, - ... . , '' , . . , . . . . •.--. „..., „,....,.„,,..„•..„..„. .i.„„,. E .. ~.„. ~,,,,.: , ~. ~ ~ ~.. . ,• . ... .... . ..... . , ~ ~...„,., ~,,.,...:..... . . . N. . . , .., . _ .' • ~ .:... ,„ 1 ~ „ . .., . • .... ... J ~ , . . . . . . . , . , . ••, . • . . • i , . • • , , . ... ......___ L "TUE W O RLD IS GOVE'RNED TOO'ISIITCH.." . ' 2 '-• ' - ' l '''- ': .''' ____ 4 ___ ~ 7 - 1 ` I L --- r - , , . I . SATURDAY,.• JULY. 3,1847. : i - I i: 1 1 ,-,-,--- .= i • ,___::...._.... . . VOA. trillE XVIII. i• ----- ;ulasHED EVERY SATURDAY BY it,' P. LDURLIN &' B. F. SLOIN, 8 , ATE STREET, ERIE, i',.. 11 TERMS. One copy, One year, in advance, •81 50 Otherwise, two dollars a year will invariably be charged. _ These terns will be,strictly adhered to in all cases. Advertiseinents inserted at 50 cents per square 9r• the llrit insertion, and 25 cents foreach sub sequent inselon. , ~., Job Printi 2, of all varieties, such as Books Pamphlets, Handbills,F how Bills, Cards,Steam boat Bills, Blanks for Notes, Receipts. &c. exe cuted in the est style and on•shortnotice. DIITH JACKSON. Dealer inry Goods, Groceries, i Hardware, 1 . Queens 1. are, Lime, Iron, Nails &c. No. 121, Chtapsid, Erie, Pa. . - - - iOIIN 11. MELIA R, County and Ilurough §ttiveYor; °nice in Exchange' . - 'Buildings. French st , Erie. dUIN B. JOHNSON, RNEY :OP LAW, A T T Hee removed near the C his 011ico to the Publics Building on House, up stairs, in the room the Sheriff-and directly over the Oirtee. alien will he given to all buaineus,ea I is care.GO MIZE Commie•sic Prompt atm trusted to /. L. . ICUCHERT IC CO. . BUFFALO, N. Y. - ' STORAG , FORWARDING AND PRO DUCE MMISSION MERCHANTS, AND Detrs in Lehigh arid Erie Coal. Salt . and Pr duce ' generally. Particular atten tion paid ro the sale of Produce and purebusc of INlercliandize. N 0.3 & 4 Coburn Square, South Wharf: E. IN. HUI' BERT, Buffalo, N Y. ------ BENIAMI GRANT, " • Attorney an 4 nt Law ; Office Na. 2 ,Slate st.,onpoile the Kale I larel, Erie; Pa. GRAHAM! ti.. :- THOMPSON, Attorneys 64. Founseilors ut Law, Office on French street, over S Jackson 4. Ck's. Store, Erie. April 9.1 1 1947. 49 0. L. ELL t IO TT, SURGEON DEN TIST. 14* perinindntlyiocated in Erie. office at his residence ion the conrner of Seventh and Pe:ich Slreetn., 49 I. ROSENZWEIG Is; Co. Dc~lere in 1 - oreign and Itornestie Dry Goods, Ready M4de Glothina, Bows and Shots, &c. No. 11, Flemming' Block, State Street, Erie, list , • - Attorneys at ri Counsellors-) at Law--01116 on Six.h Area, %vest side of the Public Sqi,tare " Erie, Pa. .1. GALBRAITH. W. A. GAI.IIIIAITII. W. 5. ° 1.A!;1E 9. LOOMIS & CO. Dealers in Watches, Jewelry, Silver, German Sil ver, Plated and Paiitannia Ware, Cutlery., Mil itary and fancy (Roods, N0.71l a tta Rrir %, Pa. •I WILLIAMS Ez., WRIGHT. Wholesaleatut Retail Dealers in Dry Goods, Gro• aeries,-I - Urdware, Crockery, Glassware, Iron, .Nails, Leather, Oils, etc. ete. corner of State street and' he Pub - lie:S(oa, opposite the Eagle Tavern, Erie, Pi., 'WILLIAM RIBLET. • Cabinet Maker, Upholster and Undertaker, glare Clree!, Erie Pa • . S. DI KIN SON, M. D. Physician and Surgeon, 0111C:0 on Seventh l Street, west °laic Methodist Church. F.aie. Pa WALKER tz, COOK, General Forivardin , ., Commission ; and Produce Merchants; lied Ware }heat!, east of pub lic (Md.°, nrie., • JOSr II IC.F'I,S Alitnnfacturers of Tin, Copret and Sheet-Iron wurc corner of French 041.1 Ni streets, Erie. L' TER, SE;NINErr Sr, CHESTER, irOn Founders, wholesale and letail dettlers i Stoves, Hollow-ware fie. State street, 14 rie.,l4a. JOHN H. BURTON & CO. Wholesale and retail dearer:4 si Dates, Medicines Dye Stuffs, Groceries, &c. N 0.5, Reed Rouse Eric, Pa. TIBBALS, Penior ihDry G1xv.1.5, Groceries, ,S-c. No. 11l Ilicapsitle, Edo Pa. GOODW,IN &.VINCENT. DeaQrs in Dry Clouds, Gboceries, ac., No. Bonnyll Block, State st.,Etie, Pa CARTER k. BROTIIER. Livalers in Druzs, Nledieines ' Paints, Oils, Dye ill's, Glass, Sim., No. G Reed House, Erie B, TOILINSON Y,, Co. Forwardi'nr , and Cotnetiasion Merchants; 109 , French Street, Erie, and at 6th Street Canal Da son, also dealers in Groceries and Protdisions. HENRY CADWEI,L. pealerin Ilaidware, Dry Goods, Groceries, ke castside of the Diamond, and one door east Y o the Eagle hotel, Erie, Pa. s EAGLE lIOTEL, fly IliraraL. Brown, corner or State street and the Public square, Erie, Pa. Eastern, Western, • and Southern Stage office. , LYTLE & HAMILTON. Faghionahke Nleil,ehant Tailors, on the Public Square,' a few Moors west of State meet : Erie, Pa. JOEL JOHNSON. Pealer in Theotooled, Al kcellancons, Sunday 'and Classical School Book; Stationary, etc. etc. French Street, Erie, Pa. -- P. A. R. BRACE, 'Att*lney and Counsellor at law, Prairie dutliien, IV.l'. practices in the counties of Crawford, firant and lowa, W. T. and in Clayton rnty, °a lowa Territory. • . • - - _ SyANTED ira exellawzo V V ,ter, Cliccfc, mad all' duce. June 6, 12-16.1 LlARD%VARE.—SheltAlitru.. II Trimmingst can always be ha44tery c.., the cheap store of I • S. JACIPLON 4• co. November 21, 1946. . 1 27 CSFI FOR. 