'NEW GOODS! NF:W poops! ~_..,.,-, - G. LO NITS 4- CO. 7, Reed :•':"Zi... — •:. l - -- " House, Erie, have just,received `- -- --/t` - =r-.. an 'addition to their former stock .r goods, which makes their assortment very ex• eensive, comprising. a large Variety of _rich and fiishionable JE WLLRY, eo ' nsieting of diamond, ruby, garnet, emerald, amethyst, aquamarine and gnamelled pins, diamond, ruby - and plain rings; old oar rings, guard chains and keys, spectacles. i encil cases, bracelets, lockets, miniature setting, t imbles, studs, snaps, ke..5...e. .. TIME.—GoId and Silver Watches of the pat tont lever, duplex, horizOnral and mom escape ient.. French mantle, German and American locks. SILVER GOODS.+TaIe, desert;'tea,salt and mustard spoons, ladles, butter and fruit knivei, ilpeetacles, chains; keys, pencil cases, thimbles. l hated, Britannia and German Silver IVare. Tea pots, urns, pitchers, cups, tankards. howls, .clake baskets, candlesticks. snu ff ers andirays, apoons; three's, ink stands, castors. . i _ CUTLERY.--Roger's and other ceebri'ed fakers razors, knives and sbissors. MISCELLANEOUS.—MathematicaI instru ments, telescopes, thermometers, pocket compas skit, sun glasses, violins, accordions, music boxes, f utes, fifes, steel pens, card cases; combs, pocket books, pocket pistols, coral, amber, gilt, steel, Wax and glass heads, bead and silk, bags and pm nes, elastic guards, portable writing desks, work, paint, sniff, tobacco and shaving buries, razor .t .ps, - clothes, hair, _ tooth,. nail and shaving ..Y.,ushes and glasses, Glazier's diamonds, shut .e s, ,pow der flasks, percussion caps unrl pills, Itessmen, dominoes, a rgrir caws, purse and cloak .lasps, tweezers, cane, whalebone, violin and bass v iol strings, rouge, powder, puffs, perfurnermy, court plaster, tooth wash and powders, tooth picks, teething rings, l tea bells, Sealing wax, motto 'seals, visiting cards; emery baskets, needles, bat ledor, and birds„spool stands, with numerous oth er articles not mentione,l, both useful and' orna , Mental, which tv ill be for ' re.nlym," froin twen l'y Aive to fifty per cent lower than formerly. - N. B. Watches, music boxes, jewelry repaired a the best manner and warranted. Cash and must kinds of country produce te en in payment fuetzoods or work. Call and see. The highest prices paid in melt for old Gold ml Silver. June 13, 18113 DR. SMITH'S GREAT • NATIONAL PILLS. ,DR. G. BENJ. SSIITTS IMPROVD INDIAN VEG TABLE [SUGAR 'COATED . ] PILLS. • the medieGie for the Unit , States, and their superiority ovef all others for entire efficacy and reasontooss has won for thent a pro eminence of fame l i t h i irds nee no foreig Influence to perpetuate. , Almost Id d they have silently worked their way, awl . taro gained a permanent hold nu the approbation of the eople able), no other medicine or opposition can relax. , or about four years they°ll.l%if triumphed over disease,, lad brought joy nod gladoebs to many an anxious bosom. TltiCift ruurrw, o medical compound, 1.11111.11 then to the moat deli. - . to, and even the Inure:hardy, who have suffered from e effsets of amours pieperi ors in Llin :40111301. Wilt at nee be plea-ml with thO delightful operation of these jie•e Pills. They have •the rare merit of the most care- Ily selected iogreiliews, are nthveye safe, Mid there can • • no danger of taking them improperly at any time. A SINGLE TRIAL iVill manifest their excellence in relieving the body of 'any precgroors of alarming diseases, keeping the bow l. gently open, thereby ansitring the continuance of caith. The min.t eminent chemist ht Sew York ban ivnn his certificate that those Pills ore PUttELY VEG 'TABLE. or ' , :TIWIrg N re A at T pr r iti li cip iE laTec O oguif l eil by ll th i c ilE in‘ D ent4 of this rivaluable medicine is, that cv ry part of the body, pother in health or disease, is brought under the Mo nee of the digestiany. This plata and rat.oual octrlne forms the m ound on which a good family Melon can be trended. Operating according to his principle. DR. wimps PILLS r 'EITHENGTIEEN THE wromActr, 1 remote the secretions of the LIVER, SKIN, and KIDI EYS, and REGULATE THE BOWELS, thereby adopt ng the ONLY NATURAL rind .consistent method of reni ring the LIFE BLOOD PURE, by cur ecting the slim+ ed liumocs of the whole system. is It is impesei le to give every particular in this brier ottce, but the e Fills arc earnestly recommended as a rsans of prey Ming so much misery and di s ease, .wiLich 'row out of copstipution of the bowels, neglected colds, light attacks. &c., str.c., and %hitch it in in the power LL TO FREVENF, These Pills this not PALLIATE, hut Tuv.ar cline ost all (111,ot:wan( the Western Country, :mil in ALL BILLIOUS DISORDERS, - hey eland alone, unparalleled—TUE SiCIK MAN'S' RIEND. Among the complaints fur which these Pills e highly recommended, are the following, viz: FEVERS, PAIN IN THE SIDE, . DYSPEPSIA, SCROFUI.A. . INDIGESTION, - I BAD BLOOD, COSTIVENESS, ORSTRUC rioNs, HEADACHE, FEM 11. E COMPLAINTS. BAD APPEriTE, , RneumATisn, DIARRIICE 1. WHO /PING COUGHS, DYSENTARY, WEAK NERVES, LIVIII. COMPLAINT, HYS rEatcs, • WORMS, I ouGllB, HEARTBURN. COLDS.I. BILIOUS CtIOLIC, INFLUENZA, FOUI. STOMACH, I PIMP , ES. , JAUNDICE, LOW SPIRITS, &c. • Ily following the simple directions which accompany every box of genuine pill%n perrhanent cure will be ef fecled."*Most of the HOSPITALS to New York hose giv er' theme Pill. the prere , ence over liter , then 20 kiwis that lhave been tested, and several EMINEN I' PIiYSICI INS. iu Now York'and elsewhere, se thou) ittheir practice. BEWARE , d'IMPOSITION, The demand for Dr. Smith's Pills being et ery where great, several unprincipled persons have made Pills of the most miserable and dangerous stuff, and to palm them e for the genuine. have put on a 'coating of eugar,"— Therefore. beware. and always. look for THE VIMIT TEN MINGNAI'UIIiE Air le. =a BENJ. Ca the bottom of every bor., to counterfeit which is FOH.- GP:H.Y. Mare than 10eti cottitlCotes have bc.m received 'at the principal office and the people ore referred to ...Smitten Herald & Gazette,' where they chit read of the most important cures. • We give. for wont or room, but G• - a ' TESTIMONIA.I44. From Rey. Luther Leo. Dr. SmittiaPills are purely veget tble, operate we and produce 3 good [vault. LU PH a LE . Editor True We.teyan. From the Rnr. J. Kellett 7tly wife has taken Moffat s, Morrison C. nod many oth ers, bet she lass received more benefit from Dr. Smith's Pills than ell others. :She believes they may he used by females with perfect surety, o about changing their em ployment or diet, and at any sea-on. In Myrtle A: emit. Brooklyn. From the, first vocalist in New York. Dr. D. Benj. Smith's Pills hive entirely cured me of dizziness in my head, and general weakness ofnay system. My family U./ them with the hest re.utts. 1 would not be without them. F. 11.NA:311, 93 sore th et. From the Ed. of the Black !Liver J. real. Dr. SmiNe Pills ure free. !lout the otijectuilis to Null:6, other ping - Are liable, and aro the bcet medicine that I base yet seen. • J. I: it t ENE. From the P - M. Tonawanda, N. Y. Da. Smith's Palls are the beet I have ever used, AC. rani. It, Y. 1 From Rev. 8 Welborn. Pittsburgh ; ff "!bare need Etr.Brattli*/ Pill, and know they are tiyood medicine, Lc. 8. WILLIAMS, let napt. - h. Fromßv. J. G 1.. liasktne. Dr. Smith's Mr nr in gre..t demand in this region from their pkoaentnesp end efficacy. JOHN 0. L. ILIsliiNS, Harlon N. Y. From M. DaMo, the Qe.ther Dr. Atilith —Re.pected Friend—Thy Pills are selling very rapidly, and give first rate satisfaction in this place, Pnkeep.le, lIIOBFA DAME, 207 hlsine•st. Dr. limith—Your pills are well liked here. ED. EATOS tO ) DEMOCRAT. Dr. Bmlth-1 am much plea.titi 3ithl your Ind. Tett. f t sugar Coated Fills. at Bunn them in my family. ED. 13 001{ - VILI.E(IA.) AMERIC IN Ita .l. The above are only Wextracts —hut we might .i no and fills whole n t wspa iviik4 . ol:Z7 ones. I hese Pills are now the moat popular ii thi wary, and giv the twat general satisfaction. These Pills will elwaya cure COLDS in a much more pleasant way than an other remedy; For this they are warranted. , ' • THE ANGER I Of beioar, deo/lived is ,uow apparent; as Door Smiths Pills have baooto• very popular throughouCthe country, imitators have sought, to palm off wo,thlass and' with a ocoatlug of aagar" to' covor up a most dangerous com pound. Dr. Crurnbecker; of Wheeling,,Vo. says that a person In that place came near losing his life from the effects of the counterfeit "Sugar Coated Pills. Also, a pittletotua in Voulsville, Ky. wu laud with violent vomiting alter heir use. fist the gentdne or get nono, and see that 0. BENJ. BMITU is written with a pen on the bnetom °roach box. .IPRIMICIPAIL olpiricEs. rt.my YORK, 119 Greenwteh Street. • BOSTON, 2 Water Street. ERjr,,Carter & Brother, No. 6, Reed Rowe, J. Cummins & Co. Corner untstate and 7th *thins.' . , Mara 6, 180 NFW DVERTISKMENTs. CLOCKS, - WATCHES, JEWELRY. PLATED AND EDITTANN/A WARE, FANCY GOODS, &. 