Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, June 19, 1847, Image 4
NEW GOOD,S! NEW GOODS! 1 N_,_, G.U.OOMIS 4- CO. 7, Reed . . ... ~ P -t,, •:.-- House, Erie, have just received 1. `• ---=','----.-.: an addi lion to thei r former stock 1 of • oods, which makes their assortment very cx./ tensive, comprising a large variety of rich a nd flonable SEW gt..RY, consisting or (*tune d, rub , garnet, emerald, amethyst, aquamarine d enamelled pins, diamond, ruby and plain tintvii kali/ear rings, guard chains and keys, Spectacles. permit eases, bracelet; lockets, miniature setting; hir es studs, snap; etc. &c. IME.—Gold and Silver Ware re.. of the pat- I lover, duplex, horizontal andeturrinon escape.. , il6/ t. French mantle, German a;nd American' elo .kri. S LV ER. GOOTYS.—Ta',Tg,.deser i g, ree,salt and inu-tard spoons; ladles, btxterand ;fruit knives, sp tacles, chains, keys, pencil eased, thimbles. P ated, Brilatmia acrd German l Seturr Ware.— Te pots, urns, pitchers, cups, tankards. bowls, cak baskets, candlesticks. snuffirs and trays, r 'faCcets, ink stands, cam' h.t C CRY.--Roger's and etl celebrated i 0 Ma 3 razors, knives, and scissor 1 , ISCELLANCOUS.—Mathe lic , tl instru- j ta men 4t, telescopes, thermometers, isitet compas ses, tin glasses , violins, accordiot s, Music-boxes, flat ' , fifes. steel pens, card cases comps, pocket boo 5, pocket pistols, , coral,_am eri gilt, steel; e ,. waz and glass headS, bead and silk bugs and pur ses, lastic guards, portable writing ilesks, work, pain , snuff, tobacco and shaVit g ;boxes, razor stroPs, clothes, hair, tooth, na I zincl slid 'ng brus les and glasses, Glazier's dia)nonds, 's of A belr , powder flasks, percussion capa and p ill s, i the men, dominoes, a zgar eases, pit4se and cloak irlas s, tweezers, cane, whalebone. ] vibl in and bass viol trings, rouge, powder, puffs, perlittnormy, court plaster, tooth and powders, tooth picks, teething, rims, ten bells, sealin'Lt wax, mein° seals Visiting carat, emery baskets, needles, bat tledor, sad birds, spool s;unds, witli numerous oth er at deter novuentioned, both useful and orna mental, kicfc s ill be for "ready Triy,i' from Oven ty-fi e to fifty per cent lower than formerly. N . 13. , Watches, music boxes, kwelry repaired In if best manner shit warranted. C sir and must kinds of country produce lit• ken ,in payment for goof or work; Call and see. Tto highest prices p id in cash for old Gold and Silver. i . .111 no 13, 1S M. 4 DR. SMITH'S GItgAT ATIONA L PI L LS., 'DA- G. ISENJ. SMITH'S IMPROVO lit:Dl/IN' VEG iTABL?:- •. • [SUGAR COATED] PILLS AII: the medicine fo r the Unit. d States , and their I. l:periority over all others for entire efficacy and • pleas meets has won for them a pee eminence of fame whicl needs no foreign Intliteueir to perpetuate. Almost weber lded they have silently worked their way, and t i ,, *ire wined a permanent hold on the npprobatton of the i pop' uhich no other medicine or opposition eau relax. i For a out four years they have triumphed over disease, and b ought joy and gladness to many en anxious bosom. An a edical co T mpts ll , l, : t om i rne lU t!l l s i tl ' i r em it t ' o the ' mo:t deli - - i i sate, nd (+Vim the more liar4y, who havo suffered from the c ects of impure properks an the stomach. will at mice e plowed with the delightful operation of these, Ante 'ills. They here than rare merit of the moat Care.: fully selected ingrodtents, aro always safe, and there can! be'-uo ihtuser of taking them improperly ut any thaa. A, SINGLE TRIAL - • -- IA!'II t anifest- h excellence in relieving the holly of iniiny; recurrors of uhirming diseases, keeping the bow. eta fit ntly open, thereby onsurldg the chntinuance of teialt {'he 'neat eminent chemist In New York hen - pivots i certificate Dint these rills tire PURELY' FEO ) i IPS ' OWN 11.1KITIIEDY. 1 ETAI L .. iik or ir viz ' . - Th . great prinCiple recognized by the inventor of this inval . blo medicine is, that ev ry part of the body, Wheth r in health ?r disease, is' brought under the influ ence• 17 the digestive organs. This plain nod rational shield ,e firms the only ground on which a good family medic p ecan be recommended. Operating according to this p rinciple. DR.. SMITH'S PILLS 8i" it. EIC lING 113 N TIIIII:14'FOIFLAI.CIOL, Prem. to the secretions of the 1.111.F.8., SKIN; an I KID NEY , and REfiDIATF. TH q BOWELi;thereb adopt ins th 1 , ONLY NATURAL and consistent inethoi of reit. .coin the LIFE BLOOD PURE:, by corseting tile vitia ted li more of this whole irteiu. It i impnssible to girt every particular in this brief Mille , but these)rills ere esruipaly recominctided as a mean gof preventing so much mirpry and disome, which grow out of . constipation of tho bowels, neglected colds. -1 . . . . .. . . . -• blight ALI. Ti - . - 'tacks. &c.. &c., and which it is in the power of 0 PItEVP:N a Pills do not PALLIATE, ,, ttut Tuttle clatie disoteceof Oa ‘Volterri Country, and its Moat ALL BILLIOUSBISORDERS J They stand alone; noparalleled,-TIIE SICK. MAN'S ERIE D. Among the complaints for wh i ch limo Pilo" are ht. lily recommended, are the following,- vie: , FF.yER.S. ' FAIN IN THE 8113 F., 'DVPEPSIA, SCROFULA. IN IGF.Sr lON, ICAO BLOOD, CO TIVENESS, ORSTRUCIIONS, JIE lINCIIE, FEM 11. E COat PLAINTS, UA ApPE VITE, , II II EUMATISM, DI HAIRE %. WHO WING COUOIIS, liY, ENTA It Y, WEAN NERVES, lEtt COMPLAN', IIYSITRICS, W 11MS, i MOUS, MAIITIIIIRN. t COLDS. (lII' lOUS r 'HOLM, INFLUENZA, F 11. STOMACII, I PIMP! ES, JA NDICE, I _ LOW SPIRITS, 8:c. Ity fallowing the pimple directions which accompany ever) box of gelatine pIIIR. a permanent cure will !IV, er few, ..7.510.t of the lIOSPATALS in New 'irbrk have Ol eo th so Pills the pri•fe-cime over mot. , then In ki rils that have co tested, and iev!eral EMIN EN r pilyslCl %NS, in Nw York and elsewhere, use them ia their practice. BEWARE O F 151 POSITION, in demand fnr Dr. Si I nith'ir Pills being ever); where several unprinciphrd persons have made Pills of ant miserable and dant:crony stuff. and to palm them r the genuine. hace!pnt on a 'coating of erigar."-- , ..efirre.bearare. and alrenys look for Tit great the I trIT hP E WILIT'rEN, siNGNATURE OF G. 1 -- -..---- nic:v . poirr.u. / e bottom of me! y h rc, to eounterfeit which is FOR. I Y. More than 1011 certificate, have li,:ou received e principal office and the people urn rererred to t'uth's Ilmald & Ga ze t t e,” Where thoY can read of the , . . impatient curer. - r, e give, for want of ronm; hot f'ety .. TESTI:MI ON 11A1.19, , Prom Kee. Ltitlii4 Lee. ~ Il . grithit's Pills arc purely tregetable, Drown ;yell, ILI roJirce agouti result. ' LUTII It I.E.'. Etlitor 'Crue We:ley an. From" he Rev. Ji Kellett. M Wife has taken Maid's, Morrison's, end many oth ers. hotehe has teCdlfllli inure benefit from Dr. Smith's Pill tfukr all "Carr.. She believes , they may he used by fen lee with perfect safety. without changing their ma ple mat or diet, and It any sown°. ' 3011 N K ELLETT. • 127 Myrtle A vcnoe i ,Brooklyn. • Frnm the.iiist vocalist in New York. r. G. lienj. Smith's fulls have entirely cured me of di. met, in my brad, mi ; enor.d.weuhness of my system. Jily family u.e them with the heat r0,u11,. I would not be idiom. them. F. IL NASA, 95 Furs, th at. From the CJ. of the (Hack River Journal. _ On ti l; 611 fret "Snil Enos} , I r. South's Pills entree flow the objections to which other pills tire liable, and are the beet modicum that 1 liea yet seen.