'TIMOTHY SEE, - scribers will pay cash for .201 thy seed. B. TOMLIN CLOVER AID erIMOTRY sale at Alt, !May 01817. ti MIGUFFEES' series of School Books, 1,2, 3, 4 and 5, for sale at No. 111, French' St. Eije, May' 6, 1847. " 51 REMOVAL. I,OOMIS I% Co, have romov • d their stock • of dLOCKS, %V AT cuc e , JE . VELKT, FANCY Goons, etc. etc., No. 5, People's Ito , State street, nearly oplieilite the Eagle Hotel, where they will be pleased to have their ft lends call as•usual. N. B. 'A large addition to their stock in Milo will be ralde in a short. time. Erie, ay 19. 1841. 1 GLOVES.—We have the best assortment chat will im in imp o rt of all kinds, including Stewart'a self d black and fancy Kid, fancy atuk vat icgated Silks and Chins Linen. April 1 6 . WILLIAMS. ft WRIGHT. A group of youngters, ten years before the Revolution, stood on - a level .green in New York with a mark before them and their fire arms ready: They Were on :the ground_now' occupied by Charleston and a pet* of Var-'- ick atreets, et whickihen 'bran a part of the open anti romobtic country.. The out skills of the then abbreviated city were what indy be termed poetically pietures i que, made up of rocky, 'sandy, uneven, but yet elegant grounds, which afforded opportunities for the enjoyment of 'field sports and the prosecution of other natters, as well as for the agricultu ral occupations whiCh give men•bread. The frequent aPpearance of skill in this quarter, from the tune of Peter Stuyvesant down to the period of, which we write, created a desire among the Youngmen in alldirections to em ulatetheir skill as inarksmen. It was no un usual thing to get land , y_lhooting the best shoi,land many a lot - Whi h is' valued at this day at thousands of dol ars, and affords its owner the means of becoming a season sub scriber to the opera, Was oblained by striking the bull's-eye of a target.‘ The group we wouldsalt the attention of the reader to, was one of five persons, fOur of whom were strip lings, but the fifth a grey haired man, whose rubuicund visage and round proportions pub lished the fact that his birth place was Great Britain. Ile was admiring a mark in the.tar get, and addressed the lad who had made it, and who was leaniu'g carelessly on a rifle that showed better condition than any other' piece on the ground. "Why, Charles , you are a second Tell, or willi be. You must have iiractieed constantly to have aennima inch r ....:,.......„.... J..,. "Why; to say the. troth, good LOcksley," replied :he young man'to his venerable inter locutor, "I dolittie else than shoot. My rifle is — rny n-other, wife and children--,though. of' he latter I am scarcely old enough to speak. At any irate,'Bess (the rifle) is my banker, for the'silv/r I u:w is nearly all produced by her." "I never saw such unerring. alm,'''remarked l the old Man, iwonderingly. "It' Merely shows what inclination, and the constant pureint of an object, will accomplish. One's aMbition sometimes runs in strange cur rents. !Mine llirects me to excel all other • 4 persons', in shooting. Every mark that my bullet Tierces produces more delight than, I can Well describe: and if I had my choice of the Tonle of the greatest General or the great est maiksman of the world, I would unhesita= ilny choose to be the latter.? I, ‘ ) 'hi a the young man was speahing these Words he loaded his rifle. The old gentleman listened as he surveyed surrounding objects, and suddenly pointed to a locust. true, ' upon the extreme end of one of the branches of which sat a robin that thade.the vicinity vocal With its song. Pointing* to the bird with one hand, and holding a peice of silver money in the oth4r, the old' men said—." Now Charles this is your reward for that bird." . U. MUGS. '49 , con'not r exclaimed the old man a sur prised tone—"Why7" • 4.Beetiuse I never kill birds." "Well then the twig.that he sits upon is as slender , as a pipe stem. Can you cut that off?" Charles Piggot—the young man—nodded in the affirmative, brought his rifle to aim, and pulled the trigger. Red-breast rose into the air aid sailed away, with a strange twitter, while the twig of which he he had made a perch dropped, in eddying circles, to the gropnd. Charle's companions raised .. a loud shoiN and at the same titnof he, blushing with Pride, received the silverguerdon of his "Humph," muttered old.Locksley.. ""Who ever saw or heard of the like? Why, the In dians only do these 'hinge, but not with lead. I say, charley, you must turn this great tal ent of yours to account. Never relinquish its practice." , , "Not I," exclaimed Piggot, pocketing the silver. "liken I die, it will be rifle in hand!' After a few unimportant trials of the' gib stance of the well riddled 'target, the party shouldered , their arms and came -across the King's Farm into the city. The scene des cribed actually occurred, and the last men tioned remark of the young_rifleraark was often spoken of, at a later and more interesting pe riod, by his friends and relatives. I ..is , AA-The *Lib clean Timo .QN & CO. SEED.—Tor 113pALT: Ten years l from the time of the above scene, Washingtonis forces lay encamped on New York and Ledg Island, awaiting the sanguin ary battle in which we loot about seventeen hundred men, and during which more heroism and bravery was evinces than in any other action that took place on the American Can tinent. 