able Lithontriptic Mixture is lied after atN ever—the agents tb since the first introduatan ent medicine, has ever taken is onward—let thelmor invalid er—we would not holdout to hat will lure his ehattereill;ark Vaoghn's• %Tog still is much eq tell . pa that no artt! of thd ro called pa) tik• or march hop i 3 n —ll °l l° e lights tportla rocky coos what ;the complain, this reineit'l E w: , n(e. Sce ad v ' wo do say hopo on, no matter ,you can find relief by resort . Call and get a pamphlet , o lisement. Sciloru e of the indications •of this lo t athilo s me dineas which is commonly called "kink's Evil," n e preternatural, hard; glandia- Jens, ond incysted ttuOrs, situated ahoutlihe neck behind the cars, nd uudergithe chin. The meet puccOgslttl remedy Sow IN nem, is Merchant's sari tapat iti a , (kvery ctive preparation of that, toot) which attenuates, IRcrs, and evacuates the viscid and thereb i , rapidly and radically Ares the disease. ), See thlvlCtlisenv of de.,cription ma; nt in this paper. o PaZ"t .a be had gra!(s."or Cm) ptimet I th - inst. in North ['Ail, try Roy, JOHN CALKINS, and CAROLINE of FAR view. !nsirnoYin, N. Y. by Rey. Mr. Gillett, six, of New Noland Misil MA It the former pinoo. 3141tRIED.—On 11. Whgllon, Blrd 31363 CifiLDS, bnt On tha Oth inst. at I Annu 'MA A. LYMAN. ar y list, in Girard, Mrs POLLY M. q., and daughter of Hon. M. Hutch DIED j --11n Tues.! colon tif D. Olin, E ,pion, aged 21 yearn ba the tith basa l . io ii)e.r& Girard, Mrs. NANCY HART, aged I SIATIC CONDIMENTS. Bitter •AlmorvlA,. Summer • avow, -, Sxect Nl.ljoram, , • aclt, ,Vanillad3eans, Citron, Extract 'Vanilla, •inger " Leinon, 0 Bitter Almonds Orange Henn Water, .Lcavitt's !toss do k4)ICES_St. 313, Mace, Glues, Graotl Ci [mama ' Iltpper, b Cayenne do Superior Isl iistart Rum Jamaica t Boot, Ground do Coriander Seeds, Caraway do DIETELICS 1 7 ( Bermuda Arrow ' Superior white T Pear/ Barley,- Sago, VIE SICK' Sz INVALID Oatmeal, pioca, Cooper ; 's Isinglass, Russian, du Irish Alo,s t Iceland Ric Flour, Selected with car and all warranted ri,uperior. .1. 11. 111, 7 11TON1v. Co. :17, No. 5, Reed House Eric. June 19, 'c raJ Phonotipic Clcises. Phoneg rash MR.. E. El. CE the, citizen class of young 4), and sixteen, to In Ntion in Phonozr. coca of spelling a to which a lcw to. class aifl eotntne l 'rocrtationa to co at, W. P. Sltedd' of . the Eric tank. i ioto the present e Erie, June 12,1 RTIS respectfully announces to /. of Eric, that, he has formed a reuse, between the 'a ”es of ten Ito a thoron!fli course of ins:rue phy and Phonotipy, or the sci d rending by elementary Founds rc pupils can he received. ho Icc on Tuesday, June 15th, the innence at 5 1 2 2. o'clock, I'. M., school room, second doer east II No new mils cm be received after Tuesilay, June 2.2 d. 11817. • Itl "LOOK you wish to RIN DERN Eel where you .can t aro warrented Tobaco of ni I ..namond, late, Cocoa, blue Sauce, Lemon S gar, Fire Creacke .ling Brushes, P Caps'and Pills, I Stave Blacking, Tar and Rosin, ',idler, Brimstone, craw, Bed Cord- Berri n_, Paten a.h ifards, N ts, F Iherts, arse Brushes i , bags, Broo [ERE, WILL YOU?" 11 , cheap, you will please call at LIT'S N 0.6, Poor People":: Row, Ind the following attiVies, • which tit—Coffee, Sugar, 'Pen, Molas• kindq, Rice, Peper,i Spice; 13in 'tittnegs, 0 in zer,Starch, Choco ard by the pound oq box, Pepper 1 rup, Oliver Oil, Lamp Oil V;ne s,Castile Snap of all kinds, Sha wdcr, Shot, Load, Percusdion andlo Wick, Twine, Matches,• !hoeo Brushes and Blacking, Chalk lacoboy antl-?•Scotch snuff, sul: Epsom Subs Glauber Salts; Sal- Rope, Fish and Chalk Lines, , Pails, ribs, Willow Wagotir,, i ire Sives, Almonds, Madeira urry Combs and nurse Ca!/ds, :nd Combs, Shl•pe;er, Dairy salt 1 s, Corn Whips and H ;rah ash Brushes, and other articles ention. Please call and see for Erie, June 19, 1917. `ER & BROTHER, d under the Law of 1816 to retail Spiritous Liquors., o.rer a good White,% nurnerousto .nredives. iN - • AR EG Vinous le tw e n " S rortment of 'uro Port, Atadcirn fihcrr Irlattg - a, Fa zel , I lock, And Current wines —ALSO— • .+ Brandy, Gin, NV Ilkkey, - ; ph iis,, And .Alenkul. Inx ra•e4 nm Arc fintnl qiialities 'tiered in, 0114 market, ut No. G, I 1947. 5 rirm Jamaici 1 'For (kale at n 4 Are ever bcen ,erd House. Eric, June 19 IRdN FOR ME NAVY' NAVY DErAIII3IF.NT, :ruction, Equipment, and4lcpair, ith Jtine, 1817. DPOSALS, endorsed " Proriosals or " opurals fur on," as \ rtlw 11 be reeeiv. d at this Bureau ti h 4- in'., of die 20,1 i inA:, for , in dt the re..retivo navy y ar d s New 1-lamp6llll,, elfarlevown, BA)oltlyn, NetV Yotki Philadcl inia, Washinizten, Dicrict of Co .4port, Virginia; such quaniides alt uric] sheet copper, not exceed -1 thousand ponn , h , of each at any and or round, flat, and pqnare iron ed by the teßpeetive comm.indants nr by this Bureau, during the !is ,3oth June, ISIS. 'OPFER AN rent( of Cons EALED Pit for copper,' lase may be, W it 3 o'clock, p u.,;• and dolive i enr POIIEIIIOII 1 111PS110111:10.19, hia, Pennsylval mbia, and It cold rolled nz. one hoodt . c ,ne nary yard; I 's may be ordc navy agents,' alyear coal, I, the round i on not 1c:4,; than three•sicteentha an inch nor more than four inches in (Name ! er. „The flat iron to be not Irsl than three six ' centns of an i eh thick, nor more that six inches and the -qttare iron nu; less 'than three .ix eentlis of an i eh , aar mot.e than thrCe inches 'square. I Both the copper 'and iron must he of the be-1 , o quality, free fr, in dant, razg,cd ends or edges, flnks, or othe defects, and must be true to the sizes t'Olich m ybe ordered; and to be subject to h .tich tests and nspection se may he directed, anti lila all respects to the satisfaction of the comman &lots of the r spective navy-yards, or it will not be received. Any qUanti petainds Of cops creel within tt eetved; and 01 ditiopal thous toli . of iron the tinctly undere may contract a lege to furnish iron than may', I not c:cccerlinz five thousand ier, or ten (0119 of iron, to be deliv n Clays idler the order stiall ho re e day will be allowed for every ad nd pounds of copper or additional t may be ordered. It is to be dis toed, however, that persons who ro not to hate any claim or privi any greater quantity of copper ur be expressly ordertd. .. i ~. ndersteed, also, that when persons places than (ileac near which they furnish articles, they will be re int and duly authorize some person lace of. delivery to receive and act isitions or orders which may be case the person who contracts, or II neglect or fail to comply with the Orders he may receive for articles tract in proper time, or of proper cers or agen s of the navy shall be purchase the same, and the contrac able for any excees of coet over the It is to bet reside at other ) may engage quired to app, at or near the upon the rest made; and, IF his akent, eta requisitions ta l tinder hie co quality, the o authorized to tor shall be I -contract pric Separate p yard, and fors price asked I bolt, and mho s aqUate iron, reedy comps Donde, wi , the eatimate will be requ betithheid eleTill faith( ' s pert Which 'ill, tracts are deducting i the United duly certi6 the.nevy el The dep of rejto n , heretofore! -deem it adt l oposalsrnust be made for each navy the copper atid for the iron, and the ler pound must be the some for the t