45z.c. LOOMIS &r. Co. are re ceiving from N. York a Lige addition to their former s , Lock of GOODS making an Assortment not usually found in this section of country. Selec id with care and at prices reas usably low, they expect to be able to accommodate their pat rons with all articles round qn - similar establishments at fair „prices. Nov, 14, IR& i 2 IB j catifind at the comer store., a nice as- JL,it moment of G yea, Mitts ' Hoisery, Hdkfs., Fancy F a, Combs, Steel Beed Bags, Puttee, Puree tti t and trimmings, embroidery matvials. such as Frerich Floss, worsted, dune', cord, &c. etc., An very h. ap , by May 2% 1947. METCIi LP,. . NO. 111 AGAINST THE WORLD! NO ,EXCUSE FOR .IGNORANCE NOW • JOEL JOHNSON, 1 ( 1 1 1 I CHEAPSIDE, has jar• s received from New. Y ork a new and elegant supply of-books embracing Theological, Miscellaneous, Sundy and Clas,ical School Books, Stationary, &c. &c. which will be. eold cheaper for cash than ever be fortoabred in this market. Among his stock may be round— , Anthon's classical Dic'y, 35, Robinson's Greek and English Dictionary, 85; Webster's Diction ary, $3 60. Anthon's ViCgil, $2, Anthon's Horace, $175 do Homer, 1 50, do Cicero, 126 Anthon's 3avob& Greek Reader, $2, do kdo I do Lessons, 1, • do • do -Later' do 1, do do - do Prossody, 1, do do ' SalluSt e 1, Darie's Mathematics, including Algebra, Le. gender, Analytae\al - Geornetry, Surveying, &c. If• avie's arithmetic, ' Kirkhim's Grammar, -„k-dams' do i Hail's U S History, Mather's Geology, ; Olney's Geography, • Mrslincon's Botony, Morse's do conistock's do ' , Mitchell's do Barrett's Geooraphy of the Heavcrui, with large and, spit:nai,' atlas; also, the Electic series of Reading Books. ' Andrew's and,Stoddard's Latin Grammar, . 1 • .do •i do . do Reader, Coinstock's ch'emestry and philosophy, S, antlers' Readers,. Bennett's Book Keeping, Walker's Dictioary, Colt's a . O Johnson's do Nlcor's Byron, .., • - Scott's comentarie's, C vo. $l3, ' , ' Dick's works, library edition; also, cheap, The w orks of Chesterfield, Rush's residence at the court of London, Fox's book of Martyrs, Josephus' works, Plutarch's Lives, Hollins' do .- • Ladv' the Manor, ' Addisons' do Gooi 's stt stody of inedicine,,Dryden's , do Sloop is med. Dic'ry, Etre:tic's Practice, . Gay' med. Juris'denee,, do Therapeutics, Crudon's concordance, PlatonieTheology, ~ nyland's elements of Moral Science, The Gin's and the School Master, Dr travels ii t ,) the east, Thurwal's History of Greece,. etc. Guide to the Prophecies, .. Ditmas"fravels, Barns' Notes, Fuller's works, New Spirit of the , Age, Cltalmer's works, .11mi: s religious anecdotes Nish:eon's travels, - Gibbon's Rome, , PI ideaux's connexion Life of Heber, - • Works of Charlotte Elizabeth, complete; ' do Fredrilia Bremer, do • hloshim's eclesinstical Elistory, Liither on Gala:ions, Japes' church History, ' Pictorial History oft% American Revolution, Life and Sermons of sy mood / I , "(V‘ltismith's Evigland, Parley's, Universal 11 istory, Together with'inany 'miler valuable works 'too numerous to mention in the limited space of an adVertisement, Call- and see—no charges .:for showing books: • June IS, ISI6. <. 4, PAINTINGS, ENGRAVINGS, Sze. C!PFEIL & MOT ER, are in receipt of a beautiful collection of Paintings and Etwra vings, plain and colored,in oil and water. Per sons.of taste cannot fail Of being pleased with the selection. I. comprises views of some of the most romantic and picturesque places in Europe and this country: Among them are two Oil Paintings 3 by,,3 I.2levt in rich gilt frames— theone a view of Troy and he Llud4on from Mt. Ida, the other Wr,shingtBA - ;Head quarters • near Newburg, on the North Ether; also. 'Views of St. Cloud, Lao of Zurich and surrounding `country, ( Lake of Zeus and surrounding courtly, A general View of finalise's, A -.\loonlight View, a beautiful piece, Forest and - 1V inter Scenes, - 1 unti ng scenes, &c, also, a very fine and I Correct likeness ofClueen Qictory, engraved on steel from Sully's painting, also of Her two elder children, Allier, and Albeit, in handsome gilt frames; a beautilut Mezzotint engraving of "John Anderson my Joe,' a rare and interesting pictute. Also a colkection cit rare and beautiful Wilds and Flowers, Correctly and elegantly colored, de signed for instruction todearners or as'ornaments for the ewtre table. PersonVesi , ming toI furnish themselves with any thing in the above line will find these well worth their attention. They will be sold !owe( than they can be purchased'at retail the cities. No. 6. Reed House. 29 Nov. - 28, 1816 STANTON'S EXTERNAL REMEDY. CALLED • HUNT'S LINIMENT, Is nniwaitiversally acktina 'edged to twill° INFALLIBLE REMEDY for Ithenniatism, Spina' Affections. 'Contrac tions ini Muscles,Sere [treat and Quinsy Issue, Old Ulcers, Pains in the Back and Cheat, Agne in the Itroast nod Face, Tooth.ache, Sprains, Bruises Balt Rheum, Burns, Croup. Frosted Feat, and all Nervous Diseases. The TRIUMPHANT SUCCESS which has attended ere application of •his innoit WON,DERna, MEDICINE in curling the most severe cases of the different Diseases above named —and the HIGH ENCOMIUMS that have b -en bc.doweil upon it, , v hernver it has been introduced, gives me the. rig t to call nil limo AF IC I ED to resort a' once to the ONLY REMEDY THAT CAN P.E. RELIED ON. To Ge;rL. Stanton. Dear Sir' —The Hunt's Liniment," which your Agent loft with me I have sold, and there hai been a number of calla for more: "Many persons afflicted with vnrionaAchee and Bum's, have been cored by it, as they say effectually. One costal will rot to to you. as it cans , d a hearty laugh, when the person related it here so the store. It is this : Mr. It. S. Penton, a highly respectable person living in this village, had procured a part tin bottle of your Lini ment, at New Milford, N. J. Ho Is frequently ant clad with the Itheunaatisin, en th t he can scarcely get about; ho came in at noon. :and Isis leg pains I hint so that be could not bear much weight..ipou it. His wife told him to put-some I•ltionent on it; lie says to hor, it will not do may good—it is Bite all other ftuack stuff. But she rue sailed on him to try it. Be flan% then are his dinnerand wont our, overlie 1 nil the afternoon, came In nt night, eat down a while, and thought of his leg—which ho had en tirely forgotten!—th , lAniment having given him 'turned'. fad •nd permanent relief. Pe came over here the satiSO sought 1.119 bought two bottles of • Yours, ith respect, H. H BETTS. Tne following certificate of the restoration to health and the perfect cure of ft deformed and crippled child,: who was thought tube beyond the roach of hope, shows, that no nuttier how 'appalling, the case may be, these is a] remedy in Float a lintment that will conquer the must des perate cases, and thi.t, if the disease is curable, this cells. twitted °sternal seemly will do It. It has never failed in i f iv lug immediate relief when timely applied, as proved' by the oboe Immo of high and unimpeachable tcstirtinuy, the particul.ark of which are to be found la tho pamphlets which u a to be hid of every agent. Ossiasmo, Ju in 10, 1845. George E,Stantol Esq. Sir.