- - J. cat te:vt:. From the P. 211. Tonawanda, N. Y. r. B,nith's Pills are the bast 1 here ever used% &c. 31).JA1:. Kllll.t•ft.,;l'. M. riti From v.'S William., Pittsburgh hove used Dr. Suittlft hll, nod know they pro n gond merliciue, &c. S. WII,LIAM:t. let IMO. Ch. From !tee. J. ( 1.. Ilseicktic i?r. Smitten Pills are in greet demand it/ this region ,Ro l mtheir picas:intim.. nod efficacy, l m ill, L. II ASKINS, Marlon t N., V. From 3l Dario, the Qnaker. Pn. Smith 7 Rerpected FrlMid—Thy Pills are selling a cry raNdly,'and.give ftfbt rn to satesinction in this place, , Pokeeptie. MOSES. DAM E,2ti7 )r. Stnitb—Your pale are 4 ellliked herr. . ED.,IIATO7I (.0.) DEMOCRAT. li)r. Bmith—l am much pleated withl your' Ind. yegt. Ungar Coated l'illit. and we them in my Ciniily. 1 F.D. BROOKVILLE (lA.) AMERICAN. "hri, above are only • few extracts—hut we Might go rin and fill a whale ro %reporter twit similarooes. *1 here Pills ern now thimost popular iu this country, mut give the aul , st general satisfaction. . Tilt's° Pills wit always cure COLDS in monseb more pleasant way than any other remedy. For Oils they are wattmeter'. THE DANGER decedred is wow apparenwu Boor Smith's rills have hatpin.' very popular throughout the country, staltaturs have sought to paint off wo.thlear stuff with a "foatrug ocvagar" to cover up a mint daysrou i s com pound. Dr. Crumbecker, or Miceli wg, Va. says that a person in that place canto pear losing has hfeTrout the edffots ft the rOnntorfnit ufloger Coated" Pills. Alto, a gentleman in Louisville; Ky. was seiccd with violent ,vomitiop actor their use. I Got the VrAtiilC or get none, ;.n.l see that G. BENJ. swa la written with s pea ou the lartmarstesch bus. PRINCIPAL 01 . 1PFIVES.. NEW YORK, 179 tireensrmh Street. : 1 IIOSION, .2 Water treat. 1 - ERlE,Carter & Brother. No. 13. Rood llnton, J. Cumming , & Cu. Corner erSiNtate and 7th streets.' 1 Ilfrreb 6,1617 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. CLOCKS, WATCHES, JEWELRY. PLATED AND lIIIITTANNIA FANCY GOODS, at. Szt. i f" CI LOOMIS Sr. Co. nro re- VI • ceiving !coin N. York a c wge addition to their fornrr lock of GOODS - makinte t an issottntent not usually found in his section of country. Selec :el with care aturat prices rens. nably low, they Immct . to be 'We to accommodate their pat tune with all articles found in _ imilar "establishments tit fair prices: Isl6'. • 2 CLOVER SEED, do superior quality, for sato by LESTER. SPNNETT r.tIE4TER. C "Yrl'ON Yarn, cotton warp, wicking batting and - wadding at - TIBBAL3'. October 21, 1,616. , • 23 F KUM 'I ; Yutut !LIVER - PILLS MEsiets. J. KIDD'S: Co.. Gehts: Please send me by Express; 12_ - dozen Boxes "APLANE'S LIVER PILLS." •\They are Benin. good here, and suit Yuma E. - 1 2 . STEDM AN. • _ Mayville, Chaut. Co N: 5 i.,1Yee.49. '1940. Prepared for the Proprietor and vold \ Whole sale Find Retail by KIDD 4. Co. • " No. 60 Wood Street., Pittsburgh, Pa. 11.—Porchavena will pleare be particu lar and inquire for "Dr. APLlsse's Liner Pill'," and take no other. 1' 'Afore evidence tifilicreaninis demand for DR. P f t!LANE'B LIVER TILLS. Epic, Veb. 16th, 180. ' IVlcssns. ICini & Co., PittsbuOtth, Pa. Gents.--Enclosed yeti will: find teri Altars, which please place at onr credit and forward• us some of yorrs "Dr.. 11 Lane's Liver PIO," we are entirely out. Respectfully. voura, CA RTEll*Et. BROTFIF.R. - Prepared ror the Proprietor and sold Whole sake anti Retail ' .1. KIDD , & Co. No. GO, Wood so.. Pittsburgh, Pa. • 1(7-:11. B.—Purchaser. w ill be particular, • and enquire Or "DE. 111*Lane's1Liver Pills," and take nu ether.' , To all 14014 if may Civicers. DR. NI'LANE'S LIVER PILLS! • r.ssns. J. Kann, S.: CO. This is to certify that my wife has been afflicted for stNeral-years, 'he following pain§ at pe rio Is more or less:—Pain in the rigliiiride, about the rd. re of the ribs, extending to the fight shoul der; pain in the back part of the bead, and above the right cye, accompanied• by weakness, toss of appetite, and almost constantly confined. to her bed. Since August she has ttse t tt three boxes of "At' Lane's Liv,a• Pills," and I have now to state. that by the use of these Pill's, sh6' has been beim fi.ed in no ordinary dearce. ; Under the Provi• denco of God she now enjoys good health, and is ahle'to / attend to the doinescie, concerns of JAMES STEW ART. Richmond, Jefferson Co.t/hio. STILL MORE. Mn. J. Kroh. Dear Sint--I call to inform you . of the virtues of "Dr. MI-ones Liver in the cure' of my wife, who was induc , 4l to try one box, by the use of which she lck so much relief that she procured a snow!: Since she lids taken the second but, her hearth has improvkd so much that she is noW better titan she has be'en for seyeral years. My neighbors have become acquainted with this fact, so that as soon as I get money 1 . 0. w ill buy them by the dozen, to supply those in my immediate neiglr boo hood. It. COCHRAN. Pittsburgh, Pa. Prepared for the Proprietor :tad sold\ Whole sale satinet:lll by J. KIDD & Co. ' No. 6{) Wood st. Pittsburgh, Pa. R—Purchasers will pleaso be panic- Aar and enquire for "Th....ll!".anes Liver Pills," and take-none else, as there arc other pills now before the public, purportino , to be "Liver Pills." I FROM THF, ST ATE OF N %V YORK Mr.ssits. J KIDD 4. Co. Pittsburgh, Pa., a - In the month of June last, we received 6 doz. of t•M'Lane's Amonia Worm, Specifie," all of which we have Sold, and now wi.slr a fttriher supply as heretofore. NV° frequently receive packages from New Yoik by express, and presume there would be no difficulty in forwarding by this mode to us at Rocheter from Pittsburgh. , Yours truly, POST & WILLIS. Erkeliester. N. Y., Feb.2l, 1917. • Prepared fur the proprietor and sold Whole sale and retail by J. K[DD & Co. No. 60, Wood et., Pittsburgh, Pa. ' '` Its N. R.—Purchasers will please be par ticutor and inquire for "Dr...lPLatie'S Wortn Spe , rifle or ri.ruilfuge," and take nu other. ,'Sts - - cr from ICentucky. • D . rLANE'S VERMIFLIGE. Penis, Ky., March 3, 1317. ME , as. I. Kim, 4,- Co. ''outs.—ln the month of July last, Mr. F. tlerry weather, of i Cincinnati, appointed me Agent for this place, for selling Dr. M'Lano's highly approved medicines, and the motive that 1 rompts Me, an entire stranger, to write thi let. er to your house: is to inform you, that, th in habitants of this town and county, aenmplly, 114ve giver! the Vermifuse of Dr. M'f.fine of fair trial in ihrirfiandies, and pronounce it to be toil/i -ota an exerPtion,•the very brit drorta Medicine ev er o:fered to thoSo afflicted with 4 worms. The Isi.!lrestiniation in which the Vermifuge is hell in this community has induced me to pur chase it in future from yhtt, or your Agentoind you will oblige tire greatly by writing, per return mail, your cash price for the Verniieuge by the grose. i Very iespectfully yours, J. C. SNYDER. Prepared for the Proprietorand sold Wholesale and Retail by i J. KIDD & pa. No. Gd.Wom/Str/Itt, Pittsburgh, Pa. OPINION. OP THE. PEOPLE We give below n specimen of the many certifi• c• tem handed us every day and which we presume ill , , sufficient to convince any person of the superi ority of Dr.:ll', Vrrin;prge, over all other so c / t tied Vv.:Wu:vs. This, is to certify, that with Dr. Nl'Lane Spe mile, a child of mine, 2 years Old, 80 large worms, besides a larfe quantity or smill ones: -to pfodu'ee this discharge, it only required two tea spnonsthl. The balance-of the vial I ;give to an other child 8 years old, which - caused a discharge 0f .1 26 brae, besides a quantity of small worms. 1 WILLIAM M'CLELLAND. „ N. Faye' Allegheny co Pa. Jan. 20, 1847. 