copper, and for the round, Ilat, and g hat th 6 different offers may be cot red. th two approved sureticti in onn.half Aamount of tho respective contracts, red, and ten per vent. in addition will from the amount of each payment to collateral security for the due and ;mance of the respective contracts, n no account, be paid until the eon emptied widi in all revects. Af. er„ n per cent., payment will bo made by States within thirty days("after bills, d and approved, shall be presented to cat. tment reserves to hell the privilege of tiladcAq persons who have sled to complear contracts, it it should sable for the public interest's. Every in the sere the navel e by a tvritte ponsible pe dertake th their bid 6 Within fiv e tire, to fur all wig be ~ , Inaranty. I er must be accompanied, as directed Congress making appropriations for nice, approved the 10th August 1816, guaranty, signed by ono or more rea sons, to the erfect that he or they tin t the bidder or bidders will, if his or 'a AcCepted, enter intch an obligation days, with good arid sufficient - sure lish.the bupplies proposed. NO prope -1 ( moldered unicsaaccompanied by such June 7. , Manager.— JOHN IV. . 11. 0 0W1111TECK. TRIS !MUTER ESTABONMENT t— he GrAutlest in the 3Vciii 200 T. Persiins and Honies ! The roost Brilliant theeical Festival and Concert Equestrian, Gymnasii3 an Dramatic Entertainments, of MO Highest Order. THE TRAPPINGS AND HOUSINGS OF IN- COMPARADLE EcEGANCE:. -he Costumes and Paraphernalia of Clas- - sir, %Alga& • . .25 Supra,. Spirited. Well Trained RIND 1114iMS103. 4 ,;, ' • 35 Carriages 17 fircosscrira . ble y k - Stimplet 's 2222 eh! : , ( MS .1 Alrarse , sa of Trim.. "' - scrutfritt Xptendortr: THE: LtVIATITAN OUBLE WATER PROOF PAVILION! it ing troo rerous with unparalleled Comfort. 13611.aut:y Illuminated by 340 rov;erful Ettfloc i to:s. A PRI?*-EI,V FORTlin has been profusely lavished, and the service of 100, MECHANICS AND ARTISANS: Of acknowledged Ta'ste and h gennity, kept in constant retPuction for rive Months, in deri-gning and Executing the Atipuitenances and Properties of this Gigatate ticherne, In .a alio of I.lDprece dented mag,4acnce, resulting in 'the trust eaqnte ito Mechanical Gems, and the most gratifying Chef d'cenvtes of American 1,411.1., /iENDALL'S BRASS RAND. 15 Picked Musieia 5, in 1. os'rous Uniform& . - of ov. lebrity itt W i ll fem;v l Wll nn o t her band alpires led b the /I , 4MORTAL EDWARD he,NDAL& . , %ch., dyne P. , the- r biavr.;.l il ljul_ii- L'es L :,....r R , hat pent lnitett ev , vy virile to which music ha, iiccev,, la "Bee give., tone In tint- 0 1, 0 end mind r..hic tinit , emetit.,l , l the 11,1i•ter I.•irctis, whether in Irtaoitor. the TM MP:N..II.Y xx re:wpm PitocKA•rioN in 1 the .'..1../.' 4'4;03 4./.4,-li-CZLV.. , .I M.tii.L.Sii ttLai or awalom ,g , tine eelice A on tle Al f vett lt 1111 C idt/ altiValle .....ft . 1 6 -- .4,11.1:14,1 , D.L.F.LAIV.,L).I..i.'a r2.2'..ii,.1.1?. , ,C,, or , in A. Pli” . lp , a ' r il , V. ref If/ 1111.111 CC Unto it ,t l tli3it 1, P: Mtfti % CAL ~ the erl.l ffltr.fetiec A.m.., in which will be the i, to •bu forgotteif . ~1, 1 .1 i fil'coN HIS hIAGIC: SIIXRR. BliGI.1,:. .35 ill'ltivi'y Crll'brni. fl Laid," and 16:Ipt 11,,tri• sa ,t I lift,c, , .. nt Ihe rate of thrtr prote...mili, the wo•tt lietnerrwit i owl to •Itletl troll iV or p, ni.1,1110r4 ever vottorinirtiteil iii nut:e;rele. viz: 1 t‘ii . .... , N 0. J. Rogers,. ‘‘' W Nllllllll, J W.:qui11...1. N•el.'tientel, John 54hjililli., limo' 4'1,111k. J. Mark woo.l, t. 1) Ilahltviii, R. liosstler, I..)Att Emote% li..M I)icixtoonti. It t o tt i tn , tot Mow., rt'attt./0/ot'or, lt. 0. Koimp. A 1...x.4114 ,t-k -ell. .I.t. \Viiey, I'. 1.- e.r10..W. Ri0.... J. Aatopc, ' 1 1 Et.ert- t M.' %% cllO. 0. Thotertiet, 'l' IVlw - eler t S 1V iit:lit. i.e. &C• )111 , 101 I hartnr, Woltere and l'elltel.—Alettltotirl TllOOll l, OO. Roeltwell, Everitt, lit twit. NV'sq lie, Emmet, Wright- Del.more. &o. &e. The Joiig favorite ehmil G 0. KNAPP, unil tliot hr•110111)1000r to the oriel of the Ilittrolr,,,,, ALEX. 11001CINELL, PING of GoOTESQUES, l'''', Migrell ,I ,y Ilertgamnion. 1, 3' the •••••ri E AND 71E. ri•cot of lireot, Britian. :it the 1.07D0N °PENA 111 ).12:41:, to ;w the 'Gait it of ii-trirt. in the rare of MN "q l, l 4 'H llll et . the eemin,,hee., of Eairop... in , a ,,, +MI I'lltiOn.projeri, the .to t te riptl totheraltwe to pare till,, out r.rhtsettwet.llott 14 eo toritottgly tletittoyet in • the elot-to nil I .lionitti'ul motif. nod Intlo , erttAttly meet and uneiv4iti,t. f,ttht, will he feculistrl); oh 'vivo! to thr mirth of five t‘tolie.lll.ll4 f• - • . For the Prorromme 01 the Comerl. Slmorsig of t'leit . l'enoriiitioe. , tool-brometie l'etsonie of the Divert. 11.1110111. 1 . Millet., vomr , ,,e.. N,l»tollinniea, ac. ace Pomplilete mid Dose' 5h00... .., A dinoic.ion :0\ till. ITlon'e. may 23 C:1310. 1r.,17"-This Companv!will have the honor of per forming inlsltlE, ThUIZSDAY, JUNE 24th, for ONE DAY ONLY. Doors open at 2 P:114. and 7 1-2 in the Evening ' .. The Company will also perform et North Fast, June 23d, NVolertord, Juno 25th, and Meadville, Juno 26:11. • . June 19. 1847.- SUPERIOR French and American ruled and plain Letter Paper, nard and Noyts Black Ink Keats Carmine and Red Ink, Wafils, Common, Note, Tiansparent and Motto; Settling ‘Vax, Pounce, Iliac': Sand, Rubber, de. etc. etc. For Fah: by • .1: lA. BuR.ToN. & co. • Frie, :lime nth, :547 From the City of Meiieo. Arrival of Fresh and Cheap Groceries At Nu. 1, rcirrY flock. . . Q. ii ---- INCE he Tariff has been taken- ra the im ports into this country, and placed on that of Alexia', it bad enabled those who have purchased. Groceriek in th Past'to sell them cheap We' wish all Who wan anything in the Grove y line to cult and examin our stock, for we do assert, without fear of contradiction, that we have the freshest lot of liroceries in this market, having 'all \been purchased frotn\pie latest importations. In oar stock may be fotnathe following: impekal, Gunpowder, nd Young Hysoft. Teas Java, Rio, Laguir and St. Domin go C ffees; Loaf, Pulverise , Porto Rico, and . 0. , Sugars; Pepper, Spice, Gin; cilt i . ger, 'inamon, Nutmegs Mace ((ones, Rice, Pea led ,barlcy, Candies, Pecan. Brazil, Ala eira and Pea nuts; .41monds, 'ilberts, etc.; Fruits—dpples, Raisins, Englis Cur ran,X and Figs; Sperm and Tallow ciandles; Sur and Winter strained Lamp Oil, a superior article, Salad oil, Fancy Shav'ng, Variegated and Bar, soap. Dairy 8 It, W I hit Fish, Mckerel, Alachinue Tt ut, i t and Iferring; Kimball's wain Fine-cut chewing, Spanish Smoking and Cavendish Tobaco, Pipes; ' Regalia, Principe, Trabuca, Lenora and com mon Cigars. Colored and plain Grass and Manilla Ntii--• , - Resides a host of othsr. articles to supply' the waste of all. A fresh supply of Groceries re ceived semi-monthly.' Call and 'examine goods and prices at No. I, Perry Bloats. T. W. MOORE. Erie, June 12, 1647. I 4 NEW AND FRESH GROCERIES, at No. 6 Poor Proplei Row. -W EI F I itINDERNECT has just redeived -a • large and well sehitmed assortment/of wet, dry and Family Orocerics; Dye Stuffs, Nils and Grass, wl)ich he will sell cheapei tor cash than any other establishment in .tOvvn. Please call, and BCC. Jur e 12, 1847. 'JUST RECEIVED 25 bags Rio, üba, St. Do mingo and Java Coffee, one de r north et tho Big Window, State street, by . \V. F. It IN DERNEC 4 WiIITE LEAD.