04 the 24th of August, 1'716, a small group of riflemen were collected on the road - to the Narrows. There was every sign of suffering among them:* They were badly cladi unclean ly, and looked as if .reet and feed were lexu-, ries they had not been. indulged with for many a day.!.. Among them was a:muscular; fierce- W hiskered man, whoselant oye and , FOROIVeTRY BROTHER. ho has erred, o hand— merous word, c Forv"i‘ And 'And at - Assi Joy sptirkie in his eye tei boar. . Thy words of gentle tone: Forgiveness breathed upon his err, . And love and kindness shown: i 1 snakehim rise again, • And'ehun the path he trod, When in the round of FollreArain, He broke from Truth and God. Forgive thy brother—even now A smile is on his cheek; The glow of heaven has tinged his brow— Speak end forgive him—Speak! - - From Noah's Subday Timer. THE INVISIBLE MARKSMAN. "I cannot," was the young man's reply. florid complixion, thin lips and aquiline nose, betokened the, earnestness of his - feeling and the firmness of purpose with which he addres sed his comrades. -He was making known his determination to engage in the expected contest to the death. Give him, he declared, a protected position where he might remain undiscovered during the action, and he would kill as many of the enemy as he had hairs on his head. He was the stripling who ten years before astonished Locksley, but now how changed! Instead of the mild light which th'in tjhone from his oye, the concentrated fires of hate and revenge shot their rays from his - optics, and he clutched his weapon with the blood-thirsty and wild air supposed to belong to a pirate. "Why do you hate these Englishmen worse then the rest of us?" asked one. "We love freedom, and are assembled to resist oppres sion; but you appear to have a personal motive in` our actions, and seem to thirsfor bleed." 'Vengeance is swee sweet' " exclai ll) d Piggot, with a convulsive effort o moth r his emo tion. "Vengeance is sweet, and I desire it— will have it—even though it cost me my own , life; . _ inr . miteance! vengeance?" said another of the men named Randall, "what have yen to avenge more than I, or each of us?" "I'll tell you," replied Piggot, the lides in his face deepening, and his whole form shad owing forth a Mephistophilish outline. ."I had an only brother, a lad whom I loved bet ter than myself. He was the last remnant of ,our stock, and I looked upon him asjhe only being that enabled me to feel I was not a dis tinctive feature in the community-La piece of humanity alone and uncared for! • He went to Boston, and there engaged among the pat riots who sea isted the efforts of the British at Breed's Hill. He was brought down in the earlyoaft of -the action by a bail which de prived him of the use of his lower extremities. As he lay in,this helpless condition, a Bridal) officer, to whom he appealed, looked savagely on and saw a corporal brush out his life with a bayonet. My brother's nearest comrade witnessed the murder, gave me the account of it, and told me the officer's .words after the boy had appealed for mercy. These words they are branded on my heart—were: '.,flio mercy shall be shown to an inifurrectiomist ta ken with arms in. his, hands agaimst his Ma jesty's loyal subjectfi." I have heard these words ringing in my ear, day and night, ever since; and imagination pictures my helpless brother mangled by, and struggling beneath the cr i e n eLli t ik tw vons f t a tligt a mAif fi lWar.r2t . Now you can account for the feeling that has given me a character of late never before un stained by me--that of cruelty. Have I not cause?" . "By G—, I think so," exclaimed one of the riflemen, "and had I half so much, I should be • worse than you." "Well, you'll all have a chance of trying the extent of your courage and principles ere long,_ so let us talk of, something • else," re marked a tall fellow whose nasal twang pro nounced "Connecticut" - plainly. "Hark!" said Piggot, "the drum calls us in. A truce to all this. Let us act, not mouth. Let us make the very name of rifleman dread ed while kred coat harbors in America.". On the following day it was plain, from Ae movements of the royal forces, and from the preparations made by the American comman der and his officers, that a battle was near at hand. All that day and night the utmost ac tivity prevailed, and the American army.evin ced the greatest courage and alacrity.. When Lard Howe landed .at: Gravesend Bay, near Fort Hamilton, every man was ready to re= ceive him. A desorption of the battle.would 'be surperfluous, inasmuch as it has been graphically told in these columns. We will therefOre narrate our incident • under l the pre sumption that of the battle itself our readeis •need not be informed!a second time. The first of the action occurred with the riflemen near where we now find that beauti ful resting place for the peaceful dead,Green- Wood Cemetry. It was tile left wing of the royalists, under Col. Grant, that assumed this position, while the right and centre occupied other memorable groynd. e carnage of that day—the terrors, the crifrities, the reek, lessness and desperation of . that battle, fohght