'Net) trill fur the Proprietor and sold Wholesale and Itcurit I'y . J. JUDD & Co. ; No. 60 Wood Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. j_ - 1 3 '.N. B.—Purchaserir Will please be partien• I: ?and enquire 'for Dr .I.ll. , itie's Worm Specific or I,e'rmylogr, and take n thing else. ':Acs.rirs.—Carter ',St Brother, J. H. Burton & CO., Erie; J. Marvin, Waterford; John i‘PCltire, Girard; John A. ;I"racy, Fairview; W. H. Towns end, Springfield; ?-fall & Vincent, Cranesville; Ja'ettson & Campbell. Etienboro; 13. C. Town & Cc. IVuttsbura; A. Tonrtetlott, Union Mills; J. 11. Haynes, North East. Sold by Druggists and Merchants generally, throughout the United States. ,April 24. 1317, \ 49 EZ=Mlt2=s rt A RTER & 1311.0 111 ER, are in receipt t. %Li beautiful collection of Paintings and Enora vings, plain and colored, in Oil and water. Per sons of taste cannot fail of being pleased with the selectien. It comprises views of some of the most romanfic ano picturesque places in Europe and this country. Amonz them are two Oif Paintings 3 by e 3 1.2 feet in rich Edit frames-1110one a view of Troy and the 11 ndseri from Mt. Ida, the ether ‘lll.shington's Head Quarters, near Newburg,ion the North River; also. Views of St. Cloud, • I.aze. of Zurich and surrounding cot try, Lake of Zeng and surrounding count , A general View of Brussels, A 'Moonlight View, a beau e, , Forest and:Winter Scenes, I lunting scenes, &le,' also, a very fine and Correct likeness offineen Qictory, engraved on steel from Sully's painting, also of , Her me elder children, Allice and Albert, in-handsome gilt frames. a beautiful blezzotint en. , riivino of" obn Anderson ,my Joe." a rare and interesting pietuto. Also'a collection of...taro and beautiful Birds and Floaters, correctly and elegantly colored; de• stgned fot Instruction to learners or as ornaments for the eel tre table. - .. - CM Persons desionin.. 'to furnish themselves with , re • any thing in the above line will find• these well Worth their attention. They will be_sold lower than they can be purchased et retail in the cities. No. 6. Reed House. 29 Nov, 28; 1846. REMOVAL , r`l LOOMIS & Co. have romoved their stock • of CLOCKS, vtr JeWeLftlf, F*NCT Go6l:ls,etC.lnC., No. 5, People's Row, State street, nearly opposite the Eagle Betel, where they will be *abed to have their (lien& call as usual. N. B. A large addition to their stock in trade will be made in a shot►. time: - Erle. May 19..1847. - s.. .• 1 GLOVES.—We have the 6eet assortment that' will be in this market of all kinds, includin g Stewart's self imported black and fancy Kid, fancy and vatiegated Silks and China Linen. April •26. WILLIAMS 'Es WlpertiT. CONS OF THE GR MA, nt Tim MID: con Al'i the HUNG. -London ; Ent. on the Contil immediate et The ainoni form of CON treatment th a - amity the flay, and CONFIRAII and will but tram, but a ' Every family t.. übe :wpm ;arias Balsam of Life, not only to counteract the of the climate, hot lo be used as a preventive medicir Coughs; Spittrne, of Wood, Pain in the Side and CI MCES of the Lones, Bronchitis, Difficulty of fircatla Sweats, Emaciation and GeneralaDebilitjt, Astllin Cough, and Croup. In case of actual, disease of the Tootle; or seated ONLY SOURC OF HOPE. Sold by McDodd() & Smith, solo Agent for the hilted Kingdom, a l Italian Ware-house, Regent-st. London, in Eat! a and Cases, for sh hospitals, &c. i By Special Appointment—DAVlD P. BRADLE 1 , 119 Court•st., 1314 Mussq sole A4ent, for the United States and Britifdl American Provine American price, $1 per bottle, with full directions for the restoratio ealth.. Pamphlets, containinr , a mass of English.and Aiterican certifieatei and other evidence, showing the unequalledmerits of this Great English itelne dy: nay be obtained of the Agents, gratis. • None genuine, without the written signature of the American Agent, on a, gold and bronze label, to cormterfeit which is forgery. 1 1 , AGENTS.—S,TOusny. Syracuse, N. Y. Gene al _kg nt for New York and the western States. l 0. Ir READ.,I9 , From the Baptist Cletyrtirn at Coloose, mega, County. " [ do hereby most cheerfully certify. that 1 have used Dr. Buebark's Hun garhin Balsam in my family with great success. in ly little girl, now in her! lk seventh, year was, the month of October. 118t4, attacked with si pain in! her ri t •ht side, and notwithstanding we used all thligenee to remove it, steel continued to grow- worse, and after obtaining th' counsel of Dr. B—, who , though the. Right Lobe of her Lungs so seriously affl cted that her recovery was ex ee 'ugly doubtful. I was induced to obtai one bottle of the Balsam, and'he re one third ofit was taken, the little stiff le stiff rer resumed her phi's a her chi! rfllness returned, and befoce two betties i y ‘ ere used her health we f. ' WEST , lEI2D MARDLE FACTORY. THE sti • scribers having a good assortnient o ± New l'ltgland marble on hand, from differ ent quarries, calculated for Head and Foot tables, Monuments, Ste_ which they offer to sell to any 'one in Erie county, Pa. not- living farther than Erie, lettered in first rate stale, and delivered, at the following prices: Small, for children, $1 51 per 1°434 , Middle size, for aged people, SI 62 pet foot; Largest size 81 - 75 per foot. We think it would he an object for some of the Eric county people to forward us a few rnscri pt ions us we have recently been informed by the Erie marble dealers in rather s bragging way, that they were sticking it to the Erie and Crawllord county people good They brag very.hat ay!. of selling to the "PennaF mites" at from 82 50 to 8-1 per foot. Should any of the people of Erie ;county be in want of an thing in our line, they can forward their inscri • lions, or come themselves, and they shall It'ave first rate article at the abcive prices. 1, SIICES &CO. Westfield. N. Y. Sept. 13, IBM. 4 lit Sll A WLS! SHA WLS!!—Who wants a Shot of any price or pattern? Call at the chew store of 1. S. JACKSON Sz. Npvember 21, 1546. I - .. 1 81-; ACK SALTS.—I will pay Ca. h, and il —olhighest price for. any quantity or lark s delivered at M'Kean,lor at Ey store in Erie. o,atober 11, 11316 . . e. TI ITIALS. OLEMAN'S HEAVE POWDERS, A CERTAIN CURE FOR. HEAVES AN ,1 COUGH IN HOILSES.—A long familiari ty s ith horses anti peraonat umatisictit of the. di.- eas a to which they are subject have at length rest lied in the discovery of this exceedingly val nab u remedy for the lhaties and Cough—a -dis ease which produCes more misery and den h among these noble animals than any other o which they are exposed. I have no heSitaney n say ng that myt Powder will effectually and [her onl Itiy eradicate avow syteptoin and vestige of this pai ful and dangeroUs disease, if gittcn in any rea ouable length of time after it has bean co l ira led. When you dizeover symptoms of Cott74 or- haves in you? horse, resort to this Powder wit tout delay, use it 'perseveringly. and attend to the hints accompanying the directions, for the treatment of the animals, and in nine cases out of ten you will And that it cures. • Jr any desirous of seeing certificates of cures, of them call on the agent. Price 511 cents persbot tie. Manufactured b,y A. D. ColcMan, New York CARTER. Esc BROTHER, agents, Erie, Pa . March 27, 1847. D' lISSOLUTIO 1 P PARTNERSHIP. lIIE partner-. 'heretofore ciisting between the undersign ed, in the practice of Law, has a dissolved by mutual consent, Ail/persons ebted to us aro requested to call at the eilk. settle their respective accounts, on or befo e first of February next. Those who negle notice may incur costs. JOHN GALBRAITH . , CAItSON GRAHAM. ;vie, Jan. 11, 1847. 