—LAn invoice of —ft; this superior article just received. Also, Pittsburgh Lead, (Fahnostuck & Co's make,) dry and in oil, 'always on hand and warranted. - June J. B. BURTON & Co. LF.E.OHE.S.—A lot of prime Swedish pmchee, in good condition, jnet received by June 12. J. H. BRSTON & Co. VATINEN'S ARCANUM—Said to bo better V v than any preparation of Sarsaparilla as a Spring Purifier and general eorrectant for saleby —ono 12. 3. H. BURTON 4. Co. Agents. IRON AND STEEL.-10 tons of Swedes, En glish end American Iron, together with all si zes of Spring Steel, this day arrived at the corner of 'WILLIAMS & WRIGHT. Juno 12. -4 Cll - lAWLS.—Theebina 1.7 ered do., Bozah and Zephilts,'do,,. Summer Cohmero, flowered and rainbowed Woratql, that ate decidedly rich, at „AV LILIAN'S WEtIGFIVS. April, 29 1647. . . . ~. . . • .LIFE INSURAN li',.. ~...:... rrIHE HOPE MUTUAL LIFE NSURANCE J. COMPANY, of stkmford;o , necticut, hive made itirratigements With the,subseriber to secure. to any person Lifti Inatuakices who may be &Bir etta of procuring the same; This institution nets' upon the mutual principle and affords induce mentsAn persons to secure' a competence to their famel against contingencies and uncertainties of hi , that none other in this country can. Poli cies granted, in every' instance, makes the insur ed a stuck-holder in the - .compaV, to an amount' equal to the premium paid, with-the almost posi tive certainty of a return of forty per cent. A gain it is only necessary that,a small amount, e qual to half the premium, should be paid. in cash. Balance is paid by the note of the person insured, thereby making actual erpital out of the individ• liars own liability. These are same of the ad. vantages of Otis company over most miters. Any person by calling upon the subscriber can be made fully acquainted with all the opera t tions of the instii ution, who has, made such arrangements that he wilt forward to the company all premium notes and obtain policies free of postage- to any one wishing to, insure. As the business' of the company increases and nothing more titan ordi wry moan By preyails,• the premium to be paid nually till ' diminish, and in time will be esti n• ished by divillend., of profits. "This is n peen liar advantage in Life Insuranceenlike flue in• tsmanecti,tinvestmenta are made all over a country of varied character and healthfulness, and the life done person is not dependant on that of-another. as one piece of property in a,cityor town May be on the`safety or destruction or ano:her. A small .sa• I vim , annually mty enable any man to secure a handsome provison for hie family. Indeed in most cases limo sum thus expended would never he felt, while if sudden death should ensue before ''n competence by other matins is acquired, the funds fur Ileum support and comfort is thus realized. 1, The following are some of the tiumerons in , stances of lertunate insurances: 1 1 . "The Equitable Society of London commenced the business of Lire Insurance in England in 17 , 02, without capital,' and although the benefits at ' that time wen) but little known or appreciated, yet it now has over 8,000 members, with a capital °rover fifty millions ofdollars, and that in a coun try where the investment of their surplus fum does not average ; three per cent. - IVhereas in, this country six per cent can generally be ob mined, so , that the principal of accumulation would be much greater hero than in England.— The report olAmerican companies also strength , en and confirm this position, and a striking il lustration of the value gran old policy, we here give, by citing an example from the transactions of the said Society. Its only capital was that of the accruing premiums, it, however, in' proOess of time, became ono ,of the most successful and prosperous companies in Great Britain. Mr. Morgan. the able actuary of this Society, in his address to the general court, in the year 18 0, say 4; "Suppose a life of 35 to have been hum d in the year 1703,'in tho sum of Ll,OOO, at the n dual premium 0f..C30; in the course of thirty ne years, this sum being laid out annually to be i - proved at the . tanto p ate of interest at whic l e premiums are computed, would now have accu mulated fp £1,500. lf,however, this policy were now trurresidered, the sum of £1,527 would be paid for the value of it; so that tho person Will have been assurred for thirty-one years in the sum orLI,OOO, (exclusively of the addition) not .ottly without expense, but cm with the advantage of receiving £27 as a gratuity at the end of the t term.' " 'Very many practical 'examples of the blessings of Life Insurance a continually occurrin. , among all classes of on cittze have only room for.the which °centred in the city of Nell- York and its vicinity in the course of one year:— "A urrebant in September insured his life fel the benefit ofhis runny fox $5,000. Ito died in December following, when his affairs were found in an embarrassed 'state. The *5,000 which wus promptly paid to his widow, left her in comforta ble circumstances.?_ '•Another L'entleNfan, who had been unfortun ate in business, took a policy in hirer of his wife for $5,00U. Ite, died shortly after paying the sec ond annual prdmium, and saved his futility from destitution. "A ge t eman. residing in the State of Indiana on the 1 th of August last, inoft out a policy on his life for s3,ooo—but one payment was made of $lO2, He - died on,the 19th of September, and his widow received the sum insured; $3,000. She was so fcircibly hr pressed with the advan tages efLife Insurance, being a recipient of its benefhs, that 'she inimadiately articled an insur ance in the sum of $5,000 on her own life, for the protection of her family of young children. "A - boolt-hceper in a highly respectable incr. can tile house in this city, through the persuasion of his employers, was induced to take out a policy on his life, for the benefit or his wife and children in die sum of 1,000, at the annual premium of $25,70; a sudden illness from scarlet fever carried him oil in ten days; two annual payments had been made, and his widow in a few clays after his death, received $1 . ,000; had it not, been for this provident privvision t she would have been left .in destitute circumstances. "A.young married man in the city of itoches ter, In thistlate, on the 7th of Auttust, 1315, ofj fec:cd an insurance qn his life, in the sum- of 81,000; but One payment had been made of 323 10, and he d'‘'ed of a short illness on the 21st of February, I 13. His widow; in ten days there after, received $l,OOO. the sum insured, •"A farmer of Dutchess county, State of New York, took mita policy on kis life for 31 4 000, on the let ofJuly, /845, for the bene4t of his family. The first payment of 821,70 was made, and he died very soddenly, from an attack of apoplexy. on the 20th of the following January. His fami ly reeei vc.rsl,ooo its a fow - days after. • A gentleman of this city being in the receipt of nn income from: his syklitit estate, to continue du ring her life,hnt Woultruease nt her death, very prudently tonic out a policy upon her life, in the flyn of 85,003, 01. the annual premium of $102; in this ease two annual payments had been made; his wife died and he received 35,000 the sum insured. "A merelfant in one ofthc