with the utmost desperation by both parties —were almost beyond belief. In close prox imity to the cemetery is a creek. Its.,waters were dyed in . the best blood of Americans, who were.inowed down, without a hope of escape, by the artillery. Not only companies, but re giments, were destroyed in this manner, the brave Marylanders in particular._ While death was being apportioned here so terribly, a strip of woods not far distant was quite as dreadful to the British. Free' every trunk, bough, protection or shelter of any'kind, the riflemen poured Forth their appalling 'showers. The old adage, "every bullet hes its billet," was hero ljterally verified, for it was not once in twenty ',times that a allot failed. The utmost consternation prevailed with regard .to this method of. figting. ° Indignation was also manifested by the royal officers. 1 / 4 "By Memo!, Baxter,", said one captain to another as they met, "look how our men fall and not a hope of punishing their murderers. As well seek to thread the mazes of a labyr inth as this light and open wood inntifety z — See, there drops another officer." Sctirce had he finished his speech ere a ball Whistled so close V) his ear that he felt it. "Good God," said Baxter, pale with exces sive tgitation, "this it the most cowardly spe cies of warfare I ever encountered. We must get out of this ground, 'or Ise Mike up-our minds to be buried here." - "77- “We dare not—cannot—stir without orders. We have our place assigned, and must not evacuate , it. And yet it k dreachil to stand harii ,comparatively idli; and be . shot down aparriwis,i' replied the "Othelas he bit his lips. Until they Kid, • ' Men were falling here and there in every /* direction, while the din of battle was heard whithersoever way combatantmight turn. Now and then a rifleman - Was dislodged and killed; but the invisible f 4 remained as nu merous, and serviceabX to the cause ofliber ty, as ever. On the outskirts of the weed— or rather in a'sort of clearing made by the hand of nature—was a tall oak tree as stately as George Washington. ' , Within three bufulred _ yards of this tree was a circle of English sol diers, dead, and almost all marked in the fore head, or about the breast, by a single shot.— At regular intervals the sharp crack of a rifle was'distinguishable abeve all other soundettnil l it was surely followed by the immolation of a victim. This had been observed, with trem bling, by both officers and pqateeduring an hour or more; and whatwas also palpable;- was that the unseen diapenser of dissolution picked off' the company officers in preference to the men in the ranks. The shots at last became so frequent and fatal that search was instituted to ascertain their source. It could not be found. Like the-great plume of ,Murat artiong the Austrians, the invisible marksman 'became the talk of the whole left of the line, and ultimately the matter reached the ears of Grant. _ , - "Order out a platoon instansly," cried he to one of his aides, "and let it be held in read- 1 loess to make short work of all found engaged in this assassin-like method of combat. Pause not until this lurking foe is dislodged and ren dered powerless." 1 This order was communicated to the proper personages, and a second seach was indulged. The file of inen detiiiled to the duty of the seach ware led by a captain remarkable for his height; and when they came within mus ket range of the till free, the sharp ringing report so terrible was Om' precursor of his death. A corporal saw the smoke, and no ticed a stir among the branches. With a keener eye and quicker . perceptions than the rest, and being, withal, an old soldier who had se,imi service on other fields where England had deluged innocent soil with the best blood of its human offspring, he at once guessed the whereabouts of/ the invincible markiman.— The moment lie communicated his discovery to the rest, there was a speedy retreat indica ted towards the platoon. This body at. j once dashed towards the towering oak, and halting within Musket shot. ','hat for your 'leader," shouted a; voice from among the . branches; and, true to the marksman's purpose; the ball entered the brain tn. was uttereu as tne onncer next in rans.steppeo up, l and paused a moment. "That for the nearest man'on the right!" exclaimed the voice, and--again his victim bit the dust. ”Now, men," cried thediriton, waving his swore with frantic excitement -over his head —"Now, men, fire—fire, I 'nib before he.has time to reload."• The volley started the echoes of the heightS, and the muskets belched forth their contents in flame and smoke: it few twigs ( dropped from the tree, but the tentant Was, to every seeming unhurt. ""No," he spoke, in a sonorious and deep voice that was distinctly heard and had some thing unearthly in its tones.--"No, not.yet. I lack three men, by my tally, te.make up the amuunt devoted to the god of vengeance.— Here is for one:" A cavalry soldier was pasE;ing by, his horse had taken fright_and could not be checked.