—l ftel calledupon by the tie of gratitude, to offer the folleivi tg testim dny in favor of, your External Reme dy—limit's Liniment. My grandson; Clark E. Evans,' who is now ten sears of age, has been for the imt eight Years a cripple,c4used by falling fronsa chair when howas two yours old, and wrenching his spine.. ram the time of the occurrence we have ti Ind every means to restore him to his natural shape, bitt all without avail. We took him to New York. and placed* him under the carer& a phy sician pf skill, and after remaining tgerii,some lime, we brought hum home no better than whoa we took him there. For several days at a time, he was ea helpless that ho could only walk by ,placitt g his hands upon his knees to support, giving bin the appearance of deformed-hunch back. lie was oleo taken th Newburg, and prescribed for without any better succits. At-times he would be strong -enough to go out of doom hdt after playing an hour, would coma in perfectly exhausted, and for several days after would lm again perfostly helpless. We had lost all hope of seeing ham restored to his main 1 shape or strength; but a kind Providence pieced your External Remedy in my hand . I have used but hde bottles, and em rejoiced to say that the boy is now on straight as any boy of hls age. Any of my neighbors will testify to the troth of this statement. I take sincere pleasure in sta ting these facts for the benefit of others suffering under a like calamity. Yours, rrpeotffilly, rRAEHAEL SIIUTE. Thin in to certify, that t am personally acquainted with the subscriber. Mrs. Shute, es well as the boy alluded to, and frankly bear witness to ;the deformity with which, he was seriously afflicted, apparently for life.—Dated Slag Sing, June bah, IFIII.. 1 HENRY lIARRIS.Justice of the. ratter. Thietirdreont is Co d fan and 50 cents per bottle, by Principal the Principal Drug tots auil Merchants throughout the couutry, IYh9lealtre Agents for Yew York. Vall.F.Y; 111E161'8 & Co. , 142 Water Stieet, RUSHTON & tit) Broadway,' A. R.& I'. SANDS. corner Fulton and William, ASPINWALL, erilllscn Street. • JOHNSON. KIDD Co pittsburgh. wholesale agents for %Vestern Pennsyhania. Orders addreteod to tap aiding Sine;N. Y., Will ho at tended to. OCOUGL E. STANTON. Proprietor. For nab, by MT. 11u ton Erie. Ti. C. Town North !art, 1. Clements Fairview; 8.1.. Jones it . . Co. Girard. Aprll 10, 1817. 2m47 6m42 NeviWEloften Factory - AT NORTLI BAST. , DUNCAN, JEWETT & Co. have just com• menced business of manufacturing Woollen Goode, dressing Cloth, carding Wasik 4.c.r Their machinery is entirely new and of eastern manu. facture, and embraces the latest improvemente.— The business will bo conducted by Mr. Jewett, who has had 20 years' experience in it. both in this country andlts England. They will mann• facture on shares, giving one yard of cloth for two and a quartet' lbs. of ' wee', or for ready pay in cash or country produee and on; as reasonable terms as any other establishmenti in the county. Their manufactory is locate i about one mile north of the village, ALEX. DU NC AN. JOSHUA JEWETT. ISAAC B. STEVENS. North East, Juno 12, 4047. ;owl OF BUCHAN'S HUNGARIAN BALSAM OF LIFE. rl - IE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY for COLDS, COUUHS, ASTH JL MA, and CONSU ‘t PTION: TUE MOST CELEBR ib A rin Tr p u r ti . i m l ( N 3N FA A L it L y iA co ßL N E su rtkn i t p ed i y _e mi r Colds. Cou g hs, 'Asthma. or any the 'HUNGARIAN BALSAM OF LIFE, discovered by' Dr, tichan of Londot England, tested for upwards of seveca years im'Great 4 Britain and on the CV , tinent of Europe, and introduced into die-United States undei the immediate superintendence of the inventor., The astonishing success of the Hungarian Balsam, in the cure of every form of CONSUNPTION, warrants the American Agent in soliciting for treatment the WORST POSSIBLE CASES, that can be found in i dle flom munity—cases that seek rel kWh) vain from any of the common remedies of the day, and have been given up by-the most,distingoished Physicians as; CONFIRMED AND INCURABLE. The H i tingarlan Baleatn has Cured,' and will taro, the MOST DESPERATE' OF CASES. It is no quack nos tram, but a standard English-Medicine of known and established cilium:y.l Evety filthily in the United States should be supplied with Buclaan's flund garian Balsam of Life, not only to counteract the Consumptive tendencies! of the climate' hut to be need ad a preventive medicine in all 6280 of Colds: Coughs, Spitting of Blood, Pain in the Side and Chest, Irritation and sore• ness of the Lunge, Bronchitis, Difficulty of Breathing, Hectic Fever, Night Sweats, Emaciation and Generalpebility, Asthma, Influenza, Whooping Cough, and group. In case of actual disease of the lungs, or seated Consumption, it is the ONLY SOURCE OF HOPE. • , Sold by McDonald Sr. Smith, solo Agent fbr the United Itin:gdoni,, at the y Italian : Ware-house, Regent-a. London, in Bottles and Casesjoil ships,l hospinils, By Special .4ppoialateal—DAVlD F..IIR.ADLEF., II p Court Boston, ) Mass., sole Agent for the United States and British American Provinces. I American price, $1 per bottle, with full directions fur the restoration off health. . Pamphlets, containing a mass of English and Amerikn certificates and other evidence, showing the unequalled merits of this GrcA Englishlßeme dy. may be obtained of the Agents, gratis. i • None genuine, without the written signature of the Arne' ican A g ent on a 'geld and bronze tube, to counterfeit which is r forgery.•• AGENTS—S. TOUSET. Syracuse, N. V. General Agent for New York and the western States. rfrREAD.„&I ' Froin the Baptist Clergyman lit.Coloose; Oswego, County. "I do hereby most cheerfully certify that I. have used Dr. Buchan's Hun, garian Balsam in my family with great succe4. My little girl, noir in herl seventh, year was, in the month of Octdher, ISM attacked vith a pain. her rivht side, and notwithstanding wo,used all diligence to remove it, shel continued to grow worse, ant,after obtaining the counsel of Dr. 8,- 7 , who l thought the Right Lobe of her Lungs so seriously,.aqected that her rejoveryl - - as excectinaglY aulcful° was induced to obtain one bottle of the !kaftan and before one third of it was taken, the little sufferer resumed her plays and' her cheerfulness teturned, anti before two bottles-were used her health we • WESTF 'ELD MARDLE FACTORY.] im subscribers having it goad assortment] of T New England marble on band, front darer ent qurries, calculated for Head and Foot labfes, Monument &c. • which they offer to sell to any one in Erie county, Pa. not living farther than Elle, lettered in first rate stole, and delivered, at the following prices: Small, for children, al, 51) per foot; Middle siz6, 'for aged people, $1 62 per loot; Largest size $1 75'per foot. We think it would he an object for some of the Erie county people to forward us a-few,inseriptions as we have recently been informed by the Erie marble dealers in rather s bragging way, that they were sticking it to the Erie and Crawtqd county people good. They brag very lustily of selling to the "Penna mites" at frotO42 60 to $4 per foot. Should any of the people of Erie county be in want of any thing in our line, they can forward'Llwir inscrip tions, or come themselves, and they shall have a first rate article at the above t rices. MSIKESSCO. - Westfield, N. Y. Sept. 1 1815. 17t BLACK SALTS.I Will pay Cash, and The highest price ror any quantity of Black Sults delivered at M'Kean, or at nty store in Erie. Oonber 24, 181 f. . C. M. TIBBALS. Vz.v.ox, Sussex Co. .1.1..1 BY THE QUEEN'S PATENT. CONSUMPTION CURED-TRIUMPII2 I NT SUCCESS COLEMAN'S HEAVE POWDERS, . A CERTAIN CU It FOR EA. ES AND A COUGH IN LIORSES.