3[15 be , l int I ant, thel hi: Molts and papers of the late firm of GAL BI Aral & GRAHAM are by mutual agree• left with me for the purpose of closing up th. business atilt concern and collecting all debts, tvl ich I am obliged to do as 'apredily as possible. I have associated with me in business W M. S. LANE and• VM. A. GALBRAITH, Esqs. and continue the office lately occupied by Galbraith & Gilaham, under the fum of GALBRAITHS 4. LANE, where all business in- the line of the pro fefision, will be attended to with promptness and < itch. JOHN GALBRAITH. ;Erie, February 3, ISI7. j .• 39 STEhM ENGINES: now prepared to make or repair Engines, and to satisfy those wl , ‘ s to our ability to turn out suptri ite their iospection of ono which v built and•put .in operation 'at ou. 'ER, SENNETT & CHESTER. second hand Engine ofS horse pow /Rh bellows for a small Foundry, for rain. L., S. tc C. !h 20.,1817. CONFECTIONARY, FRUIT AND TOY STORE.. . 1 No. 9, REED HOUSE Row, i ERIE., PA.: TIll?. undersigned having pure lased the entire stock of Confectionaries, together with the fiStures belonging to the husinnss in the ,store formerly occupied by James Crossman, would say to his friends and the public generally, that ho has Itirnished himself with an old and esperienced workman at the business, and is now prepared tO furnish to retailers, CANDY, at Buffalo prices, and warrant it to be superior to any Buffalo candy edered in, this market; the retailerwill become convinced after selling a few pounds of my candy that it affords him more prelit than the eastern a ndy. Our sticks and kisses will run 40 to the p tmd, and are finely flavored. ;) ICE CREAM AND FANCY CAFES.; I I am prepared to furnish Ice Cream in forms' to s ire i tis t i customers. alwaysps t o o u rn n e d r o :i ns . pho F ann a gd n e c t, y on n O i_id ! pi k pe e itly s e . y n f t ca a na d tk e i leit,eose.nodrdlje‘trivzi will furnish tea cakes ro private families Cheaper than they can bake teem; and on the shortest notice. • , i FRUITS. • Fresh Lemons and Oranges, Figs, Baisins,- I,luts ofall kinds; preserved ginger, mixed pick -1 s, sardines, &c.. a good assortment. -TOYS. As large assortment of toys. such as, dolls, d res lied or undressed, cats and dogs on bellows,' glass 4o g e and birds, fancy • boxes, beede, neck:aces, head dresses, purees, hair brushes, redding combs, besides a thousand other articles too numerous to Mention. Please call and examine for yourselves. Any orders from the country for candy will - be romptly attended to. - - ' IV. W. KEITH. - _ Erin. August 1.184th1, , . ,nUEENSWARE. by tho Crote—Birrningham Not_ wart—for aalo TOMLINSON 4. Co. April 18;1816. 48 • conside ed completely restored. and to the efre tof this medicine; Withodt any hesitation, I attribute the are. iI AVID McFARLAND 'January, 1845. Pastor of the B. Nat Chtiech , in Colooee' i t Toitlatopy from His after. ' • • It'ocns. zit, N. V.'4ltne b, ”31 5 , Stn.—Sometime last January. I was taken tit th a violent ; cold, attended With a distressing cough, which in the course f a few clue brought' on bleeding of the lungs, with much soreness of t e chest, paitiin the side an much soreness of the breast. After being con ed to my het for dome de and getting no better, Mr. Pardke, formerly put) , Sher ff of this county, yeeommenaed me to get;a bottle of Dr, Buchan' Hungarian flalsam of Life, observing that he had been similarly afflicted, dby the ,use of that meat •cino ha d been speedily and entirely cured. I ediatelY d ot a bottle, and after using it a short time the result woe as e predicted —l zee entirely well. From the benefit I received from the Ba am, and from the unilierenl mood' name it bears among my blends who have used it for .diseases of the lungtand chest, I ant induced to believe it to e one of the best medicines new, in we for thosediseases, and as such tee° mend it testa public.; W. w. swift. licurarkable cure of a Dang l ireue Covigh. To S. TOUSF.T. CATO 4 Co , stons,„N. Y. Aug. 6, 1.811. Sin—Weare entirely% out of the Hungarian alsam, having sold all you left with us, in our immediate vicinity, and in slice to the medicine must say with astonishing success. /A tew days singe a young gentleman of this town called at our store who had been for months afflicted with a 'ycry , dis "• con. 4). and Iv-- We told hititit. was Of - LUST DIE; I j le took a Actday he called again he was rapidly) gaining igarian Balsam he must Irectly. HAM St. IIAyENS. ,NASTOTA Nor. 7, 1816) tr. Buchates iihngarian lung complaints, and tees, I was inOced lad since which lave sold instance learned thatit where the patient lad ;D INCURABLE, and A it to all who are loaf most Cases they t% ill find WILLIAM E. FISK. .I , .. iit . _achan's ;onau npf ive tender ein II cas6s of ti::lest, lest, i !Thum and lig, H •tnic Fever, , Nl a, Intl nza, NVlleoi flun cies l a Ids , nre• ing opstimption, it pis , • ton 130 PAINTS AND •OILS. 2400 lbs.W hRe Lea'd,dry 130 lbs. Paris Green. and in _oil, 74 " Sugar Lead, 300 " Red Lend, 2000 " Svtan.Wbiting 200 " Litharge, 73 " Gum Copal, 300 " Bost. Rochelle 100 gulls, Turpentine, Ochre, GU lbs. chrome green GOO " Eng. Ven. Red _ and yellow, Eddy's, etined Lampblack, Linseed Oil, raw and boiled, Copal and Shellac:: Varni.4r, Indian Red, etc. etc." J. EL-BURTON 4- Co. Nov. 28, 1846.-28 No 5i Reed House. NOTICE.—The Tin, Copper and Sheet hob business will be carried on at the old stand or Ashley & Kelsey, where a con stant supply of all articles manufactured by him will be kept for sale at whelesalo and retail. Old Copper and Brass Ware taken in payment for Tin Ware. . Erie, July 6, 11844. I 7 L. WARREN, , HAS removed his sash,-blind and door Shop to State, between 7t hand Bth streets, where lie will keep constabtly on hand or make to order all articles in his lio on the shortest notice. Those t i wishing , to obt in first rate work at low prices would do well t ' give -him a cull before purchas ing elsewhere. 9Tazin g tlone at all times. GlaSs and Putty kept e nstantly on hand ' May 10, 1846 . ) 51 S SMYTH . .1 1 , q; HA JUST RECEIVED JIL from New York, per Pomroy's Exrras,tnt. Spring n13111(4:4 and 1 no.' a'rady to CACCAIIc all orders for HALTS in the lateit region, and of s better quality , than can be purchased here or elsewhere. March 16, 19-16. 5 FIRST APPEARANCE. B. TOMLINSON, THE subset ibers, though some time vin busi neJs, have not before found it convenient or agreeable to introduce into the Oa per s ra, general advertisement. Being rather of a modest turn, they have been situated _somewhat like the stran ger in New York, who got upon a dry goods box in Broadway, to wait till the crowd should get by; and like him,' having attracted- a little public no toriety, they are prepared to gee down and move quielly along, and would respectfully invite the attention of the, public to a choice selection of G ROOF:R.IES, interspersed with a few staple Dry Goods and other notions, Fist received from New York, Cincinnati, &v.., which they design to sell pretty cheap for ready pay.. Please call and see at 109 Frenclistreet, next door to It. 0. Hulbert, Et:l'a elliCe,tral at Silth st-eer Canal Basin. P St Co. Erie Anti". 1, 1816.'1f PITTSBU ItGH Rod): inghton Ware.— A beau tirid articto, and good moment pis receiv ed and for sa!o by • I B.:TOMLINSON • Co. Anguet I. 1846. 