— Once more the fatal rifle uttered its death song, and the alarmed steed fled riderless on its way. • • "Burn the tree down!" exclaimed one of the men. "Fire can be communicated to the trunk easily." ; "Will you undertake the deed," inquired the commander, Willi a sneer. "I will," replied the man. "Tear some wadding from your; coats and give it to me." They complied with his reqUest,find deliv ered to him with alacrity what theylPrecured' from their well padded garments. • He now became the lion of the field, as the rifleman had it' been. Every eye ce ered on the private as he made up a loose rcel of inflamable.stufr. A pile of the dryest ranches thereabouts was next obtained and broken into respectable brush faggots. The private then fired the wadding with the lock of his masket and s; little powder, and fanned it into a blazo/... With the lighted match mass in one hand, and the bundle of -brush in other, he,Otarted manfully for the tree—the platoon followed him &few paces, and almost imperceptibly, narrowing the distance between' themselves and the rifleman. The priv z ate reached the foot of the tree, and with eager base - threw down his faggots and fired / them. As he was rising from his stooping posture, the occupant of the branches made himself, for the first time, visible. - With his feet firmly clenched among the boughs, ho allowed his body, as quid as thought, to depend over, and, taking aim with his weapon, pulled the trigger.-- The daring private sprang up and &II over upon his back, while his feet scattered the mass which, he had intended, would have made the tree the iimerieats funeral pile. , "Brother, my oath is fulfilled! I have ap peased the angry demon that called,for a re compense of your slaughter. Now, ~ then," continued the rifleman, who was nob other, as the reader may have anticipated, than Charles Piggott—PNow, then take good aim and bring me down.; I am out of ammunition, have killed as many of you asl had determinedto, and have no further cause for remaining here. Fire!—andif more than one shat in Propos,. tion to hits me, you are better handlersa ire-arms than I think pm." ' ` , Thar soWlere were evidently ' won to favor blni by hie intrepidity. He Win entirely di vested of clothing excepting a slinit - pair of yellOW 'Needles. Hie feet t •legs, bbdy and hied were destitute of•coveritig, but begrimed by towder, amok" dust mid lieitviration.—,' ' As 14. looked down'upen the - Men fro I- ; tho tree. i (the descendant and near relativ yho 1 Igives us these 'facts, seiss,) , ' he was, even in his triserable plight, , a commanding and ad; miration 'claiming picture. There was l ime hesitation in the platoon when Piggott nom• mended them to bringhim down, and the men looked to their 'officer as if fo further instruc tions. ' The o ffi cer was gill used - to the mel-, 'e 'succumbed to' onslatently 'with II a true gnglish there was to lie act ' worthy of gave the signal a of Viggo:wen shouted—q die t you without iiwayed in the dropped, heti- I ground. hat the invisible , was punished: o Wishington) ed, no one who is majesty's pay )ou poor Charles ting mood,'• - nor could he ha any feeling of compassion ' his duty or his asperations man; The memory of his . wedded to some retributiv 1, their bloc) / y destinies, and h for the la t effect in the dra acting. , hey fired as he satisfied!-Lbrother, I can m shame:" . nd pitched over, branches moment, and t vily, a senrelese clod upon th The , word was soon given foe, whoni l i they had all feare and ere that eveTtful and dististronsibattle was conclu wore a red coat or fingered wasted a second's thought u Piggott. , Wheri the wounded - were ilicked up and the dead buried-=a duty'performed by the inhabi. tants and the English—Piggot's body was found where it had fallen. A hole, called by courtesy a grave, wds scooped out for its re ception at the foot of the - oak. The rifle—. the unerring, veng,cful rifle--was so firmly clenched in the left hind that it could not be removed but was buried with him. Thus the thoughtless and unintentional Predictioii to the old Albin islander, Loeksley, that Char ley would "die with his rifle in his hand," was too truly and literally accomplished: Not many years ago, (wehave -not ;the ex act date,- but will procure it for the looming week,) an old tree in the Vicinity We have mentioned was uprooted in a heavy gale, arid along with its massive rocks, t which were wrenched with great force from the groudd; came tbe dark, discolored,. mouldy semblance' of a man's "skeleton. Upon looking around in'the mould, the curious also found remants of a long rifle. • The old inhabitants, who had heard the -story of the , (unefring marksuriari," b i at once concluded that the had found Pig got's skeleton, and -that' the prostrated oak was the one from the top of whirl he had so bravely thinned the ranks o freedom's oppo:. rients. The bare supilosit on entitled the relica to a grave with .mi ' ' it-jiAgare.'-oixAw that honorhhly met on the battle-ground of liberty, and no character so oble as that of the active, practical patriot. I I • There are still rifles lik& United States; but far dia whereon they shall be called among men whose consang to warrant us in estimating the members of a nation di selves or ou r country. From 'the Wushington Usii,n, 150 inst. Kit CarsOn, of fife Wytkt. i v This sin_ ular man left Vashington this morning in ctiinpaily with A rs. Ptement, for the west. On entering the ar OfficA, yes terday, we were asked, "Ha e you seen KW Carson? He has this mom ui left my room; and a singular anditriking an he is! Mod- 1 1 est ai he is Brave, with the re of enterpri,e( in h s eye—with the hearin of an In7u, n, j -- I ing even with roes turturndin—l wis you, d have soon him." We were so/unfor te as to kaiss him, thou h our / curiosity greatly excited; but,"in .he cotirse of two •I, / . s, a goutleman,who had seen much of son, waited upon us and politely -furnish- cou tun, wa hou Ca ed is with the following de4eription of this .ular man. The porirdit is admirably ivn, and is gives us/gre4, pleasure to lay .:fore our readers.de is he character of on Of those bold an enterp ising 7fl) IN of • bold art • • thewest,_whorn the pecitlier influences of the 1 / frontier settlements...bet ; we n the white man ant the . red trianl—aro so , w 11 calculated to produce. „Carson,. hotierr, is a master spir it, whose / habits wo like( to understand, and 1 / , who7adventures we deligh to hear. , S, cli an unique character ought to be pre seiVed by the magic pen of genius, lti , fore its ,trats disappear under the ad vance of civiliza tio . 1 beir j KIT CARSCiIsr; , • nder this ! name, Within a fety years, has rime quite ! familiar to the public, mainly thr'ough his connection with the expeditions of Fremont, One of the of those noble and original characters that have from time to 1 time sprung op on tufa beyond our frontier, retreating with it to the w at, and drawing &OM association with uncult vated nature, not , the rudeness and sensualism of the savage, but genuine simplicity and truthfulness of disposition, and generosity, bravery, and in gle-heartedness to a degree 'rarely found , l_t_ - ,f society. Although Kit as only bec me i l e ~known lathe reading peopl of "the Stat s'' and of Europe through Fre is reportsLhe was long ago\ famous In a t orld as eitended, if not as long ! populous; fa tons for excelling in all the qualities that lit .in the trackless n and vast west requires a - developea. He has 'been celebrated-011mm novr aged only about thirty-seven years,) as a hunter, trapper, guide or pilot of the prairie an Indian tight er,s uniting to ! the .necessa r characteristics of that adventurous and atu y class, a kind ness of heart raid gentler of' manner • that relieves it of inky possibl horshness or miter; ity. I. 1 , I , He is new in "the State having recently arrived with despatcher; fr at California; and, 1 have taken the opportuni to.extract fro* him a fe w . incidents of his ventiul de, He, is worttry of anlnxionible a d more extended , • • ,•• • , rnernoir; and,ivere his , qtly ntirres fully' NMI , tsloirent, ther would pifeis an intfiest niiiiel• 1 .to any personal narrative or !deser t , ~1, • Chttetnpher Carson was horn in It norckyi• N, ./ sin dra l l\ ite) Nn :I in the year 18e0 er Ifill e kis father' havin., been gal of the witty seta Ili; aad alsd 1:1 notet 'burlier and Indian fighter. In the iehr fol lowing .Ifil's hirth the, fit 114 removed, b e . ilia beke.Of More elbow'-r _ eel thXn the a vancing population of Kentuclty left thin, t. the territory of Missouri.; W I this frOntipi, bred to border life, Kit remained to the age of fifteen, when he joined a trading party to Santa Fe. This was his introduction to the vast plains that stretch beyond the .state of Missouri. lnstead of returning home; ,of found his way, by various adventures,'south, through New Mexico, to the copper thinea of Chihuahua, .where ho was employed_ sonic months as a.teamster. e ,‘ When but seventeen years Old, he read° f l its first expedition as a trapper. This was with 'a party which had befit) induced by favorable accounts of_ fresh trapping grounds on the Rio Colorado Of California, to an adventure thither; so that Kit's. first exploits were - in 1 the same remote and romantic region where, during the last year, he and all his comrades, with their commander, have `earned impr- i ishable honor. The enterprise-'was sucee s lid, and Kii relates many interesting an c dotes of the hardships 'of the wilderness and of the encounters of his party with the Indi ans. The Mexican authorities and settlers in California were even at that time jealous of I the Americans, and threatened to seize even this inoffensive and itiving party of. heaver ! catchers. They made 'good 'their return, t however, to Taos, in New; Mexico; whetele, 'soon after, Kit joiniel s trapping party to the , head watch of the Arlzensas, (likewise a re gion emheaced, since the last published expe dition, in the surveys of Capt. f`reinoitt.)— Without recrossing the, plVee, liit i went northward to the region of the Rocky if/con tains that gives rise to the Missouri and Co-' i l lumbia rivers, and tiler/ remained near !eirelit years, engaged in the ten important oceupti tion.of trapping. 1 ! The great demands for the beaver, and the Consequent high prices atithat time paid for the peltries, gave an additioeal stimulus to the adventurous spirit of the young men for the west - , and drew nearly all• who preferred the excitements tied hazards of 'life in the wilderness to itiieter. pursuits, into the re cesses of the Rocky Mountains: Here a pe- I culiar class was formed; the elements, the I 1 sturdy, enterprising and uneutbed character Ipf the frontier; • the oirouinstances that influ eneed and formed it, nature in- her wildest, leettgliest t e ttadeetaudeate itsneete.....eee. ranee, froth the wretched Root-diegers to the vin dictive Illackfeet, and the courageous teed • warlike CroWs—eand a vOc i ation of constant 1 slab r, IprivatiOn and peril in.every shitpe, yet 1 of g ains ) of te natyre. apd , degree to I give it I f Mill . I 4 ' somew* of the chara cteris tics oga mg. , Th• • fiver •! , , • i e d ecre ase o f the be i)efony h i pert suit Of tho pow animal s ruthless i as ,was i . 'thuie iiimulat d, nd the setist`ttotiOnof ter con' mod ties or t in'beaver fur'' have left tr v- 1 • ll , 1 • e z ;i • i 'pit; sca cely 'we ill following as a vocati n; • and the race of // trappers has nearly disappear- t ed from• the/Mountain gorges, where they built their rude lodgese where they set the leaps forethe wily beaver, ,and -wlieee there were frequent combats with the,eavages, and wide-Wild beaseti not less fennitlabie. In the se)4l of men thus formed by hardship, 'xpo sure, peril and temptation, our hero acquired / all their virtues and escaped their 'vices. He be ame noted through the extent of the trap eping grounds end on both sides oldie Rocky Mountains, es a successful trapper, an unfail ing shot, an unerring guide, and for bravery, saeacity and steadiness in all eircumstapoes, le was chosen to lead in almost all enter- Klee of untisual danger, eni in all etteeks up a the Indian 4 At one time, with a par , ty • twelve he dttackild a band of near sixty Cr, ws, who had stolen some of the horses be- in the ilay ution plain , cc or I eur- I no , Ji-lgot • 8 !ant be th l itoo do exe inity is to hem as a r tinct 6u lo ging to the trappers, ll ent Nese the animals w ich were tied within ten feet of the strong fort of logs in which the Indians had ta•ken • shelter, attacked them, and made good his re- I treat 'with the recovered horses; an Indian oft another tribe, who was with, the trappers, 1 bringing away a Crow scalp as a trophy. In one combat with the Blackfeet, Carson receiv ed a rifle ball in his left shoulder, breaking it'. a l ve this, he has escaped the manifold dan- gers to whioh he has been exposed, without . • serious bodily injury. Of course in so turbu lentl and unrestrained a life, there Werr not un • 'frequent 'personal encounters anion he trap pers themselves, nor could the most peacea bly disposed always avoid them. These were most frequent and savage at the periods when the trappers went into the "rendezvous," as ,was called the points where the companies • kept their establishments for receiving the poltries and supplying the trappers.,- here a few days of indulgence were corrirnonly al lowed himself by'the trapper, and there was much drinking and gambling, and consequent- ly fighting. ' Feuds, growing out of . national feelings, would atso naturally enough sometimes be our among the trappers—there being Canadi ans and Mexicans as well tia the Arnericart; all having a pride of race and cntintfy:\ Ou one accasion a Frenchman, who ranked as a. bully, had Wiipped a -good many Canadiani; , and then began to insult the Americans, say-, ing they i were only wen?) bpi ng w hipped. wit It switch* At this, Carson fired upland said, "He was the most trifling one among the Americans, and to begin with him." After some little more talk, each went off and arm ed itimaelf•••••Carsott with a pistol, the Preach mmt with a rifle—.and both mounted for the fight. tiding . up, until their horses' heads touthed,i they fired almost at the same instant Carson a little the quickest, and,• his ball padsinlifthrough the Frenchman's 'lanai made *jerk tip 'hie gun, and E'en i 1 tho•ba% which' Wei intended for Carson's heart, graidtit his left c ip a n d l singieg his hair. This is the on 2, ti tiMioneptirsotiatquarr I of Carson's life, as h - S, Illtti titaist l yen?' if re Men, of a peacea: h gap gentle tlinzer., ' ', i•L . . 1 1100 ~ i ; • ' . 1 11 1 1' , MEI ME ' , INIAII NUMBER Col: Yremonti owed . his good Orlon') in: procuring Carss services to ap ' aceidentat meeting on a a eat , nlfgat abovit..-touis— , & 4 either having ver'Nfore hearitotthe ether. ; ; it was at the commencement of4renione,a. first expedition.' Gaieen continued' with 'it until, in its return, it had rectesse& thy moun tains: Ills courage , /fidelity' endeficellent . _ character; sofatl.coneiliated the good will of the.demmandei thitf,l in his second expedition . ho gladly-availed himself again of Kit's;ser- . vices, on ineethig with him, as hp chanced to do, on the con ies of New MeXice. ' Kit. i again left the p rty a ft er its arrival this side ; fir of the mountain s -- not, however, tintil Pre-' mont had obtaihyd a promise from Om to jein thy third exped ition , in ease one ' should be organized: - So me incidents will bq interest.. Ing,;co,hneeted With this' latter -expedition, which was intHrupted in its pureliseientifin character by. 0- the treachery of tho Mexic n chief (Castro) qomPe4ing Freciat to ohm) i his peaceful etnP in lo.vment, and which, owi g the continuance of the wAr with Mexico, is ~ -, not yet completed. • • ) 1 In the irate it between, Eremoul's second and third expeditions, Carson had se tied him self near Taos,iand had begumtO farm, pre paring to lead a quiet life, when he received a note from Fbeflibnt, written at Bent's Tort, reminding him o f his promise, anal telling him he would' wait there for him: On this occasion Carsor showed his stronifriondihip for his ?Idsionimander, and the generous 'and unselfish nature of his feelings: Ip fourdays from receiving !the note, Carson, had joined the party, having sold his house and farm fur less than half the sum he , hid just' expended upon it, and put[his family under the protec tion of his friend' the late Governor Bent, tin : til he girould return from a certainly long and dangerous journey. This protection, f)rifor tunately, we t s taken from them i the tato, massacre Wraps, - when Carson's rother-in..j law was also °Tie of the victims to the fury of the Mexic4ns against all connected with the Americans. Mrs. Carson saved her life by flight, leaving them , to rob the hots of every' ,thing. Kendall and all others jitilio ,have written of their adventures in Nev Mexico, ascribe the highest character tole women of that country formedek.Y,lgenere ity, quick sympathy, and ail feminico virtues To this amiable class . belongs the *ire e Carson, s who has paid so 'dearly forAiir a eizitkin fur I him. , The route o 1 i the third expeditiO n mu: tasL-16.- •, - --- 7 ' ,i I ed, and filled, according to the superstitions and tales current, among the Indians \ land the trappers of the mountains, with ail iitagina hie horrors. A l vast desert, voidof Vegetation 1 'and fresh water, abounding in . linic sands and in brackish pools and rivers, With only sub ' I terra! can ()nts. This off as i ne reputed • ',chars ter of the. country, ins ifying at least P the apprehension °Hack of those inlispensa- I' hies te.t he yoya l ger ofthe ivilderneSs—tvater , li ana grass. In'yuth, the southern ; ordel• of, the lake traS fmind to be skirted • w tit a salt plain of about Sixty miles in wid I. Ot%er 1 - I this, as elsewhere, Carson, in hi or - malty of .1 scoot, was alw t ys with the adv nee party,,,to search for wate -and convenie .P aces for caMp—thensual signal of the prar -fire; serving by its column of smoke, I dvance %weir halting • out w - ,hero the , . ' Gen. ICearne • entered California without' molestation until the fightof San Pa.qual; an ollici4acconnt of which has been published, In the charge made upon the Mexicans, Ca - son, as usual, w i as among the foremost, when as he approchet within bullet rangeof the en emy, who were drawn up in order 4f battle, his horse stiimhted and fell, pithhing him_ Over' ills head, and breaking his rifle_ in L t l i Wain.-.. Seizing his knife, he advanced oi'' t , until he found a hired dragoon, whose rifle he took, and was ressing on, when' he et the i.); mounted men returning from the charge, the Mexicans having galrarefoff. 1 1 4 the in, stance' of Carson, the American iiarty then took possession of a small rocky hill, pear the scene, of the balide, as the strongeSt Position in reach. Not being it a situation to kgo for ward, they encamped here; and the enemy collecting in - force, they remained in e state of siege. There was little of -either grass or water - cm the hil I, and soon both anitrills and men began to stiffer. r The party %,•as so thickly beset w'th the enemy, that It+ com mander doubtedl the proprietibfattrinpting to cut a passage through, When, after four day's stele, Carson. 8.'1,1 Pas, , ed Midshipnian Beale, of , the navy. who o had 4. 4it sent. to meet li,'earney, with some thirty awn, :Isla compli mentary esch{ . rt to San Diego,)voluatecred to I.go to Captain f•rftxskton, at that, plaCe,, and bring a reinforcettiont. . This daring enterprise these intrepid and esolute yoniig men, accompanied by it Dela are Indiadwifo:was attached as a Ispy to nersi Elefiraey'S command, at ccessfully accamplislied, but not withppt extresise suf fering and peril. This distance 'be.ween the camp and Sae Diego was hut 'thirty ranee; but, as They ba l d`,..to aisle long „detonre, they traveled nearer fifty. They lft 'tie Camp in the night of the :19th of Dece ' I. l :crawling in a horizontal position through tIT euemy's fines. ' Their slims made r*se; or , which cause they toi l lt 'them off, and diitring the niglit.unfortunfitelY lost them: L og%bli all day, to avoid . tke enemy, they, ,e,n_, teetled by tiro end Of the second night in, rea ing their destination-end proc ti ring . the ne eery rein forcement. Their feet end flesh tort and blee d ing, fromthe'rockS and thorny a dr, hag gard front huritk thirst, anxiety and sleep lessness, they ere. again, Itreitheless, in full Performa ' of' duty at the b of itlte Bth eatl.Bthof utterya, When Fremonti,*atteenteetint w thaudaci cepting-ilte tender of thO;Meiti n forays, redched 1 . 4:4 A igelos,C - arseki Jowly ro:. 17'nedqo his command, and lik !Ur's . ' ensuing' in nth was again selected to „cru4s t he, desert 9 II II = ted the ries, is a t to point