—A long familiari ty with horses and personal treatment. of the dis eases to Which they are subject have at length re-=tilted in the discovery of this exceedingly val uable remedy for the Heaves and Coup= a dis ease which produces more misery a nd death among these noble animals than any other to which they are expoed.• I have no hesitancy in saying that my t'owder will effectually and thor oughly eradicate every symptom and vestige of this, painful and dangerous disease if given in any reasonable leti! , tb,of time after 'it has bean con tracted. When you discover sympioins , of COugh or Moves in your horse, resort to this Powder without delay, use it perseveringly, and, attend to the hints aecompanyinr , the directions or the treatment of the animals,, and in nine cases out of ton you will'find tlfat it cures, Homy desirous of seeing certificates of cures, of them call on the agent. Price 50 cents per bot tle. 'Manufactured by A. D. Coleman, New York CARTER & BROTHER, agents, Erie, Pa Merck 27, 1847. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERS' THE rutnert•hip heretofore exis.ina the undersi.uned, in the practice ni s i—. bean dissolved by towed coment. Ail persons indebted to us aro requested to call at the odic and settle their reset CtiVe. accounts, on or Vero V the first of February next. 'Those who Ingle this notice may incur costs. N CARSON GRAHAM. Erie, Jan. 11, 1847, 3145 The Molts and papers of the late firm of GAL BRAITH & GRAHAM are by mutual agree ment left with me for the purpose of closing up the business of thC concern and collecting all debts, which I am obliged to do as speedily as possible. I have associated with me in business WM. S. LANE and %VA.!. A. GALBRAITII, Earls. and continue tbeoflice lately occupied by Galbraith & Graham, tinder the film of GALBRAIITIS LANE, %%here all business in the line of tho pro. fession, will be attended to with prompts ess and dispatch. JOHN GALBRAITH. Erie, February 3, 1947. - 39 STEAM ENGINES WE are now prepared to make or repair ,Steam Engines, and to sati-fy those wb have doubts us -to our ability to turn out ' superi E 44 we invite their inspection of one which s haveleeently bulk and put in operation, at on. Froundry. LESTER, SENNETT & CHESTER. N, 13. - - A RP eond hand Engine of 9 horse pow er. together with bellows for a email Foundry, fOr sale tit a bargain. . L., S. C. Eric. March 20. IBi7 , ' 41 CONFECTIONARY,'TRUIT -AND TOY STORE. 1' No. 9, REED Hopsu Row, Dug, MIIE undersigned having purchased the entire stock of Confectionaries, together with the fixtures belengin ,, to the businnss in the store formerly occupied by James Crossman ; would qiy to his friends and the public zenerally, that he has furnished himself with an old and experienced workman at the business, and is now prepare 4 to furnish to retailers, CANDY, at Buffitlo prices, and warrant it to be superior to any Buffalo candy offered in this inarko; the retailer will become convinced after selling a few pounds of my candy that it affords him more profit Ulan the eastern andy. Our sticks and kisses wilt rua 40 to the pound, and are finely flavored. ICE CREAM AND FANCY eAK ES. I atn•prepared Ili furnish Ice Cream in forms to suit customers. Fancy Cakes made to order.-- Fruit, Pound; Sponge, ancitlclley Cake, and J ton • Was always on hand to supply families. I will furnish teacakes to private families cheaper than they can bake teem; and on the shortest notice. FRUITS. Fresh Lemons and Oranges, Figs, Raisins, Nuts of all kinds; preserved ginger, mixed pick les, sard nes, a good assortment. TOYS. Aa tar e assortment of toys:such as, dolls, dres sed'or un tressed, cats and dogs on bellows,' glass dogs an rs, fancy boxes, 'heeds, necklaces, head dresses, purses, hair brushes, redding combs, besides a thousand other articles too numerous to mention. Please call and examine fcir yourselves. Any orders frem the country for candy will be promptly attended to. - Erie, August 1, 1846 U EENB WARE by tile\ Crate—Birnsioghana 14.4, ware—for sale by B. TOMLINSON" 4. 48 April 18,1846. MOW le the time to buy CARPETING.— 111 Carpeting of the best quality and lateit styles must be sold to xnakoroom for anew stock in the Spring. at the .11 'JEW STORE. Erie, Feb. 27 ; 1847. - 41 r NOTICE.-=The Tin Mannfaett.king bus at the old stand of As.lde slant supply of all articl will be kept for 4alc-ut Copper and Brass 'War Tin Ware. JO' Erie. July fi, 1844. L. WARREN, IT AS. removed his sash, blind and door Shop tri ll:State, between 7t hand Bth streets[ where he will keep constantly on harm or make to order all articles in his lino on the shortest notice. 11,0,<; wisliinz, to obtain first rak.work at low prices woild do well to give -him a call before purchasJ elsewhere. i Glazingdone at all times. cillass and Putty kept {:onstantly on hand May 10, 184 q. 51 _ . AINS. • SM. rill HA I; JUST RECEIVED from New York per Pornroi's Exeress, int. Spring Fashions, and is now ready to eAccute all orders for FIATS in the'latest'Fasioni and of a better quality than can be purchased lore or elsewhere. March 16. 1 9 IL - ' 5 B. TOMLINSON, THE subscribers, though some time. in busi• ness, have not before found it convenient or agreeable to introduce into the I papers a general advertisement. Being rather er a modest turn, they have been sitbatcri somelat like the stran ger in New York, who got upo a thy goods box in Broadway, to wait till the clew(' should gi t by; and like bun, having attracted Ia little public no toriety, they are prepared to ge down and move quietly along, and would respectfully invite the attention of the public to a choice selection of ,GIIOCERIES, interspersed with a few staple Dry Goods and other notions, just teceived from New York, Cincinnati, &c., which they design to sell pretty cheap for ready pay. Please call and see 'at 109 French street, next door to R. 0. Hulbert, Esq's office, cad at Si 4 .th r.Tect Canal Binh]. 4. II T' 'MLINSON, & Co. Erie - Ulm. I, 1846. • I I Pr T I'SBURGH Rockingham Ware.— A be,u tiful article, and good ass.oriunent just receic ed and for sale by ' August I. 1816 ONE, PRICE f`LOTHING SToltE. IMVAU "UN ' 'No 2 Fleming Block, State •' Street, This establishment has acqu;red notoriety by selling all kinds of clothing as cheap as they can be purchased in New York city.t— Call and see. A suit of clothes can be made at this establishment in ONE DAY'S notice, in' tie ii i i latest style and most approved sliion, - - 3 U.l. recelyed a goner al asser to orclothing and cloth, suitable for the seaim i and for sale at 'prices reOuced to the Pecuniary means of all. FOr instance a good article of cloth, all wool, at 50 - cs per yard and every thing eke in proportion,-I, citti.ing also done to order at ri l educcd pt ices. All orders from the country promptly attended tn.+ The child can buy as cheap )tere.as the bestjudge. Customers generally can depe'nil on having their work done right, and no mist ke. ' Erie,, Dec. 20, 1915. 1 15 , , CANDY.I VANILLA Cream, lemon houndibar,do : medicated pappertnim; I rose, winterare Nverm lozeni , ers; 'sugar plumb almond can ly, etc. etc. for sal ANNERS ART 'PANNE t'S OIL by We bbl /. fined LamOblock, Serub n . Brushes, for Sale by CARTER Dee. 5, IS4G. CASH! CAS cl!! CCASKaed the hikhest inaritet price paid for FLAX Si co, delivered at the store of the sub scaiber, coiner of French an il Fifthstreets. \ C. SIEGEL. 