11. BUPPALO AND NEW YORK ONE (PRICE CLOTHING STORE. MVAUGHN, No 2 Fleming, Block, State' • Street. This establishment has acquired notoriety by selling all kinds of clothing us cheap as they can he 'purchased in New York eity. 7 — Call and see. A suit of clothes can bo made at this establiiihment in ONE DAY'S notice; in the latest style and most approved faildom Just received a general assortment- of Clothing and cloth, suitable for the season and for Isale at prices reduced to the pecuniark means of MI. For instance a good article of wool, at 50 cos per yard and every thing else in proportion.— Cutting also done to order at reduced prices. All ordeia from the country promptly attended lo.— The child can buy as cheap here as the best judge. Customers generally can depend on having their work done right, and no mistake. ' Eric, Dec. 20, 1845. - 15 CANDY. VANILLA Cream, lemon bar, do. - drops, hoar, hound bar, de. medicated, peppermint drops; peppermint, rose, wintergreen, saseafras, and worm lozengers; sugar plumbs, smooth almonds, almond candy, etc. etc. for sale by ' M. W. KEITH. WINDOW GLASS. CARTER 4 7 BRCITHE.R. have just `received choir WI stook of lindow Glass., which is larao and completevar ing in size from 7x9 to 15x30, and ( will be cut to any size or shape desir od,without extra charge.l Puny always on hand. Nov. 28,1816. ' 28 TANNERS ARTICLE. TANNERS OIL by the bbl. and at retail; ,Re fined Lampblack, Scrub, Sea:unit* and Paste Brushes, for sale by , 1 , 1 CARTER & BROTH% . Dec. 5, 1836. a a , CASH! CASH!: i CASH and the highest market prte paid or Fat.ix &to, delivered at the store of the sub acaiber, corner of Franc and Fiflhstreets. C. SIEGEL. Erie. October 10, 1816. ; t 20 STORAGE AND 'FORWARDING. THE subscribers are prepared to !receive and forward 'during the seaion by the Erie Exten sion canal to any point on the Laltes;or Ohio riv er all property entrusted to their careiwith the ut most dispatch and at the lowest rates. I Boat ,Stores and Groceries of all kinds constant ly on hand and for !ale cheap at their Wire House on the canal, Eigth street landine, Glaiier's P. P. GLAZIER, Erie, April 24, 1817. WANTED! IN exchange for Gouda. any quantity of Gdod .HEMLOCK FENCE BOARDS, 6,8, 10,pnd 12 inches wide, 14 and 16 feet long. . HEMLOCK JOICE, 1 1 . 2 by 19 , and 2 1 . 3 by 12; 15, 16,'18 end 20 feet long. HEMLOCK STUDDING, tby Sand 3 by ,4; 10, 14 and 16 feet, long. for which - the higheit market price will bepaid, *hen delivered at his Lumber yard at the foot of French street: ' • -AVM. TRUESDAIL. , Erie, March 4, 1847, 42 I am twain under the necessity of m'derinty. My wife still continues the medicine and is im in this section, I, heard of a friend 50jmilesfr in a CONFIRMED CONSUMPTION. I Seat him t two weeks since, and I heard from him, him like a charm. (Si ned) • The Messrs. Metcalf, of Geneseo, N. Y. • physician) in ordering a new, supply of the R VERE °saes our cu.tomerki complain o ' receiviti S. TOUSEY, Syracuse, N. Y. G neral A; ; Western States 7—Serkt in Erie by Cart as & l3s =I M. M. SPAULDING. • 3m49 Y. dated Jan. 18451 w supply of the Balsam..- "pg. It is doing wonders to who was considered !s of the Balsam about ;Menne is acting. on E. ARNOLD. a practising 4it In some Es:- from its use." Irk land the i)onse. 'rcn bqtil nd ithe' no .t who !?Isat , says th 1: g cat benej • cm. for New .111 , 1F:ft, No. 6 rte, 84 i . 11. St COOK. COMMISSION & PR ANTS.—W ill continue•the ictoission business as usual, the Pnblic Dock, Erie. Pa. lithe opening of Navigation contract 'bribe shipment o e eastern cities, or other pia ire connected w ith . no d 0 . laving some ot4be firs class 'ropellers on Lilo lakes run hereby ensuring I he sat, and of all propert% entrin.ieii to H Wend to the jorvi arding n the lakes 0t . .t0 any or the ake Ontario and the River outh by the Erie I' , :xtensiou ' - lade on all [Onus - I t Produce vended to. Thi j ylw HI keep ituininous Until in large or nit, purchasers. ' ,ter tn, We, or • it Castings of evi WIA Lic. FoRII2DING, DU MERO Forwardin and cor at ,their w*-house (4 1 atyl will bi ready one otalie pres nt year to 11.teriitandi e from tbi cee, Id Eri am they i aponstble l' , es, and Ii of Steam ate and . ni4 l t t thete house; Sp •etly tradsmiseion I their l e re; They w of goods u and do Canadian sorts 'on St. Lawrerice—also Cat Ml. . t CASH ldvanees • and sales romptlyt, • eriuskintly•on hand small quantities, to ALSO---:Salt e PI Ironi Nai[ls[, etoves a 1 'ion. , 1 i 1 - lit F -M f .' Tibb4 •,olin C. Be [ :[?Imll! Jack , Jialuteon, H 1 olt, Palm t . , ,N. Cha .e.iV. M.zrte tin, C! p ~ [ eor Vl,' E. B. / lie James Bro Wm. D. . • 1 Standart, Albert Ivcei Vowberry Erie. March 14, RE,N ,fs, I bts, I on .S. CQ jolted tit r 4. Co, B tildeo. in, . li n th ct• Co. ,/ I :87. Co. Bolton, Bolt It: O. N: , Ogdensburg, N ne, Toronto ing,, • Cattier :ryes& Co. (.71ev Detroit, Nlieb. Dole, Chi. ag. 11896 ILVER Plated 0 tors, iSnotTers Tea {end Coffee Pot askos, Candles nd Trays—also , new patterns, G. L.OrtMIS Nov. I!,1S16. G I "MIGHT DAY a ILI Pillar, Alarm car,' cryl cheap Mt; ,I go hour • Gothi nd common, by 1, !ready pay: G. LOONIL No. 7, R. Nov. 1 e e STUFFS. Oil Vitriol, Indigo, Blue Vitriol CeSd Bear, , Cochineal, Liquid Blue or chernic lot Nic Wood, 1 Igreen, Madder, Red Saundel p at No. 6, Re, ARTER , Ann4tto, - Alan), Copperas, Creairr Tartar, Argoils, ' Spirits of Tin, Logs aod, Cam rood, Fll9l ek, ' For sa very the Dream ter 5,184 G ER .Y WiIIACEON, COUNSELLOR AST LAW,' s t EXCHANGE, E 11., P.l. arranged Lind yetemized his I as to enable It m to devote a time to his profession, will at riness-ontrustedl to his care..... Ci' BILUUIt RNEY AN Al 141 ERMA BO far ) I lie' duties, ion orhie t legal bosil ATT c H AVI of great par terse to el He Willt.tarid the Courts in the Counties of Erie, Warren rawloid, Mercer, Venango, Clarion and 1 . Jefferson and the upremo Court of this State; and has ' rofession I arrangements by whit:l),h° wjll trap adt , busjn ss in the adjoining Counties in New I ork add hio. All monies collected will be f mitted by rafts on New' York or Phil adelphia vithout a charge for Exchange. Ho will also take cha ge of and pretsecute Claims againstlie United rates,-draw and superintendi upplicat ns fbr Pen ions, Patents, ' &c. , or th bilitr an integrity-with which sill hu- , I c l i siness d nfidet to Ids care will a, performed it' would lidt be 'prop r in this plac to speak, but l a those It%log Le a Business to transact, or Col lections tb ma t his section of 'country, are re al spectful 1 refers t the following gentlemen: HON. JAMES THOM SON, ' 1 GEN. ,CHARLES M. EEG, AIESSEIII. 1A;ILLIA518 WRIGHT, ...,. MOSES KOc I. FM snitie.Pa. . 110 MAS W. 'EMMETT, V NCENT. II MROD & Co. A. D. &T. W. PATCI IN, Esq's. ' • _ HENRY KreSMITII. sq. CHARLES li. S. WILL IAMS, ESQ. llutralo. JAMES MULLETT, q. PHILIP DOSIIIMER, Esq. - -, HENRY %V. ROGERS, Esq. HON. ADDISON GARDNER, Rochostar, N. Y. 110 N. JOHN A. DIX, Albany, N. Y. HENRY SIIELDEN 4,.._ co., cottNELtus w.,LAwitENcE, PHD, • i . i DORR, CHANDLER & WHITAKER', ' N.Y. HON. nottneT ll MORRIS,i City. CONOVEI4 &LA BAWL, 11 ' ° J.& A. VANOSTRAND, 110 N. JANES BUCHANAN, I I 7 WM. L. MA ituEYv ' 0 . - ROBERT J. WALER, Washilollt on - f` - W. MEHILL: I ! WM. 7.. STEWART, Esq.. 1 [44 111 +, 1 4- '' . m i mi c E. K I4 I, II 4 taWiIORTER. 1 s i irr i g , , ! ry . V. y Es Q 4 HON. %'Vlii, PATTERSON, Sandit , "...o, 0.! ! lION.'JOHN WENTWORTH 1 hicago,, m, g f p DIIISTOL & PORTER. „ COL.JAMER R. SNOWDEN, 1 , I . LUDWIG, KNEEDLER & Co- COL. JAMES PAGE, ' . ' 1 1 . ' . • Entiladelphs (. ABRAM. R. - WOLF' & Co., , I „ „ HENRY HORN. E:q.. . , ' '; ' 1 ' 1 J.l& J. P. STEINER. 