Southern States !ie.!. a deht duo him of 5,60 D. Knowing that its tilti mate) payment d pended on the continnanez, of the life of h.s de.btor, he took out a n?,;;cy on it for that sum; ono ybar's premium had been paid of $l6 I, SI. Soon ai'tsr . he was attacked with a severe ill gess, which terminated his life in September last. ,The Company on presentation of the requisite proofs of his death, paid the sum insured,and by this precautionary measure, ho unexpeettd , lY and suddenly retiliz3d a doubtful claim. • "A zentlthnan of New.Yorli ; became security for his friend in the SLIM of $3,000, by endorse ment on his 'papers. He had the prudence to of feet insurance on his life for that amount only; one !figment ($36) was made. This was done on the 3d of duly last, and he died the 18th of September. The Company paid, him the 83,000, whielt ho ap• plied to the payment °lbis endorsement—thus by this insurance he was released from his liability, which otherwise might have put him to serious in -soini'enience." ' I , • , Insurance . ads by a husband for the -honefit and use of hi wife, where the annual premium is under $lOO, w not be subject to the claim of K t.,_ creditors upon his estate ,at 11;s decease; se too if made for the benefit of an) , child or Children.— Thus the extravaeance find indebtedness. 'of the husband will not be allowed td sweep. away this provision for the benefit of hip 'wife and children. 11,...TInsurtinco for life, or'from year to year, or for a single year may be made. CARSON GRAHAM. Erie, Juno 12, 1947/ ...o. ' tf.4 _ FIRE INSURANCE, FARMERS AND MECHANICS' INSITR. ANCE COMPANY, OF RROKLYN, N.Y. • FOR persons desirous of Insuring. in the above company, the' subscriber will !receive and forward the necessary Surveys of property, and procure for them free of postage such policies as may be desired. The above - company is entirely responsible, and insures upon very liberal and advantageous terms.. Any information that may be desired in relation to said company ean'be had by calline upon the subscriber at the Mike of Graham & Thompson. • .IC ARSON'GRAKAM. Erie, Juno 12 18.11. ' tfl New Woollen. Factory AT NO =EAST. ': • n UNCAN, JEWE It Cit.\ have jus menced business f manufaeduring Woollen Goods, dressing Cloth, carding Wool, 4.c. Tlfeir machinery le entirely new and of eastern manu facture, and embraces the latest imprcwiments.-:- The business will he condiuted by Mr. Jewett, who has .had 20 years' exPerience, in it; both in this country and In England. Thoy will manu facture on sharce,'giving one,yard Of cloth for two and a cleaner lbs. of wool, or fori, ready pay in cash or country produ c e, and on as roasonabla terms es any .otherestablishniant la: the county: Their manufactory is located about - one mile north of the village, • ALEX. DUNCAN.' •JOSHUA 'JEWETT. • • .„ . . = ISAAC B. STEVENS. •• North East, Juno 12, 18 t 7, a y 3614 W. C. & R. P. HU,LBERT Ha'Ve just received their full Stock of SPR/NG AND SUMMER — GOODS, A ND would respectfully invite the attention or 23. pnrehasers to their beautiful assortment of FRENCH, INDIA. -ITALIAN; GERMAN, ENGLISH and AMERICAN GOODS, compri sing an assortment of the newest and tenet rash-. leviable styles in the market. The greatestia ducementa will be offered for the following rea sonS, viz: I FIRST. Cnstomers can always find at our store the latest and most desirable styles of goods. - - ,SECQND. They intend strictly to odherO to tho principle - Dr &ening. tit the' it jbLOWEST MARKET PktkCL3 ,-!"gip THIRD. They are taking most all kinds of produce, 'for Which they pay the highest market,valne. The following rue among the tuo..3t desirable styles of Goods offered, viz: Extra Rich Purls Printed Lawns, Bara ot, Li n• en Lushes, a new and beaM Uhl article, fordre:•st•s; California plaids, French, English and American ,Maits do Laines, Plain, figured and printed Swiss Muslin„ Striped and Barred MMAins, Satin striped Girwhatns, French, Scotch and American Gin attains, tke. Rich silk Shawls, Chameleon and liernani, Gossamer, Berage, Plain and EinbrLadered Mous do Lain, Soc. Straw Goods, comprising many new styles.— Alan, French artilicials, beautiful Bonnet and rap Ribbons, Silk, Gingham, and Cotton Parasols, Funcy silk buttons, sill , hinges, wee' trimmings, Purim Twist, combs, Gloves and Mitts, Hosierv, and I,uridre.).9 of other articles too numerous to mention, We again invite all. to cunt:: and ex . - amine our goods and pliers Erie, May 19, [Bl7, More New Goods ! C7'THE LAST AND CHEAPEST,„tz "KT OW opening, from the last of our Sprity , pier ill chase, a very general and extensive assort ment of 'Fancy and Staple DRY GOODS, with a good stock of DRY GROCERIES, to' which we have added a large stock -of CROCKERY, coMprisin&foll dining Setts of China, with all the cheaper Wares. The attentipn of dealers is es pecially invited to this branch!pf our trade. The Goods have all been putchased cheep, and will be gall cheap. For - fur:lpr evidence please call at N't ET C b" J. D. CLARN, in eltarge tor P. NIF.TCALP, re spectfully solicits the patrona g e a his old friends and customers at More No. 1, Reed House: — May 29, 1817. AGAIN HERE WE COME, ITH the best and cheapest Stotdi of rash W ! ionahle LADIES' DIJESS GOODS ever, ofFtred in this market, consisting in ; part 50 patterns Dress Silks of all colors, embracing Colored and Plaid and Stirped Nutt de Soi, Gro de Rhino, , Gm de Swigs, Satins of nll colors, SHAWLS of nil kinds, such ns Silk, Crape, Barrae.e, Thibct, Mous de Lain, Brod", 4-c., Lawns., Balzarines and Mirages, . Gloves and Mitts of all kindsL-Siik, Kid, Lisle, Cotton, Ste. • CL, .OTI - 18, Cassimeres,Xwecds, Kentucky Jeurt and tintinvs. I In short, customers can every thing in the Dry Goods line Usually inquired 'for in the mai k et. We forbear to mention prices. Suffice to say,' ladies, we can 'sell you a hands•oino French Lawn dress from 112 s. to. 10. that will vie with any in Broad Way. Please call and see for vont.- selves. Farther at hereafter. Don't forgot the place, at ICA D W DLL'S. April 28, 1847. 50 Spring of 18.17.] BY [Spring-of IS-47. Roadßail - NEW SPRING 4- SUMM 4 'it. GOODS, just received at the Jew Store, No. 1 Outliner. cial Exchange, corner of French and Fifth sts. Moses, after encountering all sorteof perils, by sea and land, is here with his miw and fashionable Goods, purchased in New Yorlt and Philadelphia ut the lowest cash prices, and embracing the ;real est vau iety of Fancy and fitnro Dry Goads ever brentglit to this place. Afew o 'tbum n ill be ao ticed. FOREIGN 84 FANCY GOODS. SILKS-.Sttiped Poi& de tinir.! laid Grenadine, . _ - Do. Foulard - , Heavy wathd st Oiled Idach Si. blue hilt White, wa.cred, White anti black Satin, Min black Colored Florences. Freoeh Gingham, a new alitl beautiful ,artic e, Muslin Robes, plain and embroidered, french embroidered Robes fOr.chiltkren; Very pretty M. de Laincs for 2s. per yard. , French worked Linen cambric Whig, Embroidered and bordered do. do. Double single French needle.worked Collars, and Capes, Embroidered mchti,n Shawl4,' • Silk, Cashmere and Barrage do. F'renelt Harra , re Scarfs English threJci Laces, :Shies and cambric Edp. ings." . , Mack, v..hlte and colored French Kid Gloves, Side and mohair tzlovcs and mitts, . Ombra striped Bonnet Rthands, l Fittitred do. do. Corinthian Cord, Lace 13tWons, Silk Bonnet Wire, tze. ,S..e. (I ,:rMiTal the nameoand number. rt" 4 MOSES KOC [l, No.l, CynunTicial-Exc1..1, 1 2r , , . . —. French at. April 21 - LADIEP DRESS 'GOODS. OPENINti at the' emr Sol e, need 110usq larae assortment o?Dress Goods, iCytes new and tv.;autilid. and the goods decidedly Cheap Ladies, pleas,• call and examine for yours. e.tres at May 29. 