20 Erie. October 10, IS IG STORAGE AND FORIVARDING. THE sul*criliers are piepar to receive and ' torwarth durin g the seaion y the Erie Eitten. !lion oanal M'anY Maim on the [ lakes or Ohio riv er all property eritruAed tiitheirleare with the ut most d i spat ell and :it the lowest I mes. Boat St , wes arid GMeeries oral! kinds constant• ly on hand and for sale cheap at their Ware House on the Banal , Eie , th street !aniline, Glazier's .Ba sin. P. P 4 GLAZI ER, Erie, Aprh AGAIN HERE %VE COME, WITH the best and cheapest Stook of fash ionahle'LA DIES' Dltl?.:'S GOODS ever offqed in this market, consisting in part 50 patterns Dress Silks of all lora, embracikt Colored and, Plaid and Stirp d Poult do Sol, Grade Rhine, - Gro do Swiss, • . Satins of allteotora, SHAWLS of all kinds, such no Silk, Crape, Barrag,e, Thibet, Mous do Lnin i , Brocha, 4-c., Lawns, Bolzarines and Barages, Gloves and .litts of all kinds.-Silk, Kid, Lisle, Cotton, Ikei CLOTHS, C assi meres t Tweeds and Satinets. "i In short, 9 nomerg can find e i f Dry Goods line usually inquired Itet. We fo ear to mention 11 say, ladies, s can sell you ah" Lawn dress y m 12s to IGs. thl any in Broad t ay. Please call selves. Fa' , her patticulara fdrget the pil e, at April 28, 47..,,,, M. W. KEITH. SHAWL 8., The China:Cre erod d.,'d Bozah and Zep Cashmere, tl wered and rainbo are decided) 'rich, at - , • WILLIAMS April, 29 947. 7 • ' - - . considered completely restioed, and o the effect rif this medicine, without Any hesitation, I attribute the cure. , DAVID McFARLAND. January, 1846. , Pasto •of the Baptist Church in Coloose". -4 Testimony from liociseSter. Rocuesvv.it, N. Y. June 5, 11615. Sta.—Sometime Idit January. I was taken,witia a violent cold, attended ! with a distressing cont , h, which in the course ofla few dayi brought on a bleeding of the lungs, ith much soreness elf the chest, pain in the side and I lmuch soreness of the brel . After b ei ng cOnfined to my lied for some days jland getting no Letter, Mr. ardke, fmerly Deputy Sheriff of this countY; irecommended me to get a tfr le of Dt. Butillun's Hungarian Balsam of Life; 'observing that he had been sit 'lady Milicted, and by the use of that medi eine had. been speedily and entirely cured. • I immediately got a bottle, and larger using it a short time the result wire as he predicted—l-2.0t entirely, well. From the benefit I received frOm the Balsam and from the universal it , ood narreit bears among my friends who have used it for diseases of the lungs and chest, I am induced to belive WO be one of the best medicines ,now in U4t for those diBeas es, and asisuch reeounnend it tektite W. NV. SWIFT I To S. Tousne.rc.marlinhie cure otu Dangerous Cough. CATO d cORISUIIs, N. Y. Aug. 6; 1911. Sir'—We are entirely on of the IlUnginian Balsdin, having sold all you pelt with us, in our immediate vicinity, and in justice to the met Icine must say With astonishing success. .A tewi days sinctia young : gentler' an of this Ileum called at our store who had been for months afflicted with very dis tressing cough. and wanted a bottle of the Balsam. We told. hi it was of 'little use for him to take it or any thing eke —IIE MUST DIE. He took a ,1 bottle, however, and afterwards Iradl. another. Yesterday ho trilled again very much improved iii -appearance,• and said he was rapidly gaining , streiv , rh—but bud it not been for the Unvaltrable Hungarian Balsam he must have 'died. We wants .me more of tire medicine directly. Your, respectfully, '',, . ' INGHAM & HAVENS. [Front Tag. W. E. Fisk, ' ‘ ' . anastoirt, N. Y., dated CA S: ASTUTA Nov. 7, 18 MI To S. l'ouscr, Agent, .e.—Sir: [ [ laving ii.ed Dr. Buchan's Hungarian Balsam in my family withlthe very hest success fur lung complaints, and having seers' it used by niy friends twilit like success; I was Induced last spring to'become an Agent for the sale of the, same, since which I have sold a great number of bottles. arid have il i almost every, instance learned that it had succeeded beyond all expecta; ionl in , some discs where the % patient had been by Physicians of respectability .i... ) II:ONpUNCED INCURABLE, ant,k r their cases hopeless, and I• most cheerftffly reemnruecn it to all whet are self , ' fering with lung complaints, assuring them that in Most, eases they will grid speedy relief. (Signed) I ' WILL.; AIM E. RISE. • afore:Proof. , - • ' Esiabliesing the rfticacy . uf tare Hungarian Baisain of life. I - [From Dein i Low is, of Utact4 dated lives,: Feb wary 1, IS 1.5.) I cheerfully give r v name in favor iolDr• Buchan's Wurgasian Bil r team of ;Life. Last April, m , wife was :it tacked a ith a violent ougli, attem rl With oc ) 1 severe an d most o .4 TRESSIry I.: PAISI',II:sI TI E SIDE, do bad as to'depi we Intr lof rest. While in this situation, I caller) or M essrs . wi rom . .S-'Co. f or some medieine, and they recomMended thilS Bali tn. I purchased a bottle', and by , the time we had used .rbou one half of ir, my wile began to get better, and (after using the remainder, ler health' was completely Restored. Since that time I have recommended t at Balsam to my friends, many.of whom have used ' it with like success. C. -jarred) JOHN - LEWIS. . , {{ Deacon .of the First Baptist Church in Utica. ri - prurther'lEvideuee.A3 " 1. [Front the P. M. at Burlington . Flats, Otsego Co. 1N44 Y. dated Jan. 1845.) I AM 'again under the necessity of prdering a new supply of the Balsam.— My will, still continues the medicine and is iniproving. It is doing wonders in this s i ectibn, I heal of a friend r miles from here who was considered in a Coisslatucto CONS!. blrtioN. Is mt him two bottles of the Balsam about two weeks since, and today (heard 'rani Moil, and the Balsam is acteh. on . him like a charm. t (S gned) , A. E. ARNOLD. The Messrs ; Metcalf, of Geneve N. Y. (one of whom is a practising physician) in 'orderin new supply of the Balsam, says'that 'ln some Sr. vr.nr. CASES our customers complain nt receiving great benefit front its 113 0 :" S. TOUSLY, Syracuse, N. Y. cleneral , Agent for New York and th e Western States. Sold its Erie b y CAIITEIL Nr,, BICOTIIER, N 0.6 Reed F louse . I , Copper and Slte . et Iroti iness will 'be carried on ,' & Kelsey, where a cunt s manufactured by him belesale and retail. Old c takea in payment, for 'EPII KELSEY, Jr. FIRST APPEARANCE. GEORGE KELLOGG B. TOMLINSPN 8, Co. II BUFFALO AND NEW YORK or, do. drops, hoar pepperminfdrops; gassarraa, and ERNE 1 B_l6 4cLaa m m, • WALKER &LC-00K. F' WA RDING, COMMISSION & PRO. MICE MERCHANTS.— Will continue the I' ore artlitz nod commission business as tl‘qtal, at their naire•house on the Public 1)oelc, Erie. Pu. and will be ready on die opening of Navigation of the present ycar to contract tar the shipment o Nlerehandise nom the eastern cities, rir other pla (zee, to Kri'e, as they are 1:01151t CAC ti with 2)od t'•- sponsible lines, and brivirig',o to mine firs" class 'of ._ team Bouts and Propeller on thci-lalses ru 1"" Mir to their house, thereby el surine the slat'y and sp,..edy transmission of all "pr pea) entrin;ed "to their care. Theyt will attend to thelfor%%artling ol,gooti. up and down the lakes . ol to any of the Canadian imrts'on Lake Ontario and Ihe,lZit or St. Lawt4ce— oleo bouth by the Eric Extension Canal.' t i CASH fitlvanees made on all kinds , I Produce and sales irompily attended to. They n ill keep comaantlylon hand Bituminous Cool, in Lug or small golarrifies, to suit purchase's. ALSO--LSalt, Planter in bbls, or bulk, - kb Iron, Nails, :loves and Castilitts ol every &scrip , : tio'n. RL FERE,NCES. • C. M. Tibbalq Erie, ' it John C. Beebe, Smith Jackson .C 0.4 " • • Johnson, Hitnrod 4, co. " • Holt, Palmer 4. Co. Buffalo. 0. N. Chapin, W. Nionteith 4. Co. " Otis, Clapp & Co. B05: 00 , ' George . Holt St Co: N. Y. city, E. B. Allen, OLTdensbuta, N. Y. • James Browne, Toronto C. IV. - - Wm. D. King, St Catherines, " Standart, „haves & Co. Cleveland, 0.- Albert Ives, Detroit, Mich. - Newberry .4.. Dole, Citizarzo, Erie. March 14. 1846 ILVER Plated Ba.kets, Candlesticks, Cks i.i tors, Sniffers . and Trays—Alse Brar,innia Tea and Code° Dots; new patterns, at L • G. LOriM IS & Co's. , Nov. 14, 1,516. CLOCKS. 'WIGHT DAY and 30. hour Gothic, 0. 0. G. Ptliar, Alarm and common, by the gi0r , ..10 case, eery cheap for ready, pay: i - C. LOCAO & Co. Nov. 14. . _ Nn 7, liPed House. 1,1 ITIUMR.AI.I7 WIIIA. LI, IY, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, commEnclAL ExcliANGc, ER I:, PA. HAVING so far arranged and systemized hi, official duties,:as to enable him to devote a great portion of his tint: to his profession,-will at tene to all legal bus iness entrusted. tol his care l-1d will attend the - Courts in Ike Counties of Erie, Warren, Cranford, Adel car, Venang.o„Clai ion and Jefferson, -and the Supreme Cow t , of this' State; and has professinnal artan. , emeruti_by which he will transact business in the adj./it:l - ins Counties , in New York and Ohio, MI myrtles collected will be remitted y Drafts on Yew York or P il adelphia withou ,ny Charge for Exchang He will also take c :arge of and , prosecute :burns nithisr the Unitdd Stotts, (haw and sUperiAtend applications for Pensions, P,a , eitts, Ste. Of the ahili y apd integrity with which all hn siness confided to 'his care will be performed it would not be proper in this pi:ice to speak, but those having Legal Business to transac . or Col lections to make in this section of court y, are re spbctfully referred to the following gen emen: HON. JAMES THOMPSON, , GEN. CHARLES M. REED. MEsens. WILLIAMs At WRIGH , Erie,lo43. .. MOSES Runt:, Esq. . jTHOMAS W. sTIIRRE 7, _ 1 .. 'it. viNcENT.HIMIIoD & CO. A. D.& I'. W. PATCHIN,'E4ces .. HENRY Ki SMITH, Esq. CHAR',' 11. S. WILLIAMS,E e.• li a ff u t o. -.. JAM ~ETT, Esq. , • PHILIP 1:)(tzt11:11Eit, EsQ. 1 HENRY 1 , : ROGERS. Esq. HON. ADIZSON.OARDNER, ochosioi, N. Y. 110 N. III,• 'A. DIX, Albany, N. Y. ' ! . HENRI SHELDEN & Cu., CORNE Ws W. LAWRENCE, E 4, 1.' WARR, :CHANDLER & WIIITAIKER, ri. y . chr. HON. It.o „,, Eß'l` II MORRIS, ' • CONOVEI & LARAGII, - J t & A. Yk'OSTRAND, HON. JAMEIi BUCHANAN, AVM 1.. MAREEY, ' ,smooth almonds I by I. W: KEITH. ME! and' at retail; Re enuring and Paste & BROTEIER„ ;11 " Rol EaT J.•WALER. W. rEnit,u, WM. Z: S 'MART, Esq., Loa GEORGE I. MsWHORTEI4, /0 II , RSOCK i i 'PAY. ESQ. 110 N. WS . PATTERSON. Sand HON. JOHN WENTWORTH I I BRISTOL l& PORTER.. COL. JAME S R. SNOWDEN, LUDWIG, KNEEDLER As Co. COl,. JAM 'S PAGE,I • ' ARRA3R. 701.F'dc. 'Co., '1 I . HENRI lIIORN , Esq., J. &J. P. T INER.• HON. FR NCIS R;SHIINK-. SIM N 'CAMERON, N. ELDRED, HENRY II EIMER; Esq. , I RON. NI ON. W, 1A WILKINS. 1 . GEN. LEVG CLOVER. i cu.:m W le HO uSON. Esq. W 11 o i , ON. R. S cCLELLAND, Alonr W. J. GO TON. ""el DEL. B. EN LEHAILT,.I!' HON. LE% IS CASS.. } CLIARLESM IrAmmown, Esq. JOHN Mc ' YNOLDS Esq. Erie, .‘,, ay 8, 1847. .SPA's.iLDING., I 31n19 'LIDA!! 1: the lo A Ilia. I Kentucky Jeans MEIIBB SHE cheap at lii Erie; Fe? !very thing in the for in the bear• Iricce. Suffice to ndkome French Ist will .vie with nd see for your hereafter. Don't ADMIDLL'S,, I 60 LAD'E" of cal Feb.l27, fli quaI .CAT it 14134Y0 cost, Feb. 21,' j. e, Silk, Embroid., )ins, do., , uminer ed Worsted, that • ' ri ASH+ vv Dress other store Feb, WRIGHT'S • 50. Washington sport. la 1 1111 - veg., 1%. Vs - sky. 0. 0. hicage, 111. Philadelphia. ==nl I •;;- Ittehargh. feeling. Ve„ e, Mich. • O f . ' i 4 porch. Mich. • • -51 lw tys on hand, a o bentquality, by I IP NtiON & en. ANL) .SALT-- erit prices and or 16 TO,N roidered de Lane, Is, a la] mode, very 'EXCHANGE. T, Plain and elm' nd Cashmere Sha e [COMMERCIAL 1817. and Brslonq, Elc,ol-IANOE. Kid and Moroc:c at the, • 1847: • S;Ctussimeres a Sattinet a °revery and color,- are offered at a fraction at the JEWS ORE,- ' '1S1& 41 I end) St. • SAES, Alpacas, `Goods, - cheape' ri town, at the 1847. Co lefts , r rates JE rcial 41 DR. C. (l. v.turniN's ADvi:ittrist 311.:N I YOU I - 17- The, Gat - . CI . AsIERIC.N RCMI,' y-Visegil'a Vegi.t3b'e Lithontriptic Mixture. This toliVeriul Panacea Is Ifo's berog int ruiluced into 11-;u, ono. the La.( and We , t liidien, South America and all , !her parts of the Globe, a here drSeaserexists tunny form. The Un'ted States and the Caunrina have for the plot three }ears severely tested the e irtues which the proprietor, Lipari the introduction or oil. Inedirion hesitated not to sat, il po..4en•eil In I tro duemg thin (HIE AT VEGETA 111.1 i I: EMI.: DV . the meet startling promises were m rde on the part of the Illt dicine -no nova I was the theory--the principle-o .0o a huh the curet,..t .. * . ere to be effected that °people three up their hard--and crier!, whit mat' Earn credulity. startled n 'tit surprise, tool the eii ..elicit o .C.iculfo' in .de if,. ni eel!. • merry over the "lieW humbug." liar-mark the re ' Stilt-the Citee ',PIT, liaise p:A•sed AA .15'-p116111: opl:Ii011, the solve of mini... an I more of iihsers mg it...HA...fit:do, have etainpert this It 1011.1)N thil•ilitet i.iiic Oar. a coulee fail incomprehcuaire and 11111,11,11111.1.1 4,11,t11. e power es er produced. TirEONe linear 1 . 1-1: k ;,. udykii the propr,- tar of this medicine bad the pre•timprimf to F iy 'existed, ! and that all yartous ~ I Pritcell Wet.' lout secondary, ban now million. of belies er e , -they 11151-1 le lii ye, for they 'leave wittiensedthe effect • f this rentorattve. It hes conquered ALL di•races by simply cbormering the est.. Tio• -old 50ip5.0." now open their eyr•,, their old dog pas!. lab the morning mist, fly before the light or truth. and r reunion sense,now seeks's; road to he rah its on a 'wee. ,intilead of closing its eyes n'iol being led. 'Phi truth of the princi ple uPoirabich•lids nrtiele ellf . e.l' in mtable•berl. 1411! the .tutervem is again boldly, tno , t emphatieille. must tiet.i• drills reiterated I This I nonfirinr trig iblem fc , Cr Mr A ,licc ery &Liras, erhit•'i bat ~I name - erg', n di, rt,fin,nlg n , f the system which can exist. .l,f b /if LI 4,1 , /41,14C11 I en.ilki_ (hid i 5,,,! ici , ,e Pint cure to t rs ircsfect thee I Initri,l Calomel, bi, , .1. ! ing mid bh.terin 19, •iiiiii in about to fail. Too proofdai- 1 ly presenting j,11..1e or the trait!, of Ou it l'itroh y, in a t prop out of the o il ntructure which will roan tumid: to the groinUl. a ShispeleNs ma's of ignorance and ricee'ptioa. heat ins, r.fort at once TO , thiS Metlieltie, It Is ~ strictly VEGYrTSBI.R. It raters, the prielrelef our onus roil -.1 compound of ttientv two ditieteist inereolient..- Each root Jbas its particular plrt of lilt i.y..t.ni to act upon awl thin action is I,l,Says pro, Ilrf tl-ire ell - vet 111,011 ii,., while slide!" is rtninediatrly apparent To.timon ) ,, of the higlhe•t character in daily c tning to ,the proprietor, full of trues, and you will always sec name,, places ne t t,' ,tO,, Not a particle of Lilac es idencell. offered on the part of thin Fingal' Gin iris's:. ' The must , are`til perusal of ihe a parphlet is desired. It rRe; the r haraet er of all 11,0- srvondary Collllllllllltl “ hi, 11 pret tut. and whirl hat e 1101111ctired by this artir.l.l fisolenrc of are. in sr.nre of iiroloooor dreadful, cave Of ling , ime romp) outs ult. it' it hat been tliefortune Of any moln ine to cope with!, is foifirtrl-e- Fe. which hose been. left to cite. Hundreds to ernes large city or unr Croon anti the. Crineilas ha e ll,s thank flue article for their rises sod no do they, as letter. ' o the p asc•nion of the proprietor v‘ ill ehow. Thin Grim M 1.71,1. INC a 111 i are Dnorer, in every stns Gie•ree, :mil all kook of .d.in,,•atts in the rein lry orz 53,, (10111)11111Int , of t_iFe Kidneys, Wefil.nes• of the his It:, l.'e. m ale irrecul trifle, mini , diutelv , lici {red. end a licaliiry ton gierni to the sy•kri. Let ecer reinale at rpe-1. Fort to this side sbc•loViee. inil ll,' 110 roil. - r. 1ii.e.1•".1 Liyer„lorlige•tion.Qatimus complaint.. D) •piliv.a.nsvort ly .clieve i li 11. oiminatirm. Goat. A , .produced ti Imo lion of the M00d...i1l alit 1)n find relief (mug., Conzli, 1,1 11 Colltllltti , tel , , Ultle•S tlll.ll,.ilkill c u nt Ills cc Medina! ink.- .us 'sere ri Cell, I hai lh,-,:,th,-,:,t , s a iird.l 1,,,U this •no do nie Scrofula and :ell Eittiptit 'r ili.e.,,e, Piles. Erv..ipi4,•, lu- Il'inettion of the eYec. p thiltltlfin I,f tlm Heart: Sc. I. Illealluche. Jounilice Peter nll.l Arne-ib- v. 1 1 .,1 1 , 4 It 1- iivue'lpight he ilafti• cl--!,-.. A lel- 4i 7: FM'. 1 ,, , , ' I , ,0 , e. Pm up in 30 el' bottle • al ia..ii 1.1, o o f lut], •. - ,L e hi ~ .1, II he ea/ rfilith i ll pill. MT ' ,, t' ini is 4 tll If Es or, L.OO,- : bas the op Wards, 1:11.101 h I's Vi.,.:1 , i 11,11` 4.l.,thtm erg pass 111 t• titre.' bloomuti ir 11i'c•..4-tlit• arras deZestere of I; C. VaUCIIII" ' l on - tilla iltre...iio s. and fi. C. Vau.din, nuffilti...tatoped upon the cork. Nom-other are gr'nione Pre'll'ilr . d l, l* Di G. rt. VAUGHN. nod told at the pri a-, ripal Agency 21 . r.' Mee, street, 'WIN!, at wholetale and retail, to whom ullleonniiiiiiienilons must rtlllll. par t pep, Oilf s cs cf., kd err fo , finly to /he /fee, ' Mel r ir,fr, r rr, a• whole•ale'linil retiul "N. , . Yorh 'Co!, , :0 N ....oi ..t . II ( ' M. Lulu.. Salem. Mess., '97 E....,1d. 'I h nia• P. ('I, r••• eincorkato, Glirri.sJ 11. Dirge, 011 xt .r. ,h. , ,,,0il 1.11.01. ft - Nail Walnut; Sc, Laura, Mil J. Walker,-(i. iu r e al tgnt• , At retail by re•peetahle lb mrciFts througlimit the Ulimi . I an, ads erti•rul in the p rpm, !I Agentsni cit%. Cwt. r Itrnther. John TT. & Co ; 311 n , k 181.; J. IL Carton : WatT.hurg, J otnslock; Gaud, 1.. S. J.nit s Co.: Nollll l'a•t, 11, I"' Jfily 11. IFTTI. I. - DR. WOOD'S SAITS4I'.IEILLA AND • NVILI) CIIERRY BITCEItS, For them:non:lit r mond of ii/I nc lake. their rise‘in alt Impure !moire(' IF2-tstiw), ,Mlforbid grate of the I.tvir and Stunweh, of the Nerrou .St;,Y tan anal a ilisorilired ern rrn((4 Dr. Vil s Sfar: t ait irel/a mutt 'Wad Cherry litters h tr tilready: by their subs:mot eartPolice, eon tr i'er:rile of , public friar ant! ['won ice, Inch ping theft het and fired of ructitinnewlattiin. Peinfr Q faithfully 'reword of the toast excellent maul Jai.. 1 . 1/11!. sounded ru by all in nec,l iti n tome. iiperno.t or:alter info rent.-. 11 tsars:to rtIlA t.rlocs a hielt rank among ele I .11.1 411 A all rho hot or tnnatrse :igen c, and it it 1111• In t ta Well It t• rendered it sit tle.i•rtydl, popol rr t , t cr ill Oili er Illedlellies Ille tiny. Dr. Wood's standar4prripar talon, it is niirrantt d to he found m to at porn) anal btr g .l oll ‘ Andgsonic ttmrh tar it• moon tt,th the ‘1"11,1 Cherry, a tonic ilthr ring order. hash 11tpy r .on , oo tlton Is the Only ono user inn 'r la' these art,tir s, trod ILuu.uJ at ' ,lib on the best or,,hell principles, and their trlifi , ext acted 'by u rigid artu as a, elile ire, lit h to shown us 111111401 d I,OA et' and ref, N. lirOpit , aiton it ill fir• Count on it ial, to b ., a sure and bpegry reoi..lll: for thelll,l The', VIVRA the 111141.11, hee ll' e art 111 r e !I heafthy - fiction of the Lifer awl S 111111, filet •tronf,t , rn the nerves, uud at out, ret . olll4; lie iith nod tricot 1.. Oar , Y•trol. Inul casts ^ tit d irrising r our luiligesti9n or uer.ou.. rru4aUo . I hr!, haae been u-rd with remarkable-Of:ref, mfr arts they-b•'= al's f ri nn a rein forllradnr hr, rt,.tot..ncv.l.o-s of ,Ipp, tite, nod at geti+ral prostration of the sy stein. At the sane' nine. it Intis ' t he stated, that they arc neither a tolent ' Ool'at till .11.111Zerollb ill Orli . OperOlOtn, Ret . OritlO n• thoyslo tre.. sired effect; awl, by tr.lr•oty rrZul tr and e e. Token daily, in doses Proscribed they will be fotlir to nut:rare In Vat geotlo mud ',Out:try uhrinin`r, II huh in fart, their highest rerifintnelitl Mon. . ing certilleates, among nianv other. nit tiara been recurred front the avast re•pectidile sources Coe .ish satisfactory Well( of the value huff efficacy of thin' _highly popular medicine. Mr. E. rnorixxos in. Dear sir;--1 his is to certify that my daughter iris - Tie - Ca troubled with I y spepaia for it numb- r of years. upended with a - collet • tit headache and otherilistreesing .y mislaid.. which accOmpan • thin" disease. She visited Boston, to avail herself of ti a jut Iv celebrated, phylicia an of that city, al! toms puri one. 'By the ,solii Itatioit dr a friend. I wan illdiSCOrl to flu chirse a tiottN of Dr. Wrfr.Vs Sarf opa l-alio and NVil,l Ch tern Biters. Before tak lag 0111• hood,' she Wan refievcdeptfiely oleic beridathe, and after tatting t, o or three bottls., th, other Symptoms entirely flis iff- • 1 , {cared. N. 11.611113.3. _ NbilTll PAIRIIAVEN.Nng Plain, July 2Q, tem. Mn. E.',Ttioivrox.t./Fif, I , ' I ' I ' Dear Sir,—My ilauglttor hag been for !pore than tan yearn afflicted v. DIl a confirmed Dy,vepsin,a9,lll,Ner Cora, plaint, together with a 't•PVCI'O 4n.l' , onsuinf Iteaila4lif.— Dm big, thin time silo with Coilf,tl4. AIV nttetidipl by the most shillftd and intelligent physician., but alibi little or no re lief, unlit we found the diDiate staff rap'illy. taking tip form of c sufirmed -consumption. 4s this time. I dote, mined td have recourse to Dr. Wood's Sarsaparilla rind NVild Cherry Bitters, us prepared by you, and It gives too the sinceresppleasure to elate, that after the use of a few bottles, my daughter was happily rovored to perfect health. 1 have the highest confidence in this medicine, and shall cheerful y recommend it to my friends. Very truly yours, - ANSI:I. WIIITE. The cure descril rd in the above certificate of Mr. %White is by no most .. a Singular ono. There are hundreds who bare been curd ftoin the most neitte'or lodg continued disease, by th lisp of this excellent, and highly popular t. remedy.' Th proprietor recommends it tothe public with the utmost confidence, for in all cases where it has had a fair trial, it loin succeeded boyound the expectations of the patient or evlui bin own, The care with which it is pre pared anlithe intrinsic is.cellence of its material. should occurs, and have seemed for it, a character a hicit it de serves. The reja`dicousuallyexarring agairst advertised medicine mild not be merited if beStoised on this. The wonderfu urea it has porno-met% and the acknowledged celebrity of its principal constituent., should at once re commend it to theyu,blic favor. Prep red by F. f herniae, Jr..—cold Wholesale and re tail by Wyatt & Ketchum. 121, Fulton fit.N. Y.; .1. 11. Bur ton& Co,, Erie, and by drugggists generally throughout the D. S. Price $l, large bottles. Dot. 24, 1841: , . fin )2 PIECES Alapacas, Camlets and , filet in o es 5 4 0 just received and for sale Ly • U. CAQWELL. Sept. 19,1816.18 , VIEN A. 4 :;arolina, Orleans and Scotch Plaids also Linseys, and Worsted Goods ofall kinds for solo veryi low at CADIVELL.A. WINTER Sperm Oil, a pure ankle, for gale of B.TONILINSON & Oo's: Erie; Feb. 13, 1817. - 39 • NEW ESTABLISHMENT. AUCTION & COMMISSION STORE. THE undersigned, beg', leave to informtheir friends arid the public generally, 'th.it _they have commenced the aboyerittin'ess at the old stand of John Graham, on .Stato - strect,' two doors dorth of the Eagle Hotel, where. they are 1., endy to receive and dispose of all kinds of Goods that may be consigned to them, either by Public Auction or 'Private §ale. They hope that by strict futon. (ion to all bnsinese. entrusted to them, to gain a share of the publie . patronage. They will-also keep on'hund ri ehotec stock or ready made cloth. in, suitaLle. to the seasons, which they will sell cheap as The cheapest.- f . , _„,, e • \ (JR AIIA PA 4.111 - 104NT0N.., ' _Erin, April 8, 1917. I 11, ,46 .. a I i i i •WANTEH: I 111 I , IN exchange r Gouda,' oily' quantity of Good L HENILOCK. FENCE 80A11.1)8, 6,8, 10, and 12 inches wide,l 14 and 16 feet long. HEMLOCK JOICE, 1 1.2 by 19 4 and 2 1-2 by' 12; 15, 16, 18 and 20-feet long. - HEMLOCK STU DDING, 2by 5 and 3by 4; 10, 14 and'l6 feet lone, for which the highe.t market pri e wilt be paid, when delivered 9 hie Lumber yld et the foothof French street. • ' ' WM - TRUESDAIL• A. ad all other t an at-any =TORE. Erie, Nfarel 7 i, ISI7, change. , Sta Frigid n. where be by cit,zet i or the m. :-t 11, ar ~1 ll.e Co ( anrtianl r ' , lt,lie I C Irc4l rrirr,.,. DR. I pit all lout] the !lima , It b tu uch t cluctote "AMY un 1 lb, ror Rhr ,re Th , VII tgu p. • ,xter,, it ur•t c• m iy u.. 0 it., iJc• tia. 111 rIIAt mn. and N f I k 1,1 •.. I A•I ttou o( , Li. dr 11E1; Put up:r: I' manner 4 Ite•t %% nt ,I rre Pn tir I ial, I. D.R. 111 P. t . %lit • API I, i )., ht.e, the I tim Kw Prt: l .. i• • Ft lit : sli LIF.I: RI +- h f l l 1.1! 