110 N. FRANCIS R. SHUNS,' " ..iIIIIMON CAMERON, Efiserisburip li.,_ N.-B. ELDRED'. HENRY BUEHLER, Esq. - 110N.MILLIAPill WILKINS, / p hilburith .- GEN, LEVI 0 CLOVER, 1 GEORGE THOMPSON, ESQ. Wheeling., Va. HON.' R. IicCLELLAND, Monroe, Mich W. J. GORDON, DR. S. ENGLEHART, 1: 4 4714 "C 43 ?* HON. LEWIS CASS. . -•- ' - CHARLES 0, HAMMO D. Esq.}persolS, Mich. JOHN MsBEYNOLDS Esq. Erie, ,May,B, 1817.. 4ND SA 'l'—Always on hand, a tito lowest, prices anoLof the. beat quality, by Aug.,1848 1 :I./TOMLINSON & Co. VTIENA, Carolin*; Orleans and Scotch Plaids V also Limps, and Worsted Goods of all kinds for gale very low at • CADIVELL'S. Batumi of rife. February 4, 1815.] Hunua-ianf' t ßalsatp o Int cough, attended iyith, bad as to dein ivet - her Warner 4. Co. for some trchased a bottle, and by )egan to get better, and, ,y Restored. Since that nany,of whom have used • JOHN I,GWIS. Alst Church in Utica. kTi bulk, Fish %Ty &scrip- r. 5 ;-,ie, IMI i , Y. dity. . Y. I C. W. 'nee, " 0 , Illinois ticks, et)s trittunnia QM , O. 0. G. ,ke single cr. .* Co. 4 House.- El Mr. E. Triervres, .In. ' , Dear Sir.--1 his is to certify thakty daughter has berr troubled a ith Dyspepsia for a thloW r of years; anent ed with u coati, at headache and other distressing syrupt cos which accompany this disease . She vlrited Bosim to avail herself of I the jus ly celebrated pl*sicians oft hat city, all to no purpose. Ily the tali, Illation of a Dien ,-1 was induced to purchthot a bottle of Dr. Wood's Snrsu has - rilla and Wild Cherry Bitters. Before taking one t, de hi she Was retimmtentirely of the headache, and Eller taking I two, or three bottles, the other symptatns entirely dis hp peared. l • N. 11. GIDIIIi. Novsrit FAIRHAVEN, Long Plain, .Nly_tlt , , DAC. . . , Me. E. TnoaroN. 211. , ASHES! I ASHI!! Dear Sir,--My daught.n , has horn for-natio that: hrhat WILL pay Scents per bush I for good field years afflicted with a confirmed Dyspepsia and Lls Cr Cdru- ashes, and I'2 I oats per bushel fur house ash alnt, togetherl with n severe and tonsatat headache.-- e &livered at Inv ashes or APliean corners. During this time she was constahtly attended by the n 0.1 skilled and iTeliieent physicians, but a ithi little or nerre- E l lie, Oct. 21, 1046. ; C. M.ITIBBALS, iilr, until w found the disease was rep Lily taking the I fo:m of 'confirmed 'consuriiption. At this time, Ide ors ' SllES.—Those ha - ins , goo s. in ned to have recourse to Dr, Wood's Sarsaparilla nd- 1 well to deliver thetil at our Wild Cherry Bitters, ae prepared by you. sad it gives me -- the sincerest pleasure to, that atter the use of aow e are now %%oiling off what w b tiles, my daughter was happily restored to per ect April StiilEiy l. , ,S. JA( h alth. I have the highest culifidence in this medic no, _ LI d shall cheerfully recommend it to Any file ids. , 'ViI Very truly yours, ANSE , WHIT . e cure deicribed in the abate certificate f Mr. W ite is by no warns a singular one. There arc I tin&li-s lie have been cured from the most acute or It eont led disease, by the use of this elreeliont and highly po r. last' e.,) remedy. The proprietor recommends it to the public ith the utmost confidence, fur in all ca-es where it has ha I n fair trial, it bias succeeded boyound the expectatlensof the 1 patient or even his own. 'The care with which it is st tils pared and the intrinsic ecellenco of its materials, sbn Id secure, and have secured for it, a charUcter whic hi it' , serves. The prejudice usuallyeximilugugairst adrerti ed medicines, would not be merited if bestowed on this. he j t ' wonderful cures it hits perfhmed, and the acknowledged celebrity of' its principal constituents, should at once , re commend it to the public favor. /' I Prepered by E. Thornton, Jr.--sold whelMale end .le i tail by Wyatt & Ketchum, 121, Fulton Eit:K, Y.; JAL 4iiir tort & Co„ Erie, niel by druggaists generally the inighout the U. S. Price $l, large bott,p. / Oct. 24 MO. / Cian . P`TI PIECES Alapacas, Camlets and Merinoo I?" just received end for. sale by , I - . . • • 11.Ciewra.t. Sept. 19,1816. / Fe. ,ed HIMIEC, by. FROTEIEIt. 'NONE •f.!AN BE LIKE TIMM! DR. RRRICK'S .. - :.t4AdaTd Faaily Memeinesn ,• . 1 IIIEVAVOIVE REMEDY OP Ili - I DAI.P.'-The h encomiums of praise te a m sh cc ,bestowed upon these deservedly pupular latMea..-1 ny •ftig.ene of the highest reapectabilisy, and by m.l of he 'medical professioi in every section of the le i r' - . St teal and British Possessions, entitles them to thes e ., ........risexer st,EmEt•de-Valltili's writ......,._ of Ite•Conquerers of Disease'. A mass of Amer - ..ithontriptic Mixture. This universal Panacea is no c e t . t i an retr i nropy r s re teepact o e r poi ,„ 10 m 44. being introduced into Eurdate, the Eost and West Indies ~ pit treated by these preeminent reeled:es after the n -- eu„, ' " South America stud all other parts of the Globe,. wilier ell treatment of the medical faculty, and thaMostioso.. - disease exists in any form. !The United States and th re cities of the day bad been trued terrine. ' '''''',' Confides have for the past three years severely tested thalamus's which the proprietor, upon the introduction oD . lIERRICK'S VEGETABLE SUGAR' this medicine hesitated not to rue It poesessed, (In i, tro- I . COATED PILLS. during this GREAT 'VEGETABLE. lI}eMEDY, the 111118 M vim tired with-marked suet ess In every di seite , .- startling promises were mode on the part of the. medicine qu ring a gentle a;tal positive purgative. Thee , eu , • -so novel wax the theory-the principle-upon which wt It astonishing quickness penis and divan:me of t y —' Alto cures were to, be effected flint people thro v up he d, bains and weakness Of the bre att, sides and i,,;;.; - their handx end cried', what next'? Even credulity. startled all Mulls of fears. inaamatian of the e :i:e h t , B 7 7 t o h : .. With surprise, sail the en culled "Faculty" made ' th em- th Minton body. foul breath, coated tennis!, billi e u,4:-:• .. 'selves merry over the "new humbug." But murk the re. ic, abitual costiveness. and in all ca cult-the three years have passed away-public opinion, e el mid bowels aro loaded with humors, which ate BO pis. the voice of millions and more of observing individuals, J tine of diseaee. Each boi contains 30 Pills, a re wt . have stamped this REMEDY the mo s t siegular. ,wonder ra tett under oath purely vegetable, and sell folz eeet t ..',. . fullncomprebentive and miraculous curative miller ever 4 2'n el 1 being en ordinary tithe. Also. produced. TIM ONE elnE/er iligEtSE Wtich the troprie• tor of this medicine had the presumptiou to say ;existed, II BRICK'S SCIATIC LINIMENT, Tit, and that all various diseases were but /cemetery, has noW. I INFALLIBLE REMEDY' Millions of believers, they nitist believe for they have Fe Riminnatism, Sprains, Bruises, Conirected E eT i k, , witnessed the e ffe ct' e f this restorative. it has conquered SO a throat, Quiniy, Croup, Stiff Joint., - Shrtaiik" ea ALL IlibeaSet by simply conquering the ONE. Thu "Ohl ow Ague in the breaat and face. Toothache,Frozeay m r , Seho . o:" now open their eyes; their oft) dogmas, like the Di elutes of the Spine,. Perished Limbs. and whereve r e , '• morning mist, ay before the light of truth. and common ext mill applicstien is Wit:sited. The rapidity s r . i-, sense now seeks a rend to health its own .wav, instead of v. li icit'itlits WONDF. WORKING MEDICINE'Cars,a, closing its oyes end being led. The truth of the Prim'. uo st cos, sof the hove , li 4 nAt'CA has attracted 71it - -1 pie upon which this article cures is ertald hilted, nt.,l the W iNDER AND•AD lIRATiON of the world' 'fiat ,2 -,,.. statement is again boldly, most - emphatically. mom deer MU :ital thetn.cly- of the use of this b teeing tobsau - , :4 detily reiterated: This medicine trill &A., from the body cc. ity the Doctor has p t the price at 9.5 cents. /ad tit - •I try disease which has a name -erkpli.:nrgatthati Is n . f th e On taO the.Peet's, to e Wolin in the glue, and etnek.,, system which rail exist. 11l en. analmusrle remah unto fined ed na; cut of a discos d Seltir.accoitmauied with feel, .;?. /nee win resters to a perfiet stale ,: Ihe old Ctilomet, bleed. rectifier: Likesloe general debility; attended' with p i , g lag and blistering 'poem is ebont to fall. The Proof thti- nit weakness in the, stomach 'and toned:, xtendiug X tii,. r ty presenting Beefy of the truth of One. Tnemer, in a rid rs,loss of appetite; trembling of the limbs, psip,, o _ . prop out of the old structere which will *eon termite to tin red the heart. Jaundice, Ague a dFe el., srild all LI ,:c . s . the grown], astupeless macs of ignorance and deception, ion diseases are,ouiekly cured by - lie eus of ' - I INVAI ins.- reaort at CIRCO to this medicine. .It is a iERRICIi'S VEGETA LE TO:Vie r strictly VEGETABLE RENERE, the product of our own soil ;-a compound lof twenty two different 'egret:Mule - . Pa „ u iin boxes acco ll m l tsa T a Eß l w it g h . directi ' Each root Itaaltsi particular parr. of the system to act upon .., is • Each bee will make half a gallon. and title actiott is always procured-its eff.a•t upon the - whole system is iMitititiliiply apparent Testimony of the, e ‘ t . eti r .. c .‘ oti Cough., -Colds - Asthma. opt Cou h Cron hifla ail, highest charnel or is daily c ming to - the proprietor. full g oo n "t "" °° Prg , ... g . P' . m ' 1 of truth. and y u will always see names, places nod data. ° / 1 recent casee r t the Consumeitton he Not a particle r, false evideneerls offered on the part of a ” I r li n d ll Y "c" by ' this GREAT COII.4.MVE. The mnet , cureful perusal of the D . lIERRICK , S MEDICATE a prophlet is desired. It give', the cher:tense of all the LOZENGES. secondary complaints which prevail, and which (bate been cereal by this article Evidence of careen in some, of , r , r n . 7: e 9..5 et+. Two of there Locenres tTHE TIIIUDIPII.eNT SUCCES • the most dreadful cases of lingering t ornplaints which.. tt n •'s erti attend* the use of lierrick's W. has been the fortune of any medicine to cope with, le . ai ..enges in thedestraction and expulsion, found-ctises which have been left to die. Hundred° in th boost system, has placed theta first o every large city of our Unarm and the, C inadas ha e to , of rcrnethes. ' They ate pleasant to tale. thank thisartiele for their 'lies and 80 do hey. as letters tie missed their effect is such as to •astoins n the p ssession of •the, proprietor will she w. . Pr ce '23 cis . a ith full directions Those This GREAT:Ur-MUNE will cure Dnotisy in every stare. le. mil end weaknot:o its the breast. salmi GRAVEL, and all kinds id' difficulty in the Il mire organs; 111 euntatireu. Liimhago, etc. will find n frit Complaints of the Kinneys. Weakness of the buck; re- I ' RICK'S GALBANUM S male irregularities immediately' hecked, and a licalthy ton given to the symeni. Let every Female ant once ie- ' ' ,EKING ' PLASTER. sort to this safe medicine, mer use no other. Diseased Sp ad online Kid leashes, will wear f Liver. Ind igeetion, Jaillrous complaints, ny,p e p,,h, ins tan t in nths. Price' only 14 ets , aud are talkie ly relieved; Itli,•uinatarin, Gout, dte,proditeeil by •inaction a n o ther ph i tern. and are considered th of the blood, will "always find relief; Long,, consurnptioe, unless the potients tell their trieOpli :10441- C ", u . 'th,• ecru CI. l.: PEST PI.ASTER NOW IN USE. . sere were il ceived has team eared by ihia medicine; , - TO TIIIE PUBLIC. Scrofula and all Eruptive disease.; Pile+, Erysipelas, re- .- 9 mirth having been said by some Nes flamatinii of the eyes. Pain itArion of the mart, Sick th; t del. , alone had the prmlece to make 1 Deadache, Jaundice Fever and Ague-the whole rata= i.t..a dialed Pill, end one even pretending a gee Might lie armed-reek thin rt.l :erns% buy wo rVe• tie, t lie„bas a, patent for so doing, intlueet u( up in 30 oz. bottles at 8:4 12 oz. bottles, at 81 each hr rig this practice of deception before the careful that ybu are not imposeJ treat. , Every bottle el, ~, 1, 0 J u di, ta th e eas e , wheth e r a sy, leas t o words, "Vaughn's Ver.Mahle Litiumtriptie Mix- a m 4 longer . to exist. Dr: dlerrick has Lure.," blown upon the' glass-the written signature of Bt rke, the Commissioner of Patents at W 'G. C. Vaughn'. on the dlreetio s. and G. C. Vaughn, le ter iy answer Is given Lelniv. Buffalo, stumped upon the cork.' None other are genuine U. S. ['Meat Office. Peopaied by Dr G. • . VAUGIIN, and soldht. the print- )r. Herrick-Dear Sir-Your letter of a cipal Agency :10'T Ma n street, Bernd°. at wholesale and be of receised. In answer to your Meek retail, to \I 110(11 ulltOßMlllith at has must conic env paid. Ipa cot WS hero" granted for a pill coat 041 es der , led ex.r, unit sly to the sale • .1 this Iltedie snit, a , lui se to infonn von that no record of such wholesale and ret,il New torleCity, 3:1 Nassau .t., H In, nil it, this office. (Respectfully M. Lake, Salem. Mass., -26:5 Ex .t. 1 heiret P. Chase. 1 ED3IU tatiellotati. Ohio, J. 11. Dirge, oil:3,1.- rt. second door Irons - tr Phamphlets cis eug• a iniore genera walnut: St. Louis, Mn. J. Wniker,-.Genersl Agents. 4 th Midicines may be had of any of the A At retail, by reopeetable Druggi4s throug Joel; the Miler r riempal Depot 03 State ett,tet, Alban) (~, ytdvertil.rd in the papers. 1, i . i , , l' , do s divot Inc addressed, Agentsin this city: Carter & 'Brother. Co l lin It. Porto G :NTS -J H. Beak di Co. John & Co.; Meads ille; J. 11. Burton & Co.; Vs tittsburg. Jacob Er c; Guilford &Es aim' Girard; and J.II • oniktoeli: Girard, f..... Jones Co.; North 1 Eust, B. C E., 3 I 1 ... Feb.... 0, ____________ _.!_-- Town. , July.l). lei& ' k--- DR} WOOD'S SAILAPARILLA AN WILD CIIERRY BITTERS,.. . Fort& permanent r( moral or all such diseases as I n tfieir rise in raquirpure ktoad, Jr't. Di .ti, ,plink —,..., inipatretr t figtst, . 1 1forbid state o the ivy- and Stomach,' Weal, ar: of the ,Vrevet s S 4 thin' 'and a disortirred The, 1.. , ..,, gin crony. . ; i • ; . ! 1 . ‘} r ood s'Sar aparir Mid Vitt! tsber ! rY ritti 1.-0 i alreajly; by Of ir e Itstm tilt ex cllence, won' a dcgrlee public favor, and 'p it rt,trage, , tsh eh 'put s thent beyoidl tl nerd of, rocomunci dation. Being ., faitlifullyl prepared t the inostexcelleni tateriais, klivy can be fully confidedl t by all iri need of a °Mg t 'rtperien! or:alterative remedy. Stirsup rill% tekesht high rank among Physicians and 1, others 'in the list tif curative agents, and it is' this f ..