1317. ME'VC A LP'S. TO TIIE CITIZIe;NS OF ERIE AND Vl— ' CINITY._ TIEING convinced of the god Atoms of homes. LIP °patine medicines, loom its we in toy own UPC or acute inflamatien of the liver not !long since; as well of its ;reed effects with several of my patients, I auk induced to .ay that it is as &rat astiny other practice now in use. In my opinion' arty curable disease can be (lured with flomreo mithic medicine in 'the hands of a man ache is a inilge of diseases and the proper remedies, and that without the great-J-01ton° expressed in the taking. nr the disagrees le sensations produced h medicines in the Allopathic practice; beside 4, We patient is epared a tediceis convalescence in a6te.tliseasea, because he h , of been exhaust:l eel by blood letting or evacu tt edittines. He misses directly from a state of Ali.t •aSe to one ofd r tell health, and to the reviler exercise of is functions. I therefore proclaim myself-in favor of the HomM• 1 opathic remedies, with 'it very ft.w exceptions, which may eventhally be removed. ,:. • P. FAULKNER, Frie. June-5 . , 1847; • ' a 313 MEDICAL NOTICE. 111 AVE associated with myself in din practice 1 or Medicine, Dr. N. Snviotm, n well informed Hornreopathieunder the firm of Faulk ner St. Saytnour=VlTico at toy _ residence, south-, west corner of the Diamond, Erie, Pa., where all cases of Surgery and other practice in the profes sion, will - 4.z attended to ai usual. June 'I. P. PATTIANER. ' PROTECTION. k MIIE Eri County Mutual Insurance Ccimpany 1 enntit les to insure torainst toss anti drtnitge by fire, o buildings, goads and merchandise of all deacripti is. Office .on the mat side o f th e rublie Square, between 6th and 7th streets. roam -rens. Wm. Beatty, - J. H. Williams, J; 0. Spencer, George Se hien, Thomas Willis, Smith Jackson, Oilei Sanford, Elijah Babbitt,. C. M, Tibbsls, John A. Tracy, W. Et. Townsend , Hamlin Russell, .4) Henry Cadsvell. _GILES SANFORri, President, , 3. C. st,ct,:cp.n, Treasurer. George Selden, Secretary. Juno 3, lea: ' , ly ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE:- NOTICkI is hereby giVen that letters of Ad ministration have been granted to the sub• scribers on the estate of. Thomas Hurst, decd; late of Harhorereek township; 'ell-ersane,.therefore, indebted In said estate are tfquested to - Settle the seine immediately; and these having , Maims, a gainst thsealue will present them legallYauthen cleated far Settlement. Ji LID. HURST, )-• , • - . WIOTON,. DAWD -- ALLisom . ) - June 5, 1817. . , Ot3 La 1.1 ZOO. NORTON, JOB. C. naowg, 71108. Del NEW STORE. EW GOODS NEW FIRM, NEW - P HE undersigi . ted beg leave respectful) form their Wends and the public gel hafthey have entered into the inereantil ess under the name of MORTON* C heapsido, next door south of 19 ehaifey i er. , Their,stock of Goods is entirely Surpassing; in tichness, variety and ch any stock ofgeods , ever brought to this I and embracing every style of Staple an Dry Goods, among which will bet - wind , ' Linens —Aroeiltan. frish,German and :.Dress Goods of every description, 1 .Fhau Is of the latest designs, varying from 75 centto Sfi; Summer Stuff., II Di ills, :leans, Cmsiml BroWn and blcavhcti Shirtings and " S of every width and ipality; • Broad Cloths. Casitimerea and Sattinen Calicoev,Musli is, Lawns and Ginglia, Bonnets, a Splendid !assortment; L nihhon.., A rtt6 i ial Flowers, Lrie,Cs and 1 Utobtellas and Parasols, a great tossor ... Ca , p gins , : and Paper Elancintts. • Alt.o illinery Goods, Tailor's Td :Morel n 4 .• Damasks, Linen di pyre, Cros Embroideries, SO arid Cotton [lose, K cotton and Lisle Gloves, Vestings, a , Idol. • I conm ion tr uth the above will bel well selected s, ek of GROCERIES of iiirdity. City 'd country Merehimt with any article in ar lino on favorable NORTON Q1 1 7 ..ri0, May 15, ;11917. 18 IT f.. ;? r ; .1- SIGHT TO B 1 iIOL AT TilV, I BRICK 'CORNIER OPPOSITE T GLE HOTEL. THIS DAY dirert Iroi tern Lutes d Nlanufactatue, tdi seleatcd steel ofi VDU CW. 11(311. WM MED Compriling u gr, Go'sl , ; 54441 s 4 summer wr; Li tics; to h( sire stock 'of ' eat vatiety of Dreas ithow number { Men' nen anti any gilarhity heap/ r t'tan ner; uit GRWRIES All of which wil b y . Prin. May 15. AND SHELF HAM: he gold ak i ellen I> at' CI WILLIAMS .4. WI 1817 HERE y . .WE COME. V4-tt ••m The New Jew Store Ahead !!! JUST received at the New Jew,Store,• No. I, -Fleutinz Blobk, State street; anowiand sp!en d4l assortment (if SPRING .AND SUMMER GOODS • Which,lutvini2 been bout - Ott at eximnety low prices and Ms subscribers having encountered neither "perils by s!at or, land," in their journey to Phila delphia and New York Markets, can and will be sold as cheap—not to say a tittle cheaper—than at any / other Jew or Cielligt Stoke between New York -and "Sundown." Our Stock consists in part of • • SILKS of all kinds, descriptions -and colors, from plain black to the most l'itshionutple plaid; striped or watered. GINGHAM:I, French, Saiilch and American,varying in price and quality to suit customers. - SH AWLS,BiIIr; Cashmere, Barrage, etc., etc ut prices that cannot fail to please. • Al. 1)E LAINE9, of all qualities, from - 20 cts. upwards. BONNET RIBBONS, of all colors, citialities, shades and prices. GLOVES, that cannot fail to 1t the most!deli cnte hand, at prices in accordance with. the most delicate purses.i French NVork l ed Linen cambric Handkerchiefs, n Gentairel artikle, and very cheap fm:tho quality. Also, embroidered do do. tonther with many other articles, too numerous to mention, but which we will take pleasure in showing to customers anti others. Also—a kplendid 'stock of READY MADE CLOTHING, consisting. of Pant..., Veet9., and Goat", of all pri ces and qualities, and Boots and Shoes, of all hinds'Lull and see, and don't forget the pine, No. 1, Elerninzilleck, State Street. IStAC ROSENZWEIG & CO. Erie, April 1817. I 50 QTEWART'S ctlebrated Syrup, Ter table me. 1.3 hitt the thin?: you rend of at the "New Store," No. 1, (The.4p , ,itle oitToN Co. Eric May 9.2, :IS 17. eirbsetibers have just re eeivetl rrit:it supply of aroceries, consist tag of Tea, Catne, S.uLtars, Spices, etc., etc., which will be said at their ttitt•tt taw prices. „J. ROSENZW Eta 4- Cc. • Ja, 20, I No. 1 Fleiniwr Black. narus Kid Gives--A tientitiral assortment, r White and ',Colored, sel:ing chenp nt • No. 9, Cheamside . ; by • NiOILTON & CO. Uric, Nlay , I LB'3sSED able an I Piano Porte Covers, Enzlish anii American, for sale at the "New Store" No. 5, ChuApside. MORTON 9. Cg, Erie, May 22, 1917. , OALIFORNI4'..I I LAID, for Boy kJ pa..taonn ~.r a li•tle the nicest, "New, Store," No. 4, Ch:apsidn, i 1 111011 T! -Elie, Mav 2.2 1 , 1817. . ENTLV.III'.-N'S French Boots: Gread of in 'the hack part of the oft' tit reduced prices, at No. 4, Chen • 11101:1 \lnv 22, 1917 LADIES' silo ..S.---Ladies', • i children's Shoes —a largo ussur "New Stole," No. 4, Ow42itle, - MOUT • Erie, Migy 2•l is 17: • H Wool l . l , Wool!! W 'highesi i price paid for Nri.) Common:LA Exe,haage,, Frew, I ' Erie, May 22,_1817, ' . I Wnoold not hove the Gen )em • our stocklis exclusively r L will &easel:oh and see a hill na-orts thitthey want. Among others th Cloth that cati ha found in the* tneres to correspond, at prices as ne tntion cost ns they will ask Also Cups. Gloves. l l.lpsiery, Cravat. 4 &c., at ME May 29, 18;7J ' CARPETIG. W E ve o t tr;r e t i t . c . fw a reces ALL IX' May ..111, 147.1: ' _ T OAttrET nAas & Satchels, W. have soine of the Wilton that are superior to any in marlte cheap at 1 • ' ME May 29, 1817.1 , . BONNE-I'S 8., BONNET Tit UTE have this day opened, and y largo stock of 13otinets, Ludi sizes, atprices fitrlicloWthe market are some of the richest style Pren wrought, Chinallice, Pearli - Stra together With 4 good assortment Some of the real Trench flowers ll' ful, also Ribbons, 4-e. &c., at May '29. 1947., N PARASOLS. ALARGgaisottment, all-aryls offered as.npar manufacturer coabiatent with ttnal' commieslci at j 1161 May 19, 1817. New Goods! New e THE subseriller ia,aow roceir stock of Fabot Dry Goods, G ware, Crockery, ,lion; Nails 4old at reduced prices ler ready subaantiel friends and the prilthe requested to cell and enantioo they eertaihly will not go switytl wili not bounder'sold by any wes fur reidyl 147. S 11TH mo , 6, 6 ' '; NEW coot's B RAi r lit-VEJust reteived thie:rno pl of plain Anil twilltitt9hlng of prints which wiliolfe sold by. . , ,•C. M I 1111 y I, 18-17. THE ill*Vlll4lna6 WIRD THE lIVOIta.DU ICES to in• netallb 1- bu•L-' lio. 4, up 7 .„ %vs- e , far , coo, , Fancy Frpnch; - n Or ice ,rco, etc. lectinge 'ms. 1 Riches', m ta; antrtg.„ 1, French d, reat other (jorne: diseese j Presi iirotides,! 'aqllsof all 'Finns Sprains, liritised, [Cracketi h eels, ; Sin Rhone, Why/ Pon Evil, Crltue,; foUncl superior suppied :puns. EIDE CM Spathes, &circlet :iit ii also I titli 11111.0USCS lithe tom I 's /. .. , , 81,1r8 o. f.illtilmali . , ', PitiejnlA Fictst 4itte; , . i 1 t ,lions, I {,Pies, : ,•• 1 1 Cpms, !le'l c { Jee r ers a nd , Scat/ f ,1 ~Cfsiiblainso " 1 74, 1 I , ; I Chupped ~7 Uontrafts sr the. Tigsgc,s, Swellings IVeakntas of the Joints, 'Coked Br . 1 1‘ . CIIANT . S GARGLING Ott spec; rentark, that besides the g i ordin ry powers in the cure of horse in which its virtues first mu Lion or the forth:- and f water ' and the public generally, it has been s pinyed in a great variety of the r airsict the human race; and it has wonderful cures it has perrormed imals, that it is endowed with cur. not found in other horse oils, whicl ed its claims to general stealth:net 111\ 1 1 1E E - the Eat'. large and 'nil Fancy land boy's f•Dontes an exten- ARE. chenpc t Mai Beware of the counterfeit orti the narne.ofthe SOLE rnornisron chant, Lockport, is blown in the it- 'For testimonials, synopßisl ntode.of.treattnent, see pamphlet nice erkeh hot le. • _ _ I Sold by J. H. Button Sr. Co. RI Fnksett - . Ashtabula, Olsio;.unti D Connraut. 0. hio. VILIFY wovn n .o0n: GEO. W. MERCHANTS' IMPROVED COMPOUND FL ,ID EXTRACT OF SARSA PARILLA , ' For! Rpniouing D i seases oflthe blood, Arising from an abuse of Merl b mei and joint . - cam - Feuer S, , r,is.o&stii ale of Chronic and eouslitutioralDts qf all kinds. , ass, such as Scold' head. Salt Rheum. Scrofula or Kin eiEeit &con Riog Wa in a d other Maw dory ,Sphils tr coterie/. es aristSg from an impure Ulceration mid Corrosion., c 4 state tithe MOO; Wel. the .Throat. Nose, Cheets ififabituat qestiveness. roes; LipS. Ears, and other partaChronic affections(ejtte Veer, of the &XII. 1 Lungs lid Chest. . triples onpustolers on the fare Pat sin M St no h and sides, Pi.S'coly pitches, and other er. Night Selzts. de dc. uptims ophe skin. ' II is liteays mac moraine». Mks, Scurrey, and other,Sco- &d ill' a Ciettatii) Spriv rbittico(nreaions, , .;tedicine, , ad in genera de b 11 ,1 / 4 ite Swellings, Pains in the. I sti , y. This remedy is prepared from ho choicest se lected materials. the active properties orw hi eh are extracted by an improved process, while* beat; on account of which it is preferred by PiTsitians as being more uniform and activ: than any other now before the' public. A full account of the remark* le efficacy of this remedy, in a variety .of eases o the most aggra." rated nature, may be seen hy, ea lint; on the pro prietor or his ngcbts. . 1 o' As most good medicines are poimterfif sons and tall for "Merchant's S*,.aparil see that these words arc Mow n'on theglas the Laboratory of Gen. Ni'. Mcrehant, 1 Lockport, N. Y. -' CZ*Almost every pedl* in the eenntr pittting tip and tutpusintz on the FUbtic, - they cell sarsaparilla._ Therefore, ecivA Sold by T. II Burton Sr. co. Erie; S. . rassett, Ashtabula, Ohio; I). N. Web - maul, Ohio DISEASES OF THE URINARY 0 nISEA S ES of the lirirrry Organs, ALP the EXTRACT OF RUCI U, CNA ,ORSI, Dens: such 11-flchronic and acute disease Bialltirr, . • .41so, chronic Urethra, r • Gonorrh ten Prostrate Gland, i alerts, Wilit , Kiiittrys; and j I Strictures, Loins; • I I Diabefrs, ,t-c This valuable meditint: is prepared Geo. Vy. Merchant, Opera tive chemist ) port, N. Y. .- ' 1 Full and ample ins.truc.t l. ovis, testitno accOmpany each botilt. • Sold by J. H. Burton & co. F.rib; .S. Passett., Asatabula; Ohio; D. N. Web neaut, WI • 1 ~ TO RED HEA 1 S AND GR TYRiAri timit'D v., n warranied ....; coloring the hiir a I bel uti fill ,bro black, it will not wear up. sail the linen till skin, fishUlldlthiS ein tes:Wy. •de has also been used successfully in Puts. t teats and ow, at the N & Co Beware of the counteri; it, and ho sur the genuine, pr. pared oily by (leo. W. chemist, Lead:port, N. Ir. Samples of ho seen at the store of tl c proprietor or Ptice 5J cents. e kind you look Doing Hide, N & Co. Sold by J. U. Bono! S: co, S Passau, Ashtabula, To; and D. N Conneaut, Ohio. NEW ESTABLISIIIIEN lisses* • and ,meat at the IN & Co NATION > COPAMISSiDI S THE undersigned beg' leave •to in frientls)and the Oldie ge4rally, haVe commenced the above bolities Maud of '.lolnt.Girahatn, on State atteid, , dealt of t he? Eagle 1-14 1 t 1 ,0, 'O. hen .t he ya! ref:civeand ispoo of lin irtan f201)Il' be Ivoiw , iztner; Inthem, either II rnitli or Private S le. The 110 1 1 (1th - a /ITT lion ton col ip.1.1.1 to lwat, ll share orthe public paironVe• ,111C't keelilon handschqi cc; r,tolA 41r r .adv 1.; ing,anitaLleto the peoons, tt cheap as 1. he "eiteanrs!. H I L. 1: C-111 Pifl Al 4 HO Erie,LApril , 3, 1917. IVOTES FA IV E t ft,..11..E, W L. 1.11 being an aoo it of the . datith maid. Vat Pe:titian Land, jart for sale at S aftirilies Doulistorei Eric, May, 9, 1817. of !!1 j' , Lt :No.! t, __,...... h street.. i IC3CII r lien infer Ong dies. They I lent of zoo& best French 0, and cattsi• i r tho imp fir- I enntnerHit i tti,l Mare. flake.; rcALINSI H ' I I i OL C o.kt F. CALF'S 21UIES Cravats and Voint,, a fu' and something new, tog - Ether wit hat Ribbons, just opened nt the toner Eagl mong,which rnil Venetian , Bailin!: very 111 iItiMINCtS. .ITer for site a sand Misses among which .h Lace, Bead .Giiiip, 4.c., I.f 4rimtoings. at ere beauti- knY . 1-arasials, l'itrilsuittle I • .fichf five di ilerint manufacture all s • des End colors; just opened by April 23; WILLIAMS 4. CV' ri LA'inioricnlnetvenGdloavt•etsh,eattis'ertlotersi kldkfs., Pettey Pans, Combs, 'Steel Purses, Piro twist and trimminza, materials,, such al French Floss, wars cord, &c. &e., all very cheap, by May 29. ISt?. • • MEI iiiMEll2 i• and-qualities prices as is oureelv_es, TCAL.F'S. SHAWLS. WE nrd- cipening another very . ni Shawls. '.We will not under tnerato kinds or manUfactura any sumo it to say * you can find ail the. hie styles of : the sermon, and very - che, Reed House: 'clods! I. , 110, his spring t oceries, 'rich wiii be piy. My' old ,genetaliy. ore ml anti Neer, ritiofiede or I of Nix? York, ACKSON. • SHIRTS.-:-Hair, Graesi, and Mar! just 'received at No?.74:Chealisido ' - - MORT I Erie; flay 82, 1817. - - N I ncE. Ast . lntend to be tevetut years nbs United States after the lirert o nest, anti in the mean time shell not b much attention to - the praeticVor lets and professional correspondrats are tan* unfinished professional basin _chop of graham St Thompson,,Esq give It every necelectry attention. li , onAce. Erlo,•Jtine I, 047, : - , I ROAD, ag taew sup-. .5140 lot for, cagji ' :BALS. : WL MERCHM4 ARCLINC 01 tic aniint, in th ' , . ; F istubi. S , ; Squills, L awns Crac, rciundirfd S crotch e 1 .11{tnge. igf2 I 1 rn pcsi4 iersqd Favnily 'B4 'of Iluinanl Ebterstal N FS. I (Thorn Ile, u good :iv be found at WILLA A :MR • •' 2IN TN TILE 13 E 00 S R W ttle . N i it 1 SENSE, that thonstatst my country are. Iriperly lUD liiireoferery m iddy loci Wright's Indbli oirche North ittuerlean Celle of pante which groat «poet i are therefore better} ,dept i • °dittoes concocted runt) f: they maybe curepouededi the principle that the hums l t . it to ha vi corrupt ettith end %It: di, no t . 1 I Tatum% er C.}.Et. :NO AND i!ontv ° Vest, eh° it the tortstitutio 1 perseverance to }heir use, solutely certain to dm° die body, ,h, When illotrwirlit restore ty, we drain it of the super oar if we .'.L to 16:lbtOre t I .001111111 it, ti impuritV. Wri hiy• Iludin will be room one rte the be,' tcrNice sze To trotttes row .1 G and Vorlf because }h y expelroin tht •huntors,th cense .direa , I 31AN.Ntft: nil:white they i Give?Etre tillealri of every born is r 1 Few ntedttines eini,:elaim , texhold of merit. 1 5th Wrig 'Th e ir thine has rel.:RE:for , (tont 1110 AliNnellt ,imagers , tiODOr AOIDItrY. thiC nal in' cressieg. Indeed qi tore I, l lstiotte and we And t di: , nennts in rho counttr (073.1 'Agent (Or 6Uptql. 41 'CA 1,,e worth nottentr ~. h y co nom I it:-r e and aide totall j ) i Artrdrtrf a letter 1 .cTo,Dr. W. Wright.—Yi 'filirfAilion,..odhre juPtly '3 to •IU dozra *emptily ti 1 1 1 , i 2•WM. I i; It ot!ght to he ,here rein r huvre witty been lotr , der I , . E.rtractejal tererf "W ietit's intilaii VC:et tlie li1111: liver tolli'r - , lln'th country, libtiviCiA . iniein Diw unprincipled triercenei , From New. = , Is of the T , (cure ll'ao il sit ..nes ;`:!Tl:',:lti's . oxsoii.!, looti'4 , • upow*. j Id rt net; , i)nitoes, . asts. ' ! Loa' f } 1 tfi.cfl, 114vr ti•rd F 1 riglarri I rJI}TiIY. Rild fuLlad thiun utiul. 1 wieti lu betJiat Its place. Fro •a, 'Some time alai:o, thy Pi Wrigheil Indian I' , t~rejL •oon all gonr and afore tea, diem. • , • ; goad. It b worthy of _rent tilld ' eXtfa• dipeasesi of the i etc(' the otten. tto wonder of ; eeesstt Ily em• Maladio whb•lt Foyer), by the :n the lower an• atiVe kopertie,t h hair eittalrlig.h -.0. 'Frew "Apprehending that Indian Vegetable !Motor, lho , legion to supply, rec.! t ity in ,oule Way or Mier. ; The PS/s are doing lie the opposition of i W simi.t riled all their influ nee to them; en.l if 11t'.y a col i to sell many of tkem. from Sea "I hero clearlyggot 'bra / sent 030, *na i l Hilt k I cou eight oemen more., The •,1 vital( bell, as the silelity se and your Pills or liked a than any mrdicind we ha • to Mt Ido w - t Scow' of a Gera tr viand di approre I don't like them, het tree and self-interest will gee - I•Yours. St.e Such aro a few i o r n c f men or Cie rat re peed( whose opp Utilities far the laud. , 1 The folloveleg highly r been ilutv appointed age 0. D. Spofford, Erie. Samuel Hutchins At Co., 'Joan McClure. Sen. GII J. IS:Severance, yninn. Eraitus Averill, Nortlavil Riley & Potter, West St W. M. Townsend, Sprin 8. C. fawn Sc CO., Watt. " " Ninth IN John Clententantrsiew thEwowo OP Cdt XTEIII 'l3oalO+t the many ) 'Turin deceive, are called hypo Vegetable Pills, Tide ost.e OXVOINALIAI PILLS HATS TIittSIONAT WITH It PEN ON Ton rat' genuine, and to evineerfrit Ollleca de%otOexclu4l regetutde Pill ~ rlinlemn PittlacrolpSia, 229,11rceilt Tremont Street,llto tap. frie, April 240617. iil , f ANTON'S f ix.:ril • . HU N 'I" $ 1 is now universal) aches REMEDY for R,mnmat tines of Vie Muscles. titer l/leera, Pains is the 83 anti Yam Toothlarhe. Horns, Croon. Feinted The T i ItWIIPHANT r. applienkt i on of :his moo he most l tievcre al3lf 0 maned—end the h mu beitovie.luPon it: gives in the rig i t to ra once to the ONLY la: ON. and be SIMI W. Mer ottle., of dlictoel, and vhich 4ccompa- ic; 5,4 S. ti. H. N. tArebster, I lyso ited., Le ILA, f and From ' hemist, I ' Is now n article F!! 4- II es, Ca n Iyso FEMME Dimr t4ir—Th , "Hut left with me I h a sotit calla lor ( ,mare. !tinny p ned Pain& have Italian' One easel oil! when the person relate. It. S. Dentaii. a hl this village, had prucu went, at, New filittord, with theitheumatism. he crave in at Dorm. a epuhl nut bear much w • 1.? put come I luiment any leko nll veile•len him to trylit.• sleut nut. work° 1 ill th down a %bile, rind that tire) , forgotten:-111-1. ate and permanabt rell Plebt and bought :Ire bO. GAMS tired' by and cu nt th e = only by c. Locl, ialtz, &c S. tr. H. 100 The following cnrtii 'wog] thd•liorCett cure who wne thou , ght,l., be thee, noinater how sr MI rticic for •n or j t or color tquirtly its Hunt's Limn purate eases, nail thaa, br/iert evtervalircnied vivv ( uKtinmadtats relic, by ir libunilmirp of Ili tho iirticolar. or whiej coloring whit~hb e to be ItMl of you get le rchant, Flair may is agenta. Occr'ge E. Siontcra' Eli!. Sir:-1 !Lel c.tltei ul the followlig tetgituott, tlya.iluttra Lutimeut. who i 5 now le o trs years a thol e, Ngted two years old, atornrr of thnoeturte te we h him Wills Hatt r 1 3 t.bsp hint to New To k. and I sictori.of 'kill r „ brought him I i ato b VOr .several t n 3 at 6141 only wt, th . Ly p' sdpporti piling tom th hack. He Watt oleo to withnutan*brtter s e. inquith to - go otrr. of Would Tam in perfect niter w ulil be again Is hope o seeing him agrtvigtli; but 3 bind lt enualy in ,my houtf-t, ' IT itjo}ertigo say the tt kylot tti-t t+ A e. ny , I nthi , or this - tint*. or tlpi theta ail fin it I a h e chtun ity. 1 ITiii , is to certify, tt the ttibtariti,tr. :11rP. '2 , lnil frankly , brat wiin 11 WAS •1 . 11.02.6.• pinirlPd Stun, Juni 9tbi Itcz:i. iIENEt This Unit:trot Is re nil the Priucipal Diug country,. S. S: IT. AVelt.ter. lyso ORE. otin their tyrtt, they •.t the: did wo .doors e reedy to that roily is Atcrion iet :tie r . o v.' to 11 wilt OW ade tLlOli wit lid! INTON.I• • 1 • . 40 V ? Miller, s confine tiSted and L I - 1)72,7 teigents for Neu rcnA. III" Att.ilt , I U Lr!. , 64. C,i/142 Water Street, RUSHTON & r I :x1 rial 'any, A. it. 4D. SAN , •ot. ter Fulton sod William, ASPINWALL.P William Street. JOHNSON. KIUD Ou fiisl4burgh, siboleatile agetif_a for We.aierti Peonwl lola. , , Ord, aildresaadt ti 4 atilt" Sinr, N.N., v;• at tendedlo. ' EORGE K. STANTON, 7 D. ; Provrickm. rico & Co, Erie, D. e. Tartu North irrfatr; S. L. Junes & Co, Mimi!. 1 - '. 2m47 e - tickciwn porrko niec pposiitrthis • !nil 29. lasourttnent CifiT , S For polo by J f , TT. U Earl, J. Clernei,te Fu April :0. 1517. id trhudve, , includiAz ikft.Kti' EN _l' , or INDixs C and Alm; Dilion sold to:ilrultgiPte ut tyboleenle4ricO .innt J.' 'GUT. a like ' RS ry, - .c.c. •ed Mos, embroidery ed, chincri , LO' VOU enwipurch! I by imsnediat Esq.„nt a barata and 27'33, 'Oil) back, on 'Mid ia • erty. EIIIE o sio •k or ake t enu rd, n ines; ost d situ• p, at May 9 . lel, St ins; )N • 50 OP 13 1, 1 6 6 : . cheep f r cath, on by • June 12.1947. W ill'fat I Tilt: Burgess ough of r•ri. the Malice! Holt t in•shoro or so t_! Lots Nos 99, s d etends'fhorn to tho north side I, nt from the 1 . :b e ll ! t it:i t : l i lotmetthat ea to eft in - Teton of Sato in hand; tend ►ho By - ortfor of tho _ -WI Aim% G. J. B AWES. 3t3 0 URE AND oisol erietableptedoetiontet eft. applies!. etripVtuflialast for ,! pato aiacb p obaL4titeato llrgceabt• AWN pr Health, a , compeseal onealtee °uremia, toH, in* Weer eottOttuttoull dm% I. Itt.lolll DUOS, bewexettiell a is thly ite6AndAll gpati boOy is in truth U ne 11.1i1misiti otedipine elates. Hug- I , :01311 10DV; it 11,11114010 + . ranc ' llo " .... ..:. i be, sot toltir•ly exhausted—a rerdlog to directions. is ob •ao of tyory =go (coat pe I. a s?"3rop or :01114F to tertili• .100 d ant water*: to Lim man- 2S=2IM *egeinblo - Pilis , Irma 11It VERT DJ= NTIto• ;!kr triteeta ottT ova Pei Delp's+. body MI morbid and Vrtri,lpi itt gm eitay auti.NA• URA!: [very days nd pally driven, from( the harr q SO Itontly, no the it. tnclinn Ve;mable NON— them in every direction, end ei.tablyihed iu allow 'te -1 for thine Mrteady end ta t of:codifies out heat Calto n% with seven of the beet idly erniqnyed, to keep enory opliiiamt of thridie meo may I 0 .10 u• in the shape of bun , unaakeit. I . roes 1740,:tr dr. iu • given waive/eel fiery porsuliw. I call cell from clinic! be eupplied. 'LNIt 'VINSON. Arent-" rived that the - medicine has .1 into 31i3-irtippi. iOM Jersey SA, rem:. . , bic P. 11). excel evaty thing of Irtblie in Vile ieetten of the he, combined efforts of sore . Ica to put them down. wiNettr.s rEa & sow' tart non'e,l'a. . . , Rune Vegetable ring in ',my be, the best Incelicine I ever aeon! f..r the safe of them le .1201F.S 3t't LURE - , ir. hi.l. ,86,ire:tudia.:a. ' a. 4 left with me ale *ten, le.pills to sell. ?Ile, litre r 'tie . There is much call for r. I b^livve the thlls 4t. very StiTII lIFASIIAW." . amla OhiO. 1.4 OA cut ,nt roar vtlurhirt ro your owsiVt will go through [bet:you to toward nib b sows. Idmirably wall, in ,pile of t doc ors, who, hove ex-1 p craft p oplu from buying tinned eup shall be able! Venire, 'JettlN U. INDEUMAS." I ime, Virginia. igtk with the pills you loft and d, in a short item, si It six or; uiaxer I get theta, the more LI sou Is rrieMirheroconsiderablg, d jopproved of generally morn e had among us Tor some lostnite where they hare off Sorna of the l'hysictint4; on they nosier have tried theca; rally be consulted, II ER NOTTINGIIAIIf." itrments voluntarily msde by dily—Man who are known, and bservation aro not excelled to •sriectuldr Store iceepeps ilewn t tel for kirk, County.. - it: i Voterford. r 4. I . I r . e.! 18p field 8,1.1. . . ... i i 1 rir l a —The public aro ,avtioned 4 i medicines which in lorder to met *huller to Wright'a liiilia i it • •ri .C". - 17111£ Ititnatt VrciveseLe r t7R,l! Or AVM . WKIOIIT WIIiTTICi AT: E. Or tnt H NOM. SZnei amp iks is tot:Clear.' i, • sly to the sale of 11 - righrs a fa+ le land retail, 161' Itace itrret. icti Street, New York; and 18) 4.9 , '. lt NAL R Eatt:tir. CALI LINIMENT,. wledecil to bethe INFALLIBLE stu, e.alm! Affections. entrea p t bruit and Quinsy I ue. OW k end Chest, *gilt in t a Bresit Sinai s, Utilises, Snit Rheum, nu Nervous Hi NUM.. I.H.:CESS - tv a* nit ogled the" tyors:DERFUL MEDI .INE in twos of the dificrebt Diseases llifillf ENCOMIUMS t et have *Utterer it Iris heCti introduced, ii 41111114 AF• iCTED Weems' at 1 'll WV THAT CAN-RE RELIED 1 Venxost, Sussex Cds '.'.;. 3. I raLlnintent, ' *Web your lAgent ' , wild there It is been a nurnher of •rs`ons afflicte I witlivarlousAclie• i 'd by it, es they av effectually. 4i L yeti, as helium 4 a heart) lunch, it here in the store. It 1 this giklY respectable t arson li ing in dla part of a bottle ayes,. I.ini- W. Ile is freqnantly nal cted o tit the can scardely get about; il his leg pained Wins *o that be ight non it. His teo told' him I It; he snys to her, it will not do . thee quack 'stuff. But she pic- Ile did so, then at his dinner and • anemone, cline In at bight, eat 14 of hie leg--A Web he en• Omen' having givin hint itnniedi t. Fe ••nme in`rer ,tere 0 e sant° Il ~.. f it • ! f01.r., ARh rest; AL . • I . U. H. BETTS. c.ile a the restoration to-health., al deformed and crippled child,. tel, end the souk of hope, shows' :1100101e case min!, he, Oleic, hip 4EI that will conquer the most dee , f the_disease is curable, this tai -1 trill do It. It bas never failed in %han timely applied, ps proved . it 'and tintuatiouchable testininny t t are to lie found in the pantOleta every *gent. . OSSINI/SG, :WIC 10, ISli. - . ton! by the tie ofgratltutfe. to °e'er it - favor or your Externs! RCMP. 3 y cranilion, Clark E. EVall., r gr e. Inse been fekoheta.t eigt,e y rellzep Aloe n ebafflkhro Ire nes itching his 'Ono. rem the time i ve. tiled e‘ory meant to restore ).', hut all without snit. We took Ilolled hint under the core of a phy ,er coraloing there enure tit l e, we 14r than otthen we took tint there. titre, he eat so helpless that be 4. e i g , bi• Mode upon his k es to appearwoce of deformed 'nett ento lea burg. and prescrihe r ti.s. At times he would be a one bore, hut • alter playing, en hour. y exhanoed, and ter mere! day • rrnetly hetplesr. We had lost nil es (teed to his °mut I elope or I.r isieence placed your Paternal '1 tare used but four bottletq and the boy is row as straight as any f lis , neiglib s n 111 testify to th 1, il take el one plen.ure id • - o htick of ot :era II nffhing Unice , Hours, rasp,: tnallr. I RA IJAEL - Pittrre._ f at amps:pawkily acyinted with hu c. se well Jai the hi allinted to. !•na to the tlelftnite th which he apparently fur life.—Dated Sing I , . 1' WItICRIS,JUfIicii of the Peeve. J et US snit Sl rents per bottle, by Isle and Merchant. thrutiOnut the . 'I9NI—A large contlgont oLacoutin, for cure oi. yet., Fever, etc., eta,' and will ba , d;deolets by the cate in dozen, , Iry .PURTONS; Co. A ientE. , , Isy t he e u b i e ri i n t ~loo t f i ' l ) Va' n j . c l. 9 l ll . te r so" in. it is part of Lotr•No, 2726 231 3-4 fist front and 110 ref t ccidoining G. J...l)all's prop ' 1, Erie, JunelB, )847. N4w Oilcan% Loat; Puirera shgd nnd IMuscotadu t 9o . gpr, door north c ol the Rig Winarow, ItitiDlatNECHT. I LirTl6 IleOlt SALE.- • ii Town Council of the Bin !, ‘ill sell atopblic auction, at, 'e, n the tat illy or July nest, 1 e lb ports•orthope iialuable Wit t land 51.1 The interest to On t: t south tine of the,eanal baain ti .rVront street. ..' ; , .- .quo half the,purchisi money 'alone.) in one year, • - Ern Council June lOtli 1847, L ANL -KELLBY, Purgess, L , Toirn Milt: s, MI !MEI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers