Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, June 12, 1847, Image 1

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One cop , one year, in advance, .$1 50
9therwis'e, two dollars a year will invariably be
charged. These turps will be strictly adhered to
in all cases.' '
Advertisements inserted at 50 cent , per squat('
of the firstinsertion, and 25 cents Tor each sub
sequent ins 'rtion.•
Job Prin inr, of all varieties. such as Books
Pamphlets, Handbills, Show Bills, Cards,Steant-.
boat Bills, :tanks for Notes, IlecciPts. &c. exe
toted in the best. stile and on shortinotice.
Dry "Oood%, GroceriCti Hardware,
Vare, Lime , Iron Nails &c. No. 121,
le, Erie, Pa.
Dealer in
Queens 1
County find Borough Survey or ; . office in Exchunze
Buildin2k French st Er ie.
Ilairemov d his Oilice to the Public Idiot;
near the 'our‘t. I lifuse. up s'airs. in the 10014
occupier by the hlriff and directly over the
- enrinnis. loner's Otiiee. •
Prompt att,i Wien wil be giVen to all busine r tt s n
' trusted ti his care, • • 1, 5
AND D alcrs in Lehigh and r.rie Coal, cult
and 1 roduce generally. Particular it!ten•
Sinn paid I the :foie of Produce and purelmw of
111erchanili C.
N 0.3 & Coburn Square, South Wharf.
Bunk r.
id Counsellor at Law ; No'. 2
opposite the Fnudil flohd. I.7rie. Pa.
Attorney a
State st.
Attorneys ~• counsellors at Law, Office on French
street., o '.e . r S Jackson 4- Co's. Store, Erie.
April 2t 1947. - ' 49
.0. L. El
Ilas pernii
tiently located in Frio. ' Office Hi his
)o on the vOlirlier and Pt.aeli
o ,
...ter of 'i.
RO,SEMLWEI 1 gz. Co.
Foreien sand I) nestio Dry Goods.
lade Clothino , , 114 s and :Skoog, &e.
. 1, Pleinining Bloch, State Stieet,
ai - Luw. Office n
: stairs in the Tarns
'ill building, north 1 . .16e Prdtlionotart's
1 - w
Delilent i
1 Rt. N.
Erie, P
and Counsellms nt Lan—Office on
,reef, welt side or the Public Fqlntre ,
Sixth s
, Erie, I
in Watches, J,ewelry, Silver, German
fated and firi.tannia Ware, Cutlery, M it-
Fdncy Goode, tio.7 steed (louse, Erie
Dealers ii
vet, PI!
itary al
leant Retail Dealersir4,llry Goods:1110
Hartjwure, Crockery, las , ikere, ' Icon,
Leather, Oils, etc. etc. c4.rtier of State
nd the Public Squa, opposite the Eil 21e
, Erie, Pa.
Maker, trpholsier and 'Undertaker,
tree!; Erie Ivii
n a/nd Surgeon, office on izerentthStreet,
r the Met riiorth. Erie, Pa.
l'hysici ,
went 0
orwardirw, Cointnission, and Produce
Red Ware }louse, east of the 'Pub-
rx of Tin Copper and Sheet-Iron
ror Fren ch ilnd Filth streets, Erie.
e, wholesale and retail dealers in
low-Ware Re. State Ft, Erie. Pa
Icand retailtioaler: in Druis, (licinrs
ufrs,Groceries, &c. N 0.5, Itea4 Honee
Wholes ,
Dye S
n Dry Goode, Uroir:eries, S-c. Igo. 111,
aide, Erie Isa.
in Dry! Goods, Groceries, '6:e., No. I,
1 11' Block, State st.,Erie, Pa
iq, Medi c ines, Puintsj Ozl
&c.,Glass, No. 6 Reed Howe, 11.11 -
44n, a,
,ine. and CominissiOn Alerehantei. 109
Street, Erie, and at 6th Street Canal 1)a
so , dealers in Groceries and Provisions.
Dealer i
east s
the F.!
urdware, Dry Goads, Groceries, &Le.
de of the , Diamond, and ono door cost of
gte Elotel, Erie, Pa.
• \
mL. Brown, corner of State strect .an
Olin square, Esio, Pa. Eaturn,fiVeatern,
outhera Stage office.
able -Merchrtni Tailors. on the Public
•e, a few doors west of State etreet l Erie;
in The 01 0 ,461, Miscellanetnts Sunday
basica! School Bonk;Stationary,, etc. etc.
I, FrinidiStreet, File, Pa.
Attorney andGounsellor at,law, Prairie du Chien,
W v
. ', ac/ices in thecounties of Cirawford,
Gra t mild lowa, W. T. and in Claytot county,
lowa Territory E '. t '
... . . ..
in Dry Goods, Groceriet4 Grockoey, Hard
t , eta., No. 3, -Perry: Block, State suet t,
e, Pa. • ,t p.
TAMPED in exchantre for Goods, Wool, Bin
, ter, Cheese, and all kinds of Country Pro-
no 6, 1646. t• . 3
R.DWA.II.E.—SheIf Elardware and HOuse
Trimmings can always be has very cheap at
heap store, - 8. JACK 'ON 4- co.
'ovember 21. 1516. f. 2`,
Logwook '‘'o,
, , Indi.
Fustic, -. Cochineal,
Camwood, : Arinnito.
I ' • Niewood, . Crearri Tartar,
Brazil Wood, Red Tailors_ •
Red Sanders, Blue Vitriol,
Copperas, Alum, etc.,
Madder, ' for We by
• • J. H. BURTON ir., Co.
ov. 28,1848.-28 . • No. 5, Reed House,
scribers vvill'pay cash for good clean Tirtio
sale at C. M. TIBR,ALS.
ay '1,1847. 5O
N. ,
, I GUFFEES' series or h Jot Books, 'l, 2,
I 'I, 4 and 3,lhr ease at Vo. Jll, Franck Str.
to, nty 6, 1847. - ' St -'
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rrauOuted rimy tho . Franco j,nericain for the,Albrt
Y. I B.
Pk:Met. Z tit,tovrE..
Ttere are but few of the towns in Mexico
that do not possess their Alameda,* and that
of Mexico is perhaps the most beautiful square
known. Paris is deficient in any`promenade
of the kind, while Hyde Park, in London, 4-
preaches the nearest to it.' The .ilionfedo,of
Mexico is a long quadrangle, enclosed by a
%4all abut breast high, along wlikvh Ulll3 a
deep ditch.fille) with stagnant ,water, the nox
ious exhalation from which is the oillydraw
back to this pleasant resort; fur in every other
respect it is irreproachable. ,A gate at each
angle gives entrance to carriages, her'semen
and pedestrians. [On each side of the main
wal or I no, set
t \
itprt. for the carriages and
hur. sth t roll attPiallop silently over its
even snrace, are planted popular, willow and
ash trcies', whose, branches form a sort of ar
bor,'stkeftering it from the sun. , Some of the
walks which converge to the grand common
centre, Ornamented with fountains from which,
arise the most beantiful jets of water, aro di
vided by masses of myrtle, roses and jasmin,,
between the carriages and pedestrians, fre
quently hiding from sight the !Uxorious equip
ages and spirited horses, us they traverse these
balmy shades in their repeated evolutioV
round the Alameda. • The noise of wheels,
deadened by the sand, strikes faintly, on the
oar, tningledw ith tho soft murmur lof the
fountains and the buzzing of the bees, and the
iOltbris which the perfumed breeze wafts•ovor
a verdure *eternal and ever young. Gilded
coaches are mingled in these repeated revolt],
cl i i
tins with European coaches, and tile s'plent
'di equipments 1 the Mexican horseman ar
t be seen side by side, in all their brilliancy
'with the, English saddle,rwhich appears mn - a
enough amid all this ttily oriental litxury.' 1
1 3
The ladies of fashion hate change the Sal
and the mantilla Tor costames some ix month
i*ltind the last Parisian tushion, Careless!
e lining upon the cushie!ns of the r coach 6 ,
h•y languidly repose, and in a stocking, fr -
tt ntly Alas, most sloven, is that beautif I
o t so much their pride and the admiration - f
liromps. Fortunately too, the
carriages are lowered, and : we
' , limpse of them , with their bee
. r, decked with natural flowers,
i g 8 tuilep, and their - gestdres w
I s
. hus, ever and anon agitating their fans,
,n speaking through the open .hrloars its'
a terious language, they pass a oag. The
Lt . wd of pedestrians present a speOthcle quite
at piquant, and the may be ofte seen a few
of the sombre costumes of Europa mingled
with the gay and mottled dresses of America.
After a certain number of turns, the carriages
'nd horsemen i abanchn the Alameda: The
.owd, as they traverse the Pavement leading
ti? the promenade.known as the Paseo de Bu
erreli,f pass br with a careless and indifferent
a e i
r, a grated windoW which looks out upon it
rangers would scarcely imagine what hid
us sights these rusty bars shielded eadh day,
,nd that, too, within a couple of steps of the
ost brilliant 'Promenade in , Mexico. This
indow belonged to • the dead-house—the
1 orgue— and was the one where the bodies
' f 'Tien and wo'men, half naked and Still bloody,
elthrown promiscuously together each day
. for every day the morgue has its guests.—
s for the Paseo, the neighbor of thiS dismal
edifice its only ornaments are a double row t of
'lees, benches of stone for the accommodation ,
pedestrians,•and three fountains overloaded
Viith detestable allegorical statues. From
this place you' can view the• same landscape
that tnet your gate from the top of the Cath
edral: you see Jignin•tbe snowy peke of
volcanoes, with their caps of clouds, the hills
blooming with Niuletti, the white walls of the
haciendas, fields of corn and glimpses or the
•gigantic arc,hes.of ;the• aqueduct,With,.here
and theist the dente of ' a church or chateau,.
which .at the hour when - the promenaders' fre
quent. the Passe, are almost always drenched
in,tlie Wight evening! dew. ,• ,
It:wirs -the .eve)ring of the same day that ,!
had partitßated th the bell-fight, 010 found
myeelf,multed v;lth - the idlers who ordinarily
cover thes ace between the Alameda and the
It; jtrietwl4ht; thelampswere
being lighied,iy Cartlagee meite:de
were rapidly e theit
un*, ond repeated ky the numerous
• •Akuneda—fiusrAlly ! , the.plaierplantsti rittj'poplers".T—
*limos Othe geojefla name for public proalesiadas.
t The camel'? the vizerel who ettibltsted 036 pool.,
Sectty woven the weeping willoW,
Bending low its head
O'or the - cold end 'earthly pillow
Of the once, loved dead;
The ruby retells beauty lends,
And Mier gently wave_
IVhqre nottghtbut4ervoni prayer attends,
, M sister's hallowed grave.
igo'gauily mnrbin there' is seen
To sny k•do Out forgeti"
But mern'ry tells us whet sloes been,
And ngets whet blies yet;
For what to hit: if worlds know not
Thu gem:111ot by its 'tunic—
Its jeweled worth Fyn notTorgot,
Nor yet its4Ltzliug, flame.
There meniry'ivitli her gilded show*
Doth ope her treasures wide;
And lucid Wa4l,l,lgently- flow
'lst swell Shit glitering . tide
Of thought. enitlp.ught !hlped fur above
Mere vanity's proud sphere,
' Oe her. now [debt with Heaven's love—
Her brighteit t c uoyfi while hero.
What spot eau be more dear to roe
Than th.kt w i, h hides the frame
O4er eo )et ssairess
Front I very'earlhly stain;
For there the rose its beauty lends,
And lilies gently wave,
And nowvld•but fen,na prayer attends
r-s hallow d vase: '
rAnT 11.
The Alarneda--The Paseo derilocareti.
is joined with grace and indole
bells of the Churches and the convents, the
chimes of the Awenlus • resounded above the
~,, 0
buzzing of the crowd. The day which is
casting its,lasCrays across 'the bars of the
Morgue, hut feebly reveals the victims who
are extended upon the bed of masonry stained
with large spots of blood. The soldiers in
vain attempt to repulse the, women who are
lamenting before the barriers, and giving vent
to their cries of grief. Their lamentations
attract a 'crowl—some of whom condole ii , ith
theta - , while mare contented with curimis
ly looking on. Kneeling near the grates of
the Morgue, his head' uncovered, and retain
ing in his hand the bridle of his richly capar
isoned horse, a man was reciting liii prayers.
From his costume it was easy to perceive that
he belouged to the wealthy class of the distant
provinces; Who .ject with disdain the ideas
and the faShiou cif Europe. He was of strong
1 • i
and masculine gore, and above his right eye
brow a
,la n g and delicate scar waS clearly and
distinctly , marked. It was deubtless the
handsome young cavalier, whose portrait Pe
rico had drawn for. me itrthe morning: Was
he rendering thanks to God fur havitig• pre
served him from danger, or was it for the hap
piness of loving and being loved? Tlielties
tion was still one of doubt with me, when the
devotion which gave rise to these conjectures
were suddenly interrupted: Frightened by
the noise of BORIC carriages, a horse rebelling
against the efforts of his rider, ran violently
against a ladder, at the; top of which was a so
reno, (watchman) engaged in lighting a.lanip
that was attached to the walls of the barracks
of L'acordadv. The. serene , fell from the
height of some five feet, and laid senseless on
the pavement. It would be easy for me to
describe the fadings of the unlucky cavalier
aithe sight of the sereno thus lying, and Per
haps mortally wounded,. for the cavalier I may
as well say, was no other than myself, - .but I
prefer to recount what. followed.
All know the • customary generosity of the
popplace of great cities, to those who through
ill-luck commit some unfortunate awkward
ness! Nevertheless they cannot form a cor
rect idea of that of Mexico; above all, when
face to face with -a stranger, who is to them
Only a natural enemy. Restrained, despite
his fright, in the ruidstof a mob of leperos
who were deliberating as to the nature of the
death they should inflict upon the author den
unparalleled crime, my ,horse was no resource
for me. I envied, fur a moment, the destiny
of the Serentf, insensible•at least to the reach
of this multitude, who pressed them under
their feet, without offering him the slightest
aid. Most happily, just tlfen, chance sent me
\ two auxilivies, upon one of which at least I
was far from counting. The first wits•an al
'mide who escorted by four soldiers, advanced
to me, and charged me with having before his
eyes, ca:ised the death of a Mexican citizen.
I silently bowed my assent to this. After
they had; by order of the magistrate, placed,
the body of the serene need a topestle-(a spe
cies of litter) kept in reserve in the barracks
for occasions of this' kind, the alcalde politely
,'invited' me to dismOunt from my horse, and di
rected me to fellow the litter on foot to the
palace, where I should find it most naturally
but two steps to a prison, r was Careful not
to be in a hurry to accede to this invitation,
and I endeavoi'ed to convince the alcalde that
in a case of this kind I coutd find mi l authority
for such a judicial procession. Unfortunately
the alcalde was like therm, of ,Ills kind, en
dowed with an obstinacy beyond reasoni , and
'to all, my arguments, he replied but to Insist
„the more strenuously. upon the respect due to
the custom. I thought then that I Would , seelt
among the by-standers Kittle one Who would
be willing, to become surety for my appear
ance, and quite, naturally 'my attention was
directed towards where I had seen the kneel
ing cavalier, and whoiat•first sight had inspi
red me with milt a profound interest, but he
had disappeared. Was 1 then to be forced to
submit to the odious formality exacted by the
alcaldel It, was at this Moment that chance
sent to me the secorld auxiliary, of 4116 m I
have spoken. The new'character who came
to interpose himself between me andt.he al
calde, was dressed in a cloak of the cloth of
Queretaro,:of olitte color, wrapped around him
in front,so as almost entirely to conceal his
figure, Through the numerous rents of the
cloak there could be perceived a•vest of not
less equivocal cloth. Approaching the alcal
de, aft4r having with a great deal of.eirort
freed his way through thd crowd, l he threw
dile arm under the tucks of hie cloak, and then
Without deranging the folds of his cape, raised
the other tq the remains ?)f a chapeau which
covered his head. He courteously uncovered,
and by tho blank and bristling hair, in which
were entangled some cigarettes, or lottery
tickets, and an image of the miraeulous vir
gin of Guadeloupe, I'wes 'astonished to repot.
nize in ! this respectable Mexican citizen my
friend' Perko', whom:l had thought dead and
r vindowa of
re hilowqd
tifu 1 black
their sedu,
"Senor-Alcalde," said Perico,"the cavalier
is right . It was iiivoloptarily tlw.t he ,com
mitted this murder, and he ought= not to be
confounded with ordinary maletactorih i
sides,,l have the honor , to.know him jntimate
ly, and am here to.become his security." -
"And who is security fot . yourtiemanded
the Alalde. • , '
"My' predecessor" _ medestly' replied tile
Zarogate—the cavalier.. ,
"But it is) you that is to,be.his security.",
"Very , well..
.I.become accurity „for ; the
eayalier,.the cavilier ,hecorace !security .Tor
me, ihus you :have two •seepitleis for one;
- and
your lord ship will scarce meet with hetter,!!
I confessohat placed betweenlhe justice oi
the alcaldeflaid thefateli -protection of Peri.
hesitated a moment aldtilde,
hit' did tiOt'aPPear irithe
billiu n che ! f*li
ones to termiitste the 4gbitel
`the ear of the itcalde, Iwliiapered hlni toy Lit
tlest. ! • -• • ' '
"It is well," replied ht,, retiring; ,"I ac
cept the security or your Friend in the' olive
cape, and I give' this' pass to your domicil,
where I count upon finding Yon.'
The alcalde rind the sottcrs `departed; the
crowd still remained compat and menacing,
but a sharp whistle and a l isign or two som -
caused them to recognizo it in Perico ono of
theinsejves, and then theyreadily
,gave way
before him. The lepero then to r ok my horse
by the bridle, anti thus' left those sinister
groups, quite uneasy as to the denouement
of my adventiire, and very ..happy above pll
through the unfortunate disaster of which I
had been the cause. .
"How is itilat I find you in such good
health?" said Ito my 'guide, recovering my
self somewhat—"l had thought you had ter 7
minated your afrair with tills world.",
"God has worked a miracle in favor of his
'servant . ," replied Perico, lifting his eyes de
vout l'y to heaven, "but it., is said, Senor Cav
alier, that you were Opposed to my resurrec
tion. VIM will imagine, that notwithstartd
log all tny devotion to you-
"Not at all, Perico, I ant enchanted' at-your
return to life,. but how was this miracle per
‘ know nothing," grav ely replied the lope
ro' "only that it was accomplished so vapidly
that I Was enabled to take my place among
the 's; ectator's at the bull -fight, &MIA to at
tempt again also, a second ascension. llav 7
ingjust been confessed and absolved, and be
ingthiH a new . man, it, was an unique occa
sion to risk my life without endangering my
'soul. It was an advantage, and brOtiglit good
luck lc , me, for this time, despite of th e bull
who again threw me on liis horns, I came to
the grfitind upon my legs, to the groat con
tentment of the public, 'who . show red upon
me their applause. -And above all, I, found
thanks to you, my' pockets ao well fuinished,
that I deter Mine d. to satisfy my haste for the
toilet, and went to a harqeillo and purchased
this costume, which givesme so' much of an
air of respectability. You, havo aeon with
what consideration the alcalde -treated me.--4
There is nothing like being well dressed;
Senor Cavalier."
"Taking all together-rthe likeness of your
children,, the accouchment of ;Tour wife; and
your winding -sheet,--they have cost me
something over one' hundred dollars; and that
was, I am persuaded, paying yon generrsly
for all the Services that you .have rep ered
me. Still, l however, wheal gain illy domicil
I will renew remembrinces." j. - ,
''Your domicil, - Senor .Cavalier!` oriel Pes
rico; by thisjime your house hail been- surf
rounded by an armed force, and they, seek you
at the houses or your friends; you do not know
the alcalde with whom you have l ad this af
"You know him then?'' ,
"I know all theplcaldes, Senor Cavalier,
and that which ought to piVive hoW little I de
serve the surname they have applied to me, is
that none of the alcaldes know me;' and of all
of them, the one who pursued you the most
rapacious and diabolical,"
'Much as I had reason to this an
•exaggerated portrait. I felt iny se!f for the mo
ment shaken in my, deterinination. But then
Perla° represented to me in tern truly jpa
thetiel the happiness it would tai l ed , his wife
and children, to see their benefactor comhig,
to seek from the an asylum for thq night.—
Ho. aVin chbse between two proteotors,
equally interested, allowed myself to be , con
vinced by the man whose avidity bad the least
dangerous appearance, and deters i hied to fol
low the lepel.
Meanwhile the niglitiadaneed we travers
ed the suspected streets, he deserted. cross;
ways places before unkno vn to me, and cov
ered hy a frightful obscurity. The sceronos
became more and more rare, and I found my
self in the centre or these fanhourglis ryvhere
justice never penetrates, withoutnrins, and at
the mercy of a man whom I had heard make
the most frightful confession. Before that, I
was aware, the Zaragafthad not.l hesitated to
boast, much of his criers, so bold fcommitt,ed
upon,a population demoralized by lignosance
and tho,misery of the ciVil wars; but at this
hour of the night, and hi the Tr, idist of thin
labyrinth rd . dark streets, my
dwelt mueh upon it. positi
cal—to be -abandaned ,on ohs
to such, a guide was dangerous ei
to follow was, none the 145,,50.
lint where the devil are yci,
demanded I of kierice,,
All the response made h.} , the
scratch of hiy head. I 'insisted
"To tell you the truth," saidhe, "I have no
fixed domicil. live i a little evei:ywhere."
4 "And your wife and children,4aild thiiasy-
Idea that you have offered mers:
"I had forgottem"cooly riplled the Zara
gatc, , "that yester4ay I. 119r4 .!my wife and
children to—Q,ueretare, bukferan psylum"— .
!Is it at. Q,ueretainalso, that you offer it .
mer Ilemanded I of Perico,loeceming. aware,
but too late, , that the wife and childreri
_of this
'honest personage, were quite as imagiaary.its
his .; :
"As for an asylum replied Pprice, with
the- saute 6 49_ par - ]
take, pf the . 4sources
Lion, may ,precuredrsuch us Ipm obliged
find when tey noti,Permit . me to;,my own house; for:llea:yen, deem, pot!
scud to me..every,4ll.l,y ibuil l fights gad similar
wind 7 falls 3l ,
• Ilold}" . aided . he; . polutleg tne,to
451,1,9xpering, va,el,lletinglightjvbe,distatic
which was .ro l Pced..: , PNA: II 3 4 :OYeIPePix,
-"here is perhaps something 14
IVe_adva.oced towardsthediPtant light, and
tOonditiO it
was rettents:iii - frOin r i.tillot4p,!n
not In iiinCkiietier - :e f Ondtgon
psvaiaentß.oo4 l . ' l o , ii .o ll : a iY, lo i;'Ylie t ,o :
thee ti
10 - 5 .4.1., ‘ ',Ewer 'OO kitt
DI 1.7 c II .
1847. ,
not cause iiim to o
in tho
414116,4'1.16nd," do, ,
I "htiv i e you an y'
"Yes, ' indeed," re
wil find one at the b
sue t a glorious one, ti
the rtiund of the semi l
braye fellow would rel
lanterri,l should be al
#Mti - obliged to{
A Perico, "we will
fiction," . I
dire 1
he Serene cast
upcin my costume, w
with that of Perico.
'{Cavalier's of this
the habit 'of freque t
said the police man.
'lit is a case of gre t necessit
co, "the Senor has t 'Arnie(' I
prevent his return t his home
?That is chireren i'' said t
o ',Thero are some de is, the pay
canna be put off too , ng r " A
his ears at the sound o ' a dist
'it d i i fthe '
gn, r tan o nigi t, without
tardier, cried •in a ost inguh
voice, , I
'Nine o'clock;an : stormyl
'hen, resuming fbs former
distant voices of the " serenos, t
same cry, resoundeAltbrough tl
the night.
Ifollowed on, me ancholy e
•Perico, leadino. Ili • horse, t
would be taken fro ni me, as th
laiioas,ofl Mexico, 'Prohibit pe'
horse back throughithe street)
non, and I was little dispose ,l
fu i rthor trouble with the ale , l
feks, the strongest motive whil
not to separate frmt Perico at,l
cariosity which' hiS words b.,
wks anxious to learn what it 0
a I
sictorio. - ThisloVe of penetj
d n, it will be observed, was q
gratified for me in D,lexico.
We ba l d not pro'eeded mor ,
u es, when agreeal•y to the 1
sereno, we arrived ;, t a bridg
A rang° of dilapi
formed also tile side
ed the bases with it
A law, which bur
(i)iturej of the Sp
-its pale light upot
'l4on the azaleas (
dogs werre barking;
shone at intervals'
moving clouds, for
, than
,son. Other ,
t3lis as silent as in
. we had just
tt first story, oppoSt
ih purgatory, were
the sole light in all
lire edifices, ' I
At the door of th
Thy were some time in col
theldoor, or rather ialf of it of
lialp being• still re wined aci
ustoms, by an ire chain, •
diWho is there," cried Rom;
1 4 fSome friends; % ho have
the i dead, - and to r.ijoice wit.
plied Periewl, ,
without hesita
ed.! Lighted by the 'door-I
we' traCerseil the vestibule
an interior court. The gni'
erico, an-iron ring in the
astoned my horse. We th
wenty steps,'and I followe
own dimly lighted.' I was'
what it was, they cal
[End orpart' 1
INDIAN llosmyrtEs.—A i
Louis Republican, from St.
of May, communicates, on t
1 - •
tt gentleiriau from . Council
t weep the Otto and Sioux I]
the Ottoes had been on a hun
I ,
taken by a small party of the
l of them scalped. One of tlt
! t hrew herself into the,river, 1
making her escape to the Oi
A party of the Ottoes, aocor=l)
blind of the Omahaws, imtry
pursuit of the Sioux, and sod
and pursued them to B , gra s
they h' d taken refuge. uncles they mado the'
them clown and scalped the
eight of the Sioux, a small,
before the Ottoos and Ome
n was criti-
.inotigh; while
leper() t05 . ( .1
pon an an-
Advertiser says Emigratio I
ward 'this yearin a strange
'rhe number stopping there
and every boat for lake'
with families seeking a nee
plenty of room and many en
in the great west for those
for thentselve cheap and pl
A hinsteeri.G.tal. - Fatt.; ..—At Man - clove, a
good-looking Mexican gir .of sixteen years of
ago' was . held la servitUdL is a - peen, having
bi!en .sold by' her, father t . Pay a debt. She
was about'to be transfers. to another master,
and Wei •very Dutch diet . - sed 'at,' it. • Gen.
shieldb Happened to hee of it, and inquire!'
what was the amount, of ho. debt for which
the girl was held' in bond. ge. Ile , was , in.
formed the debt wasfive = ~oliareTimall , as
this sum Wits, it is tot'piohable,th t she ever
ociuld,havf 'paid; it.: • With At futth i itiqiiirY,
the General promptly paid:ilia - de b ','.4nd'ilis
etediCertefteedviii : Thepnigi" iP'ffi'.'iAtin.::
connOwlih gratitude,- , a,
itifeOti*ciel4 his,frt liitiseil
have iitimitti4 it, !,:tliiir
to enjoy life tilfrOd.44:
otaitt: _ • i 4 , 1 ,, _,- 1:::.,,,,,,:
his ind
ent position
anded the
gragatc of
a velorio in
1 lied the
:co, that if I
r Regidor
-rent), "you
mono, and
did not fear
or if some
y cloak and
teve me o'
the fete
You," co
teously re
+At by your
go and
look of
ich singu
ly contrast-
ne's clasp
rag these;
re rarely in
said Peri
ebt, which
ent of Thick
priekt g up
craelf, the
ouhliii qs
us UK* Of
nittitude, the
Inking op the
e darkness of
lough, behind
hom I feared
- police regu
sons riding on
after the era
to have any
Ides. To Ac
It induced ine
once, was the
excited. I
as, they called
acing the liid
ery frequently
than ten min.-
rections of - the
aver a narrow
aced houg
s of theca
I s filthy i
pd dimly
rite in p
the stil l .
:Ort of ter
hiongk th
it was th
hese lugu
the 'other I
a on each side,
al which. wash
pure water.—
• fore a retatlo
rgatory, threw
nant waters.—
aces) the watch
which fitfully
dark masses of
'n the rainy sea-
Hone noiaea aU
lquitrter through
'he windows of
ture of the souls
'Wed, and 'it was
to the
dimly li
this (lout)
e range of som-
• 'co knocked,
Ling, at last
ened—the lower
Is house
o their
the !iv
)ray for
di IF,, : re
. ytr 'enter=
1" •
gaper . a antero,
Ind pene rated ti)
F pointed otfit to
Wall, to, which I
n nada:Med some
1 Perico, into a
at lasi about t.o
ed a rcluria!'
(1..1 .
letter to the St.
/4S ephs, Mo., 7th
to information of
lull's, a fight be-
Indians. Five of
nt, and" were ocer
ie and four
pirty(a squaw)
land succeeded in
tto encampment.
I panied by a small
ediately went in
in got on their trail
sy (maw, where
hey --rniaiediatOy ;
it appearance shot
n. They scalped
party having left
taws came up.
is pcniring west
current than ever.
is yunusuall large,
ichigan swarms
home. There is
icing inducements
ho n wnuf to obtain
mot homes.
C:ill i lliat :OlioultOil' inent) is who abouid :saki k ac e d th ese , things,
hiiiiVeiohenbi l . i b )iet Heeitei; 414 E j Oth i ida oh" ;:: till him
1010„ . tiii ‘ il!,;';allif:0: 7 -1 :14 i Ptieti!, fiin obpnl4'niithiltpesinne'tobn
:tiii#4l:4 7 - iperhaps, mad f ner-clayilian the piiiiticatie4anie
FOripirla 4 : 014 . in Atne
- i
a,-would be laughed at, a s a fooliand
-.6 ~
-- , --,*.
. • '.' Ihe wend sin the depihe'cif hie natnte, whether_
- . ...
' reTho following able and truthful description of
England as she it. is from a New Englund cOrreqnoolent
of the New York Tribnne, now traieling in Elliot,
"Pray,_ what eonStitutes a religious people?
Surely if it be any hing which concerns their
happiness-and general elevation, it behoves
Great Britain to Very modest 6 in setting
forth her claims to piety. Take, for instance,
the Agricultural Laborers of Great Britain;
the men and women whose toil have made this
1 conntry the beautiful garden th4t it is, 'and
every one of whom is entitled, then Core accor
ding to the commonest law of guht,pro quo, to
have a share iii a pleasant little cottage and
gar Cm; doult at these toil-hardened peoples
-and qiiat is their condition?' Physically, they
are worse ofi'.(l say it after abundant oppor
tunity to judge) than the. slaves of America;
morally and intelleCturilly, they are but - little
better; and socially they are Oiliest as bail.—;.
Their average earnings ao not exceed nine
shillings (sterling) per week. I see hundreds
of women hard at work in the fields, of :Scot
land just now, 'who earn bat A shilling a day,
to do which 'some of them have to crime a loiig
barefoot journey from the:llighlands. As for
their social condition, a British fume . ? would -
be as much shocked at the idea of sitting nt
meat with one of his laborers as' a Southern
planter 'with one of his slaves. Why? Be
cauSe -they are a ' et of boors.. One sees the
women here in S otland bonnetless, shoetesk
trudging tond om the fields; and wherein
they are above
,tie' oxen and the :nules, be-
comes a problem. -, The thing is as bad in
England, and in Ireland worse. Their hous
es—if so' they must be called—are wretched.
.hovels where a 'merciful man' world, in many instances,
instances, think twine beforeltons'ing 'his`.
beast.' -
Then leek at the Factory Operatives.—
Where will you find a more degraded looking
class? , Mark the girls How lax their de
'portaient What a total want of self-respoctr
Follow them to Orli. doors (you will shrink
from going further) an tee what they call,
with an unconscious irony, their 'ltoitses,-
1 , and then tell me what can be the religion of
a country which leaves its sweating millions
~i ;
L in such a stat ? The streets of' Manchester,
Birtningliam, eetls, Bolton, Glasgow,Dtitidee
—as soon as he night sets in —swar m s with
prostitutes, o any oCthein opetati‘'es facto
ries. How gliflerent from Lowell, Manches
ter, (N. IL) Bristol, Nashua and:Full River,
with*you— f where tl e operatives 'are almost
unanimously' well cad cleanly and chaste;
Ifni? }fele inuclrnf th s state of things is direct
attributable to the universal difilision of the
means of s i ccular education. During the last
nine mouths I \ h , tive been <traveling ter this
realm, viAting many of its cities, to , vns and
villages r and having abundant means t•I form
ing intelligent opinions and! kn'ow Tdo not
exaggerate - when I state that if you, :in your
travels tlirough the
i free States of AnOric i a,
should come toion a town where the people
were in no better condition than the peol ' of •
the orstilourisliing.( agricultural or mane C
turing toivn l in Great Britain, the sight of ii 11
a i place, among the 'towns of ' Atnerica wou d
1 ,,.
almost break' ydur heart. You woulrin such
au instance, ifind a town %vliere professionj l l
rrien youldscorn to be thought the Social •- r
qbals of its kradestpen; whose 'tradesmen
would look with the same scfprn tiPoolits me ; -
chaniesl, whose mechanics ‘yould despise its
Hyde set j vants'• whose livried servants wkrld
t [ 1
d [ espi e i6.agrioltoral labosiers; - 'tind whose
•1 , I
agricultural labore a would only fail to look
down upon sortie o her -class because them
selves were at the bultom of the ladder. You
would find the mechanics; laborer's and ser- 1
rants, with few exceptiona,exceediligly coarse
and ignorant, and moredver, having not the
slightest aspiration for any, higher e state.—
True, the 'middle ( class' of the place would
be foird intelligent; alli, sensible, as much
so, and as refined tind as hospitable as the
same class inoylart. of the World; but the
instfferable pA•t"&e and vanity of the 'high-,
er class,' and thp stupidity andsqualor of the'
'lower,' would fill you 'with dismay; and you
would to leave the place that you 'night
go'to some neighboring village where there
was some degree of social equality, and where
you might nolv and then seep common labor
er whose face was lit up with a smile of intela
lig,ence.. 1 I _
To me it seents(and that without the slight,
est national prejtklice)perfeetly plain'that,the
United States are, on the whole, centuries in
advance of Great Pritain. She to be sure is
greatly our superior i ticertui it finalities, which
age alone cankring to maturity; but iv candid
perdue can watch the workings of her politi ,
cal " michinery, qui , lee how the great mass of
the people are gfround up beneath its wheels,
Withoilt feeling that until that maeltienery is
displaced, or better adjusted to the,wants of so,
ciety, the nation must be greatly .deficient in
all That ,constitutes true grandeur. Greg
Britian is, confessedly, the proudest nation of fr
the face of the earths but arty 'national •ptide
which is not based on the general happin ess
of the people is but another name fOr the most
senseless vanity; There is, indeed, Sift 'cry
in the United Stales, but the:remaxiable , act
is that, despite of that institutionT- ban in
like a thOusabd mill-stones about the ne • of
the Country; such is the . ,intrinsic superhirity
d her Political :fai)riC -, that it secures , 0 the
people at lame* greaterdegree ,of aocitti -,
j ifree,
dbm than any other natiomthough without thd
drawback of Slavery; eVer Conceived of. Tell
a BritOothat at a - social'par ty town or,,
village .of the 0004'0445, the Qlergyma"!.'B,l
fttnily wouldhe foubd iniiiing f 4 trtns cif I rr-,
ifilegualitY . ' With - the alicipman'sfamOyi •and .
bbt .4i tretitient initanceip with i ; 34lantily:of
the artisan, and he,loo s , t you in_blank amaze-
indeed and in tr .
blood gll the nati
'him of a Judge
Governor withon
out a gilded
led servants, of a
ont staves or ,
marked and numb
without 'Bishtips
Sunday and cumi
and poor meet to.
fhb maker of the
Into such a stag,
inktnetion, "ther
I ready to jump mil
I The kleglishin
ted States is tha I
of semi barbaric
and little intelle
delving, grade-d
of Yankees; w
Mammon; read)
ti.l I creation, an
have a touch of
in.fine, a , poor
noble stock) li%
weedy sort of li
~d 4 days, to dis
Paddy's 'pototo.
soletnn corwicti
fated into plain,
Yankee Nation!
Bennett of th
from Europe sai
The blexicat
the Irish, strike
the European
Miiny are begi
startling eleme
States, and et's
the devil the
truth is that
to exercise a I
F i rom the heL
43,1, no ono ca
progress Jr pr.
log London jo
ilk Cll[lleal--If
rate; feeding o
other, the tint=
lippe will be
authOrity' of a
Robert Peel
collector of tb:
(lmier the like
ye:sat th
can republic,
tnerce, navies
t u res—vs ee ill t
and an unlis,;
nected with
Prance and
and moditica
seems to be
feet, the Unit
entering into
actually dist
balance of po
The Bostot
a , singular sI
It was discovi
from being al
.been silently
recently a c(
By means of
mints and in
warkable liqt
vantage, of
giving an adt .
clearness of
sesses in Au
mineral fror
well as sever
mineral tar,
fur exhauste.
ever much
journal from
at seeing a
itig a vatiet)
room for us.
that the , scic
and tha t no
Made 'to bun
have believ
its applicati
the bright
:tin more
silver mine';
A friend
under his o
in itndnver ,
recent e
milt to a'
ed without
was accor'
Ong scut
Ibis emplo
tackled in,
inti an eic
OP eon of
while he n.
his .
liow Can t ,
horse that
a trial of
on el:cell - I
Joni cnnti
Tfle hrl
jltid canle
ci:Pccit an(
13113 ER 4.
th .6_God has made of one
oils of they Earth." • Talk to
i i
without g' wrf and wig; of a
a palace e$ a sheriff viiiilt
age; of g htry withoutliver-
Mayor aid Aldermen with,
nifofrns; !of cities without,
re red Policemen ; of Churches
Clerks,' 01 PrOCelltOrn Or
lon Schools where "the rich
Tether" becanse."the Lorain
n all ;" at l d you can git'him
lint, foie If ss of the Apostle's
withbu potent," ho will htt
of his s in. I •
,n's genlral ofthe
the peop c arc k) a rude stato
n; with no social refinement,
;tual culture; a' mere money..
lean 'llonk'generation,
, '•hipping but one God, and he
at "a moinentAnotice,te whip
rather thlin not fight at all to
.);ob law •to keep his handim
egenerate °lT:shoot (front at
lug a strazgling,,ittruggling,
f estined, some of these
ppeaf, 11 . e a sodden rot, like
This is Mri. Bull's pretty
unshletnnly trans-
En,,glish—of the "Goiyerig
N. Y. -I erztld, in u letter
war,and the subscriptions for
a viith equal force, and leave
And ina state amaionient,
- ning t 9 perceir tbu e netv nnd
its are at -‘yurb i . n the United
a ry arrival is matched for with
lexclamation—"/ wonderwhat
asericans will do next!" 1 Thi
United States are beginning
ighty ififluehee in Europe.—
I the republic has now rer,ch,
tell ,the limits of her power.
.ponderance. One of the, learl
rnals srays- 7 -lialf in joke, half
the Americans go on at this
le hemisphere itnd fighting the
may come xvliti Leuls Phil
o, perfect in Paris under the
i 1.4 President Polk, and a Sir
'ill In' happy to become the
• port )f London or Liverptiol,
authority. The capaclty, tho
grewiug power of the Awed..
or everything-'—for war, coin,
ii, agricultur, art; mainline
:beget; a generil astonishment
uisable dread in alt those , -con.
the present , governMents l• Of
rigland.) A new arrangement
ion of the , powers of Europe
the plc. 'of development. In
.d States as a nation, is rapidly
the Euplean system, and is
thing their old visions of the
rious 4ccount of
Atlas has tvc
bstence of ipeiluliarlprperties.,
in Fri:1100,1111 1 1er tliis tide.—
: red several 'years sine, and DA
per uppn it was read before i the
nce then its manufactuie,l far
landonedois many supposed, has
undergoing improNetnentei' and
nipap3 has been formed toeits
It is tiow terts4d mineral oil,
new and very ingenious instrn-
lachiner, they
' oJtain an oil as
- the direstt vatskr. This re--
is said to ha 'O, this great ad
iot staining • contact, and of
irable light b)i the firdness and
the ilaine, The -eotopal pos
ennois4nexha stible beds of tho
v% !rich this el is, extracted, as
: al other produe ions., parartine,
la new kind of r anure, invaluable
land, and ma Y ethers. Ilow
we may be su rived, adds the
which we deriv this information ? '
ite and despise rOcil,thus
precidus mhttersi there is no t
o doubt the fkit. It only proves
nevi chemistrY is it 4 its infancy,
can assign any limits to its
When the firt attempts' kere
biturninims coal, whO then *multi
•d in such results ac gas-lights,
n to the Igeneration el steam, or
nitre in re:ervi! for
t tsohumble
nd yet, are:not the' mines of Au.
%fable tq the proprietors, than the
: of both the IndiaS4
L.DINC4 TULE i'L(iNif.'
;elates an accourance, which. fell_
vn observation, a. few days ago,
- which 1 itnctintm+ilY ""fres h:' !grant lad applied Il i for employ,
srmer, mold beitio.-asked if he Was
with 41 Eiorts o farnilabor,fiepli:.
hesiMion n the atlirmative.!
ingly engaged, and the neikeuor,,
o,"hold the plow," , with .the son of
'or to drive. After the ttordo . vio
; •
Hip boy gave him a 6tftrt'; but heai
,ninution behiml, , tur4l.l; and beheld
1. 1 0 green isle, plowi i ng up' thu
hi* heolOvhich .were firmly set
"titrahlinireverY mitsdielo inaiii-
Sition, rind' crying otit, , istopl.itOP!
hole/4 the ploy, iflyon,matia the
it away from mert&i/rm Ctiz.
girt it; Chiladelplliiiiijed ;Oaring
kilt in jnmping the Tope.: Thin is
.ntexerelse, bot: should,'not.,be too
Oedr " • „
gotest charm of %%Tim/to Is truth
r; coquetry is but, botitther worst. for