‘ which has rendered it on deservedly pnpular over all of t. cr Medicines of the day. in Dr. Vc'autiPs standard prep, r 1 mien, it is warranted to be found in great purity a ul strength. and gaining much by its union with the \V Id Cherry, a tonic of the first order.' This happy cnnthin iti in Is the only one ever lead° of these attic .s, and founded as it is On the best Medical principles, and their vita es nal acted by a. rigid clteniteal ,:tpalylds experiment las shown its unusual power and ellkacy. • This preparation will be fours lon trig , to he a sure nil spCe ty remedy for the diseases roamer ted allot e., 11 ey ,pit try the bleed, serum reg,ifFic . iligi,tion, pronto a he lthy action of the I.l't er and :item:tell, and strung t' en th nerves, and at once secteriag health and 1 igoi in he w,lle system. intel ca-es Or tfrspotakury, art t , itl: r, n lui igestion or 'tenons irritation, they hate been ii ed I) wi li remarkable surer,: nor are they less useful as a r [H edy for IleMlache„ Platulency,l,.oss of appetite, ant a g fiend prostration of the systeni. At the sumo. time it stbe stated, that y' aro neither vittleint nor ret nil rygerousill ibtiirOPetatiOn, Rl•enfing as they do the e. /bed effect, rind, by a steady regular and ease iatluenee. i t ra,ken ItailY, in doses Prescribed, they will be found to literate in that gentle and salutary manner, which is, in let, their highest recommend:diem t , The, following certificates, among nanny Milers tyli ch have been received front the most respectable fnurcett, f le. nisi] satisfacurry proof of the hate and all scy of -t ,I. highly popular nwtliciae. SANDIVIC7, Is; a:, 15111. . . T .31 ft MOW is the time to buy j.IItFEIiNG7- 1. 1 Cirpeting, of the hest quality and latest styleS must be Sold to makpreem for tt newplock in the Snring2. at the " JEW STORE. Erie Feb. 27s 1817. • 41 CA HMERES, Alpacas, - silks and - all other Dress Go tds, at cheaper rates 'than atsan other store in t %co, at the JEW STORE. ; Fah. '...7, 18 7. , , I ; Commercial Exchange. THILIBET, Plain aTt7l. e'mhtoidered de La I ,Sill and 'ash nere Shawls, a la mode, v y eheap r ai r !he OM 11411.c1i1.L EXPHANGL. Erte telt. 2, , ,15. 7. 1 ',-, -4‘ LtheaEsaitc g e tu !i i Moreeco Sp i t c s c V A l3 N ti a lns, Feb. 27, 1$ 7. ' 1 I 1- . ' 91 CI7. S FIiS, 'assiiTte=ti - td SaiTinetts of every quality and color, are offered at a fraction; above cost, at the 'JEW' STORE, Feb.. 27, 1896.-41 ' - , French St. VITINTEIt Sperm Oil, a pure .article, for gale Vat • B. TOMLINSON& Cu': Erie, Feb. 13, 1817. 39 GROCERIES.A good avortmetit of dtTgr4:• 7 caries always on hand=-Molasses at 37 1-2 cents per ballon , agood garnmer article. October. 24, 1846.. ' C. M. TIRBAL RODUCE‘f all kinds taken ii xehange for • goods aeon 'occountsby C. M. 113BALS. - October 24. 1846, • . 23 fIOTTON GOODS—Cotton Yarn front No, 5 V to 20, Candle NV ielt, l-Battine. for sale at No. 3 Perry Sleek ' P, :ARBUCKLE. Aug. 13, MlO. .‘ • • N E I R • NnW AND CII,EAP GROCERIES ! ! OHNI ZIMNI ZltliX St A. H. H Tc HCOCIS, J hue of the firm o! Hitehcock,Z entnerlylbr.Ce., vel i again associated themselves in the Whale, aced ce u, -tid ~R etail Gro4c y business, n State Sired, nlndy opposite the Eagle Flotei, irdi the room late. lv ric/2upiecl by!Wm,dlindernecht,iunder thestde .if . 'ZIMMERLI' 4. Co. where vill be founda j la .rd and nen selected aisortMent of all tiridsol \\ Land Dry West India Goods prising eve ry article usually kept or,callet+7 r iri,a Grocery' st rcr. Among stock may be fun .:--- g Ccitree of every price and gitalit . Old and Voung Hysoq Teas; . Pcipper, Spice' ', `indigo Bron n, • - S 'gar. Chocolate, eastik and (rosin sat T 013..“ eo of every'cloal l ry, e i.,.= irs of all kinds, 'together 3,1 ith' I d 1 tv It ! lass, etc. etc. " J. 7 .S. Co. tender their thank s for he very Ltener:l' j r p itrrage extended to them for 10 . pair six years, a d tope they may by their ends vors to please. ixi i eet ye a continuance of. lavers a the shaped o d as in ell as newenstomers. t T ley are prepac le , Icl purchase grain of lall kind butter, eggs, d led apples and peaches; Fta', T moday and No .i i r s i-leed, for which CASH trill paid at their c miter. . Paiie, April '25, 1816. i ' iN.S.—Dorible Barrel!, Sirig i 1 Pieces, Revolving six' Shoot c al ds.,ortin.nt bl,Gun fixings. G. LOO Nev. Id, IS M. , No. 7, _ . ' CASH I . , ' C' AS11! i ASH will be paid for 11,000_ 1 110,000 do. Corn, 10,000 do I b. 76 Flour, it' delivered soon. ~ . 11. Erie. Ocr. 10. 1816. - ' i OCT, %VISTA WS Genuine Pal/int . the Celebrated remedy for Consi 11 5e,L1 , 15 of the Lungs. Alen {Virtu ti 'e Pills. l'er sale by Dr.l'. Mtn, Ag. S,e..entlt sus, Erie, Pa.l Ont. in. ISIS. ~ .... 1 IMJ3 * • .---. eters , o's zest tee • xes y , 1 the dozen or single. .13.; TOMLINSON & Co. Etkeruary 13, 1847. I --,7 -33 .. ,------.1-1,--..------.. • Alf ESTER N HOTEL, TORN GRAHAM, Pritieter. The, I ' LI; J subscriber et•Ofild respectfully inform - ,; I .411 . his friends and the •traveling public gm. d •tiity, that he has leased for a term of years thie r wi and commodious, situated at the 0 i,2llth Street Canal Bain. This location rm . ' d 'es the " WESTERN l' pre-eminently the most e.nyenient: ,and desirable stopping place for,all e deer doin g business or traveling on the Canal, i 1 here is, a so, attached to this establiphment 4 ! Ir rge and c venjent Sable for the use of float meriland'ot ers having - horses. 1 No pains or expense has been' spared in fitting 'up this house for the cOnvonience, comfort and i oasuro or !guests, andlthe ,,, Proprieter trusts by a riet attention to basiness to merit and yedake a ai itt E r r e ic e , A fpu p li ri l l ic patronage, 24, 1847. 1, tt It.OWN and BleachOd Sheetirtga, Bed Tick, P iCotton Flannel, Cotton Yarn, Collor! Eat , in"_, Waddinge, etc. etc. P. ARBUCKLE. No l l/.14,1843. 1 No. 3, Perry Block. .- OIL! OW! OIL!!! 1 * SEIGEL has again opened his store in this city, at, tLe corner of French and Fifth -, • re fits, for the pore of selling LINSEED' OIL . his own manufacture; cheaper by 10 per tent. tan it was ever offered' here before; warranted to . :' s: first rate . article. ' I' 1-1 e also' keeps constantly on hand Turpentine V bite Lead, dry or in !oil, by the keg or pound; l'hrisme Green, Chrome Yellow, 'American Yen • MOD, Poo Pink, Litharage, in short, every de. caption orraints, all of which will be sold chop or ,cash; , 1 ' A ~.., n etal assortment, of GROCERIF,S,such as ea, ~Sugar, Coffee, Selects, Nuts, Raishut, Ate , ' which are of the best quality. All persons t, ngi to buy 9il, or good and cheap grocerics iall o welt to call at the corner' of French and,Fo . trects at the Oil azi Grocery Store of C: Seigel nd and examine q ality and prices before par basing elsewhere , a he can assure them that Ist ill make it for thei interest to do so. Gi v e biro I i call. Erie, June 6, 184.6. ii - -- 3 a , ;ley's Extension liens in. -i -,st improvement out, otheg i •ei. , ,G. LOOMIS litro; t Nv. 1, Reed How. i, OLD PENS.— , Pencils, the lat kinds at redticed'pri "ay. li. aIP, and stilt ? In tha sst e i:- rcabinh of i, II of the Leon greatly help, 11 . -COUGH re 'a petit:. sable!, es., .-;,--- ill D(NtrOiit t , i 2 . VOTITIS ill, ':11: 't the eatafor:, - - :: , •e f Children lest the beheld,' tittering lice net back. e... nil in the ere 4 ~':. IRENGTE -`,-t- tu one to I. the Out t 'York inlln - :- . .'2, 7 nd vend, .; -.]„.": mi advert r:; .3 , , the nwr, - .. o t.-1 , . public, apt let, mof 1114 keld I', Wrilren to K. htugton, tr host '-.. .. .-.... .._,.., au. 16:184 . 0. e stl intr. has , whether an, . with purer. patent can be -' yoUrs, • 'D BURKE. deveriptien et entv. where all or- ummins & Co navies, Komi ump and Loi p, ra t isinz, figs. ~ shelf arotc. an, nails, e do. Fowling , rs, with a gen- 341§.8:. Co. Reed House eta wheat, arley', and 500 1 ADWELL. /of Wild Cherry mpticin, and oil,' '8 Gentle rurgit• • tit, cothcr oratts, Ashes will - do ashery soon as , have on hand, KSON St Co. all