
Arrival of IPre.i6 add Cheap Groceries
Are No. I. r.-rry Bloc 4.
SINCE the Tariff has been taken &R' the im
ports into this country, and placed on that of
Arlextco, it has enabled those who have purchased
Groceries in the East. to sell them cheap. We
wish all who want anything in the Grociry line
to call and examine our siorett, for' we do assert,
without fear of coitradiction, that we have the
freshest lot of Groceries its this market,
all been`urctiased foam the latest importations.
In par tuck may be,fonnd tife;fitlowin ;;
4unpowder, and YOurig _lfyson
Teas; Java, Rio, Luguira and St. Domin
go Coffees; Loaf, Pulverised, Porto Rico,
and N. 0. Sugars; Pepper, Spice, Gin
ger, Cinamon,' Nutntiga Mace, Cloves, Rice,
Pearled barley, Candies, Pecan, Brazil,
Madeira and _Pea nuts; .11monds,-.Filberts,
etc.; Fruits—..dpples, Raisins, English Cur
rants, and Figs; Sperm and Tallow candles;
Summer and Winter strained Lamp Oil, • a
superior article, Salad oil, Fancy Shaving,
Variegated and Rai soap. Dairy salt,
White Fish,. Mckerel, Mackinac Trout,
and Herring;
Kimball s extra Fine 61`t. elkeiitrig„ Spanish
Smoking and Cavendiailt Tolieed, Pipes;
Ilestaliti, Principe, Trabuea, Lenora and corn . -
mon Cigars;
Coluferl and plain Grass anti Manilla Mats.—
Besides a host of other articles to supply the
wants of all: A fresh supply of Groceries re
ceived semi monthly. gall and examine goods
and prices at No. I, Perry Block.
Erie, June 12, 1847. 4
sit No. 6 Poor Peoples. Row.
F. 11R41EltNECI - IT 111/5 Just redeived a
i large find well selected assoriment of wet.
dry and Family GroCeries; Dyb Stuffs, Nails aid
Glass, which ho Will sell chet96 tor cash than any
ether[ establishment in town. Please call and
see. j June 18l 1817. '
11j:. RECEIVED 25 bags Rio ; Cuba, St. Do
at mingo and Java Coffee, one door north of tho
Wintkw '
June I?, 1841
BUFFALO WHITEI4AD.—An invoice ot
I this superior• article just received. Also,
Pittsburgh Lend, (Fshnestuck & Co's make;) dry
and in nil, 4lwayd on han i nnd warranted.
) June 11. .
6eheats Fresh real,just received and for
sate by the chest or , l ess quarr itv, by
June 16. W. . Nte HT.
W.Ne.:Nt'S Atte?, NI
chap any prepare
Spring Piirifier and gen ,
-tme It J. H. BU
IRON AND STEEL 0 toga of Swederi. En
-1 eliah and American Ir rt. together with 'all si
zes of Skin; Steel, thin Lap arrived at the Corner
Jahu I I 4
won nits.
ed, Crushed
cheap tar cub, one door
by , I
June 12,134 7.
L nie M c aL ap AS 6 2 t t e S, e tt p ' r e e s z o ittl d a o n o l
500 ? A r
north ofthellig Windo • , 6q•
.June it). , __W. ItINISERNECRT.
U GALS, Ohio Stono . Wiro. For aisle one
" . 2. 1 1/ door north of the Big Window.
Stine 20. , W. '.r ItINDERNECtir
QM 3, NORTON, JOB. Q. BROWN, 11109. secick
TIE undersigned beg leave respectfully to n
form their friends and the. public goners l ! S,
that th ey have entered into the mere:milk hsi •
ness under the name of MORTON' - k CO. No. 4,
Chealgthle, next door'soutjt of Mahaffey 4- 3raws; J
tor: Their stock of pip e is entirely new, fur '
surpassing'', in t ichnesd, variety and cheapness,'
any atoels'of Orals ever brought , to this market,
and embracing every style of Staple andPanay
Dry Goods, among, which will be found '
I .
Linens—American, Irish,German and rarch;
Dress Goods of every description,
Shawls of the latest designs, varying in plice
from 75 cents to m 325;
Summer Stuffs, Drills, Jeans, Cassimores, etc.
Brownland bleached•Shirthig4 end Sheeting's
of ,cvery wid th and quality;
- BrOad Cloths, Cassimeres and Soflinetts; 'F
Calicoes, Muslins. Lavime and Gingbantsi
Bonnets, a splendid asspr mem:
Ribbons, Artificial FloWeris, Laces and Rttelis,
• Umbrellas urld Parasols, a great assostincitt;'
Cat pethig. and Paper Han vino.
Also — , M illi nosy (:nods; Tailor's Trimmings,
M o reensl Damasks, Linen diapers,Crosh, French
Embroideries, Silk and Coon Hose, Kid, Silk,
cotton and Lisle Mews, Vesiings, a great Ink
rimy., , • I . ,
In connection with the above will, bei t fou i rsot a
well selected stock of OROCF.RIE, of superior
quality. , City and country March nts suppled
with any article In our line tni favorable terms.
. _ ,_I • MORTPN ft COI.
Erie. Ma , ' i -.• 52
Sicila, •
Hock, • '
Current ‘‘inpa
Vl—Said to be bet,er
jar, of Sarsapneilla' at a
,roc.brwleet_for vile by
FON 4. Co. Ageitts.
/leans, Loaf,
nd Muscovado :lager,
orth of the Eti.. Window,
15, ISil.
'rims DAY OPENED: direct trim Oa Ens
-1 teen citiei and ManufaCtorira, a tarp and
well 84 4 ,c1ed Kock of I '
3:11:111 "Mg' CM-41110111111.711, 710111 . 110
Comprising a great variety of Dress andirency
Gootk; Shawls without number; Mn' an boy's
slimmer wear; Linen and any quamity of Domes
tics.; Id be 8(41(14h -caper than ever; with an exten
sive stock of
All of whielt will be sold as cheap as tbe cheapest
Vas. Way 15. 1847. _ „ 52, -
*"."'"`;"." 41,
The New Jew Store - -Ahead
JUST received at the New Jew Store, I
Fleming Block, State street, a new and epten
did aysorment of
Which, having been bought at extremely low prices
and the subscribers having encountered neither
"perils by sea or land," in iheir journey to Phila
delphia and New York Matkets, can and will be
sold as ehea'p—not to say klittle cheaper —than at
.any other Jew or „Gentile Store between New
York and "Sundown." Our stock consists in
pail of _ '
-.4..SILKS of all kindß, deseripithns and colors
'rom plairnlack to the most l'ashiOuble plaid
striped or watered.
GINOHA.MS, French, Enalish,
American, varying in price and qt
SHAWLS, Silk, Ciahmere, Barr
at prices that cannot fail to plea,e.
M. Dl LAINF:9, of u!! qualities,
upwards. -
BON - NET RIBBONS, of all -col
shades and prices., -
GLOVES, that cannot Nil to fit t
sate hand, at prices in accordance t
delicate purses.
French %Vol ked Lincrt.camb,ic ii
a beautiful article, and very cheap lot
Also, embroidered do do . tozelhe
other Articles, too unman:ins to mentit
we will talt - el pleasure in showing
and others. A woe,
conrdatineof Pants, Vests, and Co
ees and qualities, 'and Boots and
kinds Call mei see, and don't for.
No. I, Mining Blot:k, State Street.
Erie, April 29. 1537.
SrEW ARDS celebrated yrupo
Just, the thing you read - og
Store.w No. 4, Cheapside NlOll.l
Erie May 22, Nl7,
( ROCEIRIES.—The subscribers have-just're
c*lil a fresh supply or, GreeHes, cortaist
iii..,o of Tea, Co ff ee, Sualre,' gplCia, etc., etc.,
which will be sold at their usual lolw prices. , =
1. 11.0SENZWEV 4. Co.
No. r Fl ming Block.
May 20,
RIS Kid Gloves—A beautiful assortment,
• iP.
White and ColOred, selling c sa p at No. 4,
Cheapsitle. by' . MO TON At'Co.
Mrie, day 22, 1°47. 1
... ,_ _...__________
_BOSSED Table and Piano! Forte Coirera,
.12..JMnglitifit and American, for ratio at the "New
Store" Nt.-5, Cheapside.i MORTON 4 ; Co.
Erie,Vay 2:3, 1997. I
CALIFORNIA PLAID, for 140y'a coils and
pautakauts a lialejthe rile. out, at the
"New Store," No , . 4, Ch:apaide, • .
MO TON- & Co;
F.rie, May_ 2:3. 1847. . .
I '
GI?.I%ITLE.M EN'S Fro ich Boot& the kind you
read er in the back pert ,df the Book, going
off at reduced prices, at pie. 4, Chedpeide,
MORI ON Sc po.
Erie, Matt 22. 3857
children's Shoei—
"Ne‘ir Store," N. 4, Ci
ladies', Aliases' and
lards astiortnialit itt the
—AlogTorti g. co.
Erie, May 22, 1817
i • •
Wool ! Wo ,I !! Wool Pi
rrHE•hi g hest pritie paid for Wool et No. I,
1 Commercial, French street.
tie, Mily 22, 18474 . 1 . . i
lar E
t% sold not have, he Gentlemen infer - that
V our stock is exclitively for Ladies. They
will please call and see a full alsonment of good,
that they want. Amo g otheral the best."'rench
Cloth that can be lound in the place, and casii
mares to correspond, aqprices as near the impel.
talon cost as they will oak Al o sunnner fiats,
Caps. Gloves. Hosiery, f Cravats Collars. fldks.,
, i ,
d.c. irk ,at . • j . METCALF'S:
May :A 1817.
AvE ve o r7 r, t fe p w at ieies i ALL
!Vial , 29, !8•17.7
CAIIt,PET BAGS &:,.. &tithele. Among which
we l ie a de m o or the Wilt° and Winctiun
that are au eriut to il i yl in mar (et, selling very
cheap at
' ANIO re.).LF , .
'May 2(i. " 1
'WE halisce this day opened, aro iiffmr for sale a
large ef.46lt of Boone's, Ladies and Misses
eizee, at prites far bald . the market, anion which,
are some of the richest style French Lace, Dead
wrought, China Rieel, Pearl Sitaw. Gimp, 4.c.,
together with a goodi assortment of trimmings.
Some, of real Fimieb &mere that cm beauti
fui, alms - Ribbons, .te.,431c., at
May 29. 1347. I METCALF'S.
ALAGF, assort' tent, all eller and qualities
offered as near nanulacturers prices 114 is
conzistent with a small commission to ourselves,
. M p•c ALF'S.
May 2 , 9. Mg. "
--------- 12
New Good !,_ New Goode!! _
rpliE subscriber it now receiving his spring
i mock of Fans yry Golids,Groieries, Hard.
ware, Crockery, ' Ito ; Nails & a, which will be
sold at reduced vie for ready pay. My old
substruitial (fiends a d'the puhlic - generally are.
requested to call an examine goods and prices,
they certainly will A tgo away dissatisfied se I
will not be under sol by aril west ot'New York,
for ready pay. , SMITH JACKSON. •
May 6,1 11 4 V. , AI
-',- NEW GOODS BY- RAttit A • , !
IHAVE jirt rece ved this morning a 0 , ..0 imp:
ply of p late and willed Gkin.ghato, aso et - lot
of prints, 4.0. 1 -whic Will be sold cheap far cash
by. . . - c. 14, TLEIVALS.
May 1, 1847* 1
TUB usrm marmite !emulative
AN invaluable remedy:for Homes, dit i ttle and
other doniestit animals, in the cure
of the.'
following diseases:
. .
Fresh Wounds,; - F'slula, Sitfast)
Gallsof all kinds, Strains, L,oim
Sprains, Ratites, &nu eracka,"-
Cracked Heels, , . Foundered Feet, •
Ringbone, Windgalls, Scratches or Gerre,
Poll Evil, Callus, Tilange,
Spasms, Stoicism Horn Dino/2pm
It is also a Universal Fatally Embrocation fur
diseases of Hainan Flesh, ouch as .
Rheumatism, External Poisons:
Rites Q . /Animas, Psi tfal Nervous ..iiirec-
Post Miles, - lions, , , ,
Hails, , Corns, Whit/out,
/lures \and Scalds, Chilblains. • _
Cramps, , Chapped Jfands. -
Contracti of the ..11fuscles, Swellings, Intends,
Weakness of the/Qin/a; Kalted Breasts.
MERCIIA,NT . B GATMLING Oii.—ft is worthy of
special rentadt, that hi-side' the great and extra
ordinary powers in the cure of diseases of `l , !
horse in which its virtues first attracted the at Oa
tion pf the Aeries and f ear-r; and the wonder of
, he public generally. it has been stlectistitliy in
ployed in a great cat iety or the maladies ehn h
tiiViit the human race; and it has 1 roved by the
wonderful cures it has prfor.e. , ,l on the lower dll
Minis, than -it is endowed with eur:t ive prop,i t ies
not found in other horse oil.. which has estaetish
cd its claims 10 goner al confidence.
of the counterfeit artiel., and he sure
the name Of the sot.e. PROPRIRTOR, 0. W. Mer
chant; Lockport, is blown in the bottle.
it - 7`lfsor testimonials, rlynepsis of rlisctses. and
made or treatment, see pamphlet which occutnpa
nice each hot le.
Sixll by 3. 11. Btirton Er. Co. IF.iie t S. S. 5: 11.
Pnssett. Ashtabula, Ohio; an& D. N. Webster,
Conneaut. 'Milo. INSO
runarit yl.trig BLOOD!
For Removing Diseases of the Blood,
91-iring from an abuie o /*Mts.: , h met and Pats: ..•
only, I Peter Sores obstinate old wren
'Chronic and cortslitidia;alDis of all linds . , . .
0.101 11101 d.l Salt I head, SN'i nhCll , l.
Ser,fola or Kiv's Evil &Ton Ring ll'.+ in a d other In..erts•
thin/ syphils r reneriat. en •,trisi le from a,, impure
Cleeraton anti Currosi ,ns 61, stnte of th'e •Idoodi ” 1 -1';
Ore Throat. Nose. Cie is tlattioltt I'', eicemict, Pees.
Lips. L'a-s, and other parts ('heel: affecl,ons of t , ,e. Liter,
of the body.. , 1 Lungs and Chest.
',Ties or pnitedes on the Ilve Pal. i t the St totarh and SAP'S,
PiSealy patches and other er Night Sweats, Aa kc
opt) tits of the .010. 1 .1( is iliorklet rnotth •rm ihotin-
IL 'es Scare:ll: and , Sher Sc 3-1 di dai a Clew. unitSpri , g
rbutic ere:tons. ..3./e , " , 7"te; suit is g,cr: et , : tic-
Tl l / 4 ite .slrel;ings.' Pal . ,
.' ;i'itts rettreav i I;the choicest se
tected inateriuls. I ties of which ate
Sento') and
ality to suit
from it) es
extracted.ll, an :is, without heat;
on accou•tt ol••wh. .s pt ..-ed he Ph) simians.
ty4 twin!! more trillium and avtive.tflan any other
now before the public.-
A 101 l accottra the'remailtahhi efficacy of this
ietnecly, in a variety nt cas , s the mos. mgrs
rated nature, may be seen 'by culling en the pro
prietor or his aeents.
As most. ;Nod medicines are counterfeited, be
soar, and call for "Merchant's Sarsaparilla," and
see that these words are blown on the glaso, "Prom
the'Laboratdry of Geo. W. AlMehant, 'hemist,
Lockport, N. Y.
CZ` limost'every. pedlar in the new
putt Inc up and imposinc on the public, an article
they call sarsaparilla. Therefore, arwAra E.!! 7
Sold by J. Burton Sr. co. Erie; S. S. 4 A.
Fassett, ikalitabula, Ohio; - 1). N. Webster, Con•
neaut, Ohiq. iyso
rs, qnalities,
e most deli•
ith the most
i nntinerchiefs,
, r the quniity.
with tnany
n, bUt which
to customers
of •-
ta,ol all pri-
Shoes, of all
pt the place,
table use.
the "New
N & Co.
DISEASES the Urinary Organs cured by
ntu.s, such no chronic rind acute diseases of the
Bladder, Also, clirettfp , t _
Urethra, • Gonorrhea,
Proslrah Wadi; COMO, White's,
Kithrey,e, and Stria:met, '
Loins, I I)iabetes,
This Voidable nietlicine is prepared only by
Geo. W: Merchtpat, Operative chemist. &c. Lock
port, N. V.• I
Full anti dinpli'instrooderrs, testimonials,
accompany such bottle.
Sold by.J. H. Burton & Eric; S. S. &. H.
F r eeway 4,seitabeln, Ohid; D. Nl Webite-, Con
neaut, Ohio.
MYR.IAN HAIR DYE, a,%iarranied article for
coloring the hair a beautiful brown pr' I
black, it will not wear off, evil the lined, or i olpr
the akin, ne hjandre,id win testify.
ft has alsolteerf tried sueteSsfully in coloring
Beware of tAb conniekeit, rind he slim you get
the genuine, pri pared only bye Gad. W. Merchant,
chtratigt, Lbektio4t, N. Y. StiTples of Hair may
be- seen at the store of the Proprietor br hid agents.
Price Sit cente•
_ _
Sold by J. H.-BOW:WEI to,!Erh; S S. & H.
Faiittatt, Aaloalii4l3, Ohog and D. N. Webster,
Codneiut, Ohio. lyso
riOLD PEIS.-taghty:s EtOension Pens and
XX Pencils, the latest improvement out, [other
kinds at reduced price. 3, j
G. LOOMis sz Co.
r_q_EN vs. eghorn Hata; a guad asguritnent
1,311' m 4 be folthar at
April 2.4.. WILLIANUS St W
WE are peening another Very nice stock of
.Shawls. WO will not ;Untlettirke td emt
merate hinds or nianufaetnrclany hard names;
atiffic.e it to 6 1 /. you can find ull the most de:dra
t:de atylei of tile aeawn, and very cheap, at Nn. I,
Reed House. May 29. ,
. . .
OPENlititl at the Cotner Stoic, geed, IToutte
a tame anierinwpt of Urea Gods,
new and lienuticul. and the goals decidedly ch'edp
please call au4r exitntine for . yon.s,lve9 at
May:2 . 1,1. 1817. METCALF'S.
just eeceivre 1 •Their full' Stock of
AND 'woulcl respectfully inyite the a•tentiol of
purchasers to their ti :..tutilut trisort I:ent or
Fit,F A Ncl - I, INDIA, ; ITAI.I AS, G . ER lAN,
t::NGLISII, and AMERICAN 00')DS, compri
sing an assortment or the newest anti most fa-11'
ionable styles in th.• marset. The 'greatest in , .
&cements will be (inled for the followm.: rea
sons, viz:
VOOL Carpets,
Cnitorriers can rtheayrf fnid at our store th
latest and most desirable styles of goods.
They intend ktrit;tiy to adhere to the ptiioci t de
of t•elling ut tho ii.j'LONVEST UA RAI: l'
IR p.
They are taking: most al/ Mils or produce, for
which' they pa} the highest Ina r k et.r ,,
- The following are Smong : The most deiirable
BLOCH of Goods offered. vii:
'Exira Rich Peril Printed Lawns, Barags, Lin
en [Attics, ti new end bean i Ad article for dresses;
`Callibinfa plaids, French, English and American
Maus tie Lairtilh Plain, figured and printed Swiss
Muslin,Striped and I,lvred Medina, Sein
striped Matthew, French, Snatch and AntericAn
Rich silk Shawls, Chameleon and liernani,
Gossamer, Berage, plain and Embroadered Mous
de Lein, &c,
Straw Goads, CoMprislnn many now tatyles.. 7
Mao. Vrenth artißeiais, kinaul:nt Bonnet and
cOP-44 , bonft; Si Gingham ' , a n if parasola,f
Faney Aillt buttons, sill' fiihAes, it'eel trimmitigsJ
Puree TWist, CoMbs, Groves and Mitts, Hosiery,
and, itendreds of other articles too numerous to
mention. We ekain invite air to come ant4x
umine out.goods and prices,
- lErie; May 29, 1817.
111 r 1$ ti AIIITIL'EN
'IN TIW.' 9001 k Or N ITU ILF. AND or coitmoN
sENs Li, twat the : teetntal regetsbie prodoettuns of girr l
eEy cuuntry are. if pri.perly applied, amply sullkseet trot
ib d f., ii •t of every rusted. incident to each peellther CUOMO'
VllfrAgiel'd Audistr Vegetable Pith +, ,
s ,
of the North dmerietO College el fiCillb, ars' comp ose !! i i
Of phinteVeincii groat -putitasenusly on OUT won toil, area
arc, !I''`rnforlt better adajtted t 0 our' eonstltutione than
laminee Cr'ecdetral , ftwett'Vettl.l4ol Damn, however well :
1 they ow, be compounded: sod aV.they are founded yr)* '
, Wu principle that Wu human tinily to fp truth
Notate% to bull t, vie bursae,
Vitt: corrupt humeri, and that sold modietiut Curet cfia
disease oh 41
1 lliatettrolo IPtlOtipiett, I
RV CLt Ore W /1
O 11161.1Ualtir lib e. ING JtODV; i 1,.
t Will era reee' i -
Ifeet, that itch° conetituthie be Sot entirely debatiatad—S. '
perseverance lu their.use, net eildia t t Odi l ltdef,tloraii is ati• '
eolutely certaie to drift, diteeetri of every naafis fres t h e
When we lees!, td'reitare a tWeestior Mertes Vo Ott& -
In we drain it oftha'auperabutitiata neteriti lil Wit mei•
oat it we wish to restore the body tci" health:. We ntvet
cleanse it of impurity. I 1 ' '
Wrialatis Oil an - Vegetable Pills i i t
will be found one of tht4 beet, din.' due vtav BUT MC
ICINCEI In Tilt WORLD foie dal: 10'0;u OUTTit./
Grand- rarity i ate Prfaiiiir,
the ye2vol rint 4 7l4lysli;vrUnl and c o rrupt
unor..ihecs...ud.e.onk,enssi6 ,
while litei 'miry day , ,
Give Ooze tool Viestsnef, jj •
disease of every Air
Acme it .iiin y driven from the .
till .1.
Few medicines can elder to .4 so etrongly n, ,t
foothold of merit,„es Wright`el %10 ie
Their tame bag gone before them to evenit
dauliais4 and -
from the moteret its agruey is..estsblielted in a Dow *ea ,
'tower gunnery, the demand for them o'st : teed,' sea, in..
crenetvg. Indeed the result ofteratlefies one brat emir ,
!Lamas, and we End. it 'lit:Bent , With seven of the; eat ,
'emus iu the eptattry, constant" employed. tobiep every
i anent fully .00:fed. The op Mous of these 'Wen uuty i
be worth noticing thily COlllO to us in the elapse of Wit , ,
a,a letter. oast ware toi.,//y unasked. ' 1
Ber u cgof a pheefrpta tfernand), NW. 1;
"To Dr.. W. Weight.-.o(uuk title haVe given universal
itatitfaCtlou,si nil ere . Iti'stly ter ) populsi. Iran sells:m'
30 to 40 dosed thandslls 111 ctitibt he suPniled•
eif ~ W 31.1,11:1 I . IIX 3 , lirisON, Alicia " •
It ought to be here remerk .d that the medico'Ma'
but recently been Introduced sift. 511s=issippl. • .
.e.ra letter a letter frzyn' Jersey Saxe, Yowl.
“Wright'a Indian Ve.rat ail Pillseeptl every th ay, off
the hind ever offered to the p Ora in this sedan ivf the!
country, notw,ithe ending the eoimbnied ettats etaarne, -
ilow:unpriocipled mereettortc/ , ttoput there'down. , ! • 1
From Sew Merl nitre, Ta. ,
'1 have used Wright's Indian ;Vegetable Pll's gn n.SO
family, nod found them to be the beet medicine: I ever'
used. I with to Leconte an agent for the siker Ith•ln ill,:
eats eine. : JitMCS XI% LUNE. y r Am,-
, ,
t Prom:Grrraget,re,:indiaha.
game time,ei t a t e,ihy ['pint left with mg its ,tlcrgi'is
'.:light's Indian 11.-Letable J''.l!l 10 Sell. j Tnit were
emu. altgone and men: eruhri V. i There is much cell for' -
them. • " " 'I I lif 1iL. 1 4 the pills are eery ~
guod. 1 S„L'l'il 1.11 , .,A311,1%V.7 , --
• ' , aru Aare i.)1,19.
''A pproliendlitg•th a ° l •tt ti be ,ot of your velnibi n •
tulimi VrattAle 111 s before your agent will go thrOugh ,
li, I P.:1011 14 fIIp pi "ule, f he- you to forward Me 0 quell- I i
tit s to eutoe way or lit-met. II
• The I`l.l- are d,,,,• 11, re ylaitrettly- we:1! ia'sptie cri,'
• th. ,t i t p•,....t; Val 01 tee n• tv.ed.1.14 • do.-tors. - who havg . ex.'
....tut AI t tell- pito u, t o I, l 'ir:ill 11l 3,01110 . 0 0/13 buying'
and if I hove a ntinucti silphly, 1 shall be' able
10.01 mall)* of them. Yours, I /
"• "300 , li• SANDZR3IAN:t
- , • Frc.tre' Sea Opus; Virgo:fa. : j, 1
'I hew; neerly era thif.ugh n Leh the pills lon left and
sent me, and I think i edu Id itri a abort time, s- II air or
, ',A . 111......nen more. The. , (piker I get them, the more 1
44 4 11 relies the tlekly .eake . is raging heteennswietabl). '
html your Pulls are liked and nrpros ed of etnerallY i ltinil
thou any inothcien me :wee',id among us for some tint?
tartl, Jim tact I ..19 , nq k-4as qa si .g'e ilakeig e cart tarot 'Aa r
tart ts rtl'arad dt ti. , ppe,r.2 o „ !genie of the Ph.t slats r
don't Like them; ii ,t I rectin The) ;lever have:Pita them,
uud role•interost will greet by be cenvotted. 413 r
I•Your, , , & e. , I u ii E.t., :%crrrnimils,sl." ,
S .ch ore ufew ei Vie t„, euients VoluldarilY TOG, by
wen 0: t'l6 limit respect l,ml ty—me., who are known, and
. Intao opportuniti,e far ub et, atiun are apt excelled ire
the laud , I
'1 he following highly res irt,tahlo Store Keepers•bevey
been duly appointed agenta for Lite Cana). f
0.1). dpeffroni, Erir. i' ,
Sutler! Hutchins & I.loa aterford.
t 4 eni Gila S.
11. s. v,rance,
'Eraltll4 A vertil Norkiirill,. •
Racy & West S Imo; apki 1 .
w. Springflet.l.
11 C.- & Co, .!
North East
Jd to Clement. Flilrview.
. ..
' 1tr.17.411 •oF CuL7X7 CIFITS — . 7 . ramie are enetinue4
aga,lw I tie molly , Turiun 1.41.11 i .e,.. %Ilk , / in tinier In'
deeciVe, nrecalleli by nun Co Winn ..r p Wriellt . 3 l ludlall
Vegetable PHI.. I 1 , ' I
'nut 0:ILlt Ontntll,L A • "Nr. I:C/S14.1i , VECILTAtttl:
PILLS itAVII Tile: SIG ATCIRE 0 V5l. WitinttT '1N 1 11.,.71 . A.1.:
W. - ttl wti'QS ToE or L4IEL OF, Lwi. II BOX, Note afar
t ,
9 , ,,nuine, and to c , nteVril it ft 10, GUY. .
oiftec. &tote. eiclutlvely to tho solo Or Wrighes In iell
rev , to SL Pill , Loces.xl and r.noit, 1G I Race! t.trerti
PlnilndelphltL;22Sqrecnwicli Strk.ct, New Vu L - ; rill lis.P
Trrotuut Stro.l, Ito-ton.
' r...rU . , April 21, 18 , !7.
-- --- 3 ---.
(,`[tit: EXIIENSIQNI—A farce e4nmi.inrnent
-- Tirtrui; Ctrot. f tnont - r., for care of; Feve.s.
nod AgU , ' • ions Fever, ete., etc., and ' will be
sold to - drnzeis .. nd dealers by tbe easeful dozelr ;
of whOlesale pricos lit • • I
June t 2. . 1 , t. 1 - 1. I LTRTON & Co. fteent.4.
Springer ' 18.47 .5 11' [Spring 41847..
Rail ':.2.:::=';': ------ R ad!
receieeo a he L im ,Store, No. 1 Cnnun -r
-ein' Exchange, ' , flier cif Fietach and Pillhl stri, ,
Nloscs, after en:o/nteri`ng all sortr of prrils, y .
sea and land, le here ith his neva and fasiriena e .
Goods, purchased in 'ew York and thilidelp a
at the lowest cash pri es, and enth'raciligtl' great
est.vai lei) , of Fan - Cytand Staple Dry Go sever
brought to A fete Of them wit -be no..
aced.l F ANCY I
SlLKS—Striped PoUlt de Soir. ,
' . Plaid Grenadine, ' T.
Do. Fouhrd, .1 . •
• Heavy wattrd 4. striped black & Ice bib
. • White, watered,
. White and black Satin,-
fain black Italian,
Cspired Florences. - 1 '
. Frenclt Glitlhatri aeiv and beainifid ariiele
Muslin Rolfes, Oaf and embroidered.(
French etnbroidere Robes tar children,
Very pretty M. del mines for 2s.'per yard:
____--- ---
French-worked Lrieii cambric Hditf - 0,
Erithmidered add bordered do. do.
_. ~
Doulrie 4- single French needle:iicitke etilfara.
and Canes,,Ad
Embroidered Mtl.,lin Shaiili, • .
Silk, Cashirierit arid trarrage.dci, -
Fret 4 Barrage Scarfs,
English thread Lutes, Swills gnat/aid rib Mg
t, I
• - ings,
Black, white amileolored French Kid Gloves ,
Silk and mohair .tiloves itind. mitts, !
` Onibra striped Bennet Ktbands,
Figured .-. do.- do./
Corinthian Cord,lLace ButtoitS,,
Silk Bonnet Wire; & c. 4-c. I
1t...T-Mind thelnanie and n miter.
MO E. 7 K IT '
-I . No. 1, ComMerkialEclufnze,
_April 21. . r • 1 1 Frehch st., -
. 1 _ . ..._ ____ ___-
. 1
re v,- , -= -
- A - I(3re 1 Nt* - Gocits !
(Q 3.• THE
_LAS , AND cittAPEst.,o) ;
Now . opening, roils the lastiof our Sp 4 riiiß ri,r--
chase; a Icry general and extenst aabrt'-•
went of Fancy an , Staple DRY GOO S, with
a good stock of DRY GROCERIES, !to which
we have addeit a targe 'stock of OriOCKERY,
comprising li tt dining Setts of Cigna-, with all the.
cheaper Wur .s. The altenlion of dealers is es ,
pecially invild to this branch - of oar trade.
The, Good have, ull been purchased cheap, and•
will be suf.! clur+)); For RifthOr evidence please
call at i ; It I ETCALve,
J. D. CLARK, in charge tor P. Mg .10., re
sneetrully :o.lkri.s the.. patroouge of his c Id friends
aed ci.stoiners at `tote Nt;. J, Reed Ueose.
:s,lay 23, 1817. ' i
' -
PROTEC P1 . 0N.•
TEW, . 1 . 7 .r1e Co.iiity Almost insurane Company
con•inties io insure against loss and damage
by fire, on b i oilditks, gon'ils_ and merchandise of
all deici iptibilS, 'Office on the east; ido of thee
Public S'ilu.q e, be teen 6:11 and 7th sit etc..
ra=crons. J.
Writ. P,.atty,l JIB. Willianw,
J. C. Spencer, George S'elden,;
Thomas Willi, Smith Jatkaore;
Giles Sanlnil , • , Elijah Ba, WU,
C. M. Tibbs d,-• John A. Tam
W. 11. Towoend, II 111111 in' gone%
' , Plenty Cadwell. • '
(.111..P.S SANPOI4I; in•esider,l.
.I. i C: Stsk:st cep, Treaoure . r.j
RI .
Sc tan, Se:irel 3 ,l* I
117. I . I lc:t
Juno l, i
I(it-7iliva i .
s and Point, a 4 fi ne skleetion
'ne ini);_i;neet, tozether •'it ofte Ake
j't•zt [ oFened at the an' t pPasite the
pril 29.
and go
hal It f blgn:
Qiilat S i
1.." just rc•,
Erie, 11111
A1:0) 'ORO koriCE,
Ne) 1 ICE, t ia ;Wen that lett ra of Al.
miniStiat ) been grants lb the sub.
scriber* on' the er,,,_ _ 4 . Thorns' Huff t, deed, fate'
of Hirtiorereek lownship;' all. persons, therefore,
indebted i s said estate are requested, to , genie the
name; irnm4diatety; and those hating claims a
trzai nthe Sallie !tail% present them lomaUyautheny
dew or Bettie i
A ji M. WIGTOST, ,' k Adner.
• . ' !
• June 5, 017.1 .
' -'i ' Gt 3;
~ I [ ''
qi, anti Ma
4, Ch M
0 . 1