1.1, 1101, 11 . 01 , •r 111.119 L. I m• 1 1 II • ( C. 11.1 t I 1 B nl., , IL, I tut al •il itr to Zt.tlit Pt Al 11.1, 11 . 1 • I r, 1.11 • di 1t• 11.1.%'0 :Ana ly .tecr.pit r.l I ar and 41:. and Ty article Aore. A Coffer. c! 01(1il an P l elp . er, Stiu•ar. • elo)ork ies .3.1 Z S r I: 11,pt; t•C •,•t e S Ir, June '2, 1.9-1 1 • • th ir d 'Farrn s Ictheince FAcisturi: 1eli:111EDIC OFT. I".—Tle high corona 1,1, of pant triEl!O deaer•cdly p/pularci,„!, • of ilk hlgheat reapecta` , ott), And Ly Ilya' profe•ainn to e‘er, •tct,ca of t • .• I pritt•li Puc•c•••tutlf, et-titles theal to querns of 01.13i0. A 1..1 4 1 , of te3timony Is, in the Doctor • :up,ft 4 re,,i• Ler after cal of the toed teal faculty, ,and the tithe day bird lien tried in new, 'BRICK'S VEGETABLE SUG4 COATED PILLS. ei q rttl otarbed- Luce Cl. In ei , ry yent'e and peritive purga;lt Tb,„ Itstung truckne, painn and dirz att. of and I. c Ilcnc•* . uf the br et : infl int anon of the different cry°, 6,u1 breath. ,:itr ne,e , rcoitiyenr•• , in .11 ca•r• n lfrre ele are lo Ch ate NT; te.c r or:talc, 3 11 . 111 r,, ••• dc r oath 1.1, , 1 Lie, and aril for InP no Aj.n. NIP) t r u I I •1 r 111 CK'S SCIAI LINIMENT, Tr, INFALLIBLE,REMEDY . ~mSprwilr,Crerrr, Cont•ieted ml, ( 1 ,11,, Zy Croup, Joi,a., Shrink 1111 the bre, tA:id fa , o. Tr od , lacLe 1' the F p me.. Prt lt.hed Undo , . end rah ..... r, ttion i s 1 1 141,1(e.i. Tae SVONDEK, \NOR KING C1,., 1 ' . la nt th., ii , ei•eaaes has 411 tot led r! • Atilt r lrdi pATIos of the world' Tty ithetorelo sof tie ore of thia b ersiag tdizaa„ mot 14,11.15 put peke rt Sr.'cnu. E:" natne b!oa n in the gla•i., and ,! Or a 11,f ,Cll : 11 1,11.1f 1 ,a , coltil sin., INAta 1., general debility, attended att., in the Du arch and ie,:es, of appetite, itetnlibor of the hinht, t o p , heart. jaututtee, Ague a rid re‘er, and t• 11, • i r e pocl.ll cured by the ore of it IC Vf:(;ETABLE TONIC BITTEAS. 1 1,1 , (11 . 1 . 1 1 1111 , -1111,1 1 1111th direct2oa., and eel hos 11. 111111...1da1f a golly, In rite ~ C.VI:S A !II:ma, oppretkthh cr re.riog i'uti?h Croup, lodematt.,n of the 1.14 • ; .4•• • of 1 1 1L11 0113 umptlou be greatly lift-, • i t 4 11 1 110 by 'IIIItICK , S MEDICATED C 011: LOZI:NGESE R. Tan of Vi t .., Le,.e.ires are -a 11}: :-.ITCF.I.iS which 'll,il l . the we” of Iforri , k's Worm Destrri'r, ii the d...•ti 1.00 and expuls.uu of worm, 13, ) ate Id, It AA placed them first on the e-t 0, 4 ., 'rhes are pleas.int to, /ale. Children , r , client is sorts a., (p astonish the, fall ..r..,uon, 1 hose I. rrk C•A I I the Crea-t. .ides and b iet.4 I. i:T.li End a friend v ects,,,,i GALBANtAI EKING P.1 1 ~'isq'Eß. • ill',.lWear from rr• t.• , Hee .:11) 14 cts , 4nd ore taktvg the AMA ecit.idered tLe 131:31 tq pLAs.rot Now IN' C.E. TO .THE PERLIL'. Nrcv ",". g I, (." .. a "1 _ark I,osllece to make sod ye: amid 01 , r• earn p•etemi.r.z. and athe , n.-..r a 1.111 mu ter tr.:oas,, the I } ti to • of ~.ccti•tL.m bt pul , llr. II hether a •t Pta m of th.• k t• .r to ~,. 11r. Hernrk has written tr. )1. :pill 'AI ••14 r Wablaug t i. ,aer ts g;t. tit slow. C. St. Valeta Wive JJa. 1,-1101r ',ter of the ,;tit mat. ha 1111131 e.• _ t4 in•tatry whether it; I'l I L. 4: 1...") . .t p ,Ited 1110 sugar . an 1114 t on reran! t.fauch a uatent Can;. I fall) yours. r.1)311 - 70 BURKE. ,! , I! r . mr.fe zeneral descriptwo c ii.• 11d of Joy of tho.Accpt... 1)..1...1. t St.an strut, Albaut, n here att , 4hr. •••4 1 ' —J ❑ Um h. S. Co. John Cummins & C r.I t.; An,, thrartl• nod J.ll IlayneF, Feb. , o, Icii Gls 41 - k. • N I:\V I It 'AND CHEAP GIIOCERIES ! ! A. H. lIITCLICUCr7. I,lle . fun) Ilitdm.n Zit - Mum - 1s azi , rwimcci them ,, lres in the \Vhc;:. businv , s,oliStute carte :h• ra(de I in the room laa , •NV in. I: iiidcrnecht, undcr the ,sa Co. where will be 114:r.2 yell celec•,(l, a,eert men t of 341 Ki nd=ci )r - y'l'kruFt India Go6tls comprisispzevt. usually hrpt'or calted for in ~oci: may be f"nnrl:--- - • price and roali..y. , flp-on Tea.; , indign, Fire‘l n, Ltnnp ar.rl L.::: MEE 1 (very I'rnm ME C. att(l ti,7s i'.ll it • te. C. . tenkkr for ~ z ener!. eNtende:! Cor t' pa.,t tt.4t4 •tvttr , to p!..44f. ;avors itt a r, slat e ' 1w w etl..Fioroer, They are prepat• . . age Id 1. %% t in put, it it.l eppt •orlq L!raiti all k l nd., buttlft, s ;Ind pt.„ t.los, naK,Tirno:liv and Clu, C.l§ll, will be paid at the:: MOE 2i, I 1)?)tIllie G•}rrcll, Single do. Fowlin.: s;ilrl" , 7 4 iX Slweteis, with a gea •(11-it y'l_lllll Win2s. 0. LOVO.III . S & CO. • tG. No. 7, [teed trou , e. - fIUNS'. N-1; , N;lv . H _ _ . 1 L. a A i .S o :l . o l oti k ii) iriek,.llo / liirie, ikl " ]the Cc!. licel,, 01' iire P. 11.. F 114 Sereitth I Jl4lO, 1, CASH! PASH!! ill b. , paid fnr 10,000 bushels tibev. do C7orti. 10,000 do Burley, and 5011 r, deliver'ed soon. 4 11. CADWELL 10, ISI6, 'STAR'S - Genuine Itabatn of Wild 1 berry rutPcl,rerue4 for Conbomi lion and oper Ito Lunge. AlNii Wishir's Gentle Purci• a - sale Dr.P. Dan, As opt, rorrier of St 43 t., Ero. Pa. ll' ASHES! ASHES!! ay 8 cents per bushel fur goud . field'i ul 12 1-2,ct_per bushel for house ash '. at my ashsrpor At'Kcan corners. 21, I Od6. C. M. Ta.m.A.Ls: - )VILL at , lie.3, a e deliverct Eie, -t1 Those. hiving. good A'shis will do deliver them at our ailiery 'soon as liworkihgvatiwhat we have on hand. 1817. I I S. JACKSON 84, Co. A sins. / - 1 wen we April now S!,h &I Co's Cast Steel Axes by beinal Bj TOMLINSON ft Ca- SS \F ate On or f:.S. the'Jo El 11E172F111 MEM . . VE.s' ERN HOTEL' i - , i • IN Cl / R11.4A NI, Proprietor. ,The h,eriber 11 mild respectfully inform . rieildr \ andithe travelinl , public ;po i , has eased for a term7of years tizie Thnod ous IHonse sl!, , uated at the t Can I Bi-in. This- Location reit , ESTL RN," pre-eminently the most lid desira,tile stopping place flri all businessLir traveling, on the Canal. o, attachitd• to this establishment a venient .}able lbr tho lifie of Boat-.., rs having horses. r expense has been •spar,ed in feting ;. for tho ,ilenvenience: comfort and illef9, atoll the Pioprietor trusts by i to business to merit and receive a r parronagi... V.! 1, 1817. • 43 lostET°i II his eldily, that h rel, and co ith Sire dell the " conNenient a cithfr , doing Thejet is, I large land co: men!and coin NO pains e, up this liNis pleasure of ~i stri4 attentio share of publi c l Etie, April. 1 - ) N n LI! &ton • tirwk, Waddi Nnr„ 14, IS Stiolt • city, street- - , ihr the of his own In than; it;%4 us ev liiefarsfiatd • ,11'. ul Blenched Stieetings, Bed Tick, annel, Colton 'Yam, Cotton Bat CV.: j• P.l A R N 0.3, Perry B,lock. II IL! •04.': OIL!!! has asap' opened his attire in thik t the comer of Frendh and. Fifth! purpme of seIIinmIANSEED OIL nuidcture, cheaper by 10 per cent. r offeredhere before; warranted to rtiele. ; ps conettintly on hand Turpentine ry or in lon, by the 'keg or pouno;, Chrome, Yellow, American Ver.- Lithara.e, in ehort, every de. .ints, 811 of which will he sold-cheap e' alEo I to Lied, t iime Greci lion, Pose btiov of I. _ . surtmenrof GROCERIES,such as I "area, Spices, -1\ nts, Raisins, fix e host finality. All persons wiSh• or •good awl cheap groceries will at the coiner of French and Fourth it and Grocery Store of C. Seigel no qnalny and prn.tqa before pur tere, as lib can assurcrthem that ht • their interest tad° SO. GiVeliira 18-16: • 1 aeneral-,a Sugari AI are of tl to buy Oi veil to call ts , tit the, and exam Mg el sow make it fo laze OTES 00: AN EXILE, by IL. IV, Miller, being an aixount of the authors confine t at Van IheAmanz Land, jusi received and .alo at Spafforde's lea. Q M I Ip4 El
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers