Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, June 05, 1847, Image 4
NEN GOODS! NEW GOODS! t , • _- .: . G. LOGMIS ii- CO. 7, Reed ' '• C:. ,"'s ‘...'. Holl.t4e, Erie. have just received it --- •••••` an addi.ion to their former stock (goods, w tick inahes their assortment very es en con prising a large variety of rich and ashiona , tVE,,eonsistiri4 of diamond, üby, garnet, rald, amethyst, 'aquamarine and enamelled ins, diamond, ruby 1 and,plain rim's; hold ear ri as, g uard chains and keyAspectaeles. .. hencil-caz.c , braelets, lockets, miniat we setting, thimbles, a tads, snaps, tx.c. Sze, TIME. Gold and Silver Watchits of the pat ent 1 rer, uplex, horizontal and common escape . ent Fr 116 mantle, German and Autelican sloe/ s 4 _ , SI VE GOODS.—Ta_lo, desert, tea,salt and must° r oons, ladles, bo:ter and fruit, knives, Spectacle •hains, keys, pencil cases, thimbles. , Plated,rilannia anJ German Silver IVare',--- ea pots, u rns , pitchers, cups, tankards. bowls, cake bas•ets, candlestickr. sniffers and trays, poons, fa •cets, ink stands, cdstoss. CUTL ItY.--,tenet's and other cclebra'ed I . fakers r sore, knives and scissors. . to LLANECTS.—Mathematic , ll instrti j m ants, t escapes, thermraters, pocket compas-. :es, sun , lasses, violinS,aceOrdions, musk:boxes, 'uteri, fires, steel pens, card cases, combs, pocket hooks, FMcket pistols,coral: amber, gill, steel, wax and f,rtla4s beads, tail and silk bags and pur . es, elasticaystrds pot able wiiti'ng desks, work, halal, Itiff,' , l.oliac't3 and shaving hoses, razor strops, •lothes, hair, tno:h, nail and shaving brushes iani glasses, Glazier's :diamonds; shot heirs, powder flasks, 'pereissaion caps and pills-. cheslen, dominoes, a •ITar ca., s, piss and cloak clasps twee?eri, cane, whalebone. violin and bass .viol,strihgrs, roqge, powder, pia., perilitnermy, courtplaster,lookh washand powder ~, toothpicks, teething rings, tea bells, scalin g wax, mnito mats, visis)my cards, savoy baaltet . s m needles, bat. tledor,intrbfrsia, ...pool a as o l.. wit!) nlnnermis oth er articles not mentionel, bolt useful and ornas mental, which v ill be for "rend!, p r!h" from twen• ty firtf'to filty per cent loWer than lot rwrly. N. B. Watches, hawk: boxes, kwelry repaired in the best manner and wit ra wed. II Cash and m kind] of country produ-et ta• kent in payment fur mull or work. Cali and ace. The highest prices paid in cash for old Gold and Siitter4 Jime 13; 19 M. ' / i DR. SAttrifS GREAT NATIONAL PILI4II. , krt. G. 111 . 0.1. SNIIMS , -IMPROVID - ,1 DA NI VA- TAB(,_! [SVGAIt COATED] PIL T. 9 ' AR the moilicine for int: Ulm I 1 States, nod their inperterity over all other, rot . entire hltri.,iicti r mid Ttlesorintitessluoi won for elein a pro on.uoitett of {{riot_ which needs no roreig . iethooloc it, periirtuat:e.' Almost i• unlier.tliled they hale silently. itiorlted then way, ` , Anil hove gained a pOrllilli Cut !wt.? on the appenti. Sion nt . the fteopte w hich tio other icedmow or ,ippii•ltlO: Clu ri•IJX. For about four yews they hen Iritiiii,lllea 0 cr ilit•ria•e, and broughtjoy nod Cla•liiii,s in in ray an ana.tou., hu.,111. Tilt! 111 Ptill 1 T 11i, 1, i M it milieril co:minim', i oin ti 001. hem t 0 the rno t "rt.- unto, and oven I,liii inure, haply ,it hn Aril sUlfured lipin tlin off. eta of I.lllllsUre p/ 4,•ri le, iii th. i.tontiii.ll. .1 1: ' al (Mee be pleao..l set 11 VIC deist:filial opnr.itlOll of tame 1 00.0 Pills. Theyih iv., Cinrarn 14 , 111 tir the inust 1`,11'1.• fully scicc te, II ingre.lientN, nre niway...ife, at d them can be no dans e of t.• thr,ll Ifni/nye/1y .11 iiy 1101 j. 19ING 1. 11 TICI4 i • i Will manifest their enennence in relitivilig the !wily of ma tny precursors of ulurining•dt,case., liceeme the flaw els gently open, th4'l,v 011siIrlilg VIC eollldiklapee of he ilth. The 1110,t eininent clieint-t In New • l'oeir lin, given his ecrtifizate these Pills urn PiII:ELY VEG ETAILLE. or • 1 ' • i ) NATurgto4 ows.rr.soit: irk% The grist principle cecogilizeil b, the intmetor of•th • invaluable medicine ti, Vila 1 . 1 , ry p ert 0 ( ilio holly, "whether in health pr dorn•e, Is brought under 'I to illoa -011C0 of the digestive //Tail, 1 . /110 1 , 1.1111 :aid r.c.onal doctrine forms the; only efotintl on.. whiek a go al family medicine con ho recommended. Pii ,. r Icing accuriliog In this principle. DII, $ll Til' 4 1'11.1.S ISTItENGTNIEZii, TR/ s ronvull, Prnotnte the , o•oretioits of the LIVER. SKI mid KID. T C'f S, ntol ItEtmidern Tit!: B )IV Li, thereby adopt., ing the ONLY NATI:Ift 11, and coo-t•dt tit method of refl. Bering (1 1 11.11 , E, lILO 111 PURL:, by cur cc ting Lime t ttou. tnd humors of the %Imola 53 .u: m. It is impossible to give every- pnriirtelar in thin brief notire,,but these Pills nro e tree fly recommetbled as 'lt Moans /,‘ preventie: so much misery mid th-o tee, which grow out of cntintiimtion ot timime els, neelertgd cold*. slight attache. Sro., &e. and whl,ll it is io the power of ALL TO PREVEN These rills do not PAI.I.IITE, but • L 'IP INC V effigy. wo,t all TALLIO Om We.tttra coa - atry, and to BILLIOUS DISORDERS, They stand alone, unit trill ,ted—Tll I; SICK MAN'S Fitir.3l.). Among the contltt AM, for %%Welt thott Pais aro highly rncomincatict!, mu ho following. in • FEIrERs, PUNS THE; SIDE, f' • HINMENHA,sI4IIO PT Lt. - t [ I:MIKES I lON, llt Vo I 140013,• COtiTIVENESS, 011 ST It tie t ItINS. lIFADACIIK, I . rEm %LE: compLAINtS. • HAD APPK i'ITE, • RHEUM tTIiNI, THARP-11M I. WHO , PING COMIIIS, IHN'ENTA It Y. W. AK NI:ItVES, , I.IV ell. COMM...MT, , II VS • EHICS, • Worms. HEAR 1111,10r4 - Eoi7l• STOMACH, JAUNDICE, Dy f AloAftlo, the son'pin nrory box ur geouiro fot ted.ZMOnt of u..• uusP,• . ~ ell their' Pins the profe cite, oser lino, than V.l 61 Io s ti hit e been toAtd, and at V r.r.rl EMINCV t' I'ar:4l.l 4. .1 z". 111 N. e BE o WAR I E w OF ‘ 1 % 3 I the o S ItT,ON,icu • The ilein - and for Dr. Smith's Pills being every a here great, erverhl unprincipled pr•rons 11 IVO Math, rill) of thn ~'tort Hu ber-Olt awl dangerous Nita :1111 IA) off for the genuiee. have pat oil a — Therefore . swan•. and alw..v. look ffir TILE wurcrEN MING IiAkTUIZE FG. BENJ. .31.1'ir a. t'N't theThot toil of every to riot ate rt eit who is is 1 . 011- lit.R.i. M ire Owl lOoleertideste• liars Ist it estv.hl at the priori's:ll and I ii.,up!c not r fvrroil to ••So t ith's If rim., ' is here they can read Or the most ismportatit curt), 1,1, - ,"! ova, for vett/11'0f n ono, h ut r,w CAT 1311 410 i IA I.S. From lu t. ',tither ..rif. De. Smith'o Pills arc plumy regetshlt.,, opo-ate and products 5. good result. .1.0 int It ~litor True, Wesleyan. From Om It v. . Kolhtt.' My Hite hos fatten Moti"it s. !cirri -out s. and muty nth- Amt. bct she itos-froottismi 'tom - b•toefit from Dr. SoIWO& Pude 1)140 ahoy m lased ,fem tira with perfort ,-rev, wuhnut 01 , Wg lug thou' cm. ,1110)1uCtIt or rhot, and at ant ao.n.. .101 IN If 'tad Tl', •12.7 :11vrile It.ooklyn. Frnni oc.,l:si, :\ c York Dr. C. Benj. S. t.,tlC., Pitts b.tie eettrely ,cure , l in,-el dILZiIICIS in my heat at d peeer.ll yee.its Orin% ' , plea'. My family tv.e n n e. 0.11 the br,t re•ell, I ',cold tiles be witimut them C. 11. t 5.5.511.9) Fare th all. Frum din! Ed. rattle Itsser J.thro It. Dr. Sali , lea Pilis ore free fie n the ot.joctonss to v. hiels other vdr+ Cr,l liable. Atli/ 11. for bent isyrieson. that e yet corn. J. .11 two the'D Tos :ovrsorin, N. 5. Dr. Balkh . . rill. are the best I base es er Issos.l, &e. 1 AC KlOll h, P. M. From Vey. 9 Wham.. Dm. ti wed I)l.Binidio 1c..., they urea gnarl fnadmille, 3.. c. .8 wrLl.l.ov, Irl Copt. Ch. From Rev. J. G 1.. II .1..n0. -'Dr. Stri,lle, pdi..,re Ili g,A,,t 11011141nd /II this region ft owl their pleigurstne.• and JJIIN G. L. fri , KINA. Shawl N. Y. , -Prom M at m% tho Q•i.tker. • Dr. Rmit4 --Itn•pet toga r rtotf—Thy .4 1 1ing vrl y rapidly, and glve Una r ~tor.,cjjoit n. i ho• place, MOSEa it E. 9.67 Main e.r.t. Dr. Smith—Tour pilluarn 'At liknd ED EATON t o )DEMOCIt AT. Dr. Smith—l am moth plo.lood with your Intl. 'Ent. Snior Cootitul Pille. mud tpio them in mv ED Ittt.ooKVll.l.l'. (t A.) AMERICAN 'the nbovo UTO only a few ext , ..cta • butt4n unlght youn and till a whole nr wenn for a oft anvil tr turns. lir,e Pill. ars nbw the moat popular in this country. awl give the In at general k tit 1 Pract Inn, -e l'ilk • ' I .il.• v Ciling it - — • - -h luture , I . lWile Pin! wI r 1w ula curet,, morn 1 ... pleasant way than any t,ther n inady. rer Olt they ore wateauted. THE PANO-ER Of halal. , decoked i' .s _ t ow up,,lieol; :al Doti,- Smith.. Pills bare become very populall daunt'sr ut the ... /m nt r y, imitators have sought to palm, oil' no ti 1,. mul with a .'costittif of sagar" to foie,' up a. Igo t laugoinus tom- Northd. Dr. crumbeeiter, of l'lieeling,vn. says Olt a tiering in that place CilllP near losing lilt lift from iLe Cal2oll If tho counterfeit . 7 8 (7f/ulna ' lull's. Alio, o ;..". Ole' an in Louisville* Ky. Was sewed with t totem ,voni , ting, niter their use. ! Get the genuine nr get none, ni *en that ft. I tEV,I /3 , 311 ru is Written k , ii h A pen nu the toft , :n °roach boa. PRINCIPAK. OFFIC ES. t .... I'.: 1: W YORK, 179 GI e-no n h Stied. ! POSTON, 2. %Valor stri.4l. - EttlE, Car ter & arother; No. R. .4 Wow°, -.J.Cutnmin.&Cc.Ckno uf Stit.o 1111Te1..1 March G, 1817 N ..W A DVERTISMI ••NTS. , CLOCKS, WATCIIES, J WELR, . . PLATED AND BRITTANNIt WA FAIr & Y GOODS, • G Ez . ! Loomfs& Oro re f eeiving trent 'V. York rt , ari.tit tl eir, former ,041 of GOODS making, an , ssortment notittsual ) ((hind in us section of country. ' &dee m! with care and at prices tens• uably low, they exped to be itato accommodate their pat ions with all articles round in • similar establishments at fair , price', Nov, 14, IS4II. \ 2 GLOVER SEED, of a,superior quality, for sale b, LESTER. SENNETT Sz r',IIESTER. C71"1"ON Yarit,cotton warp, wicking' batting and wadding at , 111313AL3'. Octotcr 24. IP•te, . 23 !IMI 'Sfeistre. A. D. Ar D. Snaile--Ilavitta third your Semite rill•t in my family, sail witnessed its betiefitital effecta on one of my vlithlren, I feel it to be a dilly 1 . nwe the cont triunity to make she case public. About two years ago my bah. ion seas =lacked with Scrofula or King's Evil. which broke oat in eight or nine pl.tees round the neck mid j which fill illy affected bleep's, rendering Illm Cu tired) , blind. fluting the first year from the time he Wits taken, It was attenited by several pliv%ici.ine, hat to get %oil, until [ olefipnired of iiii e% er ceiling in ell. seen tour Snrespitrill I advertised with certificates of it. cures.lconeluileil to give it a trial. and ueeardiagiv cent to Cuunnnon 51111 psnetired a fewlhottles, aml now, af. ter having peed nine bottle. I linen the; eratiflrivitut of rasing he Is well, 'rlie sores are entirely it (holed, mid hie eitilit nearly tie gond as ever it until I halve nu I eg ita. lion in tavieg that ho wee entirely Turgid by the see of your Sar-alisrills. Yours truly, E BASSETT. For further particulars and coot:ilia-ice evidence of its attroericn" value and efficacy, see pamphlets, which ratty be 'oh wined or n2ents • Prepared and sold by A, B. 4. - D. SANDS, 100 ). Fttlton sirem, corner of, William, 'sit York. , Sall also by J. 11. Burton F.rie and - Meadville ; S. Hutchins St Co.(Wa.erford; L; ilenx, jr. Pittsburg,; A. Reynolds, Buffalo: I len dersori Punder'son. Cleveland; and by I)rug gists generally ihrong.houtthe United Stites. Price per bottle. Six bottles Ibr $5. - :t fr-• The:public areqespectlitily reques'etl to remember that it is Sands' Sarsaparill4 that has been and is constantly achieving, stick rernurecalde cures of the most difficult clasa . of disco:T.on which the human frame is pubject; therefo're ask for Sands' Sarsaparilla, and take no other. nc , . 16 1816 • OLIGIIS, COLI•S, ,INEIMENZ 1 , PIM. ES. I.OW 'SPIRITS, itc. iroc.ll,, in WI pone itWist CUM n 111 p(- .11a m New York have f SEM [MI j SAND'S SARSAPARILLA. FOR THE REMOVAL AND PER ,M t N ENT CURE OF ALL DISEASES ARISING • FROM AN. 1 M PURE S r ATE OF 111•0 131,00 OR THE II AEI r ,OF THI SYSTEM, VIZ: Scrofula or King's nil( Rheumatism. Obstinaie emtimeolti Eruption Pi4vlcs or Pustules on, the Face, Blotches, Bil a,: Chronic Sore Eye 3, Ring Worm or r•tter, Spal4 Read, Enlargement and Pubs of Vie Bones ina, Joints, iStubborie Ulcers, Sy'piitio Sympiontichlica or Lumbago, mid Diseases arising fronig,tt injudicious use of .3/er cm-y..qaciles or Dropte,,. Exposure" or /17mm/de-race in Life. .Allso. Chronize Gen //Mallon/0 Ilisordas. THE opertatisit of title ernpuratlnn is threefadd. It nets Ai a tonic, strengthening thri,digestiya lion err anti re- storing the appetite---ns no qprrient, peculiarly oulted and gentle us its laxative effect. ind as au antiscptid. purify ing the fluids of the body, soy. neutralizing in the blood the active principle of disease. The m iny well woken ticated cure. of Scrofula or the mast malignant character, have given it a wide and deterred celebrity. But it is not alone in Scrofula nor in the class of diseases to which it bel:mgs. that this prepartition has been found benellei it. It is n specificin auntie IliteD9 ,. s of the skin, and may be administered with favorable results in nil: it also exercises ,controlling Influence In billikus complaints; and when the system hasbeen debilitated either by the use of pow. erful mimiul medicines or other causes, it %ill ho found an excellent matt:lndite. Thi, following testimonial to the value of the Sarssipa, from the Rev. Luther Wright, aced 76 years, Con. gregational Minister, residing nt Wilburn • ' Worterm, Di %Its.. March :Tom. Messrs. Bande —Grntlerneu—Prtun svlot 1 bare exited cured, and from the information 1 have recently received (roil a number of persons of. tgh re.peetabiliiv who have used your Sarrapurillu, I here not the /earl dould but that it is 9 mort valuable medians., and that the 90111 .1091, err. tiacates you li.iverceeived of its efficacy ar€ fully PO•initl. ctl by experknce, and although its reputation and utility are very ostensive., and stand in nn,m•Ml of my bumbfr of fort to increase them, I want alt who are tifilicteillty einri to become nequaiiitcd with the efficacy and parer of Your 'MU tole medicine.) I nun, gentlemen, Ere tefulty and TPry respectfully yours, LUTREIL WR. GII . The following is nn extract from a letter received from M. n rain, who bail been afflicted for revere! years with Fkrufuloui Ulcers, Dyspepsia. &c., and recently with an affection of the Throat and Cheri: Bandtv'settnct, Va., Dee. 13th, 18 16. 3tessrs. A.D. 45c D. Sands—Before I coMmenced using your B.treaparilln, my sittferings %Titre otino,t part expres. Di n: my thrONt rens completely ulcerated, I had a drceni fu/ cough, and there were frequently weeks tozether that I could not 'meal' above n whoper; and be.lilt:s, the Manta matiou from my throat extended to me bead. so that my hearing was very much imputrett After taking the Sae. inlrv:ia a short titan. my health improved , and my throa• well.? um as free from gong!' and tight of the cho.t as over I was. and can lie it quite dodinctle. My throat h a been well about three inantlis, the care oftvltirh hue been etTerted entirely by the ti-e of your Sarsarmilu. • Your friend, I.OI'ISA C K. Itl anrsoNrILLE, 'E.IS. CONFECTIONARY, FRUIT AND TO STORE. No. 9, REED HOUSE Row, ERIE, rrifiE undersianed hayin 2 , purchased the enure stock of Confectionaries, th ,, etirec,- with ihe fixtures beloiiirme to husinnss . in the store formetly occupied by .4nes Crus,rrnan, would si•ty to hi 4 friends an ;he Itubiic oenerally, that he has furnished hirwelf; with an old and exrrienced workman'at the bu,iniFss; and is linty ! to epai cd to furnish to retailers, C ANDY, at Iluffdo pikes. and warrant it to be superior to any Buffdu candy orered in this: marked the retailer will become convinced oiler sellin2 h few pounds of my candy that 1t ? affords him innile prof: than the eaS•ern curdy. Our sticks andiltisses trill rut -10 to the pound, and are finely 11a4,ored. ICE CREAM AND FANCY CAKES. I am prepared to furnish lee Cream in rants to snit cnutomers. Fancy Cakes made to order I.7ritit, Pourid, Sponge, and Jelley (*a , ,e, and Inm [deg nhyny i s on band to sappyfamilies. I will furnish tc,l cithes 10 private linnities cheaper than they can b ke teem; and on the shori.est no ice. , FRUITS. FreshLeman% and Orittwes, Fi' ,, , rt akid, Ntits of all kinds; preserved uirii , er, mixed pick les, hllidioeu, &c.. a :mind 11 , ..ortrnent. TOYS. ' A a are assortment 01 toes.=ncti as (10 . 1 S. II , eti or Nindressed, cats and dotzs on bellm‘q,' Iflasg t r oc.4 and bide, lance cd , , neck'aces, head dresses purses, hair brushes,redrliny combs. besides a t4ou.and other artick. too notne,tous to mcnt ion. 'lease call and examine tbr your,elves Any orders Gem the country for eantlylwill br promptly attended to.• t M. W. KEurti. 1. IS-11; ' BUFFALO AND NEW YORK ONE PRICE cuir sq; I MVAUGHN, No 2 Fletnin2 Block, State • Street. This establishment has acqu'rot to' oriety ny selling all k int/a , clothitta ebeJp a, they van be purchased in New York s ell y.-- Call and ace. A snit of clothes can he made at this establishment in ONE DAY'S notice, in the late.Y.t style. and A. 04 apprrived /1141 received a z.enfirill ar.gortm-att orelothint• and cloth, suitable thr tIM season and liar sale at prices minced to the pecuniary meats. aall. For in , tatice a .roo I article of chith, all moos, at 50 cis per yard and 'every thin else in proportion,- altio'dniie to orddi at reductlf prices. All orders lenin the country prom Ply attended to.-- The chili can buy as cheap here as the best judge C.mantnere generally can depend on having .their work dom° right; and no mistake. Erie, Dec. 120,. 1945. ,16 PAINTS, OILS, &c. A MONG on mock will he found-;- • 2000 ibs Wl,ire Lead, pure, 300 Red Led, 200_ Litharage, \5O Stionr Lead, 1600 ,Spanish IVhit s ing, ' • 500 Venition Red, .500 French Yellowf 100 French Green, -18 eases Chrome yellow and green, 5 do A in-rican Vermillion, 2 hbls refined Lairiphlack, I'o gallons Spirits 'Turpentine, 200 do Linseed Oil, 50 do C• pal Varnish. 200 Paintßrushes.from No.l to 000000, 60 boxes window glass, 200 His of mmy. • Persona wiehine to purchase any of the above articles are invited to nice us a call. Every tuti cle is warranted Znod, and as to''prices they eh .II be ,as low as any reasonable or hobest man will k. ' cArcrErt tmoTti ER. Erie. Nov 28.1846. No 6. Reed House PAINTINGS, ENGRAVIINTUS, CA lyl'Erit BROTHER, are in receipt of a llCatitiful collection of Paintings and Engra vings,iplain and colored, in oil and water. Per sonA'of taste cannot fail of being pleased with the Felection. It comprises, views of some of the most romantic and pictumque places in Europe and this country Among them are two Oil Paintlngc 3 lay,3. 1.2 feet in rich gilt Crimes—the one tavibw or I'rny and the Hudson from Mt. Ida, the other tVi.shinuton's Flead'Q.uarters, near Newburg ; m the North River; also. Views of St. Cloud, Lake of Zurich and surrounding co u ntry, Lake of ?Aug and surrounding country, ill emend ,View of BrDese/s, 'Moonlight View, a beautiful piect,! . , Forest anti Winter Scenes,. Hunting licence, &c, also, a very fine and . • Correct likenericifQue, Qictory, engraved misted from_Stillv's painting. also of Her twoeldierchiid4en, finite and Albert , in haridsioinagilt framer; a beautiful Mezzotint angravine of ••John Andaman my Joe." a rare and interesting picture. Also a collection of rare and beautiful Birds - and- Flowers, correctly and elegantly colored, de.l signed for instruction to learners or as ornaments' for the centre table. Persons designing 'to famish themselves with' any thing in , the above line will find these welt worth their attention. They will be sold lower thanithey can be purchased at retail in the cities. No."6,lteed House. IP4B BY THE QUEEN'S PATENT. , , 1 CONSUMPTION CURED—TRIUMPHIANT SUCCEffiS OF BUCHAN'S HUNGARIAN BALSAM OF LIFE. HE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY for COLDS, COUGHS, ASTI-1- 1., MA, and CONSU %I PTION: Tire MOST CELI?.BRATED and INFALLIABLE remedy for Colds. Coti!hs, Asthma. or any (Cam of PUL MON A ft, y coNstimPTION, is the the HUNGARIAN BALSA NI OF-LIFE, discovered by Dr. Putehah 051 London, England, tested for upwards of seven years in Great Britain and, on the Continent of Etime, and introduced into the United States under the immediate simerinteiffilinee of the inventor. , - The astonishing success of the Hungarian Balsam ' in the cure of every form of CONSUNPTION, %y arrows lire American Agent in soliciting for treatment the WORST POSSIBLE CASES, that can be found in the corn triunity— ctves that seek , relief in vain front any dr 111 9 common remedies of the day, and have been given up by the most distinguished Physicians asl CONFIRMED AND INCURABLE.' The tiuntrarian Balsam has cured, and will cure, the DESPERATE OF CASES. It is no quack nos trout», but a standard English Medicine of knevvit end established efficacy. Every fitmify in the U•lited States should be supplied with Btrehart's Hun 'arian nuisain of Life, not only° to counteract the consumptive tendencies 01 the climate, Init to be used as a prreentive medicine in all cases of Olds Cough', Spitting of Blood, Pain in the Side and Nest, Irritation and sore neat of the Lungs, Bronchitis, Di ffi culty of Brid' g'ing flee , ie Fever, Nigh Sweats, , Em 'elation arid GeneralaDebility, A ls th l ma, Influenza; Whooping Cough, and Croup. • ' ' . la case of actual disease oldie lungs, or seated Consumption, it is the ONLY SOURCE OF Hi WE. Fold by MeDenuhl Sr. Smith, sole Agent for the United kingdom, at the Italian A, - are -house, Regent-st. London; in Bolles and Cases, for ships, hospitals, &ct •1 , • By Special ,/pphttlizenl—DAVll) :F. B! I A DLEE, 119°must., Roston, Mass., sole Agent for the United Stoles and Bt itish Anne • an Provinces. American price, SI per bottle, with full diteetions for the restoration of i k health. I Pamphlets, containing a mass of F.ttglish and American eartificatea and other eOtenee, showing the unequalled meritsof this Great English Retie dy ma)! he oh:dined on he AtzentS, urat;tt. , l' None oentrine, without the writ'en signatine of the American Agent, on a gold am! Itrowte label, to colintericit which is forgery. AGENTS.—S. Tousay. !Syracuse, N. Y. General Agent for New York and the Western States. ' , z ,- 'IIIEAD.,.OI From Mr Baptist el-rxmom al Coloos-, Osoorgro, Comity. ", I do hereby most cheerfully eer•ify that I have used Dr. iluchatt'a Hun _avian Balsam in my foully with great stteees.:. 11:1,y little girl, now in het seventh, year MIS, in the mon'll of October, ISM attacked with a pain in her ri ht side, and nittwithstamililf. we wed 01 dilizenee, to remove it, she continued to grow worse, in I after ohtainioz the conn.el of Dr. B—, who 1 thought the It iOlt I.ohe of her Lu , t 2 so c-rionsly all (led that her 4,c - over) %%us iAereil i n e ,ly ( bo t h 11 ) 1, 1 w a . im need to Wain one bottle of the Balsam art i before one third ofit waQ talcCn,t,he little. FIIM'I er resumed her playa a her cheerfulness !chirped., and before two hcitleg were us , d ht 4 641 h we ... . TIIINGS BY TI fig It RlGlit NAMES. • ft' HE Uontl potpie of Erie and % trinity r. united to be 2' reminded that ate trier oil net ohm!, afford- the pro :fiction of the harbor, which : no fortne;:li connected oil'. Vie in in 11114, ,N o• the/1 . 110. J . 91111+10u, ' but limy n Channel has pro.lnvell a r. vacation It has heeolno an 1 4 1..tattd - nod is sexy iiiitooperty cull it 'Penni ...LC . — AilliOng other miittontin r•,:cettking . noun' i• iqr,re for rale to this market under the popular tame or "- V.‘, bee No tom " which •no tin More like the ..i'ln..kep,:v o nn.,,,i th:di an Irland to like a i emu-lilt. The Gent.ine Starr Inn. a 1 extra the by which the eiooLe anti heat tire taint:non Ily front tine oven or applied f , if at the plen.urit of the Cook, while the counterfeit or otinvtourt frintll, ilitietlierithev are represented to he ••Vankee Notion' , " or l nenttotm Farm era,” 11.11,C DO means of divorirop tho ho •t reniii the• ore,, which which reittlet P. them very itimecesOarily and uneom Atria lily hot mid .ufkiectr tho•rn n Inn err, reithili the it influen c e to headucfmo l‘m( V Allor 1,•111. WhiLli nine very II alllO to produce a coto.toopt lon of the I[ll4on as welt as of / * t / el.— We have the c.refiroire righf to make and Fell the 6 indite "raibteeNotinn. ' Store i'e the County a Erie;Pe , wilt( .. 2 4 peet , tleyes PAteet MeV Ate , l Ovee, " and A emit - MA,. eon- Int ell &wipe , to elm h we me% ite r 0 ie attentroo the Ptiblic. Oe thotop of the oven ore te A 1101eR Abut, trorti tm 0 a , ' vuoloFe,—l'let of eooitteg In t , . on rat ../..301L and i hot or cio'otoog, the :“.,,crr.,, I. w.i.thput tint' labor aunt 41 rt whi c h are nern•itit •tl by i't .kite dons 11 the ~tore " Thos w 10 11,1 re lore them in oper.itionenin rail oil the IMMO flip liotholion , 10 I 111 I orOtig 11, 1111.1 entillin a liniV tiny like thent Ch . rte. .yneli. 11. Ctitheart, William ..1. lial brottl...). Ayren, John ii,trn. NI I (air rislit, or any one e i.r. who lan. nine. TheV :ire lienitny •111n1 [hirable nod tin A 111 warrant them to 'oil if prop •rly e•eil It enieether no tither iftr-dam brave tine g,lat ne artsch foe Aele. but i.r.s. rr: IL :-:1:NN I: l'l' & i_IICS Ililt Erie. Sept. 241. In" G- ' In, WESTFMLD MARDLESACT(YRY. rpm , ' subset ihets having a L , ,itsl a4sort mon of .1 tfs: w Enubtrifl marble on band, l'runa differ colt quaribU t e a l4 t ilated for I learl and toot tables, M 1 onon ents,&e. %%hick they r.frer to stdi to any one in ~.r, i ie county,' Pa. not lido!! farther Illan Erie, lettered in first rate stale, and delivered, at the fdlowint , prices: Small, fin children, ;31 50 per liror; Al iddie size, for It ize , l people, 6'l 6 per foul; Laraest site P5l 75 per foot. 'We think it Mould be alt object for some or the Erie ittitiotv peaple to fonVald us ll reW 111.(1 . 1 pi Ifllli as We Itav recently been ittlartned by theitKrie Urn Ide de ilet s in rather a brau.cdoz way, thin they Wtle .s . icitiou ii to the Erie and - Ilrawtoril county people loud. .I'lwy that , very lustily of se'llour to the "l'enna• initet.el at ftom $2 50 ,to I'll per ;pot. 1:-'hoold any oldie people of VAC county be in want of any thing iti our line, I It.y can, forwal d t ht,ir inse t ipt ions, or come themselves, and they •diall have a firrq rile article at the Omen/pik e s. f IMRI \ 1 t''.llit.E,ti & CO, Westfield, N, V. Ft 4 vot.•l.l, ISIS. 17t 511.1 W LS! SfLAIVI,?;!! —Who want , a Sliati I of any price or patlere? at the cheap siore of S. JACKSON; Si. co. November 21; 1316. _ 1010 ACKI F.: \L S.-1 it.ty Ca•o.l, aq.l the bi:zhest pike lur toiy /ram itvnl Black Salt:. (Jelly, red nt \l l l(, or at. My store in l't ie. oe-olter 21, 18'6. \l. * COLEMAN'S HEAVE POWDEILS, A GEit r.vfN Ft Ift t (70LICI11 IN 11011.81;:* - I lona familiari fy horses and per.onal Ow die t as , s to %%Midi Ihey,,na sulij••4.l, have at length rc,m!ted in the dkeovery of this eXel:ltitnUly trtl linble reliteily Mr the It ary s unit C0u, , ;14 -- a tI 'lyre which pinduees more ini , eiy end dea h ihese noble animals than any to vihich they are exposed. I have no liesi:aney in saying that Env yowder it ill ettertially and thor oughly 'railcar. ar.r9 tun:plautpnd v, ergs of Lida patelA and dan L feroui disease, it rziven in any 'casein:dile Mood) of nine afire it has bean con tracied. When y•iu discover syinroins or Conror nr !Lbws in your horse, icort,to this Powdt3if without delay, we it perseve7iiitily, and adend fu the hints accninpinying the 'ilirecdens. foi the treatment oftlrcanimals, and in nine cases out or ton you ‘r ill find that it cures. ' i . It'any desirous ofseeilig vecificates of cures, of them cell on ihe agent. Price sncerits per hol d:. "Manntitc•ured by A.D. Cole ma New York CARTER & IMO rill:it, agents, Erie, Pa. \larch 27, 1317 DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP.. rpm. paituerbhip heretofore es is ink between 1. the undersiened, in the mactice of Law, h d , bran dissolved by mwoul enttlent, Ail persons indebted to u 4 are regnested ,o call at the tat, and settle their neaps ctive accounts:, on or beM the first of February next, Those who .negle this notice may incur costs. JOHN cr.II.,BRA ITH, • CARSON GRAHANI. Erie, Jan. H, 1947. 30.5 The Books rind pipers of the late firm of GA L BR AJTII GRAHAM atv . . by noiticd ee me nt left with me for 'the putimse of'clnsing up the busines4 of the concern and collecting ull debts, w hi c h I am obliged to do as sp , eddy a+ posible. I have asrmeinied eith me in intsi r izesi S. LANE and . WAL A. GALIIR Kiap and: continue the °ince lately occinlied uy Galbraith St' Grahani, tinder the rum of GALBRA HI lei 4. LANE, where all business in the tine of the pro— fession, will be attended to lepromptht,s and dt sp itch. - GALBRAPiII. Erie. Pebrhary 3..1917. - 39 STORAGE AND FORWARDING. TH`• subsertbeis are preptuA to receive and forward during the seaion by the Eric Enten. elan canal to any point. on, the Lakes or /thin riv. er all property entru,ted to their care with the ut most dispatch and it the lowest rates. 80..1.8b,res and Groceries °full kinds condtant ly on hand and for sale cheap at their Ware House on the canal, El*lt street landina, Glazier's Ba sin. P P. GLAZIER, M.'M. SPAULDING.' • . Erie, April 24, 1817, • .3m19 LAW NOTICE. OTHE' , undersi g ned having formed a,copartner ' ship in the practice orLawminder the name 4 Marshall Er. Lockwood,*tinnounce to the public that they; or one of 'them at least, dinin.• all busk nese hours will boat their office in the second story of 'Tammany Hall', EriNPenria., noritior the Pro thenotary's Office. where they n ill ,he happy to transact such business as may be entrusted 'to their charge. €- , JAMES C. MARSHALL.- - ROBINSON S. LOCK WOOD. ,tie, Mar 13, 1F17( 1:521 PAINTS AND OIL ' S; 210011 ) 9:Whil e Lead,diy 130 lbs. Paris Geen.l - told 71 " Sugar Ati,iaoN 3 0 0' 4 led Lead,` 2000," 200 " Litliaree. I 73 " Gum C"P8)01 300 " Bost. Rochelle 100 , ealls, Turpentine, (tchte, 60 Ibd. llirome veer) 000 " Von. Red , and yellow, Eddy's refined Lampblaelc, race and boiled. Copal and Shellac!: Varnish; Indian Red, etc. we. 3, B. LW RTON 4. Co. Nov. 20, 1810.-28 No 5, Reed tion,e, OTICE.—The Tin, : Copper and Sheet 1(01: N Alannfacti.rithi! business will lie carried I:ni at the old stand of Ashley & Kelsey, where a con stant simply °fall articles manufactured by 1161 will be kept for sale at wheleaule and retail. ,Old Copper and Brass Ware taken in payment for 'Fin Wale. JOSEPH KELSEY, Jr. Erip, July El. r 1814. 7 ' L.IWARREN, 1 HAs removed his sash, blind and door Shop to State, between 7t hand Bth streets, where he will keep constan order ' hand or make to orde all articles in kis line on the shortest notice. Thmoi 40,1, i...= to ohtaill raimt ra4o work at low prices ivoiild do well to give-him a call before pureljas :”....!. elsewhere. Glazinztlone tit all (lines. Glasse and Puny kept constantly on. hand -1 May 10, 1816. r 51 ....... •._, A i S. SMYTH ( HAS JUST RECEIVEDI from New York per Poinroy's Express,titt. Spring fashions, and is now ready to eAecute all orders 6w 11 MIN in the latest tension, and of a {Muer quality Olen can be purehaked here or elsewhere. Match 16, 1346. 1 ,15 HATS! HATS!! HATS!!! SPRING FASHIONS FOR 'IF4O. The subserit:er is prep s ared to furnish his Mil ens:mots (and as many new ones us possible) with Lists of the Spring style, as cheap us the cheapest. Call ah exanine qual. hy and prices Mi. your.elves. \ • It.. S. TIUNTEII. Prietical Hatter— rrio Nl•nreh 24. ttasfi • . 1(.45 FIRST APPEARANCE. E. TOMLINSON, GEORGE KELLOGG. -übsctibers, thotmli gome time in _L ne, , r, have not.before Mend it convenient or al2l eeable to introduce into the , ppm s a gram al adverikement. Lein,' rather of a modest to. ,hey have been situated somewhat like the st ran "zer in New Yoik, who mot upon a dry 2o(b113! box in liroadn ay, to wait till the crowd shouted zit by; and like him, havina attracted n'little public no torimy, tiny are prepared to get clown and trove (vials,' alone, and would respectfully invite the attention of the public to a choice• selection at C tO Elt EN. interspersed w i th a few staple' Dry. ;owls and other notions, just ,received from New York, Cincinnati, Sc., which t v desian to sell Iwinty cheap for ready pay.e call and s4e at 109 French street; next door to .0, Ultilhert, e, r a l at F kV Canal Pasia. ' P r NID.INSON, & Co.- P.rir. h 14816 , 11 DI 1 . :S1111144.4 1I Itockingbam Ware.—: A be.m 'lfni article, nod good 115501131 - lent Jost rebeiv MI and Tor Fab.) by B. TOMLINsqi A ti e n.,l ,s. 1846. ET AWERS NIATERI ALSI.-76 ll •Logwr,otl, Sambrd's best, •Cr Veicligriv, Oil Viiity, sic. firreale by . Nov. 28, 1816.-28 J. 11, ButtToN & Co. 1 I 1 CANDY: i ANILLN Crearn, lemon bar, do. drops, jmnr V hound bar, do. medicated, peppqrmint tirops; , pepperinitv, rose, %rimer . ..peen,. sn \salllll3,l and werm lozencers; sugar plumbs, smooth" almonds, almond candy, etc. etc. for sale by M. IV, KEITH. WINDOW GLASS. A-RTEit $ BROTHER have jail. received C their 1 I St ock of NV indow Glass, which is tac t :e and complete—varying in sizo from 7 1 x5 to 15x30, find will be cot to any size shape desir o,l,withont extra charge. Putty always on hand. Nov;' 2S, 18 . 16. -' HOMEOPATHIC MEDICINES AND BOOKS. 'OSPAFFORI) respectfully inarins Ho 4 Ince pathict hysicians and the frict i rdslof the system, that lie has just received direct from New Yong, a good motor moat of Hommepathic Mcdi clues in tinctures, hiimions and tri orations!. also, pocket cases of medicines; physieiah's andllaini• ly.mediciiM Orals, refined of milkl pure groin : ties, etc., as well ns books; pamphlets and standard wdtks on the system. Erie, May 23,- 18-',6. - I nUEENSWA RE by the Crate— Birndi'mham %qr., ware—for sale by B. TOMLINSON 4.1C0. April IS. 1848 L IWUR AND SAL.I I --AlwaY,spui hand, a Oho lowest prices and of the best by Aug. 1846 "4 TOULI INSON & Co. VTIENk, Carolina, Orleans and scotch !aids V also Linseys;and Worsted Goods of kinds for solo very Imy at • " • oAbillr.f.l.7B. M . PS.TARD • SEEP,—A. Impeder ) quality c f Yellow Mustard seed for sale by u gr i ', i • B. TomNsCT co. ' February 13, 1 1817. 5 ' 3$ ..... . . TANNERs ARTICLES TAIVEIVS OIL by the bbl. and at retell,. Re. .fined Lampblack, Scibb , Scouring and Paste Brushes, for sale by Dec. 5.1846. I ' - 1 ICAr.TER & BRorrOF.R.' I • . I 1 CASH! CASH!! CASH and the highest market price _p id for FLAX Satofdelivered at the store of e sub'. eertiber, corner of French and Fifihitreete. - 'O. SIEGEL. • I qn • Ortobei in, 1916, ---r I -3 —..—..... , considered completely restored. an d to i the effect of t is medi ihe, Without any hesitation, I attribuke, the, cure. DAVI , McF • 11L,AND. }January, 1845. I Pastor grille Baptist' hurch ' i Colciose". Testimony from Rochester. •• 1 •, , • , , ,• ' 1 _ ' ittoensterem, AL Y. June - 5, ISO. Sue.—Soinetime last Januar y .Lwas taken with a 'Violent cold, attended with a distressing cough, which in the course ef afe days 'brought on a bleeding of the lungs, with mitch soreness of the idles , pain in the side and much soreness of the breast. (After being confined to ny lied for some 'clays end getting no Letter, Mr. Paidke, - formerly Deputy, heriff of this county, recommended me to get a bottle of Dr. Birchan's Hun arian Balsam of Lite, observing that he had heed siafflarly afflicted, and by the use of that inn di,- tine had been speedily and entirely cured. I immediately got a bottle, and alter using it a short time the result was as Im predicted-,1 get entirely well. From the benefit I recttived from the Balsam and, from the universal good name it boars amyl?, my friends who havemsed -it ifor diseases of the lungs and chest, lam induced[to believe it to be one of the best medicines now in use for those diseases,l and as such recommend it to the public,. _ . • I '7 'W. W. SWI FT. '"', t . Remarkable Mire era Dangerous Cosies. ' To S. TOUSET. , 1 CATO 4 t..lonnoits„'N• Y. Aug. 6,1844.\ Sir—We are entirely out of the Hungarian Balsas 'having sold all, you left with us, in our immediate vicinity and in jestic lto the medicine must say telt li astonishing success. A few days since aye iqr.gentleman of this town called ut nor store who had been for months antic 9.. with a very dis tressing cough. and wanted ai botile ofthe Balsam., We told' him it: was of little use ('or take it. or any thing else 7 -11E MUST PIE. lie took a bottle, however, and afterwards had another. Yesen:Jay he called rood') very much improved isf appearance, and said h was rapidly g aining was strength—but had it norbeen for the invaluable Him arian Balsam he must have died. We wants 'lnc more of the medicine directly. Veer- reliectliilly, ING HA M & RAVENS. [Frot Esq. W. E Fisk, Canastota, ,N. Y.,illuted CA etfll'OTA Nov. 7, 14161 To S. 'l'ousEr, Agent, &c.7-Sir: Having used D ,. Bueliates Hungarian Brils'aria in my -family with the very hest EIIeCCAS fir lung. _complaiti • n; and 'ming seen ,it ascii by my friends with like Duce ss, I was induct ti laig. , , spring to behome an Agent for the sale of ithe mono; ince which I have sold a great number of bottles. and have ,in almost every r irmanee learned that it had succeeded beyond all exnectiv ion, in sotne cases , where Oe patient had been by Physicians of respectability PRONOUNCE, ,INCURABLE, and their eases hopeless, and A mr'Clieerfolly recomniee i d it to all who are slit' tering with lung complaints, assaring them that in most eases they it ill find speedy relief. (Signed) i WILLIAM E. FISK. •, 1- ~,' More Proof. ' Eilablishin_T Or,rffiOcji of the Hungarian ratecon of life. (From Deacon Lewis, of Utica, dated I I TICA, February 4, 18451 r clicerlidly;;:ive my name in lhvor of Dr. Iltielian's, Hungarian Balsam of Life. t Last April, my wife was attacked with a viole st cough, attended with I severe and most oisracssisr'st Pam IN TIM slog, 80 bad is to dept ire, her ofrest. - ,„While in this situation ' I called en Messrs. Warner 4. Co. for some medicine, and they reconannernled this Balsam pts cli i.ed a bottle, and by the time we hail used about one half of it, my wife began meet tarter, and titer using the remainder, herl health was completely Be. ored. Since that time I have recomMended the Balsam to my friends, many et'whom :save used it with like succeSs. • ( -igned) .11011 N LEWIS, . I!eaciin of the First Bapiitif Church in Utica. • pl. - Farther Erldence. 4 34 [From the P. M. at Bodin:thin Flats, t lutetro Co. Ni V. dated Jan. 1845.] ' 1 um again tinder the eecesiiiiy ol ordering a new supply of the Bal , tini. , - , V y wife 'still coot holes the medieine'and is improving. It is doing wonders in thia section, I heard of a friend 50 miles from here who as as considered m'a Cots rumen' Costsvererinti. I sent him two beetles of the Balsam about iWo weeks since, and hearth front him, and the Bal s am is acting on him like a churn. 1 I (Signed) 1 A. E: ARNOLD. , , --•--• . ---- ---•-• The Messrs. 'Metcalf; of 'Genesee, N. Y. (one of whom iy a prat;tlitinit physician) in ordering a nmVisupply of the Balsam says that 'ln stitneiftsi- IVERE CASF,t4 our cu.toiner‘ complain of receiving gr at him•fit frinn S. TOLTSiW, Syracuse, NL Y. General „Allen: hr New Yoilt 46x I k, Vestern Suites. Boltt in Erie by Cmyristt &13norite , No. 6 `lleetl FrOitse I I , 18A WALKER etn. WA 12 DiNfl, CO7 D.UCENIEttCI-lAN't For arding and l!OßlMifi at their ware house on the and, Will be ready on the 't of the pres Tent yt ur to coot Merchandise trotn. the eaS ' cent 1 to Erie, as theiare c eponsible lines, and luivin of :':tearp,Boate and Propt rang to their house, ther c ch sp•hly transmission of all their care. They will Ott of ...mod. up and down th . Canadian ports on Labe St. Lawrence—also SO II Canal. CAF,4I-1 advances my de and sales promply a INu bons.antly on hand Flititt milli quantities, to Sin.p, ALSO—Salt, Plast e r l tro'n, Nails, elovot.. antt C; tiojf. RI FE I! C. M. Tibbal.,. John C. Beeb 14114cl:so ‘. imon, Ritmo II It, Palmer 4.. 0. N. - Chapin„ IV. Otis, Clapp & Geor.v. W. 110 E.' B. *Allen, 0 James Browne, Wm, 1). Kil l!: Standart, Jarvel Albert Ives; Del Nen lir rry rie.• Mareh I I, 18-161 • - GLASS ASPLENDID assort! rceeivim2_, comprisi and qualliti4l, Lemonade' glasses, Jelly, c • PreserrEt.dkher, Lamp., vale cheaper than cr-r he ket, at Ce wells, one dn. ern. ept. 19, 181.6. and (possum Sk AI o, rill kind: , orsl ,r) re. 5. 1 f , 16 QILV tore, Snoffers; and Tea and Coffee Pots, ne, N0v.14, 1516 KS. I hour Gpthic, fl. n. G moron,y the titinttle 0 .Y . aY P: 1 I G. (%41S C IN. . No. 7,'lteed I lousf. C o v tonT D itY and 31 12.4 Pillar, Alarm and e l case, i cry cheap for read Nov. 14 ri OLD PENS. , --13a z . Pencils, the latest kinds at reduced pri9ea efq, Extension Pens and 'improvement out, other G. LOr)NIIS & Co. N.). 7 1 pet...l I loos'e Nov. 11 1 DYE S eintratto, ' - ( Alum, I '' I Copperas, ' - I• ' Creum Tartar, • Acsjols, I Spirits of Tin, 1 Logwood, ' '; I Cnmw•ood, Fos. fel:, 1 or isle very cheap r CA ecernlrr 5, 1846. TIFFS.II . '‘ , • • it intried,l i 1 ' . . digo.l i! , , ine Vita o ,' ad Bear. i 1 , 0041041, iquid [lbw, or thernie rot . j:ie Wood, (green, \ 1 adder, 'ed Sannderk t No. 6, Ilee.d, by LTEII +B1101%11E11 : . 29 OIL! ",01 r i SEIGEL hu ag. • . ci%y , ni Ihe i to street-, for the purphse of his own manulalur than it was ever °Tem be a first rule artielo. OIL!!! ; in opened his wore in this net. of French and h LINizzEEI) OIL , c6aper by. 10 per cent. .here before; !warranted to ntly on hand Turpentine oil, by the keg or you d 4 Yellow, American Ver 'image, in Fhort, every de fwhieh will be sold cheap, Ile-also keeps ciOnst! White Lead, dry 6r In Chrome Green, CI row , million, Pose Pin ,Lit aeription of Paints all for cash. of GROCEIUES,soch as ices, I\u ftuisins, talky. AI) persons wish and ci.eap .roJeries trill I nter of French and Fourth ,rocery Store of C. Sequa ity and prices before ply le clan at,nre them thal he tercst to do so. Give biti` A zeneral assort Tea, Sugar, Co which arc °Ole b lilg le buy of, or tto well tb call at I streets al the Oil a and and examine chasing elsewher4 will make it ter th • a call.. Erie, June 6,411 died Shedia. , s, Bed Tick, (Cotton Yarn, Cottoh Bat ;. etc. BROWN and Cotton Flan I tingr, Weddings Nov. 14, 1916 WES li k RN 1107 . TOI IN Grit -1.A..‘1, L'r prietor. The . 1 HI el subscribe' 'tvonld res ,ectluilv inform .', it his friends the traveling publie'gen era ny, that he leaslle sed for a toyears rn of -this rely and eommodio t a Howe ituated at the Eighth Street Canal Ba-in. i'ltis location ren• dere the " WESTERN " pre-eminently the most convenient and desirable stopping, place for ell either, doing basins se or traveling on the Canal. There is, also, attached to this establfshment a large and convenient• Stable lbr the use of Boat men and others having horses. No palms or expense has been spared in fitting up this house for the convenience, comfort' and pleasure of guests, and the Proprietor trusts by strietattentionto businesto to merit and ,receive o_ share bf public patronage. -. ' -; P.rie,.April 24, 1847, , , , 4,D S.— ion nblic Dock, Erie. ea. ,pi.nin2 Navi.atit i nt Iract for the,shipi ie9l e rn cities, or other ila I mnected with 1271.1 re• MI mune the firs class Hers, on the hikes rint y ensurine 'he sat,. nntl propert3 entrios;ed, to' •fid to the fort% artlinc. ' lakes of to tiny or the Ontario nod the River by the Erie Extensiol 111 all kinds I Pro, te. They ‘i ill ket p liinobs Cue I, in! or bble i , or hulk, Fish stingsol every &scrip NC ES .' Erie - 14 I to." ' o. Buffalo: I^ e.lhany, ..fTiou: 4 o on , !! SI Co N city, dcnshoro, N. y'. l'oronin — 'C. W. St Colierines, & Co. Cleveland, 0. /chit, Mich. Chya. ,, o, Illinois. • ---+ — HARP. mem of CllroO, Vale joy.i 1 , . Tumblers of all sizes , PirChere, Salvers, ‘i ine ttlegticks, cellery eneeq, Snll9. elc.; etc. etc., ter ore offered-in thin mar !r eqst of tile Eale •I'rtv I ° - \ ' 19 TE D . lins wattial immediately. ;ippitig lurs,by . I S SMYTH. Trays—Vise Brittannia %: patterns, tit . L0 1 )MIS & Co's. P. ARBUCKLc!. No, 3, Perry Block disease exied• in any form., The tin p7,tl St ites and the Cunadas haVe for the pagt three vein severely tested the virtues which the proprietor. upon the introduction 01' this medicine hesitated tint to Say it po.seto•ed. to i tro during. this GREAT vEGETAni.i.: itEmErw the most startling promises were mrde on the part of the snedieine —so novel ,was the iheuty—the phinciple upon which the cures Wart! 10 110 PffrCIPA : that 11( , 01110* Ore v up their Imilib:nuil tried, what neat Ks en credulity. startled with surprise. told the en calletll.'Cui Mt," ithotr them selves nierrly over the. “orw liiiiiiihne•" Ruin, irk OW fn. stilt -1111, tiite rl-11 %ran. liave passed away—pulibc opinion; . l woke o million,. and mitre fir ohserviiig, itqll‘illtiabi, liner etumir,, Ilei- lr:MI-1W 1105 noed singular 0 Dud r NI Memo', eltenstve nod miraculous curative, power e er produced. TIM Otis. OBE sr LI.- tlssr which the tirmir 0-' tor oft kis modleine hail the prerittnptton to say exist it, nod that All enrious • iseares nrre toll •ecorirtery, liar n w 111illinan or believers, they inmt 10111'1,n. Air they 1p -- te witnessed the clfeet• I . this rester dive I s t , has canons ..,1 ALL rlhma•rs byliiirtple conquering . the o •e. •Th M n 14 - ~ Schen '' now pito took rtes; their old dogmas, like he. ariornitm oaks. I• before the light or truth. and coma on prose now pecks n mid to lie.ltir its ow ft iinV. illnlo.o or olomog Ito 'eyep nod being led, 'The truth of the On .i -ple 01.011 101101111 k art kir Citron i n ..n•lnlili.l t rd. ~,,,i 1 ,e i'LlteniPin is ar..tio holtllc noel emplmtielitic, n,,,r o r , ~. deftly reitointeit• ?74r no:dirt:or trinartire from the b thin ee rep disease :Odell ims a 'lathe, irei u db..) rga n hail n 1 (lie systrin rehie(r ran exist. Ifto he and rn6seie reinai I this.sne.l id e. iris et ,re to a yrefial stare . he lid C dmind. blecd • t 1 ine 0.1 lit•ein i,. slhont tool. The pretiftliti ly prom.oolo‘. 11,M r• lr Of it in tra'Fr, or Otte Tittiosir. is J 1 prop out eV thn Otine ury which will runt, tunible 10 the train 1. 11%11111 , 1n•.1111,1 7 n of icoorance fool deception. Ne,Tl' , r sort' at Imre to this medicine: ' t ~ a affielly ` . CA - I'.‘ VLF: RF.MEI Y. Ile pro , art or nor on n toil —., con)) mind of twenty tnu airroi not Ineredients -. 1 Euell root has IN itnno:oular p art of the -, ttem to rot nitro, told I hi. in titan it :do nys jornelirral.:- Ita l•ii,oe upon the grh , .le spat lit homed iatr 13. apparent r est mon, of the lire Irt eh rorrer it 'ldol,' r alio!: to the propri• for roil or t oth.'oaot you will alu,tys Sr , BMW , . 11111Cra 111O111.1ta • Not It ll Miele of faille ryiliencr is offered ma the part or thl,nuin cunsarivta. The ino.t , arc l ul perusal of the a ponplilet is detired. It 2it e:i the chatacter of all the t i, second.ory complaints a, loch tire, ail. and which Aare been tart. y this ,rticle tisilleece of ellrea in Sallie of the omit . readittledses of lineerthe fornploints wlttch at bar beenlir fortune or ea, inediu oue to ~,,,, , it', .a. fund—r Fe/. at bleb hat ebeca left to die. Illantlrevla /II fury large city of our Veins nail the Calendar. ha r tol tialok tliiiar^. fOr alle l ic li,es nod polo they as letter). it the p air , ilv of the proprietor as ill ..Ana, .. Than GRE e AT MEllli INK is ill cure )fine.y. in every stare; linst*Et.. and all kinds of difficult, in the - lCianary orrans: l'oinilt . allita of the Rt ., Wen Ur , ' of the bar lc: I' e , P , r.• irrepulari ties i ly , berla rEE. sand , a Ashby tin when tct the y'•l et`,oreo rti thae ot on C,• ~• tt art tit this Sole melt I use On other. Itisea•ed rimer. futility 'lion. I orptnint, Pr-peptic insratir iy 0i , ..,,; ith.,.. j i, ,e',., 1, ~,. ,0..,1 Itulnaii„„ ii... blond. II .„ rout I.llouv. coimah. e, en' ppromptur• p sole's , it nod rip. it Mralal al rolll - sere ii Prise 1 1 cureil i, , , this 'nosh, lute crofrila add all firail ~/. j. roe', l•.r•f i tal-i.., to. Ha tricot of the c's. Ntotil lat the Ileum, Sick Ifoodnehe. Jaundice river 111111' Aral , - tile tt bole ~t , ,, . lug's, might lie n..nfed -sects tlos Ito styriv bug no orhie. Pot up to 30 ftZ. bottle!: at 4th; '2 at bailie, al $1 oat.l, ' Ile tuvrful that p ,- au ore Ps E itarsseal aqua Ever, droll.. burs - the trordS. “Valt2lio . a. Veretable !Mt/at/frit/tie Mir titre.'' hhAvit upon the pt its—the antic , . 111211.11 tire or a 6.c. Vaughn" on the directio a. soil Ci. C. Van don. Buffalo. stdo‘ped upon the cork. None Oilier ors rellllllle Prepat ell lay 11) , C. . VAUGIIIN. alga iota at the plan rip°, Agency eft? Ths.n street. lintislo: rat r. boleiale and r clod. to as horn :ill collitiliiiii• filliiiiiiiii•l eeirse Pe . l anal OM es der , red ear ninety to tl., Tate f 11.i< mole,: .r. nt whotetate mot retail Nett" Voris City, 3 , 1 ltidt•so ir . Ti, TI. 1,a1.r, Salrm, 11n....'295 . I b nu.- P. ch,..e7 t•ioinoatl. Obtri, J. 111 Race. oil ii "tu IV•ibmi; ;41: Low., J. 1p..;11% At rot .11 by re.port,,too Drutrgi-t- tignupl out tt L iu.n : - 1 • : (7,rter S 'Bre twr. John IT. Porten ; ph tile; J. 11. Butt:it; & ; Watr.hote. J w.. 1. OM' tiiThrd. L. S. Joiwz S t 04, North 8., I'nau. Jill tE•46. DR. WOOD'S SARSAPAIZTLT,A AN WILD ) CIIEItRY BITTERS, - For Ihr prrotonio't r 11tCr , 01 if , ill: a Itic -t, din' nsrs as I , 1:" Unit' r;sr , it iili Impttr, Blood', lotpoir,l In?. st ion , olorbill Rh'', pi Cu Lry r 011,1 Stentrieb. ii . ,aktir.‘s %the Nr rto'US Si Sir 111 ail.t. a_ di sand< rt 0 ib:4El :.,,,,, raiht., , . , sir. Worst a , IA pr., (..11 Oh nail 1 . 1i,1,1 ellerry ' ilf el , ,1.11 0 .01 ,,, 1. , y; 11V I r •otiatatillil eXcelif:oro, %too ti Oro g•is of 1. 1,11, r , . , .r .). p ,T.,. ,e. ~. hat, r o.• ,h, Fp hrs otol Vie 111.1.11 a ....,.....•.1.0,.:‘,. nei,,g ~lard. tAhrull, props. dl of the um-i exe• Ileto ni.0.,‘,0, 01..% too lie lolly i ihotli'e.i. itt by all iii °red of ,111110, .orrirot or .;liri• ILI% e t 0,10 ,I.— sol , :p rslla t ,kt.; a ltsple ,auk assong ll'ltNSStaatt• 1i01 . .01 011101, 111 1110 11-I 1 , 1 011110,e .p.. 2 a, °oil ai , ilrn rii i %, !Whim- rendered it an ilea •1,1 ink 101111111 ,n 1 ,1., r 01 'AI, er oirilirilli, of Ike clay. To Dr. Vi owl'. •snsnlatts prop if 111011. It to ~ ,Tr., 1 111•,i to Ice fimllo In iflit part .0 % 1 Afienuth.. and gannet: mut il In it- 11111111 .1 ,Its I•p. \\'ilo (Therrv. a 1..7 ~Ith.• first 11 1 0,-,. " , 1.,,,..1, ,pit ~..,,t„„: , ,,,,„, Is Ow out oil e‘or 111.1 e .1 ,t lie-o orlii le, 111111 11..ifor. il na it li, -pia 1110 brat liardaii dprinraplra, nod 11,0, a uroe ext io te , 110: di r ipol rliotilo .1 :0.1.1,..1„, ~.,1,, ,in, ,.,,‘ I, Shoo. ii it- olia,taill pro.; r owl eihr r.. Th s ,...p. rn iap n tp a , ts ill 1,-• 6 , 0011011 trial, to ho a •tire •,,,,I -pee , y for the /11/iller II ed 111.010 1 lies I.tirift the Until, seen rreol Ir 01 , n4 r to',llllr iho Ltser .11.1 • f 0,1 el' the urnrx, not al note •Iturfor IM I:I 1 mil th• 111 II I o. nI (Pir r ,Ni,r ton Intl iEa•Uuu of, tier%on: trrilatto lonia tor (1 uith 00111iirk • 11710 , M000iiiii fill 14,1 I rm rile for 1.1,111 he. lei:e L., , t t ikor.trulior. 11, •'1111 , •• intodi -oxrd, that thry n r 4., .1 01 iltooferonikto •ttror or (nation, 'rear, lit i!•- Pirec, ins.l. I, tilt' rnstol.. and e n-t n. Tnitrit &lily, 111 do Pi e.CI 0.,n1 hr) will hr f,.11,1 in over.sle .31 1 1,0 gentle nod • 'lnt Iry n 1,1,n1;r,' nlurin I•, rut Go t , their lue he,t rrronnionol.ttoo, •'l'l,e foltowimi rrrtitlr:ur• ll afuou_oicaer n•hrr- hoar been reccia oil Irma tfic ann.( rc.jic.tile.ource- for lush -ate.f r of the %iliac ettic•rry' of Me highly popular medicine lIRRNTON JR DM . . . Inner Rte.— I his 1..•10 certify that Inv &welter hat been I rrooltled a silt p. 11.11514 for e moult rof y Cur-. ',Oleo:led With ii entit , t 111 Ill'aii tOle 11111 oillrr .1,•11,p-lilg • % In p%on, aloe,. netoonp toy this ,11-'r.”..• she ti•ifell Ito-hiti to ns.,,. lid•r-elf or toe jto. If eelehr•oted [Ott stvaait..•l that t sty, All ill 1 , 1) plll'illi‘e. n All. , ,0111 . 111111 on 01 ~ r „.„, t , I tie.Ooduen I to pare :toe, it lintit, hr or, fV oo d... 5,...., i , , rt 11.4 mot 'lVid ("hem Miters. Be W fore tukutg ro little 1 , "he wde reit wed entirety °raw bed !Ache, er' che, and oftt.ll,4l:g ton nr titre bottles, the other to,ouptot)o ettflo elf' dt•dp praretl. I I N. ' ,: N. li. G 11144 Nos ro PA•imyrs, tong fidut, , July j 2-, 1t.46. ill. E Too :TON. 'ln. ' '• I. i , ; , 1 , I • rienr filr,—M V CalV4l.•l" i !laic I, ell for more OriSot Seat - 144(111,104 Sitli iikAillithied IV•:Atria:toff !.her 1 'O:4) pl.ont. together n Pill: *lorry :tad! 4.onstuntl Iteold, her— nu• fog Ilii% lone .Ile, to, cototO • off titien.lcil by thv n,p.t •liillitil nod intelderni ph) Stediot's, !III! I. Ohl little or no re• her, Wail ap r lithe if i• Mat rep fly faking the form of c ~firmed ciutstoopttou. f`t the- hut... r Out , . - tooted to hare reenuree to Dr. Wfloti . P. Sar.iparsila nod Wild Cherry Ilitterr.le. to ell:tool hp you. and tt cif es me the sloredest pie osurp• to Pi ll , s, d u ct after thq nin f,., h o ok., 044 y 41.4.21,t,fr 44.0. II:11011V re•toodol to iierr.., I herilkii,i: i l t i e n7:. the 114044.5 t etutfilefiCe in; this no•iligli.o„ and ~ I full rerrill.y reonifnend lel o io, r_,.i.„,!,. , . Very truly yours, ' ANSEL ‘VfIITE. 1 The curofr•cerf.ed in the aloof e pert di, -,410 or Mr Wkitl is by Ito ni t fro. n solguldr 011 P. There ore htintlretl4 who 11 or• le rn rilTPil from the Intel ..cut' or long entotoued do t es: ,by the u‘n 01 this oNeellootl still highly Popular re tly. • 'rlce proormior reroillinelitis II on the hullo' with e utltoodirottfiolt Ili ~ for to all e.•‘.. A ht•te it ba• hail a i it trod, 4 b if. -licrectfr,lllCl,olinti the expect:oleos r,r t h e patient or Cr,',, lit% Cl. R. Tim- c.iry• .0 h ...h,rt, ,p,... pr, tou red and the Otteitooc.e•eellenee of ...,,,,,t,ri.,1,,,h0u1d ',Truro, and It Ave I. e I tiled tor ItZ,II eharoeter a loch it de, felVe.. The pr.' judo,. u‘nallye‘x”olug nealr.t ~,Iserti., I tiwdletnr.. tvould not TM tiln• dell T 1,10, 1 , 1 ,1011 011 1111 , 1 he wonderful ellf PS 11 11.1% prtform.ll.' . oll.s the le k tam h , .. , 12.,1!. cob brity of st• prinetpal eno•titueut •,,hould at puce to' commend It to thn public till ..r. I . Prepared loy E. I horn ton. Jr.. ,l sr,lel ullole•ato unit re ; toll by Wyatt S. He t hunt, I'2l, l't4ton St. N. 4.;41. D. vol.- ! ton 6: Co , Erie. .41- by tlrtizgei•to gang rally iltrouc,hottt the lf,, Sl• Priv., $t I.trge buttlesJ Oct. '24 1811 - ', Cul32 ~1 .../1 PI b:C . E:S A tapacas, Carnlets and Aleriuoefi ' - ..0 , 1 itprreceived and for sale lay 11. CAD , wily. • Sept. 10, ISM.' c. • VOW is the time to hit). RPFTING.— / Carpetinst et the beat quality and Inty4t , styles sold to make:bout rot a tip tr cinch. in the Spina. nt the • JEW STORE. Eric, Feb:27, 18 4l CASIINIEItI'.B, Alpacas, silks and all other Press Goods, at cheaper rates than at nN other store' in town, at the E N ST 0 R reh: e 7, 1517.. rornm mitt' Ext.:ll4;lv. rri.illilibli. Plain -and dtii..T , Te, - - Sill and Cashmere Slialtai. a la mode, der • cheap at the COMMERCIAL EXCHANGE. Erie, Feb. 27,,4 817. . t4 T 'AM ES Kid and Morotco sil7., and Buskin , 1J ehea •at the . -EXCHANGE. Feb, 27, 1817. • -44 CLOTHS, CasNitnerc-sand Snitinetts of every quality and color, aro otrei - ed atka fraction above cost, to ilia, JEWSTORE, * Feb. 27, 1816.-4 I French St.. AA - TINTER Sperm Oil, a pure article; for ea e V V et B.TomUNSON Sr. et,'s., Erie, Feb. 13, 1817. ) . 39 . Gr_t_ROC trnERIES.—A good asvorent oldry ?Jo. . ceiica always on hand —Molasses at '.;'''l Ir 2 cents per gallon, aeood Blume! artiete. ' , Ootobe? 24, 1816. , C. I. WIRR AL Pit.Ol)l,lCF. Lt . all kinds lakcn in i•Nchnn s ve lur gorYle or on accounts by .0. M. TIMALS. October 24, 181 G. .23 ri - OT - T -- ( — * - tifiCIETSC.--- ono!' firm iron) No. 5 44,0 to 20, Candlo Wick, and Borting, (or sale AL No. 3 Perry Bleck P. ARBUCKLE. Aug. 'l3, isis ror R hp, Soya Thri eu a Ain Dl•els:.,• extern ‘t hien h. orpt G.. 8 AN °vb. RI IV !„1 . 11 1110 I i i tie Isn• th : .11 111 n I_ll • 01, 11 S ‘NOWI 11. June 'FI ( to Uuj and n art id usint ine till T T \V I 4 1, e. 4 IN York !ha of ih> Ne Pre , :t Co Lith, (41 C ni raille Ilk/ , DR. HR RICK'S .ard Family Medicines!! vorisTE is Er/KEDIV OF TOR Y.,—Tile high eneomtunis or praise arer, „a ert upon these de.erredly popu'ar.msdniseg of the highest respectability, nod by airmbera I teal profession iu every ter (ton ofthe p gitt 4 • Possnspioris, entities them In she nuus rpierern of Disease. A maspsoom,f.A.‘namrtirioelf %true! ity it t h ri4c .". p i r o e e l ; 'in h e e n n t g7r ( ri n e r tl l ies sifter the eguthi,„ rot nil ho toe.rirr.i rac oily. and the most popular the day hod bee- trimbin rain, 'BRICKS VEGETABLE SUGAR COATED PILLS. with ni.,,acd ours in eter/ifireete rt. • cowl., and po.stste purgnthv e., Th'ey eare quick nes, piing nod digmnesir of the P mid weakrie•a of the.breari, sides an d I, oreh f Jaws tssflans Jive of thsi ritirertrit orgrat 111 limly.f.ut breath. cowed ton rue b lhougehnt. eirstevetiet,t. and in all Core, a here the stew w el. One lOoldrlol with harrMirs, a high rug s e p m . disc ..r. Ends box erititaint 301,1,, er bath purely v egetable, and sell for Y.l"ceats-- inC noo•Oholonasy acre. 111Fn. INIENT, THE lanoisill. Sprains. Braise*, Coilltsicle^l Coat, at, A Ii I C .I I .I I I . L I C E Frig E D Y at, Quitizy Croup, Still' milt.. Si,, talk Sin. in till. tiregrt and fore, Toittlmrlie.Fregea lf the Spine. Perished Limbs. and athesett, ra pplieattott is indicated, The rapidity anti AVONDE.R WORKING SIEDICIN E Cures the of the above iti.airres,i'in,a 'attlemled THE ,1 AND 'ADMIRATION of the world' That all them-ely s of the t.r,of tlii, b esßing inhuman, oo.lior 110 S foul lino loll& at 11 rents. Each bet 11011 w WO. It in tine glare, and • en•elop. of n dire 'red Spine, :tempo tinted nub foil di i•r. p. heral dribilograttemlod with pains tree in the. ttuitmeh and bop - es, eztendiug to Of o f golopploln, trembling of the palpita. heart. tholidiee, Ague nod Ferrer, Gila all Bd. •P• arr• f1114.1.1$ be lt!o• 11•1. RICK'S VEGETABLE TONIC Stan T"' nA tiller' , bc. by citizen of the mrt St itrs not for the Cot Cunt. lino porlortnea c.I Ire on] routoglio DR. 11, u qu'ring s W aps tO. tll all kin& 11 e Item as jc, hublhl h Ulut Ittleine 0 r lured un. 41 Ili, 3 lIERRI r. etioo and Kr uk airy.lo.. ! ti2u of ty imp. tll•r .r lIE • BiTTERge' Lotrn nh ° nmpt naell tt tilt 4irectinni, and /.01 fur 4,6 IMX 'B% 111 make hair a ifalliklt. In the ohm,' rn Coinelli. COW. A,lllla . J, tiMpittg rIsI,IqIICrOLIII, Lungr, t of ail' I. wog:toot" t he gre AEI) hetitttl Iv Hord hr - AIRICK'S Put it t tl5 is rontiurr h.,t. In lefrl, •111 I /I DR. 11, MEDICATED COUGI/, LozEINpE:s.: T.O of these are a positive Ti 11 7 31PIIANT :•1:,C1 - F.S:: lads every cad. the _n of II rrric Worm Desire% irg in , , oc-ii it , lion awl Pt lelsion or %o/Pl. 1, 0111 , 1 , •111. ha._ pi a ed then first on Or catalogue They ;ire Aliens tni Children lore t i v ., r i (re. I 15 suet. or the in:l,dd" , v., foil dirr. 1,115 e fro„, the breavl, ' ltii tack, Abe -in. 1,1114.; tee. el,. fini a r,„ 0 ,1 e,,( ClcS CALBANUINI E.N'ING L : PLASTER. . • fur Kid 14111 %111 er Irons nee to nr o.:1 I E ,:,led are taking' the phir s a t'rc. and are considered the 'U~:SI AND :17', PI:ASTI-It NOW IN USE. ! h ' Pr re 25 n n tic. Alktde tei:vr tlhe• httin (.1 l IJP 11u•u1.:uu p on. 11. I! h , -,19t, IlE111: SI/rl . lll 411 lit her 1111 At TO I'llE PUOLII'. 11 haa mg been ran! by some New Vu rk maked ulytau had the priet ll ere to make t aril : aced a Sc II i 4 I 1:1.(otal one ere,lflel IrereZ and Miler ;lin e •t•li a riot Air in 1,; 11.. q, itlllnees the I Oil, to fir ;ellen ot (krypton to fore the publit. art! Lel le'pe• in at a lie - V.l , ellielf a i.i.lefli Lanai •rer to eNti.. 14. lierrrek lus ortlrrat to 51r; ecHon,....i.lier of Val elitt,ll Wiiallt33loll. whore li gram I claw. I U. S. I . 4trui Oak, J on. •/11. 1846. 11 , .'1. Dear Stir , Yon le , ter or the lith teat. has ,•1%.,. lo ,n-err to 3611r 1 11.folliv Mitt.lll., ant 1... f, ; en e;; ,,t ; ‘,l fu, n pill t 0 end ulithFugar, r ,r,,i,,, ~ , ,i unit nu r. cord 'of •nrh a p atent can 1,,e W.,, ~:11,4, . /Ir.pftIIIIII \ I,llri, i.rmuNti BURKE. a .., e,tr dder e u , s o g a innre general o'eierivaill of ern - 11.3., he load of .nit ,f the Nu e rt... a(1 'Depot. :',1,5t4,(1. tor, et, A lbao , where all or. In..lgllito .... ;I. , , ,_ So mm That lbw I ir L , • I bin I eto b • r 01.1 lo P.•.. .11 I• tier I. Dr. I( •ro r II iv t.•f BEE • L t N , 11 . . A6l \I I: I.• Crtl •I . , IN? 14. n ,fc Co Hinho Clllllllllll, & CO. rd II NEW •F I{.Nl . 1"i ' IND CHEAP GROCERIES ! ! '. I V.1%1 \ 1 V..; 1.,Y k A. 11.1 U 1 (.:11Clielc, 01 thc 11,,,ii or Ii itc ., c - 4;k, %unmet lv &('o.,:til :.F.-ori.:fd t i :win , ..1%(..4 iii the ,- Whole• I Vo.tarl i ;lovt ri Imi , ilie- , s, on State street, ,pp •-; : te he 1- - ,iule Ili, d. i 0 !he rohm•Lite ,m,S 1.,:% •Win lt mderm - ;c10. under 'the s.)te tir\lP.U.l.l".. Co ~ h ill be:fiound a id 'u, II ,ell•c'eq a ,centalClli of aln rinds cif • i +,y - We-t India Go,ats compligiau eve. it 11.-u illy kepi or calk el cm ion Grocery A In 41.2: sloe!: may he f',,tind!— , i 1 es et. 1 m ice and (14alry, l ed : 4 10-, Itidt . , o l',lt) Lump and Loaf T i .1 . Nr .111' 1111 I) IN it, v. of :1. Z. ,r_c NV.. at ,1111•. Ccff ('ld. P(11 I- '4, 'I ~) I tr .F Lap, raisinz, 11.rq. 1 ,11 ithlA in , r tr• r.4e. o WI I. r elerir tharA.. tor the Vel y !re-nerd e ct nri Jto them ler the pls, in ycare, 1n.% bP tiecir elndeavor. In pleietsc, of :a‘nrs iu t h e sheere II .1- N..w eu-10111. r , -.1 lily are prefur- Imclle.i cr, cuzs, ppi pc;.che4. imo:hy und 'vet- which tSII will be ieuiel at their Ii l 4. st I 'l_ 11 11,, .I'l It. (.1 , 1,1 : s 11, 11 drud MEE Apr - ', iS 16 ' ' ' .W -- Poolle TarrOl. 4 ',in Or do: rowlinz u , ,)e , , U. NoIVII .2 ...k.' ShiIUICIS, With a gen , •fflini-nt of Goo thia.:: , i. i (;. Lo)NIIS 8: Co. No'l'', Reed 11011'4.. ( - 1 oi a st, 1= CASH! CASH!! I+ , paid ti 10,1,?cid bu. heL a heal, ,0.1.4 do 10130 (10 Barley, and 5;50 Pluur, it delivered sum. CAD\VILL. ME (* , (•r. 10, 1.9!G Elin . 'To- OUR CUSTOMERS. ",art• sou It'll - is I. ", on .. Ain VT .6:--nr4 of DI: UliS, MEDICINO-:, PAIYPS. OILSi V( a MS and .M ist c.. 11 aneowt atiiilL , s, and , pet unit} incite the a, ten , ion ot our cue- a l, i th e ptildn: to the,iited it % of our goods,' e prices at ul.• •: tl'iy to of •red. tido:is u ill fild-.:inerr• our :dock 'mar of F ehentleals ants thoitie prep irat inns 01 the I 1 I Nlt dica Our- Medicines are.,frisi, and • i to be pure, and %%fill be warranted fort, lie) arc surd. n•i s and ichnr , :i;Anntie:g Paints and Oils, od eur stoeli entupl•red and we would re it-, wins want pure Piiihis aird Oil cheap, ro tin 'i he (phi; ity atid price cof our articles ie• ,11 chasin..l elseu lie: e. : ' MI DYl'. Atr\ Wily r Mid II P the n \I t 1.1 1)1 111 V Po. tt, II •tt t-et r Jere Ibit; s eau b • him-it:heti with most or the ar lose(' in their line. ni rettimmtble rates. - _ I ark of the Popular il , ulicints of the clay. turnery and P.eney and Nliserllaneema very lar. , e, and we mould say to. all, Ine'ra and sLianzers, that ‘ve shall be tiapp, l, .. - voli -bow Ann- our ,-zouds, give yciu our a O ti!! your ordtrs. .1: H. I % Nov. 2.3, !SIG.-28 No. teed lichtfe, • RE P. MST A Wei Ge 'tuune IS tl,nm of Wild I berry s. COI. Witted remedy for ro.umi lion nod other ~. ~,. Ito I.Mig, Also Wt-itir's Gentle l'ureet -1.. fir ',II , - li) Dr. P, Dalt, Agent, corner of State lic,lll -ts, Trit•, l',l. --. _ In, Si!". ASIIES ASHES!! LL pay s cents per Ousbel lOr good field 12 19 cc , per bushel 11:r house asle Ive:ed :u my ashery or Mgiran corners. b. Oct. 21, 1046. C TipBALS, IPORTANT TO PRINTERS. :it ANt.;V.. tz KAY NItiND, Prottiar, Ink Inn r,fin-tnrerrs, fEt, Spruce New ninth! resttvcSully announce to the Trade lacy have commenced the manuracture ei , and will keeptonst - inttly on hand a slipply tollon int; descriptions, viz: Is and 13ook suitable for hand and peact s. - ,perplate, Bank Note, 'Music, Xylographje, I L . , .taphic, and Indelible, for an:mita! printing , lk or Cotton good.. : 7 , •, ors of all binds will lie.prep.reirlmit war eqnal in all respect , to the best imported, .o, Gold Size, Gold and Silver Inks. LEGR&NGE, who has had many years er., nee in the latest and most 'celebrated Man.'" cities of Paris, viz: Nlessrs. Lemercier et Rose , Godot Alauroi, No. 55, Paqs, will give his - nal attention ttithe. business-. B. All orders addres , ed to the subscribers c punctually attended I to, and Ink prepared it idto climate, press and lark for which they nailed.,. LEGRANGE fir: RAYMOND. • No. 16, Spruce st. New York.' A). '2O, 1917. )' &MO- per t ufac 11 pdr.. U. it{ to s I use in • , _ , iliES:—Tlinie la - ing good Aides will, da well T deliver t iern tit our ashery sopa st re now working ofTw'hatwe haw) on hawk Inril Bth IS t 7 r F. JACKSON ff. Co. Mi 116 INCES.—Waters & Co's Cast Steel Axes by the dozen or single. ' , I 1 Fil TOMLINSON & C,31 ,bmart . 13, 1;'17,1 . , 3.9 , - I 1 151